Ground Expedient Refueling System (GERS)
Ground Expedient Refueling System (GERS)
National Guard Sustainment Task Force Meeting 12/23/2015 Ground Expedient Refueling System (GERS) FMW Rubber Products Proprietary Information 1 FUEL – PROVIDED “ON DEMAND” A concept that can provide the National Guard and Homeland Security with: Quick Reaction Liquids Capability for Force Projection, Contingency, Emergency Relief and Disaster Operations 12/23/2015 2 GROUND EXPEDIENT REFUELING SYSTEM (GERS) Two sizes of GERS Currently Fielded Small System Medium System The Medium System has Four (4) 155 gallon bladders for a total of 620 gallons The Small System has Six (6) 28 gallon fuel bladders for a total of 168 gallons 12/23/2015 3 Expedient system used to transport and dispense fuel. Fueling system is operated using air pressure. Bladder has an outer shell with a inner liner. Fuel dispensed by air pressure (24 -26 psi) Providing over 22 gallons per minute. Air pumped into the outer shell, squeezes inner liner. No fuel pump needed 2 Sizes…28 gal, 155 gal, an up coming 285gal Designed for rugged handling all climates/environments. Easy operation (non-MOS specific), safe (no vapors/spill), very low maintenance. Transportable in/on most military and commercial vehicles and trailers. Inner Liner (replaceable for repair purposes or for alternate liquid containment capabilities) Air Fuel Fuel Cross Section View GERS is Ideally Suited to be Air Deployable GERS permits additional use of cargo trucks without becoming dedicated to Class III mission Outer Shell (Air pressure forces collapse of inner bladder pushing fuel from bladder GERS can simplify fuel “pick up” from Class III (Bulk) Sites GROUND EXPEDIENT REFUELING SYSTEM (GERS) Two sizes of GERS are currently fielded --with 28 and 155 gallon bladders, and a third larger-bladder system is in testing The Largest 285 gallon bladder system is currently completing certification 12/23/2015 5 GERS is a Joint Capability • Deployed in Afghanistan, Iraq and other locations • Has capability to deliver Diesel/Jet fuel, AVGAS, and water (future) to remote sites and locations for: – Vehicles, generators, light sets, unmanned aircraft systems and water. – Humanitarian Missions and Relief Operations – Earthquakes, floods, tidal waves, hurricanes, and other disaster operations – Expeditionary Forces – Army SOF, Navy, Seabee and Marine units • Also capable of air, helicopter, and cargo parachute delivery • With adapter it can be used as an auxiliary fuel tank for generators and light plants 12/23/2015 6 GERS is Ideally Suited to be Air Deployable – •Air/Flight certifications were obtained by Special Ops in 2013 7 12/23/2015 GERS works on any vehicle 12/23/2015 8 Quick Response Needs for Fuel • Force Projection into landlocked, hostile areas. • Humanitarian and Disaster Operations, e.g. – Super-storm Sandy’s urgent need for fuel and water – Haiti Earthquake – New Orleans Hurricane – Tsunamis No rapid reaction liquids-delivery systems exist for dispersed forces/sites in either the Army or National Guard 12/23/2015 9 Army Systems are often too heavy-force oriented to respond rapidly and distribute products to widely separated locations/units Fuel Delivery/Distribution Deficiencies • In crisis situations fast delivery and wide-distribution is needed – Currently - large HMMTT Fuel Trucks and 500 gal Blivets 5 gal cans and 55 gal drums – GERS can fill the gap • Delivery by aircraft, sling-load or airdrop • Distribution by any available vehicle • Can be operated independently using integral compressor, compressed air tank or gravity feed. • Safer than 5 gallon cans and 55 gallon drums – No fumes to ignite • GERS is in production, fielded, and fully demonstrated system 12/23/2015 11 GERS in Use 12/23/2015 12 Contact Information Dale McBride, CEO 304-677-8303 Melanie Zinchook 304-692-5658 Mike Miller 304-842-1971 12/23/2015 13