Land of the Agates - Moose Lake Area Chamber of Commerce
Land of the Agates - Moose Lake Area Chamber of Commerce
W E L COM E TO M I N N E SO TA Land of the Agates 2012 V ISI TOR’S GU I DE W E L COM E T O TA B L E O F CO N T E N T S A BRIEF HISTORY . . . . . . . . . . . .4 MODERN MOOSE LAKE. . . . . . . . .7 RECREATION . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-9 M I N N E SO TA AREA ACTIVITES/EVENTS . . . . 10-11 SERVICE DIRECTORY . . . . . . . 12-15 AREA MAP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 There is something special about Moose Lake. There is true warmth for visitors, a real friendliness for new residents and a sense of reality that does not interfere with the persona of a small caring community. You are always welcome to come and enjoy every aspect of Moose Land of the Agates Lake and the surrounding area. Visit our scenic recreation, family attractions, ractions and historic sites or be a part of the many festivities that are celebrated year round. Moose Lake has something for everyone with four seasons of activity. Whether you’re enjoying our trails, waterways, parks or a weekend getaway from the fast-paced world, you will always find something in Moose Lake. Our community is yours to use and embrace, just as we have. That’s what we have come to call Moose Lake Pride! AC K NOW L EGDE M E N T S M Moose L Lake k A Area Ch Chamber b off C Commerce 4524 South Arrowhead Lane 0/"OXs-OOSE,AKE-. s email: Photo credits: Lois E. Johnson Lisa Cekalla Cover by Service Printerss Published by: Moose Lake Area Chamber of Commerce FREE AGATE PICKING PERMITS (for three County Gravel Pits) Available at the Chamber Office or by email: COPYRIGHT® 2012. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. PRINTED IN THE U.S.A. The Publisher had mad every effort to ensure the accuracy of the material in the Moose Moose Lake Lake ke Visitor’s Visit i or’ or’s Guide. However, as unpredictable changes and errors do occur, the publisher can assume no responsibility or liability for errors, changes or emissions. MOOSE L AKE 2012 VISITOR’S GUIDE 3 A BR I E F H ISTORY A region rich with history! Transportation routes brought people to the Moose Lake area. Indians first occupying the area used the Old Indian Trail which joined the Mille Lacs Trail near Moose Lake. The Military Road, between St. Paul and Duluth, CAMETHROUGHINPASSINGFOURMILESEASTOFTHEPRESENTTOWN3ETTLERS arrived on stagecoaches. The name of the stage stop was called Elkton. Railroads brought more people and business to the area. Built along a GLACIALVALLEYBETWEEN3T0AULAND$ULUTHTHE.ORTHERN0ACIFIC2AILROAD WASCOMPLETEDINAND-OOSE,AKEGREWALONGTHERAILLINEAND the shores of Moosehead Lake. The village was incorporated on February 15th 1889. The logging industry boomed because of the railroads. A large mill was BUILTONTHELAKESHOREIN,OGSWERECUTANDFLOATEDDOWNTHERIVERINTO the lake, waiting to be sawed. For years, the log covering was so thick one could walk across the lake. At the turn of the century, farmers came into the area. As the logging industry was winding down, the railroads, needing more business, advertised in Europe for farmers to buy land from their government land grants. With the farmers came stores, lawyers, and the livestock business. Two more transportation routes were added after the turn of the century. The first state highway came through Moose Lake in the early 1900s and brought garages and gas stations. A second railroad, the Soo Line, came through Moose Lake in 1909, running between Brooten and Superior. At a dark time in the world’s history, with war raging in Europe and the flu epidemic taking lives throughout the world, Moose Lake had its own tragedy. One of the greatest disasters in the state’s history took place on October 12th 1918, when a forest fire raced through northeastern Minnesota destroying nearly all of Moose Lake and many other communities. !FOOTMONUMENTJUSTNORTHOFTOWNMEMORIALIZESTHEPEOPLE that died in the fire. The Fires of 1918 are annually commemorated by the Moose Lake Area Historical Society at the Soo Line Depot, opened as a fire and railroad museum in 1995. After the fire, the resilient people rebuilt their homes and the town. Dairy ffa a rm rmin ing became the main industry. Another industry was created with the in farming CCOMPLETIONOFTHESTATEHOSPITALIN4HEHOSPITALTREATEDTHE m mentally ill, the developmentally disabled and the chemically d dependent. In the 1980s the state changed treatment methods, m moving clients into group homes; and in 1995, the facility was rreopened as a medium security prison. With the decline of the railroads, the tracks were removed in the W SANDS4HE7ILLARD-UNGERAND3OO,INE4RAILSREPLACED tthe tracks, aiding the growing tourism industry already attracted to tthe area’s lakes and rivers. Moose Lake is prepared for the 21st century as a vibrant thriving community. 4 MOOSE L AKE 2012 VISITOR’S GUIDE EXPERIENCE MINNESOTA | 1-800-952-4282 For Your Reservations Call: Country Garden Retreat 1-888-384-6112 320-384-6052 1-800-559-8951 320-384-6774 1-800-HOTEL 17 #ELL /FFICE 7EBSITEWWWAMYUNITEDCOUNTRYCOM %MAILAMYLPERRINE GMAILCOM Specializing in Listing and Selling -AIN3T3TURGEON,AKE-. s4OWN#OUNTRY(OMES s&ARMS s2ECREATIONAL,AND s(UNTING,AND s#ABINS s,AKEAND2IVER0ROPERTY s#OMMERCIAL,ISTINGS Assistance In Making Informed Decisions Life Planning: Private or Small Group Seminars Providing Education and Assistance with s,IVING7ILLS s0OWEROF!TTORNEY s!DVANCED$IRECTIVES Private Services s0ERSONAL (EALTH2ECORD s-EDICAL2ESOURCES Attorney Services: &LAT2ATE-EDICAL Summaries Insurance Services: -EDICAL2ECORD2EVIEWS A clean comfortable relaxing stay. 3716 Main Street, Barnum Minnesota 55707 218-389-6951 Toll Free: 800-228-6951 Carey Homer RN, BSN ,%'!,.523%#/.35,4).'3%26)#%3 s Contact Shane or Penny Shol MODE R N MOOSE L A K E Moose Lake M L k is i a thriving th h i i and d progressive i community it off 2,448 2 44 448 8 people l located in Minnesota’s famed vacationland, at the Gateway to the Arrowhead Country and the Land of Agates. As a municipality, Moose Lake operates its own water, sewer and power companies. An aggressive plan of continual upgrades to existing services has Moose Lake poised in the 21st century ready to meet the needs of new business and residential developments. Please visit the greater community Economic Development for Growth and Expansion. )TSLOCATIONADJACENTTO)NTERSTATEPROVIDESFOREASEOFTRANSPORTATION )NADDITIONTHEJUNCTIONOFMAJORTRUNKHIGHWAYSANDMAKE Moose Lake a natural hub for commerce. Additional lands bordering the )CORRIDORAREAVAILABLEFORDEVELOPMENT Moose Lake is part of the Moose Lake Fire Protection District that provides fire and rescue services for Moose Lake and surrounding townships. The department also includes first responders trained to aid in emergency calls. The City of Moose Lake operates its own full time police department cooperating directly with the Carlton and Pine County Sheriffs’ Departments. The community of Moose Lake looks optimistically to ITSFUTURE4HE3OUTHERN#ARLTON#OUNTY&AMILY#ENTEROPENEDIN with offices for local human services and community education administration. A new Emergency Response Center was built in 1998 and in 1999 the new community and civic center was opened. This building houses the library, senior center, motor vehicle license and city and township offices. Through church, school and community activities, Moose Lake offers many diverse opportunities for getting involved. A small town like Moose Lake is one of the best places to enjoy quiet, peaceful living, all within a friendly neighborhood. Our small town spirit allows for a worry free place to raise a family, as well as, send your children to school in a safe environment. The Moose Lake Community Schools feature a K-12 campus located INONEBUILDINGWITHANENROLLMENTOFAPPROXIMATELYSTUDENTS #LASSSIZESAREKEPTASLOWASPOSSIBLEABOUTSTUDENTSPERCLASSTO provide for individual attention. The school is poised for the future by investing in new technologies and computers. The goal of Moose Lake Community Schools is to help students acquire the knowledge, skills and attitudes which will enable them to achieve their potential as LIFELONGLEARNERSANDPRODUCTIVECITIZENS Mercy Hospital and Health Care Center is an acute care hospital with emergency medical services serving a 500 square mile radius. Outpatient services, such as physical, occupational and speech THERAPIESAREOFFEREDASWELLASTHE(EALTH#ARE#ENTER!LZHEIMERS care and assisted living. Gateway Family Health Clinic has boardcertified family practice physicians who offer urgent care and clinical care. Combined, these facilities provide quality, comprehensive health care to residents and vacationers. MOOSE L AKE 2012 VISITOR’S GUIDE 7 R ECR E AT ION Trails Willard Munger 0ROUDLYISTHENATIONSLONGESTPAVEDMULTIPLEUSETRAILSTRETCHINGMILES from Hinckley to Duluth. While hiking, bicycling, in-line skating or snowmobiling, you’ll have many opportunities to see wildlife and enjoy our scenic rivers, streams and lakes from the many benches along the way. You’ll also find plenty of opportunity for shopping, camping and picnicking along the trail. This railroad grade provided escape routes for the Moose Lake victims of the 1918 fires. You will encounter several monuments and museums along the route. In our town, a scenic loop takes you right past the Moose Lake Railroad Depot and Fires of 1918 Museum. Waterways Fishing That great Minnesota fish, the walleye, is found in abundance in area lakes. 7HETHERYOUFANCYTHEWARMSUMMERBREEZEORTHECOLDARCTICAIRYOULL find sunfish, crappies, bass and northern pike, as well as Sturgeon during the annual run in May. Canoeing The many rivers that surround the area provide for some spectacular sites not seen by any other means. From Moose Lake’s public canoe landing on the Moosehorn River to the various landings on the Kettle River, the quiet exploration of our wilderness is an adventure. StoneCroft Alpacas StoneCroft Alpacas is located 2 miles West of Moose Lake in East Central Minnesota. We have a herd of 22 alpacas. Come and feed, pet and learn all about alpacas. In addition we have a gift shop that includes alpaca items as well as stained glass and fused glass items made here at StoneCroft. We welcome visitors - please call 218-485-5737 for hours. 8 MOOSE L AKE 2012 VISITOR’S GUIDE R EC R E AT ION Boating B ti Recreational boating and water skiing is available on all area lakes, most of which are equipped with public landings. Parks Moose Lake City Park Located on Birch Avenue and Third Street, this park features supervised swimming, a playground, picnic areas, band shell, bathrooms and changing rooms, a boat landing and a pavilion with full kitchen are AVAILABLEWITHARESERVATION&ORINFORMATIONCALL Riverside Arena This facility is equipped with artificial ice allowing for skating from October to March. The arena houses locker rooms, a heated viewing area and a concessions stand. There are also two skating rinks and a warming house outside the arena. Town Square ,OCATEDINTHECENTEROFOURDOWNTOWNAREATHEPARKSGAZEBOOFFERSA shady place to sit and rest during a busy day. Moose Lake State Park Located on majestic Echo Lake, this park offers a swimming beach, picnic area, hiking and skiing trails, volleyball, camping and a boat landing. /N*ULYTHE-OOSE,AKE!GATEAND'EOLOGICAL)NTERPRETIVE Center opened. Ervid T. Clemons Memorial Rest Area Located on Arrowhead Lane and Lakeshore Drive, this park features a 100foot fishing pier and a picnic area. Art Ohlgren Recreational Area ,OCATEDON(IGHWAYAND3AND,AKE2OADTHREEMILESSOUTHOF-OOSE Lake, the park features two lighted tennis courts, a full basketball court and a softball field. Veterans’ Memorial Park Located at the corner of Seventh Street and Birch Avenue, this park honors the men and women who have bravely served our country. In addition, the city hosts several other fine parks: Roy Peterson Memorial Park Twilight Field Halverson Little League Field MOOSE L AKE 2012 VISITOR’S GUIDE 9 AREA ACTVITIES/EVENTS (BOLD TEXT INDICATES ACTIVITIES TAKE PLACE IN MOOSE LAKE) April 2012 APRIL 7 EASTER EGG HUNT, MOOSE LAKE SCHOOL OR CITY PARK May 2012 MAY 5 MOOSE RUN, CITY PARK, MOOSE LAKE 5K/10K WALK RUN MAY 26 FIRES OF 1918 MUSEUM & DEPOT OPENS FOR THE SEASON MAY 28 MEMORIAL DAY SERVICES AT MOOSE LAKE HIGH SCHOOL June 2012 JUNE 2 PLANT SALE @ FIRES OF 1918 MUSEUM & DEPOT JUNE 2 & 3 SNOWMOBILE WATER-CROSS RACING, MOOSE LAKE JUNE 8 -10 “SPRING FEVER DAYS,” BARNUM JUNE 16 FLY–IN BREAKFAST, MOOSE LAKE/CARLTON CO. AIRPORT 7:30AM-11:00AM JUNE 22 MERCY HOSPITAL FOUNDATION GOLF TOURNAMENT, MOOSE LAKE July 2012 MOOSE LAKE 4TH OF JULY ACTIVITIES JULY 1 HOLY ANGELS BREAKFAST 7:30AM-12:00 NOON JULY 2 MISS MOOSE LAKE PAGEANT AT MOOSE LAKE HIGH SCHOOL @ 7:00PM JULY 3 KIDDIE PARADE – DOWNTOWN MOOSE LAKE 10:00AM JULY 4 4TH OF JULY PARADE 10:00AM - MOOSE LAKE JULY 4 4TH OF JULY” ACTIVITIES @ MOOSE LAKE CITY PARK @ 7:30PM JULY 4 FIREWORKS AT DUSK - MOOSE LAKE JULY 13 & 14 RELAY FOR LIFE – CITY PARK, MOOSE LAKE. CONTACT JANET LARSON 219-485-2002 AGATE DAYS ACTIVITIES JULY 21 ART IN THE PARK, MOOSE LAKE CITY PARK JULY 21 FIREMAN’S STEAK FRY – MOOSE LAKE FIRE HALL JULY 21 & 22 GEM & MINERAL SHOW – MOOSE LAKE HIGH SCHOOL (STAMPEDE @ 2:00PM JULY 21) JULY 22 ANTIQUE CAR SHOW, MOOSE LAKE CITY PARK, 11:00AM – 2:00PM JULY 27 – 29 “WILLOW RIVER DAYS,” WILLOW RIVER August 2012 AUGUST 4 “CRAZY CORN DAY” AND DEPOTFEST, MOOSE LAKE AUGUST 10 – 12 “MA & PA KETTLE DAYS,” KETTLE RIVER (STEAK FRY – FRIDAY, PARADE – SATURDAY) AUGUST 16 – 19 CARLTON COUNTY FAIR, BARNUM FAIRGROUNDS 10 MOOSE L AKE 2012 VISITOR’S GUIDE AREA ACTVITIES/EVENTS September 2012 SEPT. 7 – 12 “HARVEST FEST,” CROMWELL , STEAK FRY – FRIDAY, PARADE – SATURDAY SEPT. 7 – 12 “AUTUMN WINDS STUDIO TOUR” 10:00AM – 5:00PM DAILY (MOOSE LAKE, ASKOV, BARNUM, BRUNO, KETTLE RIVER, STURGEON LAKE, WILLOW RIVER) SEPT. TBA FALLFEST – MOOSE LAKE (MARKETPLACE FOODS) October 2012 OCTOBER 13 MERCY HOSPITAL FOUNDATION DINNER OCTOBER 13 94TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE FIRES OF 1918, 1:00PM, MOOSE LAKE November 2012 NOV. 23 & 24 CHRISTMAS OPEN HOUSE/CRAFT & BAKE SALE AT THE MUSEUM & DEPOT, MOOSE LAKE December 2012 DECEMBER 1 SANTA VISITS MOOSE LAKE SE RV ICE ATTRACTIONS LAKE THEATRE Historic Old Time Movie House 320 Elm Avenue Moose Lake, MN 55767 218-485-8060 MOOSE LAKE AREA HISTORICAL SOCIETY Moose Lake Depot 900 Folz Boulevard Sturgeon Lake, MN 55783 218-485-4234 STATE PARK AGATE CENTER DI R EC T ORY ART A AR RT IIN N TH THE HE PARK PARK K Takes place annually during Agate Days (2nd weekend following the 4th of July) in the Moose Lake City Park. Moose Lake, MN 55767 218-389-0089 CARLTON COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS CITY OF MOOSE LAKE City Administrative Offices 13222 Grindstone Lake Road Sandstone, MN 55072 320-233-7405 313 Elm Avenue Moose Lake, MN 55767 218-485-8752 MOOSE LAKE FIRE DEPARTMENT 600 Highway 73 # 2 Moose Lake, MN 55767 218-485-4242 MOOSE LAKE POLICE DEPARTMENT 600 Highway 73 Moose Lake, MN 55767 218-485-8404 MOOSE LAKE PUBLIC LIBRARY 313 Elm Avenue Moose Lake, MN 55767 218-485-4424 MOOSE LAKE WATER & LIGHT COMMISSION 401 Douglas Avenue Moose Lake, MN 55767 218-485-4100 CLUBS AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY Duluth, MN 55802 218-727-7439 12 86697 Rosewood Lane Sturgeon Lake, MN 55783 218-658-4555 GRAND CASINO HINCKLEY Whats your Story? Golf, Lodging, Gaming, Dining, Entertainment. One Mile East of I35 on Highway 48. 1785 Highway 210 Carlton, MN 55718 888-771-0777 GRINDSTONE LAKE BIBLE CAMP Charting the Course to Christ. since 1932. MOOSE LAKE DEPARTMENT OF MOTOR VEHICLE (DMV) 76721 Scotch Pine Road (CR 151) Willow River, MN 55795 320-233-0131 CARLTON COUNTY GEM & MINERAL CLUB CITY OFFICES & VISITOR CENTERS 109 Tobies Mill Hinckley, MN 55037 320-384-0126 BIRCH CREEK GOLF COURSE & DRIVING RANGE 9 Hole Golf Course and Driving Range. BLACK BEAR CASINO RESORT 18 Hole Course. Go a little Wild! Gaming, Golf, Entertainment, Dining, Lodging. 4252 County Road 137 Moose Lake, MN 55767 218-485-5420 HINCKLEY CONVENTION & VISITORS BUREAU BREMEN BREM BR EMEN NW WOODS OOD ODS SR RE RESORT E SO R ES RT T Seasonal RV and Camping. 3770 Front Street Barnum, MN 55707 218-389-6737 113 Avenue C Cloquet, MN 55720 218-879-3968 313 Elm Avenue Moose Lake, MN 55767 218-485-4010 GOLF COURSES HOLY ANGEL’S MEN’S CLUB Holy Angels Catholic Church 60 Hartman Drive Moose Lake, MN 55767 218-485-8214 GRAND CASINO HINCKLEY 18 Hole Course. Whats your Story? Golf, Lodging, Gaming, Dining, Entertainment. One Mile East of I35 on Highway 48. 777 Lady Luck Drive Hinckley, MN 55037 800-472-6321 MOOSE LAKE GOLF CLUB 9 Hole Golf Course - Established in 1929. 35311 Parkview Drive Sturgeon Lake, MN 55783 218-485-4886 MOOSE LAKE AIRPORT County Owned Public Airport - Moose Lake/Cloquet. GROCERY 125 Wheaton Road Cloquet, MN 55720 218-879-4911 MARKETPLACE FOODS Full service local grocery store and deli. MOOSE LAKE AREA HOCKEY ASSOCIATION 120 Arrowhead Lane Moose Lake, MN 55767 218-485-5700 MOOSE LAKE KIWANIS CLUB Kiwanis is a global organization of volunteers dedicated to changing the world - One Child and One Community at a Time. 4733 Coffee Lake Road Moose Lake, MN 55767 218-485-5520 SPLIT ROCK STAR CLUB INC Community Club available to rent for Weddings, Anniversaries, Reunions etc. 6350 Highway 27 Kettle River, MN 55757 218-273-4465 UNITED WAY OF CARLTON COUNTY Increasing the organized capacity of people to care for one another. 202 Avenue C Cloquet, MN 55720 218-879-8404 70 Arrowhead Lane Moose Lake, MN 55767 218-485-4336 LODGING AMERICINN MOTEL & SUITES I-35 and Exit 214 Indoor pool, hot tub. Jacuzzi suites, continental breakfast. 400 Park Place Drive Moose Lake, MN 55767 218-485-8885 800-634-3444 BARNUM MOBILE HOME PARK Mobile Home Park with 36 Mobile Home Sites. 112 Lakeshore Drive Moose Lake, MN 55767 218-485-4290 BLACK BEAR CASINO RESORT Go a little Wild! Gaming, Golf, Entertainment, Dining, Lodging. 1785 Highway 210 Carlton, MN 55718 888-771-0777 777 Lady Luck Drive Hinckley, MN 55037 800-472-6321 MOOSE LAKE CITY PARK & CAMPGROUND Located on Moosehead Lake. Modern campground with full electric hook-up’s, restrooms and showers, tenting area, swimming beach, picnic area, pavilion with full kitchen, playground, boat launch & tennis courts. 200 3rd Street Moose Lake, MN 55767 218-485-4761 MOOSE LAKE MOTEL Coming to Moose Lake? We invite you to stay at our fine motel for reservations call 888-299-8411. 125 Arrowhead Lane Moose Lake, MN 55767 218-485-8003 MOOSE LAKE STATE PARK Located East of I-35 and exit 214 on Echo Lake. Featuring restrooms, showers, swimming, hiking, cross-country skiing, picnic area & boat launch. Agate and Geological Interpretive Center. 4252 County Road 137 Moose Lake, MN 55767 218-485-5420 NORTHWOOD’S INN & COTTAGES Clean, convenient rooms at affordable rates. For reservations call 800-228-6951. 3716 East Main Street Barnum, MN 55707 218-389-6951 OAK LAKE CAMPGROUND & RV SALES Campground & RV Sales, Service and Parts. 52777 Hoffman Drive Kerrick, MN 55756 218-496-5678 RED FOX CAMPGROUND & RV PARK Campground and RV Park. 1000 Park Place Moose Lake, MN 55767 218-485-0341 MOOSE L AKE 2012 VISITOR’S GUIDE SE RV ICE SAND S AND ND L LAKE AKE ER RESORT E SO R T ES ESO Come on home...Log Cabins near the Willard Munger Trail. 94154 County Highway 61 Sturgeon Lake, MN 55783 218-485-8164 SUNBAY MOBILE HOME PARK & CAMPGROUND Campground offers 35 seasonal sites overlooking Sand Lake and 53 permanent mobile home sites for persons over 55. 93672 Sun Bay Lane Sturgeon Lake, MN 55783 218-485-4869 RESTAURANTS/BARS/ ON-OFF SALE ART’S CAFE Homestyle Food. 200 Arrowhead Lane Moose Lake, MN 55767 218-485-4602 BLACK BEAR CASINO RESORT Go a little Wild! Gaming, Golf, Entertainment, Dining, Lodging. 1785 Highway 210 Carlton, MN 55718 888-771-0777 DEE’S DINER 3410 Co. Rd. 131 Kettle River, MN 55757 218-273-4053 218-485-1653 Home–Cooked Meals – Concession Catering DOC’S SPORTS BAR & GRILL Bar & Bottle Shop - Sturgeon Lake Interchange. 34427 Majestic Pine Drive Sturgeon Lake, MN 55783 218-372-3040 GAMPER’S, FOOD, LIQUOR & BOWLING Great Food and Fun! 1/2 Mile South of Moose Lake on Highway 61. 4654 County Road 61 Moose Lake, MN 55767 218-485-8272 GRAND CASINO HINCKLEY Whats your Story? Golf, Lodging, Gaming, Dining, Entertainment. One Mile East of I35 on Highway 48. 777 Lady Luck Drive Hinckley, MN 55037 800-472-6321 JOE JITTERS COFFEEHOUSE & ANTIQUE & CRAFT MALL Features Gourmet Coffees, soups, sandwiches & desserts. Free High-Speed Internet. 308 Elm Avenue Moose Lake, MN 55767 218-485-0660 DI R EC T ORY LAZY L AZY YM MOOSE OO OS SE GR GRILLE RILL LLE AND A D AN COFFEE HOUSE Meeting room rental, full menu with a variety of specials to tempt your taste buds. 300 Arrowhead Lane Moose Lake, MN 55767 218-485-8712 MOOSE LAKE DAIRY QUEEN Grill & Chill. 91 Arrowhead Lane Moose Lake, MN 55767 218-485-4317 MOOSE LAKE MUNICIPAL BAR & LIQUOR STORE 210 Arrowhead Lane Moose Lake, MN 55767 218-485-9977 MOOSE LAKE SUBWAY 1050 Highway 73 Moose Lake, MN 55767 218-485-8977 POOR GARY’S PIZZA Delivery-Dine In-Take Out. Pizza’s, Sub’s, Pasta, Salads, Soup, Appetizers. HOLIDAY H HO OL LIDA LI DAY Y STATION STA ST TATION O STORE STORE ST Convenience store. 80 Arrowhead Lane Moose Lake, MN 55767 218-485-8827 KATHY’S COUNTRY SQUARE Out of cool northern Minnesota comes one of a kind, home crafted gifts that will add charm to any home and warm your hearts all year long. 100 Hillside Terrace Moose Lake, MN 55767 218-485-8231 L & D EMBROIDERY Custom Embroidery & Heat Stamping. 4174 County Road 8 Moose Lake, MN 55757 218-485-4050 LAMPERTS LUMBER Lumber Yard selling building materials to the professional & “do-it-yourselfer” alike! STONECROFT S ST TON NECR ROFT OF FT ALPACAS ALPAC C AS Specializing in Huacaya Alpacas with lots of color. Our herd sire is Master & Commander, a full Bolivian Dark Silver Grey. Visit our gift shop! We have alpaca items and stained and fused glass items. 4738 McDonald Road Moose Lake, MN 55767 218-485-5737 THRIFTY WHITE PHARMACY Pharmacy - Health & Beauty Aids, Photos, Office Supplies, Gifts. 441 Arrowhead Lane Moose Lake, MN 55767 218-485-2111 WYNDTREE LAKESIDE TRADERS Shopping, Antiques. 31 Arrowhead Lane Moose Lake, MN 55767 218-485-4454 108 Arrowhead Lane Moose Lake, MN 55767 218-485-4471 401 Elm Avenue Moose Lake, MN 55767 218-485-8020 YOUNG’S GREENHOUSE Retail Greenhouse offering baskets, bedding, plants, trees and shrubs. LITTLE STORES INC Convenience store. WINKY DINKY DONUTS Delicious Mini Donuts 1050 Highway 73 Moose Lake, MN 55767 218-485-0200 94037 Partridge Road North Sturgeon Lake, MN 55783 218-485-5961 Todd & Kristen Booker PO Box 111 Sturgeon Lake, MN 55783 218-372-3956 RETAIL ALCO Variety Store. MOOSE LAKE COOPERATIVE ASSOCIATION Service Station, Feed Store, Fertilizer. 580 Arrowhead Lane Moose Lake, MN 55767 218-485-4422 4791 County Road 10 Moose Lake, MN 55767 218-485-4375 MOOSE LAKE FLORISTS Flowers for all occasions designed by professional staff, plus a wonderful gift shop. ANDE’LICOUS FOODS INC. Refrigerated warehouse distribution center. 310 Elm Avenue Moose Lake, MN 55767 218-485-4676 409 4th Street Moose Lake, MN 55767 218-389-6891 BLACKLOCK PHOTOGRAPHY GALLERIES Award-winning photography of Les, Nadine and Craig Blacklock. 521 Folz Boulevard Moose Lake, MN 55767 218-485-0478 CUSTOM CRAFTSMAN Builder of Log, Barn, Wood, and Fine Custom Furnature. 30 years experience - Estimates and Consults Available. 4732 County Road 12 Moose Lake, MN 55767 218-485-8913 MOOSE L AKE 2012 VISITOR’S GUIDE MOOSE LAKE IMPLEMENT CO., INC. Residential, lawn and garden, sales and service. 504 Industrial Rd Moose Lake, MN 55767 218-485-4486 NORTH COUNTRY YARN Wood Knitting Needles & Wool Yarn, Made in the USA. 317 Elm Avenue Moose Lake, MN 55767 218-485-4190 RU WIRELESS Satellite Service, Dish, DirecTV, Wild Blue. 406 4th Street Moose Lake, MN 55767 218-485-8355 SCHOOLS HOPE NURSERY SCHOOL Priscilla Heimbruch PO Box 744 – 204 Elm Ave Moose Lake, MN 55767 218-393-1200 MOOSE LAKE COMMUNITY SCHOOLS Moose Lake Public Schools “Opening Doors, Opening Minds.” 413 Birch Avenue Moose Lake, MN 55767 218-485-4435 SENIORS LIGHTHOUSE OF CLOQUET & BARNUM Short term stay – Assisted Living Memory care 705 Horizon Circle Cloquet, MN 55720 218-522-0056 OAKVIEW RESIDENTIAL CARE, INC. Oakview offers assisted living as well as advanced medical and memory care in the Moose Lake Area. 300 Talbot Drive Moose Lake, MN 55767 218-485-8779 13 SE RV ICE SA SAFE AFE F T TRANSITIONS RANS SIT TION ONS S&V VISIONISIO IS ION N ARY HOME CARE Providing residential and home care services to people with disabilities. 3656 Front Street Barnum, MN 55707 218-389-3291 SERVICES ARROWHEAD LANE PET CLINIC Veterinary clinic focused on small animals, primarily cats and dogs. 491 Arrowhead Lane Moose Lake, MN 55767 218-485-4539 ARROWHEAD LEADER Local Newspaper. 321 Elm Avenue Moose Lake, MN 55767 218-485-8420 485-8420 AUGUSTANA MERCY HEALTH CARE CENTER AND KENWOOD PLACE 710 South Kenwood Ave. Moose Lake, MN 55767 218-485-4039 BARNUM AUTOMOTIVE Towing, Service Auto Repair Shop. 4144 County Road 6 Barnum, MN 55707 BEAVER ROOFING, INC. Over 22 Years Experience. Residential & Commercial. Shingles, Flat Roofs, Metal Roofs, Roof Leaks & Roof Repair. Snow Removal & Ice Dam Steaming. Free Estimates Licensed, Bonded, Insured. 4836 Ohlgren Road Moose Lake, MN 55767 218-485-8604 BERNICKS/MOOSE LAKE BEVERAGE Beverages/Vending. DI R EC T ORY CARLTON C CA ARLTON CO COUNTY OU NT Y ABSTRACT & TITLE CO. Complete title services company in northern Minnesota. 505 3rd Street Moose Lake, MN 55767 218-485-8713 EIKILL E IKIL LL & SC SCH SCHILLING, HILLING G LTD. LTD Consulting and certified public accounting firm. 807 Cloquet Avenue Cloquet, MN 55720 218-879-1503 FEDERATED COOPS, INC. Oil and Propane Cooperative. COUSINS CONSTRUCTION/ WAUSAU HOMES Redefining the Building Experience! 3959 Main Street Kettle River, MN 55757 218-273-4850 516 3rd Street Moose Lake, MN 55767 218-485-8078 FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF MOOSE LAKE Locally owned full service community bank. DAVIDSON INSURANCE AGENCY, INC. A Full Service Independent Agency meeting all your insurance needs. 400 Elm Avenue Moose Lake, MN 55767 218-485-4441 499 Arrowhead Lane Moose Lake, MN 55767 218-485-8735 DR. JOSEPH J. JAMROS OPTOMETRIST, LTD. Eye exams, treatment of glaucoma, etc. Eyeglasses, contact lenses. 312 Elm Avenue Moose Lake, MN 55767 218-485-8495 DODGE & WARP LAW OFFICES 302 Elm Avenue Moose Lake, MN 55767 218-485-4489 DOWNTOWN DENTAL CARE Complete dental care for your family, including cosmetic, implant orthodontics with a special extra touch. 304 Elm Avenue Moose Lake, MN 55767 218-485-4455 EAST WEST REALTY Real Estate Agency. FLHAIR SALON AND SPA MASSAGE THERAPY A Full Service Salon and Spa offering friendly customer service while maintaining a professional atmosphere. 516 3rd Street Moose Lake, MN 55767 218-485-4448 FREIBERG CLEANING SERVICE Cleaning Service. Carpet & Upholstery, Furnace Duct, Tile & Grout, Strip & Refinish Tile Floors, Water Restoration. 4739 Linden Road Moose Lake, MN 55767 218-485-0449 877-500-0317 GATEWAY FAMILY HEALTH CLINIC, LTD. 4570 County Highway 61 Moose Lake, MN 55767 218-485-4491 GATEWAY TIRE & SERVICE Retail tire store with auto repair including alignment. 135 Arrowhead Lane Moose Lake, MN 55767 218-485-8600 283 Arrowhead Lane Moose Lake, MN 55767 218-485-0314 GOBEL EXCAVATING & AGGREGATE, INC. Bulldozing, Clearing, Ditching, Removals, Site Development. BILL HAYDEN LAND SURVEYING, INC. Land Surveyor. EBELS DO DROP IN-RENTALS Portable Toilets. 4189 North Road Moose Lake, MN 55767 218-485-4357 500 Folz Boulevard Moose Lake, MN 55767 218-485-4811 C & D CLEANING Cleaning Specialists. Homes, Offices, Gardening – Reasonable Rates. 27816 Oak Bend Way Sturgeon Lake, MN 55783 218-380-0600 14 EDWARD JONES Full service investment firm, serving individual investors since 1871. 314 Elm Avenue Moose Lake, MN 55767 218-485-4497 750 Arrowhead Lane Moose Lake, MN 55767 218-485-8770 INVESTMENT CENTERS OF AMERICA Financial Advisor. 400 Elm Avenue Moose Lake, MN 55767 218-485-5725 JOAN E’S ACCOUNTING INC. Accounting Services. 601 Folz Boulevard Moose Lake, MN 55767 218-485-0299 KIMINSKI PAVING Commercial, Dirt Work, Driveways, Parking Lots, Residential, Free Estimates. 1329 20th Street Cloquet, MN 55720 218-879-3125 KUHLMAN’S LAUNDROMAT Coin Laundromat, Open 7 Days a Week. 99 Arrowhead Lane Moose Lake, MN 55767 218-485-9970 Duluth, MN 55816 218-389-0500 4355 Soldier Road Moose Lake, MN 55767 218-485-4516 IM IMAGE MAG AGE D DESIGN ES E SIG GN Custom Signs. LHB, INC. LHB is a multi-disciplinary engineering and architectural firm with 160 employees, serving a broad range of market sectors including Public Works and Structures, Pipeline, Industrial, Housing, Healthcare, Government, Education and Commercial. 21 West Superior Street Duluth, MN 55802 218-727-8446 LAINE ELECTRIC, INC. Local Area Electrical Contractor with over 40 years experience. 6632 County Road 6 Kettle River, MN 55757 218-273-4752 LAKE AREA THERAPY SERVICES LLC 4570 Co Hwy 61 Moose Lake, MN 55767 218-485-2020 HAMLIN HANSEN KOSLOSKI FUNERAL HOME LAKE COUNTRY POWER A touchstone Energy® cooperative serving parts of eight counties in northeastern Minnesota.. The rural electric cooperative provides services to more than 42,000 members and has offices located in Grand Rapids, Kettle River and Mountain Iron. 609 Folz Boulevard Moose Lake, MN 55767 218-485-4429 4065 Highway 73 South Kettle River, MN 55757 800-421-9959 H & R BLOCK 400 4th Street Moose Lake, MN 55767 218-485-4461 MOOSE L AKE 2012 VISITOR’S GUIDE SE RV ICE LAKEHOMES.COM L AKE KEH HOMES S COM MR REALTY EALT EA L Y DI R EC T ORY LAKE STATE FEDERAL CREDIT UNION Financial Services. MOOSE M O OS E L LAKE AKE K MO MOTORS OTORS The Largest Selection of Program Vehicles In Moose Lake! From Ford, Chrysler, Jeep, Mercury and even Cars & Trucks from General Motors. We Sell and Service All Makes and Models! Finance, service and parts departments! 301 Elm Ave Moose Lake, MN 55767 218-485-4444 104 Arrowhead Lane Moose Lake, MN 55767 218-485-8054 LAW OFFICE OF MICHELLE ZWICKEY Criminal Justice Attorney. MOOSE LAKE WINDEMERE AREA SANITARY SEWER DISTRICT MLWSSD. Jan Ashmore 105-8th St. Moose Lake, MN 55767 218-348-8141 304 Elm Avenue Moose Lake, MN 55767 218-485-8812 MAJESTIC PINE REALTY, INC. Real Estate Agency. 34381 Majestic Pine Drive Sturgeon Lake, MN 55783 218-372-8366 THE MERCY FOUNDATION A Charitable organization dedicated to raising funds in support of Mercy Hospital and Health Care Center. 710 South Kenwood Avenue Moose Lake, MN 55767 218-485-5586 MERCY HOSPITAL AND HEALTH CARE CENTER 304 1/2 Elm Avenue Moose Lake, MN 55767 218-485-8276 MOOSE TRACKS Providing vocational opportunities for people with disabilities. Minnesota State Operated Community Services. 461 N Arrowhead Lane Moose Lake, MN 55767 218-485-5078 NORDSTROM’S SANITATION SERVICE Garbage Collection Service, Recycling Center. 4045 Agate Road Moose Lake, MN 55767 218-485-4637 710 South Kenwood Avenue Moose Lake, MN 55767 218-485-4481 NORTHVIEW BANK Financial Services. Branch Offices in Barnum, Cromwell & Willow River. MINNESOTA DEER HUNTERS ASSOCIATION – QUAD RIVERS CHAPTER Local Chapter of Minnesota Deer Hunters Association 8132 County Highway 61 Willow River, MN 55795 218-372-3155 Mike Anderson PO Box 8 Moose Lake, MN 55767 320-233-6487 MINNESOTA ENERGY RESOURCES Jeff Larson 2665 145th St. West Rosemount, MN 55068-5694 MOOSE LAKE DENTAL CARE 75 Arrowhead Lane Moose Lake, MN 55767 218-485-4615 MOOSE LAKE INDEPENDENT INSURANCE AGENCY 231 Arrowhead Lane Moose Lake, MN 55767 218-485-4198 NORTHWOOD’S-EXPOSURE Designer and Programmer of Websites. REGION R RE EGI GION AIR, GI AIR LIGHT, LIG GHT POWER POWER & HEATING Electrical, Heating and Cooling Contractor. 100 Hickory Avenue Moose Lake, MN 55767 218-389-6030 RE/MAX Real Estate Agency. 140 Arrowhead Lane Moose Lake, MN 55767 218-485-0544 ROFFLER’S OF MOOSE LAKE Full Service Hair Salon for the Whole Family. 520 Folz Boulevard Moose Lake, MN 55767 218-485-4233 SCOTT WILLIAMS TRUCKING, EXCAVATING & AGGREGATE Bulldozing, Clearing, Ditching, Site Development 93543 Military Rd. Sturgeon Lake, MN 55783 218-485-8161 218-522-1106 STAR GAZETTE/EVERGREEN Local Newspaper Serving Carlton and Pine Counties since 1895. 308 Elm Avenue Moose Lake, MN 55767 218-485-4406 VISION PRO OPTICAL Carmen Walker 500 Folz Blvd Moose Lake, MN 55767 218-485-8888 WKLK/WMOZ RADIO Classic Rock Music. 96.5 FM, 1230 AM. 1104 Cloquet Avenue Cloquet, MN 55720 218-879-4534 WOODLANDS NATIONAL BANK Experience Banking the Woodlands Way! 8981 Market Street Sturgeon Lake, MN 55783 320-532-4142 YELLOW BOOK U.S.A Search Engine Advertising. Superior, WI 54880 715-394-7100 MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS - WILLOW RIVER/MOOSE LAKE STOR-MOR MOBILE STORAGE, INC. Providing quality steel storage. 4103 County Road 8 Moose Lake, MN 55767 218-389-3499 TONY STEWART MOTORS Used Car Dealer, Car Dealer. MOOSE L AKE 2012 VISITOR’S GUIDE 3106 County Road 5 Barnum, MN 55707 218-389-0048 STATE PRO ENERGY CONSULTANTS Save Energy, Save Money, Save the Environment. Discover how much you can save with a professional home energy audit. 3295 Aspen Lane Sturgeon Lake, MN 55783 218-372-3484 VALLEY PRINTING All Types of Printing - Paper, Apparel and Promotional Items. 341 Arrowhead Lane Moose Lake, MN 55767 218-485-8001 TED’S GLASS SERVICE Auto Glass Shop. RANDY KLAVU WELL DRILLING Well Drilling Contractor. 67 Arrowhead Lane Moose Lake, MN 55767 218-485-0229 STATE FARM INSURANCE Insurance & Financial Services. 21555 Rock Cuts Road Sturgeon Lake, MN 55783 218-658-4446 3050 Doe Street Willow River, MN 55795 218-380-2367 UNITED U NITED COUN C COUNTRY OUN UNT TRY R REAL EAL EA L ESTATE & AUCTION SERVICES Real Estate Agency. 300 Arrowhead Lane Moose Lake, MN 55767 218-485-8106 34329 Majestic Pine Drive Sturgeon Lake, MN 55783 218-372-3375 TOWN & COUNTRY INSURANCE Jeff Conner 202 Main St. East PO Box 339 Hinckley, MN 55037 320-384-7423 1000 Lake Shore Drive Moose Lake, MN 55767 218-485-8657 INDIVIDUAL MEMBERS DIANNE ANDERSON DON & LORNA BEAN CARL BOEHMER BETH ENGLISH DON & JAN ERICKSON CURT & NATALIE FROHRIP BILL & LOU HALL BOB & NANCY HANSON PAT OMAN DEAN & SUSAN PAULSON WAYNE & SHAREN PETERSON DARRELL RUHLAND PETER STEEN DICK & JAN SUMMERS BUTCH THOMPSON 15 A R E A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 P F — — 16 M A P City Park/Boat Landing City Campground Ervid T. Clemons Memorial Rest Area Riverside Arena Moose Lake Community Schools Soo Line Depot/Fire Museum U.S. Post Office City Hall/Public Library Department of Natural Resources Mercy Hospital/Gateway Clinic Moose Lake Chamber Rourist Center Park Playing Field Willard Munger Trail Soo Line Trail MOOSE L AKE 2012 VISITOR’S GUIDE Metropolitan Financial Mortgage Company Art’s Cafe Offering Conventional, VA, FHA and USDA Programs Family Restaurant 218-485-4602 Local lender with over 20 years experience. We work together in determining the program that best fits your needs. Right On The Trail 4RUCKS"USES7ELCOMEs!MPLE0ARKING Available days and weekends. Call Dianne Anderson Toll free 877-485-4006 Local 218-485-4006 Fax 218-485-4376 Cell 218-310-3089 Email: Dianne Anderson Mortgage Loan Officer 3ERVING"REAKFASTs,UNCHs$INNER $AILY3PECIALSs'OOD/LD(OME#OOKING Still serving bottomless .40 coffee /0%.$!93!7%%+ -ONn3ATAMnPM 3UNAMnPM Arrowhead Lane Pet Clinic Call us for all of your Real Estate needs! Serving Carlton & Pine Co. and surrounding areas. 67 Arrowhead Lane Moose Lake, MN 55767 218-485-0229 60519 St Hwy 23 Finlayson, MN 55735 320-245-2502 Small-animal veterinary clinic. Caring for the region’s pets with a full range of professional services. Dr. Angela Urban D. V. M. P. A Find all of our listings at: No One Knows the Country Like We Do! 499 N Arrowhead Lane Moose Lake 218-485-4539 Watch f C a n o e or the Moos and M and Kaya e Lake k Rac oose June 3 Lake Triathl e 0th, 20 o 12 n Your Local Internet Service Provider High Speed Wireless Internet Provided by Moose Lake Water & Light Commission Ads Quarter-Page 3.9375 (3-11/16)” x 5.1875 (5-3/16)” Prices start at just $29.95 per month! Unlimited Use Equal Upload & Download Speeds Local Technical Support and Local Computer Service & Repair Call: 218-485-3573 Seasonal Camping 320-233-0130 3COTCH0INE2Ds7ILLOW2IVER-. Your next story begins with Cha-Ching! GrandCasinoHinckleyistheperfectplacetostartyournextstoryStaywithusandbe preparedforexcitemententertainmentandplentyofcasinoactionIt’sallhappeninghere ď Overvideoslots ď AsquarefootEvents&ConventionCenter ď Action-packedblackjackandpokertables ď TheGrandHarmonySpa ď Livebingoandpulltabs ď GrandVentureforKidsandGrandArcade ď convenienthotelrooms ď Hundredsofspecialeventsandpromotions Locatedmid-waybetweentheTwinCitiesandDuluthjustoffI- WMakeyour vacationreservationsbycalling-- orvisitusatgrandcasinomncom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