Day 3 - Disney World
Day 3 - Disney World
I m ntr 3t 7' IIU THIRTRf '*# WELCOME TO CABO SAN LUCAS... MAKING MEMORIES - A SCRAPBOOKING PARTY. VISTA SPA BINGO dt^rt .r."tirg anrl collccting your cruisc mcmories at tltis scrapbooking session. Your Future Cruise Salcs N{anager rvill bc on hrnd n'ith a spccial gilt lor all attcnclccs. /' 1)n ,h" Binso crerv as rvc pla1' for four cash prizcs! \Ve also .liave some grcat rafie prizes courtcs]' of the Vista Spa. FAMILY CABARET: KISSIMMEE SIMMONS WALK A MILE Join our Cnrise Stafftearn Dcck ,1. as tl)c-v power walk a milc around z' foin Kissimmcc for a liamily Cabaret, leaturing some of f'out favoritc songs from Disney's Lion King on Broadrvitl', as rvell es some othcr favoritcs from her Broadrvly career. SO YOU THINK YOU KNOW YOUR FAMILY? MTNNIE'S FIESTA GRANDE t6e 'lliintl out horv rvell ]'ou knorv or don't know your familrt prrty ltrn family gamc sltorv is ahval's lull of surprises. Come join some of your lavoritc Disnel'Cltaractcrs in all f'un fcstivities at "N{innie's F-iesta Granrlc!"This fun cleck ..\"t,rrt.. the magic, music and ctrlture of N'lcxico- PORT ADVENTURES I M PORTANT Please check your tour rickets for mccting times and locations. €X "*fi'*',ifi:';lth'. Book and deposit it before B:30 p.m. Thursday for a chance to win a $100 onboard credit for this cruise! Future Cruise Salcs Desk, Dcck 4 Midship. IN Tlris ADULT CABARET FORMATION Visit the Port Advcnnrres Desk, Deck rrt W {F 7#" rsrA rPA 3, N{idship for anv questions. Vista Spa special Ladics and Gents'Pamper Special: A passage, facial, Rain Forest time and champagne - a two hour indulgcncel Only $125 per person. Visit the reception desk or diaIT-7465. liire / Sccurity N4edical trMtrRGENCY Herlth Center 7-3001 7-3000 7 1923 Movic SPECIAL Dalmatians (G) Princess Gatherinr Lohhv Atrirrm CIIAXAC'IEB Movie: Pinocfio (G) Please note: The Princess Partv be rcpcatcd later in rhe cruisc. For dctailcd chuacter information. plcasc dial 7-PALS or refcr to thc information scrccn in thc Lobby Arium. will Prince of Persia (PG-13) Toy Story 3 (G) MOVIES FAMILY 10"1 Buena VistaTheatrc Buine VislaThcare Boud eames availablc for plav Dive rsi o"n s / ( yll$gg^llgpf s: Scrapbooking Pa1 WalkaMilc FAMILY Mcet in Prcludcs ADULTS ADULTS Yosa (rmryaY Promenade.J*mir,*- FAMILY Fdends of P.ort Shopping Guide Arailable ) Chio it Golf Lob6y Arrium Diamond & Gemstone Seminu Promcnadc Lougc Bill W. GrouD Uvclrns Animtor's Paletc Vish Spla Clin .8:d6n Wii Chalence Divcnions <7:U0m, Vista Spa 'cJ Ooen House tf Momins CrrftTime ltf Cluabclll Moo luia Bord Gmc Challcngcs tf CudGms tf Oemer lf Hcfrlunp Hunting UMrkcYow Om Instumcnt Luch Princas Cnfo l,iqhts- Cmcre Imomv! Maio Mid<ey! Mrtchcs Crtmn Comcr Rangcrs Chr[eng€ ComputcrTirne Mrble Mmia Prpcr Planc Makinc Resort LBhtLuch Light Satchd Makins UGamBall Wii Guiur Huo Clullurge lUsingAlons Muio Krn Chdlcnge MovicTimc I lf,MqimCrafts CutmnTime SlidcTime Crafts ComputcrTine Chillilin Picmso Potrto Pmh Stctches DnsUpFu! U Chillin'in Vibe Edge Muio Kart Challenge 0rigatni Anirnation Cells UAnimationAntic Movie: Monsters Inc. (G) SPECIAI, cHAMcmaP:,{:#;*,9Am:f I*.'"Tf lffi rJsff ji*7-PAts Daisy Minnie Tiana Lobby Lobby Fundvision >7:32 p.m. MOVIES Showtime: JimmyThmley Walt Disncy Thcarc FAMILY flua III'ULTS Divcreions L WiiHomeDerbv Diversions Boot Camp ADULTS Visb HotTub Hour Chillin'in 6c Lab CatcJr Phnse Soccer Chillin'in thc Lrb Fac Painting ComputcrMadnes Chcs Chdlcngc SPECIAL r__l Frmnelvision Cindenlh OIABACTEB L Prcludcs etl" MOVIES Bucna FAMILY Visia Thcate VistaThcatc WavcBmds Showtime: Disney Karaoke FAMILY JimmyTamley Sm&oSca Walt DisneyTheatrc BnsoCrd Vista Soa FAIIILY --- (PG) inWona.rl"na (PC) l- -- .-sY*TirlY*l(n'Y* F- Piano After Prelalo P'"-."#. Duk ADULTS Collece Club ADULTS Divcnions ?lAll Ship Frctor lf Plutm Pajma Party UHmmBingo BisS.*"[-ch,til;f Arrud&Worldi! @sr Sorn Widc World of DmUpFun! lf Smd Crefts 'tf ChcsToumment tec ^I rmc U ScarengerHut All For One Rehemel I eh*l"t'rchdL"gil-= A.ll For Onc _E*ningMoni.- Speed Stack l HOURS OF OPEMTION FUN FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY PHONE 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m. - 12;00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 a.m. 7-18500 7-7440 7-1445 10:00 a.m.. - 12:00 a.m. 7-5810 7-1456 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 a.m. Flounder's Reef Nursery Oceaneer Club Oceaneer Lab Edg. Vibe WALK A MILE 9:00 u,m. n'Ieet ot Preludas (Ilhl/< storts ot 9:15 u.m.) MAKING MEMORIES. A SCRAPBOOKING PARTY TW "1jfr13' FLOU N :0 0 o.n. 1 n itrt utor i Ps la te Start creating and collecting your cruise memories at this scrapbooking session. Your Future Cruise Sales Manager will be on hand with a special gift for all 9 DER'S REEF NURSERY Deck 5 Midship (7-18500) Infants and Toddlers can enjoy toys and activities at Flounder's Reef Nursery. Reservations are fust come, fust served so please stop by! CHIP IT GOLF 1:00 p.m. Lobby itriunr It's par for the course for guests 12 and older to compete on our special "greens" in this fun tournament. ffin*ml?::hry/3?f#kfi|n, CRUISIN' FOR TRIVIA f.m. P ronren tde l.ounge 2 :.1 0 Join our Cruise Staffteam as we put your knowledge to the test. VISTA SPA JACKPOT BINGO 7:15 p.n. Promenade l.ounge CLUBHOUSE SERIES Sebastian'sJunkanooJam *2:l5p.m. -The dance floor awaits you for singing, dancing and a good time. Join the Bingo crew as we play for four cash prizes! We also have some great raffie prizes courtesy ofthe Vista Spa. DISNEY KARAOKE STORYBOOK SERIES 7:.101>.m. Plutot Pajama Party at 7:00 p.m. - The dance floor awaits you for singing, Studio Sea Be a singing superstar when you and your family take the stage and sing along to your favorite tunes. dancing and a good time. PIANO AND VOCAL FAVORITES JUMP UPI SERIES 9:.10 Parachute Games rt 4:45 p.m. - What could be more fun than playing fun games with a parachute Pianist Alex Hopkins pays tribute to the songs of Sir Elton John. CREATE & INVENT SEI?IES Frnd out how well you know or dont know your family This fun family game show SO YOU THINK YOU KNOW YOUR FAMILY? 9:15 Larra Flow at 4:15 p.m. - Buld your own volcano and watch it erupt leam about the phpics ofvolcanos as p.m. Studio Ses is always fi-rll of surprises. you IN IHF. SPOITIGI.IT SERIES AII For One at 11:00 p.m. - Get'cha Head in the game for a "Fabulous" High School Musical Karaoke Show that's something you dont want to can "Bet on it". Families, come watch your children be stars in p.m. Pronrentdc l-ounge w Studio Sea, starting at 8:30pm SOLVE ITISF.RIES Human Bingo at 7:15 p.m.- Come and try to solve this game of Bingo while you make some great new friends. OUT AND ABOUT SERIES - Recommendedfor ages 11-13. Capture the Flag at 4:30 p.m. - Come play a fun game of Capture The Flag with your new friends, which team will be the ultimate winnner? ADU LT EXCLUSIVE ENTERTAI NM ENT PIANO AND VOCAL FAVORITES 7:30,9:.10, 10:30 and 11:30p.m. Cadillac Lrnmge ACTIVITIES FOR 1 1-13 YEAR OLD Deck2 Midshi? (7-5810) KARAOKE @ 2:45 PM. Sing the afternoon away in our very own version ofkaraoke. ACTIVITIES FOR 14.1 7 YEAR OLDS ll Miikhip (714s6) PISTON CUP CHALLENGE @ '12:00AM Let's get ready to race! Can your car creation hold up against "The Famous Lightening McQreen?" Dech Join Alor Hopkins as he plays inspired performances, featuring specialty sets 'Jazz and Cocktails" (7:30 p.m.), "Tiibute to Singers and Songwriters" (10:30 p.m.) and takes yor.u requests (11:30 p.m.). Pianist Evelina de Lain also performs a special set entitled, "Tiibute to Billie Holiday" (9:30 p.m.). ALLSTARS AND DJ FRANKIE 9:15 snd 11:.70 2.n. IIhuBands Bust a move out on the dance floor with our live band, AllStars. Afterwards, DJ Frankie will piay the tunes that will keep you dancing all night long. COLLEGE CLUB SOCIAL 1 0:00 p.n. D i,itcrs i on s Meet other 78 - 27 year olds and share some laughs. DISCO LEGENDS 1 1:00 p.n, llh"t,elJsnds (Guests 1 8 yenrs and oldcr) Put on your platform shoes and hit the dance floor as we catch a disco fever. Our all NEW'70s dance party will have ,vou spinning like a disco ball. f MOBE EO ETOOYWHIITE OIIBOARD ART GALLERY Come by the Art Gallery to view artwork from world renowned artisrs as well a5 otititr" Disney artl Learn how to save 40 to 600/o off retail prices! Deck 4, Midship. SAY CHEESEII ALL your phoros in digital format on CD for $399.95! Conditions apply. Visit Shurters photo -- Gallery, Deck 4, Aft. g"tffiilL"#IATI;::',-'"and€etanonboardcredit if you book onboard. Need more infJl cruise sa., o.,r, oeck 4, c^tr7-2s48;,fi;* F;*re DIAMOND AND GEMSTONE SEMII{AR secrers thar will maximize your bling for your buck. leari.lifustry Fiee $100 midnight sapphire for all who aitend. 9:3"0 a.m. in the Promenade Lounge, Deck 3, Aft. ua€p . 14 7:oo eu, - B3o Rv. Dbney Vacdion Cbb Desk 4:00 Pt\r, - 10:00 Pi\.4. Futurc Cruise Desk 4:oo pl\4, - 6:oo pr\4, G@t/s Pool Gcst Seryi€ Dsk Holth Cenler Pool lri*eF Slide PreIUdE (SNAqq) UPEN DURING SHOW TIIVES Ouarier Master 9:30 A.t\,4. - 11:00 A.t\4. Parot c.y Trims Butret Hous Pln@chiob pizqia Gooty! cafley Tritils Bsh Blanket Butret Pincchio! Prcremde pat8re. Parct Caf Pturob Dog (A La pM. g:30 pM, - 12:00 MD 11:00 pM. - 12:00 MtD 11:00 p,[/. B€reEge Statim 7j00 A.t\,l. - g;00 A,tV. A.M, 130 - tO:30 8:00 A,[r, - g:30 8:00 A,[,j. - 1t:00 - 12:00 MtD 24 HoURS 24 HouRs Room Sedice A,lV. A.trr. Bar Hours A,]V. Bars are solely tor adults I 8 ano oldel except dunng scheduled lamrly events. Adults must De 21 and older to consume alcoholic beverages. tO:45 e,U, - 6:OO CU. ON DECK tO:45 e,l,t, - 6:OO nV. 10:45 A.t\,4, j2:00 - 7:00 Coe p]\4. p,t\4, 1:30 pM. 12:00 EtV. - 2:00 p,[.,], Catu Z:00 Al\4. - 12:00 gtJ0 A.t!l, - 12t00 Outl@k C8te & Wtn€ Bar Ancchio! Pizzeria 9:00 Hds A,t\,,l. - 12;00 t\,jtD MtD iVtD tO:45 e,U. - 6:OO eU. 9:00 A,M, - 10:30 pM. siemls 5:45 CU, & Bf5 Crr,r. 5t45 Cw. & 8f5 cnr. LOUNGES PErud6 5:45 ev. & 8r5 er,.,r. 6:00 PM, - g:30 P[/. Carig63O CV. - B:30 nV. Prommde 0pel Lounge srudioses ountruG sHow tr|rs 8:00 Ll,,t, - 12:00 VtO Opel ountne EVENTS oNLY Route 66 (r8 ' he-enanged s.eting assignnehh lounge Dirc6io6 LATE NIGHT SNACKS Go4A Ga[€y (CE-CREAM) 7:00 pM. ero oroeR lnen g:oo Cadilhc - rAr p Secuity Notice l\,,ttO IV|D rrt like to have your boarding passes printed lllou lout{ an! haye your.luggage pxrry tecome Airline Checklin. 0**'ffi" T-4or,*,,.,P Bienvenidos and welcome to Cabo San Lucas, the pearl of the a place full ofadventure. Enjoy the freeaoni ofyour very own itinerary when you embark on a private yacht or piivat. ,r.hi.l. or your very own deluxe vil1a. Soak up the spictacular scenery on ajourney by catamaran to the tip ofon. ofih- longest peninsulas in the world. We are waiting to answer your qr.rtio.r, at the port Advenrures Desk, Deck 3, Midship. Pacific, SHOPPING rower quet }ulqr) Aq r )l ,, /..t Disney Cruise Line 2011 Celebrate your cruise with Disney Cruise Line 2011 dated merchandise. A wide uariety of 207I branded Disney Cruise Line items are available in Mickey's Mates, Deck 4, Forward. Take home a wonderful memory ofyour cruise with a one-of-a-kind navigational chart. Don't miss your chance to bid on the actual chart used on this voJzge.The bid sheet and a sample ofthe chart are on view outside Tieasure Ketch. Visit Radir Tiap, Deck 3, Forward, to 6nd a huge selection ofdury free liquor and rll,u Crr houF hoilr J0 r. r.rqr,ir U0f rn nt s00 Ln Inclement Weather Forthesrfa$ot illCue*s.ourloorertnnrndlr chrrsed due k, urfoe{rn $tlher run,t,n,".' No Reservcd Scars Policy A. ,,o',nc.! r,.rllC,e r dtr it\,€rt,trm. ".L qn,sdril. i r rrynrrrrtJrr rht\\ihDr r"r ILerm, rrrirh .n,,'{. irl,e.',r,1 u,s^Fn.r 1rnnnatL,rDt,I9 LrrJtU lthterirrr.nrerdat willlf,rcntnleJ tolosr.trrl iirLLnil at Guesr Sfni.c\ De.t TltAaull f,ltell DesignerWatches Start our new itinerary on time with a wide assortment of designer watches, including DKNY, Fossil and Puma. Exclusive Disney Cruise Line Dooney and Bourke Bags assorted styles available. New styles just arrived. Tieasure Ketch, Deck 4 Midship. Mexican Riviera Collectables Take home a piece of Disney Cruise Line history with an exclusive collection of Disney Wonder Mexican Riviera merchandise. Choose from men's and ladies fashion tees, hoodies, scrapbooks and kits, postcards, glasses and photo albums. l-or rln rourii,n oiour oresr t|e tbllorvne &,as rcJeliqnrted ii Smoking&rs Qrn diL, on rhe srrrLrrrd Sde (qcludirg \lickry pool aer) Srr[krrq p n6,*n;n.3 .rDR-k J, )tublid U0.,il/ r 0 0t)t'n Siltr,iaile,iubiretrl q.rtero, rns Crresh to,!d !ilnLnq rn ther.t.rteru rn. v LII ix tfiuped.r S-'50 q,rer,,o- Ir rLi in .rll \. Designer Dooney and Bourke SilentAuction ill ro .d O,,^C {t V ur Conidor Qriet lforrrs for you taken to^the airport for you, stop by li::it! Lruest beruces to see if you qualify for Onboard Pleae rvrsh iurrts nqueulr md rhoroqirlq beibre mats. Conrn rhe Ilerhh bydiilinq 7-1923, should rurone rr more. OilBOARD AIRLINE CHECK II{ pun-dull CeDrer i;:iy;nr Midrhi ;;;;J;ur A *.tr}il;n'f,]:'l.Iiru::ro,,T;r_1r.'rTn.' tobacco products. AI CusE iitrlud'ng Ctuldrr t rvho wish ru drffib&kor€n${k ra mrutd ro prent rlei Kcyro rheWor'ldcrd jt the emry,v ' A photo lD is rL.o requiad rb' *"* C,*i, t o " re 18pm of .rge orol&rGu* uder rhe.rpe of 18.8 rquird ro hrre i Prent.Cudil, ni odkr Eponsibk rdulr sigrr ru rurhnnalon lonn rrrlr dDeiri5gikD out iithrywsh ro go rsh,e mrccornpied.,ALrhonunoD fonn!.N j\),trhlF rt the gngwrn rnd Cmt Sen ica +, wyTrT&ilf["tT,ifl,!::J'.;4."r:flrDerox rr BuyDutyFree crv,) 6:00 pw, - t2:00 280 ptv. - 12:00 Itibv€Bands opEN Duntnc sctttouLeo Evrtrs Oprru 2:oo 11:OO pil,,t. club besk o., D'..k . iar,."y I trt,tca ADDED FEATURES H@* Eech Bbnkd Loung€ Route66 Auto's Dos TriloN. l\4lD g:OO n,U, - AnntVnl _ 5:30 Ptv. 11:00 PM. '' / *' Pizzeia DINNER Animatot! A.Nt, Saton LUNCH Plriol Dos 6:00 Radar TEp 5:30 Ptv. - 11;00 Pt/, vish spa Fitn6s center 6;00 A,[r, - 10:00 p[4. Msb spa and 8:OO e.U. - IO:OO Rl,t. BREAKFAST Butht HoURS - i2:00 10:00 A.tV. - jj:00 Ouiet Core Dlning Hours Bhnket 24 Foot Shutte6 Tesurc Xetch 24 HouRs Consumers wno order raw or parttajty cooked, ready-to-eal iood ol animat ongt^. are hereby rnlormed that the lood is not suffrciently cooked to ensure tls sately. B*h Crr,r. ervr, 5:30 PN/. - 11:00 PM. B:oo n,u. - to:oocm. 9:00 A,M, - 5:30 Pt\.,t. B:oo n.v. - 6:oo pu calley - 8:30 cnt, "(1 coot/s 7:30 eU. l,v, - tt:oo 4:30 PM. - 7:00 Pt\.,|, g:oo Lv, - ARnrvrr Mi*ey Splash Zore D6k 7:30 cu. - B3o 6100 Micke/s Maies tiri*e/s PorlAdrentuE Desk 8:OO l.V. - lO:30 LV, 7:oo cr,r, - 8:30 Rl,r. Port & Shoppins ?r o N ffi P Ad Gallery vAGATtOrtt PARAD|SE ,qfl R., cL" ff fi :,Ti:: 36;:'l:,i:l',in Midship SURF @ SEA $0.75 per minute or save money by buying blocks of time. $55.00 for 100 minutes, $100.00 for 250 minutes'and'$150.00 for 500 minutes. wireless information sheets are available ar Guesr Services, 3, MidJip.-- FlilD youR erer rrorrn li:e Theih(.ilF onrarre. jnrl 0ermfcialtia {ror p\rotstuu.\ prrotcluris nrd rrd ofier orher nErel Jt s. +rral eild *;rl ofouped;nn* tire,orubnot *rok Lghrr. lgn F. For th€ u "nd rho* murd rou, rhe ofiL,h phorognphyand sdeo Kordi,,g i, prohibiFd. Verandah Satbry PIer<do rrot lerw rnliornbustble Lmredrts oil 1ou brJ.orr when rroipr*nr itlnu{artroom I 11,,1h4, oWiCl'/7WC/o1.30.1 n 1 77lCB @Disney 1 1 I I
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