SOCCER UPDATE 0861 867 238
SOCCER UPDATE 0861 867 238
SOCCER UPDATE 0861 867 238 Free Results and Fixtures Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week Simply type the address below into your web browser to receive all the latest Lotto & Powerball Results. Simply type the address below into your web browser to receive previous day SOCCER Results. Simply type the address below into your web browser to receive previous day TENNIS Results. Simply type the address below into your web browser to receive all Booster Ball Results Only New Soccer Bet Types 1 1st Goal interval 10 mins 2 1st Half Totals 3 1st Half Double Chance 4 1st Half Both Teams to Score 5 2nd Half Totals 6 2nd Half Both Teams to Score 7 Match Bet + Totals 8 Home team to win Both Halves 9 Home team to win either half Simply type the address below into your web browser for a copy of the latest Soccer Fixture Simply type the address below into your web browser for a copy of the latest BTS (Both Score or None or 1 Score) 10 Home team to score in both halves 11 Away team to win Both Halves 12 Away team to win either half 13 Away team to score in both halves 14 Both Halves Over 1.5 15 Both Halves Under 1.5 Simply type the address below into your web browser for a copy of the Soccer Bet Types and Explanations 16 Most Match Bookings Simply type the address below into your web browser for instructions on how to use I-PAY for instant Deposits Simply type the address below into your web browser for a copy of our full Lotto Schedule 17 First Team Booked 18 1st Half Total Number of Bookings 19 First Goal Scorer 20 Total Bookings 21 2nd Half 1x2 22 Highest Scoring Half Home Team 23 Highest Scoring Half Away Team 24 1st Half Total Goals 25 2nd Half Total Goals 26 Total Corners For explanations on the above simply type the address below into your web browser All bets are subject to Gambling Board Betting Rules.Prices are subject to change without notice. NO PERSONS UNDER 18 ARE ALLOWED TO GAMBLE. GAMBLE RESPONSIBLY E O.E.Read our Terms Conditions and Betting rules at 1 SOCCER UPDATE 0861 867 238 29 October Saturday UPDATE 1 SATURDAY 29/10 15:30 8964 3.5 Orlando Pirates vs Kaizer Chi (Over 1.5 and draw) South Africa Premier League 29/10 15:30 8965 2.85 Orlando Pira vs Kaizer C (Over 1.5 and Kaizer C) Orlando Pirates FC vs Kaizer Chiefs 29/10 15:30 8966 1.6 Orlando Pi vs Kaizer (Under 4.5 and Orlando Pi) Orlando Pirates FC vs Kaizer Chiefs - Full Time 29/10 15:30 8967 1.85 Orlando Pirate vs Kaizer Chi (Under 4.5 and draw) 29/10 15:30 8968 1.75 Orlando Pir vs Kaizer C (Under 4.5 and Kaizer C) 29/10 15:30 8969 22 Orlando Pir vs Kaizer (Over 4.5 and Orlando Pir) 29/10 15:30 8970 99 Orlando Pirates vs Kaizer Chi (Over 4.5 and draw) Orlando Pira vs Kaizer C (Over 4.5 and Kaizer C) 29/10 15:30 8229 1.6 Orlando Pirates FC 2.1 Orlando Pirates FC vs Kaizer Chiefs - Match Bet + Totals Kaizer Chiefs 1.8 Orlando Pirates FC vs Kaizer Chiefs - 1st 10 Minutes 3 way 29/10 15:30 8946 7.75 Orlando Pirates FC 0.12 Kaizer Chiefs 8.25 Orlando Pirates FC vs Kaizer Chiefs - 1st Goal Interval 10 Mins 29/10 15:30 8971 24 29/10 15:30 8989 5.25 Orlando Pirates FC / Kaizer Chiefs (None mins) 29/10 15:30 8972 1.9 Orlando Pi vs Kaizer (Under 3.5 and Orlando Pi) 29/10 15:30 8990 3.45 Orlando Pirates FC / Kaizer Chiefs (1-10 mins) 29/10 15:30 8973 2.3 Orlando Pirate vs Kaizer Chi (Under 3.5 and draw) 29/10 15:30 8991 3.6 Orlando Pirates FC / Kaizer Chiefs (11-20 mins) 29/10 15:30 8974 2.05 Orlando Pir vs Kaizer C (Under 3.5 and Kaizer C) 29/10 15:30 8992 4.5 Orlando Pirates FC / Kaizer Chiefs (21-30 mins) 29/10 15:30 8975 10.5 29/10 15:30 8993 5.5 Orlando Pirates FC / Kaizer Chiefs (31-40 mins) 29/10 15:30 8976 15.75 Orlando Pirates vs Kaizer Chi (Over 3.5 and draw) 29/10 15:30 8994 6.25 Orlando Pirates FC / Kaizer Chiefs (41-50 mins) 29/10 15:30 8977 11.75 Orlando Pira vs Kaizer C (Over 3.5 and Kaizer C) 29/10 15:30 8995 8.5 Orlando Pirates FC / Kaizer Chiefs (51-60 mins) 29/10 15:30 8978 3.3 Orlando Pi vs Kaizer (Under 2.5 and Orlando Pi) 29/10 15:30 8996 10.75 Orlando Pirates FC / Kaizer Chiefs (61-70 mins) 29/10 15:30 8979 2.35 Orlando Pirate vs Kaizer Chi (Under 2.5 and draw) 29/10 15:30 8997 14.5 Orlando Pirates FC / Kaizer Chiefs (71-80 mins) 29/10 15:30 8980 3.55 Orlando Pir vs Kaizer C (Under 2.5 and Kaizer C) 29/10 15:30 8998 13.5 Orlando Pirates FC / Kaizer Chiefs (81-90 mins) 29/10 15:30 8981 3.9 Orlando Pir vs Kaizer (Over 2.5 and Orlando Pir) 29/10 15:30 8982 16 Orlando Pirates vs Kaizer Chi (Over 2.5 and draw) 29/10 15:30 8983 4.25 Orlando Pira vs Kaizer C (Over 2.5 and Kaizer C) Orlando Pirates FC vs Kaizer Chiefs - 1st Half 3 Way Result 29/10 15:30 8253 Orlando 2.4 Pirates FC (1st Half 3 Way) 0.85 Kaizer Chiefs (1st Half 3 Way) 2.6 Orlando Pirates FC vs Kaizer Chiefs - 2nd Half 3 Way Result Orlando Pirates FC vs Kaizer Chiefs - Both Halves Over 1.5 29/10 15:30 8251 Orlando 1.95 Pirates FC (2nd Half 3 Way) 1.25 Kaizer Chiefs (2nd Half 3 Way) 2.1 Orlando Pirates FC vs Kaizer Chiefs - Double Chance 29/10 15:30 8232 0.4 Orlando Pirates FC (or Draw) 29/10 15:30 8233 0.35 Orlando Pirates FC (or Kaizer Chiefs) 29/10 15:30 8234 0.45 Kaizer Chiefs (or Draw) 0.22 Orlando Pirates FC (or Draw) 29/10 15:30 9017 0.65 Orlando Pirates FC (or Kaizer Chiefs) 29/10 15:30 9018 0.25 Kaizer Chiefs (or Draw) 29/10 15:30 Orlando 8247 Pirates 0.9FC vs Kaizer Chiefs Orlando (Yes) Pirates vs FC vs Kaizer Chiefs (No) 1 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.95 (Odd Goals) vvs (Even Goals) 0.75Orlando Pirates FC (DNB) vs Kaizer Chiefs (DNB) 1.55 Orlando Pirates FC / Kaizer Chiefs (0 Goals) Orlando Pirates FC / Kaizer Chiefs (1 Goals) 29/10 15:30 9040 2.6 Orlando Pirates FC / Kaizer Chiefs (2+ Goals) 2.15 1.5 Orlando Pirates FC / Kaizer Chiefs (1 Goals) 0.65 29/10 15:30 8944 1.55 Orlando Pirates FC / Kaizer Chiefs (2+ Goals) 0.12 29/10 15:30 8252 Orlando 1.6 Pirates FC (Cleansheet Orlando Pirates Yes) vs FC (Cleansheet No) Orlando Pirates FC / Kaizer Chiefs (0 Goals) 0.45 29/10 15:30 8259 0.4 Orlando Pirates FC vs Kaizer Chiefs - Clean Sheet Home and Away 0.22 1.7 Kaizer Chiefs (Cleansheet Yes) Kaizer vs Chiefs (Cleansheet No) Orlando Pirates FC vs Kaizer Chiefs - Goals Home Team 29/10 15:30 9011 1.55 Orlando Pirates FC (0 Goals) 29/10 15:30 9012 1.3 Orlando Pirates FC (1 Goals) 29/10 15:30 9013 3 Orlando Pirates FC (2 Goals) 0.85 29/10 15:30 9014 6.75 Orlando Pirates FC (3+ Goals) 0.85 Orlando Pirates FC vs Kaizer Chiefs - Draw No Bet 29/10 15:30 8250 1.25 29/10 15:30 9039 29/10 15:30 8943 Orlando Pirates FC vs Kaizer Chiefs - Odd/Even Goals 29/10 15:30 8260 29/10 15:30 9038 Orlando Pirates FC vs Kaizer Chiefs - 2nd Half Total Goals Orlando Pirates FC vs Kaizer Chiefs - 2nd Half Both Teams to Score 29/10 15:30 Orlando 9045 Pirates 2.9FC vs Kaizer Chiefs Orlando (Yes) Pirates vs FC vs Kaizer Chiefs (No) 0.8 29/10 15:30 8942 Orlando Pirates FC vs Kaizer Chiefs - 1st Half Both Teams to Score 29/10 15:30 Orlando 9010 Pirates 4.25 FC vs Kaizer Chiefs Orlando (Yes) Pirates vs FC vs Kaizer Chiefs (No) 0.06 Orlando Pirates FC vs Kaizer Chiefs - 1st Half Total Goals Orlando Pirates FC vs Kaizer Chiefs - Both Score/None or 1 Score 29/10 15:30 8241 29/10 15:30 Orlando 8244 Pirates 6.5FC vs Kaizer Chiefs Orlando (Yes) Pirates vs FC vs Kaizer Chiefs (No) Orlando Pirates FC vs Kaizer Chiefs - Both Halves Under 1.5 Orlando Pirates FC vs Kaizer Chiefs - 1st Half Double Chance 29/10 15:30 9016 Orlando Pir vs Kaizer (Over 3.5 and Orlando Pir) Orlando Pirates FC vs Kaizer Chiefs - Total Goals Orlando Pirates FC vs Kaizer Chiefs - Goals Away Team 29/10 15:30 8254 8.5 (Over 4.5) vs (Under 4.5) 0.05 29/10 15:30 9046 1.45 Kaizer Chiefs (0 Goals) 29/10 15:30 8255 0.1 (Over 0.5) vs (Under 0.5) 5.75 29/10 15:30 9047 1.3 Kaizer Chiefs (1 Goals) 29/10 15:30 8256 3.75 (Over 3.5) vs (Under 3.5) 0.18 29/10 15:30 9048 3.15 Kaizer Chiefs (2 Goals) 29/10 15:30 8257 1.5 (Over 2.5) vs (Under 2.5) 0.5 29/10 15:30 9049 7.5 Kaizer Chiefs (3+ Goals) 29/10 15:30 8258 0.5 (Over 1.5) vs (Under 1.5) 1.55 Orlando Pirates FC vs Kaizer Chiefs - 1st Half Totals Orlando Pirates FC vs Kaizer Chiefs - HT/FT 29/10 15:30 9022 3.35 Orlando Pirates FC / Orlando Pirates FC 29/10 15:30 9006 0.55 (Over 0.5) vs (Under 0.5) 1.25 29/10 15:30 9023 3.95 Draw / Orlando Pirates FC 29/10 15:30 9007 7.25 (Over 2.5) vs (Under 2.5) 0.04 29/10 15:30 9024 26 Kaizer Chiefs / Orlando Pirates FC 29/10 15:30 9008 2.5 (Over 1.5) vs (Under 1.5) 0.25 29/10 15:30 9025 12.75 Orlando Pirates FC vs Kaizer Chiefs - 2nd Half Totals 29/10 15:30 9026 3.05 Orlando Pirates FC / Draw Orlando Pirates FC / Kaizer Chiefs (Draw / Draw) 29/10 15:30 9042 0.3 (Over 0.5) vs (Under 0.5) 2.1 29/10 15:30 9027 12.75 29/10 15:30 9043 4.75 (Over 2.5) vs (Under 2.5) 0.1 29/10 15:30 9028 27 29/10 15:30 9044 1.55 (Over 1.5) vs (Under 1.5) 0.45 29/10 15:30 9029 4.25 Draw / Kaizer Chiefs 29/10 15:30 9030 3.7 Kaizer Chiefs / Kaizer Chiefs Orlando Pirates FC vs Kaizer Chiefs - Match Bet + Totals Kaizer Chiefs / Draw Orlando Pirates FC / Kaizer Chiefs Orlando Pirates FC vs Kaizer Chiefs - 1st Team To Score 29/10 15:30 8960 5.75 Orlando Pi vs Kaizer (Under 1.5 and Orlando Pi) 29/10 15:30 8961 6 Orlando Pirate vs Kaizer Chi (Under 1.5 and draw) 29/10 15:30 8957 6.5 Orlando Pirates FC / Kaizer Chiefs (No Score) 29/10 15:30 8962 6 Orlando Pir vs Kaizer C (Under 1.5 and Kaizer C) 29/10 15:30 8958 1 Orlando Pirates FC 29/10 15:30 8963 2.55 Orlando Pir vs Kaizer (Over 1.5 and Orlando Pir) 29/10 15:30 8959 1.1 Kaizer Chiefs All bets are subject to Gambling Board Betting Rules.Prices are subject to change without notice. NO PERSONS UNDER 18 ARE ALLOWED TO GAMBLE. GAMBLE RESPONSIBLY E O.E.Read our Terms Conditions and Betting rules at 2 SOCCER UPDATE 0861 867 238 Orlando Pirates FC vs Kaizer Chiefs - Which Team To Score Orlando Pirates FC vs Kaizer Chiefs - Correct Score 29/10 15:30 8984 6.5 Orlando Pirates FC / Kaizer Chiefs (None) 29/10 15:30 8919 9.25 Kaizer Chiefs (0:2) 29/10 15:30 8985 2.85 Orlando Pirates FC (Only) 29/10 15:30 8920 8 Orlando Pirates FC (2:1) 29/10 15:30 8986 3.1 Kaizer Chiefs (Only) 29/10 15:30 8921 24 Orlando Pirates FC (3:0) 29/10 15:30 8987 1.05 Orlando Pirates FC / Kaizer Chiefs (Both) 29/10 15:30 8922 27 Kaizer Chiefs (0:3) 29/10 15:30 8923 8.25 Kaizer Chiefs (1:2) 22 Orlando Pirates FC (3:1) Orlando Pirates FC vs Kaizer Chiefs - Last Team to Score 29/10 15:30 8951 6.5 Orlando Pirates FC / Kaizer Chiefs (No Score) 29/10 15:30 8924 29/10 15:30 8952 1 Orlando Pirates FC 29/10 15:30 8925 87 Orlando Pirates FC (4:0) 29/10 15:30 8953 1.1 Kaizer Chiefs 29/10 15:30 8926 14.5 Orlando Pirates FC / Kaizer Chiefs (2:2) 29/10 15:30 8927 99 Kaizer Chiefs (0:4) 29/10 15:30 8928 24 Kaizer Chiefs (1:3) 29/10 15:30 8929 42 Orlando Pirates FC (3:2) 29/10 15:30 8930 81 Orlando Pirates FC (4:1) 29/10 15:30 8931 99 Orlando Pirates FC (5:0) 29/10 15:30 8932 99 Kaizer Chiefs (0:5) 29/10 15:30 8933 93 Kaizer Chiefs (1:4) 29/10 15:30 8934 44 Kaizer Chiefs (2:3) 29/10 15:30 8935 99 Orlando Pirates FC (4:2) 29/10 15:30 8936 99 Orlando Pirates FC (5:1) 29/10 15:30 8937 99 Orlando Pirates FC (6:0) 29/10 15:30 8938 99 Orlando Pirates FC / Kaizer Chiefs (3:3) Orlando Pirates FC vs Kaizer Chiefs - Home Team to win Both Halves 29/10 15:30 9015 6.75 Orlando Pirates FC (Yes) vs Orlando Pirates FC (No) 0.05 Orlando Pirates FC vs Kaizer Chiefs - Home Team to win either half 29/10 15:30 9053 0.9 Orlando Pirates FC (Yes) vs Orlando Pirates FC (No) 0.8 Orlando Pirates FC vs Kaizer Chiefs - Home Team to score in both halves 29/10 15:30 8988 3.55 Orlando Pirates FC (Yes) vs Orlando Pirates FC (No) 0.16 Orlando Pirates FC vs Kaizer Chiefs - Away Team to win Both Halves 29/10 15:30 9041 7.25 Kaizer Chiefs (Yes) vs Kaizer Chiefs (No) 0.04 Orlando Pirates FC vs Kaizer Chiefs - Away Team to win either half 29/10 15:30 8945 1 Kaizer Chiefs (Yes) vs Kaizer Chiefs (No) 0.75 Orlando Pirates FC vs Kaizer Chiefs - Away Team to score in both halves 29/10 15:30 9009 3.75 Kaizer Chiefs (Yes) vs Kaizer Chiefs (No) 0.15 Orlando Pirates FC vs Kaizer Chiefs - Highest Scoring Half Home Team 29/10 15:30 8939 99 Kaizer Chiefs (0:6) 29/10 15:30 8954 2.85 Orlando Pirates FC (1st) 29/10 15:30 8940 99 Kaizer Chiefs (1:5) 29/10 15:30 8955 1.7 Orlando Pirates FC (2nd) 29/10 15:30 8941 99 29/10 15:30 8956 1.1 Orlando Pirates FC (Equal) 29/10 20:15 8230 2.25 Ajax Cape Town FC home (&draw) 8235 home (& away) 8236 away (& draw) Orlando Pirates FC vs Kaizer Chiefs - Highest Scoring Half Away Team Kaizer Chiefs (2:4) 2.1 Supersport United FC 1.35 8237 29/10 15:30 9019 2.9 Kaizer Chiefs (1st) 29/10 20:15 8242 1 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.65 29/10 15:30 9020 1.75 Kaizer Chiefs (2nd) Totals Goals 0.5 8264 Total Goals 1.5 8267 Total Goals 2.5 8266 29/10 15:30 9021 1.05 Kaizer Chiefs (Equal) Totals Goals 3.5 8265 Total Goals 4.5 8263 Orlando Pirates FC vs Kaizer Chiefs - Winning Margins Draw No Bet 8271 Both Halves Under 1.5 8248 Both Halves Over 1.5 8245 29/10 15:30 8999 1.85 Orlando Pirates FC / Kaizer Chiefs (Draw) 1st Half Three way 8262 2nd Half Three way 8270 Odd/Even Goals 29/10 15:30 9000 16.5 Orlando Pirates FC (> 2 Goals) 29/10 20:15 8231 2.25 Bloemfonten Celtic 2.1 Bidvest Wits FC 1.35 29/10 15:30 9001 7 Orlando Pirates FC (by 2 Goals) home (&draw) 8238 home (& away) 8239 away (& draw) 8240 29/10 15:30 9002 2.9 Orlando Pirates FC (by 1 Goal) 29/10 20:15 8243 1.05 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.6 29/10 15:30 9003 3.05 Kaizer Chiefs (by 1 Goal) Totals Goals 0.5 8274 Total Goals 1.5 8277 Total Goals 2.5 8276 29/10 15:30 9004 7.75 Kaizer Chiefs (by 2 Goals) Totals Goals 3.5 8275 Total Goals 4.5 8273 29/10 15:30 9005 19 Kaizer Chiefs (> 2 Goals) Draw No Bet Orlando Pirates FC vs Kaizer Chiefs - Matchflow 1st Half Three way 8269 8280 Both Halves Under 1.5 8249 Both Halves Over 1.5 8246 8272 Orlando Pirates (Scores 1st and Orlando Pirates) 2nd Half Three way 8281 Odd/Even Goals 8278 29/10 15:30 9031 1.65 29/10 15:30 9032 7.75 Orlando Pirates FC (Scores 1st and draw) 29/10 13:30 1718 6.5 Sunderland AFC 4 Arsenal FC 0.4 29/10 15:30 9033 19 Orlando Pirates FC (Scores 1st and Kaizer Chiefs) home (&draw) 1729 home (& away) 1730 away (& draw) 1731 29/10 15:30 9034 18 Kaizer Chiefs (Scores 1st and Orlando Pirates FC) 29/10 13:30 1746 0.7 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.9 29/10 15:30 9035 7.75 Kaizer Chiefs (Scores 1st and draw) Totals Goals 0.5 1800 Total Goals 1.5 1804 Total Goals 2.5 1802 29/10 15:30 9036 1.85 Kaizer Chiefs (Scores 1st and Kaizer Chiefs) Totals Goals 3.5 1801 Total Goals 4.5 1799 Total Goals 5.5 1803 29/10 15:30 9037 6 Orlando Pirates FC vs Kaizer Chiefs (No goal) Draw No Bet Orlando Pirates FC vs Kaizer Chiefs - Highest Scoring Half England Premier League 1797 Both Halves Under 1.5 1786 Both Halves Over 1.5 1765 1st Half Three way 1805 2nd Half Three way 1808 Odd/Even Goals 29/10 15:30 9050 2.25 Orlando Pirates FC / Kaizer Chiefs (1st) 29/10 16:00 1716 0.6 Tottenham Hotspur 3 Leicester City 4.5 29/10 15:30 9051 1.1 Orlando Pirates FC / Kaizer Chiefs (2nd) home (&draw) 1723 home (& away) 1724 away (& draw) 1725 29/10 15:30 9052 2.1 Orlando Pirates FC / Kaizer Chiefs (Equal) 29/10 16:00 1744 0.75 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.85 Totals Goals 0.5 1813 Total Goals 1.5 1818 Total Goals 2.5 1815 1814 Total Goals 4.5 1819 Total Goals 5.5 1817 Orlando Pirates FC vs Kaizer Chiefs - Total Goals Aggregated 1807 29/10 15:30 8947 32 Orlando Pirates FC / Kaizer Chiefs (6+ Goals) Totals Goals 3.5 29/10 15:30 8948 1.45 Orlando Pirates FC / Kaizer Chiefs (0-1 Goals) Draw No Bet 29/10 15:30 8949 0.9 Orlando Pirates FC / Kaizer Chiefs (2-3 Goals) 1st Half Three way 1823 2nd Half Three way 1812 Odd/Even Goals 29/10 15:30 8950 4.5 Orlando Pirates FC / Kaizer Chiefs (4-5 Goals) 29/10 16:00 1717 1.55 Middlesbrough FC 2.15 Bournemouth AFC 1.9 home (&draw) 1726 home (& away) 1727 away (& draw) 1728 Orlando Pirates FC vs Kaizer Chiefs - Correct Score 1809 Both Halves Under 1.5 1795 Both Halves Over 1.5 1782 1811 29/10 15:30 2702 4.75 Orlando Pirates FC / Kaizer Chiefs (0:0) 29/10 16:00 1745 0.8 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.8 29/10 15:30 7140 4.5 Orlando Pirates FC (1:0) Totals Goals 0.5 1871 Total Goals 1.5 1869 Total Goals 2.5 1856 29/10 15:30 8915 4.75 Kaizer Chiefs (0:1) Totals Goals 3.5 1872 Total Goals 4.5 1870 Total Goals 5.5 1868 29/10 15:30 8917 8.5 Orlando Pirates FC (2:0) Draw No Bet 29/10 15:30 8918 3.95 Orlando Pirates FC / Kaizer Chiefs (1:1) 1st Half Three way 1855 Both Halves Under 1.5 1784 Both Halves Over 1.5 1751 1874 2nd Half Three way 1877 Odd/Even Goals All bets are subject to Gambling Board Betting Rules.Prices are subject to change without notice. NO PERSONS UNDER 18 ARE ALLOWED TO GAMBLE. GAMBLE RESPONSIBLY E O.E.Read our Terms Conditions and Betting rules at 3 1876 SOCCER UPDATE 0861 867 238 England Premier League France Ligue 1 29/10 16:00 1719 0.7 Watford FC 2.75 Hull City 3.85 29/10 20:00 1630 1.35 FC Lorient 2.2 Montpellier Hsc home (&draw) 1732 home (& away) 1733 away (& draw) 1734 home (&draw) 161 home (& away) 162 away (& draw) 163 29/10 16:00 1747 0.8 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.8 0.75 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.85 Totals Goals 0.5 1882 Total Goals 1.5 1886 Total Goals 2.5 1884 Totals Goals 0.5 668 Total Goals 1.5 672 Total Goals 2.5 670 Totals Goals 3.5 1883 Total Goals 4.5 1887 Total Goals 5.5 1885 Totals Goals 3.5 669 Total Goals 4.5 667 Total Goals 5.5 671 Both Halves Over 1.5 627 673 Draw No Bet 1878 Both Halves Under 1.5 1787 Both Halves Over 1.5 1778 29/10 20:00 609 Draw No Bet 662 Both Halves Under 1.5 633 2.15 1st Half Three way 1889 2nd Half Three way 1881 Odd/Even Goals 1880 1st Half Three way 666 2nd Half Three way 665 Odd/Even Goals 29/10 16:00 1720 0.18 Manchester United 5.75 Burnley FC 15.25 29/10 20:00 1692 1.3 AS Nancy 1.9 SM Caen 2.6 home (&draw) 1735 home (& away) 1736 away (& draw) 1737 home (&draw) 158 home (& away) 159 away (& draw) 160 29/10 16:00 1748 1.4 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.45 1 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.65 Totals Goals 0.5 1892 Total Goals 1.5 1896 Total Goals 2.5 1894 Totals Goals 0.5 654 Total Goals 1.5 652 Total Goals 2.5 656 Totals Goals 3.5 1893 Total Goals 4.5 1891 Total Goals 5.5 1895 Totals Goals 3.5 655 Total Goals 4.5 653 Both Halves Over 1.5 626 Odd/Even Goals 658 Draw No Bet 1st Half Three way 29/10 16:00 1721 1890 Both Halves Under 1.5 1785 Both Halves Over 1.5 1752 1897 2nd Half Three way 1900 Odd/Even Goals 1898 6.5 West Bromwich Albion 3.75 Manchester City 0.4 29/10 20:00 608 Draw No Bet 1st Half Three way 660 Both Halves Under 1.5 632 651 2nd Half Three way 659 Germany Bundesliga home (&draw) 1738 home (& away) 1739 away (& draw) 1740 29/10 15:30 1959 1 1 Fsv Mainz 05 2.4 FC Ingolstadt 2.8 29/10 16:00 1749 0.9 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.7 home (&draw) 1965 home (& away) 1966 away (& draw) 1967 Totals Goals 0.5 1907 Total Goals 1.5 1911 Total Goals 2.5 1909 29/10 15:30 2070 0.75 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.85 Totals Goals 3.5 1908 Total Goals 4.5 1906 Total Goals 5.5 1910 Totals Goals 0.5 2131 Total Goals 1.5 2129 Total Goals 2.5 2127 1902 Both Halves Under 1.5 1796 Both Halves Over 1.5 1783 Totals Goals 3.5 2132 Total Goals 4.5 2130 Total Goals 5.5 2128 Draw No Bet 1st Half Three way 2nd Half Three way 29/10 18:30 1722 3.65 Crystal Palace 2.9 Liverpool FC 0.7 1st Half Three way 2126 2nd Half Three way 2125 Odd/Even Goals home (&draw) 1741 home (& away) 1742 away (& draw) 1743 29/10 15:30 1960 1.9 VfL Wolfsburg 2.45 Bayer Leverkusen 1.35 29/10 18:30 1750 0.65 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.95 home (&draw) 2016 home (& away) 2047 away (& draw) 2048 Totals Goals 0.5 1919 Total Goals 1.5 1930 Total Goals 2.5 1927 29/10 15:30 2071 0.55 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.15 Totals Goals 3.5 1925 Total Goals 4.5 1918 Total Goals 5.5 1929 Totals Goals 0.5 2145 Total Goals 1.5 2143 Total Goals 2.5 2141 1916 Both Halves Under 1.5 1794 Both Halves Over 1.5 1779 Totals Goals 3.5 2146 Total Goals 4.5 2144 Total Goals 5.5 2142 Draw No Bet 1st Half Three way 1933 2nd Half Three way 29/10 17:00 1629 2.15 home (&draw) 149 1905 Odd/Even Goals 1904 Draw No Bet 1915 2123 Both Halves Under 1.5 2119 Both Halves Over 1.5 2113 2133 1917 Odd/Even Goals 1935 Draw No Bet 1st Half Three way 2137 2nd Half Three way 2140 Odd/Even Goals Toulouse FC 2.25 Olympique Lyon 1.3 29/10 15:30 1961 10 FC Augsburg 4.75 Bayern Munich 0.25 home (& away) 150 away (& draw) 151 home (&draw) 2049 home (& away) 2050 away (& draw) 2051 France Ligue 1 2135 Both Halves Under 1.5 2117 Both Halves Over 1.5 2110 2139 0.65 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1 29/10 15:30 2072 1 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.65 Totals Goals 0.5 642 Total Goals 1.5 639 Total Goals 2.5 645 Totals Goals 0.5 2157 Total Goals 1.5 2155 Total Goals 2.5 2150 Totals Goals 3.5 643 Total Goals 4.5 640 Total Goals 5.5 646 Totals Goals 3.5 2158 Total Goals 4.5 2156 Total Goals 5.5 2154 Both Halves Over 1.5 625 Draw No Bet 29/10 17:00 607 Draw No Bet 648 Both Halves Under 1.5 631 2147 Both Halves Under 1.5 2116 Both Halves Over 1.5 2109 1st Half Three way 638 2nd Half Three way 650 Odd/Even Goals 647 1st Half Three way 2149 2nd Half Three way 2161 Odd/Even Goals 29/10 20:00 1623 1 SC Bastia 2.2 Dijon Fco 3.15 29/10 15:30 1962 4 SV Darmstadt 98 2.7 RB Leipzig 0.7 home (&draw) 167 home (& away) 168 away (& draw) 169 home (&draw) 2052 home (& away) 2055 away (& draw) 2056 2160 0.9 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.7 29/10 15:30 2073 0.85 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.75 Totals Goals 0.5 821 Total Goals 1.5 819 Total Goals 2.5 823 Totals Goals 0.5 2171 Total Goals 1.5 2169 Total Goals 2.5 2167 Totals Goals 3.5 822 Total Goals 4.5 820 2172 Total Goals 4.5 2170 Total Goals 5.5 2168 29/10 20:00 623 Draw No Bet 826 Both Halves Under 1.5 635 Total Goals 5.5 824 Totals Goals 3.5 Both Halves Over 1.5 629 Draw No Bet 2162 Both Halves Under 1.5 2118 Both Halves Over 1.5 2112 1st Half Three way 805 2nd Half Three way 803 Odd/Even Goals 825 1st Half Three way 2164 2nd Half Three way 2173 Odd/Even Goals 29/10 20:00 1624 1.65 AS Saint Etienne 2.2 AS Monaco 1.7 29/10 15:30 1963 1.35 Werder Bremen 2.5 SC Freiburg 1.85 home (&draw) 164 home (& away) 165 away (& draw) 166 home (&draw) 2062 home (& away) 2063 away (& draw) 2066 2165 0.95 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.7 29/10 15:30 2074 0.5 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.3 Totals Goals 0.5 681 Total Goals 1.5 679 Total Goals 2.5 677 Totals Goals 0.5 2183 Total Goals 1.5 2181 Total Goals 2.5 2179 Totals Goals 3.5 682 Total Goals 4.5 680 2184 Total Goals 4.5 2182 Total Goals 5.5 2180 29/10 20:00 622 Draw No Bet 798 Both Halves Under 1.5 634 Total Goals 5.5 678 Totals Goals 3.5 Both Halves Over 1.5 628 Draw No Bet 2174 Both Halves Under 1.5 2121 Both Halves Over 1.5 2114 1st Half Three way 676 2nd Half Three way 675 Odd/Even Goals 795 1st Half Three way 2176 2nd Half Three way 2185 Odd/Even Goals 29/10 20:00 1625 1.05 EA Guingamp 2.3 SCO Angers 2.8 29/10 18:30 1964 0.5 Borussia Dortmund 3.5 FC Schalke 04 4.75 home (&draw) 172 home (& away) 173 away (& draw) 174 home (&draw) 2067 home (& away) 2068 away (& draw) 2069 2177 0.7 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.9 29/10 18:30 2075 0.55 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.1 Totals Goals 0.5 852 Total Goals 1.5 844 Total Goals 2.5 862 Totals Goals 0.5 2193 Total Goals 1.5 2191 Total Goals 2.5 2189 Totals Goals 3.5 861 Total Goals 4.5 846 2194 Total Goals 4.5 2192 Total Goals 5.5 2190 29/10 20:00 624 Draw No Bet 1st Half Three way 865 Both Halves Under 1.5 636 830 2nd Half Three way 829 Total Goals 5.5 863 Totals Goals 3.5 Both Halves Over 1.5 630 Draw No Bet Odd/Even Goals 864 1st Half Three way 2186 Both Halves Under 1.5 2122 Both Halves Over 1.5 2115 2188 2nd Half Three way 2198 Odd/Even Goals All bets are subject to Gambling Board Betting Rules.Prices are subject to change without notice. NO PERSONS UNDER 18 ARE ALLOWED TO GAMBLE. GAMBLE RESPONSIBLY E O.E.Read our Terms Conditions and Betting rules at 4 2196 SOCCER UPDATE 0861 867 238 Italy Serie A Algeria Ligue 2 29/10 18:00 1704 1.8 Bologna 2.15 Fiorentina 1.6 home (&draw) 1714 home (& away) 1715 away (& draw) 29/10 18:00 1759 0.65 (Both Score) vs Totals Goals 0.5 1770 Total Goals 1.5 Totals Goals 3.5 1772 Total Goals 4.5 Draw No Bet 29/10 16:00 9288 1.85 US Biskra 2 USM Blida 1.5 1753 29/10 16:00 0.95 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.7 (None or 1 Scores) 0.95 29/10 16:00 9292 0.9 GC Mascara 2.1 RC Arbaa 3.2 1768 Total Goals 2.5 1773 29/10 16:00 0 1.15 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.55 1769 Total Goals 5.5 1775 29/10 19:00 757 1788 Both Halves Under 1.5 1763 Both Halves Over 1.5 1761 0 Argentina Primera Division, Torneo Inicial 1.25 Velez Sarsfield 2 CA Talleres 2.45 886 home (& away) 887 away (& draw) 895 921 1.05 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.6 756 0.9 CA Belgrano 2.35 Quilmes AC 3.3 870 home (& away) 871 away (& draw) 884 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.55 Boca Juniors 3.25 CA Temperley 7 904 away (& draw) 907 1st Half Three way 1767 2nd Half Three way 1780 Odd/Even Goals 1777 29/10 20:45 1713 0.8 Juventus 2.45 Napoli 3.5 29/10 19:00 home (&draw) 1754 home (& away) 1755 away (& draw) 1756 29/10 21:00 29/10 20:45 1760 0.85 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.75 Totals Goals 0.5 1820 Total Goals 1.5 1789 Total Goals 2.5 1824 29/10 21:00 920 1.15 Totals Goals 3.5 1821 Total Goals 4.5 1790 Total Goals 5.5 1825 29/10 21:00 758 0.45 897 home (& away) Draw No Bet 1st Half Three way 1830 Both Halves Under 1.5 1764 Both Halves Over 1.5 1762 1826 2nd Half Three way 1829 Odd/Even Goals 1828 Spain Primera Division home (&draw) home (&draw) home (&draw) 29/10 21:00 922 1.5 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.4 29/10 23:00 7457 1.05 CA Independiente 2.15 Gimnasia y Esgrima 2.85 29/10 13:00 2205 2.7 Sporting Gijon 2.5 Sevilla FC 1 home (&draw) 7464 home (& away) 7465 away (& draw) 7466 home (&draw) 2214 home (& away) 2215 away (& draw) 2216 29/10 23:00 7477 1.05 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.6 29/10 13:00 2519 0.65 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.95 29/10 23:15 7702 2.15 CA Huracan 2.05 CA Rosario Central 1.4 Totals Goals 0.5 2532 Total Goals 1.5 2528 Total Goals 2.5 2525 home (&draw) 7709 home (& away) 7710 away (& draw) 7712 Totals Goals 3.5 2539 Total Goals 4.5 2530 Total Goals 5.5 2527 29/10 23:15 7715 1 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.65 Draw No Bet 2545 Both Halves Under 1.5 2514 Both Halves Over 1.5 2481 Argentina Primera B Nacional 1st Half Three way 2522 2nd Half Three way 2547 Odd/Even Goals 2543 29/10 22:00 3330 29/10 16:15 2200 8.75 CD Alaves 4.75 Real Madrid 0.25 home (&draw) 3334 29/10 22:00 5060 0.95 1.2 San Martin de Tucuman 2.05 CA All Boys 2.6 home (& away) 3347 away (& draw) 4113 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.7 home (&draw) 2206 home (& away) 2207 away (& draw) 2208 29/10 16:15 2516 0.8 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.8 Totals Goals 0.5 2557 Total Goals 1.5 2554 Total Goals 2.5 2551 29/10 13:00 2296 3.05 Shirak Gyumri FC 0.9 Totals Goals 3.5 2560 Total Goals 4.5 2556 Total Goals 5.5 2552 home (&draw) 2297 home (& away) 2298 away (& draw) 2299 29/10 13:00 2300 1 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.65 Draw No Bet 1st Half Three way 2569 Both Halves Under 1.5 2497 Both Halves Over 1.5 2479 2570 Odd/Even Goals Armenia Premier League 2548 2nd Half Three way 2561 29/10 18:30 2201 0.25 Atletico Madrid 4.5 Malaga CF 12 29/10 08:35 1700 home (&draw) 2210 home (& away) 2212 away (& draw) 2213 home (&draw) 1705 Banants Yerevan FC 2.55 Australia A-League 2.65Newcastle United Jets FC2.55 home (& away) Sydney FC 0.9 1706 away (& draw) 1707 vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.3 29/10 18:30 2518 1.5 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.4 29/10 08:35 1711 0.45 (Both Score) Totals Goals 0.5 2619 Total Goals 1.5 2589 Total Goals 2.5 2584 29/10 10:50 1703 0.65 Western Sydney Totals Goals 3.5 2621 Total Goals 4.5 2590 Total Goals 5.5 2586 home (&draw) 1708 home (& away) 1709 away (& draw) 1710 29/10 10:50 1712 0.6 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.05 0.65 Draw No Bet 2627 Both Halves Under 1.5 2500 Both Halves Over 1.5 2480 1st Half Three way 2575 29/10 20:45 2199 home (&draw) 2nd Half Three way 2628 Odd/Even Goals 2622 0.04 FC Barcelona 12 home (& away) 12 Granada CF 16 27 away (& draw) 19 29/10 20:45 2515 1.15 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.55 Totals Goals 3.5 2640 Total Goals 1.5 2646 Total Goals 2.5 2644 Total Goals 4.5 2632 Total Goals 5.5 2645 Austria Bundesliga 29/10 16:00 733 3.7 Admira Wacker 2.85 SK Rapid Vienna 743 home (& away) 745 away (& draw) 746 0.65 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.95 Totals Goals 0.5 991 Total Goals 1.5 989 Total Goals 2.5 961 Totals Goals 3.5 992 Total Goals 4.5 990 Total Goals 5.5 962 home (&draw) 29/10 16:00 953 Draw No Bet Odd/Even Goals 2647 Africa - International Clubs CAF Confederations Cup, Final 1st Half Three way 29/10 18:30 732 home (&draw) (Possible Neutral Venue) 2.85Central Coast Mariners FC3.6 1092 Both Halves Under 1.5 1655 Both Halves Over 1.5 1651 959 2nd Half Three way 958 Odd/Even Goals 0.22 RB Salzburg 4.75 SV Ried 993 9.5 740 home (& away) 741 away (& draw) 742 29/10 20:30 8374 1.4 MO Bejaia 2.1 TP Mazembe 2.1 0.9 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.7 home (&draw) 8375 home (& away) 8376 away (& draw) 8377 Totals Goals 0.5 1271 Total Goals 1.5 1269 Total Goals 2.5 1267 29/10 20:30 8378 1.05 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.6 Totals Goals 3.5 1947 Total Goals 4.5 1270 Total Goals 5.5 1268 29/10 18:30 952 Draw No Bet Algeria Ligue 1 1st Half Three way 1120 Both Halves Under 1.5 1654 Both Halves Over 1.5 1648 1127 2nd Half Three way 1125 Odd/Even Goals 1116 2.25 SKN St. Polten 2.25 SCR Altach 1.15 749 home (& away) 765 away (& draw) 766 0.7 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.9 Totals Goals 0.5 2507 Total Goals 1.5 2505 Total Goals 2.5 2501 0.6 Totals Goals 3.5 2520 Total Goals 4.5 2506 Total Goals 5.5 2504 1.9 Draw No Bet away (& draw) 1406 1st Half Three way (None or 1 Scores) 0.6 29/10 17:00 1391 1.75 NA Hussein Dey 2 ES Setif 1.6 home (&draw) 1398 home (& away) 1399 away (& draw) 1400 29/10 17:00 1407 1 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.65 29/10 17:00 1396 1.3 USM Bel Abbes 2.05 DRB Tadjenant 2.15 home (&draw) 1401 home (& away) 1402 away (& draw) 1403 29/10 17:00 1408 1.05 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 29/10 18:00 1397 1.4 JS Kabylie 2.1 MC Oran home (&draw) 1404 home (& away) 1405 29/10 18:00 1409 1.05 (Both Score) vs 29/10 18:30 734 home (&draw) 29/10 18:30 954 1970 Both Halves Under 1.5 1656 Both Halves Over 1.5 1652 2499 2nd Half Three way 2498 Odd/Even Goals All bets are subject to Gambling Board Betting Rules.Prices are subject to change without notice. NO PERSONS UNDER 18 ARE ALLOWED TO GAMBLE. GAMBLE RESPONSIBLY E O.E.Read our Terms Conditions and Betting rules at 5 1970 SOCCER UPDATE 0861 867 238 Austria Bundesliga 29/10 18:30 735 home (&draw) Belarus Pervaya Liga 0.7 Wolfsberger AC 2.65 SV Mattersburg 3.75 29/10 13:00 2309 0.7 FC Torpedo-Maz Minsk 3.65 767 home (& away) 768 away (& draw) 769 home (&draw) 2320 home (& away) FC Slonim 3.05 2321 away (& draw) 2322 vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.15 0.75 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.85 29/10 13:00 2329 0.55 (Both Score) Totals Goals 0.5 2587 Total Goals 1.5 2604 Total Goals 2.5 2594 29/10 13:00 2310 1.2 FC Smolevichi-Sti Totals Goals 3.5 2591 Total Goals 4.5 2585 Total Goals 5.5 2601 home (&draw) 2323 home (& away) 2324 away (& draw) 2325 29/10 13:00 2330 0.5 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.2 29/10 18:30 955 Draw No Bet 2611 Both Halves Under 1.5 1657 Both Halves Over 1.5 1653 1st Half Three way 2550 29/10 16:00 1223 0.85 SK Vorwarts Steyr 2.6 home (&draw) 1224 home (& away) 29/10 16:00 1227 0.45 (Both Score) 2nd Half Three way 2612 Odd/Even Goals 2609 Austria Amateur Regionalliga Centre Belgium Pro League 29/10 18:00 1529 2 SV Zulte Waregem 2.45 Club Brugge 1.3 home (&draw) 1533 home (& away) 1534 away (& draw) 1535 754 0.55 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.15 29/10 20:00 1530 0.35 KRC Genk 3.8 KVC Westerlo 8 home (&draw) 1536 home (& away) 1537 away (& draw) 1538 0.85 SC Weiz 2.5 1225 away (& draw) 1226 29/10 18:00 vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.45 Austria Amateur Regionalliga West 2.75 FC Zvezda-Bgu Minsk 1.95 29/10 15:00 8114 0.65 Wacker Innsbruck II 2.85 FC Dornbirn 3.3 29/10 20:00 7258 0.75 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) home (&draw) 8115 home (& away) 8116 away (& draw) 8117 29/10 20:00 1531 1.2 AS Eupen 2.65 Sporting Lokeren 2 29/10 15:00 1019 0.45 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.4 home (&draw) 1539 home (& away) 1540 away (& draw) 1541 1.15 SV Grodig 0.4 29/10 20:00 7986 0.55 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) home (&draw) 8119 home (& away) 8120 away (& draw) 8121 29/10 20:30 1532 1.5 St. Truidense VV 2.4 Royal Charleroi SC 1.75 29/10 15:00 1020 0.75 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.9 home (&draw) 1542 home (& away) 1543 away (& draw) 1544 0.65 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.95 29/10 15:00 8118 29/10 15:00 997 5.75 FC Pinzgau Saalfelden 3.45 1.2 VfB Hohenems 2.7 SV Seekirchen 1.7 home (&draw) 1008 home (& away) 1010 away (& draw) 1011 29/10 20:30 761 29/10 15:00 1021 0.25 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 2.25 29/10 20:00 1421 1.55 Union Saint-Gilloise 29/10 15:30 1002 0.95 SCR Altach II 2.7 Austria Salzburg 2.15 home (&draw) 1422 home (& away) 1426 away (& draw) 1427 home (&draw) 1012 home (& away) 1013 away (& draw) 1014 29/10 20:00 1428 0.55 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.15 29/10 15:30 1022 0.35 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.7 29/10 16:00 1003 1.7 SAK 1914 Salzburg 2.65 FC Hard 1.15 29/10 15:00 4879 KAA Gent 2.75 home (&draw) 1015 home (& away) 1017 away (& draw) 1018 home (&draw) 4880 home (& away) 4881 away (& draw) 4882 29/10 16:00 1023 0.35 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.6 29/10 15:00 4884 0.5 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.25 Belgium First Division B, First stage 2.35 Oud-Heverlee Leuven 1.7 Belgium Super League, Women Azerbaijan Premier League Standard 0.8 Femina De Lige Women 3.25 Bolivia n Liga Profesional no, Apertura 29/10 13:00 1009 0.3 FK Gabala 3.65 FK Neftchi Baku 8.25 29/10 21:00 7265 1.15 Sport Boys home (&draw) 1027 home (& away) 1028 away (& draw) 1031 home (&draw) 7266 home (& away) 7267 2.25Club Jorge Wilstermann 2.25 away (& draw) 7268 29/10 13:00 1049 1.05 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.6 29/10 21:00 7269 0.65 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1 29/10 15:00 1007 10.5 Azal Baku 4.75 Qarabag FK 0.18 Bosnia & Herzegovina Premier League home (&draw) 1016 home (& away) 1024 away (& draw) 1026 29/10 13:30 2348 1.8 NK Metalleghe-Bsi 2.2 Doboj Kakanj 1.45 29/10 15:00 1032 1.3 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.5 home (&draw) 2352 home (& away) 2353 away (& draw) 2354 29/10 13:30 2362 0.85 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.75 29/10 13:00 8123 1.65 Naftan Novopolotsk 2.25 FC Brest 1.65 29/10 14:00 2346 1.5 NK Vitez 2.05 FK Sloboda Tuzla 1.85 home (&draw) 8129 home (& away) 8130 away (& draw) 8131 home (&draw) 2355 home (& away) 2356 away (& draw) 2357 29/10 13:00 8139 0.6 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1 29/10 14:00 2363 0.85 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.75 29/10 14:00 8122 1.4 FC Granit Mikashevichi 2.25 FC Vitebsk 1.95 29/10 14:30 2345 1.3 Radnik Bijeljina 2.2 FK Krupa 2 8127 away (& draw) 8128 home (&draw) 2358 home (& away) 2359 away (& draw) 2360 vs (None or 1 Scores) 1 29/10 14:30 2364 0.75 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.85 7 29/10 14:30 2347 3.9 away (& draw) 8134 home (&draw) 2349 29/10 14:30 2361 0.8 Belarus Vysshaya League home (&draw) 8126 29/10 14:00 8138 0.65 (Both Score) 29/10 14:15 8124 0.4 FC Dinamo Minsk home (&draw) 8132 home (& away) 8133 1 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.65 0.35 FC Shakhter Soligorsk 3.9 FC Neman Grodno 8.5 29/10 14:15 8140 29/10 16:00 8125 home (& away) 3.75 FC Belshina Bobruisk FK Olimpic Sarajevo 2.65 Zrinjski Mostar 0.65 home (& away) 2350 away (& draw) 2351 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.8 Brazil Brasilero Serie A home (&draw) 8135 home (& away) 8136 away (& draw) 8137 29/10 20:30 1136 1.15 Atletico Paranaense 2.1 Cruzeiro MG 2.4 29/10 16:00 8141 1.4 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.45 home (&draw) 1971 home (& away) 3984 away (& draw) 3986 29/10 20:30 4060 0.9 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.7 29/10 13:00 2301 5 FC Gomel 0.6 29/10 20:30 1248 1.1 Atletico Mineiro MG 2.3 Flamengo RJ 2.25 4056 Belarus Pervaya Liga FC Gomelzheldortrans 2.9 home (&draw) 2311 home (& away) 2312 away (& draw) 2313 home (&draw) 3990 home (& away) 3998 away (& draw) 29/10 13:00 2326 0.75 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.85 29/10 20:30 4062 0.65 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1 29/10 13:00 2302 1.2 FC Smorgon 2.8 FC Lida 1.95 29/10 20:30 1473 0.5 Corinthians SP 3.05 Chapecoense SC 5.25 home (&draw) 2314 home (& away) 2315 away (& draw) 2316 home (&draw) 4057 home (& away) 4058 away (& draw) 4059 29/10 13:00 2327 0.55 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.2 29/10 20:30 4063 0.85 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.75 29/10 13:00 2303 0.15 FC Dnepr Mogilev 7.75 FC Baranovichi 11.75 29/10 22:30 4064 0.3 Internacional RS 3.7 Santa Cruz PE 8.5 home (&draw) 2317 home (& away) 2318 away (& draw) 2319 home (&draw) 4078 home (& away) 4079 away (& draw) 4080 29/10 13:00 2328 0.85 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.75 29/10 22:30 4097 1.3 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.5 All bets are subject to Gambling Board Betting Rules.Prices are subject to change without notice. NO PERSONS UNDER 18 ARE ALLOWED TO GAMBLE. GAMBLE RESPONSIBLY E O.E.Read our Terms Conditions and Betting rules at 6 SOCCER UPDATE 0861 867 238 Brazil Brasilero Serie A Croatia 2. HNL 29/10 22:30 4076 0.65 Botafogo RJ 2.55 Coritiba PR 4.25 29/10 15:00 2697 2 NK Solin 2.15 NK Rudes 1.45 home (&draw) 4093 home (& away) 4094 away (& draw) 4095 home (&draw) 2708 home (& away) 2709 away (& draw) 2710 29/10 22:30 4100 1.05 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.6 29/10 15:00 759 0.75 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.85 29/10 23:30 4070 1.3 Figueirense FC 2.05 Gremio RS 2.15 29/10 15:00 2699 0.6 HNK Sibenik 2.65 NK Novigrad 4.75 home (&draw) 4081 home (& away) 4082 away (& draw) 4083 home (&draw) 2711 home (& away) 2732 away (& draw) 2733 29/10 23:30 4098 0.9 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.7 29/10 23:30 4073 1.3 Santos FC SP 2.15 Palmeiras SP 2 home (&draw) 4088 home (& away) 4089 away (& draw) 4092 29/10 23:30 4099 0.75 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.85 128 0.65 EC Bahia BA 2.6 Ceara CE 1.05 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.6 0.4 NK Zagreb 3.25 NK Lucko 7.25 home (&draw) 2734 home (& away) 2735 away (& draw) 2736 760 1.15 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.55 29/10 15:00 2707 0.3 NK Radnik Sesvete 3.85 NK Imotski 9.75 4 home (&draw) 2860 home (& away) 2863 away (& draw) 2864 29/10 15:00 8000 1.2 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.55 Brazil Brasilero Serie B 29/10 21:00 914 29/10 15:00 2706 29/10 15:00 29/10 15:00 home (&draw) 774 home (& away) 779 away (& draw) 839 29/10 21:00 1130 0.85 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.75 29/10 21:00 0.65 Paysandu PA 2.35 Sampaio Correa MA 4.5 29/10 17:00 8147 0.22 AC Omonia Nicosia 5 Aris Limassol FC 8.75 843 home (& away) 873 away (& draw) 906 home (&draw) 8149 home (& away) 8150 away (& draw) 8151 29/10 21:00 1131 0.9 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.75 29/10 17:00 8155 0.95 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.65 29/10 21:00 1.55 Tupi MG 2.05 Vila Nova GO 1.75 29/10 17:00 8148 0.55 home (&draw) 916 home (& away) 963 away (& draw) 970 home (&draw) 8152 29/10 21:00 1132 0.65 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1 29/10 17:00 8156 0.95 (Both Score) 29/10 19:00 1414 1.6 AEK Larnaca FC home (& away) (Both Score) 129 home (&draw) 130 Brazil Brasileiro Serie C, Playoffs 29/10 23:15 4991 0.95 Guarani SP 2.35 Cyprus 1st Division Boa Esporte Clube 2.8 home (&draw) 1416 29/10 19:00 1419 0.8 Ethnikos Achnas FC 2.75 home (& away) Karmiotissa 5 away (& draw) 8154 vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.65 2.2 Apoel Nicosia FC 1.65 1417 away (& draw) 1418 vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.8 8153 home (&draw) 4992 home (& away) 4993 away (& draw) 4994 29/10 23:15 5008 1.05 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.6 29/10 15:00 2869 0.14 Sparta Prague 6.75 1 FK Pribram 16.5 29/10 16:30 7270 0.45 CSKA Sofia 3.3 Lokomotiv Plovdiv 6.5 home (&draw) 2910 home (& away) 2911 away (& draw) 2912 0.5 Bulgaria A PFG Czech Republic 1. Liga home (&draw) 7272 home (& away) 7273 away (& draw) 7274 29/10 15:00 6910 1.3 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 29/10 16:30 7278 1.05 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.6 29/10 17:00 2870 0.7 FC Zbrojovka Brno 2.7 FC Vysocina Jihlava 3.8 29/10 19:00 7271 0.55 Beroe Stara Zagora 3 PFC Montana 1921 5.25 home (&draw) 2907 home (& away) 2908 away (& draw) 2909 home (&draw) 7275 home (& away) 7276 away (& draw) 7277 29/10 17:00 2917 0.8 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.8 29/10 19:00 7279 1.2 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.5 29/10 17:00 2871 1.45 1 FC Slovacko 2.25 FK Teplice 1.95 home (&draw) 2892 home (& away) 2893 away (& draw) 2894 29/10 17:00 7280 1.05 Deportes Iquique 2.45 Santiago Wanderers 2.55 29/10 17:00 2916 0.65 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.95 home (&draw) 7282 home (& away) 7283 away (& draw) 7284 29/10 20:15 2865 0.55 FK Mlada Boleslav 3.2 FC Fastav Zlin 4.75 29/10 17:00 7288 0.65 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.95 home (&draw) 2913 home (& away) 2914 away (& draw) 2915 29/10 20:15 2918 0.75 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.85 Chile Primera Division, Apertura 29/10 20:30 7281 2.05 Cobresal 2.6 Union Espanola 1.2 home (&draw) 7285 home (& away) 7286 away (& draw) 7287 29/10 20:30 7289 0.55 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.1 29/10 10:15 2922 2.1 Pardubice 29/10 23:00 7481 0.6 Universidad Catolica 3.2 Audax Italiano 4.25 home (&draw) 2930 home (& away) 2931 away (& draw) 2932 home (&draw) 7484 home (& away) 7485 away (& draw) 7486 29/10 10:15 6914 0.75 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.85 29/10 23:00 7493 0.65 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1 29/10 14:30 2919 1.7 Prostejov 2.25 Mas Taborsko 1.6 home (&draw) 2936 home (& away) 2937 away (& draw) 2938 (Both Score) 0.95 Chile Primera B 29/10 21:00 4959 1.35Club De Deportes Valdivia2.45 Czech Republic Druha liga 2.25 SK Dynamo Ceske Budejovice 1.3 vs (None or 1 Scores) 2.5 SK Sigma Olomouc 0.85 2928 away (& draw) 2929 Union San Felipe 1.9 29/10 14:30 6927 0.7 home (&draw) 4960 home (& away) 4961 away (& draw) 4962 29/10 14:30 2920 3.15 Fotbal Frydek Mistek 29/10 21:00 4963 0.95 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.7 home (&draw) 29/10 22:30 4964 0.8 Santiago Morning 2.6 CD Cobreloa Calama 3.5 29/10 14:30 6913 0.7 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.9 home (&draw) 4965 home (& away) 4966 away (& draw) 4967 29/10 14:30 2923 0.85 FC Graffin Vlasim 2.6 FK Viktoria Zizkov 3.05 29/10 22:30 4986 0.85 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.75 Colombia Liga Postobon II 29/10 21:00 925 home (&draw) 29/10 21:00 935 2927 home (& away) home (&draw) 2933 home (& away) 2934 away (& draw) 2935 29/10 14:30 6921 0.65 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.95 0.9 Rionegro Aguilas 2.3 Alianza Petrolera 2.95 29/10 18:00 2921 0.45 SFC Opava 3.3 Fotbal Trinec 6.25 929 home (& away) 930 away (& draw) 931 home (&draw) 2924 home (& away) 2925 away (& draw) 2926 0.7 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.95 29/10 18:00 6912 0.8 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.8 Croatia 1. HNL 29/10 15:00 2613 6 NK Inter Zapresic home (&draw) 2615 home (& away) 29/10 15:00 5209 1.15 29/10 17:00 2614 1.25 home (&draw) 2633 29/10 17:00 2696 0.65 Czech Republic CFL 29/10 10:15 9296 0.15 Loko Vltavin 6.75 FK Mas Taborsko II 11 2616 3.25 GNK Dinamo Zagreb 0.45 away (& draw) 2620 home (&draw) 9299 home (& away) 9300 away (& draw) 9301 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.55 29/10 10:15 9308 0.8 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.8 NK Slaven Belupo 2.2 NK Istra 1961 2.3 29/10 10:15 9297 0.3 Afk Chrudim 4.25 FK Horovicko 7 home (& away) 2634 away (& draw) 2635 home (&draw) 9302 home (& away) 9303 away (& draw) 9304 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.95 29/10 10:15 9309 0.85 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.75 All bets are subject to Gambling Board Betting Rules.Prices are subject to change without notice. NO PERSONS UNDER 18 ARE ALLOWED TO GAMBLE. GAMBLE RESPONSIBLY E O.E.Read our Terms Conditions and Betting rules at 7 SOCCER UPDATE 0861 867 238 Czech Republic CFL Denmark 2nd Division, Pulje 1 29/10 14:30 9298 0.95 FK Dobrovice 2.9 SK Prevysov 2.2 29/10 14:00 1050 home (&draw) 9305 home (& away) 9306 away (& draw) 9307 home (&draw) 29/10 14:30 9310 0.4 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.45 29/10 14:00 5214 0.5 29/10 14:00 1063 2.05 1064 home (& away) Czech Republic MSFL 29/10 14:00 9312 1.15 HFK Trebic 2.9 Slovacko B 1.8 home (&draw) 1.75 B 93 Kopenhagen Amateur2.7 1051 BK Avarta 1.35 1052 away (& draw) 1059 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.25 HIK Hellerup 2.5 Hvidovre IF 1.25 1070 away (& draw) 1072 1.2 home (& away) home (&draw) 9316 home (& away) 9317 away (& draw) 9318 29/10 14:00 5205 0.5 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 29/10 14:00 9330 0.5 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.25 29/10 14:00 1079 0.85 Bronshoj BK 2.7 Fredensborg BI 3 29/10 14:00 9313 2.2 1 Hfk Olomouc 2.9 FC Odra Petrkovice 0.95 home (&draw) 1080 home (& away) 1081 away (& draw) 1083 home (&draw) 9319 home (& away) 9320 away (& draw) 9323 29/10 14:00 5206 0.55 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.2 29/10 14:00 9334 0.45 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.4 29/10 14:00 1084 3.7 Holbaek 2.65 BK Frem 0.75 29/10 14:00 9314 1.2 FK Mohelnice 2.65 SK Spartak Hulin 1.85 home (&draw) 1085 home (& away) 1086 away (& draw) 1090 home (&draw) 9324 home (& away) 9325 away (& draw) 9326 29/10 14:00 5208 0.55 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.15 29/10 14:00 9335 0.6 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.1 29/10 14:00 9315 1.45 FC Hlucin home (&draw) 9327 home (& away) 9328 2.7 SK Sigma Olomouc B 1.45 away (& draw) 9329 29/10 14:00 9336 0.55 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.15 Czech Republic U19 1st Division 29/10 11:00 9338 0.9 Sigma Olomouc U 19 3.2 Banik Ostrava U 19 2.25 Denmark 2nd Division, Pulje 2 29/10 14:00 363 home (&draw) 1.65 Greve Fodbold Amateur 2.5 367 home (& away) Dalum IF 1.5 369 away (& draw) 370 1.2 29/10 14:00 384 0.5 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 29/10 14:00 364 0.95 Middelfart 2.7 FC Sydvest 05 2.6 371 home (& away) 372 away (& draw) 373 1.35 home (&draw) home (&draw) 9346 home (& away) 9347 away (& draw) 9348 29/10 14:00 385 0.45 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 29/10 11:00 9362 0.4 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.5 29/10 14:00 365 1.55 Naesby BK 2.5 BK Marienlyst 1.6 29/10 13:00 9337 2.1 FC Pardubice U 19 3.5 Slavia Prague U 19 0.85 374 home (& away) 375 away (& draw) 376 home (&draw) 9343 home (& away) 9344 away (& draw) 9345 29/10 14:00 386 0.5 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.2 29/10 13:00 9361 0.45 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.45 29/10 14:00 366 4 FC Svendborg 2.85 Kolding IF Amateur 0.65 29/10 13:00 9339 0.35 Sparta Prague U 19 4.25 FC Slovacko U 19 5.5 381 home (& away) 382 away (& draw) 383 home (&draw) 9349 home (& away) 9350 away (& draw) 9351 0.5 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.3 29/10 13:00 9363 0.65 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.95 2.35 29/10 13:00 9340 4.25 Vysocina Jihlava U 19 4.25 home (&draw) home (&draw) 29/10 14:00 387 Denmark 2nd Division, Pulje 3 Viktoria Plzen U 19 0.45 home (&draw) 9352 home (& away) 9353 away (& draw) 9354 29/10 13:00 9364 0.6 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.05 29/10 14:00 29/10 14:00 9341 0.6 FK Pribram U 19 3.5 MFK Karvina U 19 3.3 29/10 14:00 home (&draw) 9355 home (& away) 9356 away (& draw) 9357 29/10 14:00 9365 0.45 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.35 29/10 14:00 409 0.55 29/10 14:00 9342 0.75 FC Fastav Zlin U 19 3.6 Ceske Budejovice U 19 2.35 29/10 14:00 390 2.8 home (&draw) 9358 home (& away) 9359 away (& draw) 9360 402 29/10 14:00 9366 0.55 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.2 29/10 16:00 1.7 Lyngby BK 2.2 Randers FC 1.6 home (&draw) 29/10 14:00 7264 Denmark Superligaen 336 home (&draw) 29/10 14:00 388 1.05 VSK Arhus 2.65 Vejgaard B 392 home (& away) 393 away (& draw) 394 408 0.5 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.25 389 0.75 Brabrand IF 2.7 Aarhus Fremad 3.6 395 home (& away) 396 away (& draw) 401 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.15 Odder Amateur 2.8 Thisted FC 0.85 home (& away) 403 away (& draw) 404 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.25 home (&draw) home (&draw) home (&draw) 29/10 14:00 410 0.5 29/10 14:00 391 0.55 Kjellerup IF 3.15 Jammerbugt FC 5 405 home (& away) 406 away (& draw) 407 0.55 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.1 337 home (& away) 338 away (& draw) 339 0.75 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.85 Totals Goals 0.5 347 Total Goals 1.5 345 Total Goals 2.5 343 29/10 13:00 9367 0.9 Jaegersborg 2.7 Stenlose BK 2.6 Totals Goals 3.5 348 Total Goals 4.5 346 Total Goals 5.5 344 home (&draw) 9368 home (& away) 9369 away (& draw) 9370 351 Both Halves Under 1.5 1659 Both Halves Over 1.5 1658 29/10 13:00 7977 0.25 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 2.15 342 29/10 14:00 9371 1.25 Taastrup FC 2.6 Kastrup Amateur 1.8 home (&draw) 9372 home (& away) 9373 away (& draw) 9374 29/10 16:00 340 Draw No Bet 1st Half Three way 2nd Half Three way 352 Odd/Even Goals 349 Denmark Elitedivisionen, Women Denmark Amateur Danmarksserien Pulje 1 29/10 13:00 7290 2.85 Odense Q 3.1 Kolding BK Women 0.8 29/10 14:00 7987 0.65 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1 home (&draw) 7293 home (& away) 7294 away (& draw) 7295 29/10 15:00 9375 0.1 Hillerod 8.75 Kalundborg GB 12 29/10 13:00 7302 0.55 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.15 home (&draw) 9380 home (& away) 9381 away (& draw) 9382 29/10 13:00 7291 0.8 Vejle BK Women 3.1 Varde Women 2.85 29/10 15:00 7976 0.9 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.7 home (&draw) 7296 home (& away) 7297 away (& draw) 7298 29/10 15:00 9379 1.8 Vanløse Amateur 29/10 13:00 7303 0.5 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.3 home (&draw) 9376 home (& away) 9377 away (& draw) 9378 29/10 15:00 7292 0.12Fortuna Hjørring Women8.25 IK Skovbakken Women 15.5 29/10 15:00 7989 0.45 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.4 home (&draw) 7299 home (& away) 7300 away (& draw) 7301 29/10 15:00 7304 0.85 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.75 2.6 Virum Sorgenfri Amateur1.25 Denmark Amateur Danmarksserien Pulje 2 29/10 13:00 9383 0.85 GVI Amateur 2.65 Avedøre Amateur 2.65 home (&draw) 9384 home (& away) 9385 away (& draw) 9386 29/10 13:00 7983 0.65 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.95 29/10 14:00 9387 Ledøje 1.25 Smørum Fodbold Amateur 2.7 Skovshoved Amateur 1.75 home (&draw) 9388 home (& away) 9389 away (& draw) 9390 29/10 14:00 7971 0.35 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.75 All bets are subject to Gambling Board Betting Rules.Prices are subject to change without notice. NO PERSONS UNDER 18 ARE ALLOWED TO GAMBLE. GAMBLE RESPONSIBLY E O.E.Read our Terms Conditions and Betting rules at 8 SOCCER UPDATE 0861 867 238 Denmark Amateur Danmarksserien Pulje 2 England Championship 29/10 15:00 9391 2.65 Rishoj Boldklub 2.65 AB Taarnby 0.85 29/10 16:00 2752 1.4 Fulham FC 2.25 Huddersfield Town 1.95 home (&draw) 9739 home (& away) 9740 away (& draw) 9745 home (&draw) 2768 home (& away) 2769 away (& draw) 2770 0.3 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.85 29/10 16:00 2792 0.65 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1 Totals Goals 0.5 2840 Total Goals 1.5 2838 Total Goals 2.5 2842 2841 Total Goals 4.5 2839 Total Goals 5.5 2843 29/10 15:00 7996 Denmark Amateur Danmarksserien Pulje 3 29/10 13:00 9395 0.75 Oure FA 2.85 SSV Hojfyn 3.1 Totals Goals 3.5 home (&draw) 9396 home (& away) 9397 away (& draw) 9398 Draw No Bet 29/10 13:00 7988 0.2 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 2.65 1st Half Three way 2837 2nd Half Three way 2846 Odd/Even Goals 29/10 15:00 9399 0.18 Varde IF 6.75 FC Sonderborg 9.25 29/10 16:00 2753 1.35 Derby County 2.2 Sheffield Wednesday 2.1 home (&draw) 9400 home (& away) 9401 away (& draw) 9402 home (&draw) 2771 home (& away) 2772 away (& draw) 2773 2835 Both Halves Under 1.5 5045 Both Halves Over 1.5 4855 2844 29/10 16:00 2793 0.85 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.75 IF Lyseng Amateur 0.65 Totals Goals 0.5 2854 Total Goals 1.5 2852 Total Goals 2.5 2856 9405 away (& draw) 9406 Totals Goals 3.5 2855 Total Goals 4.5 2853 Total Goals 5.5 2857 vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.6 Draw No Bet Denmark Amateur Danmarksserien, Pulje 4 29/10 13:00 9403 3.7 FC Skanderborg 2.9 home (&draw) 9404 home (& away) 29/10 13:00 7979 0.4 (Both Score) 29/10 13:30 9407 2.5 Skjold IF Saeby 2.85 Vatanspor 0.85 1st Half Three way 2849 2nd Half Three way 2858 Odd/Even Goals home (&draw) 9408 home (& away) 9409 away (& draw) 9410 29/10 16:00 2754 0.7 Ipswich Town 2.65 Rotherham United 4.25 29/10 13:30 7985 0.4 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.55 home (&draw) 2774 home (& away) 2775 away (& draw) 2776 29/10 19:00 2678 0.95 SD Aucas 2.2 home (&draw) 2679 home (& away) 29/10 19:00 7990 0.85 (Both Score) 2847 Both Halves Under 1.5 4894 Both Halves Over 1.5 4035 2850 29/10 16:00 2794 0.9 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.7 Fuerza Amarilla S.c. 2.9 Totals Goals 0.5 2866 Total Goals 1.5 2861 Total Goals 2.5 2868 2680 away (& draw) 2681 Totals Goals 3.5 2867 Total Goals 4.5 2862 Total Goals 5.5 2872 vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.75 Draw No Bet Ecuador Serie A, Segunda Etapa 2859 Both Halves Under 1.5 5021 Both Halves Over 1.5 4708 1st Half Three way 2875 2nd Half Three way 2874 Odd/Even Goals home (&draw) 9726 home (& away) 9727 away (& draw) 9728 29/10 16:00 2755 3.05 Preston North End 2.5 Newcastle United 0.9 29/10 23:00 9729 0.9 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.7 home (&draw) 2777 home (& away) 2778 away (& draw) 2779 29/10 16:00 2795 0.8 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.8 29/10 14:45 3384 0.65 Talaea El Gaish 2.6 Aswan FC 4.5 Totals Goals 0.5 1071 Total Goals 1.5 1062 Total Goals 2.5 1302 home (&draw) 3387 home (& away) 3388 away (& draw) 3395 Totals Goals 3.5 1238 Total Goals 4.5 1069 Total Goals 5.5 1420 29/10 14:45 4876 1.2 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.5 Draw No Bet 29/10 17:00 3385 1.9 El-Entag El-Harby 1.9 Petrojet FC 1.7 1st Half Three way 380 2nd Half Three way 379 Odd/Even Goals home (&draw) 3396 home (& away) 3398 away (& draw) 3886 29/10 16:00 2756 1.1 Leeds United 2.3 Burton Albion 2.6 29/10 17:00 4877 0.95 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.65 home (&draw) 2780 home (& away) 2781 away (& draw) 2782 29/10 19:30 3386 1.9 El Nasr Taadeen 2.1 El Daklyeh 1.55 29/10 16:00 2796 0.8 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.8 home (&draw) 4715 home (& away) 4723 away (& draw) 4738 Totals Goals 0.5 1697 Total Goals 1.5 1636 Total Goals 2.5 1926 29/10 19:30 4878 1.05 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.6 Totals Goals 3.5 1854 Total Goals 4.5 1693 Total Goals 5.5 1928 29/10 23:00 9725 0.8 Liga Dep Universitaria Quito 2.5 CD Universidad Catolica3.25 Egypt Premier League Draw No Bet El Salvador Primera Division, Apertura 2876 377 Both Halves Under 1.5 5022 Both Halves Over 1.5 4709 896 1424 Both Halves Under 1.5 5052 Both Halves Over 1.5 4862 29/10 23:00 9730 1.8 CD Dragon 2.2 L.a. Firpo 1.4 1st Half Three way 1457 2nd Half Three way 1425 Odd/Even Goals home (&draw) 9734 home (& away) 9735 away (& draw) 9736 29/10 16:00 2757 1 Reading FC 2.4 Nottingham Forest 2.65 29/10 23:00 9737 0.7 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.9 home (&draw) 2783 home (& away) 2784 away (& draw) 2785 29/10 16:00 2797 0.75 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.85 29/10 16:00 2749 1.45 Brighton & Hove Albion FC2.2 Norwich City 1.95 Totals Goals 0.5 2598 Total Goals 1.5 2502 Total Goals 2.5 2600 2599 Total Goals 4.5 2597 Total Goals 5.5 2602 England Championship 1633 home (&draw) 2759 home (& away) 2760 away (& draw) 2761 Totals Goals 3.5 29/10 16:00 2789 0.8 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.8 Draw No Bet Totals Goals 0.5 2805 Total Goals 1.5 2803 Total Goals 2.5 2807 1st Half Three way 2906 2nd Half Three way 2905 Totals Goals 3.5 2806 Total Goals 4.5 2804 Total Goals 5.5 2808 29/10 18:30 2758 1.6 Blackburn Rovers 2.25 Wolverhampton Wanderers1.7 Draw No Bet 2042 Both Halves Under 1.5 5013 Both Halves Over 1.5 4703 Odd/Even Goals 2459 home (&draw) 2786 home (& away) 2787 away (& draw) 1st Half Three way 2800 2nd Half Three way 2809 Odd/Even Goals 2801 29/10 18:30 2798 0.75 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.9 29/10 16:00 2750 1.8 Barnsley FC 2.25 Bristol City 1.55 Totals Goals 0.5 2885 Total Goals 1.5 2883 Total Goals 2.5 2887 2886 Total Goals 4.5 2884 Total Goals 5.5 2888 2799 Both Halves Under 1.5 4883 Both Halves Over 1.5 2004 home (&draw) 2762 home (& away) 2763 away (& draw) 2764 Totals Goals 3.5 29/10 16:00 2790 0.6 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.05 Draw No Bet Totals Goals 0.5 2817 Total Goals 1.5 2815 Total Goals 2.5 2819 1st Half Three way Totals Goals 3.5 2818 Total Goals 4.5 2816 Total Goals 5.5 2820 Draw No Bet 1st Half Three way 2811 Both Halves Under 1.5 4863 Both Halves Over 1.5 1968 2812 2nd Half Three way 2821 Odd/Even Goals 2788 2878 Both Halves Under 1.5 5023 Both Halves Over 1.5 4710 2882 2nd Half Three way 2881 Odd/Even Goals 2889 England Conference National 29/10 13:15 2939 1.2 Barrow FC 2.35 Eastleigh FC 2.25 2813 home (&draw) 2951 home (& away) 2952 away (& draw) 2953 0.9 29/10 16:00 2751 1.2 Cardiff City 2.25 Wigan Athletic 2.4 29/10 13:15 2987 0.7 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) home (&draw) 2765 home (& away) 2766 away (& draw) 2767 29/10 16:00 2940 0.5 Aldershot Town 3 Guiseley FC 6 29/10 16:00 2791 0.85 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.75 home (&draw) 2954 home (& away) 2955 away (& draw) 2956 Totals Goals 0.5 2830 Total Goals 1.5 2828 Total Goals 2.5 2832 29/10 16:00 2988 0.8 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.8 Totals Goals 3.5 2831 Total Goals 4.5 2829 Total Goals 5.5 2833 29/10 16:00 2941 0.8 Boreham Wood 2.7 Woking FC 3.3 home (&draw) 2957 home (& away) 2958 away (& draw) 2959 29/10 16:00 2989 0.7 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.9 Draw No Bet 1st Half Three way 2823 Both Halves Under 1.5 4864 Both Halves Over 1.5 1984 2824 2nd Half Three way 2827 Odd/Even Goals All bets are subject to Gambling Board Betting Rules.Prices are subject to change without notice. NO PERSONS UNDER 18 ARE ALLOWED TO GAMBLE. GAMBLE RESPONSIBLY E O.E.Read our Terms Conditions and Betting rules at 9 SOCCER UPDATE 0861 867 238 England Conference National England League One 29/10 16:00 2942 1.85 Chester City 2.4 Lincoln City 1.4 29/10 16:00 3009 0.7 Scunthorpe United 2.75 Swindon Town 3.75 home (&draw) 2960 home (& away) 2961 away (& draw) 2962 home (&draw) 3041 home (& away) 3042 away (& draw) 3043 29/10 16:00 2990 0.7 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.9 29/10 16:00 3057 0.7 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.9 29/10 16:00 2943 1.25 Braintree Town 2.4 Solihull Moors FC 2.1 29/10 16:00 3010 0.95 Southend United 2.5 Shrewsbury Town 2.75 home (&draw) 2963 home (& away) 2964 away (& draw) 2965 home (&draw) 3044 home (& away) 3045 away (& draw) 3046 29/10 16:00 2991 0.7 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.95 29/10 16:00 3058 0.75 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.85 29/10 16:00 2944 0.85 Forest Green Rovers 2.55 Dagenham & Redbridge 3.3 3.6 England League Two home (&draw) 2966 home (& away) 2967 away (& draw) 2968 29/10 16:00 3059 0.75 Accrington Stanley 2.6 Newport County 29/10 16:00 2992 0.75 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.9 home (&draw) 3071 home (& away) 3075 away (& draw) 29/10 16:00 2945 1 Gateshead FC 2.35 Wrexham FC 2.8 29/10 16:00 3107 0.85 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.8 home (&draw) 2969 home (& away) 2970 away (& draw) 2971 29/10 16:00 3060 1.25 Barnet FC 2.4 Hartlepool United 2.15 29/10 16:00 2993 0.7 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.9 home (&draw) 3074 home (& away) 3075 away (& draw) 3076 29/10 16:00 2946 1.95 Dover Athletic 2.4 Tranmere Rovers 1.35 29/10 16:00 3108 0.6 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.05 home (&draw) 2972 home (& away) 2973 away (& draw) 2974 29/10 16:00 3061 3.4 29/10 16:00 2994 0.6 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.1 home (&draw) 3077 29/10 16:00 2947 2.55 North Ferriby Utd 2.3 Bromley FC 1.1 29/10 16:00 3109 0.8 home (&draw) 2975 home (& away) 2976 away (& draw) 2977 29/10 16:00 3062 0.55 29/10 16:00 2995 0.7 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.9 home (&draw) 3080 home (& away) 29/10 16:00 2948 1.95 Maidstone United 2.4 Macclesfield Town 1.35 29/10 16:00 3110 0.75 (Both Score) home (&draw) 2978 home (& away) 2979 away (& draw) 2980 29/10 16:00 3063 0.6 Doncaster Rovers 29/10 16:00 2996 0.65 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1 home (&draw) 3083 home (& away) Cambridge United FC 2.55 Portsmouth FC 0.8 3078 away (& draw) 3079 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.8 Carlisle United 3.2 Crawley Town 5 3081 away (& draw) 3082 vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.85 2.9 Wycombe Wanderers 4.5 3084 away (& draw) 3085 0.75 home (& away) 29/10 16:00 2949 1.4 York City 2.4 Sutton United 1.9 29/10 16:00 3112 0.9 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) home (&draw) 2981 home (& away) 2982 away (& draw) 2983 29/10 16:00 3064 1.9 Cheltenham Town 2.25 Blackpool FC 1.45 29/10 16:00 2997 0.7 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.9 home (&draw) 3086 home (& away) 3087 away (& draw) 3088 29/10 16:00 2950 0.85 Torquay United 2.45 Southport FC 3.4 29/10 16:00 3113 0.7 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.9 home (&draw) 2984 home (& away) 2985 away (& draw) 2986 29/10 16:00 3065 1.85 Notts County 2.35 Luton Town 1.45 29/10 16:00 2998 0.75 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.85 England League One home (&draw) 3095 home (& away) 3096 away (& draw) 3097 29/10 16:00 3116 0.6 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.05 29/10 14:00 3000 1.65 Oxford United 2.3 Millwall FC 1.65 29/10 16:00 3066 2.05 Morecambe FC 2.4 Exeter City 1.3 home (&draw) 3014 home (& away) 3015 away (& draw) 3016 home (&draw) 3098 home (& away) 3099 away (& draw) 3100 29/10 14:00 3048 0.65 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1 29/10 16:00 3117 0.55 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.15 29/10 16:00 2999 1.85 AFC Wimbledon 2.2 Bradford City 1.55 29/10 16:00 3067 0.95 Leyton Orient 2.5 Crewe Alexandra FC 2.9 home (&draw) 3011 home (& away) 3012 away (& draw) 3013 home (&draw) 3089 home (& away) 3090 away (& draw) 3091 29/10 16:00 3047 0.75 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.85 29/10 16:00 3114 0.7 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.9 29/10 16:00 3001 0.7 Bolton Wanderers 2.7 Port Vale FC 3.9 29/10 16:00 3068 1.05 Mansfield Town 2.35 Stevenage FC 2.65 home (&draw) 3017 home (& away) 3018 away (& draw) 3019 home (&draw) 3092 home (& away) 3093 away (& draw) 3094 29/10 16:00 3049 0.85 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.75 29/10 16:00 3002 1.45 Bristol Rovers 2.5 29/10 16:00 1228 1.15 Nuneaton Town FC 2.6 Boston United 1.95 home (&draw) 3020 home (& away) 3021 away (& draw) 3022 home (&draw) 1240 home (& away) 1241 away (& draw) 1242 vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.25 Peterborough United 1.75 England Amateur Conference North 29/10 16:00 3050 0.5 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.25 29/10 16:00 1296 0.5 (Both Score) 29/10 16:00 3003 1.25 Northampton Town 2.35 Bury FC 2.15 29/10 16:00 1229 1.25 Stockport County 2.5 Kidderminster Harriers 1.85 home (&draw) 3023 home (& away) 3024 away (& draw) 3025 home (&draw) 1243 home (& away) 1244 away (& draw) 1245 29/10 16:00 3051 0.6 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.05 29/10 16:00 1297 0.5 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.25 29/10 16:00 3004 1.15 Fleetwood Town 2.35 Gillingham FC 2.35 29/10 16:00 1230 2.8 Tamworth FC 2.65 AFC Fylde 0.85 home (&draw) 3026 home (& away) 3027 away (& draw) 3028 home (&draw) 1246 home (& away) 1247 away (& draw) 1250 29/10 16:00 3052 0.7 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.9 29/10 16:00 1298 0.4 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.55 29/10 16:00 3005 0.8 Charlton Athletic 2.6 Chesterfield FC 3.5 29/10 16:00 1231 1.6 Telford United 2.5 Salford City 1.45 home (&draw) 3029 home (& away) 3030 away (& draw) 3031 home (&draw) 1259 home (& away) 1260 away (& draw) 1261 1.25 29/10 16:00 3053 0.8 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.8 29/10 16:00 1300 0.5 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 29/10 16:00 3006 0.75 Sheffield United 2.7 Milton Keynes Dons 3.45 29/10 16:00 1232 0.75 Worcester City 2.75 Altrincham FC 3 home (&draw) 3032 home (& away) 3033 away (& draw) 3034 home (&draw) 1251 home (& away) 1257 away (& draw) 1258 29/10 16:00 3054 0.7 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.9 29/10 16:00 1299 0.5 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.3 29/10 16:00 3007 1.65 Walsall FC 2.3 Coventry City 1.65 29/10 16:00 1233 2.25 Alfreton Town FC 2.8 Chorley FC 0.95 home (&draw) 3035 home (& away) 3036 away (& draw) 3037 home (&draw) 1262 home (& away) 1263 away (& draw) 1264 29/10 16:00 3055 0.65 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.95 29/10 16:00 1304 0.35 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.7 29/10 16:00 3008 0.95 Rochdale FC 2.35 Oldham Athletic 3 29/10 16:00 1234 1.05 Curzon Ashton FC 2.8 home (&draw) 3038 home (& away) 3039 away (& draw) 3040 home (&draw) 1265 home (& away) 1266 away (& draw) 1272 29/10 16:00 3056 0.85 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.75 29/10 16:00 1306 0.4 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.55 Gainsborough Trinity 2.05 All bets are subject to Gambling Board Betting Rules.Prices are subject to change without notice. NO PERSONS UNDER 18 ARE ALLOWED TO GAMBLE. GAMBLE RESPONSIBLY E O.E.Read our Terms Conditions and Betting rules at 10 SOCCER UPDATE 0861 867 238 England Amateur Conference North 29/10 16:00 1235 1.05 Bradford Park Avenue 2.6 Estonia Meistriliiga Stalybridge Celtic 2.15 29/10 18:00 1000 7 Jalgpallikool Tammeka 3.9 Nomme Kalju FC 0.35 1274 away (& draw) 1275 home (&draw) 1001 home (& away) 1004 away (& draw) 1005 29/10 18:00 7259 0.75 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.85 home (&draw) 1273 29/10 16:00 1308 0.45 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.4 29/10 16:00 1236 0.7 Halifax Town 2.85 Brackley Town 3.25 home (&draw) 1277 home (& away) 1278 away (& draw) 1279 29/10 12:00 9412 Tartu FC Santos 0.35 29/10 16:00 1309 0.5 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.25 home (&draw) 9413 home (& away) 9414 away (& draw) 9415 29/10 16:00 1237 1.25 Harrogate Town 2.5 Darlington 1883 1.85 29/10 12:00 9416 0.35 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.75 home (&draw) 1280 home (& away) 1283 away (& draw) 1287 29/10 16:00 1310 0.4 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.5 29/10 15:00 1545 1.45 Clermont Foot 2.05 SC Amiens 2.1 29/10 16:00 1239 1.35FC United of Manchester 2.5 Gloucester City 1.7 home (&draw) 1548 home (& away) 1549 away (& draw) 1550 0.75 home (& away) Estonia Esiliiga 5.5 Kohtla-Jarve JK Jarve 4.25 France Ligue 2 home (&draw) 1288 home (& away) 1289 away (& draw) 1295 29/10 15:00 1557 0.85 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 29/10 16:00 1311 0.4 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.45 29/10 15:00 1546 1.15 FC Sochaux 2 Racing Strasbourg 2.85 home (&draw) 1551 home (& away) 1552 away (& draw) 1553 0.55 England Amateur Conference South 29/10 16:00 1312 2.35 Concord Rangers 2.75 Chelmsford City 0.95 29/10 15:00 1558 1.15 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) home (&draw) 1324 home (& away) 1325 away (& draw) 1326 29/10 15:00 1547 1.35 AJ Auxerre 2.1 Chamois Niort FC 2.15 29/10 16:00 1376 0.5 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.2 home (&draw) 1554 home (& away) 1555 away (& draw) 1556 2.7 Bishop`s Stortford 2.8 29/10 15:00 1559 0.85 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.75 1328 away (& draw) 1329 29/10 16:00 1313 0.85 Eastbourne Borough home (&draw) 1327 29/10 16:00 1377 0.55 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.2 29/10 15:00 1561 1.2 Dunkerque 1.95 FC Chambly 2.8 29/10 16:00 1314 1.3 Hemel Hempstead 2.6 Gosport Borough 1.7 home (&draw) 1570 home (& away) 1571 away (& draw) 1572 0.85 home (& away) France National home (&draw) 1330 home (& away) 1331 away (& draw) 1332 29/10 15:00 1577 0.75 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 29/10 16:00 1379 0.35 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.8 29/10 20:00 1560 1.1 Paris FC 98 1.95 Pau FC 3.15 29/10 16:00 1315 0.6 Ebbsfleet United 2.95 Bath City 4 home (&draw) 1563 home (& away) 1564 away (& draw) 1569 0.7 home (&draw) 1333 home (& away) 1335 away (& draw) 1336 29/10 20:00 1576 0.9 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 29/10 16:00 1380 0.7 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.95 29/10 20:00 1562 1.3 AS Beziers 2 LB Chateauroux 2.4 29/10 16:00 1316 1.15 Poole Town 2 home (&draw) 1573 home (& away) 1574 away (& draw) 1575 home (&draw) 1337 home (& away) 1339 away (& draw) 1343 29/10 20:00 1579 0.95 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.7 29/10 16:00 1381 0.55 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.15 29/10 16:00 1317 0.7 Maidenhead Utd home (&draw) 1344 home (& away) 29/10 16:00 1382 0.55 29/10 16:00 1318 0.75 home (&draw) 1347 home (& away) 29/10 16:00 1384 0.55 (Both Score) 29/10 16:00 1320 0.7 St Albans City 2.75 home (&draw) 1354 home (& away) 1355 29/10 16:00 1385 0.45 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 29/10 16:00 1321 2.55 East Thurrock United 2.75 Hungerford Town FC 3.55 Finland Veikkausliiga, Promotion|Relegation 29/10 16:00 8157 1.1 FC Inter Turku 2.15 TPS Turku 2.5 1345 away (& draw) 1346 home (&draw) 8158 home (& away) 51859 away (& draw) 8160 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.1 29/10 16:00 8161 0.75 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.85 Wealdstone FC 2.65 Welling United 3.3 1348 away (& draw) 1353 29/10 13:00 1679 1.25 Greuther Furth 2.3 1 FC Kaiserslautern 2.2 vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.2 home (&draw) 1681 home (& away) 1684 away (& draw) 1686 Truro City FC 3.5 29/10 13:00 6928 0.7 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.9 away (& draw) 1358 29/10 13:00 1680 1.15 FC Union Berlin 2.35 Fortuna Dusseldorf 2.4 1.35 home (&draw) 1696 home (& away) 1701 away (& draw) 1702 29/10 13:00 6929 0.6 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1 2.45 Weston Super Mare FC 2.7 Hampton & Richmond 0.95 home (&draw) 1359 home (& away) 29/10 16:00 1387 0.5 29/10 16:00 1322 0.7 Germany 2nd Bundesliga 1360 away (& draw) 1361 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.2 29/10 14:00 3120 1.75 Preussen Munster 2.25 Holstein Kiel 1.45 Whitehawk 2.75 Margate FC 3.55 home (&draw) 3129 home (& away) 3130 away (& draw) 3131 0.75 Germany 3. Liga home (&draw) 1362 home (& away) 1363 away (& draw) 1368 29/10 14:00 6931 0.85 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 29/10 16:00 1389 0.65 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1 29/10 14:00 3121 0.5 Chemnitzer FC 3.15 Werder Bremen II 4.75 29/10 16:00 1323 0.75 Dartford FC 2.65 Oxford City 3.3 home (&draw) 3132 home (& away) 3133 away (& draw) 3134 home (&draw) 1369 home (& away) 1370 away (& draw) 1371 29/10 14:00 6932 0.85 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.75 29/10 16:00 1390 0.65 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1 29/10 14:00 3122 0.9 SF Lotte 2.5 Fortuna Cologne 2.75 home (&draw) 3135 home (& away) 3136 away (& draw) 3137 vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.9 England Amateur The FA Women`s Super League 29/10 20:30 4954 2.05 Sunderland AFC 2.35Notts County Lfc Women 1.2 29/10 14:00 6934 0.75 (Both Score) home (&draw) 4955 home (& away) 4956 away (& draw) 4957 29/10 14:00 3123 1.6 RW Erfurt 29/10 20:30 4958 0.55 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.15 Estonia Meistriliiga 29/10 12:00 936 4.5 Parnu Linnameeskond 3.45 Narva JK Trans 0.5 2.25 SV Wehen Wiesbaden 1.6 home (&draw) 3138 home (& away) 3139 away (& draw) 29/10 14:00 6935 0.8 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.8 29/10 14:00 3124 1.2 FSV Frankfurt 2.25 SC Paderborn 2.15 3143 3140 home (&draw) 937 home (& away) 938 away (& draw) 939 home (&draw) 3141 home (& away) 3142 away (& draw) 29/10 12:00 5207 0.55 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.15 29/10 14:00 6936 0.65 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1 16 Rakvere JK Tarvas 10 Tallinna FC Levadia 0.06 29/10 14:00 3125 1.8 SG Sonnenhof Grossaspach 2.25 MSV Duisburg 1.4 122 home (& away) 245 away (& draw) 231 home (&draw) 3144 home (& away) 3145 away (& draw) 3146 0.2 FC Flora Tallinn 6 JK Sillamae Kalev 11.75 29/10 14:00 6937 0.7 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.95 home (&draw) 960 home (& away) 966 away (& draw) 977 29/10 15:00 7263 0.95 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.7 29/10 12:00 940 home (&draw) 29/10 15:00 942 All bets are subject to Gambling Board Betting Rules.Prices are subject to change without notice. NO PERSONS UNDER 18 ARE ALLOWED TO GAMBLE. GAMBLE RESPONSIBLY E O.E.Read our Terms Conditions and Betting rules at 11 SOCCER UPDATE 0861 867 238 Germany 3. Liga Germany Amateur Regionalliga Southwest 29/10 14:00 3126 1.25 Hallescher FC 2.3 VfL Osnabruck 2 29/10 14:00 1137 1 Hessen Kassel 2.4 Wormatia Worms 2.45 home (&draw) 3147 home (& away) 3148 away (& draw) 3149 home (&draw) 1150 home (& away) 1151 away (& draw) 1153 29/10 14:00 6938 0.8 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.85 29/10 14:00 1171 0.65 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1 29/10 14:00 3127 1.45 SSV Jahn Regensburg 2.25 FC Magdeburg 1.75 29/10 14:00 1138 0.65 TSV Steinbach 2.7 Astoria Walldorf 3.8 home (&draw) 3150 home (& away) 3151 away (& draw) 3152 home (&draw) 1154 home (& away) 1155 away (& draw) 1156 29/10 14:00 6946 0.7 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.9 29/10 14:00 1172 0.75 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.85 29/10 14:00 3128 0.6 Hansa Rostock 2.9 FSV Mainz 05 II 3.85 29/10 14:00 1139 0.4 home (&draw) 5053 home (& away) 5054 away (& draw) 5073 home (&draw) 1162 home (& away) 1163 away (& draw) 1164 29/10 14:00 6947 0.75 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.85 29/10 14:00 1173 1 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.65 Germany Amateur Regionalliga Bavaria 29/10 14:00 7305 0.9 FV Illertissen 2.65 29/10 14:00 1142 Greuther Furth II 2.7 home (&draw) Spvgg Elversberg 07 3.65 Teutonia Watzenborn-Steinberg 5.75 0.18 SV Waldhof Mannheim 5.5 FC Nottingen 12.5 1166 away (& draw) 1168 0.55 home (& away) 1167 home (&draw) 7306 home (& away) 7307 away (& draw) 7308 29/10 14:00 1174 1.1 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 29/10 14:00 7309 0.55 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.15 29/10 14:00 8162 1.75 FC Homburg 2.4 1 FC Saarbrucken 1.4 29/10 14:00 1091 0.4 Spvgg Unterhaching 3.5 TSV 1860 Munich II 5.75 home (&draw) 8163 home (& away) 8164 away (& draw) 8165 home (&draw) 1099 home (& away) 1100 away (& draw) 1101 29/10 14:00 8166 0.65 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1 29/10 14:00 1126 0.8 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.8 29/10 14:00 1094 0.8 SV Schalding-Heining 2.6 Germany Amateur Regionalliga West Bayern Hof 2.95 home (&draw) 1102 home (& away) 1117 away (& draw) 1118 29/10 14:00 29/10 14:00 1128 0.55 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.15 29/10 14:00 29/10 14:00 1098 1.05 Schweinfurt 05 2.55 FC Augsburg II 2.25 29/10 14:00 775 0.55 Rodinghausen 3.1 SF Siegen 4.25 785 home (& away) 786 away (& draw) 787 807 0.65 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1 776 1.2 SC Verl 2.3 FC Schalke 04 II 2.1 790 home (&draw) home (&draw) 1119 home (& away) 1121 away (& draw) 1122 788 home (& away) 789 away (& draw) 29/10 14:00 1133 0.5 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.2 29/10 14:00 808 0.75 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.9 29/10 14:00 1.65 SV Seligenporten 2.45 FC Memmingen 1.4 29/10 14:00 777 1.05 Wuppertaler SV 2.4 SC Wiedenbruck 2.35 701 home (&draw) 29/10 14:00 763 29/10 14:00 702 home (&draw) 29/10 14:00 771 29/10 14:00 703 home (&draw) home (& away) 714 away (& draw) 737 791 home (& away) 792 away (& draw) 793 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.4 29/10 14:00 809 0.65 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.95 29/10 14:00 778 2.15 Fortuna Dusseldorf II 2.35 RW Oberhausen 1.15 1 Wacker Burghausen 2.5 VfR Garching 2.5 738 home (& away) 739 away (& draw) 744 0.65 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1 29/10 14:00 29/10 14:00 1.2 FC Ingolstadt II 2.5 Spvgg Bayreuth 1.95 751 home (& away) 752 away (& draw) 762 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.35 772 0.45 29/10 13:00 134 2.8 U. L. M. Wolfsburg 2.4 Germany Amateur Regionalliga North home (&draw) 156 29/10 13:00 135 home (&draw) home (&draw) 707 0.45 29/10 14:00 29/10 13:00 home (&draw) VfB Lubeck 0.9 home (&draw) 794 home (& away) 796 away (& draw) 800 810 0.65 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.95 780 0.18 FC Viktoria Cologne 5.5 TSG Sprockhovel 12.25 801 home (& away) 802 away (& draw) 804 vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.65 home (&draw) 29/10 14:00 811 0.95 (Both Score) 29/10 15:30 773 1.75 Alemannia Aachen 2.15 Borussia Dortmund II 1.5 781 home (& away) 783 away (& draw) 784 0.75 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.85 home (&draw) 143 home (& away) 144 away (& draw) 145 0.75 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.85 0.9 Hannover 96 II 2.35 SV Drochtersen|Assel 2.85 146 home (& away) 147 away (& draw) 148 vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.8 29/10 14:00 574 0.7 2.4 Eintracht Norderstedt 2.85 29/10 14:00 415 0.85 571 29/10 15:30 806 Germany Amateur Bayernliga North 29/10 14:00 411 home (&draw) 0.22 VfB Eichstatt 5 Erlenbach|Main 9 423 home (& away) 424 away (& draw) 425 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.95 FC Amberg 3.25 DJK Ammerthal 2.35 home (& away) 572 away (& draw) 573 29/10 13:00 157 0.8 (Both Score) 29/10 13:00 136 0.9 TSV Havelse 152 home (& away) 153 away (& draw) 154 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.85 29/10 14:00 581 0.55 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.15 29/10 14:00 416 3.15 Spvgg Weiden 3.45 TSV Aubstadt 0.65 426 home (& away) 431 away (& draw) 432 0.45 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.35 home (&draw) 29/10 13:00 170 0.8 29/10 15:00 127 1.05 BSV Rehden 2.3 VfV Hildesheim 2.4 137 home (& away) 140 away (& draw) 141 0.75 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.85 home (&draw) 29/10 15:00 155 29/10 13:30 358 Germany Amateur Regionalliga Northeast home (&draw) 0.25 Wacker Nordhausen 4.25FSV Union Fuerstenwalde9.25 home (&draw) home (&draw) 29/10 14:00 575 29/10 14:00 417 home (&draw) 1.2 Viktoria Aschaffenburg 2.8 ASV Neumarkt 1.8 445 home (& away) 455 away (& draw) 465 1.1 359 home (& away) 360 away (& draw) 361 29/10 14:00 576 0.55 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 362 1.15 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.55 29/10 14:30 418 1.2 1 FC Sand 2.8 SC Eltersdorf 1.8 29/10 14:05 1175 0.95 Energie Cottbus 2.3 Berliner AK 07 2.7 466 home (& away) 467 away (& draw) 469 home (&draw) 1176 home (& away) 1177 away (& draw) 1178 29/10 14:30 577 0.55 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.1 29/10 14:05 1179 0.8 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.8 29/10 14:30 420 0.45 TSV Grossbardorf 3.85 Spvgg Ansbach 4.75 Offenbacher Kickers 1.1 29/10 14:30 578 29/10 14:30 421 29/10 13:30 home (&draw) Germany Amateur Regionalliga Southwest 29/10 14:00 1134 2.15 TuS Koblenz 2.5 home (&draw) home (&draw) 1143 home (& away) 1144 away (& draw) 1145 29/10 14:00 1169 0.65 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1 29/10 14:00 1135 1.15 SSV Ulm 1846 2.45 VfB Stuttgart II 2.1 29/10 14:30 home (&draw) 1146 home (& away) 1147 away (& draw) 1148 29/10 14:30 29/10 14:00 1170 0.45 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.35 home (& away) 523 away (& draw) 551 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.95 1.2 Alemannia Haibach 2.75 1. SC Feucht 1.85 552 home (& away) 553 away (& draw) 567 579 0.55 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.2 422 0.3 Wurzburger FV 4.25 VfL Frohnlach 7 568 home (& away) 569 away (& draw) 570 0.7 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.95 home (&draw) home (&draw) 29/10 14:30 508 0.65 580 All bets are subject to Gambling Board Betting Rules.Prices are subject to change without notice. NO PERSONS UNDER 18 ARE ALLOWED TO GAMBLE. GAMBLE RESPONSIBLY E O.E.Read our Terms Conditions and Betting rules at 12 SOCCER UPDATE 0861 867 238 Germany Amateur Bayernliga South 29/10 14:00 582 home (&draw) 1.3 589 BCF Wolfratshausen 2.85 home (& away) Germany Amateur Oberliga Hamburg TSV Bogen 1.6 29/10 15:00 1294 TUS Dassendorf 0.5 590 away (& draw) 591 home (&draw) 1301 home (& away) 1303 away (& draw) 1305 29/10 15:00 1307 0.4 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.6 29/10 14:00 621 0.45 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.35 29/10 14:00 583 0.75 SV Heimstetten 3.15 TSV Kottern 2.65 home (&draw) 4.25SV Curslack-Neuengamme 3.75 Germany Amateur Oberliga Mittelrhein 592 home (& away) 593 away (& draw) 596 29/10 16:00 1860 0.35 VfL Alfter 29/10 14:00 683 0.5 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.3 home (&draw) 1861 home (& away) 1862 away (& draw) 1863 29/10 14:00 585 1.45 1. FC Sonthofen 2.75 FC Pipinsried 1.45 29/10 16:00 1996 0.55 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.1 604 home (& away) 610 away (& draw) 611 home (&draw) 692 0.5 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.2 29/10 16:00 1997 29/10 14:30 584 1.75 Hankofen-Hailing 2.75 1865 Dachau 1.25 home (&draw) 597 home (& away) 598 away (& draw) 600 29/10 16:00 2237 0.55 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.15 home (&draw) 684 29/10 14:30 586 home (&draw) 5.5 Germany Amateur Oberliga Niederrhein 29/10 14:00 29/10 14:30 4.25 Blau-Weiss Friesdorf 1.15 Sportfreunde Baumberg 3.1 Turu Dusseldorf 1880 1.7 2005 home (& away) 2007 away (& draw) 2197 0.5 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.3 Germany Amateur Oberliga Niedersachsen 1.3 FC Ismaning 2.75 FC Unterfohring 1.6 29/10 15:30 1834 1.45 Arminia Hannover 2.7 VfL Osnabruck II 1.45 612 home (& away) 613 away (& draw) 614 home (&draw) 1836 home (& away) 1837 away (& draw) 1838 (Both Score) vs 1.45 29/10 14:30 693 0.5 (None or 1 Scores) 1.3 29/10 15:30 1842 0.45 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 29/10 14:30 587 2.5 FC 1920 Gundelfingen 2.95 TSV Rain|Lech 0.85 29/10 16:00 1835 1.7 FC Wunstorf 2.85 SSV Jeddeloh 1.25 615 home (&draw) home (& away) 616 away (& draw) 617 home (&draw) 1839 home (& away) 1840 away (& draw) 1841 29/10 16:00 1843 0.4 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.6 29/10 14:30 694 0.45 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.35 29/10 14:30 588 0.8 DJK Vilzing 3 TSV Landsberg 2.75 618 home (& away) 619 away (& draw) 620 0.5 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.25 home (&draw) 29/10 14:30 700 Germany Amateur Hessenliga 29/10 15:00 1025 0.8 Eintracht Stadtallendorf 3.3 FSC Lohfelden 2.4 Germany Amateur Oberliga NOFV North 29/10 13:30 324 home (&draw) 3.45FC Mecklenburg Schwerin3.65 Tennis Borussia Berlin 0.55 327 home (& away) 328 away (& draw) 329 29/10 13:30 354 0.35 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.7 29/10 13:30 325 3.75SV Grun Weiss Brieselang3.75 FSV Optik Rathenow 0.5 330 home (&draw) 1040 home (& away) 1042 away (& draw) 1043 29/10 15:00 1286 0.4 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.55 29/10 13:30 356 0.4 29/10 15:00 1035 0.7Sportfreunde Seligenstadt3.4 OSC Vellmar 2.75 29/10 14:00 326 2.1 1045 away (& draw) 1046 333 0.3 home (&draw) 1044 29/10 15:00 1290 0.35 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.7 29/10 15:00 1036 1.9 KSV Baunatal 3.15 Borussia Fulda 1.05 home (& away) home (&draw) home (&draw) 29/10 14:00 357 home (& away) 331 away (& draw) 332 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.55 1. FC Frankfurt 3.4 Malchower SV 0.9 home (& away) 334 away (& draw) 335 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.85 Germany Amateur Oberliga NOFV South home (&draw) 1252 home (& away) 1253 away (& draw) 1254 29/10 15:00 1291 0.4 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.55 29/10 15:00 1037 0.7 FC Ederbergland 3.45 Viktoria Urberach 2.8 29/10 13:00 29/10 13:30 29/10 13:00 87 2.7 Askania Bernburg 94 home (& away) 95 away (& draw) 96 117 0.45 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.3 86 0.45 FSV Barleben 3.85 SSV Markranstaedt 4.75 91 home (& away) 92 away (& draw) 93 (None or 1 Scores) 1.15 1.7 home (&draw) 3.15 BSG Chemie Leipzig 0.75 home (&draw) 1255 home (& away) 1276 away (& draw) 1281 29/10 15:00 1292 0.45 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.4 29/10 15:00 1039 4.25 SV Steinbach 1920 4.25 TSV Lehnerz 0.4 29/10 13:30 114 0.55 (Both Score) vs home (&draw) 1282 home (& away) 1284 away (& draw) 1285 29/10 13:30 88 1.25 Carl Zeiss Jena II 2.75 VFC Plauen 29/10 15:00 1293 0.35 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.65 97 home (& away) 98 away (& draw) 99 0.45 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.45 Germany Amateur Oberliga Baden Wuerttemberg 29/10 15:30 1319 1.6 FSV Hollenbach 2.7 SSV Reutlingen 1.35 home (&draw) 1597 home (& away) 1598 away (& draw) 1599 home (&draw) home (&draw) 29/10 13:30 118 29/10 14:00 89 home (&draw) 1.6 VfL Halle 2.85 Brandenburger SC 1.3 100 home (& away) 101 away (& draw) 102 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.35 29/10 15:30 1781 0.5 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.25 29/10 14:00 125 0.45 29/10 15:30 1334 0.55 SV Oberachern 3.4 FC Astoria Walldorf II 4 29/10 14:00 90 1.45 FC International Leipzig 2.75 Bischofswerdaer FV home (&draw) 1600 home (& away) 1601 away (& draw) 1602 29/10 15:30 1791 0.7 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.95 29/10 15:30 1338 0.22 Bahlinger SC 5.5 Spvgg Neckarelz 8.75 home (&draw) 1603 home (& away) 1604 away (& draw) 1660 29/10 15:30 1792 0.85 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.75 home (&draw) 29/10 14:00 126 29/10 14:30 875 1.45 103 home (& away) 104 away (& draw) 111 0.45 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.35 Germany Amateur Oberliga Rheinland-Pfalz/Saar home (&draw) 1.35 Saar 05 Saarbrucken 2.9 SV Gonsenheim 1.5 900 909 away (& draw) 911 home (& away) 29/10 15:30 1340 0.75 TSG Balingen 3.15 Goeppinger SV 2.7 29/10 14:30 985 0.4 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.45 home (&draw) 1661 home (& away) 1662 away (& draw) 1663 29/10 14:30 876 0.22 FSV Salmrohr 1921 5.5 Burgbrohl 8.75 29/10 15:30 1793 0.6 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.05 917 home (& away) 941 away (& draw) 943 29/10 15:30 1341 0.85 SV Spielberg 3.1 Offenburger FV 2.45 29/10 14:30 986 0.8 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.85 home (&draw) 1664 home (& away) 1665 away (& draw) 1667 29/10 15:30 872 1.6 FV Diefflen 3.05 TSV Schott Mainz 1.2 29/10 15:30 1816 0.5 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.25 893 home (& away) 894 away (& draw) 899 1.7 29/10 15:30 1372 0.75 1. FC Pforzheim 1896 3.15 home (&draw) home (&draw) Karlsruher SC II 2.7 29/10 15:30 983 0.35 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) home (&draw) 1668 home (& away) 1675 away (& draw) 1689 29/10 15:30 877 0.35 FC Karbach 4.25 Rot-Weiss Koblenz 5.5 29/10 15:30 1832 0.65 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1 944 home (& away) 964 away (& draw) 965 0.6 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.05 29/10 15:30 1596 2.2 Neckarsulm 2.9 SC Freiburg II 0.95 home (&draw) 1695 home (& away) 1771 away (& draw) 1774 29/10 15:30 1833 0.5 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.3 home (&draw) 29/10 15:30 987 All bets are subject to Gambling Board Betting Rules.Prices are subject to change without notice. NO PERSONS UNDER 18 ARE ALLOWED TO GAMBLE. GAMBLE RESPONSIBLY E O.E.Read our Terms Conditions and Betting rules at 13 SOCCER UPDATE 0861 867 238 Germany Amateur Oberliga Rheinland-Pfalz/Saar 29/10 15:30 878 home (&draw) 0.85 TuS Mechtersheim Germany Amateur A-Jun-BL West 3.3 Borussia Neunkirchen 2.25 29/10 13:00 9458 1.3 Rot-Weiss Oberhausen U 19 3.15 Preussen Munster U 19 1.45 967 home (& away) 968 away (& draw) 969 home (&draw) 9466 home (& away) 9467 away (& draw) 9468 29/10 15:30 988 0.4 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.5 29/10 13:00 9474 0.4 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.45 29/10 15:30 882 1.05 SC Hauenstein 3.5 SV Morlautern 1.7 29/10 15:00 9459 8.75 Viktoria Köln 6.5 VfL Bochum U 19 0.18 971 home (& away) 972 away (& draw) 974 home (&draw) 9469 home (& away) 9470 away (& draw) 9471 vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.8 29/10 15:00 9475 0.5 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.25 home (&draw) 29/10 15:30 994 0.35 (Both Score) 29/10 15:30 888 0.4 Rochling Volklingen home (&draw) 4.25 Arminia Ludwigshafen 4.75 Germany Amateur Bundesliga, Women 975 home (& away) 976 away (& draw) 978 29/10 14:00 2703 29/10 15:30 995 0.65 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1 home (&draw) 2704 home (& away) 2705 away (& draw) 2712 29/10 15:30 890 1.3 TSG Pfeddersheim 3.15 Hertha Wiesbach 1.45 29/10 14:00 2713 1.4 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.45 979 home (& away) 980 away (& draw) 982 0.4 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.55 home (&draw) 29/10 15:30 996 Germany Amateur Schleswig-Holstein-Liga 29/10 14:00 812 home (&draw) 0.07 FC Bayern München Women 9.5FCR 2001 Duisburg Women 18.75 Greece Super League 29/10 14:00 4642 1.8 Larissa 2 Panionios Athens 1.7 home (&draw) 4645 home (& away) 4646 away (& draw) 4648 3.45 Heider SV 3.65 Holstein Kiel II 0.55 29/10 14:00 4685 1 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.65 818 home (& away) 832 away (& draw) 834 Totals Goals 0.5 4670 Total Goals 1.5 4666 Total Goals 2.5 4675 Total Goals 4.5 4669 4681 29/10 14:00 857 0.45 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.45 Totals Goals 3.5 4671 29/10 14:00 813 0.6 SV Eutin 08 3.6 TSB Flensburg 3.25 Draw No Bet 4683 835 home (& away) 836 away (& draw) 837 1st Half Three way 4656 2nd Half Three way 4684 Odd/Even Goals 29/10 14:00 home (&draw) 858 0.4 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.6 29/10 16:15 4643 0.85 A.O Xanthi 2.25 AO Kassiopi 3.75 29/10 14:00 814 0.25 TSV Schilksee 5.25 FC Kilia Kiel 7.75 home (&draw) 4649 home (& away) 4650 away (& draw) 4652 838 home (& away) 840 away (& draw) 845 29/10 16:15 5346 1.2 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.55 0.6 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.05 Totals Goals 0.5 5280 Total Goals 1.5 5278 Total Goals 2.5 5277 1.6 Oldenburger SV 3.15 TUS Hartenholm 1.2 Totals Goals 3.5 5281 Total Goals 4.5 5279 847 home (& away) 848 away (& draw) 849 Draw No Bet 5345 5343 home (&draw) 29/10 14:00 859 29/10 14:00 815 home (&draw) 29/10 14:00 860 0.35 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.7 1st Half Three way 5276 2nd Half Three way 5348 Odd/Even Goals 29/10 14:00 816 0.85 Flensburg 08 3.5 Ntsv Strand 08 2.1 29/10 18:30 4644 5.5 Atromitos Athens 3.1 Olympiacos FC 0.5 850 home (& away) 851 away (& draw) 853 home (&draw) 4653 home (& away) 4654 away (& draw) 4655 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.75 29/10 18:30 5360 0.95 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.7 TSV Kropp 0.85 Totals Goals 0.5 5354 Total Goals 1.5 5352 Total Goals 2.5 5350 Total Goals 4.5 5353 Total Goals 5.5 5351 2nd Half Three way 5359 Odd/Even Goals 5356 home (&draw) 29/10 14:00 867 0.35 29/10 14:00 817 2.1 TSG Conc Schonkirchen 3.5 home (&draw) 854 home (& away) 855 away (& draw) 856 Totals Goals 3.5 5355 869 0.35 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.75 Draw No Bet 5358 1st Half Three way 5349 29/10 11:00 9417 1.7 Hamburger U 19 3.5 home (&draw) 9419 home (& away) 29/10 11:00 9427 0.35 (Both Score) 29/10 13:00 9418 13.5 Dynamo Dresden home (&draw) 9424 home (& away) 9425 away (& draw) 9426 29/10 13:00 9428 0.75 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.85 29/10 14:00 Germany Amateur A-Jun-BL N/N-E RB Leipzig U 19 1.05 9420 away (& draw) 9423 29/10 09:45 1386 0.8 A.O Xanthi FC 3.25 AO Kassiopi 2.7 vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.8 home (&draw) 1464 home (& away) 1471 away (& draw) 1472 29/10 09:45 1490 0.7 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.9 29/10 10:30 3.75 Larissa 3.9 Panionios 0.55 8 Hertha BSC Berlin U 19 0.12 Germany Amateur A-Jun-BL S/S-W 29/10 11:00 9429 1.15 TSV 1860 Munchen U 193.15 Greece U20 Super League 446 home (&draw) 1451 home (& away) 1460 away (& draw) 1461 29/10 10:30 1489 0.85 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.8 SC Freiburg U 19 1.7 29/10 10:30 1388 5.5 Atromitos Athinon 4.5 Olympiacos Pireus 0.4 1474 home (& away) 1476 away (& draw) 1477 home (&draw) 9436 home (& away) 9437 away (& draw) 9438 home (&draw) 29/10 11:00 9452 0.45 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.4 29/10 10:30 1501 0.7 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.9 29/10 12:00 9430 0.75 TSG Hoffenheim U 19 3.35 Eintract Frankfurt U 19 2.5 29/10 11:00 1415 0.16 Panathinaikos 7.75 PAE Iraklis 1908 10.75 home (&draw) 9439 home (& away) 9440 away (& draw) 9445 home (&draw) 1478 home (& away) 1479 away (& draw) 1480 29/10 12:00 9453 0.4 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.45 29/10 11:00 1502 1 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.65 29/10 12:00 9434 2.9 FC Nurnberg U 19 3.55 FC Augsburg U 19 0.65 29/10 11:00 1436 0.55 PAOK 3.7 AEK Athens 3.9 home (&draw) 9446 home (& away) 9447 away (& draw) 9448 home (&draw) 1481 home (& away) 1482 away (& draw) 1483 29/10 12:00 9454 0.5 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.3 29/10 11:00 1503 0.75 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.85 29/10 13:00 9435 2.2 Stuttgarter Kickers U 19 3.4 Karlsruher SC U 19 0.85 29/10 11:15 1449 0.55 Asteras Tripolis 3.8 FC Levadiakos 3.8 home (&draw) 9449 home (& away) 9450 away (& draw) 9451 home (&draw) 1484 home (& away) 1487 away (& draw) 1488 29/10 13:00 9455 0.4 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.5 29/10 11:15 1504 0.75 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.85 Germany Amateur A-Jun-BL West Honduras Liga Nacional, Apertura 29/10 11:00 9456 1.9 Wuppertaler SV 29/10 23:00 9670 1.05 CD Marathon 2.15 Juticalpa FC 2.6 home (&draw) 9460 home (& away) 9461 Borussia 3.5 Monchengladbech U 0.95 19 away (& draw) 9462 home (&draw) 9671 home (& away) 9672 away (& draw) 9673 29/10 11:00 9472 0.4 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.45 29/10 23:00 9674 0.75 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.85 29/10 11:00 9457 1.15Bayer 04 Leverkusen U 193.15Borussia Dortmund U 19 1.7 Hungary NB I home (&draw) 9463 home (& away) 9464 away (& draw) 9465 29/10 15:30 8171 1.3 Budapest Honved FC 29/10 11:00 9473 0.4 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.55 home (&draw) 8185 home (& away) 8186 away (& draw) 8187 29/10 15:30 8195 0.75 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.85 2.4Szombathelyi Haladas FC 2 All bets are subject to Gambling Board Betting Rules.Prices are subject to change without notice. NO PERSONS UNDER 18 ARE ALLOWED TO GAMBLE. GAMBLE RESPONSIBLY E O.E.Read our Terms Conditions and Betting rules at 14 SOCCER UPDATE 0861 867 238 Hungary NB I Italy Serie B 29/10 17:30 8169 3 Diosgyori Vtk 2.6 Ferencvarosi TC 0.85 29/10 15:00 5419 0.65 Carpi FC 2.6 Ascoli 4.5 home (&draw) 8179 home (& away) 8180 away (& draw) 8181 home (&draw) 5446 home (& away) 5447 away (& draw) 5448 29/10 17:30 8193 0.65 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1 29/10 15:00 5468 1 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.65 29/10 17:45 8172 1.5 SC Vasas Budapest 2.35 Videoton FC 1.75 29/10 15:00 5420 1 Frosinone Calcio 2.25 AC Cesena 3 home (&draw) 8188 home (& away) 8189 away (& draw) 8190 home (&draw) 5449 home (& away) 5450 away (& draw) 5451 29/10 17:45 8196 0.75 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.85 29/10 15:00 5469 0.95 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.65 29/10 18:00 8167 1.4 Paksi FC 2.35 Ujpest FC 1.9 29/10 15:00 5423 1.35 Benevento Calcio 2.25 Spezia Calcio 2.1 home (&draw) 8173 home (& away) 8174 away (& draw) 8175 home (&draw) 5452 home (& away) 5453 away (& draw) 5454 29/10 18:00 8191 0.8 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.8 29/10 15:00 5470 0.9 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.7 29/10 18:00 8168 1.4 Mezokovesd Zsory 2.35 MTK Budapest FC 1.9 home (&draw) 8176 home (& away) 8177 away (& draw) 8178 29/10 14:30 5368 1.55 Sambenedettese 2.1 AC Feralpi Salo 1.75 29/10 18:00 8192 0.8 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.8 home (&draw) 5377 home (& away) 5378 away (& draw) 5379 vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.9 Italy Lega Pro, Girone B 29/10 18:00 8170 1.75 Gyirmot FC 2.35 Debreceni VSC 1.5 29/10 14:30 5404 0.7 (Both Score) home (&draw) 8182 home (& away) 8183 away (& draw) 8184 29/10 16:30 5369 1.75 Forli 29/10 18:00 8194 0.7 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.9 India n Super League 2.05 Santarcangelo Calcio 1.55 home (&draw) 5383 home (& away) 5384 away (& draw) 5385 29/10 16:30 5405 0.75 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.85 29/10 15:30 7310 1.2 Chennaiyin FC 2.3 Kerala Blasters FC 2.1 29/10 16:30 5370 2.2 Mantova FC 2.1 AC Reggiana 1.25 home (&draw) 7312 home (& away) 7313 away (& draw) 7314 home (&draw) 5380 home (& away) 5381 away (& draw) 5382 29/10 15:30 7315 0.75 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.85 29/10 16:30 5406 0.8 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.8 29/10 16:30 5371 0.9 Pordenone 2.3 US Ancona 1905 3 home (&draw) 5386 home (& away) 5387 away (& draw) 5388 0.75 Indonesia Super League 29/10 11:00 9476 1.95 Bali United Pusam 2.35 Bhayangkara Surabaya United 1.25 home (&draw) 9479 home (& away) 9480 away (& draw) 9481 29/10 16:30 5407 0.85 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 29/10 11:00 9488 0.7 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.95 29/10 16:30 5373 1.35 Venezia 2.1 Bassano Virtus 2.05 29/10 13:30 9478 0.85 PSM Makassar 2.45 Persib Bandung 3 home (&draw) 5392 home (& away) 5393 away (& draw) 5394 home (&draw) 9485 home (& away) 9486 away (& draw) 9487 29/10 16:30 5409 0.75 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.9 29/10 13:30 9490 0.75 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.85 29/10 16:30 5374 1.15 Maceratese 2.15 AC Lumezzane 2.35 29/10 16:00 9477 0.85 Gresik United 2.45 Persiba Balikpapan 2.95 home (&draw) 5395 home (& away) 5396 away (& draw) 5397 home (&draw) 9482 home (& away) 9483 away (& draw) 9484 29/10 16:30 5410 0.9 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.7 29/10 16:00 9489 0.75 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.85 29/10 18:30 5372 3.4 Fano Calcio 2.35 Parma 0.8 home (&draw) 5389 home (& away) 5390 away (& draw) 5391 Israel Premier League 29/10 15:00 4888 1.35 Bnei Sakhnin FC 2.15 Hapoel Haifa 2.1 29/10 18:30 5408 0.9 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.7 home (&draw) 4889 home (& away) 4895 away (& draw) 4896 29/10 18:30 5375 0.95 Calcio Padova 2.25 FC Modena 2.85 29/10 15:00 4906 0.85 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.75 home (&draw) 5398 home (& away) 5399 away (& draw) 5400 29/10 17:15 4887 0.6 Hapoel Tel Aviv 2.7 Hapoel Kfar Saba 4.75 29/10 18:30 5412 0.95 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.65 home (&draw) 4903 home (& away) 4904 away (& draw) 4905 29/10 20:30 5376 0.65 AS Gubbio 2.5 Teramo Calcio 4.5 29/10 17:15 4909 1.15 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.55 home (&draw) 5401 home (& away) 5402 away (& draw) 5403 29/10 19:00 4885 1.1 Hapoel Raanana 2.2 MS Ironi Ashdod 2.7 29/10 20:30 5413 0.95 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.65 home (&draw) 4897 home (& away) 4898 away (& draw) 4899 Japan J.League 29/10 19:00 4907 0.9 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.7 29/10 07:00 4101 1.2 Kashiwa Reysol 2.45 Omiya Ardija 2.15 29/10 19:30 4886 0.22 Maccabi Haifa 4.75 Hapoel Ashkelon 12.75 home (&draw) 4118 home (& away) 4119 away (& draw) 4490 (None or 1 Scores) 1.15 home (&draw) 4900 home (& away) 4901 away (& draw) 4902 29/10 07:00 4536 0.55 (Both Score) vs 29/10 19:30 4908 1.55 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.4 29/10 07:00 4104 3.95 Jubilo Iwata 2.9 Urawa Red Diamonds 0.65 home (&draw) 4491 home (& away) 4492 away (& draw) 4494 29/10 15:00 5414 0.9 FC Bari 1908 2.3 Pro Vercelli 3.4 29/10 07:00 4537 0.65 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.95 home (&draw) 5424 home (& away) 5425 away (& draw) 5426 29/10 07:00 4105 1.9 Sagan Tosu 2.3 Italy Serie B Yokohama F Marinos 1.45 29/10 15:00 5463 0.8 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.8 home (&draw) 4495 home (& away) 4496 away (& draw) 4507 29/10 15:00 5415 1.55 Ternana Calcio 2.05 Novara Calcio 1.95 29/10 07:00 4538 0.7 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.95 home (&draw) 5427 home (& away) 5428 away (& draw) 5429 29/10 07:00 4107 1.4 Vissel Kobe 2.45 Nagoya Grampus 1.85 29/10 15:00 5464 0.95 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.7 home (&draw) 4508 home (& away) 4509 away (& draw) 4510 1.2 29/10 15:00 5416 1.05 AS Cittadella 2.2 Latina Calcio 2.95 29/10 07:00 4539 0.55 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) home (&draw) 5430 home (& away) 5434 away (& draw) 5435 29/10 07:00 4108 1.55 Kashima Antlers 2.5 Kawasaki Frontale 1.6 29/10 15:00 5465 0.8 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.8 home (&draw) 4511 home (& away) 4512 away (& draw) 4513 29/10 15:00 5417 1.15 home (&draw) 5436 29/10 15:00 5466 0.85 29/10 15:00 5418 1.25 home (&draw) 5439 29/10 15:00 5467 0.75 Sportiva Salernitana 2.15 SC Pisa 2.65 29/10 07:00 4540 0.5 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.3 5437 away (& draw) 5438 29/10 07:00 4109 1 Gamba Osaka 2.5 Niigata Albirex 2.65 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.75 home (&draw) 4519 home (& away) 4520 away (& draw) 4521 Virtus Entella 2.2 Brescia Calcio 2.3 29/10 07:00 4541 0.65 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1 home (& away) 5440 away (& draw) 5445 29/10 07:00 4112 1.1 FC Tokyo 2.45 Vegalta Sendai 2.4 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.85 home (&draw) 4522 home (& away) 4523 away (& draw) 4524 29/10 07:00 4542 0.65 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1 home (& away) All bets are subject to Gambling Board Betting Rules.Prices are subject to change without notice. NO PERSONS UNDER 18 ARE ALLOWED TO GAMBLE. GAMBLE RESPONSIBLY E O.E.Read our Terms Conditions and Betting rules at 15 SOCCER UPDATE 0861 867 238 Japan J.League Lithuania A Lyga, Championship Round 29/10 07:00 4116 3.35 Shonan Bellmare 2.55 Ventforet Kofu 0.8 29/10 12:00 1694 0.85 Stumbras Kaunas 2.6 Lietava Jonava 2.75 home (&draw) 4525 home (& away) 4527 away (& draw) 4532 home (&draw) 1987 home (& away) 2008 away (& draw) 2220 29/10 07:00 4543 0.9 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.7 29/10 12:00 2226 0.6 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.1 29/10 07:00 4117 0.4 Sanfrecce Hiroshima 3.6 Avispa Fukuoka 7 29/10 15:00 1979 0.9 Trakai FK home (&draw) 4533 home (& away) 4534 away (& draw) 4535 home (&draw) 2223 home (& away) 2224 away (& draw) 2225 29/10 07:00 4544 0.75 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.85 29/10 15:00 2227 0.85 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.75 Japan J.League 2 Malta Premier Division 29/10 10:00 4560 4.25 Thespakusatsu 2.95 Shimizu S-Pulse 0.65 29/10 15:00 4911 home (&draw) 4561 home (& away) 4563 away (& draw) 4564 home (&draw) 4915 29/10 10:00 4565 0.7 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.9 29/10 15:00 4919 0.45 29/10 17:15 4910 3.2 2.2 home (&draw) 4912 29/10 17:15 4918 0.65 Japan J-League 3 29/10 07:00 9491 1.15 Cerezo Osaka 2.4 FK Suduva Marijampole 2.9 2.5 Fukushima United FC 0.95 Hamrun Spartans FC 2.75 Pembroke Athleta FC home (& away) 2.3 4916 away (& draw) 4917 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.35 Tarxien Rainbows FC 3.2 Balzan Youths 0.65 home (& away) 4913 away (& draw) 4914 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1 home (&draw) 9492 home (& away) 9493 away (& draw) 9494 29/10 07:00 9495 0.75 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.9 29/10 16:00 9496 1.35 Manshia Bani 2 That Ras 2.1 home (&draw) 2716 home (& away) 2717 away (& draw) home (&draw) 9499 home (& away) 9500 away (& draw) 9501 29/10 14:00 2722 0.95 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.7 29/10 16:00 9508 0.95 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.7 29/10 14:00 2715 0.6 FC Speranta 2.75 CF Ungheni 4.25 Jordan League Moldova Divizia Nationala 29/10 14:00 2714 0.7 FC Academia Chisinau 2.9 FC Saxan Ceadir Lunga 3.2 2718 29/10 16:00 9497 2 AL Sareeh 2.1 Al Hussein Irbid 1.35 home (&draw) 2719 home (& away) 2720 away (& draw) 2721 home (&draw) 9502 home (& away) 9503 away (& draw) 9504 29/10 14:00 2723 0.95 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.65 29/10 16:00 9509 0.85 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.75 Montenegro 1. CFL 29/10 18:30 9498 0.7 Al Wehdat Jor 2.55 Al-Baqaa 3.7 29/10 13:30 2365 3.7 home (&draw) 9505 home (& away) 9506 away (& draw) 9507 home (&draw) 2485 home (& away) 0.75 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.85 29/10 13:30 2660 1 (Both Score) 29/10 18:30 9510 Kazakhstan Premier League, Relegations Pool 29/10 11:00 9512 0.18 FC Taraz 5.5 29/10 13:30 2366 Shakhter Karagandy 10.75 home (&draw) FK Iskra Danilovgrad 2.35 FK Buducnost 0.75 2636 away (& draw) 2637 0.65 1.25 FK Grbalj Radanovici vs (None or 1 Scores) 2.1 FK Bokelj Kotor 2.2 away (& draw) 2641 0.7 2638 home (& away) 2639 (Both Score) home (&draw) 9515 home (& away) 9516 away (& draw) 9517 29/10 13:30 2661 0.9 vs (None or 1 Scores) 29/10 11:00 9526 1.25 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.5 29/10 13:30 2367 0.75 FK Mladost Podgorica 2.4 FK Zeta Golubovci 3.5 29/10 11:00 9513 1.45 FC Zhetysu 1.95 FK Akzhaiyk Uralsk 1.95 home (&draw) 2643 away (& draw) 2649 0.75 2642 home (& away) home (&draw) 9518 home (& away) 9519 away (& draw) 9520 29/10 13:30 2662 0.9 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 29/10 11:00 9527 1 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.65 29/10 13:30 2368 1.45 OFK Petrovac 2.1 FK Decic Tuzi 1.9 29/10 11:00 9514 0.85 FK Atyrau 2.5 Tobol Kostanay 2.95 home (&draw) 2651 home (& away) 2652 away (& draw) 2653 home (&draw) 9523 home (& away) 9524 away (& draw) 9525 29/10 13:30 2663 0.8 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.8 29/10 11:00 9528 0.55 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.2 29/10 13:30 2369 5 FK Jedinstvo Bijelo Polje 3.3 FK Rudar Pljevlja 0.45 home (&draw) 2654 home (& away) 2655 away (& draw) 2656 0.7 FC Kairat Almaty 2.6 FC Okzhetpes 3.7 29/10 13:30 2664 1.35 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.45 50 home (& away) 51 away (& draw) 52 29/10 13:30 2370 2.5 FK Lovcen 2.35 FK Sutjeska Niksic 1.05 (None or 1 Scores) 1.15 home (&draw) 2657 home (& away) 2658 away (& draw) 2659 29/10 13:30 2685 1 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.65 Kazakhstan Premier League, Champions Pool 29/10 11:00 47 home (&draw) 29/10 11:00 60 0.55 (Both Score) vs 29/10 11:00 48 0.9 FC Irtysh Pavlodar 2.2 FC Astana 3.15 53 home (& away) 54 away (& draw) 56 home (&draw) Morocco Botola 29/10 11:00 61 1.15 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.55 29/10 16:00 2238 2.85 OCS Olympique de Safi 1.8 Ittihad Tanger 1.15 29/10 11:00 49 0.4 FC Ordabasy 3.25 FC Aktobe 6.25 home (&draw) 2240 home (& away) 2241 away (& draw) 2242 57 home (& away) 58 away (& draw) 59 29/10 16:00 2246 0.95 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.65 1 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.6 29/10 19:00 2239 MAT 0.9 Maghrib Association Tetouan 1.85 home (&draw) 29/10 11:00 62 Latvia Virsliga home (&draw) 2243 29/10 19:00 2247 1.1 AS Far Rabat 3.8 home (& away) 2244 away (& draw) 2245 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.55 29/10 13:00 7316 0.6 FK Liepaja 2.85 Riga FC 4.5 home (&draw) 7320 home (& away) 7323 away (& draw) 7324 29/10 13:00 7337 1.05 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.6 29/10 18:30 3153 1.2 Willem II Tilburg 2.45 FC Groningen 2.25 29/10 13:00 7317 2.85 Rigas Futbola Skola 2.6 Spartaks Jurmala 0.9 home (&draw) 3163 home (& away) 3164 away (& draw) 3165 home (&draw) 7325 home (& away) 7326 away (& draw) 7327 29/10 18:30 3171 0.65 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1 29/10 13:00 7338 0.85 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.75 Totals Goals 0.5 3186 Total Goals 1.5 3184 Total Goals 2.5 3182 3187 Total Goals 4.5 3185 Total Goals 5.5 3183 Netherlands Eredivisie 29/10 13:00 7318 8.25 FS Metta Lu 4.25 FK Ventspils 0.3 Totals Goals 3.5 home (&draw) 7328 home (& away) 7329 away (& draw) 7330 Draw No Bet 29/10 13:00 7339 1.25 1st Half Three way 29/10 13:00 7319 10.25 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.5 BFC Daugavpils 4.5 FK Jelgava 0.25 home (&draw) 7334 home (& away) 7335 away (& draw) 7336 29/10 13:00 7340 1.8 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.35 3177 Both Halves Under 1.5 6908 Both Halves Over 1.5 6897 3181 2nd Half Three way 3180 Odd/Even Goals All bets are subject to Gambling Board Betting Rules.Prices are subject to change without notice. NO PERSONS UNDER 18 ARE ALLOWED TO GAMBLE. GAMBLE RESPONSIBLY E O.E.Read our Terms Conditions and Betting rules at 16 3188 SOCCER UPDATE 0861 867 238 Netherlands Eredivisie Poland I Liga 29/10 19:45 3154 3 Vitesse Arnhem 2.9 PSV Eindhoven 0.8 29/10 16:00 3243 1.2 Pogon Siedlce 2.25 KS Wisla Pulawy 2.4 home (&draw) 3166 home (& away) 3167 away (& draw) 3168 home (&draw) 3250 home (& away) 3251 away (& draw) 3252 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.75 29/10 19:45 3172 0.5 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.25 29/10 16:00 6948 0.85 Totals Goals 0.5 3206 Total Goals 1.5 3204 Total Goals 2.5 3202 29/10 16:00 3246 1.45MKS Sandecja Nowy Sacz2.15 TS Podbeskidzie Bielsko-Biala 2 Totals Goals 3.5 3207 Total Goals 4.5 3205 Total Goals 5.5 3203 home (&draw) 3259 home (& away) 3260 away (& draw) 3261 3210 Both Halves Under 1.5 6909 Both Halves Over 1.5 6902 29/10 16:00 6953 0.8 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.8 1st Half Three way 3201 2nd Half Three way 3213 Odd/Even Goals 3209 29/10 17:00 3244 1.8 GKS Tychy 71 2.15 Aspn Miedz Legnica 1.6 29/10 19:45 3156 1.1 Heracles Almelo 2.5 Sparta Rotterdam 2.4 home (&draw) 3253 home (& away) 3254 away (& draw) 3255 0.75 Draw No Bet home (&draw) 3157 home (& away) 3158 away (& draw) 3159 29/10 17:00 6950 0.85 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 29/10 19:45 3169 0.55 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.15 29/10 17:00 3245 2.8 MKS Kluczbork 2.45 GKS Katowice 1 Totals Goals 0.5 3198 Total Goals 1.5 3196 Total Goals 2.5 3194 home (&draw) 3256 home (& away) 3257 away (& draw) 3258 Totals Goals 3.5 3199 Total Goals 4.5 3197 Total Goals 5.5 3195 29/10 17:00 6952 0.9 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.7 3189 Both Halves Under 1.5 6906 Both Halves Over 1.5 6884 29/10 17:00 3247 1.05 Olimpia Grudziadz 2.4 Stomil Olsztyn SA 2.65 Draw No Bet 1st Half Three way 3193 2nd Half Three way 3192 Odd/Even Goals 3200 home (&draw) 3262 home (& away) 3263 away (& draw) 3264 29/10 20:45 3155 0.14 Ajax Amsterdam 7 SBV Excelsior 16.5 29/10 17:00 6958 0.8 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.85 home (&draw) 3160 home (& away) 3161 away (& draw) 3162 29/10 17:45 3248 1.45 Drutex-Bytovia 2.15 Chojnice 2 29/10 20:45 3170 1.05 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.6 home (&draw) 3265 home (& away) 3266 away (& draw) 3267 Totals Goals 0.5 3224 Total Goals 1.5 3220 Total Goals 2.5 3218 29/10 17:45 6959 0.65 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.95 Totals Goals 3.5 3225 Total Goals 4.5 3218 Total Goals 5.5 3219 29/10 18:00 3249 0.4 KS Gornik Zabrze home (&draw) 3268 home (& away) 3269 away (& draw) 3270 29/10 18:00 6960 0.95 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.7 Draw No Bet 1st Half Three way 3227 Both Halves Under 1.5 6907 Both Halves Over 1.5 6897 3217 2nd Half Three way 3216 Odd/Even Goals 3226 Northern Ireland Premiership 29/10 16:00 8197 0.8 Ballymena United home (&draw) 8202 home (& away) 29/10 16:00 8218 0.5 29/10 16:00 8198 1.3 3.35 MKS Znicz Pruszkow 7 Poland II Liga 29/10 13:00 7371 1.2 Siarka Tarnobrzeg 2.35 Legionovia Legio. 2.25 8203 2.7 Ballinamallard United FC3.25 away (& draw) 8204 home (&draw) 7377 home (& away) 7378 away (& draw) 7379 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.25 29/10 13:00 7395 0.7 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.9 Cliftonville FC 2.55 Glenavon FC 1.85 29/10 13:00 7373 1.25 Blekitni Stargard S. 2.2 PKS Olimpia Elblag 2.25 home (&draw) 8205 home (& away) 8206 away (& draw) 8207 home (&draw) 7383 home (& away) 7384 away (& draw) 7385 29/10 16:00 8219 0.5 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.25 29/10 13:00 7397 0.7 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.9 29/10 16:00 8199 1.6 FC Portadown 2.55 Ards FC 1.55 29/10 14:00 7372 1.4 Olimpia Zambrow 2.2 Polonia Warszawa 2 home (&draw) 8208 home (& away) 8209 away (& draw) 8210 home (&draw) 7380 home (& away) 7381 away (& draw) 7382 29/10 16:00 8220 0.5 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.25 29/10 14:00 7396 0.75 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.85 29/10 16:00 8200 3.7 Carrick Rangers FC 2.85 Glentoran FC 0.7 29/10 14:00 7374 0.6 KS Rakow Czestochowa 2.9 KS Polonia Bytom SA 4.75 home (&draw) 8212 home (& away) 8213 away (& draw) 8214 home (&draw) 7386 home (& away) 7387 away (& draw) 7388 29/10 16:00 8223 0.55 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.1 29/10 14:00 7398 0.85 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.75 29/10 16:00 8201 1.65 FC Linfield 2.55 Crusaders Belfast 1.5 29/10 15:00 7376 1.25 Rozwoj Katowice 2.35 KS Warta Poznan 2.15 home (&draw) 8215 home (& away) 8216 away (& draw) 8217 home (&draw) 7392 home (& away) 7393 away (& draw) 7394 29/10 16:00 8224 0.5 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.25 29/10 15:00 7400 0.7 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.9 29/10 19:00 7375 2.2 MKP Kotwica Kolobrzeg 2.2 Paraguay Primera Division, Clausura 29/10 23:00 8379 2.25 Deportivo Capiata 2.65 OKS Odra Opole 1.3 Olimpia Asuncion 1.1 home (&draw) 7389 home (& away) 7390 away (& draw) 7391 29/10 19:00 7399 0.7 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.9 home (&draw) 8381 home (& away) 8382 away (& draw) 8383 29/10 23:00 8387 0.5 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.25 29/10 22:00 7496 1.05 CC Deportivo Municipal 2.3 Peru Primera Division, Liguilla A Poland CLJ, East 29/10 11:00 9529 0.6Jagiellonia Bialystok U 193.65 FBC Melgar 2.5 home (&draw) 9534 home (& away) Wisla Krakow U 19 3.4 9535 away (& draw) 9536 vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.2 home (&draw) 7498 home (& away) 7499 away (& draw) 7500 29/10 11:00 9540 0.5 (Both Score) 29/10 22:00 7504 0.75 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.85 29/10 11:00 9530 0.6 UKS Sms Lodz U 19 home (&draw) 9537 home (& away) 9538 away (& draw) 9539 29/10 19:30 7366 0.75 Alianza Atletico 2.65 Ayacucho FC 3.4 29/10 11:00 9545 0.55 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.1 home (&draw) 7367 home (& away) 7368 away (& draw) 7369 29/10 19:30 7370 0.8 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.8 Peru Primera Division, Liguilla B 3.65 Polonia Warszawa U 19 3.4 Poland CLJ, West 29/10 11:00 9547 1.1 Zaglebie Lubin U 19 home (&draw) 9557 home (& away) 9558 3 OSP Lechia Gdansk U 192.05 away (& draw) 9559 29/10 15:30 3230 1.35 Gornik Leczna 2.25 WKS Slask Wroclaw 2.05 29/10 11:00 9564 0.45 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.4 home (&draw) 3237 home (& away) 3238 away (& draw) 3239 29/10 12:00 9546 1.35 Warta Poznan U 19 2.95 Piast Gliwice 1.6 29/10 15:30 3242 0.7 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.9 home (&draw) 9549 home (& away) 9550 away (& draw) 9556 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.45 Poland Ekstraklasa 29/10 18:00 3228 0.8 home (&draw) 3231 29/10 18:00 3240 0.75 29/10 20:30 3229 0.8 home (&draw) 3234 29/10 20:30 3241 0.8 MKS Pogon Szczecin 2.35 Ruch Chorzow 3.7 29/10 12:00 9563 0.4 3232 away (& draw) 3233 29/10 14:00 9548 1.3 UKP Zielona Gora U 19 2.8 SKS Gwarek Zabrze U 191.75 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.9 home (&draw) 9560 home (& away) 9561 away (& draw) 9562 KKS Lech Poznan 2.5 Wisla Plock SA 3.65 29/10 14:00 9565 0.5 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.25 home (& away) 3235 away (& draw) 3236 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.8 home (& away) All bets are subject to Gambling Board Betting Rules.Prices are subject to change without notice. NO PERSONS UNDER 18 ARE ALLOWED TO GAMBLE. GAMBLE RESPONSIBLY E O.E.Read our Terms Conditions and Betting rules at 17 SOCCER UPDATE 0861 867 238 Portugal Primeira Liga Romania Liga 2 29/10 17:00 5502 1.4 CD Tondela 2.05 Moreirense FC 2.15 29/10 10:30 1507 home (&draw) 5507 home (& away) 5508 away (& draw) 5509 home (&draw) 1515 29/10 10:30 1528 0.55 29/10 17:00 5527 0.95 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.65 Totals Goals 0.5 5519 Total Goals 1.5 5517 Total Goals 2.5 5515 Totals Goals 3.5 5520 Total Goals 4.5 5518 Total Goals 5.5 5516 Draw No Bet 5525 1.35 Sepsi Osk Sfantu Gheorghe 2.45 Chindia Targoviste 1.9 home (& away) 1518 away (& draw) 1519 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.1 Russia Premier League 29/10 14:30 1942 1.8 FC Amkar Perm 1.9 FC Rostov 1.8 home (&draw) 1944 home (& away) 1949 away (& draw) 1950 0.55 1st Half Three way 5514 2nd Half Three way 5526 Odd/Even Goals 5523 29/10 14:30 1957 1.15 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 29/10 19:15 5501 7 Vitoria Setubal 3.8 FC Porto 0.35 29/10 17:00 1943 1.55 FC Spartak Moscow 2.35 CSKA Moscow 1.7 home (&draw) 5504 home (& away) 5505 away (& draw) 5506 home (&draw) 1951 home (& away) 1952 away (& draw) 1953 29/10 17:00 1958 0.65 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1 29/10 19:15 5546 0.95 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.65 Totals Goals 0.5 5538 Total Goals 1.5 5536 Total Goals 2.5 5534 Totals Goals 3.5 5539 Total Goals 4.5 5537 Total Goals 5.5 5535 Draw No Bet 5545 1st Half Three way 5530 2nd Half Three way 5529 Odd/Even Goals 5540 29/10 21:30 5503 1.25 Boavista FC 2.05 GD Estoril Praia 2.5 Russia 2nd Division, Center 29/10 13:00 2331 1.4 FK Kaluga 2.2 FK Vityaz Podolsk 1.85 home (&draw) 2332 home (& away) 2333 away (& draw) 2334 29/10 13:00 7997 0.85 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.75 Russia 2nd Division, Ural-Povolzhye home (&draw) 5510 home (& away) 5512 away (& draw) 5513 29/10 12:00 2228 2.3 FC Chelyabinsk 2.3 FC Olimpiets 1.1 29/10 21:30 5549 1.05 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.6 home (&draw) 2260 home (& away) 2261 away (& draw) 2262 Totals Goals 0.5 5560 Total Goals 1.5 5558 Total Goals 2.5 5557 29/10 12:00 2272 0.75 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.85 Totals Goals 3.5 5561 Total Goals 4.5 5559 29/10 13:00 2230 3.35 Dinamo Kirov 2.55 FC Lada Togliatti 0.75 Draw No Bet 5564 home (&draw) 2263 home (& away) 2264 away (& draw) 2265 1st Half Three way 5556 29/10 13:00 2273 0.85 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.75 29/10 15:00 2258 1.45 Syzran-2003 2nd Half Three way 5565 Odd/Even Goals 5562 Portugal Segunda Liga 2.25 FC Kamaz Naberezhnye Chelny 1.75 29/10 12:15 4568 2.3 SC Olhanense 2.4 Sporting Lisbon B 1.15 home (&draw) 2266 home (& away) 2267 away (& draw) 2268 home (&draw) 4575 home (& away) 4578 away (& draw) 4583 29/10 15:00 2274 0.9 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.7 29/10 12:15 4589 0.7 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.9 29/10 16:00 2259 1.05 FC Volga Ulyanovsk 29/10 16:00 5909 1.65 Vitoria Guimaraes B 2.15 FC Famalicao 1.75 home (&draw) 2269 home (& away) 2270 away (& draw) 2271 home (&draw) 5925 home (& away) 5926 away (& draw) 5927 29/10 16:00 2275 0.85 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.75 29/10 16:00 5941 0.8 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.8 29/10 17:00 4567 1.3 SC Freamunde 2.1 Sporting Braga B 2.3 home (&draw) 4569 home (& away) 4570 away (& draw) 4574 home (&draw) 64 home (& away) 65 away (& draw) 66 29/10 17:00 4588 0.9 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.7 29/10 11:00 7973 0.5 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.3 29/10 12:00 1.25 Arsenal Tula Youth U21 2.6 FK Ufa Youth U21 1.95 29/10 16:20 7403 3.95 Al Gharafa SC 3.15 Sadd SC 0.55 home (&draw) 68 home (& away) 69 away (& draw) 70 home (&draw) 7410 home (& away) 7412 away (& draw) 7413 29/10 12:00 7980 0.45 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.3 29/10 16:20 7416 0.55 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.1 29/10 18:30 7401 3.5 Al Kharaityat SC 3.15 Al Rayyan SC 0.6 home (&draw) 72 home (& away) 73 away (& draw) 74 home (&draw) 7404 home (& away) 7405 away (& draw) 7406 29/10 12:00 7993 0.55 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.15 29/10 18:30 7414 0.55 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.1 29/10 17:00 9566 29/10 18:30 7402 1.55 Al-Mu Aidar 2.65 Al Wakra SC 1.45 home (&draw) home (&draw) 7407 home (& away) 7408 away (& draw) 7409 29/10 18:30 7415 0.4 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.45 Qatar Stars League Romania Liga I 2.35 FC Nosta Novotroitsk 2.4 Russia Youth League 29/10 11:00 29/10 12:00 63 67 71 1.25 Anzhi Makhachkala Youth U21 2.45FK Krasnodar Youth U21 2.1 FC 0.55 Zenit ST Petersburg Youth3.25 U21TOM Tomsk Youth U21 4.25 1.6 Ural Ekaterinburg Youth U21 2.55Terek Grozny Youth U211.55 9567 home (& away) 9568 away (& draw) 9569 Saudi Arabia Saudi Professional League 29/10 17:10 2248 0.85 Al Shabab Ksa 2.5 Al Fateh SC 2.9 home (&draw) 2249 home (& away) 2251 away (& draw) 2665 0.95 5 29/10 17:10 7995 0.65 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) home (&draw) 4598 home (& away) 4599 away (& draw) 4600 29/10 18:50 2666 0.8 Al Wehda 2.55 Al Baten 3.1 29/10 13:00 4614 1.05 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.6 home (&draw) 2667 home (& away) 2668 away (& draw) 2669 29/10 19:30 4597 1.35 Dinamo Bucuresti 2.15 AFC Astra Giurgiu 2.1 29/10 18:50 8001 0.55 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.15 home (&draw) 4602 home (& away) 4605 away (& draw) 4612 29/10 18:50 2670 3.65 Al Faisaly 2.65 Al Nasr Riyadh 0.7 29/10 19:30 4615 0.75 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.85 home (&draw) 2671 home (& away) 2672 away (& draw) 2673 29/10 18:50 7975 0.65 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.95 29/10 10:00 1505 0.55 FC Dunarea Calarasi 29/10 19:00 2674 0.14 Al Ahli Jeddah 6 Al Khaleej 14.75 29/10 13:00 4596 0.6 CS Universitatea Craiova2.85 CS Pandurii Targu Jiu Romania Liga 2 3 SS Politechnica Timisoara 5 home (&draw) 1509 home (& away) 1510 away (& draw) 1511 home (&draw) 2675 home (& away) 2676 away (& draw) 2677 29/10 10:00 1524 0.7 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.95 29/10 19:00 7982 1.15 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.55 29/10 10:00 1506 0.2 FC Brasov 5.75 Metalul Resita 11.75 1514 home (&draw) 1512 home (& away) 1513 away (& draw) 29/10 10:00 1527 1.05 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.6 29/10 10:00 1508 1.8 FC Clinceni 2.4 CS Mioveni 1.45 home (&draw) 1520 home (& away) 1521 away (& draw) 1522 29/10 10:00 1605 0.5 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.25 All bets are subject to Gambling Board Betting Rules.Prices are subject to change without notice. NO PERSONS UNDER 18 ARE ALLOWED TO GAMBLE. GAMBLE RESPONSIBLY E O.E.Read our Terms Conditions and Betting rules at 18 SOCCER UPDATE 0861 867 238 Scotland Premier League 29/10 13:00 171 home (&draw) Scotland Scottish League One 4.25 Aberdeen FC 3 Celtic FC 0.6 29/10 16:00 3296 0.75 Alloa Athletic FC 2.9 Albion Rovers FC 3.4 176 home (& away) 177 away (& draw) 178 home (&draw) 3301 home (& away) 3302 away (& draw) 3303 1.15 0.75 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.9 29/10 16:00 3317 0.55 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) Totals Goals 0.5 184 Total Goals 1.5 182 Total Goals 2.5 187 29/10 16:00 3297 1.65 Brechin City FC 2.55 Livingston FC 1.5 Totals Goals 3.5 186 Total Goals 4.5 183 Total Goals 5.5 188 home (&draw) 3304 home (& away) 3305 away (& draw) 3306 Both Halves Over 1.5 317 29/10 16:00 3318 0.5 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.25 Odd/Even Goals 193 29/10 16:00 3298 1.5 East Fife FC 2.65 Airdrieonians 1.6 Heart of Midlothian 1.3 home (&draw) 3307 home (& away) 3308 away (& draw) 3309 1.15 29/10 13:00 194 Draw No Bet 1st Half Three way 29/10 16:00 197 home (&draw) 179 Both Halves Under 1.5 323 192 2nd Half Three way 191 2.05 Inverness Caledonian Thistle 2.35 198 home (& away) 199 away (& draw) 200 29/10 16:00 3319 0.55 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.7 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.95 29/10 16:00 3299 1.15 Queens Park FC 2.65 Stenhousemuir FC 2.1 Totals Goals 0.5 207 Total Goals 1.5 205 Total Goals 2.5 214 home (&draw) 3310 home (& away) 3312 away (& draw) 3313 Totals Goals 3.5 209 Total Goals 4.5 206 1.15 29/10 16:00 228 Draw No Bet 1st Half Three way 29/10 16:00 230 home (&draw) Total Goals 5.5 226 29/10 16:00 3320 0.55 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) Both Halves Over 1.5 312 29/10 16:00 3300 1.05 Peterhead FC 2.65 Stranraer FC 2.35 203 Odd/Even Goals 227 home (&draw) 3314 home (& away) 3315 away (& draw) 3316 29/10 16:00 3323 0.5 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.2 201 Both Halves Under 1.5 318 204 2nd Half Three way 0.9 FC St Johnstone 2.5 Partick Thistle 3.15 232 home (& away) 233 away (& draw) 234 Scotland Scottish League Two 0.8 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.8 29/10 16:00 3325 0.7 Clyde FC 2.9 Stirling Albion 3.55 Totals Goals 0.5 241 Total Goals 1.5 239 Total Goals 2.5 243 home (&draw) 3335 home (& away) 3336 away (& draw) 3337 Totals Goals 3.5 242 Total Goals 4.5 240 1.05 29/10 16:00 249 Draw No Bet 1st Half Three way 29/10 16:00 253 home (&draw) Total Goals 5.5 244 29/10 16:00 3348 0.6 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) Both Halves Over 1.5 316 29/10 16:00 3326 1.35 Berwick Rangers 2.6 Arbroath FC 1.8 237 Odd/Even Goals 248 home (&draw) 3338 home (& away) 3339 away (& draw) 3340 235 Both Halves Under 1.5 322 238 2nd Half Three way 1.45 Motherwell FC 2.4 Ross County FC 1.8 29/10 16:00 3349 0.6 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.1 254 home (& away) 255 away (& draw) 256 29/10 16:00 3327 0.4 Forfar Athletic 3.8 Edinburgh City 6.75 3343 0.6 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.05 home (&draw) 3341 home (& away) 3342 away (& draw) Totals Goals 0.5 267 Total Goals 1.5 264 Total Goals 2.5 269 29/10 16:00 3350 0.7 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.9 Totals Goals 3.5 268 Total Goals 4.5 266 Total Goals 5.5 270 29/10 16:00 3328 0.7 Elgin City 2.9 Cowdenbeath FC 3.55 29/10 16:00 262 Draw No Bet Both Halves Over 1.5 315 home (&draw) 3344 home (& away) 3345 away (& draw) 3346 259 Odd/Even Goals 261 29/10 16:00 3351 0.55 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.2 1.25 Hamilton Academical 2.4 FC Dundee 2.15 272 home (& away) 273 away (& draw) 274 0.7 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.9 29/10 16:00 4938 1.95 East Stirling 3.2 Annan Athletic 1.05 Totals Goals 0.5 280 Total Goals 1.5 278 Total Goals 2.5 282 home (&draw) 4942 home (& away) 4943 away (& draw) 4944 Totals Goals 3.5 281 Total Goals 4.5 279 1st Half Three way 29/10 16:00 271 home (&draw) 29/10 16:00 284 Draw No Bet 1st Half Three way 257 Both Halves Under 1.5 321 260 2nd Half Three way 275 Both Halves Under 1.5 320 Scotland Scottish Cup (Possible Neutral Venue) Total Goals 5.5 283 29/10 16:00 4939 3.95 Gretna 2008 3.85 Buckie Thistle FC 0.55 Both Halves Over 1.5 314 home (&draw) 4945 home (& away) 4946 away (& draw) 4947 276 2nd Half Three way 287 Odd/Even Goals 277 29/10 16:00 4940 0.45 Formartine United 3.7 Banks O`Dee FC 5.5 0.35 Rangers FC 4 Kilmarnock FC 7 home (&draw) 4948 home (& away) 4949 away (& draw) 4950 289 home (& away) 290 away (& draw) 291 29/10 16:00 4941 2.8 Cumbernauld Colts 1.45 0.8 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.8 home (&draw) 4951 4952 away (& draw) 4953 Totals Goals 0.5 299 Total Goals 1.5 297 Total Goals 2.5 302 Totals Goals 3.5 301 Total Goals 4.5 298 Total Goals 5.5 304 29/10 17:00 9570 5 Partizan Belgrade 0.55 Both Halves Over 1.5 313 home (&draw) Odd/Even Goals 293 29/10 17:00 9574 29/10 16:00 288 home (&draw) 29/10 16:00 294 Draw No Bet 1st Half Three way 292 Both Halves Under 1.5 319 307 2nd Half Three way 306 1.55 Forres Mechanics FC home (& away) Serbia Superliga FK Radnik Surdulica 2.95 home (& away) 0.8 Scotland Scottish Championship (Both Score) away (& draw) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.8 0.7 Singapore Cup 29/10 16:00 3271 1.55 Dumbarton FC 2.65 Dunfermline Athletic home (&draw) 3276 home (& away) 3277 away (& draw) 3278 1.5 29/10 16:00 3291 0.6 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.1 29/10 16:00 3272 0.35 Hibernian FC 3.8 FC St Mirren 7.5 home (&draw) 3279 home (& away) 3280 away (& draw) 3281 29/10 16:00 3292 0.85 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.75 29/10 16:00 3273 0.8 Dundee United 2.5 Falkirk FC 3.5 (Possible Neutral Venue) 29/10 11:00 76 3.6 Balestier Central 2.6 Ceres FC home (&draw) 81 home (& away) 82 away (& draw) 83 29/10 11:00 8002 0.4 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.5 29/10 14:00 1.1 Albirex Niigata FC 2.4 Tampines Rovers FC 2.3 77 home (& away) 78 away (& draw) 80 0.45 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.4 75 home (&draw) 29/10 14:00 84 home (&draw) 3282 home (& away) 3283 away (& draw) 3284 29/10 16:00 3293 0.6 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.05 29/10 17:00 5574 1.25 FC Spartak Trnava 2.3 MFK Ruzomberok 2.2 29/10 16:00 3275 0.95 Greenock Morton FC 2.65 Ayr United 2.65 home (&draw) 5578 home (& away) 5579 away (& draw) 5580 vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.9 Slovakia Superliga home (&draw) 3288 home (& away) 3289 away (& draw) 3290 29/10 17:00 5587 0.7 (Both Score) 29/10 16:00 3295 0.65 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.95 29/10 17:00 5575 0.65 Spartak Myjava 2.75Dac 1904 Dunajska Streda 4 29/10 18:15 3274 1.1 Raith Rovers FC home (&draw) 5581 home (& away) 5582 away (& draw) 5583 home (&draw) 3285 home (& away) 3286 away (& draw) 3287 29/10 17:00 5588 0.85 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.75 29/10 18:15 3294 0.6 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.05 29/10 17:00 5210 0.95 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.7 2.45 Queen of The South FC 2.4 All bets are subject to Gambling Board Betting Rules.Prices are subject to change without notice. NO PERSONS UNDER 18 ARE ALLOWED TO GAMBLE. GAMBLE RESPONSIBLY E O.E.Read our Terms Conditions and Betting rules at 19 SOCCER UPDATE 0861 867 238 Slovakia Superliga 29/10 17:00 5577 South Korea K-League Classic, Relegation Round 0.85MFK Zemplin Michalovce2.55 home (&draw) 5584 29/10 17:00 5589 0.8 FK Senica 3.25 29/10 08:00 4550 1.3 Incheon United FC 2.2 Pohang Steelers FC 2.2 home (& away) 5585 away (& draw) 5586 home (&draw) 4552 home (& away) 4553 away (& draw) 4554 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.8 29/10 08:00 4558 0.95 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.7 29/10 08:00 4551 1.25 Gwangju FC 2.2 Seongnam Ilhwa 2.25 home (&draw) 4555 home (& away) 4556 away (& draw) 4557 29/10 08:00 4559 0.85 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.75 Slovakia 2. Liga, Group East 29/10 14:30 1180 0.3 Lokomotiva Zvolen home (&draw) 1181 home (& away) 1182 away (& draw) 1189 29/10 14:30 1190 0.7 FK Haniska 2.8 SK Odeva Lipany 3.3 1192 away (& draw) 1193 home (&draw) 1191 home (& away) 29/10 14:30 8225 0.75 Partizan Bardejov 4.5 MSK Rimavska Sobota 6.5 2.6 Tatran Liptovsky Mikulas 3.2 Spain Segunda Division 29/10 16:00 5481 1.15 SD Huesca 2.15 CF Reus Deportiu 2.65 home (&draw) 5485 home (& away) 5486 away (& draw) 5487 0.7 home (&draw) 8226 home (& away) 8227 away (& draw) 8228 29/10 16:00 5497 0.95 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 29/10 14:30 7261 0.9 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.7 29/10 18:00 5482 1.05 Real Zaragoza 2.25 UD Almeria 2.7 29/10 17:30 1194 0.25 FK Aquacity Poprad 4.75 Spisska Nova Ves 7.25 home (&draw) 5488 home (& away) 5489 away (& draw) 5490 home (&draw) 1195 home (& away) 1196 away (& draw) 1197 29/10 18:00 5498 0.85 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.75 29/10 17:30 7260 1.15 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.55 29/10 18:00 5484 1.5 Tenerife CD 2.05 Rayo Vallecano 2.05 home (&draw) 5494 home (& away) 5495 away (& draw) 5496 0.7 Slovakia 2. Liga, Group West 29/10 10:30 2.2 MSK Zilina B 2.35 MFK Skalica 1.1 29/10 18:00 5500 0.9 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) home (&draw) 37 40 home (& away) 41 away (& draw) 46 29/10 20:00 5483 1.2 Cordoba CF 2.15 Real Valladolid 2.5 29/10 10:30 5212 0.65 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.95 home (&draw) 5491 home (& away) 5492 away (& draw) 5493 Svaty Jur 6.25 29/10 20:00 5499 0.9 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.7 away (& draw) 1203 29/10 14:30 1198 home (&draw) 0.3 AFC Nove Mesto Nad Vahom 5.25 1199 home (& away) 1200 Spain Segunda B Group I 29/10 16:00 1213 0.45 FC Nitra 3.2 FK Pohronie 6 29/10 12:00 8285 1.25 Celta de Vigo B 2.1 CD Tudelano 2.2 home (&draw) 1214 home (& away) 1217 away (& draw) 1218 home (&draw) 8295 home (& away) 8296 away (& draw) 8297 29/10 12:00 8309 0.95 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.7 29/10 16:30 8286 0.6 Union Mutilvera 2.75 UD Somozas 4.25 Slovakia U19 29/10 11:00 9575 1.05 Slovan Bratislava U 19 2.9ZP Sport Podbrezova U 19 2 home (&draw) 9576 home (& away) 9577 away (& draw) 9578 home (&draw) 8298 home (& away) 8299 away (& draw) 8300 29/10 11:00 9579 0.4 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.45 29/10 16:30 8310 1.15 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.55 29/10 11:00 1650 0.4 FC Nitra U 19 4.25 Partizan Bardejov U 19 4.75 29/10 17:00 8287 1 Racing de Ferrol 2.3 Real Valladolid B 2.6 home (&draw) 1666 home (& away) 1673 away (& draw) 1674 home (&draw) 8301 home (& away) 8302 away (& draw) 8303 29/10 11:00 1678 0.45 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.35 29/10 17:00 8312 1 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.65 29/10 17:00 8288 0.55 CD Izarra 2.9 Arandina CF 4.75 home (& away) 8305 away (& draw) 8306 0.6 Slovenia PrvaLiga 29/10 15:00 5472 0.7 NK Celje 2.7 NK Krsko 3.8 home (&draw) 8304 home (&draw) 5476 home (& away) 5477 away (& draw) 5478 29/10 17:00 8313 1.05 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 29/10 15:00 5480 0.95 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.65 29/10 18:00 8283 0.95 CD Guijuelo 2.35 FC Coruxo 2.7 29/10 20:15 5471 0.75 NK Olimpija Ljubljana 2.65 NK Domzale 3.7 home (&draw) 8292 home (& away) 8293 away (& draw) 8294 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.7 SD Ponferradina 1.15 8291 home (&draw) 5473 home (& away) 5474 away (& draw) 5475 29/10 18:00 8308 0.95 29/10 20:15 5479 0.75 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.9 29/10 18:00 8284 2.2 CD Palencia Balompie 2.25 home (&draw) 8289 home (& away) 8290 away (& draw) 29/10 15:30 9580 1.5 FC Cape Town 2.2 Cape Town All Stars 1.7 29/10 18:00 8307 0.95 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.7 home (&draw) 9584 home (& away) 9585 away (& draw) 9586 29/10 20:45 9605 0.95 Racing Santander 2.2 Cultural Leonesa 2.95 29/10 15:30 9596 0.7 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.9 home (&draw) 9606 home (& away) 9607 away (& draw) 9608 29/10 15:30 9581 1.6 Black Leopards FC 2.1 Stellenbosch FC 1.7 29/10 20:45 9609 1 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.65 home (&draw) 9587 home (& away) 9588 away (& draw) 9589 29/10 15:30 9597 0.75 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.85 29/10 16:00 7418 0.75 Real Sociedad B 2.5 SD Zamudio 3.35 29/10 15:30 9582 1 Milano United 2.15 Magesi FC 2.8 home (&draw) 7428 home (& away) 7429 away (& draw) 7430 0.75 South Africa National First Division Spain Segunda B Group II home (&draw) 9590 home (& away) 9591 away (& draw) 9592 29/10 16:00 7451 0.85 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 29/10 15:30 9598 0.7 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.9 29/10 17:00 7419 0.95 SD Leioa 2.35 Fuenlabrada 2.65 29/10 15:30 9583 2.45 Mthatha Bucks FC home (&draw) 7434 home (& away) 7435 away (& draw) 7436 home (&draw) 9593 home (& away) 9594 away (& draw) 9595 29/10 17:00 7452 0.8 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.85 29/10 15:30 9599 0.65 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1 29/10 18:00 7423 2 SD Gernika 2.2 CF Rayo Majadahonda 1.3 2.2 Thanda Royal Zulu FC 1.1 home (&draw) 7440 home (& away) 7445 away (& draw) 7446 29/10 08:00 4545 3.2 Jeonnam Dragons 2.65 Jeonbuk Hyundai 0.8 29/10 18:00 7454 0.75 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.85 home (&draw) 4546 home (& away) 4547 away (& draw) 4548 29/10 19:30 7417 0.6 Real Union de Irun 2.75 UD Socuellamos CF 4.25 29/10 08:00 4549 0.65 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.95 home (&draw) 7425 home (& away) 7426 away (& draw) 7427 29/10 19:30 7450 1.05 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.6 29/10 19:30 7420 1.25 Real Madrid Castilla 2.1 Athletic Bilbao B 2.2 home (&draw) 7437 home (& away) 7438 away (& draw) 7439 29/10 19:30 7453 0.75 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.85 South Korea K-League Classic, Championship Round All bets are subject to Gambling Board Betting Rules.Prices are subject to change without notice. NO PERSONS UNDER 18 ARE ALLOWED TO GAMBLE. GAMBLE RESPONSIBLY E O.E.Read our Terms Conditions and Betting rules at 20 SOCCER UPDATE 0861 867 238 Spain Segunda B Group II Sweden Div 1 Norra 29/10 20:00 7424 0.85 Albacete Balompie 2.35 UD Logrones 3.15 29/10 14:00 2725 1.25 Umeaa FC 2.55 Team TG FF 2 home (&draw) 7447 home (& away) 7448 away (& draw) 7449 home (&draw) 2729 home (& away) 2730 away (& draw) 2731 29/10 20:00 7455 0.9 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.7 29/10 14:00 2739 1.35 Kristianstads FF 2.7 Husqvarna FF 1.75 2742 home (& away) 2743 away (& draw) 2744 Spain Segunda B Group III Sweden Div 1 Sdra CE Sabadell 2 home (&draw) 8323 away (& draw) 8324 29/10 15:00 1219 2.85 Qviding Fif 2.85 Landskrona Bois 0.85 vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.65 home (&draw) 1220 home (& away) 1221 away (& draw) 1222 1.15 29/10 17:00 8314 1.35 Levante B 2.1 home (&draw) 8320 home (& away) 29/10 17:00 8343 0.95 (Both Score) 29/10 17:00 8316 0.7 CF Gava 3.4 29/10 15:00 3383 0.55 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) home (&draw) 8328 home (& away) 8329 away (& draw) 8330 29/10 16:00 2740 0.16 Osters IF 7.25 KSF Prespa Birlik 11 29/10 17:00 8345 1.1 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.6 home (&draw) 2745 home (& away) 2746 away (& draw) 2747 29/10 18:00 8317 home (&draw) Valencia CF Mestalla 2.75 1.8 Espanyol Barcelona B 2.2 8334 home (& away) Hercules CF 1.45 29/10 16:00 2741 0.45 Norrby IF 3.9 Utsiktens BK 5 8335 away (& draw) 8336 home (&draw) 2748 home (& away) 3381 away (& draw) 3382 29/10 18:00 8346 0.9 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.75 29/10 18:00 8319 1.75 CE L`Hospitalet 2.2 CD Alcoyano 1.45 29/10 14:00 9615 Sweden Div 2, Promotion|Relegation, Group 1 0.85 FC Linkoping City 2.95 Hudiksvalls FF 2.8 home (&draw) 8340 home (& away) 8341 away (& draw) 8342 home (&draw) 9616 home (& away) 9617 away (& draw) 9618 29/10 18:00 8348 0.75 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.85 29/10 14:00 9619 0.55 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.2 29/10 18:30 8315 1.3 UE Llagostera 2.2 Barcelona B FC 2 home (&draw) 8325 home (& away) 8326 away (& draw) 8327 29/10 17:45 3356 0.5 FC Sion 3.45 FC Lugano 4.75 29/10 18:30 8344 0.7 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.9 home (&draw) 3358 home (& away) 3359 away (& draw) 3360 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.05 Switzerland Super League 29/10 18:30 8318 1.1 AE Prat 2.2 CF Villarreal B 2.4 29/10 17:45 3364 0.6 home (&draw) 8337 home (& away) 8338 away (& draw) 8339 29/10 20:00 3357 3.15Grasshopper Club Zurich 3 29/10 18:30 8347 1.05 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.6 home (&draw) 3361 29/10 20:00 3365 0.5 29/10 16:00 8351 0.6 Jumilla CF 2.75 La Roda CF 4.25 home (&draw) 8360 home (& away) 8361 away (& draw) 8362 29/10 17:45 3352 1.2 FC Chiasso 2.35 FC Wohlen 2.3 29/10 16:00 8371 1 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.65 home (&draw) 3353 home (& away) 3354 away (& draw) 3355 29/10 18:30 8349 3.45 UD Extremadura 2.35 La Hoya Lorca 0.8 29/10 17:45 6961 0.65 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.95 home (&draw) 8354 home (& away) 8355 away (& draw) 8356 29/10 18:30 8369 0.85 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.75 29/10 15:30 4924 1.1 US Ben Guerdane 1.9 Club A Bizertin 2.55 29/10 18:30 8350 0.55 Marbella FC 2.9 CD San Fernando 5 home (&draw) 4925 home (& away) 4926 away (& draw) 4927 Spain Segunda B Group IV FC Basel 0.75 home (& away) 3362 away (& draw) 3363 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.3 Switzerland Challenge League Tunisia Ligue 1, Group A home (&draw) 8357 home (& away) 8358 away (& draw) 8359 29/10 18:30 8370 1.05 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.6 29/10 15:30 4928 1.5 Avenir S Marsa 29/10 18:30 8352 0.75 Recreativo de Huelva 2.55 Atl Mancha Real 3.5 home (&draw) 4930 home (& away) 4931 Tunisia Ligue 1, Group B 2.2 Avenir Sportif Gabesien 1.6 away (& draw) 4932 home (&draw) 8363 home (& away) 8364 away (& draw) 8365 29/10 15:30 4936 1.3 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.5 29/10 18:30 8372 1 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.65 29/10 15:30 4929 1 Club S Hammam-Lif 2 Olympique de Beja 2.7 29/10 19:00 8353 0.6 CF Villanovense 2.7 Merida UD 4.25 home (&draw) 4933 home (& away) 4934 away (& draw) 4935 home (&draw) 8366 home (& away) 8367 away (& draw) 8368 29/10 15:30 4937 1.3 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.45 29/10 19:00 8373 1 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.65 Spain Primera Division Femenina 29/10 10:45 9600 1.2RCD Espanyol Barc Women 2.6 Rayo Vallecano Women 1.85 Turkey Super Lig 29/10 12:30 3368 2.55 Gaziantepspor 2.3 Osmanlispor FK 1.1 home (&draw) 3375 home (& away) 3376 away (& draw) 3377 0.85 home (&draw) 9601 home (& away) 9602 away (& draw) 9603 29/10 12:30 3380 0.75 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 29/10 10:45 9604 0.55 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.15 29/10 15:00 3367 1.25 Bursaspor 2.25 Konyaspor 2.2 home (&draw) 3372 home (& away) 3373 away (& draw) 3374 vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.85 Sweden Superettan 29/10 14:00 1581 1.15 Degerfors IF 2.5 Syrianska FC 2.25 29/10 15:00 3379 0.75 (Both Score) home (&draw) 1646 home (& away) 1669 away (& draw) 1670 29/10 18:00 3366 4 Adanaspor 29/10 14:00 7992 0.65 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.95 home (&draw) 3369 home (& away) 3370 away (& draw) 3371 29/10 16:00 1580 0.5 Athletic United 3.4 Aatvidaberg FF 5.25 29/10 18:00 3378 0.7 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.9 home (&draw) 1639 home (& away) 1640 away (& draw) 1641 29/10 16:00 7991 0.75 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.85 29/10 12:00 1677 1.15 Boluspor 2.25 Gaziantep Bld Spor 2.5 29/10 16:00 1637 1.4 Varbergs Bois 2.45 Ljungskille SK 1.8 home (&draw) 1683 home (& away) 1685 away (& draw) 1687 home (&draw) 1671 home (& away) 1672 away (& draw) 1676 29/10 12:00 1846 0.7 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.95 29/10 16:00 7972 0.65 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1 29/10 18:00 1682 2.05 S. B. Elazigspor 2.3 Malatya Bld Spor 1.35 home (&draw) 1688 home (& away) 1690 away (& draw) 1691 29/10 18:00 1851 0.65 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.95 Sweden Div 1 Norra 2.95 Galatasaray Istanbul 0.65 Turkey TFF 1. Lig 29/10 13:00 9610 5.75 Nykoping Bis 4 IF Brommapojkarna 0.4 home (&draw) 9612 home (& away) 9613 away (& draw) 9614 29/10 13:00 2737 0.65 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.95 29/10 13:30 4920 0.85 Ankara Demirspor 29/10 14:00 2724 3.25 IK Sleipner 3.25 Akropolis IF 0.7 home (&draw) 4921 home (& away) home (&draw) 2726 home (& away) 2727 away (& draw) 2728 29/10 14:00 2738 0.35 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.7 Turkey Amateur 3. Lig, Group 1 2.9 Erzincan Refahiyespor 2.6 4922 away (& draw) All bets are subject to Gambling Board Betting Rules.Prices are subject to change without notice. NO PERSONS UNDER 18 ARE ALLOWED TO GAMBLE. GAMBLE RESPONSIBLY E O.E.Read our Terms Conditions and Betting rules at 21 4923 SOCCER UPDATE 0861 867 238 Turkey Amateur 3. Lig, Group 2 29/10 12:30 2292 home (&draw) 0.6 Halide Edip Adivarspor 2.75 2293 home (& away) 29/10 12:00 2276 0.85 Bursaspor U 21 home (&draw) 2277 home (& away) 2294 Uruguay Segunda Division Turk Metal Kirikkale 4.5 29/10 21:30 9623 away (& draw) 2295 home (&draw) 1.05CA Atenas de San Carlos 2.5 CA Rentistas 2.5 9629 home (& away) 9630 away (& draw) 9634 0.95 3.15 Torku Konyaspor U 21 2.35 29/10 21:30 9646 0.7 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 2278 29/10 21:30 9624 4.25 CS Cerrito 2.95 Torque 0.6 home (&draw) 9635 home (& away) 9636 away (& draw) 9637 away (& draw) 2279 Ukraine Premier League 29/10 13:00 4616 0.7 Olimpik Donetsk 2.6 Volyn Lutsk 4 29/10 21:30 9647 0.65 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1 home (&draw) 4620 home (& away) 4624 away (& draw) 4626 29/10 21:30 9625 0.4 El Tanque Sisley 3.6 CA Progreso 6.75 vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.65 home (&draw) 9638 home (& away) 9639 away (& draw) 9640 29/10 21:30 9648 1 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.65 29/10 13:00 6962 1 (Both Score) 29/10 16:00 4618 0.2 FC Shakhtar Donetsk home (&draw) 4628 home (& away) 5.5 Chernomorets Odessa 12 4632 away (& draw) 4633 USA North American Soccer League, Fall season 29/10 16:00 4638 1.5 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.4 29/10 20:00 9650 0.9 Ottawa Fury FC 29/10 18:30 4619 0.14 FC Dynamo Kiev 6.5 Karpaty Lviv 21 home (&draw) 9659 home (& away) 9660 away (& draw) 9667 home (&draw) 4634 home (& away) 4635 away (& draw) 4637 29/10 20:00 9669 0.8 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.85 29/10 18:30 4639 1.65 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.35 29/10 21:00 2682 2.3 CA Boston River 2.3 Uruguay Primera Division, Apertura Danubio FC 1.2 2.5 Fort Lauderdale Strikers3.05 Venezuela Primera Division, Playoffs 29/10 21:00 4987 1.5 Zulia FC 2.55 Carabobo FC 1.65 home (&draw) 4988 home (& away) 4989 away (& draw) 4990 home (&draw) 263 home (& away) 2684 away (& draw) 3329 29/10 21:00 7981 0.6 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.05 29/10 15:30 1844 29/10 21:00 2701 2.95 Rampla Juniors FC 2.7 Defensor Sporting 0.85 home (&draw) 1847 Wales Premier League 2.25 Carmarthen Town AFC 2.5 home (& away) Bala Town 1.15 1848 away (& draw) 1849 1.15 home (&draw) 2686 home (& away) 2687 away (& draw) 2688 29/10 15:30 1858 0.55 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 29/10 21:00 5213 0.75 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.85 29/10 15:30 1845 1.7 Newtown AFC 2.5 Llandudno FC 1.45 29/10 21:00 2689 1.4 CA Fenix home (&draw) 1850 home (& away) 1852 away (& draw) 1853 vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.15 2.25 Liverpool Montevideo. 1.95 home (&draw) 2690 home (& away) 2691 away (& draw) 2692 29/10 15:30 1859 0.55 (Both Score) 29/10 21:00 5215 0.7 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.9 29/10 18:15 1410 1.3 Aberystwyth Town 29/10 21:00 2693 3.7Institucion Atl. Sud America 2.85 CA Penarol 0.7 home (&draw) 1411 home (& away) 1412 away (& draw) 1413 29/10 18:15 1857 0.5 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.3 2.6 Airbus UK Broughton 1.9 home (&draw) 2694 home (& away) 2695 away (& draw) 3324 29/10 21:00 7262 0.7 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.9 29/10 13:00 2335 0.75 Arsenal Kiev 2.35 Girnik-Sport 4 30/10 15:30 3399 0.75 Everton FC 2.8 West Ham United 3.35 home (&draw) 2337 home (& away) 2338 away (& draw) 2339 home (&draw) 3401 home (& away) 3402 away (& draw) 3403 29/10 13:00 2343 1.15 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.55 30/10 15:30 3407 0.6 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.05 29/10 14:00 2336 0.55 Gelios Kharkiv 5 Totals Goals 0.5 3414 Total Goals 1.5 3418 Total Goals 2.5 3416 Total Goals 4.5 3419 Total Goals 5.5 3417 3422 SUNDAY Ukraine Persha Liga England Premier League 2.9 Bukovina Chernovtsy home (&draw) 2340 home (& away) 2341 away (& draw) 2342 Totals Goals 3.5 3415 29/10 14:00 2344 1.35 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.45 Draw No Bet 3411 1st Half Three way 3420 2nd Half Three way 3412 Odd/Even Goals 29/10 10:00 1610 1.05 Zorya Lugansk U 19 2.7 Volyn Lutsk U 19 2.1 30/10 18:00 3400 2.1 Southampton FC 2.35 Chelsea FC 1.25 home (&draw) 1626 home (& away) 1627 away (& draw) 1628 home (&draw) 3404 home (& away) 3405 away (& draw) 3406 29/10 10:00 1649 0.45 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.35 30/10 18:00 3408 0.65 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.95 29/10 12:00 1608 3.7 Stal Kamyanske U 19 3.7 Totals Goals 0.5 3427 Total Goals 1.5 3431 Total Goals 2.5 3429 home (&draw) 1611 home (& away) 1612 Totals Goals 3.5 3428 Total Goals 4.5 3432 Total Goals 5.5 3430 Draw No Bet 3423 1st Half Three way 3434 2nd Half Three way 3426 Odd/Even Goals 3425 Ukraine U19 League 29/10 12:00 1609 home (&draw) 29/10 13:00 1606 2.2 Dnipro Dnipropetrovsk U 19 2.9 1614 home (& away) 1615 Vorskla Poltava U 19 0.55 away (& draw) 1613 FC Oleksandria U 19 0.95 away (& draw) 1616 2.15 Olimpik Donetsk U 19 3.1 Shakhtar Donetsk U 19 0.95 home (&draw) 1617 home (& away) 29/10 13:00 1607 1.65 Skala Stryi U 19 1618 away (& draw) 1619 2.75 Chernomorets Odessa U 191.3 France Ligue 1 30/10 16:00 3435 0.85 OGC Nice 2.4 FC Nantes 3.35 home (&draw) 3436 home (& away) 3437 away (& draw) 3438 home (&draw) 1620 home (& away) 1621 away (& draw) 1622 30/10 16:00 3441 0.9 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.7 29/10 13:00 1645 0.45 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.35 Totals Goals 0.5 3450 Total Goals 1.5 3448 Total Goals 2.5 3446 Totals Goals 3.5 3451 Total Goals 4.5 3449 Total Goals 5.5 3447 29/10 12:00 2280 0.45 Vorskla- D Poltava U21 3.75 Oleksandriya 4.25 Draw No Bet 3440 2284 away (& draw) 2285 1st Half Three way 3445 2nd Half Three way 3444 Odd/Even Goals 3439 5 Zirka-D Kirovohrad 7 30/10 18:00 3453 0.6 Stade Rennes 2.9 FC Metz 4.75 2287 away (& draw) 2288 home (&draw) 3454 home (& away) 3455 away (& draw) 3456 Ukraine Youth League home (&draw) 29/10 13:00 2281 home (&draw) 2283 home (& away) 0.25 Zorya-D Lugansk U21 2286 home (& away) 29/10 13:00 2282 1.05 Stal-D Kamyanske home (&draw) 2289 home (& away) 29/10 15:10 9620 2.25 Miramar Missiones 2.5 home (&draw) 9626 home (& away) 29/10 15:10 9645 0.65 (Both Score) 3.15 Dnipro-D Dnjepropetrovsk U21 1.85 2290 away (& draw) 2291 Cerro Largo FC 1.15 9627 away (& draw) 9628 vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.95 Uruguay Segunda Division 30/10 18:00 3463 0.85 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.75 Totals Goals 0.5 3470 Total Goals 1.5 3468 Total Goals 2.5 3466 Totals Goals 3.5 3471 Total Goals 4.5 3469 Total Goals 5.5 3467 Draw No Bet 3473 1st Half Three way 3465 2nd Half Three way 3476 Odd/Even Goals 3473 All bets are subject to Gambling Board Betting Rules.Prices are subject to change without notice. NO PERSONS UNDER 18 ARE ALLOWED TO GAMBLE. GAMBLE RESPONSIBLY E O.E.Read our Terms Conditions and Betting rules at 22 SOCCER UPDATE 0861 867 238 France Ligue 1 Italy Serie A 30/10 21:45 3452 1.1 Olympique Marseille 2.3 FC Girondins Bordeaux 2.65 home (&draw) 3457 home (& away) 3458 away (& draw) 30/10 21:45 3464 0.75 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 30/10 21:45 3517 2.45 Sampdoria Genoa 2.4 Inter 1.1 3459 home (&draw) 3531 home (& away) 3532 away (& draw) 3533 0.85 30/10 21:45 3541 0.7 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.95 Totals Goals 0.5 3613 Total Goals 1.5 3611 Total Goals 2.5 3615 Total Goals 4.5 3612 Total Goals 5.5 3616 2nd Half Three way 3620 Odd/Even Goals 3617 Germany Bundesliga 30/10 16:30 3478 1.2 1899 Hoffenheim 2.4 Hertha BSC 2.2 Totals Goals 3.5 3614 home (&draw) 3482 home (& away) 3483 away (& draw) 3484 Draw No Bet 3619 1st Half Three way 3610 30/10 16:30 3486 0.6 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.05 Totals Goals 0.5 3494 Total Goals 1.5 3492 Total Goals 2.5 3490 Totals Goals 3.5 3495 Total Goals 4.5 3493 Total Goals 5.5 3491 Draw No Bet 3489 Netherlands Eredivisie 30/10 13:30 5753 0.65 PEC Zwolle 3 Go Ahead Eagles 3.8 home (&draw) 5763 home (& away) 5764 away (& draw) 5765 1st Half Three way 3498 2nd Half Three way 3496 Odd/Even Goals 3499 30/10 13:30 5776 0.6 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.05 30/10 18:30 3477 0.6 1 FC Cologne 2.85 Hamburger SV 4.75 Totals Goals 0.5 5771 Total Goals 1.5 5769 Total Goals 2.5 5767 Total Goals 4.5 5770 Total Goals 5.5 5768 5774 home (&draw) 3479 home (& away) 3480 away (& draw) 3481 Totals Goals 3.5 5772 30/10 18:30 3485 0.95 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.7 Draw No Bet 5775 Totals Goals 0.5 3508 Total Goals 1.5 3506 Total Goals 2.5 3504 1st Half Three way 5766 2nd Half Three way 5779 Odd/Even Goals Totals Goals 3.5 3509 Total Goals 4.5 3507 Total Goals 5.5 3505 30/10 15:30 5751 0.55 FC Utrecht 3.2 NEC Nijmegen 4.75 Draw No Bet 3501 home (&draw) 5757 home (& away) 5758 away (& draw) 5759 1st Half Three way 3503 2nd Half Three way 3512 Odd/Even Goals 3511 Italy Serie A 30/10 15:30 5790 0.75 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.9 Totals Goals 0.5 5785 Total Goals 1.5 5783 Total Goals 2.5 5781 Total Goals 4.5 5784 Total Goals 5.5 5782 2nd Half Three way 5792 Odd/Even Goals 5788 30/10 13:30 3513 1.25 Atalanta 2.25 Genoa FC 2.25 Totals Goals 3.5 5786 home (&draw) 3519 home (& away) 3520 away (& draw) 3521 Draw No Bet 5789 5780 30/10 13:30 3537 0.75 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.85 1st Half Three way Totals Goals 0.5 3557 Total Goals 1.5 3555 Total Goals 2.5 3559 30/10 15:30 5752 Totals Goals 3.5 3558 Total Goals 4.5 3556 Total Goals 5.5 3560 home (&draw) Draw No Bet 3552 30/10 15:30 5794 0.65 1st Half Three way 3554 2nd Half Three way 3551 Odd/Even Goals 3550 Totals Goals 0.5 5804 0.45 Feyenoord Rotterdam 3.6 5760 30/10 16:00 3514 2.4 FC Crotone 2.2 Chievo Verona 1.2 Totals Goals 3.5 5805 home (&draw) 3522 home (& away) 3523 away (& draw) 3524 Draw No Bet 5793 SC Heerenveen 5.25 5761 away (& draw) 5762 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1 Total Goals 1.5 5802 Total Goals 2.5 5800 Total Goals 4.5 5803 Total Goals 5.5 5801 5806 home (& away) 30/10 16:00 3538 0.85 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.75 1st Half Three way 5799 2nd Half Three way 5798 Odd/Even Goals Totals Goals 0.5 3566 Total Goals 1.5 3564 Total Goals 2.5 3568 30/10 17:45 5750 2.25 ADO Den Haag 2.55 AZ Alkmaar 1.15 Totals Goals 3.5 3567 Total Goals 4.5 3565 Total Goals 5.5 3569 home (&draw) 5754 home (& away) 5755 away (& draw) 5756 Draw No Bet 3571 30/10 17:45 5817 0.5 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.25 1st Half Three way 3563 2nd Half Three way 3562 Odd/Even Goals 3570 Totals Goals 0.5 5810 Total Goals 1.5 5814 Total Goals 2.5 5812 Total Goals 4.5 5809 Total Goals 5.5 5813 2nd Half Three way 5821 Odd/Even Goals 5815 30/10 16:00 3515 3.95 FC Empoli 2.85 AS Roma 0.65 Totals Goals 3.5 5811 home (&draw) 3525 home (& away) 3526 away (& draw) 3527 Draw No Bet 5816 1st Half Three way 5808 30/10 16:00 3539 0.75 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.85 Totals Goals 0.5 3581 Total Goals 1.5 3579 Total Goals 2.5 3583 Totals Goals 3.5 3582 Total Goals 4.5 3580 Total Goals 5.5 3584 Draw No Bet 3575 Spain Primera Division 30/10 13:00 3658 2 SD Eibar 2.2 Villarreal CF 1.4 home (&draw) 3664 home (& away) 3665 away (& draw) 3666 1st Half Three way 3578 2nd Half Three way 3576 Odd/Even Goals 3573 30/10 13:00 3674 0.8 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.8 30/10 16:00 3516 0.75 Lazio 2.7 US Sassuolo 3.65 Totals Goals 0.5 3682 Total Goals 1.5 3680 Total Goals 2.5 3678 Total Goals 4.5 3681 Total Goals 5.5 3679 3684 home (&draw) 3528 home (& away) 3529 away (& draw) 3530 Totals Goals 3.5 3683 30/10 16:00 3540 0.75 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.85 Draw No Bet 3686 Totals Goals 0.5 3592 Total Goals 1.5 3590 Total Goals 2.5 3594 1st Half Three way 3677 2nd Half Three way 3687 Odd/Even Goals Totals Goals 3.5 3593 Total Goals 4.5 3591 Total Goals 5.5 3595 30/10 17:15 3659 0.4 Athletic Bilbao 3.7 CA Osasuna 7.25 Draw No Bet 3585 home (&draw) 3667 home (& away) 3668 away (& draw) 3669 1st Half Three way 3589 2nd Half Three way 3588 Odd/Even Goals 3540 30/10 17:15 3675 0.95 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.7 30/10 16:00 3518 0.45 AC Milan 3.65 Pescara Calcio 6 Totals Goals 0.5 3695 Total Goals 1.5 3699 Total Goals 2.5 3697 Total Goals 4.5 3694 Total Goals 5.5 3698 3690 home (&draw) 3534 home (& away) 3535 away (& draw) 3536 Totals Goals 3.5 3696 30/10 16:00 3542 0.85 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.8 Draw No Bet 3692 Totals Goals 0.5 3604 Total Goals 1.5 3602 Total Goals 2.5 3606 1st Half Three way 3700 2nd Half Three way 3691 Odd/Even Goals Totals Goals 3.5 3605 Total Goals 4.5 3603 Total Goals 5.5 3607 30/10 19:30 3657 1.2 Real Betis Balompie 2.2 Espanyol Barcelona 2.4 Draw No Bet 3598 home (&draw) 3661 home (& away) 3662 away (& draw) 3663 1st Half Three way 3601 2nd Half Three way 3600 Odd/Even Goals 3598 30/10 19:30 3673 0.8 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.8 Totals Goals 0.5 3704 Total Goals 1.5 3708 Total Goals 2.5 3706 Totals Goals 3.5 3705 Total Goals 4.5 3703 Total Goals 5.5 3707 Draw No Bet 3711 1st Half Three way 3702 2nd Half Three way 3712 Odd/Even Goals 3709 All bets are subject to Gambling Board Betting Rules.Prices are subject to change without notice. NO PERSONS UNDER 18 ARE ALLOWED TO GAMBLE. GAMBLE RESPONSIBLY E O.E.Read our Terms Conditions and Betting rules at 23 SOCCER UPDATE 0861 867 238 Spain Primera Division Austria Amateur Regionalliga East 30/10 21:45 3660 1.35 Las Palmas UD 2.3 Celta de Vigo 2 30/10 15:30 1565 1.3 SKN St. Polten II 2.35 Traiskirchen Fcm 1.7 home (&draw) 3670 home (& away) 3671 away (& draw) 3672 home (&draw) 1568 home (& away) 1578 away (& draw) 1582 1.55 30/10 21:45 3676 0.6 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.05 30/10 15:30 1589 0.4 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) Totals Goals 0.5 3719 Total Goals 1.5 3723 Total Goals 2.5 3721 30/10 15:30 1566 1.75 Admira Wacker 2.55 SC Mannsdorf 1.2 Totals Goals 3.5 3720 Total Goals 4.5 3718 Total Goals 5.5 3722 home (&draw) 1583 home (& away) 1584 away (& draw) 1585 Draw No Bet 3715 1.5 1st Half Three way 3724 2nd Half Three way 3716 Odd/Even Goals 3714 Argentina Primera B Nacional 30/10 19:00 427 home (&draw) 1.1 Crucero del Norte 2 Guillermo Brown 2.95 435 home (& away) 436 away (& draw) 437 30/10 15:30 1590 0.4 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 30/10 16:00 1567 0.85 ASK Ebreichsdorf 2.7 SC Neusiedl 2.4 home (&draw) 1586 home (& away) 1587 away (& draw) 1588 30/10 16:00 1591 0.45 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.3 Austria Amateur Regionalliga West 30/10 19:00 438 0.95 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.65 0.4 FC Anif 3.6 TSV St. Johann 5 30/10 20:35 429 1.05 Nueva Chicago 2.05 Boca Unidos 3.05 home (&draw) 6880 home (& away) 6881 away (& draw) 6882 1.05 home (&draw) 30/10 15:00 439 441 home (& away) 442 away (& draw) 443 30/10 15:00 6888 0.6 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 30/10 20:35 440 1 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.65 30/10 15:00 6879 0.5 SC Schwaz 3.1 USC Eugendorf 4.25 30/10 21:00 428 0.8 Argentinos Jrs 2.25 Central Cordoba Sde 4.25 home (&draw) 6883 home (& away) 6885 away (& draw) 6886 home (&draw) 452 home (& away) 453 away (& draw) 454 30/10 15:00 6889 0.5 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.3 30/10 21:00 6877 1.05 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.6 Argentina Primera Division, Torneo Inicial 30/10 01:00 7456 1.25 Estudiantes de La Plata 2 Azerbaijan Premier League 30/10 12:00 1454 1.2 Zira 2.15 FK Kapaz 2 Racing Club 2.5 home (&draw) 1459 home (& away) 1462 away (& draw) 1463 0.7 home (&draw) 7461 home (& away) 7462 away (& draw) 7463 30/10 12:00 1466 0.9 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 30/10 01:00 7476 1.05 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.6 30/10 14:00 1453 0.4 Inter Baku 3.1 FK Sumgayit 6 30/10 19:00 7459 0.9 Atletico Lanus 2.35 CA Tigre 3.25 home (&draw) 1455 home (& away) 1456 away (& draw) 1458 home (&draw) 7470 home (& away) 7471 away (& draw) 7472 30/10 14:00 1465 1.15 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.55 30/10 19:00 7479 1.15 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.55 30/10 20:00 7458 1.15 Godoy Cruz A.t. 2 CA Aldosivi 2.75 30/10 13:00 8389 2.4 Slutsksakhar Slutsk 2.55 FC Minsk 1.05 home (&draw) 7467 home (& away) 7468 away (& draw) 7469 home (&draw) 8392 home (& away) 8393 away (& draw) 8394 30/10 20:00 7478 1.05 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.6 30/10 13:00 8401 0.8 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.8 30/10 21:00 7460 1.4 Newell`s Old Boys 2 CA San Lorenzo 2.2 30/10 15:00 8390 1.5 FC Gorodeya 2.25 FC Isloch 1.85 Belarus Vysshaya League home (&draw) 7473 home (& away) 7474 away (& draw) 7475 home (&draw) 8395 home (& away) 8396 away (& draw) 8397 30/10 21:00 7480 1 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.65 30/10 15:00 8402 0.7 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.9 30/10 23:00 7700 1.2 Atletico de Rafaela 2.1 Colon de Santa Fe 2.55 30/10 17:00 8391 0.75 Torpedo Belaz Zhodino 2.9 home (&draw) 7703 home (& away) 7704 away (& draw) 7705 home (&draw) 8398 30/10 23:00 7713 1.05 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.6 30/10 17:00 8403 0.8 Armenia Premier League 30/10 13:00 105 home (&draw) 8400 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.85 2.6 Ararat Yerevan FC 4.75 30/10 15:30 1864 1.6 KV Oostende 2.4 Standard Liege 1.6 208 away (& draw) 210 home (&draw) 1969 home (& away) 1972 away (& draw) 1973 home (& away) 1 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.65 30/10 19:00 1865 180 2.1 Pyunik Yerevan FC 2.2 Alashkert 1.35 home (&draw) 211 home (& away) 212 away (& draw) 213 0.85 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.75 30/10 16:30 away (& draw) 185 215 216 8399 0.65 Gandzasar Kapan FC 30/10 16:00 home (&draw) 3.3 home (& away) Belgium Pro League 30/10 13:00 30/10 16:00 FC Slavia Mozyr 2.85Yellow-Red KV Mechelen2.65 KAA Gent 0.9 1986 away (& draw) 1988 Waasland-Beveren 2.7 RSC Anderlecht 0.8 home (& away) 1991 away (& draw) 2252 1976 home (& away) 30/10 21:00 1936 3.15 home (&draw) 1989 Asia - International Youth U19 AFC Championship 30/10 21:00 1948 1.5 Royal Mouscron 2.5 KV Kortrijk 1.7 (Possible Neutral Venue) home (&draw) 2257 home (& away) 2371 away (& draw) 2372 30/10 21:00 7508 0.9 Club Petrolero 2.4 Blooming 2.85 home (&draw) 7509 home (& away) 7510 away (& draw) 7512 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1 520 home (&draw) 0.85 Japan U 19 2.45 Saudi Arabia U 19 3 521 home (& away) 522 away (& draw) 524 Australia A-League Bolivia n Liga Profesional no, Apertura 30/10 08:00 5604 1.15 Brisbane Roar FC 2.5 Perth Glory FC 2 30/10 21:00 7513 0.65 home (&draw) 5605 home (& away) 5606 away (& draw) 5607 30/10 21:00 2025 0.6 Universitario de Sucre 2.95 home (&draw) Austria Bundesliga 2026 home (& away) Real Potosi 4 2027 away (& draw) 2028 30/10 17:30 6363 1.3 FK Austria Vienna 2.35 SK Sturm Graz 1.9 30/10 23:15 9940 1.15 The Strongest 2.3 Bolivar La Paz 2.2 home (&draw) 6368 home (& away) 6369 away (& draw) 6370 home (&draw) 9945 home (& away) 9946 away (& draw) 9947 30/10 17:30 6374 0.55 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.15 30/10 23:15 9948 0.45 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.4 Austria Amateur Regionalliga Centre Bosnia & Herzegovina Premier League 30/10 15:00 1499 1.15 Sturm Graz [A] 2.35 SV Grieskirchen 1.95 home (&draw) 1500 home (& away) 1523 away (& draw) 1525 30/10 15:00 1526 0.4 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.55 30/10 14:00 246 home (&draw) 0.35 FK Sarajevo 3.5 NK Celik Zenica 399 home (& away) 400 away (& draw) 7.25 430 vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.55 30/10 14:00 447 1.15 (Both Score) 30/10 17:30 229 1.25 NK Siroki Brijeg 2.1 FK Zeljeznicar 2.2 247 home (& away) 397 away (& draw) 398 0.8 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.85 home (&draw) 30/10 17:30 434 All bets are subject to Gambling Board Betting Rules.Prices are subject to change without notice. NO PERSONS UNDER 18 ARE ALLOWED TO GAMBLE. GAMBLE RESPONSIBLY E O.E.Read our Terms Conditions and Betting rules at 24 SOCCER UPDATE 0861 867 238 Bulgaria A PFG Costa Rica Primera Division, Apertura 30/10 17:30 7514 2.5 Botev Plovdiv 2.45 Levski Sofia 1.1 30/10 23:30 8579 1.05 Santos de Guapiles 2.35 Limon FC 2.4 home (&draw) 7516 home (& away) 7517 away (& draw) 7518 home (&draw) 8580 home (& away) 8581 away (& draw) 8582 30/10 17:30 7524 0.75 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.85 30/10 23:30 8583 0.55 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.15 30/10 20:00 7515 0.6 Cherno More Varna 2.85Neftochimik 1962 Bourgas 5 Croatia 1. HNL home (&draw) 7519 home (& away) 7520 away (& draw) 7523 30/10 16:00 6233 30/10 20:00 7525 1.25 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.5 home (&draw) 6235 30/10 16:00 6241 0.8 30/10 00:00 1.2 Rangers de Talca 30/10 18:00 6234 0.5 459 0.95 Chile Primera B 456 home (&draw) 30/10 00:00 457 3.5 NK Lokomotiva Zagreb 2.6 vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.8 3.1 NK Osijek 5.75 460 away (& draw) 461 home (&draw) 6238 home (& away) 6239 away (& draw) 6240 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.7 30/10 18:00 6242 1.1 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.6 2.7 Everton de Vina Del Mar 2.5 Cyprus 1st Division Universidad de Chile 1 30/10 18:00 1638 6 7488 away (& draw) 7489 home (&draw) 1644 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1 30/10 18:00 2017 1 Antofagasta 2.5 Huachipato 2.5 30/10 19:00 1642 0.35 7491 away (& draw) 7492 home (&draw) 1975 home (& away) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.05 30/10 19:00 2018 0.95 (Both Score) 2.95 San Luis de Quillota 4 30/10 19:00 1643 0.8 Ermis Aradippou FC 7725 away (& draw) 7726 home (&draw) 2006 home (& away) 2014 away (& draw) 2015 vs (None or 1 Scores) 1 30/10 19:00 2019 0.8 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.85 30/10 17:00 7494 0.65 30/10 20:30 7483 1.05 home (&draw) 7490 home (& away) 30/10 20:30 7495 0.6 (Both Score) 30/10 23:00 7717 0.65 Colo Colo home (&draw) 7724 home (& away) 30/10 23:00 7734 0.65 (Both Score) home (& away) China Chinese Super League 448 (Both Score) HNK Hajduk Split home (& away) 7487 home (&draw) 6237 2.5 home (&draw) 30/10 13:35 0.8 away (& draw) 2.15 San Marcos de Arica Chile Primera Division, Apertura 30/10 17:00 7482 HNK Rijeka 6236 home (& away) Doxa Katokopias FC 3.55 Apollon Limassol FC home (& away) 0.4 1647 away (& draw) 1955 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.65 AEL Limassol FC 3.9 AEZ Zakakiou 6.5 1978 away (& draw) 1980 vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.7 2.6 Nea Salamina Famagusta FC 3.15 Czech Republic 1. Liga 2.5 Chongqing Lifan 2.7 Tianjin Teda 0.9 30/10 15:30 6095 1.05 FC Hradec Kralove 2.35 MFK Karvina 2.7 463 home (& away) 464 away (& draw) 468 home (&draw) 6104 home (& away) 6105 away (& draw) 6106 30/10 13:35 476 0.5 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.25 30/10 15:30 6113 0.8 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.8 30/10 13:35 458 0.3 Beijing Guoan FC 3.95 FC Henan Jianye 7 30/10 16:00 6097 1.9 FK Baumit Jablonec 2.25 SK Slavia Prague 1.45 470 home (& away) 471 away (& draw) 472 home (&draw) 6101 home (& away) 6102 away (& draw) 6103 30/10 13:35 home (&draw) 477 0.85 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.75 30/10 16:00 6112 0.6 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.05 30/10 13:35 462 0.45 Guangzhou Evergrande 3.65 Shandong Luneng Taishan 4.75 FC 30/10 16:30 6096 1.3 Bohemians 1905 2.25 FC Slovan Liberec 2.2 home (& away) 6099 away (& draw) 6100 home (&draw) 30/10 13:35 478 473 0.55 home (& away) 474 away (& draw) 475 home (&draw) 6098 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.15 30/10 16:30 6110 0.7 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.9 30/10 19:30 6094 2.4 Dukla Prague 2.35 FC Viktoria Plzen 1.15 home (&draw) 6107 home (& away) 6108 away (& draw) 6109 30/10 19:30 6114 0.7 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.9 Colombia Liga Postobon II 30/10 00:10 1430 3.6 Fortaleza FC home (&draw) 1438 home (& away) 1439 2.55 Independiente Santa Fe 0.7 away (& draw) 1440 30/10 00:10 1448 0.8 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.8 30/10 01:00 1431 0.9 Club Atletico Junior 2.2 Envigado FC 3.15 30/10 14:00 5823 0.9 Sonderjyske 2.45 AC Horsens 3.15 home (&draw) 1441 home (& away) 1442 away (& draw) 1443 home (&draw) 5828 home (& away) 5829 away (& draw) 5830 30/10 01:00 1450 0.8 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.8 30/10 14:00 5838 0.8 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.8 30/10 03:00 1432 1.4 CD Once Caldas Totals Goals 0.5 5845 Total Goals 1.5 5843 Total Goals 2.5 5841 home (&draw) 1444 home (& away) 1445 away (& draw) 1446 Totals Goals 3.5 5846 Total Goals 4.5 5844 Total Goals 5.5 5842 30/10 03:00 1452 0.65 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1 Draw No Bet 5836 5834 2.2 Independiente Medellin 1.85 Denmark Superligaen 2.3 Deportivo Cali 1.6 1st Half Three way 5840 2nd Half Three way 5837 Odd/Even Goals home (&draw) 2032 home (& away) 2033 away (& draw) 2034 30/10 17:00 5824 0.65 Brondby IF 3 Aalborg BK 4 30/10 22:15 2043 0.8 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.8 home (&draw) 5831 home (& away) 5832 away (& draw) 5833 30/10 01:00 8406 1.15 CD Belen Siglo Xxi home (&draw) 8416 home (& away) 8417 away (& draw) 30/10 01:00 8429 0.6 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 30/10 04:00 8404 0.7 Deportivo Saprissa home (&draw) 8409 home (& away) 8410 away (& draw) 8412 30/10 04:00 8427 0.75 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.85 home (&draw) 30/10 22:15 2029 1.55 Jaguares d. Cordoba Costa Rica Primera Division, Apertura 30/10 17:00 5847 0.65 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.95 Totals Goals 0.5 5854 Total Goals 1.5 5852 Total Goals 2.5 5850 8418 Totals Goals 3.5 5855 Total Goals 4.5 5853 Total Goals 5.5 5851 1.1 Draw No Bet 5858 1st Half Three way 5849 2nd Half Three way 5859 Odd/Even Goals 5856 30/10 19:00 5822 2.2 FC Midtjylland 2.35 FC Copenhagen 1.25 5825 home (& away) 5826 away (& draw) 5827 2.4Universidad de Costa Rica2.1 2.7Liga Deportiva Alajuelense3.4 30/10 19:00 8405 0.22 CS Herediano 5 AD San Carlos 10.25 30/10 19:00 5869 0.7 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.9 home (&draw) 8413 home (& away) 8414 away (& draw) 8415 Totals Goals 0.5 5863 Total Goals 1.5 5867 Total Goals 2.5 5865 30/10 19:00 8428 1.15 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.55 Totals Goals 3.5 5864 Total Goals 4.5 5862 Total Goals 5.5 5866 30/10 19:00 8407 1.45 Perez Zeledon 2.3 CS Cartagines 1.7 Draw No Bet 5860 home (&draw) 8419 home (& away) 8420 away (& draw) 8423 1st Half Three way 5861 2nd Half Three way 5872 Odd/Even Goals 5868 30/10 19:00 8430 0.65 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1 30/10 19:00 8408 1.15 Municipal Liberia 2.4 AD Carmelita 2.2 30/10 13:30 5726 1.6 Vendsyssel FF 2.35 Hobro IK 1.6 home (&draw) 8424 home (& away) 8425 away (& draw) 8426 home (&draw) 5733 home (& away) 5734 away (& draw) 5735 30/10 19:00 8434 0.65 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.95 30/10 13:30 5746 0.7 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.95 Denmark 1st Division All bets are subject to Gambling Board Betting Rules.Prices are subject to change without notice. NO PERSONS UNDER 18 ARE ALLOWED TO GAMBLE. GAMBLE RESPONSIBLY E O.E.Read our Terms Conditions and Betting rules at 25 SOCCER UPDATE 0861 867 238 Denmark 1st Division Germany 2nd Bundesliga 30/10 14:45 5725 1.2 BK Fremad Amager 2.45 Skive IK 2.2 30/10 14:30 5945 2.5 Karlsruher SC 2.45 VfB Stuttgart 1.05 home (&draw) 5730 home (& away) 5731 away (& draw) 5732 home (&draw) 5948 home (& away) 5949 away (& draw) 5950 30/10 14:45 5745 0.65 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1 30/10 14:30 5957 0.65 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1 30/10 14:45 5727 1.4 FC Fredericia 2.35 FC Roskilde 1.9 30/10 14:30 5946 1.25 VfL Bochum 2.35 1 FC Heidenheim 2.2 home (&draw) 5736 home (& away) 5737 away (& draw) 5738 home (&draw) 5951 home (& away) 5952 away (& draw) 5953 30/10 14:45 5747 0.65 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1 30/10 14:30 5958 0.65 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1 30/10 14:45 5728 1.5 Nykobing FC 2.45 Naestved BK 1.7 30/10 14:30 5947 0.9 Hannover 96 2.5 FC Kickers Wurzburg 3.15 home (&draw) 5739 home (& away) 5740 away (& draw) 5741 home (&draw) 5954 home (& away) 5955 away (& draw) 5956 30/10 14:45 5748 0.65 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1 30/10 14:30 5959 0.75 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.85 30/10 14:45 5729 1.3 FC Helsingor 2.5 AB Gladsaxe 1.95 home (&draw) 5742 home (& away) 5743 away (& draw) 5744 30/10 14:30 1467 0.85 Hertha BSC Berlin II 2.55 SV Babelsberg 2.85 30/10 14:45 5749 0.55 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.15 home (&draw) 1470 home (& away) 1475 away (& draw) 1485 Denmark Amateur Danmarksserien Pulje 2 30/10 14:00 9738 home (&draw) 3.5 Herlufsholm GF Amateur3.15 9739 home (& away) 9740 Germany Amateur Regionalliga Northeast 30/10 14:30 Hertha 1496 BSC 0.65Berlin II vs SV Babelsberg Hertha BSC (Both 0 Berli Score) vs SV Babelsb (None or1 1 Scores) Karlslunde IF 0.65 30/10 15:05 1468 0.4 Lokomotive Leipzig away (& draw) 9745 home (&draw) 1486 home (& away) Denmark Amateur Danmarksserien Pulje 3 3.4 FSV Budissa Bautzen 6.75 1491 away (& draw) 1492 30/10 15:05 Lokomotive 1497 1 Leipz vs FSV Budissa Lokomotive Baut (Both 0 Le vs Score) FSV Budissa B (None0.65 or 1 Scores) 30/10 14:00 9746 0.45 B 1913 Odense 4.25 Fredericia FF 4.25 30/10 15:05 1469 home (&draw) 9747 home (& away) 9748 away (& draw) 9749 home (&draw) 30/10 14:30 9750 1.05 Ringkobing IF 2.65 Tarup-Paarup IF 2.1 home (&draw) 9756 home (& away) 9757 away (& draw) 9758 Denmark Elitedivisionen, Women 0.06 home (&draw) 1140 Brøndby Women Ballerup 12 Skovlunde Fodbold Women 16 home (& away) 1157 away (& draw) 1158 30/10 15:30 7527 0.75 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.85 30/10 18:15 6893 2.15 El Nacional Quito 2.2 home (&draw) 6898 home (& away) 30/10 18:15 6892 0.6 (Both Score) 30/10 18:30 2020 1.2 Deportivo Cuenca home (&draw) 2021 home (& away) Ecuador Serie A, Segunda Etapa home (& away) 1494 Carl Zeiss Jena 0.7 away (& draw) 1495 30/10 15:05 FC 1498 Oberlausitz 1.05 Neuge vs Carl Zeiss FC Oberlausitz J (Both 0 Score) Ne vs Carl Zeis (None or 0.6 1 Scores) Germany Amateur Bayernliga North 30/10 15:30 6994 30/10 15:30 7526 3.75 FC Oberlausitz Neugersdorf 2.55 1493 1.85DJK Don Bosco Bamberg2.9 FC Wurzburger Kickers II1.15 home (&draw) 6995 home (& away) 7004 away (& draw) 7007 30/10 15:30 7009 0.55 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.15 Germany Amateur Bayernliga South SV Pullach 0.75 Club Sport Emelec 1.25 30/10 15:30 7010 home (&draw) 7013 home (& away) 7018 away (& draw) 7019 6901 away (& draw) 6903 30/10 15:30 7036 0.55 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.15 vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.1 30/10 15:30 7011 1.7 SSV Jahn Regensburg II2.85 SV Kirschanschoering 1.25 2.25 Independiente Del Valle 2.15 2022 away (& draw) 2023 home (&draw) 7020 home (& away) 7021 away (& draw) 7023 30/10 15:30 7042 0.55 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.2 30/10 18:30 Deportivo 2024 0.65 Cue vs Independiente Deportivo Del V (Both 0C vsScore) Independiente D (None 0.95 or 1 Scores) 2.4 CD River Plate Ecuador 4.25 2.7 TSV Schwabmunchen 3.15 Germany Amateur Oberliga Baden Wuerttemberg 30/10 19:00 6894 0.65 Mushuc Runa 30/10 15:00 7044 1.2 FV Ravensburg 1.7 home (&draw) 6904 home (& away) 6905 away (& draw) 6911 home (&draw) 7046 home (& away) 7048 away (& draw) 7049 30/10 19:00 6895 0.8 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.8 30/10 15:00 7052 0.6 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.1 Egypt Premier League 30/10 14:45 479 home (&draw) Germany Amateur Oberliga Hamburg 2.4 AL Sharguia 1.7 Wadi Degla SC 1.5 30/10 12:30 6896 1.7 482 home (& away) 483 away (& draw) 484 home (&draw) 6922 vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.65 30/10 12:30 6975 0.35 (Both Score) 1.85 Al Mokawloon Al Arab 4.25 30/10 15:00 6916 1.2 Niendorfer Tsv 30/10 14:45 491 0.95 (Both Score) 30/10 17:00 480 0.9 Misr Lel Makasa home (&draw) Stuttgarter Kickers II 2.95 SC Condor Hamburg 3.15 home (& away) TSV Buchholz 08 1.15 6923 away (& draw) 6924 vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.65 2.9 SV Halstenbek-Rellingen1.75 485 home (& away) 486 away (& draw) 487 home (&draw) 6926 home (& away) 6942 away (& draw) 30/10 17:00 492 0.9 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.7 30/10 15:00 6976 0.4 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.6 30/10 20:00 481 0.65 Al Ahly Cairo 2.55 Al Ittihad Al Sakandary 5 30/10 15:00 6917 1.3 VfL Pinneberg 3.15 Wedeler Tsv 1.45 488 home (& away) 489 away (& draw) 490 home (&draw) 6944 home (& away) 6945 away (& draw) 6949 1.3 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.5 30/10 15:00 6980 0.3 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.85 30/10 15:00 6918 1.35 FC Tuerkiye 2.9 FC Altona 93 1.5 home (& away) 6954 away (& draw) 6955 1.5 home (&draw) 30/10 20:00 493 England Championship 30/10 14:00 5873 1.8 Birmingham City 2.2 Aston Villa 1.6 home (&draw) 6951 6943 home (&draw) 5874 home (& away) 5875 away (& draw) 5876 30/10 15:00 6982 0.4 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 30/10 14:00 5878 0.8 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.8 30/10 15:00 6919 1.2 SV Rugenbergen 2.9 TUS Osdorf 1.7 Totals Goals 0.5 5881 Total Goals 1.5 5885 Total Goals 2.5 5883 home (&draw) 6956 home (& away) 6957 away (& draw) 6966 Totals Goals 3.5 5882 Total Goals 4.5 5880 Total Goals 5.5 5884 30/10 15:00 6987 0.4 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.55 Draw No Bet 5877 30/10 16:00 6920 0.65 Concordia Hamburg home (&draw) 6969 home (& away) 6972 away (& draw) 6973 30/10 16:00 6992 0.35 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.7 1st Half Three way 5888 2nd Half Three way 5887 Odd/Even Goals 5889 England Amateur The FA Women`s Super League 30/10 16:00 496 home (&draw) 30/10 16:00 503 30/10 20:00 495 home (&draw) 30/10 20:00 494 0.35 Manchester City Lfc Women 3.5 Birmingham City Lfc Women 7.5 3.5HSV Barmbek-Uhlenhorst2.9 Germany Amateur Oberliga Niederrhein 500 home (& away) 501 away (& draw) 502 30/10 16:00 7163 1.35 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.45 home (&draw) 7171 home (& away) 7172 away (& draw) 7173 30/10 16:00 7195 0.55 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.2 0.1 Chelsea Lfc Women 8 Reading Lfc 15.5 497 home (& away) 498 away (& draw) 499 1.9 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.3 0.45 VfR Krefeld-Fischeln 3.75 Schwarz-Weiss Essen All bets are subject to Gambling Board Betting Rules.Prices are subject to change without notice. NO PERSONS UNDER 18 ARE ALLOWED TO GAMBLE. GAMBLE RESPONSIBLY E O.E.Read our Terms Conditions and Betting rules at 26 5 SOCCER UPDATE 0861 867 238 Germany Amateur Oberliga Niederrhein Germany Amateur Oberliga NOFV South 30/10 16:00 7164 1.85 FC Bocholt 1900 3.05 KFC Uerdingen 05 1.05 30/10 14:30 8610 1.15 Einheit Rudolstadt 2.9 SV Merseburg 99 1.85 home (&draw) 7174 home (& away) 7175 away (& draw) 7176 home (&draw) 8615 home (& away) 8616 away (& draw) 8617 30/10 16:00 7196 0.45 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.35 30/10 14:30 8619 0.55 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.15 30/10 16:00 7165 1.5 FC Kray 2.85 VfB Homberg 1.4 home (&draw) 7177 home (& away) 7178 away (& draw) 7179 30/10 16:00 8659 1.3 TUS Ennepetal 2.9 Arminia Bielefeld II 1.6 30/10 16:00 7197 0.4 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.6 home (&draw) 8674 home (& away) 8675 away (& draw) 8676 1.3 Germany Amateur Oberliga Westfalen 30/10 16:00 7166 0.25 Ssvg Velbert 4.75 SV Honnepel-Niedermormter 7.25 30/10 16:00 8701 0.5 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) home (&draw) 7180 home (& away) 7181 away (& draw) 7182 30/10 16:00 8660 2.6 SUS Neukirchen 3.15 SV Lippstadt 08 0.8 30/10 16:00 7198 0.75 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.85 home (&draw) 8677 home (& away) 8678 away (& draw) 8679 (Both Score) 1.3 30/10 16:00 7167 1.45 VfB 03 Hilden 2.75Spvg Schonnebeck 19101.45 30/10 16:00 8702 0.45 vs (None or 1 Scores) home (&draw) 7183 home (& away) 7184 away (& draw) 7185 30/10 16:00 8667 0.2 SV Westfalia Rhynern 5.5 ASC 09 Dortmund 10 30/10 16:00 7199 0.35 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.75 home (&draw) 8680 8681 away (& draw) 8682 30/10 16:00 7168 1.25 TSV Meerbusch 2.75 Cronenberger SC 1.7 30/10 16:00 8703 0.9 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.7 home (&draw) 7186 home (& away) 7187 away (& draw) 7188 30/10 16:00 8668 1.3 SC Roland Beckum 2.9 Hammer Spvg 1.6 30/10 16:00 7200 0.45 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.4 home (&draw) 8683 home (& away) 8684 away (& draw) 8685 1.25 30/10 16:00 7169 0.75 SC Duesseldorf West home (& away) 3.3 1911 Kapellen-Erft 2.6 30/10 16:00 8704 0.5 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) home (&draw) 7189 home (& away) 7190 away (& draw) 7191 30/10 16:00 8669 2.25 SUS Stadtlohn 3.2 TSV Marl-Huels 0.9 30/10 16:00 7201 0.45 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.4 home (&draw) 8686 home (& away) 8687 away (& draw) 8688 30/10 16:00 7170 1.25 Dinslaken-Hiesfeld 2.75 Ratingen SV 1.75 30/10 16:00 8705 0.55 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.2 home (&draw) 7192 home (& away) 7193 away (& draw) 7194 30/10 16:00 8670 0.6 1. FC Kaan-Marienborn 3.4 30/10 16:00 7202 0.4 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.55 home (&draw) 8689 30/10 16:00 8706 0.6 30/10 16:00 8671 2.7 Germany Amateur Oberliga Niedersachsen 30/10 15:00 7054 0.55 VfL Oldenburg 3.35 TB Uphusen 4 Spvgg Erkenschwick 3.4 8690 away (& draw) 8691 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.1 SC Paderborn 07 II 3.15 SC Hassel 0.75 8694 home (& away) home (&draw) 7064 home (& away) 7065 away (& draw) 7066 home (&draw) 8692 home (& away) 8693 away (& draw) 30/10 15:00 7094 0.5 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.2 30/10 16:00 8707 0.55 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.2 30/10 15:00 7056 1.9 BW Bornreihe 3.1 TUS Bersenbruck 1.05 30/10 16:00 8672 0.95 FC Brünninghausen 3.05 FC Gutersloh 2.15 8697 home (&draw) 7068 home (& away) 7070 away (& draw) 7071 home (&draw) 8695 home (& away) 8696 away (& draw) 30/10 15:00 7097 0.3 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.95 30/10 16:00 8708 0.45 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.4 30/10 15:00 7057 1.05 Eintracht Northeim 3.1 SC Spelle-Venhaus 1.9 30/10 16:30 8673 0.9 TuS Erndtebruck 3.2 FC Eintracht Rheine 2.25 home (&draw) 7074 home (& away) 7075 away (& draw) 7076 home (&draw) 8698 home (& away) 8699 away (& draw) 8700 30/10 15:00 7139 0.4 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.55 30/10 16:30 8709 0.6 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.1 30/10 15:00 7059 1.25 FT Braunschweig 2.9 Heeslinger SC 1.65 home (&draw) 7077 home (& away) 7082 away (& draw) 7087 30/10 15:00 8620 1.45 1 FC Nuremberg II 2.4 Bayern Munich II 1.65 30/10 15:00 7145 0.4 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.45 home (&draw) 8623 home (& away) 8624 away (& draw) 8625 30/10 15:00 7062 1.2 SVG Gottingen 3.15 Hannoverscher SC 1.6 30/10 15:00 8626 0.5 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.3 home (&draw) 7088 home (& away) 7089 away (& draw) 7090 30/10 15:00 7156 0.45 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.4 30/10 14:00 8712 1.95 Hamburger SV II 2.45 SV Meppen 1.2 30/10 15:00 7063 2.1 MTV Gifhorn 3.05 BV Cloppenburg 0.95 home (&draw) 8718 home (& away) 8719 away (& draw) 8720 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.1 Germany Amateur Regionalliga Bavaria Germany Amateur Regionalliga North home (&draw) 7091 home (& away) 7092 away (& draw) 7093 30/10 14:00 8730 0.6 30/10 15:00 7160 0.45 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.35 30/10 15:00 8710 0.35 Etsv Weiche Flensburg 3.85 1 FC Germ Egestorf|Langreder 6.75 home (&draw) 8715 home (& away) 8716 away (& draw) 8717 30/10 14:30 7203 1.85 Hansa Rostock II 3.15 SV Lichtenberg 47 1.05 30/10 15:00 8729 0.9 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.75 home (&draw) 7207 home (& away) 7208 away (& draw) 7209 30/10 15:00 8713 0.9 VfB Oldenburg 2.45 Luneburger SK Hansa 2.7 vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.6 Germany Amateur Oberliga NOFV North 30/10 14:30 8605 0.4 (Both Score) 30/10 14:30 7204 1.15 FC Anker Wismar home (&draw) 7210 home (& away) 7212 away (& draw) 30/10 14:30 8606 0.4 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 30/10 14:30 7206 0.85 SV Altluedersdorf home (&draw) 8602 home (& away) 30/10 14:30 8608 0.45 30/10 15:00 7205 1 home (&draw) 8723 home (& away) 8724 away (& draw) 8725 30/10 15:00 8734 0.7 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.95 7213 30/10 15:00 8714 5.25 SV Eichede 3.8 VfL Wolfsburg II 0.4 1.55 home (&draw) 8726 home (& away) 8727 away (& draw) 8728 0.65 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1 3.1 Charlottenburger FC Hertha 1.7 06 3.2 Germania Schoeneiche 2.3 30/10 15:00 8735 8603 away (& draw) 8604 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.4 30/10 14:00 8736 1.4 FC Schonberg 95 2.3 ZFC Meuselwitz 1.8 FC Hertha 03 Z. 3.2 VSG Altglienicke 1.9 home (&draw) 8737 home (& away) 8738 away (& draw) 8739 30/10 14:00 8740 0.65 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.95 home (&draw) 8599 home (& away) 8600 away (& draw) 8601 30/10 15:00 8607 0.4 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.55 30/10 14:30 8609 2.25 BSG Wismut Gera 3.2 home (&draw) 8612 home (& away) 30/10 14:30 8618 0.5 (Both Score) Germany Amateur Oberliga NOFV South Germany Amateur Regionalliga Northeast Germany Amateur Regionalliga West 30/10 15:30 8649 2.4 Rot Weiss Ahlen 2.5 1 FC Cologne II 1 SV Schott Jena 0.9 home (&draw) 8650 home (& away) 8656 away (& draw) 8657 8613 away (& draw) 8614 30/10 15:30 8658 0.6 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.1 vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.25 All bets are subject to Gambling Board Betting Rules.Prices are subject to change without notice. NO PERSONS UNDER 18 ARE ALLOWED TO GAMBLE. GAMBLE RESPONSIBLY E O.E.Read our Terms Conditions and Betting rules at 27 SOCCER UPDATE 0861 867 238 Germany Amateur Schleswig-Holstein-Liga India n Super League 30/10 15:00 8627 0.75 VfR Neumunster 3.25 TSV Lagerdorf 2.65 home (&draw) 8630 home (& away) 8634 away (& draw) 8635 30/10 15:00 8646 0.35 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.75 30/10 15:30 515 1.1 FC Goa 2.3 Delhi Dynamos FC 516 home (& away) 517 away (& draw) 518 519 0.8 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.85 home (&draw) 30/10 15:30 2.35 30/10 15:00 8628 1.6 SV Frisia 03 3.15 PSV Neumunster 1.2 home (&draw) 8636 home (& away) 8637 away (& draw) 8638 30/10 10:00 9781 0.8 Persipura Jayapura 2.6 Sriwijaya FC 3.05 30/10 15:00 8647 0.4 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.6 home (&draw) 9782 home (& away) 9783 away (& draw) 9784 30/10 15:00 8629 0.25 SV Todesfelde 5 TSV Altenholz 8 30/10 10:00 9785 0.8 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.85 home (&draw) 8639 home (& away) 8640 away (& draw) 8645 0.55 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.2 30/10 15:00 8648 0.7 FK Pirmasens II 3.3 Israel Premier League 30/10 19:00 556 home (&draw) Germany Amateur Oberliga Rheinland-Pfalz/Saar 30/10 16:00 9759 Indonesia Super League FSV Jaegersburg 2.8 30/10 19:00 564 30/10 21:00 555 home (&draw) 9760 home (& away) 9767 away (& draw) 9768 30/10 16:00 9769 0.4 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.55 30/10 15:00 6013 0.16 Panathinaikos Athens 6.25 Iraklis 1908 14.25 Greece Super League home (&draw) 30/10 21:00 563 1.15 Maccabi Petah Tikva 2.15 Hapoel Kiryat Shmona 2.55 560 home (& away) 561 away (& draw) 562 0.85 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.75 1.5 Hapoel Beer Sheva 2.15 Maccabi Tel Aviv 1.9 557 home (& away) 558 away (& draw) 559 0.75 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.85 Italy Serie B home (&draw) 6020 home (& away) 6021 away (& draw) 6022 30/10 16:00 6243 0.3 Hellas Verona 3.95 Trapani Calcio 11.75 30/10 15:00 6041 1.2 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.55 home (&draw) 6245 home (& away) 6246 away (& draw) 6247 Totals Goals 0.5 6034 Total Goals 1.5 6032 Total Goals 2.5 6036 30/10 16:00 6253 1.35 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.45 Totals Goals 3.5 6035 Total Goals 4.5 6033 Total Goals 5.5 6037 30/10 18:30 6244 1.65 Vicenza Calcio 2.05 Perugia 1.8 Draw No Bet 6040 home (&draw) 6248 home (& away) 6249 away (& draw) 6250 30/10 18:30 6254 0.9 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.7 1st Half Three way 6031 2nd Half Three way 6030 Odd/Even Goals 6038 30/10 17:15 6012 0.65 Asteras Tripolis 2.55 Levadiakos FC 4.75 Italy Lega Pro, Girone A home (&draw) 6017 home (& away) 6018 away (& draw) 6019 30/10 15:30 6115 0.45 US Cremonese 3.1 AC Pistoiese 6.5 30/10 17:15 6042 1.35 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.45 home (&draw) 6124 home (& away) 6125 away (& draw) 6126 Totals Goals 0.5 6048 Total Goals 1.5 6046 Total Goals 2.5 6050 30/10 15:30 6151 1.15 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.55 Totals Goals 3.5 6049 Total Goals 4.5 6047 30/10 15:30 6116 0.65 Como Calcio 2.55 Olbia Calcio 4.25 Draw No Bet 6053 home (&draw) 6127 home (& away) 6128 away (& draw) 6129 0.7 1st Half Three way 6045 2nd Half Three way 6044 Odd/Even Goals 6051 30/10 15:30 6152 0.95 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 30/10 17:15 6014 1.55 Veroia FC 2.05 Platanias FC 1.95 30/10 15:30 6117 1.25 AC Prato 2.1 Lupa Roma 2.2 home (&draw) 6023 home (& away) 6024 away (& draw) 6025 home (&draw) 6130 home (& away) 6131 away (& draw) 6132 0.7 30/10 17:15 6065 1.1 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.55 30/10 15:30 6153 0.95 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) Totals Goals 0.5 6058 Total Goals 1.5 6056 Total Goals 2.5 6060 30/10 15:30 6118 0.65 Giana Erminio 2.55 Racing Club Roma 4.5 Totals Goals 3.5 6059 Total Goals 4.5 6057 Total Goals 5.5 home (&draw) 6133 home (& away) 6134 away (& draw) 6135 0.65 Draw No Bet 6064 30/10 15:30 6154 1 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1st Half Three way 6055 2nd Half Three way 6063 Odd/Even Goals 6062 30/10 15:30 6123 1.35 US Viterbese 1908 2.1 AS Livorno 2 30/10 19:30 6016 0.9 PAOK FC 2.25 AEK Athens FC 3.4 home (&draw) 6148 home (& away) 6149 away (& draw) 6150 0.75 home (&draw) 6026 home (& away) 6027 away (& draw) 6028 30/10 15:30 6159 0.85 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 30/10 19:30 6066 1 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.65 30/10 17:30 6119 1.15 US Arezzo 2.15 AC Renate 2.35 Totals Goals 0.5 6070 Total Goals 1.5 6074 Total Goals 2.5 6072 home (&draw) 6136 home (& away) 6137 away (& draw) 6138 Totals Goals 3.5 6071 Total Goals 4.5 6069 Total Goals 5.5 6073 30/10 17:30 6155 0.85 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.75 Draw No Bet 6077 30/10 19:30 6120 0.45 Alessandria Calcio 3.1 Robur Siena 5.75 1st Half Three way 6068 home (&draw) 6139 home (& away) 6140 away (& draw) 6141 0.65 2nd Half Three way 6078 Odd/Even Goals 6075 Greece U20 Super League 30/10 14:00 504 home (&draw) 30/10 14:00 509 30/10 19:30 6156 1 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.3 Panaitolikos 4.25 PAS Giannina 8.25 30/10 19:30 6121 1.75 Carrarese Calcio 2.05 Piacenza Calcio 1.55 505 home (& away) 506 away (& draw) 507 home (&draw) 6142 home (& away) 6143 away (& draw) 6144 0.65 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1 30/10 19:30 6157 0.8 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.8 30/10 19:30 6122 1.7 Pro Piacenza 2.05 Lucchese Libertas 1.65 Honduras Liga Nacional, Apertura 30/10 03:00 9770 3.2 CD Social Sol 2.55 CD Motagua 0.8 home (&draw) 6145 home (& away) 6146 away (& draw) 6147 home (&draw) 9778 home (& away) 9779 away (& draw) 9780 30/10 19:30 6158 0.8 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.8 30/10 03:00 9724 0.75 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.9 Italy Lega Pro, Girone C 30/10 23:00 9958 0.85 CD Platense 2.35 CD Vida 3.15 30/10 15:30 6160 1.55 US Siracusa 2.05 Fidelis Andria 1.75 home (&draw) 9960 home (& away) 9967 away (& draw) 9968 home (&draw) 6169 home (& away) 6170 away (& draw) 6171 30/10 23:00 9979 0.8 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.8 30/10 15:30 6196 0.9 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.75 30/10 23:15 1.6 CD Honduras Progreso 2.25 Real CD Espana 1.6 30/10 17:30 6161 1.5 AS Melfi 2 Virtus Francavilla 1.9 home (& away) 6173 away (& draw) 6174 vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.75 510 home (&draw) 30/10 23:15 514 511 home (& away) 512 away (& draw) 513 home (&draw) 6172 0.5 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.3 30/10 17:30 6197 0.85 (Both Score) 30/10 17:30 6162 1.6 Vibonese Calcio home (&draw) 6175 home (& away) 6176 away (& draw) 6177 30/10 17:30 6198 0.8 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.8 2.05 Urbs Sportiva Reggina 19141.7 All bets are subject to Gambling Board Betting Rules.Prices are subject to change without notice. NO PERSONS UNDER 18 ARE ALLOWED TO GAMBLE. GAMBLE RESPONSIBLY E O.E.Read our Terms Conditions and Betting rules at 28 SOCCER UPDATE 0861 867 238 Italy Lega Pro, Girone C Mexico Primera Division, Apertura 30/10 17:30 6163 0.8 Catania Calcio 2.35 Paganese Calcio 3.45 30/10 03:00 7567 1.25 Monarcas Morelia 2.3 Necaxa 2.2 home (&draw) 6178 home (& away) 6179 away (& draw) 6180 home (&draw) 7578 home (& away) 7579 away (& draw) 7580 30/10 17:30 6199 0.9 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.7 30/10 03:00 7595 0.6 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.1 30/10 17:30 6165 1.25 SS Taranto 1927 2.15 Messina FC 2.15 30/10 03:00 7571 0.85 Uanl Tigres 2.5 CF Monterrey 3.15 home (&draw) 6184 home (& away) 6185 away (& draw) 6186 home (&draw) 7587 home (& away) 7588 away (& draw) 7589 30/10 17:30 6201 0.85 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.75 30/10 03:00 7598 0.55 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.1 30/10 17:30 6166 0.75 SS Monopoli 1966 2.45 US Catanzaro 3.55 30/10 03:06 7570 0.85 CF Pachuca 2.55 Atlas 3.1 home (&draw) 6187 home (& away) 6188 away (& draw) 6189 home (&draw) 7590 home (& away) 7591 away (& draw) 7592 30/10 17:30 6213 0.9 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.7 30/10 03:06 7599 0.6 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.05 30/10 19:30 6167 0.95 Juve Stabia 2.25 Cosenza Calcio 2.8 30/10 04:00 7568 0.65 America de Mexico 2.7 Santos Laguna 4.25 home (&draw) 6190 home (& away) 6191 away (& draw) 6192 home (&draw) 7581 home (& away) 7582 away (& draw) 7583 30/10 19:30 6214 0.8 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.8 30/10 04:00 7596 0.85 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.75 30/10 21:30 6164 0.6 Matera FC 2.6 Akragas 4.5 30/10 04:06 7569 0.85 Guadalajara Chivas 2.55 Cruz Azul 3.2 home (&draw) 6181 home (& away) 6182 away (& draw) 6183 home (&draw) 7584 home (& away) 7585 away (& draw) 7586 30/10 21:30 6200 0.95 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.65 30/10 04:06 7597 0.7 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.9 30/10 21:30 6168 1.35 US Casertana 1908 2.1 Unicusano Fondi 2.05 30/10 20:00 7566 1.2 Deportivo Toluca 2.5 Club Tijuana 2.15 home (&draw) 6193 home (& away) 6194 away (& draw) 6195 home (&draw) 7575 home (& away) 7576 away (& draw) 7577 30/10 21:30 6215 0.85 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.75 30/10 20:00 7594 0.6 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.05 Japan J.League 2 30/10 06:00 132 Mexico Liga de Ascenso, Apertura V-Varen Nagasaki 2.2 30/10 00:00 7528 1 Zacatepec home (&draw) 4077 home (& away) 4084 away (& draw) 4115 home (&draw) 7536 home (& away) 7537 away (& draw) 7538 30/10 06:00 5596 0.85 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.75 30/10 00:00 7560 0.75 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.85 30/10 06:00 1.55 Zweigen Kanazawa 2.1 Tokushima Vortis 1.9 30/10 03:00 7529 0.8 Club Celaya 2.6 Potros Uaem 3.45 4517 home (& away) 4571 away (& draw) 4576 home (&draw) 7539 home (& away) 7540 away (& draw) 7545 30/10 06:00 5598 0.9 (Both Score) 0.85 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.75 30/10 07:00 1.35 Giravanz Kitakyushu 265 home (&draw) 131 home (&draw) 1.35JEF United Ichihara Chiba2.15 4016 home (& away) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.7 30/10 03:00 7561 2.2 FC Gifu 2.15 30/10 03:00 7530 4018 away (& draw) 4019 home (&draw) 7546 2.5 Cimarrones de Sonora 2.7 1 Cafetaleros de Tapachula2.5 home (& away) 7547 Tampico Madero 2.7 away (& draw) 7548 0.85 30/10 07:00 5595 0.7 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.9 30/10 03:00 7562 0.75 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 30/10 07:00 0.65 Cerezo Osaka 2.65 Mito Hollyhock 4.25 30/10 04:00 7534 1.1 Dorados de Sinaloa 2.3 Alebrijes de Oaxaca 2.6 home (&draw) 4514 home (& away) 4515 away (& draw) 4516 home (&draw) 7549 home (& away) 7550 away (& draw) 7556 30/10 07:00 5597 0.95 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.7 30/10 04:00 7563 0.75 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.85 30/10 07:00 2.2 Montedio Yamagata 2.1 Matsumoto Yamaga FC 1.35 30/10 20:00 7535 1.2 Leones Negros Udg 2.35 Murcielagos FC 2.3 home (&draw) 4674 home (& away) 30/10 07:00 5602 0.85 (Both Score) 30/10 08:00 0.8 Machida Zelvia home (&draw) 4581 home (& away) 30/10 08:00 5599 1 (Both Score) 30/10 08:00 133 842 444 718 away (& draw) 5590 home (&draw) 7557 home (& away) 7558 away (& draw) 7559 vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.75 30/10 20:00 7564 0.7 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.9 2.4 Kamatamare Sanuki 3.75 4590 away (& draw) 4613 30/10 17:00 8745 1.15 Rsb Berkane 1.85 CRA de Hoceima 2.8 vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.65 home (&draw) 8748 home (& away) 8749 away (& draw) 8750 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.7 4698 Morocco Botola 3.2 Roasso Kumamoto 2.25 Consadole Sapporo 0.95 30/10 17:00 8768 0.95 home (&draw) 4622 home (& away) 4625 away (& draw) 4647 30/10 17:00 8746 1.6 Fus Fath Union Sportive Rabat 1.9 Raja Casablanca Athletic1.85 30/10 08:00 5600 0.95 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.65 home (&draw) 8756 home (& away) 8757 away (& draw) 8758 30/10 08:00 1.3 Kyoto Sanga FC 2.1 Fagiano Okayama 2.3 30/10 17:00 8769 0.95 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.65 home (&draw) 4657 home (& away) 4658 away (& draw) 4672 30/10 20:00 8747 1.25 OCK Olympique de Khouribga 1.9 KAC Kenitra 2.4 30/10 08:00 5601 0.95 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.65 home (&draw) 8759 30/10 08:00 1437 1.15 Renofa Yamaguchi 2.3 Yokohama FC 2.4 30/10 20:00 8770 0.95 home (&draw) 5591 home (& away) 5592 away (& draw) 5593 30/10 08:00 5603 0.7 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.9 30/10 15:30 6216 1.35 Fortuna Sittard 2.5 RKC Waalwijk 1.9 30/10 09:00 1.7 Tokyo Verdy 2.05 Ehime FC 1.8 home (&draw) 6219 home (& away) 6220 away (& draw) 6223 vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.25 770 113 home (& away) 8760 away (& draw) 8767 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.7 Netherlands Eerste Divisie home (&draw) 1974 home (& away) 1982 away (& draw) 4009 30/10 15:30 6230 0.5 (Both Score) 30/10 09:00 5594 0.9 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.7 30/10 15:30 6217 1.65 FC Eindhoven 2.45 Cambuur Leeuwarden 1.55 home (&draw) 6224 home (& away) 6225 away (& draw) 6226 30/10 15:00 0.5 Vmfd Zalgiris 2.8 FK Atlantas Klaipeda 5.5 30/10 15:30 6231 0.5 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.25 566 home (& away) 594 away (& draw) 595 30/10 15:30 6218 0.8 FC Emmen 2.9 FC Dordrecht 3.05 599 0.9 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.7 home (&draw) 6227 home (& away) 6228 away (& draw) 6229 30/10 15:30 6232 0.5 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.25 30/10 00:00 7565 1.3 Jaguares de Chiapas home (&draw) 7572 home (& away) 7573 away (& draw) 7574 30/10 03:00 9786 0.45 Team Wellington 4.5 Wellington Phoenix 4.75 30/10 00:00 7593 0.65 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.95 home (&draw) 9790 home (& away) 9791 away (& draw) 9792 30/10 03:00 9802 0.3 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.9 Lithuania A Lyga, Championship Round 565 home (&draw) 30/10 15:00 Mexico Primera Division, Apertura 2.3Gallos Blancos Queretaro2.1 New Zealand Premiership All bets are subject to Gambling Board Betting Rules.Prices are subject to change without notice. NO PERSONS UNDER 18 ARE ALLOWED TO GAMBLE. GAMBLE RESPONSIBLY E O.E.Read our Terms Conditions and Betting rules at 29 SOCCER UPDATE 0861 867 238 New Zealand Premiership Norway Eliteserien 30/10 03:00 9787 1.4 Eastern Suburbs 2.75 Hawkes Bay United 1.6 30/10 19:00 6412 0.55 Odds BK 3.25 Sogndal IL 5 home (&draw) 9793 home (& away) 9794 away (& draw) 9795 home (&draw) 6439 home (& away) 6440 away (& draw) 6445 30/10 03:00 9803 0.35 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.65 30/10 19:00 6547 0.75 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.85 30/10 03:00 9788 1.2 Wanderers SC 3.15 Waitakere United 1.75 Totals Goals 0.5 6550 Total Goals 1.5 6559 Total Goals 2.5 6557 home (&draw) 9796 home (& away) 9797 away (& draw) 9798 Totals Goals 3.5 6556 Total Goals 4.5 6549 Total Goals 5.5 6558 30/10 03:00 9804 0.3 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.95 Draw No Bet 6563 30/10 05:35 9789 4.5 Southern United 4.25 Canterbury United 0.45 1st Half Three way 6560 2nd Half Three way 6564 Odd/Even Goals 6562 home (&draw) 9799 home (& away) 9800 away (& draw) 9801 30/10 05:35 9805 0.4 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.5 Norway Eliteserien Norway 1. Division 30/10 14:00 2373 1.65 Strommen IF 2.5 Jerv FK 1.5 home (&draw) 2381 home (& away) 2382 away (& draw) 2383 30/10 19:00 6404 0.85 Bodo|Glimt 2.75 Viking FK 2.95 30/10 14:00 2374 1.25 Kristiansund BK 2.4 Sandefjord Fotball 2.05 home (&draw) 6413 home (& away) 6414 away (& draw) 6415 home (&draw) 2384 home (& away) 2385 away (& draw) 2386 30/10 19:00 6448 0.55 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.15 30/10 14:00 2375 0.85 Kongsvinger IL 2.45 Ullensaker|Kisa 3.3 Totals Goals 0.5 6454 Total Goals 1.5 6458 Total Goals 2.5 6456 home (&draw) 2387 home (& away) 2388 away (& draw) 2389 Totals Goals 3.5 6455 Total Goals 4.5 6453 Total Goals 5.5 6457 30/10 14:00 2376 0.85 Kfum Oslo 3.05 Raufoss IL 2.7 Draw No Bet 6447 home (&draw) 2390 home (& away) 2391 away (& draw) 2392 1st Half Three way 6452 2nd Half Three way 6451 Odd/Even Goals 6446 30/10 14:00 2377 0.8 Bryne FK 2.85 Fredrikstad FK 3.1 30/10 19:00 6405 2.45 Stromsgodset IF 2.75 Rosenborg BK 1 home (&draw) 2393 home (& away) 2394 away (& draw) 2395 home (&draw) 6416 home (& away) 6417 away (& draw) 6418 30/10 14:00 2378 0.95 Ranheim IL 2.85 Aasane Fotball 2.45 30/10 19:00 6471 0.4 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.55 home (&draw) 2396 home (& away) 2397 away (& draw) 2398 Totals Goals 0.5 6465 Total Goals 1.5 6463 Total Goals 2.5 6461 30/10 14:00 2379 0.8 Sandnes Ulf 2.7 Hodd 3.2 Totals Goals 3.5 6466 Total Goals 4.5 6464 Total Goals 5.5 6462 home (&draw) 2399 home (& away) 2400 away (& draw) 2401 Draw No Bet 6469 1st Half Three way 6460 2nd Half Three way 6470 Odd/Even Goals 6467 30/10 14:00 2380 2.25 Levanger 2.55 Mjondalen 1.1 home (&draw) 2402 home (& away) 2403 away (& draw) 2404 30/10 19:00 6406 0.65 Molde FK 3.05 Stabaek Fotball 3.75 home (&draw) 6419 home (& away) 6420 away (& draw) 6423 30/10 15:00 8800 1.25 Norway Toppserien, Women Klepp Women 2.8 30/10 19:00 6474 0.55 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.15 home (&draw) 8806 home (& away) 8807 away (& draw) 8808 Totals Goals 0.5 6483 Total Goals 1.5 6481 Total Goals 2.5 6479 30/10 15:00 8827 0.55 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.15 Totals Goals 3.5 6484 Total Goals 4.5 6482 Total Goals 5.5 6480 30/10 15:00 8801 0.22 Kolbotn Women 5 Uraedd FK 9.5 Draw No Bet 6473 home (&draw) 8809 home (& away) 8810 away (& draw) 8812 0.6 Arna-Bjørnar Women 1.65 1st Half Three way 6478 2nd Half Three way 6477 Odd/Even Goals 6472 30/10 15:00 8828 1.05 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 30/10 19:00 6407 1.1 Sarpsborg 2.5 Tromso IL 2.3 30/10 15:00 8802 4.5 Sandviken Women 4 Avaldsnes Women 0.4 home (&draw) 6424 home (& away) 6425 away (& draw) 6426 home (&draw) 8813 home (& away) 8814 away (& draw) 8815 vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.9 30/10 19:00 6495 0.6 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.1 30/10 15:00 8829 0.7 (Both Score) Totals Goals 0.5 6491 Total Goals 1.5 6489 Total Goals 2.5 6487 30/10 15:00 8803 0.85 RØA Women Totals Goals 3.5 6492 Total Goals 4.5 6490 Total Goals 5.5 6488 Draw No Bet 6494 1st Half Three way 6486 2nd Half Three way 6485 Odd/Even Goals 30/10 19:00 6408 1.85 Aalesunds FK 2.55 2.85Trondheims-Ørn Women 2.5 home (&draw) 8816 home (& away) 8817 away (& draw) 8818 30/10 15:00 8830 0.6 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.1 6493 30/10 15:00 8804 0.85 Valerenga Women 2.95 Medkila Women 2.4 Haugesund FK 1.35 home (&draw) 8819 home (& away) 8820 away (& draw) 8823 (None or 1 Scores) 1.1 home (&draw) 6427 home (& away) 6428 away (& draw) 6429 30/10 15:00 8834 0.6 (Both Score) vs 30/10 19:00 6509 0.45 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.35 30/10 15:00 8805 4.25 Stabæk Women 3.8 Totals Goals 0.5 6505 Total Goals 1.5 6503 Total Goals 2.5 6501 home (&draw) 8824 home (& away) 8825 away (& draw) 8826 Totals Goals 3.5 6506 Total Goals 4.5 6504 Total Goals 5.5 6502 30/10 15:00 8835 0.85 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.75 Draw No Bet 6508 LSK Kvinner Women 0.45 Paraguay Primera Division, Clausura 1st Half Three way 6500 2nd Half Three way 6499 Odd/Even Goals 6507 30/10 01:10 8380 1.5 Cerro Porteno 2.45 Club Guarani 1.7 30/10 19:00 6409 4 IK Start 2.95 SK Brann 0.65 home (&draw) 8384 home (& away) 8385 away (& draw) 8386 (None or 1 Scores) 1.1 home (&draw) 6430 home (& away) 6434 away (& draw) 6435 30/10 01:10 8388 0.55 (Both Score) vs 30/10 19:00 6523 0.75 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.85 30/10 23:00 8584 2.1 Nacional FC 2.4 Club Libertad Asuncion 1.25 Totals Goals 0.5 6514 Total Goals 1.5 6518 Total Goals 2.5 6516 home (&draw) 8586 home (& away) 8587 away (& draw) 8588 Totals Goals 3.5 6515 Total Goals 4.5 6513 Total Goals 5.5 6517 30/10 23:00 8592 0.55 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.2 Draw No Bet 6520 Peru Primera Division, Liguilla A 1st Half Three way 6512 2nd Half Three way 6526 Odd/Even Goals 6519 30/10 20:30 7497 1.6 Real Garcilaso 2.3 Sporting Cristal 1.55 30/10 19:00 6410 0.95 Valerenga IF 2.7 Lillestrom SK 2.7 home (&draw) 7501 home (& away) 7502 away (& draw) 7503 30/10 20:30 7505 0.7 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.95 home (&draw) 6436 home (& away) 6437 away (& draw) 6438 30/10 19:00 6546 0.5 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.25 Totals Goals 0.5 6536 Total Goals 1.5 6534 Total Goals 2.5 6529 30/10 18:15 7600 0.95 Sport Huancayo Totals Goals 3.5 6537 Total Goals 4.5 6535 Total Goals 5.5 6530 home (&draw) 7601 home (& away) 7602 away (& draw) 7603 Draw No Bet 6540 30/10 18:15 7604 0.7 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.9 1st Half Three way 6538 2nd Half Three way 6528 Odd/Even Goals Peru Primera Division, Liguilla B 2.3Universitario de Deportes2.7 6539 All bets are subject to Gambling Board Betting Rules.Prices are subject to change without notice. NO PERSONS UNDER 18 ARE ALLOWED TO GAMBLE. GAMBLE RESPONSIBLY E O.E.Read our Terms Conditions and Betting rules at 30 SOCCER UPDATE 0861 867 238 Peru Primera Division, Liguilla B Portugal Segunda Liga 30/10 23:00 9989 0.75 Alianza Lima home (&draw) 9990 home (& away) 10101 away (& draw) (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 30/10 23:00 10103 0.75 2.5 Universidad San Martin 3.35 30/10 17:00 5911 1.55 CD Santa Clara 2.05 CD das Aves 1.9 10102 home (&draw) 5931 home (& away) 5932 away (& draw) 5933 0.85 30/10 17:00 5943 0.95 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.65 30/10 18:00 5910 1.1 FC Penafiel 2.15 Varzim SC 2.8 home (&draw) 5928 home (& away) 5929 away (& draw) 5930 0.6 Poland Ekstraklasa 30/10 16:30 6353 1.2 KS Cracovia 2.3 Jagiellonia Bialystok 2.35 home (&draw) 6355 home (& away) 6356 away (& draw) 6357 30/10 18:00 5942 1.05 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 30/10 16:30 6361 0.65 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.95 30/10 18:00 5912 0.5 Portimonense SC 3 FC Vizela 6 30/10 19:00 6354 1.8 Arka Gdynia 1929 2.15 KS Lechia Gdansk 1.6 home (&draw) 5934 home (& away) 5935 away (& draw) 5936 30/10 18:00 5944 1.2 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.5 home (&draw) 6358 home (& away) 6359 away (& draw) 6360 30/10 19:00 6362 0.8 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.85 30/10 18:00 6394 2.2 Asa Targu Mures 30/10 18:00 6385 1.25 Wigry Suwalki 2.25 Chrobry Glogow 2.25 home (&draw) 6396 home (& away) 6397 away (& draw) 6398 home (&draw) 6389 home (& away) 6390 away (& draw) 6391 30/10 18:00 6402 0.85 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.8 30/10 18:00 6393 0.75 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.85 30/10 20:30 6395 30/10 18:45 6384 2.7 FKS Stal Mielec Poland I Liga 2.35 Zaglebie Sosnowiec SA 1.05 Romania Liga I 6400 away (& draw) 6401 30/10 20:30 6403 1.1 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.55 home (& away) 6387 away (& draw) 6388 0.7 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.9 30/10 14:00 7605 1.25MKS Puszcza Niepolomice2.2 GKS Belchatow 2.25 7609 30/10 11:00 30/10 11:00 Romania Liga 2 30/10 11:00 home (& away) 7608 away (& draw) 30/10 14:00 7614 0.8 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.8 30/10 18:00 7606 0.9 RKS Radomiak 1910 SA Radom 2.5 Gryf Wejherowo 3.05 0.6 home (& away) 6386 7607 Steaua Bucuresti 6399 home (&draw) home (&draw) 5CS Municipal Studentesc Iasi 2.75 home (&draw) 30/10 18:45 6392 Poland II Liga 2.15 CS Gaz Metan Medias 1.35 601 1.3 CS Afumati 686 home (& away) 687 away (& draw) 688 698 0.6 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.05 641 0.55 Olimpia Satu Mare 2.95 CS Balotesti 5.5 689 home (& away) 690 away (& draw) 691 home (&draw) home (&draw) 2.45 CSM Ramnicu-Valcea 1.95 home (&draw) 7610 home (& away) 7612 away (& draw) 7613 30/10 11:00 704 0.8 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.85 30/10 18:00 7615 0.8 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.8 30/10 11:00 685 2.4 Unirea Tarlungeni 2.35 UTA Arad 1.15 695 home (& away) 696 away (& draw) 697 0.6 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.05 home (&draw) Portugal Primeira Liga 30/10 18:00 3621 1.45 FC Arouca 2.1 CS Maritimo Madeira 2 30/10 11:00 705 home (&draw) 3623 home (& away) 3624 away (& draw) 3625 30/10 18:00 3629 0.9 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.75 30/10 11:00 5626 Totals Goals 0.5 3640 Total Goals 1.5 3638 Total Goals 2.5 3636 home (&draw) Totals Goals 3.5 3641 Total Goals 4.5 3639 Total Goals 5.5 3637 30/10 11:00 5650 1 Draw No Bet 3643 Totals Goals 0.5 5643 Russia Premier League 2.35 FC Ural Yekaterinburg 2.15 5636 1st Half Three way 3635 2nd Half Three way 3634 Odd/Even Goals 3642 Totals Goals 3.5 5644 30/10 20:00 3622 1.55 Rio Ave FC 2.2 Vitoria Guimaraes 1.85 Draw No Bet 5649 RFK Terek Grozny 1.25 5637 away (& draw) 5638 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.65 Total Goals 1.5 5647 Total Goals 2.5 5645 Total Goals 4.5 5642 Total Goals 5.5 5646 5648 home (& away) home (&draw) 3626 home (& away) 3627 away (& draw) 3628 1st Half Three way 5641 2nd Half Three way 5640 Odd/Even Goals 30/10 20:00 3630 0.75 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.85 30/10 13:30 5625 1.7 Arsenal Tula 1.9 FC Ufa 1.9 Totals Goals 0.5 3651 Total Goals 1.5 3655 Total Goals 2.5 3653 home (&draw) 5633 home (& away) 5634 away (& draw) 5635 Totals Goals 3.5 3652 Total Goals 4.5 3650 Total Goals 5.5 3654 30/10 13:30 5661 1.1 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.6 Draw No Bet 3645 Totals Goals 0.5 5655 Total Goals 1.5 5658 Total Goals 2.5 5657 Total Goals 4.5 5654 5659 1st Half Three way 3649 2nd Half Three way 3647 Odd/Even Goals 3656 Totals Goals 3.5 5656 30/10 22:15 3855 0.55 Sporting Braga 2.9 CF Os Belenenses 5 Draw No Bet 5660 home (&draw) 3856 home (& away) 3857 away (& draw) 3858 1st Half Three way 5653 2nd Half Three way 5652 Odd/Even Goals 30/10 22:15 3860 0.95 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.65 30/10 16:00 5624 0.2 Zenit St Petersburg 5.25 FC Tom Tomsk 13 Totals Goals 0.5 3871 Total Goals 1.5 3869 Total Goals 2.5 3867 home (&draw) 5630 home (& away) 5631 away (& draw) 5632 Totals Goals 3.5 3872 Total Goals 4.5 3870 Total Goals 5.5 3868 30/10 16:00 5666 1.2 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.5 Draw No Bet 3864 Totals Goals 0.5 5671 Total Goals 1.5 5675 Total Goals 2.5 5673 1st Half Three way 3866 Totals Goals 3.5 5672 Total Goals 4.5 5670 Total Goals 5.5 5674 Draw No Bet 5665 5676 2nd Half Three way 5669 Odd/Even Goals 5664 2nd Half Three way 3863 Odd/Even Goals 3862 Portugal Segunda Liga 30/10 13:15 5905 1.4 CF Uniao Madeira 2.15 Benfica Lisbon B 2.05 1st Half Three way home (&draw) 5916 home (& away) 5917 away (& draw) 5918 30/10 18:30 5623 30/10 13:15 5938 0.85 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.8 home (&draw) 2.45 FC Anzhi Makhachkala 2.2 FC Krasnodar 1.2 5627 5628 away (& draw) 5629 home (& away) 30/10 17:00 5906 1.4 SC Covilha 2.1 CD Cova Piedade 2.1 30/10 18:30 5677 0.85 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.75 home (&draw) 5913 home (& away) 5914 away (& draw) 5915 Totals Goals 0.5 5683 Total Goals 1.5 5687 Total Goals 2.5 5685 Total Goals 4.5 5682 Total Goals 5.5 5686 2nd Half Three way 5680 Odd/Even Goals 5688 30/10 17:00 5937 0.9 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.7 Totals Goals 3.5 5684 30/10 17:00 5907 1.05 Academica Coimbra 2.15 Gil Vicente FC 2.95 Draw No Bet 5689 home (&draw) 5919 home (& away) 5920 away (& draw) 5921 1st Half Three way 5681 30/10 17:00 5939 1.05 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.6 30/10 17:00 5908 1.55 Leixoes SC 2 Academico Viseu 2 home (&draw) 5922 home (& away) 5923 away (& draw) 5924 30/10 17:00 5940 1 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.65 All bets are subject to Gambling Board Betting Rules.Prices are subject to change without notice. NO PERSONS UNDER 18 ARE ALLOWED TO GAMBLE. GAMBLE RESPONSIBLY E O.E.Read our Terms Conditions and Betting rules at 31 SOCCER UPDATE 0861 867 238 Russia Football National League 30/10 08:00 2412 home (&draw) 1.6 FC Ska-Energiya Khabarovsk 2.15 Serbia Superliga FK Tosno 1.8 30/10 16:00 9817 0.55 FK Napredak 2.85 FK Borac Cacak 5.25 2437 away (& draw) 2438 home (&draw) 9826 home (& away) 9827 away (& draw) 9828 vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.65 30/10 16:00 9859 1.25 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.5 2.35FK Yenisey Krasnoyarsk1.55 30/10 16:00 9818 1.4 FK Metalac GM 2.15 FK Spartak Subotica home (& away) 9830 away (& draw) 9834 0.85 2436 home (& away) 30/10 08:00 2452 1 (Both Score) 30/10 11:00 2407 1.65 FK Tyumen home (&draw) 2421 home (& away) 2422 away (& draw) 2423 home (&draw) 9829 30/10 11:00 2447 0.95 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.65 30/10 16:00 9860 0.8 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 30/10 12:00 2413 1.2 FC Sibir Novosibirsk FC 2 Luch-Energiya Vladivostok 2.7 30/10 16:00 9819 1.2 FK Vozdovac 2 FK Javor Matis 2.65 home (&draw) 2439 home (& away) 9835 home (& away) 9836 away (& draw) 9837 30/10 12:00 2453 1 (Both Score) vs 0.7 30/10 12:00 2414 0.95 FK Tambov 2.3 home (&draw) 2442 home (& away) 2443 30/10 12:00 2454 1.2 (Both Score) vs 30/10 13:00 2411 4 home (&draw) 2433 home (& away) 2434 30/10 13:00 2451 1.15 (Both Score) 30/10 14:00 2409 2440 2.1 away (& draw) 2441 home (&draw) (None or 1 Scores) 0.65 30/10 16:00 9867 0.9 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) Neftek. Nizhnekamsk 3.15 30/10 16:00 9820 0.22 Crvena Zvezda FK 5 FK Rad Belgrade 14 home (& away) 9839 away (& draw) 9840 0.55 away (& draw) 2444 home (&draw) 9838 (None or 1 Scores) 0.55 30/10 16:00 9868 1.15 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) FC Dinamo Moscow 0.75 30/10 16:00 9825 1.1 FK Novi Pazar 2.2 FK Backa BP 2.65 away (& draw) 2435 home (&draw) 9856 home (& away) 9857 away (& draw) 9858 vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.55 30/10 16:00 9878 1 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.65 0.75 FC Mordovia Saransk 2.2 FC Spartak Nalchik 4.5 30/10 18:00 9823 1.65 FK Mladost Lucani FC Shinnik Yaroslavl 2.45 2.1 FK Cukaricki Stankom 1.8 home (&draw) 2427 home (& away) 2428 away (& draw) 2429 home (&draw) 9845 home (& away) 9846 away (& draw) 9847 30/10 14:00 2449 1.15 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.55 30/10 18:00 9869 0.85 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.75 30/10 15:00 2408 1.7 FK Khimki 2.25 Spartak-2 Moscow 1.65 30/10 18:00 9824 1.8 FK Radnicki Nis 2.1 FK Vojvodina 1.6 home (&draw) 2424 home (& away) 2425 away (& draw) 2426 home (&draw) 9848 home (& away) 9849 away (& draw) 9850 30/10 15:00 2448 0.85 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.75 30/10 18:00 9870 0.85 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.8 30/10 16:00 2405 0.55 FC Kuban Krasnodar 2.6 FC Volgar-Gazprom Astrahan 5.75 Slovakia Superliga home (&draw) 2415 home (& away) 2416 away (& draw) 2417 30/10 16:20 6345 0.65 Slovan Bratislava 2.8 30/10 16:00 2445 1.25 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.5 home (&draw) 6349 home (& away) 6350 away (& draw) 6351 30/10 16:00 2406 1.3 FC Sokol Saratov 2.05 FC Baltika Kaliningrad 2.35 30/10 16:20 6352 0.75 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.85 home (&draw) 2418 home (& away) 2419 away (& draw) 2420 30/10 18:30 6344 4.75 1. FC Tatran Presov 2.9 MSK Zilina 0.6 30/10 16:00 2446 1 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.65 home (&draw) 6346 home (& away) 6347 away (& draw) 6348 30/10 16:00 2410 0.8 Fakel Worenesch home (&draw) 2430 home (& away) 2431 away (& draw) 2432 30/10 15:30 1592 0.75 FC Vss Kosice 2.6 Lok. Kosice 3.25 30/10 16:00 2450 1.05 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.6 home (&draw) 1593 home (& away) 1594 away (& draw) 1595 30/10 13:00 0.8 FK Ryazan 3.35 30/10 11:30 8836 0.95 Slovan Bratislava B 2.35 Zenit-2 St.petersburg 3.75 Slovakia 2. Liga, Group East Russia 2nd Division, Center 709 home (&draw) FC Torpedo Moscow 2.35 home (& away) 721 away (& draw) 722 home (&draw) 8838 home (& away) (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.8 30/10 15:30 8837 0.8 SKF Sered 6 Arsenal-2 Tula 14.75 home (&draw) 8845 home (& away) 731 0.8 30/10 14:00 706 0.14 Energomash Belgorod home (&draw) Slovakia 2. Liga, Group West 720 30/10 13:00 ZP Sport Podbrezova 4.25 2.55FK Dukla Banska Bystrica2.45 8839 away (& draw) 2.65 FC Stk 1914 Samorin 8846 away (& draw) 8840 2.9 8847 712 home (& away) 713 away (& draw) 715 30/10 15:30 1204 2.55 MSK Fomat Martin 30/10 14:00 729 1.45 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.45 home (&draw) 1205 home (& away) 30/10 14:00 708 1.65 Zenit Penza 2.2 Chertanovo 1.55 716 home (& away) 717 away (& draw) 719 30/10 15:00 6079 6.5 NK Aluminij 3.25 NK Maribor 0.45 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.05 home (&draw) 6082 home (& away) 6083 away (& draw) 6084 home (&draw) 2.65 FC Spartak Trnava B 1206 away (& draw) 0.9 1207 Slovenia PrvaLiga 30/10 14:00 730 0.6 30/10 14:00 711 1.65 FC Metallurg Lipetsk 2.2 FC Avangard Kursk 1.55 30/10 15:00 6091 0.9 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.7 726 727 away (& draw) 728 30/10 17:00 6080 5 NK Radomlje 3.1 FC Luka Koper 0.55 (None or 1 Scores) 0.85 home (&draw) home (& away) 30/10 14:00 747 0.75 (Both Score) vs 30/10 15:00 710 1.15 Saturn Ramenskoye 2.2 723 home (& away) 724 away (& draw) 0.85 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) home (&draw) 30/10 15:00 736 home (&draw) 6085 home (& away) 6086 away (& draw) 6087 30/10 17:00 6092 0.8 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.8 725 30/10 19:00 6081 0.95 ND Gorica 2.55 NK Rudar Velenje 2.7 0.75 home (&draw) 6088 home (& away) 6089 away (& draw) 6090 30/10 19:00 6093 0.8 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.8 FC Dynamo Bryansk 2.25 Russia Youth League (Possible Neutral Venue) 30/10 13:00 9806 South Africa Premier League 30/10 15:30 8435 1.45 Baroka FC 2.1 Polokwane City 2.05 home (&draw) 9808 2 Rubin Kazan Youth U21 2.55 Lokomotiv Moscow Youth U21 1.25 home (& away) 9809 away (& draw) 9810 home (&draw) 8438 home (& away) 8439 away (& draw) 8440 30/10 13:00 9815 0.4 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.55 30/10 15:30 8454 0.85 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.75 30/10 13:00 9807 1.1 FC Orenburg Youth U21Samara 2.55 Kryliya Sovetov Youth2.25 U21 Totals Goals 0.5 8466 Total Goals 1.5 8470 Total Goals 2.5 8468 Total Goals 4.5 8465 Total Goals 5.5 8469 home (&draw) 9812 home (& away) 9813 away (& draw) 9814 Totals Goals 3.5 8467 30/10 13:00 9816 0.35 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.75 Draw No Bet 8473 1st Half Three way 8464 8460 2nd Half Three way 8474 8457 Odd/Even Goals All bets are subject to Gambling Board Betting Rules.Prices are subject to change without notice. NO PERSONS UNDER 18 ARE ALLOWED TO GAMBLE. GAMBLE RESPONSIBLY E O.E.Read our Terms Conditions and Betting rules at 32 8471 SOCCER UPDATE 0861 867 238 South Africa Premier League Spain Segunda Division 30/10 15:30 8436 1.4 Highlands Park 2.1 Free State Stars FC 2.15 30/10 17:00 5691 1.05 CD Lugo 2.25 Cadiz CF 2.8 home (&draw) 8445 home (& away) 8446 away (& draw) 8447 home (&draw) 5700 home (& away) 5701 away (& draw) 5702 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.7 30/10 15:30 8455 0.75 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.85 30/10 17:00 5719 0.9 Totals Goals 0.5 8476 Total Goals 1.5 8480 Total Goals 2.5 8478 30/10 19:00 5692 1.55 Gimnastic de Tarragona 2.05 RCD Mallorca 1.9 Totals Goals 3.5 8477 Total Goals 4.5 8475 Total Goals 5.5 8479 home (&draw) 5703 5704 away (& draw) 5705 0.75 home (& away) Draw No Bet 8485 8458 30/10 19:00 5720 0.9 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1st Half Three way 8481 2nd Half Three way 8484 Odd/Even Goals 8483 30/10 19:00 5693 0.95 Alcorcon AD 2.25 CD Mirandes 3.25 30/10 15:30 8437 0.6 Mamelodi Sundowns 2.5 Cape Town City FC 5.5 home (&draw) 5706 home (& away) 5707 away (& draw) 5708 0.65 8461 home (&draw) 8448 home (& away) 8449 away (& draw) 8450 30/10 19:00 5721 1 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 30/10 15:30 8456 1.25 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.5 30/10 19:00 5696 1.35 Ucam Murcia 2 Real Oviedo 2.3 Totals Goals 0.5 8490 Total Goals 1.5 8494 Total Goals 2.5 8492 home (&draw) 5715 home (& away) 5716 away (& draw) 5717 Totals Goals 3.5 8491 Total Goals 4.5 8489 Total Goals 5.5 8493 30/10 19:00 5724 1 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.6 Draw No Bet 8497 8459 30/10 21:00 5694 0.8 Levante UD 2.45 Getafe CF 3.55 1st Half Three way 8488 home (&draw) 5709 home (& away) 5710 away (& draw) 5711 30/10 21:00 5722 0.9 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.7 8462 2nd Half Three way 8487 Odd/Even Goals 8495 South Africa National First Division 30/10 14:00 9879 1.3 Pretoria University FC 2.15 Real Kings FC 2.05 Spain Segunda B Group I home (&draw) 9891 home (& away) 9892 away (& draw) 9893 30/10 13:00 8499 1.05 Caudal Deportivo 2.35 CD Boiro 2.4 30/10 14:00 9903 0.65 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.95 home (&draw) 8502 home (& away) 8503 away (& draw) 8504 0.75 30/10 15:30 9880 1.35 Amazulu FC 2.1 Mbombela United FC 2 30/10 13:00 8512 0.85 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) home (&draw) 9894 home (& away) 9895 away (& draw) 9896 30/10 18:00 8500 1.65 Burgos CF 2.2 CD Lealtad 1.55 30/10 15:30 9904 0.7 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.95 home (&draw) 8505 home (& away) 8506 away (& draw) 8507 30/10 15:30 9889 1.55 Jomo Cosmos FC 2.1 Witbank Spurs 1.75 30/10 18:00 8513 0.9 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.7 home (&draw) 9897 home (& away) 9898 away (& draw) 9899 30/10 18:00 8501 0.95 Pontevedra CF 2.3 CA Osasuna B 2.75 30/10 15:30 9905 0.75 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.85 home (&draw) 8508 home (& away) 8509 away (& draw) 8510 30/10 15:30 9890 2.1 Santos FC 2.1 Royal Eagles 1.3 30/10 18:00 8514 0.95 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.65 home (&draw) 9900 home (& away) 9901 away (& draw) 9902 30/10 15:30 9906 0.7 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.95 South Korea National League Spain Segunda B Group II 30/10 12:30 7617 2.1 CD Mensajero 2.2 Barakaldo CF 1.25 home (&draw) 7625 home (& away) 7626 away (& draw) 7627 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.9 30/10 07:00 9907 1.65 Seoul E-Land FC 2.55 Busan I Park 1.5 30/10 12:30 7638 0.75 home (&draw) 9908 home (& away) 9909 away (& draw) 9910 30/10 13:00 7618 1.05 San Sebastian Reyes 2.35 Arenas Club de Getxo 2.4 30/10 07:00 9912 0.55 Gangwon FC 3 Gyeongnam FC 5 home (&draw) 7628 home (& away) 7629 away (& draw) 7630 home (&draw) 9913 home (& away) 9914 away (& draw) 9915 30/10 13:00 7639 0.65 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.95 30/10 07:00 9916 0.2 Bucheon FC 5.75 Goyang HI 11.75 30/10 13:15 7619 1.55 SD Amorebieta 2.3 CD Toledo Sad 1.55 home (&draw) 9917 home (& away) 9918 away (& draw) 9919 home (&draw) 7634 home (& away) 7635 away (& draw) 7636 (Both Score) 0.75 30/10 07:00 750 home (&draw) 30/10 07:00 892 30/10 07:00 753 home (&draw) 30/10 07:00 898 5.5 FC Anyang 2.95 Ansan Mugunghwa FC 0.55 30/10 13:15 7640 0.85 vs (None or 1 Scores) 831 home (& away) 868 away (& draw) 874 30/10 17:30 7616 1.05CD Artistico Navalcarnero2.3 Sestao River Club 2.45 0.9 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.7 home (&draw) 7620 30/10 17:30 7637 0.85 0.5 Daegu FC 2.9 Daejeon Citizen FC 6.75 879 home (& away) 885 away (& draw) 891 0.95 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.65 South Korea K-League Classic, Championship Round 30/10 08:00 5608 home (& away) 7623 away (& draw) 7624 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.75 Spain Segunda B Group III 30/10 12:00 8515 1.2 Lleida Esportiu 2.15 CD Atletico Baleares home (&draw) 8519 home (& away) 8520 2.2 away (& draw) 8523 0.75 1.85Sangju Sangmu Phoenix 2.3 Ulsan Hyundai 1.5 30/10 12:00 8536 0.9 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) home (&draw) 5610 home (& away) 5611 away (& draw) 5612 30/10 13:00 8516 0.6 CD Ebro 2.75 Atletico Saguntino 4.25 30/10 08:00 5616 0.65 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1 home (&draw) 8524 home (& away) 8525 away (& draw) 8526 30/10 08:00 5609 1.95 Jeju United FC 2.4 FC Seoul 1.35 30/10 13:00 8537 1.2 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.55 home (&draw) 5613 home (& away) 5614 away (& draw) 5615 30/10 13:00 8517 0.95 CF Badalona 2.3 RCD Mallorca B 2.75 30/10 08:00 5617 0.55 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.2 home (&draw) 8527 home (& away) 8528 away (& draw) 8529 30/10 13:00 8538 0.95 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.7 30/10 13:00 8518 2.4 Club Deportivo Eldense 2.35 UD Cornella 1.05 South Korea K-League Classic, Relegation Round 30/10 09:00 5618 1.9 Suwon City FC 2.3 Suwon Samsung 1.45 home (&draw) 5619 home (& away) 30/10 09:00 5622 0.65 (Both Score) 5620 away (& draw) 5621 home (&draw) 8530 home (& away) 8534 away (& draw) 8535 vs (None or 1 Scores) 1 30/10 13:00 8539 0.85 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.75 Spain Segunda Division Spain Segunda B Group IV 30/10 13:00 5690 0.95 Girona FC 2.3 Numancia CD 3.05 30/10 13:00 8545 home (&draw) 5697 home (& away) 5698 away (& draw) 5699 home (&draw) 1.05Real Balompedica Linense2.2 30/10 13:00 5718 0.95 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.65 30/10 13:00 8570 1 30/10 13:00 5695 1.45 Sevilla Atletico 2.05 Elche CF 2.05 30/10 13:00 8546 3.1 home (&draw) 5712 home (& away) 5713 away (& draw) 5714 home (&draw) 8560 30/10 13:00 5723 0.9 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.7 30/10 13:00 8571 0.85 8557 CD El Ejido 2012 2.5 8558 away (& draw) 8559 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.65 Atletico Sanluqueno 2.3 Melilla UD 0.85 home (& away) 8561 away (& draw) 8562 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.8 home (& away) All bets are subject to Gambling Board Betting Rules.Prices are subject to change without notice. NO PERSONS UNDER 18 ARE ALLOWED TO GAMBLE. GAMBLE RESPONSIBLY E O.E.Read our Terms Conditions and Betting rules at 33 SOCCER UPDATE 0861 867 238 Spain Segunda B Group IV Sweden Superettan 30/10 17:45 8547 1.35 Real Jaen 2.1 Granada CF B 1.95 30/10 16:00 7648 1.8 Gais 2.4 Dalkurd FF 1.45 home (&draw) 8563 home (& away) 8564 away (& draw) 8565 home (&draw) 7669 home (& away) 7670 away (& draw) 7671 30/10 17:45 8572 1 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.65 30/10 16:00 7675 0.7 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.95 30/10 18:00 8540 0.85 CD Linares 2.3 Cordoba CF B 3.15 30/10 18:00 7645 1.05 Assyriska FF 2.65 IFK Varnamo 2.3 home (&draw) 8549 home (& away) 8550 away (& draw) 8556 home (&draw) 7649 home (& away) 7650 away (& draw) 7656 0.85 30/10 18:00 8569 1 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.65 30/10 18:00 7672 0.75 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 30/10 18:00 8548 1.7 Real Murcia CF 2.1 FC Cartagena 1.55 30/10 18:00 7646 2.3 Trelleborgs FF 2.55 Halmstads BK 1.1 home (&draw) 8566 home (& away) 8567 away (& draw) 8568 home (&draw) 7657 home (& away) 7658 away (& draw) 7659 30/10 18:00 8573 0.9 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.75 30/10 18:00 7673 0.6 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.1 30/10 18:00 7647 2.5 Angelholms FF 2.7 Orgryte IS 1 Sweden Allsvenskan 30/10 16:00 6255 1.8 Hammarby IF 2.6 IFK Norrkoping 1.35 home (&draw) 7660 home (& away) 7667 away (& draw) 7668 30/10 18:00 7674 0.7 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.9 home (&draw) 6259 home (& away) 6260 away (& draw) 6261 30/10 16:00 6272 0.4 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.55 Totals Goals 0.5 6281 Total Goals 1.5 6279 Total Goals 2.5 6277 30/10 17:00 1631 0.95 FC Trollhattan 2.85 Oskarshamns Aik 2.5 Totals Goals 3.5 6282 Total Goals 4.5 6280 Total Goals 5.5 6278 home (&draw) 1632 home (& away) 1634 away (& draw) 1635 Sweden Div 1 Sdra Draw No Bet 6271 1st Half Three way 6276 2nd Half Three way 6275 Odd/Even Goals 6283 30/10 15:00 9920 0.95 Carlstad United 3 Piteaa IF 2.35 30/10 16:00 6256 0.65 Kalmar FF 2.85 GIF Sundsvall 4.25 home (&draw) 9924 home (& away) 9925 away (& draw) 9926 1.35 Sweden Div 1 Norra home (&draw) 6262 home (& away) 6263 away (& draw) 6264 30/10 15:00 9930 0.45 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 30/10 16:00 6294 0.55 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.2 30/10 16:00 9923 0.9 BK Forward 2.95 IFK Luleaa 2.55 Totals Goals 0.5 6290 Total Goals 1.5 6288 Total Goals 2.5 6286 home (&draw) 9927 home (& away) 9928 away (& draw) 9929 Totals Goals 3.5 6291 Total Goals 4.5 6289 Total Goals 5.5 6287 30/10 16:00 9934 0.5 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.3 Draw No Bet 6293 30/10 18:00 1161 0.35 Vasalunds IF 4 Vasteras SK 7 1st Half Three way 6285 6292 home (&draw) 1183 home (& away) 1184 away (& draw) 1185 2nd Half Three way 6284 Odd/Even Goals 30/10 18:30 6257 6.25 Gefle IF 3.3 Malmo FF 0.45 30/10 18:00 1165 0.85 IK Brage 3.15 Enskede IK 2.7 home (&draw) 6265 home (& away) 6266 away (& draw) 6267 home (&draw) 1186 home (& away) 1187 away (& draw) 1188 30/10 18:30 6309 0.65 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.95 Totals Goals 0.5 6300 Total Goals 1.5 6304 Total Goals 2.5 6302 30/10 16:00 1201 Sweden Div 2, Norrland, Relegation/Promotion 0.85 Anundsjo IF 3 Kramfors-Alliansen 2.7 Totals Goals 3.5 6301 Total Goals 4.5 6299 Total Goals 5.5 6303 home (&draw) 1202 home (& away) 1208 away (& draw) 1215 Draw No Bet 6307 1st Half Three way 6298 2nd Half Three way 6308 Odd/Even Goals 6305 30/10 15:00 1249 1.25 IS Halmia 2.7 FC Rosengaard 1.9 30/10 18:30 6258 4.25 Falkenbergs FF 2.75 Helsingborgs IF 0.65 home (&draw) 1256 home (& away) 1342 away (& draw) 1349 30/10 15:00 1350 0.4 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.45 Sweden Div 2, Promotion|Relegation, Group 2 home (&draw) 6268 home (& away) 6269 away (& draw) 6270 30/10 18:30 6325 0.6 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.05 Totals Goals 0.5 6317 Total Goals 1.5 6315 Total Goals 2.5 6313 30/10 14:45 5960 2.25 FC Lausanne-Sport 2.75 FC Luzern 1.05 Totals Goals 3.5 6318 Total Goals 4.5 6316 Total Goals 5.5 6314 home (&draw) 5963 home (& away) 5964 away (& draw) 5965 Draw No Bet 6323 1st Half Three way 6312 2nd Half Three way 6324 Odd/Even Goals 6319 Sweden Damallsvenskan 30/10 15:00 910 2.65 Pitea IF Women 2.75 FC Rosengard Women 0.9 Switzerland Super League 30/10 14:45 5984 0.4 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.55 Totals Goals 0.5 5979 Total Goals 1.5 5977 Total Goals 2.5 5975 Totals Goals 3.5 5980 Total Goals 4.5 5978 Total Goals 5.5 5976 Draw No Bet 5972 5982 home (&draw) 973 home (& away) 1030 away (& draw) 1047 1st Half Three way 5974 2nd Half Three way 5983 Odd/Even Goals 30/10 15:00 1115 0.45 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.35 30/10 14:45 5962 0.3 Young Boys Bern 4.75 FC Vaduz 7.75 30/10 15:00 1.4 Vittsjo Gik Women home (&draw) 5969 home (& away) 5970 away (& draw) 5971 home (&draw) 1048 home (& away) 1053 away (& draw) 1060 30/10 14:45 5997 0.65 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.95 30/10 15:00 1141 0.6 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.1 Totals Goals 0.5 5993 Total Goals 1.5 5991 Total Goals 2.5 5989 1.05Kvarnsvedens IK Women 2.6 Kristianstads Dff Women2.35 Total Goals 4.5 5992 Total Goals 5.5 5990 5995 30/10 15:00 912 932 home (&draw) 1061 home (& away) 2.4Djurgardens IF Dff Women1.9 Totals Goals 3.5 5994 1073 away (& draw) 1074 Draw No Bet 5985 vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.25 1st Half Three way 5988 2nd Half Three way 5987 Odd/Even Goals 1.5 FC St. Gallen 2.45 FC Thun 1.7 5966 home (& away) 5967 away (& draw) 5968 30/10 15:00 1149 0.5 (Both Score) 30/10 15:00 2.25 Umea IK Women 1078 home (& away) 1088 away (& draw) 1103 home (&draw) 30/10 15:00 1159 0.5 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.25 30/10 17:00 6003 0.55 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.2 30/10 16:00 0.55 Eskilstuna United Dff Women 3.05 KIF Orebro Dff Women 5.25 Totals Goals 0.5 6008 Total Goals 1.5 6006 Total Goals 2.5 6004 home (&draw) 1075 home (& away) 1076 away (& draw) 1077 Totals Goals 3.5 6009 Total Goals 4.5 6007 Total Goals 5.5 6005 30/10 16:00 1152 0.8 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.8 Draw No Bet 5998 1st Half Three way 6011 2nd Half Three way 6001 Odd/Even Goals 6000 946 home (&draw) 30/10 16:00 945 948 Kopparbergs|Goteborg 2.55 FC Women 1.15 30/10 17:00 5961 6.5 Mallbackens IF Women 4.5 Linkopings FC Women 0.35 home (&draw) 1104 home (& away) 1105 away (& draw) 1106 30/10 16:00 1160 0.5 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.25 All bets are subject to Gambling Board Betting Rules.Prices are subject to change without notice. NO PERSONS UNDER 18 ARE ALLOWED TO GAMBLE. GAMBLE RESPONSIBLY E O.E.Read our Terms Conditions and Betting rules at 34 SOCCER UPDATE 0861 867 238 Switzerland Challenge League Uruguay Primera Division, Apertura 30/10 16:00 6326 0.8 FC Aarau 2.7 FC Winterthur 3.25 30/10 21:00 8778 0.95 Juventud de LP 2.5 CD Villa Espanola 2.9 home (&draw) 6329 home (& away) 6330 away (& draw) 6334 home (&draw) 8781 home (& away) 8782 away (& draw) 8783 30/10 16:00 6341 0.65 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1 30/10 21:00 8779 1.05 CA Cerro 2.45 Racing Club Mdeo. 2.6 30/10 16:00 6327 1.4 FC Le Mont Ls 2.35 FC Schaffhausen 1.9 home (&draw) 8784 home (& away) 8785 away (& draw) 8786 home (&draw) 6335 home (& away) 6336 away (& draw) 6337 30/10 21:00 8780 30/10 16:00 6342 0.6 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.05 home (&draw) 30/10 16:00 6328 2.2 FC Zurich 1.15 home (&draw) 6338 Neuchatel Xamax FC 2.55 home (& away) 6339 away (& draw) 6340 30/10 16:00 6343 0.55 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.15 Turkey Super Lig 0.75 Mdeo. Wanderers FC 2.75 8787 home (& away) 8788 Plaza Colonia CD 3.7 away (& draw) 8789 USA Major League Soccer, Playoffs (Possible Neutral Venue) 30/10 21:00 1351 1.55 Montreal Impact 2.35 NY Red Bulls 1.7 home (&draw) 1352 home (& away) 1356 away (& draw) 1357 1.1 30/10 12:30 3727 0.7 Istanbul B.b. 2.7 Akhisar Bld Spor 4.25 30/10 21:00 1364 0.6 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) home (&draw) 3734 home (& away) 3735 away (& draw) 3736 30/10 23:00 8901 0.9 La Galaxy 2.45 Colorado Rapids 3 30/10 12:30 3742 0.9 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.7 home (&draw) 8904 home (& away) 8905 away (& draw) 8906 Totals Goals 0.5 3753 Total Goals 1.5 3751 Total Goals 2.5 3749 30/10 23:00 8916 0.7 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.9 Totals Goals 3.5 3754 Total Goals 4.5 3752 Total Goals 5.5 3750 Draw No Bet 3744 30/10 17:00 8790 0.25 The New Saints FC 4.75 Gap Connahs Quay 9.5 1st Half Three way 3748 2nd Half Three way 3747 Odd/Even Goals 3743 home (&draw) 8792 home (& away) 8793 away (& draw) 8794 0.75 Wales Premier League 30/10 15:00 3726 0.75 Trabzonspor 2.65 Caykur Rizespor 3.7 30/10 17:00 8798 0.85 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) home (&draw) 3731 home (& away) 3732 away (& draw) 3733 30/10 17:00 8791 1.05 Cardiff Met Uni. 2.6 Rhyl FC 2.45 30/10 15:00 3741 0.75 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.85 home (&draw) 8795 home (& away) 8796 away (& draw) 8797 Totals Goals 0.5 3763 Total Goals 1.5 3761 Total Goals 2.5 3759 30/10 17:00 8799 0.55 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.15 Totals Goals 3.5 3764 Total Goals 4.5 3762 Total Goals 5.5 3760 Draw No Bet 3755 1st Half Three way 3758 2nd Half Three way 3757 Odd/Even Goals 3765 30/10 18:00 3725 0.35 Fenerbahce 4 home (&draw) 3728 home (& away) 3729 Kardemir Karabukspor 7.25 away (& draw) 3730 30/10 18:00 3740 0.85 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.75 Totals Goals 0.5 3775 Total Goals 1.5 3773 Total Goals 2.5 3771 Totals Goals 3.5 3776 Total Goals 4.5 3774 Total Goals 5.5 3772 Draw No Bet 3768 1st Half Three way 3770 Venezuela Primera Division, Playoffs 30/10 22:00 1365 1.15 DVO Tachira 2.6 Monagas SC 2.1 home (&draw) 1366 home (& away) 1367 away (& draw) 1373 30/10 23:30 1374 1.35 Dep. La Guaira 2.45 Caracas FC 1.9 home (&draw) 1375 home (& away) 1378 away (& draw) 1383 World - International Youth U19 European Championship Qual (Possible Neutral Venue) 30/10 13:00 525 home (&draw) 2nd Half Three way 3767 Odd/Even Goals 3778 Turkey TFF 1. Lig 30/10 12:00 7680 2 Umraniyespor 2.35 Adana Demirspor 1.35 home (&draw) 7684 home (& away) 30/10 12:00 7696 0.7 (Both Score) 7685 away (& draw) 7686 vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.9 0.9 Andorra U 19 2.4 Liechtenstein U 19 2.85 532 home (& away) 540 away (& draw) 541 0.9 30/10 13:00 550 0.75 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 30/10 13:00 526 1.5 Scotland U 19 2.25 Israel U 19 1.7 542 home (& away) 546 away (& draw) 548 0.65 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.95 home (&draw) 30/10 13:00 554 MONDAY 30/10 13:00 7681 0.7 Balikesirspor 2.75 Samsunspor 3.65 home (&draw) 7687 home (& away) 7688 away (& draw) 7689 31/10 22:00 2483 0.95 England Premier League Stoke City 2.5 Swansea City 2.85 30/10 13:00 7697 0.85 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.75 home (&draw) 2484 home (& away) 3982 away (& draw) 3983 30/10 14:00 8574 0.65 Eskisehirspor 2.8 Bandirmaspor 4.25 31/10 22:00 2493 0.65 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.95 home (&draw) 8575 home (& away) 8576 away (& draw) 8577 Totals Goals 0.5 2503 Total Goals 1.5 3980 Total Goals 2.5 2895 30/10 14:00 8578 0.9 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.75 Totals Goals 3.5 2574 Total Goals 4.5 2496 Total Goals 5.5 3979 30/10 18:00 7682 2.05 Manisaspor 2.5 Sivasspor 1.25 1st Half Three way 2495 2nd Half Three way 2492 Odd/Even Goals 2491 home (&draw) 7690 home (& away) 7691 away (& draw) 7692 30/10 18:00 7698 0.75 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.85 30/10 18:00 7683 0.6 Sanliurfaspor 2.75 Mersin Idman Yurdu SK 4.75 Denmark Superligaen 31/10 20:00 3779 0.7 AGF Aarhus 2.85 Esbjerg FB 3.8 home (&draw) 3780 home (& away) 3781 away (& draw) 3782 home (&draw) 7693 home (& away) 7694 away (& draw) 7695 31/10 20:00 3784 0.7 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.95 30/10 18:00 7699 0.8 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.8 Totals Goals 0.5 3794 Total Goals 1.5 3792 Total Goals 2.5 3790 Totals Goals 3.5 3795 Total Goals 4.5 3793 Total Goals 5.5 3791 30/10 14:00 5890 0.35 FC Zorya Lugansk 3.45 FC Zirka Kirovohrad 9 Draw No Bet 3785 home (&draw) 5893 home (& away) 5894 away (& draw) 5895 1st Half Three way 3789 2nd Half Three way 3788 Odd/Even Goals 3796 30/10 14:00 5902 1.35 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.45 30/10 17:00 5891 1.2 Vorskla Poltava 2.35 FC Oleksandria 2.25 31/10 20:00 3797 1.9 Udinese 2.25 Torino 1.45 home (&draw) 5896 home (& away) 5897 away (& draw) 5898 home (&draw) 3798 home (& away) 3799 away (& draw) 3800 30/10 17:00 5903 0.8 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.8 31/10 20:00 3801 0.65 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1 30/10 19:30 5892 1.5 Stal Kamyanske 2.3 FC Dnipro 1.8 Totals Goals 0.5 3829 Total Goals 1.5 3827 Total Goals 2.5 3831 home (&draw) 5899 home (& away) 5900 away (& draw) 5901 Totals Goals 3.5 3830 Total Goals 4.5 3828 Total Goals 5.5 3832 30/10 19:30 5904 0.95 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.7 Draw No Bet 3835 1st Half Three way 3826 2nd Half Three way 3836 Odd/Even Goals 3833 Ukraine Premier League Italy Serie A All bets are subject to Gambling Board Betting Rules.Prices are subject to change without notice. NO PERSONS UNDER 18 ARE ALLOWED TO GAMBLE. GAMBLE RESPONSIBLY E O.E.Read our Terms Conditions and Betting rules at 35 SOCCER UPDATE 0861 867 238 Italy Serie A Ecuador Serie A, Segunda Etapa 31/10 22:00 3985 0.75 Cagliari Calcio 2.75 US Palermo 3.5 31/10 00:00 8858 Delfin SC 9.75 home (&draw) 3988 home (& away) 3989 away (& draw) 3991 home (&draw) 8859 home (& away) 8860 away (& draw) 8867 31/10 00:00 8868 1.45 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.45 31/10 22:00 3993 0.7 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.95 Totals Goals 0.5 3999 Total Goals 1.5 3996 Total Goals 2.5 4001 Totals Goals 3.5 4000 Total Goals 4.5 3997 Total Goals 5.5 4002 Draw No Bet 4005 1st Half Three way 3995 2nd Half Three way 3994 Odd/Even Goals 4004 0.22 Barcelona Guayaquil 4.75 France Ligue 2 31/10 21:30 2472 1.5 Stade Brest 1.95 RC Lens 2.1 home (&draw) 2473 home (& away) 2474 away (& draw) 2475 31/10 21:30 2476 1 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.65 Spain Primera Division 31/10 21:45 3837 1.8 home (&draw) 3838 Germany 2nd Bundesliga Deportivo La Coruna 2.25 home (& away) Valencia CF 1.5 31/10 21:15 7736 1.65 FC St. Pauli 2.4 1 FC Nuremberg 1.55 3839 away (& draw) 3840 home (&draw) 7737 home (& away) 7738 away (& draw) 7739 31/10 21:15 7740 0.55 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.15 31/10 21:45 3841 0.7 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.95 Totals Goals 0.5 3848 Total Goals 1.5 3846 Total Goals 2.5 3844 Totals Goals 3.5 3849 Total Goals 4.5 3847 Total Goals 5.5 3845 Draw No Bet 3852 1st Half Three way 3843 2nd Half Three way 3853 Odd/Even Goals 3850 Germany Amateur Regionalliga North 31/10 17:00 8869 1.55Eintracht Braunschweig II2.3 home (&draw) 8870 31/10 17:00 8880 0.65 Argentina Primera Division, Torneo Inicial FC St. Pauli II 1.6 home (& away) 8878 away (& draw) 8879 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.95 Greece Super League 31/10 01:00 7701 3.65 Arsenal de Sarandi 2.4 CA River Plate 0.8 31/10 19:30 7745 0.95 Panaitolikos 2.25 PAS Giannina FC 3.2 home (&draw) 7706 home (& away) 7707 away (& draw) 7708 home (&draw) 7746 home (& away) 7747 away (& draw) 7748 31/10 01:00 7714 1.1 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.55 31/10 19:30 7749 1 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.65 Australia A-League Honduras Liga Nacional, Apertura 31/10 10:50 2455 0.6 Melbourne Victory 31/10 00:00 9959 0.6 CD Olimpia 2.75 CD Real Sociedad 4.25 home (&draw) 2456 home (& away) 2457 2.95 Wellington Phoenix FC 3.8 away (& draw) 2458 home (&draw) 9969 home (& away) 9970 away (& draw) 9978 31/10 10:50 2461 0.6 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.05 31/10 00:00 9980 0.7 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.9 Austria Erste Liga Israel Premier League 31/10 19:30 2462 0.6 LASK Linz 3 KSV 1919 3.85 31/10 20:30 5030 0.75 Beitar Jerusalem 2.5 Bnei Yehuda Tel Aviv 4 home (&draw) 2463 home (& away) 2464 away (& draw) 2465 home (&draw) 5031 home (& away) 5032 away (& draw) 5033 31/10 19:30 2466 0.6 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1 31/10 20:30 5034 0.9 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.75 Bolivia n Liga Profesional no, Apertura Italy Lega Pro, Girone A 31/10 01:30 5009 0.45 Oriente Petrolero 3.15 San Jose Oruro 5.25 31/10 21:30 7782 1.3 Pontedera 2.05 Tuttocuoio 2.1 home (&draw) 5014 home (& away) 5015 away (& draw) 5019 home (&draw) 7783 home (& away) 7784 away (& draw) 7785 31/10 21:30 7786 0.9 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.7 31/10 20:00 2046 0.8 FC Pirin Blagoevgrad 2.5 FC Vereya 3.45 home (&draw) 2053 home (& away) 2054 away (& draw) 2057 Bulgaria A PFG Chile Primera Division, Apertura 31/10 01:30 7718 1.15 Deportes Temuco home (&draw) 7727 home (& away) 31/10 01:30 7735 0.65 31/10 20:30 7716 1.15 2.5Universidad de Concepcion2.3 Italy Lega Pro, Girone B 31/10 21:30 7787 1.25 UC Albinoleffe 2.15 FC Sudtirol 2.15 home (&draw) 7788 home (& away) 7789 away (& draw) 7790 31/10 21:30 7791 0.8 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.8 7728 away (& draw) 7729 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1 31/10 21:45 7792 1.25 US Lecce 2.15 Foggia Calcio 2.1 O`Higgins FC 2.4 Palestino 2.35 home (&draw) 7793 home (& away) 7794 away (& draw) 7795 31/10 21:45 7796 0.75 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.85 Italy Lega Pro, Girone C home (&draw) 7719 home (& away) 7720 away (& draw) 7723 31/10 20:30 7730 0.65 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1 31/10 21:30 7797 0.75 Spal 2013 2.6 AS Avellino 3.8 31/10 00:10 2030 0.55Atletico Nacional Medellin2.85 Boyaca Patriotas 4.75 home (&draw) 7798 home (& away) 7799 away (& draw) 7800 31/10 21:30 7801 0.9 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.75 Colombia Liga Postobon II Italy Serie B home (&draw) 2035 home (& away) 2036 away (& draw) 2037 31/10 00:10 2044 0.95 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.65 31/10 01:30 8594 0.5 Deportes Tolima 2.75 Deportivo Pasto 5.5 31/10 02:00 7802 1.4 FC Puebla 2.4 Leon 1.9 home (&draw) 2035 home (& away) 2036 away (& draw) 2037 home (&draw) 7803 home (& away) 7804 away (& draw) 7805 31/10 01:30 8598 1.2 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.55 31/10 02:00 7806 0.6 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.1 31/10 02:30 2031 0.4 Millonarios FC Mexico Primera Division, Apertura 3.6 Deportivo La Equidad 5.25 Netherlands Eerste Divisie home (&draw) 2039 home (& away) 2040 away (& draw) 2041 31/10 21:00 7807 1.5 Ajax Reserve 2.65 VVV Venlo 1.6 31/10 02:30 2045 1.2 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.5 home (&draw) 7808 home (& away) 7809 away (& draw) 7810 31/10 21:00 7811 0.4 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.5 31/10 19:00 2467 1 RNK Split 2.95 home (&draw) 2468 home (& away) 2469 away (& draw) 2470 31/10 01:10 8585 1.05 Sol de America 2.45 General Diaz 2.55 31/10 19:00 2471 1 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.65 home (&draw) 8589 home (& away) 8590 away (& draw) 8591 31/10 01:10 8593 0.55 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.1 Croatia 1. HNL HNK Cibalia-Vinkovci 2.25 Cyprus 1st Division 31/10 19:00 8848 Paraguay Primera Division, Clausura 5.25 Anagennisi Derynia FC 3.15Anorthosis Famagusta FC0.45 Peru Primera Division, Liguilla A home (&draw) 8849 home (& away) 8850 away (& draw) 8856 31/10 22:30 5035 1.45 31/10 19:00 8857 0.9 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.7 home (&draw) 5036 Defensor La Bocana 2.05Juan Aurich de Chiclayo 1.9 home (& away) 5037 away (& draw) All bets are subject to Gambling Board Betting Rules.Prices are subject to change without notice. NO PERSONS UNDER 18 ARE ALLOWED TO GAMBLE. GAMBLE RESPONSIBLY E O.E.Read our Terms Conditions and Betting rules at 36 5038 SOCCER UPDATE 0861 867 238 Poland Ekstraklasa 31/10 19:00 7812 1.2 home (&draw) 7813 31/10 19:00 7816 0.7 Turkey Super Lig Kghm Zaglebie Lubin 2.25 Wisla Krakow SA 2.35 31/10 19:00 7887 1.05 Kayserispor 2.4 Antalyaspor 2.6 7891 home (& away) 7892 away (& draw) 7893 home (& away) 7814 away (& draw) 7815 home (&draw) (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.9 31/10 19:00 7895 0.75 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.85 Totals Goals 0.5 7919 Total Goals 1.5 7917 Total Goals 2.5 7915 7920 Total Goals 4.5 7918 Total Goals 5.5 7916 Portugal Primeira Liga 31/10 22:00 4007 1 GD Chaves 2.25 CD Feirense 2.9 Totals Goals 3.5 home (&draw) 4008 home (& away) 4010 away (& draw) 4011 Draw No Bet 1st Half Three way 31/10 22:00 4013 1 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.65 Totals Goals 0.5 4061 Total Goals 1.5 4020 Total Goals 2.5 4066 Totals Goals 3.5 4065 Total Goals 4.5 4055 Total Goals 5.5 4068 Draw No Bet 4074 1st Half Three way 4015 2nd Half Three way 4075 Odd/Even Goals 4069 Russia Premier League 31/10 16:00 7827 1.35 FC Orenburg home (&draw) 7829 home (& away) 7830 2FC Kryliya Sovetov Samara2.3 away (& draw) 7831 31/10 16:00 7835 1.1 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.55 31/10 18:30 7828 1.45 FC Rubin Kazan 2 home (&draw) 7832 home (& away) 7833 away (& draw) 7834 31/10 18:30 7836 1.05 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.6 FC Lokomotiv Moscow 2.15 Sweden Allsvenskan 31/10 20:00 7837 1.1 IFK Gothenburg 2.5 7922 Both Halves Under 1.5 7899 Both Halves Over 1.5 7897 7914 2nd Half Three way 7913 Odd/Even Goals 31/10 18:00 8889 1.1 Altinordu 2.35 Denizlispor 2.5 home (&draw) 8891 home (& away) 8892 away (& draw) 8893 31/10 18:00 8897 0.7 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.9 31/10 18:30 8890 2 Giresunspor 2.3 Goztepespor 1.35 home (&draw) 8894 home (& away) 8895 away (& draw) 8896 31/10 18:30 8898 0.75 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.9 Uruguay Primera Division, Apertura 31/10 00:15 8899 0.4Club Nacional de Football3.5 River Plate Montevideo home (&draw) 1114 31/10 03:30 5020 1.35 home (& away) 2698 away (& draw) Seattle Sounders 2.3 FC Dallas 2 IF Elfsborg 2.35 home (&draw) 5025 home (& away) 5026 away (& draw) 5027 31/10 03:30 5028 0.75 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.85 home (&draw) 7839 home (& away) 7840 away (& draw) 7841 0.45 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.35 TUESDAY Totals Goals 0.5 7858 Total Goals 1.5 7856 Total Goals 2.5 7854 Europe - International Clubs UEFA Champions League, Group A Totals Goals 3.5 7859 Total Goals 4.5 7857 Total Goals 5.5 7855 1st Half Three way 7861 Both Halves Under 1.5 7849 Both Halves Over 1.5 7847 7852 7 2700 USA Major League Soccer, Playoffs 31/10 20:00 7845 Draw No Bet 7921 Turkey TFF 1. Lig Odd/Even Goals (Possible Neutral Venue) 01/11 21:45 4579 4.5 FC Basel 3.25 Paris St Germain 0.55 7860 home (&draw) 4582 home (& away) 4584 away (& draw) 4585 7853 2nd Half Three way 31/10 20:00 7838 1.2 Djurgardens IF 2.65 BK Hacken 2 01/11 21:45 4594 0.7 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.9 home (&draw) 7842 home (& away) 7843 away (& draw) 7844 Totals Goals 0.5 4621 Total Goals 1.5 4611 Total Goals 2.5 4609 4608 Total Goals 4.5 4617 Total Goals 5.5 4610 31/10 20:00 7846 0.45 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.4 Totals Goals 3.5 Totals Goals 0.5 7870 Total Goals 1.5 7868 Total Goals 2.5 7866 Draw No Bet Totals Goals 3.5 7871 Total Goals 4.5 7869 Total Goals 5.5 7867 1st Half Three way 4606 2nd Half Three way 4604 Odd/Even Goals 7873 Both Halves Under 1.5 7850 Both Halves Over 1.5 7848 01/11 21:45 4580 8 Ludogorets Razgrad 4.5 Arsenal FC 0.3 7872 home (&draw) 4586 home (& away) 4587 away (& draw) 4591 Draw No Bet 1st Half Three way 7865 2nd Half Three way 7864 Odd/Even Goals 4601 Both Halves Under 1.5 4758 Both Halves Over 1.5 4756 4607 31/10 20:00 10104 0.9 Orebro SK 2.7 Ostersunds FK 2.85 01/11 21:45 4595 0.8 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.8 home (&draw) 10106 home (& away) 10107 away (& draw) 10108 Totals Goals 0.5 4659 Total Goals 1.5 4641 Total Goals 2.5 4636 4631 Total Goals 4.5 4651 Total Goals 5.5 4640 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.35 Totals Goals 3.5 31/10 20:00 10105 3.4 Jonkopings Sodra 2.8 AIK 0.75 Draw No Bet 1st Half Three way 31/10 20:00 10124 0.45 4627 Both Halves Under 1.5 4759 Both Halves Over 1.5 4757 home (&draw) 10109 home (& away) 10120 away (& draw) 10123 31/10 20:00 10125 0.5 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.25 31/10 20:00 7875 0.6 IK Sirius FK 3.1 IK Frej 4.5 01/11 19:45 4085 2.45 Besiktas JK 2.45 Napoli 1.1 home (&draw) 7876 home (& away) 7877 away (& draw) 7878 home (&draw) 4087 home (& away) 4090 away (& draw) 4096 31/10 20:00 7879 0.7 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.9 01/11 19:45 4485 0.65 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.95 Totals Goals 0.5 4499 Total Goals 1.5 4497 Total Goals 2.5 4489 4488 Total Goals 4.5 4498 Total Goals 5.5 4493 4660 Sweden Superettan 31/10 20:45 7881 1.65 Servette Geneva FC 2.4 FC Wil 1900 1.6 Totals Goals 3.5 home (&draw) 7882 home (& away) 7883 away (& draw) 7884 Draw No Bet 31/10 20:45 7885 0.55 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.15 Turkey Super Lig 1.1 Kasimpasa 2.4 4630 Odd/Even Goals 4661 (Possible Neutral Venue) Switzerland Challenge League 31/10 19:00 7886 2nd Half Three way Europe - International Clubs UEFA Champions League, Group B 4487 Both Halves Under 1.5 4750 Both Halves Over 1.5 4749 1st Half Three way 4501 2nd Half Three way 4504 Odd/Even Goals 01/11 21:45 4086 0.6 Benfica Lisbon 2.85 FC Dynamo Kiev 5 4120 home (& away) 4121 away (& draw) 4123 Alanyaspor 2.4 home (&draw) 4502 home (&draw) 7888 home (& away) 7889 away (& draw) 7890 01/11 21:45 4486 1 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.65 31/10 19:00 7894 0.65 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1 Totals Goals 0.5 4562 Total Goals 1.5 4530 Total Goals 2.5 4528 Totals Goals 0.5 7906 Total Goals 1.5 7904 Total Goals 2.5 7902 Totals Goals 3.5 4526 Total Goals 4.5 4531 Total Goals 5.5 4529 Totals Goals 3.5 7907 Total Goals 4.5 7905 Total Goals 5.5 7903 Draw No Bet Draw No Bet 1st Half Three way 7910 Both Halves Under 1.5 7898 Both Halves Over 1.5 7896 7901 2nd Half Three way 7911 Odd/Even Goals 1st Half Three way 4505 Both Halves Under 1.5 4754 Both Halves Over 1.5 4755 4572 2nd Half Three way 4518 Odd/Even Goals 7908 All bets are subject to Gambling Board Betting Rules.Prices are subject to change without notice. NO PERSONS UNDER 18 ARE ALLOWED TO GAMBLE. GAMBLE RESPONSIBLY E O.E.Read our Terms Conditions and Betting rules at 37 4573 SOCCER UPDATE 0861 867 238 Europe - International Clubs UEFA Champions League, Group C Czech Republic U19 1st Division (Possible Neutral Venue) 01/11 21:45 4663 1.9 Manchester City 2.5 01/11 12:00 7949 2.55 Vysocina Jihlava U 19 2.95 Sparta Prague U 19 0.85 FC Barcelona 1.3 home (&draw) 7950 home (& away) 7951 away (& draw) 7952 01/11 12:00 7953 0.45 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.35 home (&draw) 4665 home (& away) 4667 away (& draw) 4668 01/11 21:45 4680 0.4 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.5 Totals Goals 0.5 4483 Total Goals 1.5 4126 Total Goals 2.5 4091 01/11 01:00 5044 1.4 Deportivo Lara 2.45 Atletico Venezuela 1.85 Totals Goals 3.5 4067 Total Goals 4.5 4482 Total Goals 5.5 4122 home (&draw) 5046 home (& away) 5048 away (& draw) 5050 Draw No Bet 2490 Both Halves Under 1.5 4761 Both Halves Over 1.5 4748 1st Half Three way 4566 2nd Half Three way 4054 Odd/Even Goals 01/11 21:45 4664 0.5 Monchengladbach 3.45 Celtic FC 5.5 home (&draw) 4673 home (& away) 4676 away (& draw) 4677 4714 01/11 21:45 4686 0.7 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.95 Totals Goals 0.5 4742 Total Goals 1.5 4736 Total Goals 2.5 4733 Totals Goals 3.5 4732 Total Goals 4.5 4737 Total Goals 5.5 4735 Draw No Bet 1st Half Three way Venezuela Primera Division, Playoffs 4731 Both Halves Under 1.5 4761 Both Halves Over 1.5 4748 4744 2nd Half Three way 4747 Odd/Even Goals 4745 Europe - International Clubs UEFA Champions League, Group D (Possible Neutral Venue) 01/11 21:45 4687 0.1 Atletico Madrid 7.75 FC Rostov 26 home (&draw) 4689 home (& away) 4690 away (& draw) 4691 01/11 21:45 4697 1.65 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.35 Totals Goals 0.5 4752 Total Goals 1.5 4729 Total Goals 2.5 4727 Totals Goals 3.5 4726 Total Goals 4.5 4730 Total Goals 5.5 4728 Draw No Bet 4725 Both Halves Under 1.5 4767 Both Halves Over 1.5 4769 1st Half Three way 4734 2nd Half Three way 4751 Odd/Even Goals 01/11 21:45 4688 5.5 PSV Eindhoven 3.7 Bayern Munich 0.45 home (&draw) 4692 home (& away) 4693 away (& draw) 4694 4739 01/11 21:45 4724 0.65 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.95 Totals Goals 0.5 4782 Total Goals 1.5 4780 Total Goals 2.5 4778 Totals Goals 3.5 4777 Total Goals 4.5 4781 Total Goals 5.5 4779 Draw No Bet 1st Half Three way 4753 Both Halves Under 1.5 4768 Both Halves Over 1.5 4771 4775 2nd Half Three way 4774 Odd/Even Goals 4776 Argentina Primera Division, Torneo Inicial 01/11 00:00 2059 1 Defensa y Justicia home (&draw) 2065 home (& away) 2077 2.25 San Martin de San Juan 3 away (& draw) 01/11 02:15 2058 0.95 Union de Santa Fe 2.2 CA Sarmiento 3.25 home (&draw) 2060 home (& away) 2061 away (& draw) 2064 01/11 02:15 2079 1.15 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.55 2078 Austria Erste Liga 01/11 19:30 7924 1.05 FC Liefering home (&draw) 7928 home (& away) 7929 2.55 SC Austria Lustenau 2.15 away (& draw) 7930 01/11 19:30 7940 0.45 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.35 01/11 19:30 7925 1.2 Floridsdorfer AC 2.35 SC Wiener Neustadt 2.05 home (&draw) 7931 home (& away) 7932 away (& draw) 7933 01/11 19:30 7941 0.6 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1.05 01/11 19:30 7926 1 SV Horn 2.45 WSG Wattens 2.45 home (&draw) 7934 home (& away) 7935 away (& draw) 7936 01/11 19:30 7942 0.65 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1 01/11 19:30 7927 0.8 Wacker Innsbruck 2.65 BW Linz 3.05 home (&draw) 7937 home (& away) 7938 away (& draw) 7939 01/11 19:30 7943 0.65 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 1 Bolivia n Liga Profesional no, Apertura 01/11 02:00 5039 0.4 CA Nacional Potosi 3.25 Guabira Montero 6.25 home (&draw) 5040 home (& away) 5041 away (& draw) 5042 01/11 00:00 7944 2.5 America Mineiro MG 2.15 Sao Paulo SP 1.1 home (&draw) 7945 home (& away) 7946 away (& draw) 7947 01/11 00:00 7948 0.9 (Both Score) vs (None or 1 Scores) 0.7 Brazil Brasilero Serie A All bets are subject to Gambling Board Betting Rules.Prices are subject to change without notice. NO PERSONS UNDER 18 ARE ALLOWED TO GAMBLE. GAMBLE RESPONSIBLY E O.E.Read our Terms Conditions and Betting rules at 38 SOCCER UPDATE 0861 867 238 DATE TIME COUP WIN HOME DRAW AWAY WIN 29 October Saturday 1st 10 Mins 3 Way_up1 DATE TIME COUP WIN SATURDAY 29/10 10:50 1699 Western Sydney England Premier League 12.5 Sunderland AFC 0.2 Arsenal FC 3.95 4.75 29/10 16:00 106 7 Middlesbrough FC 0.14 Bournemouth AFC 8.25 0.22Central Coast Mariners FC10.5 29/10 16:00 116 3.4 Manchester United 0.18 Burnley FC 23 29/10 16:00 120 5.25 Watford FC 0.15 Hull City 11.25 Tottenham Hotspur 0.18 Sydney FC 29/10 16:00 3893 10.5 Admira Wacker 0.18 SK Rapid Vienna 4.5 29/10 16:00 123 4.75 29/10 18:30 3892 3.45 RB Salzburg 0.22 SV Ried 14.75 29/10 16:00 124 12.75 West Bromwich Albion 0.18 29/10 18:30 3894 8 SKN St. Polten 0.16 SCR Altach 6.25 29/10 18:30 121 29/10 18:30 3895 5.25 Wolfsberger AC 0.16 SV Mattersburg 10 29/10 17:00 175 7.25 29/10 15:00 3.05 Sparta Prague 0.22 1 FK Pribram 20 29/10 20:00 419 6.5 29/10 17:00 3908 5 FC Zbrojovka Brno 0.16 FC Vysocina Jihlava 10.75 29/10 20:00 602 29/10 17:00 3909 6.5 1 FC Slovacko 0.16 FK Teplice 7.75 29/10 20:00 603 29/10 20:15 3910 4.25 FK Mlada Boleslav 0.18 FC Fastav Zlin 11.25 29/10 20:00 29/10 20:00 Czech Republic 1. Liga Denmark Superligaen 29/10 16:00 353 8 Lyngby BK WIN 119 Austria Bundesliga 220 AWAY 29/10 13:30 9 Newcastle United Jets FC 0.2 3.75 DRAW 29 October Saturday 1st 10 Mins 3 Way_up1 Australia A-League 29/10 08:35 1698 HOME 0.14 Randers FC 7.25 England Championship Leicester City 11.25 Manchester City 4.25 0.18 Liverpool FC 5 Toulouse FC 0.16 Olympique Lyon 7 AS Nancy 0.14 SM Caen 9.5 6.5 FC Lorient 0.15 Montpellier Hsc 8.25 7.5 AS Saint Etienne 0.15 AS Monaco 7.5 605 6.75 SC Bastia 0.12 Dijon Fco 9.5 606 7 EA Guingamp 0.12 SCO Angers 9 9.5 Crystal Palace France Ligue 1 France Ligue 2 29/10 15:00 221 7 Clermont Foot 0.14 SC Amiens 8.25 29/10 16:00 2890 7.5 Barnsley FC 0.18 Bristol City 6 29/10 15:00 222 7 FC Sochaux 0.12 Racing Strasbourg 10.5 29/10 16:00 2891 6 Cardiff City 0.15 Wigan Athletic 9.25 29/10 15:00 223 6.75 AJ Auxerre 0.14 Chamois Niort FC 8.75 Norwich City 8.5 29/10 16:00 2896 6.5 Brighton & Hove Albion FC0.15 Germany 2nd Bundesliga 29/10 16:00 2897 7 Derby County 0.14 Sheffield Wednesday 8.5 29/10 13:00 1113 5.75 FC Union Berlin 0.18 Fortuna Dusseldorf 8.25 29/10 16:00 2898 5.5 Reading FC 0.16 Nottingham Forest 9 29/10 13:00 1516 6.5 Greuther Furth 0.16 1 FC Kaiserslautern 8 29/10 16:00 2899 5.25 Ipswich Town 0.16 Rotherham United 10.5 29/10 16:00 2900 11.5 Preston North End 0.15 Newcastle United 5.25 29/10 14:00 224 8.25 Preussen Munster Holstein Kiel 7 29/10 16:00 2902 6.25 Fulham FC 0.16 Huddersfield Town 8 29/10 14:00 225 7.25 RW Erfurt 29/10 16:00 2903 6.25 Leeds United 0.14 Burton Albion 9.5 29/10 14:00 412 4.75 Chemnitzer FC 0.18 Werder Bremen II 29/10 18:30 2901 8 Blackburn Rovers 0.15Wolverhampton Wanderers6.75 29/10 14:00 413 6 Hallescher FC 0.15 VfL Osnabruck 9 29/10 14:00 414 5 Hansa Rostock 0.18 FSV Mainz 05 II 10.5 5.75 FSV Frankfurt 0.18 SC Paderborn 8 7 SG Sonnenhof Grossaspach 0.16 MSV Duisburg 7 Fortuna Cologne 9.5 FC Magdeburg 7.75 England League One Germany 3. Liga 0.14 0.14 SV Wehen Wiesbaden 7.75 11 29/10 14:00 950 7 Oxford United 0.16 Millwall FC 7 29/10 14:00 841 29/10 16:00 949 7.75 AFC Wimbledon 0.15 Bradford City 7 29/10 14:00 880 29/10 16:00 951 4.75 Bolton Wanderers 0.16 Port Vale FC 12 29/10 14:00 883 5.25 29/10 16:00 1033 5.75 Bristol Rovers 0.2 Peterborough United 6.75 29/10 14:00 889 6.75 SSV Jahn Regensburg 0.16 29/10 16:00 1034 6 Northampton Town 0.18 Bury FC 7.5 29/10 16:00 1038 6.25 Fleetwood Town 0.16 Gillingham FC 8 29/10 15:30 2076 18.5 FC Augsburg 0.2 Bayern Munich 3.35 29/10 16:00 1041 5 Charlton Athletic 0.18 Chesterfield FC 9.75 29/10 15:30 2080 7 VfL Wolfsburg 0.18 Bayer Leverkusen 6.5 29/10 16:00 1056 5.5 Sheffield United 0.18 Milton Keynes Dons 8.5 29/10 15:30 2081 12.5 SV Darmstadt 98 0.16 RB Leipzig 5 29/10 16:00 1065 7 Walsall FC 0.16 Coventry City 7 29/10 15:30 2082 5.75 1 Fsv Mainz 05 0.16 FC Ingolstadt 8.75 29/10 16:00 1066 6 Rochdale FC 0.14 Oldham Athletic 10 29/10 15:30 2083 6 Werder Bremen 0.2 SC Freiburg 7 29/10 16:00 1067 5 Scunthorpe United 0.18 Swindon Town 10.25 29/10 18:30 2084 4.25 Borussia Dortmund 0.22 FC Schalke 04 9.75 29/10 16:00 1068 5.5 Southend United 0.16 Shrewsbury Town 9.25 29/10 14:00 3911 7.75 Larissa 0.12 Panionios Athens 8.75 5.75 A.O Xanthi 0.12 AO Kassiopi 14.5 Atromitos Athens 0.16 Olympiacos FC 4.25 England League Two Greece Super League 5.5 Accrington Stanley 0.16 Newport County 9.75 29/10 16:15 3912 29/10 16:00 1087 6.25 Barnet FC 0.18 Hartlepool United 7.25 29/10 18:30 3913 14.75 29/10 16:00 1089 10.5 Portsmouth FC 5.25 Crawley Town 0.18 0.16 Germany Bundesliga 29/10 16:00 1082 Cambridge United FC 0.16 SF Lotte Italy Serie A 29/10 16:00 1093 4.5 Carlisle United 10.25 29/10 18:00 1757 8.25 Bologna 0.15 Fiorentina 6.75 29/10 16:00 1095 5.25 Doncaster Rovers 0.16 Wycombe Wanderers 10.25 29/10 20:45 1758 5.5 Juventus 0.15 Napoli 10.5 29/10 16:00 1096 7.75 Cheltenham Town 0.16 Blackpool FC 6.5 29/10 16:00 1097 5.75 Leyton Orient 0.16 Crewe Alexandra FC 8.5 29/10 15:00 5455 5.25 FC Bari 1908 0.15 Pro Vercelli 11 29/10 16:00 1107 6.25 Mansfield Town 0.15 Stevenage FC 9 29/10 15:00 5456 8.5 Ternana Calcio 0.14 Novara Calcio 7.5 Italy Serie B 29/10 16:00 1108 7.5 Notts County 0.18 Luton Town 6 29/10 15:00 5457 5.5 AS Cittadella 0.16 Latina Calcio 10 29/10 16:00 1109 7.75 Morecambe FC 0.2 Exeter City 5.25 29/10 15:00 5458 6.25 Sportiva Salernitana 0.14 SC Pisa 10.5 29/10 16:00 1110 8 Yeovil Town 0.14 Grimsby Town 7 29/10 15:00 5459 5.75 Virtus Entella 0.16 Brescia Calcio 9 29/10 16:00 1112 5.5 Plymouth Argyle 0.18 Colchester United 8 29/10 15:00 5460 4.75 Carpi FC 0.15 Ascoli 13 29/10 15:00 5461 6 Frosinone Calcio 0.14 AC Cesena 9.5 29/10 15:00 5462 7 Benevento Calcio 0.14 Spezia Calcio 8.75 All bets are subject to Gambling Board Betting Rules.Prices are subject to change without notice. NO PERSONS UNDER 18 ARE ALLOWED TO GAMBLE. GAMBLE RESPONSIBLY E O.E.Read our Terms Conditions and Betting rules at 39 SOCCER UPDATE 0861 867 238 Japan J.League Turkey Super Lig 29/10 07:00 3877 5.75 Kashiwa Reysol 0.18 29/10 07:00 3878 10 Jubilo Iwata 29/10 07:00 3879 7.25 29/10 07:00 3880 6.25 29/10 07:00 3881 6.25 29/10 07:00 3882 5.75 29/10 07:00 3883 29/10 07:00 3888 29/10 07:00 3889 Omiya Ardija 7.5 29/10 12:30 3898 9 Gaziantepspor 0.15 Osmanlispor FK 6 0.2 Urawa Red Diamonds 4.25 29/10 15:00 3897 6.5 Bursaspor 0.15 Konyaspor 8.5 Sagan Tosu 0.15 Yokohama F Marinos 7.25 29/10 18:00 3896 11.25 Adanaspor 0.18 Galatasaray Istanbul 4.5 Vissel Kobe 0.18 Nagoya Grampus 6.75 Kashima Antlers 0.2 Kawasaki Frontale 6 29/10 12:00 903 6.5 Boluspor 0.15 Gaziantep Bld Spor 8.5 Gamba Osaka 0.18 Niigata Albirex 8.25 29/10 18:00 913 9 S. B. Elazigspor 0.15 Malatya Bld Spor 6.25 5.5 FC Tokyo 0.16 Vegalta Sendai 9 8.5 Shonan Bellmare 0.15 Ventforet Kofu 6.5 29/10 16:00 3905 3.5 FC Shakhtar Donetsk 3.65 Sanfrecce Hiroshima 0.22 Avispa Fukuoka 13.25 29/10 18:30 3906 3 FC Dynamo Kiev Turkey TFF 1. Lig Ukraine Premier League 0.18 Chernomorets Odessa 22 0.22 Karpaty Lviv 26 Perth Glory FC 6.75 SK Sturm Graz 7.25 SUNDAY Netherlands Eredivisie 29/10 18:30 3175 6.25 Willem II Tilburg 0.16 FC Groningen 7.75 29/10 19:45 3173 5.5 Heracles Almelo 0.18 Sparta Rotterdam 8 29/10 19:45 3176 8.5 Vitesse Arnhem 0.2 PSV Eindhoven 4.75 29/10 20:45 3174 2.8 Ajax Amsterdam 0.25 SBV Excelsior 20 Australia A-League 30/10 08:00 3922 5.75 Brisbane Roar FC 0.2 Austria Bundesliga 30/10 17:30 3936 6 Poland Ekstraklasa FK Austria Vienna 0.18 Belgium Pro League 29/10 15:30 3903 7 Gornik Leczna 0.15 WKS Slask Wroclaw 7.75 30/10 15:30 8909 6.25 29/10 18:00 3890 5.25 MKS Pogon Szczecin 0.16 Ruch Chorzow 10 30/10 19:00 8912 8.5 Yellow-Red KV Mechelen 0.18 29/10 20:30 3891 5 KKS Lech Poznan 0.15 Wisla Plock SA 11.5 30/10 21:00 8910 9.25 Waasland-Beveren 0.18 RSC Anderlecht 5 30/10 21:00 8911 6.75 Royal Mouscron 0.18 KV Kortrijk 6.25 Portugal Primeira Liga KV Oostende 0.18 Standard Liege 6.5 KAA Gent 5.25 29/10 17:00 3885 7 CD Tondela 0.14 Moreirense FC 8.5 29/10 19:15 3884 15.5 Vitoria Setubal 0.18 FC Porto 3.9 30/10 15:30 3962 6 FC Hradec Kralove 0.15 MFK Karvina 9.5 29/10 21:30 3887 6.75 Boavista FC 0.12 GD Estoril Praia 9.5 30/10 16:00 3963 7.5 FK Baumit Jablonec 0.16 SK Slavia Prague 6.25 30/10 16:30 3964 6.75 Bohemians 1905 0.15 FC Slovan Liberec 8 29/10 14:30 1954 8 FC Amkar Perm 0.1 FC Rostov 9.75 30/10 19:30 3965 8 Dukla Prague 0.16 FC Viktoria Plzen 6.25 29/10 17:00 1956 7 FC Spartak Moscow 0.14 CSKA Moscow 8.5 30/10 14:00 3932 6 9.75 Russia Premier League Scotland Premier League Czech Republic 1. Liga Denmark Superligaen Sonderjyske 0.14 AC Horsens 29/10 13:00 196 10.25 Aberdeen FC 0.18 Celtic FC 4.75 30/10 17:00 3933 4.75 Brondby IF 0.18 Aalborg BK 10 29/10 16:00 308 3.8 Rangers FC 0.2 Kilmarnock FC 12.5 30/10 19:00 3931 8.25 FC Midtjylland 0.15 FC Copenhagen 6.25 29/10 16:00 309 6.25 Hamilton Academical 0.16 FC Dundee 7.5 29/10 16:00 310 6.5 Motherwell FC 0.16 Ross County FC 7.25 30/10 14:00 3923 7.5 Birmingham City Aston Villa 7.25 29/10 16:00 311 5.75 FC St Johnstone 0.15 Partick Thistle 9.75 29/10 16:00 1517 7.5 0.18 Dunfermline Athletic 5.75 Scotland Scottish Championship Dumbarton FC England Championship 0.15 England Premier League 30/10 15:30 3409 5 Everton FC 0.18 West Ham United 9 30/10 18:00 3410 7.75 Southampton FC 0.16 Chelsea FC 6.5 29/10 16:00 3873 3.7 Hibernian FC 0.2 FC St Mirren 15.25 29/10 16:00 3874 5.25 Dundee United 0.18 Falkirk FC 8.5 30/10 16:00 3460 6 OGC Nice France Ligue 1 0.15 FC Nantes 9.75 29/10 16:00 3876 5.75 Greenock Morton FC 0.16 Ayr United 8.75 30/10 18:00 3461 4.75 Stade Rennes 0.16 FC Metz 11.75 29/10 18:15 3875 6.25 Raith Rovers FC 0.18 Queen of The South FC 7.25 30/10 21:45 3462 6 Olympique Marseille Slovakia Superliga 29/10 17:00 217 29/10 17:00 218 5.5 MFK Zemplin Michalovce 0.15 6 29/10 17:00 219 5.5 FC Spartak Trnava Spartak Myjava 0.16 FK Senica 10.75 30/10 14:30 3924 5.25 Hannover 96 0.16 FC Kickers Wurzburg 10 MFK Ruzomberok 8 30/10 14:30 3925 6 VfL Bochum 0.18 1 FC Heidenheim 7.75 30/10 14:30 3926 8.25 Karlsruher SC 0.16 VfB Stuttgart 6 0.16Dac 1904 Dunajska Streda9.75 South Africa Premier League 29/10 15:30 8946 7.75 Orlando Pirates FC 0.12 0.15 FC Girondins Bordeaux 8.75 Germany 2nd Bundesliga Germany Bundesliga Kaizer Chiefs 8.25 Spain Primera Division 30/10 16:30 3488 6 1899 Hoffenheim 0.18 Hertha BSC 7.5 30/10 18:30 3487 4.5 1 FC Cologne 0.18 Hamburger SV 11.25 29/10 13:00 2477 9.75 Sporting Gijon 0.15 Sevilla FC 5.5 29/10 16:15 2218 15.5 CD Alaves 0.22 Real Madrid 3.25 30/10 15:00 3967 3.2 Panathinaikos Athens 0.2 Iraklis 1908 26 29/10 18:30 2219 3.65 Atletico Madrid 0.18 Malaga CF 23 30/10 17:15 3966 5.25 Asteras Tripolis 0.12 Levadiakos FC 15.75 29/10 20:45 2217 2.05 FC Barcelona 0.35 Granada CF 23 30/10 17:15 3968 8.75 Veroia FC 0.12 Platanias FC 8.25 30/10 19:30 3969 6 PAOK FC 0.12 AEK Athens FC 11.75 Spain Segunda Division Greece Super League 29/10 16:00 3901 6.5 SD Huesca 0.14 CF Reus Deportiu 9.75 29/10 18:00 3902 6 Real Zaragoza 0.15 UD Almeria 9.5 30/10 13:30 3543 6.5 Atalanta 0.15 Genoa FC 8.5 29/10 18:00 3907 6.75 Tenerife CD 0.14 Rayo Vallecano 8.75 30/10 16:00 3544 9.25 FC Crotone 0.14 Chievo Verona 6.5 29/10 20:00 3904 6.5 Cordoba CF 0.14 Real Valladolid 9.25 30/10 16:00 3545 11 FC Empoli 0.18 AS Roma 4.5 30/10 16:00 3546 4.75 Lazio 0.18 US Sassuolo 10.25 Switzerland Super League 29/10 17:45 3899 29/10 20:00 3900 4 FC Sion 0.22 9.25 Grasshopper Club Zurich 0.2 Italy Serie A FC Lugano 10.5 30/10 16:00 3548 4 AC Milan 0.2 Pescara Calcio 12 FC Basel 4.5 30/10 21:45 3547 8.25 Sampdoria Genoa 0.18 Inter 5.75 30/10 16:00 6251 4.25 Hellas Verona 0.18 Trapani Calcio 12.75 30/10 18:30 6252 8 Vicenza Calcio 0.12 Perugia 8 Italy Serie B All bets are subject to Gambling Board Betting Rules.Prices are subject to change without notice. NO PERSONS UNDER 18 ARE ALLOWED TO GAMBLE. GAMBLE RESPONSIBLY E O.E.Read our Terms Conditions and Betting rules at 40 SOCCER UPDATE 0861 867 238 Netherlands Eredivisie Turkey Super Lig 30/10 13:30 3930 4.75 PEC Zwolle 0.18 Go Ahead Eagles 10 30/10 12:30 3739 5 Istanbul B.b. 0.15 Akhisar Bld Spor 13.25 30/10 15:30 3928 4.5 FC Utrecht 0.18 NEC Nijmegen 11 30/10 15:00 3738 5 Trabzonspor 0.16 Caykur Rizespor 10.5 30/10 15:30 3929 3.9 Feyenoord Rotterdam 0.22 SC Heerenveen 11.25 30/10 18:00 3737 4 Fenerbahce 0.2 30/10 17:45 3927 7.5 AZ Alkmaar 5.5 ADO Den Haag 0.18 Norway Eliteserien Turkey TFF 1. Lig 30/10 12:00 919 9.5 Umraniyespor 0.15 Adana Demirspor 30/10 13:00 923 4.5 Balikesirspor 0.16 Samsunspor 14 4.75 Eskisehirspor 0.18 Bandirmaspor 11.5 0.2 Sivasspor 4.75 30/10 19:00 3937 5.25 Bodo|Glimt 0.2 Viking FK 8 30/10 19:00 3938 7.5 Stromsgodset IF 0.22 Rosenborg BK 4.75 30/10 14:00 8913 30/10 19:00 3939 4.5 Molde FK 0.2 Stabaek Fotball 9.25 30/10 18:00 933 9 Manisaspor 30/10 19:00 3940 5.25 Sarpsborg 0.18 Tromso IL 8.25 30/10 18:00 984 4.25 Sanliurfaspor 30/10 19:00 3941 6.5 Aalesunds FK 0.2 Haugesund FK 6 IK Start 0.18 SK Brann 4.75 30/10 14:00 3957 4.25 FC Zorya Lugansk 30/10 19:00 3942 10.25 Kardemir Karabukspor 12.25 5.75 0.18 Mersin Idman Yurdu SK 13.25 Ukraine Premier League 0.16 FC Zirka Kirovohrad 16.25 30/10 19:00 3943 5.25 Valerenga IF 0.18 Lillestrom SK 8.25 30/10 17:00 3958 6.5 Vorskla Poltava 0.15 FC Oleksandria 8.25 30/10 19:00 3944 4.5 Odds BK 0.18 Sogndal IL 11.25 30/10 19:30 3959 7.25 Stal Kamyanske 0.14 FC Dnipro 8.25 Colorado Rapids 10 Poland Ekstraklasa USA Major League Soccer, Playoffs 30/10 16:30 3934 6.25 KS Cracovia 0.16 Jagiellonia Bialystok 8.25 30/10 19:00 3935 7.5 Arka Gdynia 1929 0.15 KS Lechia Gdansk 7.25 30/10 18:00 3631 7 FC Arouca 0.14 CS Maritimo Madeira 8.25 30/10 20:00 3632 7.25 Rio Ave FC 0.15 Vitoria Guimaraes 7.25 30/10 22:15 3859 4.75 Sporting Braga 0.16 CF Os Belenenses 12.25 30/10 23:00 8908 5.5 Australia A-League 31/10 10:50 3971 4.5 8.75 FC Ural Yekaterinburg 0.12 7.75 30/10 16:00 3919 3.3 30/10 18:30 3918 9 RFK Terek Grozny 7.75 0.12 FC Ufa 9.25 Zenit St Petersburg 0.22 FC Tom Tomsk 17.5 FC Krasnodar 6.5 Slovakia Superliga 30/10 16:20 915 30/10 18:30 8914 4.75 12 Slovan Bratislava 0.15 1. FC Tatran Presov 0.16 0.2 Wellington Phoenix FC 9.5 31/10 20:00 3783 4.75 AGF Aarhus 0.18 Esbjerg FB 10 0.16 Swansea City 8.5 0.12 RC Lens 8.75 1 FC Nuremberg 6.5 PAS Giannina FC 10.75 England Premier League Arsenal Tula FC Anzhi Makhachkala 0.14 Melbourne Victory Denmark Superligaen Russia Premier League 30/10 13:30 3920 0.15 MONDAY Portugal Primeira Liga 30/10 11:00 3921 La Galaxy 31/10 22:00 3981 5.75 France Ligue 2 31/10 21:30 999 7.5 31/10 21:15 3973 4.5 Stade Brest Germany 2nd Bundesliga 6.75 ZP Sport Podbrezova 13.25 MSK Zilina Stoke City FC St. Pauli 0.18 Greece Super League 31/10 19:30 998 6 Panaitolikos South Africa Premier League 0.14 Italy Serie A 30/10 15:30 8451 7.25 Baroka FC 0.12 Polokwane City 8.75 31/10 20:00 3802 7.25 Udinese 0.16 Torino 6.5 30/10 15:30 8452 6.5 Highlands Park 0.14 Free State Stars FC 8.75 31/10 22:00 3992 5 Cagliari Calcio 0.18 US Palermo 9.25 30/10 15:30 8453 5.25 Mamelodi Sundowns 0.14 Cape Town City FC 14.25 31/10 21:30 8900 5.5 Spal 2013 0.15 AS Avellino 11 Wisla Krakow SA 8.25 CD Feirense 10.75 Spain Primera Division 30/10 13:00 3915 8.5 SD Eibar 0.14 Villarreal CF 7.25 30/10 17:15 3916 4 Athletic Bilbao 0.18 CA Osasuna 14.75 30/10 19:30 3914 6.5 Real Betis Balompie 0.15 Espanyol Barcelona 8.75 30/10 21:45 3917 6.25 Las Palmas UD 0.18 Celta de Vigo 7.5 Italy Serie B Poland Ekstraklasa 31/10 19:00 3978 6 Kghm Zaglebie Lubin 0.16 Portugal Primeira Liga 31/10 22:00 4012 6 GD Chaves Spain Segunda Division 0.14 Russia Premier League 30/10 13:00 3952 6 Girona FC 0.14 Numancia CD 10.5 31/10 16:00 3970 7.5 FC Orenburg 0.12FC Kryliya Sovetov Samara9.75 30/10 13:00 3960 7 Sevilla Atletico 0.14 Elche CF 8.25 31/10 18:30 3972 7.5 FC Rubin Kazan 0.14 FC Lokomotiv Moscow 8.25 30/10 17:00 3953 6 CD Lugo 0.15 Cadiz CF 9.5 30/10 19:00 3954 RCD Mallorca 8.25 6 Alcorcon AD 0.14 CD Mirandes 10.5 30/10 19:00 3961 7 Ucam Murcia 0.12 Real Oviedo 9.25 31/10 20:00 3974 5 IFK Gothenburg 30/10 21:00 3956 5.75 Levante UD 0.14 Getafe CF 11.25 31/10 20:00 3975 5.5 Djurgardens IF 30/10 19:00 3955 7.5 Gimnastic de Tarragona 0.14 Spain Primera Division 31/10 21:45 3842 7.5 Deportivo La Coruna 0.15 Valencia CF 7 0.22 IF Elfsborg 7.25 0.22 BK Hacken 6.25 IK Frej 10.25 Sweden Allsvenskan Sweden Allsvenskan Sweden Superettan 30/10 16:00 3945 6.25 Hammarby IF 0.2 IFK Norrkoping 6 30/10 16:00 3946 4.25 Kalmar FF 0.22 GIF Sundsvall 9.5 31/10 20:00 7880 4.5 IK Sirius FK 0.18 30/10 18:30 3947 6.75 Gefle IF 0.22 Malmo FF 5.5 31/10 19:00 3976 6 Kasimpasa 0.16 Alanyaspor 8.25 30/10 18:30 3948 10 Falkenbergs FF 0.22 Helsingborgs IF 4.25 31/10 19:00 3977 6 Kayserispor 0.16 Antalyaspor 8.75 Turkey Super Lig Sweden Superettan Turkey TFF 1. Lig 30/10 16:00 7676 8 Gais 0.18 Dalkurd FF 5.75 31/10 18:00 8902 6 Altinordu 0.16 Denizlispor 8.75 30/10 18:00 7677 8.75 Angelholms FF 0.16 Orgryte IS 5.75 31/10 18:30 8903 8.25 Giresunspor 0.15 Goztepespor 6.75 30/10 18:00 7678 5.25 Assyriska FF 0.16 IFK Varnamo 10 30/10 18:00 7679 8.25 Trelleborgs FF 0.18 Halmstads BK 5.5 New York City Fc. 8.5 USA Major League Soccer, Playoffs 31/10 01:00 8907 4.75 Toronto FC 0.2 TUESDAY Switzerland Super League 30/10 14:45 3949 7 FC Lausanne-Sport 0.22 FC Luzern 5 30/10 14:45 3950 3.35 Young Boys Bern 0.25 FC Vaduz 13 01/11 21:45 4592 International Clubs UEFA Champions League, Group A 13.5 Ludogorets Razgrad 0.22 Arsenal FC 3.6 30/10 17:00 3951 6.5 FC St. Gallen 0.18 FC Thun 6.75 01/11 21:45 4593 10.5 FC Basel 0.18 Paris St Germain 4.5 All bets are subject to Gambling Board Betting Rules.Prices are subject to change without notice. NO PERSONS UNDER 18 ARE ALLOWED TO GAMBLE. GAMBLE RESPONSIBLY E O.E.Read our Terms Conditions and Betting rules at 41 SOCCER UPDATE 0861 867 238 FRIDAY International Clubs UEFA Champions League, Group B 01/11 19:45 4125 8.25 Besiktas JK 0.16 Napoli 5.75 01/11 21:45 4124 4.75 Benfica Lisbon 0.15 FC Dynamo Kiev 13.25 Germany Bundesliga 04/11 21:30 6712 7 International Clubs UEFA Champions League, Group C Hertha BSC 0.16 Monchengladbach 7 Sporting Gijon 11 Spain Primera Division 01/11 21:45 4678 6.5 Manchester City 0.2 FC Barcelona 5.75 01/11 21:45 4679 4 Monchengladbach 0.2 Celtic FC 11.25 04/11 21:45 6713 5.25 Malaga CF 0.15 International Clubs UEFA Champions League, Group D 01/11 21:45 4695 2.85 Atletico Madrid 0.22 FC Rostov 28 01/11 21:45 4696 11.25 PSV Eindhoven 0.2 Bayern Munich 3.95 WEDNESDAY International Clubs UEFA Champions League, Group E 02/11 21:45 2521 5.5 Tottenham Hotspur 0.18 Bayer Leverkusen 8.5 02/11 21:45 2107 5.5 AS Monaco 0.15 CSKA Moscow 10.25 International Clubs UEFA Champions League, Group F 02/11 21:45 2596 3.8 02/11 21:45 2605 18.25 Borussia Dortmund 0.22 Sporting CP 11.5 Legia Warsaw 0.3 Real Madrid 2.55 International Clubs UEFA Champions League, Group G 02/11 21:45 4053 3.6 FC Porto 0.2 Club Brugge 15.25 02/11 21:45 4106 6.5 FC Copenhagen 0.14 Leicester City 9 International Clubs UEFA Champions League, Group H 02/11 21:45 4870 3.6 Juventus 0.18 02/11 21:45 4871 3.3 Sevilla FC 0.22 Olympique Lyon 18.25 GNK Dinamo Zagreb 18.25 THURSDAY International Clubs UEFA Europa League, Group A 03/11 20:00 5105 8 Fenerbahce 03/11 20:00 5106 8 FC Zorya Lugansk 0.15 Manchester United 0.15 Feyenoord Rotterdam 6.75 7 International Clubs UEFA Europa League, Group B 03/11 18:00 5067 9.75 FC Astana 0.15 Olympiacos FC 6 03/11 20:00 5068 6.5 Apoel Nicosia FC 0.15 Young Boys Bern 8.25 International Clubs UEFA Europa League, Group C 03/11 20:00 5151 10.5 FK Gabala 0.15 AS Saint Etienne 5.75 03/11 20:00 5152 6.25 RSC Anderlecht 0.18 1 Fsv Mainz 05 6.75 International Clubs UEFA Europa League, Group D 03/11 20:00 5187 5.25 Maccabi Tel Aviv 0.18 AZ Alkmaar 9 03/11 20:00 5188 2.9 Zenit St Petersburg 0.25 Dundalk FC 21 International Clubs UEFA Europa League, Group E 03/11 20:00 5236 8 AFC Astra Giurgiu 0.18 FC Viktoria Plzen 6 03/11 20:00 5237 9 FK Austria Vienna 0.2 AS Roma 4.5 International Clubs UEFA Europa League, Group F 03/11 20:00 5272 3.8 Athletic Bilbao 0.2 KRC Genk 14.5 03/11 20:00 5273 5.5 US Sassuolo 0.16 SK Rapid Vienna 9.5 International Clubs UEFA Europa League, Group G 03/11 22:05 6700 6 Panathinaikos Athens 0.16 Standard Liege 8.75 03/11 22:05 6701 5.5 Ajax Amsterdam 0.16 Celta de Vigo 9.75 International Clubs UEFA Europa League, Group H 03/11 22:05 6702 8.5 KAA Gent 0.16 FC Shakhtar Donetsk 5.75 03/11 22:05 6703 4.5 Sporting Braga 0.16 Konyaspor 14.25 International Clubs UEFA Europa League, Group I 03/11 22:05 6704 5.25 OGC Nice 0.18 RB Salzburg 8.75 03/11 22:05 6705 4.5 FC Schalke 04 0.18 FC Krasnodar 11 International Clubs UEFA Europa League, Group J 03/11 22:05 6706 5.5 PAOK FC 0.14 Qarabag FK 12.5 03/11 22:05 6707 3.5 Fiorentina 0.2 FC Slovan Liberec 17.25 International Clubs UEFA Europa League, Group K 03/11 22:05 6708 5 Southampton FC 0.16 Inter 11.5 03/11 22:05 6709 6.25 Sparta Prague 0.15 Hapoel Beer Sheva 8.75 International Clubs UEFA Europa League, Group L 03/11 22:05 6710 4.5 Villarreal CF 0.16 Osmanlispor FK 14.75 03/11 22:05 6711 6.75 FC Zurich 0.14 Steaua Bucuresti 8.5 All bets are subject to Gambling Board Betting Rules.Prices are subject to change without notice. NO PERSONS UNDER 18 ARE ALLOWED TO GAMBLE. GAMBLE RESPONSIBLY E O.E.Read our Terms Conditions and Betting rules at 42 SOCCER UPDATE 0861 867 238 Free Lotto & Soccer Results Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week Simply type the address below into your web browser to receive all the latest Lotto & Powerball Results. Simply type the address below into your web browser to receive previous day soccer results. DATE TIME COUP WIN HOME DRAW AWAY DATE TIME COUP WIN 0.9 GC Mascara 0.85 Gimnasia Jujuy WIN 0.4 Corinthians SP 3.15 Chapecoense SC 6.5 0.35 Internacional RS 3.45 Santa Cruz PE 7.5 29/10 22:30 4076 0.55 Botafogo RJ 2.65 Coritiba PR 5 Brazil Brasilero Serie B 29/10 21:00 128 0.65 EC Bahia BA 2.65 Ceara CE 4 29/10 21:00 129 0.7 Paysandu PA 2.45 Sampaio Correa MA 3.95 29/10 16:30 7270 0.5 CSKA Sofia 3.05 Lokomotiv Plovdiv 5.5 29/10 19:00 7271 0.4 Beroe Stara Zagora 3.15 PFC Montana 1921 7.75 29/10 17:00 7280 0.85 Bulgaria A PFG Chile Primera Division, Apertura Deportes Iquique 2.6 Santiago Wanderers 3.15 Alianza Petrolera 3.1 Club Cortulua 4.5 Colombia Liga Postobon II 29/10 21:00 925 0.8 29/10 23:00 1429 0.6 Rionegro Aguilas 2.45 Atletico Bucaramanga 2.75 Croatia 1. HNL 2.1 RC Arbaa 3.2 Argentina Primera B Nacional 29/10 21:00 8106 AWAY 29/10 22:30 4064 Algeria Ligue 2 29/10 16:00 9292 DRAW 29/10 20:30 1473 WIN 29 October Saturday - SOCCER HOME Brazil Brasilero Serie A 29/10 15:00 2613 8 NK Inter Zapresic 3.75 GNK Dinamo Zagreb 0.35 29/10 17:00 2614 0.95 NK Slaven Belupo 2.4 NK Istra 1961 2.9 4.5 2.15 Independiente Rivadavia 3.8 Argentina Primera Division, Torneo Inicial Croatia 2. HNL 29/10 15:00 2699 0.65 HNK Sibenik 2.85 NK Novigrad 29/10 21:00 756 0.7 CA Belgrano 2.35 Quilmes AC 4.5 29/10 15:00 2706 0.45 NK Zagreb 3.3 NK Lucko 6.5 29/10 21:00 758 0.5 Boca Juniors 3 CA Temperley 6.25 29/10 15:00 2707 0.35 NK Radnik Sesvete 3.9 NK Imotski 8.75 29/10 23:00 7457 0.7 CA Independiente 2.45 Gimnasia y Esgrima 4.75 29/10 17:00 8147 0.2 AC Omonia Nicosia 5.5 Aris Limassol FC 10.25 29/10 17:00 8148 0.6 Ethnikos Achnas FC 2.9 Karmiotissa 4 Armenia Premier League 29/10 13:00 2296 3.4 Banants Yerevan FC 2.4 Shirak Gyumri FC 0.85 Cyprus 1st Division Australia A-League Czech Republic 1. Liga 29/10 08:35 1700 3.25Newcastle United Jets FC2.75 29/10 10:50 1703 0.4 Western Sydney 0.75 29/10 15:00 2869 0.16 Sparta Prague 6.25 1 FK Pribram 15.25 3.8 Central Coast Mariners FC5.25 Sydney FC 29/10 17:00 2870 0.65 FC Zbrojovka Brno 2.8 FC Vysocina Jihlava 4 29/10 20:15 2865 0.5 FK Mlada Boleslav 3.3 FC Fastav Zlin 5 11 Austria Amateur Regionalliga Centre 29/10 16:00 1223 0.85 SK Vorwarts Steyr 2.35 29/10 15:00 8114 0.65 29/10 15:00 8118 5.75 FC Pinzgau Saalfelden 3.55 29/10 15:30 1002 0.95 SC Weiz 2.7 29/10 10:15 9296 0.15 Loko Vltavin 6.75 FK Mas Taborsko II FC Dornbirn 3.15 29/10 10:15 9297 0.3 Afk Chrudim 4.25 FK Horovicko 7 SV Grodig 0.35 29/10 14:30 9298 0.95 FK Dobrovice 2.9 SK Prevysov 2.2 Austria Salzburg 2.15 29/10 14:30 2920 3.05 Fotbal Frydek Mistek 2.5 SK Sigma Olomouc 0.9 FC Graffin Vlasim 2.6 FK Viktoria Zizkov 3.05 SFC Opava 3.3 Fotbal Trinec 5.75 Austria Amateur Regionalliga West Wacker Innsbruck II SCR Altach II 2.95 2.7 Austria Bundesliga 29/10 16:00 733 4.25 Admira Wacker 3 29/10 18:30 732 29/10 18:30 735 0.25 RB Salzburg 0.75 Wolfsberger AC 29/10 13:00 1009 0.3 29/10 15:00 1007 10 Czech Republic CFL Czech Republic Druha liga SK Rapid Vienna 0.55 29/10 14:30 2923 0.85 4.75 SV Ried 8.5 29/10 18:00 2921 0.45 2.55 SV Mattersburg 3.3 Azerbaijan Premier League Czech Republic U19 1st Division 29/10 11:00 9338 0.85 Sigma Olomouc U 19 3.05 Banik Ostrava U 19 2.4 FK Gabala 3.75 FK Neftchi Baku 7.5 29/10 13:00 9337 2.4 FC Pardubice U 19 3.15 Slavia Prague U 19 0.85 Azal Baku 4.75 Qarabag FK 0.2 29/10 13:00 9339 0.35 Sparta Prague U 19 4 29/10 13:00 9340 4.5 Belarus Pervaya Liga Vysocina Jihlava U 19 3.85 5.5 0.45 MFK Karvina U 19 3.3 29/10 13:00 2301 5 FC Gomelzheldortrans 2.9 FC Gomel 0.6 29/10 14:00 9341 0.6 FK Pribram U 19 29/10 13:00 2303 0.15 FC Dnepr Mogilev 7.75 FC Baranovichi 11.75 29/10 14:00 9342 0.75 FC Fastav Zlin U 19 29/10 13:00 2309 0.7 FC Torpedo-Maz Minsk 3.65 FC Slonim 3.05 29/10 14:00 1079 0.8 Bronshoj BK 2.85 Fredensborg BI 3.1 29/10 14:00 1084 4.5 Holbaek 3.05 BK Frem 0.6 Belarus Vysshaya League 3.5 FC Slovacko U 19 Viktoria Plzen U 19 3.6 Ceske Budejovice U 19 2.35 Denmark 2nd Division, Pulje 1 29/10 14:15 8124 0.35 FC Dinamo Minsk 3.8 FC Belshina Bobruisk 8.25 29/10 16:00 8125 0.3 FC Shakhter Soligorsk 4 FC Neman Grodno 8.75 29/10 14:00 364 0.95 Middelfart 2.7 FC Sydvest 05 2.6 29/10 20:00 1530 0.3 KVC Westerlo 7.75 29/10 14:00 366 2.7 FC Svendborg 3.15 Kolding IF Amateur 0.85 29/10 15:00 4879 Standard 0.8 Femina De Lige Women 3.25 KAA Gent 2.75 29/10 14:00 389 0.75 Brabrand IF 2.7 Aarhus Fremad 3.6 29/10 14:00 390 2.8 Odder Amateur 2.8 Thisted FC 0.85 29/10 14:00 391 0.55 Kjellerup IF 3.1 Jammerbugt FC 5.25 Belgium Pro League KRC Genk 4.5 Denmark 2nd Division, Pulje 2 Belgium Super League, Women Denmark 2nd Division, Pulje 3 Denmark Amateur Danmarksserien Pulje 1 29/10 13:00 9367 0.9 Jaegersborg 2.7 Stenlose BK 2.6 29/10 15:00 9375 0.1 Hillerod 8.75 Kalundborg GB 12 All bets are subject to Gambling Board Betting Rules.Prices are subject to change without notice. NO PERSONS UNDER 18 ARE ALLOWED TO GAMBLE. GAMBLE RESPONSIBLY E O.E.Read our Terms Conditions and Betting rules at 43 SOCCER UPDATE 0861 867 238 Denmark Amateur Danmarksserien Pulje 2 England Premier League 29/10 13:00 9383 0.85 GVI Amateur 2.65 Avedøre Amateur 2.65 29/10 13:30 1718 6.25 Sunderland AFC 3.85 Arsenal FC 0.4 29/10 15:00 9391 2.65 Rishoj Boldklub 2.65 AB Taarnby 0.85 29/10 16:00 1716 0.6 Tottenham Hotspur 3.05 Leicester City 4.5 29/10 16:00 1719 0.7 Watford FC 2.6 Hull City 4 Manchester United 5.25 Burnley FC 15.25 Manchester City 0.45 Liverpool FC 0.75 Tartu FC Santos 0.35 0.55 Denmark Amateur Danmarksserien Pulje 3 29/10 13:00 9395 29/10 15:00 9399 0.75 Oure FA 2.85 SSV Hojfyn 3.1 29/10 16:00 1720 0.2 0.18 Varde IF 6.75 FC Sonderborg 9.25 29/10 16:00 1721 5.75 West Bromwich Albion 3.35 29/10 18:30 1722 3.45 Denmark Amateur Danmarksserien, Pulje 4 29/10 13:00 9403 3.7 29/10 13:30 9407 2.35 FC Skanderborg 2.9 IF Lyseng Amateur 0.65 Skjold IF Saeby 3.15 Vatanspor 0.85 Crystal Palace 2.8 Estonia Esiliiga 29/10 12:00 9412 5.5 Kohtla-Jarve JK Jarve 4.25 Denmark Elitedivisionen, Women Estonia Meistriliiga 29/10 13:00 7290 2.85 Odense Q 3.1 Kolding BK Women 0.8 29/10 12:00 936 4.5 Parnu Linnameeskond 3.3 Narva JK Trans 29/10 13:00 7291 0.65 Vejle BK Women 3.15 Varde Women 3.6 29/10 12:00 940 16 Rakvere JK Tarvas 10 Tallinna FC Levadia 0.06 29/10 15:00 7292 0.12 Fortuna Hjørring Women 8.25 IK Skovbakken Women 15.5 29/10 15:00 942 0.2 FC Flora Tallinn 5.75 JK Sillamae Kalev 11.75 6.5 Jalgpallikool Tammeka 4.25 Nomme Kalju FC 0.35 29/10 19:00 2678 0.85 29/10 23:00 9725 0.65Liga Dep Universitaria Quito2.55 CD Universidad Catolica Ecuador Serie A, Segunda Etapa SD Aucas 2.4 29/10 18:00 1000 Fuerza Amarilla S.c. 3.15 4 Egypt Premier League 29/10 14:45 3384 0.65 Talaea El Gaish 2.6 Aswan FC 4.5 Germany 3. Liga 29/10 14:00 3121 0.6 Chemnitzer FC 2.8 Werder Bremen II 4.25 29/10 14:00 3122 0.8 SF Lotte 2.5 Fortuna Cologne 3.15 29/10 14:00 3128 0.65 Hansa Rostock 2.7 FSV Mainz 05 II 3.85 England Amateur Conference North Germany Amateur A-Jun-BL N/N-E 29/10 16:00 1230 2.45 Tamworth FC 2.85 AFC Fylde 0.9 29/10 16:00 1232 0.8 Worcester City 2.85 Altrincham FC 2.9 29/10 16:00 1236 0.85 Halifax Town 2.75 Brackley Town 2.7 England Amateur Conference South 29/10 13:00 9418 13.5 Dynamo Dresden 8.25 Hertha BSC Berlin U 19 0.1 Germany Amateur A-Jun-BL S/S-W 29/10 12:00 9430 0.75 TSG Hoffenheim U 19 3.15 Eintract Frankfurt U 19 2.65 29/10 12:00 9434 3.05 3.25 FC Augsburg U 19 0.65 29/10 13:00 9435 2.7 Stuttgarter Kickers U 19 3.2 Karlsruher SC U 19 0.75 FC Nurnberg U 19 29/10 16:00 1312 3.85 Concord Rangers 3 Chelmsford City 0.6 29/10 16:00 1313 0.6 Eastbourne Borough 3 Bishop`s Stortford 3.95 29/10 16:00 1314 0.8 Hemel Hempstead 3 Gosport Borough 2.75 29/10 11:00 9456 2.3 Wuppertaler SV 29/10 16:00 1315 0.65 Ebbsfleet United 2.85 Bath City 3.8 29/10 15:00 9459 8.75 Viktoria Köln 29/10 16:00 1317 0.6 Maidenhead Utd 2.9 Hungerford Town FC 3.9 29/10 16:00 1318 0.8 Wealdstone FC 2.7 Welling United 2.95 29/10 14:00 411 0.22 VfB Eichstatt 5 Erlenbach|Main 9 29/10 16:00 1320 0.7 St Albans City 2.95 Truro City FC 3.2 29/10 14:00 415 0.85 FC Amberg 3.25 DJK Ammerthal 2.35 29/10 16:00 1321 2.65 Weston Super Mare FC 2.6 Hampton & Richmond 0.9 29/10 14:00 416 3.15 Spvgg Weiden 3.45 TSV Aubstadt 0.65 29/10 16:00 1322 0.5 Whitehawk 3.15 Margate FC 5 29/10 14:30 420 0.45 TSV Grossbardorf 3.85 Spvgg Ansbach 4.75 29/10 16:00 1323 0.75 Dartford FC 2.7 Oxford City 3.35 29/10 14:30 422 0.3 Wurzburger FV 4.25 VfL Frohnlach 7 Germany Amateur A-Jun-BL West 3.1 Borussia Monchengladbech U0.85 19 6.5 VfL Bochum U 19 0.18 Germany Amateur Bayernliga North England Championship Germany Amateur Bayernliga South 29/10 16:00 2754 0.75 Ipswich Town 2.65 Rotherham United 3.65 29/10 14:00 582 2.95 BCF Wolfratshausen 3 TSV Bogen 0.75 29/10 16:00 2755 4.25 Preston North End 2.65 Newcastle United 0.7 29/10 14:00 583 0.75 SV Heimstetten 3.15 TSV Kottern 2.65 29/10 16:00 2757 0.95 Reading FC 2.5 Nottingham Forest 2.85 29/10 14:30 587 2.5 TSV Rain|Lech 0.85 29/10 14:30 588 0.8 TSV Landsberg 2.75 England Conference National 29/10 16:00 2940 0.6 Aldershot Town 2.9 Guiseley FC 4.25 29/10 16:00 2941 0.8 Boreham Wood 29/10 16:00 2943 0.95 Braintree Town 2.7 Woking FC 3.3 2.5 Solihull Moors FC 2.8 29/10 16:00 2944 0.8 Forest Green Rovers 29/10 16:00 2945 0.95 29/10 16:00 2950 0.9 FC 1920 Gundelfingen 2.95 DJK Vilzing 3 Germany Amateur Bundesliga, Women 29/10 14:00 2703 0.07 FC Bayern München Women9.5FCR 2001 Duisburg Women 18.75 2.65 Dagenham & Redbridge 3.2 29/10 15:00 1025 0.8 Eintracht Stadtallendorf 3.3 FSC Lohfelden 2.4 Gateshead FC 2.45 Wrexham FC 2.95 29/10 15:00 1035 0.7 Sportfreunde Seligenstadt 3.4 OSC Vellmar 2.75 Torquay United 2.55 Southport FC 3 29/10 15:00 1037 0.7 FC Ederbergland 3.45 Viktoria Urberach 2.8 29/10 15:00 1039 4.25 SV Steinbach 1920 4.25 TSV Lehnerz 0.4 England League One 29/10 16:00 3001 0.6 Bolton Wanderers 2.85 29/10 16:00 3005 0.75 Charlton Athletic 29/10 16:00 3006 0.95 Sheffield United 29/10 16:00 3008 0.95 29/10 16:00 3009 0.7 29/10 16:00 3010 0.9 Southend United Germany Amateur Hessenliga Port Vale FC 4.75 2.75 Chesterfield FC 3.5 29/10 15:30 1334 0.55 SV Oberachern 3.4 FC Astoria Walldorf II 4 2.55 Milton Keynes Dons 2.7 29/10 15:30 1338 0.22 Bahlinger SC 5.5 Spvgg Neckarelz 8.75 Rochdale FC 2.35 Oldham Athletic 3 29/10 15:30 1340 0.75 TSG Balingen 3.15 Goeppinger SV 2.7 Scunthorpe United 2.8 Swindon Town 3.75 29/10 15:30 1341 0.85 SV Spielberg 3.1 Offenburger FV 2.45 2.5 Shrewsbury Town 3 29/10 15:30 1372 0.75 1. FC Pforzheim 1896 3.2 Karlsruher SC II 2.6 29/10 15:30 1596 2.3 3 SC Freiburg II 0.9 England League Two 29/10 16:00 3059 0.85 Accrington Stanley 2.55 Newport County 3.25 29/10 16:00 3061 3.55 29/10 16:00 3062 0.6 Cambridge United FC 2.65 Carlisle United Portsmouth FC 0.75 Crawley Town 4.25 29/10 16:00 3063 0.75 Doncaster Rovers 3.05 2.65 Wycombe Wanderers 3.6 Germany Amateur Oberliga Baden Wuerttemberg Neckarsulm Germany Amateur Oberliga Hamburg 29/10 15:00 1294 4.25SV Curslack-Neuengamme3.75 TUS Dassendorf 0.5 Germany Amateur Oberliga Mittelrhein 29/10 16:00 1860 0.35 VfL Alfter 4.25 Blau-Weiss Friesdorf 5.5 Germany Amateur Oberliga NOFV North 29/10 13:30 324 3.45FC Mecklenburg Schwerin3.65 Tennis Borussia Berlin 0.55 29/10 13:30 325 3.75SV Grun Weiss Brieselang3.75 29/10 14:00 326 2.1 1. FC Frankfurt 3.4 FSV Optik Rathenow 0.5 Malchower SV 0.9 All bets are subject to Gambling Board Betting Rules.Prices are subject to change without notice. NO PERSONS UNDER 18 ARE ALLOWED TO GAMBLE. GAMBLE RESPONSIBLY E O.E.Read our Terms Conditions and Betting rules at 44 SOCCER UPDATE 0861 867 238 Germany Amateur Oberliga NOFV South Italy Serie B 29/10 13:00 87 2.7 Askania Bernburg 3.15 BSG Chemie Leipzig 0.75 29/10 15:00 5414 0.75 FC Bari 1908 2.55 Pro Vercelli 3.85 29/10 13:30 86 0.45 FSV Barleben 3.85 SSV Markranstaedt 4.75 29/10 15:00 5416 0.85 AS Cittadella 2.4 Latina Calcio 3.4 29/10 15:00 5419 0.6 Carpi FC 2.8 Ascoli 5 Germany Amateur Oberliga Rheinland-Pfalz/Saar 29/10 14:30 876 0.22 FSV Salmrohr 1921 5.5 0.35 FC Karbach 4.25 0.85 TuS Mechtersheim 3.3 0.95 SC Hauenstein 3.65 0.4 Rochling Volklingen Burgbrohl 8.75 29/10 15:30 877 29/10 15:30 878 29/10 15:30 882 29/10 15:30 888 Rot-Weiss Koblenz 5.5 29/10 07:00 4104 4.25 Jubilo Iwata 3.2 Urawa Red Diamonds 0.6 Borussia Neunkirchen 2.25 29/10 07:00 4112 0.9 FC Tokyo 2.55 Vegalta Sendai 2.95 29/10 07:00 4117 0.35 Sanfrecce Hiroshima 4.25 Avispa Fukuoka 7.5 29/10 14:00 1091 0.45 Spvgg Unterhaching 3.35 TSV 1860 Munich II 4.75 2.95 Shimizu S-Pulse 0.65 29/10 14:00 1094 0.8 SV Schalding-Heining 2.6 Bayern Hof 2.95 2.55 Al-Baqaa 3.7 SV Morlautern 1.85 Japan J.League 4.25 Arminia Ludwigshafen 4.75 Germany Amateur Regionalliga Bavaria Japan J.League 2 29/10 10:00 4560 4.25 Thespakusatsu Jordan League 29/10 18:30 9498 Germany Amateur Regionalliga North 0.7 Al Wehdat Jor Kazakhstan Premier League, Champions Pool 29/10 13:00 134 2.8 U. L. M. Wolfsburg 2.4 VfB Lubeck 0.9 29/10 11:00 47 0.75 FC Kairat Almaty 2.6 FC Okzhetpes 3.25 29/10 13:00 135 0.95 Hannover 96 II 2.4 SV Drochtersen|Assel 2.75 29/10 11:00 48 0.8 FC Irtysh Pavlodar 2.4 FC Astana 3.35 29/10 11:00 49 0.22 FC Ordabasy 5.5 FC Aktobe 8.5 Germany Amateur Regionalliga Northeast 29/10 13:30 358 0.25 Wacker Nordhausen 4.25FSV Union Fuerstenwalde 9.5 Germany Amateur Regionalliga Southwest 29/10 14:00 1138 0.6 TSV Steinbach 29/10 14:00 1139 0.25 Spvgg Elversberg 07 29/10 14:00 1142 0.2 2.8 Astoria Walldorf 4.25 Kazakhstan Premier League, Relegations Pool 29/10 11:00 9512 0.16 FC Taraz 6.25 Shakhter Karagandy 10.5 29/10 11:00 9514 0.85 FK Atyrau 2.5 Tobol Kostanay 2.95 4.25 Teutonia Watzenborn-Steinberg 9.5 SV Waldhof Mannheim 5.25 FC Nottingen 10.25 Germany Amateur Regionalliga West Latvia Virsliga 29/10 13:00 7316 0.75 FK Liepaja 2.5 Riga FC 3.9 29/10 13:00 7317 3.6 Rigas Futbola Skola 2.6 Spartaks Jurmala 0.75 29/10 14:00 775 0.5 Rodinghausen 3.3 SF Siegen 4.75 29/10 13:00 7318 12 FS Metta Lu 4.5 FK Ventspils 0.25 29/10 14:00 780 0.16 FC Viktoria Cologne 5.75 TSG Sprockhovel 12.5 29/10 13:00 7319 12.5 BFC Daugavpils 5 FK Jelgava 0.22 Germany Amateur Schleswig-Holstein-Liga Lithuania A Lyga, Championship Round 29/10 14:00 812 3.45 Heider SV 3.65 Holstein Kiel II 0.55 29/10 12:00 1694 0.85 Stumbras Kaunas 29/10 14:00 813 0.6 SV Eutin 08 3.6 TSB Flensburg 3.25 29/10 15:00 1979 0.9 Trakai FK 29/10 14:00 814 0.25 TSV Schilksee 5.25 FC Kilia Kiel 7.75 29/10 14:00 816 0.85 Flensburg 08 3.5 Ntsv Strand 08 2.1 29/10 15:00 4911 0.95 Hamrun Spartans FC 2.75 Pembroke Athleta FC 2.3 29/10 14:00 817 2.1 TSG Conc Schonkirchen 3.5 TSV Kropp 0.85 29/10 17:15 4910 3.2 Tarxien Rainbows FC 3.2 Balzan Youths 0.65 Bayern Munich 0.22 29/10 14:00 2714 0.7 29/10 14:00 2715 0.6 FC Augsburg 5.25 Moldova Divizia Nationala 4.75 SV Darmstadt 98 2.85 RB Leipzig 0.6 29/10 18:30 1964 0.55 Borussia Dortmund 3.3 FC Schalke 04 4.25 29/10 13:30 2365 3.7 FK Iskra Danilovgrad 29/10 16:15 4643 0.7 A.O Xanthi 2.3 AO Kassiopi 4.75 29/10 13:30 2367 0.75 FK Mladost Podgorica 29/10 18:30 4644 6.75 Atromitos Athens 3.45 Olympiacos FC 0.4 29/10 13:30 2369 29/10 09:45 1386 0.75 A.O Xanthi FC 2.85 AO Kassiopi 3.25 29/10 19:00 2239 29/10 10:30 4.5 Larissa 3.3 Panionios 0.55 29/10 10:30 1388 6 Atromitos Athinon 4.25 Olympiacos Pireus 0.35 29/10 19:45 3154 3.1 Vitesse Arnhem 29/10 11:00 1415 0.16 Panathinaikos 7.75 PAE Iraklis 1908 10.75 29/10 20:45 3155 0.12 Ajax Amsterdam 29/10 11:00 1436 0.55 PAOK 3.45 AEK Athens 4.25 29/10 11:15 1449 0.55 Asteras Tripolis 3.5 FC Levadiakos 4.25 Greece Super League 29/10 17:30 8169 3.7 Budapest Honved FC Diosgyori Vtk 5 CF Ungheni 4.25 2.35 FK Buducnost 0.75 2.4 FK Zeta Golubovci 3.5 FK Jedinstvo Bijelo Polje 3.3 FK Rudar Pljevlja 0.45 AS Far Rabat 3.8 2.95 PSV Eindhoven 0.8 7.25 SBV Excelsior 18 MAT 0.9 Maghrib Association Tetouan 1.85 Netherlands Eredivisie Northern Ireland Premiership 29/10 16:00 8197 0.7 Ballymena United 29/10 16:00 8200 3.75 Carrick Rangers FC 2.4 Szombathelyi Haladas FC 3.1 2.8 2.75 Morocco Botola Hungary NB I 0.9 FC Speranta Montenegro 1. CFL Greece U20 Super League 29/10 15:30 8171 2.75 FC Academia Chisinau 2.9 FC Saxan Ceadir Lunga 3.2 29/10 15:30 1962 446 Lietava Jonava 2.4 FK Suduva Marijampole 2.9 Malta Premier Division Germany Bundesliga 29/10 15:30 1961 12.25 2.6 Ferencvarosi TC 0.7 3 Ballinamallard United FC 3.4 3 Glentoran FC 0.65 Ayacucho FC 3.65 Wisla Krakow U 19 3.4 Peru Primera Division, Liguilla B 29/10 19:30 7366 0.7 Indonesia Super League Alianza Atletico 2.6 Poland CLJ, East 29/10 13:30 9478 0.85 PSM Makassar 2.45 Persib Bandung 3 29/10 11:00 9529 0.6 Jagiellonia Bialystok U 193.65 29/10 16:00 9477 0.85 Gresik United 2.45 Persiba Balikpapan 2.95 29/10 11:00 9530 0.6 UKS Sms Lodz U 19 29/10 17:15 4887 0.6 Hapoel Tel Aviv 2.7 Hapoel Kfar Saba 4.75 29/10 18:00 3228 0.8 MKS Pogon Szczecin 2.6 Ruch Chorzow 3.5 29/10 19:30 4886 0.22 Maccabi Haifa 4.75 Hapoel Ashkelon 12.75 29/10 20:30 3229 0.7 KKS Lech Poznan 2.65 Wisla Plock SA 4.25 29/10 16:30 5371 0.75 Pordenone 2.35 US Ancona 1905 3.6 29/10 18:00 3249 0.4 KS Gornik Zabrze 3.5 MKS Znicz Pruszkow 6.5 29/10 18:30 5372 3.25 Fano Calcio 2.35 Parma 0.85 29/10 18:30 5375 0.8 Calcio Padova 2.35 FC Modena 3.55 29/10 20:30 5376 0.65 AS Gubbio 2.55 Teramo Calcio 4.25 29/10 20:45 1713 0.8 Juventus 2.45 Napoli 3.5 Israel Premier League 3.65 Polonia Warszawa U 19 3.4 Poland Ekstraklasa Italy Lega Pro, Girone B Poland I Liga Italy Serie A Poland II Liga 29/10 14:00 7374 0.55 KS Rakow Czestochowa 3.05 KS Polonia Bytom SA 5 Portugal Primeira Liga 29/10 19:15 5501 8 Vitoria Setubal 4 FC Porto All bets are subject to Gambling Board Betting Rules.Prices are subject to change without notice. NO PERSONS UNDER 18 ARE ALLOWED TO GAMBLE. GAMBLE RESPONSIBLY E O.E.Read our Terms Conditions and Betting rules at 45 0.35 SOCCER UPDATE 0861 867 238 Qatar Stars League South Korea K-League Classic, Championship Round 29/10 16:20 7403 3.95 Al Gharafa SC 3.15 Sadd SC 0.55 29/10 18:30 7401 3.5 Al Kharaityat SC 3.15 Al Rayyan SC 0.6 29/10 10:00 1505 0.55 FC Dunarea Calarasi 29/10 10:00 1506 0.2 FC Brasov Romania Liga 2 3 SS Politechnica Timisoara 5 5.75 Metalul Resita 11.75 Romania Liga I 29/10 13:00 4596 0.45 CS Universitatea Craiova 3.1 29/10 19:30 4597 0.75 Dinamo Bucuresti CS Pandurii Targu Jiu 6.5 AFC Astra Giurgiu 3.5 2.65 Russia 2nd Division, Ural-Povolzhye 29/10 13:00 2230 3.35 Dinamo Kirov 2.55 FC Lada Togliatti 0.75 Russia Youth League 29/10 12:00 71 29/10 08:00 4545 4 2.85 Jeonbuk Hyundai 0.65 Spain Primera Division 29/10 13:00 2205 3.1 Sporting Gijon 2.45 Sevilla FC 0.9 29/10 16:15 2200 10.5 CD Alaves 5.25 Real Madrid 0.22 29/10 18:30 2201 0.22 Atletico Madrid 4.75 Malaga CF 13.5 29/10 20:45 2199 0.04 FC Barcelona 12 Granada CF 16 Spain Segunda B Group I 29/10 16:30 8286 0.85 Union Mutilvera 2.15 UD Somozas 3.5 29/10 17:00 8287 0.65 Racing de Ferrol 2.55 Real Valladolid B 4.25 29/10 17:00 8288 0.7 CD Izarra 2.5 29/10 18:00 8284 3.4 FC 0.6Zenit ST Petersburg Youth 3.15 U21 TOM Tomsk Youth U21 3.9 Saudi Arabia Saudi Professional League Jeonnam Dragons CD Palencia Balompie 2.15 Arandina CF 3.85 SD Ponferradina 0.85 Spain Segunda B Group II 29/10 16:00 7418 0.6 Real Sociedad B 2.65 SD Zamudio 4.25 29/10 17:10 2248 0.85 Al Shabab Ksa 2.6 Al Fateh SC 2.75 29/10 19:30 7417 0.55 Real Union de Irun 2.7 UD Socuellamos CF 5 29/10 18:50 2666 0.85 Al Wehda 2.55 Al Baten 2.85 29/10 20:00 7424 0.7 Albacete Balompie 2.35 UD Logrones 4 29/10 18:50 2670 3.35 Al Faisaly 2.6 Al Nasr Riyadh 0.75 29/10 19:00 2674 0.15 Al Ahli Jeddah 6.5 Al Khaleej 11.75 CF Gava 5.25 Spain Segunda B Group III 29/10 17:00 8316 0.55 Scotland Premier League Valencia CF Mestalla 2.7 Spain Segunda B Group IV 29/10 13:00 171 3.9 Aberdeen FC 2.9 Celtic FC 0.65 29/10 16:00 8351 0.45 Jumilla CF 2.85 La Roda CF 6.25 29/10 16:00 230 0.9 FC St Johnstone 2.45 Partick Thistle 3.05 29/10 18:30 8349 4 UD Extremadura 2.45 La Hoya Lorca 0.7 29/10 16:00 288 0.4 Rangers FC 4 Kilmarnock FC 6.5 29/10 18:30 8350 0.5 Marbella FC 3.15 CD San Fernando 5 29/10 18:30 8352 0.3 Recreativo de Huelva 3.35 Atl Mancha Real 9.75 Scotland Scottish Championship 29/10 16:00 3272 0.3 Hibernian FC 4.5 FC St Mirren 8.5 29/10 16:00 3273 0.95 Dundee United 2.6 Falkirk FC 2.75 29/10 13:00 9610 5.75 Nykoping Bis Sweden Div 1 Norra 4 IF Brommapojkarna 0.4 29/10 16:00 3275 0.95 Greenock Morton FC 2.5 Ayr United 2.7 29/10 14:00 2724 3.25 IK Sleipner 3.25 Akropolis IF 0.7 Scotland Scottish Cup Sweden Div 1 Sdra 29/10 16:00 4939 3.95 Gretna 2008 3.85 Buckie Thistle FC 0.55 29/10 15:00 1219 2.85 Qviding Fif 2.85 Landskrona Bois 0.85 29/10 16:00 4940 0.45 Formartine United 3.7 Banks O`Dee FC 5.5 29/10 16:00 2740 0.16 Osters IF 7.25 KSF Prespa Birlik 11 29/10 16:00 2741 0.45 Norrby IF 3.9 Utsiktens BK 5 Scotland Scottish League One 29/10 16:00 3296 0.6 29/10 16:00 3299 0.9 Alloa Athletic FC 3.15 Albion Rovers FC 4 Queens Park FC 2.65 Stenhousemuir FC 2.75 Sweden Div 2, Promotion|Relegation, Group 1 29/10 14:00 9615 0.7 Scotland Scottish League Two 0.75 Clyde FC 2.85 Stirling Albion 3.5 29/10 16:00 3327 0.4 Forfar Athletic 3.9 Edinburgh City 5.75 29/10 16:00 3328 0.65 Elgin City 3.15 Cowdenbeath FC 3.6 Serbia Superliga 5.25 FK Radnik Surdulica 3 Partizan Belgrade 76 3.25 Balestier Central 2.85 Ceres FC 0.3 Lokomotiva Zvolen 29/10 14:30 1190 0.7 FK Haniska 29/10 14:30 8225 0.75 Partizan Bardejov 29/10 17:30 1194 0.25 FK Aquacity Poprad 3.3 Spisska Nova Ves 7.25 0.5 3.7 Grasshopper Club Zurich 2.95 29/10 13:30 4920 0.85 0.3AFC Nove Mesto Nad Vahom 5.25 29/10 16:00 1213 0.45 FC Nitra 3.2 FC Sion 3.55 Ankara Demirspor 2.9 0.6 Halide Edip Adivarspor 2.75 29/10 12:00 2276 0.85 Bursaspor U 21 5 FC Basel 0.7 Erzincan Refahiyespor 2.6 Turk Metal Kirikkale 4.5 3.15 Torku Konyaspor U 21 2.35 29/10 18:00 3366 4.75 Adanaspor 3.1 Galatasaray Istanbul 0.55 Ukraine Persha Liga Svaty Jur 6.25 29/10 13:00 2335 0.75 Arsenal Kiev 2.35 Girnik-Sport 4 FK Pohronie 6 29/10 14:00 2336 0.55 Gelios Kharkiv 2.9 Bukovina Chernovtsy 5 Volyn Lutsk 4.25 Ukraine Premier League 0.85 Spartak Myjava 2.55Dac 1904 Dunajska Streda 3.2 29/10 13:00 4616 0.7 Olimpik Donetsk 2.65 0.25 AS Trencin 4.75 FC Vion Zlate Moravce 9.25 29/10 16:00 4618 0.2 FC Shakhtar Donetsk 5.5 29/10 17:00 5577 0.8 MFK Zemplin Michalovce 2.5 29/10 18:30 4619 0.12 FC Dynamo Kiev 6.75 FK Senica 3.55 Slovakia U19 Chernomorets Odessa 13.25 Karpaty Lviv 22 Ukraine U19 League 4.25 Partizan Bardejov U 19 4.75 Slovenia PrvaLiga 29/10 10:00 1610 0.95 Zorya Lugansk U 19 2.8 Volyn Lutsk U 19 2.3 29/10 12:00 1608 3.7 Stal Kamyanske U 19 3.7 Vorskla Poltava U 19 0.55 FC Oleksandria U 19 0.95 29/10 15:00 5472 0.7 NK Celje 2.7 NK Krsko 3.8 29/10 12:00 1609 2.2Dnipro Dnipropetrovsk U 192.9 29/10 20:15 5471 0.75 NK Olimpija Ljubljana 2.6 NK Domzale 3.9 29/10 13:00 1606 2.15 Olimpik Donetsk U 19 29/10 15:30 9582 0.95 Magesi FC 3.3 29/10 12:00 2280 0.45 Vorskla- D Poltava U21 3.75 29/10 13:00 2281 0.25 Zorya-D Lugansk U21 South Africa National First Division Milano United FC Lugano Turkey Super Lig 29/10 17:00 5576 FC Nitra U 19 5.5 Turkey Amateur U21 Ligi, Gr. Super Lig 29/10 17:00 5575 0.4 Aatvidaberg FF Turkey Amateur 3. Lig, Group 2 Slovakia Superliga 29/10 11:00 1650 3.55 Turkey Amateur 3. Lig, Group 1 Slovakia 2. Liga, Group West 29/10 14:30 1198 3.65 29/10 20:00 3357 29/10 12:30 2292 SK Odeva Lipany Athletic United 29/10 17:45 3356 2.6 Tatran Liptovsky Mikulas 3.2 4.75 Hudiksvalls FF Switzerland Super League 4.5 MSK Rimavska Sobota 6.5 2.8 0.45 0.7 Slovakia 2. Liga, Group East 29/10 14:30 1180 29/10 16:00 1580 0.55 Singapore Cup 29/10 11:00 3.05 Sweden Superettan 29/10 16:00 3325 29/10 17:00 9570 FC Linkoping City 2.05 3.1 Shakhtar Donetsk U 19 0.95 Ukraine Youth League 5 Oleksandriya 4.25 Zirka-D Kirovohrad 7.75 All bets are subject to Gambling Board Betting Rules.Prices are subject to change without notice. NO PERSONS UNDER 18 ARE ALLOWED TO GAMBLE. GAMBLE RESPONSIBLY E O.E.Read our Terms Conditions and Betting rules at 46 SOCCER UPDATE 0861 867 238 Uruguay Primera Division, Apertura Cyprus 1st Division 29/10 21:00 2682 2.75 CA Boston River 2.6 Danubio FC 0.95 30/10 18:00 1638 6 Doxa Katokopias FC 3.35 Apollon Limassol FC 0.4 29/10 21:00 2701 2.9 Rampla Juniors FC 2.6 Defensor Sporting 0.9 30/10 19:00 1642 0.3 AEL Limassol FC 4.75 AEZ Zakakiou 7 29/10 21:00 2693 3.55Institucion Atl. Sud America2.85 CA Penarol 0.7 30/10 19:00 1643 0.85 Ermis Aradippou FC 29/10 21:30 9624 4.25 CS Cerrito 2.95 Torque 0.6 30/10 14:45 5725 0.8 BK Fremad Amager 29/10 21:30 9625 0.4 El Tanque Sisley 3.6 CA Progreso 6.75 Uruguay Segunda Division Denmark 1st Division USA North American Soccer League, Fall season 29/10 20:00 9650 0.9 Ottawa Fury FC 30/10 14:00 9738 0.75 Argentinos Jrs 2.35 0.8 Atletico Lanus 2.3 CA Tigre 3.5 Herlufsholm GF Amateur 3.15 0.45 0.06 4.25 Argentina Primera Division, Torneo Inicial 30/10 19:00 7459 105 0.65 Gandzasar Kapan FC 3.85 0.65 B 1913 Odense 4.25 Fredericia FF 4.25 Brøndby Women Ballerup 12 Skovlunde Fodbold Women 16 30/10 14:00 5823 0.95 Sonderjyske 2.35 AC Horsens 2.9 30/10 17:00 5824 0.65 Brondby IF 2.95 Aalborg BK 3.9 Ecuador Serie A, Segunda Etapa 2.75 Ararat Yerevan FC 4.5 30/10 19:00 6894 0.65 Austria Amateur Regionalliga East Mushuc Runa 2.6 CD River Plate Ecuador 3.9 Egypt Premier League 30/10 15:30 1566 2.2 Admira Wacker 2.6 SC Mannsdorf 0.95 30/10 17:00 480 0.9 Misr Lel Makasa 30/10 16:00 1567 0.7 ASK Ebreichsdorf 2.8 SC Neusiedl 3.15 30/10 20:00 481 0.65 Al Ahly Cairo Austria Amateur Regionalliga West 30/10 15:00 Karlslunde IF Denmark Superligaen Armenia Premier League 30/10 13:00 3.3 Denmark Elitedivisionen, Women 30/10 15:30 7526 Central Cordoba Sde Skive IK Denmark Amateur Danmarksserien Pulje 3 30/10 14:00 9746 Argentina Primera B Nacional 428 2.65 Denmark Amateur Danmarksserien Pulje 2 2.5 Fort Lauderdale Strikers 3.05 30 October Sunday - SOCCER 30/10 21:00 2.65 Nea Salamina Famagusta FC 2.85 1.85 Al Mokawloon Al Arab 4.25 2.55 Al Ittihad Al Sakandary 5 England Amateur The FA Women`s Super League 439 0.35 FC Anif 3.95 TSV St. Johann 5 30/10 16:00 496 0.35Manchester City Lfc Women3.5Birmingham City Lfc Women7.5 30/10 15:00 6879 0.5 SC Schwaz 3.1 USC Eugendorf 4.25 30/10 20:00 495 0.1 Azerbaijan Premier League 30/10 14:00 1453 0.4 Inter Baku 3 FK Sumgayit 6 30/10 15:30 3399 0.75 FC Slavia Mozyr 3.75 30/10 18:00 3453 0.6 Belgium First Division B, First stage 0.7 Royal Antwerp FC 2.8 FC Tubize 3.75 30/10 17:00 7507 0.6 Lierse SK 3.1 Lommel United 4.25 30/10 19:00 1865 2.85 Yellow-Red KV Mechelen 2.55 KAA Gent 0.95 30/10 21:00 1936 3.3 RSC Anderlecht 0.75 Belgium Pro League 30/10 14:30 5947 0.9 0.6 Club Petrolero 30/10 14:00 246 0.35 30/10 15:30 7010 2.8 29/10 23:15 4991 0.95 Guarani SP 30/10 20:00 7515 0.6 Cherno More Varna 2.3 Universitario de Sucre 2.95 3.5 2.35 30/10 16:00 6920 VfR Krefeld-Fischeln 0.25 Ssvg Velbert 0.75 SC Duesseldorf West 30/10 16:00 7169 NK Celik Zenica 7.25 Boa Esporte Clube 2.8 2.6 CD Cobreloa Calama 3.5 3.2 Chongqing Lifan 30/10 13:35 458 0.3 Beijing Guoan FC 30/10 13:35 462 0.45 Guangzhou Evergrande 3.65 Shandong Luneng Taishan FC 4.75 Deportivo Saprissa CS Herediano 3.7 30/10 18:00 6234 0.55 3.5 HSV Barmbek-Uhlenhorst 2.9 3.75 Schwarz-Weiss Essen 5 4.75 SV Honnepel-Niedermormter 7.25 3.3 1911 Kapellen-Erft 2.6 30/10 15:00 7054 0.55 VfL Oldenburg 3.35 TB Uphusen 4 30/10 15:00 7063 2.1 MTV Gifhorn 3.05 BV Cloppenburg 0.95 30/10 14:30 7206 0.85 SV Altluedersdorf 3.2 Germania Schoeneiche 2.3 30/10 14:30 8609 2.15 BSG Wismut Gera 3.25 SV Schott Jena 0.9 0.95 30/10 16:00 8660 2.6 SUS Neukirchen 3.15 SV Lippstadt 08 2.7 Tianjin Teda 0.9 30/10 16:00 8667 0.2 SV Westfalia Rhynern 5.5 ASC 09 Dortmund 10 3.95 FC Henan Jianye 7 30/10 16:00 8669 2.25 SUS Stadtlohn 3.2 TSV Marl-Huels 0.9 30/10 16:00 8670 0.6 1. FC Kaan-Marienborn 3.4 30/10 16:00 8671 2.7 SC Paderborn 07 II 3.15 3.05 Independiente Santa Fe 0.4 30/10 16:00 8672 0.95 FC Brünninghausen 2.3 30/10 16:30 8673 0.9 TuS Erndtebruck Envigado FC 2.85 30/10 16:00 9759 5 2.95 0.7 FK Pirmasens II 3.3 FSV Jaegersburg 2.8 Germany Amateur Oberliga Westfalen 0.8 Spvgg Erkenschwick 3.4 SC Hassel 0.75 3.05 FC Gutersloh 2.15 3.2 FC Eintracht Rheine 2.25 Germany Amateur Regionalliga North 2.7 Liga Deportiva Alajuelense 3.4 NK Lokomotiva Zagreb 2.65 HNK Hajduk Split 0.75 4.25 AD San Carlos 10.25 Croatia 1. HNL 30/10 16:00 6233 SV Pullach Germany Amateur Oberliga Niedersachsen Costa Rica Primera Division, Apertura 0.7 3.5 Audax Italiano Colombia Liga Postobon II 0.22 FC Kickers Wurzburg 2.6 Universidad de Chile China Chinese Super League 30/10 19:00 8405 4.75 Germany Amateur Oberliga Rheinland-Pfalz/Saar 2.5 30/10 04:00 8404 FC Metz Germany Amateur Oberliga NOFV South 448 Fortaleza FC 2.9 Germany Amateur Oberliga NOFV North 2.85Neftochimik 1962 Bourgas 5 30/10 13:35 Club Atletico Junior Concordia Hamburg 0.45 0.6 0.95 0.65 30/10 16:00 7166 2.75 Everton de Vina Del Mar 2.5 6.75 3.35 TSV Schwabmunchen 3.15 30/10 16:00 7163 30/10 17:00 7482 30/10 01:00 1431 2.7 4 29/10 23:00 7481 30/10 00:10 1430 Hannover 96 3 Chile Primera Division, Apertura Universidad Catolica 0.8 Blooming Chile Primera B Santiago Morning West Ham United Germany Amateur Oberliga Hamburg Bulgaria A PFG 0.8 Stade Rennes Real Potosi Brazil Brasileiro Serie C, Playoffs 29/10 22:30 4964 2.8 Germany Amateur Oberliga Niederrhein Bosnia & Herzegovina Premier League FK Sarajevo Everton FC Germany Amateur Bayernliga South Bolivia n Liga Profesional no, Apertura 30/10 21:00 2025 15.5 Germany 2nd Bundesliga 30/10 13:30 7506 30/10 21:00 7508 Reading Lfc France Ligue 1 0.7 Torpedo Belaz Zhodino 2.85 Waasland-Beveren 8 England Premier League Belarus Vysshaya League 30/10 17:00 8391 Chelsea Lfc Women HNK Rijeka 0.75 NK Osijek 5.25 30/10 15:00 8710 0.35 Etsv Weiche Flensburg 3.95 1 FC Germ Egestorf|Langreder 6.75 30/10 15:00 8713 0.9 VfB Oldenburg 30/10 15:00 8714 6 SV Eichede 2.45 Luneburger SK Hansa 2.7 3.9 0.35 VfL Wolfsburg II All bets are subject to Gambling Board Betting Rules.Prices are subject to change without notice. NO PERSONS UNDER 18 ARE ALLOWED TO GAMBLE. GAMBLE RESPONSIBLY E O.E.Read our Terms Conditions and Betting rules at 47 SOCCER UPDATE 0861 867 238 Germany Amateur Regionalliga Northeast 30/10 15:05 1468 0.55 Lokomotive Leipzig 30/10 15:05 1469 3.35FC Oberlausitz Neugersdorf2.4 Norway 1. Division 2.95 FSV Budissa Bautzen Carl Zeiss Jena 4.25 30/10 14:00 2376 0.8 Kfum Oslo 3.05 Raufoss IL 2.9 0.8 30/10 14:00 2377 0.55 Bryne FK 3.3 Fredrikstad FK 4.25 30/10 14:00 2378 0.95 Ranheim IL 2.8 Aasane Fotball 2.6 30/10 14:00 2379 0.7 Sandnes Ulf 3.1 Hodd 3.35 30/10 19:00 6404 0.95 Bodo|Glimt 2.7 Viking FK 2.7 30/10 19:00 6405 2.65 Stromsgodset IF 2.8 Rosenborg BK 0.9 30/10 19:00 6406 0.65 Molde FK 3.05 Stabaek Fotball 3.75 Germany Amateur Schleswig-Holstein-Liga 30/10 15:00 8627 0.75 VfR Neumunster 3.25 TSV Lagerdorf 2.7 30/10 15:00 8629 0.25 SV Todesfelde 5.5 TSV Altenholz 7.75 Germany Bundesliga 30/10 18:30 3477 0.55 1 FC Cologne 3.05 Hamburger SV 4.5 Greece Super League Norway Eliteserien 30/10 15:00 6013 0.12 Panathinaikos Athens 7.5 Iraklis 1908 16.25 30/10 19:00 6407 0.95 Sarpsborg 2.6 Tromso IL 2.7 30/10 17:15 6012 0.6 Asteras Tripolis 2.6 Levadiakos FC 5.75 30/10 19:00 6409 3.95 IK Start 2.9 SK Brann 0.65 30/10 19:30 6016 0.85 PAOK FC 2.25 AEK Athens FC 3.65 30/10 19:00 6410 0.95 Valerenga IF 2.7 Lillestrom SK 2.7 30/10 19:00 6412 0.55 Odds BK 3.25 Sogndal IL 5 Greece U20 Super League 30/10 14:00 504 0.3 30/10 03:00 9770 3.2 Panaitolikos 4.25 PAS Giannina 8.25 CD Motagua 0.8 Honduras Liga Nacional, Apertura CD Social Sol 2.55 Indonesia Super League 30/10 08:30 9781 0.8 Persipura Jayapura 2.6 Sriwijaya FC 3.05 International Youth U19 AFC Championship 30/10 16:30 520 0.85 Japan U 19 2.45 Saudi Arabia U 19 525 0.9 Andorra U 19 30/10 15:30 6115 0.45 30/10 15:30 6116 30/10 15:30 6118 30/10 17:30 6119 30/10 19:30 6120 30/10 17:30 6163 0.7 Catania Calcio 30/10 17:30 6166 0.7 30/10 19:30 6167 30/10 21:30 6164 2.4 30/10 15:00 8801 0.22 Kolbotn Women 5 Uraedd FK 9.5 30/10 15:00 8802 4.5 Sandviken Women 4 Avaldsnes Women 0.4 30/10 15:00 8803 0.85 RØA Women 30/10 15:00 8804 0.85 Valerenga Women 2.95 Medkila Women 2.4 30/10 15:00 8805 4.25 Stabæk Women 3.8 LSK Kvinner Women 0.45 29/10 22:00 7496 0.7 CC Deportivo Municipal 2.45 3 International Youth U19 European Championship Qual 30/10 13:00 Norway Toppserien, Women Liechtenstein U 19 2.85 AC Pistoiese 6.5 Italy Lega Pro, Girone A Peru Primera Division, Liguilla A 30/10 18:15 7600 0.7 Sport Huancayo 3.1 0.65 Como Calcio 2.5 Olbia Calcio 4 0.6 Giana Erminio 2.6 Racing Club Roma 4.5 0.95 US Arezzo 2.2 AC Renate 2.85 0.45 Alessandria Calcio 3.1 Robur Siena 5.75 2.5 Paganese Calcio 4 SS Monopoli 1966 2.45 US Catanzaro 4 0.8 Juve Stabia 2.3 Cosenza Calcio 3.4 0.6 Matera FC 2.6 Akragas 4.5 30/10 16:00 3515 4.5 FC Empoli 3.1 AS Roma 0.55 30/10 16:00 3516 0.65 Lazio 3 US Sassuolo 4 30/10 13:00 709 0.8 30/10 16:00 3518 0.45 AC Milan 3.55 Pescara Calcio 5.75 30/10 14:00 706 0.14 Energomash Belgorod 30/10 16:00 6243 0.45 Hellas Verona 3.45 Trapani Calcio 5.75 30/10 12:30 2414 0.95 FK Tambov 30/10 13:00 2411 3.7 FC Shinnik Yaroslavl Italy Serie A FBC Melgar 4 Peru Primera Division, Liguilla B US Cremonese Italy Lega Pro, Girone C 2.85 Trondheims-Ørn Women 2.5 2.55 Universitario de Deportes 3.65 Poland I Liga 30/10 18:45 6384 2.9 FKS Stal Mielec 2.45 Zaglebie Sosnowiec SA 0.95 Poland II Liga 30/10 18:00 7606 0.85 RKS Radomiak 1910 SA Radom 2.6 Gryf Wejherowo 3 Portugal Segunda Liga 30/10 17:00 5907 0.9 Academica Coimbra 2.2 Gil Vicente FC 3.5 30/10 18:00 5912 0.4 Portimonense SC 3.3 FC Vizela 7.5 2.95 CS Balotesti 5.5 Steaua Bucuresti 0.65 Romania Liga 2 30/10 11:00 641 0.55 Olimpia Satu Mare Romania Liga I 30/10 20:30 6395 5CS Municipal Studentesc Iasi 2.55 Russia 2nd Division, Center Italy Serie B FC Torpedo Moscow 2.35 FK Ryazan 3.35 6 Arsenal-2 Tula 14.75 2.3 Neftek. Nizhnekamsk 3.15 2.45 FC Dinamo Moscow 0.8 FC Spartak Nalchik 4.5 Russia Football National League Japan J.League 2 30/10 07:00 133 0.65 Cerezo Osaka 2.65 Mito Hollyhock 4.25 30/10 14:00 2409 0.75 FC Mordovia Saransk 2.2 30/10 08:00 444 0.8 Machida Zelvia 2.4 Kamatamare Sanuki 3.75 30/10 16:00 2405 0.55 FC Kuban Krasnodar 2.7 FC Volgar-Gazprom Astrahan5.5 30/10 08:00 718 3.2 Roasso Kumamoto 2.25 Consadole Sapporo 0.95 30/10 16:00 2410 0.8 Fakel Worenesch Lithuania A Lyga, Championship Round 30/10 15:00 565 0.5 Vmfd Zalgiris 2.8 FK Atlantas Klaipeda 5.5 30/10 16:00 5624 0.22 Mexico Liga de Ascenso, Apertura 30/10 03:00 7529 0.8 Club Celaya 2.6 Potros Uaem 3.45 30/10 03:06 7570 0.6 CF Pachuca 3.1 Atlas 4.5 30/10 04:00 7568 0.65 America de Mexico 3 Santos Laguna 4 FC Emmen 2.85 3.75 Zenit St Petersburg 5.25 FC Tom Tomsk 11.5 30/10 16:00 9817 0.55 FK Napredak 2.85 FK Borac Cacak 5.25 30/10 16:00 9820 0.22 Crvena Zvezda FK 5 FK Rad Belgrade 13.25 30/10 15:30 1592 0.75 Lok. Kosice 3.25 Slovakia 2. Liga, Group East Netherlands Eerste Divisie 0.8 Zenit-2 St.petersburg Serbia Superliga Mexico Primera Division, Apertura 30/10 15:30 6218 2.35 Russia Premier League FC Vss Kosice 2.6 Slovakia 2. Liga, Group West FC Dordrecht 2.95 Netherlands Eredivisie 30/10 13:30 5753 0.65 PEC Zwolle 3 Go Ahead Eagles 3.95 30/10 15:30 5751 0.55 FC Utrecht 3.2 NEC Nijmegen 4.75 30/10 15:30 5752 0.45 Feyenoord Rotterdam 3.8 SC Heerenveen 5.5 New Zealand Premiership 30/10 03:00 9786 0.45 Team Wellington 4.5 Wellington Phoenix 4.75 30/10 05:35 9789 4.5 Southern United 4.25 Canterbury United 0.45 30/10 11:30 8836 0.95 Slovan Bratislava B 2.55FK Dukla Banska Bystrica2.45 30/10 15:30 1204 2.55 MSK Fomat Martin 2.65 FC Spartak Trnava B 0.9 30/10 15:30 8837 0.8 SKF Sered 2.65 FC Stk 1914 Samorin 2.9 Slovakia Superliga 30/10 16:20 6345 0.55 Slovan Bratislava 2.95 ZP Sport Podbrezova 5.25 30/10 18:30 6344 5 1. FC Tatran Presov 3.05 MSK Zilina 0.55 All bets are subject to Gambling Board Betting Rules.Prices are subject to change without notice. NO PERSONS UNDER 18 ARE ALLOWED TO GAMBLE. GAMBLE RESPONSIBLY E O.E.Read our Terms Conditions and Betting rules at 48 SOCCER UPDATE 0861 867 238 Slovenia PrvaLiga Ukraine Premier League 30/10 15:00 6079 6.5 NK Aluminij 3.35 NK Maribor 0.45 30/10 17:00 6080 5 NK Radomlje 3.1 FC Luka Koper 0.55 30/10 19:00 6081 0.95 ND Gorica 2.55 NK Rudar Velenje 2.7 South Africa Premier League 30/10 15:30 8437 0.65 Mamelodi Sundowns 30/10 07:00 9912 0.4 Gangwon FC 30/10 07:00 9916 0.2 30/10 07:00 750 5.5 30/10 07:00 753 0.5 2.4 Cape Town City FC 5.5 3.65 Gyeongnam FC 7.25 Bucheon FC 5.75 Goyang HI 11.75 FC Anyang 2.95 Ansan Mugunghwa FC 0.55 Daegu FC 3.2 South Korea National League 30/10 14:00 5890 5.75 CA Osasuna 7.25 CA Osasuna B 3.55 FC Zorya Lugansk 3.75 FC Zirka Kirovohrad 30/10 21:00 8778 0.95 Juventud de LP 2.5 CD Villa Espanola 2.75 30/10 21:00 8780 0.75 Mdeo. Wanderers FC 2.8 Plaza Colonia CD 3.55 Gap Connahs Quay 9.5 Wales Premier League 0.25 The New Saints FC 4.75 Spain Primera Division 30/10 17:15 3659 0.4 Athletic Bilbao 3.7 Spain Segunda B Group I 30/10 18:00 8501 0.8 Pontevedra CF 2.3 Spain Segunda B Group III 30/10 13:00 8516 0.6 CD Ebro 2.5 Atletico Saguntino 4.75 30/10 13:00 8517 0.95 CF Badalona 2.2 RCD Mallorca B 2.9 Spain Segunda B Group IV 30/10 13:00 8545 CD El Ejido 2012 3.45 30/10 13:00 8546 0.85Real Balompedica Linense 2.2 3 Atletico Sanluqueno 2.15 Melilla UD 0.95 30/10 18:00 8540 0.8 CD Linares 2.3 Cordoba CF B 3.5 Spain Segunda Division 30/10 13:00 5690 0.95 Girona FC 2.3 Numancia CD 3.15 30/10 19:00 5693 0.95 Alcorcon AD 2.25 CD Mirandes 3.25 30/10 21:00 5694 0.85 Levante UD 2.3 Getafe CF 3.6 Sweden Allsvenskan 30/10 16:00 6256 0.55 Kalmar FF 3.25 GIF Sundsvall 4.25 30/10 18:30 6258 4.5 Falkenbergs FF 3.45 Helsingborgs IF 0.5 Sweden Damallsvenskan 30/10 15:00 910 2.65 30/10 16:00 945 0.55 Eskilstuna United Dff Women 3.05 KIF Orebro Dff Women 5.25 Pitea IF Women 30/10 16:00 948 6.5 Mallbackens IF Women 4.5 2.75 FC Rosengard Women 0.9 Linkopings FC Women 0.35 Sweden Div 1 Norra 30/10 15:00 9920 0.9 Carlstad United 2.95 Piteaa IF 2.5 30/10 16:00 9923 0.9 BK Forward 2.95 IFK Luleaa 2.55 30/10 18:00 1161 0.35 Vasalunds IF 4 Vasteras SK 7 30/10 18:00 1165 0.85 IK Brage 3.15 Enskede IK 2.7 30/10 17:00 1631 0.95 FC Trollhattan Oskarshamns Aik 2.5 Sweden Div 1 Sdra 2.8 Sweden Div 2, Norrland, Relegation/Promotion 30/10 16:00 1201 0.85 Anundsjo IF 3 Kramfors-Alliansen 2.7 Sweden Superettan 30/10 18:00 7645 0.8 Assyriska FF 2.65 IFK Varnamo 3.5 30/10 18:00 7647 2.6 Angelholms FF 2.65 Orgryte IS 0.95 30/10 16:00 6326 0.8 FC Winterthur 3.25 5 FC Vaduz 8.25 Switzerland Challenge League FC Aarau 2.7 Switzerland Super League 30/10 14:45 5962 0.25 Young Boys Bern Turkey Super Lig 30/10 12:30 3727 0.6 Istanbul B.b. 2.85 Akhisar Bld Spor 5 30/10 15:00 3726 0.7 Trabzonspor 2.75 Caykur Rizespor 3.9 30/10 18:00 3725 0.45 Fenerbahce 3.65 Kardemir Karabukspor 5.75 Turkey TFF 1. Lig 30/10 12:00 7680 2.95 Umraniyespor 2.4 Adana Demirspor 30/10 13:00 7681 0.5 Balikesirspor 3.15 Samsunspor 6 30/10 14:00 8574 0.6 Eskisehirspor 2.85 Bandirmaspor 4.75 30/10 18:00 7682 3.25 Manisaspor 2.9 Sivasspor 0.75 30/10 18:00 7683 0.5 Sanliurfaspor 7 Uruguay Primera Division, Apertura 30/10 17:00 8790 Daejeon Citizen FC 0.4 0.95 3.1 Mersin Idman Yurdu SK 6.25 All bets are subject to Gambling Board Betting Rules.Prices are subject to change without notice. NO PERSONS UNDER 18 ARE ALLOWED TO GAMBLE. GAMBLE RESPONSIBLY E O.E.Read our Terms Conditions and Betting rules at 49
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