airsho 2010 — keep `em flying
airsho 2010 — keep `em flying
O CTOBER -N OVEMBER 2010 HONORING AMERICAN MILITARY AVIATION THROUGH FLIGHT, EXHIBITION AND REMEMBRANCE A IR S HO 2010 — K EEP ‘E M F LYING By Col Bob Thompson The annual CAF AIRSHO and home coming was a success in both weather and the actual air show. This year each day saw clear skies, no wind and a large crowd for Saturday’s performances. Traveling to Midland, TX aboard the TBM were, Rob Duncan PIC and crew of Bob & Georgia Thompson plus Dorothy Dutton. The flight departed GJT on Thursday so as to be there on Friday when several events take place. One is the “Save the Girls” luncheon. This event is to raise money to support the Nose Art Collection. The annual CAF membership meeting was held in the new Commemorative Center on Friday afternoon. There was some light hearted entertainment when CAF President, Steve Brown, joined Aaron Tippin for some Country Western singing. Aaron Tippin is the CAF’s new national spokesman and star of the Red White & Loud tour with B-29 FIFI. oring American Combat Airman was held for the 14th time Friday evening. . This great event honored 7 individuals plus the “Misty” Forward Air Controller FACs from the Vietnam War. This was followed by the CAF’s general staff election. There were 6 openings this year. The nominating committee had recommended 5 Colonels and since a current GS member resigned the 6th new GS member would come from a floor nomination. Early Saturday saw our first revenue ride in the TBM. Returning in time for the pilot briefing was PIC Rob Duncan who flew our TBM in the show both days and an additional 4 revenue rides ending on Monday before our return to GJT departure. If you requested an Absentee Ballot and by now have not yet voted I recommend the following Colonels; the slate of Bell, Buttram, Johnson, Lumpkin and Wilson plus a floor nominee of Pardon. Be sure to return the ballot post marked no later than November 8th The Navy portion of the show saw the TBM flying along with a PV2 Harpoon, SB2C Hellcat, F4U Corsair, F8F Bearcat and F6F Hellcat. GO NAVY!!!. The ACAHOF banquet hon- Continued - See AIRSHO 2010 - Page 5 2010 RMWCAF S URVIVOR ’ S P ARTY 12/4/10 The 2010 RMWCAF Survivors Party is planned for December 4, 2010 at the CAF Hangar. Stand-by for more information. Does anyone know a great Recruiting Officer? I NSIDE THIS ISSUE : A IR S HOW S CHEDULE 2 C OLO . S PRINGS A IR S HOW 2 M AINTENANCE R EPORT 3 W ING L EADER ’ S R EPORT 4 COS A IR S HOW A DDEMDUM 4 S TAFF O FFICERS 5 Wendover, UT Wings & Wheels 6 HONORING AMERICAN MILITARY AVIATION THROUGH FLIGHT, EXHIBITION AND REMEMBRANCE O CTOBER -N OVEMBER 2010 C OLORADO S PRINGS A IR S HOW 10/2—10/3/10 By Col Bob Thompson from 13,500 ft we arrived at COS where the fun began. Our planned parking spot was taken by an Air Force F-4 Phantom that had a blown tire. Sounds like Steamboat Springs and the TBM. There were several other aircraft arriving, it was like a Chinese fire drill. No one seamed to know what to do???. After checking into the hotel we returned and low and behold they had a spot for us. It was right next to the public’s incoming gate. What good luck. This show on October 2, 3erd was the last scheduled event for 2010 except for CAF AIRSHO in Midland. Our plans were to stop at COS en route to Tucumcari NM then to MAF AIRSHO. Since TCC cancelled their show it was over the Rockies on Friday, do the show at COS on Saturday & Sunday returning on Sunday evening then plan for a trip to Midland on Thursday October 7th. Who’s confused??? After a beautiful flight over the Rockies seeing all the colors Frank Carrigan had met us upon arrival and we were then joined by Jim & Chrispy Peterson who drove their unofficial Air Force S-10 pickup with extra PX merchandise aboard. During the show RMW member, Paul Chaney came by to visit. He lives in COS and while member has not been to GJT. Good to meet you Paul. Thanks for your support. Saturday we set up the PX and wing walk to be fully deluged all day by customers. The line at the gate was almost ½ mile long and it took until noon to get all into the show!! Sunday RMW AIR SHOW SCHEDULE - 2010 I NS IDE S TO R Y HE MONTH DAYS LOCATION June 19 Boulder, CO Aug 21 Centennial Airport Aug 28,29 September SHOW TBM CUB STATUS ███ Completed Morgan Adams ███ Cancelled Jeffco, Broomfield, CO Colorado Sport ███ Completed 3,5 Steamboat Springs, CO Wild West Air Fest ███ September 11 Akron, CO NREE ███ September 11 Montrose, CO MTJ Open House September 25 Wendover, UT Wings and Wheels ███ Completed October 2,3 Colorado Springs In Their Honor AS ███ Completed October 6 Tucumcari, NM Rotary Club AS ███ Cancelled October 8,10 Midland, TX AirSho 2010 ███ Completed October 16,17 El Paso, TX Amigo Air Show ███ Cancelled November 6 Grand Junction, CO Veteran Parade ███ Confirmed ███ Completed Completed ███ Completed A DL I NE TBM SIC Col Bob Thompson does “Crowd Control” in Colorado Springs. Photo by Col Dorothy Dutton. Wal*Mart should get “Greeter” training from the RMWCAF “Greeter” - Col Jim Peterson Photo by Col Dorothy Dutton. P AGE 2 was a repeat and both days were the largest crowds this event has seen. Needless to say we did very well on tours and most importantly PX sales. The Petersons saved the day with their unofficial S-10 loaded with goodies. After the show on Sunday the Chinese fire drill once again became evident as we tried to depart. Blocked access out, no tug available with tow bar etc. We finally folded the wings and did find a tug to move us between the broken F-4 Phantom and a PV2 Harpoon. Spreading the TBM wings was observed by the modern military with awe. “Jets are for Kids” The flight crew over and back was Rob Duncan PIC, Dorothy Dutton Bilge Master and Bob Thompson SIC. The flight situation of having two TBM pilots aboard can be both exasperating and funny. Which way to go?? , what are your power settings??, No I do not want to fly as I can not see??. Was that the wheels and flaps being deployed??. OK, OK I will shut up on final approach. Yes it was good landing!!. Our THANKS to Bill Marvel, Floyd Suits and Don Coleman who met us at the hangar and put the bird back in the roost. See more about this Air Show on page 4. O CTOBER -N OVEMBER 2010 HONORING AMERICAN MILITARY AVIATION THROUGH FLIGHT, EXHIBITION AND REMEMBRANCE P AGE 3 M AINTENANCE R EPORT — T HE W INTER A GENDA By Col Bill Marvel Maintenance Officer As most of you know, the TBM and Cub have completed a very successful air show season, bringing into the CAF a substantial infusion of funds. Part of that money was used to repair the damage incurred by both aircraft at Steamboat. That work is complete and each aircraft has flown many flights since. The Cub requires little in the way of maintenance but the TBM is another matter. Due to its age, complexity and size, it simply creates maintenance demands like a magnet attracts iron. Fortunately, this winter’s schedule is for the most part a series of simple and routine tasks that just about any of our members can complete with a bit of help and supervision. Items on the schedule include the following: There are several other items also but this gives you the flavor of what is going to occur this (hopefully!) mild winter. Expanding on one of the above items, we have decided to build up a spare main wheel and tire assembly and to rotate the main wheels every year. This will allow us to remove one wheel a year to have an eddy current check performed on it to be sure that no cracks are developing in this high stress component. In essence the right main will go to the left main, the left main will come off for the eddy current check and the spare will go onto the right main. This means that each main tire and wheel assembly will be removed from flight status every two years for inspection. After the problem at Steamboat, Col Rob Duncan acquired two new (1956 vintage but still in the original box) wheels for the aircraft. I just took delivery of a new tire ($850) and a new tube for it ($225), so this is not inexpensive. However, our plan will result in a tested spare being available at all times and no tire/wheel assembly flying for more than two years prior to an inspection off the aircraft. One potentially major item was brought up in the most recent staff meeting. Col Bob Thompson noted that there will most likely be an expanded air show season next year and wondered if this would be a good time to perform a top overhaul on the engine. FYI, a top overhaul means leaving the engine on the aircraft but removing all 14 cylinders to be reworked and replaced. After some discussion, we concluded that a prudent course of action would be to bring in one or two TBM engine experts for a two or three day stay in Grand Junction. Working with us, they could do both a compression and borescope inspection of every cylinder 1. Replacing the rubber cockpit, bomb bay and cowling seals 2. Gluing down the raised edges on some of the fabric which covers control surfaces 3. Replacing a damaged hydraulic line in the bomb bay door circuit 4. Replacing some missing Dzus fasteners on gun bay doors and on the cowling 5. Building up a new main tire and wheel assembly to have as a spare 6. Installing radio control heads and gun sight for more realism The new tire, tube and wheel that will be built up as a spare. through the exhaust ports as a means of evaluating the engine. Along the way they could answer questions we have about some aspects of the engine and thereby increase our own knowledge in the process. This plan will likely be completed sometime during the winter months. All in all, the TBM is in fine shape and will require only some very basic maintenance off season. I say this because it is a great opportunity for those of you who would like to work on the plane but fear your skills are not up to it. Rest assured that is not the case. The work needed is not at all difficult. Doing it will not only increase your skill level but also will make you a better contributor to the organization. We’d appreciate your participation! Note the gouge on the bottom of this hydraulic system tube. This is in the bomb bay actuation circuit and will be replaced during winter maintenance. O CTOBER -N OVEMBER 2010 HONORING AMERICAN MILITARY AVIATION THROUGH FLIGHT, EXHIBITION AND REMEMBRANCE P AGE 4 Primary Business Address PO Box 4125 Grand Junction, CO 81502 Propwash Gazette Editor Col Tom Howe Phone: 970-872-7373 Fax: 970-872-7474 Email: RMWCAF on the Web “Switch On” CAF AirSho 2010 See more AirSho 2010 Photos - go to “KEEP 'EM FLYING" COS Air Show Report Addendum By Col Rob Duncan W ING L EADER ’ S R EPORT Two New CAF /RMW Members By Col Bob Thompson We welcome two new members to both the CAF and RMW Col Donna Rawlings joined at our recent open house after a ride in the TBM. Her interest in aviation comes from working at the Jet Center in Colorado Springs before moving to GJT in 1966. Her interests, beside aircraft are golf, reading, playing a guitar and writing. She is married to Rodger, a financial planner. We expect to see more of Donna as she becomes active in the RMW. Dorothy will be her mentor. Col Bob Caskey was recruited by Bill Marvel as they together are building a Zenith 801 four place home built. Bob was a Medic in the Air Force then spent 30 years with the Colorado Department of Wildlife here on the Western Slope. He retired as assistant to the State Director of CDOW. He is married to Sandra and enjoys (or is frustrated by) local politics. Bob is a Private Pilot with an Instrument Rating and looks forward to being more involved with the RMW. We are sure Bill Marvel has plans for Bob with help on the TBM. One notable item was the rare appearance of THREE P-47's at the event and their formation flyover. Sadly my camera battery was dead to capture this wonderful sight, much less the musical rumble of three R-2800's. This was the direct result of holding a reunion of the 365th Fighter Group, the "Hell Hawks" who flew close support missions in WWII. These 80+ year old men, including ground crew members, came out with had some great stories to share. Our after show refreshments were done at "The Airplane" restaurant, built from a complete C-97 "Stratofreighter". We took turns in its pilot seat although the original yoke and engine controls were ineffective. We could not locate the landing gear lever but a visual check confirmed "down and welded". The attached drinking bar was filled with hundreds of aircraft models, photos, aviation memorabilia, and its four combat flight simulators were always in use by other airs how pilots. The food was good too! Although our PX and Wing walk sales were great, no revenue rides were sold so we were able to come home on Sunday afternoon after the air show closed. There was a lengthy SNAFU in getting our TBM tugged out from its parking position which was facilitated by a wing fold. Nothing broke and the bees stayed away from Dorothy. O CTOBER -N OVEMBER 2010 HONORING AMERICAN MILITARY AVIATION THROUGH FLIGHT, EXHIBITION AND REMEMBRANCE RMWCAF STAFF OFFICERS Wing Leader Bob Thompson Executive Officer Bruce Verstraete Finance Officer James Thompson Adjutant Jerry McDonough Operations Officer Rob (Dunc) Duncan Maintenance Off. William (Bill) Marvel Museum & Mess Sergeant Dorothy Dutton Safety Officer Ken Brownlee Judge Advocate Gerald Feather Public Information Officers Collin Fay & Denis Godfrey PX Officer Georgia Thompson Newsletter Editor Tom Howe TBM Aircraft Coordinator Bob Thompson Cub Aircraft Coordinator Charlie Huff Facilities Managter Fred Nelson Facilities Rental Manager Bruce Verstraete Recruiting Officer * VACANT * AIRSHO 2010 Continued from page 1 The show was a pretty standard CAF AIRSHO with a mixture of Warbirds, Modern Military , Flip Flopper FINA Extra, Super Salto Sailplane and the major paid act of “Pirated Skies” . The Night Show saw fantastic performances by Matt Younkin’s, Beech-18 and the jet powered Super Salto sailplane. One major attraction was the return of B-29 FIFI. She not only flew in the show doing a great photo pass but was selling rides all weekend to an enthusiastic fortunate few. The return of B-17 Texas Raiders and PBJ (B-25) Devil Dog was another highlight of the show. A future issue of Dispatch will cover more about our annual AIRSHO, one that you must attend. Plan now to attend next year. It’s always the 2nd weekend of October. P AGE 5 AirSho work never ends. Col Bob Goubitz works to remove that oily grime that requires hours of ground crew effort to control And while Col Goubitz works, the rest of the Crew…….. See more AirSho 2010 photos at Additional comments are; Good to see RMW member Col Bob Goubitz who cleaned the TBM and assisted in the Rides Program. . Georgia and Dorothy did their finest in supplying Power Aid and water to flight crews. They loved the modern military guys. Army / Marine/ Navy rein actors were in force and added to the show. The free food on Sunday’s Survivors Party was damn good, as were the Margaritas in the Gunfighter Pub. Jet Noise from F-15’s F18’s and F-16’s are the” Sound of Freedom” but noise and smoke from a radial engine is what emotions are made of, there was lots of that at AIRSHO. The return flight of the TBM and crew was perfect. It must have been in honor of Dorothy’s last planned flight in her beloved TBM Avenger. Tom on the port wing, Dorothy in the bilge on a flight over the fall colors of Colorado. FIFI Lives — Again! A Near Miss by the Blastards Photo by Devin Bailey O CTOBER -N OVEMBER 2010 HONORING AMERICAN MILITARY AVIATION THROUGH FLIGHT, EXHIBITION AND REMEMBRANCE 2010 W ENDOVER , U TAH - W INGS Wendover Wings & Wheels Flight Line - 2010 The Wendover 2010 TBM Crew We were met on landing at Wendover by a friend of Matt McNamara who piloted the TBM, and his sons and a nephew. The boys were excited to see the TBM and went to work wiping oil. They were great and enjoyed helping. The TBM did not have a lot of oil so the chore was not too difficult, but it was great to see these young boys working and doing such a good job. Maybe we met some young boys who will one day fly a WWII aircraft or one from one of the other conflicts in which the US has been involved, thus keeping the Commemorative Air Force alive and well. Col Dorothy Dutton AND P AGE 6 W HEELS It MUST be the uniform! When the flying stops, the engine roar subsides, the crowds leave, the sun begins to set—then the real heroes of Warbird air shows everywhere rest in silence—but not alone. THIS SPACE AVAILABLE For more Photos taken by RMWCAF Cols Please send your photos To Tom Howe - Propwash Editor
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