Irgan comes hac 19thcentu
Irgan comes hac 19thcentu
NEIGHBOR BRIEFS HISTORY AND MUSI C HOPEWELL 19thcentu Fundraising pancake breakfast for basketball ·1 Irgan comes hac o .fe A fundraising pancake breakfast to support St. Mary's Saints Basketball Program will take place from 8 to 10 a.m. Saturday. Feb. 2. at Applebee's. 4207 Recreation Drive. Seven teams. from fifth grade to the varsity level. will sell tickets and servepancakes to raise money to support the CYO (Cat holic Youth Organization) Basketball Program at St. Mary's Church. This year. because of increased enrollment. t he program has added a JV and Varsity level to their program. Tickets are $6 and can bepur chased from any the main office of St. Mary's school. from the office of John Polimeni at 540 South Main St., Canandaigua, or at the door. VICTOR Newdraw lab statlen opens this week The Laboratory Depart ment at F.F. Thompson Hospital announce the opening of a new lab draw stat ion in Victor on Friday, Feb. 1. The hew station is located at 6532 Anthony Drive. Suite B, just east of the villageof Victor. Services include blood Membe rs of t he Parson Organ Builders of Bristol and ot hers at the recital celebrating the arrival of the restored organ and improvements to t he Sanitarium Chapel at the Spa Apartments in Clifton Springs. From left, Parsons em ployees Duane Prill, David Bellows, Joel Morehouse, Pete r Geise, with Jonathan Hall, feat ured organist ; Keith Bigger, curator of organs at The New Bapt ist Temple in Brooklyn; Ethan Fogg, director of community relations and foundation at Clifton Springs Hospital and Clinic; and Matt, Ric Parsons and Tim Parsons of Parsons Organ Builders. LES MOORE/ fH ESPRINGS INTEGRATIVE MEDICINECENTER & SPA __ . LJ l lVe, o u ue D, J U ~ l ed~l of the villageof Victor. Services include blood draws and specimen drop-off. Orders from any healthcare provider on any type of requisition are welcome.All samples drawn at the Victor site will bes ent to the newly expanded stateof-the-art laboratory at F.F. Thompson Hospital for analysis. Hours for this new location are: 7 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday through Friday, and 7 to 11:30 a.m. Saturday. Once open, the draw stat ion can be reached at (585) 924-3199. In the interim, call Thompson's Client Services Manager at (585) 396-6540 for more information or visit www.ThompsonHealth. COrD for a complete list of the draw stat ions, hours and locations. CLIFTON SPRINGS Networkingevent with Thompson Health Thompson Health welcomes candidates experienced in health care to explore career opportunities at a networking event from 4 to 7 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 31, at Warfield's Restaurant. 3 Coulter Lane. Thompson Health is currently seeking candidates who can bring confidence and compassion to every healthcare experience SUCll as director of rehabilitation services, sleep lab tech, occupat ional th erapist .111(1 more. . . For a full listing of job descriptions, requirements. benefits and em- tel' uelse, WIU I Juni:uni:UI nail, rea tu reu o rga ni st; l\e lU I D igger, curator UT organs al I lie I'U :W. cafJ lI::>L 'O::'"t" O:: III U, VV.\I7", ... I l U I l I v 66 ' .......u ..... ..... . community relat ions and foundati on at Clift on Springs Hospital and Clinic; and Matt, Ric Parsons and Tim Parsons of Parsons Organ Builders. LES MOORE/ THESPRINGS INTEGRATIVE MEDI CINE CENTER & SPA -.- Big Cf OV/ d on hand to watch a renowned organist play the instrument in restored chapel at the Spa Apartments in Clifton Springs By Laurel Wematt messenger@ On a recent Frid ay evening, th e Sanitarium Chapel at th e Spa Apartments in Clifton Springs was filled with the sounds of a newly restored late 19th centu" ry tracker-style pipe organ. Th e instrument, rescued in 2012 from near oblivion in a Brooklyn Ch urch, now has a plac e of honor along side the chap el's stained- John Lord works on t he Tiff any Mosaic in 2012 . The resglass windows and its well- torat ion of the mosaic and stained-glass windows (not known feature, a mos aic of by Tiffany), as well as ot her restorat ions in the chath e Last Supper. That larg e pel, was complet ed by Lord of Wat erloo. The mosaic iridescent artwork, stretch- was purchased by f riends of Dr. Henry Foster, founder ing along th e wall behind of Clifton Springs Sanit arium, and insta lled in the chath e chapel's. altar, was fab- pel in his honor in 1902. COURTESYCLIFTON SPRINGS HOSPITAL ricat ed at the New York ANDCLINIC studios of Louis Comfort Jan. 18 event, ,1. date which Apartments, a senior housTiffany, Like the organ , it providentially h appened to ing facility. has now been comp letely be the anniversary of FosThe building was not the refurb ish ed. ter's birth 192 year s ago. only thi ng saved. "Atwo-year lab or of love," "It made me realize how "The organ (from Brookis how Ethan Fogg, stand- historic the chapel was," lyn) survived because it was ing in front of th e illumi- said Denise Morphy, organ - left alon e," explain ed Ric nat ed image of Christ and ist at the First Congrega- Parsons, pr esident of Parhis apostles, described the . tion al Church in Canandai- sons Pipe Organ Builde rs, floor-to-ceiling improve- gua an d a Clifton Springs th e company th at broug ht 'resident who perform ed a it back to life. ments to th e chapel. Local artisan John Lord re-Christmas Concert on Parson s described the orbegan by restoring six 'the organ after it arrived in gan as "the only example stained-glass windows D ecember. we kn ow of thi s particular along th e walls before tackShe was among the over builder," a referen ce to the ling th e mosaic, first ded- 160 hospit al dignitaries; William & Charl es Pilcher icated in 1902 to memo- Clifton Springs residents, Company. "We went to rialize Dr. Henry Foster, employees of Parsons Pipe great length to not impose the found er of th e Clif- Organ Builders of Bristol, a mod em sta ndard," exton Sprin gs Sanitarium am ong others, who gath- plained th e specialist, who Com pany. ered for th e rededication said th e instrument would Fogg, the Clifton Springs event. Thev were remind- sound as it would have Ho spit al foundation dir ec- ed by Fogg th at in 1972, in 1901 when it was first tor, credited Lord as the people stood on the front played. first to SU?;/-!;cst that the porch of the five-story SanTh e main event on Jan . Jonathan Hall , a world-renowned organist and an educator from the New York-New Jersey area , plays th e newly restored organ with an assist from Denise Morphy, organist at the First Congregational Church in Canandaigua and a Clifton Springs resident. She performed a pre-Chr istmas Concert on the organ after it arrived in December. By the way, Hall take s his shoes , off 6 another practi ce typical of organist s Q so it is easier to play th e peda l board. LES MOORE/THESPRINGS INTEGRA: TIVE MEDICINECENTER & SPA would lead to th is night," said Hall recalling how five years ago Keith Bigger, curator of organs at The New Baptist Templ e in Brooklyn , told him 'about an organ langu ishing in a small Brooklyn church. Hall first viewed the instru ment "hiding behind folding tables, ch airs and pott ed plan ts:' . The guest organist, in a light-heart ed pre-recital demonstr ation, perfo rmed electricity. The mu sic selected by th e organist dem onstrated the rang e of the instrll~ ment, Reviews from th~)s~; present were enth usi5.s.;: tic. The last selection, "Jo1,;: ful, Joyful, We Adore TheeP br ought the audience to il:Sfeet to sing words set to th e music of Beethoven. .: "I'm excited about the resurgence of th is space,' said Clifton Spri ngs Hospi! tal Chaplain, the Rev. Gail Jnu more. . :For a full listi ng of job descr ipt ions, requir e- ' rnent s, benefits and employm entinformation, ' visit www.thompsonhealth .com and click on Career Opportun it ies. Fogg, the Clitto n Springs Hospital foundation director, credited Lord as the first to suggest that the room could benefit by the addition of a pipe organ. That observation set in motion the process to locate an appropriate instrument . Th e chapel make-over was privately funded and has "breathed new life" into the space said Fogg at the even L. They were reminded by Fogg that in 1972, people stood on the front porch of the five-story Sanitarium, then considered out-dated as a medical fa~ility, to protest its th reatJned dem olition. Two years ' l~ter the building where people once came' to rest, relax, and bathe in th e villages highly sulphured water, ' opened as th e Spa sound as it would. have in 1901 when it was first played. The main event on Jan. 18 was a much- anticipated ' recital by Jonathan Hall, a world-renowned organist and an educator from the New York-New Jersey area who researched the organ before its restoration by Parsons. "1 ha d no idea th at it plants:' The guest organist, in a light-hearted pre-recital demo nstration, perform ed the tune, "For !ie's A Jol~ ly Good Fellow;' while Bigger, .also present for the re-dedication, manually pumped th e handle on the side of th e organ case to , show how the instrument could be played as it would have been in 1901, before --1 m exciteo anout ine resurgence of this space," said Clifton Springs H ospi:' tal Chaplain, the Rev. Gail Conners, who oversaw th e rededication. Conners Plrrforms funerals and services in a mode rn chapel: in the hospital, but said she would like to see the Spa Chapel used for more musical concerts to draw i n the community.