Assembly Agenda – March 5, 2015


Assembly Agenda – March 5, 2015
AMS Assembly Agenda
Meeting of Thursday March 5th, 2015
City Hall
Prepared by Claire Cathro, Commissioner of Internal Affairs
Agenda ....................................................................................................................................................................... 3
Motion Sheet ............................................................................................................................................................. 5
Reports ...................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Vice President (Operations)................................................................................................................................... 9
Vice President (University Affairs) ....................................................................................................................... 10
AMS Board of Directors Chair.............................................................................................................................. 27
Undergraduate Student Trustee ......................................................................................................................... 29
Student Senate Caucus Chair .............................................................................................................................. 30
University Rector ................................................................................................................................................. 32
Arts and Science Undergraduate Society President ............................................................................................ 33
Engineering Society President ............................................................................................................................. 33
Commerce Society President .............................................................................................................................. 34
Concurrent Education Students Association President ....................................................................................... 36
Physical Education and Kinesiology Students’ Association President ................................................................. 38
Nursing Science Society President....................................................................................................................... 39
Computing Students’ Association President ....................................................................................................... 41
MBA Students Society President ......................................................................................................................... 42
Residence Society President & CEO .................................................................................................................... 43
Appendix A: Studio Q............................................................................................................................................... 44
Appendix B: Bikes and Boards ................................................................................................................................. 46
Appendix C: Queen’s Live Music ............................................................................................................................. 48
Appendix D: Dolla Dolla Billz.................................................................................................................................... 49
Appendix F: Motions of Reconsideration ................................................................................................................ 60
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5:30 PM
6:00 PM
6:10 PM
6:20 PM
6:30 PM
Meet & Greet with City Councillors & City Staff
Pan Chancho catering and Common Ground coffee will be provided
Golden Key Presentation – Presented by Councillor Peter Stroud
Civic Responsibility Award Presentation – Presented by Mayor Bryan
Question & Answer Period
Assembly commences
Approval of Agenda of the meeting of March 5th, 2015 [Motion 1]
Approval of the Minutes of the meeting of February 12th, 2015 [Motion 2]
Speaker’s Business
Guest Speaker
a. Jill Scott – Vice-Provost, Teaching and Learning
President’s Report - President Allison Williams
Vice President’s Report
a. Operations - Vice-President Justin Reekie
b. University Affairs - Vice-President Philip Lloyd
Board of Director’s Report - Chair Tuba Chishti
Student Senator’s Report - Senator Eric Rapos
Rector’s Report - Rector Mike Young
Student Trustee’s Report - Undergraduate Trustee Andrew Aulthouse
Statements by Members
Question Period
Business Arising from the Minutes
a. That AMS Assembly approve the second reading of the amendments to AMS
Constitution Section 15: as seen in Appendix A: Studio Q. [Motion 3]
New Business
a. That AMS Assembly approve the ratification of Read Leask to the position of
Academic Affairs Commission for 2015-2016. [Motion 4]
b. That AMS Assembly approve the ratification of Albert Kwan to the position of
Judicial Affairs Director for 2015-2016. [Motion 5]
c. That AMS Assembly approve the ratification of Benjamin Bourne to the position
of Clubs Manager for 2015-2016. [Motion 6]
d. That AMS Assembly approve the changes to AMS Policy Manual 2, Section 8 as
seen in Appendix B: Bikes and Boards Management Restructuring. [Motion 7]
e. That the AMS Assembly approve the addition of Section 1, Part M: Queen’s Live
Music Committee to AMS Policy Manual 2 as seen in Appendix C: Queen’s Live
Music. [Motion 8]
f. That AMS Assembly approve the amendments to AMS Policy Manual 1, Section
3: Student Fee Eligibility, as seen in Appendix D: Dolla Dolla Billz. [Motion 9]
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g. That AMS Assembly approve the first reading of the amendments to AMS
Constitution Section 17: External Alignment Committee as seen in Appendix E:
External Alignment. [Motion 10]
h. That AMS Assembly approve the amendments to AMS Policy Manual 1, Section
2: Assembly Policy as seen in Appendix F: Motions of Reconsideration. [Motion
15. Discussion Period
a. AMS Shareholders electing new Board
16. Deferred Business
a. (Tabled at January 15, 2015 meeting) That AMS Assembly approve the additions
to AMS Policy Manual 1 Section 9, 9.02: Uncontested Elections
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Motion Sheet
1. Moved by: Claire Cathro
Seconded by: Philip Lloyd
That AMS Assembly approve the agenda for the Assembly meeting of March 5th, 2015.
2. Moved by: Claire Cathro
Seconded by: Philip Lloyd
That AMS Assembly approve the minutes for the Assembly meeting of February 12th,
3. Moved by: Dylan Trebels
Seconded by: Kanivanan Chinniah
That AMS Assembly approve the second reading of the amendments to AMS
Constitution Section 15: as seen in Appendix A: Studio Q.
4. Moved by: Catherine Wright
Seconded by: Kanivanan Chinniah
That AMS Assembly approve the ratification of Read Leask to the position of Academic
Affairs Commission for 2015-2016.
5. Moved by: Miriam Bart
Seconded by: Catherine Wright
That AMS Assembly approve the ratification of Albert Kwan to the position of Judicial
Affairs Director for 2015-2016.
6. Moved by: Miriam Bart
Seconded by: Catherine Wright
That AMS Assembly approve the ratification of Benjamin Bourne to the position of Clubs
Manager for 2015-2016.
7. Moved by: Leah Kelley
Seconded by: Philip Lloyd
That AMS Assembly approve the changes to AMS Policy Manual 2, Section 8 as seen in
Appendix B: Bikes and Boards Management Restructuring.
8. Moved by: Michele Charlton
Seconded by: Danielle Kimmerly
That the AMS Assembly approve the addition of Section 1, Part M: Queen’s Live Music
Committee to AMS Policy Manual 2 as seen in Appendix C: Queen’s Live Music.
9. Moved by: Claire Cathro
Seconded by: Philip Lloyd
That AMS Assembly approve the amendments to AMS Policy Manual 1, Section 3:
Student Fee Eligibility, as seen in Appendix D: Dolla Dolla Billz
10. Moved by: Allison Williams
Seconded by: Philip Lloyd
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That AMS Assembly approve the first reading of the amendments to AMS Constitution
Section 17: External Alignment Committee as seen in Appendix E: External Alignment
11. Moved by: Claire Cathro
Seconded by: Philip Lloyd
That AMS Assembly approve the amendments to AMS Policy Manual 1, Section 2:
Assembly Policy as seen in Appendix F: Motions of Reconsideration.
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The President of the Alma Mater Society
Allison Williams
March 5, 2015
Hello Members of Assembly,
Allow me to present several updates from my portfolio:
$1.2M Revitalization | We are awaiting the detailed design drawings on the selected projects
from our architect, and will be going out to public tender soon with the objective of finishing
construction over the summer.
A/R Fee | I have presented a proposal to Athletics and Recreation regarding the A/R fee with
the objective of altering the fee structure. This would ensure that all student fee money collected
is spent on programming received in a given year, and would examine some of the cost
inflation currently present on the varsity side of the budget.
JDUC Long Term Plan | We have finished the first round of comprehensive consultation on the
JDUC long-term plan, and will be assessing student feedback in the coming week. The results of
our assessment will be provided to the Campus Planning Advisory Committee, and will also be
submitted to the architect for revisions. Services have been consulted through this process, and
their feedback will be incorporated into the next iteration of the plan.
Student Life Space Plan | Please continue to fill out the survey, linked here: It would help if you could push it
through your social media channels as well!
Innovation Space | I have been working with Colin towards the opening of 2 innovation spaces
for Queen’s students. One will be on campus, and should be set to open next year as part of the
newly formed “Collider Initiative”, and the second will be at Innovation Park with access to the
state-of-the-art resources and personnel housed at that location.
Internship and credit opportunities | I am happy to report that the Arts and Science internship
program was passed at the university’s Senate, enabling us to apply to have our positions
considered as internship opportunities for interested students. I will be compiling a report that
will assess the costs and benefits to the organization associated with creating internships across
the AMS. At present time, it appears as if nearly all full-time salaried positions would be
eligible for inclusion.
Grocery Delivery Service | I have been working with Grocery Checkout, a commercial tenant
in the Queen’s Centre, to develop a grocery delivery service for the students as promised in the
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WRL platform. Following the success of a similar initiative at Western, we are in the late stages
of rolling out the availability of fresh food delivery to the University District.
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Vice President (Operations)
Justin Reekie
March 5, 2015
Hello Assembly,
As we head into March, I look forward to overseeing the transition process on the corporate
side of the AMS. Here are a few updates:
Bus-It and Queen’s Journal | Bus-It passed at the SGPS referendum! The new Bus-It contract
has also been approved at City Council. Moving forward, I will be working the City of
Kingston to finalize the contract. The Queen’s Journal did not pass at the SGPS referendum
which means that Queen’s Journal fee will remain the same. Moving forward, Allison and I
will be working the SGPS to update the Shared Services Agreement.
Student Activity Fee Exemptions | I have been working with Student Affairs to update the
Student Activity Fee Exemptions due to the number of programs that have emerged that did
not fit into policy. I am more than happy to take any questions on this!
Studentcare Survey | The survey has been released to students! I am looking forward to
reviewing the results by the end of March to help structure next year’s Health and Dental plan.
March Student Activity Fees | We have just received the spring reconciliation report from the
University for the 10% pay out for all student activity fees. I will be working with Lyn to get
these cheques cut and ready to go out to all student groups. I was very impressed with how
soon we have received these fees.
Insurance Update | The capital asset audit is moving along. I have now received an audit from
all internal groups. I will now be working with Faculty Society groups to update their capital
assets under our insurance policy.
That’s all from me for now. I look forward to taking questions at Assembly.
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Vice President (University Affairs)
Philip Lloyd
March 5, 2015
Members of Assembly,
I hope you had a relaxing Reading Week and are fully immersed in the BIG PUSH that is the
last two months of the year! You can do it!
Annual General Meeting
I’m going to plug the AGM, which takes place on Tuesday, March 10. Rumour has it that there
will be more pizza than you can imagine, plus the opportunity to exercise your democratic
right. What more do you need?? But in all seriousness, come out. And while the AMS will be
doing a bunch of promotion, we need you to help spread the word!
Hazing Prevention and Response Task Force
The Task Force had our second meeting on March 3. At the first meeting, we discussed the
terms of reference, the composition, and our experience (professionally) with hazing, or what
could be considered hazing. We had a long conversation surrounding our current knowledge,
the work that has been done on campus and in our portfolio, and how successful prevention
and responses efforts have been. This week, the Task Force analyzed examples of activities;
outlining the positives, potential negatives, and what approaches could be used to alter certain
behaviour. We make a point to discuss a Queen’s specific approach to hazing. More updates to
Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Working Group Consultation
The Working Group is currently seeking campus feedback on the interim Sexual Assault Support and
Response Protocol and in the following five areas:
Support and Response, including best practices in support systems and resources as well as response
teams and protocols;
Prevention, including best practices in awareness-raising campaigns as well as bystander intervention
training and skill-building;
Environment, including suggestions to address social, cultural, and institutional factors to minimize
systemic barriers to effectively preventing and responding to sexual assault;
Policy, including a comprehensive policy with associated procedures and guidelines; and
Assessment and Evaluation, including mechanisms to continue to research best practices, assess program
impacts, and evaluate progress on and efficacy of various recommendations and initiatives.
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Open meetings have taken place over the past 2 weeks, but you are welcome to participate
through an online survey:
Cha Gheill,
Philip A. Lloyd
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Academic Affairs Commission
Colin Zarzour
March 5, 2015
Dear Assembly,
This past while the AAC has been preparing for the Ontario Undergraduate Student
Alliance General Assembly, where we gather with our other member schools to vote and
provide feedback on three policy papers. This semester we are writing on Tuition, Mature
Students, and LGTBQ+ students. It’s sure to be an interesting session. We’ve been doing
consultation with a bunch of students to ensure voices are heard on these topics. The paper I am
working on is the Tuition one. The tuition formula is up for review soon, and so now is a key
time to talk to these issues. The paper attempts to provide principles, concerns and
recommendations addressing payment processes, the future of tuition, and what tuition should
pay for.
We’re also doing work on the Gender Wage Gap campaign, with the
#BachelloretteDegree to emphasize income disparities along gendered lines. The emphasis on
the bachelorette degree is to attempt a satirical, comedic and accessible message that allows
more students to engage with a deeper issue; the fact that women’s degrees are worth less than
a man’s because of the barriers in society. There has been two OUSA videos, which you can find
Coming up soon will be our profsUNPLUGGED: Moving Failure Forward series, which
will reveal the ubiquitous and quite manageable nature of failure. Students have an overall
worry in regards to their grades and projects about failure. This can bubble over into anxiety
and exacerbate poor mental health and poor study habits. The campaign is designed to
demonstrate that success through failure is possible, even probable, and that bouncing back is
always a possibility.
The Forum: A Conversation between Students & Faculty was rather successful, with the topic
being ‘technology in the classroom’. The talk got to some deep, tense and enlightening areas of
both the student and faculty experience. There will be a comprehensive report forthcoming. The
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AAC wants to thank Sue Fostaty Young, Andrew Leger and Peter Wolf at the Centre for
Teaching and Learning for all of their help.
The AAC is also working on a paper to be released analyzing means and modes of assessment
in a Queen’s context. The paper hopes to shine light on why we assess the way we do, and how,
in a cost restrained, rising enrolment university high quality learning can be measured through
high quality assessment.
As always, feel free to get in touch – I want to hear what you have to say!
Colin Zarzour
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Campus Activities Commission
Michele Charlton
March 5, 2015
Hello members of Assembly! Here are the recent happenings in the CAC:
Upcoming CAC Events
Catch Me If You Can:
Catch Me if you Can is happening this week! Tickets are $4 and prizes include and iPad and a
University District Hockey League:
UDHL 2014 will be happening later this March, at which point hopefully most of the snow will
be gone! UDHL is an annual road hockey tournament that welcomes teams from Queen’s ,
RMC, St. Lawrence College, and the general Kingston community. In the past, staff teams from
Jack Astors and the City of Kingston have participated. Details on how to sign up will be out
Queen’s Media and Journalism Conference:
This weekend we will be running our 4th and final conference of the year! If you are looking to
participate shoot me off an email to
It’s baaaack and happening Sunday March 22nd! Check back for more information coming
shortly about all the amazing prizes you could win!
In With the New:
You will see a motion coming to assembly this week to bring forward a new committee to the
CAC. This restructuring will bring some new life in to the Arts side of the commission and has
room to lead to many amazing opportunities for students. Happy to answer any questions
anyone may have about it!
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Commission of Internal Affairs
Claire Cathro
March 5, 2015
Hello Members of Assembly,
Some updates from the Commission of Internal Affairs!
Special Assembly | The Richardson Stadium plans will be discussed at a Special Assembly
meeting Monday, March 2nd. The meeting will be held in Kin101 and please encourage your
friends and constituents to come out and join the discussion.
City Hall Assembly | This week’s meeting will take place in the Memorial Room of City Hall on
Thursday, March 5th. The Memorial Room is on the second floor of the eastern wing of City Hall
(216 Ontario Street). Assembly itself will take place at 6:30 pm, but Assembly members are
encouraged to come at 5:30 for a meet and greet with City councillors and staff as well as the
presentation for the AMS Golden Key and Civic Responsibility Award. Assembly members will
also have the opportunity to pose questions to Mayor Bryan Paterson and Sydenham Councillor
Peter Stroud. Catering will be provided by Pan Chancho Bakery.
Annual General Meeting | The AMS Annual General Meeting is quickly approaching. Reminder
that agenda items are due to me by Thursday at noon (no exceptions!). Also, as promised, the
AGM will feature substantial amounts of pizza, everyone that attends will get a free slice of
pizza! We would appreciate it if you could assist our marketing efforts by sharing our posts on
social media!
Assembly MVP: Thanks to everyone that submitted Assembly MVP nominations! The results are
in and our Assembly MVP for 2014-2015 will be announced at the Annual General Meeting.
Elections & Referenda:
We’re in the process of reviewing the elections and referenda process for the year and reconciling
finances. We’ll be bringing forward some policy changes and are also looking at investments in
material goods/items that can benefit the elections team for years to come in order to balance the
budget because of lower than anticipated reimbursements.
Non-Academic Discipline:
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Business as usual. We’re discussing the different jurisdictions of the NAD systems in the
university at SONAD and hoping to cement those in university policy as well as continuing
discussions on USAB Group Appeals.
Re-ratification packages are due March 20th!
That’s all right now, please feel free to ask any questions you may have at Assembly or send me
an email!
Claire Cathro
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Commission of the Environment and Sustainability
Leah Kelley
March 5, 2015
Blue Dot Campus Challenge
The Blue Dot Campus Challenge is happening next week, from March 7th-14th! The idea for this
campaign came out of the CES, and now has approximately 20 campuses across Canada
participating. It is in partnership with the David Suzuki Foundation, and is focused on raising
awareness and pushing for the right to a healthy environment to be recognized as a human
right in Canada. The Campus Challenge is to see which campus garners the greatest number of
signatures of support for this campaign. We will be advertising the campaign all next week at
Queen’s so be sure to take a look and see if you’d like to show your support!
Financial Ethics Research Committee (FERC)
The FERC is currently working on finishing up a proposal to the AMS Board of Directors to
divest from companies which contradict our Responsible Investment Policy that was passed at
Assembly last year. More information to come in the following weeks!
Sustainability Action Fund (SAF)
The SAF is finishing up its winter granting period, the recipients of which will be included in
the following report to assembly. The committee has also been working on a proposal for
restructuring the fund, which we will bring forth as a discussion item for Assembly before the
end of the year.
Bikes and Boards
Bikes and Boards has purchased some new equipment for the shop, including two proper work
benches and a new bike stand. They have done this in response to the higher than expected
revenue this year, which has freed up some funds for capital expenses to improve the calibre of
the shop. They have also partnered with Yellow Bike Action, a volunteer-run bike shop in
Kingston. The Bikes and Boards volunteers will be fixing up 10 bikes for Yellow Bike and
keeping two of them to sell. This is to provide the volunteers with further learning opportunity
during a time of year when not many bikes come into the shop.
Waste Diversion Video Series (WDVS)
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The WDVS is being launched this week in partnership with the Queen’s Sustainability Office!
Its purpose is to promote proper use of the bins in the SLC and to showcase the efforts the AMS
is making to reduce their waste. The push is for students to think about how much waste they
produce and ways in which they can reduce that on an individual level as well.
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Municipal Affairs Commission
Ariel Aguilar
March 5, 2015
Hello Members of Assembly!
A bit of what I’ve been up to this past week…
Garbage and Recycling
The City is currently looking at new options to increase waste diversion. They’re hoping to
conduct a public survey, which we will be consulted on. Additionally, I’m hoping to convince
them on the merits of including focus groups and an online discussion as part of its public
consultation efforts.
Assembly at City Hall
I’ve been hard at work organizing this and hope you all enjoy the event! New to this year is that
the University District Golden Key Award and the AMS Civic Responsibility Award will also
be presented at this Assembly!
Office Renovation
The MAC office will be undergoing an update to better accommodate our continuing growth
and efficient allocation of space. Basically, we will be moving the HGC’s office space into the
AGC, and SMART’s office will be rolled into the currently existing MAC office. This will help
open up two rooms in the JDUC and Mac Brown for other student clubs and services. However,
the MAC office will need to be updated to optimize another desk in order to fit in with
SMART’s operations, and our volunteer operations throughout the year.
University District
Our project with the Queen’s School of Urban and Regional Planning is going along
swimmingly. The SURP students have met with City Councillors and are getting a lot of
positive feedback and interest for other departments of the City of Kingston.
That’s all for now, see you this Thursday!
MAC love, not war
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Social Issues Commission
Emily Wong
March 5, 2015
Hi Assembly!
It’s been business as usual at the SIC. As we get closer and closer to paper crunch time, I
hope everybody is hanging in there! Which leads me to number one…
Queen’s CARES
The Peer Support Centre is hosting Queen’s CARES throughout the week of March 9—
13, which will be comprised of a week of self-care activities. Be sure to check them out; like the
PSC Facebook ( to stay updated!
Although self-care is part of maintaining health, physical and mental, I want to reiterate
that the PSC is not a mental health service. This misconception is somewhat prevalent amongst
the administration (e.g. it’s listed in reference as a resource on the green folders, the Director sits
on the Mental Health Working Group…) so it merits a mention at the student level. We are
volunteers who are students who support other students in a peer capacity. In addition,
supporting our fellow students is not just limited to mental health and talking about it
(although that’s fine and dandy and critical discussions of mental health are great). Given the
media coverage this year, it is clear that support extends to fostering a positive learning
environment around issues such as anti-racism and believing survivor of sexual assault.
Consultation Meetings for Sexual Assault Policy
By the time Assembly rolls around, the meetings will have concluded, but if you’re
reading this report any time before Wednesday at noon or 6:30PM, there is still time for you to
attend an open consultation meeting. The Working Group are very open to student input, and
importantly, survivor input. Student Affairs is doing an admirable job with the extent of this
consultation and.
If you are serious about getting involved on the issue of sexual assault on campus, you
should try to make it out to a meeting, or email to arrange a
confidential interview about the policy. Nobody is too unqualified to speak—if your thoughts
are as simple as “the University should support survivors!” the facilitators are fantastic and are
very good at helping you get your thoughts out. This is not just about policy and response,
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but also about environment and education. So don’t fret if you have nothing to say on policy—
any comments about the campus climate are welcome.
Aboriginal Awareness and Visibility
If you’ve seen SIC things around, you might’ve seen the following line at the bottom of
event descriptions and posters: Queen's University sits on the traditional lands of the Haudenosaunee
& Anishinaabe peoples. At the most recent Aboriginal Council meeting, land acknowledgement
was prioritized by self-identified Aboriginal students, staff, faculty, and administrators as a key
objective for improvement. As a result, I am also going to integrate this objective into the Social
Issues Commission, especially seeing as we do not address indigenous issues at all within our
committee structure. Feel free to add this to your emails as well!
Ta for now,
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Hospitality and Safety Services
Alex Marshall
March 5, 2015
Congratulations to Hospitality and Safety’s incoming head managers: Samantha Hume (TAPS),
Hannah Young (CGR), and Matt Vrbanac (QSC). I am very excited to see the amazing things
you will do! Reminder: service staff applications for the services are now available.
Queen’s Pub:
o Business as usual.
The Underground:
o Looking for somewhere to host your faculty, club social, or a birthday party?
Contact Sam Hume at to book out The
o Thank you to everyone who joined us for Deutschfest!
o As always, our drink prices are $3.25 for bar rail and beer, $13 for a bottle of
o THIS WEEK AT THE UNDERGROUND: Throwback Thursday March 5th //
ASUS Formal After Party March 7th
The team is eager to receive any feedback or ideas from assembly members so please feel
free to strike up a conversation with myself or the management team at any time!
Common Ground:
Business as usual.
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Like soup? Dislike long lines? Want a nice little nook to cozy up and study? Try out The
Brew, open Monday – Friday 8AM to 3PM in the JDUC.
The team is eager to receive any feedback or ideas from assembly members so please feel
free to strike up a conversation with myself or the management team at any time!
Student Constables:
Business as usual.
Not sure if your event needs to be sanctioned? Contact Matt Vrbanac at
Looking to sanction an event? has everything you need to
run your event.
The team is eager to receive any feedback or direction from assembly members so please
feel free to strike up a conversation with the management team at any time!
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Retail Services
Dylan Trebels
March 5, 2015
In general, if anyone is interested in applying for positions in the retail portfolio (or Studio Q) I
am happy to sit down and chat. Email me at and we can set up a time!
Online Courseware has seen slightly more than 50% redemption rates. We are working on a
survey to evaluate the successes and failures of the project.
Congratulations are in order to the incoming P&CC Head Manager, Tara Thomas!
Business as usual
Congratulations are in order to the incoming Tricolour head manager, Lucas Chabot!
Yearbook and Design Services
Handbook sales are now officially online! Check out
Congratulations are in order to the incoming Studio Q head manager, Lauren Abramsky!
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Campus Services
Kanivanan Chinniah
March 5, 2015
Hello Assembly,
Since we are almost at CGM time, I wanted to give a quick snapshot of the Campus
Services’ financial outlook for the month of January (or year to date, for QTV).
Convocation Services
Business as usual. Please be sure to reserve your regalia now at if you are graduating this spring to take advantage
of reduced rates!
Queen’s Journal
We should complete our website redevelopment by the end of this year.
SGPS voters rejected our fee increase proposal (33% yes, 66% no).
For January, our numbers are not as strong as we would like them to be.
However, in terms of total numbers to this date, we are on budget due to a bump
earlier in the year. Here is a snapshot:
o Local Advertising
t—1actuals % Change
% Change
o National Advertising
t—1actuals % Change
% Change
Too much
o Campus Advertising
t—1actuals % Change
% Change
o We are on track with our YTD to match our budgeted numbers.
Queen’s TV
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Our Video Factory contracts are financially very healthy. As of this year, we have
taken in 137% above the previous year at this point.
o Video Factory
t—1actuals % Change
% Change
Advertising is equally healthy.
o Advertising
t—1actuals % Change
% Change
We have 9 teams on Sunday to Wednesday; 12 teams on Thursday-Saturday.
Relative to last month, January wages are 23% lower than last year in January, in
spite of a 7% wage increase due to the minimum wage.
o Wages
Actual (YTD) Budget
t—1actuals % Change % Change
o In this case, red actually is good, since red is an expense.
Kanivanan M. Chinniah
Campus Services Director
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AMS Board of Directors Chair
Tuba Chishti
March 5, 2015
Hello Assembly members,
As if it’s Week 8, time is flying by and it’s almost time to be replaced!
Board’s February 9th meeting:
At this meeting, we updated Section 4.07 of the Board Policy Manuals regarding the types of
corporate bonds we can invest in- investment grade, we also passed the Strategic Planning
committee’s goal plan as this committee is only meeting this semester, we passed the Special
Projects allocations for this semester, discussed the Student Care (health and dental plan)
survey that will go out to students, discussed the idea of keeping our meetings to every 3 weeks
or reverting to every 2 weeks (decided to keep it to 3 weeks) and then wrapped up open session
with a conversation about what to look for in student directors.
Board’s March 2nd meeting:
We haven’t met at the time of submission of this report but on our agenda is:
Ratification of new service directors and officers- congratulations to all of them
and the newly hired AMS Managers as well!
Corporate bylaw amendments (before they come to you at the Corporate General
Capital Expenditure Proposal for a Media Upgrade in the AMS Boardroom
Hiring and Appointment Policy and Procedures Manual Section 17- adding in a
section that allows us to favour a candidate with previous IT experience
recognizing the high level of technical expertise required in the role
Long term discussions for what the 5-10 year visions look like for the Media and
Retail Services portfolios
Annual Corporate General Meeting March 10th:
MARCH 10th, 5:30pm CoGro catered, electing new Board and looking at service financialsNEW MEDS 032 (room right below where we were last time). BE THERE
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Shareholders Electing Student Directors (Discussion):
One of the biggest roles of the AMS Assembly as shareholders of the AMS Corporation is
electing the student directors who sit on the Board annually. Next week, you will have a chance
to elect the next 5 people who sit on the Board. This is a wonderful responsibility for each of
you and your successors as you all get votes at this meeting. As you all know, the Board takes
on 3 overarching responsibilities for the AMS Corporation- (1) Strategic management, (2)
Financial oversight and (3) Support.
The student directors have immense value at the Board and have a huge part in the work the
Board does. I would like to have a brief discussion during Assembly this week to answer any
questions any of you may have about the Board and for you to provide me with things that you
need to best engage with the director candidates and ask great questions and make informed
Looking Forward: Busy semester up ahead, so stay tuned for even more excitement! Please let
me know if you have any questions, comments or concerns.
Tuba Chishti
Board of Directors
Alma Mater Society of Queen’s University Inc.
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Undergraduate Student Trustee
Andrew Aulthouse
March 5, 2015
Hello Assembly,
The Board of Trustees will be meeting this Friday and Saturday for its March meeting. Topics
on the agenda include tuition fees for the 2015-2016 year, repairs to Vic Hall and John Orr
Tower, and a presentation from the dean of Arts and Science. If anyone has any questions about
these matters, or other topics dealt with by the Board of Trustees, please do not hesitate to email
me at!
Cha Gheill,
Andrew Aulthouse
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Student Senate Caucus Chair
Eric Rapos
March 5, 2015
Hello Assembly,
Here we are, week 8, and things are still certainly busy for us all – so let’s get right to it!
Senate Meeting – February 24, 2015
 Meeting agenda can be found here:
 Senate approved the creation of a joint Bachelor of Fine Arts in Visual Arts and
Bachelor of Education Program (BFA/BEd) beginning Sept 2016.
 Senate approved a new “4+1” program in the Department of Geography and
Planning, where students can enroll in the Master of Planning (MPL) during their
undergrad, taking courses in order to finish the MPL in one year following their 4
year undergrad.
 Senate approved the establishment of an Arts and Science Internship Program.
 Alli and I, along with Lynda Colgan (Chair of Senate Governance and Nominating
Committee) presented an initial proposal on the composition of Senate, very similar
to the process conducted at AMS last fall. We were looking for feedback in order to
bring a notice of motion to next month’s Senate Meeting.
o There were several concerns raised from the Faculty of Health Sciences
regarding their reduction in seats – we have heard these concerns and will be
addressing them before moving forward.
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o Any feedback from AMS Assembly is would be appreciated.
A motion was brought forth from SGPS President Kevin Wiener regarding the
disposition of Human Rights Office cases.
The Division of Student Affairs’ Annual Report was presented.
As always, if you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.
Respectfully submitted,
Eric J Rapos
Senator | Society of Graduate and Professional Students
Student Senate Caucus Chair | Queen's University
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University Rector
Mike Young
March 5, 2015
Dear Assembly,
Just a couple of updates this week!
I am planning two events that are upcoming:
1. Trans* - a public lecture and panel discussion featuring Debi Jackson on March
12th, 7pm in Ellis Auditorium
2. The Tricolour Award Reception in conjunction with the QUAA Gala on March
28th at 5pm in the Isabel
I’d like to thank Ryan, Crystal, Jahnavi, and Pia for all of their help putting these events
together and to the AMS for helping out with our reception.
I just got back from the Jack Summit in Toronto on Saturday and could not have been
more proud of the way Queen’s students represented themselves throughout the
conference. It was an incredibly inspired 3 days and there are initiatives coming to
Queen’s to target the stigma surrounding mental health in the coming months, so
please stay tuned and contact me if you’d like to learn more.
Lastly, the Board of Trustees is meeting this weekend. If you’re interested in learning
about what will be discussed, I’d be happy to sit down with you this week so I could
get your feedback. Additionally, you are welcome to attend the open session of Board
on Thursday evening. All you have to do is e-mail and request a
Princeps Servusque Es,
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Engineering Society President
Arts and Science Undergraduate Society President
Carolyn Fisher
Adam Grotsky
March 5, 2015
March 5, 2015
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Commerce Society President
Kyle Beaudry
March 5, 2015
Dear Assembly Members,
I hope everyone had a great Reading Week! I can’t believe we’re so close to the end!
Bosses are Busy! | The Commerce Executive on Orientation (CEO) has already started
programming with the new set of Bosses. Commerce-specific Boss training has already started,
which will include two additional sessions before the summer. On March 14th, Dr. Tim Marchell
from Cornell University will be presenting a Commerce-specific hazing workshop to educate all
Bosses, and we are looking forward to the meaningful conversations that will take place.
March Hiring | We are currently in the process of hiring our new Assembly members. Internal
committee co-chair applications are currently available online through our website!
Queen’s Conference on the Entertainment Industry | Following a thorough presentation to
ComSoc Assembly this past Sunday evening, the Queen’s Conference on the Entertainment
Industry (QECI) has officially been ratified on a trial year period. The event will take place at
some point during the next school year, and the Co-Chairs will soon begin hiring their team for
next year to help accomplish their vision of inspiring Commerce students to pursue a career in
the entertainment industry.
ComSoc Careers Day | ComSoc ran our first ever “Careers Day” last year, which allowed
students to explore a variety of career paths from accounting to tech to grad school to
entrepreneurship. The plans for upcoming “Careers Day” will build upon last year’s event, and
is aimed at exploring as many alternative career paths as possible. Representatives from the
entertainment industry, human resource professionals and the real estate industry are just a few
examples of the wide array of disciplines that will be involved this year! For more questions,
Jail-N-Bail | This week is the annual Commerce Society Jail-N-Bail event which threw our
students in prison with bail amounts required to escape with all money will be going to the
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Canadian Cancer Society. If you would like to donate, please check out the following link: All students will appreciate the bailout so that they can get back to work!
Committee Events | ComSoc’s final conference of the year, the Commerce and Engineering
Environmental Conference (CEEC) will be held from March 5th to 7th. Thank you to the entire
executive of ComSoc and EngSoc members for their hard work putting the conference together.
The Queen’s Micro Credit Challenging is also underway with their big event of the year.
Happy to take any questions!
Kyle Beaudry
President, Commerce Society
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Concurrent Education Students Association President
Abbey Cressman
Septmber 18, 2014
Hello Assembly!
Here are some updates from CESA:
Education Speaker Series
Last weekend marked CESA’s first ever Education Speaker Series (ESS)! The event was a big
success; the four workshops drew nearly 50 participants each, which is great in light of the
challenges CESA has historically faced in workshop attendance. The Faculty of Education was
generous in allowing us to use Duncan McArthur Hall as a conference venue. CESA has passed
policy to put the Education Speaker Series under the portfolio of Workshop Coordinators, and
my intern and I will be creating a detailed transition manual of the event for future years.
In order to raise funds for a fourth year class gift, our VP Internal and Fourth Year Reps have
been working hard to get the B.Edder4U campaign launched. The first stage of this campaign
will be facilitated through social media. Look out on Facebook for photos and brief interviews
with Con-Ed students! Also, toss us a ‘like’ on Facebook:
Open Forum: New B.Ed Program
This Tues. Mar. 3rd, CESA Exec and our Academic Affairs Commissioner will be hosting an
open forum in MacDonald Hall at 6 pm to discuss the new B.Ed program, answer questions that
students may have pertaining to their specific graduating class, and ensure that Con-Ed
students are well informed about the changes that have taken place in Queen’s B.Ed program
and what those changes will look like in final year.
NEW: Photography Coordinators
At our last Council meeting, incoming CESA Executive introduced the position of CESA
Photography Coordinators to replace the Yearbook Editors. Since inception, the Con-Ed
Yearbook has been a well-loved but financially burdensome investment. Unfortunately CESA
has lost too much money on this project to keep it sustainable in the future, but the creation of
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Photography Coordinators will allow CESA’s online branding to expand, as well as ensure that
students have access to professional photos of CESA events.
That’s all for now, happy to take any questions!
Abbey Cressman
Concurrent Education Students’ Association
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Physical Education and Kinesiology Students’ Association President
Jacob Bonafiglia
March 5, 2015
Hey there assembly,
Hope everyone had a great and fun-filled reading week. Here are some updates from PHEKSA:
At the time of this report being written, the results of the PHEKSA executive elections are
unknown. Although some positions are uncontested, these individuals still need to receive a
vote of confidence! We are also very excited for the upcoming general elections – the campaign
for this begins March 2nd! Results from both elections will be included in the report for the next
That’s right folks the PHE-KIN formal is just around the corner. Taking place on March 28th, this
year’s formal is anticipated to be the best one yet. The fourth year awards were also announced
earlier this week. Congratulations to Joshua Moulton and Beth Godkin as being elected the 2015
Formal MC’s and Jacob Bonafiglia – Class of 2015 Valedictorian.
That’s all for now from PHEKSA! Our constitutional meetings and AGM are fast-approaching!
The current exec and remainder of council look forward to making positive and beneficial
changes to our constitution this year.
Thanks folks!
Jacob Bonafiglia
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Nursing Science Society President
Alexandra Palmeri
March 5, 2015
Greetings Assembly,
Can you believe we are in March?? Time sure does seem to fly when you’re having fun! I hope
that everyone is enjoying their time at Queen’s, and that you are looking forward to the
remainder of the term. 
Nursing Open Mic Night: Nursing Open Mic Night will take place at the Common Ground
Coffeehouse (Cogro) on Queen’s campus Wednesday, March 18th from 8-11pm. If you or someone
you know is interested in coming out for some coffee and tea, and to enjoy the talent of Queen’s
Nursing students, check out our Facebook event “Nursing Open Mic Night”. We look forward to
welcoming performers from all faculties, so please be sure to sign up through our GoogleDoc!
Kingston Nursing Student Conference (KNSC): The NSS extends a HUGE congratulations to all
12 of the newly hired members of our KNSC Exec. This is the biggest team we have ever
recruited, and we are confident that 2015 will mark the best year the conference has ever seen!
March Break Open House: The School of Nursing looks forward to welcoming prospective
students on March 21st. The NSS will be guiding tours of the School of Nursing Patient
Simulation Lab, the Glaxco Wellcome Clinical Education Centre, and the School of Medicine
Anatomy Laboratory. Looking forward to meeting the future of Nursing ’19!
23rd Annual Nursing Career Fair: The NSS will be launching the first-ever Queen’s Nursing
Career Fair Committee this year! We are excited to welcome more students aboard this project,
and to increase our outreach in fostering professional development. The 23rd Annual Career Fair
will take place in the Fall of 2015. Applications have been distributed and will be due this
Cover Your Crest: We can’t wait to partake in the Kids For Kids Cover Your Crest event on March
19th! We will be located at the corner of U&U so be sure to pay us a visit.
Nursing Specialty “Speed Dating”: On March 11th, Nursing students will gather in Wallace Hall
to ask, listen, and learn from local RN’s in a variety of fields! Admission will be based on a
donation to the Canadian Nursing Students Association.
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Guest Speakers Wanted: We were thrilled to welcome Professor Mona Sawnhey, and Professor
Denise Justinich from the School of Nursing, as well as the AMS Exec Team (Alli, Justin, and
Phil) to Assembly last week! Please send me an email, or wave me down at AMS Assembly if
you are interested in speaking to the NSS following reading week. We are a fun bunch, and look
forward to hearing from you! 
Happy to take any questions.
Vincat Scientia Morbos,
Alexandra Palmeri
President of Queen's Nursing Science Society
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Computing Students’ Association President
Erin Gallagher
March 5, 2015
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MBA Students Society President
March 5, 2015
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Residence Society President & CEO
Nathan Utioh
March 5, 2015
Common Rooms
As mentioned at the team meeting on Monday. The Director of Residence Life and I have
looked at and prioritized ~120 beds to be returned to become common spaces starting in Fall
Meal plan committee is looking at changes for next year’s meal plan options. There are a
number of options being looked at depending on how CRA interpretations are made by Ernst &
Young. There are also plans looking into the on plate food preparation in Leonard Café
I, along with the rest of the Executive team, have begun working on transitioning the incoming
exec team. Following non-core exec hiring, transitioning will go into full swing.
New Residence Buildings
Over Reading Week, I had the opportunity to tour through both Brant and Smith House to see
what they will look like once completed. The completion varies floor to floor, with some only
being a shell, while other floors have dry wall and some flooring in. The programming spaces
look great and the new “Bruce’s Bistro”/”Lazier Scholar” (not actual names) looks like a nice
large retail space.
Website Development
I met with Andrei this week to talk about the website development. We have agreed on a
template and work has begun on it. We are planning on having the site prepared and active
starting May 1.
Montreal Trip
On the weekend of March 21 we will be going on our annual Montreal Trip. Tickets are on sale
this Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday and is open to all students living in residence.
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AMS Assembly
Meeting of Thursday, March 5th, 2015
Kingston City Hall
Appendix A: Studio Q
Section 15.02 Studio Q
15.02.01 Studio Q shall be a media service functioning under the Corporation. Its purposes shall be:
(i) to depict and present an accurate and fair representation or account of the people, facilities, qualities, issues, and events that are
relevant to the University, and to address questions of current interest;
(ii) to provide an opportunity to those students who desire experience in the fields of videography, broadcasting, photography,
design, marketing.
15.02.02 Studio Q shall annually publish and distribute the Tricolour Yearbook on behalf of the Society. The yearbook shall attempt
to display:
(i) a comprehensive pictorial and written summary of life and events during the year at the University;
(ii) pictures of all members of graduating classes who wish to be included;
(iii) a recognition of newly selected members of the Tricolour Society.
15.02.03 The editorial autonomy of Studio Q shall be respected by all officers of the Society, the Corporation and the University.
Opinions expressed by Studio Q shall not necessarily be those of the Society, the Corporation, the University, or any officer thereof.
Studio Q shall regularly bear notice to this effect.
15.02.04 Studio Q management shall be responsible to the AMS Board of Directors and, by extension, to the Society, for ensuring
that it does not produce any material which is of a seditious, libelous or slanderous nature, or that which constitutes an invasion of
privacy, violation of copyright or proprietary right.
15.02.05 At least two Studio Q personnel shall be admitted free of charge to any Society or corporation event which Studio Q
management considers to be of sufficient interest to be included in the Tricolour Yearbook or other Studio Q production.
Section 15.02 Yearbook and Design Services
15.02.01 The Yearbook and Design Services shall be the official yearbook of the Society. As such, it shall attempt to display:
(i) a comprehensive pictorial and written summary of life and events during the year at the University;
(ii) pictures of all members of graduating classes who wish to be included;
(iii) a recognition of newly selected members of the Tricolour Society.
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Meeting of Thursday, March 5th, 2015
Kingston City Hall
It shall be published annually by the Corporation, on behalf of the Society, and distributed before the end of September following
the year for which it is issued.
15.02.02 At least one Yearbook and Design Services staff photographer shall be admitted free of charge to any Society or
corporation event which the Editor(s)-in-Chief consider to be of sufficient interest to be included in the Tricolour Yearbook.
Section 15.03 Queen’s TV
The Corporation shall, on behalf of the Society, ensure the existence of an organization dedicated to the pursuit
of broadcasting a weekly television show known as Queen’s TV. This television program shall maintain the standards of good
broadcasting, while at the same time attempting to fulfill, specifically, its purposes:
(i) to depict an accurate and fair representation or account of the people, facilities, qualities, issues, and events that are relevant to
the University, and to discuss questions of current interest;
(ii) to provide an opportunity to those students who desire experience in the fields of television, film, journalism, financing,
marketing, publicity, etc.
15.03.02 The editorial autonomy of Queen’s TV shall be respected by all officers of the Society, the Corporation and the University.
Opinions broadcast on Queen’s TV shall not necessarily be those of the Society, the Corporation, the University, or any officer
thereof. Queen’s TV shall regularly bear notice to this effect.
15.03.03 At least one (1) reporter and one (1) camera person from Queen’s TV shall be admitted, free of charge, to any campus
event which the Executive Producer considers to be of sufficient interest as to be included on Queen’s TV.
15.03.04 The Producer shall be responsible to the AMS Board of Directors and, by extension, to the Society, for ensuring that
Queen’s TV does not broadcast any material which is of a seditious libelous or slanderous nature, or that which constitutes an
invasion of privacy, violation of copyright or proprietary right.
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AMS Assembly
Meeting of Thursday, March 5th, 2015
Kingston City Hall
Appendix B: Bikes and Boards
Section 8, Part D: Bikes and Boards
Section 1: Mandate
1.1 Mission Statement
Bikes and Boards seeks to provide students with a centre for financially accessible bike and longboard retail and
maintenance, as well as active transport education to advance the development of low-carbon, active transportation resources
in the Queen’s Community.
1.2 Philosophy and Purpose
Bikes and Boards provides students with an outlet that actively encourages community support and enthusiasm for active,
pollution-free transportation. It specifically provides:
a) a space to teach and transfer knowledge regarding bike maintenance skills
b) a service that procures, refurbishes, and retails low cost bicycles, as well as handmade longboards
c) promotion of social, environmental, and economic sustainability through its internal operations and community outreach
Section 2: Structure and Administration
2.1 Bikes and Boards shall be administered under the Commission of the Environment and Sustainability portfolio. It shall be
supervised by a management team consisting of three directorsone Head Director and two Assistant Directors who shall be
hired by, and shall report to, the Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainability and the Vice-President University
Affairs. The three directors shall be AMS members and shall have responsibilities in the following areas:
a) preparation and administration of an annual budget
b) oversight and maintenance of all operations in the centre
c) working a minimum of 10 hours per week while ensuring the centre is always properly staffed
d) bi-weekly meetings with the Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainability to provide updates
e) submitting annual transition manuals and an annual report on the full status of the centre
f) recruitment and hiring of volunteer staff for the centre
2.1.1 Internal Head Director
The Head Director shall be a yearlong position hired in the spring hiring period along with the Marketing and Technical
Directors. The position shall be part-time salaried from May-August, and volunteer during the year.
The Internal Head Director shall be responsible for:
a) overseeing the budget
b) working with the technical director to monitoring expenditures and sales to facilitate a financially sustainable project
c) completion of an updated budget at the end of each year to be submitted to the Commissioner of the Environment and
d) keeping track of all materials in the shop with sound inventory management and placing orders with the supplier;
e) communicating with existing volunteers and creating volunteer schedules
f) sitting on the hiring panel for Bikes and Boards volunteers
g) working a minimum of 20 hours per week during the summer and 10 hours per week during the academic year on shift in
the shop
2.1.2 External Marketing Director
The Marketing Director shall have an eight month volunteer term from September to April.
The External Marketing Director shall be responsible for:
a) marketing and advertising the centre in the Queen’s and Kingston communities
b) recruiting and sustaining communication with volunteers
c) researching and applying to funding grants as required
d) maintaining regular content creation for the Bikes and Boards Facebook and Twitter pages and website
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Meeting of Thursday, March 5th, 2015
Kingston City Hall
e) working a minimum of eight shift hours per week in the shop
f) sitting on the hiring panel for Bikes and Boards volunteers
2.1.3 Technical Director
The Technical Director shall be an eight month volunteer term from September to April.
The Technical Director shall be responsible for:
a) overseeing all maintenance and repair that is conducted in the centre
b) ensuring all volunteers are trained in health and safety procedures, bike mechanical knowledge, and how to operate
machinery and tools in the shop
c) assisting the Internal Director in completing inventory and supplier orders
d) working a minimum of eight shift hours per week in the shop
e) sitting on the hiring panel for Bikes and Boards volunteers
2.2 Volunteers
2.2.1 Both AMS and SGPS members shall be eligible for volunteer opportunities.
2.2.2 Volunteers at Bikes and Boards shall normally be required to work approximately 3 hours per week and shall be
responsible for attending their scheduled shifts or finding a replacement if unable to do so.
2.2.3 Volunteers shall complete skill and safety training provided through the centre prior to operating tools and machinery.
Section 3: Safety and Theft Policies
3.1 Ensuring safety and preventing theft shall be priorities given the volunteer-run nature of the centre and that the space will
house several valuable objects that are potentially subject to misuse and theft by volunteers or patrons (e.g. tools, parts,
machinery, and bikes).
3.2 To promote safety and to protect the centre from liability issues, volunteers and participants in bike shop centre shall be
required to sign a waiver form signifying that they understand and accept the risks that they may experience as a result of
working in the centre and that they specifically agree to undertake these risks at no fault of the shop.
3.3 To prevent theft, the password to the shop lock shall be given only to the shop volunteers, Directors, and the
Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainability.
3.4 The shop shall remain open during operation hours with at a minimum of one volunteer in the shop at all times to provide
community watch and theft prevention.
3.5 The Internal Director shall be responsible for all financial transactions and updating the tool inventory at the end of each
week to ensure nothing is unaccounted for.
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AMS Assembly
Meeting of Thursday, March 5th, 2015
Kingston City Hall
Appendix C: Queen’s Live Music
Section 1, Part M: Queen’s Live Music Committee (QLMC)
Committee Mandate:
There shall be an A.M.S Queen’s Live Music Committee formed annually as a standing committee under the Campus
Activities Commission. This committee shall oversee the QPoP Music Festival and Live at the Isabel with the intent to
provide live music entertainment to Queen’s students.
a) The committee shall be chaired by the A.M.S Campus Activities Commission Deputy (Arts and Outreach)
b) The committee shall have at least six members. These members are to be chosen by the Campus Activities
Commissioner, Campus Activities Commission Deputy (Arts and Outreach) and the Campus Activities Commission
Deputy (Recreation)
Duties and Responsibilities:
The chairs of the committee shall be responsible for:
a) Ensuring that the committee and its events are in accordance with the A.M.S Mission Statement
b) Adhering to all applicable policies of Senate, A.M.S Room Bookings and other Queen’s administrative bodies
c) Overseeing the committee
d) Ensuring that the committee fundraises and obtains sponsorship and donations as necessary to run successful events
and programs
e) Submitting a written transition report according to the regulations of the A.M.S constitution
f) Ensuring that the committee is not duplicating services or events already run by other university or community
g) Submitting proposed budgets according to the regulations of the A.M.S constitution
h) Submitting updated budgets according to the regulations of A.M.S constitution
i) Keeping on or under budget
j) Making sure all outstanding bills are paid before April of that year
k) Submitting a final budget according to the regulations of the A.M.S constitution
l) Ensuring that all artists are appropriately welcomed and thanked
Section 1, Part N: Live at the Isabel
As a partnership with the Isabel Bader Centre for the Performing Arts, the AMS shall host two live music concerts, one in the
fall term and one in the winter term. The purpose of these events is to strengthen the art community on campus and to
invigorate student involvement in the Isabel Bader Centre. Queen’s Live Music Committee (QMLC) will assist and oversee
the production and development of Live at the Isabel in conjunction with the AMS Campus Activities Commissioner and the
Vice President (Operations).
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AMS Assembly
Meeting of Thursday, March 5th, 2015
Kingston City Hall
Appendix D: Dolla Dolla Billz
Section 3: Student Activity Fees
Section 3: Part A: Student Activity Fees
A. In accordance with Section 3.03 of the AMS Constitution, student activity fees, insofar as they constitute dues or
fees payable by Society members, shall be established or altered only via one of the following ways:
i. a campus-wide referendum
ii. a 2/3 vote of the total membership of the Assembly which shall become effective only upon
confirmation by a vote of Society members at a Society Annual General Meeting or Society Special
General meeting
B. Student activity fees may be either mandatory or optional; may be collected for a designated period or until a
specified monetary target is reached; and may be subject to automatic annual increases in accordance with
some fixed percentage or index. Whether any of these conditions shall apply to a given fee shall be at the
discretion of the group responsible for the fee. In all cases, any such conditions shall appear explicitly in the
referendum question or General Meeting motion.
C. Student activity fees shall normally fall under one of the following three categories:
i. reviewable optional fees – subject to both individual opt-out and triennial review
ii. reviewable mandatory fees - not subject to individual opt-out but subject to triennial review
iii. non-reviewable mandatory fees – not subject to either individual opt-out or triennial review
D. AMS Assembly may designate certain fees as non-reviewable mandatory. Such fees shall be considered essential
to student life and to have been established to sustain primary facilities/services that are provided for the use of
all Queen’s students and/or to provide students with athletic or health services. AMS corporate services shall not
be subject to a review insofar as elected and appointed student representatives already provide extensive oversight
of those fees via the AMS Board of Directors, and by extension, the AMS Assembly.
E. Fees designated as non-reviewable are:
i. Queen’s Student Health, Counselling and Disability
ii. Queen’s Athletics
iii. University Centre
iv. Work-Study program
v. AMS Specific
vi. AMS Health & Dental Plans
vii. AMS corporate services
viii. Fees for capital projects with a specific monetary objective.
 The AMS Health & Dental Plans, although appearing on the student fee schedule as optional, are in fact
mandatory unless specific conditions are met for opting-out. Therefore, for the purposes of this policy, these fees
shall be considered mandatory and have been designated as non-reviewable.\
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Meeting of Thursday, March 5th, 2015
Kingston City Hall
A. Eligibility for a group to receive a student fee shall be determined during the validation process for the
establishment of the fee by the Vice-President Operations and the Commissioner of Internal Affairs and
subsequently through triennial review where applicable.
B. Where a fee is designated as non-reviewable, eligibility of the fee shall be reassessed at such a time where there
is a significant change to the affiliation of the group that receives the fee or a substantial change to the mandate
or usage of the fee.
C. Eligibility shall be subject to conditions which fall under whichever of the following two categories is applicable:
i. Internal – internal groups are defined as those groups which are formally ratified, approved or
otherwise administered by the University, the AMS or its member societies. Such groups shall
demonstrate the following through the validation process:
1. Proof of ratification through provision of letter of ratification from the ratifying body or
organization during the validation period.
ii. External – external groups are defined as those groups which are not formally affiliated to any of the
above bodies irrespective of whether they have an on-campus presence. External groups shall
demonstrate that they meet the following criteria through the validation process:
1. That they are not replicating services provided by groups of the university or the AMS
2. That the group is inclusive of all AMS members and all AMS members shall be eligible to
be involved in the group or receive benefit from the group’s activities.
In addition, external groups shall make available more than one of the following:
i) a service or opportunity that is available to all AMS members,
ii) aOff-campus groups shall have an on-campus presence in the Queen’s community defined as using
funds collected from student activity fees for projects on-campus or through awareness campaigns run
on campus.
o A group must be inclusive of all AMS members. All AMS members shall be eligible to be involved in the group
or receive benefit from the group’s activities.
o For any group to be eligible to receive a student activity fee they must be affiliated with or sanctioned by
the AMS, a faculty society, the Queen’s University Administration or a faculty or service of the University.
Off-campus groups are eligible, insofar as they demonstrate to the VP Operations that they provide a
service to all AMS members that is not available on campus and is deemed of value by the members of
AMS Assembly, provided each has been sanctioned by an AMS member or group and that it is AMS
members who have satisfied the requirements for placing the question on the referendum ballot.
oD. In addition, eligibility is subject to the following provisionsOff-campus groups shall have an on-campus
presence defined as using funds collected from student activity fees for projects on-campus or through
awareness campaigns run on campus. A group must be inclusive of all AMS members. All AMS members
shall be eligible to be involved in the group or receive benefit from the group’s activities.
oi. AMS committees shall not be eligible for student activity fees.
oii. No athletic group or team shall be eligible to receive a mandatory or optional student fee insofar as they
are funded separately by Queen’s University Athletics and Recreation.
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oiii. No non-AMS group or organization shall be eligible to receive more than one student activity
or its mandated activities shall be funded by more than one student activity fee unless granted a specific
exemption by the VPOPS who shall notify Assembly.
iv. Groups who collect a student fee must use the fee to contribute to and enhance student life or to provide
services to Queen’s students that are not available on campus as outlined in the eligibility requirements
above. No group may collect a fee under the pretext of establishing programming, opportunities and
services for Queen’s students and donate that money for the purpose of directly donating it to an external
organization or charity.
v. Student activity fees must overwhelmingly be used within the year they are collected.
vi. No commercial or otherwise for profit group or organization may be eligible for a student activity fee.
E. Where a group has not clearly demonstrated through the validation period that they meet the eligibility
requirements, they shall be deemed ineligible.
F. Where a group does not meet eligibility requirements as determined by the VPOPS, Assembly shall be notified
and may overturn that decision by a 2/3rds majority vote.
The overriding priority of the Vice-President Operations and the Commissioner of Internal Affairs in
the vetting or review of student fees through the validation process shall be to ensure that student fees requested
fall within the eligibility requirements and to ensure that the funding will be expended in a manner that is
transparent and accountable.
Establishing or Altering Student Activity Fees by Referendum
A. For a new optional or mandatory student fee to appear on a referendum ballot, a group shall satisfy the following
i. Submission of the question to be included on the referendum ballot in accordance with AMS policy
on student fee questions
i.ii. Determination by the VP Operations that the group is eligible, as per Section 2 of this policy, to
receive a student fee and has fully complied with the requirements set out in Section 3. This
determination shall be made during validation period. Where the VP Operations has determined that a
group is ineligible, Assembly shall be so informed.
iii. Submission of a written description of the group or organization seeking the fee and the specific
purpose(s) for which the fee revenue will be used. This description shall approximate but not exceed
300 words and shall be printed in the Queen’s Journal during the campaign period.
iv. Submission of a detailed report to the VP Operations and the Commissioner of Internal Affairs
answering the following questions:
1. Why is your group seeking a student fee?
2. Why did your group pick the fee amount stated in the question?
3. When was your group established?
4. What initiatives or efforts are you undertaking to ensure the long-term sustainability of
your group?
5. If you have collected a student fee in the past, what initiatives and/or opportunities have
you provided the Queen’s Community with the collected funds?
v. Submission of a budget and/or detailed financial information that clearly indicates how the student fee
funding will be expended. Determination by the VP Operations that the group is eligible, as per Section 2 of this policy, to
receive a student fee and has fully complied with the requirements set out in Section 3. This
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determination shall be made during validation period. Where the VP Operations has determined that a
group is ineligible, Assembly shall be so informed.
iii.vii. Collection of signatures during the nomination period, in accordance with the Society’s policy on
iv.viii. Submission of a bond to be returned to the organization at the end of the referendum period provided
all rules were followed as outlined in this policy.
v. Submission of a detailed report to the VP Operations and the Commissioner of Internal Affairs
answering the following questions:
vi. Why is your group seeking a student fee?
vii. Why did your group pick the dollar figure stated in the question?
viii. When was your group established?
ix. What initiatives or efforts are you undertaking to ensure the long-term sustainability of your
x. If you have collected a student fee in the past, what initiatives and/or opportunities have you
provided the Queen’s Community with the collected funds?
xi.ix. Attendance at the Assembly meeting immediately following nomination period.
xii.x. Reception of a 2/3 majority Assembly vote in favour of the motion to place the question on the
referendum ballot.
B. All new fees or fees seeking an increase shall be free to choose the referenda ballot on which they are to appear.
C. No fee-based question that is defeated may return to referendum or be eligible for approval through
Assembly/AGM within the same academic year. For greater certainty, a question relating to the same/similar fee
or purpose shall not be considered more than once in the same academic year.
D. For a question seeking to establish or increase to an existing AMS corporate service fee or Faculty Society
Corporate Service to appear on a referendum ballot, it shall require both a motion in support from the AMS Board
of Directors or the applicable Faculty Society Board of Directors/Advisory Board and a 2/3 majority Assembly
vote in favour of placing the question on the referendum ballot..
E. A group receiving a student fee shall have the authority to decrease its fee or alter its mandatory fee to be subject
to individual opt out without requiring external approval. For a decrease to take effect, the group’s president or
officially designated representative shall notify the VPOPs in writing no later than one week prior to the last
Assembly meeting of the winter term. The VPOPs shall notify the Assembly of any such fee decrease.
Establishing or Altering Student Activity Fees by General Meeting
A. To establish or alter an optional or mandatory student fee by General Meeting requires:
i. A 2/3 vote of the total membership of the Assembly which vote shall have occurred a minimum of
two regularly scheduled Assembly meetings before the new fee is confirmed at a Society Annual
General Meeting or a Society Special General Meeting. This period is to ensure that Society members
may be properly consulted and informed of the creation of the new fee by General Meeting.
ii. Confirmation of an affirmative Assembly vote by a simple majority of Society members at a Society
Annual General Meeting or Society Special General meeting,
B. Groups seeking to establish or raise a student fee via referendum shall submit a 300 word statement with the
motion at the Assembly meeting and at the AGM to be circulated with the agenda and kept on file. Groups
(excluding AMS or Faculty Society Corporate services) may only use their student fee allocation for the
specific purpose(s) outlined in that description.
For a question seeking to establish or increase an existing AMS corporate service fee or Faculty
Society Corporate Service in accordance with this policy also requires a motion in support from the AMS
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Board of Directors or the applicable Faculty Society Board of Directors/Advisory Board or equivalent board
a minimum of two meetings before a Society Annual General Meeting or a Society Special General Meeting.
Triennial Review
A. All student activity fees, unless designated as non-reviewable mandatory fees by AMS Assembly, shall be subject
to a review via referendum the third year after each has been established. Thus no student fee shall be collected
beyond three years without having been re-approved via a triennial review through referendum. The intent of the
triennial review is to provide an assessment of the continuing viability of the fee and/or group where there
otherwise exists no such student oversight.
B. AMS Assembly may designate certain fees as non-reviewable mandatory. Such fees shall be considered essential
to student life and to have been established to sustain primary facilities/services that are provided for the use of
all Queen’s students and/or to provide students with athletic or health services. AMS corporate services shall not
be subject to a review insofar as elected and appointed student representatives already provide extensive oversight
of those fees via the AMS Board of Directors, and by extension, the AMS Assembly.
C. Fees designated as non-reviewable are:
i. Queen’s Student Health, Counselling and Disability
ii. Queen’s Athletics
iii. University Centre
iv. Work-Study program
v. AMS Specific
vi. AMS Health & Dental Plans
vii. AMS corporate services
viii. Fees for capital projects with a specific monetary objective.
D. The AMS Health & Dental Plans, although appearing on the student fee schedule as optional, are in fact
mandatory unless specific conditions are met for opting-out. Therefore, for the purposes of this policy, these fees
shall be considered mandatory and have been designated as non-reviewable.
E. The Internal Affairs CommissionerCommissioner of Internal Affairs shall be responsible for identifying which
fees are facing triennial review and shall be responsible for notifying each group in advance of the fall referenda
period. However, each fee recipient ultimately bears responsibility for ascertaining the year of its triennial
review. In the event that a group’s fee fails to appear on the ballot for reasons related to a lack of notification or
awareness, it shall be at the discretion of the Assembly as to whether the fee in question shall continue to be
collected with the review deferred to the following year.
F. The Internal Affairs CommissionerCommissioner of Internal Affairs shall ensure that fees facing triennial review
are distributed roughly equally over the fall and spring referenda. The Commissioner shall attempt to
accommodate the preference of each group but shall retain the final authority regarding on which ballot these
triennial review fees shall appear. This shall be done with the priority of ensuring that the ballots of each
referendum period are of a manageable size for the elections team and that the student electorate is not
unnecessarily overwhelmed with student fee questions in a single referendum.
G. Should a fee be discontinued as a result of its triennial review, it may not return to referendum within the same
academic year.
H. In the event a reviewable optional or mandatory fee successfully seeks an increase prior to its triennial review,
that shall be regarded as students having approved that fee and thus it shall not be subject to review for an
additional three years from the year of the approved increase. A fee may seek an increase prior to its triennial
review within the same academic year within the same academic year as its triennial review as long as it occurs
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during the first referendum period. Should the question to raise or alter the student fee fail, it may return for
triennial review in the winter referendum period.
I. Any fee that unsuccessfully seeks an increase shall continue to be collected and shall be subject to its triennial
review as determined by the original time period of its establishment/last review.
J. For a triennial review question to appear on a referendum ballot, a group shall satisfy the following requirements:
i. Submission of the question to be included on the referendum ballot in accordance with AMS policy
on student fee question.
ii. Determination by the VP Operations that the group is eligible, as per Section 2 of this policy, to
receive a student fee and has fully complied with the requirements set out in Section 3. This
determination shall be made during validation period. Where the VP Operations has determined that a
group is ineligible, Assembly shall be so informed.
iii. Submission of a written description of the group or organization seeking the fee and the specific
purpose(s) for which the fee revenue will be used. This description shall approximate but not exceed
300 words and shall be printed in the Queen’s Journal during the campaign period.
iv. Submission of a detailed report to the VP Operations and the Commissioner of Internal Affairs
answering the following questions:
1. Why is your group seeking a student fee?
2. Why did your group pick the fee amount stated in the question?
3. When was your group established?
4. What initiatives or efforts are you undertaking to ensure the long-term sustainability of
your group?
5. If you have collected a student fee in the past, what initiatives and/or opportunities have
you provided the Queen’s Community with the collected funds?
v. Submission of a budget and/or detailed financial information that clearly indicates how the student fee
funding will be expended.
vi. Submission of a bond to be returned to the organization at the end of the referendum period provided
all rules were followed as outlined in this policy.
K. Where a student fee under review is found to be eligible by the VPOPS, the placement of that question on the
ballot shall not be subject to Assembly approval as the Assembly has already voted on the legitimacy of the fee
during its establishment. The Assembly shall only vote (in accordance with policy on establishing or changing
fees) to place a triennial review question on the ballot where the VPOPS has determined one of the following
through the validation period
i. The status of ratification or affiliation of the group has substantially changed,
ii. The mandate or operations of the group has substantially changed,
iii. The way the fee is expended by the group has substantially changed or,
iv. There has been a significant change to AMS policy on eligibility requirements for student fees which
would affect that fee.
I. No fee facing triennial review shall appear on a referendum ballot, unless the recipient submits a written
description of its activities and the specific purpose(s) for which the fee revenue is to be used. This description
shall approximate but not exceed 300 words and shall be printed in the Queen’s Journal during the campaign
period. Appearance on a triennial review ballot shall also require the recipient to submit a budget and/or detailed
financial information that clearly indicates how the student fee funding will be expended.
J.L. The VPOPs shall confirm eligibility and compliance with all requirements during the validation period before a
fee appears on a triennial review ballot. All fees deemed not to be compliant with any of the above requirements
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during validation shall be presented to Assembly with justificatiojustification and the Assembly may overturn
that decision with a 2/3rds majority vote. n.
Release of Funds to Student Activity Fee Recipients
A. Before the VP Operations authorizes the release of fee money, he/she shall determine that the group’s
expenditures of student fee funds and activities are congruent with the conditions established in the group’s
referendum question and submitted 300 word write-up and that the group still satisfies student fee eligibility
requirements as per Section 1 of this policy.
B. Any group or organization that receives funding from a student activity fee may be required to submit detailed
financial records to the AMS VP Operations as a precondition for the release of their funds. These records may
include a financial statement for the past year, a proposed budget for the coming year, and a description of the
services that they provide to the student body. It shall be at the discretion of the VP Operations to request such
documentation. All documents that are submitted shall be considered public, and may be made available to any
member of the Queen's Community who wishes to see them.
C. In reviewing the fee recipient’s financial records, should the VP Operations determine that the recipient is using
its student fee funding in a manner inconsistent with the intent of the original fee question or that the recipient
simply has not been spending its student fee funding in the year in which it was acquired, the recipient’s fee
money may be withheld and its’ fee removed from the fee slate. This decision shall be subject to approval by the
AMS Assembly.
D. Each year, the VP Operations shall audit a minimum of 5% or 10 groups on the student fee slate, whichever is
less. There shall be no distinction between groups receiving mandatory fees and groups receiving opt-out fees.
Opt-Out Process
A. The AMS shall schedule an opt-out period each year at the beginning of the fall term when AMS members may
opt-out of paying optional fees and the AMS health and dental plans. This period shall be a minimum of two
weeks and shall be completed prior to the end of September. The dates shall be published in the official university
fee schedule, on the AMS website and in the Queen's Journal well in advance of the opt-out period.
B. Opt-out procedures regarding the optional fee slate, including the AMS health and dental plans, shall be
determined each year by the AMS VP Operations and may vary somewhat from year to year. They shall be
published in the official university fee schedule and made available on the AMS website and in the Queen’s
C. The costs of the opt-out process shall be shared proportionately by fee dollars received, by groups receiving
optional student interest fees. These costs shall not exceed 1% of the group’s funds.
9.8. Assessment
A. Undergraduate students registered in AMS member faculty societies who are registered in 9 or more units during
the Fall term are assessed full mandatory and optional student activity and faculty society fees. Students registered
in 9 or more units, and attending Queen’s University only in the fall term, are assessed full student activity fees
but may have their mandatory fees reduced by 50% upon bringing their student card to the Office of the
University Registrar prior to the final add/drop date for courses in the winter term and having their access sticker
appropriately altered. Students enrolled solely during the winter term are automatically assessed 50% of
mandatory student activity fees. Students enrolled solely in the winter term are not assessed optional fees. MBA
students are also assessed undergraduate student activity fees.
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B. Undergraduate students registered in AMS member faculty societies, who would not normally be charged AMS
student activity fees, may opt-in at registration or at a later point in a term if they wish to participate in, and have
access to, undergraduate student government activities and services.
C. Exemptions from student fees shall be granted to:
i. Students 65 years or old;
ii. Students registered exclusively in correspondence, off-campus or evening courses.
Student Activity Fee Refund Policy
A. Students who formally withdraw from the University must submit their student card to the Office of the
University Registrar in order to obtain a refund of student activity fees. Students who withdraw or otherwise alter
their student fee assessment threshold may receive a 100% refund prior to the final add/drop date for courses in
the fall term, and a 50% refund between that date and the final add/drop date in the winter term. No refunds shall
be available after the final add/drop date in the winter term.
B. The AMS Health and Dental Plans are non-refundable after the opt-out period. Optional fees are not prorated/
reduced. The AMS VP Operations may grant a full refund on any student fee assessment where special
circumstances are determined to so warrant.
Activity Fee Refunds for Deceased Students
A. In the event a member of the Alma Mater Society becomes deceased at any time during the academic year, all
student activity fees paid by the student in that year, will automatically be refunded.
B. The sole exception will be the AMS Health Plan fee which shall not be refunded. Any student who paid this fee,
and thus was enrolled on the plan, is entitled to having a death benefit paid out to his/her family. Insofar as the
amount of that benefit would obviously exceed that of the levied fee, it is clear to preserve the family's
Notification of Student Fee Recipients
The AMS shall seek to make available each recipient’s funding as soon as possible in the fall term, subject to the
terms of the AMS agreement with the Office of the University Registrar on student fee transfers. Recipients shall
normally receive their funding in installments, with most of their funding made available in the fall term and the
remainder in the winter term.
Student fee recipients shall be notified by the AMS to pick up their cheques from the AMS office, or otherwise
arrange for collection, as soon as the cheques become available. A group failing to pick up it’s cheque at that
time shall be given a final notification during the last week of classes in the fall term. Groups shall also be notified
in the fall when to pick up their remaining funding in the winter term. Recipients bear ultimate responsibility for
collecting their student fee funding.
AMS members should expect that any services/programs/activities for which their student fees are directed, are
available as early as possible each academic year. Therefore, in the event a student fee recipient has failed to
collect its fee money by Friday of the first week of classes in the winter term, it forfeits its right to that money
and its’ fee shall automatically be removed from the student fee slate.
If it is determined by the VP Operations that a student fee recipient has become defunct or otherwise inoperative,
its funding will be withheld and its fee shall automatically be removed from the student fee slate.
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Uncollected, Withheld or Otherwise Un-disbursed Student Activity Fee Funds
A. The normally very small amount of most individual student activity fees and the University's timelines for
payments, make it logistically impractical to simply return fee payments by crediting each individual student
account. Therefore, student activity fee funding that has been withheld from a recipient, for any reason, shall
normally be reallocated by the VPOPs to the AMS Membership Bursary Fund. Where the VPOPs determines
this need has been satisfied and/or there is simply additional funding available, the VPOPs shall have the
discretion to reallocate any remaining monies to an existing AMS granting committee(s) or to address another
area of acute financial need. Any recommendation by the VPOPs for reallocation other than to the AMS
Membership Bursary Fund shall be subject to the approval of the Assembly Finance Committee.
B. The following schedule will be followed:
i. Student Fee Cheque Pick Up: All student activity fee cheques must be picked up within one month from
the date the cheque has been issued. Any cheque that has not been picked up within one month will be
reallocated by the VPOPs to the AMS Membership Bursary Fund. The student group shall then be
automatically removed from the student feel slate unless the VPOPs determines there to be special
mitigating circumstances.
ii. Student Fee Cheque Deposit: Any student activity fee cheques that become stale dated will be
reallocated by the VPOPs to the AMS Membership Bursary Fund. A stale dated cheque is any cheque
that has not been deposited within six months of being issued. The student group will then be removed
from the student fee slate the following year.
C. The VP Operations shall notify the AMS Assembly of all such transfers and any fee removals.
a. The VP Operations shall notify the AMS Assembly of all such transfers.
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Appendix E: External Alignment
Section 17: Full Membership
17:01:05 The Assembly shall establish a special committee on external alignment membership which shall submit an annual
report for each external body with which the AMS is affiliated. At the request of Assembly, the committee may submit a
recommendation in favour of membership renewal.
17:01:05 The Assembly shall establish a special committee on external alignment membership which shall submit a report for
each external body with which the AMS is affiliated in the academic year immediately preceding the year in which renewal of
membership is subject to Assembly review, or as otherwise deemed necessary by the Assembly. At the request of Assembly,
the committee may submit a recommendation in favour of membership renewal.
To be accompanied by the following changes to AMS Policy at the second reading:
Policy Manual 2, Section 6, Part D: Special Committee on External Alignment Membership
In accordance with Section 17.01.05 of the AMS Constitution, the committee shall annually conduct a comprehensive review
of all provincial or federal postsecondary education lobby groups with whom the AMS enjoys full membership status in the
academic year of Assembly immediately preceding the academic year in which the Assembly will vote on the renewal of its
membership in that group, or at any time as deemed appropriate by the Assembly.. This review shall take the form of a
written report which shall consider the group’s policies, membership structure, financial statements, and yearly activities
since the last review.
The report shall be presented by the committee to the AMS Assembly no later than the Assembly’s second last scheduled
meeting in the winter term and be shall made public to the society’s members.
AMS President or Designate*
AMS Academic Affairs Commissioner*
32 AMS Assembly Members
3 AMS Members-at-large**
*One of these positions shall serve as chair. Both shall be non-voting.
** Shall be selected by lottery from the pool of applicants. The Academic Affairs Commissioner shall be
responsible for publicizing the availability and responsibilities of these positions in the Journal, on the AMS
website and in other locations as deemed suitable, no less than fourteen days in advance.
ii) The committee shall be struck, in its entirety, no later than the third Assembly of the Fall Term.
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Appendix F: Motions of Reconsideration
AMS Policy Manual 1, Section 2, Part A: Assembly Rules of Order
11. Procedural Motions
A. All procedural motions shall:
I. be in writing;
II. be seconded;
III. commence with the word "That";
IV. not be preceded over debate on the main motion;
V. take precedence over debate on the main motion;
VI. not be debatable or amenable;
VII. not be moved by anyone who has previously spoken to the main motion;
B. After any question has been decided, any member may move reconsideration of the question.
I. Such a motion shall take the form "That the decision taken on motion (number of motion) of (date of
meeting at which the decision was taken) be reconsidered."
II. In order for a motion of reconsideration to be effective:
1. a member must rise on a point of personal privilege and state their notice of intention of moving
the motion (as outlined above) and notice must be given, at either:
a. the meeting at which the decision was taken or,
b. at the first subsequent meeting.
III. Debate about whether the motion is to be reconsidered shall occur at the meeting after notice has been
IV. It shall be out of order to proceed with a motion of reconsideration if it fails to meet the requirements of
subsection 3.
V. The Speaker may allow, at his or her own discretion, limited debate on a motion of reconsideration,
consisting of two speakers for the motion and two speakers against the motion. There shall be no right of
VI. Reconsideration of a decision taken on a motion shall require a 2/3 vote of the members present at the
time when the motion of reconsideration is decided.
VII. When notice is given that a decision will be reconsidered no action shall be taken as a result of that
decision until the reconsideration has been disposed of.
VIII. No question shall be reconsidered more than once, nor shall a motion of reconsideration be
C. After sufficient debate on a motion, any member may move the previous question.
I. Such a motion shall take the form "That the motion be put".
II. When the motion is resolved in the affirmative, debate is superseded, a brief summation by the mover of
the main motion shall be given, and the main motion shall be put directly to vote.
III. When the motion is resolved in the negative, the main motion is superseded and may not be put until a
subsequent meeting.
IV. A motion of previous question may not be put to an amendment.
D. A motion of reconsideration applies to a decision taken on a motion of a previous question.
E. Any person wishing to delay consideration of a question may move that the question be laid on the table.
I. Such a motion shall take the form "That the question be laid on the table".
II. When the motion is resolved in the affirmative, the main motion and all the amendments related thereto
are carried to the table and removed from consideration by Assembly at that time.
III. When the motion is resolve in the negative, the business proceeds as if no motion has been made.
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F. The consideration of any motion laid on the table may be resumed at any time upon a motion to be decided by a
simple majority.
I. Such a motion shall take the form "That the following question be raised from the table...".
II. A motion of reconsideration applies to a decision taken either to lay on the table or raise from the floor.
G. Any member may at any time move a motion of adjournment of the meeting.
I. Such a motion shall take the form: "That this meeting is now adjourned".
II. When the motion is resolved in the affirmative, all remaining business shall be superseded and the
meeting shall end, the time being recorded in the minutes.
III. When the motion is resolved in the negative, business shall proceed as if no motion has been made.
H. A motion of reconsideration applies to a decision taken on a motion of adjournment.
I. Each Assembly meeting shall adjourn at a point no later than four (4) hours after the time when it was scheduled
to begin, unless a motion to extend by thirty (30) minutes is passed by a two/thirds (2/3) majority at each thirty (30)
minute interval up to a maximum of five (5) intervals.
12. Motions of Reconsideration
AB. After any question has been decided, any member may move reconsideration of the question.
I. Reconsideration of a decision taken on a motion shall require a 2/3 vote of the members present at the
time when the motion of reconsideration is decided.
II. When notice is given that a decision will be reconsidered no action shall be taken as a result of that
decision until the reconsideration has been disposed of.
III. No question shall be reconsidered more than once, nor shall a motion of reconsideration be
IV. The Speaker may allow, at his or her own discretion, limited debate on a motion of reconsideration,
consisting of two speakers for the motion and two speakers against the motion. There shall be no right of
B. Reconsideration of a Substantive Motion
I. Such a motion shall take the form "That the decision taken on motion (number of motion) of (date of
meeting at which the decision was taken) be reconsidered."
II. In order for a motion of reconsideration to be effective:
1. a member must rise on a point of personal privilege and state their notice of intention of moving
the motion (as outlined above) and notice must be given, at either:
a. the meeting at which the decision was taken or,
b. at the first subsequent meeting.
III. Debate about whether the motion is to be reconsidered shall occur at the meeting after notice has been
IV. It shall be out of order to proceed with a motion of reconsideration if it fails to meet the requirements of
subsection 3.
V. The Speaker may allow, at his or her own discretion, limited debate on a motion of reconsideration,
consisting of two speakers for the motion and two speakers against the motion. There shall be no right of
VI. Reconsideration of a decision taken on a motion shall require a 2/3 vote of the members present at the
time when the motion of reconsideration is decided.
VII. When notice is given that a decision will be reconsidered no action shall be taken as a result of that
decision until the reconsideration has been disposed of.
VIII. No question shall be reconsidered more than once, nor shall a motion of reconsideration be reconsidered.
C. Reconsideration of a Procedural Motion
I. A member must rise on a point of personal privilege immediately after the decision is made and request
that the decision be reconsidered.
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II. Any reconsideration of a procedural motion will take place immediately and cannot be raised at a later
point in time.
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