grace notes June-July 2016


grace notes June-July 2016
Volume 59
June-July 2016
Grace Notes
Grace Lutheran Church
745 S. Ingraham Avenue
Lakeland, Florida 33801
The mission of Grace Lutheran Church is to
Share God’s Love
With each other, our community, and the world.
Number 6
June-July 2016
Page 2
Enlightening the Eyes of Our Hearts
have heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love toward all the saints,
and for this reason 16I do not cease to give thanks for you as I remember you in
my prayers. 17I pray that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory,
may give you a spirit of wisdom and revelation as you come to know him, 18so that, with the eyes of
your heart enlightened, you may know what is the hope to which he has called you, what are the riches
of his glorious inheritance among the saints, 19and what is the immeasurable greatness of his power
for us who believe, according to the working of his great power.
Ephesians 1:15-19
A friend once said that I am “a poet at heart.” I laughed, because although I love poetry,
my attempts at writing it have yielded a harvest of trite, overly dramatic, or laughable
pages. Although I got raves for my 3rd-grade poetic masterpiece about The Jigamagoozle,
most of my poems are good for starting a fire and nothing else, in my opinion. However,
I do love a good turn of a phrase, and this is exactly what we find in the New Testament
letter to the Ephesians. There are numerous inspiring and poetic lines in Ephesians, but
my particular favorite is in the very first chapter, verse 18, “…with the eyes of your heart
It was early in seminary that this verse jumped out from the page. I guess I had only
skimmed over it in previous trips through the Bible. I was in the library, studying for a
class on the early Christian letters. Suddenly, it was as if verse 18 was in bold print, because it struck me as so profound and beautiful. I thought, “What does this mean, ‘with
the eyes of your heart enlightened?’” Our hearts don’t have eyes! Our hearts have chambers, valves, arteries and veins, but not eyes. How are we to understand this phrase?
A wise man once told me that the longest distance a person has to travel in a lifetime is
the 14 inches from your head to your heart. [Another poetic bit of wisdom!] That tells us
that we can hear or read something over and over, but until we truly accept it and begin
to live it with head and heart, it’s like someone shouting into the wind. Perhaps this is what
the scribe was telling the Ephesians: Even though we hear the Gospel preached and see it
lived out, we have to open our hearts to the wonders it can work in us before it becomes a
real part of our lives. Head knowledge needs to become heart knowledge when God grants
a spirit of wisdom and revelation. When God guides that knowledge to the core of your
very being, it becomes a living truth, and then you can appreciate the wideness of God’s
mercy and love. The fruits of mercy and love are a rich life of hope, inheritance of God’s
blessings, and knowledge of the immeasurable greatness of God’s power.
Through faith and grace, God has promised that we will have the eyes of our hearts
enlightened, and we will use both head knowledge and heart knowledge to spread the
good news of our great God to the farthest corners of the universe.
Praying that you know many blessings through Christ’s grace ~ Pastor Carol A. Solovitz
June-July 2016
Page 3
4 F * is coming!
* Food
* Film
* Friends
A Summer Opportunity for Christians of All Ages
A light supper, followed by a film related to faith issues
3 Wednesdays this summer, beginning at 5:30 pm
June 22
July 27
August 31
Miracles from Heaven
War Room
The Trip to Bountiful
All members, friends, and families of all ages
Grace Lutheran Social Hall
Because movies can teach us a lot about God, how we live, and
how we make decisions and make a difference in the world.
Best of all, it’s FREE!
A note from the church office:
If you have changed your address,
phone number, or email address, don’t
forget to let the church office know of
these changes.
Special thanks to all the volunteers
who have been working on the educational buildings. It has been hot,
sweaty, dirty work, but you have faithfully weathered the situations and
worked diligently to restore and improve
the buildings. Your dedication to
Grace Lutheran is greatly appreciated.
Blessings to you!
June-July 2016
Page 4
Dates to Remember:
♦ ♦
♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦
June 2 - Choir party, 7 p.m.
June 4 - Youth Newspapers, 10 a.m.
June 6 ­ Property Committee, 6:30 p.m.
June 7 - Lunch Bunch Dinner, 3:30 p.m.
June 8 - Afternoon Circle - Quilting, 2 p.m.
June 10,11,12 ­ Synod Assembly, Daytona Beach
June 13 ­ Saints Alive, 12 Noon
June 14 ­ Worship & Music, 7 p.m.
June 18 ­ Book Study, 12 Noon
June 21 ­ Quilting, 9 a.m.
- Council, 7 p.m.
June 22 ­ 4F, Supper & Movie, “Miracles from Heaven,” 5:30 p.m.
June 27 - Staff Support Meeting, 6:30 p.m.
♦ ♦
♦ ♦ ♦
2 - Youth newspapers, 10 a.m.
4 - Independence Day
- Church office closed
July 5 - Lunch Bunch Dinner, 3:30 p.m.
July 11 - Saints Alive, 12 Noon
July 12 - Worship/Music, 7 p.m.
July 13 ­ Afternoon Circle - Quilting, 2 p.m.
July 16 - Book Study, 12 Noon
July 17 ­ Grace Notes info. due
July 19 ­ Quilting, 9 a.m.
- Council, 7 p.m.
July 27 - WELCA Circle Luncheon, Noon
- 4F, Supper & Movie, “War Room,” 5:30 p.m.
June-July 2016
Page 5
Scott & Anne Calhoun
Scott Calhoun was born in New Castle, Pennsylvania, on
February 14, 1959. He has three sisters and one brother.
He attended Rose Hill Elementary School in Alexandria,
and graduated from Thomas Edison High School in Alexandria, Virginia. He attended a community college for two
years, then transferred to Indiana Wesleyan College where
he received a BA in business.
Anne Calhoun was born in Silver Springs, Maryland, on July 21, 1963. She has two
sisters. She attended North Shore Elementary School and graduated from St. Petersburg
High School. She attended Agnes Scott University in Decatur, Georgia, where she studied
creative writing and journalism.
When they met they were both working for the United States Postal Service in Washington, D.C. Scott says it was “love at first sight”; Anne wasn’t that sure. However, on
their first date she invited Scott for dinner at her parents’ house. They dated for five
years before their marriage on October 1, 1988. They will celebrate their 28th anniversary this year. Scott has one daughter from a previous marriage and two grandchildren in
Anne was a life-long Episcopalian and Scott was raised a Mormon. When he became of
age he began to question some of their teachings. When they planned to marry, Anne
wanted to be married in the Episcopal Church. But the church had certain stipulations so
Scott refused to be married there. After much searching, they decided on a ELCA Lutheran Church because it was similar to Anne’s Episcopal Church.
Scott worked in banking with several small banks and then Bank of America and
Wells Fargo. Later on, he was employed by the Marriot Corporation out of Maryland.
This required a lot of traveling which left Anne alone sometimes for weeks. Scott discussed this with his supervisor who told him about a job offering in the Orlando area. As
it turned out, they were opening an office in Lakeland. Whenever he was in Lakeland,
before a permanent move, he attended Grace Lutheran. He was impressed with its
friendliness. When Scott and Anne moved here about 10 years ago, they began attending Grace.
Scott has always loved music. His mother played the piano “by ear” so she was unable
to teach him to play. He took piano lessons for five years and played in several small
bands. He now sings in the Grace Choir. Anne likes music also, but confesses she can’t
sing. She loves reading, and mentors reading with displaced children; likes the arts,
cooking, and travel. Anne is on the church council and liaison to the Social Ministry
Committee. She says being on the council has given her a better understanding on how
the “behind the scenes” business of the church is conducted.
(continued on page 6)
June-July 2016
Page 6
(continuation from page 5)
Smoked fish
The Middle
Father of the Bride
All but rap and hip hop
Watership Down
Asheville, NC
Father Brown mysteries
Rear Window and all Alfred Hitchcock
History, for fun- mysteries
Wintergreen, VA (their honeymoon location)
God’s Work – Our Hands
September 11, 2016
Last year’s project was collecting and distributing bar
soaps and washcloths. Because of your generous donations, approximately 180
kits were presented to Talbot House, Rape Crisis Center, and other community
We are again asking for donations of bar soap and washcloths. A basket will
be in the narthex (beginning in June) for these items. Thank you again for your
continued support of these projects and the receiving organizations.
- Barbara White for Worship & Music Committee
“Friend” us on Facebook
Check out “Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church” and friend us
today. It will help you stay up-to-date on all that is going on
here. Check our church website, too, at
Our web-servants, Lynda Mack, and Larry Lawrence post notices, photos and comments.
June-July 2016
Page 7
Women of the ELCA
Dennis & Marnel Tomlinson
Jeff Tanner & Kristen Storms
Michael & Francesca Ittleman
David & Mary Thoresen
Mac & Barbara McPeak
Scott & Kelley Hutchison
Larry & Denah Mattson
Morning Circle Meeting
No Meetings until September
Afternoon Circle
Wednesday, June 8
2 p.m.
Everyone Invited
Social Ministries
For the month of June we are bringing non-perishable food items for
VISTE. Don’t forget the BOGO’s.
This will help the elderly in our community.
Wednesday, July 13
2 p.m.
Everyone Invited
“So long, farewell…” as more of
____----____-----_____-----_____---July – will be “Christmas in July”
again. Pick one or more cards
from the tree in the narthex and
return the items before July
28. This helps to reduce the
financial budget for Grace.
our “snowbirds” go north for the summer. We hope that you have a safe
and wonderful summer as many will
be enjoying time with your families
that still reside in the “cold country”.
Some of you will be attending weddings,
graduations, and other special occasions.
Remember us as we enjoy our wonderful summer breezes and rising temps.
We look forward to your return to us
in the fall or the beginning of the new
year. Safe travels!
June-July 2016
Anne Althouse
Kayley Harris
Joan Rietze
Dr. Karen Carlson
Shawn Whidden
Dee Hershey
Mabel Carreira
Shannon Powers
Kaitlynn Harris
Avery Kinder
Brenda Potts
Denah Mattson
Doris Carlson
Bill & Immie Beck
Brownlee & Bonnie Urquhart
Dan & Mabel Carreira
Chris & Phyllis Harris
George & Anne Althouse
David & Helen-Ann Kinder
Dick & Mary Venable
Richard & Carol Grzegorczyk
Robert & Eleanore Wyatt
Page 8
David W. Kinder
Eleanore Patterson
Bob Cawood
Wally Oestreich
Sarah Burd
Iris Stackpole
Delina Teskey
Reagan Ross
Donna Sanko
Bobbie Burd
Laura Blanchette
Fred Campbell
Jimmy Hall
Anne Guilford
Terry Parvin
Cleve Hillman
Margaret Cawood
Sue Hillman
Rita Buckley
Walter Mattson
Anne Calhoun
Cassidy Mullis
Eric Powers
Janie Lineberger
Brenda Hornickle
Barbara White
Steve McLaughlin
Jo Iverson
Lynda Mack
Nathan Young
June-July 2016
Page 9
On Sunday, May 15, 2016, Walter and Aslyn Mattson were confirmed at Grace
Lutheran Church. Their parents are Arthur and Patricia Mattson, and Shirley
Mattson is their grandmother. Godparents are Angela Moran and Robert Mattson.
Congratulations to Aslyn and Walter for their diligence and accomplishment!
Pastor Carol Solovitz, Aslyn & Walter Mattson
The Mattson Family that attended the confirmation
Shirley Mattson (grandmother)
with Walter & Aslyn Mattson
June-July 2016
Memorial Garden Update!
Special thanks to Jim & Carol Sawyers
for their faithful service in keeping the
memorial garden looking lovely. They
have done an excellent job for several
years and now would like to turn that
position over to other capable hands.
It will not require much of your time as
everything looks great. Please contact
Jim & Carol or the church office if you
can help.
Page 10
June-July 2016
Page 11
Highlights of April 19, 2016 Congregational Council Meeting
The meeting was called to order by President Carla McGee and the devotion given by
Pastor Carol.
All members were present with the exception of Wally Oestreich and Anne Calhoun.
The Minutes of the March 15, 2016, Council Meeting was presented, an amendment
was made and passed to adapt the order of the minutes.
The financial report was presented by treasurer Mary Flekke. The church ended
March operating in the black; utilities are tracking well; spending approximately $700.00
less a month on water; and building fund is doing well. The report was accepted and will
be filed for audit.
Pastor Carol gave her report. A big thanks to all who have worked on the education
wing. There are still opportunities to help in the education wing, in the garden beds, and
prayer labyrinth. Bishop Robert Schafer will be at Grace on May 24 to discuss our conference mission and invites council members to be present. Mary Flekke helped to get
the Grace constitution revised; a copy has been sent to the Synod Office. Pastor said that
Aslyn Mattson and Walter Mattson would complete all of their requirements for confirmation by May 11. A motion was made and carried that the council approve them to be
confirmed on May 15.
New business: The Grace constitution has been revised and forwarded to Synod. Synod
returned constitution with just a couple of minor corrections. There was a discussion on
the changes in the constitution, and it will be discussed at the upcoming congregational
meeting. There will be further changes after the ELCA Churchwide Assembly in New
Orleans this August.
The Finance Committee presented a proposal to consolidate some of the Restricted
Funds into a Mission and Ministry Fund; these funds would be moved into interest-earning accounts, such as ELCA Mission Investment Fund. The Mission and Ministry Fund
would help Grace with projects in the future, allowing Grace to borrow from these funds
and subsequently repay with interest. This will be discussed at the upcoming congregation
meeting. As Financial Secretary , Mary Flekke will be given online access to these funds.
Update on Education Wing: The work is continuing and volunteers are doing a wonderful job. The rooms need to be primed and painted after cosmetic repairs are made.
Some entrance doors to the property have been modified with windows., and some
doors replaced due to weather damage. Guttering on the back of church facing parking
lot are on order.
Meeting adjourned after closing prayer.
- Sue Hillman, Recording Secretary
June-July 2016
Page 12
Serving in the Church in June
Serving in the Church in July
Assisting Ministers:
Assisting Ministers:
Carol Grzegorczyk
Mary Flekke
Barbara Carpanini
Stephanie Iverson
Jean & Henry Egelkraut
Mac & Barbara McPeak
Mattson Family
Jim Hall & Kristen Storms
Cleve & Sue Hillman
Paul Tart
Steve Solovitz
Barbara McPeak
Tim Dukes
Barbara White
Jim Hall
Caroline Low
Ruth Neidinger
Susan Weller
Altar Guild:
Mary Lou Hansen
Carla McGee
Janet Morris
Stephanie Iverson
Kevin & Cheri Zarnstorff
Mabel Carreira
Phyllis Whidden
Sound Technicians:
Paul Tart, David W. Kinder, & Tim Dukes
Altar Guild:
Janet Morris
Stephanie Iverson
Kevin & Cheri Zarnstorff
Mabel Carreira
Phyllis Whidden
Larry Lawrence
Brenda Hornickle
Sue Stark
Barbara White
Sound Technicians:
Paul Tart, David W. Kinder, & Tim Dukes
June-July 2016
Page 13
A big thanks from Oscar Pope Elementary for the Grace Backpack Ministry
Thank you for your contributions toward the Backpack Ministry. You have given donations of food (especially bread) and money to purchase food throughout
the school year. There are some individuals who each week faithfully pick up the
backpacks from the school, pack the backpacks, and deliver them back to the
school so that the children will have some food over the weekend. Only God
knows what the future holds for these children that you have helped each week
with food. Blessings to each of you for your participation!
June-July 2016
Page 14
May 17, 2016
Pastor and Congregational Council
Grace Lutheran Church
745 S. Ingraham Ave.
Lakeland, FL 33801
We are often asked “Why does the synod send mission support statements?” We have
several reasons:
Ÿ First, to say thank you. Thank you for sharing Mission Support with the FloridaBahamas Synod so that we can, together, do God’s Work with our churchwide
ministries around the world, around the country and with our partner agencies
in Florida.
Ÿ To make sure that we have designated your Mission Support correctly. We
hope that you will review your records and let us know if there is a discrepancy.
Ÿ Mission Support is a signal of congregational health. The Office of the Bishop
cares about each congregation of the synod and actively looks for areas where
we can share resources and support if conflict or other issues should arise.
Florida-Bahamas Synod, ELCA/3838 West Cypress Street/Tampa, FL 33607/813.876.7660/
Congratulations to Jack Mattson on his graduation from
George Jenkins High School on June 3, 2016. Jack is the
son of Denah and Larry Mattson and grandson of Shirley
Mattson. Jack will be attending Polk State College. We
know he will have a bright future.
June-July 2016
Page 15
May Attendance
The church office
will be closed on
Monday, July 4
in observance
of Independence Day
Counting the days & hours
till your Grace Notes
information is due on
July 17
A monthly publication of
745 S. Ingraham Ave.
Lakeland, FL 33801-5601
Church office
Sara’s e-mail:
Editor & Design/Layout
Sara Anderson
The staff reserves the right to edit all material
Church Staff
The Council Representatives
Vice President
Corp. Secretary
Financial Secretary
Recording Secretary
Christian Education
Long Range Planning
Social Ministry
Staff Support
Worship & Music
Carla McGee
Marty Lewis
Phyllis Whidden
Mary Flekke
Ruth Neidinger
Sue Hillman
Janet Morris
Russell Olson
Carla McGee
Wally Oestreich
Sue Stark
Robert Mattson
Anne Calhoun
Carla McGee
Marty Lewis
The Rev. Carol Solovitz
Home phone 863-450-4034
Sara Anderson
Admin. Assistant
Lynda Mack
Mary Flekke
Bell Choir Director
Harold Wright
Choir Director
David Cannistraci
Marty Lewis
Worship Band Director
Church web site: