RSN 2014 Issue 1 - RockySpot Rescue
RSN 2014 Issue 1 - RockySpot Rescue
SPOTS & AROOS SPRING / SUMMER 2014 JOIN NOW!! FREE MEMBERSHIP! No membership dues! No meetings to attend! The benefits of “belonging” to the very best summer camp ever are endless! Unconditional love and affection, soft ears to rub, big soulful eyes full of adoration, combined with the fun filled adventure of having four more little feet pitter-pattering happily around the house for a couple of weeks will be reward in itself!! But more importantly, fostering a homeless pupper for a two very short weeks of the year to enable their caretakers time to reboot is critical to their future! WHEN: July 10-24, 2014 WHERE: Your Home COST: Free Membership Few are privileged enough to be accepted, only those with big hearts and open arms need apply! That’s YOU! The dogs need you, and WE NEED YOU… for without temporary foster homes for the Summer Camp Adventure, the dogs nor the caretakers ever get away from the kennels and we all need a break sometimes! And we all know YOU need some temporary FUN in your life too! Reserve your Camper TODAY!! Email Membership comes with everything, food, vetting, meds, beds, bowls, toys, treats… all but the love. That comes from YOU! PAGE 2 SPOTS & AROOS Your FIRSTGIVING Updates! OPRAH!! SHE CAN SEE! Oprah is doing great! She has healed nicely from her eye surgery and so far the other eye is doing well too! We hope to soon finalize her adoption with her new home! From her foster to adopt home who has renamed her THETA: She is doing fantastic! She is a spoiled little girl who loves her home and you can tell. She is so friendly with people and with other dogs. She has no fear with bigger dogs which is fun for her but scary for me lol. As for her surgery (recovery), with every appointment we have been slowly weaning the meds. We've gone from four meds multiple times a day to two just a few times a day. She is still her happy, playful loving little self. She will play for hours at a time outside but then comes in and snuggles up with her family. THANK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO DONATED AND HELPED SAVE HER SIGHT BELLA the Doxie MY GOLDEN YEARS were not very ‘golden’ for in the end, I was left to die, all alone and scared in an abandoned house where no one would ever know or find me. But find me they did, and one of OKBR's volunteers saved me from the ‘pound’ by fostering me! Safe at last and surrounded by love I have another chance at MY GOLDEN YEARS! Having my remaining rotting, abscessed teeth removed, has made me feel SOOO much better as they were so very painful and were making me so sick. Believe it or not, I can eat BETTER with no teeth! HOT DOG! Spayed and all my benign mammary tumors removed, I am finally seeing the “GOLDEN” in my life again! Because of YOU, life is good again for me… THANK YOU! RICK WAS ADOPTED!! Thanks to all of you, his physical injuries healed and it’s time to heal his heart! His new mom has every intention of doing just that! It has not been easy, as Mr. Rick refuses to be crated and yet gets anxious he is being abandoned if left alone! Guess all that time in a crate after surgeries was enough for him! But he will know soon he is very loved and is home to stay! Rick O’Shae Thank ALL for giving him a SECOND CHANCE at a better life! PAGE 3 SPOTS & AROOS AWEsome Sally! Losing Kelli recently, for whom Sally had tended to for so long, my husband and I were hoping to see Sally finally be able to rise to the occasion and be "her own dog"… but I didn't expect this! The other day she came and told me I missed a phone call! Although I already realize she understands that I am hard of hearing because of a couple of things she has done to get my attention in the past, this was remarkable! I had on big noise blocking earphones, which I use to record radio programs, when Sally came into my office the first time for petting, or so I thought. Then she came back a second time, whining, which is her normal "go outside" sound, so I got up to take her out only to have her lay down in front of my chair in the living room instead. When I sat down to pet her and try to figure out what was wrong, I noticed my phone had fallen on the floor showing a recently missed important call from my husband! When I picked up the phone, she got up and went over and laid on her bed with a heavy sigh. You could almost hear her say.... “It took you long enough!!!!!!!!!!!” All this time she had been sitting back, taking a back seat for Kelli, but all the while, she was learning and remembering. I am in AWE!!! What an amazing gift she is!!!!!!!! Deb A URGENT! WE NEED A RIDE! (At least one WEEKEND DAY a month!) There is no one to drive us to Adoption Day at Petsmart! Sniff…This outing is the only thing we have to look forward to, our only day away from the kennels, our only day for undivided love and attention. We LIVE FOR Adoption Day because finding a new home DEPENDS on Adoption Day! Just 4-5 short hours a month, Saturday or Sunday, depending on the schedule! We have a van! Can YOU drive us? You can walk and pet us too! WOOF! WOOF! Contact our caretakers at if you can help! ROCKING VOLUNTEERS! THANK YOU! A big sounding THANK YOU to our wonderful volunteers! To all our small limited crew and to Courtney and husband Nick for taking over coordination and cleaning of the kennels each week, along with Rebecca and Jan who are there to support them! Jan also has tackled filing the many pieces of paper needed to keep everything straight here at the rescue and convinced her wonderful husband, John, to come out as a handyman for things needing repaired! Goodness knows we have plenty of that! YOU GUYS ALL ROCK! PAGE 4 SPOTS & AROOS THE BEAUTIFUL RAINBOW BRIDGE Our furry friends below wait at The Bridge. The sun is warm and they are content, knowing that we remember, and that someday, we will come. Daisy Kirschstein Joey Huitt Davis Thorngren Hank Schenk Poppy Boraf Abby Flak Sophie Ann Jones Dep Andy LaChance Daisy Gasaway Gringo Raiside Boomer Raiside Patches Orthon Cinnamon Burns Bandit Tyler Pongo Johnson Mac Blanco Luna Roach Cane Ivy Murphy Shelton “Just because they die, she said, does not mean they go away.” – Brian Andreas Judith Lincoln Sandra See Danny & Robin Morgan Georgiana Stazel & David Madison Katrina Butry Janice Wise Linda Fields Debbie & Bryan Liles Cecilia Ainsworth Gwyn & James Rice Tim & Christine Plett Shannon Richards Susan & Bill Linden Barbara Muzio & Eda Gowdy Ed & Janet Bucknell Ruth Thompson Phillip & Carol York Beverly Baker Keith Baker Dean Cleverdon Jacquelynn Cleverdon June & Paul Cleverdon Joyce Degidio Joan Dillon Rae Maxwell Andre Reddington & Leslie Moore Vickie Pape Yvonne Lankford Petra & Kent Kirchstein In Honor of Cynde Cox In Honor of Dick & Laura Smith In Honor of John & Barbara Smicklas In Honor of John & Sue Madison In Honor of Kent & Petra Kirchstein In Honor of Kirsten Newton In Honor of Laura & Dick Smith In Honor of Oreo & Candy's 5th Aniv In Honor of Willie the Beagle In Memory of Chloe In Memory of Evie Dodson In Memory of Gypsy In Memory of Haylee In Memory of Jan Parker Fussell In Memory of Loki In Memory of Mack In Memory of Mary Baker In Memory of Mary Baker In Memory of Mary Baker In Memory of Mary Baker In Memory of Mary Baker In Memory of Mary Baker In Memory of Mary Baker In Memory of Mary Baker In Memory of Mary Baker In Memory of Mary Billings In Memory of Michael Stoltz In Memory of Penny In Memory of Shadow Smith PAGE 5 SPOTS & AROOS URGENT! DASHER HAS DASHED! Dasher, one of the ferals, got out of his new home in the 109th block of N 173rd East Ave in Owasso, OK and has been running scared for weeks now. He has been seen with larger stray dogs, but bolts at the first sign of humans. Every sighting of him pushes him further away. Live traps have been set with food and his blankets but without a firm idea of location there has been no luck. Please crosspost to everyone you know in Owasso to be on the lookout and if spotted DO NOT CHASE Call immediately 918-724-1194 with his location! LET’S GET DASHER HOME! We are all so worried and fear for his safety! JANUARY Rudy – The Hedrick Family, Oklahoma City, OK Cindy Lou – The Young Family, N. Richland Hills, TX Shelbie – The Leduc Family, Sulphur, OK JD – The McCan Family, Cibolo, TX Prius – The Shore-Moucka Family, Moore OK NOVEMBER FEBRUARY Prancer - The Breeding Family, Owasso, OK Comet – The Stegall Family, Oklahoma City, OK Molly – The Oliver Family, Bella Vista, AR Mator – The Pahler Family, Denton, TX Dasher – The Benight Family, Owasso, OK Riley – The Long Family, Norman, OK DECEMBER Blitzen – The Bucknell Family, Choctaw, OK Bailey – The Hollingsworth Family, Smithville, MO Deputy Andy – The LaChance Family, Oklahoma City OK Carl – The Chastain Family, Lexington, OK Jasmine – The Gasaway Family, Norman, OK MARCH Hershey – The Benight Family, Owasso, OK Paris – The Bedard Family, Wichita, KS GQ – The Padgett Family, Rogers, AR APRIL Daisy – The Gasaway Family, Norman, OK Jordan – The Smith Family, Kellyville, OK Bacardi – The Klockenkemper Family, MWC, OK READER COMMENTS – This is really great. Imagine my surprise seeing Bessie & save all those pics. You did a great job! Ethel W Thanks for the newsletter! You guys do terrific work. Kim P-G Thanks, Theresa! All the dogs look much loved!!! Terri S Great job! Great layout and pictures. Informative, upbeat, and well written script! Pat R Well done! We so enjoy reading about all the babies. Thank you for all you do! Jill G PAGE 6 SPOTS & AROOS Martini & Rossi on the rocks... say YES! Ok so it’s not Martini & Rossi, but it IS Judy & Ross, who appear old enough to have been in that 70’s commercial, and who are no doubt ‘on the rocks’. Scheduled to be euthanized at the shelter due to advanced age and deteriorated health, it was evident that only the strong will to live that shone from their eyes is what had kept them going over the years. It was that strong desire to someday know a good life, at least once… that we took a chance for them … so to Judy and Ross, on the rocks, we said YES! Weakened from tick disease, walking on long twisted nails, suffering miserably infected ears, abdomens round and extended due to fluid buildup from the beginnings of organ failure caused by little hearts packed FULL of stage 3 heartworms, Judy and Ross could barely breathe when they finally made it to the rescue. And from there, it just got worse. Kennel cough, from their shelter stay, gripped their weakened bodies so hard it dropped them to their knees for weeks as it totally consumed what little strength they had left and took away almost all the breath they were fighting so hard to keep. It should have been the end, but it wasn’t as that strong will and determination once again pulled them through. Today, ears healed, nails clipped, tick disease eliminated, strong medication, good food and amazing supplements in their systems, their eyes are bright and shining, coats are soft and smooth and tails are always a waggin' despite poor Judy still carrying around huge, heavy, baseball sized mammary tumors from her tiny little belly. So NOW Judy and Ross… They Say YES! SENIORS! Oldies but Goodies (Finally and forever, ADOPTED!) J.D. Way too long in rescue! Topper Over 4 YEARS in rescue! Shelbie Almost 2 YEARS in the rescue kennels! PAGE 7 SPOTS & AROOS HURDLES FOR LOUIE! Picked up by animal control, Louie sat for 2 long weeks in a Kansas shelter, waiting for his owners to come for him. Finally safe, fed, warm and off the street, his first hurdle was behind him, yet he was still injured, frightened and alone. Tending to his surface injuries tenderly, the shelter staff unfortunately discovered his hip was broken and knew they could not help him any further. Since he had not been reclaimed, they had no option but to do the most humane thing they could for Louie and put him to sleep. One last ditch effort, a plea to Oklahoma Beagle Rescue for assistance, is the boost that helped Louie over his second hurdle! He was again safe! But it was still another long 2 weeks in the shelter before a foster home in Oklahoma could be found and transport arranged. The animal control officer who picked him up and the shelter workers who tended to his wounds helped him over the first frightening hurdle. The rescue that took him in and the foster home caring for him have helped him over the second hurdle. Now he is now facing the toughest hurdle of all and the most critical. Raising the funds to get him pain free and jumping hurdles by himself again will take EVERYONE working together. Unfortunately, without our combined support, Louie will lose the use of his leg and will never be out of pain. Together, we can help Louie over that final hurdle and get him back on the track to being the freespirited, happy-go-lucky, hurdle jumping beagle he was always meant to be!! Surgery donations can be made thru: OKBR PayPal OR Louie’s Firstgiving Page OR mailed to: Animal Emergency & Surgical Ctr c/o OK Beagle Rescue - Louie 931 SW 74th Street Oklahoma City, OK 73139 405-631-7828 RockySpot OK Beagle Rescue c/o Louie the Hurdler PO BOX 6201 Norman, OK 73071 405-227-9879 THANK YOU FOR HELPING LOUIE! WE LOVE YOU SANTA (and your helpers too)! Thank you to all who did such a fantastic job this year at Petsmart for the Santa Paws fundraiser this year! Santa was amazing as always and the pictures were just fabulous! You all did FANTASTIC! Santa was sure good to the dogs again this year! PAGE 8 SPOTS & AROOS DONATIONS! DONATIONS! Critical items that keep us going.... Thank you to everyone who donated all the wonderful things these babies need to live here until their forever home is found! ALL from some WONDERFUL Folks! From KODA From JESSE And MUCH more From BAYLEY RIP Angel PAGE 9 SPOTS & AROOS LIFE CHANGING $500 + LIVE SAVING $1000 + • • • • • • • Natalie Essary Andy Golden Natasha & Kevin Morgan Shelley & Kevin Hogle (Ponies on Parade) Judith Box Barbara Muzio & Eda Gowdy Randy & Jill Web • • • • • • • • • Mark & Carolyn Whittington David & Jackie Peterson Annie Eastman Brock McPherson Janet & Doug Heath Kim Bartman Carol Folsom Janet & Doug Chadwick Robbie & Mallory Crosier LIFE LOVING Monthly Sponsors • • • • • Gordon & Robin Jones Paul & Stephanie Oseland Gordon & Robin Jones Beth Erquhart Sue Lin Lange • • • • Elaine & Bob Mitchell Mark & Caroline Whittington David & Jackie Peters Brock McPherson LAST BUT NOT LEAST… • • • • Kim Bartman Mike Taranto Margaret Pello Paul Huitt We need to say THANK YOU to our very own personal dogs, who make large sacrifices as well for this rescue mission. They give up their owners 90% of the time for those that need us more. They are patient and understanding to those that are injured or scared. They forgive those who are grumpy and ill mannered, and those who take almost all of their love from their owners. They wait patiently and longingly for the small window that they get of our undying love and attention. Loyal to the end, they wait… and wait… and wait… eyes always on the kennels, for their loved ones to come home to bed. They need to be recognized for all they do for this rescue. If not for them, we could not help as many as we do as they speak the same language and help the new ones to understand and accept and have hope. PAGE 10 SPOTS & AROOS THE AMAZING BAYBEE! Lying in her crate, glassy eyed and shivering, Baybee had just had her most recent full blown seizure - the 3rd that week. Each time she would lay for many hours staring into space while her caretakers cleaned up her vomit and feces. She would slowly recover enough to walk around in a daze, eat, drink and sleep. The medication was keeping the seizures from coming every day, but it was also keeping her from having a quality life. A decision had to be made soon for Baybee’s sake. A very sad decision. Then an email came from a women experienced with seizing dogs who wanted to adopt Baybee and see if she could help. And help she did! Just look at Baybee now! She even has a book written about her! Click Book To Download Baybee Book by Susan D.Walker LPC, LMFT I was invited to Wal-Mart Home Office to speak on the virtues of being a Registered Therapy Dog. The idea is, I could encourage other dogs and their people to volunteer. As far as I know, this is a first for a Therapy Dog, Me, and Wal-Mart....I get to go inside Wal-Mart Home Office. Wow ! - Baybee Baybee regularly visits with toddlers and preschoolers. However, this time she is being held by one of the teen residential boys with whom I work. The boys who really enjoy her will serenade her with silly doggy love songs. This boy usually kisses her on the top of her head. She is still adoptive mom to this kitten too. WE LOVE HER. - Susan W The dog nobody wanted because she has epilepsy. The best dog we ever had. PAGE 11 SPOTS & AROOS Recently, the state of Oklahoma seemed trapped in the same eternal winter as the kingdom in the new Disney movie FROZEN. On the coldest day in Oklahoma history, Mortimer, a sick senior beagle and his best friend, and protector, Marvin, a short haired corgi mix, were tied with electrical tape to a lone fence in the country, and abandoned, without shelter or protection. No one was out in this weather; no one would find them in time. Doomed and unable to huddle together, they bravely faced the harsh bitterly cold wind and accepted their fate. Let it go, let it go I am one with the wind and sky Let it go, let it go, You’ll never see me cry But one man, forced to brave the weather for supplies for the animals in his own care, miraculously saw the two friends laying nose to nose in the icy wind and RSR/OKBR was contacted. The power of true love and overcoming obstacles is what the movie FROZEN is about, and such was the rescue of Mortimer and Marvin. It was the many ‘acts of true love’ from so many people that saved them both from being frozen solid that fateful day. DREAM CATCHERS Losing their dream homes recently due to the sad and unexpected passing of each of their wonderful owners, Comet, Joy, and GQ, have caught their dream again! Each now have new homes! Poor Dewey gave his Dream Catcher to Hershey when his owner brought him back! Now Hershey has a new dream home too! DREAMS DO KEEP COMING TRUE! And they will for Dewey too! Let’s get him another Dream Catcher! 3rd Annual St. Augustine’s Bone-afide Dog Show and Pet Adoption Sat., June 7, 2014 10am – 3pm St. Augustine of Canterbury Episcopal Church 14700 N. May Ave. Oklahoma City, OK Adoption Event 10633 South Western Ave Oklahoma City, OK Sat., June 14, 2014 10am – 3pm 12 pm – 4 pm November 15, 2014 I-40 & Garth Brooks Blvd Yukon, OK ROCKYSPOT RESCUE, INC. OKLAHOMA BEAGLE RESCUE PO Box 98 Newcastle, Oklahoma 73065 WE ARE ON THE WEB! INSERT A SPOTS & AROOS RockySpot/OK Beagle Tees GET YOURS NOW!! FOR ONLY $18.00 PLUS $3.00 s/h Sizes: S, M, L, XL, XXL Order from the website or Mail Checks with Size & Color to: RockySpot Rescue PO Box 98 Newcastle OK 73065 TAIL WAGGING DONATIONS! WOOF WOOF! 10633 South Western Ave - Oklahoma City M-F 9am to 6pm | Saturday 9am to 5pm 405-692-4300 | Each month, the wonderful people at Huntington Jewelers choose a local worthy cause for which to raise donations. For January 2014, they chose OK Beagle Rescue! We were so excited to receive many things on our wish list such as food, collars, leashes, halters, brushes, and kuranda beds from the kind people and clients of Huntington Jewelers. THANK YOU FOR HELPING US HELP THE HOMELESS ANIMALS! INSERT B SPOTS & AROOS FEATURED DOGS Drew – Look at me! I am a dream dog! Calm yet playful, sweet and affectionate, just the whole package! I am sad at the kennels and am not eating or sleeping well. I need a home really, really soon. Bobby McGee – Beauty and Brains...and maybe a little pug... shhh... I am a happy, playful GOOD-LOOKING boy who loves a home and is miserable in the kennels. Yep... they got me pegged! I NEED OUT and won’t stop trying till I am FREEEEEEEE!! Lady – They say I am supposed to be ‘mature’… but life is just too FUN for that! I am an easy keeper though, happy and low maintenance yet full of spunk and love. They say I have a BIG funny personality that would brighten up ANY home! Laser Pointer – You can call me Laser! I love people and attention and loving. I also love birds and sure wish I could catch one! I get along with cats and other dogs and am kennel trained! I need a home to cuddle me and let me love them… and preferably with BIRDS in the back yard ... a lot of them! Warrior – Calm, loving, obedient, housebroken, trained - just perfect in every way… as long as you have a secure fence. Warrior craves a person to call his own and will keep looking until he finds one who will love him as much as he will love them. Lilac – Tiny, sweet and gentle yet energetic and happy (esp. when food is involved), she will light up your life. She is a SOULMATE dog who is desperately trying to find her mate.
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