dermatology and venereology - National Board Of Examination
dermatology and venereology - National Board Of Examination
NATIONALBOARD OF EXAMINATIONS FINAL EXAM DECEMBER2O1I AND VENEREOLOGY DERMATOLOGY PAPER.I : llhours Time Max.Marks : 100 Attempt all questions in order. Each questioncarries 10 marks. 1. DVD/D/11t06t1 a. When calculatingsamplesize in a clinicaltrial,what is meant by: i. Powerof study ii. Levelof significance b. What is meant by doing a study accordingto good clinical practiceguidelines? c. What is meantby strengthof evidenceand qualityof evidence in a clinicaltrial? 2 2 3 3 2. a. Discussthe structureof desmosome. of a desmosome? components b. Whatare the immunological in blistering diseases? c. Whatis the roleof desmosomes 3 3 4 3. unit? a. Whatis an epidermal-mblanin b. Discussthe structureof melanocyteunderthe followingheads: i) Lightmicroscopyappearance ii) Electronmicroscopyappearance to studymelanocytes iii) Specialtechniques 2 a. Discuss the characteristics of autosomal recessive genodermatosis. b. Describebrieflytechniquesused to diagnosegenodermatosis antenatally. c. Discussgeneticmosaicism 4 done to evaluatea child a. Discussthe laboratoryinvestigations with mechanico-bullous disorders. b. Discussthe laboratoryevaluationsdone to evaluatean adult withimmuno-bullous disorders. 5 4. 5. 6- 3 3 2 4 2 5 A 55 yearsold farmerpresentswith a suspectedfungalinfection on his foot. Discussthe evaluationof such a patientunderthe followingheadings: a. Cluesin history of lesions b. Cluesin morphology collection c. Sample d. Directmicroscopy e. Histopathology f. Otherinvestigations PossESSIoNfttsE oF'ELL*?Iffrg?i[';,:r:rf,i:ff;iflXi'icADcErs 1 2 1 2 2 2 ISNorPERMITTED P,T.O. NATIONALBOARDOF EXAMINATIONS FINAL EXAilI DECEMBER2011 7. 8. 9. of psoriasisunderthe following: Discussthe pathogenesis genetic Role of factors a. b. Roleof T-cells c. Roleof dendriticcells t d. Roleof cytokines a. Enumeratethe residentflora of skin. b. Outlinethe methodsof samplingnormalflora. c. Whatis the functionof normalfloraon the skin? - d. Discussone diseasecausedby residentflora. a. Enumeratethe componentsof solarrays. b. Discussthe roleof UVA,UVB in health. c. Discussthe roleof UVA,UVB in : Ageing D Pigmentation ii) iii) Carcinogenesis 10. Discussthe Valueof the followingtests in evaluatinga patientof 'allergy': a. Patchtest b. Photo-patch test c. Skinpricktest d. RAST {. {. {. {. r1. .t POSSESSION/ASEOF CELL PHONES ORANY SUCH ELECTRONIC GADGETS IS NOT PERMITTED 3 3 1 3 2 2 2 4 2 2 2 2 2 4 2 2 2 FINAL EXAM DECEMBER2011 NATIONAL BOARDOF EXAMINATIONS DERMATOLOGY ANDVENEREOLOGY PAPER.II Time :3 hours Max.Marks : 100 DVD/D/I1/06/rl Attemptall questionsin order. Eachquestioncarries10 marks. 1. a. What are the clinical and histopathological differences betweenlentiginesand freckles?Enumerate four syndromes associated with lentigines. b. Enumeratefour syndromesassociatedwith caf6 a0 lait macules. c. Whatarethe clinicalfeatures of PeutzJegher'ssyndrome? 2 2 2. a. Classifydermatosis of pregnancy. presentation b. Discussthe clinical gestationis. of pemphigoid c. How will you manage an 8 month pregnantwoman with pemphigoid gestationis? 2 4 4 3. a . Discuss the differentialdiagnosipof skin lesions in- a 5 3 3 seborrhoeic distribution. b . Discussthe differential diagnosisof skin lesionson pressure 5 Tabulatethe differences between: a. Variegateporphyria and porphyriacutaneatarda psoriasisand hyperkeratotic b. Palmoplantar eczema. 5 5 points. 4. 5. a. Whatarethe criteriafor makinga diagnosis of tuberculides? b . Discusspapulonecrotic tuberculide underthe followingheads: i) ii) iii) 6. 7. Clinicalfeatures Biopsyfindings Treatment Discussthe useof the followingdrugs: in pemphigus a. Rituzimab b. Dapsonein lichenplanus c. Steroidsin toxicepidermalnecrolysis d. Acyclovirin erythemamultiforme e. Thalidomide in Behcet'ssyndrome 2 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 a. Classifyalopecia 2 b. Discussmedicalmanagement of differenttypesof cicatricial 4 alopecia. c. Discussthe surgicalmanagement of cicatricial 4 alopecia. P0.SSESSI0.N/USE *',Iffr?y.#';,:rf#i:ff;iff"icADcErs oFCELL ISNorPERMITTED P.T.O. FINALEXAM DECEMBER 2011 8. 9. NATIONALBOARDOF EXAMINATIONS A 38 year old t"r"i" patientneedsto be prescribedsteroidsfor severalmonths. a. Whatadvicewouldyou giveheraboutusingthe drug? b. Howwouldyou monitorher? c. what additionaldrugs would need to be given to her to countersomeof the sideeffectsandwhy? l a) z -i a. Classifycutaneousleishmaniasis. b. what is the geographic distribution of leishmaniasis in lndia? c. How will you managea patientof post Kala azar dermal leishmaniasis? 2 2 6 10. Discussthe managementof a 1g year old femalepatientwith hirsutism. 10 PossBssloN/usE oFCELL *?Iifr";rii;'":,fl:^f,i:ff;ffiliicADcErsISNorPERMITTED i FINALEXAM DECEMBER 2011 NATIONALBOARDOF EXAMINATIONS DERMATOLOGY AND VENEREOLOGY PAPER.III Time :3 hours Max.Marks : 100 DVD/D/11/06/lll Attempt all questions in order. Each questioncarries10 marks. 1. 2. 3. a. Enumeratethe bullous disordersassociatedwith internal malignancies. b. Discussthe clinicalmanifestations of pancreatictumoursas seenon the skin. c. Discussclinicalmanifestations of secondariesof malignant tumorsseenon the skin. 2 4 4 Describethe cutaneousmanifestations of : a. Hypothyroidism b. Addison'sdisease c. Hyperthyroidism d. VitaminC deficiency e. Riboflavindeficiency 2 2 2 2 2 a. Classifyxanthomas. b. Howwouldyou evaluatea patientwho presentswith multiple tuberousxanthomas? Discussunderthe followingheads: i) Clinicalfeaturesincludinghistory ii) Laboratoryevaluation iii) Systemicfeatures 2 4 2 2 a. How would you monitor a patient of ichthyosison oral retinoids? b. How would you monitora patientof pustularpsoriasison methotrexate? 5 5. a. Discussthe extra-cutaneous manifestations of a patientwith systemicsclerosis. 10 6. b. c. d. e. 4. 5 Definemastocytosis Classifymastocytosis Whatare the criteriafor diagnosisof systemicmastocytosis? Discuss the histopathologyof one clinical type of mastocytosis. 1 2 4 3 POSSESSION/ASEOF CELL PHONES OR ANY SACH ELECTRONIC GADGETS IS NOT PERMITTED INSIDE THE EXAMINATION HALL P.T.o. FINAL EXAM DECEMBER2011 NATIONAL BOARD OF EXAMINATIONS 7. a. Discussthe metabolism of zinc in the humanbody. b. Enumerate the causesof zincdeficiency. c. Discussthe clinicalfeaturesand treatmentof acrodermatitis enteropathica. 8. Discussthe management of a2 yearold child,whopresentswith recurrentskin and chestinfections.An eldersiblingof the child also had similar severe complaintsand died of pneumonia. Discussyouranswerunderthe followingheads: a. History b. Examination c. Lab investigations, if all facilitiesare available. 2 2 6 a. Discussthe stagingof mycosisfungoides. b. Discussthe stagingof malignant melanoma. 5 5 10. Discussthe management of : a. Acutegeneralized pustulosis exanthematous b . Fixeddrugeruption c. Steroidacne d. Cyclosporine inducedhypertrichosis e . Minocycline inducedpigmentation. 2 2 2 2 2 9. rFrfi ,&rt POSSESSION/USEOF CELL PHONES OR ANY SACH ELECTRONIC GADGETS IS NOT PERMITTED INSIDE THE EXAMINATION HALL 2 2 6 FINALEXAM DECEMBER 2011 NATIONAL BOARDOF EXAMINATIONS AND VENEREOLOGY DERMATOLOGY PAPER.IV Time :3 hours Max.Marks : 100 DVD/D/I1/06flV 1fffl[11i,x1":H:".'lo"l,1T" 1. 2. 3. 4. ' Discussthe manifestations of leprosyin a. Kidney b. Gonads c. Eye 2 4 4 Tabulatethe differencesbetweenborderlinetuberculoidleprcisy leprosyunderthe followingheadings: lepromatous and borderline a. Morphology and characterof lesions. b. Nerveinvolvement c. Lepromintest d. Histopathology 3 3 1 3 program: Discussthe followingaspectsof leprosyelimination a. Elimination b. Eradication c. New casedetectionrate. in lepr:osy d. Disability used. e. Newparameters 1 1 1 2 5 of leprosyin the followingsituations: Discussthe management a. Pregnancy b. Type 1 reaction c. Type 2 reaction 2 4 4 10 5. of nervedamagein leprosy. Discussthe pathogenesis 6. A 19 year old sexuallyactive male presentswith a laboratory reportof HIV positive.Howwouldyou : a. Clinicallyevaluatethe patient b. Counselhim c. Investigate him 3 2 5 testsavailablefor diagnosisof: Discussthe serological a. Syphilis infection b. C-hlamydia trachomatis c. Herpesgenitalis 4 3 3 7. Poss4ssloNtusa or cnn rnonnsolrwl;":,:^:rf,i:ff;iflI'iticADcETs IS NoTPERMITTED P.T.O. FINALEXAM DECEMBER 2011 8. 9. NATIONALBOARDOF EXAMINATIONS a. Classifyanogenitalwarts. b. Discussthe management of anogenitalwarts in a pregnant woman. c. Discussthe complications of anogenitalwarts in a male. a. Discussthe recommendation of partnermanagement in: i) Syphilis. -, ii) Urethraldischarge. iii)Vaginaldischarge b. Discus!the recom"mendations for presumptive management of sexuallytransmitted infections. 1 0 . Tabulatethe differencesbetween: a. Ulcersof Chancreand chancroid b. Ulcersof dwarfchancroidand herpesgenitalis. c. Buboof chancroidand lymphogranuloma venereum. ***{.rf POSSESSIONIUSE OFCELL PHONESORANYSACH ELECTRANIC GADGETSIS NOTPER,fuIITTED 2 5 2 2 2 4 4 3 3 ;