The vision January 19, 2016 The concert on Sunday evening with Greater Vision was absolutely incredible. The attendance was great and the presence of God’s spirit was greater. Thank you for praying for them and for the concert. It was an added blessing to have Geraldine Ragan to worship with us on Sunday morning and to add laughter to the Sunday evening concert. She is a woman whom God has gifted as no other. Our Lord was honored and the people were greatly blessed. We are rapidly approaching special days of revival with Dr. Grady McMurtry. Now is the time to invite your friends from near and far to come hear Dr. McMurtry. Sunday 8:45 a.m. (Youth - Adults) 900 years old? Sunday 10:30 a.m. The Creationist View of Marriage Sunday 6:00 p.m. What is Really in the Ground? Monday 7:00 p.m. Mount Saint Helens Tuesday 7:00 p.m. Dinosaurs and People Really Did Live Together Wednesday 7:00 p.m. The Complexity of the Universe Wayne Robertson Pastor It is time for you to be thinking and praying about the Collingsworth Family concert which will be Wednesday, March 9 at 7:00 p.m. You may have many friends and people where you work that will have an interest in hearing the Collingsworth Family. I am continually amazed and grateful for the ministry you perform through the Sunday School each week. It is an honor to the Lord Jesus and a tremendous blessing to your pastor. Brother Wayne JANUARY 31 Sunday Schedule: 8:45 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 6:00 p.m. FEBRUARY 1 - 3 Monday - Wednesday 7:00 p.m. Basic Training class begins this Sunday and concludes on February 28. Topics include the leader’s personal life, the purpose and function of the Sunday School, class organization & officers, visitation & evangelism, Bible study techniques, the lesson aim, basic teaching methods, and lesson planning. Detailed course schedules are available. John Yates PLEASE SIGN UP BY THIS THURSDAY, JANUARY 21 so materials can be prepared for Sunday. If you have questions or an interest in taking the class please speak to me, email me (johnyates@morningside.ws), or call the church office (229-242-1426). College & Career Fellowship Students are back in town and classes are in session. As a “welcome back” event, we will have a very special fellowship on Friday, January 29. The evening will include food, inspiration, fun, and games. It all begins at 6:30 p.m. at the College & Career building. Do you know someone in the College & Career age group who does not have a church home? Invite them to Sunday School and/or the upcoming fellowship. The College & Career department targets single folks who are post-high school up to around 30 years of age. That includes students and young professionals. Dr. Grady McMurtry I’m excited about hearing Dr. McMurtry again. The topics he will cover (listed in Brother Wayne’s article) will be fascinating and inspiring. In addition to the regular 10:30 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. services on Sunday, January 31, the Youth, College & Career, and Adults will get the “bonus” of hearing Dr. McMurtry during the Sunday School hour. Those age groups should go directly to the Worship Center at 8:45 a.m. We will check attendance by giving you a slip of paper on which you will print your name, your teacher’s name, and any contacts you wish to report. We will collect those slips of paper and use them to tally up our Sunday School attendance for the day. Christ-like behavior – what is it and how do you compare to Christ's standard of behavior? Discover answers to those questions by coming to Sunday School this Sunday at 8:45 a.m. I hope to see you there! Brother John Prayer - Outreach - Ministry - Fellowship Baby Dedication Sunday, January 24 6:00 p.m. Register your baby online at www.morningside.ws Deadline to register is Wednesday, January 20. I Stand Redeemed Written by Kelly Garner, Christina Degazio and Belinda Smith When I think of all my faults and all my failures; When I consider all the times I’ve let God down; I’m humbled by the grace He has extended; I’m amazed at the mercy I have found. I could never earn His love on my own, Yet every time I come before His throne David Tew I stand redeemed by the blood of the Lamb; I stand redeemed before the great I AM; When He looks at me, He sees the nail-scarred hands That bought my liberty; I stand redeemed. Even at my best, I am unworthy; I have nothing precious I can give; A broken life is all I have to offer And yet, it is a priceless gift to Him; The bitter mark of sin will never fade away, But I can come before Him unashamed; When He looks at me, He sees the nail-scarred hands That bought my liberty; I stand redeemed. I stand redeemed! Take a few moments to consider where you might be without the Lord in your life. Then thank Him for the redemption He provided and for including you in His family. Also consider His mercy each day, even when we are so unworthy. Praise God for His willingness to forgive every sin and loving us through all our faults and failures. We cannot fathom the depths of His love for us. What an enormous love we receive daily from the great I AM! The youth ministry is looking forward to DiscipleNow weekend on Friday and Saturday, February 26-27. This is an overnight event beginning at the church Friday evening with the youth spending the night in host homes, then returning to the church on Saturday. It’s a weekend filled with fun, fellowship and lots of Bible study. This event is also open to friends of the youth. Please be thinking about who you want to invite. Work on the details of the weekend is underway. Because He Lives, Brother David Wednesday, March 9 7:00 p.m. Doors will open at 6:00 p.m. KINGDOM BUILDERS’ CORNER WE NEED TO OBTAIN CURRENT MEDICAL RELEASE FORMS FOR EACH OF OUR YOUTH. The forms are being handed out now to parents and guardians. The forms need to be completed and notarized. For your convenience, “Miss” Shirley Register will be available to notarize the forms on Sunday, February 7 from 4:30 – 5:30 p.m. in the hallway going into the Youth Building. Forms should be returned to “Miss” Sue Norris or left with “Miss” Shirley Register. THE YOUTH CHOIR IS SCHEDULED TO SING SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 7 - 6:00 P.M. DISCIPLE NOW WEEKEND IS SET FOR FEBRUARY 26-27. MORE DETAILS COMING SOON! Nursery Team D for January 24 - 30, 2016 24 HOUR HOSPITAL HOTLINE....... 229-242-1344 Church Records January 17, 2016 Worship Service Morning Worship ..............................................356 Nursery ........................................................ 17 Total 373 Evening Worship ......................................... 493 Nursery ........................................................ 15 Total 508 Sunday School Attendance: Preschool ..................................................... 31 Children ....................................................... 27 Youth ........................................................... 35 College & Career .......................................... 28 Adults ......................................................... 221 Total 342 Contacts .................................................. 1,007