PVHRC Newsletter July 2014
PVHRC Newsletter July 2014
P LATTE V ALLEY H UNTING R ETRIEVER C LUB HRC—Conceived by Hunters for Hunters Affiliated with The United Kennel Club, Inc., & The Hunting Retriever Club, Inc. www.pvhrc.com July 1, 2014 Message From Your President 1 June Meeting Minutes 2 Club Info 3 Western Colorado Hunt Test 3 Bill Hillmann Seminar 3 Club Picnic/Auction Fundraiser 4 Puppies 4 Training Property Information 7 Detailed Calendar & Contact List 8 Message From Your President The time is right around the corner when we have our annual Auction/Picnic. This is going to be on July 19th at our place around 11:30. Please come and join us for some good food. Bring a side dish and something to auction off. Probably a chair as well. This money goes towards our leases for training property. Also we will draw for the duck and dove hunts at the East pond. UPCOMING EVENTS If you have titled within this last year since (our picnic last July), July 12&13 PRHRC Hunt Test* please let me know so I can be sure you get your hat pin. We award July 19 Annual Picnic & Auction those at our annual picnics each year. July 26&27 WCHRC Hunt Test* Aug 10&11 Roadrunner HRC Hunt Aug 10 Training Day Aug 16&17 PVHRC Hunt Test Aug 23&24 Elkhorn Valley Hunt We do have a couple of more training days coming up Be sure to check our calendar at www.pvhrc.com and also in this newsletter for up-coming events. Last we have our Fall test well under way. It will be on August 16 and 17th. The premium is out on HuntSecretary.com and the HRC Sept 27-Oct1 Fall Grand website at http://www.hrc-ukc.com/ . I also have the premium out on * Hunt Secretary our website under the calendar tab. Don’t forget to get your motel or camping reservations made. We are planning the social at the Illiff ** Entry Express See last page for more calendar dates Community Center. It is about 10 minutes or so from Sterling. It & details should be a great time for all! Hope to see you all at the Picnic on the 19th of July and have a Happy 4th! Lee Ann President PV OFFICERS President — Lee Ann Heldt Vice President – Curt Lacey Treasurer — Barbara Newsome Secretary—Kristi Goeringer BOARD MEMBERS Kevin Bernhardt Randy Gorby Dan Feighert Jim May David Westall Sarah Hailes Membership Chair—Kristi Goeringer Webmaster—Lee Ann Heldt Newsletter—Barbara Newsome DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSIONS TO THIS NEWSLETTER IS THE 26th OF EACH MONTH. Materials received after the deadline will not be included. Submissions are subject to the editor’s decision on inclusion and may be edited. Opinions are those of the various authors and may not express the official position of the PVHRC, Inc. Member contributions to this newsletter is encouraged Platte Valley Hunting Retriever Club Newsletter Page 2 JUNE MEETING MINUTES Wednesday June 11, 2014 7:00 pm Gander Mountain Store - Thornton, CO Minutes submitted by Kristi Goeringer, PVHRC Secretary June 20, 2014 helping where needed! 4. Fall Hunt Test August 16th and 17th at Tamarck SWA was discussed. The Premium will go up on Hunt Secretary by the end of the week. We ask Officers and Board Members Present: Lee Ann Heldt, everyone to sign up as soon as possible to help President; Curt Lacey, Vice-President; Kristi Goeringer, us plan for flights and judges etc. Joe Olson is Secretary; Dan Feighert, Kevin Bernhardt, David Westall working on getting the last 2 judges set up and Other Members and Visitors Present: Steve Goeringer. the Bird Technicians. The Social location at Iliff is booked, the dumpsters and toilets are booked, Prior Meeting’s Minutes approved previously by we will order ducks closer to the time so we have email. good numbers. Curt Lacey has asked us all to 1. Treasurer’s Report was given by Lee Ann Heldt, help with getting more raffle prizes organized for and we are well in the black. the Social Raffle. If everyone could contact their local pet stores, feed stores, veterinarians offices, 2. Wade and Rich Carpenter have offered our club dog friendly services, etc. and ask for a donation a possible fund raising opportunity to sell it would help! Also, many of our Club Members specialty imprinted PVHRC Duck and Goose work at companies that might be willing to donate Calls at our club socials and events and receive an item or even a service! It doesn’t hurt to ask! a portion of the income as a fundraiser for Please ask for donations and Contact Curt Lacey PVRHC. Several different pricing strategies and to let him know what items have been pledged for options were discussed, including a consignment donation. Thank you all! option so the club doesn’t have to have a large cash outlay for unknown numbers of sales. Curt 5. Upcoming Events – Our Annual Club Picnic is Lacey volunteered to work with Wade and Rich scheduled for Saturday July 19th , 11:30am at and come up with a strategy on how to proceed the Heldt’s in Windsor. All club members and with this fundraiser. Thank you Curt and the their families are invited to come join us for lunch! Carpenters! We have many new club members this year, so please welcome them to the club! Dave and 3. A Big Thank You was given to all the people that Lee Ann will provide grilled meats (brats/burgers helped to put on our Spring Indian Meadows etc.) Everyone is asked to bring a side dish or Hunt test! We feel it was a great success and dessert to share. Also, this is a good time to that everyone seemed to enjoy the test grounds clean out those closets or garages of items you and the social and raffle. Thanks to all of the might like to donate for the Picnic Auction after Judges that set up fun and challenging hunt test the lunch. scenarios. Especially Thank you to Curt Lacey, Lee Ann and David Heldt, Jim May and the Hunt 6. The next training day is scheduled for August 10, Committee for getting the test set up and 2014 – thank you to Mike Schwan for running! Thanks to Marybell and Kevin coordinating. Bernhardt and their girls for doing all of the 7. Next Meeting Scheduled for Wednesday July 9, Breakfast burritos, Lunches and Social Dinner! 2014 Gander Mountain 7:00 p.m. All members Thanks to Curt for ordering and getting all of the welcome to come! raffle prizes gathered up! Thanks to Jerry Meeting Adjourned. Figliolino for donating both of the First Aid Kits (and for doing all of the research on the First Aid Kits), Kristi Goeringer for donating the Candy Baskets, Kevin Bernhardt for donating his hand made cutting board, and always to Wade Carpenter for his donation of the prized Duck “I intend to learn to call waterfowl even if in the Call! Thanks to others who donated items and process I offend every ear in the country—and I their time to help out with the behind the scenes just might.” efforts it takes to put on a Hunt Test! Thank you --Gene Hill, “Calling Ducks,” Mostly Tailfeathers, also to Boy Scout Troop 548 for their help with Bird Technicians and set ups. We couldn’t do it without all of our club members jumping in and Platte Valley Hunting Retriever Club Newsletter Page 3 WCHRC 2014 Hunt Test - Saturday July 26th - Sunday July 27th, 2014 - Grand Mesa, CO When: July 26th and 27th, 2014. Where: Western Colorado - Grand Mesa National Forest - Near Cedaredge, CO. Enter: Sign up now at www.huntsecretary.com WCHRC looks forward to hosting another great event and hopes that participants and their families throughout the region will attend and take advantage of the beautiful outdoor opportunities the Grand Mesa has to offer! Please contact WCHRC President, Bill Schaefer (william.billschaefer@gmail.com) directly if you have any questions. Thank you for your support and we hope to see you at our hunt test! Regards, Bill SchaeferPresident - Western Colorado Hunting Retriever Club Owner - High Desert Waterfowl (970) 201-0355 BILL HILLMANN SEMINAR JULY 26-27, 2014 - Berthoud, CO Bill shares his training methods and secrets to produce a fabulous retriever, whether you are interested in a family dog, a hunting dog, or a dog for hunt test and field trial competition. While owners of dogs at all levels will benefit from this seminar, specific focus is on retrievers in the Basics and Transition stages of their careers. To illustrate specific concepts and drills, Bill will work throughout the course of the seminar with various dog/handler teams but every dog will not run every setup. Cost is $225 per person with one dog For questions and seminar content, contact Sherie Catledge, brcntry@gmail.com, (615) 497-5622 PV Monthly Board Meeting June 11 7:00 pm—Gander Mountain Open to all PV Members & Guests 9923 Grant Street [Near I-25 & 104th Ave in the Thornton Town Center] Thornton, CO 80229 PLATTE VALLEY FACEBOOK PAGE Facebook Link Be sure to click on “like” If you have any questions, contact either Joe Olson or Lee Ann Heldt. BE RESPECTFUL! The email list with this newsletter and other club functions is not to be used for personal agendas. You are, however, encouraged to use this distribution list to help form training groups, to inform others that you will be out training, or other training ideas/info useful to members. Your Cooperation Is Appreciated By All!! To register, contact Francie Pusateri TO JOIN PLATTE VALLEY fmp1@comcast.net Go To PVHRC.com and click ‘Membership’ (970) 213-4815 TO RENEW YOUR MEMBERSHIP Send your check to Kristi Goeringer; 9885 W 97th Dr.; Westminster, CO 80021 Platte Valley Hunting Retriever Club Newsletter Page 4 CLUB PICNIC/AUCTION FUNDRAISER JULY 19—11:30 The Heldt’s Place — 33681 County Road 13—Windsor, CO 80550 BRATS — BURGERS — LOTS OF AUCTION ITEMS— COMARADERIE—MORE FOOD — FUN DRAWING FOR A CHANCE TO HUNT THE EAST POND* CHAMPIONSHIP PINS WILL BE AWARDED [BE SURE TO LET LEE ANN KNOW IF YOU HAVE TITLED SINCE LAST PICNIC] A LOT OF GREAT AUCTION ITEMS. THERE WILL BE SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE! WHAT CAN YOU DO TO HELP?? WE NEED NEW [OR USED IN EXCELLENT CONDITION] ITEMS FOR THE AUCTION. DOES NOT NEED TO BE HUNTING OR TRAINING RELATED. ANYTHING NICE OR USEFUL. IF YOU HAVE A SPECIAL TALENT [CARVINGS, ARTIST, QUILTS, ETC] PLEASE DONATE YOUR CRAFTED ITEM TO THE RAFFLE. IF YOU SIMPLY DON’T HAVE TIME TO GET SOMETHING TO DONATE, THEN PLEASE COME WITH YOUR CHECKBOOK BRING A SIDEDISH OR DESSERT! PV WILL PROVIDE THE BURGERS AND DOGS. *Only those who attend the Picnic Auction have the opportunity to get their name in the hat to Hunt The East Pond. 10 names are Drawn. Remember it's a fundraiser for the club. Any bargains are a bonus. Half the fun is raising somebody's bid and risk ending up with something you don't want!” Misty has just come into heat up at Chris Jobman's Flatlander Kennel. GRHRCH Flatlander’s Steady Like A Rock MH QAA "Breaker" will be the sire. His picture and accomplishments are on the Flatlander Kennel home page. Breaker is both an outstanding hunting and family dog. See his pedigree here at http://flatlanderkennels.com/pedigree-page/breaker.php. The litter will be all black, are due at the end of July, and will be ready to go to their new homes in September. I am taking refundable deposits of $250 each, and the sale price will be $1000. Please feel free to call me (970-686-6386) or Chris for any further information. Nora Barth PLEASE SUPPORT THE FOLLOWING SPONSORS http://www.webfootcustomcalls.com/ And a BIG thank you to Big Dawg Lanyards. Platte Valley Hunting Retriever Club Newsletter Page 5 DIRECTIONS TO MARY’S PLACE (GPS Coordinates 40° 5'56.47"N, 104°42'56.59"W) map Directions from Longmont (North): East on Hwy 66 to US 85; South on US 85 to CR18 East on CR18 to CR37; South on 37 approx. .1.3 mi. Turn east just after the farmhouse and just before the gas tanks on the east side. Directions from South Longmont: East on Hwy 52, over I25 and thru Ft. Lupton Drive about 5 miles past Ft Lupton and turn left (north) on CR37. North on CR37 approx. .1.3 mi. Turn east just after the gas tanks and just before the farmhouse on the east side. Directions from Denver: North on I-25 to I-76; East on I-76 to US 85; North on US 85 to Ft. Lupton [Hwy 52]; East on Hwy 52 thru Ft. Lupton & about 5 miles past Ft Lupton and turn left (north) on CR37. North on CR37 approx. .1.3 mi. Turn east just after the gas tanks and just before the farmhouse on the east side. [or instead of turning North on US 85, you can stay on I-76 to Hwy 52 & turn West on CR37]; Then North on CR37 approx 1.3 mi. Drive East on dirt path to where you see trucks (about .1 miles) If you don’t have the gate combination, contact one of the Club Officers Directions to the Powell Training Grounds From the West — take Hwy 34 to Kersey, turn south at the Conoco and go 2 miles. Turn west at the Powell Veterinary Service/Wasatch Kennel sign to the hospital (2 story grey building). From I-76 take Kersey Rd (CR 49) north to CR 44; go east 2 miles to CR 53; north 3.5 mi. to the sign. Powell Training Grounds Platte Valley Officers & Board Members PRESIDENT Lee Ann Heldt laheldt@hotmail.com (970) 231-6657 VICE PRESIDENT Curt Lacey curt.lacey@yahoo.com (720) 849-4629 TREASURER Barbara Newsome barbarajean0401@gmail.com (303) 947-4739 SECRETARY & MEMBERSHIP CHAIR Kristi Goeringer sirflint@hotmail.com (720) 291-3586 BOARD MEMBERS Kevin Bernhardt Dan Feighert Randy Gorby Jim May Sarah Hailes Dave Westall bernhardtkevin@yahoo.com dlf2hunt@yahoo.com mollygg@comcast.net jmay83402@yahoo.com sarahalyn@yahoo.com ugaskidawg63@gmail.com (303) 887-5784 (720) 236-2914 (970) 481-9828 (303) 888-7865 (720) 427-0867 (303) 887-2673 WEBMASTER Lee Ann Heldt laheldt@mesanetworks.net (970) 686-2788 NEWSLETTER EDITOR Barbara Newsome barbarajean0401@gmail.com This newsletter is published monthly by the Platte Valley Hunting Retriever Club. All rights reserved by the authors. For permission to reprint, contact the editor. Permission will normally be granted for noncommercial use, with proper credit to Platte Valley HRC Newsletter and the author. Unless a different author is noted, the editor writes all materials. FREE MEMBERSHIP!! We are always looking for additional training grounds. If you bring contact information concerning solid training property that leads to us leasing the property, you will receive a “finder’s fee” of a free year of PVHRC Membership for next year! Contact any of the PV Officers and Board with contact information. (303) 947-4739 Mark Your Calendars for 2014 DATE EVENT July 9 7:00 pm July 12 & 13 July 19 July 26 & 27 Aug 10 Aug 10 & 11 Aug 13 7:00 pm Aug 16 & 17 Aug 23 & 24 Sept 27 thru Oct 1 DATE EVENT PV Monthly Board Meeting Open to all PV Members & Guests Platte River Back-to-Back Hunt Test North Platte, NE Premium www.HuntSecretary.com Annual Picnic and Auction Western Colorado HRC Back-to-Back Hunt Test Grand Mesa, Cedaridge, CO Training Day coordinated by Mike Schwan Roadrunner HRC Back-to-Back Hunt Test Navajo Lake State Park, New Mexico PV Monthly Board Meeting Open to all PV Members & Guests Platte Valley Back-to-Back Hunt Test Tamarack Wildlife Area, Sterling, CO Elkhorn Valley Back-to-Back Hunt Test Norfolk, Nebraska Fall Grand Tenn River Union City in Tennessee ARTICLES AND INPUT WELCOME This is the time of year when news starts getting slim to none. So any articles, photos, recipes, etc., you are willing to write or share will be welcome. SHARE A RIDE If anyone is interested in sharing a ride to one of the hunts tests or interested in sharing a room, let me know and I’ll try to hook you up. Email barbarajean0401@gmail.com if interested
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[or instead of turning North on US 85...