50 shades of silence


50 shades of silence
www.torontobrucetrailclub.org | 416-763-9061 | information@torontobrucetrailclub.org
By Jacqueline Holmes
We read about Tree Hugging and
Meditation Walking, also about the fabulous
practice of Forest Bathing....but I have never
experienced the very simple, joyful exercise
of ‘Not Talking” whilst walking.
On a recent Urban Hike the group of 19
Bruce Trailers were exuberant, chatting like
magpies, laughing and generally out for a
good time! Was it because this was an extra
added hike and they were appreciative, or
simply they all had a heightened anticipation
of seeing each other again and being in the
fresh air?
We did not have a good start. One person
tripped over a bootlace, another dropped his
water bottle on his foot and squealed around
in pain. Any self-respecting bug, small
animal, bird or butterfly would certainly
have the sense to stay well clear of us. As
we were approaching a particularly beautiful
Photo taken by Jennifer Jiang
archway of tall trees with a gurgling stream
on either side, the level of talk and laughter
rose to such a height we may as well have
been cheering at a Blue Jays’ game – so much
for the appreciation of nature! I drew the
group to a halt under a sprawling, shady
weeping willow tree and gently made the
following suggestion:
“Let’s experiment for 10 minutes by
walking in silence. Nothing posh or
complicated, no need for meditation....just
simply walking close together not talking.”
Everybody agreed to do this, so off we set!
Photo taken by Jennifer Jiang
Within minutes, it seemed, we fell as
one into a silent march – step by step,
then breath by breath. The silence the
group created became bigger than ourselves
and formed an imaginary dome of safety
overhead. The leaves on the trees exposed
themselves in hundreds of different luxurious
shades of green. The gentle trickling of the
streams became deafening – such was the
enormity of the silence. My mind began
thinking of all the tender, young men sent
off to war, marching for hours in silent drills.
I hope it gave them the same feeling of safety
and oneness. Maybe there is a reason for
silent marching! Whatever the process, it is
like a cleansing magic of the brain and the
emotions, and for me, gave me such a feeling
of gratitude. When we stopped after 10
minutes I had a lump in my throat and tears
in my eyes; the experience had moved me
to such a degree. Certainly I know I could
never have done this by myself. I needed the
group even though I walk by myself quite
The group told me they loved this
experience and requested we try it again. Just
another aspect of being a Bruce Trailer......
this one involving the Body, Heart and Soul.
Thanks to the Group on August 18th from
Table of Contents
President’s Pen
Hiking Director’s Notes P3
2014 Cross-country Ski
and Snowshoe program P4
General Information
Activities Calendar
Hike Leader Training
In Memory of Ambrose P19
Other HikesP19
Eastbourne Here We Come
Log in to the Members
section of the Club website
using your BTC membership
number and your own
Publication Deadlines
Winter 2013-14: Spring 2014: Summer 2014: Fall 2014: Sept. 15/Sept. 24
March 15/March 24
June 15/June 24
Send editorial to:
Footnotes Editor, Jennifer Jiang
Send advertisements to:
Advertising Coordinator, Susan Britton
is published quarterly by the
Toronto Bruce Trail Club
PO Box 597
2938 Dundas Street West
Toronto, Ontario M6P 4E7
ISSN 0380-9354
A member of the Bruce Trail Conservancy
Many thanks to all the volunteers who
helped in the production of this issue.
Send address changes to:
The Bruce Trail Conservancy
PO Box 857, Hamilton, ON L8N 3N9
www.brucetrail.org 1-800-665-4453
For missing copies of Footnotes
call 1-800-665-4453,
Monday to Friday 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
Opinions expressed in Footnotes are not
necessarily the views of the TBTC unless
stated as such. Advertising does not
imply endorsement by the TBTC.
Footnotes Resource Support
(not members of the Board)
Footnotes Editor: Jennifer Jiang
Proofreaders: Marilyn MacKellar
Kathryn Emirzian
Advertising & Mail Coordinator:
Susan Britton
Activities Editor: Victor Ramautar
Webmaster: Stephen Kamnitzer
E-Notes Editor: Grant Leigh
Archivist: John Drew
Information Line: Judy Leeney
City of Toronto Liaison:
John Hough
Halton Hills Chapter:
Margaret Teasdale
The Toronto Bruce Trail Club is one of nine clubs
making up the Bruce Trail Conservancy, which
is dedicated to the conservation of the Niagara
Escarpment. You are invited to visit the Toronto
Club’s website at www.torontobrucetrailclub.org
Winter 2013-2014
Toronto Bruce Trail Club
Board of Directors
Todd Bardes, 416-535-1631
Vice-President & Hiking Director:
John Grandy, 416-704-9138
Past President & BTC Director for the club:
Peter Leeney, 905-822-1877
Malcolm Sanderson, 905-294-5866
Treasurer ,Bookkeeper &Acting Publications
Ted Iseman, 416-219-1663
Public Relations and Education:
Victoria Arshad, 416-781-7339
Trail Maintenance:
David Paape, 416-445-9028
Land Owner Relations
Paul Vanhanen, 905-877-1294 pvanhanen@sympatico.ca
Membership and Social Program:
Stan Gasner, 416-361-9088
Land Stewardship:
Vladimir Bosnar, 905-273-7569
Patricia Peel, 416-436-2710
Land Management Commitee Chair; Land
Securement Secretariat BTC
David Tyson, 416-966-1379
Directors at Large:
Barbara Euler, 416-695-1838 bjeuler@rogers.com
Lisa R. Lifshitz, 416-482-9378
Ken Peters, 416-921-5391
Kevin B. Warburton, 905-542-0639
John Drew, 416 231 3711
Deb Brander, 416 733 1458
Club Info Line: 416-763-9061
President’s Pen
by Todd Bardes
Not long ago, a lady fell from the
cliffs at Mount Nemo. I think this
unfortunate accident could have been
avoided. We in the Bruce Trail try to
protect our BT hikers by moving the
Trail back away from the brink of the
Escarpment. We also have trained Hike
Leaders who have an obligation to keep
our group of hikers away from danger.
Even while we, at the Bruce Trail, try to
reduce the possibilities of harm, hiking
does have risks connected with this
enjoyable activity. As a hike leader I can
tell you about different hikers that have
had slips and falls along the Trail. I can
also tell you about a couple of slips of my
own making. Things do happen!
Each and every one of us needs to hike
with safety in mind. Just a few points
that may help you enjoy your adventure
on the Trail would be: Use boots with a
good tread and watch your feet as well
as where you are stepping. We need to
be extra careful on wet or icy sections of
the Trail. (I know since I have gone down
a couple of times and spent time in the
hospital on one occasion.) Using hiking
sticks also helps with our balance. Look
out for and assist fellow hikers. Follow the
instructions of the Hike Leader and stay
between the Hike Leader and the Sweep.
Be careful when approaching the edge
of the Escarpment or rock formations.
And above all, “Stay on the Trail”. If this
sounds like a sermon, please forgive me,
but I want everyone to enjoy his or her
visit to the Escarpment and return home
Not only do we want to protect
our members and fellow hikers but
we also want to protect the wildlife
along the Escarpment.
There are
thousands of plant & animals that live
on the Escarpment that are endangered,
threatened and under pressure to survive.
The expansion of urbanization and the
presence of humans have disrupted and
reduced much of their habitat.
As we hike through the woods we
need to accept that we are visiting the
home of wildlife. Under every dead log,
on every old tree stump, in every creek
there is life that needs our protection. We
need to protect the Escarpment for today
and for our grandchildren and greatgrandchildren. The best and easiest
way to help out is to “Stay on the Trail”.
From time to time I have reviewed the
“Trail User’s Code” and its twelve points
(inside the cover of the Bruce Trail
Reference), but my special point of the
code is “Leave only your thanks and take
nothing but photographs”.
Happy Hiking
Hiking Director’s Notes
by John Grandy
Recently, when hiking in the Beaver
Valley section I came across the
memorial to John Muir at the Epping
lookout. Many of us know of Muir as
one of the earliest environmentalists,
the founder of the US National
Parks Service and of the Sierra Club,
the world’s oldest environmental
organization. Some of us know that
before he started his career in the
United States, he lived for two years
in Upper Canada, where he developed
his love of nature. (He came here, as it
happens, because he was a draft-dodger.)
But few of us, perhaps, know that he
was also the first well-known person to
take up hiking as a form of recreation.
Before the 19th century, no-one
walked for fun. Poor people walked
because they had to, and rich people
generally didn’t walk at all. In the early
1800s the poet William Wordsworth
started walking in order to appreciate
the spectacular beauty of the Lake
District in northern England, where he
lived; his poetic writing about his walks
became immensely popular. Thanks in
large part toWordsworth, hiking became
popular in England and has remained
an important recreation in that country
to this day.
the “wildest, leafiest, and least trodden
way I could find.” His book describing
this mega-hike was immensely popular.
From it, and from his later exploratory
walks in the western States, the love of
hiking in North America can be derived.
We call all be proud that his initial
love of hiking began with his walks on
what is now the Bruce Trail.
In North America, however, nature
was still regarded mostly as an enemy, or
at best as an obstacle to progress. John
Muir began to change popular attitudes.
In 1867 he undertook an amazing one
thousand mile walk from Indiana to
Florida as, he said, he wanted to take
E-mail: information@torontobrucetrailclub.org
Winter 2013-2014
2014 Cross-country Ski and Snowshoe Program
On winter Saturdays in 2014 the
Toronto Bruce Trail Club will again be
running cross-country ski and snowshoe
trips. We will travel in comfortable
highway coaches and visit a variety of
resorts north of Toronto. The schedule
below represents where we would like
to ski and snowshoe each week. We will
go wherever the snow conditions are the
best, so venues could change. The resorts
we’ve chosen rent both ski and snowshoe
equipment, so whether you have your
own gear or not, you can join us for some
winter fun. Most resorts also offer ski
lessons. Check the websites listed below
for complete details on the services each
resort provides.
Skiers – you are on your own. You can
relax and ski at your own pace. Make
sure you stay on marked trails and ski
with a buddy. If you are a snowshoer you
can team up with a friend or join a group
led by one of our seasoned hike leaders.
If you would like to join us for any of our
ski and snowshoe outings please use the
online pre-registration system to sign up
for the trip(s) of your choice.
New in 2014 – Join us on January 4
and learn to ski at Highlands Nordic.
Rent skis, take a lesson and discover the
joy of skiing. For more details stay tuned
to the Club’s website.
Trip Details:
• Please register online. Online
pre-registration opens at 9 pm
on the Sunday before each trip.
If you have any problems call
• Bus fare: members $25, nonmembers $28, children 12 and
under $10.
• The prices of trail fees will be
posted online.
• If you need to cancel your registration you must do so by 9 pm
on the Wednesday before the
trip. If you cancel after this time
or don’t show up on the day of
the trip you will have to pay the
cost of the bus fare, unless the
club is able to fill your seat.
• The bus will depart at 9 am
sharp from the parking lot beside the Miller Tavern, east side
of Yonge St, one bock south of
Old York Mills Rd. The bus will
be available for boarding starting at 8:30 am.
• The bus will be back in Toronto
between 6 and 7 pm.
• Invite your friends. Each member can bring one guest on up to
two outings.
• Trips will go to whichever resort
has the best snow so venues may
change as late as the morning of
the trip.
Hike Leader
Highlands Nordic (Duntroon)
Peter Leeney
Scenic Caves
David Royle
Ted Iseman
Blueberry Plains (Wasaga Nordic)
Brenda Dalglish
Very limited
Highlands Nordic (Duntroon
Ed Brown
Sarah Hopton
Hardwood Hills
Highlands Nordic (Duntroon)
Lucy Leung
Scenic Caves
Sarah Hopton
Winter 2013-2014
Club Info Line: 416-763-9061
General Information
Bus Hikes
Hikers are discouraged from meeting bus hikes at the Trail in their own vehicles, unless the hike
description includes this option.
Meeting Place:
For maps, see www.torontobrucetrailclub.org under General Information on Bus hikes.
• York Mills subway station: buses park on Old York Mills Road near the south exit of the
station (not the exit for TTC buses)
• Islington subway station: buses wait at the Beer Store on Bloor Street, two short blocks west
of the subway station and opposite the TTC parking lot
• Clarence Square: located south of King Street, north of Front Street, at 49 Spadina Avenue
on the east side (south of the gas station). Buses wait at the west side of the Square.
• usual return time is 6 pm; late returns are noted in the listing
• based on a first-come, first-seated basis — guests are welcome
• check the listings for exceptions — leaders may give priority to defined groups
• some outings involve extra costs; some require advance registration
Bus Fare (includes $1 donation to the Escarpment Legacy Fund):
• $17 members, $23 non-members; $5 children under 12
• Long distance fares (over 140 km one-way) $22 for members and $28 for
Car Hikes
• meet at the point stipulated in Footnotes and travel by car shuttle to the starting point; contact
Hike Leader if you have questions
Car-Pool Hikes
• meet at the point listed in Footnotes and ride or drive to the starting point as a group; save fuel
and reduce pollution
• passengers are expected to contribute to the driver’s costs (the suggested amount is $10, which
should be offered — the driver should not have to request it)
Map References
• the 27th edition of the Bruce Trail Reference is used
Things to Remember
Call the Club Info Line (416-763-9061) to check for updates. Changes are also posted in
the Members section of the website (www.torontobrucetrailclub.org). Members log in using
their BTC membership number and their own passwords.
• all Club events are non-smoking
• carry your BTC membership card at all times
• bring a lunch, 2 litres of water, suncreen and insect repellent
• arrive at least 30 minutes before the departure time for any hike
• dogs are not permitted on bus hikes with the exception of registered guide dogs. Dogs may
only be taken on urban and car hikes if published in advance by hike leaders.
Pre-registration (
Email or
Phone )
You must pre-register even though the meeting time and place may be listed.Please register
using the listed method before the deadline.
E-mail: information@torontobrucetrailclub.org
Winter 2013-2014
Activity Calendar
Winter 2013-2014
Notice to Participants
All Hike Leaders are volunteers. You
are welcome to take part in their
activities, but you do so at your
own risk. Only written complaints
against a Hike Leader or end person
will be considered. Complaints (or
commendations) may be addressed to
the Hiking Director, Toronto Bruce
Trail Club, PO Box 597, 2938 Dundas
St. W., Toronto, ON M6P 4E7. The
focus of the complaints policy is on
improvement rather than discipline.
Please note that the maps and kilometre
references in this listing are from
the 27th Edition of the Bruce Trail
Sunday, December 1 -- Toronto,
Belt Line and Mt. Pleasant
Level I Urban walk Length of Hike: 5 km, Pace: 3 km/hr,
Terrain: Mostly flat. Dropout at anywhere,
Beginners, Families, No dogs, Shoes with
soles that grip..
Depart 11 am, Eglinton West Subway
Station entrance. Eglinton Ave. and Allen
Marilyn MacKellar, 416 653-4120 6-9pm
Walk the Kay Gardner part of the Beltline
into Mount Pleasant Cemetery. Meet nice
people on the hike and other interesting
people memorialized in this special historical
‘monument’. If there has been snow it may
be slippery.
Thursday, December 5 -- Toronto
Level II Urban walk Length of Hike: 11 km, Pace: 4 km/hr,
Terrain: Variable, bring water and snack.
Dropout, Beginners, Families, No dogs,
Refreshments after.
Depart 11 am, Inside TD Bank at Yonge &
St. Clair on Yonge subway line, at 11 prompt.
Jacqueline Holmes, (416) 487-8929
Larry Haigh
We’re singing...”Dumpling Time Again”
Join us for a brisk couple of hours walk then
a visit to Mother’s Dumplings. We sit at a
big table and share large platters of varied
Dumplings. Delicious. Fun. Different, not
to mention Cheap!.
Saturday, December 7 -- Toronto Section,
Speyside (Maps 12/13)
Saturday, December 7 -- Waterfront Trail
Depart 8:30 am, Map 12, Km 8.6.
Level I/II Urban walk Length of Hike: 9 km, Pace: 3 km/hr,
Terrain: Mostly flat. Dropout, Beginners,
Dogs welcome, Refreshments after.
Depart 10 am, EITHER the Grenadier
Restaurant OR Starbucks in Port Credit.
Level II/III Car hike Length of Hike: 21 km, Pace: 4.5 km/hr,
Terrain: Rocky, Variable. No dropout,
Hiking boots, No dogs, Pub stop after.
Road side parking on St Helena Rd.
Ron Granger, (519) 485-0879 7-10pm
Car shuttle to Km. 29.4, Map 13 and
hike back through Speyside Resource
Management Area.
Starbucks is at the west end of the bridge
over the Credit River and is about 7 km from
the club. The Grenadier Restaurant is 400
m south of High Park subway station in the
park. The yacht club is served by frequent
Kipling buses that run to the subway and
there is free parking nearby for those needing
car transport.
Level II/III Car hike Length of Hike: 22 km, Pace: 4.5 km/hr,
Peter Tomlin, (905) 791-9156
Mon-Wed, 7-9pm
Pre-registration by Email to Leader.
Tony Edmonds, (416) 221-6716
Mon-Wed 7-9pm
Mike Dhesi, (416) 760-2602 4 to 7 pm
Join the “Walking Wounded” on our easy
paced traditional Christmas season walks
to the Lakeshore Yacht Club for the usual
$5 chili lunch and celebration of Peter and
Don’s trail hiking leadership.
Saturday, December 7 -- Oak Ridges Trail,
Uxbridge (Map 5)
Saturday, December 7 -- Niagara,
Queenston (Maps 1/2)
Terrain: Variable, May be muddy. No
dropout, End to End #1 of 4, Hiking boots,
Refreshments after,
Depart 9 am, Km 21.9 Merritt Trail parking.
QEW, south on 406 to Glendale Ave. go east
2 blocks and turn left.
Smadar Junkin, (905) 881-6080 or
Doug Sloan, (416) 661-9217 or
We will shuttle to Queenston and hike back
through Woodend and Welland Canal.
Sunday, December 8 -- Toronto
Level II Bus hike Length of Hike: 15 km, Pace: 4 km/hr,
Level II Urban walk -
Terrain: Variable. Dropout at 5 and 12 km,
Hiking boots, Refreshments after, Light
lunch and water.
Terrain: Mostly flat. Dropout, Beginners,
Families, Hiking boots, No dogs,
Refreshments after, Pub stop after.
Depart 9:30 am, York Mills.
Michele Mastroeni, (416) 301-8292 before
8pm or m.mst34@gmail.com
Victor Ramautar, 905-294-6718
Before 9pm or mychamprian@gmail.com
We will be hiking in the York Regional
Forest, the Al Shaw, West and East Walker
Loop, Trans Canada Trail. Car hikers who
wish to join the hike should contact leader
for meeting place. There is a $10 charge for
car hikers to use the bus.
Winter 2013-2014
Length of Hike: 12 km, Pace: 4 km/hr,
Depart 12 pm, Yonge and St. Clair Subway
- south entrance.
Yonge @ St. Clair Subway..South Exit Pleasant Boulevard Exit.
Jacqueline Holmes, (416) 487-8929 or
Larry Haigh, (416) 432-1239 before 8 pm
We did an experimental ‘Listen to the Silence’
walk a few weeks ago. Just 5 or 10 minutes of
Walking ‘as one’ in silence for short periods
Club Info Line: 416-763-9061
of time. People really enjoyed the ‘zen’ created
by the 50 shades of green and the footsteps
falling into a single stride...wonderful. So we
will try it again. Uncomplicated and mind
Sunday, December 8 -- Toronto
Section, Speyside, (Maps 11/12)
Depart Clarence Square or Islington
Smadar Junkin, (905) 881-6080 or
Saturday, December 14 -- Toronto
Section, Scotsdale Farm (Map 13)
Doug Sloan, (416) 661-9217 or dougsloan@
Level II Car hike Length of Hike: 15 km, Pace: 4 km/hr,
We will shuttle to km 21.9 and hike back
by Lake Moodie and through Short Hills
Provincial Park.
Terrain: Variable. No dropout, No dogs,
Pub stop after.
Level II Bus hike Length of Hike: 12 km, Pace: 4 km/hr,
Saturday, December 14 -- Caledon Hills,
Hockley Valley (Map 18)
Pre-registration Online using Website.
Level II Car hike -
Depart 9:30 am, Clarence Square.
Duration of Hike: 3hrs, Pace: 3.5km/hr,
Barbara Euler, (416) 695-1838
before 10 pm or bjeuler@rogers.com
Terrain: Hilly, Variable. No dropout, Hiking
boots, Dogs welcome, Bring something to
drink, a snack lunch, and Icers.
A walk along the edge of the Escarpment with
great views. We’ll include the Restoration
Side Trail. Depending on conditions, pace
may be slower. Pickups are at Clarence
Square at 9:30 am followed by Islington
about 20 minutes later.
Depart 10 am, Parking location on 3rd Line
E.H.S., GPS co-ordinates
N 43 59.562’, W 80 02.881’.
Sunday, December 8 -- Niagara,
Short Hills (Map 3)
Take Highway #10 north from Orangeville,
turn right on Hockley Road (County Road
#7), follow to 3rd Line E.H.S. and turn left.
Roadside parking one kilometre north on
right hand side.
Level II/III Car hike Length of Hike: 23 km, Pace: 4.5 km/hr,
Bob Humphreys, (519) 883-1840 7-10pm
or walk2tobermory@gmail.com
Terrain: Hilly, Variable. No dropout, End
to End #2 of 4, Hiking boots, Refreshments
An opportunity to get away from the crazy
holiday season at the malls and relax in the
quiet of the woods. We will hike the Isobel
East, Tom East, and Glen Cross side trails,
linked together by the Main Trail. All old
favourites, but starting from a different
location. Dogs are permitted, but must be
leashed and owners scoop the poop.
Pre-registration by Email to Leader.
Depart 9 am, km 45.1, Rockway Falls.
QEW, Jordan Rd south, King st., east, Ninth
St. South, Rockway Rd east.
Hike Difficulty Levels
10 km
15 km
20 km
Easily managed
May be difficult
These are general guidelines. In rating their hikes, hike leaders
use a “two out of three” rule. For example, a Level II hike could
correspond to the table above for average pace and terrain but be
considerably longer or shorter than indicated there. Be sure you
look at both the rating and the description to decide whether the
hike suits your abilities and preferences.
E-mail: information@torontobrucetrailclub.org
Loop hike on the Main Trail, Great Esker
and Bennett Side trails.
Sunday, December 15 -- Toronto,
Wilket Creek, E.T. Seton and
Taylor Creek Parks
Level II Urban walk Length of Hike: 10 km, Pace: 3 km/hr,
Terrain: Mostly flat. Dropout at anywhere,
Beginners, Families, Hiking boots, No dogs,
Pre-registration by Email to Leader.
Depart 10 am, SW corner, Edwards Gardens
parking lot - the SW corner of Leslie St. and
Lawrence Ave E. It is served by the #51 and
#54 buses.
Andrew Wood, (416) 739-0468 4pm -10pm
or prafesser@gmail.com
Larry Haigh, (416) 432-1239 before 8 pm
Enjoy a pre-holiday breath of fresh air! We
will begin at Edwards Gardens (Wilket
Creek Park), continue south through the
West Don Valley (E.T. Seton Park) and then
through Taylor Creek Park to end near the
Victoria Park subway station. Depending
on conditions, be sure to bring icers and/or
snowshoes, as well as lunch and snacks.
Trail Users’ Code
Our level of difficulty ratings follow these general guidelines:
Average Pace
3 km/hr
4 km/hr
5 km/hr
Depart 9:30 am, Map 13, km 29.4 Scotsdale
Farm - north of km 29.4. Enter off Trafalgar
Ron Granger, (519) 485-0879 7-10 pm
Francis Han, (905) 850-3926
Terrain: Rocky. Dropout at 3, 9 km, Hiking
boots, Refreshments after, Ice footwear may
be needed,
Activity Calendar
•Hike only along marked routes. Do not take short cuts.
•Do not climb fences - use the
•Respect the privacy of people
living along the Trail.
•Leave the Trail cleaner than
you found it. Carry out all
•No open fires are allowed on
the Trail. Use a portable stove.
Winter 2013-2014
•Camp at designated camp
•Leave flowers and plants for
others to enjoy.
•Do not damage live trees or
strip off bark.
•Keep dogs on a leash and
under control at all times.
•Do not disturb wildlife.
•Leave only your thanks and
take nothing but photographs.
•Obey all signs.
Activity Calendar
Sunday, December 15 -- Dufferin HiLand, Mono Cliffs (Map 19)
Level II Bus hike Duration of Hike: 4.5hrs, Pace: 3.5km/hr,
Terrain: Hilly, Rocky. Dropout at after 2
hours, Hiking boots, Refreshments after,
Pre-registration Online using Website.
Depart 9:30 am, Islington.
Ted Iseman, 416 219 1663 cell phone or
Sarah Hopton, 416-319-3736 before 10pm
This is the annual late fall hike through Mono
Cliffs Provincial Park. We will set the pace
and distance, between 12 and 17km, based
on weather and trail conditions. The variety
of side trails and the Main Trail provide us
with many choices all of which include
interesting views and photo opportunities.
We will have refreshments afterward in the
Mono Cliffs Inn.
Sunday, December 15 -- Toronto Section,
Hilton Falls (Map 11)
Level I Car hike Length of Hike: 10 km, Pace: 3 km/hr,
Terrain: Mostly flat. No dropout, Beginners,
Hiking boots, No dogs, Refreshments after.
$5.50. E-mail info: mapletrees16@yahoo.ca
Sunday, December 15 -- Niagara,
Ball’s Falls (Maps 3/4)
Level II/III Car hike Length of Hike: 22 km, Pace: 4.5 km/hr,
Terrain: Hilly, Rocky. No dropout, End to
End #3 of 4, Hiking boots, Refreshments after,
Pre-registration by Email to Leader.
Depart 9 am, Km 66.9, Kinsmen Park.
QEW, Mountain Rd (Beamsville) south,
Kinsmen Rd. east, Frost Rd. north.
Smadar Junkin, (905) 881-6080 or
Doug Sloan, (416) 661-9217 or
We will shuttle to km 45.1 and hike back
through the Louth Conservation Area, Ball’s
Falls and Cave Springs.
Be sure to read hike listings
carefully. If you have any
questions, call the leader at the
times noted.
Depart 10 am, at Hilton Falls Conservation
Area parking lot.
Thursday, December 19 -- Toronto
Exit Hwy 401 at Hwy 25 (exit 320), and
drive north 1.7 km to 5 Sdrd just past Tim
Hortons, then drive west for about 5 km.
Look for Hilton Falls on the north side.
Length of Hike: 10 km, Pace: 4 km/hr,
Tessa Shelvey, 905-850-1507 before 9pm
Nice loop hike or snowshoe (depending on
conditions) in the woods. We’ll visit a pretty
waterfall where chickadees are often feeding.
Admission fee applies: adult $6.50, senior
Level II Urban walk Terrain: Variable. Dropout, Beginners,
Families, Hiking boots, No dogs,
Refreshments after.
Depart 11 am, Inside TD Bank at Yonge &
St. Clair....at 11 prompt.
St. Clair subway is on the Yonge subway
line. TD Bank is on street level.
Winter 2013-2014
Jacqueline Holmes, (416) 487-8929 or
Larry Haigh, (416) 432-1239 before 8 pm
Dumplings Again. This is exactly the same
as our Thursday December 5th event....same
Delicious Dumplings same place...different
walk, but same meeting place... Everybody
Saturday, December 21 -- Oak
Ridges Trail (Map 5)
Level II Car hike Length of Hike: 12 km, Pace: 4 km/hr,
Terrain: Hilly, Challenging. Dropout,
Families, Hiking boots, No dogs,
Pre-registration by Email to Leader.
Depart 9 am, from the parking lot next to
the big Canadian flag at the intersection of
the 6th Concession and Allbright Rd, just
south of Goodwood Rd (Regional Rd 21).
Hwy 404 north, exit on Bloomington Rd
(Exit 41), go east on Bloomington Rd (Hwy
47) for 16.6 km (keep to the speed limit),
turn right at Town of Goodwood to get onto
Church St/Goodwood Rd (Reg Rd 21).
Travel for 6.8 km and go past Brock Rd,
turn right on 6th Concession, continue for
2.4 km until you see a large Canadian flag
on your right (at Allbright Rd). Parking lot is
immediately to your left.
Brandon Fahy, (416) 903-7572
before 9pm or bgfahy@mccain.ca
Remi Fahy, 416 903-7572 before 9:00pm
A loop hike, we will use the Main Trail and
a selection of side trails. No refreshment stop
so we should have an early return. ORTA
Map 5. Bring along your ice footwear in case
of icy conditions.
Club Info Line: 416-763-9061
Saturday, December 21 -- Niagara,
Grimsby (Maps 4/5)
Level II/III Car hike Length of Hike: 16 km, Pace: 4.5 km/hr,
Terrain: Hilly, Variable. No dropout, End to
End #4 of 4, Hiking boots, Refreshments after,
Pre-registration by Email to Leader.
Depart 9 am, Km 2.7, Iroquoia, map 5.
QEW, south on Christie St and Mountain
Rd (Grimsby), west on Ridge Rd and north
on Quarry Rd.
Wednesday, December 25-- Toronto
Level II Urban walk Length of Hike: 8 km, Pace: 4 km/hr,
Terrain: Mostly flat. Dropout, Beginners,
Families, Hiking boots, Refreshments after,
Pre-registration by Email to Leader.
Depart 11 am, At TD Bank North East
Corner of Yonge and St. Clair.
Smadar Junkin, (905) 881-6080 or
St. Clair is on Yonge subway line. Get off
at St. Clair and take escalator into St. Clair
Centre....we will be at street level. To preregister you can telephone leaders to reserve
your spot as well as email Jacqueline.
Doug Sloan, (416) 661-9217 or
Jacqueline Holmes, (416) 487-8929 or
We will shuttle to km 66.9 and hike back
through Mountainview Conservation Area
and Beamer Conservation Area.
Larry Haigh, (416) 432-1239 before 8 pm
Sunday, December 22 -- Toronto
Level II Urban walk Length of Hike: 11 km, Pace: 4 km/hr,
Terrain: Mostly flat, 1 steep incline.
Dropout, Beginners, Families, Hiking boots,
Refreshments after, Pub stop after, Bring
Depart 12 pm,
main entance.
Allen Gardens - outside
Allen Gardens is at Sherbourne and Carlton
Streets. Take Carlton streetcar from College
Subway. Get a transfer.
Jacqueline Holmes, (416) 487-8929 or
Larry Haigh, (416) 432-1239 before 8 pm
We’re going to meet at Allen Gardens,
smell the wonderful range of plant displays
and inhale the warmth of the tropical
greenhouses. Then we proceed through the
narrow lanes of Cabbagetown, stop off at
Riverdale Zoo to see their Holiday Displays,
then continue north along the Don River.
Lots of options, Art Gallery, Theatre and
then a good stretch up to the Whistler Pub..
Larry will bring his rope for the Stragglers!!.
Several hikers have asked if we could do a
hike and meal on December 25th (Christmas
Day)....so here goes. We’ll have a lovely
quiet, 2-hour walk through gentle peaceful
areas (all the more fun if it is snowing and
we can take our sleds) of Toronto and end up
at a great restaurant...finishing up where we
can have a jolly, tasty meal together. There
are many restaurants open on this date so
Larry and I will pick a good one, not too
expensive, where there is a varied menu. This
will be limited to 20 people so please sign up
Activity Calendar
Thursday, December 26 -- Caledon
Hills, Forks of the Credit, Boxing
Day hiking (Map 15)
Level II Car hike Length of Hike: 11 km, Pace: 4 km/hr,
Terrain: Mostly flat, Hilly. No dropout, Hiking
boots, No dogs, gaiters and icers for your safety,
Pre-registration by Email to Leader.
Depart 9 am, Map 15, Km 18.3 roadside
parking on the bend at the end of Willoughby
Francis Han, (905) 850-3926
We’ll do the loop hiking through Puckering
Lane and Forks of The Credit Valley. We can
walk Meadow Trail about 2.5 km as bonus if
agree after hiking. Come and join the yearend hiking if you think that hiking is much
better than breathing dusty air from the
bustling shopping mall.
Thursday, December 26 -- Toronto,
Toronto Island
Wednesday, January 1 -- Toronto, Leslie
Street Spit
Level II Urban walk Length of Hike: 12 km, Pace: 4 km/hr,
Level II Urban walk Length of Hike: 12 km, Pace: 4 km/hr,
Terrain: Mostly flat. Dropout at any time,
Hiking boots.
Terrain: Mostly flat. Dropout, No dogs,
Refreshments after.
Depart 10 am, Ferry Dock.
Depart 1 pm, Leslie Street Spit.
Meet at 9:30am inside waiting area for ferry
docks at the foot of Bay St.
Leslie St at Unwin Ave, gate at entrance to
Spit. Lots of parking spaces or walk down
south from the Queen streetcar.
Larry Haigh, (416) 432-1239 before 8 pm
David Royle, (416) 461-5184
Avoid the Boxing Day crowds. The islands
are quiet in winter. We will catch the 3:15 or
3:45 pm ferry to be back in Toronto about
4 pm. Ferry return fares: $7.00 adult, $4.50
student/senior, $3.50 junior. An opportunity
will be provided to make a donation to the
Escarpment Legacy Fund.
E-mail: information@torontobrucetrailclub.org
Winter 2013-2014
Larry Haigh, (416) 432-1239 before 8 pm
Victor Ramautar, 905-294-6718
before 9pm
Repeat of an annual event to start the New
Year off on the right foot. There is usually
quite a crowd, so arrive at least a half hour
before departure so we can leave on time.
An opportunity will be provided to make a
donation to the Escarpment Legacy Fund.
Activity Calendar
Wednesday, January 1 -- Toronto Section,
Hilton Falls (Map 11)
Level II Car hike Duration of Hike: 3hrs, Pace: 3.5 km/hr,
Terrain: Mostly flat, Variable. Dropout,
Families, Hiking boots, Refreshments after,
Bring ice footwear, a snack lunch (turkey
sandwiches optional) and something to
Depart 11 am, Meet in the parking lot of
the Hilton Falls Conservation Area. Note
that an admission fee will need to be paid in
accordance with Conservation Halton policy.
Exit Hwy 401 at either Guelph Line or
Halton 25, and take Campbellville Rd,
5th Sideroad. GPS co-ordinates for C.A.
parking lot, N 43 30.333’, W 79 41.000’.
Bob Humphreys, (519) 883-1840 7-10pm
or walk2tobermory@gmail.com
An opportunity to keep that New Year
resolution to get more exercise, and walk
off some of the excess of the night before!
(Note the “sympathetic” late start time.)
Join us for the annual loop hike around the
many paths and trails in the conservation
area. Dogs permitted, but must be leashed
and owners scoop the poop. After the hike
those who want to can repair to a local
franchise of “Canada’s coffee shop” for
some of their delicious hot beverages. We
will have earned it.
Thursday, January 2 -- Oak Ridges Trail
Level II Bus hike Length of Hike: 12 km, Pace: 4 km/hr,
Terrain: Variable. Dropout at 8 km,
Families, Hiking boots, Refreshments after,
Pre-registration Online using Website.
Depart 9 am, York Mills.
Terrain: Mostly flat, Hilly. Dropout at
7.5km, Beginners, Families, Hiking boots,
No dogs, Pub stop after, gaiters and icers for
your safety.
Larry Haigh, (416) 432-1239 before 8 pm
Depart 9 am, roadside parking spot on Keele
St, 2.9 km north of King Rd.
Francis Han, bccfrancishan@gmail.com
We’ll do the loop hiking through the Eaton
Hall and Mary Lake loop and stop at Pine
Farm for refreshment after.Let’s start new
Steve McLean, 647-391-3971 or
We will be doing a series of three 4km hikes
for a total of 12 km on the Oak Ridges Trail
in the Aurora area. Car hikers are welcome
to join the hike. Please contact the leader for
the meeting place. There will be a charge to
use the bus and to be returned to your car at
the end of the hike.
Hike Leader Training 2014
Hiking Holidays
7- and 10-night adventures on the Bruce Trail
Including accommodation, transportation,
daily guided hikes for all levels, breakfast &
lunch, luggage handling and more
The most beautiful hikes are right here in Ontario!
Bruce Trail in your Inbox
Footnotes, hike schedules and updates now available
by E-mail
• Stay up to date with the Bruce Trail Conservancy
and the Toronto Bruce Trail Club
• Reduce paper use and mailing costs.
• Receive your Club Newsletter and Hike Schedule as
a full-colour PDF file as soon as it’s ready.
1. Visit brucetrail.org and click on “Subscribe to
2. Login as a member (or create a member login first)
3. Add or update your email address
4. Choose to receive any or all of the following by
email: BTC eNews, Trail Change Notices, Footnotes
Newsletter, E-mail Updates from the Toronto Club
Saturday, January 4 -- Oak Ridges
Trail (Map 2)
Level II Car hike Length of Hike: 13 km, Pace: 4 km/hr,
Bruce Trail
5 Easy Steps
year breathing fresh air, doing some new
year’s resolution.
Saturday April 5th and Sunday April 6th
Have you ever considered becoming a Hike Leader for the
Toronto Bruce Trail Club (TBTC)? This is your opportunity
to give back to your Club and to be a trail blazer.
The Apprenticeship Program:
1: Attend the two day training workshop.
2: Serve as an assistant leader on four TBTC hikes.
3: Organize and lead one TBTC hike with a certified leader.
You must have completed a two day Standard First Aid
and Level C CPR course prior to attending the workshop.
Hiking experience with the TBTC is recommended.
Register by January 31, 2014 and receive a complimentary
copy of the 27th Edition of the Bruce Trail Reference Guide.
Upon successful completion of the apprenticeship program
the TBTC will refund the $60 registration fee and $75
towards the cost of first aid certification.
To register see the club’s website for additional information
or contact the Chair of the Hike Leader Training Committee
Ted Iseman
Winter 2013-2014
Club Info Line: 416-763-9061
Saturday, January 4 -- Iroquoia,
Waterdown (Maps 8/9)
Depart 3 pm, SE corner of Scarlett Rd and
Eglinton Ave West.
Level II/III Car hike Length of Hike: 18 km, Pace: 4 km/hr,
From Runnymede subway station take the 79
bus to the meeting place. For bus frequency
and times call the TTC at 416 393 4636
(416.393-INFO). Parking is available east of
Runnymede station, north of Bloor, on side
streets. Do not park at the starting point of
the hike. We finish the hike at the south side
of Bloor and Runnymede.
Terrain: Hilly, Challenging. No dropout,
No dogs, Pub stop after.
Depart 8:30 am, Map 9, km 75.1.
Parking lot north of km 75.1 at City View
Park off Kerns Rd. Enter from Hwy 5.
Ron Granger, (519) 485-0879 7-10 pm
Francis Han, (905) 850-3926
Car shuttle to km 58.6, Map 8. Hike back
through Borer’s Falls, Clappison Woods,
Grindstone Creek and Waterdown Woods.
Miriam Stevens, (416) 443-6242
6-10 pm or stevensmiriam1@hotmail.com
Ray Berzins, (647)207-4954
before 9:30 pm or berzinsg@sympatico.ca
Terrain: Variable. Dropout, Beginners,
Families, Hiking boots, No dogs,
Refreshments after, Bring water.
This hike is for members only. Bring your
valid Bruce Trail Conservancy membership
card. We will walk along the Humber River
Park southbound and Swansea Village via
ravines and city streets. We will have dinner
at 6 pm at a local restaurant and then attend
the Village Playhouse Theater at 2190 Bloor
Street West, at 8 pm to see “ The Willow
Quartet” A Drama by Joan Burrows. Call the
theater directly 416 767 7702 to reserve your
ticket ($20) and state that you are with the
Bruce Trail hiking club. You may hike only,
join in for dinner or just come to the theater
performance - or do all. The only reservation
required is for your ticket for the show
with The Village Playhouse. Please bring a
flashlight. It gets dark early and there are a
few steep staircases and one hidden path with
Depart 11 am, Inside TD Bank at Yonge &
St. Clair in St. Clair Centre - St. Clair subway
on Yonge line. Take escalator to ground level
and you will see the T.D. Bank.
Saturday, January 11 -- Dufferin HiLand, Boyne Valley & Murphy’s Pinnacle
(Map 20)
Saturday, January 4 -- Highlands
Nordic (Duntroon)
Martina Furrer,
For information on this event read the story
“2014 Cross-country Ski and Snowshoe
Program” on page 4.
Thursday, January 9 -- Toronto
Level II Urban walk Length of Hike: 10 km, Pace: 4 km/hr,
Jacqueline Holmes, (416) 487-8929
Larry Haigh
We’re having a great time, sitting large
tables, and ordering individual platters of
Dumplings. Join us...the same description as
December 5th and 19th....A full stomach for
under $10 and delicious too!.
Saturday, January 11 -- Toronto, Theatre
Level I/II Urban walk Duration of Hike: 3.0 hrs, Pace: 3 km/hr,
Terrain: Variable, 4 steep staircases. Dropout
at any time, Beginners, Families, No dogs,
Refreshments after.
Level II Car hike Duration of Hike: 3.0hrs, Pace: 3.5km/hr,
Terrain: Hilly, Variable. Dropout, Hiking
boots, Bring icers, a snack, and something to
Activity Calendar
Jacqueline is an Independent Consultant with
Collacutt Travel, Toronto Ontario TICO Registration #1466982
May 22nd - June 2nd
Eastbourne an hour from London,
England nestled alongside The
English Channel amidst the famous
South Downs National Park. In
May, the woods are perfumed by
blue bells, the meadows are home
to thousands of tiny, frisky, white
woolly lambs.... we walk and talk
with the locals along the fabulous
cliff tops with wonderful views of
France and eat in famous restaurants
and cream-tea gardens.... join us
in May, stay in a seaside hotel, be
amazed by the many, many palm
trees swaying in the sea breeze.
September 12th - 23rd
Jersey is the largest of the Channel
Islands and is a unique part of the
British Isles lying just off the French
coast, giving it that continental
flavour but without the language
difficulties. Local hikers will guide us
through networks of secret country
lanes and hidden valleys. There are
several bays of golden sand and
many interesting spots, Mont Orguel
Castle, Samares Manor and Durrell
Wildlife Park... plus of course plenty
of cream tea spots.
Depart 10 am, County Rd 19, Prince
of Wales Rd, where the Primrose Loop
Side Trail crosses it the second time. GPS
co-ordinates: N44 06.335’, W80 08.349’.
Take Hwy 10 north from Orangeville to
Primrose, then continue north for 1 km
on County Rd 19, parking carefully on the
Bob Humphreys, 519-883-1840 7-10pm
or walk2tobermory@gmail.com
E-mail: information@torontobrucetrailclub.org
Winter 2013-2014
For more Information email or call:
Activity Calendar
A double loop hike, we will use the Primrose
Loop Side Trail, the Boyne Valley Side Trail,
and a section of the Main Trail. Depending
on the snow coverage, we shall either hike or
use snowshoes. Dogs permitted, but must be
Saturday, January 11 -- Humber Valley
Heritage Trail
Level II Car hike Duration of Hike: 4.0 hrs, Pace: 3 km/hr,
Union Rd and turn left on to Kingston Rd, 1
km east from the intersection, there stands a
huge sign “Glen Rouge” on your left. That’s
the place we’re to meet - better be there early
for sure parking.
Francis Han, (905) 850-3926
Let’s do the new year’s resolution enjoying the
fresh air at the Rouge Valley Conservation
Area. Who knows it’ll be a good turning
point in your life. If you’re satisfied this
hiking, please sometimes check e-notes from
the Toronto club, I’ll organize level II hiking
around 13-18 km a day.
Terrain: Hilly. Dropout at as requested,
Beginners, Hiking boots, Pub stop after.
Depart 9 am, Tim Hortons, Bolton.
West side of Hwy 50 200 m north of the
junction with King Road.
Saturday, January 11 -- Toronto Section,
Limehouse (Maps 12/13)
Vladimir Bosnar, (905) 273-7569 7-9 pm
Level II/III Car hike Length of Hike: 16 km, Pace: 4 km/hr,
P. Lynn McFerran, (905) 791-9156
Terrain: Rocky. No dropout, Pub stop after.
This little gem of a trail winds through
spectacular scenery best viewed in winter.
Join the “Walking Wounded” for a gently
paced shorter hike of length to be decided
on conditions. Please note this hike may be
cancelled if driving conditions are hazardous.
Depart 8:30 am, Map 13, Fallbrook Rd near
km 35.9.
Saturday, January 11 -- Toronto, Rouge
Valley Conservation Area (Map Ontario)
Level II Car hike Length of Hike: 13 km, Pace: 4 km/hr,
Take Trafalgar Rd north from Hwy 7 and go
east on 27th side road to Fallbrook.
Ralph Hutchinson, (905) 872-8122 or
Come see “The Hole in the Wall”. We will
car pool to Limehouse and hike back. Bring
lunch/snack and lots of water.
Saturday, January 11 -- Scenic Caves
Terrain: Mostly flat, Hilly. No dropout,
Beginners, Families, No dogs, winter jacket,
gaiters and icers for your safety.
Martina Furrer,
Depart 9 am, at the Rouge Valley park on
Kingston Rd.
For information on this event read the story
“2014 Cross-country Ski and Snowshoe
Program” on page 4.
Take Hwy 401 east from Toronto,exit at Port
Sunday, January 12 -- Toronto
Level II Urban walk Length of Hike: 12 km, Pace: 4 km/hr,
Terrain: Variable, bring water and a snack.
Dropout, Beginners, Families, Hiking boots,
No dogs, Refreshments after, Pub stop after.
Depart 12 pm, Castle Frank Subway
Station. Castle Frank is on the Bloor - East
West Subway Line.
Jacqueline Holmes, (416) 487-8929 or
Larry Haigh
Time for another 5 or 10 minutes of silent
walking (optional)..it is called Forest
Walking...makes you feel as if you’ve spent
time at a Million Dollar Spa...we’re going to
be in forests, around trickling water....join us
for a wonderful half day holiday.
Sunday, January 12 -- Toronto
Section, Silver Creek (Maps 13/14)
Level II Bus hike Length of Hike: 15 km, Pace: 4 km/hr,
Terrain: Rocky, Some hills. Dropout
at 7, 13 km, Hiking boots, Ice
footwear or snowshoes may be useful,
Pre-registration Online using Website.
Depart 10 am, Islington.
Barbara Euler, (416) 695-1838
before 10pm or bjeuler@rogers.com
Terra Cotta to Scotsdale Farm using the
Main Trail and Side Trails. This area is lovely
in the winter. If there is heavy snow or icy
conditions, pace will be slower and distance
may be shortened. No refreshment stop so
we should be back in the city before 5 pm.
The Toronto Hiking and Conservation Club
organizes Sunday hikes in the countryside
surrounding Toronto
Hikes leave each Sunday at 10:00 a.m. (unless stated otherwise in
the program) from the parking lot on the northwest corner of
Yonge and York Mills, via car-pools. Hikes usually end around 3
p.m. and return to York Mills around 4 p.m. See our program at
www.sproulephoto.ca/thcc or call 416-693-8639 for more
 
Winter 2013-2014
Club Info Line: 416-763-9061
Activity Calendar
Saturday, January 18 -- Toronto Section,
Speyside (Map 12)
Sunday, January 19 -- Erindale Park,
Level II Bus hike Length of Hike: 12 km, Pace: 4 km/hr,
Level II Car hike Duration of Hike: 4.0 hrs, Pace: 3 km/hr,
Level I Urban walk Length of Hike: 8 km, Pace: 3 km/hr,
Terrain: Variable. Dropout at 8 km,
Families, Hiking boots, Refreshments after,
Pre-registration Online using Website.
Terrain: Hilly, Rocky. Dropout at as
requested, Hiking boots, Pub stop after.
Terrain: Mostly flat, gravel path. Dropout at
any time, Beginners, No dogs, Pub stop after.
Depart 9 am, Tim Hortons.
Depart 10 am, Erindale Park parking lot.
Depart 9 am, York Mills.
On the east side of Hwy 25 300 m north of
the 401 near Milton.
Main parking lot of Erindale Park on the
north side of Dundas St, about 200m east of
Mississauga Rd.
Saturday, January 18 -- Oak Ridges
Steve McLean, 647-391-3971 or
Larry Haigh, (416) 432-1239 before 8 pm
We will be doing a series of three 4km hikes
for a total of 12 km on Jokers Hill and the
Oak Ridges Trail in the Newmarket area. Car
hikers are welcome to join the hike. Please
contact the leader for the meeting place.
There will be a charge to use the bus and to
be returned to your car at the end of the hike.
Saturday, January 18 -- Toronto
Section, Scotsdale Farm (Map 13)
Peter Tomlin, (905) 791-9156 M-W 7-9pm
P. Lynn McFerran, (905) 791-9156
Join the “Walking Wounded” for a loop hike
on this rugged forested Main and side trails
with some spectacular views. Length will be
adjusted as dictated by conditions. Please
note the hike may be cancelled if driving
conditions are hazardous.
There and back hike along the scenic
Credit River. Bring icers. Lunch after at a
local pub. E-mail questions can be sent to
Saturday, January 18 -- Iroquoia,
Mount Nemo (Maps Map 9/10)
Level I/II Urban walk Duration of Hike: 4hrs, Pace: 3.5km/hr,
Level II/III Car hike Length of Hike: 22 km, Pace: 4 km/hr,
Level II Car hike Length of Hike: 12 km, Pace: 4 km/hr,
Terrain: Hilly, Variable. No dropout, Hiking
boots, No dogs, Pub stop after.
Terrain: Hilly, Challenging. Dropout,
Families, Hiking boots,
Pre-registration by Email to Leader.
Depart 8:30 am, Map 10, km 98.8.
Parking lot behind the Kilbride School at
end of Panton St.
Depart 9 am, Scotsdale Farm Parking lot.
Ron Granger, (519) 485-0879 7-10 pm
Take Trafalgar Rd exit off Hwy 401 and
travel north on Trafalgar Rd through
Stewarttown and continue to lights at merge
with Hwy 7. Turn left at lights and continue
traveling north for about 4 km where Hwy
7 carries on to left and Trafalgar Rd exits on
right. Continue north on Trafalgar Rd and
after about 2 km turn right into Scotsdale
Farm. Drive east along the gravel road to
the parking lot on the left in front of the
Francis Han, (905) 850-3926
Remi Fahy, 416 903-7572
before 9:00pm or bgfahy@mccain.ca
Brandon Fahy, (416) 903-7572
before 9:00pm or bgfahy@mccain.ca
A loop hike: we will use the Main Trail and a
selection of side trails. If icy conditions, the
distance may be shortened. No refreshment
stop so we should have an early return.
Tessa Shelvey, (905) 850-1507 before 9 pm
Car shuttle to km 76.8, Map 9 and hike
back through Highview and Mount Nemo
Conservation Area.
For membership information, call
the Bruce Trail Conservancy Head
Office at
1-800-665-HIKE (1-800-665-4453)
8:30 am -4:30 pm
Monday - Friday
or visit www.brucetrail.org
Saturday, January 18 -- Horseshoe
Martina Furrer,
For information on this event read the story
“2014 Cross-country Ski and Snowshoe
Program” on page 4.
E-mail: information@torontobrucetrailclub.org
Winter 2013-2014
Sunday, January 19 -- Toronto,
Earl Bales Park
Terrain: Mostly flat, Variable. Dropout,
Beginners, Families.
Depart 11 am, North York Subway station.
From the subway station, follow the signs for
Yonge St. West side and North York Civic
Centre. Meet inside the City Centre Mall,
5150 Yonge St., street level, in front of the
Food Court.
Monica Feran, (416) 736-6636 7-9pm
Beautiful park for a winter walk. We will
walk from the North York subway station to
the Earl Bales park and return to the subway.
Bring lunch, we will stop at the Community
Center (indoors). ICE FOOTWEAR
Thursday, January 23 -- Toronto
Level II Urban walk Length of Hike: 10 km, Pace: 4 km/hr,
Terrain: Variable, Bring water Dropout,
Beginners, Families, No dogs, Refreshments
after, bring water.
Depart 11 am, Inside St. Clair Centre at the
TD Bank. N E corner Yonge and St. Clair.
St. Clair is on the Yonge Subway line. Take
escalator to the main floor and you will see
our Group outside the TD Bank.
Jacqueline Holmes, (416) 487-8929 or
Activity Calendar
Larry Haigh, (416) 432-1239 before 8 pm
Join Us...we are having a great time. This is
a repeat of January 9th Walk - Same place,
same fabulous food, same reasonable pricing.
Lots of room - this is a large restaurant. Say
hello when you sign in!!.
Saturday, January 25 -- Oak Ridges Trail,
Whitchurch-Stouffville (Map 4)
Level II Bus hike Length of Hike: 16 km, Pace: 4 km/hr,
Terrain: Variable. Dropout at 10 km, Hiking
boots, Refreshments after, light lunch and
Saturday, January 25 -- Blueberry
Plains (Wasaga Nordic)
Martina Furrer,
Level II Bus hike Length of Hike: 15 km, Pace: 4 km/hr,
For information on this event read the story
“2014 Cross-country Ski and Snowshoe
Program” on page 4.
Terrain: Variable. Dropout at 5 and 10 km,
Hiking boots, Refreshments after, Bring light
lunch and water.
Depart 9:30 am, York Mills.
Sunday, January 26 -- Toronto
Level II Urban walk Length of Hike: 13 km, Pace: 4 km/hr,
Depart 9:30 am, York Mills.
Terrain: Variable, bring snack and water.
Dropout, Beginners, Families, No dogs,
Refreshments after, Pub stop after, Bring a
snack and lots of water..
Michele Mastroeni, (416) 301-8292 before
8pm or m.mst34@gmail.com
Depart 12 pm, Eglinton East and Leslie St.
at the bottom of the stairway.
Victor Ramautar, 905-294-6718
Take any Eglinton East bus from Yonge and
Eglinton. Get off at Leslie St. and walk down
the steps at the bus stop. A person will be
standing at the bus stop on Eglinton and
Leslie so you will not miss us.
Before 9pm or mychamprian@gmail.com
We will be hiking in the York Regional
Forest,a combination of main and side trails.
Car hikers who wish to join the hike should
contact leader for meeting place. There is a
$10 charge for car hikers to use the bus.
Saturday, January 25 -- Iroquoia, Crawford
Lake to Rattlesnake Point (Map 11)
Level II Car hike Duration of Hike: 3hrs, Pace: 3.5km/hr,
Terrain: Hilly, Variable. No dropout,
Hiking boots, Bring icers, a snack lunch, and
something to drink..
Depart 10am, Crawford Lake Conservation
Area, GPS co-ordinates
N 43 28.204’, W 79 57.070’.
Take Guelph Line to Conservation Rd, and
park in the outer parking lot. Note that
an admission fee will need to be paid in
accordance with Conservation Halton policy.
Bob Humphreys, (519) 883-1840 7-10pm
or walk2tobermory@gmail.com
A double loop hike, we will be using the
Leech Porter Side Trail, the Canyon Bypass
Side Trail, and the Crawford Lake Side
Trail, all linked together by the Main Trail.
Depending on the snow conditions we shall
either hike or use snowshoes. Snowshoe
rentals available at the visitors centre. Dogs
permitted, but must be leashed and owners
scoop the poop.
Saturday, February 1 -- Oak Ridges Trail,
King Township (Map 2)
Jacqueline Holmes, (416) 487-8929
Larry Haigh
On this walk we travel through a very mixed
terrain...rivers, streams, woods. Everybody
is welcome so come and meet new people,
make friends and make use of your new
Bruce Trail membership.
Saturday, February 1 -- Toronto, High
Level II Urban walk Length of Hike: 9 km, Pace: 3.5 km/hr,
Terrain: Mostly flat. Dropout at any time,
Beginners, Families, No dogs, Refreshments
Depart 9:30 am, meet from 9 am, upper
level High Park subway station, Quebec Ave.
Ted Iseman, 416 219 1663 cell phone
or ted.iseman@gmail.com
Sarah Hopton, 416 319-3736 before 10pm
A very early spring hike through High Park
to the lake, returning north through the
Humber River valley and back into the park,
finishing at the Grenadier Restaurant for a 1
pm lunch.
Winter 2013-2014
Michele Mastroeni 416-301-8292
before 8pm
Victor Ramautar, 905-294-6718
Before 9pm
We will be hiking in the Happy Valley Forest,
Pine Farms side trail, Miller side trail, going
by Mary Lake Augustinian Monastery and
Eaton Hall Lake.
Saturday, February 1 -- Dufferin Hi-Land,
Mono Cliffs (Map 19)
Level II Car hike Duration of Hike: 3hrs, Pace: 3.5km/hr,
Terrain: Hilly, Variable. No dropout, Hiking
boots, Refreshments after, Bring icers, a
snack and something to drink.
Depart 10 am, Mono Centre Community
Centre. GPS co-ordinates:
N 44 01.603’, W 80 04.312’.
Take Hwy 10 north from Orangeville to
Camilla, turn right on County Rd 8, and
finally north on 2nd Line EHS to Mono
Centre. Park in the outer parking lot.
Bob Humphreys, 519-883-1840 7-10pm
or walk2tobermory@gmail.com
A loop hike, we will use the Main Trail and
a selection of the side trails in the provincial
park. Depending on the snow coverage we
shall either hike or use snowshoes. Dogs
permitted, but must be leashed and owners
scoop the poop.
Saturday, February 1 -- Toronto Section,
Scotsdale Farm (Map 13)
Level II Car hike Duration of Hike: 4.0 hrs, Pace: 3 km/hr,
Terrain: Variable. Dropout at as requested,
Beginners, Pub stop after.
Depart 9 am, McDonald’s, Georgetown.
North west corner of the junction between
Hwy 7 and Mountainview Road.
Club Info Line: 416-763-9061
Tony Edmonds 416-221-6716M-W 7-9pm
Jacqueline Holmes, (416) 487-8929
Mike Dhesi, (416) 760-2602 4-7pm
Larry Haigh, (416) 432-1239 before 8pm
Join the “Walking Wounded” for a shorter
moderately paced loop hike in the very
photogenic winter season grounds of the
Dumpling Time Again....This is going very
well. It is a great way to meet new people
eating and sitting at large tables. John us.
Saturday, February 1 -- Highlands
Nordic (Duntroon)
Martina Furrer,
For information on this event read the story
“2014 Cross-country Ski and Snowshoe
Program” on page 4.
Sunday, February 2 -- Toronto
Level II Urban walk Length of Hike: 12 km, Pace: 4 km/hr,
Terrain: Mostly flat, bring little snack &
water.. Dropout, Beginners, Families, Hiking
boots, No dogs, Refreshments after, Pub stop
Depart 12 pm, Davisville Subway Station.
Street level.
Davisville is on the Yonge Subway Line.
Jacqueline Holmes, (416) 487-8929 or
Larry Haigh, (416) 432-1239 before 8 pm
At this time of years hundreds of kids will
be sledding down the huge hilly basin in
Cedarvale Park, opposite the dog off leash
area. This is a perfect photo op, with the
brilliance of the kids clothing against the
whiteness of the snow.. On this walk we
have a mixture of everything, precious to
Toronto, ravines, woods, and parks. Join us
- Everybody welcome.
Thursday, February 6 -- Toronto
Level II Urban walk Length of Hike: 10 km, Pace: 4 km/hr,
Activity Calendar
Saturday, February 8 -- Oak Ridges
Trail, Nokiidaa Trail (Map 4)
Level II Bus hike Length of Hike: 15 km, Pace: 4 km/hr,
Terrain: Mostly flat. Dropout at 8km,
Refreshments after,
Pre-registration Online using Website.
Depart 9 am, York Mills.
Steve McLean, 647-391-3971 or smmclean@
Larry Haigh, (416) 432-1239 before 8 pm
Nokiidaa is an Ojibwa term meaning
“walking together”. The Nokiidaa trail
links Holland Landing with Aurora and
Newmarket. This is an urban trail which
goes through parks, wetlands and historic
cultural sites, and is suitable for beginners
and families. Dropouts will be available. Car
hikers are welcome to join the hike. Please
contact the leader for the meeting place. A
fee for using the bus and being returned to
your car will apply.
Saturday, February 8 -- Toronto Section,
Speyside (Map 12)
Level II Car hike Length of Hike: 15 km, Pace: 3.5 km/hr,
Terrain: Mostly flat, Variable. No dropout,
Hiking boots, No dogs, Bring Icers, a snack
lunch and something to drink.
Depart 10 am, Peartree parking lot at km
11.2 on 15 Sideroad, 200 metres south west
of Halton Road 25, GPS co-ordinates N 43
34.676’, W 79 58.619’.
Terrain: Variable, Bring Water. Dropout,
Beginners, Families, Hiking boots, No dogs,
Refreshments after.
Take Hwy 401 west to Milton and turn right
onto Hwy 25. Follow north to Speyside, and
turn left on 15th Sideroad and after 200
metres turn into the parking lot on the left.
Depart 11 am, Inside St. Clair Centre at
T.D. Bank.
Bob Humphreys, (519) 883-1840 7-10pm
or walk2tobermory@gmail.com
St. Clair is on the Yonge Subway. Get off at
St. Clair go up elevator to ground level and
you will see us outside the T.D. Bank.
An opportunity to get out and enjoy the
trail without mosquitoes! This will be a loop
hike, taking in parts of the Main Trail, the
E-mail: information@torontobrucetrailclub.org
Winter 2013-2014
See photos, hear commentary, learn
about new and exciting adventures,
and maybe even win a door prize!
(one light north of Lawrence Ave. East
on the east side of Bayview)
Free parking!
Corfu ● Patagonia ● Kenya ● Amalfi
Peru ● Israel ● Turkey ● Ireland
Iceland ● Cuba ● Camino de Santiago
Fascinating and complex, Israel offers
immense diversity. Hike the lush
vineyards of the Golan Heights & the
deep canyons of the Judean Desert,
plus the famed Jesus Trail from
Nazareth to the Sea of Galillee. We
shall visit Jerusalem, the Dead Sea,
Masada, Bethlehem and Tel Aviv, and
although this holiday is not religious by
design, we cannot help but be
immersed in the dominant role it has
played for centuries.
Italy never fails to captures the hearts
(and stomachs) of its visitors, and the
Amalfi Coast lives up to that reputation
 towns perched impossibly on
mountainsides, one of the most
famous stretches of coastline in the
world, sapphireblue water in every
direction, an infamous volcano and
some of the finest Limoncello
anywhere. Come hike in Sorrento,
Positano, Amalfi and on the posh
island of Capri.
With more shades of green than you
can imagine, the  lives up
to its deserving reputation. From
historical Dublin to picturesque
Killarney & parts in between, we will
take you hiking through some of the
most soughtafter scenery the country
has to offer  and we'll even make a
few pub stops along the way!
Activity Calendar
Hilton Falls Side Trail and the Vanderleck
Side Trail. Depending on the snow coverage,
we shall either hike or use snowshoes. Dogs
permitted, but must be leashed and owners
scoop the poop.
Saturday, February 8 -- Iroquoia, Kelso
(Maps 10/11)
Level II/III Car hike Length of Hike: 22 km, Pace: 4.5 km/hr,
Terrain: Rocky, Variable. No dropout,
Hiking boots, No dogs, Pub stop after.
Depart 8:30 am, Map 11, km 120.1.
Parking lot at the west end. Enter from
Tremaine Rd (Halton Rd 22).
Ron Granger, (519) 485-0879 7-10 pm
Francis Han, (905) 850-3926
Car shuttle to km 98.9, Map 10. Hike back
through Yaremko-Ridley, Crawford Forestry
and Kelso.
Saturday, February 8 -- Horseshoe
Martina Furrer,
For information on this event read the story
“2014 Cross-country Ski and Snowshoe
Program” on page 4.
Sunday, February 9 -- Dufferin HiLand, Mono Cliffs (Map 19)
Level II Bus hike Length of Hike: 17 km, Pace: 4 km/hr,
Saturday, February 15
Crawford Lake (Map 11)
Level I Car hike Length of Hike: 10 km, Pace: 3 km/hr,
Terrain: Variable. Dropout at 6km,
Beginners, No dogs, Refreshments after.
Depart 10 am, Crawford Lake parking lot.
Take Hwy 401 west to Guelph Line in
Milton, go south on Guelph Line to
Conservation Road (formerly Steeles Ave),
turn left and follow to end.
Tessa Shelvey, 905-850-1507 before 9pm
Hike or snowshoe, whichever you prefer.
We’ll hike 2-3 hours through the woods then
have lunch inside the warm visitor centre.
Those who wish can do another hour after
lunch. Admission of about $7.25 per person
applies. Snowshoe rentals are available for
around $10 for the whole day. Coffee after
at Trail Cafe. e-mail mapletrees16@yahoo.ca.
Advertise With Footnotes
Footnotes is published quarterly and
contains details of the club’s hiking
program and other general interest
articles. Circulation is over 3700 per
Preference given to ads related to
hiking, hiking tours, travel, health,
wellness, and conservation. No hand
written copy please. Contact:
Susan Britton,
Footnotes Advertising Coordinator
Tel. 647-242-0236,
email: ssnbrttn@yahoo.com
Bring lunch/snack and lots of water.
Saturday, February 15 -- Mansfield
Martina Furrer,
For information on this event read the story
“2014 Cross-country Ski and Snowshoe
Program” on page 4.
Sunday, February 16 -- Toronto
Level II Urban walk Length of Hike: 11 km, Pace: 4 km/hr,
Terrain: Variable, bring icers, could be
slippery. Dropout, Beginners, Families,
Hiking boots, No dogs, Refreshments after,
Pub stop after, bring snack & water..
Depart 12 pm, Inside St. Clair Centre at
T.D. Bank.
St. Clair Subway is on Yonge line. Get off at
St. Clair, take escalator to ground level and
look for the group of us at the TD Bank.
Jacqueline Holmes, (416) 487-8929
Larry Haigh
Join us for a brisk walk, ravines, parks, hot
drink upstairs at Loblaws. What more could
we wish for on a chilly, sunny Toronto
Sunday afternoon.
Monday, February 17 -- Toronto Islands
Level I/II Urban walk Length of Hike: 12 km, Pace: 4 km/hr,
Terrain: Mostly flat. Dropout at anytime,
Beginners, Families, Snowshoes optional.
Depart 9:45 am, Inside the waiting area at
the Ferry Docks at the foot of Bay St.
Saturday, February 15 -- Toronto Section,
Terra Cotta (Maps 13/14)
Streetcar from Union Station to foot of Bay
Pre-registration Online using Website.
Level II/III Car hike Length of Hike: 14 km, Pace: 4 km/hr,
Ray Berzins, (647)207-4954
before 9:30pm or berzinsg@sympatico.ca
Depart 10 am, Islington.
Terrain: Rocky. No dropout.
before 10pm or bjeuler@rogers.com
Depart 8:30 am, Map 14, km. 49.5.
Avoid the crowds on Family Day! The
Islands are quiet in winter. We shall cover
the entire Toronto Islands from Wards Island
to Hanlan’s Point and back. We should
return on the 3:15 or 3:45 ferry, to be back
in Toronto about 4 pm. Ferry return fares:
$7.00 adult, $4.50 senior/student, $3.50
junior. Bring a lunch and a warm beverage.
Donations to the Escarpment Legacy Fund
will be gladly accepted.
Terrain: Variable, Some hills. Dropout at 12
km, Hiking boots, Ice footwear or snowshoes
may be useful,
We’ll explore some of the scenic trails and
lookouts in the provincial park. If weather or
trail conditions are unfavourable, hike will be
shortened to 12 km and pace will be slower.
No refreshment stop so we should be back in
the city before 5 pm.
One way to get there is to take Boston
Mills Rd west from Hwy. 10, turn north on
Creditview to meeting point.
Ralph Hutchinson, (905) 872-8122 or
It is a beautiful area in the winter time. We
will car shuffle to Silver Creek and hike back.
Winter 2013-2014
Club Info Line: 416-763-9061
Monday, February 17 -- Oak Ridges Trail,
Uxbridge (ORTA Map 5)
T.D. Bank.
Level II Bus hike Length of Hike: 10 km, Pace: 3.5 km/hr,
Larry Haigh
Terrain: Variable. Dropout, Families, Hiking
boots, Refreshments after.
Depart 9 am, York Mills.
Larry Haigh, (416) 432-1239 before 8pm
Victor Ramautar, 905-294-6718
Before 9pm or mychamprian@gmail.com
Join us on this Family Day holiday for a
pleasant hike in the Durham Regional Forest.
Enjoy the company of your fellow hikers and
whatever weather the winter provides.
Thursday, February 20 -- Toronto
Level II Urban walk Length of Hike: 10 km, Pace: 4 km/hr,
Terrain: Variable, bring water. Dropout,
Beginners, Families, Hiking boots, No dogs,
Refreshments after, Bring water..
Depart 11 am, Yonge and St. Clair Centre outside the T.D. Bank.
St. Clair is on the Yonge line....get off the
subway at St. Clair - take escalator up to
ground level and you will see us outside the
Jacqueline Holmes, (416) 487-8929
This is your final chance to enjoy a fabulous
Chinese dumpling walk. We have had a
great, great time.....Thanks everybody for
joining Larry and I and making everything
worth while.
Saturday, February 22 -- Oak Ridges
Trail (Map 5)
Level II Bus hike Length of Hike: 14 km, Pace: 4 km/hr,
Terrain: Variable. Dropout, Beginners,
Pre-registration Online using Website.
Depart 9 am, York Mills.
Steve McLean, 647-391-3971
or smmclean@rogers.com
Larry Haigh, (416) 432-1239 before 8pm
We will be hiking in the Durham Forest in
the Uxbridge area. We will hike the Walker
Loop and the Al Shaw Trail. Car hikers,
please contact the hike leader for the meeting
place in Goodwood; there is a fee to get you
Activity Calendar
to the head of the trail and to return you to
your car at the end of the day.
Saturday, February 22 -- Oak
Ridges Trail, Long Sault
Conservation Area (Map7)
Level II Car hike Length of Hike: 15 km, Pace: 4 km/hr,
Terrain: Hilly, Challenging. Dropout,
Families, Hiking boots,
Pre-registration by Email to Leader.
Depart 9:30 am, Long Sault Conservation
Area parking lot.
We will meet at the parking lot in the Long
Sault Conservation Area. Hwy 401, Exit 431
at Waverly Rd. Travel north for 17 km on
Regional Rd 57. Turn right at Regional Rd
20. After 2 km, turn left at Woodley Rd and
travel 2 km to conservation area parking lot.
Bring some toonies/loonies for the parking
Brandon Fahy, (416) 903-7572
before 9:00pm or bgfahy@mccain.ca
Remi Fahy, 416 903-7572 before 9:00pm or
A loop hike in forest-covered rolling hills,
typical of the Oak Ridges Moraine. No car
Hiking in the Highlands of North Central Pennsylvania
Thanksgiving - October 11 to 14, 2013
Great walking in the fall colours. Full Thanksgiving dinner.
New Years - Dec. 29, 2013 to Jan.1, 2014
Time to ourselves after the hectic season. Outside every
day and a little longer by the fire place.
Spanish Adventures
Customized Self Guided
Walking & Cycling Trips In Spain
Caminos de Santiago, Picos De Europa, Galicia,
Basque Country, Andalucia, N. Portugal
Email Aussie Garry in Santiago: garry@spanishadventures.com
E-mail: information@torontobrucetrailclub.org
The Lodge is located in Potter County, Pennsylvania, 2.5
hours south of Buffalo. There is no agriculture or industry in
the area, just great trails. Daily hikes of 10 to 15 km are led
through hardwood forest, many beside mountain streams.
Our lodge provides comfortable accommodation & excellent
meals for $60.00 semi-private or $70.00 private U.S. per
day per person. These outings have proven to be popular
with the lodge filling up quickly.
For more information, including driving directions, please
see www.execulink.com/~gvincent or contact Greg Vincent
at 519-579-8210 or vincent.greg@gmail.com.
For reservations call Carol Szymanik at 1-814-435-2163
Winter 2013-2014
Activity Calendar
shuttles required. We return to the parking
lot for lunch so that people can leave if they
only want to hike half day.
Sunday, February 23 -- Toronto, Lawrence
to Edward Gardens
Saturday, February 22 -- Toronto Section,
Limehouse (Map 12)
Terrain: Mostly flat, Variable. Dropout,
Beginners, Families, ICE FOOTWEAR.
Level II Car hike Duration of Hike: 3.0 hrs, Pace: 3 km/hr,
Depart 11 am, Lawrence subway station.
Meet at Lawrence subway station, NE corner
of Yonge and Lawrence.
Terrain: Rocky, Variable. Dropout at as
requested, Hiking boots, ice footware
Depart 9 am, Tim Horton’s.
East side of Hwy 25 near Milton and about
200 m north of the junction with the 401.
Vladimir Bosnar, 905-273-7569 7-9 pm
Tony Edmonds, 416-221-6716 M-W 7-9pm
Join the “Walking Wounded” for a relaxed
pace shorter hike in the scenic Limehouse
Saturday, February 22 -- Toronto Section,
Speyside (Map 12)
Level I/II Urban walk Duration of Hike: 4hrs, Pace: 3.5km/hr,
Monica Feran, (416) 736-6636 7-9pm
or mferan@teksavvy.com
We will walk from the Lawrence subway
station to Sunnybrook park and Edwards
Gardens. Optional extension to Bayview and
York Mills. Bring lunch. We will have lunch
indoors if it is very cold. ICE FOOTWEAR
Saturday, March 1 -- Toronto,
Theatre Hike
Level I/II Urban walk Duration of Hike: 3.0 hrs, Pace: 3 km/hr,
Level II/III Car hike Length of Hike: 15 km, Pace: 4.5 km/hr,
Terrain: Variable, 4 steep staircases. Dropout
at any time, Beginners, Families, No dogs,
Refreshments after.
Terrain: Rocky, Variable. No dropout,
Hiking boots, No dogs, Pub stop after.
Depart 3 pm, SE corner of Scarlett Rd and
Eglinton Ave West.
Depart 8:30 am, Map 12, km 11.2.
From Runnymede subway station take the 79
bus to the meeting place. For bus frequency
and times call the TTC at 416 393 4636
(416.393-INFO). Parking is available east of
Runnymede station, north of Bloor, on side
streets. Do not park at the starting point of
the hike. We finish the hike at the south side
of Bloor and Runnymede.
Pear Tree parking lot on 15 sideroad, 200 m
southwest of Halton Rd 25.
Ron Granger, (519) 485-0879 7-10 pm
Francis Han, (905) 850-3926
Loop hike the Main Trail and Al Shaw, part
of the Hilton Falls Side Trail.
Ray Berzins, (647)207-4954
before 9:30pm or berzinsg@sympatico.ca
Miriam Stevens, (416) 443-6242 6-10pm
or stevensmiriam1@hotmail.com
Saturday, February 22 -- Hardwood
Martina Furrer,
For information on this event read the story
“2014 Cross-country Ski and Snowshoe
Program” on page 4.
This hike is for members only. Bring your
valid Bruce Trail Conservancy membership
card. We will walk along the Humber River
Park southbound and Swansea Village via
ravines and city streets. We will have dinner
at 6 pm at a local restaurant and then attend
the Village Playhouse Theater at 2190 Bloor
Street West, at 8 pm to see “ Marion Bridge”
by Daniel MacIvor. Call the theater directly
416 767 7702 to reserve your ticket ($20) and
state that you are with the Bruce Trail hiking
club. You may hike only, join in for dinner
or just come to the theater performance - or
Winter 2013-2014
do all. The only reservation required is for
your ticket for the show with The Village
Playhouse. Please bring a flashlight. It gets
dark early and there are a few steep staircases
and one hidden path with obstacles.
Saturday, March 1 -- Oak Ridges
Trail (Map 5)
Level II Car hike Length of Hike: 12 km, Pace: 4 km/hr,
Terrain: Hilly, Challenging. Dropout,
Families, Hiking boots,
Pre-registration by Email to Leader.
Depart 9 am, from the parking lot next to
the big Canadian flag at the intersection of
the 6th Concession and Albright Rd, just
south of Goodwood Rd (Regional Rd 21).
Hwy 404 north, exit on Bloomington Rd
(Exit 41), go east on Bloomington Rd (Hwy
47) for 16.6 km (keep to the speed limit),
turn right at Town of Goodwood to get onto
Church St/Goodwood Rd (Reg Rd 21).
Travel for 6.8 km and go past Brock Rd,
turn right on 6th Concession, continue for
2.4 km until you see a large Canadian flag
on your right (at Albright Rd). Parking lot is
immediately to your left.
Brandon Fahy, (416) 903-7572
before 9pm or bgfahy@mccain.ca
Remi Fahy, 416 903-7572
before 9:00pm or bgfahy@mccain.ca
A loop hike, we will use the main trail and
a selection of side trails. No refreshment stop
so we should have an early return. ORTA
Map 5. Bring along your ice footwear in case
of icy conditions.
Saturday, March 1 -- Caledon Hills, Forks
of the Credit (Map 15)
Level II Car hike Duration of Hike: 3.0 hrs, Pace: 3 km/hr,
Terrain: Hilly, ice footware helpful.
Dropout, Hiking boots, ice footware may be
Depart 9 am, Tim Horton’s. SW corner of
the junction of Mayfield Rd and Hurontario
in Brampton.
Vladimir Bosnar, (905) 273-7569 7-9 pm
P. Lynn McFerran, (905) 791-9156Start your
spring season with a spectacular easy paced
hike with the “Walking Wounded”.
Club Info Line: 416-763-9061
Saturday, March 1 -- Highlands
Nordic (Duntroon)
Depart 9 am, Tim Horton’s. N side of hwy
9 just west of the junction with Airport Rd.
Martina Furrer,
Peter Tomlin, 905-791-9156 M-W 7-9pm
For information on this event read the story
“2014 Cross-country Ski and Snowshoe
Program” on page 4.
Join the “Walking Wounded” group for a
relaxed pace loop hike in very pleasant hilly
Saturday, March 8 -- Caledon Hills, Glen
Haffy (Map 17)
Level II Car hike Duration of Hike: 4.0 hrs, Pace: 3 km/hr,
Terrain: Variable. Dropout at as requested,
Hiking boots.
Mike Dhesi, (416) 760-2602 4 to 7 pm
Saturday, March 8 -- Scenic Caves
Martina Furrer,
For information on this event read the story
“2014 Cross-country Ski and Snowshoe
Program” on page 4.
In Memory of Ambrose
Activity Calendar
Other Hikes
1. Independent outings:
Independent outings are not
sanctioned by the Toronto Bruce
Trail Club (TBTC). The TBTC
accepts no responsibility for
how these events are run, nor is
it involved in the collection of
funds or administration of these
events. The events listed here are
not commercial operations but are
offered by members of the TBTC
on a cost shared basis.
2. Commercial Trips:
FOOTNOTES has a number of
advertisements from commercial
hiking and outing organizations.
By Todd Bardes, President, Toronto Bruce Trail Club
I regret to advise the members of the Toronto Bruce Trail Club about the
passing of Ambrose Pak Chum Leung on September 21, 2013. Ambrose and
I went through hike leadership training over 15 years ago. He was a dedicated
hike leader and had a strong following on his bus hikes. He was quiet and a great
leader, as many of us have experienced from his hikes. Ambrose will be sadly
missed by the hikers of the Toronto Bruce Trail Club. His friends and fellow
hikers may wish to join the Club in donating a small piece of the Bruce Trail in
his name. To make your donation, please visit:
Friday, February 14-17 Tobermory
Snowshoeing at Tobermory
The days are longer.
There is lots of snow and we enjoy
this mid winter break at
“Tip O’ the Bruce” Tobermory.
We stay and have our meals at a
comfortable hotel overlooking Little Tub
Harbour. We will snowshoe trails in the
area with lots of views of
Georgian Bay. New to snowshoeing? We
will help you. Contact:
Greg Vincent
(519) 579.8210.
Advertising notices appear for the
convenience of members and advertisers.
The TBTC accepts no responsibility in
connection with these notices.
For Rent
Hiking at its best. Bruce Peninsula
3 bedroom waterfront cottage near
Dyers Bay, minutes to Bruce Trail.
$200.00 per night minimum 3
nights maximum 4 people
Available Spring & Fall
Call 705 445 0066
E-mail: information@torontobrucetrailclub.org
Winter 2013-2014
By Francoise Bictache
I spotted the advertisement in the
Bruce Trail Footnotes for jacktotheworld’s
Summertime Trip to Eastbourne England,
run by Jacqueline Holmes, and featuring
hiking with local groups, castles, cream
teas, Thames river cruise....Friendship,
Camaraderie and Fun. I knew it was for me!!
After a long journey, we all met for the
first time at dinner in the hotel, sipping
wine to celebrate the start of our hiking and
sightseeing trip. We were a varied group,
of mixed nationalities with one thing in
common - a desire to have a great trip, have
good fun and meet interesting people.
On the first day, the sea was fierce, and,
the winds were gusting, so instead of facing
the challenging famous Seven Sisters walk,
and especially to avoid being blown off the
high cliffs, Jacqueline changed plans and we
took off to Brighton for the day. We travelled
on the upper deck of a red bus among the
beautiful scenery with its hills and meadows
with lots of sheep and cows. In Brighton
after visiting the Royal Pavillion we braved
the strong winds and smashing waves down
to the Victorian Pier to a famous restaurant
where we all enjoyed fish and chips.
Next day we woke to brilliant sunshine and
headed to the Hotel’s beautiful restaurant
and the large round table which was our
‘eating post’ for breakfast and dinner. After
a ‘full English’ of cereal, kippers, bacon and
eggs, sausages, tomatoes and fried bread
(very tasty) we braved the still-strong winds
to conquer the Seven Sisters of the famous
Seven Sisters National Park. Alan, a member
of our group, had the touch of a magician by
providing windbreakers from his backpack
to keep many of us warm. The Seven Sisters
seemed endless and many of us kept asking
Jacqueline how more Sisters left??? She
informed us that we only had one and a half
remaining but to all of us it seemed for-ever
and non-ending. Finally we caught sight
of the little village where we enjoyed coffee
and fresh cream cakes. We then caught the
bus back to the Hotel and to yet another
fabulous evening meal accompanied by wine.
Each day we had to have morning coffee
and cake or afternoon tea with a well deserved
scone cream and preserves before heading
to one of the many more fabulous rambles
through villages, castles and meadows with
hundreds of grazing sheep. One day, our walk
took us to Buxstead Park where we discovered
clusters of deer staring at us! Another day, we
ended up having lunch at the famous Gun
Inn Pub which was made famous by the Two
Fat Ladies of English television fame. We
sat around a huge oak table and ordered
different specialties, including roast beef
and Yorkshire pudding. Jacqueline ordered
a sticky toffee pudding and custard, and, 10
spoons to share with us all.
Off we went again following Graham our
Leader, hopefully to walk off all this luxury
food. Graham led us through a very narrow
pathway with branches sticking out from all
directions and, unfortunately, because of rain
the narrow pathway was coated with thick,
sticky mud. Most of us walked with a leg
up on each side of the banks to avoid falling
in and having a mud bath. However one of
our team members did not pay attention and
to her horror suddenly found herself without
boots as they were sucked deep into the
mud! Then, when trying to stand up, she fell
Winter 2013-2014
backwards full length into the muck!! Once
again Alan, our Knight in Shining Armour,
came to the rescue. While the rest of us
stood around dying with laughter, Alan came
to the rescue with more clean clothes out of
this backpack. The next day, we took a train journey to
London to enjoy the official Slap, Bang,
Wallop London Tour. We visited many
impressive sights - Westminster Abbey,
London Bridge, and, all the other highlights
that London has to offer. We ended with a
boat cruise down the River Thames.
Our final wonderful day was with the
Eastbourne Rambling Club. We were
invited to join their 75 Year Club Anniversary
Celebration in East Dean Village Hall. We
enjoyed a hike first then everyone contributed
to an American Picnic Lunch. The tables
were groaning with home made foods. We
contributed English Meat Pies and pickled
onions. We enjoyed an English Quiz and
ended up with a cup of tea and a slice of
excellent home made traditional fruit cake.
All too soon, our final evening arrived! We
gathered for a farewell party, sipping wine
around a table decorated with pate and
cheeses, followed by our last evening meal
together and discussing our fabulous 11 day
trip. Jacqueline told us that we were the best
group ever, and, thanked us all for being such
I personally feel this was a great
experience. I made many new friends, met
wonderful people, and had lots of fun. Most
of all I am very proud to have hiked the
Seven Sisters.
Club Info Line: 416-763-9061