Smackdown - v2.1
Smackdown - v2.1
User Environment Management (UEM) Comparison Whitepaper (aka Smackdown) Author(s): Rob Beekmans Version: 16.03 Date: May 2016 User Environment Management Comparison Whitepaper © 2016 PQR, all rights reserved. All rights reserved. Specifications are subject to change without notice. PQR, the PQR logo and its tagline ICT altijd binnen bereik are trademarks or registered trademarks of PQR in the Netherlands and/or other countries. All other brands or products mentioned in this document are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders and should be treated as such. Version 16.03 may 2016 Page i User Environment Management Comparison Whitepaper CONTENT 1. Introduction ..............................................................................................................................1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 2. Objectives .................................................................................................................................1 Intended Audience ....................................................................................................................1 Vendor Involvement .................................................................................................................1 Community involvement ..........................................................................................................1 Document creation process ......................................................................................................1 Suggestions and improvements ................................................................................................2 Sponsoring ................................................................................................................................2 Contact ......................................................................................................................................2 About.........................................................................................................................................4 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 About PQR .................................................................................................................................4 Acknowledgments.....................................................................................................................4 Community effort .....................................................................................................................6 Quotes from CTOs and Founders of UEM Product Companies ................................................8 3. Definitions and Terms used in this paper .................................................................................9 4. What is User Environment Management (and why should you care?) ..................................11 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 5. UEM: Defined ..........................................................................................................................11 UEM and the “Layer Cake” analogy ........................................................................................12 The Pre-History of UEM (and the case for better solutions) ..................................................13 Why UEM? ..............................................................................................................................16 In-Box UEM from Microsoft ....................................................................................................17 5.1 5.2 5.3 6. Microsoft’s own in-box UEM solution: Group Policy and Group Policy Preferences .............17 A quick note about Microsoft’s AGPM ...................................................................................22 Microsoft’s “now included” Roaming Profile Replacement / Successor: UE-V ......................22 Before deciding on a 3rd party UEM Solution .........................................................................25 6.1 6.2 6.3 7. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about 3RD party UEM tools .............................................25 What else should I look for in a UEM tool? ............................................................................28 The future of UEM and the UEM whitepaper .........................................................................30 Solution Overview ...................................................................................................................32 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7 Introduction ............................................................................................................................32 Vendor matrix, who has focus on what!? ...............................................................................33 AppiXoft ..................................................................................................................................34 AppSense ................................................................................................................................39 Citrix ........................................................................................................................................44 FSLogix: ...................................................................................................................................48 Liquidware Labs ......................................................................................................................53 Version 16.03 may 2016 Page ii User Environment Management Comparison Whitepaper 7.8 7.9 7.10 7.11 7.12 7.13 7.14 8. Norskale .................................................................................................................................58 PolicyPak Software..................................................................................................................61 RES ..........................................................................................................................................67 Tricerat ....................................................................................................................................72 Unidesk ...................................................................................................................................75 VMware User Environment Manager .....................................................................................80 VMware View Persona Management .....................................................................................85 UEM features Comparison ......................................................................................................87 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 8.7 8.8 8.9 8.10 Introduction ............................................................................................................................87 Roadmap and Future additions ..............................................................................................89 Feature Compare Matrix.........................................................................................................90 Generic features and functionality .........................................................................................91 User Profile Management .....................................................................................................103 User Personalization, Application and Desktop Management .............................................108 Application Access Control, Security Management ..............................................................117 Resource Management .........................................................................................................124 License Management ............................................................................................................126 Monitoring, Auditing and Reporting .....................................................................................127 9. Conclusion .............................................................................................................................132 10. Change Log ............................................................................................................................134 Version 16.03 may 2016 Page iii User Environment Management Comparison Whitepaper 1. INTRODUCTION Are you overwhelmed by all the different User Environment Management (UEM) solutions available? Are you looking for insights into User Environment Management? Are you looking for an independent overview of the User Environment Management solutions and curious about the different features and functions each UEM vendor is offering? If so, this updated Comparison Whitepaper (also known as PQR’s Smackdown) is a must read! In the current market, there is an increasing demand for unbiased information about User Environment Management solutions. This whitepaper focuses on solutions enabling businesses to manage the User Environment. An overview of features has been created to enable a better understanding and comparison of capabilities. 1.1 OBJECTIVES The overall goal of this whitepaper is to share information about: 1.2 What is User Environment Management? User Environment Management functionality and solutions overview; Describe the different UEM vendors and their solutions; Compare the functionality and features of various UEM solutions; INTENDED AUDIENCE This document is intended for IT Managers, Architects, Analysts, System Administrators and ITProfessionals in general who are responsible for and/or interested in designing, implementing and maintaining User Environment Management solutions. 1.3 VENDOR INVOLVEMENT All major vendors whose products are analyzed and described in the feature comparison have been approached in advance to create awareness of this whitepaper and discuss the different features and functionality. The product descriptions are written by the vendors, they had four pages of freedom to show their product to you. 1.4 COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT Members of the UEM community were approached to help with the update of this document. In the next chapter we’ll introduce the member of the community. 1.5 DOCUMENT CREATION PROCESS The document has been created with the help of the community and co-workers who did the initial review of solutions. The reviews were then reviewed by a peer reviewer before we ac- Version 16.03 6 juni 2016 Page 1 User Environment Management Comparison Whitepaper cepted them in the matrix. The vendors got the opportunity to review the matrix before publication and provide input about the review. If the input was considered valid the document was updated. 1.6 SUGGESTIONS AND IMPROVEMENTS We’ve done our best to be truthful, clear, complete and accurate in investigating and writing down the different solutions. Our goal is to write an unbiased objective document where possible, which is valuable for the readers. If you have any comments, corrections or suggestions for improvements of this document, we want to hear from you. We appreciate your feedback. Please send e-mail Rob Beekmans ( include the product name and version number and the title of the document in your message. 1.7 SPONSORING PQR does not receive any sponsoring from any vendor for this document. This document is created with the help of many community friends and the vendors. We find it of the utmost importance to be independent and stay independent in our whitepapers. The only sponsoring we get from vendors is their valuable review of the document for which we are very grateful. 1.8 CONTACT PQR; Tel: +31 (0)30 6629729 E-mail:;; Twitter: Version 16.03 6 juni 2016 Page 2 User Environment Management Comparison Whitepaper THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND FOR REFERENCE PURPOSES ONLY COPYRIGHT PQR PUBLISHING IN PART OR WHOLE IS PROHIBITED WITHOUT WRITTEN APPROVAL Version 16.03 6 juni 2016 Page 3 User Environment Management Comparison Whitepaper 2. ABOUT 2.1 ABOUT PQR PQR, trusted advisor and integrator for modern datacenter, workspace and cloud solutions, focuses on availability of data, applications and work spaces in a secure and manageable way. Along with a suite of IT services PQR guarantees a stable environment, to ensure ICT is always within your reach. PQR customers are active in all sectors of society and can be classified as medium to large organizations where ICT is essential to the business. PQR has profound knowledge of the education, government, profit and healthcare markets. In addition to many traceable references PQR absorbs a wide range of knowledge areas, according to high status levels and preferable certifications. PQR is Cisco Premier Partner, Citrix Platinum Solution Advisor, Hitachi Data Systems Platinum Partner, HP Platinum Partner, Microsoft Gold Partner, NetApp Star Partner, RES Platinum Partner and VMware Premier Partner. PQR, founded in 1990, is established in De Meern and counts over 100 employees. 2.2 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS LEADER Rob Beekmans is a 26-year IT veteran that worked in many fields in IT before he joined PQR almost 8 year ago. Rob is a senior consultant with a strong focus on Application and desktop delivery, User Environment Management, Mobility and Monitoring. Rob is a VMware vExpert and is a member of the VMware EUC-Champion group, The End-User Computing Champions Program is an “Outsiders-who-are-Insiders” Expert Program designed with the help of several EUC experts in the community. Rob shares his vision and insights on his personal blog, on webinars or on stage. Follow Rob on Twitter or visit his blog. If you want to contact Rob you can do so at The document previously was managed by my former PQR colleague Ruben Spruijt. After Ruben left a new “leader” was needed to make sure the document was updated. I took up the task to update the document and gathered a team of experts to help me. I thank Ruben for his hard work over the past years and wish him the best at his new job. Version 16.03 6 juni 2016 Page 4 User Environment Management Comparison Whitepaper Founder Ruben Spruijt is Chief Technology Officer at Atlantis Computing, responsible for driving vision, technology evangelism and thought leadership with Atlantis customers, partners and communities. Mr. Spruijt is a well-regarded author, speaker, market analyst, technologist, and all-around geek. An established industry leader and luminary, he is one of only a few individuals in the world to hold three prestigious virtualization awards: Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP), Citrix Technology Professional (CTP) and VMware vExpert. Mr. Spruijt has presented more than 150 sessions at national and international events such as BriForum, Citrix iForum Japan, Citrix Synergy, Gartner Catalyst, Microsoft Ignite, Microsoft TechEd, NVIDIA GTC, and VMworld. Mr. Spruijt founded several independent industry analysis bodies including Project Virtual Reality Check (VRC), Team Remote Graphics Experts (TeamRGE), AppVirtGURU written and co-authoring multiple disruptive ‘Smackdown’ research whitepapers. Mr. Spruijt is based in the Netherlands where he lives with his wife and three kids. Major contributors Special thanks go out to Jeremy who helped me with the initial review and edit of the first 50 pages of the document. He worked through the Dutch-English sentences and turned them to English. Without his hours of work on this the readability of the document would be worse. Further on he worked on the Microsoft piece of the document, which is a separate chapter for it’s the base everyone starts off from. Jeremy Moskowitz, Group Policy MVP: Jeremy is a 13-year recipient of the Microsoft MVP award with a concentration in Group Policy. He runs for Group Policy training and consulting. He also leads the solutions design at PolicyPak Software. Jeremy contributed the Microsoft Group Policy and Microsoft UE-V sections as well as the PolicyPak section. Follow Jeremy on twitter @jeremymoskowitz or at or Another big thanks goes out to my co-workers Hayscen de Lannoy who worked with me on the last edits of those 50 pages and the general review before this document was able to go live. Hayscen de Lannoy: Hayscen had his start in the IT field 18 years ago doing application migrations and desktop deployments. He is now a senior workspace consultant at PQR with a passion for Server Based Computing, VDI, User Environment Management, automation and deployment. Follow Hayscen on twitter at @hdelannoy. Version 16.03 6 juni 2016 Page 5 User Environment Management Comparison Whitepaper 2.3 COMMUNITY EFFORT The community is a very important part of my professional life, I can’t imagine not being in contact with many of the guys listed here. When I took up the job to update the paper I knew the community had to be included. So here are the community hero’s that made this version of the whitepaper possible. Of course this little piece of text does not reflect the time they invested, thanks guys for all the effort. It’s more than appreciated. Version 16.03 Igor van der Burgh Ryan Revord @Igor_vd_Burgh @rsrevord Sven Huisman Patrick van den Born @svenh @pvdnBorn Marius Sandbu Julien Sybille @msandbu @jsybille Rob Aarts Erik Bakker @Rob_Aarts @Bakker_Erik 6 juni 2016 Page 6 User Environment Management Comparison Whitepaper Mathias Kowalkowski Sean Massey @stflr @SeanpMassey David Seaman Henk Hoogendoorn @vyvere @HenkHoogendoorn Neo Crazy Dad @neocrazydady Patrick Rouse @Patrick_C_Rouse Geoffrey van der Molen Hayscen de Lannoy @hdlannoy @GeoffreyvdMolen Richard Kuiper @RKuiper Version 16.03 6 juni 2016 Page 7 User Environment Management Comparison Whitepaper 2.4 QUOTES FROM CTOS AND FOUNDERS OF UEM PRODUCT COMPANIES "Whether you want to get the latest insights on desktop virtualization or you are new to the space and need to quickly understand it, the UEM whitepaper is the essential guide to read. It provides detailed analysis of the different offerings in the market today and gives an overview of the strategic questions one should evaluate. This guide will be an excellent companion on your Application and Desktop Delivery journey. Kudos to PQR for their continuing effort." Bob Janssen, CTO and Founder, RES "As the UEM space continues to grow and mature, the capabilities of the solutions and products in this space are evolving - PQR's UEM whie paper educates the world on the depth and complexity of delivering true User Environment Management, and highlights the many different areas of functionality required for a comprehensive solution that can scale for organizations of all sizes. It is important for the technical community to have an independent, detailed review of UEM solutions and at AppSense, we're delighted to see PQR fill that void." Jon Rolls, VP Product Management, Appsense “In their efforts of balancing productivity and manageability, businesses will eventually see the value of User Environment Management. PQR’s UEM whitepaper is the invaluable guide for those who are looking for ways to make this balancing act feasible and affordable.” Richard Kuijpers, Managing Director, Appixoft “The UEM whitepaper is a good resource for starting your evaluation of UEM products. Desktop transformation involves many steps and User Management is an important one to get right. Choosing the best solution for your organization based on architecture, features, and value is essential and the UEM whitepaper of PQR brings this information together in one document.” Jason Mattox, CTO, Liquidware Labs “UEM can mean different things to different people. Ultimately it’s about adding more horsepower to managing the desktop and the user’s experience, than what is normally possible out of the box. The information in the UEM whitepaper offers IT admins solutions from different vendors to augment or supplant what’s in the box. The information in this guide could be the key you need to a true ‘next generation’ desktop experience as we head into the era of Windows 10 everywhere.” Jeremy Moskowitz, Founder, PolicyPak Software "We believe that workspace performance is key for all organizations, large and small, because it directly impacts the success of the most important aspects of an IT environment: user experience, simplicity, and budget. Our innovative algorithms optimize the way applications run, allowing up to 70% more end-users in virtual environments, while our UEM engine allows you to deliver fully managed workspaces with less than 10 second login times. All of this can be easily achieved by configuring only a few settings in the management console.” Pierre Marmignon, Founder and CEO of Norskale Version 16.03 6 juni 2016 Page 8 User Environment Management Comparison Whitepaper 3. DEFINITIONS AND TERMS USED IN THIS PAPER This table below gives an overview of various terms that we will be using in this paper. You can refer back to this section as needed throughout the paper. Term Definition User Profile The unique location within a Windows desktop to which a user has write access. Application will write user preferences to this location and the user can store data such as documents and pictures in this location as well. The profile is created when the user first logs onto a Windows desktop and persists on that desktop unless an administrator or policy deletes it Personalization (or Persona) A user’s customizations to their environment – e.g. wallpaper, shortcut placement, pinned items etc. Also includes application preferences written to the user profile. Used as a term to describe what is contained in a user profile User Environment Management A controlled and structured approach to managing components of the environment related to the user. This includes user profiles, preference, policy management, monitoring, auditing, application control and application deployment. Can be achieved with the Windows in-box tools, or can be enhanced using scripting or 3rd party solutions to achieve a particular desired result User State Virtualization Abstraction of user data and profile from the operating system – Roaming Profiles, Folder Redirection and Offline Files. User State is still tied to the version of the operating system and provides no separation of individual application preferences Originator: Microsoft User Virtualization When used alongside OS Virtualization and Application Virtualization; is a term that makes it easy to describe a layered approach to desktop management and building the user environment on demand. Usage extends to user profiles, user environment management, application control and user installed applications. Originator: AppSense Workspace Management Used to describe the process of abstracting user data and preferences from the operating system and along with application delivery, shortcut and file type association management, building the user environment dependent on the users’ context (identity, location, device etc.) Originator: RES User Profile Management Version 16.03 Move beyond roaming profiles to actively manage the user profile – may or may not provide segmentation of the profile 6 juni 2016 Page 9 User Environment Management Comparison Whitepaper Term Definition Layered User Personalization See User Virtualization Decoupling Personalization Separating the user profile from the operating system. See User Virtualization Profile Segmentation Segment the profile into smaller chunks of related profile settings – e.g. per-application settings. Those application settings may now be portable across operating systems User Virtualization Management See User Virtualization Application and Workspace Personalization See Workspace Management User Workspace Virtualization See User Virtualization Persistent Personalization Persist user profile data across sessions Persona Management See User Profile Management Profile Virtualization Implementing file system redirection to move the profile or parts of the profile from its real location on disk to another location. Not to be confused with Folder Redirection built into Windows Profile Streaming Rather than load the entire profile at logon, stream only the data to the client as it is requested. This improves logon times. Used in conjunction with profile virtualization Hybrid Profile Management Managing the user profile as a combination of a local or mandatory profile with user preferences or personalization added at logon or application start Profile Management See User Profile Management Profile Acceleration See Profile Streaming User Installed Applications The ability for a user to install an application and have that application then persist across different Windows desktops User Rights Management or Privilege Management Dynamic elevation of specific user rights via a defined policy to make administrative access more granular. Individual applications, Control Panel applets or Windows tasks can be delegated without adding the user to the local Administrators group Dynamic Privileges See User Rights Management Version 16.03 6 juni 2016 Page 10 User Environment Management Comparison Whitepaper 4. WHAT IS USER ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT (AND WHY SHOULD YOU CARE?) 4.1 UEM: DEFINED User Environment Management, or UEM for short, is an easy way to describe any addition to the in-the-box Windows experience to make the desktop more manageable. That being said, at one time, the (perhaps original) definition of UEM was somewhat more narrow; UEM once meant to roam settings from machine to machine without the use of roaming profiles. Since end-user computing needs got more sophisticated, use cases evolved, VDI, BYOD, and other desktop-enablement technologies emerged from infancy to adulthood, so transformed the original definition of UEM as well. UEM goes beyond the traditional “Configuration Management” (CM) and, indeed, in many cases is a complement and not a competition to Configuration Management utilities. Traditional CM solutions are products like Altiris Endpoint Management, LANDESK, IBM BigFix, Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM), Novell ZenWorks and others. To help to understand the difference between UEM and CM, here are some core feature examples that describe typical non-overlapping features between the two concepts. CM product features sample: Deploy operating systems and desktop software Perform patch management Perform hardware and software inventory Configure antivirus UEM product features sample: Roam end-user settings between machines Configure desktop look and feel Map drives, deploy printers, create shortcuts Show / hide / layer applications on a desktop Manage and configure Internet Explorer As such, the primary focus of the Client Management solutions is the client device and not primarily the end-user’s workspace. UEM products, on the other hand are about the user’s experience and interaction to their desktop, and not about the client device. Version 16.03 6 juni 2016 Page 11 User Environment Management Comparison Whitepaper Therefore our definition of User Environment Management (UEM) for 2016 is: “User Environment Management (UEM) is any software solution which facilitates the management of the end-user user computing environment. The software’s primary focus would be about the end-user experience and not on the end user's device”. That being said, in the same way no two products are the same, neither will you find the exact same feature set in a CM product, nor will you find the same feature set in a UEM product. One UEM product might roam settings between machines, and another might not have that feature at all, and instead, do an amazing job at configuring the desktop look and feel. Another UEM product might not do either of those functions, but instead perform application hiding. Said another way, the spectrum of UEM products is quite diverse. Because of that an IT department might start by using the in-the-box UEM solution (Group Policy) augment or replace it with one or more 3rd party UEM products to make a whole solution which solves the particular business and end-user cases needed. Some UEM products try to do “everything.” Some UEM products try to do just one thing. Other UEM products do a handful of things. 4.2 UEM AND THE “LAYER CAKE” ANALOGY A user with a fresh install of Windows 10 and nothing else equals a user who cannot do any real work. To perform real work, a user needs: Applications. Drive maps. Shortcuts. Printers. Security, desktop and application settings. Personalized look and feel settings. Access to documents. …..and a lot more. As such, just providing a desktop to a user gives him very little to do. Therefore, the term “Layer Cake” has emerged as model to express what must happen after the desktop is deployed. These layers can be layered on directly or in virtualized pieces. The ideal situation is to break up (or isolate) the Operating System (OS), the Applications (Apps) and the User Components. By isolating each piece, you can interchange any of the pieces, and still have a functioning desktop system “cake.” Version 16.03 6 juni 2016 Page 12 User Environment Management Comparison Whitepaper In the figure 1, we can see the basis of the layer cake: OS is first (bottom) Applications are second (middle) User settings are last (top) Figure 1 To go deeper into the layer model: 4.3 OS: OS delivery can occur in a myriad of ways such as golden / master image, streaming image, layered, VDI, RDS, etc. Applications: Applications can be present by being “physically installed” (using MSI), placed there with Application Virtualization, and/or layered and/or hidden. User: User settings (and restrictions) are last, which include personalization, security policies, look and feel settings, and so on. THE PRE-HISTORY OF UEM (AND THE CASE FOR BETTER SOLUTIONS) Before vendors came along with elegant solutions to solve desktop environment challenges, it was reasonably common for IT admins to cobble together their own rudimentary solutions for desktop management. For instance, if you couldn’t install two applications on the same desktop, admins would simply install the applications on two different servers (siloing them), and publishing the applications for use. Poof! Instant workaround! But, with workarounds come problems. While this reduced application conflicts, now the silo introduced problems ensuring that user’s preferences are available across different hosts and kept consistent between sessions! So Roaming Profiles (in Microsoft Windows) were introduced to store and recall settings. The goal of Microsoft Windows Roaming Profiles goals was to store user-changed settings so they were recalled and available the next time the user logged on, or when the user changed machines. Version 16.03 6 juni 2016 Page 13 User Environment Management Comparison Whitepaper But with Roaming Profiles came other problems. Some problems with roaming profiles were real, actual problems. Other problems with roaming profiles felt like real problems, but instead were misunderstanding or perception problems. Other problems were simply mere annoyances with the way Microsoft handled roaming profiles’ implementation. Let’s break down the three categories of roaming profile issues: Roaming Profile implementation annoyances Roaming profile “real problems” Roaming profile “perceived problems” Roaming profile implementation annoyances Roaming profiles should have been implemented such that it was drop-dead easy to roam from machine to machine and operating system to operating system. However, the implementation from Microsoft is simply not that way. Instead, Microsoft’s recommendation is that all versions of the profile (mostly based upon operating system revisions) should be siloed. That is, you shouldn’t intermingle user preference data from one version to another; nor can you intermingle 32 and 64 bit profiles (Microsoft KB Therefore, the Operating System to Profile Version chart looks like what’s seen in Figure 2. Figure 2 Then after successfully siloing each operating system’s data, the next prescription would then to use Redirected Folders to get to end-user data. The end-result would be roaming from machine to machine, regardless of machine type. And even though there was a different profile for each operating system, at least the user could access the same data, because of the folder redirection. Roaming profile “real” problems: Besides the implementation annoyance of having to silo roaming profiles, there are some actual real problems with roaming profiles. Over time, lots of user settings can be stored in the profile. And therefore at login time, when speed is most needed, that time is wasted loading the (now large) user profile. That being said, even since Windows XP, roaming profiles only need to download only the NTUSER.DAT file and Version 16.03 6 juni 2016 Page 14 User Environment Management Comparison Whitepaper only the changes between the profile and what's already on the machine. This does pose a real problem for non-persistent VDI desktops and whenever users log into a brand new machine or session, because that first login is always downloading the whole profile; thus being slow (the first time.) Another real problem of roaming profiles is that if a user made an undesired change or for whatever reason the user's state needed to be restored, there was no good way to do this. Even performing a real backup and restore could sometimes not restore the state back as users expected. Roaming profile “not real” & perception problems: It is definitely true that you can corrupt a profile if you don’t heed Microsoft’s warning to silo your roaming profiles based upon operating system. And in the distant past, it was quite easy to roam from Windows NT to Windows 2000 and causing actual profile corruption along the way. One of the perceived problems with roaming profiles might not actually be a problem at all. Since windows 7 and continuing on to Windows 10, actual profile corruption could be a perceived phenenomon as opposed to a real actual problem occurance. This blog entry from Mike Stephens at Microsoft really says it all, and is worth a read. It's entitled "Mythical Creatures - Corrupt User Profiles" and is found here. If you want a second opinion from a profile expert read "Corrupt User Profiles - Do They Even Exist?" which is found here. Said another way, roaming profiles are not without problems and drawbacks. But actual hardcore “corruption” could simply be misintrepration of what is really occurring on a system. Using scripts to compensate for Roaming Profiles and missing functions out of the box. Logon scripts, logoff scripts, startup scripts, shutdown scripts and manually executed scripts have often been used to work around in-box limitations where IT admins have wanted to enhance the user environments. Script engines like VBscript, KiXstart, Powershell, and others aren’t usually optimized for speed nor do they often have error handling or reporting. Scripts cannot cater for everything a user could potentially do during their session. Scripts also have to be maintained by engineers who understand how to write and maintain scripts. Which is good for job security but bad for continuity, agility and long term supportability. Some organizations have even written their own full-blown in-house UEM solutions because, historically, the market wasn’t mature enough with commercial solutions. Even if an in-house UEM solution works reasonably well, even one minor feature change could introduce a large IT cost to build and maintain as well as distract the IT team from other important tasks. Version 16.03 6 juni 2016 Page 15 User Environment Management Comparison Whitepaper 4.4 WHY UEM? Now that we’ve established why UEM was needed, let’s continue onward with a slightly different angle. Let’s try to sussinclty answer the question: “What are the primary reasons for implementing any UEM solution?” The potential answers are as varied as they are many: Version 16.03 Improve user experience when logging on Migrate between OS’s while maintaining user settings Enable installing of user’s own applications (User-installed applications) Avoiding use of Windows Roaming profiles Extending Group Policy to do more (and go to more places) Replace scripts with something graphical and consistent. Provide better and granular support of user and application preferences. Enforce / enable access to applications, file-types, (removable) devices, network and data resources. Enable context awareness (ie: Based on user location, device and custom settings, grant access to applications, data, network resources, devices and preferences dynamically) It facilitates Resource Management to control and optimize usage of CPU, Memory resources with focus on applications and (Virtual) Desktops. Facilitate BYOD Layer applications not already found in the base image Hide applications pre-installed in the base image Report on detailed information changes inside the User Environment Management environment which could be needed for compliancy and certification standards such as Persona Information Acts (HIPAA), ISO 27001, SOX and NEN 7510. Audit and monitor user environments for security events 6 juni 2016 Page 16 User Environment Management Comparison Whitepaper 5. IN-BOX UEM FROM MICROSOFT Almost all IT departments use Windows as their platform of choice; and as such all the areas we discuss will be Windows-centric. And with the pre-paid investment in Windows already comes a small advantage: there’s already a UEM solution in the box from Microsoft. This section explores what is ostensibly “free” since it’s already paid for and in most cases already partially or fully utilized. Most organizations will have a Microsoft environment and with that comes the license agreement. That license agreement hands you an in-box UEM solution from Microsoft. Is this one product? No the UEM solution Microsoft is handing you is a combination of multiple tools imbedded in Windows. With the Microsoft license agreement comes Group Policy and Group Policy Preferences. Depending on the license agreement, SA licensed or not, you get access to UE-V. These tools will offer you a basic UEM solution that might just do for you. For more advanced UEM features or more complex scenario’s you need to look at other vendors to complement Microsoft in your organization.So first we will show you what Microsoft has to offer, you have to understand what is there before you can decide if it will do for you. 5.1 MICROSOFT’S OWN IN-BOX UEM SOLUTION: GROUP POLICY AND GROUP POLICY PREFERENCES Microsoft’s solution for User Environment Management is built in the Group Policy mechanism. There’s a lot to be said for the native Microsoft tools. Both Group Policy (GP) with Group Policy Preferences (GPPrefs) form the basis of an excellent solution for managing computers and the user environment. Indeed, Microsoft acquired DesktopStandard in order to acquire Group Policy Preferences, which has positively delighted many administrators since its inclusion in 2008. However some customers find that Group Policy either requires additional 3rd party add-ons (Group Policy is extensible) or a complete replacement via alternate solutions. Group Policy does a great job for managing the Microsoft pieces in the box. Microsoft ships more than 3500 policy settings that will set and lock down various operating system look and feel items and set various security settings. That being said, there are two types of settings within the Group Policy system: Version 16.03 Policy Settings: These are “True policy” in that a standard user cannot actively work around these set settings. These are all the Adminitrative Template items and security items. Preferences Items: Microsoft’s Group Policy Preferences acts differently, in that nearly all the directives can be worked around – by design – by the user. That’s why they’re 6 juni 2016 Page 17 User Environment Management Comparison Whitepaper called “Preferences.” For instance, Group Policy Preference’s most popular features are delivering Drive Maps, Printers and Shortcuts. And the user at whim can delete all of these settings. It is notable that Group Policy Preferences settings can re-apply during Group Policy background refresh, but only if the client can actively make contact with a Domain Controller and is not offline. The Group Policy ecosystem is only a “settings delivery” mechanism and doesn’t care what happens after the settings are delivered. After settings are delivered, if a user changes “user controllable” areas, then Roaming Profiles will typically contain these settings. Group Policy and Group Policy preferences’ additions greatly enhance the administrator’s toolbox and opportunities for managing the user environment; however there are several important pieces still missing from this arsenal: • • • Microsoft’s own Roaming profiles have the same continued challenges: Roaming Profiles are still only supported per OS – organizations are unable to provide application settings across operating system versions. Scripts could still be necessary for some tasks: Scripts might still be needed, and maintained plus they continue to have the same limitations as the scripts we used to write. Though skillful use of Group Policy Preferences can often eliminate the need for many, if not all, of a company’s scripts. Some Group Policy Preferences items have not been made upwardly compatible with Windows 10, such as File Open assignments. As stated, a Group Policy infrastructure is made up of Group Policy Objects (GPOs) and can natively contain directives called Policy or Preferences, but is also extensible to 3rd party directives. Group Policy can be configured by creating a GPO and linking the GPO to a Site, Domain or Organizational Unit in Active Directory. GPOs can contain both User and Computer side directives. The configured settings are applied by the client at startup, logon and approximately every 90 minutes in the background (processed independently on User and Computer side.) Group Policy Preferences provides 21 user-environment management (UEM) abilities to Group Policy and works from Windows XP clients onward. Group Policy Preferences greatly extend the possibilities to configure the user environment and in many cases eliminates the need for complex logon scripts. Group Policy Preferences’ most popular features include delivering drive mappings, shortcuts and printer assignments Roaming Profiles may or may not be used with Group Policy. That is, there is no “all or nothing” with regard to Group Policy and Roaming Profiles. Many organizations choose to take advantage of Group Policy and Group Policy Preferences without ever turning on roaming or mandatory profiles. Version 16.03 6 juni 2016 Page 18 User Environment Management Comparison Whitepaper The configuration of roaming or mandatory profiles is usually handled using Active Directory Users and Computers directly upon a users’ Active Directory account. Benefits Group Policy, Group Policy Preferences are free as they come with the Microsoft Windows installation. Since it’s in the box most administrators have had some use of Group Policy and/or Group Policy Preferences. Other benefits are: Works across any Windows experience - Physical, Virtual, and Laptops. Works across all Windows operating systems from Windows XP onward; continued support for all Windows 10 endpoint systems. Compatible with Microsoft RDS, VMware Horizon View, Citrix XenApp and Citrix XenDesktop. No software to install on desktops, no additional shell environment. Data stays in Windows native format, you're never locked into a data jail. No architecture to deploy – everything is stored on domain controllers; the Group Policy client is already on all Windows endpoints. One-single solution for all of your Windows desktops. Rich history of being extended by 3rd parties to perform specialized functions that are not present “in the box”. Functionality With Group Policy Settings, the main functionality is: Configure the look and feel of the desktop for in-the-box Windows functions (Control Panel, Desktop, etc.) Manage security aspects: underlying operating system, firewall security, application whitelisting / blacklisting (AppLocker) Lockdown supported areas to prevent unauthorized changes to the system. Configure behavior of roaming profiles, folder redirection and offline files With Group Policy Preferences, the following functionality is available for user and computer configuration (user-side shown in screenshot below): Version 16.03 Map Drives, Printers, Shortcuts and more. Set environment variables. Deliver files, create folders folder. Simple INI files and Registry edits. ODBC settings. Perform device restrictions. Set folder options, Internet Explorer settings, Start Menu. 6 juni 2016 Page 19 User Environment Management Comparison Whitepaper Group Policy Objects and Preferences contain functionality to configure both the user and computer as well. Generally, when a computer receives a computer-side setting, all users who use that computer are affected. Context-awareness using Item-Level Targeting Group Policy Preferences items have a rich collection of built-in “Item Level Targeting” filters. These enable specific Group Policy Preferences items to affect machines specifically based on location, machine, group, IP address, OU, and other filters. Figure 3: Targeting A partial list of ILT filters is shown in the screenshot. A full list of context-aware ILT filters can be found at Architecture Active Directory Services is required to centrally manage and assign Group Policy Objects and Preferences. Although some Group Policy settings can be configured on each computer – one by one -- locally (using gpedit.msc). This is not a great option when mass configuration in an enterprise environment is desired. Group Policy Objects containing Policy and Preferences can be linked to Active Directory at different levels (sites, domain, OU) and directed to users and/or computers. Version 16.03 6 juni 2016 Page 20 User Environment Management Comparison Whitepaper When using multiple Group Policy Objects, the processing order is always: Local, Site, Domain, OU. The last effective Group Policy Object wins, but higher-level administrators can always ensure their directives “win” by using the “Enforced” setting upon a GPO. Some Group Policy settings directly or indirectly change registry settings. Microsoft provides Administrative Templates (*.adm, admx), which affect operating system settings, and some applications like Microsoft Office or App-V. Licensing No additional licenses are needed to get started with Group Policy Objects and/or Group Policy Preferences. The default Windows Client Access License is enough. Speed concerns While there are some reasons that Group Policy could be slowing down a startup or a login, in practice the most common reason Group Policy can be perceived to be “slow” is the improper use of startup and login scripts which try to perform “too much”; such as copying large files (every time at login), waiting for user input (and timing out), or referencing servers which don’t exist -- thus holding up prescious startup or login time. Another common reason for slowdowns is trying to deploy “very large” printer drivers via Group Policy Preferences (which can be 30 – 500MB depending on the vendor.) Said another way, when using Login or Startup scripts, or deploying large printer drivers via Group Policy, Group Policy is performing exactly what it’s supposed to do. While not every administrative action can be accounted for, the Group Policy engine itself has several built in throttling mechanisms to specifically prevent slowness at startup and login: Version 16.03 Each GPO has a “version number” so that GPO’s contents are not re-downloaded if a client has already seen the contents of a GPO. Said another way the client doesn’t redownload each GPO every time, it only downloads new or changed GPOs, automatically speeding up startups and logins. Starting in Windows XP (and continuing onward thru all Windows clients), all Group Policy operations are, by default, performed in the background when possible. This prevents most slowdowns from even being “felt” by the end user. Starting in Windows 8.1, and when synchronous processing is required, the client will use “locally cached GPOs” which exist on the client machine to speed login time (which would have traditionally occurred over the network). Starting in Windows 8.1, one of the more popular Group Policy Preferences items, Drive Maps, was re-written to always work in the background, speeding up login time whenever Group Policy Preferences Drive Maps was used on a client, and therefore all Group Policy processing overall. Starting in Windows 8.1, login scripts are delayed for processing until 5 minutes after login. This is to prevent disk contention during the most critical time of setting up the 6 juni 2016 Page 21 User Environment Management Comparison Whitepaper users’ Explorer and (possible first time profile setup.) The delayed login script feature of Windows 8.1 is is configurable to any value, including turning this feature off. Therefore, Group Policy’s slowness can be mitigated when admins know where to look. In these cases, a wholesale “replacement” of Group Policy and Group Policy Preferences for another tool which replicates the Group Policy or Group Policy Preferences functionality isn’t something every company should be looking to do until they’ve exhausted all troubleshooting options with the Windows product they’ve already paid for. For very detailed information about finding and locating Group Policy slowdown issues, see Group Policy: Notes from the Field - Tips, Tricks, and Troubleshooting, a talk from TechEd North America 2014 from Jeremy Moskowitz, Group Policy MVP found here. 5.2 A QUICK NOTE ABOUT MICROSOFT’S AGPM Microsoft’s Advanced Group Policy Management (AGPM) gets a special note here for two reasons. First, Microsoft AGPM is often misunderstood in what it can and cannot do. Specifically, Microsoft AGPM adds “change management” around Group Policy Objects themselves. That is, AGPM’s main goal is to help multiple administrators create, edit, approve and rollback GPOs in a systematic way. Contrary to popular believe, AGPM provides zero added client-side superpowers or benefits beyond what’s already in the box with Group Policy and Group Policy Preferences. AGPM is simply a way to store GPOs “offline”, manage them with a team, and put them into production in a systemized fashion. For a quick rundown of AGPM Myths and Facts, see the document at (this link). As a side note, AGPM 4.0 SP3 was recently released with minor update to work with Windows 10 clients and recently added Powershell support. 5.3 MICROSOFT’S “NOW INCLUDED” ROAMING PROFILE REPLACEMENT / SUCCESSOR: UE-V In previous UEM whitepaper, Microsoft’s UE-V was considered a “competitor” to other UEM solutions found in the next section of this paper which sought to work around the limitations of Roaming Profiles. That’s because Microsoft previously sold and licensed UE-V as part of a suite of utilities called MDOP or the Microsoft Desktop Optimation Pak. But Microsoft doesn’t sell MDOP anymore. MDOP is now simply included to all Software Assurance customers. Therefore, understanding UE-V before investigating 3rd party UEM tools is paramount, because ostensibly, you can think of UE-V being almost like it’s “in the box” now for Software Assurance customers. Version 16.03 6 juni 2016 Page 22 User Environment Management Comparison Whitepaper Architecture, Operations and Functionality Overview Microsoft UE-V has main four components: UE-V Agent (as an MSI); UE-V Settings Location Templates; UE-V Settings Storage Location. UE-V Template Generator utlity. The UE-V agent must be deployed to all machines where user preferences are to be managed. The agent looks for the presence of UE-V templates on the machine or a network location defined by the administrator. UE-V templates define the application to be monitored and the locations within that application to monitor. The UE-V agent then traps user-created preferences changes to applications and stores them remotely for later use. UE-V storage of settings can be stored in a file share or the users home drive. When applications are launched (on the same machine or different machine), the user’s application settings are downloaded before the application is launched. The UE-V agent will send the user’s changed settings back at the following times: Logon, logoff, locking the machine, unlocking the machine and connecting to an RDS session. If the user is offline when he makes an application settings change, then it is stored and forwarded the next time the user connects. Lastly, UE-V has a PowerShell interface to accept a command that can roll back settings for a particular application to an initial state. Additionally available is the UE-V Generator utility, which enables administrators to create their own templates for most applications. Benefits UE-V is a step up from Microsoft’s traditional roaming profiles because only the applications’ settings the user needs are downloaded at application launch time, instead of the entire profile and all settings being downloaded at login time. UE-V ships with some UE-V templates to help roam common Microsoft applications such at Internet Explorer, Microsoft Office, and operating system desktop settings and accessories. UE-V also ships with a template Generator utility that enables administrators to create their own templates for well-behaved applications. Microsoft officially supports the in the box templates for UE-V, and also has non-supported additional UE-V templates available for download in the UE-V Gallery (link here). The UE-V agent can be managed using Group Policy with downloadable ADMX templates and adive from this link. Detractors There are some known issues with UE-V as follows: Version 16.03 6 juni 2016 Page 23 User Environment Management Comparison Whitepaper There is no “Roaming Profiles to UE-V” wizard to help existing administrators migrate from roaming profiles, although administrators could run both solutions together during a migration phase. UE-V is now out for several years, and there really is still no guidance or documentation from Microsoft to help administrators migrate from roaming profiles to UE-V. UE-V is not supported on Windows XP and there are no plans to make it work on Windows XP machines. Licensing and Download UE-V is ostensibly free for al Microsoft SA customers. UE-V is download as part of the MDOP (Microsoft Desktop Optimization Pack). More info on licensing MDOP (which includes UE-V and AGPM as discussed in this document) can be found at (this link.) Again, MDOP contains six total tools, of which UE-V is just one of them. Version 16.03 6 juni 2016 Page 24 User Environment Management Comparison Whitepaper 6. BEFORE DECIDING ON A 3RD PARTY UEM SOLUTION Most of the remainder of this paper details 3rd party UEM solutions. Because no two solutions are alike, and there is Microsoft’s in-box UEM tools (Group Policy, Group Policy Preferences and UE-V), here are some items you might want to think about before you even start to investigate any 3d party UEM tool. 6.1 FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS (FAQ) ABOUT 3RD PARTY UEM TOOLS Q: Now that Microsoft has its own roaming profile replacement tool (Microsoft UE-V) and it’s ostensibly “free” tool (for SA customers), what does this mean for me as an IT admin, and what does it mean for other UEM vendors? A: The release of a true profile management solution by Microsoft is a significant step in validating that profile management and cross desktop roaming matters to enterprise customers. It effectively confirms that profile management has now become a commodity, especially now that all of the 3 main desktop virtualization vendors (Microsoft, Citrix and VMware) essentially bundle roaming profile replacement solutions with their core products. Microsoft is marching forward with developing UE-V features, but they are effectively behind other UEM players in terms of maturity and feature sets. If you are a Microsoft SA customer you might first take a look at your Microsoft tooling since they are included in the license. Depending on your business requirements you might want to look at other UEM solutions. Q: Do 3rd party UEM solutions make desktop virtualization projects cheaper? A: So, you need to be careful when asking this question. All the vendors with 3rd party UEM solutions will try to “Yes” to the question “Does UEM make managing the desktop cheaper?” The short answer to this is No, it won’t make it cheaper, UEM is not meant to make projects cheaper, it’s meant to offer you a solution in the end-user environment that makes end-users more happy and flexible. It will, when implemented correctly, save money on management of the environment. Q: Do these solutions make desktop virtualization easier and faster to implement? A: Customers who already have User Environment Management solutions deployed should see a benefit and improvement in deployment times and adoption when implementing desktop virtualization (or even a new physical desktop) – in-house knowledge and processes should already exist making implementation simpler and thus faster. If the customer is migrating from an existing desktop environment to new environment, these tools are intended to assist in migrating profiles and login scripts from the older desktops into the new desktops. This would be the ideal way to ease entry into desktop virtualization; however other than replacing scripts with GUI tools, desktop virtualization may not necessarily be Version 16.03 6 juni 2016 Page 25 User Environment Management Comparison Whitepaper faster. It will make implementation easier as you can guarantee that settings are deployed to each and ever desktop identically. Q: How difficult are 3rd party UEM solutions to install, configure and maintain? A: Although some of these solutions have been around for some time, the knowledge required for implementation is not as broadly available as those that are included with the in –box Windows UEM tools. The difficulty of using a solution depends per product; one is more difficult to learn than the other. In general you could say that anyone with several years of experience in IT should be able to learn if rather fast. This knowledge “issue” is also there with the standard in-box Windows possibilities, to use the tools offered there requires learning as well. If you start with a solid understanding of what you want to solve you’re half way there. Technically, all UEM products were niche solutions – trying to solve a particular problem. Remember that many UEM solutions sprang from problems born from the world of Terminal Server deployments and the problems found there. As you consider a 3rd party UEM solution, making a decision implementation includes knowing: • • • • Infrastructure requirements - database and file storage, network requirements etc. Configuration optimization - creating an initial configuration and optimizing it as the project progresses. Implementing the best configuration solution for specific scenarios – there are multiple ways to solve a configuration scenario. Training and staffing: who is going to “own” this new 3rd party UEM solution in your organization. How will you train the next team member? Q: Do these solutions replace any existing tools/processes? A: In most deployments, large portions of logons scripts (VBscript, Jscript, KiXtart) can be replaced with graphical user interfaces from different UEM solutions. That should, in theory, generalize the knowledge required to support the user environment (replacing specialized knowledge). As you move more and more User related management in one tool other tools and processes might be obsolete. Will it replace all tools you currently use? Probably not, but that will differ for each organization. Q: Are all UEM vendors selling the same thing? A: Actually, no. It’s true many UEM vendors are first and foremost trying to resolve the issues with “Roaming” Profiles and often make logins faster. That being said, some UEM vendors aren’t trying to do anything like that at all. Version 16.03 6 juni 2016 Page 26 User Environment Management Comparison Whitepaper And still other UEM vendors are also selling add-ons to their core solutions and branching out to other areas as well. For instance, AppSense, RES, Citrix, VMware and Microsoft all have something that tries to replace in-box Roaming Profiles. But vendors like Unidesk and FSLogix are building solutions, which add (or hide) application layers, making applications interchangeable on an already-delivered desktop. And, to take a brief look at some other varying examples, AppSense, RES, Liquidware Labs, and PolicyPak Software are all taking very different approaches with their portfolios. AppSense is branching into Mobile Device Management, Data Access and User Installed Applications Unidesk layers applications on VDI images FSLogix hides applications pre-installed in golden images Liquidware Labs has branched out to User Installed Applications and application layering RES now delivers Workflow Automation, Data Access and an Service Store as well a security in their UEM solutions PolicyPak focuses on “what’s missing” in Microsoft’s portfolio and leverages customers existing Microsoft Group Policy or SCCM intrastructure and/or AGPM, Roaming Profiles or UE-V to make a complete solution. Q: Will Windows 10 change the game? A: When Windows 8 was released, Microsoft introduced some new roaming features with modern (aka Metro / Universal) applications. These settings can be roamed when users marry their on-premises accounts with a Windows SkyDrive account. Or, they can also be roamed with Microsoft’s product UE-V, discussed earlier. What about Windows 10? The main feature of Windows 10 is that it’s supposedly the “last” version of Windows, with in-place upgrades going forward. In this way, it becomes less important for UEM vendors to say that they are always on the bleeding edge of operating system compatibility, because eventually, nearly all systems will be on Windows 10. Therefore, UEM solutions will always be needed to fill the gap, to manage the desktop experience, and provide an awesome experience for end-users. Will Windows 10 be a game changer? I don’t think so, I think the game changer has been the development in storage that made virtual desktop environments more interesting from a cost perspective. Before storage was the bottleneck for many many disks where needed to offer any performance, today speed isn’t an issue and more organizations move to virtual desktops and of course Window 10. Q: Do these solutions really help with Application Virtualization, or is that just marketing? Version 16.03 6 juni 2016 Page 27 User Environment Management Comparison Whitepaper A: Yes. Various UEM solutions can actually manage user personalization data inside of “bubbles” or “sandboxes” where virtual applications reside. If you’re using Application Virtualization products like App-V or ThinApp, then ensure your UEM product works alongside it and can manage and/or roam user’s settings from within the bubbles. The market of application virtualization is shifting from virtualization to layering as Unidesk, Liquidware Labs Profile Unity and VMware Appvolumes offer application layering methods where applications are installed in reference machine and attached to desktops when needed. This is not virtualization and won’t isolate anything. It is a new way of offering departemental applications. 6.2 WHAT ELSE SHOULD I LOOK FOR IN A UEM TOOL? Remember that no UEM tool is right for everyone. As such, here are the key items to look for within all the tools in this guide, and see which one is right for you. User personalization and/or Application and Desktop Management This is typically the core of most UEM tools, but not all. The usual complement of features would be items like: • • • • • • • Configure the users look and feel of the desktop Assign drive mappings to network shares Assign printers Assign applications and corresponding settings Set, change or delete Registry settings Provision specific application settings, such as Microsoft Outlook profile(s) Provision Database connection settings (ODBC) Both in-box Microsoft’s Group Policy / Group Policy Preferences Preferences and, in general, 3rd party UEM solutions offer the possibility to make many of these configurations. The difference to Microsoft offering and the other UEM solution is that most others are offering contextawerness with all the features. Allowing you to controle when a printer is connected and when a setitngs is loaded versus it is loaded always at logon in every scenario. Whitelist / blacklist: Application Access Control As of Windows 7 Microsoft provides Applocker which can be used to allow or block user-context applications from running. New to Windows 10 is DeviceGuard, which can provide both user-mode and kernel-mode code integrity. That being said, some UEM solutions give the IT admin-enhanced ability to strictly determine what applications the user is allowed the use, and make that context aware. For instance, when working on a desktop on-premises the user is allowed to access and use the HRM data- Version 16.03 6 juni 2016 Page 28 User Environment Management Comparison Whitepaper base application. However, when accessing a desktop from a computer at home the HRM database application is not available. This functionality can be extended to time, location, device or with specific requirements on the computer the user uses. With security management, the User Environment Management solution provides and enforces access to applications. Some vendors offer the ability to deliver a functionality of an application or button in an application based on a user or group whereas other cannot do this other than per server/desktop. User Rights Management / Elevation Newer to some 3rd party UEM tools is the ability to sidestep UAC prompts. If you want to accelerate your walk away from admins on all workstations, consider a solution which enables you to specify where UAC prompts can be automatically run with admin rights. Resource Management Resource Management monitors individual users and/or processes for excessive usage and takes appropriate action when exceeding thresholds. In addition logging of these events can be very useful to determine system bottlenecks. This can help pack more users onto shared resources like VDI and RDS. License Management UEM solutions with license management enable you to configure the licensing model (per named user, per device/system, concurrent user or site) for each application. License management can provide insights into application usage. With monitoring application usage, organizations can better determine the amount of licenses needed. In some cases this means that many users don’t use specific applications and therefore savings are possible. Monitoring, Auditing and Reporting Make sure that the UEM solution you invest in has reporting that makes sense for your organization. Sometimes “too much” reporting means you wont use it at all. Likewise make sure you understand how to troubleshoot your UEM solution so when something goes wrong, you have a basic understanding of what to try to fix. “Just in time” / Layered Application Delivery / User-installed applications. Some UEM solutions can help you manage your number of gold images. They will enable you to layer applications on after the image is deployed. Others will help you hide applications after the image is deployed. Others will enable you to provide a method for users to install their own applications. Just-in-time delivery achieves several things: Version 16.03 6 juni 2016 Page 29 User Environment Management Comparison Whitepaper 1. It improves the user experience by allowing the user to get to their applications and data faster – the user is productive sooner. 2. IT has better control and view of the user environment because we are now having a clearer view of the user layer. 3. The business can now have more trust and confidence in their computing environment because it can be a more proactive environment. A way to think about why you might need Just-in-time delivery of applications is shown in Figure 3. Here you can see that the largest percentage of users uses the same number of applications (say, Microsoft Office.) But the more applications you have, the fewer number of your users actually utilize them. Figure 4: Applications in specific user context Source: Citrix You might also need the ability to enable users to install their own applications. This might sound odd within the context of User Environment Management – allowing users to make changes in a managed environment, but this will become part of the toolset for getting any application to the user in any context. 6.3 THE FUTURE OF UEM AND THE UEM WHITEPAPER One question I get on a regular basis is how do you see the future of this document? Will there be a next version alike? In the field we all see customers working with a versatile number of devices working while using resources in a cloud or on on-premises. These devices need to be managed. They have applications, data and settings that need central management. This is not different from the UEM management where we want central management for applications, data and settings for employees working on FAT clients or in a virtual environment. Merging of those two businesses is Version 16.03 6 juni 2016 Page 30 User Environment Management Comparison Whitepaper coming our way, there is no us and them anymore in the near future. UEM and EMM will merge into one, there is no way we can stop that. In the future, and the future is now, users will work on different devices expecting the same experience everywhere. UEM and EMM will need to work together offering that, one managing the device the other everything on the device. Look at what VMware is doing with UEM and Airwatch and Horizon View, look at what Microsoft is doing with Enterprise State Roaming and OneDrive. Citrix also has all the tools in hand with XenMobile, VDA agent and receiver to manage any device for any user. So to answer the question, I think the next version or at least one of the next versions will be a merge of the two worlds, a workspace management comparison whitepaper of some sort, perhaps a different name but one with both worlds combined. Version 16.03 6 juni 2016 Page 31 User Environment Management Comparison Whitepaper 7. SOLUTION OVERVIEW 7.1 INTRODUCTION To get an overview of the major players in the User Environment Management space, a number of solutions are explained in this chapter (sorted alphabetically by vendor). These solutions have a broad range of lighter functionality to “everything included” functionality. This time we’ve done things a bit different, before we played the teacher who would take out too much marketing fluff of what was deliverd. That was a huge task and actually not one I was looking forward to. One vendor might think I cut them short in favor of the other. So in this edition we let the vendors go free, they all got the freedom to write four pages about their product, their solution, their suite. I don’t mind what they write, they have four pages to convince you they are what you need. Some vendors are small some are Enterprises, some are part of bigger companies. All vendors have equall amount of pages to write on, we don’t judge we compare. I call this the UEM Vendor marketplace so mind the step, when you enter this chapter you leave the unbiased sector and you’re in the hand of marketing. Hope we see you again in chapter 8. Version 16.03 6 juni 2016 Page 32 User Environment Management Comparison Whitepaper 7.2 VENDOR MATRIX, WHO HAS FOCUS ON WHAT!? Version 16.03 Scense AppSense DesktopNow Citrix User Profile Management Liquidware Labs ProfileUnity Microsoft GPO, GPPrefs, USV, UE-v Norskale VUEM PolicyPak PolicyPak Suite RES ONE Workspace Tricerat Simplify Suite VMware Persona Management VMware User environment Management 6 juni 2016 Application Delivery Resource Management User Rights Management License Management Page 33 Monitor, Audit and Report Product Application Access Control Vendor Appixoft User Personalisation User Profile Mgmt There are quite some vendors in the “User Environment Management space”. The diagram below gives an overview of the focus of the various User Environment Management (UEM) software vendors. This diagram has nothing to do with the (possible) discussion which vendor provides the most and the best functionality and features. A complete overview of the features and functionality is available in chapter 6 – Feature Overview. User Environment Management Comparison Whitepaper 7.3 APPIXOFT Introduction AppiXoft enhances productivity for both end-users and administrators with the Scense UEM solution. Scense makes it easy for the administrator to provide great and consistent user experience. Scense WSM extends the workspace as we know today to a personalized and customized one. Universal access to IT resources, a context-aware user experience, location services, Live Profiles, software metering, reporting and dynamic printer management all ensure a high level of freedom and personalization for the user, while leaving control firmly in the hands of the IT department. Scense Workspace Management is a true One-Stop shop for solutions to your IT challenges of today and tomorrow. Solution Scense has been known for years as an easy to use, efficient workspace management solution for desktop environments with Pc's, laptops, terminal services and virtual desktops. Managing workspace environments with temporary staff, task workers and power users has never provided any challenges to Scense administrators. The latest release, Scense 10, continues to address the latest IT challenges and use cases in the same elegant way. Figure 5: Scense 10 Employee owned devices (BYOD, BYOC and CYOD) - Scense supports unmanaged devices without the need for a complex to manage and expensive data center for hosted desktops or terminal server sessions. Earlier versions of Scense have resulted in already tens of thousands of end users using their own laptop or PC to use corporate applications and resources. As opposed to the way previous Scense versions made it possible to do ‘on premises’ BYOD, Scense will be able to service BYOD remotely over the internet, including software distribution. The Scense location services and context awareness will address the IT managers’ most urgent concerns related to fear of data loss or leakage, compliancy rules and, last but not least, dirty PC’s. At the same time, Scense Live Profiles will ensure a consistent user experience for the end user by transferring personal application settings between corporate, managed and personal devices. Version 16.03 6 juni 2016 Page 34 User Environment Management Comparison Whitepaper Mobile users - Facilitating mobile users with access to corporate applications and data, while keeping IT regulations in place, has been a challenge for both administrators and end users for years. By delivering workspace management over the internet, end users are able to use corporate resources or add new applications as soon as internet is available. No more hassle with VPN connections or network cables. At the same time, IT is able to update machines of mobile end users and enforce IT policies in real time to mobile devices. A mobile user is no longer a risk to, but a friend of the IT department. Functionality Scense contains many unique, innovative, features that focus on user freedom, as well as control by and cost savings for the IT department. The new service oriented architecture of Scense extends the reach of these features outside the corporate network. Figure 6: Scense service oriented architecture Dynamic Application Delivery and Control - Applications and all related information, like user settings, policies, drive mappings or printers, are centrally managed and dynamically delivered, personalized and configured accordingly to the circumstances under which a user operates. Context aware access to these applications is provided in a secure, safe, efficient and elegant way. Conflict Free Provisioning - Scense “Conflict free Workspace Provisioning” is based on a technology called “Adaptive Installer: unique technology that enables real-time conflict isolation during the installation of a Windows application. In combination with the integration of all major application virtualization vendors, Scense always provides a 100% conflict free workspace, even on unmanaged PCs and without the need for a client hypervisor. Scense Live Profiles - A fire and forget solution for user profile management. Workspace and application related user settings are separately and centrally stored but transparently available regardless of the version and architecture of the Microsoft Windows operating system and accessible throughout the entire landscape of physical and virtual desktops, laptops, terminal server sessions, unmanaged PCs and natively installed and virtual applications. User Workspace Management as a Service - With the support of WCF, the Scense Engines run within Microsoft’s Internet Information Services. IIS's scalable and open architecture is ready Version 16.03 6 juni 2016 Page 35 User Environment Management Comparison Whitepaper to handle the most demanding tasks. The switch to WCF also results in a change of communication protocols, opening up new use scenarios. The full Scense service portfolio will be available over the internet, including application distribution. Real time Monitoring and auditing - Scense’s “Session Control Engine” provides the administrator with real time information and control over his desktop environment from machine startup until machine shutdown. Intervene directly, in real time when problems arise. Block applications instantly, provide the end user with understandable messages, install on the fly updates or applications and implement new policies when needed. Self-service and Remote Support - Because of Scense’s session control engine, administrators are empowered to proactively prevent desktop problems from happening. When issues do occur, users are encouraged to address these themselves. Repairing applications, refreshing workspaces or resetting parts of the user-profile are all available to all user types: locked down or not managed at all. Remote support functionality is available for the rare occasions that it is really needed. Software Metering and Reporting - Scense will track the usage of applications on all workstations and store this information in the central database from which clear and informative reports are generated by the Scense Report Viewer. Scense comes with several preset reports that show application usage in several ways. Reports can be added and modified. Having a firm grip on costs is very important for the IT manager. Excessive software costs coming from unnecessary renewals or over-compliance on expensive software can very easily stack up to large amounts. IT Managers who are looking for ways to reduce the IT expenses will quickly appreciate the insight Scense Software Metering will bring to them. Architecture Scense is easy to install, has minimal impact on your existing IT architecture and will support on premises and hosted environments. Version 16.03 6 juni 2016 Page 36 User Environment Management Comparison Whitepaper Figure 7: Scense Architecture The server elements of Scense are installed centrally in the company’s data center or hosted externally. Scense supports centralized and distributed multi-site implementations. Performance and availability can be guaranteed by the use of Network Load Balancing, Database mirroring and Scense’s own multi-site support mechanisms. Scense Database - The Scense database, containing all information and instructions related to applications, user settings, desktop configurations etcetera, is stored on an Oracle or MS SQL database server. Scense agents will contact this database, via the web service, to retrieve instructions during the clients’ user and computer sessions. Scense Server - At the heart of the Scense system are the Scense web services. These services are used by the Scense Executive component installed on the clients. The Scense Engine web service communicates tasks received from Scense Executive to the database engine. The Scense web services make full use of IIS’s scalability. Scense will use the communication protocol that best fits the use case in play: http(s), ftp(s) or a WCF communication channel. Scense File shares - The Scense file shares (App Store and Profile Store) store all the (virtual or physical) application packages that need to be available to end-users as well as multiple historical versions of the Windows profile per user and per application. As soon as an end-user requests an application that is not available yet, the application is installed or streamed and started or activated. The user profile for that application is injected during application startup and stored after an application is stopped. Version 16.03 6 juni 2016 Page 37 User Environment Management Comparison Whitepaper Every client managed by Scense needs the Scense client components. These can be installed on virtual or physical desktops, on Terminal Servers, on laptops or employee-owned devices that are not part of the Active Directory. Administrators can use the Scense update manager to install and update Scense clients in an unattended and reliable way. Scense Client and Scense Executive - The Scense Client and Scense Executive work together to execute the Scense instruction on the desktop and give feedback to the user. If the client software is unable to retrieve instructions from the Scense database (because the Scense Engine is not responding) a local database is used, the Local Cache. Licensing The Scense Workspace Management Solution is licensed per named user or per device Version 16.03 6 juni 2016 Page 38 User Environment Management Comparison Whitepaper 7.4 APPSENSE Introduction Founded in 1999, AppSense is the global leader in “Secure User Environment Management.” This comprehensive, highly scalable set of solutions enable IT teams to deliver an enhanced user experience with improved endpoint security across physical, virtual, and cloud based desktops. With over 3,600 customers worldwide, AppSense has now been deployed to over 9,000,000 endpoints. AppSense revenues exceed $100M and it employs around 400 employees across the globe. AppSense was recently acquired by LANDESK, who plan to allow AppSense products to continue to innovate independently and help them gain market share in user environment management. AppSense operates a channel-based model and works with both global and regional system integrators and partners to deliver its solutions. AppSense offers a number of services including pre and post sales consultancy packages and operates a 24/7 support desk. AppSense technologies are commonly sold as the DesktopNow Plus suite. DesktopNow Plus allows organizations to abstract the management and user elements away from the underlying platform, OS and application delivery mechanism. This is done to deliver a consistent yet secure productive workspace regardless of how the environment is being delivered. This layer of abstraction allows AppSense to create something known as “USER DNA.” The user’s DNA consists of both user personal settings and data in addition to policies and configurations placed on the user by IT. By managing and applying the USER DNA on demand, organizations can improve the user experience provide contextual security to windows endpoints without effecting productivity, and reduce costs associated with Windows migrations and. The DesktopNow Plus Suite is made up of the following components which whilst are commonly sold together, can be purchased independently to help organizations solve a particular use case. Environment Manager Application Manager Performance Manager DataNow Insight AppSense believes that user data is a key element of “User DNA”. However, this “UEM whitepaper” document will only discuss and compare the AppSense DesktopNow suite (Application Manager, Environment Manager and Performance Manager). In other words, Insight and DataNow technologies which make up the DesktopNow Plus suite are excluded from this report. For more information on DesktopNow Plus, Insight or DataNow, please visit our website at, and also look out for the PQR “Enterprise File Sync and Share comparison whitepaper” document that discusses DataNow in more detail. Version 16.03 6 juni 2016 Page 39 User Environment Management Comparison Whitepaper Whilst AppSense agents and configurations can be deployed via any 3rd party tool (such as SCCM), AppSense also provides the AppSense Management Center at no addition cost to its customers. This is a highly scalable, 3-tier deployment and management platform that allows both deployment and auditing of DesktopNow. Many organizations already have multiple ways in which they deliver desktops and applications to users (Desktop, Datacenter, Cloud). This “hybrid Windows world” means that it is becoming more difficult to manage users across these multiple delivery platforms. The user requires an environment tailored and personalized to their needs to be productive. They want flexibility in what they can do and or change, but also expect their preferences to roam with them and carry forward onto new platforms. IT needs to lower the cost of managing the multiple environments, deliver a fast and predictable user experience, and monitor and secure the environment on behalf of the business. Delivering a secure yet productive Windows environment has historically been challenging. AppSense solves this challenge by… Version 16.03 Improving user experience o Extremely fast logon times o Complete removal of profile related support calls and profile bloat o Consistent user experience across multiple platforms o Consistent user experience during Windows migration o Ability to carry both user data and personal preferences from one environment to another. Securing the endpoint o Application control and whitelisting without the administrative overhead of creating lists of known or unknown executables o Protection against user-introduced and unknown executables o The ability to implement least privilege management and remove the need to provide users with local admin rights o Containerize user sessions by limiting both users and applications to only communication on certain addresses or ports. Reduction in Capital expenditure o Audit and control application execution based on user, device and connecting device to reduce application license costs o Manage CPU and memory to increase user density which decreases hardware and associated management costs. Reduction in Operational Costs o Reduction in 3rd line profile related support calls o Consolidate management of policies and management across multiple estates. o Reduction in both OS image management and application packaging o Reduction in the cost associated with remediation and break-fix o Reduced time and cost associated with any Windows migration and /or transformation project 6 juni 2016 Page 40 User Environment Management Comparison Whitepaper Functionality AppSense can take any Windows image no matter where it resides and upon machine startup and/or user logon, dynamically configure, personalize, secure and optimize the environment specific to the user and their context. This removes the need for logon scripts, Group Policies, Roaming profiles, whitelisting, admin rights, server isolation, multiple images, multiple application packages, offline files, and folder redirection. Profile Management – the key to desktop personalization AppSense replaces traditional user profile management with an on-demand personalization approach delivering a more secure and user friendly workspace. AppSense utilizes a 3-tier architecture for synchronizing user application profiles to an endpoint. User application profiles are stored in a SQL database and synchronized down to end points via an IIS server over HTTPS. Whilst a SMB share can be used, AppSense recommends this 3-tier approach as it provides a number of unique benefits. “Multiple Application Delivery Support” and “cross OS support” means that AppSense does not care how the application is delivered and on what desktop. User profile information can roam freely from locally installed applications on Windows 7 to a virtualized application on Windows 10 as an example. Roaming of this profile can be done in session without the need for the user to logoff and logon. AppSense supports both desktop and server operating systems, varying CPU architectures, and multiple desktop and application delivery technologies such as XenApp, XenDesktop, VMware Horizon View, RDSH, App-V, ThinApp, AppVolumes, Unidesk, SCCM and many others. Because profile data is being stored in SQL, snapshotting, rollback, last known good, and delta sync is possible out of the box. This allows both user self-service and web based support tools to easily manage user profile information and remediate where needed. The use of IIS and SQL also provides support options for mirroring, failover, scalability and DR. A contextual Rules Engine at the heart of all AppSense technologies means that the User DNA can be applied on user/user group, but extend to more contextual rules such as IP address, NetBIOS name, device type, date/time, etc. More recent versions of AppSense have also introduced new rules enabling file checks, registry checks, NetScaler policies, and both Citrix and Version 16.03 6 juni 2016 Page 41 User Environment Management Comparison Whitepaper VMware conditions. In addition to the rules engine, AppSense also utilizes a number of “triggers”. These triggers allow AppSense to check rules and process actions at other times in addition to logon and logoff. “Session connect”, “network connect”, “desktop unlock” and “process start” are just some of these triggers allowing more granular control over when profile management and configuration takes place. Unlike traditional roaming profiles which are loaded during logon and logoff, AppSense enables a just-in-time load of application settings instead of a just-in-case. Unlike a traditional logon script which executes in sequence, AppSense achieves ultra-fast logons thanks to its multithreaded and optimized agent which can cache and process configurations in parallel. AppSense also includes “pre”, “during” and “post” logon triggers, allowing admins to control when Windows desktop configuration takes place to further reduce logon times. DPI settings, for example can be set “pre desktop” but other items can be placed under the “post logon” trigger to allow tasks to run after the and not impact logon times. Another example could utilize the “unlock trigger” to allow printer mappings to be amended based on location when the user unlocks their desktop. Endpoint Security – Application control and User Rights Management (Least Privilege) Regardless of whether you are deploying a VDI image to developers or a physical laptop to a standard user, local administrative rights continue to cause organizations a challenge when it comes to providing a secure and productive environment. Windows endpoint security is a major focus for many organizations and removing local admin rights from the user based can have significant benefits when it comes to protecting Windows endpoints. The challenge is that too many Windows admin tasks (like changing the Date/Time) and applications still require local admin privileges. AppSense user rights management can elevate tasks and applications asneeded, allowing organizations to implement a least privilege management practice. In addition, application control and whitelisting is recommended to secure, control and audit which applications are being installed and run by users. AppSense utilizes a unique approach called Trusted Ownership™ Checking which removes the administrative overhead of whitelisting. Users can run executables which have been delivered by the business and 3rd party application deployment tools, but are protected against unknown and user-introduced executables. Application control also allows authorized applications to be controlled based on context, allowing AppSense to audit and control per device licensed applications and those applications which need to be controlled for compliance reasons. (See Gartner report on how AppSense helps “Ensure Applications Are Properly Licensed on VDI”, Nathan Hill & Stewart Buchanan, March 7th, 2016.) Additional features known as “Self Authorization” and “emergency change control” also allows users to self-install and self-authorize unknown applications when they are offline or away from the office. Lockdown The majority of applications at customer sites are non-Microsoft and do not come with Administrative Templates (ADM and ADMX) files. It is therefore not possible to block functionality based on rules. AppSense Environment Manager’s Lockdown technology enables administrators to strip out unwanted application and Operating System functionality depending on the user’s context, to reduce the complexity of the end user experience or for security purposes. For example, it is possible to hide or prevent access to specific application interface Version 16.03 6 juni 2016 Page 42 User Environment Management Comparison Whitepaper components such as buttons, menus and toolbar items, disable keyboard strokes such as Print Screen, Copy or Paste and prevent certain text from being entered into edit controls such as Web browser address bars. Performance Management Simultaneously reducing capital expenditure associated with user density and hardware in virtualized environment and improving user experience, AppSense has patented technology which manages and controls both CPU and Memory. By managing runaway CPU thread, scheduling CPU processes, optimizing DLL rebasing and trimming memory, AppSense can prevent CPU lock ups, reduce memory hungry applications and ensure a consistent quality of service yet increase user density. Solutions: Windows Migrations Endpoint security Profile Management Privileged Management File and Data Sync Performance Management User based analytics. Licensing Options AppSense User Virtualization software is typically licensed on a named user basis. A license is required for each managed user regardless of how many devices they use. Concurrent licensing is also available on request. Version 16.03 6 juni 2016 Page 43 User Environment Management Comparison Whitepaper 7.5 CITRIX Introduction Citrix’s User Environment Management solution is premised on the following technologies. Some are Citrix delivered capabilties and others are leveraging the inherent capabilties of Group Policy with Group Policy Preferences. Profile Management: Citrix UPM (User Profile Manager); UPM Cross-Platform Settings; Micrsoft’s UE-V (may be leveraged with UPM instead of Cross-Platform Settings feature) Data: ShareFile is the recommended method to manage user data such as documents across all devices and OS platforms. User Environment Settings: Microsoft GPP (a component GPO) is a very powerful method for managing all user environment settings (like printers, home drives, shortcuts etc). It is inherent within AD at no additional cost and includes item level targeting (and other methods) to highly customize and focus user environment settings. Apps Control/Licensing: XenApp with features like App Limits; Microsoft AppLocker adds an additional layer of app control and is also built into AD. Monitor, Audit, Report o UPM Log Parser, Troubleshooter and a PowerSehll based UPM best practice validation tool o Citrix Director logon and profile related statistics Profile Management (Citrix UPM) Citrix Profile management is intended as a user profile solution for XenApp, XenDesktop, and physical desktops. Profile management ensures that the user’s Windows’s profile is roamed effectively and reliably across all the user’s sessions and connections. Profile management is enabled through a profile optimization service that provides an easy, reliable way for managing these settings in Windows environments to ensure a consistent experience by maintaining a profile that follows the user. It auto-consolidates and optimizes user profiles to minimize management and storage requirements and requires minimal administration, support and infrastructure, while providing users with improved logon and logout. The most common challenges that impact the user experience and that administrators have to address when managing user profiles are: Version 16.03 Last writer wins – When users work on more than one physical or virtual device, their individual personal settings may be overwritten in a seemingly random manner when they log off. Profile bloat and logon speed – Profile bloat creates unwieldy growth in user profiles and resulting storage and management issues. Typically during logon Windows copies the user’s roaming profile over the network down to the local machine. Logon time is 6 juni 2016 Page 44 User Environment Management Comparison Whitepaper prolonged by the time it takes to transfer the whole profile over the network. The larger the profiles are and the more files they contain the slower the logons will be Benefits Citrix Profile Management provides fast logons, the most control over profile settings and addresses the last-write wins issues all from a central management point (GPOs). Citrix Profile Management provides more flexibility as of what needs to be included or excluded from a user profile. With Profile Management one can configure which registry keys in the HKCU hive needs to be ignored or included during logoff. Also files and directories can be configured so that they are exclude from a user profile. Profile Management addresses the last-write-wins issue. No longer is the complete user profile copied at logoff. Environments where users work within multiple sessions, i.e. one remote session and a local session, are always faced with the default Windows profile handling procedure where the user profile from the last session overrides all the other session user profiles. Profile Management also provides a streaming functionality. With profile streaming, users’ profiles are synchronized on the local computer only when they are needed. Registry entries are cached immediately, but files and folders are only cached when accessed by users or applications. Features Version 16.03 Profile streaming. Profile streaming completely negates the impact of the user’s profile size and its impact to logon and logoff. When profile streaming is leveraged, the profile load time for a profile whether it’s 100 MB or even 500 MB may remain in the 6-7 seconds load range. The profile data is then only copied down on demand when it’s actually needed or requested by a user action or application acitivity. Active write back. With Active Write Back, setitngs are written back to the user store as they occur instead of ewaiting for a logoff event to synchronize all the setitngs back. This both improves the reliability of capturing changed settings during a session but also prevents loss should a logoff event never occur. Profile migration allows you to migrate profiles to and from physical computers and virtual ones. Depending on the configuration settings, Profile management can copy existing roaming profiles and local Windows profiles to the user store. Existing mandatory profiles can be used as the basis for Citrix user profiles when saved as a template. Wildcard support. Allows the use of wildcard characters in file names for synchronization, inclusion, and exclusion lists. Logging. All entries in log files are identified with the user name, domain, and session id (where identifiable). Consistent user settings. Solves the "last-write-wins" problem that occurs when the last open session overwrites all of the profile data from previously closed sessions. 6 juni 2016 Page 45 User Environment Management Comparison Whitepaper Easy integration. Profile management can be integrated easily into existing deployments. No new infrastructure or changes to logon and logoff scripts are required. Active Directory-managed licensing. You can manage user entitlement using an Active Directory user group. Improved monitoring and reporting. Additional Performance Monitor counters and Citrix Director/EdgeSight integrations allow you to measure several new aspects of logon and logoff, providing improved benchmarking. Licensing Citrix Profile Manager is a feature of XenApp and XenDesktop (All Editions). Citrix licenses users are extended rights for UPM usage to the user's physical devices e.g. you have 1,000 XenApp Enterprise users - these users may install UPM on their Windows device(s) to also manage their profiles on those respective devices. There is no separate licensing options for UPM, only as a feature of XenApp and XenDesktop. Architecture You install the Profile Management agent on each computer whose profiles you want to manage. The installation is straight forward and available for x86 and x64 operating systems. All currently available operating systems are supported. The Profile Management runs as a service and can be configured using ini-files and/or centrally with the use of Microsoft Group Policy Object’s (GPO). ADM and ADMX templates are provided. Citrix Profile Management intercepts the default Windows user profile handling process. As soon as a Windows profile process starts, the Profile Management service kicks in and takes care of the necessary actions based on the GPO settings and INI settings. Version 16.03 6 juni 2016 Page 46 User Environment Management Comparison Whitepaper As with a Windows roaming profile a central location is needed to store the profile. This central location is called the User Store. Every user should have access to the user store, a network folder where profiles are stored centrally. Alternatively, profiles can be stored in users' home drive if preferred Figure 8: Citrix Profile Management overview Version 16.03 6 juni 2016 Page 47 User Environment Management Comparison Whitepaper 7.6 FSLOGIX: Introducing: FSLogix™ Office 365 Container for Citrix (Q2 2016) Best of Citrix Synergy 2015 Winner, Application and Desktop Virtualization, FSLogix addresses problems that have prevented wide scale adoption of the enterprise virtual workspace, simplifying administration and providing the best user experience for maximum productivity. FSLogix Apps dynamically provides per user application visibility, and allows applications to run at native speed with no need for sequencing and repackaging. FSLogix Profile Containers provide the industry's fastest logon time and allow applications like MS Outlook and Windows Search to run at speeds on par with local installations (finally!). Profile Containers enable large file access and true Cached Exchange Mode for Office 365 and other hosted email products, eliminate the logon storm impact of folder redirection, and significantly reduces load on network and server resources. New in Q2: Starting in Q2, 2016, a subset of Profile Containers will be sold as a separate dropin module, FSLogix™ Office 365 Container for Citrix, allowing administrators to take full advantage of our Office 365 support without having remove their existing profile solution. This new offering is the industry’s first drop-in solution that enables true Cached Exchange Mode for all virtual workspaces using Office 365, and real time search for virtual desktops. FSLogix™ Office 365 Container for Citrix installs in minutes, and allows enterprises to virtualize and persist OST files for users with XenApp, Terminal Services, and non-persistent or ‘pooled’ virtual desktop infrastructure. In addition to addressing email and search performance, critical settings for Office 365 such as OneDrive cache, Skype for Business global address list (GAL), and Windows search database will now persist between sessions. Version 16.03 6 juni 2016 Page 48 User Environment Management Comparison Whitepaper Image Masking Drives Revolutionary Innovation FSLogix Apps is a solution designed to enable IT Administrators to manage the emerging enterprise workspace, reducing the amount of hardware, time and labor required to support physical, virtual, and cloud desktops. FSLogix has developed a technique called Image Masking to create a single Unified Base Image that hides everything a logged in user should not see. This approach provides predictable and real-time access to applications and other workspace components like fonts, browser plugins, application and add-ons, easily addressing complex management problems like regional or departmental uniqueness of plugins – all from a single image. Image Masking uses advanced file system filtering which extends from the base image out to VHDs and other critical infrastructure areas. Image masking functions identically and transparently across a wide range of Windows-based platforms, simplifying the path from traditional to virtual environments, with a single, unified approach to image management, profile access, and application delivery. Installed as a software agent, FSLogix Apps seamlessly integrates with Windows centric desktop virtualization solutions from Microsoft, Citrix, VMware, and other industry leaders. Solution FSLogix Apps targets the following three solution areas: 1. Gold Image Consolidation: With Unified Base Images, enterprises can combine all applications, plus browser and app plugins, onto a single gold image, or greatly reduce their current number of images. Based on the image masking technique, users see only the applications, plugins and other components that they are licensed and authorized to see, simplifying application delivery across physical and virtualized Windows infrastructures. Every application, extension, font, etc., installed in the Unified Base Image is available in real time only to users authorized to access them. Unlike traditional application virtualization, Image Masking allows real-time application execution with natively installed applications, and no repackaging or sequencing. 2. User Profile Containerization: Profile Containers are local or remote volumes which eliminate the need for folder redirection or Roaming Profile optimization, allowing users to have a consistent, familiar, workspace experience with no limitations on the size of the profile or the size of any individual files. This approach solves the problem of large files (like OST’s and PST’s) in VDI and RDSH. Users and businesses increase productivity by having access to their unique work environment on any device, native application speeds and unbeatable logon times. Unlike other products, FSLogix provides this solution without the overhead of remote servers and additional configuration databases. Version 16.03 6 juni 2016 Page 49 User Environment Management Comparison Whitepaper FSLogix Profile Container Provides sub 15-second logons across all environments and locations for most enterprises Enables true Cached Exchange Mode, allowing Office 365 and internally managed email on virtual desktops to perform like locally installed Eliminates logon storms and recovers critical server and network infrastructure Consolidates profile contents to a single point of management for data retention Slow logon and application launch times are one of the top complaints in virtual desktops. Profile Containers are a new architectural approach to address this problem. Instead of placing all of the user’s files on a network share like in the redirected files approach, FSLogix encapsulates the entire profile –including the registry– in an in-guest container. This advanced filtering approach removes the maximum amount of resource utilization from processing user profile data and eliminates the need for legacy profile products and folder redirection. User profile performance is indistinguishable to local, yet administrators receive the benefits of centralized profiles, including easy off loading for data retention and compliance, with little or no ongoing administration. FSLogix Office 365 Container for Citrix (New in Q2, 2016) This component provides just the award winning Office 365 support from Profile Containers, in a simple, drop-in solution that works alongside your existing profile management system. True Cached Exchange Mode – with patent-pending OST containerization, Outlook on XenApp and XenDesktop can now function and perform as if locally installed on a high performance workstation. Users don’t need to compromise email and calendar performance to adopt strategic initiatives like virtual desktops. Version 16.03 6 juni 2016 Page 50 User Environment Management Comparison Whitepaper Real-Time Search – enables inbox and personal folder search to work as designed on XenDesktop, with maximum performance, and no workarounds requiring end-user training or unique behavior between physical and virtual environments. Plug and Play management – features a micro-application footprint with drop-in installation, GPO templates, simple rules based configuration, and the use of existing CIFS/SMB servers, improving the ROI of existing enterprise infrastructure. Infrastructure compatibility – works on all major virtual desktop and hosted email solutions, complimenting profile management products traditionally used in virtual workspace environments. Affordable pricing – with an expected retail list price of $10 per user, there’s no barrier to making email on virtual desktops enterprise class. FSLogix Apps, Application and Profile Containers, and FSLogix™ Office 365 Container for Citrix provide multi-platform support for all major Windows™ based virtual desktops, hosted email providers, and profile management products, turning virtual desktops into the enterprise class virtual workspace. 3. Just-in-Time Application Delivery: FSLogix supports an unlimited number of Application Containers for situations where combining all applications into a single image is not practical, for licensing or technical reasons. Application Containers may be either local or remote volume libraries. Combining Application Containers with Unified Base Image technology provides the flexibility to IT to use the optimal design approach for their unique requirements. When using Apps it is not necessary to sequence or package applications. All applications are installed natively using the application’s .msi install. From there, FSLogix Apps takes advantage of Active Directory to control the visibility of when any application is visible to individual users or groups. Installed as a software agent, Apps has key advantages over traditional application virtualization solutions: Version 16.03 Native application performance. Since applications run natively, performance is not impacted. Supports all Windows applications. Platforms can be traditional or virtual desktops. No need to sequence or package applications. Since applications run natively, there is no need to sequence or package. Consequently, all applications, including applications with device drivers, are supported (e.g. iTunes, Adobe Acrobat, Citrix and View clients). Compatible with existing application virtualization solutions. Complements existing solutions especially for applications that cannot be virtualized. Citrix XenApp/RDSH silo consolidation. A single image can contain all virtualized and remote applications for all users, eliminating the need for silos. Multiple application versions in the same image. Application versions reside in the image and are assigned to individual users. 6 juni 2016 Page 51 User Environment Management Comparison Whitepaper Time-to-deploy significantly reduced. Since no packaging is required, FSLogix Apps can be installed onto existing servers and systems for quick deployment. Simplified image management. A single image can contain all versions of all applications for all users. Easy license management. Applications can be revealed or removed in accordance with license requirements. Compatible with application management systems. Can be used with solutions from a variety of vendors, including Altiris Client Management Suite or Microsoft System Center. Licensing FSLogix is engineering the enterprise class virtual workspace. Request a fully functional trial version for your enterprise at Version 16.03 6 juni 2016 Page 52 User Environment Management Comparison Whitepaper 7.7 LIQUIDWARE LABS Introduction Liquidware Labs ProfileUnity provides sophisticated User Environment Management with advanced features that lead the industry. The company separately innovated FlexApp, a unique and robust application layering technology with a very high application compatibility rate – to date higher than other similar offerings on the market. While the two products can be licensed separately, Liquidware Labs is the only independent vendor to provide this unique combination of solutions from a single management console if desired. User Environment Management ProfileUnity has been on the market since 2005, therefore the product’s User Environment Management features are mature and comprehensive. Liquidware Labs acquired the solution and development team in 2009 and added significant development resources – focusing on new features, ease-of-use and innovation in the area of Application Rights Management and Application Delivery though User Environment Management. Today, ProfileUnity provides great value to organizations who are looking to replace roaming profiles and folder redirection or basic profile management tools. Not only does ProfileUnity address these needs with precision, the solution go beyond much of the competition, offering many advanced features that are not found in competing products. In some cases features that are built in to ProfileUnity are sold separately by competitors as additional add-on components. Below are the four core areas covered by ProfileUnity’s User Environment Management features: Version 16.03 Advanced Profile Management - ProfileUnity supports multiple versions of Microsoft Operating Systems therefore customers can leverage ProfileUnity to on-board physical desktop users to any new Windows desktop including virtual and server hosted desktops. Subsequent to moving to ProfileUnity the first time, profiles never have to be “migrated” as a ProfileUnity-managed profile can be made compatible across OS versions. Data outside of the profile in locations such as the HKLM area of the system registry and files anywhere within the system, can be made portable with ProfileUnity. Exclusive ProfileUnity Profile Disk technology can be leveraged for superior performance with large profiles and files including .PST and OST files. Advanced Policy Management – ProfileUnity can be leveraged to go beyond the limits of Microsoft Group Policies. ProfileUnity is much faster than similar Microsoft Group Policy actions mainly because the solution’s Active Directory (AD) lookups are far more efficient. ProfileUnity policies are also well documented which is useful when there is a change of desktop administrators or audit. Any profile or policy attribute can be assigned on a “Context-Aware” basis, including Microsoft AD attributes or on virtually any type of criteria including virtual client name/client address, or location. It is very important to note that ProfileUnity runs “as Admin” privileges and can therefore be used to secure (or lockdown) desktops or change machine level policy settings. Some 6 juni 2016 Page 53 User Environment Management Comparison Whitepaper UEM solutions do not “run as Admin” and so, are very limited in their policy management. Application Rights Management – While some UEM vendors charge separately for Application Rights Management, ProfileUnity includes these features as standard. Application Rights Management features enable administrators to manage application privileges or restrict applications (whitelist or blacklist) from running by using one or more context-aware settings. These features enable you to keep your desktops and network secure by limiting and elevating user rights per application and process. This allows you to keep your users as Standard Users and only elevate them to local Administrator when needed to perform a specific task/application. Advanced User Data Management – ProfileUnity includes robust folder redirection options that will not only redirect key folders for best practices, like My Document and the Desktop, but can also migrate user authored data in the background. This feature is particularly helpful when on-boarding users from legacy physical desktops to new physical or virtual desktops. Architecture Straight-forward, yet Highly Scalable Architecture ProfileUnity was designed by Desktop Administrators for Desktop Administrators. Since the beginning, the Liquidware Labs development team has always made it a priority to keep the product architecture straight-forward, easy to scale to tens of thousands, and highly available. There are no SQL clusters or other servers needed in the architecture therefore there are no hidden costs and no challenges when you scale to hundreds or thousands of users. For this reason, ProfileUnity is also very easy and quick to install and configure. A proof of concept is possible in under one hour. ProfileUnity’s architecture leverages existing network and Windows® infrastructure. The main agent is very lightweight (apx. 6mb) it can be cached down at logon to users’ desktops through an included Microsoft® Group Policy template. It can also be easily included in the base image of your desktops. Regardless, the agent files, configuration and related services are hosted on a network file share that is already highly available, scaled, and features read-only access for users. Because of these requirements, the best location for this file share is the Netlogon share on your domain controllers. The Netlogon location is not a hard requirement, an alternative file share path can be used. Version 16.03 6 juni 2016 Page 54 User Environment Management Comparison Whitepaper User Profiles are stored in the user’s standard replicated network file share location such as their “home drive.” Even if FlexApp application layering features are leveraged, virtual disks are also hosted on replicated storage paths. With this straightforward architecture, even if the ProfileUnity Management Console goes offline, ProfileUnity will continue to run on users’ desktops. If VMDK layers are chosen the architecture remains straightforward but the ProfileUnity Management console will be replicated to standard Windows Servers to ensure high-availability. Application Layering Liquidware Labs FlexApp Application Layering is an advanced technology, tightly integrated within the ProfileUnity User Environment Management platform. It is a fully integrated solution that leverages profile settings and policies but can also be implemented as a stand-alone solution. FlexApp enables Administrators to assign department-level applications to groups of users, and to, optionally, empower selected users to install their own applications. FlexApp complements application virtualization solutions that use isolation, such as Microsoft App-V and VMware ThinApp. FlexApp application layering is also compatible with many desktop virtualization platforms, including Citrix XenApp/XenDesktop and VMware Horizon View. These environments can be kept ultra-secure, by leveraging ProfileUnity's Application Rights Management features, which eliminates the need to make users full "Local Admins" in order to run or install applications. FlexApp technology supports Application Strategy design, Application Delivery approaches and Application Lifecycle Management. Delivering applications as layers requires a robust management and often times User Environment Management is very closely related. Because Liquidware Labs has integrating Application Layering with User Environment Management, the two solutions solves many needs in the area of Application Delivery including: Version 16.03 6 juni 2016 Page 55 User Environment Management Comparison Whitepaper Robust User Profile Availability – ProfileUnity makes a complete user profile available including the persona settings of virtualized and layered applications. Delivery of layered applications by user environment settings, including assignment per Active Directory Group, user, or one of over 300 combinations of context aware settings included with ProfileUnity. Application Restrictions – often applications may need to be layered to a shared environment such as an RDSH server. Application Rights Management in ProfileUnity allows for applications to be restricted by a context-aware setting and/or Active Directory criteria. Privilege Elevation – often applications may require local Administrator rights. ProfileUnity includes secure privilege elevation of select applications per user, group, or other context-aware setting. Registry modifications – often applications may need registry settings to be changed to function as desired. For example, run once dialog boxes may need to be repressed. ProfileUnity can merge, exclude, or replace registry keys to enhance the seamlessness of application delivery. Exclusive Features and Benefits of ProfileUnity Compared to other UEM solutions There are many reasons to choose ProfileUnity for your User Environment Management needs. Many Fortune 500 as well as industry-leading organizations have chosen the solution for one or more of the following compelling reasons: Fast user logins Robust and complete User Environment Management Straight-forward and highly –scalable architecture with no hidden costs Ease-of-use – short learning curve with no need to hire dedicated staff Proof-of-concept can be completed in under an hour INCLUDED Application Rights Management features License cost that is often half the price of competitors FlexApp Application Layering that leads the industry (optional licensing) Highly-available and highly resilient design Liquidware Labs Essentials Suite Liquidware Labs provides comprehensive User Environment Management, Application Layering and User Experience Monitoring in one convenient and extremely affordable suite known as Essentials, which includes ProfileUnity with FlexApp, Stratusphere UX, and Flex-IO. Thousands of customers have discovered that the following solutions are necessary to launch, scale and optimize next-generation desktops: User Environment Management with ProfileUnity One user profile across VDI, RDSH, DAAS & physical devices Up to 10X faster logons vs. roaming profiles or basic profile tools Version 16.03 6 juni 2016 Page 56 User Environment Management Comparison Whitepaper Application and User Right Management features Location/context-aware policy and profile capabilities Automated migration to Windows 7/8.x and Server 2008/2012r2 Application Layering with FlexApp Reduce the number of master desktop images to manage Deliver applications on demand Gain persistent user experience with non-persistent infrastructure Provision application volumes as VHD or VMDK Gain full compatibility with Citrix Provisioning Services and Machine Creation Services Visibility with Stratusphere UX - User-Experience Monitoring Diagnose true root cause and identify resource constraints Optimize resource utilization and performance Grow and scale virtual desktop environments with confidence IOPS Acceleration – Flex-IO Boost resources for an apx. 25,000 additional IOPS per virtual host Reduce latency by as much as 75% Compatible with persistent and non-persistent VDI environments A Flex-IO server license is provided upon request per Liquidware Labs customer Licensing and Contact Information ProfileUnity with FlexApp is available for $59 per named user. The Liquidware Labs Essentials Suite is available for $79 per named user. Concurrent licensing is available for Education and Healthcare customers. Other pricing configurations are available. Pricing subject to change at any time and may be regional. Liquidware Labs products are Citrix Ready, VMware-certified, and are available through a global network of partners. Visit to learn more or download trial software. Contact for more information. Version 16.03 6 juni 2016 Page 57 User Environment Management Comparison Whitepaper 7.8 NORSKALE Introduction Norskale believes that user experience, simplicity, and cost savings are the most important factors when choosing a workspace management platform. Norskale is an easy-to-use, 100% software solution that cuts the cost of desktops and applications, and delivers the best possible workspace performance—best application response times, accelerated logons, and a truly dynamic desktop—for any IT environment. The Norskale solution and its benefits have been proven in large and small environments alike, including in an 80K seat environment that reached peak performance and simplicity of management after less than a week in production. 56% of users say that application reactivity and instant login are the main benefit of a new desktop. Norskale ensure a constant high level of performance on any Windows device throughout the life of the device. Norskale delivers the functionality users need in only a few days, and offers a variety of licensing options for optimal flexibility and value. Norskale provides the best and most consistent user and end-user experience, while ensuring the lowest installation and management costs for all physical and virtual desktops and applications. Benefits Version 16.03 10-second logon and response times for all physical and virtual desktops and applications. Consistently fast application reactivity through constant CPU and RAM optimization. Optimized CPU and RAM utilization reduces each end-user’s footprint, and on the whole, a minimum of 20-25% more users can be accommodated per server. Intuitive central console for all user environment management. Because management is simple, administrators are fully trained in a single day, no matter their level of technical expertise. Scripts/GPO/GPPrefs can be eliminated in a few clicks. Brings full context awareness to all elements of the workspace, and provides all endusers with the custom resources and access they need. Optimizes and simplifies management of Citrix User Profile Management (UPM) and Microsoft Roaming Profiles (USV). Proprietary self-services and self-healing for end-user workspaces reduce support calls by up to $200 per user annually. Fully installed and configured in just a few days, even in the most complex environments. Granular and completely delegated admin console. Fast, easy, and complete reversibility; no uninstall impact or vendor lock-in. 6 juni 2016 Page 58 User Environment Management Comparison Whitepaper Functionality User Profile Management By replacing logon scripts and desktop lockdown Group Policy Objects (GPO), Norskale simplifies the job of the IT team by removing complexity from any new or existing implementation. The settings are intuitively designed for easy learning and are accessible through the central console. Norskale optimizes and centrally manages both Microsoft Roaming Profiles and Citrix User Profile Management (UPM) profiles. Both technologies are the de facto standard on SBC and “fat” environments. Norskale ensures profile integrity, while making sure that sizes and speed are always best in class, and in the process, greatly reduces the cost of high-end storage typically associated with profiles. User Personalization Scripts, GPO, and GPPrefs are messy and often result in slow desktop logon times. Norskale quickly eliminates these factors that cause complexity, and automates workspace management through a simple, intuitive console. Because Norskale is easy to manage and maintain with limited training required, there is no need to rely on a limited number of experts. The flexible Actions engine allows users to easily define every action needed to replace even the most complex login script, while ensuring top-notch performance. Application Access Control Norskale keeps the IT environment agile, and quickly identifies each end-user device type, and dynamically adjusts the workspace for optimal efficiency and security. In addition, by using dynamically configured software restriction policies through Whitelist and blacklist, Norskale protects the system as a whole. Norskale Transformer (patent-pending) further reduces project rollout times and deployment costs, by instantly converting a connected Windows terminal into virtual machine clients. This add-on module transforms the PC into a customizable and user-friendly kiosk interface, where end-users launch their virtual or hosted desktops and applications, and locally installed applications seamlessly, while the underlying Windows operating system remains fully locked down and secure. Resource Management By using innovative algorithms that change the way applications consume system resources, patent-pending Norskale technology extends the life of hardware, and delivers desktops and applications that are significantly faster and more costeffective. Norskale optimizes the way applications consume RAM, CPU, and Input/Output (I/O), reducing hardware requirements—including during application migration—by up to 70%. Virtual server sizing is based on average usage—not peak usage, delivering a better ROI and extending hardware life for a lower TCO. The non-intrusive Norskale technology monitors and analyzes user behavior in real time, optimizing the resource allocation process and the way applications run, to ensure that all users have the required amount of resources. In addition, Memory Management functionality analyzes and optimizes idle applications and processes, dynamically forcing them to release any extra memory they are not using. Version 16.03 6 juni 2016 Page 59 User Environment Management Comparison Whitepaper Norskale optimizes RAM, CPU, and Input/Output (I/O) in any pure or hybrid desktop environment, including physical and virtual desktops, and published desktops and applications. The results are fast application response times, and up to 70% more users per server. Application Delivery Norskale supports local and virtual applications, including Citrix XenApp, and Microsoft RDS and App-V. All application and resource types are delivered and controlled according to end-user context. Further, the Manage Applications feature allows end-users to access their context-available resources and self-create shortcuts in desired locations. Monitor, Audit and Report Through the Modeling Wizard and the Resultant Actions Viewer, administrators are able to view assigned actions applied to specific users, and data is provided to understand them; for example, the reason certain actions were discarded during an assignment process. Norskale also includes useful issue-tracking functionality with helpdesk features that save time and reduce support calls. For example, if an administrator needs to report an issue, he can instantly send screenshots and a detailed automated email report that includes data about the current environment to his Support Team. Architecture The Norskale architecture is highly scalable and resilient, allowing administrators to centrally manage large environments (80K+ users) without added complexity or high infrastructure costs. This non-intrusive and compatible technology ensures a smooth deployment in new and existing IT environments. It can be deployed within a few hours and managed on a daily basis, without the need for extensive training. Norskale is committed to streamlining product development on an ongoing basis to maintain minimum infrastructure requirements. All major client and server operating systems are supported, including native 64-bit support on all platforms (no emulation). A Low Footprint Agent is deployed in each user workspace to minimize network usage without impacting performance. The server itself is extremely compact and can withstand a very large user base within a single VM. Norskale natively supports mirroring and clustering on the SQL Server side, and the Broker and Workspace Agents are equipped with full offline capabilities. Licensing Norskale is licensed on a per-named-user basis. This license is perpetual. The maintenance contract includes support, and major and minor release access. Site licenses, rentals, and other licensing options are also available, so that each customer can benefit from a licensing model that meets their workspace and budget requirements. Version 16.03 6 juni 2016 Page 60 User Environment Management Comparison Whitepaper 7.9 POLICYPAK SOFTWARE Introduction PolicyPak delivers, enforces, locks down and remediates application, browser and operating system settings. For brevity, we will describe only the following three components: PolicyPak Application Settings Manager PolicyPak Browser Router and PolicyPak Admin Templates Manager There are two editions of PolicyPak: PolicyPak On-Premise Edition: for domain joined machines which are managed by Group Policy, SCCM or any on-premise management system. PolicyPak Cloud Edition: for domain joined or non-domain joined machines. PolicyPak Cloud edition has the special ability to deliver all real Microsoft Group Policy settings using the Internet (Video demo.) You can see where PolicyPak On-Premise and/or PolicyPak Cloud might be used in your company in the Figure below. Figure 9: PolicyPak has two suites which can be used separately or together All directives are created and edited in the familiar Group Policy environment. Computers and/or Users can be managed. Version 16.03 6 juni 2016 Page 61 User Environment Management Comparison Whitepaper Figure 2: PolicyPak directives are created, edited and (optionally) exported using the Group Policy editor interface All items can then be delivered using Group Policy, or optionally exported and delivered using SCCM (or any other on-premise delivery tool), or uploaded and delivered to PolicyPak Cloud. Quite simply: IT administrators don’t need to add any additional infrastructure or learn anything new. If they use Group Policy, SCCM or another on-premise delivery tool, then IT admins already know how to use PolicyPak and have everything they need in order to implement immediately. PolicyPak’s settings are simply delivered and enforced when a user roams to a new machine, uses a Terminal Server or Citrix machine or starts up a VDI machine. PolicyPak also works with virtualized applications (Microsoft App-V 4.6 or 5.0, VMware ThinApp 4 or 5, Symantec Workspace Virtualization, and others). All PolicyPak components and settings are “Context Aware” with the same “Item Level Targeting” editor that the Group Policy Preferences uses. This enables administrators to specify conditions as to when PolicyPak directives should apply to users or computers. The UI is exactly like Group Policy Preferences and requires no training for existing Group Policy administrators. (Video link to PolicyPak and Item Level Targeting). Note additionally that these Item-Level Targeting filters are active and available when PolicyPak directives are deployed via Group Policy, or when using your own systems management utility like SCCM, or when using PolicyPak cloud. For details on the other components in the suite, check out the PolicyPak Website, PolicyPak Application Settings Manager PolicyPak can deliver and enforce settings for just about any application that stores their settings in the Registry, INI files, XML files, JS files, or any other formats (that Microsoft’s built-in Group Policy, Group Policy Preferences and ADM/ADMX templates simply cannot manage.) Version 16.03 6 juni 2016 Page 62 User Environment Management Comparison Whitepaper PolicyPak has pre-configured Paks to configure common applications like Firefox, Flash Player, Java JRE, Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Acrobat Reader, Acrobat Pro, Skype for Business Client, AutoCad, Shockwave and over four hundred more. PolicyPak has special enhanced coverage for Firefox, Java, and Internet Explorer to manage nearly all aspects of these applications including deploying certificates, managing bookmarks, and preventing add-ons. Figure 3: PolicyPak Application Manager, some pre-defined Paks, and user interface PolicyPak Application Settings Manager also comes with the PolicyPak Design Studio which enables admins to quickly create their own Paks and manage their own in-house applications. (Video demo.) PolicyPak’s AppLock™ feature can gray out or hide many applications’ user interface settings as well as perform lockout on applications’ entire tabs. This prevents users from working around its recommended application settings within the UI. PolicyPak’s ACL Lockdown™ feature takes ownership of the Registry and/or file-system pieces from the user and application. In this way, settings are strictly guaranteed and cannot be worked around. PolicyPak keeps IT settings enforced even when the user is completely offline and disconnected from the network. See how PolicyPak Application Settings Manager can manage Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, Java, and 400+ more applications (website with video demos.) PolicyPak Browser Router PolicyPak Browser Router manages your modern multiple-browser environment. Version 16.03 6 juni 2016 Page 63 User Environment Management Comparison Whitepaper Now you can automatically ensure that users launch the right browser for the right website. The result is that websites load in for the most compatible and secure browser as dictated by the IT team. Guide specific websites or website patterns to open in Internet Explorer, Firefox, Google Chrome or Edge (forthcoming) as well as Custom browsers for use with App-V or ThinApp for specific websites or patterns. Users never have to think; you’ve done all the thinking for them. Figure 4: PolicyPak Browser Router will open the right browser for the right website Creating a rule is point-and-click easy within the Group Policy editor to make a “route” between a website (or pattern) and the browser you want to open. Your rules are created and contained within the GPO. Additionally for Internet Explorer, you can dynamically set Compatibility and Enterprise modes like what is seen here. Version 16.03 6 juni 2016 Page 64 User Environment Management Comparison Whitepaper Figure 5: PolicyPak Browser Router User Interface within Group Policy PolicyPak Admin Templates Manager PolicyPak Admin Templates Manager enables you to consolidate Group Policy settings from many GPOs into only a few GPOs. So instead of having many, many GPOs, you can consolidate your GPOs and target which policy settings will occur under what specific conditions (Video Demo). Version 16.03 6 juni 2016 Page 65 User Environment Management Comparison Whitepaper Figure 6: PolicyPak Admin Templates Manager enables Collections of real ADMX and ADM Group Policy settings As a bonus, once policies are in a collection, Group Policy settings can be exported as XML files and be optionally: delivered using SCCM or other on-premise management tool (Video Demo) or delivered using PolicyPak Cloud (Video Demo). Licensing There are multiple components in the PolicyPak suites, and all components are included to customers in good standing. PolicyPak On-Premise is licensed per active (non-disabled) computer account in Active Directory plus any concurrent connections to Terminal Services or XenApp. PolicyPak on-premise can be licensed per OU, multiple OUs (parent-child, or unrelated OUs), or for an entire domain. PolicyPak Cloud is licensed in 100-license blocks. Licenses are consumed from a “pool” of licensed. Any desktop or laptop can consume a license. More about licensing PolicyPak can be found here. Version 16.03 6 juni 2016 Page 66 User Environment Management Comparison Whitepaper 7.10 RES Introduction RES was founded in 1999 by Bob Janssen while he was looking for a way to simplify the management of several users on a Microsoft Terminal Server. Today, RES is a leader in digital workspace technology, empowering IT to make digital workspaces secure, automated and people-centric for easy adoption and use. RES ONE Workspace allows IT to centrally manage and secure apps and services for the workforce across the most complex environments, including physical, virtual and cloud based solutions. RES ONE Workspace offers today’s digital workforce a better, more personal technology experience, while giving IT the control to increase security and reduce costs. Configuration and management are centralized, so IT can build workspaces that roam across devices, operating systems, delivery platforms and more. RES ONE Workspace can be combined with RES ONE Automation and RES ONE Service Store in the RES ONE Suite to fully empower the workforce through self-service and automated delivery and return of the right apps and services to each person’s secure digital workspace. Architecture Figure 10: RES ONE Workspace Architecture The RES ONE Workspace architecture is simple and capable of managing many network topologies, scalable and easy to install and maintain. None of the components require dedicated hardware. Version 16.03 6 juni 2016 Page 67 User Environment Management Comparison Whitepaper RES ONE Workspace Console: The RES ONE Workspace Console is the administration center of your workspace environment(s) and installed on a Windows-based platform. The management console is used to create the list of all possible desktop items that need to be composed and secured in a user workspace. The management console is intuitive by offering a workspace designer which helps you setup the environment. Workspace simulation lets you find out which configuration items are used to build a specific user workspace and offers a way to simulate the behavior of changes. In the management console, you can create role-based access to the console, and itis the main interface for the IT professional. RES ONE Workspace Datastore: The Datastore is the central database for your RES ONE Workspace environment. All computers in a RES ONE Workspace environment connect to this database. It runs on a central database server that you have installed prior to installing the RES ONE Workspace Console. The datastore can exist on any of the following database types: MS SQL (including Express and Azure), Oracle, DB2 and MySQL. RES ONE Workspace Relay Server (optional): The Relay Server component makes it possible to create a flexible architecture that consolidates and centralizes all RES ONE Workspace configuration data into one central database, while ensuring that dispersed Agents across multiple sites obtain configuration data efficiently and in a timely manner. Relay Servers are an optional infrastructure component and are used by many organizations in order to improve scalability, reduce network traffic and reduce the overall Datastore load. Relay Servers Cache information from the Datastore and pass it on to Agents or to other Relay Servers. Agents can be configured to contact the Datastore directly, or to use Relay Servers. The relay server can be installed on Windows, but RES also have a Linux version available on request. RES ONE Workspace Agent: An agent can be installed on Windows, Mac (OS X) or Linux. This can be a terminal Server, a workstation, laptop or a VDI desktop. Each Agent is available in the Management Console. All data is available in the local data cache, regardless of the availability of the Datastore. Each Agent presents the end user with a uniform workspace managed by the Workspace Composer. The RES ONE Workspace Composer builds the users workspace, regardless of the technology stack used. This includes all applications, registry, menu items, files, and settings to which the user is granted access. Linux and Mac OS X agents support the managed applications Security feature, providing the capability to allow or block executables in user sessions based on Authorized Files with MD5, SHA-1 and SHA-256 file hashes and must be connected to a RES ONE Workspace Relay Server. Version 16.03 6 juni 2016 Page 68 User Environment Management Comparison Whitepaper Functionality User Profile Management: Save and apply profile data per application (instead of loading the whole Windows profile during logon). Setup can be done by using built-in templates or can be discovered by running an application in learning mode. You can offer users to restore their own profile settings (per application) via self-service. Context Awareness: RES builds a workspace based on the current and actual user state such as location, time, device and identity of the user. Context can be based on AD group membership, location awareness by determining the strongest wireless access point and device type. Context awareness can be used to deliver the right services to the right user at the right time and location. Security: Restricting access to applications, data, network, websites and removable storage based on context. Enabling user rights management by elevating privileges on applications instead of elevating the user to local administrator. Rendering all local drives read-only by a simple check-box instead of cumbersome policies and NTFS configurations. File access based on hash (MD5, SHA-1 and SHA-256) is a recent addition to RES ONE Workspace. For organizations that have strict security and compliance initiatives, a RES ONE Workspace installation can be configured for FIPS compliance for superior security and encryption across components and the way they communicate with each other. Desktop and Application Management: Enables object oriented management of what IT offers the end user. This includes items such as printers, applications, data sources, e-mail templates, folder redirection and synchronization. Giving the user access only to the items he/she needs to be productive from a standard desktop. Integration: Simplifies management, access and configuration of application virtualization technologies, publishing technologies and application deployment technologies from a single console. Compliance: Supporting software license and asset management by enabling application license metering and enforcement in hybrid desktop environments. Providing detailed audit information and insight on configuration changes and enforcing change management through granular role based access control. Reporting & Analysis: Providing first line support with analysis that helps them perform advanced real-time troubleshooting to resolve issues quicker as well as providing detailed insight in workspace usage including applications, sessions and websites. RES Viewpoint is used as a companion to RES ONE Workspace, and provides customers a wealth of information about the as-is environment prior to deployment of RES ONE Workspace or any other change to the desktop. Because it is based on Microsoft Azure, there are no infrastructure requirements at all. Session Performance: Ensure a stable and resource efficient end user experience by enabling performance optimization mechanisms. Version 16.03 6 juni 2016 Page 69 User Environment Management Comparison Whitepaper Desktop Transformation: Transform any existing desktop infrastructure into managed user workspaces with an intuitive wizard. Desktop transformation allows IT professionals to use current user state data to design the user workspace and implement step-by-step only applying the necessary configuration. Simple and Efficient Management: Simplify management of the desired user state by providing video tutorials, setup wizards and instant reporting of configuration. Building-blocks enable easy and quick move of any configuration between environments such as development, test & verification and production. Workspace Simulation allow the IT administrator to test impact of infrastructure changes before actual implementation. Delegation of Control: Role-based access to specific configuration parts in the console. Reverse Seamless Technology: Deliver local application and data experiences to remote, hosted virtual desktops. Benefits RES ONE Workspace offers enterprises a variety of benefits around increased productivity, reduced costs and improved security and compliance. Increased Productivity: The ability to mask routine technology changes and upgrades and limit workforce disruption is a major advantage of RES ONE Workspace. Migrations become zero impact, and day-in and day-out, users have an optimized workspace that dynamically adapts based on context. RES enables a mobile workforce. Lower Cost of IT Operations: By centralizing management of users across all virtual and physical delivery platforms, IT no only saves time, but also maximizes the investment made in virtual desktop technology. RES has also been proven to reduce service desk tickets related the user experience by delivering an optimal workspace. Additionally, enterprises are able to better control license use by having full visibility into the usage of apps and services in the workspace, eliminating costly finds for over-usage. Greater Security and Compliance: The need to protect and organization and mitigate risks has never been higher. RES allows IT teams to define and enforce granular context aware access policies to ensure that access is safe and compliant. Application and web security features protect the organization from cybersecurity threats and other risks at the user level, giving enterprises an added layer of security. In addition to these benefits, RES ONE Workspace provides the foundation that organizations need to provide the most comprehensive digital workspace experience to employees. RES customers can leverage other solutions in the RES ONE Suite to power their workspace with automation, predictable service delivery and return and self-service capabilities. Combined, IT has the tools needed to design, build, deliver and control every Version 16.03 6 juni 2016 Page 70 User Environment Management Comparison Whitepaper aspect of the worker’s business journey with intuitive self-service and security that adapt at each step along the way. Licensing RES ONE Workspace can be purchased using either the concurrent or named user licensing model. RES ONE Workspace consists of three modules and customers can purchase any combination of the modules to match their needs: • • • Dynamic Configuration - delivers a context aware user workspace independent from the infrastructure; Delegation and Compliance – Diagnostic, troubleshooting and the integration with other technologies; Adaptive Security – delivers a context aware security layer that is created around the workspace. References Website: Youtube channel: Admin guide: Version 16.03 6 juni 2016 Page 71 User Environment Management Comparison Whitepaper 7.11 TRICERAT Introduction TriCerat has been helping organizations ranging from 20 users to multi-national corporations address the complexities of virtual environments since 1997. Although the company started with ScrewDrivers, a product for solving the printing headache in server based computing environments; the portfolio has grown to address all of the most common challenges in managing physical and virtual desktop estates. The Simplify Suite consists of a set of solutions that enable an administrator to easily manage all main aspects of the user desktop environment from one pane of glass, while overcoming the typical complexities found in IT environments today. These solutions include enterprise profile management, application access restriction, desktop customisation, server stability and a true print management solution. The triCerat approach remains true to its ScrewDrivers beginnings, namely to create a fully scalable solution that gives the right level of functionality to solve the fundamental issues without adding to the management complexity elsewhere. The result is that not only do common problem areas get addressed, but triCerat's approach promises that even the most junior of administrators can quickly get to grips with the console, ensuring customers can quickly adapt their IT environment to meet the changing needs of their users. As well as the enterprise tools that form the Simplify Suite, triCerat offers a set of point solutions that offer a quick-fix to issues like slow logons from roaming profiles and the challenge of scanning in a server based computing environment. Functionality TriCerat’s Simplify Suite includes the following solutions: PROFILE MANAGEMENT TriCerat’s hybrid profile solution solves all common profile issues like slow logon times, profile corruption and bloat, while overcoming v1/v2 and 32-/64-bit profile issues encountered when migrating to a new OS or server platform. Registry keys are migrated into the Simplify database and can be assigned rules (Save/Restore, Set, and Delete) in order to restrict profile bloat and ensure a fully personalized user profile. A corrupted registry setting can be replaced with the last known good version that was saved on the database. Folder redirection, drive mapping, drive restrictions, and Windows Explorer restrictions can be quickly and easily configured in the console. PRINT MANAGEMENT TriCerat’s driverless printing solutions addresses slow printing, network bandwidth spikes, and spooler crashes. The proprietary TMF print format achieves an average of 90% compression rates and the print job streaming minimizes stress on the network. This solution is superior to Version 16.03 6 juni 2016 Page 72 User Environment Management Comparison Whitepaper universal print drivers because it is compatible with 100% of printers, recognizes advanced printer functionality, and eliminates the need to install printer drivers on the server. The Active Directory integration enables proximity printing and through a print server fully supports printing to any device (including thin clients, PDAs etc.). DESKTOP SECURITY & CUSTOMIZATION The administrator is given the tools to quickly and easily create a lock down on all aspects of the user environment including the desktop, start menu, and taskbar functionality. This includes the triShell OS shell replacement that offers a similar experience across access devices and is more secure and less memory intensive than the explorer.exe shell. APPLICATION CONTROL TriCerat uses trusted and banned lists to together with secure application signatures to control what applications can be accessed by the user and ensure licensing compliance. Application access is also location aware, allowing an application to launch depending on whether the user is in the office or not. SYSTEM PERFORMANCE TriCerat’s system performance component ensures system stability and maximizes the number of quality user sessions on the server by controlling CPU and memory resources. This is particularly suited for controlling legacy and rogue applications that hoard CPU and affect all users on the server. Rules are set to first lower the priority and then clamp down CPU on the application and user level until normal levels return. Benefits TriCerat’s approach to user environment management is not only to cut the costs of managing an enterprise IT environment, but to do so at a level of complexity that even a junior administrator on the helpdesk could manage. TriCerat will allow all aspects of the user environment to be controlled and altered based on the changing needs of users from the straightforward, powerful Simplify Console. TriCerat offers a superior method to environment management in the following ways: • • Version 16.03 Centralized management for controlling whole user environments. One Active Directory querying management console is shared between all solutions that comprise the Simplify Suite. This works with any combination of virtual or physical desktop environments, giving administrators an accurate picture of what the user sees on their desktop. Group Policy and script-free management. The Simplify Suite reduces the reliance on policies and scripts for both setting up and managing the user environment. This reduces the time needed for new environment configurations and allows administrators to quickly apply changes required by the user without the risk of undermining baseline policy. 6 juni 2016 Page 73 User Environment Management Comparison Whitepaper • • • • Full personalization for the user and full control for the administrator. User acceptance of a new environment is ensured by allowing users to personalize their work environment while administers retain full control. This includes assigning rules to what parts of the registry are to be save/restored, set, or deleted. Solves main migration headaches when changing OS, server bit platform, access devices, and virtualization technology. Migrations throw up unexpected hurdles that affect profiles, printing and the user desktop experience. TriCerat addresses all of these issues in advance and includes migration tools for bringing existing user settings into a new environment. Reduces helpdesk costs by speeding resolution times. TriCerat overcomes most of the common problems associated with managing the user environment in real-time, reflecting changes immediately on the desktop without requiring the user to restart their machine. Doing so allows administrators to assist employees in getting back to work quickly. Increased security of the user desktop minimizes threats. Full control of the user desktop allows administrators to close all potential security holes that could cause problems for the user. Should users need further flexibility, changes are simply made in the console. Architecture Simplify Suite modules need to be installed on every machine (workstation, Terminal Server, virtual desktop) that requires Simplify Suite functionality. The installation of all Simplify Suite modules comes under 100MB and can be fully automated. The Simplify database is built on a Microsoft SQL database, which is built on Microsoft standards and thus supports SQL clustering and maintenance plans for backup and replication. Figure 11: TriCerat Simplify Suite architecture Version 16.03 6 juni 2016 Page 74 User Environment Management Comparison Whitepaper Licensing & Pricing TriCerat products are sold on a per user or per server basis. Product modules that make up the Simplify Suite (including Simplify Profiles, Simplify Printing, Simplify Lockdown, and Simplify Stability) can be sold alone or as part of the Simplify Suite. During the time this document was going to press, triCerat was exploring a SPLA model for managed services partners 7.12 UNIDESK Note from the author: Unidesk is an increasingly popular desktop provisioning, application delivery, and management platform in the Server Hosted Desktop (VDI) space. Unidesk’s layering technology is often used in place of VMware Linked Clones, View Composer, View Persona, and VMware ThinApp by VMware View customers and in place of Citrix Provisioning Server, Citrix Machine Creation Services, Citrix XenApp, Microsoft App-V, Citrix Personal vDisk, and Citrix Profile Management by Citrix XenDesktop customers. Unidesk isn’t a User Environment Management solution as such, we believe it is wise to add Unidesk to this whitepaper and inform you about the functionality and potential. Introduction Unidesk is a provisioning and application delivery solution for virtual desktops hosted on VMware vSphere. Customers use the Unidesk layering platform in combination with VMware View, Citrix XenDesktop, and other brokers when: They have a large number of applications that cannot be easily virtualized; They want to keep the number of gold images to 1 to simplify Windows OS patching and updates; They have users who require persistent desktops to keep user-installed applications and other customizations. They want to reduce the amount of storage needed for VDI up to 85%. Benefits Cost Savings Version 16.03 Reduce storage requirements: Unidesk shares single layers of the OS and applications across many virtual desktops and thin provisions user space to reduce SAN and NAS capacity requirements up to 85% for both persistent and non-persistent desktops. Reduce OpEx: Customers report that with Unidesk, they can layer almost any application in less than 30 minutes, compared to the days it may require to virtualize the same applications. Also, most Unidesk customers have only 1 gold image for all desktops, compared to the 1 gold image for every 50-100 desktops required by nonUnidesk VDI implementations. The savings in Windows patching and application delivery time alone enables Unidesk to pay for itself in less then 6 months. Reduce desktop support costs. Unidesk enables Level 1 service desk personnel to repair damaged virtual desktops simply by rolling the desktop’s User layer back to a previous snapshot. Bad registry keys and DLLs, malware, viruses, and other problems 6 juni 2016 Page 75 User Environment Management Comparison Whitepaper can be fixed with a simple reboot, without having to reimage the desktop or lose all user customizations. IT Benefits Minimize complexity. Unidesk's interface, "layer cake" approach to creating desktops and full feature set means fewer point tools to learn. Simplify application packaging and delivery. Traditional application virtualization requires time and business knowledge to deal with the compatibility issues caused by process isolation, and there are many applications that cannot be virtualized. Unidesk can package any application in a fraction of the time. Just install the app the way you would on a physical PC, and it can be immediately assigned to any number of desktops. Reduce patching time and costs. With only 1 gold image layer as the basis for all desktops, Unidesk can deliver a virtually unlimited number of Windows hot fixes and updates to all desktops in 1 day, without the patch failure rates typical of agent-based PC management approaches. End User Benefits Full, rich desktop. Unidesk provides a consistently personal desktop experience that ensures virtual desktop acceptance and enhances job satisfaction by making sure user data, profile settings, and user-installed applications survive logouts, reboots, patches, and upgrades. Quickly receive new applications, updates, and patches from IT. Unidesk accelerates delivery of new revenue-generating applications and patches needed for security and compliance without time-consuming install procedures, scripting, or risk of patch failure. Repair "broken" desktops instantly. End users don’t have to deal with lengthy desktop downtime, or worry that personal settings and data will survive an attempted repair. Unidesk can roll back user-installed applications or surgically repair specific applications, leaving all user data intact. Functionality Simpler, More Powerful Application Delivery Unidesk can package and deliver applications in a fraction of the time required to virtualize the same applications. Unidesk can also deliver antivirus, printer/scanner drivers, Office plug-ins, and the many other applications that traditional application virtualization cannot. With Unidesk layers, IT administrators can package or patch apps once, then assign them to any or Version 16.03 6 juni 2016 Page 76 User Environment Management Comparison Whitepaper all desktops. If a mistake is made, they can simply roll the layer back to a previous version to undo the problem. Single Image OS Management With all applications layered separately, all desktops can be created from a single, pristine Microsoft Windows gold OS layer. Administrators can patch the gold once, and all desktops get updated. End users won't lose user customizations like they will with cloning solutions. Also, the patch failures common with agent-based PC configuration tools are no longer an issue because of how Unidesk composites the new OS layer into every desktop using file system and Registry virtualization. 100% Persistent Personalization Profile management only captures user customizations that can be stored in a profile. Unidesk’s storage-efficient persistent desktops capture everything - including profile settings, data, and user-installed applications – and eliminate the need for profile management in most cases. 85% Less Storage By sharing the same OS and application layers across many desktops and thin provisioning user layers, Unidesk cuts the VDI storage footprint up to 85% for both persistent and non-persistent desktops. Broker Integration Unidesk brokering connectors for VMware View and Citrix XenDesktop enable Unidesk desktops to be provisioned directly into View and XenDesktop pools and catalogs.Web-Based Management Interface Unidesk’s elegant management interface makes it easy for administrators to provision, update, manage, and report on their entire VDI estate. The web-based management console enables administrators to dynamically assemble desktops from a pick list of independently packaged and versioned Microsoft Windows OS and application layers. Version 16.03 6 juni 2016 Page 77 User Environment Management Comparison Whitepaper Figure 12: Unidesk web-based management Architecture Unidesk is implemented as a system of “scale-out” virtual appliances that run on existing VMware infrastructure. The Unidesk Management Appliance hosts the Web-based management application that is used by administrators to provision, patch, assign and report on virtual desktops. Only one Management Appliance is typically needed for a VDI environment. The Management Appliance also manages Unidesk policy and configuration, including information about Unidesk layers, desktops and users. The Management Appliance can be deployed on any host in the virtual infrastructure as long as it can communicate over TCP/IP with Unidesk CachePoint appliances and VMware vCenter Server. The first Unidesk CachePoint appliance deployed takes on the special role of Master CachePoint, storing all Operating System (OS) and Application layers. In production VDI environments, a dediFigure 13: Unidesk architecture cated Master CachePoint appliance should be deployed on a Version 16.03 6 juni 2016 Page 78 User Environment Management Comparison Whitepaper separate host server to maximize virtual desktop performance. The Master CachePoint automatically replicates OS and Application layers to other secondary CachePoints, where the layers are cached as VMDKs. Layers are replicated only if they are needed by at least one of the desktops associated with a CachePoint. Each secondary CachePoint caches the OS, Application and Personalization layers for the desktops it hosts. The desktops are created with a small boot image in a VMDK file. At boot, this disk supplies enough of the desktop operating system to load any drivers or early start services required prior to the Unidesk filesystem drivers loading. Once the Unidesk drivers are loaded, the desktop establishes connectivity to the correct OS, Application and Personalization layers, stored as VMDKs in a directory structure under the CachePoint. All desktops assigned to a CachePoint share the same OS and Application layers for dramatic storage savings. The Personalization layer for each desktop is then combined on top of the IT-controlled OS and App layers. The virtual infrastructure and connection broker see Unidesk desktops as standard virtual machines. Licensing Unidesk is based on a perpetual licensing model, with annual Complete Care service (support and maintenance) mandatory for all purchases. The licensing unit is a Managed Desktop, defined as the number of virtual desktops created, updated, and managed by Unidesk. This may include persistent desktops (assigned to specific users, retain state, and used only by those users), non-persistent (don’t retain state, shared by many users e.g. labs), and non-concurrent (may or may not retain state, shared by multiple users, but not at same time, e.g. shift workers). Customers may purchase 3 years of Complete Care Service upfront in return for a discounted price. Unidesk also plans to add term/subscription licensing options for service providers and site/enterprise licensing options for large opportunities. Version 16.03 6 juni 2016 Page 79 User Environment Management Comparison Whitepaper 7.13 VMWARE USER ENVIRONMENT MANAGER Introduction VMware User Environment Manager™ offers personalization and dynamic policy configuration across any virtual, physical and cloud-based Windows desktop environment. User Environment Manager simplifies end-user profile management by providing organizations with a single, light-weight and scalable solution that leverages existing infrastructure. It accelerates time-todesktop and time-to-application by replacing bloated roaming profiles and unmaintainable, complex logon scripts. It maps environmental settings (such as networks and printers), and dynamically applies end-user security policies and personalizations. Utilizing the Horizon Cloud Manager, this focused, powerful and scalable solution is engineered to deliver workplace productivity while driving down the cost of day-to-day desktop support and operations. VMware User Environment Manager is the successor of Immidio Flex Profiles – the most successful Windows profile management solution, with more than 2 million users worldwide. Immidio developed VMware User Environment Manager in close collaboration with its large installed base. VMware User Environment Manager offers a desktop that adjusts to the actual situation of the end user, providing access to the IT resources that are required, based on a user’s role, device and location. VMware User Environment Manager consists of five functional areas: Application Configuration Management, User Environment settings, Personalization, Application Migration and Dynamic Configuration. VMware differentiates its UEM solution from those from other vendors by focusing on the core requirements needed to deliver a positive user experience, in a light-weight, simple to administer package. VMware User Environment Manager positively impacts end-user experience and productivity, while leveraging existing IT infrastructure, resulting in a very attractive ROI. Benefits IT benefits: “Centralized and simplified user environment management” Engineered to be simple yet powerful, scalable and fast; User Environment Manager demonstrates value almost immediately Accelerates upgrades, migrations, and on-boarding with easy to maintain policies and tools. Replaces unmaintainable, complex GPO and Logon Scripts with dynamic policy Reduces helpdesk incidents by replacing bloated, corruptible Roaming Profiles with a more efficient and scalable solution End-User benefits: “Consistent and personalized experience across devices and locations” Version 16.03 Maintain personalized settings across multiple devices, even non-persistent VDI sessions 6 juni 2016 Page 80 User Environment Management Comparison Whitepaper Experience auto-mapping printers and networks as you roam between locations Enjoy speedy logon times and faster time-to- application, with minimal downtime Business benefits: “Enterprise-grade user management with low up-front investment” Scale out services with a single solution that supports virtual, physical, and cloudhosted environments Drive down user management costs without adding additional infrastructure Respond to changing business dynamics with the ability to quickly add/remove profile and personalization services Architecture In order to control costs, VMware User Environment Manager leverages a company’s existing Windows infrastructure. Unlike other solutions, it does not require additional components, such as a databases or web servers. VMware User Environment Manager also uses commonly used mechanisms for deployment (MSI) and configuration (Active Directory Group Policy) of the client agent. This strategy makes it possible to scale up alongside the scaling of the Windows infrastructure and also, to support off-line usage of managed Windows devices. Figure 14: Architecture Version 16.03 6 juni 2016 Page 81 User Environment Management Comparison Whitepaper If a customer has deployed the optional Horizon Cloud Manager, then daily maintenance tasks can performed using this unified single console. Functionality Application Configuration Management Application Configuration Management enables you to configure the initial settings of an application without having to rely on the defaults of the application. "Predefined Settings" can be used as one-time defaults or can be set each time the application starts (guaranteeing that application settings are always in the exact same state). A hybrid approach is also possible: define which application settings can be personalized and which should always remain at their initial values, allowing partial personalization. Using Application Profiler, you can capture predefined settings for an application by simple running the application on a reference system (monitored by Application Profiler) and then configuring as desired. VMware User Environment Manager also provides the capability to manage certain User Environment settings when an application is launched, like mapping drives and printers, applying custom files, folders and registry settings, and running custom tasks. Additionally, central policy controlled black and whitelists govern which applications a user has access to at any given time. Application Configuration benefits: • • • • • • Decouple user settings from native and virtual applications Maintain a single application package while deploying it in multiple configurations Ensure compliance with company standards Prevent users from misconfiguring error-prone applications Only consume network resources (e.g. printers or network drives) when necessary Manage all application configuration elements on the application level User Environment settings VMware User Environment Manager enables you to centrally manage a variety of User Environment settings which users need to perform their daily tasks. The following User Environment settings are supported: • • • • • • • Version 16.03 Drive and printer mappings Environment variables Application shortcuts and file type associations Custom files, folders and registry settings Logon and logoff tasks Display language Hide drives 6 juni 2016 Page 82 User Environment Management Comparison Whitepaper • • Triggered tasks Policy settings User Environment settings benefits: • • • • Reduce complex scripting and prevent configuration errors Reduce use of dispersed Group Policy preferences Manage application shortcuts and file type associations for applications virtualized with Microsoft App-V (MDOP), Novell ZAV and VMware ThinApp Centrally managed from a single management console Personalization VMware User Environment Manager Personalization decouples and segments user-specific desktop and application settings from the Windows operating system, making them available across multiple devices, Windows versions and application instances. Decoupled personalization is independent from the traditional Windows user profiles and allows for easy introduction and management of virtualization technologies and application delivery mechanisms. Personalization integrates seamlessly with natively installed and virtualized applications, providing users with a consistent user experience across any Windows platform – physical, virtual or remote. Additionally, it enables painless upgrades, like migrating from Windows XP to Windows 7 or Windows 10, or migrating from App-V 4 to App-V 5. Additionally, VMware User Environment Manager makes it easier for admins to make a users’ personal data available on multiple devices. Personalization benefits: Much shorter logon and logoff times Reset user settings per application rather than deleting the complete user profile Unique cleanup mechanism for existing roaming and local user profiles Manage personalization of applications virtualized with Microsoft App-V (MDOP) A single "user profile" per user across multiple Windows platforms Application Migration VMware User Environment Manager can "roam" personal application settings of users from one operating system to another (e.g. from Windows XP to Windows 7), as long as the application is storing its configuration in the same location of the user profile (i.e. uses the same registry and AppData locations). In any application version upgrade (e.g. Office 2007 to Office 2016), either as part of an operating system migration or as part of the application’s lifecycle management, VMware personalization can manage the personal application settings. Application Migration benefits: • • Version 16.03 Migrate application settings to increase end-user productivity Increase user acceptance for application or operating system upgrades 6 juni 2016 Page 83 User Environment Management Comparison Whitepaper • Avoid helpdesk overload during migrations. Smart Policy Condition Sets allow you to combine conditions based on user, location and device characteristics, enabling dynamic adaptation of content and appearance of the end-user desktop. For example, you can provide access to a network printer based on the user’s current location or create an application shortcut on the desktop based on the user’s identity. Conditions can be evaluated again when users unlock their workstation or reconnect to a remote session. Smart Policy is deeply integrated in to Horizon 7 with conditional support for poolnames, tags, endpoint location and View name and IP information. Using these conditions, you can dynamically control the system clipboard, client drive, USB access, printing capabilities and bandwidth profile. Condition sets are managed centrally from the Management Console and can be applied to all configurable items within VMware User Environment Manager. Dynamic Configuration benefits: • • • • • • • • Reduce complex scripting and prevent configuration errors Reduce use of dispersed Group Policy preferences Centrally managed from a single management console Manage globally instead of per configured item Globally enforce compliance to company standards Increase end-user productivity by providing the relevant desktop Reduce helpdesk calls by anticipating on dynamic desktop usage scenarios Run built-in or custom tasks at logon and logoff, application launch and exit, lock and unlock workstation, and disconnect and reconnect to a remote session Licensing and pricing VMware User Environment Manager is available stand-alone or as part of Workspace ONE, Horizon 7, Horizon Air, and VMware AppVolumes. Version 16.03 6 juni 2016 Page 84 User Environment Management Comparison Whitepaper 7.14 VMWARE VIEW PERSONA MANAGEMENT Introduction Early 2010 VMware acquired certain assets from RTO Software, a provider of user profile management for Windows desktops and application/performance monitoring tools for desktop virtualization, to enable effective persona management for VMware View. With VMware View 5, VMware introduced View Persona Management. View Persona Management preserves user profiles and dynamically synchronizes them with a remote profile repository. View Persona Management does not require the configuration of Windows roaming profiles, and you can bypass Windows Active Directory in the management of View user profiles. If you already use roaming profiles, Persona Management enhances their functionality. Persona Management downloads only the files that Windows requires at login, such as user registry files. When the user or application opens other files from the desktop profile folder, these files are copied from the stored user persona to the View desktop. This algorithm provides performance beyond that achieved with Windows roaming profiles. In addition, View copies recent user profile changes to the desktop profile up to the remote repository every few minutes. Benefits View Persona Management minimizes the amount of time necessary for login and logout by: Downloading at login time only the files that Windows requires for login, such as user registry files. Downloading other user profile data only as needed, when the user or application opens a profile folder on the View desktop. The profile folders appear to contain upto-date files, but the data is not downloaded until it is accessed. Periodically uploading to the remote repository any changes made to the user profile. The default time between automatic periodic uploads is ten minutes, and this time can be configured. Uploading at logout only the user profile changes since the last periodic upload. Because of the frequent automatic upload of changed user data during the user session, this final upload does not take a long time. By minimizing the amount of data uploaded or downloaded at any one time, Persona Management provides a performance improvement over Windows roaming profiles. A roaming profile system managed by Windows copies the entire user profile to the local desktop at login and copies all user profile changes up to the remote repository at logout. View Persona Management is an alternative to Windows roaming profiles and allows you to manage user profiles without relying on Active Directory for configuration. Instead, you configure and manage user profiles entirely within the View environment. Any changes you make to test View Persona Management have an effect only on View desktops and do not have a global Version 16.03 6 juni 2016 Page 85 User Environment Management Comparison Whitepaper effect on other desktops, such as physical desktops. You can easily reconfigure View to refine your implementation. VMware View Persona Management is an integral part of the VMware View solution, which also includes other features such as application provisioning. While other profile management vendors rely on best practices and “good user behavior” to ensure that data and settings are included in the Windows profile, the VMware approach is to manage a user’s “personality”. The user personality encompasses the unique user experience including user data, user settings, and application access, which is more than a Windows profile covers. By integrating personality management with other components, such as View Manager and View Composer, VMware View delivers a complete solution to solve our customer’s problems holistically. Licensing; Persona Management is free as part of VMware Horizon View 7.x Version 16.03 6 juni 2016 Page 86 User Environment Management Comparison Whitepaper 8. UEM FEATURES COMPARISON 8.1 INTRODUCTION It’s important to understand that comparing features is the last step in the decision tree. Vision, Strategy and Technology are the first steps to take. Each User Environment Management product has its own functionality and feature-set. It’s key to have an overview of the vendors, solutions and their functionality. Some vendors offer complete and comprehensive sets of functionality while others are focused to deliver a smaller solution set with specific functionality. Both scenarios are valid, it all depends what kind of functionality you’re looking for. Keep the strategic questions mentioned in chapter 3.8 in mind! Below you will find an overview of the various vendors, their solutions and the functionality they are offering on a very high level. As mentioned in chapter 5 it’s key to understand that different vendors have different focus, approach and solutions to fill in the UEM space. The different focus areas used in the diagram are: Version 16.03 User Profile Management; Manage Windows User profiles; local, roaming, hybrid, mandatory; User Personalization, or Application and Desktop Management; Application icons, settings and configuration preferences; Application Access Control, with User Rights Management or Security Management; enforce access to applications, persona and context aware. Resource Management; Application performance optimization and management; License Management; insights, reporting and enforcing the use of licenses; Application Delivery: User centric Application Installation with Dynamic Privileges, User Installed Applications, Streamed and Virtualized applications; Monitoring, Auditing and Reporting facilities on various levels with focus on the user environment. 6 juni 2016 Page 87 User Environment Management Comparison Whitepaper Scense AppSense DesktopNow Citrix User Profile Management Liquidware Labs ProfileUnity + suite Microsoft GPO, GPPrefs, USV, UE-v Norskale VUEM PolicyPak PolicyPak Suite RES ONE Workspace Tricerat Simplify Suite VMware Persona Management VMware User environment Management Application Delivery License Management Resource Management User Rights Management In this version of the whitepaper I added more bullets to some of the vendors, I included bullets to vendors that offer functionality in a suite instead of the core product. All of these vendors offer the functionality that help you manage your UEM environment. Version 16.03 6 juni 2016 Page 88 Monitor, Audit and Report Product Application Access Control Vendor Appixoft User Personalisation User Profile Mgmt There are a lot of vendors in the User Environment Management space. The diagram below gives an overview of the focus of the various User Environment Management (UEM) software vendors. This diagram has nothing to do with the (possible) discussion which vendor provides the most and the best functionality and features. A complete overview of the features and functionality is available in this chapter. User Environment Management Comparison Whitepaper Product Version We did our best to be truthful and accurate in investigating and writing-down the different features. When you see improvements please let us know. This detailed feature compare matrix is developed with the following products and versions: Product AppiXoft Scense AppSense Environment Manager AppSense Performance Manager AppSense Application Manager Citrix User Profile Manager Citrix XenApp / XenDesktop FSLogix Liquidware Labs ProfileUnity Liquidware Labs Flex-io Liquidware Labs Stratusphere Microsoft Windows Server and Client Microsoft User Experience Virtualization Norskale VUEM PolicyPak Suite RES ONE Workspace RES ONE Automation Tricerat Simplify Suite Unidesk VMware User Environment Management VMware Persona Management VMware vROps VMware App volumes 8.2 Version 10 10.0 10.0 10.0 3.1 7.8 2.1 6.5 1.5 5.8.1 2012R2 and 10 2.0 4.0 Build 901 2015 SR2 2015 5.5 2.5 9.0 7 6.2 2.11 ROADMAP AND FUTURE ADDITIONS This document is just the beginning and will be developed and developed in the near future. We plan to add more feature details of the currently named vendor solutions and want to add new solutions where applicable. If you have any comments, corrections, or suggestions for improvements of this document, we want to hear from you! Please send e-mail to Rob Beekmans Version 16.03 6 juni 2016 Page 89 User Environment Management Comparison Whitepaper 8.3 FEATURE COMPARE MATRIX Goal: Requirements: Result: Method of Execution: UEM solutions and features Detailed description of features Hands-on-experience, vendor involvement Whitepaper Hands-on experience, read articles, communicate with vendors and discuss with colleagues Legend: √ = Applicable; X = Not applicable; --- Not needed ~= It depends; # =under investigation by PQR A green √ or red X has nothing to do with advantage or disadvantage of a solution. It just presents the availability of the functionality. Note: It’s out of scope for this whitepaper to explain the ‘It depends’ remarks’. # are under investigation and will be changed to other symbols as soon as we get confirmation on the functionality or support. A next version of the whitepaper will reflect the changes. Version 16.03 6 juni 2016 Page 90 User Environment Management Comparison Whitepaper VMware Persona Management VMware UEM RES ONE Workspace Liquidware Labs ProfileUnity PolicyPak Suire Norskale VUEM Microsoft Citix UPM Functionality AppSense DesktopNow GENERIC FEATURES AND FUNCTIONALITY AppiXoft Scense 8.4 Management Server / UEM solution Server instance officially supports 1K concurrent connections √ √ --- √ √ --- √ √ --- --- Server instance officially supports 2.000 concurrent connections √ √ --- √ √ --- √ √ --- --- Server instance officially supports 5.000 concurrent connections √ √ --- √ √ --- √ √ --- --- Server instance officially supports 10.000 concurrent connections √ √ --- # √ --- √ √ --- --- Server instance officially supports 20.000 concurrent connections √ √ --- # √ --- √ √ --- --- Database instance officially support 20.000 concurrent connections √ √ --- # √ --- --- √ --- --- Total supported managed clients per ‘farm≤ 10.000 CCU √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ # Total supported managed clients per ‘farm’ 10K – 25K CCU √ √ √ √ √ # √ √ √ # Total supported managed clients per ‘farm’ ≥ 25.000 CCU √ √ √ √ √ # √ √ √ # Integration with 3rd party systems management solutions X √ X √ √ √ X √ X X Version 16.03 may 2016 Page 91 User Environment Management VMware Persona Management VMware UEM RES ONE Workspace Liquidware Labs ProfileUnity PolicyPak Suire Norskale VUEM Microsoft Citix UPM Functionality AppSense DesktopNow AppiXoft Scense Comparison Whitepaper Centralized management console √ √ X √ √ √ √ √ √ X Web-based management interface X √ X X X X √ X X X Single centralized management console for support and admin √ X X √ √ √ √ √ ~ X Windows GUI for Management (includes MMC) √ √ ~ √ √ √ √ X ~ X Delegation of control √ √ X X √ √ √ √ X X Delegation of control, granular delegated administration roles √ √ X √ √ √ X √ √ X Console supports multiple concurrent administrators √ √ ~ √ √ √ √ √ √ --- Multi user operations - quick tasks Admin access console with different credentials other than current account details # √ √ √ # --- # --- # √ # --- # √ # √ # ~ # --- Console supports Single-Sign-On √ √ --- --- √ --- √ √ √ --- Console supports SQL Authentication √ √ --- --- # --- --- √ --- --- Configuration check in/out process for multiple administrators X √ --- --- √ --- X X X --- Version 16.03 may 2016 Page 92 User Environment Management VMware Persona Management VMware UEM RES ONE Workspace Liquidware Labs ProfileUnity PolicyPak Suire Norskale VUEM Microsoft Citix UPM Functionality AppSense DesktopNow AppiXoft Scense Comparison Whitepaper Single management console supports 5000+ managed clients √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ client endpoint search capabilities across management console √ √ --- --- # X √ √ X --- Support for (wildcard) searching across management console √ √ --- X √ --- √ √ X --- Client – Server traffic is secure by design √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ Management traffic is secure by design √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ Management traffic can be Network Load Balanced √ √ --- --- √ # --- √ ~ --- Auditing and security logging of admin actions √ √ X √ √ √ √ √ X √ Event and error reporting √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ Security hardening guidelines public available X X X X X X X X X X Support low bandwidth/high latency WAN connections √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ PowerShell SDK X √ X X X X X X X Scripting (not including PowerShell) support and command-line interface √ √ X √ X X √ √ √ Version 16.03 may 2016 X Page 93 User Environment Management VMware Persona Management RES ONE Workspace Liquidware Labs ProfileUnity √ √ √ √ X √ √ API Interface (public) and documented X √ X ~ X X √ X X X Support for Branch/Relay-servers for scalability/minimizing site-2-site traffic √ √ --- --- √ --- --- √ ~ --- Client end point merging of multiple separate configurations # √ X # √ √ √ X √ X Configuration layering within the console # √ X ~ # √ √ √ # X Configuration Change Tracking √ √ X X √ X X √ X X Product Patching via MSPs X √ X √ √ X --- X √ X Microsoft System Center Integration X √ X X X √ X √ ~ X Schedule Agent Installation for immediate install Schedule Agent Installation at next computer start up prior to logon Schedule Agent Installation for any given time Enable user to postpone agent installation (within predefined timeframe) Agent Installation Notification available in multiple languages Synchronized Agents & Configuration Deployment and Installation Force Agent to Poll Now to pull latest Configuration √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ X X X X ------- ------------√ X X X X X √ √ --------X --√ ------------X X X X X √ √ √ --------------- ------------X Version 16.03 may 2016 VMware UEM √ PolicyPak Suire √ Norskale VUEM X Microsoft Microsoft Group Policy-based management for agent/client settings Citix UPM Functionality AppiXoft Scense AppSense DesktopNow Comparison Whitepaper Page 94 User Environment Management Force agent to restart internal controller (not the service) – for e.g. debugging Force agent to clear some cache to reinforce some settings Force agent to do an administrative refresh Variable Poll Periods Failover support via multiple Management Servers Workspace Model to enable/disable UEM features Update of UEM Configuration: User Self-Initiated refresh Update of UEM configuration (no need to logoff/logon) Update of UEM configuration at User Logon Update of UEM of configuration at computer Startup Management Server / UEM solution: Built-in PowerShell Cmdlets for scripted configuration Licenses No external license server required First year support and maintenance included in license 24 x 7 support included in base license 24 x 7 support, additional pricing Built into Operating System Version 16.03 may 2016 VMware Persona Management VMware UEM RES ONE Workspace Liquidware Labs ProfileUnity PolicyPak Suire Norskale VUEM Microsoft Citix UPM Functionality AppSense DesktopNow AppiXoft Scense Comparison Whitepaper # # # √ √ √ X √ √ # # √ ~ # √ √ √ X √ √ √ √ --# # ------X X √ # --- X X X √ --√ X √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ X √ √ # X # ----√ --------√ # # ------√ --X X √ √ √ X # √ X √ √ √ √ √ √ # # √ √ √ ----√ √ √ √ # # X X X X ----X X √ # X √ √ X X X √ X √ --X # # # X X √ √ # # √ √ √ √ --X √ √ X X X √ √ X √ X √ √ X √ X √ √ X √ X √ # √ X X Page 95 User Environment Management Physical endpoint use license included with VDI/RDS license Concurrent user/desktop licenses Per device licenses Per named user licenses Per server licenses Enterprise/site license program Academic/Education license program Government license program Service Provider license program Free for personal usage (FFPU) Support and Community Public and active community Official training classes available Official certification program, VUE or Prometric UEM technology is proven; the solution is being used for 1+ year in enterprise production environments. 10K+ endpoint, various deployment scenarios. 10+ of public available enterprise (10K CCU) references in EU using UEM solution 10+ of public available enterprise (10K CCU) references in US using UEM solution Version 16.03 may 2016 VMware Persona Management VMware UEM RES ONE Workspace Liquidware Labs ProfileUnity PolicyPak Suire Norskale VUEM Microsoft Citix UPM Functionality AppSense DesktopNow AppiXoft Scense Comparison Whitepaper --√ √ √ X √ √ √ √ √ --√ X √ √ √ √ √ √ X √ √ √ √ X X √ √ X X # √ X √ X √ √ √ # X --√ √ √ X √ √ √ √ √ --√ √ X --√ √ √ √ X --√ X √ X √ √ √ √ √ --√ X √ X √ √ √ √ √ # √ √ √ X √ √ √ √ X X ----------------X √ √ X √ √ √ √ √ √ X X √ √ X X √ √ √ X √ √ √ X √ √ √ X √ √ √ √ √ √ √ X √ √ X X √ X X √ √ √ √ √ √ √ # X X X X √ √ √ X X X Page 96 User Environment Management 10+ of public available enterprise (50K CCU) references in EU using UEM solution 10+ of public available enterprise (50K CCU) references in US using UEM solution Enterprise Reference Architecture, public available Professional Services Organization – Business hours multi-lingual support Professional Services Organization - 24h multi-lingual support (possible additional contract) Technical Account Manager (TAM) available Management Platform Management through Active Directory Management through file share Datastore transfer Protocol - SMB Datastore transfer Protocol - HTTP(s) Datastore transfer Protocol – SMB Datastore transfer Protocol - TCP / configurable and supported Datastore transfer Protocol - Database specific (protocol differs per DB type) Datastore transfer Protocol – Windows Communication Foundation VMware Persona Management VMware UEM RES ONE Workspace Liquidware Labs ProfileUnity PolicyPak Suire Norskale VUEM Microsoft Citix UPM Functionality AppSense DesktopNow AppiXoft Scense Comparison Whitepaper X X X √ X X X √ √ √ X X √ √ √ X X # √ √ X # √ √ √ X X X X X X X X √ √ X X √ √ √ X X X √ √ X X X √ √ √ √ √ √ √ X √ √ √ √ X X √ √ X X √ √ ~ X √ √ √ √ √ X √ X √ X √ X X X √ X √ X X X ----- √ X X X X √ X √ √ √ √ X --------- √ √ √ X √ X --X X X √ √ √ √ √ X √ √ √ --√ ------- √ √ √ X √ X X X Datastore / database OS support Version 16.03 may 2016 Page 97 User Environment Management VMware Persona Management VMware UEM RES ONE Workspace Liquidware Labs ProfileUnity PolicyPak Suire Norskale VUEM Microsoft Citix UPM Functionality AppSense DesktopNow AppiXoft Scense Comparison Whitepaper Management through database engine Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition Microsoft SQL Server 2008 SP1 Express Edition Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Express Edition Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Microsoft SQL Server 2008/SP2 Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Microsoft SQL server 2014 Microsoft SQL Azure Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2, built-in support for native SQL Mirroring Oracle Enterprise MySQL Enterprise Server IBM DB2 PostgreSQL √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ X √ √ X X X √ X √ √ X X X √ √ X √ X X X X X ----------------------------- ------------------------------- √ X √ √ X √ √ √ √ √ √ X X X X ------------------------------- √ ----------------------------- √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ X ------------------------------- ------------------------------- Management Server OS support Microsoft Windows Server 2003 R2 Microsoft Windows Server 2003 R2-64-bit √ √ X X ----- √ √ √ √ √ √ X X ----- X X ----- Version 16.03 may 2016 Page 98 User Environment Management VMware Persona Management VMware UEM RES ONE Workspace Liquidware Labs ProfileUnity PolicyPak Suire Norskale VUEM Microsoft Citix UPM Functionality AppSense DesktopNow AppiXoft Scense Comparison Whitepaper Microsoft Windows Server 2008 Microsoft Windows Server 2008 64-bit Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 64-bit Microsoft Windows Server 2012 64-bit Microsoft Windows Server 2012R2 64-bit Microsoft Windows Server 2016 (tech preview) Virtual (Linux) appliance √ √ √ √ √ X X X √ √ √ √ X X ------# # X --- √ √ √ √ √ X X √ √ √ √ √ √ X √ √ √ # # X X √ √ √ √ √ X √ ------# √ X --- √ √ √ √ √ √ --- --------------- Supported Directory Services OpenLDAP support Novell eDirectory official support Novell Domain Services for Windows official support Microsoft Directory Services support; ADS 2003+ Microsoft Read Only Domain Controllers (RODC) X X X √ √ X X X √ √ X X X √ √ X X X √ √ X X X √ √ X X X √ # X X X √ √ X √ √ √ √ X X X √ √ X X X √ # Supported Protocols for all UEM related components TCP/IP v4 TCP/IP v6 √ ~ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ ~ √ √ √ # Version 16.03 may 2016 Page 99 User Environment Management UEM Software Architecture Software and Agents available as 32bits component Software and Agents available as 64bits component, native 64 bits components VMware Persona Management VMware UEM RES ONE Workspace Liquidware Labs ProfileUnity PolicyPak Suire Norskale VUEM Microsoft Citix UPM Functionality AppSense DesktopNow AppiXoft Scense Comparison Whitepaper √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ X √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ X √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ X √ √ X √ X X X X √ √ X √ X √ √ X √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ X √ √ X √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ X √ √ X √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ X √ √ X √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ X √ √ X √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ X √ √ X √ X √ X √ √ √ √ √ ~ √ √ X √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ X √ √ X √ X X X X √ √ X X X Client Operating System support Microsoft Windows 10 (x86/x64) Microsoft Windows 8.0 / 8.1 (x86/x64) Microsoft Windows 8 RT Microsoft Windows 7 Professional Microsoft Windows Vista Professional Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Windows Server 2003 R2 Microsoft Windows Server 2008 Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 Windows XPe Windows Embedded Standard 7+ Mac OS X Version 16.03 may 2016 Page 100 User Environment Management Microsoft Norskale VUEM PolicyPak Suire Liquidware Labs ProfileUnity X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X ~ X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Client/User Session Environment Agent technology, Helper Agent technology, AppInitDLL Agent technology, Service Agent technology, Service (hooks WinLogon) Agent technology, Service (parent process) Agent technology, Kernel mode filter driver Agent technology, Executable X X √ X X √ √ √ X √ √ √ √ X X X √ X X √ X X X √ X √ X X X X √ X √ X √ X √ √ X √ X X X X X √ √ √ √ √ X √ X √ √ X X X √ X X X √ X X √ X X # X Version 16.03 may 2016 VMware Persona Management Citix UPM X X X X X X X X X X VMware UEM AppSense DesktopNow Unix flavours Linux flavours EPOC / Symbian Wyse Thin OS (WTOS) Apple iPhone/iPod IOS v6.x Apple iPad IOS v6.x Google Android v2.x RIM BlackBerry Windows Phone 7/8 Windows Phone 10 RES ONE Workspace Functionality AppiXoft Scense Comparison Whitepaper Page 101 User Environment Management VMware Persona Management VMware UEM RES ONE Workspace Liquidware Labs ProfileUnity PolicyPak Suire Norskale VUEM Microsoft Citix UPM Functionality AppSense DesktopNow AppiXoft Scense Comparison Whitepaper Option to run agent-free (no installation on Client system) Command-line parameters Uses file system driver No kernel-mode component required Component with elevated user rights User self-service component X √ √ √ √ √ X √ √ √ √ √ X X √ √ √ X X √ X √ X X X √ X √ ~ √ X √ --√ X X √ X X √ √ ~ X √ √ X √ √ √ √ X X --√ X X # # X X Application Delivery integration Citrix XenApp: Ability to Publish Citrix applications Microsoft RDSH: RemoteApp (native or MSI) Microsoft Application Virtualization, App-V (native or MSI) Symantec Workspace Virtualization (native or MSI) VMware ThinApp (native or MSI) Citrix XenApp Streaming Microsoft MSI Windows Store apps # √ √ √ √ X √ # X X √ X X X # √ X X X X X X X # X √ √ # X X √ # √ √ # X √ X √ # X √ √ √ √ √ √ # √ √ X X √ X √ # √ √ √ √ √ √ √ # X √ √ √ √ √ √ X X X X X X X X X User Experience Reverse seamless functionality: Windows- and Web application integration X X ~ X √ X X √ X X Version 16.03 may 2016 Page 102 User Environment Management Comparison Whitepaper Version 16.03 VMware Persona Management VMware UEM RES ONE Workspace Mgr Liquidware Labs ProfileUnity PolicyPak Suite Microsoft Citix User Profile Manager AppSense DesktopNow USER PROFILE MANAGEMENT AppiXoft Scense 8.5 Functionality Methodology Profile segmentation / partitioning / separation / decoupling Profile redirection/ streaming / virtualization Granularity and decoupling apps Templates and / or wizards available to capture user settings √ √ √ # √ √ ~ √ X √ √ X --√ √ X ----√ X √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ X X Migration Replaces Windows Roaming Profiles Migrate from local or roaming profiles Migrate from competing products Migrate v1 to v2 profiles (automatically) Migrate from v2 to v5 profiles (automatically) Migrate from vx to v6 profiles (automatically Migrate individual apps across versions Migrate for managed (UEM) profile back to Windows native profile √ √ √ √ √ # √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ X X # √ √ √ X X X X X X --- ------X X X √ --- √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ # # √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ ~ ~ # X √ may 2016 Page 103 User Environment Management Version 16.03 VMware Persona Management VMware UEM RES ONE Workspace Mgr Liquidware Labs ProfileUnity PolicyPak Suite Microsoft Citix User Profile Manager AppSense DesktopNow AppiXoft Scense Comparison Whitepaper Functionality Base Profile support Local Profiles Roaming Profiles Mandatory Profiles Streamed Profiles Works independent of Roaming Profiles √ √ √ X √ √ √ √ --√ √ X √ √ √ X X X √ √ --------√ √ √ √ --√ √ √ √ X √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ # # √ User Profile Data Store Windows File share Management through database engine Datastore transfer Protocol - SMB Datastore transfer Protocol - HTTP(s) Datastore transfer Protocol - CIFS Datastore transfer Protocol - TCP / configurable supported Datastore transfer Protocol - Database specific Datastore transfer Protocol - DCOM Built-in replication/synchronization Data compression before transfer Synchronization of data is based on delta’s Data streaming during profile transfer √ √ X X X √ X X √ √ √ X √ √ √ √ √ √ X X √ √ √ --- √ --√ X √ X X X √ X √ √ √ --√ X X X X X √ √ --# X --√ X X X X X --√ # --- √ --√ --√ ------√ √ √ --- √ √ √ X √ X √ X √ √ √ X √ --√ --√ ------√ √ √ √ √ --√ X √ X X X √ X X X may 2016 Page 104 User Environment Management Version 16.03 VMware Persona Management VMware UEM RES ONE Workspace Mgr Liquidware Labs ProfileUnity PolicyPak Suite Microsoft Citix User Profile Manager AppSense DesktopNow AppiXoft Scense Comparison Whitepaper Functionality Parallel processing of logon actions Support for Client Side Extensions √ X √ √ ----- √ √ √ # √ --- √ X √ √ X # Profile Management Personalization loaded on demand (at app launch) for locally installed applications Personalization loaded on demand (at app launch) for virtualized applications Personalization templates 1st Line support - Personalization Support Web Console Automatically capture application personalization Automatically translate OS version properties Built-in user profile snapshots Automatic user personalization removal User self-service and profile management Cross-application delivery mechanism support (v-apps etc) Cross-architecture support (32-bit & 64-bit) Cross-operating system support for desktop settings Discovery mode Builtin Reporting Isolation/Virtualization/Redirection of application settings Last write wins - Per Application √ √ X X √ √ √ # √ √ √ √ √ X X √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ ~ ~ √ X X X X # X X X X X X X X √ √ X X √ X X # X √ √ √ √ X # √ √ √ # # X X X # # √ √ √ X X √ X √ √ √ X √ √ √ # ~ √ √ √ X √ √ √ √ √ √ X √ √ √ # √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ # √ √ √ # √ √ √ √ √ X X √ X X X X X X X # X X # # X X X # may 2016 Page 105 User Environment Management VMware Persona Management VMware UEM RES ONE Workspace Mgr Liquidware Labs ProfileUnity PolicyPak Suite Microsoft Citix User Profile Manager AppSense DesktopNow AppiXoft Scense Comparison Whitepaper Functionality Last write wins - Per Session Migrate from local or roaming profiles Offline (Cached) Mode Pre-cache personalisation on new machines Support for Terminal Server /desktop silos Supports user certificates Return to local or roaming profiles √ √ √ X √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ X √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ X √ X √ √ √ ----- √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ X √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ # √ X X # # √ Application Virtualization support Microsoft Application Virtualization, App-V Symantec Workspace Virtualization VMware ThinApp Novell ZENWorks / √ √ √ X √ √ √ X X X X X √ X X X √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ X √ √ X X √ X √ √ # √ √ √ # # # ------- ------- √ √ √ √ √ X √ # # X X X Application Layering support VMware Appvolumes Citrix AppDisk Unidesk Version 16.03 may 2016 Page 106 User Environment Management Version 16.03 may 2016 √ √ √ √ √ √ X X X √ √ √ X √ √ √ √ √ ------- √ √ √ VMware Persona Management VMware UEM RES ONE Workspace Mgr Liquidware Labs ProfileUnity PolicyPak Suite Microsoft Citix User Profile Manager AppSense DesktopNow Functionality Cross Platform Personalization support Cross-application delivery mechanism support (native, virtual, hosted apps etc.) Cross-architecture support (32-bit & 64-bit) Cross-operating system support for desktop settings AppiXoft Scense Comparison Whitepaper X X X Page 107 User Environment Management Comparison Whitepaper Version 16.03 VMware UEM VMware PM √ X √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ X √ X √ √ X √ √ √ √ √ √ X √ √ √ √ √ ~ √ √ √ √ √ √ X X X # X X X X X X Native Action triggers User Logon User Logoff Group Policy Refresh Delayed Event Application Start √ √ X √ √ √ √ X √ √ √ √ X X X √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ X X √ X √ X X √ X √ X √ √ √ X √ √ √ √ √ X √ √ √ X √ X may 2016 PolicyPak Suite √ √ √ X √ √ √ ~ X Norskale VUEM √ X √ √ X √ √ √ X Microsoft X X # # # √ # X X LiquidwareLabs ProfileUnity √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ Citrix UPM √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ X AppSense DesktopNow Functionality Policy configuration component Extendable with 3rd party tools Processing of configuration during Windows Logon Parallel processing of logon actions Multithreading of logon actions Policy component supports granular configuration Can execute custom code (scripts, external EXE) Lockdown and removal of OS and 3rd party application UI/content Healing of processes, registry keys, services and files RES One Workspace USER PERSONALIZATION, APPLICATION AND DESKTOP MANAGEMENT AppiXoft Scense 8.6 Page 108 User Environment Management Version 16.03 VMware UEM VMware PM X √ X X X X X X X X X √ X X √ √ √ √ √ X X X √ √ X X X X X √ √ X X √ √ √ √ √ √ X X X X √ √ X X X X X X X X X X X X X X √ Native policy actions Copy files and/or folders √ √ X √ √ √ X √ √ X may 2016 PolicyPak Suite X √ √ √ X X √ X X √ # √ X X √ Norskale VUEM X √ X X X X X X X X X √ √ X √ Microsoft √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ X X √ √ √ √ LiquidwareLabs ProfileUnity X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Citrix UPM √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ X √ √ √ √ √ AppSense DesktopNow √ X X X X X X X X X X √ √ X √ AppiXoft Scense Functionality Application Stop Network Connect Network Disconnect Session Reconnect Session Disconnect Session Lock Session Unlock Process Start Process Stop Application Install On Error Computer Startup Computer Shutdown Process Start – From UNC Path Manual / Scripted / On Schedule RES One Workspace Comparison Whitepaper Page 109 User Environment Management Version 16.03 may 2016 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ X X √ √ √ √ √ ~ ~ X √ √ √ √ √ X PolicyPak Suite Norskale VUEM Microsoft LiquidwareLabs ProfileUnity √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ X X X X √ X X X √ √ √ X X X X X X √ VMware PM X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X VMware UEM √ √ X √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ RES One Workspace √ X X X √ √ √ X √ X X √ √ √ X X √ X Citrix UPM Functionality Desktop background / wallpaper Devices E-mail profiles Outlook setup Environment variables File-type associations File and Folder actions Folder Redirection INI files Internet Settings Internet Explorer settings Local users and groups Network Drives Shortcuts ODBC data sources Power options Printers Regional options AppSense DesktopNow AppiXoft Scense Comparison Whitepaper √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ X ~ ~ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ X √ √ √ X √ √ X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Page 110 User Environment Management Version 16.03 may 2016 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ # √ √ X PolicyPak Suite Norskale VUEM √ X √ √ X √ X √ X X X X X X # √ X # √ X √ √ X X --X X √ √ √ √ √ X √ X X VMware PM √ X √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ # √ √ # Microsoft LiquidwareLabs ProfileUnity Citrix UPM X X X X X X X X X X X X X X # X X # VMware UEM √ X √ √ √ √ √ √ X √ √ √ √ X √ √ √ √ RES One Workspace √ √ X X X X X √ X X X X X X # √ √ # AppSense DesktopNow Functionality Registry keys and values Scheduled tasks Screen saver Start Menu options VPN and dial-up connections Windows Explorer folder option ADM / ADMX templates Message Boxes Configure Microsoft Fax client Microsoft Office File locations Microsoft Office preferences Microsoft Outlook preferences Outlook Express Remote Desktop Connection client settings Pinned items Windows options Windows services Tekst file Create AppiXoft Scense Comparison Whitepaper √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ X √ √ √ √ X √ √ X # √ X √ √ X √ √ √ X √ √ √ √ √ # √ X # X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Page 111 User Environment Management Version 16.03 VMware UEM VMware PM √ X X X X X X X X X X X # √ X √ √ √ √ √ X √ √ √ √ √ X X √ √ # # √ # √ √ √ X X X X X X X X X X X X X X # Built-in rules / native conditions Active Directory Site Client Computer Domain Client Computer Group √ √ √ √ √ √ X X X √ √ √ √ √ √ √ # # √ √ ~ √ √ √ √ √ X X X X may 2016 PolicyPak Suite √ √ √ X X X X X X √ X X # Norskale VUEM X X √ X √ √ X X X X X X # Microsoft √ X √ √ √ √ X X X √ √ X # LiquidwareLabs ProfileUnity X X X X X X X X X X X X # Citrix UPM √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ X AppSense DesktopNow √ X √ √ X X √ √ ~ √ X X X AppiXoft Scense Functionality Text File Update Text File Search File & Folder Copy Ability to write your own Custom Policy Actions Folder mirroring Folder Synchronization Custom VBScript queries for Actions Custom JScript queries for Actions Custom PowerShell queries for Actions Only Copy ‘New’ or ‘Changed’ items, files or folders Ability to Mirror Folder to mirror source if files are removed Synchronize Folder, unlike Mirror this is a two way process Windows 10 tiles RES One Workspace Comparison Whitepaper Page 112 User Environment Management Version 16.03 may 2016 √ X √ √ # √ X # √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ PolicyPak Suite Norskale VUEM # # √ √ X X X √ # √ X √ X √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ X # √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ VMware PM √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ Microsoft LiquidwareLabs ProfileUnity Citrix UPM X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X VMware UEM √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ RES One Workspace √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ X √ AppSense DesktopNow Functionality Client Computer Organisational Unit Client Connection Protocol Client IP Address / Address Range Client NetBIOS Name Client Screen Colour Depth Client Screen Resolution Computer Chassic Type (device detection) Computer Domain Computer Group Computer IP Address / Range Computer MAC Address / Range Computer Name (DNS / NetBIOS) Computer Organizational Unit Operating System Service Pack Operating System version Operating System bit level (x86/x64) Published Application Name User Group AppiXoft Scense Comparison Whitepaper √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ X √ √ √ √ √ X X # √ X √ X √ √ √ √ √ X √ X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Page 113 User Environment Management Version 16.03 may 2016 √ √ √ √ √ X X √ √ √ √ √ √ √ X X √ √ PolicyPak Suite Norskale VUEM √ √ √ √ √ √ X √ √ √ X X √ X X X √ X √ √ √ √ √ X X X √ √ √ √ √ √ X X √ √ VMware PM √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ X Microsoft LiquidwareLabs ProfileUnity Citrix UPM X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X VMware UEM √ √ √ √ √ X X ~ X √ √ X √ X X X √ X RES One Workspace √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ X X √ √ AppSense DesktopNow Functionality User Is Administrator User Name User Organizational Unit User Primary Domain Group User Domain Initial Program Working Directory Session Name WMI Query File / Folder match (exists, version) Battery is present CPU speed CPU Architecture (x86/x64) Number of CPU’s Wireless Connected network (SSID) Wireless Nearest access point (BSSID) Date/time match Disk space AppiXoft Scense Comparison Whitepaper √ √ √ √ √ X X √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ X X X √ √ X √ X X X X √ √ X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Page 114 User Environment Management Version 16.03 may 2016 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ X X X PolicyPak Suite Norskale VUEM √ √ √ X X X X √ √ X √ √ X X √ X X X √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ X X X X VMware PM √ √ √ X √ X √ √ √ X √ √ X √ √ X X X Microsoft LiquidwareLabs ProfileUnity Citrix UPM X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X VMware UEM √ X √ X X X √ √ √ X √ √ √ X √ √ √ √ RES One Workspace √ √ √ √ X X √ √ √ √ √ √ X √ √ √ √ √ AppSense DesktopNow Functionality Environment variables Language (user / system) Custom LDAP query MSI query Network connection type (VPN, Dailup etc.) PCMCIA slot is present Portable computer (Laptop) Terminal Server Domain Controller RAM size Registry match Time range GP Processing Mode Connection type (LAN/dialup) VMware View client name User interaction - Yes/No response Custom VBScript queries Custom Jscript queries AppiXoft Scense Comparison Whitepaper √ √ X X √ X √ √ √ √ √ √ X √ √ √ X X √ X X X X X √ √ X X √ X X X √ X ~ ~ X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Page 115 User Environment Management Version 16.03 may 2016 √ X X X X X √ X √ X √ √ X X X X X PolicyPak Suite Norskale VUEM √ √ X X X X X X √ X √ # X # # # # √ X # # # # √ # √ X √ # X # # # # VMware PM √ √ √ √ √ X √ √ √ √ √ √ X X X X X Microsoft LiquidwareLabs ProfileUnity Citrix UPM X X X X X X X X X X X # X # # # # VMware UEM √ √ √ √ √ √ √ X √ X X √ X √ √ √ √ RES One Workspace √ √ √ √ ~ ~ √ √ √ X √ # X # # # # AppSense DesktopNow Functionality Counter Condition – Run Once >>Run many Ability to write your own Custom Policy Conditions Custom VBScript queries for Conditions Custom Jscript queries for Conditions Custom PowerShell queries for Conditions Custom PowerShell queries If .. else condition Remote Host/URL Session Type USB storage device, serial and vendor/product Any AD User Property (User settings from the user account) Is VDI (detect Citrix or VMware software) WiFi AccessPoint connectivity (BSSID) Citrix PVS vDisk present and vDisk mode Citrix Netscaler session policies and hostname VMware Horizon view Broker VMware Horizon View tunneled connection AppiXoft Scense Comparison Whitepaper √ X X X X X X √ √ √ √ # √ # # # # ~ √ √ √ √ ~ √ X X X X √ X X X √ √ X X X X X X X X X X X # X # # # # Page 116 User Environment Management Comparison Whitepaper Version 16.03 may 2016 √ √ √ √ X X X X X √ X X X X √ X X X X X √ X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ X √ √ VMware UEM √ √ √ √ X X X X X √ X √ X X √ X X √ RES One Workspace √ √ √ √ X X √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ Norskale VUEM Liquidware Labs ProfileUnity Functionality Logging (product specific) Application access based on Active Directory User identity Application access based on Active Directory Group membership Application access based on Active Directory OU membership Application access based on Novell User identity Application access based on Novell Directory Group membership Application access based on UEM Administrative Roles (RBAC) Alerting (action send mail) Alerting (SNMP) Event triggering (run scripts or custom action) Number of Application Instance limits Application Termination Terminate Application based on change to client name or IP address Application Clean Closure Display warning / Dialog box Blocked file archiving (move rule-blocked file to archive) Application level Network Access Control Permit access to authorized IP addresses AppSense DesktopNow APPLICATION ACCESS CONTROL, SECURITY MANAGEMENT Appixoft Scense 8.7 √ √ √ √ X X X X X √ X X X X √ X X X Page 117 User Environment Management Version 16.03 may 2016 √ X X X X X X X X X √ √ √ √ √ X √ √ X X X X X X X X √ X X √ X X √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ X X X X X X √ √ X √ √ X X X X X X X X X X X X X √ √ √ √ √ X √ √ √ √ √ # X X X X X X X X X X X X VMware UEM Liquidware Labs ProfileUnity √ √ √ √ √ Norskale VUEM AppSense DesktopNow Permit access to authorized TCP/UDP ports Deny access to prohibited ports End Point Analysis Scan Application Usage scan User Rights / Privilege discovery mode / reporting Auditing and reporting of self-elevation Elevate/Reduce user right for Applications Elevation/Reduce user rights to Control Panel Applets Elevate user rights on the internet for ActiveX / Web Installations Elevate user rights for Application Installations Self-Elevation of user rights on demand with white & blacklist options If application is Elevated, option to not elevate Child Processes spawned from the raised Application X X X X X Appixoft Scense Functionality Deny access to prohibited IP addresses Permit access to authorized UNC paths Deny access to prohibited UNC paths Permit access to authorized host server names Deny access to prohibited host server names RES One Workspace Comparison Whitepaper Page 118 User Environment Management Version 16.03 may 2016 X X # X √ √ √ X √ X X X X X X √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ X X X X √ X X X X X X X X X X X √ X X X X X X √ X X √ X X # # √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ X √ # # √ √ X X X X X X √ √ X √ X √ √ √ √ √ X X X X X X VMware UEM Liquidware Labs ProfileUnity √ Norskale VUEM AppSense DesktopNow Security/blocking approach Whitelisting Blacklisting (Certificate based) vendor trusting User specific rights Trusted Ownership / Owner of file SHA#1 Digital Signature of file SHA-256 Digital Signature of file MD5 Digital Signature of file X Appixoft Scense Functionality If application is Elevated, option to not elevate Secure Dialog Boxes within the raised Application Does not create and depend on a Local Adminstrator account on the machine for Elevation of User Rights Redirect a requested URL to a specified safe URL Redirect an already open URL when context/condition changes Redirect URL based on full URL address Redirect URL based on Sub-Directory of address Redirect URL based on use of Wild Cards Time Based Application Access RES One Workspace Comparison Whitepaper Page 119 User Environment Management Version 16.03 # # X X X X X X Contextual nodes/levels (block based on …) Active Directory Site Any Active Directory User property User Group Organizational Unit (OU) Device (detail; IP, computer name etc. ?) Computer Chassis type CPU speed CPU architecture (x86/x64) CPU Number of processors Memory (minimum installed) Screen resolution Screen color depth CD/DVD (present/not present) Client IP Address/Address range (local device) Client name (local device) √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ X √ √ √ √ X X X X X √ √ X √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ X √ X X √ √ X √ √ X X X √ X X X X X X X X X X X X √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ # √ √ √ √ X X X X X X X X √ √ may 2016 VMware UEM √ √ Norskale VUEM Liquidware Labs ProfileUnity # # Appixoft Scense Functionality ADLER32 Metadata / file properties AppSense DesktopNow RES One Workspace Comparison Whitepaper Page 120 User Environment Management Version 16.03 may 2016 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ X X X VMware UEM √ √ √ √ X √ √ √ √ X X X √ √ √ √ X X X X RES One Workspace √ √ √ √ X √ √ √ √ X X X √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ Norskale VUEM Liquidware Labs ProfileUnity √ √ √ √ X √ √ √ √ X X X √ √ √ √ X √ √ √ AppSense DesktopNow Functionality Environment variables File File version Folder USB Storage Device (Serial number/ Vendor & Product ID) Operating System bit level (x86/x64) Operating System Version Registry Setting & Value Remote Host (Ping/Port/HTTP/HTTPS) Listener Name Wireless Connected network (SSID) Wireless Nearest access point (BSSID) Session Type (Local Desktop/Remote Desktop/Remote Application) Process Access Time Connection Type (e.g. RDP, ICA etc..) Port Number Output of VBScript Output of PowerShell script Output of jScript Appixoft Scense Comparison Whitepaper √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ X X X X X X X √ X √ √ √ Page 121 User Environment Management Version 16.03 √ √ √ √ √ √ X X X X X X X X X X √ √ X X X X X √ Block/filter types/details (what to block) Filename Filename Extension Folder Drive Removable Drive Signature Network Connection URL Filtering Software Installation Sessions Registry keys Scripts X X X X X X X X X X X X √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ X √ √ √ √ √ √ X √ X X √ X √ X √ X X X X X X X X X X X √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ X X X X X X X X X X may 2016 VMware UEM √ √ √ √ √ √ Norskale VUEM Liquidware Labs ProfileUnity X X X X √ √ Appixoft Scense Functionality Application / File vendor Application / File product name Application / File company name Application / File description Application / File product version (minimum and maximum) Product version (maximum and minimum AppSense DesktopNow RES One Workspace Comparison Whitepaper Page 122 User Environment Management X X X X √ X X √ √ √ X √ X X X X Other Ability to prevent malicious changes to alter file integrity Limit # of user-application sessions X X √ √ X X X X √ √ X X may 2016 VMware UEM Liquidware Labs ProfileUnity √ √ √ √ Norskale VUEM AppSense DesktopNow X X X X Appixoft Scense Security levels Security disabled (Unrestricted) Learning mode (Audit only) Self-Authorize Security enabled (Restricted) Functionality Version 16.03 RES One Workspace Comparison Whitepaper Page 123 User Environment Management Comparison Whitepaper RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Version 16.03 RES ONE Workspace √ √ √ √ √ √ X X X X X X √ X X √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ Throttling options Share based CPU throttling Share based Memory throttling Share based Disk throttling Limit based CPU throttling Limit based Memory throttling per user Limit based Memory throttling per application/process Limit based Memory throttling per session CPU reservations √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ X X X X X X X X # # # # # # # # X X X X √ X √ X may 2016 Liquidware Labs Profile Unity Functionality Logging (product specific) Alerting (action send mail) Event triggering (run scripts or custom action) Reporting / trending Fast Session Logoff (background logoff processing) Timed statistics collection Norskale VUEM AppSense Desktop Now 8.8 Page 124 User Environment Management Version 16.03 RES ONE Workspace √ √ √ X X X # # # X √ √ Optimization conditions Window state (minimized, foreground background etc.) Session state (idle, disconnected, locked etc.) Detailed reporting on resource usage √ √ √ X X X # # # √ X X Other Memory optimization CPU/thread optimization IOPS optimization √ √ X X X √ # # X √ √ X may 2016 Liquidware Labs Profile Unity Functionality CPU affinity Set CPU conditions/thresholds Set application specific CPU conditions/thresholds Norskale VUEM AppSense Desktop Now Comparison Whitepaper Page 125 User Environment Management Comparison Whitepaper 8.9 LICENSE MANAGEMENT Version 16.03 may 2016 RES ONE Workspace Functionality Assign license costs per app License types Companywide license Server license Per seat license Per named user license Per concurrent user license Per device license Recognized by Gartner AppSense DesktopNow AppiXoft Scense There is a lot to write about License Management in the context of User Environment Management. In forthcoming versions of the \paper more features will be analyzed and described. X X √ X X √ √ √ √ X √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ Page 126 User Environment Management Comparison Whitepaper 8.10 MONITORING, AUDITING AND REPORTING There is a lot to write about Monitoring, Auditing and Reporting in the context of User Environment Management. In forthcoming versions of the whitepaper more features will be analyzed and described. Version 16.03 may 2016 Liquidware Labs Suite Norskale VUEM RES ONE Workspace VMware vROps X X X # √ # X AppSense Desktop Now Functionality Monitoring Session processes Session CPU usage Session Memory usage Average disk queue length User logon/logoff process User Logon time (average/per user) User Experience AppiXoft Scense A number of vendors listed in this document are also offering monitoring solutions. I’ve included the products of those vendors also, not all features of the monitoring products are highlighted of course. This document is about User Environment Management and only the features I find relevant are here. If you are looking for a monitoring product you contact the vendor of that product for more information or if you are located in the Netherlands contact us. √ √ √ # √ # X √ √ √ √ √ √ # √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ X # √ # X √ √ √ √ √ √ X Page 127 User Environment Management Version 16.03 Liquidware Labs Suite Norskale VUEM RES ONE Workspace VMware vROps X X # √ X # Auditing End-point audit information available (allow/deny access) Audit change log (generic) Audit change log (detailed per object) Review user logon and logoff process with history X X X X √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ X √ √ √ X √ √ √ # # # # Reporting End-point software inventory End-point software usage inventory Resultant set of user specific applied UEM settings (logging) Resultant set of user specific applied UEM settings (planning) Export configuration / settings for documentation purposes Report application usage Report sessions usage Report application/license use per user Report application/license use per OU Report application/license use per device X X X X X √ X √ X X √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ X √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ X √ √ X √ √ √ X X √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ # # # # # √ # # # # AppiXoft Scense Functionality Content switching AppSense Desktop Now Comparison Whitepaper may 2016 Page 128 User Environment Management Version 16.03 Liquidware Labs Suite Norskale VUEM RES ONE Workspace VMware vROps √ X √ X # # X √ # # √ X √ √ # # √ √ # # √ √ √ √ # # √ √ # # X X X √ √ √ X X # # √ √ √ √ # # √ √ √ √ # # # # # # # # # # User Analysis by IT support Location and Devices (contextual user information) Account Properties (UEM/Active Directory/IT Store Services) Application Access File Types associations E-mail Settings Data Sources Environment Variables X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X √ X √ X X X √ √ √ X √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ X X X X X X X may 2016 AppiXoft Scense Functionality Report application/license use during a specific time frame Report application/license use by session state. Report users per application Report application CPU usage per user/computer/OU/Top10 Report application RAM usage per user/computer/OU/Top10 Report application I/O usages per user/computer/OU/Top10 Report website usage Report license usage Export Application security log for use with external products Export Removalbe disk security log for use with external products AppSense Desktop Now Comparison Whitepaper Page 129 User Environment Management Version 16.03 may 2016 Liquidware Labs Suite Norskale VUEM RES ONE Workspace VMware vROps X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X AppSense Desktop Now Functionality Commands (VBscript/PowerShell) Drive and Port Mappings Drive Substitutes Folder Redirection Folder Synchronization User Home Directory User Profile Microsoft Configuration Manager tasks Printers User Registry/Policy User Settings (view actual configuration) User Settings (export configuration including registry and file/folders) User Settings restore Application Security log User Installed Applications log Website security log Removable Disks log File and Folder log Network Connections log AppiXoft Scense Comparison Whitepaper X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X √ √ X √ √ X X X X X X X X # # # # # # √ √ √ √ X √ √ X √ √ √ X √ X X X X X X √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ X X X X X X X X X X X X X # # # # # # Page 130 User Environment Management Version 16.03 Liquidware Labs Suite Norskale VUEM RES ONE Workspace VMware vROps X X X X X X X X # # # # X X X X √ √ √ √ # # # # UEM Self-Service in a controlled User Environment Restore profile data Application start-up Application desktop short-cuts Application pin to task bar Desktop background picture Screensaver Swap mouse buttons Usage statistics Set default printer based on location (including local printers) View context information Language Configuration refresh X X X X X X X X X X X X √ X X X X X X X X X X X # # # # # # # # # # # # X √ √ √ √ X X √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ # X X X X X X X X X X X may 2016 AppiXoft Scense Functionality User Sessions UEM Event Log Performance events Microsoft Remote Assistance Integration AppSense Desktop Now Comparison Whitepaper Page 131 User Environment Management Comparison Whitepaper 9. CONCLUSION UEM is a key part in our environment these days, more then ever it is a component that you can’t do without. With so many players on the market it’s hard to find the one that you need. In this whitepaper we tried to help you understand what UEM stands for, what you already got when you are a Microsoft customer, where to think about when looking for UEM and what the differences are between the products. Which User Environment Management solution is THE best?!; Good Question! As said before, we don’t judge we compare. Which solution is the best? The best solution is the one that fits your use case, your environment, your users and your app strategy. Together with your IT partner you now have the ability to go deeper in your UEM selection process, the pieces are on the table and they just need to know your requirements. Key areas for your User Environment Management strategy are: Version 16.03 Are you investigating a tactical (point)-or strategic solution? What do you want to solve? What’s your desktop delivery and migration strategy for Windows 7? How do you take care of profile changes during a migration (v1 and v2)? What is your roleback strategy when all the user and application settings are migrated to Windows 7? Is work shifting a key driver for the Optimized Desktop? How are the roaming/flexible and mobile users within the organization facilitated? How do you achieve consistent and uniform user environment across Desktop, Laptop, VDI, Terminal Services in managed and un-managed scenarios?! How do you design, control and maintain logon scripts and user profiles? Are you facing long logon times to your environment and applications? Would your end-users benefit from a Profile clean-up? Are you facing profile corruption? How do you handle all the application and user preferences such as printers, file-types, drive mappings, access to applications, data, and network resources and application settings? How many people really understand the complex and often legacy internal scripts? How agile are these scripts and settings? Is Application Virtualization in scope, how do you handle application preferences in a mixed OS and Application, and Desktop Delivery infrastructure? Do you need context awareness? Based on user/role, device, location and various settings access to application resources is controlled and enforced when needed. What is your Application and Desktop Delivery solution in BYOC scenarios? How do you deliver applications to these (un-managed) devices? What is the role of UEM? Does the end-user need the ability to install and update applications? Is User Installed Applications functionality needed? Does the user have the correct privileges to install, or update software? may 2016 Page 132 User Environment Management Comparison Whitepaper Version 16.03 How do you control, administer, audit and report which user has access to which application from specific devices or locations? How do you control application usage, user rights management? What solutions do you use to make sure you’re compliant? Can you measure, track and enforce licensing? How do you currently license per device applications such as Microsoft Project and Microsoft Visio? Are billing, license-management, reporting and/or charge-back of the delivered applications needed? Do you want to offer a Self-Support tool to your users to reduce the amount of Helpdesk calls? Does the User Environment Management solution need to be proven and mature? What is your definition of proven? Is “Layering the cake” / separation of Operating System - Application - and User Preferences part of the overall desktop strategy? Bottom Line: Does IT have focus on your end-user?! may 2016 Page 133 User Environment Management Comparison Whitepaper 10. CHANGE LOG Date June 2011 v1.0 - Initial Release Date June 2011 v1.0.3 – Minor layout fixes + minor RES fixes in tables. Date June 2011 v1.0.4 – Minor layout fixes Date November 2011 v1.1 – Community and vendor feedback Version 16.03 Re-read and reviewed the complete document Removed some typographical errors Added information in chapter 1 to highlight objectives, suggestions and improvements Introduced the term business-consumer besides of end-user Added chapter 3.3, ‘Layering the cake and Application Delivery’ Added information in chapter 3.4, ‘User Centric Computing’ Updated chapter 3.7, ‘Why UEM’ Updated chapter 3.8, ‘UEM Functionality’; different naming to stretch the functionality and Desktop Transformation Updated Chapter 3.9, ‘UEM Strategy’ and added new strategic questions. Updated chapter 3.11, ‘What’s a name’ and added table ‘Overall terms and definitions’ Updated chapter 3.12, ‘FAQ’ Updated chapter 4.2, ‘User Personalization’ header and small items in text Updated chapter 4.3, ‘Application Access Control’ header and small topics in text Updated chapter 4.5, ‘Licensing’ - small topics in text Updated chapter 4.6, ’Monitoring, Auditing and Reporting’ small topics in text Updated chapter 4.7, ‘Application Delivery’ in context of UEM; Updated chapter 5.1 and 5.2 to highlight the goal and focus of the vendor solution matric Updated chapter 5.2, ‘vendor solutions matrix’ Updated chapter 5.3.2, AppSense functionality - License Control Updated chapter 5.5, ‘Immidio’, introduction, functionality and pricing Updated chapter 5.9, ‘RES Software’ Updated chapter 5.9.6, ‘RES Dynamic Desktop Studio’ Updated chapter 6.1, ‘Introduction’ and ‘vendor solutions matrix’ Updated chapter 6.2, ‘Product version’ New features added: may 2016 Page 134 User Environment Management Comparison Whitepaper o Version 16.03 Management Server / UEM solution, Database instance officially support 20K concurrent connections Features updated, Generic Features and Functionality o Management Server / UEM solution. Server instance officially supports X.XXX concurrent connections o Licenses, Education license program o Support and Community; 10+ of public available enterprise (50K CCU) references in EU using UEM solution o Support and Community; Professional Services Organization o Client (endpoint) Operating System support; Windows 8 Features updated, User Profile Management o Action triggers, Process Start – From UNC Path o Native policy actions, Text File Update o Native policy actions, Text File Search o Native policy actions, File & Folder Copy o Built-in rules / native conditions, Counter Condition – Run Once >>Run many Features updated, Application Access Control o Display warning / Dialog box o Auditing and reporting of self-elevation o Elevate/Reduce user right for Applications o Elevation/Reduce user rights to Control Panel Applets o Elevate user rights on the internet for ActiveX / Web Installations o Elevate user rights for Application Installations o Self-Elevation of user rights on demand with white & blacklist options Features updated, License Management o Per device license (recognized and approved by ISV /Microsoft) Features changes: AppSense o Concurrent user/desktop licenses o Per device licenses o Enterprise/site license program o Academic/Education license program o Service Provider license program o Integration with 3rd party systems management solutions o Scripting (none PowerShell) support and command-line interface o Datastore transfer Protocol - TCP / configurable and supported o Client/User Session EnvironmentAgent technology, Service (hooks WinLogon) o Lockdown and removal of OS and 3rd party application UI/content o Built-in rules / native conditions, Operating System Service Pack may 2016 Page 135 User Environment Management Comparison Whitepaper Version 16.03 o Built-in rules / native conditions, Operating System version o Built-in rules / native conditions, User Domain o Built-in rules / native conditions, File / Folder match (exists, version) o Built-in rules / native conditions, Date/time match o Built-in rules / native conditions, Environment variables o Built-in rules / native conditions, Terminal Server o Built-in rules / native conditions, Registry match o Built-in rules / native conditions, Time range o Built-in rules / native conditions, User interaction - Yes/No response o Block/filter types/details (what to block), URL Filtering o Block/filter types/details (what to block), Software Installation o Block/filter types/details (what to block), Sessions o Block/filter types/details (what to block), Registry keys o Block/filter types/details (what to block), Scripts o Throttling options, Share based Memory throttling o Throttling options, Limit based Memory throttling per user o Monitoring, Session processes o Monitoring, Session CPU usage o Monitoring, Session Memory usage o Reporting, Resultant set of user specific applied UEM settings (planning) o Reporting, Report sessions usage o Reporting, Report application/license use per user o Reporting, Report application/license use per OU o Reporting, Report application/license use per device o Reporting, Report application/license use during a specific time frame o Reporting, Report application/license use by session state o Reporting, Report users per application o Reporting, Reporting application CPU usage per user/computer/OU o Reporting, Report website usage o Client/User Session Environment o Agent technology, Service o Agent technology, Service (parent process) o Agent technology, Kernel mode filter driver o Command-line parameters o UPM, Migrate from competing products o UPM, Migrate individual apps across versions o Built-in rules / native conditions, Domain Controller o Block/filter types/details (what to block), Scripts RES Software Features updated o Management Platform, Datastore transfer Protocol – SMB may 2016 Page 136 User Environment Management Comparison Whitepaper o Management Platform, Datastore transfer Protocol – CIFS o Agent technology, Service o Agent technology, Kernel mode filter driver o User Profile Datastore, Datastore transfer Protocol - SMB o User Profile Datastore, Datastore transfer Protocol - CIFS o User Profile Datastore, Built-in replication/synchronization o User Profile Datastore, Parallel processing of logon actions Immidio FlexProfiles Fetures update o Personalisation loaded on demand (at app launch) Added information in chapter 7, ‘conclusion’ Added chapter 8, ‘change log’ Date November 2011 v1.11 Added VMware Persona Management vendor information in Chapter 5.14 Date January 2012 v1.2 Review and editing of this document has also been performed by Jeremy Moskowitz, Group Policy MVP. Version 16.03 Grammar and spelling check of complete document Updated chapter 3.9, UEM Strategy Updated chapter 3.12, FAQ Updated chapter 4.1.1, ‘User Profiles 101’ Updated chapter 4.1.4, ‘Where does Group Policy and GPPrefs fit in with UEM’ Updated chapter 5.2, ‘Vendor matrix‘ with Policy Pak Software and updated Triceat and Scense Updated chapter 5.7, ‘Microsoft’ Added chapter 5.8, ‘PolicyPak Software’ Updated chapter 5.10.3 and 5.10.6, ‘RES Software’ Updated 5.12, ‘Tricerat’ Updated chapter 6.1, ‘Introduction’ and ‘vendor solutions matrix’ with Policy Pak Software and Tricerat Simply Suite Updated chapter 6.2, ‘Product versions’ Updated chapter 6.5, ‘Generic Features and Functionality with Policy Pak Software Updated chapter 6.6, ‘User Profile Management’with Policy Pak Software Updated chapter 6.7, ‘User Personalization’ with Policy Pak Software Updated chapter 6.5, New features o API Interface (public) and documented o 24 x 7 support, additional pricing o 24 x 7 support included in base license may 2016 Page 137 User Environment Management Comparison Whitepaper o o o Version 16.03 Microsoft SQL Server 2008R2, built-in support for native SQL Mirroring Software and Agents available as 32bits component Software and Agents available as 64bits component, native 64 bits components Updated chapter 6.7, New features o Native policy actions, Ability to write your own Custom Policy Actions o Native policy actions, Custom VBScript queries for Actions o Native policy actions, Custom PowerShell queries for Actions o Native policy actions, Only Copy ‘New’ or ‘Changed’ items, files or folders o Native policy actions, Ability to Mirror Folder to mirror source if files are removed o Native policy actions, Syncronize Folder, unlike Mirror this is a two way process o Built-in rules / native conditions, Ability to write your own Custom Policy Conditions o Built-in rules / native conditions, Custom VBScript queries for Conditions o Built-in rules / native conditions, Custom Jscript queries for Conditions o Built-in rules / native conditions, Custom PowerShell queries for Conditions o Built-in rules / native conditions, Custom PowerShell queries o Built-in rules / native conditions, If .. else condition o Built-in rules / native conditions, Remote Host/URL o Built-in rules / native conditions, Session Type o Built-in rules / native conditions, USB storage device, serial and vendor/product o Built-in rules / native conditions, Any AD User Property Updated chapter 6.7, New features o If application is Elevated, option to not elevate Child Processes spawned from the raised Application o If application is Elevated, option to not elevate Secure Dialog Boxes within the raised Application o Does not create and depend on a Local Adminstrator account on the machine for Elevation of User Rights o Redirect a requested URL to a specified safe URL o Redirect an already open URL when context/condition changes o Redirect URL based on full URL address o Redirect URL based on Sub-Directory of address o Redirect URL based on use of Wild Cards o Time Based Application Access o Contextual nodes/levels (block based on …) Connection Type (e.g. RDP, ICA etc..) may 2016 Page 138 User Environment Management Comparison Whitepaper o Contextual nodes/levels (block based on …) Port Number o Features updated 6.5, Generic Features and Functionality: RES Software o Database instance officially support 20.000 concurrent connections o Integration with 3rd party PC-lifeCycle management solutions o Scripting (not including PowerShell) support and command-line interface o Professional Services Organization - 24h multi-lingual support Features updated 6.5, Generic Features and Functionality: Appsense o Web-based management interface o Delegation of control, granular delegated administration roles o 24 x 7 support included in base license Features updated 6.6, User Profile Management: RES Software o Last write wins - Per Application Features updated 6.6, User Profile Management: Tricerat o Datastore transfer Protocol – SMB o Datastore transfer Protocol - DCOM o Offline (Cached) Mode Features updated 6.6, User Profile Management: AppSense o Application Virtualization support, VMware ThinApp Features updated 6.7, User Personalization, Application and Desktop Management, RES Software o Parallel processing of logon actions o Native Action triggers, Process Start o Native policy actions, File & Folder Copy Features updated 6.7, User Personalization, Application and Desktop Management, Tricerat o Can define an application as a global object o Built-in rules / native conditions, Published Application Name Features updated 6.7, User Personalization, Application and Desktop Management, Appsense o Extendable with 3rd party tools o Built-in rules / native conditions, Vmware View client name Tricerat added to chapter6.8 ,Application Access Control, Security Management Tricerat added to chapter6.10, License Management Date October 2013 v2.0 Review and editing of this document has also been performed by Jeremy Moskowitz, Group Policy MVP. Version 16.03 Added whole chapter (5.8) on UE-V may 2016 Page 139 User Environment Management Comparison Whitepaper Version 16.03 Updated chapter 5.2, ‘Vendor matrix‘ Updated chapter 5.5 and 6.4 (Generic Features and Functionality) for ‘Immidio’ Updated chapter 5.7 on Group Policy, Group Policy Preferences and AGPM o Added AGPM update for clairty o Expanded upon Group Policy Preferences’s Item Level Targeting Updated chapter 5.10 on PolicyPak Application Manager Updated chapter 6.1, ‘vendor solutions matrix’ Features updated 6.4, Generic Features and Functionality: Immidio Flex+ o Microsoft Management Console Interface o Support low bandwidth/high latency WAN connections o Scripting (not including PowerShell) support and command-line interface o Microsoft Group Policy-based management for agent/client settings o API Interface (public) and documented o First year support and maintenance included in license o 24 x 7 support, additional pricing o Service Provider license program o Official training classes available o UEM technology is proven; the solution is being used for 1+ year in enterprise production environments. 10K+ endpoint, various deployment scenarios. o 10+ of public available enterprise (10K CCU) references in EU using UEM solution o Professional Services Organization – Business hours (CET) multi-lingual support o Technical Account Manager (TAM) available o Datastore transfer Protocol - TCP / configurable and supported o Datastore transfer Protocol - Database specific o Datastore transfer Protocol – DCOM o Management through database engine o TCP/IP v6 o Software and Agents available as 32bits component o Software and Agents available as 64bits component, native 64 bits components o Microsoft Windows 8 (x86) o Component with elevated user rights o Citrix XenApp o Microsoft RDSH – RemoteApp (native or MSI) o Microsoft Application Virtualization, App-V (native or MSI) o Symantec Workspace Virtualization (native or MSI) o VMware ThinApp (native or MSI) o Citrix XenApp Streaming o Microsoft MSI may 2016 Page 140 User Environment Management Comparison Whitepaper Features updated 6.5, User Profile Management: Immidio Flex+ o Profile redirection/ streaming / virtualization o Migrate individual apps across versions o Streamed Profiles o Management through database engine o Automatically capture application personalization o Last write wins - Per Session o Pre-cache personalisation on new machines o Symantec Workspace Virtualization o Novell ZENWorks / Spoon.Net Features updated 6.6, User Personalization, Application and Desktop Management: added Immidio Flex+ Vendor Solution Description added/updated : 5.8 VUEM -> Norskale V-UEM Product added/updated 5.2 : VUEM -> Norskale V-UEM Removed Tricerat from detailed feature matrix Added tons of new features and updated the text overall Date February 2013 v2.1 Updated LiquidWare Labs Solution description and mapped the features with latest ProfileUnity version Updated Microsoft UE-V 2.0 Updated PolicyPak Application Manager January – April 2016 – version 16.01 Too many changes in the document after two year, so only highlights of changes will be listed here for the moment, for the next version a more detailed change log will be available. Naming Scense renamed to Appixoft Immidio renamed to VMware UEM VMware PM added to tables RES Software workspace renamed to RES ONE workspace Microsoft has been combined in one column for readability. General Moved all vendors in alphabetic order Generic features and functionality Version 16.03 may 2016 Page 141 User Environment Management Comparison Whitepaper VMware PM added o the table Renamed Quest to DELL Wyse Features of products have been added or changed. User Profile Management Features of products have been added or changed. User Personalization, application and Desktop management Features of products have been added or changed. Application Access Control, security management VMware UEM added in the matrix Liquidware labs added in the matrix Norksale added in the matrix Features of products have been added or changed. Resource Management Features of products have been added or changed. Norskale added to the matrix Liquidware labs added to the matrix License Management Features of products have been added or changed Monitoring, auditing and reporting Features of products have been added or changed. 12th of April 2016 Changed Richard kuipers to Kuiper Changed Geoffrey to Geoffrey Changed Sense to Scense in four occasions. Generic Features and Functionality Changed Windows 201264 and Windows 2012R2 64 at Profile unity to Green May 2016 – 16.03 Removed DELL vWorkspace from the document Generic features and functionality Version 16.03 may 2016 Page 142 User Environment Management Comparison Whitepaper Renamed Windows 2016 to windows 2016 tech preview Changed support for Windows 2016 tech preview to green for RES Change 20000 connections to green for RES Support for Windows 10 tiles for RES turned to green VUEM: force agent to poll NOW for update to green Multi user operations New lines: Appsense: Is VDI (detect Citrix or VMware software) Appsense: WiFi AccessPoint connectivity (BSSID) Appsense: Citrix PVS vDisk present and vDisk mode Appsense: Citrix Netscaler session policies and hostname Appsense: VMware Horizon view Broker Appsense: VMware Horizon View tunneled connection VUEM: Force agent to restart internal controller (not the service) – for e.g. debugging VUEM: Force agent to clear some cache to reinforce some settings VUEM: Force agent to do an administrative refresh User profile management Changed support for Appvolumes and Appdisk to green for RES (SR2) Migrate from v2 to v5 profiles (automatically) Appsense: Automaticall remove personalization data New line: Appsense : Migrate from vx to v6 profiles (automatically Application control and security Change SHA1, SHA256 and MD5 to green for RES Integration Windows Store apps Windows 10 tiles Policy Pinned items Outlook setup Text file create Monitoring, auditing and reporting Version 16.03 may 2016 Page 143 User Environment Management Comparison Whitepaper VUEM: session processes, cpu and memory usage VUEM: report application cpu usage Added line: report user logon time. VUEM: user logon time to green, the rest to # VUEM: Average disk queue length VUEM: User logon time, average and per user Chapter 7 Added new text for FSLogix Chapter 8 Version 16.03 Added VMware vRops to monitoring as it is offered in the Horizon Suite Added Liquidware Lbas Stratusphere UX as it is offered in the suite. Version of AppSense to 10 may 2016 Page 144 User Environment Management Comparison Whitepaper PQR B.V. Rijnzathe 7 3454 PV De Meern The Netherlands Tel: +31 (0)30 6629729 @pqrNL Version 16.03 may 2016 Page 145 as as