Examples Booklet
Examples Booklet
Removing barriers to work and study For more information: w: www.europass.org.uk e: info@europass.org.uk t: +44 (0) 871 330 8341 f: +44 (0) 871 330 7005 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication (communication) reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. UK National Europass Centre UK National Europass Centre Europass portfolio Europass makes the qualifications, skills and competencies of The Europass portfolio consists of five documents designed to enhance an individual more visible and transparent to employers and transparency of an individual’s skills and qualifications and facilitate mobility education institutions in the UK, Europe and beyond. between European Member States: the Europass CV, the Language Passport, Europass Mobility, Certificate The five Europass documents are free and in a standardised format to help Supplement and the Diploma Supplement. recognition throughout Europe. Europass facilitates the mobility of individuals for employment and education by making their attributes and potential more readily understood. This booklet contains examples of each of the five Europass documents and a summary of the characteristics and benefits of each. More detailed information for all of the documents and examples can be accessed by Curriculum Vitae Mobility Supplement sport guage Pas Lan upplement Certificate S Diploma Supplement visiting our website at www.europass .org.uk E cu r r ic u u r op a ss lu m vi tae Person al infor mation UK National Europass Centre Surnam e(s) / F irst name(s ) Addres s(es) Telepho ne(s) Fax(es) E-mail(s ) Nationa lity (-ies ) Date of birth Cirriculum Vitae • Standard CV template recognised across Europe. Occupa Dates tion or p Main ac o s it io n tivities a held nd resp onsibilit ies Name a nd addre ss of em ployer • Over 14 million CV documents completed online since its launch in 2005. • The sections cover all of an individual’s key qualifications, work experience and skills. Type of busines s or sec tor • A unique languages section allows individuals to self-assess and promote their language abilities using a scale recognised across Europe. • The user friendly electronic CV tool can be accessed at http://www.europass.org.uk/cv “It is really user friendly, and a useful tool for ensuring that you include all of the information that employers might need, in addition to a traditionally styled CV. The language section was particularly helpful, as you can assess your proficiency and make employers aware of your skills, to a standard that is recognised Europe-wide” Zara Green, UK Occupa Dates tion or p Main ac osition tivities a held nd resp onsibilit Name a ies nd addre ss of em ployer Type of busines s or sec tor Educat Title of ion and qualifica tion training Dates awarde d A Mobile: 07774 1 56735 8/5/197 7 Gender Desired emp Occupa loyment / tional f ield Work e xperien ce Dearing lice 45 Hillto p Glasgo Rise w G67 2R S 0141 65 7 2489 0141 65 4 3575 alicede aring@ nomail.c o.uk British Female Teache r of En glish a s a For eign La n guage 1/3/200 1 - 10/3 /2005 Teache r of Eng li sh as a Prepari Foreign n Langua program g and deliverin ge g Englis me for y h o le u n ssons to g stude Glasgo nts. Ma le w intaining arners of mix 42 Birm School of Eng ed in li student Glasgo gham Road sh records nationalities. w O . Assis ting witih rganising soc GL5 1T ial H welfare problem Educati s. on 1/9/199 9 - 28/2 /2001 Retail A ssistant Serving custom ers, adv O Che ising on Belle S choice carpe Italian C of shoe entre s, opera Glasgo ting till, w stock Footwe ar Reta il 1/9/199 5 - 1/7/1 999 BA (Ho ns) Inte rnationa l Busine ss with Japane se replenis hment. t asspCoounrcil of Europe P e g a Langu ped by the ss develo EuropepanaLanguage Portfolio the Part of UK National Europass Centre e( Surnam s) First name(s Euro Kellie C ) 982 14/11/1 (*) birth Date of s) tongue( Mother (s) nguage Other la Langua ham unning English Italian French, , n a rm Ge tanding ing Unders Read ge g Listenin nt Proficie ) user(C2 ge f langua (**) skills Language Passport • Helps individuals to promote their language abilities. • There are sections for recording language qualifications and experience. to essmen Self-ass l an leve Europe • The user friendly electronic Language Passport tool can be accessed at http://www.europass.org.uk/lp or by using the iPhone application – available for free download now! “I highly recommend it to anyone looking to work in Europe and I have actually secured a job on a ski resort in France using this.” App user, iTunes M tic e Linguis xperien ce(s) C nt user( Proficie rman A in Ge 2) Writing g Speakin oken production Sp n interactio Spoken (C 1) nt user Proficie inb ity of Ed Univers (C nt user Proficie (*) La tanding ing Unders Read nguage ge f langua (**) skills to essmen Self-ass g Listenin nt user Proficie (C1) ) l (*** an leve Europe icate(s) rtif (s) or ce Diploma Linguis tic expe ri 1) nch dies Fre ear Stu Sixth Y (*) (s) or c diploma Title of e languag ment of kills (**) s s e s s s Self-a To 31/8/20 1 1/7/200 To From Wri g Speakin n interactio Spoken dent Indepen ) user(B2 a Qualific Scottish thority Au on producti Spoken dent Indepen ) user(B2 tions g body Awardin Inde us June 2000 Year 0 1/7/200 From Avignon tion Descrip Italian ge 3 2/6/200 From (s) ertificate ork in s bar w 4 week (*) ence(s) Langua (C nt user Proficie an Lev Europe 2 1/9/200 ) French nt user Proficie (C1) Year g body Awardin ificate(s ) or cert iploma(s itle of d 1) June 2004 urgh stanz y of Kon niversit U e T th t a tudying chool) tion s year s Descrip rimary s Erasmu chule (p s d n ru in a G erience ork exp W th n rg o u 2m mb tion Descrip n Wurte in Bade (*) icate(s) • There is also a self-assessment section that allows individuals to grade their listening, written and spoken language abilities against a well-recognised referencing scale. • Self-assessment is particularly useful where language learning has taken place outside of a formal education setting. (***) rtif (s) or ce Diploma n Germa tanding ing Unders Read g Speakin oken production Sp n interactio Spoken g Listenin e. ma. n revers ificate or diplo rt nt grid o the 6 sessme the original ce s -a lf e . It uses on ee S Europe ed in a stan f l (**) S vel if specified o a n il o c ti n p v ) le re o : e Cou achie terisk a ference (CEF ed by th Portfolio ficiency e h an as develop f language pro an Language rked wit ramework of R pe Portfolio ings ma F lo 3. THE PAR S ENDIN (11) (*) UK National Europass Centre Europass Mobility • Records and verifies organised periods of time spent working, training or studying in another European country, for instance through the Lifelong Learning Programmes. • Completed by the organisations responsible for organising and hosting the experience, it provides third party verification of the skills attained by the individual. • Provides confirmation of the activities carried out and breaks down the acquired key skills into easily referenced sections. • Self-assessment is particularly useful where language learning has taken place outside of a formal education setting. • Organisations interested in Mobility exchange activities can register for Europass Mobility at http://www.europass.org.uk/mobility/ • Europass Mobility helps individuals to identify key skills when applying for work or study. Name, G PART type (if TNER O NER (o relevan rganisa RGANIS tion init ATION iating th S OF T HE E U ROPAS SM OBILIT t faculty Vocatio Y EXPE ity expe /departm nal Coll RIENCE ri e e e g n (No ) AR n e t) c of Gree e and add Dept of in th E e countr nfields Biomec ress h y a o n f ic 213 Be origin) s ll Str. Stamp and/or s 123546 (12) (*) ignature Sheffield United Kingdom Surnam e [ S tamp (if relev (s) and first na ] ant of E m (13) CTS de e(s) of refere nce pers O WARD partmen S Jule tal coord on s inator) /mentor Telepho ne (15) (44-113 Title/po sition ) 343 12 (14) 34 Senior teacher HOST P E-mail ARTNE R (org (16) anisatio ju Name, oh@bla n receiv type (if .uk (17) (*) ing the relevan holder o t faculty Palerm f the Eu /departm o Multim ropass ent) and edia Ltd Mobility 213 Via address docume Giovan ni nt in the I-12354 S tamp an host co 6 Palerm d untry) /o (1 r (* s 8) ) o ignature Surnam e (if relev (s) and first na [ S tamp ant of E m (19) (*) ] CTS de e(s) of refere nce pers GIULIAN partmen O Marc tal coord on o inator) /mentor Telepho ne (21) 39 (91) Title/po sition 12 34 5 (20) 6 Head o f technic NB : Th al deve is table lopmen is not v E -m t ail alid wit hout th (2 2 ) e stam mguilia ps of th n o@brav peart tw Headin ner org o.it gs mark o a 4. DESC ed wit nisations and Objectiv h /o a n r R th asteris gneastu IP T e IO i o re k f N the Euro (23) are ma s OF THE ndatory of the two re pass Mo To acqu E UROPA ferenc . bility exp ire a firs esopnesr/m SS MO erience t work e entors BILITY . x E perienc XPERIE Initiative e N in C E a n ( during w internati N o (24) ) hich the onal en Upper s Europas vironme econda s Mobilit nt ry voca y e xperienc tional q e is com ualificati Qualific pleted, if ation (ce on - Ele (25) applicab ctrician rtificate, Nationa (manda le diploma l Craft C tory pla o r degree c ertificate e m ) to e n w t) hich the : Electric Commu educatio ian nity or m n or train (26) obility p ing lead rogramm s, if any e involv ed, if an y Duration of the E (27) (*) uropass From Mobility 01 experien 09 ce dd mm 1004 (28) (*) yyyy NB : He adings To 31 dd marke d with 11 mm an aste risk are e mobil 2004 yyyy 11 ay e with 4.2 ANNE able): f avail ode (i c r o r umbe tion n ntifica nt ide e d tu S 80 /01/19 01 1.4 9 • The standard format is widely recognised across Europe. • More information on the Diploma Supplement can be found at http://www.europass.org.uk/orgs/diploma “Employers can identify more specific subject areas that you specialise in and it demonstrates far more of your knowledge than just your degree title alone.” A Bournemouth University Student, UK ramm tion r prog istribu age fo p rade d t x e n ble, g e a e il s a v e as , if a Uni 4.3 Ple e and tages. chem percen r ding s sed on rk of 40% fo Th ra a b G is .4 a 4 ity es. pass m Univers gramm nce: by the h a minimum raduate pro al credit-we guida it n tg e used r): th/yea y/mon (da f Birth te o 1.3 Da • Provides information that helps employers and education providers better understand the content and level of an individual’s qualification. ): mes (s irst Na (s) / F me en Na 1.2 Giv 1 99111 RM 2 INFO ATION me of 2.1 Na IDENT cation qualifi cience lor of S Bache f s(s) o in field 2.2 Ma Math s ematic QUA G THE LIFICA ) title licable f appp and (i on: on (in al origin ersity th Univ h E ON TH ATION M R O 3 INF ICATION IF n: QUAL ficatio 3.1 Le Level ali qu vel of 6 of th onal e Nati ngth icial le 3.2 Off U ) om 2.3 rent fr (if diffe tution nguage): ti emou s rn in u o f B so al la d statu s (in origin ie me an 2.4 Na tering stud is admin tion: tion 2.3 c amina e s s a on/ex structi in f o e nguag 2.5 La Englis chem 00% w 0% for Pos d upon the fi lass' for 7 ding s 5 C en 0-1 e The gra mark betwe mmes and ation is bas ied as 'First s, Lower ra a lassif prog pt ualific d Clas given duate tion of the q grees are c -69, 'Secon tions (exce ra rg e a e d 0 d ica r 70 un lific r6 classif ion' fo chelors tion' fo er qua overall te mark. 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The P me, credit , admission le b ila m ts ic a Specif f the progra requiremen tions are av o n a length , progressio me specific a s m award ons. Progra c.uk/bologn ti .a regula urnemouth o ils: www.b e deta e R OTHE ear in va e ts: the rele ation on th iate emen rm iled in ed re deta provide info dy, interm t requir a e ts m n m of stu ssessmen ireme ication will Progra a ite if d units e requ Full-Tim y Nam mil 1.1 Fa • Issued to individuals by Higher Education Institutions alongside the graduation certificate. X t fficien vide su a to pro to provide ent is d h this pplem is designe ic h su w e th here ation to etc.). It se of purpo certificates inal qualific provided. W g e . The the ori EPES ould b egrees, SCO/C iplomas, d l named on t sections sh E N U e and lifications (d e individua in all eigh n Europ th ua ncil of gnition of q mpleted by n. Informatio o n, Cou missio ssional reco ccessfully co out recogniti m o C S ab profe ean d su s p n n d a n ro io a u d st SULT e gge the E ursu demic ND RE ed by nd fair aca that were p ments or su a evelop s ate NTS A E T odel d nsparency' f the studie ivalence st m N e O th o qu 'tra follows ternational t and status gements, e THE C d ment n in N ON Supple prove the ntext, conte any value ju son why. im iploma MATIO co e rea R from th e O e e This D dent data to ture, level, F fr iv ld be n 4 IN a ould g indepe tion of the n ded. It shou lanation sh D n xp p THE GAINE descri ent is appe vided, an e m R OF ro E tudy: D L supple tion is not p O e of s H y d a o E rm M TH info Industr mme 4.1 YING ENTIF ION ID T A M R 1 INFO ICATION e(s): IF urnam QUAL (s) / S Diploma Supplement BSBA R OTHE rsity e v i n uth U lement o m e Bourn loma Supp Dip 99911 UK National Europass Centre ANNE rs Q ation form rther in es: sourc the refer to lease ation p /bologna rm fo in k further th.ac.u 6.2 Fu Univers Europ ass ce rtifica (versio UK National Europass Centre City & Guilds 1. Title (1) al hold e tembe r 2009 pleme ) nt If appli r of the nslate d title cable. This tr of the anslati certific ate (1) on ha repare iples o h h f effec es for spec ealthy nutr - meat , cook and it if tive m se a enu pla ied nutrition ion - fish a nd poultry d rve al grou nning n is ps - stock d shellfish d hes s is - pulse , sauces an hes d - pastr and vegetab soups y le dish - farina dishes es c - cold eous, pasta presen and ric ta - egg d e dish ishes tion dishes es and sa vourie s. • Issued for vocational qualifications as a supplement to the qualification certificate. • Provides information specific to the qualification that helps employers to better understand the content and level of the qualification. x x Comm 4. Ran is Che ge Cook f in a sc hool o Note: r care the ab ove are home. examp • The standard format is widely issued and recognised across Europe. les on ly, oth er • More information on the Certificate Supplement can be found at http://www.europass.org.uk/orgs/cert of occ upatio occup ations may ns acc e also b e acce ssible (1) (*) ssible to hold ers of th If appli Expla This d natory note o format cument is d es o qualifi f the descri igned to pro ca p v 2001/6 tions, Coun tion is base ide addition d c a 1 underg 3/EC of the il Resolutio on the follow l informatio n 96/C na oing tr Europ ing tex 22 ea © Euro a ts: Co bout the sp uncil R pean C ining, volun n Parliame 4/04 of 15 ecified tee Jul nt a es om ce to the cable holder e certif icate. U Kin ing s no le certific x E 3. Pro gal sta ate is nsure tus. file of able to safe w x E s : kills an orking nsure approp condit d x A c o ions a mpete pply th riate p nd ro e nces x A pply th principles o cedures are procedure s are a e princ f kitch a x A d o p dopted en ma te dvise ip d le to s of cu in e a x P lan me stomers on budgeting, tenance an nsure food s nd maintain d c n afety ed in th d x A pply th us and prep ietary matt osting and c design e work ers an ontrol e princ are dis shop x P d Certificate Supplement (*) of the Level certific 2 IVQ ate (en) D (Culin i p lo ma in ary Ar Fo ts) (70 (1) 65-32) od Prepara In the ti (500/5 origina 752/2) on and Coo l langu age k 2. Tra A typic te sup n Sep of the certific ate (1) UK National Europass Centre UK National Europass Centre Europass in Action Certificate Supplement: Since its launch in 2005, Europass has experienced considerable success “The Certificate Supplement is an invaluable addition to one’s CV when looking for across Europe. The central Europass website hosted by the European Commission has had nearly 40 million visits, and the Europass CV has been completed online over 14 million times with 3.8 million of those having been completed in 2010 alone. An increase is expected again by the end of 2011. Here is a selection of some of the feedback that we have received from users of the Europass documents in the UK and across Europe: CV: “In a constantly changing labour market, which is becoming more and more international, the Europass CV facilitates recruitment processes for companies and improves worker mobility. The way a candidate puts together their CV is often influenced by their local country culture. Standard practice in one country is not necessarily the accepted way in another. The Europass CV solves this problem.” Marc Vandeleene, PR & Communication Manager for Manpower Belgium employment or training opportunities. It reassures employers that an applicant has learnt the skills relevant to a position they are trying to fill, especially when a qualification was achieved in another country. We have found that many of our learners use the Certificate Supplement when preparing for job interviews so that they can easily explain to an employer what skills they have learned while studying for a City & Guilds qualification. Our centres also love it as it helps them attract more learners onto their training programmes. City & Guilds is committed to removing difficulties and barriers commonly associated with getting recognition for vocational qualifications when moving from one country to another, and we believe the Certificate Supplement makes a huge difference. We are delighted to be the first UK awarding body to provide a tool which will help individuals become more mobile, find better opportunities and enhance their lives.” Dora Timar, Head of Accreditations and Recognitions - International, City & Guilds Diploma Supplement: “I believe when employers become aware and accustomed (to the use of the Diploma Language Passport iPhone Application: Supplement) it will prove invaluable.” A Bournemouth University Student, UK “(The iPhone App) has made it quick and easy to fill out and will be really The Benefits of Europass useful for my trip to Italy in the next few weeks. I would recommend this app to anyone who wants a quick and easy way of showing their language abilities” App User, iTunes Europass Mobility: “The students thoroughly enjoyed their placements and returned to College feeling more independent and confident; they feel that having the Europass Mobility document will give them a competitive edge when they apply to further their education or to enter employment.” Wakefield College, UK • It promotes strong links between education and training, business and industry, ensuring the continuing relevance and adequate appreciation of competences and qualifications. • It helps individuals communicate their qualifications and competences in an effective way. • The documents are particularly useful for people who move between countries or across employment sectors as they explain the skills, competencies and qualifications in a consistent, easy-to-read format. • Europass is an open system that supports European policy developments related to the transparency of competences and qualifications.