EXHIBITOR`S MANUAL - Ocean City Trade Expo
EXHIBITOR`S MANUAL - Ocean City Trade Expo
EXHIBITOR’S MANUAL 42nd Annual h o t e l SPRINGTRADEEXPO Ocean City Hotel-Motel-Restaurant Association MARCH 6 & 7, 2016 TABLE OF CONTENTS Advertising-Expo Program ________________________________________________ 13 Badge Policy & Information ________________________________________________ 5 Booth Equipment & Information_____________________________________________ 7 Cancellation of Display Space_______________________________________________ 8 Care of Building & Equipment_______________________________________________ 9 Clean Up Information______________________________________________________ 6 Deadline Checklist________________________________________________________ 2 Decoration______________________________________________________________ 7 Door Prize Rules__________________________________________________________ 9 Electrical Wiring__________________________________________________________ 7 Exhibitor Lounge_________________________________________________________ 9 Fire Extinguishers________________________________________________________ 7 Floor Plan______________________________________________________________ 20-21 General Information_______________________________________________________ 3 Height Restrictions________________________________________________________ 7 Hotel Information_________________________________________________________ 4 Ice & Refrigeration________________________________________________________ 6 Internet Access___________________________________________________________ 8 Lead Retrieval Information_________________________________________________ 23-26 Liability & Insurance_______________________________________________________ 8 Operating Restrictions_____________________________________________________ 9 Payment for Display Space__________________________________________________8 Parking & Map___________________________________________________________ 22 Public Policy_____________________________________________________________ 7 Security_________________________________________________________________ 8 Set-Up & Removal of Displays_______________________________________________ 6 Shipping Instructions______________________________________________________ 5 Sponsorship Opportunities_________________________________________________ 14-15 Storage _____________________________________________________________ 5 Television Cable & WIFI_____________________________________________________8 Trash Removal___________________________________________________________ 6 Use of Display Space______________________________________________________ 8-9 Operating Guidelines _____________________________________________________ 9 Forms Complimentary Sign Form #1_______________________________________________ 10 Exhibitor’s Badge Request Form #2___________________________________________ 11 Exhibitor’s Service & Rental Order Form #3_____________________________________ 16-19 Show Program Advertising Form____________________________________________ 13 Show Specials & New Products Form _________________________________________ 12 1 OCEAN CITY HOTEL-MOTEL-RESTAURANT ASSOCIATION SPRING TRADE EXPO MARCH 6 & 7, 2016 NOW Pre-sell to your customers. Write “See us at Booth #____ March 6 & 7 at the 42nd Annual Ocean City Hotel-Motel Restaurant Association’s Trade Expo on your website, invoices, direct mailings and advertising. Link to www.oceancitytradeexpo.com. NOW– FEB. 8 Make your hotel reservations, see page 4. JANUARY Begin inviting your customers by giving them a VIP Pre-Registration LQYLWDWLRQ&DOORXURI¿FHDWH[WDQGZHZLOOVKLSWKHPWR you. JAN. 4 Balance due on your booth space. JAN. 11 Get your customers excited – Remind them of the show – this is a reason for a sales call - personally hand them a VIP Pre-Registration invitation. JAN. 25 3UHRUGHUVIRUGU\LFHGXH6HHSDJH FEB. 1 Show Book Insertion Order Due (page 13) FEB.8 Fill out Form #1 - complimentary sign form dueVHHSDJH FEB. 10-29 Avoid excess late charges, order your electricity, draping etc., now - Form #3 Conv.Center Exhibitor Rental FormSDJHV FEB. 12 Show Specials & New Products Form Due (Page 12) FEB. 26 Customers’ free pre-registrations due to show management. After WKLVGDWHFXVWRPHUVFDQUHJLVWHUDWWKHGRRUIRUSHUSHUVRQ FEB. 26 Exhibitor Badges RegistrationGXHEDGJHVSHUERRWK*RWR RFHDQFLW\WUDGHH[SRFRPWRUHJLVWHU2QVLWHUHJLVWUDWLRQLVSHUSHUVRQ FEB. 24 First day shipments will be accepted. See page 5. MAR. 4 0RYHLQDP±SP MAR. 5 0RYHLQDP±SP MAR. 6 0RYHLQDP±DP Expo Hours – 11 a.m. – 5 p.m. MAR. 7 Expo Hours – 11 a.m. – 4 p.m. 3:45 pm- Local shelter collects surplus food products. MAR. 7 Move-out 4 p.m. – 7 p.m. and on March 8IURPDP±1RRQ 2 2&($1&,7<+27(/027(/5(67$85$17$662&,$7,21 635,1*75$'((;32 GENERAL INFORMATION SHOW DATE & HOURS 681'$<0$5&+th 021'$<0$5&+th DP±SP DP±SP SHOW COLORS :HOFRPHWRWKHQG$QQXDO2FHDQ&LW\+RWHO0RWHO5HVWDXUDQW$VVRFLDWLRQ6SULQJ7UDGH([SR%DFN and side drapes will be blue, black and white and will be complimented by blue aisle carpeting. SHOW CHAIRMAN Mark Elman Clarion Fontainebleau &RDVWDO+Z\ 2FHDQ&LW\0' : SHOW BUILDING & DECORATOR Ocean City Convention Center &RDVWDO+LJKZD\ 2FHDQ&LW\0' SHOW COORDINATORS Susan L. Jones & Liz Walk O.C.H.M.R.A. &RDVWDO+Z\ 2FHDQ&LW\0' :) inquire@ocvisitor.com ELECTRIC, WATER, & FREIGHT Ocean City Convention Center &RDVWDO+LJKZD\ 2FHDQ&LW\0' MOVE-IN INFORMATION )5,'$<0$5&+th th 6$785'$<0$5&+ 681'$<0$5&+th DP±SP DP±SP DP±DP MOVE-OUT INFORMATION 021'$<0$5&+th th 78(6'$<0$5&+ SP±SP DP±1RRQ PLEASE BE PROFESSIONAL…DO NOT DISMANTLE YOUR BOOTH UNTIL 4:00 p.m. ON MONDAY, MARCH 7th. Last year, hotels & restaurants called us complaining that booths were being dismantled early when they were trying to shop…..…remain intact until 4:00 p.m. (;+,%,761275(029(''85,1*029(287+2856:,//%(&+$5*('3(5+2853$67 6&+('8/('029(2877,0(. 7+(2&($1&,7<&219(17,21&(17(5,612181,21$602.()5((%8,/',1* NO ONE UNDER 21 PERMITTED INTO THE SHOW. NO EXCEPTIONS! BABYSITTING SERVICE AVAILABLE PLEASE CALL AHEAD 3 HOTEL INFORMATION For your convenience, rooms have been blocked at the hotels listed below. In order to take advantage of the special rates please make your reservations no later than February 12, 2016. *Don’t forget to identify yourself as an Exhibitor at the OCHMRA Spring Trade Expo when you make your reservation5DWHVEDVHGXSRQDYDLODELOLW\7D[QRWLQFOXGHG Best Western 55st Street & Coastal Hwy. )URP Grand Hotel & Spa VW%RDUGZDON )URP La Quinta Inn & Suites QG6WUHHW&RDVWDO+Z\ )URP Clarion Fontainebleau VW6WUHHW2FHDQIURQW )URP Hampton Inn Hotel & Suites UG6W%D\ )URP Princess Royale VW6WUHHW2FHDQIURQW )URP Comfort Inn Gold Coast WK6WUHHW%D\VLGH )URP Courtyard By Marriott 15th & Oceanfront )URP Dunes Manor Hotel WK2FHDQIURQW )URP Francis Scott Key 2FHDQ*DWHZD\ )URP Hilton Suites QG6W2FHDQIURQW )URP Holiday Inn Oceanfront WK6W2FHDQIURQW )URP Holiday Inn Suites 17th St. & Oceanfront )URP Quality Inn Boardwalk 17th Street & Boardwalk )URP Quality Inn Oceanfront 54th St. Oceanfront )URP Sea Bay Hotel WK&RDVWDO+Z\ )URP Howard Johnson Plaza WK6W%RDUGZDON )URP For a complete list of hotels and rates- check out our website: http://www.oceancitytradeexpo.com/ocmd-trade-show-attend-lodging 4 BADGES EXHIBITOR BADGES Exhibitor badges will be created once we receive Form #2 or online registration form for SHUVRQQHOZRUNLQJWKHERRWK$1'WKHLUVSRXVHV%DGJHVPD\EHSLFNHGXSRQDUULYDODW([KLELWRU 5HJLVWUDWLRQGXULQJPRYHLQDQGVKRZKRXUV7KH\DUH¿OHGXQGHUH[KLELWLQJFRPSDQ\QDPH1DPHV RISHUVRQQHODQGVSRXVHVPXVWEHVXEPLWWHGE\)HEUXDU\th<RXPD\UHJLVWHURQOLQHDW www.oceancitytradeexpo.comRUID[\RXUIRUPWRIf we have not received registration by February 26, there will be a $10 per exhibitor charge on day of arrival. ATTENDEE BADGES $WWHQGHHEDGJHVWRWKH([SRZLOOEH¿OHGXQGHUDWWHQGHHODVWQDPHDQGEHDYDLODEOHDWWKHGRRU to those who are pre-registered before February 26th. A Save-the-date and VIP Pre-registration postcard is sent directly to those who are on our extensive mailing list. This list has been compiled IURPKRWHOVPRWHOVUHVWDXUDQWVVFKRROVDQGLQVWLWXWLRQV<RXFDQDOVRGLUHFW\RXUFXVWRPHUV to register as Attendees at www.oceancitytradeexpo.com before February 26th. If you would like to mail or have your sales people deliver our VIP Pre-Registration invitation to your accounts, please call us and we will be happy to ship them to you. These are NOT tickets; your customers MUST preregister. BADGE POLICY Because of the high volume of alcohol displayed, no one under the age of 21 will be admitted into the Expo under any circumstances. This includes infants in strollers or those being carried, and all booth personnel. This policy is strictly enforced and proof of age may be required. Please do not ask for exceptions. :(+$9($55$1*(')25$&203/,0(17$5<%$%<6,77,1* SERVICE during show hours. Badges are not transferable or refundable. Badge Color Exhibitor.................................................................….WHITE Buyer.......................................................................….RED Guest.......................................................................….GREEN SHIPPING AND STORAGE INFORMATION The Ocean City Convention Center will receive and store your shipments no earlier than )HEUXDU\ALL SHIPMENTS MUST BE PREPAID.6KLSPHQWVZLOOEHUHFHLYHGIURP DPWRSPRQZHHNGD\V(SEE FORM #3 Conv Ctr Exhib Rental7KH&RQYHQWLRQ&HQWHU will ship for you on March 8th,2016 from your BILL OF LOADING. Exhibitors must mark or label all materials with return shipping addresses. Shipment should be addressed as follows: EXHIBITOR’S NAME -- BOOTH NUMBER C/O OCEAN CITY HOTEL-MOTEL-RESTAURANT SPRING TRADE EXPOSITION OCEAN CITY CONVENTION CENTER 4001 COASTAL HIGHWAY OCEAN CITY, MARYLAND 21842 5 Exhibitors will not be permitted to store packing crates in their booths during the show period. Storage space in the Ocean City Convention Center will be available for empty crates, packing etc. These, when properly marked, will be stored and returned to the booth by show employees. It is the H[KLELWRUV¶UHVSRQVLELOLW\WRPDUNDQGLGHQWLI\WKHLUFUDWHV&UDWHVQRWSURSHUO\PDUNHGRULGHQWL¿HG may be lost or destroyed. SET UP AND REMOVAL SERVICES The Ocean City Convention Center will have labor available for moving in and out. Such employees will be provided only to assist the exhibitor. (SEE ORDER FORM #3 Conv Ctr Exhib Rental). An authorized company representative must supervise move in and move out if on site labor is used.1RVKLSPHQWVFDQEHDFFHSWHGRUPRYHGGXULQJVKRZKRXUV7KHPDQDJHPHQWDVVXPHVQR UHVSRQVLELOLW\IRUDQ\GDPDJHWKDWPD\EHLQFXUUHG7+(2&($1&,7<&219(17,21&(17(5,6 NON-UNION! The Ocean City Convention Center does not supply hand trucks, carts or dollies for PRYHLQRUPRYHRXW<RXDUHZHOFRPHWREULQJ\RXURZQ x $OOGLVSOD\VPXVWEHHUHFWHGDQGFRPSOHWHO\DUUDQJHGIRURI¿FLDOLQVSHFWLRQE\0DQDJHPHQW DQG)LUH0DUVKDOOQRODWHUWKDQDPRQWKHRSHQLQJGD\RIWKH7UDGH([SRDUE TO FIRE MARSHALL RESTRICTIONS, TENTS MUST BE FLAME RETARDANT. x *RRGVDQGPDWHULDOVXVHGLQDQ\GLVSOD\H[FHSWERQD¿GHVDPSOHVPD\QRWEHUHPRYHGIURP H[KLELWKDOOXQWLOWKH7UDGH([SRKDVEHHQRI¿FLDOO\FORVHGXQOHVVDSSURYHGE\PDQDJHPHQW x The deadline for clearance of all materials from the exhibit hall will be enforced. It is the sole UHVSRQVLELOLW\RIHDFKH[KLELWRUWRKDYHPDWHULDOVSDFNHGLGHQWL¿HGDQGFOHDUHGIRUVKLSPHQW by such time. x The Management reserves the right, with no liability whatsoever for damage, spoilage or loss, to dismantle, dispose of, store and clear from the premises any display materials, goods, property or merchandise of any exhibitor who has failed to comply with the above requirements, or to order such work done at the sole expense of the exhibitor. x DO NOT BREAK DOWN EARLY – the show is open until 4:00 p.m. on Monday. Last year, we had several complaints from businesses who were still trying to browse the booths and shop while exhibitors were breaking down before the show closed. Respect your neighboring booths! ICE & REFRIGERATION 6HDIRUG,FH+DUERU+RXVH6HDIRRGVHOOVLFHIURPWKHLUERRWKLQ([KLELW+DOO$%If you need dry ice, it must be pre-ordered by Jan. 25th. &DOO6HDIRUG,FHDWWRSODFH\RXU order. A refrigerated/freezer truck will be available to exhibitors. In order to plan for enough storage, VSDFHUHVHUYDWLRQVPXVWEHPDGHWKURXJKRXURI¿FHE\FDOOLQJ SURPLUS FOOD ITEMS Local shelters will be happy to accept leftover food on Monday. There is a designated area by the 6KRZ2I¿FHZKHUH\RXFDQEULQJ\RXUJRRGV$GHWDLOHGÀ\HUZLOOEHGLVWULEXWHGWRERRWKVVHUYLQJ food early Monday morning. CLEAN UP INFO 'XPSVWHUV%DUUHOVZLOOEHSURYLGHGIRUJUHDVHGLVSRVDO)RU*UDQG%DOOURRPWKH\DUHORFDWHGLQ the service hallway on south side. For Halls A & B, barrels and a large sink are located at the front loading dock lobby area. TRASH REMOVAL 6 All trash should be moved into the aisles at the end of each show day. The Ocean City Convention Center provides janitorial services. Vacuum service to the individual booths is not provided, but may be obtained through arrangements with the carpet rental service. (Form #3 Conv. Ctr. Exhib Rental). BOOTH & DECORATION INFORMATION Show management will provide the following booth equipment: %$&.6,'('5$3(6EODFNZKLWHEOXH 75$6+&$1 ´;´6,*1 IWUNDRAPED 7$%/(´[¶[´KLJK 92/7287/(7ZDWWV <RXPD\DOVRRUGHUbooth carpeting* and table draping, which is not provided (Form #3 Conv Ctr Exhib Rental). Again, back and side drapes will be black, white, blue with blue aisle carpeting. Please do not pin or staple material to drapes or tables. A standard two line sign will be complimentary with one sign per booth. 3OHDVH¿OORXW form #1, pg. 10 and return no later than February 10, 2015. +DOO$%'RFNVLGH%RRWKVDUH¶[¶*UDQG%DOOURRP%RRWKVDUH¶[¶+DOOV$%DQG 'RFNVLGHDUHORFDWHGRQ/RZHU/HYHODQGKDYHFRQFUHWHÀRRUVZKLOHWKH*UDQG%DOOURRPLVRQWKH QG/HYHODQGKDVFDUSHWHGÀRRUV Height Restrictions x 7KHVWDQGDUGERRWKHTXLSPHQWKDVDEDFNZDOOIHHWDQGGLYLVLRQVLGHZDOOV´KLJK7KH EDFNZDOORIERRWKVORFDWHGDORQJWKHSHULPHWHURIWKHH[KLELWLRQKDOOPD\H[WHQGDERYHIHHW as approved by the Management. The back half of the side walls of the booths may extend to the height of the elevation of the back wall. The front half of the side wall must be no taller than 3 feet to permit side viewing of neighboring booths. x The above, and any other special or unusual exhibit construction, or installation thereof, must be approved in advance by the Management. Fire Extinguishers $//(;+,%,7256:+2$5(&22.,1*,17+(,5%227+66+$//+$9($0,1,0802)$%&),5( (;7,1*8,6+(5,17+(,5%227+61)3$ Public Policy x Each exhibitor is charged with knowledge of and compliance with all laws, ordinances and UHJXODWLRQVSHUWDLQLQJWRKHDOWK¿UHSUHYHQWLRQDQGSXEOLFVDIHW\ x $OOERRWKGHFRUDWLRQVPXVWEHÀDPHSURRIDQGDOOKDQJLQJVPXVWFOHDUWKHÀRRU(OHFWULFDO ZLULQJPXVWFRQIRUPWR1DWLRQDO(OHFWULFDO6DIHW\&RGHUXOLQJV,ILQVSHFWLRQLQGLFDWHV QHJOHFWLQFRPSO\LQJZLWKWKHVHUHJXODWLRQVRURWKHUZLVHSUHVHQWVD¿UHKD]DUGRUGDQJHU the Management may cancel all or such part of a display as may be irregular and effect the removal of same at the exhibitor’s expense. Electrical Wiring 7KHUHZLOOEHRQH9ROWRXWOHW:DWWVSURYLGHGSHUERRWKDWQRFKDUJH$GGLWLRQDOHOHFWULFLW\ and wiring must be at the expense of the Exhibitor and must be performed by the Ocean City &RQYHQWLRQ&HQWHU3OHDVHFKHFN\RXUZDWWVQHHGHGWREHDVVXUHGRIVXI¿FLHQWSRZHU$GGLWLRQDO electricity can be ordered on Form #3 Conv. Ctr Exhib Rental. Power beyond supplied 110-volt 7 RXWOHWVLVOLPLWHGLQWKHQGÀRRUEDOOURRP Exhibitors must supply their own extension cords. CABLE & WIFI Arrangements for TV cable must be made directly to Comcast Cable. Convention Center provides free wireless access. SECURITY The management will provide security for the building during move in, move out and the hours of the Trade Expo. The Exhibitor must have an attendant in charge of his exhibit during the hours the Trade ([SRLVRSHQWRWKHSXEOLF1RRQHLVSHUPLWWHGLQWKH2FHDQ&LW\&RQYHQWLRQ&HQWHUDIWHUFORVLQJ hours. It is recommended that exhibitors remove valuable and/or portable items from booths during non-show hours. LIABILITY AND INSURANCE x Every reasonable precaution will be taken by the Management to protect property during installation, show period and removal. However, neither the Sponsor of the Trade Expo, the 0DQDJHPHQWVHUYLFHFRQWUDFWRUVEXLOGLQJRUJURXQGVRI¿FLDOVQRUDQ\RIWKHRI¿FHUVVWDII members, or directors of any of the same are responsible for the safety of the property of H[KLELWRUVIURPWKHIWRUGDPDJHE\¿UHDFFLGHQWYDQGDOLVPRURWKHUFDXVHV6HFXULW\ZLOOEH on the premises as previously set forth. x All property of the exhibitor will remain under his/her custody and control in transit to, from DQGZLWKLQFRQ¿QHVRIWKHH[KLELWKDOOVXEMHFWWRWKHUXOHVDQGUHJXODWLRQVRIWKH7UDGH([SR Exhibitors must carry appropriate insurance to cover display materials against damage and loss, and public liability insurance against injury to the person and property of others. RULES AND REGULATIONS - TERMS & CONDITIONS 1. Payment of Display Space Partial or entire payment may be made when the display space is requested. All space must be paid for in full 90 days before the opening date of the Expo. Space not paid for by this date is subject to cancellation and resale by the Management. Space reserved within 90 days of the opening date must be paid in full at the time the application is made. Cancellation of Display Space 'LVSOD\VSDFHPD\EHFDQFHOHGXSWR90 days prior to the opening date of the Trade Expo without penalty. A cancellation charge equal to one-half of the space will be made by the Management for space canceled 45 to 90 days prior to the opening date of the Trade Expo. Space canceled within 45 working days of the show opening will not receive any refund and will be charged a $25 processing fee. Should the Trade Expo not be held for any reason whatever, the rental and lease of the space to the exhibitor shall be terminated, in which case the limit of the claim for damage and/or compensation by the exhibitor shall be the prorate amount paid. Use of Display Space In the event of the exhibitor’s failure to install his display within the time limit set for the opening of WKH7UDGH([SRRUIDLOXUHWRSD\WKHVSDFHUHQWDODWWKHWLPHVSHFL¿HGRUIDLOXUHWRFRPSO\ZLWKDQ\ provisions concerning the use of display space, the Management shall have the right to possession of said space to resell same or any part thereof. 8 All demonstrations, sales activity and distributions of circulars and promotional material PXVWEHFRQ¿QHGWRWKHOLPLWVRIWKHH[KLELWRU¶VERRWKV1RH[KLELWRUVKDOODVVLJQVXEOHW share the space assigned without consent of the Management. Exhibitors must display goods manufactured or dealt with by them in their regular course of business, unless otherwise approved by the Management. Exhibits which include the operation of musical instruments, radios, sound motion picture equipment, public address systems, or any noise making machines must be operated so that the noise will not annoy or disturb adjacent exhibitors and their patrons. The Management must approve these exhibits. Flashing lights are prohibited. OPERATING GUIDELINES & RESTRICTIONS The Management reserves the right to restrict and remove displays that become objectionable because of the noise or methods of operation/materials, if they distract from the general character and appearance of the Trade Expo. ([KLELWRU¶V'RRU3UL]HVDUHOLPLWHGWRRQHGUDZLQJSHUH[KLELWRUHDFKGD\6HH Exh Reg area for details. 1R¿UPRURUJDQL]DWLRQQRWDVVLJQHGVSDFHLQWKH&RQYHQWLRQ&HQWHUZLOOEHSHUPLWWHGWRVROLFLW business within the exhibit area. If you notice, please get the persons business card and report to Show Management. The serving or distribution of alcoholic beverages by exhibitors in any part of the Convention Center PXVWEHGRQHLQFRPSOLDQFHZLWKWKHUXOHVDQGUHJXODWLRQVVSHFL¿HGE\WKH)HGHUDO7D[DQG$OFRKRO Bureau. The use of live models, performers and similar persons within the Exhibit for demonstrations, explanations, etc. shall be subject to approval of the Management, and must remain in booth. BAG POLICY:,QRXUHIIRUWWRGLVFRXUDJH³IUHHORDGHUV´H[KLELWRUVDUHQRWDOORZHGWRGLVWULEXWHEDJV ODUJHUWKDQ´[´/DUJHUEDJVPXVWEHDSSURYHGE\VKRZPDQDJHPHQW CARE OF BUILDING AND EQUIPMENT ([KLELWRUVDQGWKHLUDJHQWVVKDOOQRWLQMXUHRUGHIDFHWKHZDOOVÀRRUVRUDQ\SDUWRIWKHH[KLELW building or booth material, or equipment of another exhibitor. When such damage appears, the exhibitor causing such damage is liable to the owner of the property so damaged. EXHIBITOR’S LOUNGE For your comfort, an Exhibitor’s Lounge is located on the second level of the Convention Center in 5RRP&RPSOLPHQWDU\VRGDVDQGFRIIHHDUHSURYLGHGDVZHOODVDSODFHWRUHVW\RXUIHHW THANK YOU FOR CHOOSING TO EXHIBIT IN THE 42nd ANNUAL OCEAN CITY HOTEL-MOTEL-RESTAURANT ASSOCIATION SPRING TRADE EXPO! Next Year’s Show Dates: March 5 & 6th 2017 9 Form # 1 ORDER FORM COMPLIMENTARY SIGN FOR EXHIBITOR'S BOOTH Exhibitors will be furnished one complimentary sign to identify their company and booth QXPEHU7KHVLJQZLOOEH[´DQGZLOOEHKXQJDWWKHWRSRIWKHEDFNGUDSH(DFK sign will have the booth number and will be printed with name of your company or GLYLVLRQFLW\DQGVWDWH3OHDVHLQGLFDWH(;$&7/<KRZ\RXZLVKWREHLGHQWLILHG %227+180%(5 &203$1<1$0( &,7<67$7( 68%0,77('%< 1$0( _______ &203$1< 3+21( RETURN THIS FORM TO: O.C.H.M.R.A. 5700 Coastal Hwy #302 OCEAN CITY, MD 21842 FAX # 410-289-5645 INQUIRE@OCVISITOR.COM DEADLINE FOR SIGN FORM: FEBRUARY 8, 2016 10 Form #2 EXHIBITOR'S PRE-REGISTRATION TO THE 42nd ANNUAL OCEAN CITY HOTEL-MOTEL-RESTAURANT ASSOCIATION SPRING TRADE EXPOSITION IS ONLINE AT www.oceancitytradeexpo.com Please register ONLY personnel working in your booth and, if attending, their spouses. Please DO NOT register your customers for Exhibitor badges. You can direct them to register as Attendees at www.oceancitytradeexpo.com before February 26th. NEED TO UPDATE For booth personnel who are not registered, there will be a $10 fee at the door. Please register exhibitors by February 26, 2016 online at www.oceancitytradeexpo.com or fill out the form below and fax to us at 410-289-5645. 1$0(BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB1$0(BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB 1$0(BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB1$0(BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB 1$0(BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB1$0(BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB 1$0(BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB1$0(BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB 1$0(BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB1$0(BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB &203$1<BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB%227+12BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB 68%0,77('%<BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB___________________TITLE________________________ 1221(81'(5,1&/8',1*,1)$176:,//%($'0,77(',17+((;32 1 O E; CEP TI O1 S '8E TO STATE LAW !! Babysitting Service Available. Please Call Ahead 11 Show Specials & New Products Form Dear Exhibitor, The 42nd Annual Ocean City Hotel-Motel-Restaurant Association Spring Trade Expo is just around the corner! A great way to garner new business is by offering your best deals. With that in mind, we are offering our “Show Specials & New Products” promotions to get attendees to your booth. Your “Show Specials, and New Products” will be listed in our official Trade Expo Program, which are given to every attendee. Additionally, we will use this information for press releases and on our website, www.oceancitytradeexpo.com. Please fax this form to 410-289-5645, email the information to lizwalk@ocvisitor.com or mail them to PO Box 340, Ocean City, MD 21843 by February 12th. We look forward to seeing you in March! Sincerely, Susan L. Jones Show Coordinator Liz H. Walk Event Manager Company Name: ______________________________________________________ Contact: _____________________________________________________________ Show Special: ________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ New Product: ________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 12 13 42ND ANNUAL SPRING TRADE EXPO4 Put your business in front of a targeted audience of 4000+ as a sponsor of the 41st Annual Spring Trade Expo. Promote your business and market to current, and future customers. Sponsorships are available at a variety of prices and levels. Build your brand’s awareness WKURXJKWKHVHH[WUDRUGLQDU\RSSRUWXQLWLHV$OOVSRQVRUVKLSVDUH¿UVW FRPH¿UVWVHUYHG h o t e l SPRINGTRADEEXPO Ocean City Hotel-Motel-Restaurant Association SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES Bronze Level Digital Signage - $250 (only 5 spots available) Advertise your company’s 4-color logo and booth number on digital signs placed at registration areas and lobby. Sponsors will be highlighted in 3-second intervals followed by show announcements. All announcements will loop throughout both days of the show. Event Program Table - $250 Full color logo and booth number printed on an 8.5 x 11” flyer displayed in an acrylic holder at all program display tables. “You are Here” Floor Layout Signage - $250 (only 3 available) Your logo, booth number & location at the top of the Floor Layout maps located throughout the halls. Smartphone Charging Station - $250 (only 4 available) Your logo & booth number on a BRAND NEW charging station for our atendees to charge their smartphones. Lobby Signage - $250 (only 4 available) Display your spider banner in the lobby of the Convention Center. Skybox Banner - $250 (only 2 available) Display your company banner to thousands of attendees and exhibitors. Banner will be hung in skybox overlooking Exhibit Hall A/B. Silver Level Attendee Email Alert - $500 (only 2 available) Promote your brand to registered attendees! Email to attendees will include important information about the upcoming show. At the bottom of the email we will include, “This email brought to you by...” and list your company’s name, logo and booth number. Gold Level Email Confirmation - $1000 Be seen by the approximately 4,000 people that register online to attend this year’s OCHMRA Spring Trade Expo. Includes your company’s logo and link on the confirmation email sent to online registrants. Keynote speaker sponsor - $1000 Hand out flyers or giveaway item to individuals as they enter the Performing Arts Center to see the Keynote Speaker. 14 42ND ANNUAL SPRING TRADE EXPO4 Please complete this form and fax back to OCHMRA at 410.289.5645. Payment is required to secure sponsorship. Check or credit card will be accepted. h o t e l SPRINGTRADEEXPO SPONSORSHIP FORM Ocean City Hotel-Motel-Restaurant Association Business Name ___________________________________________________________ Contact Name ____________________________________________________________ Mailing Address __________________________________________________________ City ___________________ State _________________ Zip ________________ Phone ________________________ Fax _____________________________ Email__________________________________________________________________ Website __________________________________________________________________ Please select your sponsorship level(s): Digital Signage - $250 Event Program Table - $250 ”You are here” Floor Layout Signage - $250 Smartphone Charging Station - $250 Lobby Signage - $250 Skybox Banner - $250 Attendee Email Alert - $500 (PDLO&RQ¿UPDWLRQ Keynote Speaker Sponsor- $1000 Payment type: Check Visa MC Discover American Express For credit card payment, please complete information below: Card Number ______________________________________ Exp. Date __/__ 3-digit CSV code: ______ Billing Address for Card ___________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Cardholder Signature ______________________________________________________ Thank you for your support! Ocean City Hotel-Motel-Restaurant Association PO Box 340 • Ocean City, MD 21842 800-626-2326 x 2 • www.oceancitytradeexpo.com • inquire@ocvisitor.com 15 16 17 18 19 2016 Floor Plans h o t e l SPRINGTRADEEXPO Ocean City Hotel-Motel-Restaurant Association 20 LEVEL 1: DOCKSIDE 1203 1202 1111 1112 1113 1114 1115 1116 1117 1118 1119 1120 1121 1110 1109 1108 1107 1102 1101 1100 1106 1105 1104 1103 1201 1200 Entrance 1215 1214 1213 1212 1211 1210 1209 1208 1207 1206 1205 1204 Stage 10 13 1012 1011 1010 1009 1008 1007 1006 1005 1004 1003 1002 1001 LEVEL 2: BALLROOM 2614 2613 2612 2611 2610 2609 2608 2607 2606 2605 2604 2603 2602 2601 2600 2510 2511 2512 2513 2514 2515 2516 2517 2518 2519 2509 2508 2507 2506 2505 2504 2503 2502 2501 2500 2408 2409 2410 2411 2412 2413 2414 2415 2407 2406 2405 2404 2403 2402 2401 2400 2312 2313 2314 2307 2306 2305 2304 2303 2302 2301 2300 2208 2209 2210 2211 2212 2213 2214 2215 2207 2206 2205 2204 2203 2202 2201 2200 2000 2001 2015 2016 2309 2310 2311 Culinary Showcase Stage 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 21 2003 2103 2102 2101 2100 2002 2112 2113 2114 2115 Entrance PARKING INFORMATION GREEN AREAS - Designated exhibitor parking YELLOW AREAS - Do not park in these areas NEW this year! Show your badge on any Ocean City Coastal Highway Beach Bus and ride for FREE!! BAY LOADING DOCK GRAND BALLROOM SUNSET ROOM NORTH SIDE PARKING LOT Convention Center MAIN PARKING LOT PLEASE LEAVE THESE SPACES FOR ATTENDEES/CUSTOMERS CONVENTION CENTER MUNICIPAL PARKING LOT ÕSOUTH MARIDEL MOTEL DOUGH ROLLER COASTAL HWY. HIGHWAY PARKING LOT ACROSS STREET FROM CONVENTION CENTER CASTLE IN THE SAND HOTEL OCEAN 22 42ND STREET LOADING DOCK 41ST STREET CONVENTION CENTER DR. THUNDER ISLAND CONDOMINIMUMS OK TO PARK IN BACK OF LOT (SPACES DESIGNATED CONVENTION CENTER) MAKAI CONDOS NORTH Ö Ocean City HMRA Spring Trade Expo March 6-7, 2016 Submit order to: Trade Show Leads ~ EMAIL: toms@tsleads.net~ FAX: 866-262-6121~ PHONE: 515-370-0871 Company Booth Number Address Country Contact City Phone ST Fax Zip Email Email Address for Leads: Scanning Equipment TS Leads Complete-8QLWLQFOXGHV6FDQQHUZLWK%OXHWRRWK3ULQWHUDQGOHDGV emailed at the end of the show. Additional Rolls of Paper: (DFKUROOUHFRUGVDSSUR[LPDWHO\OHDGV TSLeads Anywhere Scanner Plus- Palm Sized scanner gives you visual verification of leads scanned and the ability to scroll through contacts. Lead GHOLYHUHGYLDHPDLODWWKHHQGRIWKHVKRZ1RSRZHUUHTXLUHG TS Leads Max+DQGKHOG3'$JLYHV\RXWKHDELOLW\WRPDNHHOHFWURQLFQRWHVDQG attach qualifiers. Leads delivered via email at the end of the show. TS Leads Anywhere Scanner-Small hand-held scanner fits easily in your pocket allows you to gather leads anytime, anywKHUHDWWKHVKRZ1RSRZHUUHTXLUHG Leads delivered via email at the end of the show. Customized Advanced Qualifier Sheet-Create lead qualifiers specific to your business. NEW! TSLeads Expo Scanner with TSL Download-Purchase your own lead scanner and download softwareIRUXVHDWDOOHYHQWVWKDWXVHD'3')EDUFRGH Package includes scanner, software, charger, and one year free technical support. iLeads Equipment iLeads AppIRUXVHZLWK([KLELWRUVRZQL3KRQHL3RGWRXFK9HUVLRQRU KLJKHUL3DGRU$QGURLGSKRQH2SHUDWLQJ6\VWHPRUKLJKHU Package includes: iLeads lead retrieval app downloaded from the app store, event set-up through unique access code and LeadsLightningSM Post Show Management Software. See product sheet for details. iPod touch® Rental: Package includes: iPod touch® rental with iLeads lead retrieval app pre-loaded, event set-up through unique access code and LeadsLightningSM Post Show Management Software. See product sheet for details. Additional iLeads App license for multiple Devices. Delivery, Setup, and Training (optional)-'HOLYHU\WR\RXUERRWKZLWKWUDLQLQJ for all of your staff. Leads downloaded to USB 2.0 Flash Drive By Feb. 5,2016 After Feb. 5 $290.00 $325.00 $8.00 $10.00 $265.00 $285.00 $275.00 $295.00 $235.00 $275.00 $25.00 $45.00 $1,299.00 $1,299.00 By Feb. 5,2016 After Feb.5 $195.00 $215.00 $275.00 $295.00 $100.00 $120.00 $25.00 $45.00 $45.00 Qty Price SubTtl Qty Price SubTtl $55.00 TOTAL Payment Information If Paying by Credit Card, Please complete the Cardholder Information: PAYMENT OPTIONS: Credit Card: ________ Company Check:_________ Make Checks Payable to: Trade Show Leads, 16461 S. 176th. Ln., Goodyear, AZ 85338 or fax your order to 866-262-6121 Advance Orders must be accompanied by payment in full. Thank you for your order. If you have any questions please contact us at 515-370-0871. CardNumber:______________________________________ ExpirationDate:____________________________________ Code on Card:______________________________________ Name on the Card:__________________________________ BillingAddress:_____________________________________ _________________________________________________ Signature:_________________________________________ $OOHTXLSPHQWRUGHUHGPXVWEHSLFNHGXSDWWKHVHUYLFHGHVNSULRUWRWKHVWDUWRIWKHVKRZXQOHVV\RXKDYHRUGHUHG'HOLYHU\Setup. Failure to pick up equipment does not entitle you to a refund. All equipment must be returned to the service desk within 1 hour of the close of the show to avoid additional charges. A non-refundable charge of Zill be applied for equipment not returned to TSL at the close of the show. There is a $75 fee for all cancellations. All cancellations must be submitted in writing 48 hours prior to the start of the show and there are no cancellations or refunds after this time. There is no refund on paper. There is a $50 charge on boxes not returned. TSL will not be held responsible for the type or amount of data provided to exhibitors by show management. Data connection required for iLeads attendance updates. TSL will not be held responsible for poor/inadequate data coverage in convention hall. It is the customer’s responsibility to seek and provide data connection whether it be inside or outside the convention building. Agreement of Above Terms: X 23 TS Leads Anywhere Scanner TS Leads Complete TSLeads Max TSLeads Anywhere Scanner Plus iLeads Each attendee badge contains a barcode with their business card information encoded. The information is stored in the scanner and delivered to the exhibitor via email in excel formDWZLWKLQKRXUVDIWHUWKHFORVH of the show. After the badge is scanned, more information on the lead can be gathered by scanning items RQWKH76/HDGV$GYDQFHGOHDGTXDOLILHUVKHHWVHHSDJHZKLFKLVDWQRFRVWWRWKHH[KLELWRU$OHDG qualifier sheet can be created which is specific to your business for a small fee. The TSLeads Anywhere Scanner is a battery operated unit that fits easily in your pocket and leads can be gathered anywhere at the show. Leads are delivered at the end of the show via email. Get visual verification of leads scanned and scroll through your leads with the Anywhere Scanner Plus. The TSLeads &RPSOHWHLQFOXGHVDVFDQQHUSULQWHUDQGOHDGVDUHHPDLOHGDWWKHHQGRIWKHVKRZ'DWDLVWUDQVPLWWHG ZLUHOHVVO\WRWKHSULQWHUYLD%OXHWRRWK7KH76/HDGV0D[LVDKDQGKHOG3'$6FDQQHUWKDWDOORZV\RXWR make notes with the qwerty keyboard and add custom qualifiers. iLeads - iLeads is a powerful lead retrieval technology for exhibitors to capture sales leads using an L3KRQHL3RGWRXFK9HUVLRQRUKLJKHUL3DGRU$QGURLGSKRQH2SHUDWLQJ6\VWHP RUKLJKHU([KLELWRUVFDQXVHWKHLURZQ,GHYLFH$Sp downloaded from the app store. iPod touch® available for rental. Event set-up through a unique access code and leads gathered by scanning EDUFRGHRUHQWHULQJ$WWHQGHH,'1XPEHURQWKHEDGJHL/HDGVPDNHVOHDGUHWULHYDOHDVLHUWR use...even fun. With features such as notes, surveys and qualifiers exhibitors can capture, qualify and manage trade show leads anywhere and anytime. 3OHDVHFRQWDFWXVDWRUHPDLOWRtoms@tsleads.net if you have any questions regarding our products and services. ORDER EARLY FOR BEST PRICING. DISCOUNT DEADLINE IS FEBRUARY 5,2016 24 ADVANCED LEAD QUALIFIERS FOR SCANNING EQUIPMENT ONLY All exhibitors receive the following Standard Advanced Qualifiers at no cost as part of their equipment rental. Fill out this form if you would like Customized Advanced Qualifiers specific to your business for an additional cost. Company Name:_____________________ Booth Number:______________________ Show Name:________________________ Please type or print legibly, maximum 35 characters per line 1._________________________________ 2._________________________________ 3._________________________________ 4._________________________________ 5._________________________________ 6._________________________________ 7._________________________________ 8._________________________________ 9._________________________________ 10.________________________________ 11.________________________________ 12.________________________________ 13.________________________________ 14.________________________________ 15.________________________________ 16.________________________________ 17.________________________________ 18.________________________________ 19.________________________________ 20.________________________________ 3OHDVHFRQWDFWXVDWRUHPDLOWRtoms@tsleads.net if you have any questions regarding our products and services. 25 NEW! PURCHASE YOUR OWN LEAD SCANNER TSLeads EXPO Scanner with TSL Download EFFICIENT, AFFORDABLE LEAD RETRIEVAL SOLUTION WORKS WITH ALL PDF417 BARCODES 9 6LPSOHWR8VH 9 Reliable and durable hand-held barcode scanner. 9 Easily configure the scanner for each event. 9 Create your own qualifiers. 9 'RZQORDGWKHXQLWDWDQ\WLPHDQG DGGDGGLWLRQDOQRWHV1RPRUHZDLWLQJ for your leads at the end of the show! 9 Pays for itself in a few shows. 9 1RLQWHUQHWFRQQHFWLRQUHTXLUHG 9 Export data and import in your favorite software. 9 Sort and filter your data per event. 9 1 year technical support included for free. Package includes one TSLeads Expo Scanner, TSL Download Software, charger, and one year free technical support. $1,299.00 )RUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQFDOO7RPDWRUHPDLOWR toms@tsleads.net :::76/($'61(7 26