The eP2P Application
The eP2P Application
The eP2P Application Demystifying Human Resource Information System a 100% web-based HR System 1 We are dedicated to defining and creating powerful human resource management tools that deliver value to organization and is versatile to the test of time and the inevitable change that comes with it. Our web based solution leverages on cutting edge technology to provide a web solution that links work, people and the organization through an integrated and interactive HR system. Called the eP2P Application, it offers a standalone eHR application solution and is capable of integrating with any third party HR Systems by complementing each other based on the applications’ functionality offerings. With the enhancement potential to meet future demands, the eP2P Application is capable of catering to a wide variety of system and business process requirements of an organization. The eP2P Application is a 100% web based HR System which automates the empowerment and decision making processes with a wider coverage of HR activities. Utilizing latest web technological tools, the eP2P Application is capable of delivering a wide variety of HR functionality to the source by allowing employees and supervisors to transact own and subordinate information directly into the database. This eliminates the need for a centralized data entry activity by HR Department. Using the World Wide Web as its main platform of access, the eP2P Application is capable of reaching all employees and stakeholders via Intranet or Internet through a common website, thus allowing access to information from anywhere. It reduces the dependent of rigid back-office system user licenses through single point of access from web browser to information, services and applications. With its Decision Flow, the eP2P Application offers approval process via the web. The eP2P Application is easily customizable to meet any specific HR requirements presently and in future. Our solution guarantees a significant reduction in manual handling of HR activities such as personal data update, leave application, grievances handling, appraisal and decision process, etc. This is because of each and every employee is equipped with system authorization to access to these ‘control’ information and activities. This greatly reduces the need for ‘pen and paper’ activities. e-Medical e-Appraisal e-Discipline e-Time e-Form e-Training e-Posting e-Policy e-Leave e-Financial e-Data HR Base Component e-Claim HR Self Service Component e-Development The eP2P Application consists of 2 major components:- Global Setting Employee Administration Performance Management Compensation & Benefits Industrial Relation Leave Management Training Management Recruitment Employee Development Reporting Management Position Management Policy & Procedures Payroll Authorization Management Audit Trail 2 General Features The general features of the eP2P Application contain the user defined global setting of the application ‘behaviors’, the setting of Decision Workflow and its routing, the Manager’s review folder for decision making, the individual message box indicating queries and application status, and the announcement folder for disseminating general notification to all employees. These features are embedded into the application based on the type of user accesses. Main MainPage Page Company CompanySetting Setting Generic GenericSetting Setting Module ModuleSetting Setting Authorization AuthorizationSetting Setting Global GlobalSetting Setting The Global Settings in eP2P Application allows companies to suit their specific requirements based on all of its modules offering. This allows company’s specific HR business process requirements to be mapped and tailored into the eP2P Application as required. The eP2P Application comes with a built-in workflow capability called Decision Flow, which control the routing and relaying of submissions. There are several types of submissions in the application. There are submissions from subordinates to supervisors for a decision, responses from supervisors to subordinates, applicant to recommender and from recommender to the approver. Decision Flow Module A Module B Recommender Primary 9 9 Approver Secondary Primary 9 Secondary 9 9 9 Module C Expert User Primary 9 Secondary 9 9 9 9 These are done in an orderly manner, which the Self Service application will be sent automatically to the superior for a decision. Similarly, the decision authority can send any query back to the applicant via the applicant’s message folder. For submissions that require a decision making, this can be done via the Decision Flow Table, which is transparent to the users during system setting. Apart from the modules capabilities alert review announcement message present within this Application, we realize that there might be other important features that organizations appreciate. Some of the ones that we believe are important in any HR environment have been included in the application. The Announcement feature allows for expert users and supervisors to circulate important company wide or department specific information to all employees within an organization. Undeniably the grapevine has been the time tested method for spreading word around town but we believe in structure and as such have built this into our application. Another defining feature is the Message folder. This folder will collect all queries from supervisors which might arise during the processing of employee applications. Employees will be able to keep up to date with the application process and answer queries from their supervisors accordingly. We also realize the need for an Online User Guide. This functionality comes standard with our application to assist employees in navigating within the system. 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Ahma NDSB 5 4veM an i am ma NDSB Cl uste r ( Pe rfo r man ce Ca tego ry) CUR VE TYP E 1 o t 8 Gener ic Po licy Curv e s 8 Cus tomis e dP olicy Cur veM (Curve 8 oa/l nlyR) ama NDSB 5 man an i am SU B- CUR VE S1 t o 5 (f orCur v es7 a n d 8 on 1 1 2 3 5 teg 6 7NDSB da Cl uste r6 ( Pe rfo4rA cenan Ca ob. ry)Abdul CUR VE TYP E 1 o t 8 8 C URV ARDI r A(fl oC u r ve Le ve l 1 00 %1 1 00 %2 1 00 %3 1 00 %4 00 %5 1 00 %6 1 00 %7 SUEB-GR CU VE ENST1 (t ofo5 rCur v )ses7 a n d 8 on75 % 1 6 Noo A r1da Abdul NDSB 7 25 Azlnan enda M25 NDSB 85 % Grad e i nt 25 % 25 % 25 % % 25 % 25 % % C ON /CONC Yr (fo u rr ve ves )s2 t o CV UEX RV TIEYGR A DIENATV(TI fo A rl C Cu 75 % Le ve l 1 00 % 1 00 % 1 00 % 1 00 % 1 00 % 1 00 % 1 00 % No.oRahi r25 Azl enda bt. M25 NDSB 8 7 A bd 85 % Grad e i nt 25 % 25 % 25 % 25 % %m b. 25A % b NDSB % C ON VEX TI Y /CONC A V TI Y (fo r Cu r ves 2 t o H R i 8 A bd. Rahim b. A b NDSB 30 25 (f ) Ca teg f Ca teg f 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% E quiflex 0.00% E quiflex 0.00% 70 Fr eque ncy (% ) Ad dit io n a l In cr e m e nt Fr eque ncy (% ) Bu dge t Bu dge t G ra d e $ In c re . % I nc re . G ra d e $ In c re . % I nc re . Re l at i ve We ig ht We have embedded custom made reports for each module in the eP2P Application based on our extensive HR practice and consulting experience. For more thorough and in-depth analysis, we have enlisted the collaboration of a third party reporting tool provider. Our third party reporting tool, Crystal Decisions, offers a dynamic web based solution that is both flexible and powerful. The reporting environment we aim to provide organizations through this collaboration is one which utilizes the web for fast and interactive reporting of information gathered from any relational data source. No longer are static HTML pages acceptable. 0 30014820 9 51 0 30963701 7 89 0 00443996 3 77 0 30960044 2 93 0 30313196 8 02 0 30613231 9 18 0 30523061 8 29 1 30573452 9 08 1 31443157 1 49 1 31593744 0 11 0 01493659 6 70 0 00490049 3 66 1 30320449 9 03 1 31413632 3 49 1 31623441 2 63 0 11073362 6 42 1 30761807 7 36 0 21883776 8 87 0 2 88 78 5 3 5 3 3 3 3 6 6 5 5 8 5 3 5 4 6 3 5 5 3 5 3 3 3 3 6 6 5 5 8 5 3 5 4 6 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 4 3 2 4 4 3 2 3 2 982 92 2 092 98 2 642 09 1 952 64 2 021 95 1 932 02 1 981 93 4 111 98 3 444 11 4 253 44 2 344 25 4 902 34 4 004 90 1 734 00 1 971 73 2 511 97 4 392 51 2 054 39 2 05 2 982 92 2 092 98 2 642 09 1 952 64 2 021 95 1 932 02 1 981 93 4 111 98 3 444 11 4 253 44 2 344 25 4 902 34 4 004 90 1 734 00 1 971 73 2 511 97 4 392 51 2 054 39 2 05 40 2 982 92 2 092 98 2 642 09 1 952 64 2 021 95 1 932 02 1 981 93 4 111 98 3 444 11 4 253 44 2 344 25 4 902 34 4 004 90 1 734 00 1 971 73 2 511 97 4 392 51 2 054 39 2 05 ati ng 4,7 2P9er82for92manc eR5,1 18 33 Per for manc eR ati ng 2 092 98 3,35,1 78 18 02 09 5,73,3 22 78 1 95 0 2,95,7 67 22 2 021 95 3,02,9 68 67 3,13,0 25 68 3,03,1 08 25 3 411 98 7,33,0 96 08 3 4 1 7,3 3 44 4,8 92 96 4 253 44 5,64,8 22 92 2 344 25 5,15,6 08 22 4 902 34 6,95,1 57 08 4 004 90 4,96,9 21 57 1 734 00 3,74,9 86 21 1 971 73 3,93,7 61 86 1 9 7 3,9 1 38 4,4 45 61 4 391 38 4,24,4 39 45 2 054 39 3,54,2 26 39 2 05 3,5 26 5 6 6 1 7 7 1 H1R i 932 02 93 i 1H 981 R 1 1 1 1 Organizations now require the dynamism of a reporting tool that enables drill down functionalities to provide integrated reporting, analysis and information deliver y mechanisms. As a web based mission-critical reporting tool, Crystal Decisions provide a cost effective and value adding solution for assimilating report and analysis into intranet, extranet and corporate portal applications, establishing a seamless linkage to the existing system within an organization. Each piece of information contained within an organization's data bank can now be analyzed and used to help build and strategize corporate objectives. This tool is used for high level HR reporting and as such is only accessible to expert users of an organization. 3 Data Administration Systematic personnel record keeping is crucial in a constantly changing and demanding workplace. Information circulating within the system needs to be current and comprehensive as they form the basic information of employees in the organization. Management of personnel information is done with ease through our complete Employee Administration module. The module provides the best user interface for ease of use, yet is able to dynamically link personal information to other modules within the eP2P Application effortlessly. We understand the need for capturing personnel information on a real time basis. with current system functionality that greatly emphasizes on centralized data entry, often times, basic personnel information are being keyed-in at convenient time. The e-Data module is created to allow data updates being done at source, thus, eliminating data entry being done by HR Department. The e-Form and e-Time modules have powerful functions to update and maintain employees' information which are important data used as a base for the overall management of an organization's human capital. The module is designed with various levels of employees IT literacy in mind. With user friendly screens, employees are able to enter new data or edit existing data interactively. e-Data e-Data Employee EmployeeAdministration Administration e-Form e-Form e-Time e-Time Submissions are guarded from duplication or misrepresentation through an approval layer. Once approved, the employee personal data page will reflect the newly updated information. This standard of data entry or integration to the Time & Attendance system ensure that information of employees are kept up to date, releasing the HR personnel from performing manual oriented activities. Organizational Management The Position Management module provides company with the flexibility to easily maintain reporting structure for all throughout the company. With this module, company can have the tools to effectively manage its organizational requirements and dynamically adjust to suit any changes that best suits the reporting structures. This module also incorporates features that allows manpower budget allocation by department including employee costing for staff establishment control. This provides companies with real-time information of the current employee costing, the required staff force as oppose to the actual. Position PositionManagement Management This supports both business planning and business process redesign through a fixed planning tool, analyzing not only the operational but also the organizational structure to effectively support the control of operating expenditure efforts. This module is also embedded with features to support the organization structure publishing requirements. This module allows the structural viewing that depicts the picture of organization structure at any point in time. With this information, user can be proactive in planning for future human resources needs. 4 Leave & Absences Administration With our Leave Management module, companies can easily define organization’s leave benefits entitlement and absences rules and policies for different groups of employees in the system, manage the data, and allow employees to access their own records to see how much time off they have remaining. Further, with eLeave module as its Self Service component, this module allows automatics checking of leave balances online, so when employees enter leave requests, they know immediately whether they have enough leave remaining and plan their leave accordingly. e-Leave e-Leave Leave LeaveManagement Management As the leave entitlement is directly related to an employee's benefits package, there is direct link within the eLeave module between entitlement, application and at cancellation. Our eLeave module has been designed for easy maintenance and proper recording of relevant data required for leave management. We believe that although the leave application is considered a basic administration within the HR scope of work, improper handling of leave management can lead to an undesirable ripple effect within the whole organization. With the eLeave module, employees are able to enter the specific time interval of the leave, the type of leave they are requesting, and the reasons for the leave application. Once complete, the leave application is sent through the approval layer during which a supervisor is able to decide the pre-determined absences to fit organizational requirements. Employment Administration The Compensation & Benefits module has powerful and flexible functions that enable companies to create, manage, and tailor every kind of benefits plans. It carries eClaims and eMedical as its Self Service components that give employees real-time access to their own data and more autonomy in compensation and benefits matters. Employees can use Self Service modules to view their current benefits data directly via the internet. Compensation Compensation&&Benefits Benefits e-Claim e-Claim e-Medical e-Medical Our e-Claims module, has been designed to allow users to enter detailed information for reimbursement of any work related expenses interactively online. The module offer automatic calculation based on individual employee’s benefits entitlement. The e-Claims module simplifies the claims process substantially by empowering the employees to submit claim application online and have the application approved by the supervisor. This automation of the claims process allows for expensive time to be channeled to other more crucial facets work in the organization. The e-Medical module is designed to provide employees the convenience of administering medical entitlement without the hassle of exceeding the entitlement. With this module, the company is able to 'control' the entire processes of employees seeking medical treatment and billing activities done by the hospital or clinic. 5 Performance Evaluation Administration The Performance Management module comes with the appraisal system to complement and round off companies’ employee development measures. The system supports planned and formalized appraisal of employees on the basis of criteria that you define online through e-Appraisal module. Companies can use the appraisal system to support either the annual performance appraisals and or the probationers’ evaluation. The e-Appraisal module provides online appraisal system for supervisor to evaluate employee’s performance. Employees can set their performance goals and competency assessment weights relevant to how well they have contributed within each category. Upon completion of evaluation, the employee is able to view the appraisal and provide comments to the supervisor. Performance PerformanceManagement Management e-Appraisal e-Appraisal The concluding step in the eAppraisal module is submission of final comments by the supervisor based on employee feedback. The employee performance appraisal results are then disseminated amongst senior management to determine how the results fit into the big picture of the organization. Career Development & Talent Management The Employee Development module provides companies with a well-organized framework for modeling and tracking competencies. This module comes with the flexibility of tracking competency data in a comprehensive way. This module allows companies to identify and catalogue the competencies, ability, knowledge, skills, education, and qualities including measuring the degrees to which employees have mastered a particular competency by providing proficiency levels specific to each competency. With this module companies can perform various activities to manage and assess the competencies in the organization in a detailed picture of existing and required qualifications of the organization. Companies can assign these qualifications to the jobs and people and evaluate and compare competencies with requirements by assigning qualifications a proficiency level. Our custom built e-Development emodule provides a base model for e- Development Development helping employees realize their full potential and progress up the Employee EmployeeDevelopment Development career ladder at a suitable pace. Converted to numbers and figures, a suitability percentage approach is adopted within the eDevelopment module. Employees' present qualifications are closely compared to their job requirements and with this statistic employees are able to see where they stand in terms of fulfilling the necessary skills. Consequently, comparison of an employees‘ suitability to their present job and matching employees to a best fitting career progression path encourages them to emulate the level of required skills and qualifications within that path. 6 Employment & Hiring Management The Recruitment module allows HR Personnel to gather and track all necessary applicant information, including name, address, skills, training, prior employment etc. This module allows correspondence and job letters as defined by the users to candidates to be generated. It comes with ePosting as its Self Service component that takes advantage of Internet and workflow technology. Companies posting job vacancies can reach out entirely to all employees and at the same time considers external applications. It also gives applicant authorization to check the status of his applications at all times. There is no substitute to attracting and retaining multi-skilled personnel. Motivated employees go to great heights to achieve their goals, in line with the company's vision. Unless there is a system in place for continuous promotion and enhancement of responsibilities, most vacant positions within the organization are left unannounced within the company. The pool of internal talents who are capable of succeeding these posts is left untapped. Promoting from within is one of the key competitive aspects of any organization. The inability to address this situation might cause an organization lost time and resources searching for new entrants when all the while these qualified candidates are within the company's four walls. This module promotes employee empowerment through its ePosting module which is tailored to provide opportunity online for employee’s career advancement and progression. e-Posting e-Posting Recruitment Recruitment Communication Management The Policy & Procedures module allows companies to store all policies and procedures for employees’ reference. This module captures company’s announcements as well as provides information pertaining to company’s rules and regulation via the Internet through ePolicy module as its Self Service component. Companies can publish information electronically anytime required to all employees and disseminate them throughout the organization on a real-time basis. Our e-Policy module is a read only module e-Policy e-Policy Policy Policy&&Procedures Procedures and was designed to allow all employees within the organization to reference any of the company Terms and Conditions, HR procedures, or Standard Operating Procedures. The company Terms and Conditions section is preprogrammed to decipher between nonexecutive or executive employees. This module is versatile and as such allows for customization of any portion of the application to reflect the diverse needs of individual organizations. Information shared in the module is viewable to all and this eliminates the barrier of communication between executive or management staff with the non-executive staff. Since this is a read only module, supervisor approval is not required. 7 Disciplinary Administration The Industrial Relations module allows companies to capture, store and analyze all disciplinary cases including data storing of disciplinary actions taken against an employee and other pertinent information including punishment meted out by the authorities. Through its e-Appraisal module a Self Service component, standardize disciplinary reports can be submitted online by managers for company’s subsequent action. Industrial IndustrialRelations Relations e-Appraisal e-Appraisal An organized method of conflict resolution and disciplinary action ensures fair treatment of all employees within the organization. Improper handling of conflicts and employee misconduct within the organization could lead to an accumulation of problem issues which is a hindrance to productivity. The code of conduct for each employee is upheld through labor laws that protect employee rights in the workplace. Organizations realize that there must be a set method of resolving critical issues when they arise. This module brings harmonious growth and benefits to all. In ensuring full compliance and equitable industrial practices, our eIR module is designed to cater to the needs of standardization of reporting on all disciplinary cases to be submitted to the HR Department. A hypothetical to actual comparison of sales figures can also be done for future reporting purposes. Time reports do not require supervisor approval in the strict sense. A review is more appropriate in this module and we have tailored the module to reflect just this. Skills Enhancement and Acquisition The Training Management module helps companies streamlining all training administration activities. It enables companies to plan, manage, and evaluate all types of internal and external training activities. Versatile and uncommon functionality gives companies everything they need to plan and perform activities associated with training with simultaneous sessions or workshops. Course planning in this module let companies complete integration within eP2P Application modules that provides cross-reference training opportunities and individual employees' training needs and development plans. An up to date collection of skills and qualifications ensures that your organization's knowledge bank is competitive with market expectations. We aim to provide employees the ability to improve on their existing skills by applying for training programs and receive confirmation of acceptance into a program all online, overcoming the delaying factor of red tape. The e-Training module allows employees to add on to their skills and qualifications and seek continuous improvement by attending training programs provided by the company. Through the eTraining module, employees will be able to search for training programs by entering the dates they are available to attend a training program. A list of courses available during that specific time will appear. Employees can apply for the course that interests them and is relevant to their career progression. The eventual acceptance and recommendation for each submitted application is determined by a supervisor. Training TrainingManagement Management e-Training e-Training This feature promotes control and supervision of the training programs to best match the career path and aspirations of each applicant. A close link is established between the e-Training module and the e-Development module whereby the supervisor is required to reference the latter when making recommendation decisions. 8 Payroll Processing & Administration The Payroll module allows company to process the payroll for its employees, using data from the Employee Administration, Position Management, Leave Management, Time & Attendance System and Compensation & Benefits modules. Since the Payroll module has a modular structure, company can use the Module Setting functions to quickly modify the payroll procedure to meet the particular company’s requirements. When Company uses Payroll Transactions component; it calls the accompanying payroll settings, which consists of a sequence of functions. This module provides employees with extensive personal financial information at their fingertips. Financial information such as monthly payslip is available without the need for many levels of manual processing and the high administrative of materials and printing costs. e-Payslip e-Payslip Payroll Payroll The security and confidentiality of personal financial information are upheld through the usage of a login password and user id which are predetermined during logon which are strictly controlled. e-Overtime e-Overtime For each activity, the individual functions import data from internal tables and payroll relevant files and performed the following: The system updates the databases and imports the master data relevant to payroll. The system imports the last payroll result. The system calculates the gross wage and considers all other related modules. Any master data relevant to payroll is included in the calculation at this point. The system calculates the partial period factors, lump sums and salary elements, and cumulates the gross results. The system calculates the net remuneration and performs retroactive accounting if specific master data has been changed in previous payroll periods. After the payroll run, company can transfer the payroll results to its Financial System through General Ledger transfer; perform checking in Payroll Result component. In addition, there are a number of payroll reports that can be run by the company for subsequent checking and record keeping purposes. The e-Payslip is a read-only financial information where users are allowed to exclusively view their payslip and year to date salary information via the web. This module is offered on a read only format due to the propriety information which contains employee's financial records that it carries. Even so, we realize that at times there is a need for employees to secure hard copies of financial records for various purposes. In light of this, we have built in the capability of employee requesting a print out of monthly payslip and such from HR department on ad-hoc basis. This will ensure better cost control by the organization. With this module, it relieves Payroll department of the routine administrative task of printing and administering confidential documents. The e-Overtime provides employees with the capability of entering overtime work done, and submit it to the supervisors through a web browser. Employees do not have to go through the tedious cycle of question and answer when applying for overtime. Through the use of this module, the process of applying, approving and receiving compensation for overtime has been simplified. The system allows an employee to supply online information on the overtime type, the date of overtime and the time interval that has been spent. This information will be collected and reviewed by the supervisor and an application approval status is sent directly to the employees' online account. Employees are also able to view their monthly and year to date overtime information within this module. As with all our eP2P Application’s module, we have built in the bus, process workflow for supervisor’s decision on the overtime submission by employee. This greatly reduces the manual handling of overtime and increases the accuracy of the overtime compensation. 9 A dvantages & benefits in deploying the eP2P Application Avoid the high cost of traditional software by allowing modular purchase i.e. modules by modules. This essentially provides clients with the flexibility of investing only on modules that fulfill present requirements while assuring that the application is able to cater for the future when the needs arise (scalable). By assigning user access to each and every employee, the eP2P Application allows them to transact own and subordinate administrative activities via the Intranet or Internet. The eP2P Application empowers users to perform individual administrative tasks and thus enables the decentralization of data entry. With Decision Flow, the eP2P Application automates decision making process by enabling the superior to approve subordinates’ application and submission online. The eP2P Application requires only web browser and internet connection for each user to log into the system. The full-suite of the eP2P Application is able to reduce your HR administrative costs drastically. (based on Activity-based Costing) The eP2P Application offers user friendly features and ease of use. The eP2P Application is capable of delivering a wide variety of HR functionality to the source by allowing employees and supervisors to transact own and subordinate information effectively. It reduces administrative costs through reduction in ‘pen-and-paper’ handling, centralized data entry, elimination of process steps/forms, etc It improves data integrity and increases system and process efficiency. Faster deployment and user based system control. It is easily customizable to meet any specific HR needs and business requirements presently and in future. An application for all stakeholders. To contact us, please call our sales representatives at : Kuala Lumpur Office +603 - 7724 2954 Jakarta Office +62 021- 9271 1648 Brunei Office +6732 - 228383 Malaysia . Indonesia . Brunei Darussalam . Singapore Or email at 10