at Zoo - Manhattan


at Zoo - Manhattan
Sunset Zoo Staff
Scott Shoemaker, Zoo Director
Mark Ryan, General Curator
Jared Bixby, Curator of Education
Allie Lousch, Marketing/
Development Officer
Brian Davoren, Head Zoo Keeper
Robert D. Klemm, Ph.D.
Director of Conservation & Research
Tammy L. Jones, Administrative Asst./
FOSZ Membership Coordinator
Gina Brisby, Education Assistant
Brett Seeliger, Marketing/Development
Millie Pottroff, Office Assistant
James Carpenter, MS, DVM,
Dipl ACZM, Senior Zoo Veterinarian
Animal Keepers
Animal Keeper II
Lisa Greening
Animal Keeper I
Krista Eible, Jayson Guengerich, Denise
LeRoux, Christina Madden, Elise Neuer,
Jessie Roberts, and Regan Slonecker
Cover Photo courtesy of Marilyn Johnson.
Friends of Sunset Zoo (FOSZ) Board
Matt Schindler
Dana Reinert
Vice President
Val Rosenow
Danielle Porter
(785) 587-APES
The Zoo Insider is published
quarterly with funding provided by
the Friends of Sunset Zoo.
Joleen hill, President
Larry Fox, Vice President
Bob Haines, Treasurer
Joan Shull, Secretary
Doug Wiley, Member-at-Large
Mimi Balderson, Past President
Dave Thomas & Jane Magnuson
Pat Tippin
John & Marlyn Walters
John & Cheryl Walters
Jerry & Linda Weis
Douglass Wiley
Scott Shoemaker Zoo Director
Matthew Schindler President, FOSZ
Education Staff
Gate Attendants
Sara Bidwell, Diana Quinones, Sarah Resser,
and Erica Schmille
(785) 587-APES
Sunset Zoological Park and Wildlife Conservation Trust
Rick Hill, Zoo Maintenance Technician
David Ingram, Maintenance II
Guest Services
Kathy Chapman-Caywood
ZooParent Coordinator
Larry Fox & Bob Haines,
John & Marlyn Walters,
Brittany Allison, Alex Brook-Scherauth,
Miranda Bryan, Robin Byrnes, Krista Eible,
Katie Hartnett, Jordan Heiman, Michael
Marish, Jake Nelsen, Jordan Piha, Diana
Quinones, Jessie Roberts, Jeremy Thornbrugh,
and Kelly Williams
Shelley Carver
Rick Chubb
Midge Jones
Nancy Knopp
David Carter
Terry Carpenter
Sara Myer
Lowell Bliss
Sheryl Ballard
Stephen & Deloris Berland
John & Pat Conderman
Steve & Janet Cooper
Mike & Janet Daniels
Peggy Flouer
Larry & Marilyn Fox
Fred & Kathy Hasler
Joleen Hill
Mike & Kathy Holen
Bob & Marilyn Johnson
Jon & Kathy Murdock
Kevin & Jenny Murdock
Joan Shull
Jacquie Brewer
Gary & Mary Boomer
Dr. William Durkee
Pat Frey
Jack & Joann Goldstein
Tom & Mary Kevin Giller
Charles & Anne Gillum
Steve & Migette Kaup
John Kellstrom
Sharon Kellstrom
Art Loub
Bob & Diana McCaustland
Dr. Ron & Judy Marshall
Harley Pottroff
Bill & Linda Richter
L.W. & Eleanor Stolzer
Dick & Jane Thiessen
Bob Krause & Marty Vanier
Kip & Dee Williams
Billie Woodward
Barbara Wilson
Richard Wartell
Director’s Message
Scott Shoemaker, Sunset Zoo Director
Sunset Zoo is the only North American zoo to have
successfully bred the rare sloth bear in 2009, making us
the single opportunity to see sloth bear cubs on the
Much of the buzz around the Zoo this summer surrounded births of several animal
species besides the rare sloth bear. Twin snow leopard cubs made their debut also.
Along with the cubs, we welcomed two flamingo and six whistling duck chicks to the
Sunset Zoo family.
We’ve enjoyed a mild Kansas summer this year which helped to draw over 6000 more
guests to the Zoo than last year. The increased attendance is a testament to the hard
work of our staff brings as we offer the best Zoo for Manhattan at a great value.
We hope that you have stopped in to see the Zoo Arch and found all of the animals
hidden in the design (gecko, butterfly, and more)! Several local companies worked
together to craft and rebuild the arch that was destroyed last year. The new arch
offers a fresh look and warm welcome to Sunset Zoo.
After 14 years with our tiger/panda/lion logo, a new face for the Zoo was unveiled this
year: the new Caribbean flamingo logo. Visit to check out our new
flamingo design in full color and tell us what you think.
Demolition for the new gibbons exhibit begins this fall
with construction starting next spring. The gibbons’ home
will inhabit the old golden eagle exhibit along the Asian
Forest Trail. Gibbons are not only a brand new species to Sunset Zoo, they are highly
endangered and in dire need of help to survive.
Work is also moving ahead on the new Sunset Zoo Education Building and we want
to thank the voters of Manhattan again for making it a reality. We are very
excited about this opportunity. The education building will be a true asset to our
community and increase quality education programming offered at Sunset Zoo.
Sunset Zoo hosted its Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA) accreditation review
team in July. Accreditation occurs once every five years and includes a thorough
multi-day inspection of the Zoo. The team submitted their report to an AZA
accreditation commission where our Zoo’s application was reviewed. Having been
accredited since 1989, Sunset Zoo takes pride in maintaining a level of excellence for
over 20 years with the AZA and the Manhattan community.
It has been an eventful summer here at Sunset Zoo with lots of wild things to look
forward to at the Zoo this fall. See you at the Zoo,
Scott Shoemaker
Zoo Director
this issue
page 4
Curator’s Corner:
Spotting What’s New at the
page 5
Wine in the Wild Wrap-Up
page 6
Animal Spotlight
Movies on the Grass
page 7
Book Review
pages 8 & 9
Your Zoo Photo Gallery
page 10
Water Safari recap
New! FOSZ Update
page 11
New Sunset Zoo Arch
Rain Garden Installed at Zoo
page 12
Blattner - Penrod Wedding
Biz After Hours at the Zoo
page 13
Insider Online
Zoo Wish Lists &Thank Yous
page 14 &15
Fall & Winter Education
Programs Registration
Back Cover
Corporate Sponsors
Spooktacular 2009
Curator Corner:
Spotting What’s New at Sunset Zoo
That’s not dirt on your glasses! You
really are seeing Spotted Hyenas at
Sunset Zoo! The hyenas’ winter arrival
was the start of what’s been a real “bang
up” year at the Zoo!
Hyenas are known scientifically as
Crocuta crocuta and belong to the family
Hyaenidae. Mention hyenas and people
usually imagine evil laughing, mean,
snarling, drooling, “mad dogs” who run in
packs ready to rip flesh from bone.
Well, I’m here to tell that it’s all true!
Okay...maybe not the drooling part...nor
the snarling part, either. Our hyenas
don’t really snarl. They do laugh, but it’s
more funny than maniacal. As K-Staters,
they are more educated than your average savanna-dwelling hyena. Other than
that, you’ll find your classic hyena at Sunset Zoo.
photo by Brett Seeliger
A few fun facts about our hyenas: There are four species of hyenas: spotted, striped, brown and aardwolf
(looks more like a fox with stripes and eats insects). The hyenas at Sunset Zoo are spotted hyena, the largest
species. Spotted hyena females are markedly larger than the males and are difficult to distinguish from the
males as they share some unique biological characteristics (an interesting topic to research!). Our hyenas are
brother and sister and were indeed born in South Africa on a private preserve. While they look like wild dogs,
they actually are more along the lines of cats, and even have been described as bear-like because of their
lumbering run.
Curator Corner:
Spotted hyenas do have extremely powerful jaws, able to apply over 4,400 psi (pounds per square inch) when
biting. Some might say they have the strongest jaws of the mammal world; just don’t mention it in front of a
Tasmanian Devil, who actually has a bite strength of over 5,500 psi! Personally, I avoid getting bitten by either
one, as the hyena is the only animal that will eat an entire carcass - bones and all
- making them extremely efficient and green!
photo by Jenny Murdock
The spotted hyenas do make a sound that resembles laughing. It is very faint
and is vocalized when the hyenas are really excited. Since their arrival we have
never heard the hyenas laughing at the cheetahs, although they do seem to get a
chuckle out of the wallabies.
Of course once you’ve visited with the hyenas, don t forget to stop by the other
2009 new arrivals, including our twin snow leopard cubs (you can even help
name them!), two sloth bear cubs, two flamingo chicks, Nia who just celebrated her chimptastic 1st birthday, and three Barbados black bellied sheep
brothers in the corral along the Trails of South America.
It’s been an exciting year at the Zoo and we aren’t done yet.
See you at the Zoo!
Wine in the Wild 2009
Sunset in South America
Friends of Sunset Zoo’s third Wine in the Wild event proved a delicious and
storm-free event! Over 250 guests enjoyed the Latin sounds and flavors of
the “Sunset in South America” - themed event and were even treated to a
beautiful Manhattan sunset. Steel & Pipe Supply Co. returned as Presenting
Sponsor with Nespor’s Wine and Spirits carefully choosing wines from several
South American countries.
This year’s Wine in the Wild included a fine art auction which showcased a
variety of pieces from local and national artists. Featured artists included
nationally recognized photographers Peter Souza and Joel Sartore, Ralph
Fontenot, Kevin Sink, Edward Sturr, Judd Patterson, Laraine Jacobus, Clive
Fullagar, Casey Wilson, David Mayes, Marilyn Johnson, and others!
To date, Wine in the Wild events have raised over $30,000 for Zoo education.
These funds have supported several educational initiatives including elements
of the new education facility. Sunset Zoo thanks all sponsors, volunteers, and
the many Friends of Sunset Zoo for their generous support of conservation
Save the date for Wine in the Wild 4, Saturday, June 5, 2010.
photos by Autumn Shoemaker
The Wine in
the Wild event
has raised over
$30,000 in
support of
Education at
Sunset Zoo.
2009 Sponsors
Presenting Sponsor:
Steel & Pipe Supply Company
Wine Sponsor:
Nespor’s Wine & Spirits
Executive Sponsors
Phil & Margaret Howe
Capitol Federal Foundation
Chuck Jackson & Mimi
Little Apple Veterinary
Associate Sponsors
GTM Sportswear
Kansas State Bank
Joe & Nancy Knopp
Konza Veterinary Clinic
McCullough Development, Inc.
Verlyn D. Richards
Stonecreek Family Physicians
The Trust Company of Manhattan
Sustaining Sponsors:
Clarion Hotel
Danenberg Jewelers
Educational Publishers
KSU Veterinary MedicalTeaching Hospital
Thomas Sign Company
Varney’s Book Store
Walters Morgan
Construction, Inc.
Contributing Sponsors
Just Ask Rental
Bob & Julia Strawn
Dale & Kathy Tolbert
Animal Spotlight: Amur Tiger
By Brett Seeliger, Marketing/Development Assistant
Take the short trek down Sunset Zoo’s “tiger hill” on your next visit and you’ll meet
two the Zoo’s most striking and powerful residents, the Amur tigers. Amur tigers,
formerly known as Siberian tigers, are represented at Sunset Zoo by Bob and
Sascha. Sunset Zoo’s Amur tigers have been a popular part of the Asian Trail for
many years. While Amur tigers are the biggest cats in the world, their numbers in
the wild and captivity are dwindling at an alarming rate.
photo by Al Henry
Native to the cold Siberian region which aligns the Amur River, Amur tigers have a
much thicker coat than their warmer-region counterparts, Bengal tigers. The
Amur’s shorter legs and tails help to keep them warm in the cold winters of their
native steppes. The coat, which is a reddish orange, has narrow black stripes and
a creamy white undercoat. A tiger’s stripes are individual to each animal, very
similar to finger prints of human beings.
Tigers in cold climates must eat nearly twenty pounds of meat each day to stay
warm. They feed on animals such as pigs, deer, and antelope. Amur tigers can
mate at any time but most often between November and April. Litters are usually
two or three cubs, and juveniles are
capable hunters after eleven months.
While tigers reach maturity in three to
five years, half of all tigers do not live beyond their first two years.
Human poaching and destruction of habitat are the main causes of tiger
population decline in the world today. With a total tiger population once
estimated at 100,000, the decline has been so severe that the current
population in the wild has dwindled to less than 5,000.
Visit the Zoo online at to learn more about Amur
tigers and the other animals you’ll find at Sunset Zoo.
Movies on the Grass’ Sunset Zoo Debut
KSU Library’s Movies on the Grass series debuted at Sunset Zoo September 20 with The
Tiger Next Door. This “docu-movie” takes a unique look into private collections of wild and
exotic animals. The focus is on one Indiana man, Dennis H. who has bred and sold tigers from
his backyard for fifteen years.
Dennis’ life work involves a homemade menagerie of 24 tigers and other “exotics” that he
breeds and sells. Following a surprise government inspection, Dennis loses his license to house
tigers on his property and must relocate all but three of the exotic animal collection.
The Tiger Next Door examines the ethically questionable practice of private breeding and captivity of exotic animals. Is there a place for misguided yet dedicated people like Dennis? The Tiger
Next Door starts this long overdue conversation with eye-opening footage.
“Tiger farming” is a major issue worldwide especially in places such as China, where the largest
populations of tigers are found. Experts estimate that only 3,500 -5,000 tigers are left in wild
and that more tigers exist in private American collections than in their natural habitat. Organizations like the World Bank and the International Tiger Coalition have spoken against the tiger “industry” stating
“Farming tigers for trade will only hasten the loss of this irreplaceable species.” Visit to learn more
about the tiger trade and what you can do to help protect and conserve wild life of all stripes.
Why I Volunteer at Sunset Zoo
By Brittany Sheff, Explorer
I began volunteering at Sunset Zoo in 2005 as a Junior Zoo Keeper
(JZK). I used to be really shy before I started volunteering at the Zoo.
I was still shy up until my last year of JZK when the shyness started to
rub off. I was in JZK for three years.
I didn’t like to talk to people that I didn’t know or talk in front of my
class at school. So I wasn’t sure if I was going to be able to talk to
guests at the Zoo when I walked around with animals. When I turned
14, I decided to be an Explorer because I really liked volunteering at the Zoo. This is my second year as an Explorer and I’ve talked to a lot of new people.
Join Sunset Zoo for a wild! Read
The Daily Coyote: A Story of Love, Survival, and Trust in the Wilds of Wyoming
by Shreve Stockton, Reviewed by George A. Kennedy, D.V.M.
I found The Daily Coyote to be a fun and thoroughly enjoyable book. Any
animal lover will enjoy this little book, and learn something about coyotes
and animal behavior at the same time.
The author, Shreve Stockton, an urbanite writer and photographer, decides
on a whim to settle down in a cabin outside the small Wyoming town of
Ten Sleep. When the local predator control agent unexpectedly presents
her with an infant orphaned coyote pup whose eyes are barely open, she’s
faced with the difficult decision of letting the agent euthanize it, or trying to
raise it.
Despite knowing nothing about raising a helpless, orphaned
animal, she decides to give it a try. With grit, patience, internet help, and
Mike the predator control agent, she takes on raising “Charlie.” The author
takes the reader through her trials, tribulations and joys of raising a wild
animal in captivity. The reader follows on her walks through the countryside while Charlie runs and plays, but always comes back.
I have known a couple of people who tried to raise coyote pups as pets.
As they and others have discovered, coyote pups can make good pets “for
a while.” Eventually their wild nature comes out and they have to be
destroyed or sent to a zoo. Initially, Charlie is a fun and loving pet, but
with time his instinct is to challenge Shreve, the dominant member of the pack. With firmness and patience, and
not just a little trepidation, she eventually succeeds in convincing Charlie that she is the alpha member, and
Charlie rewards her efforts with affection and loyalty.
The author writes well. She weaves an interesting and entertaining story of her life with Charlie, as well as with
the other characters in the book — her friend Mike; Eli, a recalcitrant tomcat; Mike’s dogs — and with her enchantment with the wilds of Wyoming. Numerous excellent photographs of Charlie and the Wyoming landscape
are a bonus.
To the author’s credit, she makes clear that raising a coyote is not for everyone. She was in a unique position to
put the time and effort into caring for and bonding with Charlie, who is not and never will be a tame, gentle pet.
He is still a potentially dangerous wild animal, who has accepted her as the pack leader.
I can recommend this book to anyone who enjoys animals and wildlife. The paperback will be available
November 2009 at Claflin Books and Copies at 1814 Claflin Road, Manhappiness.
Christina Madden Receives her15-Year
Service Award from Jason Hilgers,
Assistant City Manager
Summer by Kristin Copeland
r yl
Snow Leopard
by Marilyn Johnson
Church of JCLDS Youth
Group Volunteering at
Sunset Zoo (Thank you!)
Garden Spider
by Marilyn Johnson
in Copelan
Nia and
of Sunset Zoo
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boot ck
Get Published! Email your favorite
Sunset Zoo photos to
and your photo may soon be featured!
Eagle Scout Candidate, Evan
Todd, working on otters’ shade
structure. Photo by Mark Todd
Record Setting Attendance at
Wet and Wild Water Safari!
Thank you to Baskin Robbins, the Manhattan Fire Department, Manhattan Aquarium Co., Tuttle
Creek Corps of Engineers, Little Apple Day
Camp, and all of the volunteers who helped
create another record setting Water Safari!
Stay tuned for more water conservation fun in
2010, and the return of Baskin & Robbins, and
the popular African Water Lagoon!
photos by Al Henry
Friends of Sunset Zoo Update
With a successful Wine in the Wild in 2009 the Friends of Sunset Zoo (FOSZ) are winding down the summer on a positive
note. Mark your calendars because the date has been set for next year’s Wine in the Wild on June 5. FOSZ is also pleased
to announce the addition of new board members Mark Ellner and Jennifer Whalen.
FOSZ is now offering “Remembering Brownie” bracelets as a tasteful way to remember Sunset Zoo’s long time resident and
beloved bear. These bracelets are available with a suggested donation of $2 in the Sunset Zoo gift shop and at all Sunset
Zoo special events.
Not a Friends of Sunset Zoo member? Join now and enjoy free membership to Sunset
Zoo year-round, free or discounted admission to over 150 accredited partner Zoos
and aquariums, a subscription to Sunset Zoo’s Insider quarterly magazine and more!
Visit for more information.
A New Sunset Zoo Arch
to Welcome You
Sometimes beauty comes by accident.
Drive under the new Sunset Zoo arch and you’ll see first-hand an example
of “beauty by accident.” Last summer the vintage arch was crunched in an
unfortunate collision with a semi. After months of working out the details of
insurance and design, Scott Sowell of Built So-Well crafted a unique and
colorful arch. Sean Padgett skillfully included elements of the former columns in the new design including the “Saroff Plaque” and the original date
Take time to enjoy the new arch on your next visit. Look for the animal
surprises hidden among the orange trumpet vines!
Rain Garden Installed at the Zoo
Thank you, KSU-Landscape Architecture/Regional Community Planning!
We are excited to announce that a new Rain Garden has been crafted along the Kansas Plains by KSU professor
Lee Skabelund and students in the College of Landscape Architecture/
Regional Community Planning. Last Fall’s Landscape Architecture Planting
Design Studio’s plan utilizes the topography, microclimate, precipitation, and
stormwater runoff patterns unique to a specific hilly stretch.
Unique to the Zoo Rain Garden is that the design reflects both the construct of
the human body and the native landscape of the Flint Hills. More than 25
species of native grasses and wildflowers were planted throughout the Rain
Garden along the limestone “spine” and within the “buffalo wallows.” Make
plans to mosey through the rain garden on your next trip to Sunset Zoo. A
kiosk posted at the north end of the garden will help to explain the environmental utility of the swales, terraces, and other garden elements found in the
Rain Garden. Funding for Sunset Zoo’s rain garden was provided in part
through a grant from WaterLink.
Blattner - Penrod Wedding
Shelly Blattner and Jacob Penrod Wed in the Wild, Saturday, July 25
150 friends and family joined Shelly
Blattner and Jacob Penrod to celebrate
their marriage in Sunset Zoo’s
Chautauqua Amphitheater Saturday, July
25. Following the ceremony, the newlyweds hosted a dinner reception in the
historic Zoo Pavilion.
Sunset Zoo wishes Shelly and Jacob
the very best in their new life!
Chamber “After Hours” at Zoo
Friends of Sunset Zoo, Baskin Robbins, Vista
Drive-In, Kansas Kollections & AT& T
Despite a lingering drizzle, the Friends of Sunset Zoo, Streeter
Enterprises, and AT&T-sponsored Business After Hours saw a
strong attendance of over 150 people at the Zoo for good food,
good company, and a bit of networking among the wildest crowd
in Manhattan! Our Friends and Sunset Zoo have a long history of
“the show must go on” at the Zoo and our Chamber colleagues
did not disappoint!
Events at Sunset Zoo are known for their fun and the best tastes
around! What better way to enjoy a Wednesday afternoon than
with a Baskin Robbins ice cream cone in one hand and Vista Drive-In
hot dogs and nachos balanced in the other? If you had room, there
was Walkers ice tea, Nespors Wine & Spirits selected wines, and
Tallgrass Brewing Company’s best brews to wash down the popcorn
and funnel cakes!
Several guests the
many gifts and door
prizes offered!
Interested in hosting
your company picnic
at the Zoo?
Call 785.587.2737 or
visit us online at
for more infomation!
Are You Interested in Receiving
Your Zoo Insider Electronically?
To continue to meet the needs of our readers and strive
towards a greener Zoo, we are considering an electronic
Insider. An electronic Insider would cut down on the
amount of paper used to print and add the convenience
of receiving the Insider by email at your home computer.
Let us know what you think.
We want to hear from you!
Email or call
Allie (785)587-2737.
Thank You.
To the following individuals & businesses for their
generous support of Sunset Zoo:
Arts in the Park Partners - for bringing Live Music
to the Zoo both this summer and during Earth Day
Barbara Britts Market - flowers
Baskin Robbins - Ice Cream at Water Safari
Fred Freeman - two-wheel trailer/cart
Al Henry - special event photography partner
Horticulture Services - flowers
Manhattan Aquarium Co. - for Water Safari partnership
Marilyn Johnson - photography partner
Shaun Jones - Spirit of the Bear book
Kenan Lousch - donuts and Water Safari squirters
K-State Libraries - partnering to bring Movies on the
Grass & The Tiger Next Door to the Zoo
Manhattan Fire Department - Water Safari Partners
Mimi & Moe Moeller Family - air conditioner
Leo & Joy Schell - disc sled/snow saucer
St. George Elementary collected 760 lbs of cans for conservation
Summer Program Assistants and JZK Thanks for all your work this summer
Union Program Council - WildCat Week partnership
Vista Drive In & Streeter Enterprises - for recycling bins
Water Safari Ed Volunteers and Partners Thanks for making this another record setting event!
hard hats, Little Tykes-style toys, slides, etc.
snow saucers & kiddie pools
enrichment financial partners
bird baths, spices, scents, towels, blankets.
pet & cat toys
Artificial Tree for Animal Giving Tree
washable markers & pipe cleaners
tissue & construction paper
large glass aquariums in good condition
bulk jugs of Elmer’s glue & glue sticks
Walmart, Hobby Lobby, Claflin Books, or
Staples gift certificates, washable markers, glass
BBC Planet Earth dvd series, aquarium
ornate garden bench
garden fountain, solar powered fountain
push mowers, hand tools
garden tools, 4 wheeled trailer
tv, small DVD player w/repeat function, vacuum
cleaner in good condition for chimp gallery,
air popcorn popper, dried fruit for diets,
Boomer Balls: indestructible enrichment balls
2 dorm-sized refrigerators, gas powered leaf
blower, riding or push lawn mower
electric scooter
Sunset Zoo Registration Form
2009 Fall EdZOOcation Classes
Please use a separate form for each child.
Mail to: Sunset Zoo 2333 Oak Street Manhattan, KS 66502
Fax: 785-587-2730
Child’s Name _______________________________________
DOB(mm/dd/yr) _________
Registration forms
must be received
one week prior to
Primary Guardian’s Name ___________________________________ FOSZ Member Y or N
class. A $1.50
Phone (home) __________________ (work) _________________ (cell) ________________
service charge will
Address _____________________________________ City ___________ Zip ___________
be added to any
registration received
Secondary Contact _________________________________________________
after the deadline.
Phone (home) __________________ (work) _________________ (cell) ________________
A $2.00 transfer fee
CHECK (make payable to Sunset Zoo)
will be applied to
CREDIT CARD - MC VISA DISCOVER __________________ EXP DATE _______ V CODE ____ each program
classroom change.
Allergies/Specific Needs ______________________________ Gender (please circle) : Male/Female
EMAIL ADDRESS _____________________________________________________________
Refund Policy: Full refund given one week prior to program, partial refund given
48 hours before program, and no refund given less than 48 prior to program.
A line indicates classes which are full & no longer available .
Piranha School (Grades K-6) *when structured school is not in session
8:00am-12:00pm $12.00 per half day session ($10.00 for FOSZ members)
8:00am-5:00pm $20.00 per full day session ($17.00 for FOSZ members)
___ Catching the Mob
___ Bug-o-Mania
___ Extinction Graveyard
___ Howls of Halloween
___ Animal Basics 101
___ Mighty Movers
___ Snow Capped
___ Diggin’ Up Dirt
___ Animal Talk
___ Fancy Footwork
___ ZOOrific New Year’s
___ It’s All About Kansas
Monday, October 12
Friday, October 23
Thursday, October 29
Friday, October 30
Monday, December 21
Tuesday, December 22
Wednesday, December 23
Monday, December 28
Tuesday, December 29
Wednesday, December 30
Thursday, December 31
Monday, January 18
___ 1/2 day
___ 1/2 day
___ 1/2 day
___ 1/2 day
___ 1/2 day
___ 1/2 day
___ 1/2 day
___ 1/2 day
___ 1/2 day
___ 1/2 day
___ 1/2 day
___ 1/2 day
CODE 380140
___ Full day
___ Full day
___ Full day
___ Full day
___ Full day
___ Full day
___ Full day
___ Full day
___ Full day
___ Full day
___ Full day
___ Full day
Prairie Dog Preschool (Ages 2 & 3 with Adult)
$40.00 per session ($36.00 for FOSZ members)
___ Schools, Troops, & Other Groups
Wednesdays, Oct 21-Nov 11
9:00-10:15 am
380240 02
Kinder Cubs (Ages 4 & 6)
$40.00 per session ($36.00 for FOSZ members)
___ “Schooling” Together
Saturdays, Oct 24-Nov 14 9:00-10:15 a.m.
Home School Workshops
$48.00 per person ($42.00 for FOSZ members)
___ All Grown Up (ages 5-7)
Fridays, Oct 6-20
___ The “How” of Survival (ages 8-10)
Fridays, Nov 3-17
2:00 - 4:00pm
2:00 - 4:00pm
380340 02
380540 01
380540 02
Sunset Zoo Registration Form
2009 Fall EdZOOcation Classes
Mail to: Sunset Zoo 2333 Oak Street Manhattan, KS 66502
Fax: 785-587-2730
Child’s Name _______________________________________
Please use a separate form for each child.
DOB(mm/dd/yr) _________
Allergies/Specific Needs ______________________________ Gender (please circle) : Male/Female
Primary Guardian’s Name ___________________________________ FOSZ Member Y or N
Phone (home) __________________ (work) _________________ (cell) ________________
Address _____________________________________ City ___________ Zip ___________
Secondary Contact _________________________________________________
Phone (home) __________________ (work) _________________ (cell) ________________
$ _________
CHECK (make payable to Sunset Zoo)
CREDIT CARD - MC VISA DISCOVER __________________ EXP DATE _______ V CODE ____
EMAIL ADDRESS _____________________________________________________________
Registration forms
must be received
one week prior to
class. A $1.50
service charge will
be added to any
registration received
after the deadline.
A $2.00 transfer fee
will be applied to
each program
classroom change.
Refund Policy: Full refund given one week prior to program, partial refund given
48 hours before program, and no refund given less than 48 prior to program.
A line indicates classes which are full & no longer available .
NEW! Vista’s Kids’ Night Out! (K-6 Grades)
Hey Kids! Leave the folks behind and join Sunset Zoo for an evening of fun and food! We’ll enjoy dinner
provided by Vista Drive In before we head into the Zoo for games and animal encounters. An evening hike
through the Zoo will top off the night. Vista’s Kids’ Night Out is specially designed for the overworked
student on a Friday evening. Maximum of 24 kids per session and a minimum of ten. Registrations must be
received one week prior to class. A $1.50 service charge will be added to registrations after the deadline.
$12.00 per child, ($10.00 for FOSZ members)
___ Friday, September 11
6:15 - 9:15pm
___ Friday, October 9
6:15 - 9:15pm
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Sunset Zoo Volunteer Opportunities & After School Programs
(No registration required for volunteer training; persons interested in volunteering must
show up for the appropriate information meeting.)
Docents (Adults 18 & Over)
Informational Meeting: Sunday, October 4, 4:30 - 5:00pm at Sunset Zoo’s Education Building
Training Dates: Saturdays: October 10 &17, November 7 &14, 1:00-5:00pm
Fee: $35, includes a volunteer manual.
Z.O.O Crew (Teens Ages 13-18)
Have fun, meet new friends, and gain valuable life skills while caring for the education animal collection at
Sunset Zoo. This after-school program is sponsored by the YES! Fund of Manhattan and is free to participants.
The program runs Monday through Friday, Sept 14 - Nov 20, from 3:00 - 5:00 pm.
For more information or for an application, contact Sunset Zoo at (785)587-2737.
Z.O.O. Crew Application deadline is Friday, September 4.
Applications may be accepted after the deadlines if space is available.
Friends of Sunset Zoo
2333 Oak Street
Manhattan, KS 66502
Walk Among Friends.
Manhattan, KS