Speed Post Prasar Bharati Broadcasting Directorate Corporation General: of India All India Radio New Delhi, dated: 10.01.2013 NO. D-14017/01/2013-GA As per list attached Subject: Annual contract for repair/renovation of office furniture & other related items. Sir, The undersigned is directed to invite sealed quotations from the reputed Annual contract for repair/renovation of office furniture & other related items. firms for award of 2. In case, you are interested to do the job, you are requested to send your quotation in a sealed cover along with the Earnest Money Deposit (EMD)of Rs. 10,000/- (Rupees Ten Thousand only) in the form of DD/Banker's Cheque from Nationalized Bank drawn in favour of 'PB, BCI, DGAIR New Delhi' addressed to DDA(GA). The tenders should be dropped in the tender Box kept in Room No. 146 I" floor, Akashvani Bhawan, Sansad Marg, New Delhi - 110001 before 2.00 PM on 01.02.2013. The Tenderer registered with the Central Purchase Organization and/or National small Industries Corporation are exernpted from Bid Security. The Tender will not be allowed to be dropped in the tender box after the due date and time. Tenders can also be sent by registered post at the aforesaid address so as to reach this Directorate 3. The Tenders representatives of tenders. will of the participating from the tenderers concerned at 03.00 P.M. in the presence The terms and conditions interalia The text of this Limited of tenderers who may be willing to be present at the time of opening on their letter head. representative, 5. The item showing, 6. by this Office on 01.02.2013 date/time. Such persons should reach before 03.00 P.M. on that day and bring the authority of the authorized 4. be opened General by the scheduled The authority duly attested by the authorized letter should also contain letters signature signatory of the Tenderers. attached to this LTE are given in Annexure-A. the format in which rates should be quoted, is given Tender Enquiry along with Annexures, III is also availabl Annexure-B. at the official website of DG AIR i.e. htlJ?:LL:ft~--,ill!.lnd@r.i! Yours faithfully f-Of DDI\ (Gl\l Director Gc>neral TEL' 23421&9·1 Annexure-A Terms and Conditions I. The sealed envelope repair/renovation containing tender should be superscribed in right hand upper corner. 2. The tenders should be submitted 3. The renderers should submit a copy of their PAN Card and Tax Registration 4. Quotation once submitted as "Tender for & other related items etc. Due date 0 I .02.2013 by 2.00 P.M"· of office furniture legibly in English/Hindi. shall not be allowed to be withdrawn till along with the tender. Certificate the quotation process for acceptance remains in force. 5. Over-writing, 6. DG: AIR without over-typing or erasing of figures are not allowed. reserves all rights assigning to accept or not to accept one or more quotation 7. The tenders should be valid for at least 90 days from the last date of submission 8. The Price offered price inclusive 9. should show the rate/amount of taxes. without The DG: AI R reserves quantities or reject all the quotations any reasons whatsoever. for various giving the right of VAT rates/amount to place supply and other applicable thereof. taxes extra. Tenderers quoting of taxes will not be considered. order for all the items items can also vary. No claim for placing some of the items. Similarly. 01' supply order for all the items of full quantity shall be entertained. 10. The incomplete, considered vague, unresponsive unresponsive. and late/delayed tenders will not be considered. i) It is unsigned or signed without ii) It is illegible. the rubber stamp of authorized iii) It is not submitted iv) The goods offered are sub-standard, v) The quotation vi) The tender is conditional. as per Notice Inviting vii) The tender docs not agree to any ofthe of the firm. has not been made for all the items. terms and conditions specified 12. The contract 13. All the bidders consent. signatory Tender and as per any of the terms and conditions. TDS/ Levies and other local taxes shall be deducted from the contractor's by mutual be not meeting the requirements. II. awarded A tender will where will be initially However, for a period of one year and shall be extendable the total period of contract have to deposit herein. bills as per the Government an earnest by another orders. year, and shall not exceed three years. money of Rs. 10,000/- (Rupees Ten Thousand) only along with their quotations. 14. The successful deposit- bidder shall be required cum- performance New Delhi within 15. The contractor 16. The contractor security to submit Rs.20,000/- (Rupees Twenty in the form of a DD/Banker Thousand) cheque drawn only as a security in favor of PB (BCI) DG: AIR, one week of the award of the Contract. shall carry out the work assigned by section officer, should deploy one person in the premises GA Section only. of Akashvani Bhawan attending day-to-day complaints. 17. The contractor possible. the premises premises Officer, 18. 21. of DG: AIR, the concerned of Akashvani The Contractors & other The said security deficiency 20. the repair and renovation furniture Bhawan for the required shall use only good quality related out a particular or other of Akashvani repair items shall be allowed repair or renovation Bhawan as for as or renovation work within to be taken out of the work with written authority of Section material. Particularly ISI marked for repair/renovation of office items ete. deposit-cum-performance security shall be liable to be forfeited in the event of any in service on the part of the contractor. DG:AIR shall have the right to terminate the contract assigning any reason whatsoever, to contractor. In case of any dispute this contract. other officer authorized regarding at any time The decision before of the Director its scheduled General, expiry without All India Radio or any by him shall be final. 22. The payment 23. As regards the repair/renovation estimate work in the premises of carrying GA section. furniture 19. shall carryout Only in the event of non-possibility shall be made to the contractor only after the satisfactory completion of any other item not listed in Annexure and take up the work on approval of competent authority of work. 'B' the Contractor conveyed shall submit an by Section Officer, GA Section. Annexure-B Items wise Rate List S. No. I 2 .., -' 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 Description (A) Steel Chair Replacement of Wooden Seat Replacement of Wooden Back Replacement of Wooden Arms Replacement of Wooden Shoes Replacement of Rubber Caps Minor repair of Steel chair Painting of Steel chair " P/F of Steel Strips for support with welding P/F of Nut Bolts Re-caning of Office chair Re-caning of Office chair (B) Steel tables Replacement of complete locking systems Repair of locking system Replacement of Lock Adjustment of Drawer Minor repair of table Providing of Key Opening of Drawer Repair of Lock P/F of New Drawer (with 3 Drawers) P/F of New Drawer P/F of Sunmica Top Major repair of Table including welding Replacement of Handle P/F of pre-laminated tops (18mm thick rubber bading) P/F of New Drawer P/F of Legs of25 mrn Sq. Pipe P/F of Rubber Shoes Unit Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Per Seat Per back Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Per Sq. ft. Each Each Per Sq.ft. Each Per ft. Each Rates (C) Steel Almirah S. No I 2 ,., J 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 I 2 ,., J 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 \I 12 I 2 ,., J 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 \I 12 13 14 15 16 17 Description Unit Each Replacement of Lock Each Replacement of Handle Repair of Locking System Each Each Steel ball Each Minor repair Each Adjustment of Shelves Each Providing of Key Opening of Almirah Each Repair of Lock Each P/F of New Legs(base) Each P/F of new bush Each Repairing of Door Each P/F of New Shelves Each P/F of New Locking Systems Each Repair of Leg with wielding etc. Each (D) Steel Filing Cabinet Replacement of Lock Each -Replacement of Handle Each Repairing of cabinet Each Overhauling & Greasing Each Steel Ball Each Repairing of Locking Systems Each Providing of Key Each Opening of Filing Cabinet Each Repair of Lock Each Adjustment of Drawer Each P/F of New Channel P/F of Push Button Each (E ) Steel Revolving Chairs Repair of Revolving Chair Each Overhauling of Axle Each Replacement of Wheel Each Overhauling & Greasing Each Replacement of Spring Each Providing of Steel Base Each Painting of revolving Chair Each Welding Per point P/F of Caster Bush with welding Each P/F of PU(Plastic) Arms Each Repair of Seater back Each P/F of new Revolving System Each P/F of Rubber flaps(any size) Each P/F of Wheel(Godrej type, Jenson) Each Re-caning of Seat Revolving Chair Each Re-caning of back of revolving Chair Each P/F of Hydraulic Cylinder Each Rates S. No I 2 ') J 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 S. No I 2 ') J 4 5 6 7 I 2 ') J 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 (F) Spray Painting Description Steel Steel Steel Steel Steel Steel Side S ide Steel Steel Almirah(Big Size) Almirah(Small Size) Table(Officer) Table(Assistant) File Tray Filing Cabinet Rack(Big) Rack (Sma II) Book Case Book Chest Description of Steel Furniture Unit Rates Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each (G) Steel Book Case Unit P/F of Lock Each P/F of Handle Each P/F of Glass Panes Each Providing of Key Each Each Opening of Book Case Repair of Lock Each Repair of Locking System Each (H) Spirit Polish of Wooden Furniture Office Table/Secretary Table Each Clerk Table Each Assistant Table Each Office Chair Each Easy Chair Each Partition Screen Each Side Rack Each Centre Table Each Almirah(Big) Each A lm irah(S m a II) Each Mirror Stand Each Stool Each Conference Table Each Book Shelf Each Notice Board Each Card Cabinet Each Per ft. Pelrnet Sofa Per Seat Lacquer Polish on any surface Per Sq.ft. Rates - - , S. No. I 2 "-' 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 ?" --' 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 , Unit Description Minor Repair of Chairs Minor Repair of Table Minor Repair of Screen Minor Repair of Almirah P/F of Ply in Table Drawers P/F of Arm to Chairs P/F of Legs of Chairs P/F of Sunmica on Wooden Table Minor Repair of any other items P/F of New Drawer Major Repair of Chair Major Repair of Table Major Repair of Almirah Major Repair of Rack Major Repair of Screen P/F of Table Legs Repair of Wooden Legs P/F of Ply(Commercial) P/F of Lock to Wooden Table P/F of KundaChapka Repair of Drawer of Wooden Table P/F of Wooden Board(19mm Commercial) P/F of Aluminium Sheet P/F of Wooden Bracket P/F of Curtain Rod/Channel(Aluminium) P/F of 19 mm Teak Board P/F of Teak Ply P.F of Wooden Pieces of suitable size for repair work P/F of multipurpose Godrej Lock P/F of Wall Catcher P/F of Fancy Knobs/Handles P/F of Wooden Beading/Moulding P/F of Piano Hinges P/F of Sofa Legs P/F of Sofa Arrnest P/F of 12 mm Pre-laminated Board P/F of New Channel for Key Board Repair of Keyboard Channel Repair of Wooden Frame of Sofa set by providing wood etc. Repair of Wooden Frame of Sofa set by providing wood etc. Repair of Adjustment Table Tops Rates Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Per Sq.ft. Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Per Sq.ft. Each Each Each Per Sq.ft. Per Sq. ft. Each Per ft. Per Sq.ft. Per Sq. ft. Per ft. Each Each Each Per ft. Each Each Each Per Sq.ft. Each Each Per seat Per back Each - - S. No. I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 (J) Renovation of Sofa sets & Chairs-Replacement of Upholstery Description Unit Per seat Sofa Sofa Per back Executive Chair(High Back) Per seat Executive Chair(High Back) Per back Executive Chair(Low Back) Per Back Executive Chair(Low Back) Per seat Visitor's Chair Per seat Visitor's Chair Per back Computer Chair Per seat Computer Chair Per back Settee Per seat Sette Per back High Quality Handloom/Velvet Upholstery Per meter for senior Officers (K) Renovation of Sofa Sets & Chairs-Replacement of Cushions(lSI I Sofa Per seat 2 Sofa Per back ., Executive Chair (High Back) Per seat -' 4 Executive Chair (High Back) Per back Executive Chair (Low Back) 5 Per seat Executive Chair (Low Back) 6 Per back 7 Visitor's Chair Per seat Visitor's Chair 8 Per back (L) Miscellaneous Items I Cloth of Curtain Per Meter 2 Steaching of Curtain Per Pannel ., Ring of Curtain (Plastic) Per Packet (100 -' pes) 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 Aluminium Road (Hanging of Curtain) Table Glass (4 mrn) Table Glass (6 mm) Table Glass (8 mrn) Table Glass (10 mrn) Cutting and Grading (Table Glass) Wiremesh Doormat Looking Glass Wooden Beading Per Sq. Per Sq. Per Sq. Per Sq. Per Sq. Per Sq. Per Sq. Per Sq. Per Sq. RFT ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. marked only)