Valentijnsdag in het dierenrijk
Valentijnsdag in het dierenrijk
Valentijnsdag in het dierenrijk Joris M. Koene Dierecologie, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam & Terrestrische Zoologie, Naturalis, Leiden Valentijnsdag in het dierenrijk Joris M. Koene Yumi Nakadera, Elferra Swart, Jeroen Hoffer, Fernando Monroy, Monica Lodi A. ter Maat, N.K. Michiels, B. Reyes-Tur, S. Chiba, M. Schilthuizen, N. Anthes, L. Schärer, P. David, S. Cummins, D. Roelofs, J. Ellers, N.M. van Straalen Dierecologie, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam & Terrestrische Zoologie, Naturalis, Leiden Valentijnsdag in het dierenrijk over de voor- en nadelen van voortplanting Geven en nemen Seksuele selectie en conflict Gescheiden seksen Simultaan hermafrodieten Verschillen tussen Gs en Sh Rol van accessoire geslachtsklieren Implicaties Valentijnsdag in het dierenrijk Valentijnsdag in het dierenrijk Valentijnsdag in het dierenrijk Valentijnsdag in het dierenrijk Kingfisher Alcedo azurea © National Geographic Nursery-web spider Pisaura mirablis © Premaphotos Dance Fly Empis snoddyi © M.A. Brittain Tropical house cricket Gryllodes sigillatus © D. Funk Valentijnsdag in het dierenrijk Direct benefit Natural selection will favour a mean female mating preference f the for th male l nuptial ti l gift ift size i th thatt maximizes female fitness Scorpionfly Harpobittacus similis © D. Gwynne Direct benefit Prey size increases copulation duration Copulation duration increases sperm transfer Scorpionfly Harpobittacus similis © D. Gwynne "eggs eggs are expensive, expensive sperm are cheap" cheap Males Females Many cheap gametes (sperm) Few expensive gametes (eggs) RS depends on number of mates RS depends on resources Reproduc R ctive succes ss max Number of matings Number of matings Bateman 1948 "eggs eggs are expensive, expensive sperm are cheap" cheap Bateman's principle Males Females more eager to mate less eager to mate do not expect resources from mate expect resources from mate invest in mate attraction invest in offspring less choosy (quantity matters) more choosy (quality matters) reproductive success more variable reproductive success less variable sexual selection stronger sexual selection weaker Reproduc R ctive succes ss max Number of matings Number of matings Bateman 1948 Sexual selection Selection on traits that affect mating success (e.g., secondary sexual characters: genitalia, signals, weapons, ...) Charles Darwin 1809 - 1882 Trade-off between: mating success (sexual selection) and survival (natural selection) Sexual selection Pre-copulatory Post-copulatory p Intrasexual selection Male-male competition Sperm p competition p Intersexual selection Mate choice Cryptic female choice Darwin 1871, Parker 1970 Competition for fertilisation Male C tl ejaculates, Costly j l t sperm digestion, sperm storage Adaptations to increase fertilisation chances Inhibit remating Influence egg laying Increase sperm storage Reviewed in Koene 2012; Photos: Rönn, Siva-Jothy, Jaenike, Arnqvist, Han Damage caused by male Crudgington & Siva-Jothy 2000 Damage caused by male reduces female fitness Den Hollander & Gwynne 2010 Hotzy et al. 2012 Competition for fertilisation Male C tl ejaculates, Costly j l t sperm digestion, sperm storage Counteradaptations Adaptations to increase fertilisation chances Sexual conflict with Female Reviewed in Koene 2012; Photos: Rönn, Siva-Jothy, Jaenike, Arnqvist, Han Sperm and eggs hermaphrodites have both Stelt u zich voor… Hermaphrodites are… Marlin (Finding Nemo) Jabba the Hutt (Star Wars) Gynandromorph, G1 (Zhao et al. 2010) Hermaphroditus (Greek god) Hermaphrodites are everywhere! + most plants Anthes 2010 Sperm and eggs hermaphrodites have both Does this cause fundamental differences in sexual selection? Sexual selection "Not Not in simultaneous hermaphrodites" hermaphrodites "With animals belonging to the lower classes, the two sexes are not rarely united in the same individual, and therefore secondary sexual characters cannot be developed. … Moreover, it is almost certain that these animals have too imperfect senses and much too low mental powers, powers to appreciate each other's beauty or other attractions, or to feel rivalry". Darwin 1871 Competition for fertilisation in simultaneous hermaphrodites Sperm donor C tl ejaculates, Costly j l t sperm digestion, sperm storage Adaptations to increase fertilisation chances Baur 1998 Koene & Chasse 1998a,b Koene et al. 20 013 Koene & Ter M Maat 2005 Koene et al. 20 002, 2005 Inhibit remating Influence egg laying Increase sperm storage Decrease sperm digestion Bedhomme et al. 2009 Koene 2012 Tropical hermaphroditic flatworm (Pseudoceros bifurcus) Penis fencing Injection wounds Sperm injection is typically unilateral Michiels & Newman 1998 Tropical hermaphroditic flatworm (Pseudobiceros bedfordi) Double penis fencing Injection wounds Sperm injection Michiels et al. unpubl., Whitfield 2004 Competition for fertilisation in simultaneous hermaphrodites Sperm donor C tl ejaculates, Costly j l t sperm digestion, sperm storage Counter adaptations Counter-adaptations Adaptations to increase fertilisation chances Sexual conflict with Sperm recipient Bedhomme et al. 2009 Koene 2012 “Shooting” Shooting of love darts in land snails Gilbert White "The Natural History of Selborne" 1981 Hermaphrodites Snail mating Dragon fly Isabella Rossellini Dart shooting in Cornu aspersum (Helix aspersa) 2 1 1 mm 50 µm Both individuals shoot a dart into their partner Koene & Chase 1998 General snail reproductive morphology AG Sperm storage S t Sperm digestion FPSC HD Diverticulum SO BC FL VD Spermatophore receiving i i organ BT DG DG Mucus glands PRM S V Introduces mucus into blood P G Spermatophore from partner Koene & Chase 1998 Effect of dart shooting in Cornu aspersum No mucus Mucus BC BTD BC BTD GA GA Inhibits sperm digestion Koene & Chase,1998 Effect of dart shooting in Euhadra peliomphala No mucus Mucus Inhibits sperm digestion Kimura Chiba & Koene 2014 Effect of dart shooting in Cornu aspersum Dart: hit missed Increases sperm storage Rogers & Chase 2001 Effect of dart shooting in Cornu aspersum Increases paternity Landolfa, Green & Chase 2001 Rogers & Chase 2002 Chase & Blanchard 2006 Summary of dart shooting in Cornu aspersum Introduces mucus into blood (Adamo & Chase 1990) Closes off sperm digesting organ (Koene & Chase 1998) Increases sperm storage (Rogers & Chase 2001) Sexual conflict Increases paternity (Chase & Blanchard 2006) Unreliable as quality signal (Koene & Schulenburg 2005) Photos: R. Chase, C. Levesque Can sexual conflict lead to an arms race in hermaphrodites? Sperm donor C tl ejaculates, Costly j l t sperm digestion, sperm storage Counter adaptations Counter-adaptations Adaptations to increase fertilisation chances Sexual conflict with Sperm recipient Bedhomme et al. 2009 Koene 2012 Koene & Schulenburg 2005 Chilostoma glaciale Helicigona lapicida Chilostoma cingulatum Arianta arbustorum 0.75 Chilostoma planospira Marmorana scabriuscula 1.0 Marmorana serpentina Cantareus aspersus 1.0/95 0.8/62 Cantareus aperta 0.96/72 Eobania vermiculata 0.7 0.94/77 Otala lactea Helicidae Theba pisana 1.0/66 Helix pomatia 1.0/99 H li llucorum Helix Cepaea hortensis Cepaea nemoralis 0.64 Helminthoglypta nickliniana 0.98/89 Helminthoglyptidae 0.73 Helminthoglypta tudiculata 0.84 kelletti Xerarionta kellettii 0.82 Humboldtiana nuevoleonis Monadenia fidelis 0.5 0.67 Bradibaena similaris 0.97/55 Aegista vulgivaga Bradybaenidae Fruticicolafruticum fruticum Fruticola 0.65 1.0/88 Euhadra sandai 0.78 Euhadra amaliae Euhadra q quaesita 0.78 Vespericola colombiana Satsuma japonica Cernuella cisalpina Cernuella hydruntina 0.85/61 Cernuella virgata 55 Xerosecta cespitum Xerotricha e ot c a co conspurcata spu cata 1.0/66 1.0/93 Helicella itala Xeromunda durieui Cochlicella acuta 0.86 Hygromiidae Monachoides vicinus 0.86/69 1.0/99 Perforatella incarnata 1.0/98 Perforatella bidentata Hygromia cinctella 0 85 0.85 Trichia striolata 0.99/70 1.0/98 Trichia hispida 0.98/81 Pseudotrichia rubiginosa Monacha cartusiana 0.58 Monacha parumcincta Leptaxis erubescens Polymita picta Deroceras reticulatum 1.0/99 Arion ater Discus rotundatus 28S rRNA 0.92 0.54 0.72 0.82 no dart no dart no dart no dart no dart no dart no dart no dart 0.1 Koene & Schulenburg 2005 Co-evolution Co evolution of dart with glands 4 R 0 675 p<0.0001 R=0.675, 0 0001 2 1 Bivariate Norma al Ellipse, P=0.95 Glan nd comple exity (G Gland PC1 1) 3 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 Dart shape (Dart PC1) Koene & Schulenburg 2005 Co-evolution Co evolution of dart, dart dart sac and glands Elaborate darts, darts fewer dart sacs, sacs and larger glands Increases effectiveness of allohormone transfer by dart Counter-adaptations in the spermatophore receiving organ? 4 R=0.498, p=0.0002 3 2 1 Bivariate Normal Elllipse, P=0.95 Spe ermatopho ore-receivving organ (Divvert. PC1)) Counter-adaptive Counter adaptive co-evolution co evolution between love darts and spermatophore-receiving organs 0 -1 -2 2 -3 -4 -5 5 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 Dart shape (Dart PC1) With darts becoming more specialized for mucus transfer, female system counteracts by making it more difficult for sperm to reach storage site Koene & Schulenburg 2005 C Co-evolu ution Counter-ada aptation Evolution of reproductive organs 28S rRNA Chilostoma glaciale Helicigona lapicida Chilostoma cingulatum Arianta arbustorum 0.75 Chilostoma planospira Marmorana scabriuscula 1.0 Marmorana serpentina Cantareus aspersus 1.0/95 0.8/62 Cantareus aperta 0.96/72 Eobania vermiculata 0.7 0.94/77 Otala lactea Theba pisana 1.0/66 Helix pomatia 1.0/99 H li llucorum Helix Cepaea hortensis Cepaea nemoralis 0.64 Helminthoglypta nickliniana 0.98/89 0.73 Helminthoglypta tudiculata 0.84 kelletti Xerarionta kellettii 0.82 Humboldtiana nuevoleonis Monadenia fidelis 0.5 0.67 Bradibaena similaris 0.97/55 Aegista vulgivaga Fruticicolafruticum fruticum Fruticola 0.65 1.0/88 Euhadra sandai 0.78 Euhadra amaliae Euhadra q quaesita 0.78 Vespericola colombiana Satsuma japonica Cernuella cisalpina Cernuella hydruntina 0.85/61 Cernuella virgata 55 Xerosecta cespitum Xerotricha e ot c a co conspurcata spu cata 1.0/66 1.0/93 Helicella itala Xeromunda durieui Cochlicella acuta 0.86 Monachoides vicinus 0.86/69 1.0/99 Perforatella incarnata Perforatella bidentata Hygromia cinctella 0 85 0.85 Trichia striolata 0.99/70 1.0/98 Trichia hispida 0.98/81 Pseudotrichia rubiginosa Monacha cartusiana 0.58 Monacha parumcincta Leptaxis erubescens Polymita picta Deroceras reticulatum 1.0/99 Arion ater Discus rotundatus 0.92 0.54 0.72 0.82 1.0/98 Dart shooting behaviour? 0.1 Koene & Schulenburg 2005, Koene & Chiba 2006, Reyes Tur & Koene 2007, Lodi & Koene, unpubl. Chilostoma glaciale Helicigona lapicida Chilostoma cingulatum Arianta arbustorum 0.75 Chilostoma planospira Marmorana scabriuscula 1.0 Marmorana serpentina Cantareus aspersus 1.0/95 0.8/62 Cantareus aperta 0.96/72 Eobania vermiculata 0.7 0.94/77 Otala lactea Theba pisana 1.0/66 Helix pomatia 1.0/99 H li llucorum Helix Cepaea hortensis Cepaea nemoralis 0.64 Helminthoglypta nickliniana 0.98/89 0.73 Helminthoglypta tudiculata 0.84 kelletti Xerarionta kellettii 0.82 Humboldtiana nuevoleonis Monadenia fidelis 0.5 0.67 Bradibaena similaris 0.97/55 Aegista vulgivaga Bradybaenidae Fruticicolafruticum fruticum Fruticola 0.65 1.0/88 Euhadra sandai 0.78 Euhadra amaliae Euhadra q quaesita 0.78 Vespericola colombiana Satsuma japonica Cernuella cisalpina Cernuella hydruntina 0.85/61 Cernuella virgata 55 Xerosecta cespitum Xerotricha e ot c a co conspurcata spu cata 1.0/66 1.0/93 Helicella itala Xeromunda durieui Cochlicella acuta 0.86 Hygromiidae Monachoides vicinus 0.86/69 1.0/99 Perforatella incarnata 1.0/98 Perforatella bidentata Hygromia cinctella 0 85 0.85 Trichia striolata 0.99/70 1.0/98 Trichia hispida 0.98/81 Pseudotrichia rubiginosa Monacha cartusiana 0.58 Monacha parumcincta Leptaxis erubescens Polymita picta Deroceras reticulatum 1.0/99 Arion ater Discus rotundatus 28S rRNA 0.92 0.54 0.72 0.82 0.1 Koene & Schulenburg 2005, Koene & Chiba 2006, Reyes Tur & Koene 2007, Lodi & Koene, unpubl. Dart shooting behaviour in Euhadra subnimbosa, subnimbosa the samurai snail Repeated stabbing: approx. 3311 times (21.9 min±16.0, N=11) 100 µm 1 mm Total dart shooting phase: 56.6 min (±10.7, N=11) B f Before transfer t f off spermatophore t h Koene & Chiba,2006 Similar behaviour within the family Bradybaenidae Euhadra subnimbosa Bradybaena Euhadra similaris sandai Euhadra peliomphala Euhadra brandtii Euhadra quaesita Euhadra latispira 100 µm 3311x < 100x Koene & Chiba 2006 Chilostoma glaciale Helicigona lapicida Chilostoma cingulatum Arianta arbustorum 0.75 Chilostoma planospira Marmorana scabriuscula 1.0 Marmorana serpentina Cantareus aspersus 1.0/95 0.8/62 Cantareus aperta 0.96/72 Eobania vermiculata 0.7 0.94/77 Otala lactea Helicidae Theba pisana 1.0/66 Helix pomatia 1.0/99 H li llucorum Helix Cepaea hortensis Cepaea nemoralis 0.64 Helminthoglypta nickliniana 0.98/89 Helminthoglyptidae 0.73 Helminthoglypta tudiculata 0.84 kelletti Xerarionta kellettii 0.82 Humboldtiana nuevoleonis Monadenia fidelis 0.5 0.67 Bradibaena similaris 0.97/55 Aegista vulgivaga Bradybaenidae Fruticicolafruticum fruticum Fruticola 0.65 1.0/88 Euhadra sandai 0.78 Euhadra amaliae Euhadra q quaesita 0.78 Vespericola colombiana Satsuma japonica Cernuella cisalpina Cernuella hydruntina 0.85/61 Cernuella virgata 55 Xerosecta cespitum Xerotricha e ot c a co conspurcata spu cata 1.0/66 1.0/93 Helicella itala Xeromunda durieui Cochlicella acuta 0.86 Hygromiidae Monachoides vicinus 0.86/69 1.0/99 Perforatella incarnata 1.0/98 Perforatella bidentata Hygromia cinctella 0 85 0.85 Trichia striolata 0.99/70 1.0/98 Trichia hispida 0.98/81 Pseudotrichia rubiginosa Monacha cartusiana 0.58 Monacha parumcincta Leptaxis erubescens Polymita picta Deroceras reticulatum 1.0/99 Arion ater Discus rotundatus 28S rRNA 0.92 0.54 0.72 0.82 0.1 Koene & Schulenburg 2005, Koene & Chiba 2006, Reyes Tur & Koene 2007, Lodi & Koene, unpubl. Dart shooting in Cornu aspersum (Helix aspersa) 2 1 1 mm 50 µm Shoot once and lose dart Similar behaviour: e.g. Arianta arbustorum, Cepaea nemoralis, Helix pomatia, etc. "Dispossable" 0.92 0.54 0.72 0.82 "Reusab ble" Chilostoma glaciale Helicigona lapicida Chilostoma cingulatum Arianta arbustorum 0.75 Chilostoma planospira Marmorana scabriuscula 1.0 Marmorana serpentina Cantareus aspersus 1.0/95 0.8/62 Cantareus aperta 0.96/72 Eobania vermiculata 0.7 0.94/77 Otala lactea Helicidae Theba pisana 1.0/66 Helix pomatia 1.0/99 H li llucorum Helix Cepaea hortensis Cepaea nemoralis 0.64 Helminthoglypta nickliniana 0.98/89 Helminthoglyptidae 0.73 Helminthoglypta tudiculata 0.84 kelletti Xerarionta kellettii 0.82 Humboldtiana nuevoleonis Monadenia fidelis 0.5 0.67 Bradibaena similaris 0.97/55 Aegista vulgivaga Bradybaenidae Fruticicolafruticum fruticum Fruticola 0.65 1.0/88 Euhadra sandai 0.78 Euhadra amaliae Euhadra q quaesita 0.78 Vespericola colombiana Satsuma japonica Cernuella cisalpina Cernuella hydruntina 0.85/61 Cernuella virgata 55 Xerosecta cespitum Xerotricha e ot c a co conspurcata spu cata 1.0/66 1.0/93 Helicella itala Xeromunda durieui Cochlicella acuta 0.86 Hygromiidae Monachoides vicinus 0.86/69 1.0/99 Perforatella incarnata 1.0/98 Perforatella bidentata Hygromia cinctella 0 85 0.85 Trichia striolata 0.99/70 1.0/98 Trichia hispida 0.98/81 Pseudotrichia rubiginosa Monacha cartusiana 0.58 Monacha parumcincta Leptaxis erubescens Polymita picta Deroceras reticulatum 1.0/99 Arion ater Discus rotundatus 28S rRNA 0.1 Koene & Schulenburg 2005, Koene & Chiba 2006, Reyes Tur & Koene 2007, Lodi & Koene, unpubl. Love darts increase male reproductive success, causing sexually antagonistic co-evolution Koene & Schulenburg 2005 Mucus loaded on the dart Love dart of Everettia corrugata (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Dyakiidae) Koene & Schulenburg 2005 100 µm Everettia corrugata (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Dyakiidae); Koene, Thor-Seng Liew, Montagne-Wajer & Schilthuizen, 2013 Love dart of Everettia corrugata (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Dyakiidae) True injection! Behaviour? Physiology? Paternity? 100 µm Gland Sac Dart 100 µm Conclusions so far Conclusions, Delivery of accessory gland proteins (i.e., (i e allohormones) can increase reproductive success Current evidence is consistent with counter-adaptive counter adaptive co-evolution between male and female organs and behaviour in hermaphrodites Sexual conflict is important evolutionary force for hermaphrodites But are there fundamental differences in sexual selection? Can hermaphrodites influence both sex functions of their mating partners? Fundamental difference Unidirectional Bidirectional Male donates, female receives, female physiology affected Sperm donor is also recipient, both sexes are potentially affected Implications for transfer of accessory gland products? Mating behaviour of the great pond snail Lymnaea stagnalis 1. Mounting 4. Partial eversion Photos: C. Levesque 2. Circling 3. Positioning 5. Total eversion and probing 6. Intromission reviewed in Jarne, David, Pointier & Koene 2010 Mating system of Lymnaea stagnalis Mixed mating in the field, with preference for outcrossing 80-100% outcrossing when sperm received Sperm storage up to 62 days Strategic sperm allocation Sperm utilisation tilisation random High male investment Multiple mating Koene & Ter Maat 2007, Loose & Koene 2008, Koene et al. 2008, Hoffer et al. 2010, Nakadera et al. 2014, Nakadera et al. in prep. Reproductive system of the great pond snail Lymnaea stagnalis Egg mass o fert. pf mi me ti tc AG BC PCO M O C BT U OT OTD SV HD V Allosperm AD SD PG VD PS PP Autosperm PE Prostate gland produces accessory gland proteins reviewed in Jarne, David, Pointier & Koene 2010 Testing the effects of accessory gland proteins in Lymnaea Koene et al. 2009, 2010 The effect of accessory gland extract on egg laying 100 Replicate 1 (N=20) Replicate 2 (N=30) %L Laying eg ggs 80 60 40 20 χ2=6.02, df=2, P=0.036 0 Control Seminal fluid Seminal fluid (prostate gland extract) suppresses egg laying Koene et al. 2009 Identification of accessory gland proteins in the semen of Lymnaea Relattive abso orbance 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 a,b a,b 12 0.0 0 20 3 40 60 567 8 4 80 100 120 140 9 10 160 Time (min) Prostate gland transfers several novel novel, identified proteins Koene et al. 2010 Identification of accessory gland protein suppressing egg laying 120 b a a Totall eggs ± S SE 100 80 60 40 20 ANOVA: F2,42=3.77, P=0.03 (P (Post-hoc: h P 0 05) P<0.05) 0 Control Ovipostatin Ovipostatin +sperm Koene et al. 2010 Can accessory gland proteins affect the male function? Sexual selection in hermaphrodites Sperm donors can use accessory gland proteins to influence female and male sex functions of mating partner Fundamental differences between separate sexes and hermaphroditism