Summary - California State University San Marcos


Summary - California State University San Marcos
Students Celebrate Filipino-
American History Month
by DJ Marlinq of 90.3 Jammin'
Z90. This cross-cultural event
was planned and organized
largely in part by joy Francisco
and Trish Guevarra of the APSS.
Some of the highlights
included versions of both the
United States and Filipino
national anthems. The APSS
also showcased two different
forms of Filipino folk dancing.
The Binasuan, performed by
Cheryl Arbitria, involves balancing three glasses of rice wine
(substituted on campus by kiwistrawberry Shasta) while moving
through a sequence of exotic
and difficult contortions. The
Tiniklin, performed by members
of the APSS, is a choreographed
dance that requires perfect synchronization of the dancers, and
incorporates the tapping of poles
which are laidflaton the ground
and tapped to the beat by fellow
Sheryl Abitria singing the Filipino national anthem.
Photo by Tristan Nickey.
held a three hour tribute to the
Pride Staff Writer
Filipino culture on Wednesday,
October 23 in the Mezzanine
October is Filipino-American Plaza at CSUSM. The event was
History month, and the Asian aptly titled, "Our Story: Past,
Pacific Student Society (APSS) Present, Future" and was hosted
achieve social equality. Along
with Dimaandal, this tribute
to Filipino-American culture
featured a number of musical
groups/artists ranging from
alternative rock to rap to techno.
One of the crowd favorites was
the "Squids of Fury," who are
a San Diego based break-dancing crew who performed on the
very unforgiving medium of
When asked about the long
term goals of the APSS, Joy
Francisco (Director of Publicity/
Historian for the APSS)
responded by saying that the
immediate goal of the fledgling
organization (established in the
Spring of 2002) was simply to
inform the public of the existence
and relevance of Asian Pacific
society in San Diego. According to the U.S. census, FilipinoAmericans make up 20 percent
of the people of Asian descent in
the United States, second only to
The APSS was also successful the Chinese (23 percent). And in
in requesting Arael Dimaandal, San Diego, Filipino-Americans
formerly of KUSI 9/51 News, to are the largest Asian Pacific
come and speak about his experi- Islander group represented. For
ence with being a Filipino male more information or questions
in the broadcasting industry. He about the Filipino experience
urged people of Asian descent in the United States, the APSS
to pursue any and all desires to will be providing a web-site at
become a part of mainstream
culture, which is imperative if
Asians as a whole ever hope to
Some Truths About Getting
into Medical School
... page 1-3
... page 5-9*
Español.. .. page 8
Sports :.... ... page 10-11
Opinion. ... page 12
Election....... ... page 13-15
Pride Staff Writer
The Pre-health society,
a club for students who
want to pursue careers in
medicine, held a meeting
on Wed. Oct. 23 to discuss
information obtained during
the Admissions Personnel
Conference. This conference
held at UC San Diego
informed future v medical
students of application
processes and interview
strategies fot getting into
medical school.
The president and vice
president of Pre-health and
many other prospective medical
students from other San Diego
colleges spoke leisurely with
students and admissions
representatives from schools
UC San Francisco, UC Irvine,
Jayson Sack and Andy Mauldin host Pre-health society
meeting. Photo by Jennifer Jarrell.
Stanford, and UC Davis about
details that will help students
become aware of what medical
school acceptance entails.
society informed club members
that in theirjunior year of college,
they should take the MCAT
(Medical College Admissions
Test). This enhances their
The president and vice
See MEDICAL, page 2
president of the pre-health
San Diego
County Hispanic
Chamber of
Commerce Wins
Large Chamber
oi the Year
Pride Staff Writer
The San Diego County
Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (SDCHCC) won the
'Large Chamber of the Year
- Region One' award on Oct.
1, for the third year in a row.
SDCHCC is a non-profit
organization that provides
many different programs
and services for the Hispanic entrepreneur. It also
has a scholarship program
for graduating high school
students and has approved
scholarships for some college students, according to
Roberto Villareal, which
can earn them up to $1000.
According to SDCHCC,
they helped raise over
$350,000 in scholarships for
the future of the Hispanic
youth, and they are focusing
on building a solid foundation for the community,
starting with the Hispanic
youth and business community. SDCHCC also offers
internships for students
majoring in International
Business. Villareal says
that they have a program
with San Diego State University (SDSU) but sees no
problem with students of Cal
State San Marcos (CSUSM)
enlisting in the program if
they are willing to take the
time and follow through.
The organization was
established in 1989, primarily to access the $10 billion
Hispanic buying power. The
new organization is now the
fastest growing Hispanic
Chamber out of six states in
the western United States.
"Our role as a Hispanic
Chamber is to advocate
small businesses particularly Hispanic businesses,"
Villareal says.
Membership in the organization entitles small business owners to collaborate
with each other, creating
business ventures amongst
themselves. Membership
also entitles the business
owners to an exclusive
mailing list, which gives the
Hispanic business owner an
For more information see
Faring the Grad Fair
Pride Staff Writer
"It's a time when students
can ask anything and their
acceptance is not on the line,"
saicf Susan Buck-Allen, Career
Counselor and Coordinator of
the Graduate and Professional
School Fair; which took place on
Tuesday, Oct. 22.
attendance was low. While
clouds covered the sky and frigid
breezes filtered through Founders' Plaza, the crowds were
"Maybe it could be held
inside next year," suggested
many Southern Californian fairweather-fans.
With a reportedly high percentage of Cal State San Marcos
students going on to graduate
school, the fact that the weather
could have significantly marginalized the utility of the fair
came as a surprise. Bettina
HSber, CSUSM Director of
Analytic Studies reported from
a survey taken in the Spring of
1999 that 45 percent of Cal State
San Marcos students, having
received their bachelors degree,
enrolled in a graduate studies
program within one year.
See GRAD FAIR, page 3
The Career and Assessment
Center hosts the event annually
to provide a forum for students to
informally meet with a variety of
graduate school representatives,
to ask questions about schools
and programs, and to collect
informative materials.
This year, the fair was
extended an extra hour to last
from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m., due
to student requests made "after
last year's fair. Yet, despite a
longer window of time, student
MEDICAL from page 1
Grad Fair. Photo by Tristan Nickey.
science and humanities."
During interviews, Mauldin
also mentioned that medical
school admissions committees
may also ask curve ball
questions such as "What do you
think about European socialized
medicine?" or "How do you feel
about health care reform?"
acceptance to medical schools
because schools will not look
at applications without MCAT
scores. It is also important
not to work during medical
school due to its intensity. Even
though medical schools range
from $60,000 - $70,000 for UC
schools and $120,000 for private
schools, they said that it would Also, schools expect students
be best to take out a loan so as to to submit a powerful personal
focus completely on studying. statement about themselves in
their applications, rather than
The CSUSM students who just a brief synopsis of their
attended the conference shared scholastic aptitude. "Make
their knowledge about two yourself stand out. Passion
of the biggest components of was something that [medical
acceptance' interviews and schools] talked about over and
letters of recommendation. They over. Express passion for why
said that many interviewers you want to practice medicine,"
ask the seemingly fundamental Mauldin said.
question: "Why do you want
to be a doctor?" "Don't say: As most students know, it is
Because I want to help people," best not to lie on an application.
said Andy Mauldin, biology "The interviewer may ask the
major and vice president of student a specific question
Pre-health, "that is an answer about something on his/her
they already know. You need application, and if the applicant
to, in some way, convey passion lied, the interviewer will know,"
for medicine and dedication to said Mauldin. "You will be
' Lead Editor
Alyssa Finkeistein
Design Editor
Desmond Barca
News and Feature Editor Martha Sarabia
Opinion Editor
Steven Zamora
Spanish Editor
Martha Sarabia
Arts Editor
Ria custodio
Sports Editor
Jessica A. Krone
IMiii^ck^ '
Distribution Manager
Leiana Nahoiowaa
Business Manager
Alyssa Finkeistein
Madeleine Marshall
¡I 111 §11 i1II1111I1I111III11ISI11
AH opin •
s to the editor, published m fht
the author, and
ssaiiiy represent the views of
^signed editorials represent the
University San
blacklisted from any med school
if you are caught lying on an
application," added Jayson Sack,
president of Pre-health and
biology and psychology major.
Sack and Mauldin also
explained that medical Schools
suggest that it is a necessity
to have at least one letter
of recommendation from a
professor that a student knew
well. They need to know
personal information about
the applicant that conveys a
willingness to persevere. A
student may have multiple letters
from professors of classes that
he/she aced, but that do not
explain anything about his/her
personality. It is better to have a
letter from a professor of a class
in which the student received
a C+ especially if it means the
professor can vouch for that
student's character.
Sack also commented about
CSUSM, "It's smaller and more
intimate, you really get to know
your professors, and there are
labs for each science class. It's
teacher interactive, and there's
plenty of hands-on learning. I MYTH: If you've' attended
feel that the science program at a UC school, your chances of
San Marcos is phenomenal."
acceptance are greater.
FACT: There is no
Lastly, the president and vice school bias - it doesn't matter
president talked about some where you came from.
of the myths and facts about
medical school acceptance and MYTH: You need to major in
prerequisites. These include:
biology to get in.
FACT: Schools
MYTH: You need straight A's often times prefer backgrounds
to get in.
in a multitude ofmajors ranging
FACT: If you have from biology to business.
A's and B's it means you were
probably busy making your MYTH: You should probably
self more well rounded. Ex: double major if you want to be
community service, involvement noticed as a prolific student.
in clubs, etc.
FACT: If you are
a well-rounded student, your
MYTH: A C- is a passing focus may be in areas other
grade for pre-med requirements. . than academics.
FACT: AC-does
not count as passing.
MYTH: The best students will
go directly into medical school
MYTH: A C in organic from college.
chemistry means you will not get
• FACT: Some
FACT: You will
people who have
probably need to explain why
taken time off to
you received the grade, but it
deliberate other
does not discount you.
areas of interest.
tomi board. g | s
<3» t ^ Z ï ,
^ouldbesybmittedvia electronic
The Pride not to print anonymous letters.
^ \
V S S ï commercial enterprises or ventures. The Pride reserves thetightto tejed
The Pride is published ly m Tuesdays during the academic year. Distribué includes
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-mail: ppde^csmiiLedi
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m t m T a B d l e n g t h
L e t t e r s
GRAD FAIR from page 2
Preparations for the Graduate
Fair begin early. In July of each
year, invitations are sent to "over
300 colleges and universities
throughout the country inviting them to attend our annual
event," explained Buck-Allen.
The list of schools to be invited
comes primarily from recommendations made by faculty and
that, "as a small campus, we
don't get as much attendance
as other schools do." But that
is starting to change as"many
schools are now taking notice of
CSUSM," continued Buck-Allen.
Last year; 52 graduate school
programs attended the fair. This
year the number rose to 72.
Graduate school programs
desiring to be represented at
The schools that accept the the Graduate Fair must be willinvitation and attend the event ing to pay the costs - which can
are varied. Buck-Allen noted include airfare, accommoda-
tions, and other expenses of their the fair.
representative(s). There is also
a marginal fee of $65 paid to « The CAC also hires student
CSUSM Career and Assessment organizations in order to help
Center (CAC) in order to cover with the logistics on the day of
the production costs of the event. the event. This offers a welcome
These costs include the fees for opportunity, for fundraising to
rental equipment, the time of campus organizations, while
campus facilities staff, parking also providing the CAC staff
permits, and the provision of with extra hands that ensure the
shuttle vans and refreshments smooth-flow of the event.
for the representatives. This
registration fee is waived for At the conclusion of the fair
all CSUSM graduate programs at 2 p.m., a workshop covering
wishing to solicit themselves at graduate school basics such as
how to choose and apply to a
school was also provided by the
CAC. This year, the workshop
was held for a small crowd of
twelve in Commons 206.
Students are encouraged to
watch for fresh modifications to
next year's Graduate and Professional School Fair, as the CAC
staff truly takes student feedback into consideration when
planning the event.
The King of Chess
Pride Staff Writer
Commons 206, five competitors
went head-to-head in this truly
epic battle of wits and strength,
Shaquille O'Neal, Barry the ASI first annual chess tourBonds, and William Kemper. nament. Tension and physical
What all three of these athletes exertion were all too clear when
have in common is that, not only watching these mental gladiators
are they all three men amongst push themselves to limits never
boys in their respective sports, seen before at CSUSM.
but they are also finely tuned
athletes at the top of their games. Barely avoiding passing out
The most unknown powerhouse from sheer amazement, junior
mentioned above, Computer Communication major Paul
Science major William Kemper, Anderson had to say, "I just
is Cal State San Marcos' first hope none of these competitors
annual chess tournament have a career ending injury,
they are really pushing themselves tonight". This is the type
Lasting no more than two of atmosphere everyone of the
hours from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m., in handful of viewers in attendance
experienced, and will probably everyone in the room knew that
never forget.
there was a war being waged.
Physically and mentally After some nail biting,
exhausted, the two last men and serious tension, William
standing were William Kemper Kemper, the mental juggerand Jeffrey Santos. With the naut, executed a breathtaking
board as their battlefield, Jeffrey maneuver. Kemper sacrificed his
played with the white pieces, and own bishop to open up a line of
William chose the darker ones. attacks on Jeffrey's king. ObviThese two titans went blow for ously this is no easy task, and
blow, neither one wanted to despite the risk involved, moves
go down. Commenting about of wit and unmerciful mastery
Jeffrey's opening, champion of chess are what makes Kemper
William Kemper had to say, such a guru of the chessboard.
"Jeffrey played a variation of Immediately following the sacthe Van't Kruijs opening (1. e3 rifice of his bishop, the crowd
e5 2. g3), which was deceptively let out a sigh of disbelief, folpassive." As chess players know, lowed by immediate approval,
this opening is quite passive, and it was clear, everyone knew who
the king of chess would be. As
Kemper explained, "In a game
like this, I had to go down with
my guns blazing." It was a truly
fitting ending to such a match;
these competitors brought out
the best in each other.
William Kemper, now fifty
dollars richer with hisfirstprize
cougar card, walks away to
battle another day. If anyone is
interested in the next upcoming
chess tournament, contact ASI,
as it is part of the recreation
intramural programs. Visit ASI
at or call
them at 750-4990 for more information about upcoming chess
tournaments. *
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Depress Your Stress Level
Pride Staff Writer
Be a teacher. Pretend that
you are the professor giving the
exam. What questions would
you test on? Think about previous exams and homework, get a
feel for the professor's style, and
then make up potential test questions. Don't stop there either;
make sure you can answer those
possible exam questions as well.
a simple jump on the gun without you are guaranteeing yourself no
4. Pop some popreading the directions? This is credit.
corn without putting a
the easiest way to ensure you are
lid on it.
at least on the right track.
Lastly, sketch out notes in the
5. Bill
margin for an essay question.
doctor for the time you
Second, look over the entire This will help you to remember
spent in his waiting
exam, including the point values, your ideas and organize your
and immediately answer those answer.
6. Get a box of
that you know. After that,
condoms, wait in line
you should go to the questions On a lighter note, if the above
at the checkout and then
with the highest point value so strategies do not work for you or
ask the cashier where
that you can get the maximum you are stressing over something
thefittingrooms are.
amount of points even if you are besides the dreaded midterm,
7. Read the dicunable to finish. Plus, occasion- jokingly sugtionary backwards and
ally an exam will have hints gests the following stress relievlook for subliminal
hidden within it so if you answer ers.
it out of order you mayfindclues
8. When someto other answers that you don't
one says, "Have a nice
1. Dance naked
day," tell them that you
in front of your pets.
have other plans.
2 Use your MasThird, answer all questions
terCard to pay your
With a little practice, patience,
even if you don't know them.
Visa bill.
At least you have a chance to
3. Make a list of and humor, you can depress your
get some points if you answer
things you have already stress level and be confident that
it, if you do not attempt to, then
you will pass the midterm exam!
Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. It is
once again nearing the time
when two of the most dreaded
words appear all over your calendar, Midterm Exam! The very
thought of these two words can
bring down your whole day, but
there is something you can do
about it Take control of your Now the day has come and you
test anxiety and depress your are entering the test zone. Since
stress level.
you have prepared, your anxiety
level is somewhat lower, but you
According to, are still feeling the edge. Here
there are many ways you can are a few tips to get you through
relieve test anxiety. Preparation the exam without hyperventilatis the first key to helping your ing:
life become a little easier, prior
to the big exam. You should start First, the most basic and often
reviewing the material a few overlooked, obviously initial
days before the exam, and only step: READ the DIRECTIONS!
review a little bit at a time. If How many times have you had
your mind is set on the football your grade knocked in the dirt by
game, don't try to study at that
time. Go watch the football
game and then afterwards you
can take 20 minutes to review
Preschool substitutes, aides, and teachers.
your coursework.
AM i areas, full tbae^ aaäflexiblepart time.
Absorb the information the
first time around. Study smart
and critically think while initially reading over the material
so you won't have to again.
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CSUSM Professor Nombrado Uno de los 100
Most Influential Hispanics in the U.S.
Lead Editor
received much more support
[from CSUSM] than we did out
of San Diego State [SDSU]." A
congressional appropriation and
were some of the
* P g* ? lÍ ¿T^ , ^ v benefitsfunding
mentioned by Soriano.
Previamente el centro estaba en
SDSU and in its beginnings, The
National Institute of Health gave
funding to the center.
Dr. Fernando I. Soriano,
CSUSM associate professor
and program director of Human
Development, was just named
one of the 100 Most Influential
Hispanics in the U.S by the
Hispanic Business Magazine.
Soriano, founder of the NLRC
(National Latino Research
Center) in 1997, fue sorprendido
por el reconocimiento ya
que no tenía conocimiento
alguno sobre su nominación.
Soriano received the news by
an email that was sent by an
acquaintance congratulating
him for the recognition, and
since then has received many
more. "I was very shocked and
kind of humbled," said Soriano.
According to Soriano, knowing
many Latinos in the nation
who are doing so much for the
Latino community, and who are
deserving of this recognition, it
is both gratifying and shocking.
"Me siento muy afortunado de
tener este conocimiento y ojala
que la comunidad Latina tengan
orgullo en esto, igual que los
que no son Latinos sepan que
los Latinos pueden lograr igual
éxito a los que no son Latinos,"
dijo Soriano.
Pride Staff Writer
The Great Bridal Expo
Anaheim Convention Center
Saturday, November 2
Dr. Fernando I. Soriano. Photo by Tristan Nickey.
Sobre el efecto de su
reconocimiento en su vida,
Soriano said, "It [the recognition]
gives me an opportunity to serve
as a role model especially to
children and adolescents, and I
think that role modeling for kids
is very special." He also added
jokingly, "I wish I had the money
that went with that."
La página de Internet del
Hispanic Business magazine
listed la fundación del NLRC
as well as the participation of
Soriano in the Census Bureau's
Advisory Committee on the
Hispanic population como sus
cualidades principales. The
recipients ofthis recognition were
determined by survey results
conducted by the magazine.
However, Soriano never received
anything from the magazine's
editor or publishers, saying
anything of his nomination or his
La razón principal por la cual
Soriano decidió venir a Cal
State San Marcos fue debido al
gran apoyo que la universidad
demostró para apoyar el NLRC.
"I wanted to make sure that the
center had a good home, that it
would have strong institutional
support for the center; it looked
like Cal State San Marcos
seemed to be very interested in
Latino research and Latino issues
so it seemed like a good home for
the center." Soriano said that
since then, "the center has been
doing very well." He added, "We
Los temas investigados en el
NLRC, de acuerdo con Soriano,
Sobre su persona Soriano son muy diversos pero la mayoría
mencionó, "I see myself son temas sociales que incluyen
primarily as a professor, I don't la demografía, delincuencia e
see myself as an administrator... información sobre los niños
I see myself primarily as a latinos preescolares. Aunque
professor and as a researcher." el ya no es el director, Soriano
For this reason, in addition esta involved en el centro
to his many commitments indirectamente. Sin embargo,
to the Human Development él dijo que quiso separarse para
Department as well as to the dejar que el centro sea dirigido
NLRC and its classes, he made por el current director, Dr. Gerry
a decision. "For the good of the Gonzalez. He added, "I'm very
center I decided to step down," excited for the growth of the
said Soriano referring to his center." He explained that the
resignation as the director of the center often responds to the
needs of different communities
and different agents, which
Soriano explicó la meta may lead to continued funding,
principal del NLRC. "El centro becausefindingfunding is one of
fixe designado para ser un centro [the center's] main challenges.
que comparte información
acerca de la población Latina. Soriano también comentó
Se reconoce que hay una escasez sobre su participación en
muy grande de conocimiento comités en Washington, D.C.,
sobre la población que radica enfocándose en youth violence
aquí en los Estados Unidos. and delinquency, which is his
Había necesidad de un centro specialty. He is involved in the
que podría ayudar a aumentar el
See SORIANO, page 8
San Diego Concourse
Saturday, November 2,
5pm Cocaine Anonymous MeetDance -'^^^^fc
8am-5:30pm Henry's Market
Women's Rites
womensrites>. All Women's
November 5-7
Rites Symposium events are
Film maker Lourdes Portillo
free and open to the public,
will take part in the university's
first Women's Rites Symposium, MBA Alumai November 6
November 5^organized by
The MB^ Chapter of the Cal
faculty in Visual and Perform- State San Marcos Alumni ^
ing Arts tohighlight theroles Association will host a dinner
in artsandcalture. with specialguest speakers
Congressman Randy "Duke"
Cunningham and CSUSM
•• I• • ^ • 1
J Sunday, November 3
film screening m Ttars., Nov. Alumni and Escondido Mayor
&m Dtego Coiicoiim ,
19 aj&rS p,m.Maitet Pm Com- 7* at 7 p.m. at the California
Lori Holt from 6to9
•• 1• s• • puter Show .
Center for the Arts, Escondida pm, Wednesday, Nov. 6,2082,
Spcrts Card Show
More information about the
K November 1, j •Hi
at the CMmrmd Cmrn for the
5-9 p.m.
available at <www45$$MM.ed*i/ m& Pfeilerwill discusstheir
conocimiento de la población,"
Soriano exclamo. "Para tratar
de ayudar al publico como al
gobierno y también a nivel
internacional de la países
como México que quieren,"
dijo Soriano explicando otras
views of how tools and education gained in achieving the
MBA degree can be successfully applied in the community.
Call Heather Manley, ext. 4405.
is there an eventthat we ;
didn't JM? Let us knowl
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Sandra Cisneros presentó su
libro Carcimelo
en Santa. Ana
difícil con un diploma o sin él. de la mujer. La mujer no tiene
Pero, dijo, qué es más difícil que sentirse mal porque está
cuando se logra ser una per- cambiando y puede decidir lo
sona sólida económicamente e que va hacer con su vida. Nadie
independiente. Especialmente, le puede decir que esta haciendo
refiriéndose a las mujeres, dijo mal en su vida, o que esto o
que es difícil porque todos van aquello es malo. Mucha gente
a tratar de evitar que una mujer piensa que si haces algunas
escriba, así que tienen que cosas, no eres mujer, pero nadie
cumplir primero con su solven- te debe de decir eso, porque
cia económica. También dijo que nunca dejas de ser mujer. Eso
deben leer y escribir mucho si de es lo que me gusta de Sandra
veras quieren convertirse en Cisneros"
• Finalmente, la abogada ClauMary Meredith, quien estudia dia Álvarez de la oficina del
el último año de la licenciatura Distrito de Abogados y repreCisneros autografiando libros. Foto por María Soledad Acuña.
en Español en CSUSM, opinó sentante de la ciudad de Santa
que le pareció muy interesante Ana, entregó a Sandra Cisneros
Por María Soledad Acuña
su libro Caramelo. A las 7 p.m., fragmentos del libro. Cisneros que las personas que asistieron la proclamación de la ciudad de
Redactora de The Pride
el lugar ya se encontraba repleto, acentuó las lecturas con gestos y eran de diferentes edades y sin Santa Ana en agradecimiento a
calculándose una asistencia de movimientos, usando diferentes predominación de sexo. "Tam- su visita.
La escritora chicana Sandra más de 400 personas. La concur- tonos de voces para representar bién había anglosajones, asiátiCisneros visitó la librería Mar- rencia formó un grupo bastante a los personajes.
eos y latinos. Me pareció muy Sandra Cisneros nació en Chitínez en la ciudad de Santa Ana, heterogéneo de variadas etnias y
bonita la sencillez de Sandra cago. Es una artista reconocida
Californiá para presentar su más edades. Asistieron estudiantes Aunque no se permitieron Cisneros, tanto en su persona intemacionalmente por su poesía
reciente libro titulado Caramelo, y profesores de las diferentes las entrevistas de prensa, en el como en su forma de hablarle y su ficción y ha ganado varios
Desde las 6 de la tarde del pasado escuelas preparatorias locales auditorio, los presentes tuvieron la gente, especialmente a las premios de literatura. Otras
miércoles, a las puertas de la y universidades del condado de la oportunidad de hacer pre- mujeres. A pesar de su éxito se obras de su autoría incluyen
librería y a las puertas del audito- Orange y Los Angeles, sin faltar guntas en general a la escritora expresa muy sencillamente. Es Woman Hollering Creek and
rio de la Escuela de las Artes, se algunos alumnos de CSUSM, así después de la lectura, a las que
inspiración para las mujeres. Other Stories My WickedWicked
formaron las líneas para comprar como también padres de familia respondió plena y entusiasma- El decir que se puede lograr los Ways, Hairs, Loose Woman y The
los libros de la reconocida escri- con sus hijos.
damente. Acerca de Caramelo,
ideales deseados, house on Mango Street, libro que
tora y para escuchar las lecturas
Cisneros dijo que muchas de
1 prepararte y rodearte fue traducido al español por
de su última creación literaria. El señor Rubén Martínez, sus historias anteriores regresan d
las personas que te la muy conocida literata Elena
La gente apegada a Cisneros. dueño de la librería, se encargó en este trabajo con más detalle, apoyen, me gustó," dijo Mer- Poniatowska, a quien Cisneros
también tenía la intención de de presentar a la escritora y ya que muchas representan a edith.
admira. A Cisneros le gusta colpodef conocer a la escritora en se mostró efusivo por tener de su familia cercana. También
eccionar rebozos y actualmente
persona y poder charlar con ella, invitada a Cisneros y de ver tan alguien del público le pidió un R by Ballesteros estudiante vive en San Antonio, Texas, y
ádemás de obtener su autógrafo. positiva respuesta por parte del consejo para las personas que en CSU Los Angeles y residente dijo que sería muy feliz si su
público al comprar los libros de tienen la intención de iniciarse de Pico Rivera, compró todos libro Caramelo se convirtiera
Después de comprar el libro, la autora. Las ventas de Cara- como escritoras/es. Sandra Cis- ios libros de Cisneros y comentó en una telenovela, ya que en éste
las personas se dirigieron al meló llegaron aproximadamente ñeros les recomendó que vayan acerca de la escritora, "Me gusta ella hace un recuento de sucesos
auditorio de la Escuela de las a los 450 ejemplares. Los pre- a la escuela y se preparen; que como escribe y además me gusta de su propia familia y de algunas
Artes, para escuchar a la escri- sentes disfrutaron del entusi- obtengan la más alta educación como ella puede levantar el personas que a lo largo de su vida
tora leer algunos fragmentos de asmo con que la autora leyó los posible porque ser escritor/a es espíritu de la mujer, la libertad haconocido.F
u n a
SORIANO from page 7
individual researcher and Latino
researcher, but also validate
Census Bureau, sitting on the your interest in doing research
larger and smaller committee, with Latinos," explained Soriano
focusing on collecting referring to the mentoring that
information about Latinos many participants experienced
and their many demographics during the conference. One of
changes. El comentó sobre these conference's attendees is
su participación, "It's verynow a professor at Yale. "This
gratifying and it gives me an was the most challenging but
opportunity to have a voice that also the most rewarding time,"
is related to the issues»"
said Soriano refering to the
center's beginnings. Currently,
Soriano recordó los empiezos the center is researching Latinas
del centro. El mencionó que el of child bearing age, 18-25 year
tener suficiente espacio fue uno olds, and their experience with
de losfirstchallenges of the
domestic violence.
center. Back then, the center had
only two staff members. 'That
For Soriano, the long-term
was an exiciting period because vision of the center is for it to be
we had a lot of energy and the a clearing house of information
few staff that we had were
on the Latino population.
totally focused on getting the
center going." Sin embargo, este About the interest of other
mismo equipo logro convocar people in learning other
su primera conferencia donde languages, Soriano said, "It's
más de 75 researchers and
good to promote another
aspiring new researchers de toda language because as the world
la nación pudieron conocerse is shrinking, we need to become
e intercambiar ideas sobre los a lot more involved with other
Latinos and drug use, "When cultures and other countries.
you are a Latino and you've
Even apart from whether you are
gone to school and youv'e
Hispanic or Latino, it is going to
gotten your Ph.D., you often
become increasingly important
are isolated and not with others that you learn a second language,
who both validate you as an
and what better language to
learn than Spanish? We not only
have a Spanish speaking country
right next to us, but we have an
entire Hispanic continent that is
very large and that is right next
to us as well. Promoting the
use of language I think is very
"We, as a country and as a
region, should become much
more multilingual and should
promote the use of languages,"
added Soriano. De acuerdo con
Soriano, the future of the U.S. is
that it is going to become much
more interdependent on other
countries, as the current situation
in Europe, where most Europeans
speak more than one language
due to their interdependence on
other countries. "More and more
people who are going out to the
job market willfindthat some of
the better opportunities for jobs
are going to be given to those
who are able to navigate through
different cultures," he said.
Soriano said that unfortunately,
there are not many Latinos who
hold Ph.D's, as well as there is a
very low percentage of Latinos
who go into 4-year colleges.
Soriano mencionó algunos de los
factores influyendo a este bajo
porcentaje que incluyen la falta
de role models; falta de apoyo
y conocimiento de las escuelas,
profesores y directores, al igual
que la falta de confianza que
estos ponen en los estudiantes
latinos; los exámenes subjetivos
aplicados temprano en la vida
académica que afectan la
motivación y el auto estima de
estos niños; y el pertenecer a
familias de bajos recursos donde
los padres no tienen la educación
y el tiempo para guiar a sus hijos
y sobre todo donde hay un stress
económico. "Todo esto constituye
una barrera muy grande," dijo
Soriano. También añadió que
hay muchos otros factores que
afectan este porcentaje.
una responsabilidad muy grande
y como nuestra población tiene
muchos problemas económicos y
educacionales especialmente los
latinos que tienen educación o
los que están ahorita en la escuela
tienen una gran responsabilidad
de terminar la escuela de hacer
bien en la escuela y luego
después demostrar la habilidad y
los éxitos que pueden logran por
el bien de ellos como también de
la comunidad Latina," añadió
Soriano motivando a los Latinos
a seguir adelante.
Soriano obtuvo su Bachelor's
Degree in Psychology at UC
Riverside and his Master's as
well as Ph.D. at the University
of Colorado, Boulder. Soriano is
currently teaching three classes
at CSUSM: two sections of
HD 495 "Fieldwork Exposure
In Human Development" and
HD 497 "Research in Human
Nacido en Guadalajara,
México, pero traído a los EE.UU.
a la edad de un año, Soriano
mandó un mensaje a los latinos.
El dijo, "Cada Latino debe de
tomar [la] oportunidad de lograr
un nivel de éxito más grande de
lo que sus padres han logrado y NOTE: This is a languageque lo hagan no solamente por contact journal article;
ellos mismos pero también por it's intended to be in both
la población en general Latina, languages.
que están viendo en ellos las
esperanzas de ellos mismos."
"Cada uno de nosotros tenemos
Origin of Modern Satanism
Anton Szandor LaVey 1930-1997. Photo courtesy of Feral House
30 percent of world religions when I was Playthat are atheist. According to ing organ for the
Satanists, the only Supreme tent-show evangeBeing worthy of worship is lists at the other
one's self. Satanists believe in end of the lot, I
indulgence but not obsessive would see these
behavior, celebrating man's-or same men sitting
woman's natural instincts rather in the pews with
than repressing them. The holi- their wives and
est day for a Satanist is one's children, asking
God to forgive
own birthday.
them and purge
The Church of Satan, as the them of the carnal
name suggests, was deliberately desires. And then
designed as an antithesis to the next Saturday LaVey at age 17 playing the carnival circuit.
Christianity. In order to Under- night they'd be
Photo courtesy of Feral House Books.
stand what the. church of Satan back at the carnival
represents, one must, examine or some other place
is Godhead to the Satanist."
the life of Anton LaVey.
of indulgence."
With this new church LaVey
Born on April 11,1930, LaVey, In 1951, LaVey married and used the figure of Satan as a
the offspring of Romanian immi- began work on a criminology symbol of rebellion. According
grants, was ironically born with degree. He became head pho- to LaVey, "People need ritual,
a tail that was promptly removed, tographer for the San Francisco with symbols such as those you
a rare deformity affecting about Police department where he saw find in baseball games or church
1 in every 100,000 births. LaVey "The Bloodiest and Grimiest side services or wars, as vehicles for
grew up fascinated by the stories of humanity." He left the depart- expanding emotions they can't
of witchcraft and vampirism told ment after three years, disgusted release or even understand on
to him by his grandmother. A with the violence and senseless their own."
child prodigy, at age 10 LaVey tragedies that he had witnessed.
taught himself to play piano. By LaVey returned to playing piano LaVey has written a number
age 15, he dropped out of school in nightclubs and began holding of books detailing his outlook
to become 2nd oboist in the San classes on the occult. The classes on life: The Satanic Bible, The
Francisco Ballet Symphony were known as the magic circle Satanic Rituals, and The Satanic
Orchestra. It was around this and LaVey gave talks on Vampir- Witch. His final book Satan
time that LaVey discovered how ism, divination, hauntings, ESP, Speaks is a compilation of 60
easy countries could acquire and ceremonial magic. At these essays completed only days
weapons of mass destruction and meetings, LaVey studied the before his death. For further
began to suspect that the mighty works of the Knights Templar reading on LaVey and modern
would inherit the earth rather of 14th century France and the Satanism, there is an authorized
than the meek. Within a year, Hellfire Club and the Golden biography called The Secret Life
LaVey quit the orchestra and Dawn from 18th- and 19th-cen- of a Satanist by Blanche Barton.
joined the Clyde Beatty Circus tury England.
as a cage boy caring for the
show's lions and tigers and due The Church pf Satan was
to his talent was soon promoted founded in 1966 on Walpurgisto lion tamer. He later joined the nacht, the most sacred festival of
carnival circuit as an assistant the year for those who follow the
magician, in addition to playing occult, which takes place every
organ for Christian tent-show year on the last day of April. On
"The Satanic Bible
revivals and risqué sideshow acts the last day of April in 1966, at
Anton Szandor LaVey
while pursuing his study of the the climax of a Walpurgisnacht
festival in Los Angeles, Anton
Szander LaVey ritualistically
his head and announced
During his time as an organist, LaVey became disillusioned to his cohorts the founding of the
with the hypocrisy he saw in Church of Satan. LaVey felt that
Christianity. In an interview the Judeo-Christian religions
with Journalist Burton H. Wolfe, based worship on the spirit while
LaVey said, "On Saturday Night denying the intellect and the
I would see men lusting after flesh. The concept of man as an
half-naked girls dancing at the animal is fundamental to LaVey The Symbol of the Church of
carnival, and on Sunday morning who says, "Man, the animal,
Satan: The Baphomet.
Pride Design Editor
On Oct. 29th 1997, five years
ago today, Anton Szander LaVey,
founder of the Church of Satan,
was found dead by his family in
his Los Angeles home. His death
at age 67 was the result of heart
failure. Halloween 1997 marked
the end of LaVey's life, but to the
annoyance of Christians everywhere, it did not mark the end of
his legacy. The Church of Satan
is still going strong, admitting
new members every day from all
over the world.
Satanism has long been a
frightening and mysterious concept in western culture. While
there is little evidence that the
hundreds of thousands of people
who were tortured and executed
throughout history for being
Satanist were anything more
than social misfits or radicals,
the perception of a secret devil
worshipping society has long
been perceived to exist. Thanks
to LaVey, this concept has
become a reality, though not
exactly according to a Christian
Most people do not have a clue
about what Satanism is today.
The historical understanding
of the satanic creates so strong
a picture that it is difficult to
approach the Church of Satan
objectively. When most people
think of Satanists, images of
human sacrifice, blood rituals,
and infant theft instantly come
to mind. However, modern day
Satanism, of the variety practiced by members of the Church
of Satan, has little to do with
these stereotypes.
The church of Satan, aside
from its name and being the
result of a rebellion against
Judeo-Christian values, has very
little to do with Christianity.
Modern Satanists, do not believe
in god or the devil, or any super
natural deity and thus modern
Satanism falls into the roughly
Pride Staff Writer
To kick-off fall in a simple way To make, remove the seeds
that is sure to bring sweet smells from their strings and place them
into the home, why not bake in a thin layer on a baking sheet.
(Do not rinse the seeds off, as
water will dilute the natural
Carmel apples are a traditional flavor.) Lightly salt them, then
October treat that are simple to bake in a preheated oven at 300\
make and sure to set a festive stirring occasionally. Seeds are
mood. Just melt caramel squares done when they are dried and
with a touch of water, then dip just turning golden brown.
your apples.
Prior to placing on the baking
After creating the perfect sheet, seeds can be coated with
save Jack's guts butter, oil, or seasonings of your
Candied apples. Photo courtesy of Wanda's Halloween kitchen. Jack-O-Lantern,
for another healthy and delicious choice —Enjoy, and happy holitreat - roasted pumpkin days!
the season. Halloween is just and foods worth day-dreaming holiday
the start of a four-month period about,
dotted with holiday festivities
Foods Welcome the Season of Holidays
Chocolate bars, fruit chews.
Lollypops, bubble gum, and
other mini-size confectionery
goodnesses beginning tofillyour
mind? For those who celebrate
the U.S. holiday Halloween,
these sorts of sugary images may
be percolating into consciousness as October 31 nears.
Now that the air has turned
crisp and is filled with that
distinct fall-time scent of cut
grass and burnt-wood melding
together, it is about time to carve
your pumpkins and welcome in
San Diego Gulls Back On The Ice
sion" will also have St. Amour, the Associate Coach,
Las Vegas, Ontario head up the San Diego Gulls.
The San Diego
(CA), and Reno," Together they offer great experiGulls are considered
said Black.
ence where Martinson is noted
a AAA hockey team
for the most wins in the league
and they are an affiliThe roster consists as a Coach. Martin St. Amour
ate of the Hershey
of 21 players. Black also offers expertise in hockey
Bears in Pennsylvasaid that, "The team with his past experience playing
nia of the AA league.
is allowed six veter- professionally for thirteen years
The Hershey Bears
ans and the rest have and seven of those years with
are then affiliated
to be developmental the Gulls. St. Amourfinishedhis
with the Colorado
players or rookies. career as the franchise's all-time
Avalanche of the
Veterans are players- leading scorer with 392 points.
National Hockey
with 320 or more
League (NHL). Curprofessional games, "What sets us apart from the
rently the Gulls have
and rookies are Chargers or the Padres is the
three of their players
players who have fact that we make our players
The San Diego Sports Arena that have been called
played 25 or fewer more accessible to the fans. Fans
is home to the Gulls during the up to play with the
professional games. can wait after games to meet the
hockey season. They play a total Hershey Bears.
All of our players players or get autographs. We
of 72 games during a season with
either played junior really try to get them out and
26 home games and 26 away The Gulls are the
hockey or college about in the community as much
games. During home games, on San Diego franchise
prior to coming to as we possibly can. Our goals
average they have between 6,000 that competes in the
the Gulls."
this season is to win the chamto 7,000 fans that attend and they West Coast Hockey
pionship! Also, to increase attenare trying to get more fans out to League (WCHL).
support the Gulls by providing The teams that are
A unique fact dance and strengthen awareness
an action packed sporting event in that league are
about the Gulls is to people in San Diego that the
Playing center for the Gulls, Joe Bianchi.
that will not empty your wallet. Bakersfield, Fresno,
that they have a very Gulls-are in full form, deep with
strong following, con- skill, and ready to compete,"
Idaho, Anchorage,
Tera Black, Director of Public Long Beach, and San Diego.
wide league. This will make us sidering that they are in a non-tra- explained Black.
Relations for the Gulls, was able The WCHL plays by the same part of the biggest minor hockey ditional hockey market. They are
to comment further on the Gulls rules as the NHL.
league in the United States. the 10 highest attended minor, The Gulls next home game
and their season at hand. AccordThis development took place pro hockey team in the country. is against Bakersfield on
ing to Black, "We try to provide "However as of next season this summer and was extremely Their accomplishments include Sunday October 27 at the San
the best entertainment value for (2003 - 2004) the WCHL will exciting news for all of the winning four out of seven Taylor Diego Sports Arena. Check
the dollar. We have really good go dark and we will then be the WCHL teams. In addition to the Cup Championships.
out the Gull's line up and buy
giveaways, plus great intermis- Western division of the East teams that are currently in our
tickets for home games at
sion entertainment and of course Coast Hockey League. We will league, our new "Western Divi- Steve Martinson, the Head
great hockey!"
then be part of a 40 team, nation-^
Coach of the Gulls, and Martin
Pride Staff Writer
The San Diego Gulls started
out their season with a bang
against the Long Beach Ice Dogs
on October 12 , 2002. The score
was a 6-0 shut out with a great
start to the season, as they also
conquered them the next day
in Long Beach 5-4 at the Long
Beach Arena. Their normal
season runs from October
through April with league playoffs that follow.
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3639 Midway Drive, Suite 8-193,
San Diego, CA 92110
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Chargers, Making it Happen
Opinion Editor
in favor of the Chargers
and also, hushed the
Raider's crowd momenOn Oct. 20, the San Diego tarily.
Chargers defeated their AFC
West rivals, the Raiders. The At the end of the half
game took place at Network the score remained the
Associates Stadium in Oakland, same, until the third
quarter began, and the
Chargers drove the ball
Before the game even started, down field into Raider
the Chargers were the underdogs territory. They ended
and were not expected to win. up scoring a touchdown
However, the Charger's dynamic off a screen pass to rundefense and explosive offense ningback Tomlinson.
lead them to a hard-earned vic- The Chargers now
lead 14 to zero, which
own hands when he rushed
staunchly affected Raider's hope his
a one-yard touchdown with
The first quarter started off of winning the game.
help of his offensive line.
with both offenses struggling
quarterback sneak ended
- that reflected the score of However, thè Raiders were not a championship
drive that diszero to zero. Despite this tough finished, and they quickly tied up played the charger's
defensive match, the Chargers the game with two crucial touch- tion to overcome thedeterminamanaged to come up with an down passes, by Rich Gannon, placed in front of themadversity
by their
interception by linebacker Donny to receivers Terry Porter and rival Raiders.
Edwards. This interception then legendary Jerry Rice. The score
turned into a big drive for the was now tied.
Now-leading the Raiders 21 to
Chargers because quarterback
the Chargers were still fearDrew Brees was able to connect In the face of adversity, the ful of
another Raider surge. The
with a pass to his trusty receiver Chargers struck back with their fear played
true as the Raider
Caldwell. The touchdown own offense. Quarterback Brees entered the redzone
of the Charaltered the score to seven to zero decided to take matters into gers'. In a crucial play
for both
The Chargers had once again
claimed victory in a game where
little hope was given for them to
win. At six wins and one loss,
the Chargers stand looking down
at all their other AFC opponents
because they are now ranked
first in their division. Although
the Chargers have a bye for this
week, expect their energy and
degree of confidence to return
when they play the New York Jets
at home. This game is important
and the Chargers will definitely
strive to win. However, most
Charger fans know that their
In striking distance, the Char- team is looking beyond the playger gave the ball to Tomlinson offs this season; they are looking
who rushed for 19 yards to score forward to the Superbowl.
a touchdown that sealedJhe victory for his team. This score (Source: KFMB)
made the final score Charger
Press Release: October 27, Canyon Park in Brea.
San Marcos sophomore Rene
Cai State San Marcos Men's Reyes was the top collegiate
Cross Country Dominates Ful- runner with a time of 25:36.1 in
lertpn Invitationäl; Women the 8-kilometer race. Teammate
Come in Second
Robby McClendon ran third
with 25:56.6; Michael Shannon
Cai State San Marcos won finishedfifthwith 26:03.7; Brian
the men's competition and Sullivan finished sixth with 26:
was runner-up to ÜCLA in the 08.7; Omar Zavalafinishedninth
women's race Friday afternoon, with 26:19.5; Johnny Cordes
Oct. 25, at the 2002 Titan Cross finished 16th with 26:42.6; and
Country Invitational at Carbon Wes Bryant finished 19th with
place in their 5-kilometer race. There were 77 runners and
Among the collegiate runners, 8 teams in the women's race.
Cougar Anne Marie Byrne fin-UCLA finished first with 16
ished in seventh with 18:58.5, team points; Cal State San
teammate Lanele Cox finished Marcos finished second with 54
in eighth with 19:05.9, Katherine points, followed by Pepperdine
Niblett finished in 10th with 19: in third with 86 points; UC Santa
20.6; Camille Wilbora finished Barbara in fourth with 93 points;
in 11th with 19:30; Caren Sperry and Cal State Fullerton in fifth
finished in 18th with 19:43.9; with 149 points.
Carissa Marinfinished29th with
20:33.6; and Yolanda Carillo fin- Contact: Paige Jennings
ished 44th with 20:47.3.
cell: 760-519-7972
teams, the Raiders were
able to score a touchdown off of a reception
by fullback Richey.
This touchdown tied up
the score 21 to 21 that
extended the game into
Reminiscent of last
week's victory over the
Kansas City Chiefs,
Brees drove his offense
to victory with only
couple of minutes left
to play in the fourth
quarter. With all the
pressure mounting on Brees, he
strived to be great, once again,
as he delivered an awesome pass
to h\s dependable receiver Tim
Dwight who put the Charger into
the Raider's redzone. On TV,
one can see the Raider's fans and
coaches faith seem to diminish.
28 and Raiders 21. The excitement surged like a lightning bolt
through the veins of the charger's
fans, who jumped and screamed
in joy for the Charger's victory.
This picture of the Charger
fan's excitement was provided
by KFMB's coverage right after
the game.
CSUSM Cross Country Teams
There were 76 runners and 7
teams in the men's race. The Cal
State San Marcos men's teams
finished with 24 teams points,
followed by UCLA in second
with 59 points, UC Santa Barbara in third with 64 points, Pepperdine in fourth with 94 points,
and the Men of Troy infifthplace
with 143 points.
The womenfinishedin second
Lady Cougar Golfers Strive for
Improvement at the Matador
Fall Classic
Sports Editor
The Cal State San Marcos
women's golf team shot a
two-day, 36 hole total of 655
(320-335), their best score as a
team for this fall season. This
earned the Lady Cougars an 8th
place finish at the Oct. 22 - 23
Matador Fall Classic. Hosted by
Cal State University Northridge,
11 teams participated at Olivas
Park in Ventura, with an exact
yardage total of 6,017 within the
72-par golf course. "The course
challenged your own skills of
how you can hit the ball, basic
skills such as hitting the ball
straight," described Stephanie
Segura, a junior communication
The majority of the competing teams were Division I level
schools. "The Northridge Invitational was a very good tournament. The girls and I played very
well on the first day. We were
playing against very tough competition, full of NCAA I teams,"
Segura expressed.
Simplify your retirement investing decisions.
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for the two-day course. Goss
shot a 168 (82-86), and freshman
Traci Tippett shot 172 (83-89).
After placing 3 in their last
tournament at Monterey Bay
Golf Mart, the team's scores
overall are improving in spite of
the lower placing at the Matador.
"We didn't place as well, but we
The Lady Cougars placed in did better," explained Goss.
the sixth slot after thefirstround
of play. "We were excited after "We have tons of potential
the first day, we did really well," to do well. If the team keeps
commented Stephanie Goss, a improving the way we are, our
sophomore business major.
chances at Nationals are really
good if we keep working hard,"
The Cal State San Marcos Segura insisted.
lineup included Segura, who
scored a 157 (78-77). Seniors The Lady Cougars will next
Robin Shaft and Jennifer Tunzi, head to San Luis Obispo to take
who both shot the same score in part in the Cal Poly Invitational
each round (80-85), totaled 165 on Oct. 28 and 29 .
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October 22,2002
Dear Pri4e,
In reading the opinion section of
the October 8 issue I was very
interested in the thoughts of both,
student, Amy Granite and, lead
editor, Martha Sarabia. I respect
Amy's passion for her belief in the
mistake of the Pride. I wds born in
San Diego and I am notfluentin
Spanish. Seeing the Spanish Sec*
tion actually inspired me, the fact
that it had no English translation
made me even more curious to
find out what it said. It also made
me think about how those at our
school who do speak and read
Spanish, what about their view?
What a joy for them to open the
school paper and be able to read
an article in their native language,
maybe even the language the
learned first
I think it is reasonable for Amy to
request English side-by-side with
the Spanish article. Although,
the editor, Maria Sarabia brings
up that space and time make it
impossible. My suggestion as a
fellow English speaking student
is to FIGURE IT OUT! We are
at CSUSM to learn and to grow.
There are resources out there
we can use as students to understand the world. This includes
Spanish, if read
the school paper. If you have
Internet access (tiy using the
school lab) log onto a website
Here you can translate words or
entire passages in multiple languages. I believe you can go to highlight
the Spanish article copy it and
have it translated for you on the
We need to be more accepting of
the changes happening around us.
There is Spanish written on almpst
all store products and their directions. Even songs on the radio use
both English and Spanish in the
same song. [i.e. Angie Martinez"If I can go...contigo (with you)].
I could go on with examples but I
think we can all start looking for
these occurances in our own surroundings. Fm sorry to those who
are\were offended by the Spanish
section, I hope that in the future
we as students can pull together
all possible resources to better
understand the Pride as well as the
world around us.
Nicole Capatanos
Senior, Liberal Studies
This is letter is in response
to Oct 8th's "Opinion About
The Pride Spanish Section" I
wasfranklysurprised that Ms.
Granite took such offense with
the article written in Spanish in
our school's newspaper. This
university was founded oh the
ideal of multiculturalism and
social justice. That a school
newspaper would be broadminded enough to publish a
small section where Spanish
speakers can read in their
native language would seem
to be a positive rather than
a negative. I would venture
to guess that there are many,
many students on this campus
who, while maybe not fluent
Spanish speakers, have yet
studied Spanish at some point
in their educational career, as I
have. I personally enjoyed the
challenge of putting my hardearned Spanish skills to practical use in trying to read the
passage. It's not like the article
was written in Croatian or
some obscure language. This is
a language that is so prevalent
in our area that if hearing it or
reading it offends us; we may
be living in the wrong area.
Roxane BenVau
Post-graduate student
Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid: The Attack
of the Red, White and Blue is Afoot.
Pride Staff Writer
As Halloween is on the horizon, I thought that I would
throw something else into the
mix that willfrightenyou even
more that than the ghouls and
ghosts that you "will inexorably
encounter later this week.
the world trap. What I mean Do not be a uniformed, blind
is, do not just listen to what the patriot.
President says and accept it as
fact, for the government tries Key number 4: Begin to
to keep you out of the loop as understand the world around
much as possible. When you you. Do not fall for phony
listen to speeches that make people that encourage you to
you feel like you are proud to leap before looking. If anybe an American, put yourself body believes in something,
in check and research what strongly enough he or she can
is being said. Do not let your convince others, who are less
History has shown throughout patriotic blood begin to spill informed, to follow- do not
the years that if a president's from your veins so quickly. be one of those followers. Be
term stumbles into a war, then
weary of this 0 explain this)
his term will inevitably be Key number 2: Understand and investigate thoroughly
lengthened to the maximum that George W. Bush's speech- the possible solutions and
two terms. From Franklin D. writer is a master of the written outcomes of decisions that our
Roosevelt to President George word; his words manipulate government makes.
Bush, presidents who use war the situation to make all of
to their advantage are typically Bush's decisions sound good. And myfinalpoint: Remember
re-elected. Why is this hap- In reality, not eveiything that that
all massacres have
pening? I find this phenom- Bush does is something to be beenalmost
an enhanced
enon very disturbing for many revered. The fact that George sense of pride.byFrom
the disasreasons.
W. Bush has declared a war ters that occurred during
on terrorism should alone War II in Nazi Germany,World
When wars occur during a enlighten you to the idea recent attacks on 9/11, a toboilpresident's term, I feel that that he is not the brightest of ing sense of pride , has initipresidents, along with the people.
ated the beginning of horrible
media, begin to breed someoccurrences
the history of
thing of a blind patriotism. A For those of you who are con- the world. Doin not
let Bush be
drone is born with no instinct fused by that last statement the next leader to lead
us, the
other than to protect its hive. let me translate: One cannot United States, into something
Flags begin tofly,the symbol declare war on an act, which
which we will eventually
of America, also appear- is exactly what terrorism is; beforinfamous.
ing on Ralph Lauren Polo war is declared upon a known
sweaters, and brand new cars enemy, therefore to declare a Please understand that I am
begin to display the notorious war on Terrorism seems not in no way opposed to military
'Together We Stand" stickers only silly, but also impossible. action, but I have done my
eliciting the commodification So know that Bush's words are research
the matter, and I
of symbolic national fervor. masterfully planned to make know whatin military
action in a
All this occurs right as people you follow the leader.
bring. I
begin to show off their shiny
new toy - patriotism. What Key number 3: Begin to real- Iraq that we will be seeing the
is most disturbing about this ize that being a patriot does beginning of the next big war:
incident is when someone that not
that we have to World WarHI. The sacrifices
has the guts to form an opin- go offmean
drop of in a situation such as this are
ion outside of the paradigm Yankee Doodle'sat the
Be an large, and if we are committed
is considered Un-American. individual; be able to express
to act this strongly, we need to
your own beliefs and opinions. know what the sacrifices are.
My point? Do not get sucked Americans carry the identifica- But hey, don't take my word
into the trap. Here are some tion of travelers who are off the for it; do some research and
keys to avoid being siphoned beaten path, so do not feel as if decide
for yourself.
into the black hole that you have to follow the crowd.
presidents and government Understand that being a Patriot
officials call "patriotism": is standing for something that
you truly believe in and about
Key number 1: Do not fall into which you are truly informed.
Compiled by CAMILLE R.
Pride Staff Writer
Proposition 46
Housing and Emergency Shelter Trust Fund Act of 2002
This act will provide shelters for
battered women; clean and safe
housing for low-income senior
citizens; emergency shelters for
homeless families with children;
housing with social services
for the homeless and mentally
ill; repairs and accessibility
improvements to apartments for
families and handicapped citizens; home ownership assistance
for military veterans; and security improvements and repairs
to existing emergency shelters.
This act will issue bonds of $21
billion paid from existing state
funds at an average annual cost
of $157 million per year spread
over 30 years.
This act would provide funding for necessary educational
facilities, in order to relieve
overcrowding and repair older
schools. The act will be targeted
to areas of the greatest need,
and it will be spent according to
strict accountability measures.
Funds will also target California
Community Colleges, California
State Universities, and Universities of California. Proposition
47. will provide $13 billion for
school construction and renovation for public schools, colleges
and universities without raising
It will build new schools and
classrooms, and it will repair
and renovate old and outdated
schools. The money from Prop.
47 will be spent in the most
needed areas.
Prop. 47 does not encourage
immediate school construction.
Construction is not obligated to
begin building a single school for
6 1/2 years.
Proposition 48
Court Consolidation. Legislative Constitutional Amendment
This proposition will allow the
This bond has a $¡2:1 billion face California Constitution to delete
value. Of this $2.1 billion, only references to the municipal
$290 million, which is 15 per- courts, which are now obsolete
cent, is put into the "Self-help" due to the consolidation of supefund that is supposed to help rior and municipal trial courts
low-income, first time home- into unified superior courts.
buyers with down payments.
Of that, only $12.5 million is Pros
actually going to be used to help Municipal courts are now nonwith down payments. To receive existent, due to the unification
a part of the $12.5 million, of the trial courts. The California
first-time homebuyers have to Constitution still contains provipurchase their houses in govern- sions that deal with municipal
ment-approved locations.
courts; these provisions are
obsolete and would be removed.
Proposition 47
Kindergarten - University Cons
Public Educational Facilities The main drawback to this
Bond Act of 2002
projposition is that it would prePros
Yes on Prop. 46 will provide
emergency shelter and housing
relief without raising taxes. It
will help 23,000 women and
children, who have been turned
away from domestic violence
centers because they are full. It
will require independent audits
to ensure the funds are spent
clude the re-establishment of
municipal courts in California
counties. Separate municipal
and superior courts in the counties offered more "checks and
balances" than the consolidated
superior courts whieh have now
been established.
$3.44 billion in general obligation bonds to fund a variety of
specified water and wetlands
projects. The state cost is up
to $6.9 billion over 30 years to
repay the bonds. A reduction in
local property tax revenues is up
to about $10 million annually.
The state and local operation and
maintenance costs are unknown.
fic congestion and make safety
improvements to California's
most accident-prpne roads. It
will also improve school bus
safety; make road improvements
that assist police,fireand ambulance emergency teams; protect
highway workers; reduce oil and
gas pollution from roads and
Proposition 49
streams; strengthen bridges to
Before and After School Proprevent earthquake damage; and
grams. State Grants. Initiative Pros
improve our public transit. This
This prop, aims to remove dan- proposition does not raise taxes.
gerous, cancer-causing pollut- Strict taxpayer safeguards ensure
ants from our drinking water. It Prop. 51 funds will be spent only
This proposition increases state will create new water supplies to as promised and without waste.
grant funds available for before keep up with population growth;
and after-school programs, keep raw sewage and pollution Cons
providing tutoring, homework out of our coastal waters; protect This proposition ties up the state
assistance, and educational rivers, lakes and streams and budget forever with 17 new catenrichment. It requires that new preserve coastal wetlands; and egories of required spending.
grants be taken from education protect our reservoirs, damns, This initiative does not provide
funds that are guaranteed by pumping stations and pipelines any new funds, but allocates
Proposition 98. It provides over from terrorist threats and inten- almost $1 billion of taxpayers'
$400 million in direct grants tional contamination.
dollars each year for a long list of
to elementary and junior high
programs and projects.
schools. These funds can only be Cons
used for after-school programs. This proposition does not provide Proposition 52
hardly any money to alleviate Election Day Voter RegistraPros
our water shortage and does not tion. Voter Fraud Penalties.
It will not require an increase complete the California Water Initiative Statute.
in taxes or affect the current Project, nor provide us with new
budget. The return to taxpayers water supplies. This proposition Summary
alone is approximately $3 for prohibits funds for building new This prop, will allow legally elievery $1 invested. Also studies dams and reservoirs. Overall, gible persons to register to vote
show that crime rates dropped this prop, will cost the taxpayers on Election Day. It will increase
40 percent when schools offered $5.7 billion in 25 years.
criminal penalties for voter
after school programs.
registration fraud and criminalProposition 51
izes conspiracy to commit voter
Transportation. Distribution fraud.
Proposition 49 would take one of Existing Motor Vehicle Sales
program with a powerful spon- and Use tax. Initiative Statute. Pros
sor and guarantee its funding
Eligible citizens could register
every year. It would fall outside Summary
to vote up to and including Electhe budget process, even in tough This proposition would redis- tion Day. Penalties would be
economic times when it might tribute a portion of existing state increased for fraudulent registratake money away from more crit- motor vehicle sales and lease tion or voting activity.
ical needs. Proposition 49 is the revenues from General Fund to
first attempt to earmark money Trust Fund for transportation, Cons
for one particular program environmental, highway and This proposition would cost
within the Prop. 98 guarantee. school bus safety programs. The about $6 million to fund counredirection of funds total about ties for Election Day voter regProposition 50
$420 million in 2002-2003 and istration activates. Photo ID is
Water Quality, Supply and $910 million in 2003-2004, and not required to register, making
Safe Drinking, Water Projects. increasing amounts thereaf- it easier for criminals, dishonest
Coastal Wetlands Purchase ter depending on increases in politicians, and non-citizens to
and Protection. Bonds. Initia- motor vehicle sales and leasing commit election fraud. It makes
tive Statute.
it virtually impossible to detect
fraud and overturn elections won
with phony votes.
This Proposition authorizes This prop, would relieve traf-
Meet Your State Candidates for California Governor
Compiled by CAMILLE R.
Pride Staff Writer
Bill Simon
Party: Republican
Occupation: Businessman/
Charity Director
Bill Simon started his career by
graduating on the dean's list at
Williams College where he was
co-editor of the school newspaper and president of his class.
Simon's eventful life includes
serving as Assistant United
States Attorney for the Southern
District of New York working
along with Rudy Giuliani. Simon
went on to be a lawyer of the
firm Davis, Markel, Dwyer and
Justice Legal Foundation. Simon
is proud of his work on behalf
of Catholic Charities where
he serves as Vice Chainnan.
Chairman Emeritus of Covenant
House California is another role
that is a priority in Simon's life;
the Covenant house is a crisis
shelter for homeless and at-risk
youth. Simon is also a member of
the Board of Regents at the Children's Hospital of Los Angeles,
lie continues on the charitable
efforts of his father as co-chairman of the William E. Simon
Foundation. Together with his
wife Cindy, the Simon's established the Cynthia L. & William
E. Simon Jr. Foundation.
Last but not least, Simon evaluates important issues facing us in
He currently serves on the Eioard his work on the Board of Direcof Directors for the Criminal tors of the Heritage Foundation,
a public policy think tank that visit www.Simonforgovernor.c
also publishes the Policy Review om
Gray Davis
Bill Simon's priorities if elected Party: Democratic
include cutting capital gain taxes, Occupation: Governor of the
empowering teachers and par- State of California
ents, imposing greater account- Gray Davis graduated from Stanability, repairing and rebuilding ford University with a degree in
our schools in disrepair. He also history and went on to attend
plans on focusing on thé rebuild and graduated from Columbia
of our transportation system, University Law School in New
ensuring adequate water and get- York. Afterwards Davis clerked
ting control of our energy future. at the law firm of Beekman &
Simon also was the first to rec- Bogue in New York City. He
ommend a comprehensive plan joined the Reserve Officer Trainto solve our budget crisis.
ing Corps and served in the U.S.
Army where he was promoted to
Bill Simon's endorsements the rank of captain while serving
include California Republican in Vietnam.
Assembly, National Republican
Liberty Caucus, and Howard Davis served in the State AssemJarvis Taxpayers Association. bly from L.A. County and was
For more information you can Chief of Staff to former Gov-
ernor Edmund G. Brown Jr.
Davis also served as Chair of
the California Council on Criminal Justice. He also started the
statewide Neighborhood Watch
Program and served as President
of the State Senate, Chair of
the Commission for Economic
Development, Chair of the State
Lands Commission, Regent of
the University of California, and
Trustee of the California State
Prior to becoming Lieutenant
Governor, Gray Davis served as
State Controller for eight years.
As California's chieffiscalofficer, he saved taxpayers more than
half a billion dollars by cracking
down on Medi-Cal fraud, rooting out government waste and
inefficiency, and exposing the
See GOVERNOR, page 15
Local and County Candidates
Pride Staff Writer
District Attorney
.Bonnie Dumanis - Superior Court
Dumanis promises to restore ethics
and Integrity to the District Attorney's office; tackle hundreds of
unsolved murders in the county; and
repair relationships with police and
prosecutors. For more information:
Paul Pfingst - Current District
Pfingst will expand Internet Crimes
Against Children program, one of
the nation's first, because sexual
predators use the Internet to victimize our children; target rapists
and rape drugs through thé Rape
Prosecution Team that deals , with
complex medical issues and treats
rapes victims with compassion; and
argues that the DA's personal ethics
must be above reproach. His opponent admitted making false charges
against him and refused to retract
them. For more information: mailto:
to assist in bringing Imperial Valley funding; on facilities by prioritiz- zens need the near future develop- Michele T. Nelson - Community
water to San Diego.
ing funding and completion of the ment to two major full-service college trustee, retired community
approved facility construction and senior centers; and that will work college academic administrator
Carlsbad Citv Council (Vote for maintenance pal, to accommodate toward the continued development, Nelson will focus on enrollment
city-planned growth; and on district improvement and maintenance of growth management and maintainTracy Carmichael - School Board policy and goals by continuing to the Oceanside Municipal Airport ing access to affordable, quality
focus on accountability of the board Work.
higher education for students, and
Carmichael will focus on public and staff members to review and Jim Wood - Oceanside Police agrees on implementing of a firstsafety, traffic and education, assess our progress.,
ever faculty union contract.
strengthen and support Carlsbad's Lisa Rodman - Community Advo- He will focus on providing low- and Candidate Rebecca Faubus
police, fire and paramedic services; cate
moderate-income housing and find- Not available for comment
transportation infrastructure must Rodman will focus on growth ing innovative ways to deal with the
be completed speedily; and dynamic addressed through the reallocation congested traffic; and on providing Vista Citv Mayor
partnership between city govern- or funding, space and scheduling; parks and recreation for everyone, Paul Eckert -Retired
ment and the school district must be on the budget to maximize the edu- youth through seniors using income His top priorities are fiscal responnurtured and enhanced.
cation expectation of the community form a hotel and golf course from sibility, community involvement
Ofelia E. Escobedo - Market and with the imposed budget restriction; the El Corazon property.
and citizen input. He says that our
c/eli owner
and on ensuring that every school is Suzanne Hill, John Hoffman and natural beauty is disappearing, and
Escobedo's priorities are traffic, serving students with the same high Carol McCauley
asks what kind of community we are
housing and growth. She says that level of achievement and opportu- Not available for comment
leaving behind.
although all of these are touchy sub- nity.
Ed Estes, Jr. - Mayor, Real estate
jects, she would do all in her power Mark Tanner - Executive coach Oceanside Unified School District lawyer
to work with the policy makers, His priorities are matching educa- (Vote for Threes
His priorities include public safety,
regional, state and local agencies tion needs with funding resources; Lillian V. Adams - School Board education and traffic. He says that
to address the management of the managing growth while delivering member, retired educator
he is committed to synchronizing
explosive growth that has occurred excellent education; and on safety Adam's top priorities are to provide intersections, completing Melrose
and contributed to the traffic and because all of our schools must after school support programs to Drive through Carlsbad and widenhousing problems.
be safety for children teachers and help raise test scores; keep budget ing Sycamore Drive.
Matt Hall - City Councilman
cuts away for direct services pro- Craig A. Heller - Contractor
Hall's priorities are police and fire James Sweeney
vided to our students; and provide He will focus on having a redevelopservices. His commitment is to Not available for comment
bond funds for new schools in the ment trade center that will put Vista
County Treasurer/Tax Collector ensure they . have the equipment
growth areas in our community.
on the map, as the modern, wealth,
Dan McAllister - Financial they need; and on the preservation Oceanside City Council (Vote for Janet Bledsoe Lacy - School Board internationally recognized city we
of open space and environment. Two)
member, Lawyer
should be. He says that affordable
McAllister argues that ethical lapses, Hall supports the standard of 40% Rocky Chavez - Chief education Lacy says that the budget for Cali- housing plan and a city job-trainsexual harassment and excessive open space and the preservation of office, School ofBusiness and Tech- fornia public education has plunged ing program will assist senior and
absenteeism by the incumbent have Carlsbad's three lagoons through nology, Oceanside school district into a financial crisis; that he will low-income citizens in maintaining
no place in an office responsible adoption of local and regional habi- His priorities focus on economics continue to work towards the correct their homes.
for managing $3.2 billion of public tat management plans.
through re-evaluating our expen-. allocation of funds for the 22,000 Morris Vance - Retired Vista city
funds and collecting $2 billion in Allen J. Manzano - President Edu- ditures and increase our transient students; and will support programs manager
cation Resource Associates
taxes annually..
occupancy tax and sales tax revenue that assist all students in raising test Vance's top issues are Vista VilBart Hartman - County treasurer- Manzano says that citizen concerns for the city; safety because we liave scores and passing exit exams; and lage by ensuring that the city gets
tax collector; owner, computer soft- on worsening traffic, rapid growth the lowest percentage of police on safety, he will support the zero the most benefits out of the project;
and the effect for development on officers to citizens and the second- tolerance program to secure a sage making the local government more
ware sales
Hartman says that he will improve human and natúral environments. lowest pay structure in the county learning environment.
user-friendly by re-implementing
quality customer services by con- He supports smart planning efforts for police officers; and on quality of Tammy Lawrence - Financial true and genuine public service in
tinuing to implement and look for to decrease traffic demand and an life. He will support neighborhood controller
all aspects of the city government;
new ways to enhance service; would accelerated review of the growth parks, clean and accessible beaches Lawrence's focus is on the budget by and on providing youth recreational
create a treasurer pool safety con- management plan emphasizing and development of the San Luis playing a central role in the alloca- opportunities.
tinue to provide safety and liquidity quality pf life, environment protec- Rey bike path.
tion of funds or resource toward Elvin Vega - Tow truck drive, Army
first to ensure county and school tion, and village development.
Betty Harding - City Council education and argues that the quality reservist
funds are protected and available Mark Packard - Dentist
of education for students and parents
will focus on installing Shadwhen needed; and will continue Packard^ focuses on traffic conges- Harding will focus on smart growth lack information about the schools: Vega
street lights to help reduce
excellent collections to ensure tion, primary and secondary roads vs. no growth by having more tax televise board meetings.
and on Downtown
money is available for schools, need to be built now to spread out on tourism and sales tax-generat- Emily Ortiz Wichmann - School redevelopmentarea
opening of South
county services and cities.
traffic and ease congestion; main- ing more businesses i.e. hotels, car Board Member
taining and improving Carlsbad's countries, etc.; argues that public Wichman will focus on student Joseph Vargas
Superior Court Judge Office #30 quality of life; and in parks, a swim safety must be adequately financed, achievement by continuing to sup- No
information available
complex and other recreational excellently equipped and profession- port our back-to-basics policy that
Richard Whitney - Lawyer
Whitney says that Jie will be a firm, facilities need to be built. He also ally staffed; and that traffic conges- provides a solid foundation for Vista City Council (Vote for Two)
fair and ethical judge, maintain an says that securing our economic tion should be attacked and solved language arts and math; on fiscal Debbie Cramer - Assistant vice
open courtroom and be active tin future is crucial.
locally and regionally.
stability to continue to make sure president and quality assurance
the community as a judge as well Christine Petrou - Business owner, Michael T. Lucas - Office manager, our taxpayers dollars are well, spent manager
as bring an abundance of litigation operator and development office for AMQ Roofing in Escondido
in a timely and fugal manner; and on Cramer will focus on affordable
experience to the Bench.
He promises to maintain the qual- safe schools by adopting a district housing by changing of ordinances
the Healthy Foundation
Greary Cortez - Judge of the Supe- Petrou will focus on the management ity of life in our city, providing policy against violence and intimi- to help provide housing; Downtown
rior Court
of growth, community involvement adequate parking for the beach and- dation.
redevelopment projects; and on
He promises to uphold the three and education. Carlsbad continues pier; and to develop a comprehen- Barney Fleishmen v
stability despite revenue
strike law, and that he will have to develop industrial and residential sive mater plan for the remaining Not available for comment.
no nonsense, strict but caring. He communities and argues that growth development of Oceanside. He says
Michael Dinnell - Podiatrist
argues to uphold Proposition 21's must be managed in afiscallyeffi- that El Corazon needs a community Palomar Community College Dis- Dinnell's
priorities are fiscal mistough standards for youth's accused cient and productive way. He will plan and that will give public safety- trict (Vote for Two)
because the city of
of violent crimes
try to encourage children and ádults first priority and eliminate street- Robert Lee Dougherty - Commu- Vista deserves better handling of
to be more involved n enhancing the sweeping fines.
nity college trustee, family physi- their money; and on providing lights
community and provide the educa- Paul Wick - Barber, tax preparer, cian
Carlsbad Citv Mavnr
protect our citizens as well as to
tional space needéd for current and financial consultant, barber instruc- Dougherty will continue to improve tosupport
William S. Jubb - Banker
the city's charter schools.
Jubb's priorities aré school and future residents.
student learning and success by Gene Ford - Retired bank executive
affordable housing. He says that EricRollason
Wick argues that city property implanting new plan.; will reach out Ford's priorities include developthe number of students in a school Information not available
should not be sold; city property to the community, more than 17% ment and completion of the Vista
should comply with the requireshould be leased to protect and pre- of 18 and 19 year olds have mental Village project; the need - for
ments before more development is Carlsbad Unified School District serve the interest of future genera- problem or substance abuse and improved communications with the
allowed and that major develop- (Vote for Three)
tions; and that El Corazon Park land alcohol problems; and will replace community; and bringing a high
ments steal the future because they Gary Hill
must be saved for future genera- aging facilities with new structures standard of integrity to the council.
maximize the total land use and the Hill will focus on educational insti- tions, supporting Peoples Initiative and equipment by supporting bond Judy Ritter - City council member,
total building area.
tution executive and argues that the or Proposition M. Wick also says elections.
Claude "Bud" Lewis - Carlsbad school board needs more members that hotel development at the beach Mark Evilsizer - Business consul- His top priorities are on public
mayor, retired teacher and coach with a balance of skill and experi- should be low profile development tant, college teacher
safety, downtown redevelopment,
His priorities are growth, as co- ence. He says thát we must plan for no closer than 200 feet from the Evilsizer strongly advocates for schools
and education and continue
author of Carlsbad Growth Man- our future schools and managing bluffs.
fiscal responsibility and sound to support the expansion of parks
agement Plan provides leadership the budget to produce strong fiscal Samuel Williamson - Business- planning to accommodate student and sports fields.
to enforce it; traffic by haying policy.
man, insurance agency owner
enrollment growth; and on keeping Bob Campbell and Frank Lopez
Carlsbad circulation plan in place; Nicole M. Pappas - School Board Williamson says that waterfront costs and expenses focused on our Not
available for comment.
and developers are responsible for Member, information technology hotel development needs a realistic mission to teach students while procompletion of east/west connec- specialist
plan for low-rise project inside the actively lobbying state government
tors. He also argues that the city He will focus on the budget by boundaries of the city's existing officials and agencies for our fair
must have new water and promises working to preserve a 5 percent coastal guidelines; that senior citi- share of funding and grants.
GOVERNOR from page 13
misuse of public funds. He was
the first Controller to withhold
paychecks from all state elected
officials, until the Governor and
the Legislature passed a longoverdue budget. He also found
and returned more than $1.8
billion in unclaimed property to
California citizens.
Gray Davis priorities ifre-elected
are continuing to improve our
- schools by reducing class sizes,
provide incentives for higher student performance, ensure public
safety, provide fire fighters and
police the resources needed to
keep our communities safe and
continue to expand the Healthy
Families program for uninsured
Occupation: Socially responsible investment advisor
Peter Camejo is afirstgeneration
Venezuelan-American who has
fought for social and environmental justices since his teens.
Camejo is chair and co-founder
of Progressive Asset Management Inc., which promotes
socially responsible investments.
He created the Ecological Trust
for Merrill Lynch, thefirstenvironmentally screened fund of a
major firm.
Camejo is currently a countyappointed trustee of the Contra
Costa Employees Retirement
Association. He has also been
appointed by the Lt. Governor
of Hawaii to be an advisor to
the Hawaii Capital Stewardship
Forum. Through his work on the
Board of Earth Share, Camejo
helped form the Environmental Justice Fund to finance and
unify environmentalists of color.
Through an organic farming
firm, Earth Trade, he helped
Nicaragua become the world's
largest producer or organic
Gray Davis's endorsements
include Democratic Governors
Association, Association of California School Administration,
California league of conservation voters, and California Labor
Federation. For more information you can go to or email the governor
Camejo also created the council
for Responsible Public InvestPeter Miguel Camejo
ments, which is funded for antiParty: Green
tobacco divestment work by the
Compiled by CAMILLE R.
Pride Staff Writer
Jack O'Connell
Occupation: State Senator,
Top Priorities if Elected:
Reduce class sizes in as many
grades as possible
Make sure a qualified teacher is
in every classroom
Provide modern, safe schools
with up-to-date textbooks
For more information
and endorsements visit
Katherine H. Smith
Occupation: President, Board of
Trustees, Anaheim Union High
School District
Top Priorities if Elected:
Programs to teach character,
respect, manners and patriotism.
Create schools of academic
excellence for motivational students.
Establish literacy, trade &
tech education for non-violent
For more information visit
Candidates for Insurance
David I. Sheidlower
Party: Green
Occupation: underwriting Systems Director
Top Priorities if Elected:
Universal, single payer health
Disaster insurance; either no
taxpayer subsidy or entirely government run
Establish framework for affordable Long Term Care insurance
For more information visit
Gary S. Mendoza
Party: Republican
Occupation: Businessman
Top Priorities if Elected:
Increasing the availability and
affordability of home, health and
auto insurance.
Fighting insurance fraud.
Restoring competence and
integrity to the office and Insurance Commissioner
For more information visit
Raul Calderon, Jr.
Party: Natural Law
Occupation: Health Researcher/
Top Priorities if Elected:
Work for the best interests of the
people, not the interest of corporations.
Effectively assess and evaluate
current insurance policies and
Develop insurance policies to
insure that underserved and
minority populations have
access to affordable insurance.
For more information submit an
email at
John Garamendi
Party: Democratic
Occupation: Businessman and
Top Priorities if Elected:
To rebuild and restore integrity
to the Department of Insurance.
To protect California consumers
and make sure consumers needs
always comefirst;fightinsurance fraud, whicji drives up all
of our premium rates
For more information visit
Dale F. Ogden
Party: Libertarian
Occupation: Insurance
California Health Department.
Camejo is presently working to
create a "Solar Mortgage" that
will fund solar power installation
through home mortgages.
Peter Camejo's priorities if
elected include removing the
corrupting influence of corporate money on California
politics, enact a statewide Living
Wage Law, and hold runoffs
for statewide elections (using
Instant Runoff Voting) to end the
"spoiler" problem.
Peter Camejo is being endorsed
by Ralph Nader, consumer advocate and 2000 presidential candidate; Medea Benjamin, Founding Director of Global Exchange;
and Southern California Americans for Democratic Action.
For more information regarding Peter Camejo you can visit or email
him at
Gary David Copeland
Party: Libertarian
Occupation: Chief Executive
Gary Copeland's . priorities
include defending the right to
pursue those liberties afforded
us under the Constitution, in
particular the right to life, liberty
Top Priorities if Elected:
Enhance Solvency Regulation to
reduce cost of insurance company failures.
Cut administrative bloat to
reduce Insurance Department
budget by $100 million.
Reform the Conservation and
Liquidation Office to save billions.
For more information visit
Candidates for Attorney General
Bill Lockyer
Party: Democratic
Occupation: California Attorney
Top Priorities if Elected:
Continue to investigate illegal
price gouging by Enron and
other energy companies.
Continue to work with local law
enforcement to expand use DNA
technology to identify rapists
and murderers and exonerate the
Continue office's efforts to prosecute nursing homes that abuse
and neglect the elderly.
For more information visit
Glen Freeman Mowrer
Party: Green
Occupation: Public Pro Bono
Defense Attorney
Top Priorities if Elected:
Declare moratorium on the
death penalty pending study to
evaluate its fairness and efficacy.
Establish commission to recommend change in State Corporation laws to create corporate
accountability to the community.
Begin in-house review of all 3strike convictions for "cruel and
unusual" application.
and the pursuit of happiness.
Copeland calls for an end to the
Drug War and its destruction
of our First and Fourth amendment rights. Copeland argues for
separation of school and state, by
replacing our arcane educational
system, rooted in the nineteenth
century industrial America, with
a private educational system that
encourages innovation, creativity
and effective choices for parents
in teaching all our children.
The state shall pass no law that
interferes with an individual's
right to self-determination,
unless said individual violates
the right of another. The government shall not conduct business
nor be the entity of a business
operation which otherwise can
be provided by the private sector.
Copeland calls for an end to the
state income tax. The only taxes
that the state may collect are
use taxes and fees for services.
No individual shall be forced to
serve the government without
prior consent of that individual.
Gary Copeland's endorsements
are the National and State
Libertarian Parties, Individuals Americans for a Free and
Prosperous State, and My
Children Lake Willow Ceara.
For more information submit an
Dick Ackerman
Party: Republican
Occupation: State Senator/
Top Priorities if Elected:
Reverse the trend of rising crime
in California.
Defend our laws such as 3
strikes and The Pledge of Allegiance.
Protect consumers while making
California a more job-friendly
For more information visit
Ed Kuwatch
Party: Libertarian
Occupation: Criminal defense
Top Priorities if Elected:
Take the War on Drugs out of
the criminal justice system and
put it in the health care system
where it belongs.
Establish a system of police officer discipline run by the Attorney General's office rather then
local government.
Apply the 3 strikes law to only
violent felons
For more information visit
Diane Beall Templin
Party: American Independent
Occupation: Attorney/
Top Priorities if Elected:
Work to make California a safer
place to live- enforce the law ys.
Provide youths with alternatives
to gangs, drugs, alcohol and
porn related-activities.
Restitution and rehabilitation as
alternatives to incarceration
For more information submit an email at
For more information visit
Iris Adam
Party: Natural Law
Occupation: Business Analyst
Iris Adam is a business analyst
in The Henry Samueli School of
Engineering at the University of
California, Irvine. Iris is an educator, a development officer for
Orange County children's charities and a leadership trainer. She '
works with corporation, businesses and the citizens of this
great nation to release limiting
perceptions, resolve conflicts,
and improve communities. Her
area of expertise is researching
the relationship between prevention and politics.
Adam's priorities are promoting
and keeping jobs in California, promoting security using
effective law enforcement and
broadened awareness, promoting excellence in all our schools,
promoting basic research on
power generations and alternative energy, and promoting
proven health care programs
that prevent disease and cut
costs. For more information visit
Candidates for State Treasurer
Greg Conlon
Party: Republican
Occupation: Businessman/CPA
Top Priorities if Elected:
Improve the State's Credit
Get the state government out of
energy business
Create a strategic plan to finance
California's growing infrastructure needs
For more information visit
Sylvia Valentine
Party: Natural Law
Occupation: Corporation Office
Top Priorities if Elected:
Well-financed schools at every
level of education.
A continually maintained and
improving infrastructure of
roads, bridges and public transportations.
Enhanced public safety through
crime prevention and the assurance of competitive salaries for
police,firefighters,and emergency personnel.
For more information visit
Jeanne-Maria Rosenmeier
Party: Green
Occupation: Certified Public
Top Priorities if Elected:
Keeping California's economy
Use of economically targeted
investments to help all areas of
California to prosper.
Use of social responsible investments to help increase the
returns we receive.
For more information visit
Tuesday, October 29,2002
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