From Your PTSA President Principal‟s Corner


From Your PTSA President Principal‟s Corner
Crosby PTSA Newsletter, Vol. 11 No. 3
Nov/Dec 2009
Principal‟s Corner
Inside The Pride
Kirk Lattimore
Thank you for all of your support so far this year. We have had several successful programs
and activities held during the first four months of school. The Open House, Community Carnival, Parent Teacher Conference Day, Fifth Grade Welcome Night, Make the Connection
and other schoolwide programs were well attended. Our cross country, volleyball, and field
hockey teams had very successful seasons and our academic and winter athletic teams are off
to a great start. I believe the success of these programs is a direct result of students, parents,
and staff working together. I look forward to continued success throughout the remainder of
the year.
Please remember that the third grading period ends December 18th. Also, if a student receives
a U at the end of the grading period, they must attend course recovery. Any student who accumulates three or more U‘s in a year-long course will fail the course for the year, unless they
attend course recovery. This is a new JCPS middle school promotional requirement. If your
child is experiencing any difficulty, please be sure to contact his or her teachers, counselor, or
assistant principal. Team assignments and best times to call are listed in the Counselors‘ Corner of the newsletter.
We will also celebrate Cougar Pride Week in the month of January. Cougar Pride Week is a
time set aside to focus on pride in the school and to foster positive relationships among and
between students and staff. It is also a time for fun. Cougar Pride Week will be held January
19th – 22nd.
Assistant Principals
Medication Authorization
Counselors‘ Corner
ESS Saturdays
PTSA Thanks You!!
Scrapbook Pics Needed!
Reflections Winners!!!
PTSA Awards Nominations
Classroom Teams
Groups, Clubs and Sports
Group Contact Info
Cafeteria Policies
Crosby Garden
Concert/Recital Schedule
I want to congratulate the following students for receiving the PTSA Character Award: QuenDec/Jan Dates
tin Barnett, Brittany Acton, Michael Alford, and Douglas Bower.
Best wishes to you and your family during the holiday season.
Kirk Lattimore
From Your PTSA President
Another grading period is complete. The season of celebrating our respective holidays with
friends and family is upon us. Eighth grade students are anxiously contemplating where they
want to attend high school. Parents are anxiously contemplating how and why the middle
school years pass so quickly! Change continues to happen all around us…but the one thing
that never seems to change is your support of Crosby‘s students, staff and PTSA.
(Continued on page 2)
Piano Recital
Band Concert
Orchestra Concert
Chorus Concert
Guitar Concert
Mid Term Exams
12/21 -1/4
Holiday Break!
MLK Holiday
Cougar Pride Week
Cougar Pride is the newsletter of the
Crosby Middle School PTSA
303 Gatehouse Lane Louisville, KY 40243
Cougar Pride 1
(Continued from page 1)
Thank you again for answering our emails and phone calls
about volunteer opportunities! I am pleased to report that the
fall magazine fundraiser was a success and your support of
that program allowed us to meet our budgeted goal of
$18,000. The amount raised from the fall fundraiser comprises the majority of our PTSA operating budget and it was
important we reach that goal to continue our programming for
students and financial support of the various academic departments.
Thanks to volunteer Lori Cook, the students experienced a
top-notch Red Ribbon Week in late October. One of the largest group of potential students and their families attended the
5th Grade Welcome Night in early November! Thank you for
sending in treats for the Open House as it was constant motion throughout the building that evening and the families
appreciated the hospitality. Our Crosby ―family‖ is awesome
and I am thankful that you are part of it! Enjoy the holidays
and the extra bit of time with each other.
H1N1 Immunizations!
Dear Parents/Guardians:
The Louisville Metro Department of Public Health and Wellness and the Jefferson county Public Schools will administer
the 2009 H1N1 influenza vaccine to students and staff at
Crosby Middle School on Monday December 7. The vaccine
will only be provided to Crosby students and school staff who
have appropriately completed the permission form. Permission
forms and information on the two available vaccines was sent
home with all students on November 12. There is no cost for
the vaccine.
Please review the following information carefully:
The permission form must be completely filled out and returned to school before a vaccine will be administered. If
the form is not completely filled out and signed, with permission granted, your student will not receive the vaccine.
KJ Powell, PTSA President
The permission form allows you to refuse the vaccination for
your student. If you refuse, the vaccination will not be given to
your student. All permission forms must be returned to school
even if you are refusing the vaccine.
Authorization to give Medication
Before school personnel can administer any type of
medicine, including aspirin or other over the counter
pain relievers provided by parents, we must have a
signed affidavit on file that gives your permission
for personnel to dispense medication. All forms
must be signed by a notary public. Please help us by
observing these guidelines:
Students receiving the vaccine are asked to wear a short
sleeved uniform shirt on the day of the vaccination.
If your student receives the vaccine elsewhere before the
school clinic occurs and you have already signed the permission form, it is your responsibility to notify the school in
The medicine should be delivered by the parent/guardian to the
office with complete instructions and in the original container with the
Once the vaccine clinic is held, a notice will be sent home to
prescription label attached. You are also required to pick up any remaining medication at the end of the treatment.
let you know your student received the vaccine. In the event
We request that medication not be sent to school with students.
If you must, please put the medication bottle in a sealed envelope.
Please send a minimum supply only and notify us regarding
medicine needing refrigeration.
We must be notified in writing of reaction symptoms which may
occur before or after any medication is taken.
Except in extreme emergencies, AM medication should be taken
at home.
Unless the school is notified, medication may be administered
within 45 minutes before or after the time you indicate. If students
arrive late or leave early they may miss a dose.
NEVER advise your child to keep medication in a locker, purse, or
backpack for the day. Medication, including over-the-counter, must
be stored in the office for the safety of all students.
you give permission and your student does not receive the vaccine, the notice will identify the reason that the student did not
receive the vaccine.
Additional permissions forms are available on the JCPS website at and on the Louisville Metro
Department of Public Health and Wellness website at If you have questions about the
vaccination clinics please call us at 485-8235. If you have
questions about your student‘s eligibility to receive the H1N1
vaccine, please contact your student‘s healthcare provider before signing the permission form especially if you student has
underlying health conditions. (Additional information or documentation from your student‘s healthcare provider may be
needed, depending upon the health condition).
Your Assistant Principals,
If you have any questions, please call 485-8235.
Thank you for your efforts to help us maintain the safe Carol Skinner, 6th grade
administration of medication. Your cooperation makes
Angela Allen, 7th grade
a big difference!
Julia Randle, 8th grade
Cougar Pride 2
As counselors at Crosby, we provide a variety of activities and services for students and their parents. Through individual and
group counseling sessions, we help your child achieve better social and school adjustments. Also, we consult with parents,
school staff, and outside agencies. If you would like a conference with your child‘s teachers, please call their team leaders at
Team Leader
Mrs. Rickert
Mrs. Turnbull
Dr. Gunnell
Mrs. T. Morris
Mrs. James
Mrs. Ellis
Mrs. McGarry
Mrs. Hundley
Ms. Heim
Contact Leader Between
8:50 a.m. - 9:30 a.m.
8:50 a.m. - 9:30 a.m.
8:50 a.m. - 9:30 a.m.
9:55 a.m. - 10:35 a.m.
9:55 a.m. - 10:35 a.m.
9:55 a.m. - 10:35 a.m.
11:25 a.m. - 12:10 p.m.
11:25 a.m. - 12:10 p.m.
11:25 a.m. - 12:10 p.m.
Report Card Distribution Dates
Report cards will be distributed on the following dates:
October 1
November 17
January 12
February 24
April 13
June 4
Counselor/Assistant Principal
Mrs. Dunn / Mrs. Skinner
Mrs. Mettling / Mrs. Skinner
Mrs. Mettling / Mrs. Skinner
Mrs. Dunn / Mrs. Skinner / Mrs. Allen
Mrs. Dunn / Mrs. Allen
Mrs. Dunn / Mrs. Allen
Mrs. Mettling / Mrs. Randle
Mrs. Mettling / Mrs. Randle
Mrs. Mettling / Mrs. Randle
CHOICES for High School
Eighth graders should have received a Choices book in the
mail. This booklet includes information about the high school
optional and magnet programs in Jefferson County. If your
child would like to apply to a program at a high school which is
not his/her resides school the application in the center of the
Choices booklet must be mailed to:
JCPS 2009-2010 Middle School Student Promotion Policy
The new middle school student promotion policy requires students to pass 66 2/3% of classes, (which is equal to 4 of 6
courses); two of those classes passed MUST be Language Arts
Jefferson County Public Schools
and Math. Additionally, students must pass four of the six
Optional, Magnet, and Advance Programs Office
grading interims to pass a year-long course. Semester grades
P.O. Box 34020
for year-long courses will no longer be determined. Final
Louisville, KY 40232-4020
grades will be determined by averaging the quality point
equivalents of the six interim grades. These requirements must
be met in order to be promoted to the next grade.
The application deadline is January 8,
ACT Explore
Results of the ACT Explore should be mailed to students‘
homes by the JCPS Testing Unit before Winter Break.
Extended School Services
Saturday Program
ESS is a great opportunity!!
I hope you take advantage
of ESS Saturday if you need
the help.
Extended School Services (E.S.S.) will meet on Saturday
morning, December 12th from 8:30 - 10:30. Students who
are in danger of failing language arts, math, social studies or
science should attend. Each will be given the opportunity to
demonstrate understanding of the grading periods‘s concepts.
If satisfactory, the student will see a D instead of a U on the
third report card. Refer to the progress report and contact
your child's teachers to discuss his/her status in the current
grading period.
Students are to arrive no earlier than 8:15, in uniform and
with basic materials, and are to arrange for a ride home at
10:30. More information on the program is on or e-mail
Cougar Pride 3
A Red Ribbon Thank You
We had a successful Red Ribbon Week at Crosby.
Students and staff all participated in the program
with the message to make Crosby ―Paws‖-itively
Special thanks to Wal-Mart on Shelbyville Road for its donation of Twizzlers for all of our students; Thornton's/Dunkin
Donuts on Shelbyville Road for the donation of donuts that
went to the three winning classrooms in the door decorating
contest; and especially Pat McCollam and her sister Penny,
for speaking to our students about their family's drunken driving tragedy.
Also, thanks to the moms - Molly Baughman, Kristie Jordan
and Nancy Daily, who helped make posters for around the
Winners of our door decorating contest were:
Mrs. Hatch's class- 6th grade
Mrs. Kremer's Class - 7th grade
Mrs. Hundley's Class - 8th grade
Lori Cook, Red Ribbon committee
Cougar Pride Week
& Winter Dance
are Coming Soon!
Mark Your Calendars Now
Cougar Pride Week starts Tuesday, January 19. Lots of activities are planned every year, culminating in the Winter
Dance on January 22nd. This year‘s dance theme is the
―Snow Ball‖. Tickets to the dance will be sold during lunch
that week, and more information on the festivities of the
whole week will be sent home as it gets closer.
Box Tops—Way To Go Crosby!
We Raised $941 This Term
(Can we top it in Spring?)
Thanks to all of you who sent in Box Tops. Our first submittal earned $941.00 for Crosby!! Please continue to send in
Box Tops—we send in again early next year. (Please remember to look at expiration date and cut on the dotted line)
Homeroom Winners for contest ending
October 31 were:
2009-10 Scrapbook
6th Grade- Turnbull
7th Grade - Helm
8th Grade - Shaver
Help us to save our scrapbook
Hello Crosby Parents! The PTSA is creating a scrapbook
of Crosby events and I need your help with pictures. I
need pictures from all sports, clubs, events in order to make
the book complete.
Please email me at with any pictures
you may have along with a description and I will be glad to
include them in the book.
All Box Tops sent in now will apply to their homeroom
teacher. We will have another contest to see which homeroom
has the most by the end of February. Thanks!!
Kristi Schnarr
Dairy Queen Night A Success!
Call me with any questions at 266-7793.
Stephanie Hunter
We Raised $244!!
Crosby Bookstore
The bookstore has a wide selection of school supplies and
music supplies, as well as the popular Crosby Spirit Wear!
We are open from 9:50—12:30 every day (during lunch). A
detailed price list is posted on the PTSA Info page on
Thank you to everyone who came to Burger King during
Crosby night on October 13. As always the food (and desserts!) were excellent and we raised $244 for activities here at
Crosby families truly are the BEST!
Mary Hernandez
Cougar Pride 4
PTA Awards
Attention Parents, Teachers,
and Students
Reflections Winners!!!
The following students are winners of the PTA Reflections Arts contest this year. Their entries move on to the 15th District PTA for the
next level of competition. Good Luck!!!
6th grade:
Musical Composition:
Visual Arts:
Sarah Hunter
Yi Qiao / Emily Brown
Steffi Taylor
Chloe Baughman
$500 Parent-Member Scholarship
The Kentucky PTA awards one scholarship to a PTA
or PTSA parent-member planning to attend an accredited public college or university in Kentucky and pursue an undergraduate degree in education or in a
health field.
7th grade:
Visual Arts:
Each year the Kentucky PTA sponsors scholarships
and awards to deserving teachers, students, and parents. The Crosby PTSA would like to nominate worthy candidates for the following:
Danielle Piepmeyer
Lejla Mujadzic
$500 Teacher-Member Scholarship
8th grade:
Lucas Taylor
Teach scholarships are granted to Kentucky certified
teachers for obtaining credit toward a master‘s degree
or Rank 1.
“Christa McAuliffe” Rising Star Award
Your 2009-10 PTSA Board of Managers
This award recognizes a student who has successfully
worked to improve his/her grades.
At Your Service!!
1st VP—Programs
2nd VP-Membership
3rd VP-Fundraiser
4th VP-Volunteers
Newsletter Editor
Clothing Assistance
Youth Center
KJ Powell
Lynda Hines
Barb Shirkness
Kari Oldham
Mary Hernandez
Carol Mike
Anne Kandul
C.C. Funk
Kathy Waggoner
Bonnie Jung
Betsy Cobb
Skip Hahnert
Danita Beaufait
Connie Kozma
Debbie Wiley
Stephanie Hunter
Kim Dye
Kristi Schnarr
Tony Edwards
Kirk Lattimore
Heidi James
Adrian Graham
Self-Esteem Award
”What Makes Me Feel Special”
Each student entry is to be in the form of an essay,
story, or poem, not to exceed 500 words. The entry
must be the original work of the student. If the entry
is typed, the original handwritten work should accompany the typed entry.
The nomination forms for these items are on the
Crosby PTSA page. For additional
information or if you need us to send you copies of the
forms, please contact Bonnie Jung at 245-5981 or by
email at
Cougar Pride 5
We are spending the rest of the semester working on Writing to
Inform and Persuade.
Adventurers Team
Thanks for understanding our decision to reschedule the zoo
trip based on predictions of bad weather. It turned out to be a
windy but dry day, and we were disappointed. Many logistics
go into planning a field trip, and we had to make the call when
we did. Students will receive new permission slips when arrangements are made.
Social Studies:
Students of the Month
Period October
1st Emily Druckenmiller
3rd Stevie Kute
4th Robert Carter
5th John Young
6th Greg Tripp
John Lucas Floyd
Sydney Calhoun
Audrey Takada
Bentley Lager
Mia Espinoza
We enjoyed "Thoroughly Modern Millie" at the Youth Performing Arts School. Adventurers always represent Crosby
with good manners and class, and this trip was no exception.
In class we are currently studying culture, population, government and economy. Next, we will begin studying Europe.
Please make sure your child is doing social studies homework
The final date to submit a deposit for the New York trip in May at least two days a week and studying at home for tests and
quizzes. Students should be writing in their agendas daily and
is approaching. At winter break, we will determine whether
checking There is an on-line
there are enough people signed up. If there aren't, all deposits
textbook available where students can log on and take practice
will be refunded and there will be no trip this year. If you are
interested, DON'T WAIT. Send a $200 deposit today. You can quizzes and tests. Plus, they don't have to carry their heavy
get more information by clicking this copy of the letter that was textbook home! Check it out!
sent home in September:
Explorers Team
The proceeds from the carnival allow us to do lots of meaningful things for kids. One of the things we love the most is
"Holiday Dreams and Wishes". Students write about those
they'd like to reach out to during the gift-giving season to try to
make their dreams and wishes come true. Typically, we send
donations and cards to a variety of charities in the local community. It is always uplifting and helps us capture the spirit of
the season.
Challengers Team
We have been on two wonderful field trips: to
Kingpin Lanes and the MegaCavern. We have
one more field trip planned for this semester—to the Planetarium and Speed Museums. Please contact us if you are interested in chaperoning.
In Language Arts the Explorers finished The Outsiders and began a study of O. Henry, reading several of his short
stories comparing themes, mood, element of surprise and irony.
Our next reading project is due Dec. 16. It will be a magic story
board. We will make it in class and the students will be expected to finish it at home.
In Social Studies we are finishing our study of Ancient
Egypt. Students made pyramids and cartouches in class. They
assembled a gods book for Ancient Egypt also. Next we are
going to start the chapter on Ancient China. The mid-term will
cover chapters 2,3,4, and 6. I will give students a study sheet a
week before the mid-term. It's hard to believe we are already in
the third six weeks.
Our midterms will be Dec. 17, 1st, 3rd and 5th periods and
Dec. 18, 2nd, 4th and 6th periods.
Enjoy your vacation with family and have a wonderful holiday!
Be a TEAM Player: Parents, we need your help! Your child
brought home a Team Player form (it was attached to the
Planetarium permission slip). Please take a moment to read it
over and, if interested in helping our team, return it to Ms. GunThe Mariners have been working hard for many
nell. If you did not receive a copy, one can be found at Ms.
weeks during our CARE for Kids time. We have
Gunnell‘s classpage:
been using the CPR (Circle of Power and Respect) model to
follow the themes of the week. Here is a list of some of the
quotes that Mrs. Morris (Monday, CARE) has used to start our
Language Arts:
Students did an OUTSTANDING job with Roll of Thunder,
(Continued on page 7)
Hear My Cry. Our next novel study will be after winter break.
Mariners Team
Cougar Pride 6
Please keep checking Parent Portal for grade information and
The choices that you make affect not only yourself but
check your child‘s agenda for assignments and upcoming tests.
others as well.
Also, be sure to check out for individ2. The details make the difference.
ual teacher and team information.
3. What small act of kindness have you done today?
4. We Pledge to be "Hands Off" Drugs.
5. Honor those who have passed by serving those who live.
6. Being Responsible means taking care of what is important.
We are sailing through a great year on the VoyPlease take the time to talk with your child about our
ager team! Can you believe it's the end of Nothemes. Ask them what we did, as them what they remember
vember? Our students continue to work hard and many are
and most importantly, ask them how they are continuing our
seeing the benefits of all this hard work. At the end of the secthemes. . . this shouldn't be just a one week idea but a theme
ond 6 weeks, we want to recognize some of the achievements.
that they carry out in their daily lives.
We give the Skipper Award to students who show outstanding
Check back during our next newsletter to read more about
academic achievement. The following students recieved this
CARE for kids and our social contract.
award: Math - Thomas Hercher, Vince Patrick, Samantha Simmons, Dallas Klingel; Language Arts - Laura Grueneberg, MatThe Mariner Team Teachers.
thew Garvey, Jenny Guo, TJ Barnett, Christina Rucinski and
John Spencer Howell; Science - Alex Cromwell, Katherine
Beck, Hiba Fatima, and Ali Rammal; Social Studies - Taylor
Martin, Lucas Taylor, Jenny Guo, and Kayla Manley.
Voyagers Team
Pioneers Team
The Pioneer Team would like to thank those parents who joined us on our first field trip of the year
to Cedar Ridge Camp‘s Louisville Green School!! It was a
great success because of the help of those parents who were
able to go along with us. We will enjoy a second field trip to
see the YPAS production of ‗Thoroughly Modern Millie‘ on
Tuesday, November 24.
We also want to recognize those students who have made improvements. Most Improved in Math is Matt Hearn, Baylee
Miller, Michaela Trowell, and Shelby Moreland; Science is Joc
Thaxton and David Rinas; Social Studies is Natalie Nuss,
Kramer Caswell, Chynna Ashby and Boone Goodman.
Finally, we want to thank those students who offer extra help
when needed. These students are awarded the First Mate
The Pioneer teachers would also like to congratulate the folAward. This goes to Kelsie Heuser, Taylor Renfroe and Madlowing students for excelling in Language Arts and Science the die Tyner. We hope that you and your family enjoy the upcomfirst grading period:
ing Thanksgiving holiday.
Sarah Bryan, Zach Raines, Sasha Stanley, Jenna Penning, Bailey Wachter, Tabitha Mitchell, Michael Lewis, Jonathon Guiot,
and Tiffany Palacio. We would also like to thank the following
students for being a great help, Rhonda Stewart, Shelby Upton,
The World Language Department would like to
Elgin Anders, Matt Thomas, Enrique Rodriquez, Robert Shaw,
congratulate the following students for being choDouglas Bower, Kayla Sims, Michael Lewis, Megan Shirley,
sen as Students of the Month, for the month of October.
and Nick Phelps.
Rebecca Lennon
Alfonso Holden
Michaela Doucette
Zachary Raines
Shayla Thompson
Alex Singer
Donald Leonard
Wow! It is hard to believe the first semester is
almost over. The Trailblazers went on a field trip Congratulations to those students!
to the Louisville Zoo and enjoyed the beautiful
autumn weather. We were also able to view Disney’s A Christmas Carol before Thanksgiving as a team. We are looking
forward to going to Stage One in December to see ―The Best
Christmas Pageant Ever.‖ Thanks to Mrs. Jewell for organizing this trip.
World Languages
Trailblazers Team
Thank you to parents for their continued support. Mid-Term
Exams will be on Thursday, December 17th and Friday, December 18th. Please check teacher webpages for more information.
Cougar Pride 7
the most fun concerts I do all year, we will have 50 three and
four year olds in our room. Seventh graders may wear a Santa
hat for this performance.
Astronomy Club
Remaining meetings of the Astronomy Club
will be held on Dec 11, Jan 15 & 22, Feb 19 &
26, Mar 19 & 26—all from 7:00-8:30 at Crosby. The last
meetings will be Apr 16, 7:30-9:00, at F. Miles Park, Apr 23,
7:30-9:00, at Crosby, and Apr 23, TBD, at U of L Rauch Planetarium
Band Notes
Congratulations to our seventeen band students
that made Jefferson Co. All Co. Band! We are so
proud of our students: Rachel Cummings, Kristen Traylor,
Alana Keith, Molly Rector, Sarah Bryan, Macara Curry, Lucas
Taylor, Laura Grueneberg, Logan Fairfield, Laura Edkins,
Chiane Boom (first chair), Sarah Linder, Jace Hartley, Rachel
Chance, Bennett Cobban, Michael Metz and Daniel Rhodes.
Their performance will be Nov. 23 at 7:00 pm at Male H.S.
Everyone is invited to attend.
Congratulations to our 2009-10 Pep Band, they play at all the
home basketball games. They are: Sarah Linder, Laura Edkins,
Alex Hicks, Emma Lambert, Christian Boudreau, Michael
Metz, Haley Stevenson, Justin Hollinsworth, Laura Grueneberg, Chiane Boom, Kirsten Traylor, Bennett Cobban, Erin
Waggoner, Ricky Martin, Rachel Chance, Jace Hartley, Douglas Bower, Tyler Morgan and Sarah Bryan. Our schedule is
Dec. 7 (rehearsal), Dec. 9 Game, Jan. 13 (rehearsal), Jan. 14
Game, Feb. 3 (rehearsal), Feb. 4 Game.
Our fundraiser came in on Mon. Nov. 9. I want to thank everyone that helped us by selling or through a donation; we really
appreciate your support. We made only about half as much
money this year, but every little bit helps.
All students that signed up to participate in Solo and Ensemble
Festival—I will start giving out that music in mid-December or
in January.
Our holiday concert will be Dec. 8, students will need to be
here at 6:30 to warm up and tune. The concert will begin at
7:00 and I usually plan for one to one and a half hours. Please
remain for the entire concert out of respect for each group that
performs. The students wear their band top (or navy top) and
khaki bottoms to this event. This is a REQUIRED concert for
band, counting 40% of their six week grade. The concert will
be in the Crosby Gym. Admission is free, you are welcome to
bring cameras and recording devices. I am so very proud of our
bands, I am anxious to show them off. They have worked hard
to prepare this holiday concert, we hope all families can attend.
On Dec. 11 the 7th graders will go to Tully Elementary and
perform a concert at 10:05, dress is band top and khaki bottoms, and they may wear their Santa Hat. The 8th grade will
perform at Bowen Elementary at 1:00. I will need parents to
transport instruments and chaperone, please. I always enjoy
taking our students to perform, I am very proud of them. I will
be sending home permission slips soon.
Band Finals will be on Dec. 17 for students in 3rd and 5th period. Dec. 18 will be finals in periods two and four. The seventh and eighth grade final will consist of playing. The 6th
graders final is an open notebook written test.
I wish all the band families best wishes for the holidays. Please
make sure horns go home over the holidays.
Classical Guitar
The Fall Concert is on Tuesday, December 15,
2009, in the cafétorium, beginning at 7:30 PM.
Attendance is a part of students‘ third term grade.
Field Hockey
Check my webpage on I will post some
ideas for holiday gifts. Also, I am doing all my grades on infinite campus now, you can go to the parent portal and check
The 2009 Field Hockey Season concluded with
your student's grade. Participation will be a high part of this six
two Crosby teams playing for a city championship
week grades due to our concert, it will count 40%. Please let
for the first time. In two short years, Crosby has put itself on
me know if something looks wrong on a grade - I can always
the field hockey map. The 7th grade (Buckeye) team had to play
make a mistake.
Kammerer on their home field due to rain outs that occurred
during the playoffs. Crosby lost 1-0, but put up a gallant effort
Percussion Ensemble has started on Thursdays after school
against the home team. The team finished with a solid 8-2-1
with Mr. Tate.
record. The 6th grade (Chestnut) team reached the championship game vs KCD #1 and lost 3-0 which happened to be their
On Wed. Dec. 2 the Trinity Preschool will come over and the
first loss of the season. They concluded their campaign with a
7th graders will play a holiday concert for them. This is one of remarkable 9-1-2 record. The 8th grade (Acorn) team lost in the
Cougar Pride 8
tournament to Noe #1, 1-0, but completed a remarkable turnaround season to post a 6-4-2 record.
The annual banquet was held on Oct 11th at the Middletown
United Methodist Hall with 130 people attending. Certificates
were presented to all players recognizing their individual
achievements along with gifts for each team member. Medals
were given out to the following players:
Chestnut Team (6th grade):
MVP Offense: Francesca Stovall
MVP Defense: Madison Farris
Most Improved Offense: Britney Beaufait
Most Improved Defense: Harper Zeitz
110% Award: Allyson Middleton
Best Team Player: Mackenzie Roy
used/broken cell phones & chargers, DVDs, CDs, and printer
ink cartridges for our fundraiser
Orchestra Notes
It is hard to believe that we are almost half way
through the school year. We have been very busy
this semester! Thanks to those of you who participated in our fund raiser. It went very well! We will be putting these funds to good use to purchase new music, stands, and
other items to benefit the orchestra.
The All County Middle School Orchestra performed at Ballard
High School on November 3. We had eight students who auditioned and were accepted as members of this orchestra. A big
CONGRATULATIONS goes out to Michelle Cole, Brianna
Damron, Kayla Manley, Kaitlyn Bufkin, Emily Leung, Lacy
Walker, Alan Chan, and Emily Turi!
Buckeye Team (7th grade)
MVP Defense: Emily Baete
MVP Offense: Sara Beth Davis
Most Improved Offense: Madeline Gannott
Most Improved Defense: Ivy Stecher
110% Award: Madison Kearschner
Best Team Player Award: Amy Upton
Thank you also to the seventh and eighth grade students who
performed for the Fifth Grade Welcome Night also held on
November 3. Our orchestra students did a nice job of representing Crosby Middle School.
Acorn Team (8th grade)
MVP Offense: Cassie Harper
MVP Defense: Alli Vaught
Most Improved Offense: Whitney Hardesty
Most Improved Defense: Katie Wright
110% Award: Jocelyn Porter
Best Team Player Award: Christina Rucinski
Many of the players are continuing to play in the indoor
leagues and can‘t wait until next year‘s season which begins in
July. As I step down from being the parent booster for the last
two years, I would like to thank all of the parents for a FANTASTIC year and making my job easier.
Mark Rucinski
Students are very busy preparing for our winter concert. Our
winter concert will be Thursday, December 10, at 7:00 p.m in
the gym. Students need to be here at 6:30 in order to be tuned
and prepare for the concert. The attire for the evening concert
is formal black and white. I have discussed this with the students, and it is also listed in the syllabus given to you at the
beginning of the year. This is a required concert and is a MAJOR part of their grade. If you need assistance with transportation, please let me know as soon as possible so that we can get
that worked out for you. Lack of transportation is not an excused absence from the concert.
On Tuesday, Dec. 8, the seventh and eighth grade orchestras
will be performing at Middletown and Tully Elementary with
lunch at Gattiland. It always fun to have such a lively audience. They will be performing music from their concert.
Future Problem Solving
The KMEA Solo and Ensemble Festival is also around the corner. Students have already signed up to participate. It will be
The FPS team won their first performance compe- held Saturday, February 13 at Atherton High School. Students
tition against Kammerer and Ramsey. The team will be given times when I receive them in January. This is a
is now preparing for the first written competiunique opportunity for students to play in a small group or solo
tion. In December we have our second and final performance
competition. The spring semester brings the district, regional,
and state level Governor‘s Cup competition. Good Luck team! Please make note of our spring concert if you have not already.
It is a required part of their grade. It will be Tuesday, May 11
at 7:00 p.m. in the gym. Student should be at school at 6:30 in
order to tune.
Get Fit Club
The GET FIT CLUB is still accepting new memHave a wonderful winter break! I look forward to seeing you
bers. See Ms. Marzian or go to yourclassin 2010! & click on "Get Fit" for
more information. We meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays from
2:30-3:30. Parents are welcome to join! We are also collecting
Cougar Pride 9
Information will be available in the office during the first few
weeks of school.
Piano News
The Piano Class cultures projects are continuing.
Recital Auditions were November 19-20. The
Fall Recital is on Monday, December 7, 2009, in the cafétorium, beginning at 7:30 PM.
Quick Recall
The Quick Recall JCPS Middle School League
season is over. After our opening wins over Highland, Crosby stumbled against Meyzeek and Noe, but closed
strong with sweeps of Barrett, Myer, JCTMS, and Ramsey to
end league play with a record of 10-4.
On Saturday, November 21, we competed in the Class Act
tournament at Gheens Academy. We just missed making it to
the final bracket, losing a heartbreaker to Noe by 2 points.
After the holidays, we will compete in the Top 8 Jefferson Co.
tournament and then begin the state-wide Governor‘s Cup challenge.
Crosby Middle School Soccer is starting to
organize. All those interested in playing soccer this year should come to a 40-minute informational
meeting on Friday, December 4 at 6:30pm. We‘ll gather at
Middletown Christian Church, lower level, in room 117.
The main focus will be on what to expect from this coming
Spring season. However, we may form a Winter Indoor
team if there is enough interest. A slot has been reserved
for games during the January thru mid-March session at
River City Indoor. If you have any questions call Brett
Garvey at 417-5432 (cell).
Brett will be coaching the Boys Varsity team. We are looking
for volunteers to coach Boys JV and Girls V/JV. If you are
interested, please plan to attend the meeting or contact Mr.
Garvey or the Athletic Director, Mr. Durbin, at the school.
The Crosby tennis team just finished another great
season in October. This year we had 38 wonderful
players and two teams representing our school. Players put in a lot of hard work on the court, showed great improvement, exhibited good sportsmanship and most importantly
had a lot of fun! We hope everyone will come back and play
again next season and look forward to new faces interested in
joining the team.
Congratulations to your tennis players:
Darren Aponte
Michelle Cole
Azalea Henderson
Jacqueline Robertson
John Daniel
Laura Edkins
Cameron Farmer
Sasha Ferguson
Shauna Ferguson
Tejeswar Gayala
Jackie Hartnett
Brendan McCulley
Armen Hartoonian
Brianna Coy
Nicolas Mitchell
Olivia Holt
Mac Montgomery
Grace Jennings Harrison Colyer
Chase Karlen
Tarana Sidhu
Alana Keith
Hayley Stevenson
Joe Kline
Devyn Thompson
Emily Leung
Kristen Traylor
Michael Lewis Erin Waggoner
Sarah Linder
Abby Walker
Alyson Marrs
Lacy Walker
Devin White
Josh Cook
Sam Huff
Nicolas Nelson
Madeline McGill
Congratulations to our Junior Varsity and Varsity
Volleyball teams on outstanding seasons! The
Varsity team was 17-1 and finished number one in
their league. The Junior Varsity team finished second in their
league with a 14-4 record. Both teams lost hard-fought battles
to Jefferson County Traditional Middle School in the semi-final
rounds of the district tournaments. More recently, ten of our
eighteen players made club volleyball teams at MAVA. We
are so proud of our girls and are already looking forward to
next year!
We want to wish our graduating eighth grade players good luck
next year and thank them for all of their hard work this season:
Jamila Bland, Casey McMonigle, Shelby Mooreland, Janie
Peterson, and Kate Stottmann.
A special farewell goes out to Coach Denise Stottmann. Coach
Stottmann has been volunteering her time and expertise to our
program for six years now. She has been an incredible asset to
our program and will be missed dearly.
We want to hear from all
groups. If you have any
news at all, please submit it
for the next newsletter.
If you just have a small item
worth noting —we’ll shout it
out, just like this comment!
The middle school tennis season is in September and October.
Cougar Pride 10
Cougar Groups & Clubs Contacts
Archery Club
Beth Whitney
Eric Timerding
Astronomy Club
Eric Timerding
Debbie Dunn
Junior Beta Club
Yonetta Beagle
Chess Club/Team
Tom Herp
Holly Knot
Circus of the Kids
Terra Murphy
Literacy Club
Peggy Helm
Marsha Webb
Eric Timerding
Holly Knott
K.J. Powell, President
Fellowship of Christian Athletes
Debbie Dunn
Quick Recall Team
Kerry Morris
Fencing Club (contact Youth Services)
Adrian Graham
Future Problem Solvers Team
Shannon Shaver
Get Fit Club
Nicki Marzian
Spanish Club
Stacy Elliott
Kevin Ashford
Cougar Pride 11
Cougar Athletics Contacts
Athletic Director
Ass‘t Athletic Director
Jerry Durbin
Don Parr
(6th) (contact the A.D.)
(7th) Greg Allen
(8th) Rodney Underwood
Jimmy Lenz
Willie Warren
Chad Pasley
Jason Quinn
Flag Football
Duane Williams
Don Parr
Adrian Graham
Tom Herp
Golf Adrian Graham Jump Rope Mary Margaret Sutherland
Julie Huber
Paul Sehlinger
Barry Sutherland
Jerry Durbin
Paul Sehlinger
Shannon Walker
(contact the A.D.)
Doyle Patrick
Kris Goldener
Howard Kearschner
Beth McCulley
Janie Edkins
Cross Country
Christine Smith
Paul Sehlinger
Paul Sehlinger
Dance Team
Julie Hundley
Tara Hayden
Field Hockey
Kelly Gannott
Cougar Pride 12
STRAIGHT „A‟ Honor Roll—2nd Six Weeks
Students must have ALL satisfactory conduct grades to be on the Honor Roll.
Afsahi, Abnous
Alderette, Phyla
Alexander, Omari
Banks, Tahjanaa
Bates, Elizabeth
Beaufait, Brittany
Been, Rachel
Bell, Brendan
Biggs, Jordan
Bird, Benjamin
Blake, Samuel
Booth, Mitchell
Borchardt, Kalena
Bratcher, Brianna
Brotzman, Brianna
Brown, Cameron
Brown, Emily
Burgin, Allison
Byrne, Katherine
Campbell, Landon
Carter, Robert
Case, Makenzie
Chan, Alan
Chaney, Rachel
Clark, Kolton
Cole, Michael
Coleman, Destinee
Cook, Ashley
Curtis, Avery
Damron, Jonathan
Degeare, David
Devlin, Clay
Diaz, Adam
Druckenmiller, Emily
Espinoza, Mia
Farris, Madison
Floyd, John
Galyon, Grace
Garrett, Eric
Gibson, Caleb
Goodman Swift, Morgan
Grabowski, Grant
Guralnik, Luca
Hedge, Melanie
Heintz, John
Hembree, Carli
Hercher, Philippe
Hosn, Lydia
Hughes, Gabrielle
Hunter, Sarah
Jennings, Grace
Jones, Breya
Jordan, Madelyn
Kampschaefer, Austin
Kandul, Sophia
Karlen, Chase
Kelley, Sarah
Kersey, Isabella
Keys, Jeremy
Keys, Samuel
Kimble, Ian
Kraps, Meredith
Kute, Steven
Lager, Bentley
Letto, Isabella
Little, Taylor
Macblane, Sydney
Marrs, Alyson
Mccorkle, Garret
Mcgee, Molly
Miller, Adam
Mitchell, Nicolas
Mitchell, Samantha
Munoz, Ignacio
Murphy, Matthew
Nelson, Nicholas
Newton, Kayla
Nichols, Jocelyn
Nolan, Margaret
Pandher, Harjot
Pandher, Karan
Penn, Camden
Phillips, Emily
Polston, Alexa
Porta, Samuel
Powers, William
Qiao, Yi
Radomicki, Megan
Ramsey, Noah
Reagan, Alexander
Reynolds, Riley
Richardson, Alexandra
Richey, Owen
Rogers, Nicholas
Roy, Mackenzie
Ryan, Brandon
Sautel, Cameron
Schroll, Sarah
Schwartz, Chase
Schwarz, Chloe
Schweinsberg, Caleb
Scott, Katelyn
Sears, Richard
Shah, Alex
Sherek, Benjamin
Sidhu, Tarana
Sproul, Parker
Stovall, Francesca
Sutton, Bailey
Takada, Audrey
Taylor, Steffi
Terrell, Alison
Thompson, Devyn
Tripp, Gregory
Turki, Ahmad
Wells, Collin
White, Amanda
White, Devin
Wilham, Mary
Wilson, Landon
Young, John
Young, Summer
Zeitz, Harper
Applegate, Samantha
Baete, Emily
Boom, Chiane
Brockman, Tyler
Carroll, Nina
Case, Tyler
Cecil, Mary
Coble, Haley
Edwards, Calann
Edwards, Lilly
Etheridge, Theodore
Fuller, Kalee
Gannott, Madeline
Garvey, Andrew
Gibbons, Dominique
Gravatte, August
Hahnert, Eric
Hamm, Emily
Hayes, Hannah
Hillis, Jordan
Holba, Erin
Hollinsworth, Justin
Hollinsworth, Trevor
Holt, Olivia
Holton, Brooke
Huber, Murray
Jackson, Kathryn
Kearschner, Madison
Kenn, Peter
Kiley, Emma
Koch, Shelby
Lally, Hannah
Lane, Destiny
Lang, Evan
Lemonis, Marissa
Lennon, Kayleigh
Lyvers, Sydney
Martin, Kayla
Martin, Nicholas
Cougar Pride 13
Milburn, Gregory
Mujadzic, Lejla
Mundkur, Natasha
Nadeau, Christopher
Oldham, Tyler
Owen, William
Pantoja, Marissa
Phelps, Mary
Piepmeyer, Danielle
Priddy, Sarah
Rector, Molly
Rosbottom, Thomas
Rosenberg, Felicity
Rosenblatt, Hannah
Schroering, Emily
Shirkness, Eric
Sparks, Kimberly
Spurgeon, Miranda
Stecher, Ivy
Stoler, Christina
Sutherland, Kelly
Thompson, Shayla
Turi, Emily
Turner, John
Tyra, Ellen
Upton, Amy
Walker, Abby
Wead, Madalyn
Weatherholt, Kathleen
Weihe, Lauren
Wertz, Kristine
Willey, Heather
Willoughby, Megan
Witten, Michael
Yakimovicz, Olivia
Yazdanpanah, Paya
Antonovich, Madeleine
Barber, Pierce
Bell, Connor
Bivins, Tyler
Bland, Jamila
Borchardt, Robert
Bryan, Sarah
Case, Joshua
Christopher, Nicholas
Cline, Lauren
Curtis, Olivia
Damron, Brianna
Davis, Christopher
Devlin, Makena
Doucette, Micaela
Dowdell, Megan
(Continued on page 15)
A/B Honor Roll—2nd Six Weeks
Students must have ALL satisfactory conduct grades to be on the Honor Roll.
Akmon, George
Anastas, Haley
Anderson, Kevin
Baker, Tyler
Ballard, Amara
Ballard, Marquis
Banks, Toriyahna
Barber, Duncan
Bates, Samuel
Baughman, Chloe
Beach, Samuel
Bennett, Michael
Bernhardt, Rachel
Biggers, Lemichael
Bindner, John
Boston, Tionna
Bowling, Rachel
Bowman, Emma
Boyd, Shakiem
Breetz, Tristan
Britt, Lauren
Britton, Nicholas
Brown, Cayla
Bryant, Carlos
Burnett, Kendrick
Calhoun, Sydney
Clover, David
Coble, Emily
Colon, Alexandra
Cornish, Jillian
Daniel, John
Day, Cassidy
Dean, Kennedy
Denny, Rachel
Dewitt, Stephen
Donohue, Elijah
Dowdell, James
Dunn, Samantha
Dyer, Zachary
Enix, Noah
Ferguson, Shauna
Flath, Claire
Foreman, Cody
Fraser, William
Fulkerson, Jessica
Gaither, Whitney
Gambert, Christopher
Garner, Kelsey
Gayala, Tejeswar
Gillispie, Jaclyn
Gracia, Kaitlyn
Gumbel, Nicholas
Haddaway, Logan
Hawkins, Emma
Heffley, Allison
Henderson, Azalea
Hermann, Carter
Hill, Kolton
Holeman, Delaney
Holmes, Annie
Hooper, Hayden
Hutchison, Mackenzie
Jayaweera, Kayla
Jiles, Jada
Johnson, Rhyan
Kaelin, Lauren
Kirksey, Ryan
Knapczyk, Laura
Koerner, Sydney
Kozma, Cassandra
Labordeaux, Tasia
Lanzone, Chad
Le, Amy
Ledford, Nicholas
Major, Rose
Manley, Kyle
Mason, Noah
Mayes, Alexia
Mayfield, Jason
Mcculley, Brendan
Melhorn, Tatum
Meyer, Emma
Middleton, Allyson
Middleton, Madison
Mike, Zachary
Miller, Alexander
Milliner, Zachary
Minar, Meredith
Molina-Baheng, Ruby
Montgomery, Megan
Mortenson, Sebastian
Mosley, Matthew
Murphy, Jacob
Newton, Anthony
Nichols, Michaela
Olivares, Carlos
Owens, Breana
Paul, Veronica
Penning, Cassidy
Railey, Caylyn
Rasco, Jackson
Rebata, Gian
Reed, Jailen
Reyna, Victoria
Robinson, Pearce
Rodriguez, Jessica
Roman, Bailey
Rosas, Luis
Salameh, Maria
Salthe, Catherine
Sarmiento, Alondra
Schnarr, Mckenzie
Shanks, Brennan
Sherek, Matthew
Sims, Zachary
Singer, Alex
Smith, Patricia
Stancevic, Dalia
Strobel, Britin
Strother, Chase
Sumpter, Erin
Sutherland, Krista
Taylor, Morgan
Tessier, Connor
Theiss-Taylor, Alyssa
Thomas, Allan
Turner, Robert
Vega, Leonel
Vogelsberg, Emma
Voll, Shelby
Washer, Austin
West, Reece
White, Brooklyn
White, Keayna
Wiley, Rachel
Adamczyk, Jessi
Aponte, Darren
Baisden, Kailani
Ballard, Dreon
Baumler, Alyssa
Bilbro, Benjamin
Blanton, Bryan
Brennan, Michela
Carney, Sarah
Cecil, Mattison
Chambers, Terriana
Chaney, Hannah
Clark, Kolton
Cloud, Nicholas
Cohoon, Brett
Conrad, Mary
Cook, Joshua
Cosgrove, Matthew
D Amato, Gina
Davis, Samantha
Dougherty, Kayla
Ewing, Noah
Fellmy, Austin
Fisher, Taylor
Fone, Celine
Foreman, Spencer
Funk, Shelby
Cougar Pride 14
Goldener, Lauren
Gray, Alex
Grosse, Charles
Guy, Riley
Hagan, Katherine
Hall, Anna
Hartnett, Jaclyn
Hayes, Jamaal
Hicks, Alex
Hill, Kaitlyn
Holden, Derek
Hollinsworth, Jacob
Hursh, Morgan
Hutchinson, Reed
Jacobsen, Keenan
Jennings, Tanner
Johnson, Jeremiah
Johnson, Savannah
Kaelin, Taylor
Kaufling, Katherine
Kerby, Kate
Kurtz, Alexis
Lambert, Emma
Lane, Mariana
Lee, Jenna
Lennon, Colin
Lighthill, Taylor
Lotze, Dylan
Maliekal, Benjamin
Manuel, Blake
Marquez, Jessica
Mattsson, Adrian
Mccracken, Cassidy
Miller, Bradley
Minch, Andrew
Morgan, Tyler
Niehaus, C
Ortiz, Anastasia
Ozier, Austin
Patrick, Caroline
Paul, Julian
Phillips, Benjamin
Prather, Matthew
Reed, Cameron
Richardson, Anna
Rickert, Autumn
Ridgeway, Jasmine
Robertson, Jacqueline
Rodriguez Vescia, Lucia
Sanchez, Gabriel
Saunders, Jordan
Scanlon, Kyla
Scott, David
Searle, Natalie
(Continued on page 15)
STRAIGHT „A‟ Honor Roll—2nd Six Weeks (continued)
(Continued from page 13)
Edkins, Laura
Fairfield, Logan
Fatima, Hiba
Feige, Emma
Fone, Sydney
Ford, Kendra
Gali, Brandon
Garvey, Matthew
Goodman, Katelyn
Gregory, Jordan
Grider, Tanner
Grueneberg, Laura
Hajela, Avni
Hartoonian, Armen
Heaton, Evan
Hendricks, Alyson
Hercher, Thomas
Hernandez, Sarah
Hoffman, Madilyn
Hoke, Cassiel
Howell, Carolyn
Huff, Samuel
Iuzzolino, Dylan
Kim, Minsu
Kline, Joseph
Klingel, Dallas
Lattimore, Kimberly
Lentsch, Phillip
Leung, Emily
Linder, Sarah
Manley, Kayla
Mcgill, Madelene
Mcintosh, Cameron
Mcmonigle, Casey
Melhorn, Reanne
Metz, Michael
Mitchell, Tabitha
Montgomery, Mackenzie
Park, Jubilee
Passamonte, Mason
Patrick, Richard
Payne, Ryan
Penning, Jenna
Perez, Ciara
Pi, Jackie
Porter, Jocelyn
Potts, Andrew
Powell, Jackson
Reaves, Ashley
Reid, Megan
Renz, Griffin
Routh, William
Rucinski, Christina
Ryan, Daniel
Self, Kyle
Sepulveda, Nely
Shah, Ryan
Sharp, Emily
Springate, Anthony
Stanley, Sasha
Stephens, Nicole
Stevenson, Hayley
Taylor, Lucas
Terry, Abigail
Traylor, Kristen
Twohey, Olivia
Vaught, Allison
Voong, Debbie
Waggoner, Erin
Walker, Lacy
Wilson, Kerry
Wulff, Tanner
A/B Honor Roll—2nd Six Weeks (continued)
(Continued from page 14)
Sebastian, Theresa
Siebert, Faith
Singleton, Keyanna
Sites, Blakeley
Slahta, Olivia
Smith, Kory
Spalding, Zachary
Spray, Jordan
Springfield, Tony
Strobel, Bailey
Thomas, Victoria
Twohey, Logan
Volkovitsky, Andrew
Walden, Jesse
Washington, Hayley
Williams, Brandon
Willinger, Eric
Willis, Josephine
Wilson, Kayle
Wolf, Kurtis
Yoder, Patrick
Young, Corey
Zachary, Morgan
Zagata, Kaitlyn
Zeiger, Caitlin
Adams, Emma
Aguilera, Yosemite
Azer, Silvia
Barnett, Tj
Beck, Katherine
Boudreau, Christian
Bower, Douglas
Breetz, Austen
Brown, Griffin
Bryar, Shannon
Buechlein, Shelby
Bufkin, Kaitlyn
Burger, Trevor
Butler, Shawntasia
Campbell, Clayton
Caswell, Kramer
Chance, Rachel
Cline, Sydney
Cobb, Griffin
Cole, Tyler
Cornish, Olivia
Cottrell, Sarah
Cromwell, Alexandria
Curry, Macara
Denny, Stephen
Dye, Sophia
Ferguson, Sasha
Finch, Corryn
Glazier, Patrick
Goins, Paige
Goodman, Richard
Groves, Paige
Guiot, Jonathan
Hall, Allie
Hardesty, Taylor
Hardesty, Whitney
Hawes, Jordyn
Hawkins, Erika
Heuser, Kelsie
Hilyard, Elizabeth
Hobbs, Mia
Howard, Logan
Howell, John
Jewell, Katherine
Johnson, Anthony
Johnson, Richard
Johnson, Shelby
Jones, Steven
Kats, Carmen
Keith, Alana
Kosek, Nathaniel
Lady, Brent
Lanning, Marshall
Lewis, Michael
Li, Jue
Luna, Fermin
Marshall, Anthony
Martin, Benjamin
Martin, Richard
Martin, Taylor
Mcgavic, Morgan
Mcholan, Brittany
Medley, James
Mendoza, Lucas
Minch, Brian
Moreland, Shelby
Moseley, Amanda
Mosley, Nicholas
Owens, Craig
Palacio, Tiffany
Perry, Nicholas
Peterson, Jane
Phelps, William
Purdom, Nicholas
Cougar Pride 15
Raines, Zachary
Ray, Brandy
Renfro, Taylor
Robb, Charles
Salahuddin, Jasmine
Sanders, Michael
Schmitt, Andrew
Schuengel, James
Sebastian, Elisabeth
Sermon, Mark
Sexton, Logan
Shader, Emily
Sloan, Jacob
Stottmann, Katherine
Sullivan, Connor
Szabo, Benjamin
Taylor, Raven
Torstrick, Ethan
Valley, Elizabeth
Wachter, Bailey
Walker, Kayla
Walker-Byrd, Bryce
Watley, Angelita
Weilbacher, Morgan
West, Ryan
Wright, Katherine
Wulff, Trevor
Zaborowski, Kathryn
Zalmanov, Anthony
Crosby Cafeteria Account
2009-10 Procedures and Policies
Dear Parent or Guardian,
Children need a healthy meal to learn. Crosby offers healthy
meals every school day. The regular price is $1.85 for breakfast and $2.35 for lunch. Your children may qualify for free or
reduced meal prices. Reduced price is $.30 for breakfast and
$.40 for lunch.
Who can get free or reduced price meals? Children in
households receiving Food Stamps or K-TAP and most foster
children can get free meals regardless of income. Also, if your
household income is within limits on the Federal Income Chart,
your children can get free or reduced price meals.
Do I need to fill out an application? YES! Complete the
application to apply for free or reduce price meals. USE ONE
APPLICATION for ALL students in the household.
If I don‟t qualify now, may I apply again later? Yes. You
may apply any time during the school year if your household
size goes up, your income goes down, or you start getting Food
Stamps or K-TAP. If you lose your job, your children may be
eligible for free/reduced price meals while you are unemployed.
General Cafeteria Policies
All students must use their own meal account number.
No charges are allowed.
Meal accounts should not become negative. If an account becomes negative the student will be given an alternative meal, a
cheese sandwich and milk. He or she will not be able to purchase
a regular meal until the account balance is no longer negative.
Cash or check for any amount is accepted. Make checks out to
Crosby Middle School.
Checks will be deposited for the full amount and added to your
child‘s account. Money can be transferred from one sibling to
another with written parental consent.
Students cannot be given cash refunds from their meal accounts.
A check can be issued for the requested amount with parental
September is the rollover due date for free/reduced applications.
All accounts must be resolved and paid in full before the student‘s last day of school.
A regular lunch consists of 1 entrée, 2 side items (fruits and/or
vegetables), cookie, roll and a milk. Additional and a la carte
items, including extra entrees, sides, milk, juices, chips, and
snacks cost extra. Please explain to your child that these items
are at an additional cost.
Again, thank you for taking the time to read these guidelines.
Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns
regarding your child‘s meal account.
Clara Spurr, Cafeteria manager, 458-3917.
Help Crosby‟s School Garden
Become a Reality!
The students in the Food for Life related arts class have been busy collecting donations in an effort to start
an edible school garden at Crosby.
They started a campaign to raise
―$1100 in 11 days.‖ As of the printing of this newsletter, they are about
half-way towards their goal.
The 3 raised garden beds will be used to grow the fresh fruits
and vegetables that are being studied in class. The students
have been learning about whole foods and where food comes
from. Many of the science teachers‘ lessons also study different aspects of plant life so they are looking forward to using
the garden as an outdoor classroom as well.
If you would like to donate to this cause, donations are still
being accepted in the front office. Please make any checks
payable to Crosby Middle School and write “school garden”
in the memo section. The $1100 goes to the purchase of the
raised beds and any additional donations over that amount
will be used to purchase seeds, garden tools etc.
It takes a community of students, teachers, and parents to start
and maintain an edible school garden! If you have a gardening thumb or are just interested in helping out in some way,
please e-mail Ms. Christensen at
Thanks for helping make this important venture a reality for
the students at Crosby!
The PTSA publishes Cougar Pride in cooperation with the school to share news with the
broad Crosby Community. We publish at the
beginning of the year, and then after each of the
first five grading periods.
Cougar Pride is published electronically, by posting on the ―PTSA Newsletter‖ page of Crosby‘s
website at
To receive e-mail notification when each newsletter is published, visit the page and click ―Be Notified‖. You can then
read the newsletter at your convenience.
We encourage all school groups to publish their news in Cougar Pride. If there is a group you would like to see more of,
let me know—and contact them via or the
school office and ask them to send us their news.
Skip Hahnert;; 245-6761
Cougar Pride 16
Crosby Middle School
Excellence in Fine Arts
Music Department
Concert & Recital Calendar
December 7, 2009
7:00 PM* Cafetorium
Eric Timerding, Director
May 3, 2010
7:00 PM* Gymnasium
Holly Knott, Director
December 8, 2009
7:00 PM* Gymnasium
Debbie Dunn, Director
May 4, 2010
7:00 PM* Cafetorium
Eric Timerding, Director
December 10, 2009
7:00 PM* Gymnasium
Marsha Webb, Director
May 6, 2010
7:00 PM* Gymnasium
Debbie Dunn, Director
December 14, 2009
7:00 PM* Gymnasium
Holly Knott, Director
May 10, 2010
7:00 PM* Cafetorium
Eric Timerding, Teacher
December 15, 2009
7:00 PM* Cafetorium
Eric Timerding, Teacher
May 11, 2010
7:00 PM* Gymnasium
Marsha Webb Director
May 13, 2010
Crosby Middle School Arts Night
6:30 PM* (Presented in various places throughout the building.)
* All concerts and recitals are free and open to the public.
Crosby Middle School
303 Gatehouse Lane
Louisville, Kentucky 40243
Phone: (502) 485-8235
Eric Timerding, Music Department Chair
Cougar Pride 17