Daffodils on Parade, 1948 blue price list
Daffodils on Parade, 1948 blue price list
CUT FLOWERS FOR SPRING As usual I am booking orders for my DAFFODIL NOVELTY BOXES which contain a collection of 10 dozen (120) blooms in 10 new and unusual varieties, which are rarely if ever available at florist shops, With over 800 varieties from which to select, those who place orders for boxes at weekly intervals seldom get any duplications . Blooms should be in their prime between MarchW-April and the Novelty Boxes are marvelous Easter Presents. $3.50 per box. , PRICE, including Special Delivery To satisfy a growing demand for NAMED collections we rrll fill orders for Novelty Boxes containing named collections of 20 varieties, 6 blooms of each variety correctly labeled. PRICE, including Special Delivery — $4.50 per box. Collections of single specimen blooms 10 cents each provided order amounts to at least $5.00. Garden Clubs find these labeled collections useful and instructive at their spring, * meetings. Delivery of blooms in good shape to any point east of Chicago and no further south than Georgia is gua•anc teed. For many years I have been faced with two problems pertaining to daffodils. Satisfactory labels or markers for the many varieties which I grow, and suitable vases or containers for their blooms in the home. Both are now solved and the results are available to you. LABELS These had to be inconspicuous, yet permanent and reasonable. They are T shaped with two aluminum legs 12 inches inch zinc name plate. Which if put on with 0- long and a 3 by a weatherproof pencil lasts for 3 years. Ordinary pencil is Ili good for 1 year. The long legs permit them to be raised up during the spring so names are easily seen. After blooming season they can be pushed level with the ground and remain there till the following spring. With these labels there is no reason for anyone losing the identity of their varieties. 116 PRICE—In dozen lots at $1.00 per dozen•Postpaid. 1111° VASES Anyone who has ever tried to arrange daffodil blooms in the ordinary flower container knows how difficult it is to get them in the right position and MARE them stay put. Last spring in Williamsburg I found an 18th Century vase which rfs not too tall or too short, nor too wide at the rim OT' too narrow at the bottom. I have had it copied by one of the famous Potters at Williamsburg. They are shaped by hand on a potters wheel from the famous clays found at Jamestown and 'Williamsburg and are finished with a hard clear glsze of daffodil green. We are offering them in two sizes. 'rue smaller one will hold from 1 to 3 specimin blooms, while the larger size is ideal for up to a dozen blooms. PRICE Small $.75 each — Large $1.00 — Postpaid. THE BLUE RIBBON LIST F WORLDS FINEST DAFFODILS O 1943 os, Listed herein are the finest Daffodils obtainable, note the many awards which are designated by an * following thf . names. They have been assembled from England, Ireland, Australia and Holland and include some very fine American introductions, All these varieties are grown at our nurseries in Gloucester , and York Counties, Virginia, and are guaranteed true to name. These stocks are carefully inspected, once during the growing season in the spring and again in the fall (jusi before shipping season) by State Inspectors. The grower of these fine varieties has had many years experience with Daffodils, which includes 20 years as farm manager for on of the largest raisers of Daffodils in this country. Virginia grown Daffodils bloom two or three weeks earlier than those raised in the cooler Northern climate. Flowering this much earlier they have a chance to develop fully while the weather is still cool. This is especially important with the highly colored reds, oranges and the many delicate shadings that are seldom seen, especially if they open during bright warm spring weather. As a number of varieties on this list will not be dug unless ordered, it is IMPORTANT that orders be sent in before June 30, (digging must be completed in July). If desired, full description will be furnished on any variety ordered. R.H.S. CLASSIFICATION OF DAFFODILS la—Yellow trumpets. Ib--White trumpets. lc—Bicolor trumpet:. 2a--Yenow incomps_ 2b—White incomes. 3a—Yellow barri. 3b—White barri. 4a—Giant leedsii. 413—Medium leedsii. 5—Triandrus. mineous. 7—Campernds and Jonquils. 8•Poetaz. 9—Poeticus. 10-DoublQs. II—various. NOTE: The Royal Horticultural Society in London is reclassifying and ding new divisions to take care of the many new developments in daffodils. The new classifications will go into effect January "I, 19 ,0. THE DAFFODIL MART NuttaI Post Office, Gloucester Co., Virginia (THE HEART OF THE DAFFODIL AREA IN VIRGENIM .30 2a Abelard* .25 9 Ace of Diamonds .20 9 Acme .15 9 Actaea 1.50 lb Ada Finch* •60 21a Adler* .35 la. Advance Guard* .60 2a Adventure* .25 la Aerolite .35 Sa Afterglow* 2.00 lb Agawam . , .25 Agnes Harvey* .40 Agra* b .30 la Alaska .35 la, Alasnam .10 4b Albania .15 3b Albatross* .75 4a. Alberni Beauty* .15 10 Albus Plenus Odoratus . .20 3a Alcida* 1.75 3b Aleppo* .... .20 lb Mice Knights .75 3a Alight 3.50 2P. Allacians Lamp* .30 2b Allure 1.50 2a Alroi ° .. 4.00 2b Amaranth 3.00 2a •maranths* le America .45 •40 la American Beauty* .30 2a A.rnir 14.00 -•- 2b Amourette 7 Amoy* . d0 1.50 Andes . .20 3a Anna Croft 1.50 31a Anthem .50 9 a .Antliony 1.00 lb Ap pan oose .20 ... Ic Apricot* .50 2b Apricot Gloriosa .40 10 Apricot Phoenix .45 2a Aquilla 5.00 2a Aranjuez* .35 3a Archeron 3.00 85 Argonne* 3.50 _ 2b Asmode* .15 ii Aspasia . 4.00 3b Auremont .25 7 Aurelia* . .9ar 2a. Aureole .,Antoarat .10 ..0.....0, .45 9 1) Ave Verum ....... 1.00 2a Aviemore* 25.00 2o, Babram .20 2a Barcelona .10 3a Barri Conspicuus* 2.00 2e Bashbish .20 :-.'l Baths Flame* .20 2a Beat All 1.50 2i) Beauty` of Radnor* 015 2b Bedouin* .40 lb Beersheba* • .50 fi,a Belle Chi -rioie 0.00 Jaune 2.:7. Del le 0.10 la Ben Hair* .1 5 12b Beialardino 2.75 ::b J3ern+1.k _ 6.00 0.0 P.eratta Ater.* .S0 6 13ery1* 2 00 * Penn. 0 P..etay 4-a .10 4b Bianan. .10 g Ili0toru3 .75 9; Bit O'Heav en .25 '.0 Black Prince 1.25 24 Blazing Swords .30 a. Illoernhigt* ,. .30 Blood AN 26 I340.-ii 1 l Orange A0 2a Bokhara* 10 :'a. Bon f ire .00 1.0 1::os0,- in* •. .75 20 Iloale 0e. Feu 60 01) Brabant* 1.50 0'i., 'Bridegroom* ar .1.) ab Itrighter London 2 Brightling* .15 .60 0a Brotonne 75.00 1 b frauglishane* 2.00 42, Brunawieks W4a - 1 31. Bulhocodium Consp 2J Bilaker Hill* 2b Buoyant* la Bourg. Gouveneur* 7 Buttercup* la Buyos 9 Caedm.on* CaeSarin e 3b Calcutta 2b Caledonia* 2b Calorarna .7 Campernel Carolina 7 CamperneI Giganteus 7 Campernel Plenus 7 Campernel Regulosus ri Camp. Reg. Maximus* 7 Campernel Simplex 11 Canaliculatus 8 Canarybird lb Cantratiee* 10 Capex Plenus 2a C,arbineer* 3)0 Carleen* 2a Carlton* la Carmel* 2b Carrnencit a* 3h Carminowe 4a, Carnlough* 3b Carolina 25 Carry On 31) Car1,01.th* 2a Casino* 9 Caasandra* 9 L Catskill 2a Cellini 2k Central Park le Cerebus la Champion la Charlemagne lb Chastity* la Chatsworth 8 Cheerfulness* 2a Cheerio -.7 Cherie - 7 Cheyenne la Chicasaw au Chiltern lb China. Clay 4}J Chineaa White 31 Chippendale la Christmas Glory oaa Chunking 4a Cicely* CindaralIa In Citronella* 2b Clamor* 21) (lava la Cleopat.* ra Cluntarf .12 .60 .30 4.00 .20 3.00 .60 45 1.00 .50 1.75 .20 .20 .15 .15 .20 .10 .15 .35 6.00 1.50 1.50 .75 .18 A5 .60 • 3.00 .35 .50 .35 1 50 .15 6.0() .50 1.00 .30 .40 .60 1.00 3.00 .15 1.00 3.00 .30 8.00 .75 6 4(1): (0) 1() 2.00 .00 16.00 .40 _20 .45 .45 1.00 .20 9 1 Durcstan la Dutch Gold 4a E. H. Wilson* 01) Eclair 25 Edda* 5 Edelweiss le Ediba E fdft i ieh* 01) R 4, 9 Edw Ina* .?1) )05 1.20 1.50 "b Esteie 2.00 1:S:111 75 .75 8.00) 8 .1.1•1 1-: A .35 .15 4.00 50 1.60 .75 .30 40 .30 .25 .20 2.00 .25 1.00 6.00 1.50 1.50 5.00 1.00 2.50 .15 .35 .25 1.25 3.50 3.50 .60 2.50 .45 .30 .30 .30 .60 .20 .10 .35 . .30 .15 .60 .35 .25 4.00 1.00 .75 .50 2-50 1.75 1.51) Eifina* is El Paso 2A Eldorado 3b Electric* °a Elegance 2r. 101conora Duso Elizabeth Ryan 2a Elloc 3h Lilly Nay* 2b Eft,inor 311 "3-.0ili,hc.th* S Elvira* 41, Emerald Eyes la Emperor Emprias 2a. Epicure 3a Erie la Erna Rubenstein lb E.skiniu 1.:2; 2P. Cncarde* lb Caefield Colling.ton 2.a, Colombo* 411 'Columbine 1 , i Commander in Chief I o Contant* 1a Con0ant Garden lb Coosa 2a Capper Bowl* n, Cordova lb Corinth 2a Cornkh Fire 2:b Corry* Couraga `21) Co t.r1.1(.1( Cam* 2r. Coveraek Glory 2b roveraelc Perfe-tion Cragford* I a Crarincar la Cramonia h Crp-rs., E,r* 7b Crimea* 217. erinagen 'Braid* 2b Criterion 2a Crocas* 23 Croesti0* la Crorn a rty Caowntai Beauty 3b Crucible* 4a Crystal Queen Oil Cuahendall* . 4b Cushlake 2b Cydonia* 2h Cymic Queen 2b d'Artagnan 9 Dactyl* • 4a Daisy Schaffer* 2a. Damson* 10 Daphne* 4a David West la Dawson 'City* 2b Deanne Durbin 2b Deep Valley Pride 4.a. Delaware la Delightful 2a Dervish* 3a Der went 2b Desire fia Diana Kasner* 3b Dick Turpin* 21) Dick Wellband* Dillenburg 2a Dingo 3a Dinkie* la Diotima 4I Distingue 9 Dixie Beauty 2a. Donate 2b Donatello Doriae 4a Doris 35 Dorothy Weems* .. 313 Dosoris 31) Dragoon 10 Dubloon 45 Duaheas of Westhiinster 4a Duke of Marlborough .. , la Duke of York 0 Dulcimer* 2. Dunkeld* 4a Dunlewev* .25 .45 .20 .20 2.50 .25 3.50 .40 1.00 .60 .00J .15 1 05 .30 • .60 .15 .15 _2 5 2.00 2 00 2.00 .... 1.00 30 2,00 1 .1r, _05 .35 2.50 1.50 .10 3.00 .30 EN: pe(ta t ion 10 Fair Uostoniaa .u•) -Paivy Circle:* Faithful Fancheon Ecanr.y Cur-y° ft Fabraa•y relspar UT Feu de Joie 0r10 Firet,rand .. . ........... 8b Firetail* 2b rifunenco 2a Flaming Torch* .10 .15 60 2.01) 45 1.00 .20 .10 .35 .10 15 3.i;o . . .75 31) Fleur* 2a Fleurs d0Oranger la Florists Delight 2b Flower Record 2b Folly* ... 2a Farber la Forerunner* 3b Forfar* 2a Fortune* 2a Fortunes Blaze 9 a Fortunes Bowl 2a Fortunes Champion 2a Fortunes Crest* 2a Fortuna Pride 21) Fortunes Queen* 2i, Francisco a Drake* 4b Friar 2a Friefrau 2b Friesland* Ic Frostbound Fuselier 2a Gaiety :Lib Galata • • .30 .30 .45 2.50 .60 1.50 .50 .75 .35 8.00 10.00 10.00 6.00 1.50 1.00 .20 .20 .25 1.50 .20 .1.0 . 25 .30 .45 .40 2a Gallipoli 2b Galopin 2a Gamecock 2a Garibaldi' 3a Garlinda. la Garron* lb Gaza 2a Gebeina* .7 General Pershing* 8 Geranium* 2b Germaine* 4a Gertio Millar* 2a Ghandi lo G]enravel 2a Gloria Mundii* 8 Glorious* 0 Glory of Lie 2a Glory of the Morn 2a Gold Lace 2a Gold Rim 2r. Golden Frilled* 2a Golden Future 7 Gal den Goblet* la Golden Melody 2a Golden Pedestal* 7 G0Iden Perfection* la Golden Sunrise* 7 Golden Sceptre* 7 Goldilocka 2b Goldona 2b Goldshall Gc0,, ert Flinch.* 31) Govilly* 8 Graao Forbes .50 .20 .40 5.00 -60 1.00 .35 .25 1.00 .25 2.00 .75 .15 .20 .20 2.00 .45 .50 2 .151 ) 8 .40 .15 2.00 7.00 .30 .40 .25 1.76 1.00 1.00 80.00 1.00 .n0 Opera GClaran.cfliO is 4a Gratia 4a Grayling* Green Island 4 1 1 Grey Lady* 21) Halos* S Hamner.. IC Hal.ra 2b 8 . 1.50 .25 .30 .30 1.50 .05 .15 .35 .00 .25 .60 la, Harold Peale ....... _ 2a Ir.avelock* 11 Hay.-eri la Hector Trenb . 2a .T-Ielios* ... la. Handrick Mien . .. ,. 2a Henna 2a Henrietta la Henry Burrs. 4a Ifea Grace 1.-Tara'' _I 5 .35 2.00 2.00 111:,rhert Smith _ Nr). 20 8 No. 37 HeAa* Hem arm-4,er 2s% Hol3anda lleliglit 10 Holland a Glory* 2a Homespun* 9 Horner* 41i Honey 0 .30 • .70 .40 1. 400 .40 .70 .15 .35 •• ▪ ▪ • Ia Hope of Holland 9 Horace* 2a. Hr pt_xiar 4a HyIlkettus* 8 Ideal 10 Indian Chief 10 Inglescombe* 10 Insulinde* la Insurpassable invergordon* 2b Invincible 213 Irene Bordoni 8 Irmelin • 4b_Ivorine* le J. B. M. Camm* 2a Jaffa 2b Jean Hood 213 jecun(* 1 ,3 Jefta 5 Jehol le Jersey Cream 31) Jill lb J im* 8 Jocondo 5 Johanna. 3b Johannesburg* 1:4 John CaifrIS 36 John Dix 2b Jelin Evelyn* la John Farquhar* i)a Joker* 7 Jonquilla Albus „miat7 jonquilla Citrinurn Jonquilla Helena 7 Jonq,uilla Neil. 00001*•7 Jonquils Plenus • 7 jonquilla Simplex .. • lb Jwine* 11400 2a Jubilant' 11 Juncifolius a June J ungfrau 2b Jungle Fire is Jupiter* 4a Justice* la Kandahar 3b Kansas lb Kantara 41.1 Katherine Spurrell la Katonah 2b Kenna.ck 9 Kentucky 9 Kestrel 2b Kilimanjaro Killegrcw* . :Al Kilter . . 124 Kimberle).7 la :King. Alfred* 9 Kinv.. Edward VII 8 Kingcraf t* _ 4a Kill 8 Klondyke 8 La Arlentina iV7 La Belle R La Fiancee 4a La Tendres , lb La Vestal* 3b Lady Curzon 3b Lady Derby 313 Lady Diana Manners* . 7 Lady Hilli -ngEon 813 Lady K.estiven* 3b Lady Lilford 2a Ladybird 7 Lanarth* lb Largess 3b Larissa 313 Latonia 4a Laughing Water • 1; Lauren Koster -411161.1 Lausanne* Le Beau la Le Mongel la Lemburg 3b Letchmoor 2a Levithian* 4a Libelle* .. • , la Liberty 9 Lighta Out .60 .10 .30 .50 15 25 30 .25 50 . . . . -r .'35 .60 .35 20 .20 1.00 3.50 .40 .50 1.00 8.00 4.00 .20 .35 .75 .30 .45 .20 .35 .50 1.00 .25 25 95 .15 .15 .35 .35 35 . 40 40 1.00 .25 4.00 3.00 .60 1.00 .10 1.50 .75 3.00 .40 2.50 .40 50 20 . 20 .20 ▪ r ▪ o 15 60 35 .35 .30 . 15 . .40 2.00 . 15 .50 2.50 35 . 30 * 45 .75 .40 .40 80 2.00 12.00 .30 hf 4 3b Lillian Harvey .45 Untie .50 10 Livia .50 • le Locarno .21i a Lombard 4.00 la Lord of the Manor .50 la Lord Wellington 9 a Loud Speaker 1.50 Ia Louis Bouwmeaiter .60 to Loven€st* .40 4b Lucia .... 2b Lucienne* .35 2b Lucifer* ''a Liminius* .15 10 Lune de Miel .45 2a Luzerne .30 b 141. Boardman* .60 2b Mabel* 2.00 Mme Pimp .20 2yladras 3.5 L) 3b Magic Fire 11_ Magnet 5 00 Ili Manacles 9.6o 3a Mangosteen* 6 March Sunshine .60 .4d 3b Ma. r ee. hal Niel* 3b Margohl 1.7; 3a Marion .......... • 3b Markant 2.00 .30 2a Market Glory 3a. Market 1‘11.'!rry* 12.00 2.a Marksman* 2.00 4a Marmo•a* 4.0U 3a Marquis le Martha ,2 5 8 Ma.•tha Washington A5 10 Mary Copeland* .40 2a Mary Florence .50 2a Mary Lozigstreet* 3.50 lb Mary Pratt 7.00 3b Masterpriece* .15 2a Massasoit 2.00 Matimax .45 2b Matapeake 6.00 .45 2a Maude, Adams 1.00 4a May Molony* 4a Maya* 10.00 3b Mayflower* .20 lb Medea .20 Meline .20 .25 2a Merapi 22, Merkara .25 .30 MiCaren u .30 Milford Haven* .50 11) .30 in Minor 4a Minstrel 9- Minuet .30 .35 8 Mrs. Alf refl 'Pearson 9 a Mr2.1. D. F. rtupont 2.00 .25 l b MrA, E. H. Krelat,e* L27, 5 Mrs. Gordon Pirie .20 31,-) Mrs. H. I. Pratt* 2a Mrs. J. A. Burden .35 lb Mrs. John [lodger Luit lc Mrs. John Hong .30 4b MrS. Langtry .10 .80 2b Mn. s Lefeber .15 4h MrE. N. 0 1 Melvertay _ 4a Mrs. Percy Neale ..... 4a Mrs. IL 0. Backhouse* • .55 .1 lb Mrs. Thompiwn 311 Mrs. Walter Brewster 1.00 10 Mrs. Win. Copeland* ...... • 2b Mr. R. M. .20 311 Ali-. Thoo. Havemeyer 1.00 .35 21-1 Mistina- nett 4a Afitylc-ne* .50 MIXED-SPECIAL 09 NOVELTY . 4 03 Mixed-Naturalizinv; Mixed•Regular 25 Monique* . 40 2a Monte Carlo MontDell ■ er* Lei0 1.25 I a M oon g la Moonlight .27) i; Moonshine* 2.C-0 2a Morea.* ORDER FORM (Please Print Address) Amount Enclosed. 19 Date._ Ship to Street or R. F. D. State City QUANTITY PRICE VARIETY ■■■■•1■1■•■■•••-• -.•■•■••••••■■•■••••••••. ■ Total THE DAFFODIL MART NU TALL POST OFFICE, GLOUCESTER CO., VIRGINIA ▪ lb Moscbatus 10 Moulin Rouge* 3b Mountain Pride 2a Mundra* le Music Hall* b My Joy b Mystic* a Nakota b Naomi* Naturalizing-White Naturalizing-Yellow a Nell Pinner b Nene Beauty* ..., b New Amsterdam* 9 Nightingale* a Nimrod* a Ninon , a Niphetos* b Nissa* ° Niveth b Nobility .a Norman* Nova Scotia* Numa Porripilius* b Nursemaid a Obvallaris C Octavianus Oiympia* a. Orange Beauty a Orange Bird 8 Orange Blossom. a Orange Charm b Orange Delight b Orange Flyer • Orange Glory* a Orange Glow* Orange Ophelia* 0 Orange Phoenix 8 Orange Prince . Orange Queen a Orange Splendor a Orange Sun Oranie Nassau* 9 Ornatus Ornatus Ma -ximus a G E14511. * a P. R. Barr a Palermo* --.1) Palma e. Pawnee 5 Pearly Queen* lr Pecusic 13 Peggy* Peking. a Pel-ion Pelleas 3 Perequite* 9 Pentucket b Peflvose* 2b Penwith* 2a Pepper* 3b Pesrille Phyllida* 1.0 Picar(IY 2a Pilgrimage* 4a Pinkeen Pluvia d'Or 2a. Pluvius* S 9a Poeob Polciele 2b Polindra* 31) Pomona* Porthillv* 1'1 President Carnot lc President. Le Brun 2a President Viger 3h Pride of Virginia* . 10 Primrose Phonix* 313 'Primus* 0b Prince Fushirna* ... 23 Prince of Oralwe 30. Princess Astrid* P r0riceees Miriam* 10. Pthicinal* la Prominent 0e. Proeperity 213 P al Ott * 2a Pyroentha 7 Queen Anne. ▪ . 5 1.00 .50 2.50 .40 .25 .40 2.00 .30 .06 . 06 30 1.50 .50 20 45 .70 . 90 .50 1.50 . 15 .40 2.00 . r s id .20 .25 2.50 .25 .25 2.50 .45 35 . 45 .30 45 2.50 .30 .20 1.00 3.50 20 .20 1, 9 5 20 1.25 .45 8.00 .30 2. 50 40 2.00 .50 5.00 .r.r fa . 6.00 7.00 .45 1.2.0 .15 75 20 1,20 7.00 2 00 2 40 3.00 n0 r ; .35 20 . 20 95 . • 2.50 .35 1.60 2.75 1.00 50 .30 9 Queen of Diamonds 3b Queen of Hearts* Ic Queen of Bieolors 5 Queen of Spain 2b Queen of the Morn 4b Queen of the North* 3b Quetta* 4a Quicksilver 8 Quo Vadis .. 4a Radio Ic Rathkenny * 9 Recurvus 2b Red Abbott 3b Red Beacon 213 Red Bird* 2a Red Cross* 3a Red' Gauntlet* 8 Red Guard* 10 Red Hussar 2b Red Knight 9 Red Rim* 3a Red Sea* 3a Red Shadow* 2a Reve d'Or 2b Rewa* 9 Ringdove 2a Rio Rita* 5 Rippling Waters 4a Riva 2a Roanok lb Rob Berkeley* lc Rol4ert E. Lee* la Robert Sydenham* la Robinhood Ic Rockery Beauty 2a Rodomont 3b Rodosto* 2a Rouge 10 Romagna. 1 b Romaine 3a Roman Star* lb Rosabelia* 3e. Rose Marie* 4a Roe of Tralee 3b Rosella 2a Roslare* le Rosy Trumpet lb Roxane* 2a Royal Lancer . 10 Royal Seve•eign* 2b Rubini* 2b Rubra la Royalist b Ruby 2e Rustom Pasha. 0 Sabina* 8 St.. Agnes* la St Dunston 2a St Egwin* 4a St Erme* S St. Gluvias 2a St lesy* 2a St Ives* ... 3b St Minver 4b St Olaf' 11) St Peter 2h Salembe 41) Salmonetta 4b Samaria* 1b Sa mite* 413 Sarah Lancashire Saskia nl) Saturnus* 14 Scapa* .. 2a4 Scarlet Elegance S Scarlet Gem* 2a Scaret Lancer* ..... 2a Scarlet Leader* 31) Seagull lb Seminole 2b Semper Avanti 82, Seraglio* 21i Seville* 2a Shanghai Sheherasade* 2b Sherman 5 Shot Silk* ....... • 7 Sierra Gold* le SiIvariite .76 .10 .40 .50 .35 .10 1.20 3.50 15 1.50 2.00 .15 1.00 . 10 5.00 .30 70 .20 .00 .45 .30 .40 .35 2.75 24)0 2.00 1.25 1.00 .50 6.00 1.50 8.00 .20 .25 .30 6.00 .40 2.50 1.00 1.00 1.30 7.00 1.10 7.00 .90 2.50 1.00 .30 .75 .50 5.00 2.00 1.50 .15 2.ro .50 .40 .80 1.0;0 1.25 .20 9.00 .25 ."1- 5 .20 .35 .60 .20 .65 4,50 r-o r .f4 . ,75 .75 1.50 .25 .20 1.50 .10 8.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 .75 1.75 .50 .60 2.20 4a Silver Bugle 5 Silver Chimes* 41) Silver Plane* 10 Silver Phoenix 4b Silver Salver* 4a Silver Star 4a Silver Wedding* le Sincerity* 9a Sir Watkin* 4a Slemish* 9 Smyrna* 9 Snow King* 10 Snow Sprite 5 Snowbird 2b Solari° la Solferno* la Solid Gold* Sollert* _0 9 Sonata* 2b Sophia 313 Southern Star* 8 Sparkling Eye* 2a Speculantk lo Spinoza 81) Stamboul • 2a. Star of the West 4:-i Stateliness la Statendarn* 21) Steadfast 2a Stella Murray 9 a Stella T. Pratt 3h Strabo 2b Stronghow* 4a Strong-heart 43 Sublime* 4a Suda* Sunproof Orange 3b Sunrise* ... . 3b Sunsta.r* 41) Sylvia O'Neill 11) Tain* 2a Taskend* 7 Tasse d'Or 1 c Teeurnsa h 11 Termoir 10 Texas* la Thackeray ri Thalia 8•, The Admiral la The First 10 The Pearl 9 Thelma . 3b Therap-ia* 28. Thomas Hay 31. Ti'la Durieux 2b Tioga 1. Tipee.rary Tim 2b Tolvan 2b Topaz 2a Torrid lb Trappist 1.50 1.10 .76 .25 .70 .30 8.00 1.76 .10 3.00 1.00 .30 20 4.00 50 7.00 1.00 1.00 . . r31 .. 1.00 .20 .50 .50 40 2.00 . 5.00 .45 .25 .30 .30 2.00 .20 5.00 8.00 .40 .75 15 40 5.00 4.00 7.00 25 1.50 .50 .50 30 . . 2.00 .20 .20 .15 1.00 1.25 .50 1.00 1.00 1.00 .40 1.10 .50 la Treasure* .20 .45 3a 'Tredore* 1.20 2a Tregooses 4.00 2a Treno-on* .45 3b Trenoweth .75 3a Treskerhy* .25 .7 Trevithian* 7 Trim 1.25 .25 31i Triumphator 11.00 lc Trostan .10 la Trumpet Major 9.00 4a Truth* 6.00 2b Tulita Miner 2.00 4b Tullia .05 7 Tuilus Hustilius .40 4a Tunis* ........... _ 3b Turin* .60 0 10 Twink* .50 3a Twinkle .40 10 Valencia* .35 ie Van Waverens Giant .30 5 Venetia* .... .20 3b Vera .75 3b Verger* 1.00 31, Vernay 2.50 4a Veroniea .50 2b Vesta Tilley 9 Vitene* .35 3h Village Beauty .15 01) Vivid* .... .no 3a Volendam* .3.0 W. P. Milner* ./D 213 Waban 2.00 4a Wachuset .30 18 Wagners Rheingold* .30 2a Waiter Hampton* 1.00 21) Warlock* .30 3b Warspitet .20 la Warwick .60 2a Waterloo .25 lb Watteau .35 31, West Point 1.00 2a Wheel of Fortune 2.50 4a White Butterfly .50 4a White. Duchess .50 lb White Emperor* .10 4h 'White Lady* .25 White Nile* 4a _30 S White Pearl .50 7 White Wedgewood .45 2a Whitley Gern* ....... .20 21i Whitewell .10 2h Will Scarlet* _25 10. William Goldring 2. 95 2h William Pitt .30 Winnifred .25 la Wintergold* .35 8 Winterpride* .25 8 Xenophon* .20 8 X F.-rx es 10 Yellow Cheerfulness .15 2a Yellow Poppy - PRICES IN QUANTITY 12 Bulbs for the price of 10 bulbs 50 Bulbs for the price of 40 bulbs 100 Bulbs for the price of 70 bulbs Example 1 bulb 12 bulbs Beersheba Elly Ney Mixed-Special $ .40 .30 .09 $ 4.00 3.00 .90 50 bulbs $16.00 12.00 3.60 100 bulbs $28.00 21.00 6.30 PLANTING INSTRUCTIONS FOR DAFFODILS The main requirement for sucoass is a well drained soil. They are not happy in a wet spot where water will stand. Any good garden soil is ideal. Cow manure mixed in the soil _at. or preferably before planting time, is ideal and will produce blooms and bulbs of unbelievable size. Bone meal is the only safe substitute to use at planting time. A top dressing of stable manure is always helpful during the winter months. serving- aieo as a mulch. In the Middle Atlantic states plant bulbs deep enough so the neck of the bulb is covered with 3 or 4 inches or earth after the ground has settled. In the more Northern states 4 to 5 inches is desirable, while in the Southern states 2 or 3 inches is sufficient. Early planting is advisable so that the root syst em can develop before cold wea.ther sets in. All questions pertaining, to daffodils cheerfully answered.
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