EIA Report - MakarioWorks
EIA Report - MakarioWorks
Environmental Impact Assessment Of the On Lagos Lagoon Lekki, Lagos State Final Report Submitted to: FEDERAL MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT Federal Capital Territory Abuja Nigeria Submitted by: FW DREDGING LIMITED 14 ELELENWO STREET, GRA PHASE 1 PORT HARCOURT RIVERS STATE NOVEMBER 2014 Environmental Impact Assessment Of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation of 150 Ha On Lagos Lagoon, Lekki Lagos State Final Report Submitted to: Federal Ministry of Environment Nigeria By: FW Dredging Limited 14 elelenwo street, GRA Phase 1 Port Harcourt Rivers State Nigeria E-mail: info@orangeislandcity.com, headoffice@fwdredging.com Tel: 234-1-4543779, 08074400330, Fax: 08423299 NOVEMBER 2014 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS ........................................................................................................................................... i LIST OF FIGURES................................................................................................................................................ viii LIST OF MAPS .................................................................................................................................................. xii LIST OF PLATES ................................................................................................................................................. xiii LIST OF TABLES ................................................................................................................................................. xvi LIST OF ACRONYMS AND FORMULAE ............................................................................................................. xxi LIST OF EIA PREPARERS AND CONTRIBUTORS ........................................................................................... xxv ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ................................................................................................................................... xxvi EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ................................................................................................................................... xxvii Introduction and Background .............................................................................................. xxvii Project Justification and Options ........................................................................................ xxviii Project Process Description ................................................................................................ xxviii Description of Project Environment ...................................................................................... xxix Climate characteristics ................................................................................................................................................ xxx Geology ............................................................................................................................................................... xxx Regional Hydrogeology ............................................................................................................................................... xxx Hydrology ............................................................................................................................................................... xxx Air Quality and Noise ...................................................................................................................................................xxxi Soil Characteristics ......................................................................................................................................................xxxi Groundwater Characteristics .......................................................................................................................................xxxi Surface water Characteristics .................................................................................................................................... xxxii Hydrobiology and Fisheries ........................................................................................................................................ xxxii Sediment Characteristics .......................................................................................................................................... xxxiii Bathymetry ............................................................................................................................................................. xxxiii Sand Search and Geotechnics .................................................................................................................................. xxxiv Vegetation ............................................................................................................................................................. xxxiv Wildlife ............................................................................................................................................................. xxxiv Stakeholders Consultation ................................................................................................. xxxiv Socio-economics ................................................................................................................ xxxiv Host Community Origin and Background .................................................................................................................. xxxiv Orange Island Development Company Limited Table of Contents P a g e |i Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Community Structure and Demography .....................................................................................................................xxxv Socio-demography .............................................................................................................. xxxv Public Health Assessment................................................................................................... xxxvi Potential and Associated impacts ...................................................................................... xxxvii Impact Mitigation Measures and Alternatives.................................................................... xxxvii Environmental Management plan (EMP) ........................................................................... xxxvii Conclusion ....................................................................................................................... xxxviii CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND ................................................................................. 1 1.1 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................... 1 1.2 THE PROPOSED PROJECT .............................................................................................. 1 1.2.1 Features of the Orange Island City ............................................................................................................ 1 1.3 THE PROPOSED PROJECT SITE ....................................................................................... 4 1.4 THE EIA OBJECTIVES ..................................................................................................... 9 1.5 SCOPE OF THE EIA ACTIVITIES ....................................................................................... 9 1.6 LEGAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE FRAMEWORK ............................................................... 12 1.6.1 Nigeria Legislations and Administrative Framework ................................................................................ 12 1.6.2 Lagos State Legislations and Administrative Framework......................................................................... 17 1.6.3 International Regulations.......................................................................................................................... 19 1.7 Structure of Report .................................................................................................... 20 CHAPTER 2 PROJECT JUSTIFICATION AND ALTERNATIVES ................................................................ 21 2.1 Introduction .............................................................................................................. 21 2.2 Need for the proposed Project ................................................................................... 21 2.2.1 Housing Need and Quality of Life............................................................................................................. 21 2.2.2 Nigeria’s Population and Housing Need................................................................................................... 21 2.2.3 Nigeria’s GDP and Real Estate and Services Sector ............................................................................... 22 2.2.4 Lagos and Housing Demand .................................................................................................................... 23 2.3 Value of the proposed Project .................................................................................... 25 2.3.1 Benefits of the Project .............................................................................................................................. 25 2.3.2 Sustainability of the Project ...................................................................................................................... 26 2.4 Project Options .......................................................................................................... 27 Orange Island Development Company Limited Table of Contents P a g e | ii Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation 2.4.1 No Project................................................................................................................................................. 28 2.4.2 Delayed Implementation........................................................................................................................... 28 2.4.3 Alternative Location .................................................................................................................................. 28 2.4.4 Different Technology ................................................................................................................................ 28 CHAPTER 3 PROJECT PROCESS DESCRIPTION ................................................................................. 33 3.1 Introduction .............................................................................................................. 33 3.2 Proposed Project Location.......................................................................................... 33 3.3 Proposed Project Activities......................................................................................... 35 3.3.1 Pre-reclamation Phase ............................................................................................................................. 35 3.3.2 Reclamation Phase .................................................................................................................................. 36 3.3.3 Post-Reclamation Phase .......................................................................................................................... 42 3.4 Proposed Activities Schedule...................................................................................... 44 CHAPTER 4 DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT ENVIRONMENT .................................................................... 45 4.1 Introduction .............................................................................................................. 45 4.2 Scope of Study ........................................................................................................... 45 4.3 Data Sources and Collection Approach ....................................................................... 45 4.4 Spatial Boundary and Field Study Design .................................................................... 46 4.5 Study Team................................................................................................................ 48 4.6 Laboratory Analyses of Samples ................................................................................. 48 4.7 Biophysical Samples Collection and analyses methods ................................................ 48 4.7.1 Air Quality and Noise Field Study............................................................................................................. 48 4.7.2 Soil Field Study and laboratory analyses method .................................................................................... 51 4.7.3 Surface and Ground Water Field Study and laboratory analyses method ............................................... 54 4.7.4 Sediment Sampling and laboratory analyses method .............................................................................. 58 4.7.5 Hydrobiology: Plankton and Macrobenthos Sampling and laboratory analyses method ......................... 61 4.7.6 Vegetation Field Studies .......................................................................................................................... 65 4.7.7 Wildlife Studies ......................................................................................................................................... 68 4.7.8 Bathymetric Survey .................................................................................................................................. 68 4.7.9 Geotechnical Survey ................................................................................................................................ 71 4.8 Quality Assurance Methodology................................................................................. 72 4.8.1 Sample Collection/Handling ..................................................................................................................... 72 4.8.2 Laboratory Analyses................................................................................................................................. 72 4.8.3 Data Management .................................................................................................................................... 73 Orange Island Development Company Limited Table of Contents P a g e | iii Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation 4.9 Baseline Characteristics of the Proposed Project Environment .................................... 73 4.9.1 Climate Characteristics ............................................................................................................................ 73 4.9.2 GEOLOGY AND TOPOGRAPHY ............................................................................................................ 76 4.9.3 Air Quality and Noise Characteristics ....................................................................................................... 80 4.9.4 Soil Characteristics................................................................................................................................... 86 4.9.5 Groundwater Characteristics of the Project Environment ...................................................................... 111 4.9.6 Surface Water Characteristics of the Proposed Project Environment .................................................... 120 4.9.7 Hydrobiology .......................................................................................................................................... 142 4.9.8 Fish and Fisheris in Lagos Lagoon ........................................................................................................ 166 4.9.9 Characteristics of Lagoon Sediment ...................................................................................................... 177 4.9.10 Bathymetry of the Proposed Project Area .............................................................................................. 197 4.9.11 Geotechnical Characteristics.................................................................................................................. 199 4.9.12 Vegetation .............................................................................................................................................. 201 4.9.13 Wildlife and Endangered Species .......................................................................................................... 204 4.9.14 Socio-economics and Social Impact Assessment (SIA) ......................................................................... 220 4.9.15 Public Health Assessment..................................................................................................................... 245 CHAPTER FIVE ASSOCIATED AND POTENTIAL IMPACTS ......................................................................... 261 5.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................ 261 5.2 Impact Assessment Methodology Characteristics...................................................... 261 5.3 Impact Assessment Methodology ............................................................................. 262 5.3.1 Description of the proposed project’s actions/activities and their interactions with the environment; .... 263 5.3.2 Components of environment that could be affected by the proposed project ........................................ 264 5.3.3 Superimposition of project’s activities on environmental components. ................................................. 265 5.3.4 Detailed Assessment of all identified impacts ........................................................................................ 268 5.3.5 Description of identified Impacts ........................................................................................................... 280 5.4 Positive Impacts....................................................................................................... 280 5.4.1 Positive Impacts during Pre-reclamation Phase..................................................................................... 280 5.4.2 Positive Impacts during the Reclamation Phase .................................................................................... 281 5.4.3 Positive Impacts during Post-reclamation Phase ................................................................................... 281 5.5 Negative Impacts ..................................................................................................... 281 5.5.1 Negative Impacts during Pre-Reclamation ............................................................................................. 282 5.5.2 Negative Impacts during Reclamation.................................................................................................... 285 5.5.3 Negative Impacts during Post-Reclamation ........................................................................................... 301 5.5.4 Impact on Health and Safety .................................................................................................................. 304 5.5.5 Cumulative Impacts ................................................................................................................................ 304 CHAPTER SIX IMPACT MITIGATION MEASURES AND ALTERNATIVES.................................................. 305 Orange Island Development Company Limited Table of Contents P a g e | iv Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation 6.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................ 305 6.2 Objectives of Impacts Mitigation .............................................................................. 305 6.3 Impact Mitigation Hierarchy ..................................................................................... 305 6.4 Identified Impacts and Mitigation Measures ............................................................. 306 6.5 Conclusion ............................................................................................................... 323 CHAPTER SEVEN ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN .............................................................. 324 7.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................ 324 7.2 Objectives................................................................................................................ 324 7.3 Responsibilities ........................................................................................................ 324 7.3.1 Project Proponent................................................................................................................................... 324 7.3.2 Dredging Contractor ............................................................................................................................... 324 7.4 Health Safety and Environment Management Plans .................................................. 326 7.4.1 Training, Competence and Awareness .................................................................................................. 326 7.4.2 Emergency Preparedness ...................................................................................................................... 328 7.4.3 Health, Safety and Environmental Monitoring ........................................................................................ 330 7.4.4 Controlling significant site risks – Health and Safety .............................................................................. 333 7.4.5 Controlling significant site risks – Environmental ................................................................................... 337 7.4.6 Oil Spill Contingency Plan ...................................................................................................................... 338 7.4.7 Waste management ............................................................................................................................... 339 7.4.8 Health risks............................................................................................................................................. 340 7.4.9 Marine activities...................................................................................................................................... 342 7.5 Impact Mitigation Monitoring (IMM) Plan ................................................................ 343 7.5.1 Flood Prevention Monitoring Plan .......................................................................................................... 343 7.5.2 Surface Water Quality Monitoring Plan .................................................................................................. 343 7.5.3 Air Quality and Noise Monitoring Plan.................................................................................................... 344 7.5.4 Hydrobiology and Fisheries Monitoring Plan .......................................................................................... 345 7.5.5 Waste Management Monitoring Plan ..................................................................................................... 345 7.5.6 Community Relations/Grievance Redress Mechanism .......................................................................... 346 7.6 Conclusion ............................................................................................................... 347 CHAPTER EIGHT CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS .......................................................... 348 8.1 Conclusion ............................................................................................................... 348 8.2 Recommendations ................................................................................................... 348 Orange Island Development Company Limited Table of Contents P a g e |v Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation BIBLIOGRAPHY ............................................................................................................................................... 349 APPENDICES APPENDIX 1: ............................................................................................................................................... 356 EIA NOTIFICATION LETTER TO FEDERAL MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT AND RELATED CORRESPONDENCE ................................................................................................ 356 APPENDIX 2: EIA NOTIFICATION LETTER TO LAGOS STATE MINISTRY FOR THE ENVIRONMENT .................................................................................................................... 358 APPENDIX 3: FEDERAL MINISTRY OF THE ENVIRONMENT APPROVAL FOR EIA IMPLEMENTATION ............................................................................................................... 361 APPENDIX 4: VAN Oords NIGERIA LIMITED QUALITY AND ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS CERTIFICATES ........................................................................................................ 363 APPENDIX 5: SOCIOECONOMICS AND HEALTH IMPACT ASSESSMENT STUDY QUESTIONNAIRE . .................................................................................................................... 365 APPENDIX 6: CONSULTATION ATTENDANCE LISTS ............................................................. 372 Federal Ministry of Environment Site Verification Visit Attendance List ...................................................................... 372 Lagos State Ministry for the Environment Site Verification Visit Attendance List ........................................................ 373 Consultation with Lagos State Ministry of Water front Infrastructure Development Attendance List .......................... 374 Consultation with Eti-Osa Local Government; Attendance List (1st and 2nd Visits) ................. 375 First Visit ............................................................................................................................................................... 375 Second Visit ............................................................................................................................................................... 375 Consultation with Ikate Community – Attendance List ................................................................................................ 376 Initial Consultation with Elders (Men) .......................................................................................................................... 376 With Ebute Ikate Women ............................................................................................................................................. 377 With Ebute-Ikate Men .................................................................................................................................................. 379 With Ebute-Ikate Youth ............................................................................................................................................... 381 Consultation with Itedo Community – Attendance List ................................................................................................ 383 With Harrison Family ................................................................................................................................................... 384 With Ogunyemi Family (Men) ...................................................................................................................................... 385 With Ogunyemi Family (Women) ................................................................................................................................ 386 Consultation with Nigeria Conservation Foundation Lekki – Attendance List ............................................................. 387 Attendance at Draft EIA Public Review ....................................................................................................................... 388 APPENDIX 7: GEOTECHNICAL BOREHOLE LOGS.................................................................. 389 APPENDIX 8: LABORATORY PROCEDURES ......................................................................... 390 APPENDIX 9: MoU BETWEEN LASG AND FWDL .................................................................. 391 Orange Island Development Company Limited Table of Contents P a g e | vi Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation APPENDIX 10: AGREEMENT BETWEEN LASG AND FWDL .................................................. 392 APPENDIX 11: QUARRY LEASE FROM MINISTRY OF MINES AND STEEL DEVELOPMENT ..... 393 Orange Island Development Company Limited Table of Contents P a g e | vii Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation LIST OF FIGURES Figure 2.1: Comparative Trend of GDP growth and Real Estate Contribution to Nigeria Economy ...................... 22 Figure 3.1: A Cross-section of Cutter Suction dredger.......................................................................................... 37 Figure 3.2: Borrow area (red) and Reclamation area (blue).................................................................................. 39 Figure 3.3: Tidal Fluctuation of Lagos Lagoon ...................................................................................................... 41 Figure 3.4: Proposed Activities Schedule for Orange Island Reclamation Activities ............................................. 44 Figure 4.1: DGPS Survey Principle ....................................................................................................................... 70 Figure 4.2: Eco Sounder Bathymetric Survey Principle ........................................................................................ 70 Figure 4.3: Precipitation Pattern of the Study Area ............................................................................................... 74 Figure 4.4: Comparison of monthly Rainfall in Ikeja (Lagos): 2010 with 1971-2000 ............................................. 74 Figure 4.5: Average Monthly Temperature of the Study Area ............................................................................... 75 Figure 4.6: Average Monthly Relative Humidity in the study area......................................................................... 75 Figure 4.7: The geology of Southern Nigeria (Wright et al. 1985) ......................................................................... 77 Figure 4.8: Seasonal Variation of Conductivity (uS/cm) in topsoil of Study Area .................................................. 89 Figure 4.9: Seasonal Variation of Conductivity in Subsoil of Study Area .............................................................. 90 Figure 4.10: Seasonal Variation of TOC (%) in Topsoil of Study locations ........................................................... 92 Figure 4.11: Seasonal Variation of TOC (%) in Subsoil of Study locations ........................................................... 92 Figure 4.12: USDA Soil Textural Triangle. ............................................................................................................ 93 Figure 4.13: Seasonal Variation of Surface water pH ......................................................................................... 122 Figure 4.14: Seasonal Variation in Surfacewater Conductivity ........................................................................... 123 Figure 4.15: Seasonal Variation of DO in Surface Water .................................................................................... 125 Figure 4.16: Seasonal Variation of Surface water BOD5 ..................................................................................... 127 Figure 4.17: Seasonal Variation in Nitrate Concentration in Surface water ........................................................ 128 Figure 4.18: Seasonal Variation of Sulphate Concentration in Surface water..................................................... 129 Figure 4.19: Seasonal Variation of Chloride in Surface Water ............................................................................ 130 Figure 4.20: Seasonal Variation of Sodium in Surface Water ............................................................................. 132 Orange Island Development Company Limited List of Figures P a g e | viii Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Figure 4.21: Seasonal Variation of Potassium in Surface Water ........................................................................ 132 Figure 4.22: Seasonal Variation of Magnesium in Surface Water ....................................................................... 133 Figure 4.23: Seasonal Variation of Calcium in Surface Water ............................................................................ 134 Figure 4.24: Seasonal Variation of Total Hydrocarbon in Surface Water ............................................................ 137 Figure 4.25: Temporal Variation of Microbial Isolates in Surface Water in Dry Season ...................................... 141 Figure 4.26: Temporal Variation of Microbial Isolates in Surface Water in Wet Season ..................................... 141 Figure 4.27: Percentage occurrence of major phytoplankton groups (Dry Season)............................................ 142 Figure 4.28: Phytoplankton Total number of species (S) and abundance (N) (Dry Season) ............................. 145 Figure 4.29: Phytoplankton ecological indices (Dry Season) .............................................................................. 145 Figure 4.30: Percentage occurrence of zooplankton phylum and juvenile stages (Dry season). ........................ 146 Figure 4.31: Zooplankton Total number of species (S) and abundance (N) (Dry Season) ................................. 149 Figure 4.32: Zooplankton ecological indices (Dry season).................................................................................. 149 Figure 4.33: Percentage occurrence of major phytoplankton groups (wet season) ............................................ 150 Figure 4.34: Phytoplankton Total number of species (S) and abundance (N) (Wet Season)............................. 154 Figure 4.35: Phytoplankton ecological indices (Wet season) .............................................................................. 154 Figure 4.36: Percentage occurrence of zooplankton phylum and juvenile stages. ............................................. 155 Figure 4.37: Zooplankton Total number of species (S) and abundance (N) (Wet Season)................................. 158 Figure 4.38: Zooplankton ecological indices (Wet Season) ................................................................................ 158 Figure 4.39: Percentage Distribution of major Macrobenthos Groups at the study locationsin Dry Season ....... 160 Figure 4.40: Percentage Distribution of major Macrobenthos Groups at the study locationsin Wet Season ...... 161 Figure 4.41: Seasonal Variation of Sediment pH ................................................................................................ 178 Figure 4.42: Seasonal Variation of Sediment Conductivity ................................................................................. 179 Figure 4.43: Seasonal Variation of TOC in Sediment ......................................................................................... 180 Figure 4.44: Particle Size Distribution of Sediment at the Study locations in Dry Season .................................. 182 Figure 4.45: Particle Size Distribution of Sediment at the Study locations in Wet Season ................................. 182 Figure 4.46: Seasonal Variation of Sodium Concentration in Sediment.............................................................. 184 Figure 4.47: Seasonal Variation of Potassium Concentration in Sediment ......................................................... 184 Figure 4.48: Seasonal Variation of Magnesium in Sediment .............................................................................. 185 Orange Island Development Company Limited List of Figures P a g e | ix Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Figure 4.49: Seasonal Variation of Calcium oncentration in Sediment ............................................................... 186 Figure 4.50: Seasonal Variation of Nitrate in Sediment ...................................................................................... 187 Figure 4.51: Seasonal Variation of Sulphate in Sediment ................................................................................... 188 Figure 4.52: Seasonal Variation of Phosphate in Sediment ................................................................................ 188 Figure 4.53: Seasonal Variation of Chloride in Sediment.................................................................................... 189 Figure 4.54: Seasonal Variation of Fe in Sediment ............................................................................................. 190 Figure 4.55: Seasonal Variation of Zinc in Sediment .......................................................................................... 190 Figure 4.56: Seasonal Variation of Cu in Sediment ............................................................................................ 191 Figure 4.57: Seasonal Variation of Chromium in Sediment ................................................................................ 193 Figure 4.58: Seasonal Variation of Total Hydrocarbon Content in Sediment ...................................................... 194 Figure 4.59: Bathymetry of Lagos lagoon around the proposed reclamation site and borrow areas ................. 198 Figure 4.60: Satellite Imagery showing Boreholes locations ............................................................................... 200 Figure 4.61: Distribution of Language of Interview .............................................................................................. 225 Figure 4.62: Age Distribution of the Household Members................................................................................... 226 Figure 4.63: Gender Distribution of Respondents ............................................................................................... 226 Figure 4.64: Marital Status of Respondents ........................................................................................................ 227 Figure 4.65: Religion of Respondents ................................................................................................................. 228 Figure 4.66: House Ownership by Respondents................................................................................................. 230 Figure 4.67: Distribution of No.of Rooms per House in the Community .............................................................. 231 Figure 4.68: Household size distribution of Respondents ................................................................................... 232 Figure 4.69: Distribution of Respondents Duration in Residence........................................................................ 232 Figure 4.70: Distribution of Employed Individuals in Respondents Household ................................................... 233 Figure 4.71: Occupational Background of Respondents ..................................................................................... 234 Figure 4.72: Duration of Respondents in Business Operation ............................................................................ 236 Figure 4.73: Approximate Distances to Workplace of Resondents ..................................................................... 236 Figure 4.74: Distribution of Monthly Income of Respondents.............................................................................. 237 Figure 4.75: Distribution of Estimated Monthly Expenditure of Respondents HH ............................................... 238 Figure 4.76: Distribution of Appliances Ownership by Respondents Household ................................................ 239 Orange Island Development Company Limited List of Figures P a g e |x Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Figure 4.77: Pathway diagram showing links between land reclamation project and health............................... 248 Figure 4.78: Respondents Perception of their general Health ............................................................................ 253 Figure 5.1: Impact Significance prediction Process ............................................................................................ 276 Figure 5.2: Distribution of Negative Impacts’ significance ................................................................................... 282 Figure 5.3: Baseline Noise level around the project area in dry season ............................................................. 287 Figure 5.4 Noise level around the project area in wet season ............................................................................ 288 Figure 5.5: Noise level around the project area during operation of the CSD only – LOW NOISE IMPACT SCENARIO ............................................................................................................................................... 289 Figure 5.6: Noise level around the project area during operation of the CSD and another heavy machinery – HIGH NOISE IMPACT SCENARIO ..................................................................................................................... 290 Figure 5.7: Comparative Assessment of baseline and predicted noise levels at Specific Receptor areas with regulatory permissible levels ............................................................................................................................... 291 Figure 5.8: Typical Sound Levels from various sources...................................................................................... 292 Figure 5.9: Major Macrobenthos groups vulnerable to impacts from dredging/filling activities in dry season ..... 296 Figure 5.2: Major Macrobenthos groups vulnerable to impacts from dredging/filling activities in wet season..... 297 Figure 5.3: Major phytoplankton groups vulnerable to dredging/filling impacts in dry season ............................ 298 Figure 5.4: Major phytoplankton groups vulnerable to dredging/filling impacts in wet season ............................ 299 Figure 5.13: Major zooplankton groups vulnerable to dredging/filling impacts in dry season ............................. 299 Figure 5.14: Major zooplankton groups vulnerable to dredging/filling impacts in wet season ............................. 300 Figure 6.1: Impacts Mitigation Principle .............................................................................................................. 305 Figure 7.1: VONL’s HSE Unit Organogram ......................................................................................................... 325 Orange Island Development Company Limited List of Figures P a g e | xi Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation LIST OF MAPS Map 1.1: Lagos State Administrative showing Project Area.................................................................................... 6 Map 1.2: Land Use around the project Area ........................................................................................................... 7 Map 3.1: The Proposed Project Area .................................................................................................................... 34 Map 4.1: Biophysical Attributes Study Locations .................................................................................................. 47 Map 4.2: Air Quality Study locations ..................................................................................................................... 50 Map 4.3: Soil Study locations ................................................................................................................................ 53 Map 4.4: Surface Water Sampling Stations .......................................................................................................... 55 Map 4.5: Groundwater sampling stations.............................................................................................................. 56 Map 4.6: Sediment sampling locations ................................................................................................................. 60 Map 4.7: Hydrobiology sampling locations ............................................................................................................ 63 Map 4.8: Vegetation Study locations..................................................................................................................... 66 Orange Island Development Company Limited List of Maps P a g e | xii Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation LIST OF PLATES Plate 1.1: Shoreline into the project area. (Note: Manual-mined sand and Ebute-Ikate Community Stilted structures) ................................................................................................................................................... 5 Plate 1.2: A section of Lekki-Epe Expressway. Leading to the site......................................................................... 8 Plate 1.3: 3rd Round About, the point to via off Lekki-Epe Expressway into the project site along.......................... 8 Plate 1.4: Officials of the Lagos State Ministry for the Environment (Drainage Services Unit) during site verification ................................................................................................................................................. 11 Plate 1.5: Officials of the FMEnv during Site Verification exercise........................................................................ 11 Plate 3.1: Cutter Suction Dredger at Work ............................................................................................................ 38 Plate 3.2: CSD Cutter Head .................................................................................................................................. 38 Plate 3.3: Floating Pipeline ................................................................................................................................... 40 Plate 3.4: Reclamation landline............................................................................................................................. 41 Plate 4.1: Air Quality Measurement ...................................................................................................................... 49 Plate 4.2: Soil Sampling ........................................................................................................................................ 52 Plate 4.3: Surface and Ground water sampling and In-situ measurements .......................................................... 58 Plate 4.4: Sediment Sampling ............................................................................................................................... 61 Plate 4.5: Plankton Sampling: Vertical and Horizontal Tow .................................................................................. 64 Plate 4.6: Macrobenthos Sampling ....................................................................................................................... 65 Plate 4.7: Survey Launch used for Bathymetric studies ........................................................................................ 68 Plate 4.8: The Drill Pontoon “HAM 912” used for the survey ................................................................................ 71 Plate 4.9: Basket Trap Stakes (left) and Basket Trap with bait (right) sited near the proposed Reclamation Area... ............................................................................................................................................... 167 Plate 4.10: Group castnetting in Lagos lagoon ................................................................................................... 167 Plate 4.11: Fishermen operating castnet along the beach of the project area .................................................... 168 Plate 4.12: A fish aggregating device (Acadja) setup around the project site. .................................................... 168 Plate 4.13: Fisherman preparing his longline for fishing operation ..................................................................... 169 Plate 4.14: Ethmalosa fimbriata .......................................................................................................................... 170 Orange Island Development Company Limited List of Tables P a g e | xiii Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Plate 4.15: Tilapia guineensis ............................................................................................................................. 170 Plate 4.16: Hemichromis fasciatus ...................................................................................................................... 170 Plate 4.17: Sarotherodon melanotheron ............................................................................................................. 171 Plate 4.18: Eleotris vittata ................................................................................................................................... 171 Plate 4.19: Caranx hippos ................................................................................................................................... 171 Plate 4.20: Callinectes amnicola caught around the project area ....................................................................... 172 Plate 4.21: Some Chrysichthys nigrodigitatus caught from fishing activities in the project area ......................... 172 Plate 4.22: Some fish species caught by the castnet fishermen around the project area ................................... 175 Plate 4.23: Some dressed Sarotherodon melanotheron, Pomadasys jubelini, Lutjanus sp and Liza falcipinnis . 176 Plate 4.24: Smoked fish on 44 gallon drum before sale ...................................................................................... 176 Plate 4.25: Paspalum spp. Close to the proposed reclamation area .................................................................. 202 Plate 4.26: Terminalia catapa and Mangifera indica around homesteads .......................................................... 202 Plate 4.27: Ornamentals and coconuts along roadsides within the area ............................................................ 203 Plate 4.28: A plover and a great white egret foraging around project area ......................................................... 205 Plate 4.29: A Gaggle of white geese in the study area ....................................................................................... 205 Plate 4.30: Domestic pigs in the study are .......................................................................................................... 206 Plate 4.31: Interaction with FMEnv Officials during Site Verification exercise..................................................... 215 Plate 4.32: Interactions with LAGMOE Officials during Site Verification exercise ............................................... 215 Plate 4.33: Consultation with Lagos State Ministry of Waterfronts and Infrastructure Development................... 216 Plate 4.34: Group Photograph with the Chairman And Officials of Eti-Osa LGA during consultation ................. 216 Plate 4.35: Interaction with Officials of Eti-Osa LGA during Site Verification ...................................................... 217 Plate 4.36: Group Photograph during Consultation with HRM, Oba Alayeluwa Saheed Ademola Elegushi, Kusenla (lll), the Elegushi of Ikateland ................................................................................................................ 217 Plate 4.37: Consultation with the Elders of Ebute-Ikate Community ................................................................... 218 Plate 4.38: Consultation with Harrision Family Elders of Itedo community ......................................................... 218 Plate 4.39: Consultation with Elders of Ogunyemi Family of Itedo Community................................................... 219 Plate 4.40: Consultation with Nigeria Consultation Foundation .......................................................................... 219 Plate 4.41: Focus Group Interaction with Youth .................................................................................................. 221 Orange Island Development Company Limited List of Tables P a g e | xiv Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Plate 4.42: Focus Group Interaction with Women ............................................................................................... 221 Plate 4.43: Consultation with Community Elders ................................................................................................ 222 Plate 4.44: Questionnaire Administration ............................................................................................................ 222 Plate 4.45: Pa Ogunyemi’s House located at the first Upland inhabitation of the Ogunyemis ............................ 224 Plate 4.46: Shrine of Zangbeto in Ebute-Ikate .................................................................................................... 229 Plate 4.47: Mouthpiece of Zangbeto .................................................................................................................. 229 Plate 4.48: Shrine for Water Spirit....................................................................................................................... 230 Plate 4.49: House on Stilts in the community ...................................................................................................... 231 Plate 4.50: Fishing Boats at Ebute-Ikate ............................................................................................................. 233 Plate 4.51: A Woman processing fish for smoking .............................................................................................. 235 Plate 4.52: Fish Smoking facilities ...................................................................................................................... 235 Plate 4.53: Water Storage facilities at Itedo community ...................................................................................... 240 Plate 4.54: Children Fetching Water from Dug-well at Ebute-IIkate .................................................................... 240 Plate 4.55: Makeshift Structure for Bathing in lagoon ......................................................................................... 241 Plate 5.56: Makeshift Structure for bathing on land ............................................................................................ 241 Plate 4.57: Stored Firewood for cooking in the community ................................................................................. 242 Plate 4.58: Cooking place in the community ....................................................................................................... 242 Plate 4.59: Indiscriminate solid waste disposal in the community ....................................................................... 243 Plate 4.60: Makeshift structure for human waste disposal into the lagoon ......................................................... 243 Plate 4.61: A typical House in Ebute-Ikate .......................................................................................................... 250 Plate 4.62: A child fetching water from dug well.................................................................................................. 251 Plate 5.1: Photomontage of planktonic organisms .............................................................................................. 297 Orange Island Development Company Limited List of Tables P a g e | xv Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation LIST OF TABLES Table 2.1: Relative contribution of Real Estate and Business Services to Nigeria GDP ....................................... 22 Table 2.2: Lagos State Population 2006-2015 ...................................................................................................... 24 Table 2.3: Statistics of Houses built in Lagos State between 2001 and 2010 ....................................................... 25 Table 2.4: Different Dredging Technologies considered for the proposed Orange Island Reclamation ................ 29 Table 3.1: List of Equipment, Machinery and Materials to be mobilised to site ..................................................... 36 Table 3.2: Personnel to be mobilised to site ......................................................................................................... 36 Table 3.3: Coordinates of the pegged points of the reclamation and Borrow Ares ............................................... 40 Table 3.4: Waste Generation and Management ................................................................................................... 43 Table 4.1: Inventory of Biophysical samples collected. ......................................................................................... 46 Table 4.2: List of Air Quality Equipment Used In the Study .................................................................................. 51 Table 4.3: Air Quality sampling locations .............................................................................................................. 51 Table 4.4: Soil sampling locations......................................................................................................................... 54 Table 4.5: Surface Water and Groundwater sampling locations ........................................................................... 57 Table 4.6: Laboratory Analyses Method for Water Samples ................................................................................. 58 Table 4.7: Sediment Sampling Points ................................................................................................................... 59 Table 4.8: Methods used for Sediment Analyses .................................................................................................. 61 Table 4.9: Hydrobiology Sampling Points ............................................................................................................. 62 Table 4.10: Vegetation Study locations................................................................................................................. 65 Table 4.11: Summary of Climate Characteristics of the Study Area ..................................................................... 73 Table 4.12: Stratigraphic Succession in the Basin Area ....................................................................................... 77 Table 4.13: Summary of Hydro-Geological Units in the Project Area.................................................................... 78 Table 4.14: Carboxyhaemoglobin Levels and Related Health Effects .................................................................. 80 Table 4.15: Air Quality Characteristics of the study area in dry and wet season .................................................. 83 Table 4.16: Air Quality Classification Based on TSP Concentration ..................................................................... 84 Table 4.17: Noise levels at the Study locations..................................................................................................... 86 Orange Island Development Company Limited List of Tables P a g e | xvi Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Table 4.18: Noise Exposure Limits for Nigeria ...................................................................................................... 86 Table 4.19: pH of Soil in Study Area ..................................................................................................................... 87 Table 4.20: Soil pH Classifications........................................................................................................................ 88 Table 4.21: Conductivity of Soil in Study Area ...................................................................................................... 89 Table 4.22: Total Organic Carbon in Soil of Study Area ....................................................................................... 91 Table 4.23: Soil Total Organic Carbon Classification ............................................................................................ 91 Table 4.24: Different Soil Separates as defined by USDA .................................................................................... 93 Table 4.25: Particle Size Distribution of Soil in Study Areas ................................................................................. 94 Table 4.26: Anions Concentration in the Soil of Study Area ................................................................................. 96 Table 4.27: Cations Concentration in Soil of the Study Areas .............................................................................. 99 Table 4.28: Heavy Metals Concentration in Soil of the Study Areas in Dry Season ........................................... 101 Table 4.29: Heavy Metals Concentration in Soil of the Study Areas in Wet Season........................................... 102 Table 4.30: Total Hydrocarbon Content in Soil of the Study Areas ..................................................................... 105 Table 4.31: Microbial Isolates in Soil of the Study Areas in Dry Season ............................................................. 107 Table 4.32: Microbial Isolates in Soil of the Study Areas in Wet Season ........................................................... 108 Table 4.33: Predominant Microbial Species Isolated in Soil of the study Areas.................................................. 110 Table 4.34: Physico-chemical Characterisicts of Groundwater in the Study Locations....................................... 111 Table 4.35: Anions and Cations Contents in Groundwater of the Study Locations ............................................. 112 Table 4.36: Heavy Metal Concentration in Groundwater of the Study Area ........................................................ 117 Table 4.37: Total Hydrocarbon Concentration in Groundwater of the Study Area .............................................. 118 Table 4.38: Microbial Isolates in Groundwater of the Study Area ....................................................................... 119 Table 4.39: Predominant Microbial Species Isolated in Groundwater of the study Area..................................... 119 Table 4.40: Temperature, pH, Conductivity and Salinity of Surface Water in the Study Area............................. 121 Table 4.41: DO, TDS, TSS and Turbidity of Surface water ................................................................................. 124 Table 4.42: BOD and COD of Surface Water...................................................................................................... 126 Table 4.43: Anions Concentration in Surface Water ........................................................................................... 128 Table 4.44: Exchangeable Cations Concentration in Surface Water .................................................................. 131 Table 4.45: Heavy Metal Concentrattions in Surface Water ............................................................................... 135 Orange Island Development Company Limited List of Tables P a g e | xvii Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Table 4.46: Total Hydrocarbon Content in Surface Water .................................................................................. 137 Table 4.47: Microbial Isolates in Surface Water .................................................................................................. 139 Table 4.48: Predominant Microbial Species Isolated in Surface Water............................................................... 140 Table 4.49: Composition and abundance distribution of phytoplankton per ml (Dry Season). ............................ 143 Table 4.50: Phytoplankton community composition parameters (Dry Season). .................................................. 144 Table 4.51: Composition and abundance distribution of zooplankton per ml (Dry Season). ............................... 147 Table 4.52: Zooplankton community composition parameters (Dry season). ..................................................... 148 Table 4.53: Composition and abundance distribution of phytoplankton per ml (Wet Season). ........................... 151 Table 4.54: Phytoplankton community composition parameters (Wet Season). ................................................. 153 Table 4.55: Composition and abundance distribution of zooplankton per ml (Wet season)................................ 156 Table 4.56: Zooplankton community composition parameter (Wet Season). ...................................................... 157 Table 4.57: Checklist, Abundance and Distribution of Macrobenthic Invertebrate Species in the study sites in Dry Season. ............................................................................................................................................... 162 Table 4.58: Checklist, Abundance and Distribution of Macrobenthic Invertebrate Species in the study sites in Wet Season. ............................................................................................................................................... 164 Table 4.59: Families and species of fishes caught from the study area (Dry season) ........................................ 173 Table 4.60: Fish species composition of the fishermen catches in the project area (Wet season) ..................... 174 Table 4.61: pH of Lagoon Sediment ................................................................................................................... 177 Table 4.62: Sediment Conductivity ..................................................................................................................... 178 Table 4.63: Total Organic Carbon (%) in Sediment ............................................................................................ 179 Table 4.65: Exchangeable Cations Concentrations in Sediment ........................................................................ 183 Table 4.66: Anions Concentration in Sediment ................................................................................................... 186 Table 4.67: Heavy Metal Concentration in Sediment .......................................................................................... 192 Table 4.68: Total Hydrocarbon Content in Sediment .......................................................................................... 194 Table 4.69: Microbial Isolates Counts in Sediment ............................................................................................. 196 Table 4.70: Predominant Species of Microbial Isolates in Sediment .................................................................. 197 Table 4.71: List of Birds Observed in the Study Area ......................................................................................... 204 Table 4.72: List of Mammals in the Study Area................................................................................................... 207 Orange Island Development Company Limited List of Tables P a g e | xviii Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Table 4.73: List of Reptiles in the study area ...................................................................................................... 207 Table 4.74: Consulted Stakeholders ................................................................................................................... 209 Table 4.75: Highlights of Stakeholders Consultation........................................................................................... 210 Table 4.76: Location of Health Facilities and Distances from communities ........................................................ 249 Table 4.77: HIA Analyses Criteria ....................................................................................................................... 255 Table 4.78: HIA Impact Analyses Summary of Findings ..................................................................................... 256 Table 5.1: Components of Natural Environment that could be impacted by proposed project. ........................... 265 Table 5.2: Components of Human and Socio-economic Environment that could be impacted by proposed project. ............................................................................................................................................... 265 Table 5.3: Project Activities and Mode of Impacts on Environmental Components ............................................ 266 Table 5.4: Characteristics of Impacts from the proposed project at pre-reclamation phase ............................... 270 Table 5.5: Characteristics of Impacts from the proposed project at reclamation phase ...................................... 271 Table 5.6: Characteristics of Impacts from the proposed project at post-reclamation phase .............................. 272 Table 5.7: Impact Severity Ratings ..................................................................................................................... 275 Table 5.8: Rankings of the Impact Severity Criteria ............................................................................................ 276 Table 5.9: Associated and Potential Impacts Matrix of the Proposed Orange Island Project ............................. 277 Table 5.10: Impact Significance Matrix for the proposed Orange Island Reclamation Project ............................ 278 Table 5.11: Air Quality Standards Used in the Assessment................................................................................ 283 Table 5.12: Baseline and Predicted Noise Levels at different Receptor environments around the project area . 291 Table 5.13: CO2 Emissions from various work Machinery .................................................................................. 293 Table 5.14: Overall average % particle size distribution of sediment in project area .......................................... 294 Table 5.15: Average Heavy metal contents in sediment and water of the project area ...................................... 295 Table 5. 16: Average pH and Sulphate ions in water and sediment os project area ........................................... 295 Table 6.1: Mitigation Measures for Impacts during Pre-Reclamation Activities................................................... 307 Table 6.2: Mitigation Measures for Impacts during Reclamation Activities ......................................................... 312 Table 6.3: Mitigation Measures for Impacts during Post-Reclamation Activities ................................................. 319 Table 7.1: Surface Water Quality Monitoring Schedule ...................................................................................... 344 Table 7.2: Air Quality and Noise Monitoring Schedule ........................................................................................ 344 Orange Island Development Company Limited List of Tables P a g e | xix Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Table 7.3: Hydrobiology and Fisheries Monitoring Schedule .............................................................................. 345 Table 7.4: Waste Management Monitoring Schedule ......................................................................................... 346 Orange Island Development Company Limited List of Tables P a g e | xx Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation LIST OF ACRONYMS AND FORMULAE % Percentage µg/g Micrograms per gram µS/cm Micrograms per centimetre 0C Degrees Celsius 0F Degrees Fahrenheit AQ Air Quality BOD Biochemical Oxygen Demand BOOT Build Own-Operate and Transfer Ca Calcium Cd Cadmium CD Chart Datum CIA Central Intelligence Agency Cl- Chloride cm Centimetre CO Carbon monoxide CO2 Carbon dioxide COD Chemical Oxygen Demand COPD Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Cr Chromium CSD Cutter Suction Dredger Cu Copper dB Decibel DGPS Differential Global Positioning System DO Dissolved Oxygen DPR Department of Petroleum Resources EIA Environmental impact assessment EIS Environmental Impact Statement EMP Environmental Management Plan ERL Ecopro Resources Limited ESAs Environmentally Sensitive Areas FAS Ferrous Ammonium Sulphate Fe Iron FGD Focus Group Discussion Orange Island Development Company Limited List of Acronyms and Abbreviations P a g e | xxi Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation FMEnv Federal Ministry of Environment FWDL F W Dredging Limited g Grams GC Gas Chromatograph GDP Gross Domestic Product GIS Geographic Information Systems GPS Global Positioning System H2 Hydrogen H2O Water H2S Hydrogen Sulphide HDI Human Development Index HPLC High Performance Liquid Chromatograph HSE Health Safety and Environmental IFC International Finance Corporation K+ Potassium Kg Kilogramme KHz Kilo Hertz Km Kilometre LAGMOE Lagos Ministry of Environment LAT Lowest Astronomical Tide LAWMA Lagos State Waste Management Authority LLWS Low Low Water Spring m Meters MLS Mean Sea Level m/s Metres Per Second mµ Millimicron Max Maximum MCB Miniature Circuit Breaker mg/1 Milligrams Per Litre mg/100g Milligrams Per Hundred Grams mg/m3 Milligrams Per Cubic Metre Mg2+ Magnesium min Minimum mm Millimetre Mn Manganese MoU Memorandum of Understanding Orange Island Development Company Limited List of Acronyms and Abbreviations P a g e | xxii Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation N2 Nitrogen NA Not Available ND Not Detected NH3 Ammonia Ni Nickel NIMET Nigeria Meteorological Agency NO Nitric Oxide No. Number NO2 Nitrogen Dioxides NOx Oxides of Nitrogen O2 Oxygen OIDC Orange Island Development Company PAH poly-cyclic aromatic hydrocarbons Pb Lead PC Personal Computer PFD Personal Floatation Device pH Potential of Hydrogen PM Particulate Matter PM Project Manager PPE Personal Protecting Equipment ppm Parts Per Million PPP Public Private Partnership QA/QC Quality Assurance / Quality Control QHSE Quality, Health, Safety and Environment QL Quarry Lease RCD Residual Current Device RH Relative humidity S/N Serial Number SO2 Sulphur Dioxides SOPEP Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan SOx Oxide of Sulphur SPV Special Purpose Vehicle SS Suspended solids TBT Tributyltin TDS Total Dissolved Solids Temp Temperature Orange Island Development Company Limited List of Acronyms and Abbreviations P a g e | xxiii Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation THB Total Heterotrophic Bacteria THC Total Hydrocarbons Content THF Total Heterotrophic Fungi THUB Total Hydrocarbon Utilizing Bacteria THUF Total Hydrocarbon Utilizing Fungi TOC Total Organic Carbon TOR Terms of Reference TS Total Solid TSP Total Suspended Particulates TSS Total Suspended Solids UNDP United Nations Development Programme USDA United States Development Agency VONL Van Oord Nigeria Limited WHO World Health Organisation WM Work Manager Zn Zinc Orange Island Development Company Limited List of Acronyms and Abbreviations P a g e | xxiv Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation LIST OF EIA PREPARERS AND CONTRIBUTORS NAME AREA OF SPECIALISATION Ademola Olarinde (M.Sc. Chemistry) Analytical Chemistry (Water) Adeolu Ojo (B.Sc. Agriculture, M.Sc. Zoology ) Vegetation and Wildlife August Runge (M.Sc.) Dredging Technology Augustine Agugua (M.Sc. Sociology) Socioeconomics Bartholomew Ndulue (M.Sc. Marine Science) Project Manager, EIA Charles Chima (MBBS, M.Sc. Public Health) Health Impact Assessment Charles Onyema (PhD, Marine Science) Planktology Efe Uwadiae (PhD, Marine Science) Benthic Ecology Emmanual Eniola (Ph.D, Fisheries Biology) Fish and Fisheries Francois Rautenbach (B.Sc. Q. Surv., MBA, Real Estate) Project Management Laz Ude Eze (MBBS, MPH) Community Health Assessment Nnabuchi Akpeh (MBBS, MPH) Health Impact Data Analyses Obehi Eguakhide (MGIS) Geographic Information System Oladapo, Olapade (M.Sc. Civil Engr. (Structures) Civil Engineering Omololu Soyombo (PhD, Sociology) Team Lead; Socioeconomics Oyediran Olowosoke (B.Sc. Geography and Urban Planning) Socioeconomics Raiif Antoun Sarkis (MS. Civil Engineering) Geotechnical Samuel Onyema (M.Sc. Marine Science) Sediment Studies Orange Island Development Company Limited List of EIA Preparers P a g e | xxv Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS FWDredging Limited (FWDL) sincerely acknowledges and appreciates the immense contributions of every person and organization that make input towards the successful implementation of this Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA). The company especially acknowledges the oversight and regulatory functions, and contributions of the Federal Ministry of Environment, as well as Lagos State Ministry for the Environment. It also recognizes in a special way, the contributions of Lagos State Ministry of Waterfront Infrastructure Development. The contributions of Four Aces Consulting Services Limited in providing expertise for Health Impact Assessment are acknowledged. Finally, the company appreciates the commitment shown by management and staff of Ecopro Resources Limited in preparing this EIA. Orange Island Development Company Limited Acknowledgemnts P a g e | xxvi Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Introduction and Background FW Dredging Limited (FWDL) proposes to reclaim 150 hectares of land, about 300 metres off the bank of Lagos lagoon on Lekki Phase 1 axis. The reclaimed land will be used for real estate development. FWDL is a wholly indigenous company that provides world class services in areas of land reclamation, shore protection, sand winning, stockpiling, sand filling, channel dredging, river and lake dredging, harbour and marina dredging, etc. The company has been involved in a number of large and complex dredging projects in Nigeria. It was the major contractor that handled the dredging/land reclamation works for the ‘man-made’ lake in Summerville Golf Estate and Adiva Estate at Lakowe Lekki, among others. FWDL incorporated a subsidiary – Orange Island Development Company (OIDC) as a place Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) for actualising the proposed project. The proposed project involves dredging of sand from selected borrow area and, filling of the proposed island using Cutter Suction Dredging (CSD) technology. The project site is on the Lekki axis of Lagos Lagoon, in EtiOsa Local Government Area of Lagos State, Nigeria. It is located approximately within latitude 60 27’ 37.136 and 60 28’ 29.954 North of the equator and longitude 30 29’ 29.235 and 30 30’ 30.42 East of Greenwich Meridian. Land uses around the proposed site include; natural water bodies, minor and major urban areas, and fishing community. The site can be accessed through Lekki-Epe Expressway, or waterways; from Lagos Harbour and inland water jetties. In line with regulatory requirements stipulated in the EIA Act 86 of 1992, after the initial environmental screening of the proposed reclamation project, FWDL made a formal application to the Federal Ministry of Environment in a letter dated January 22, 2013 requesting the Ministry’s approval for the implementation of EIA for the proposed project with Terms of Reference (ToR) proposal. Formal notification (with the ToR attached) was equally submitted to the Lagos State Ministry of the Environment. The State and Federal Ministry of Environment conducted site verification visits to the proposed site. In a letter dated March 22, 2013, the FMEnv formally granted the EIA application and placed the proposed project in Category one (1) requiring mandatory EIA studies and a panel review. Two-season field study was conducted in line with FMEnv guidelines to prepare the EIA. The Draft EIA Report was submiited to FMEnv in January 2014, and subjected to public review after statutory display requirements in June 2014. The applicable regulations considered in this EIA include: Nigeria national laws, Lagos State laws and international conventions to which Nigeria is signatory. Notable among these regulations are Environmental Impact Assessment Act No. 86 of 1992, The National Guidelines and Standards for Environmental Pollution Control in Nigeria (1991), The National Effluent Limitation Regulation (1991), The Pollution Abatement Regulation (1991), The Management of Hazardous and Solid Wastes Regulation (1991), National Environmental Orange Island Development Company Limited Executive Summary P a g e | xxvii Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Standards and Regulations Enforcement Agency (NESREA) Act 27 of 2007, National Inland Waterways Agency (NIWA) established by the National Inland Waterways Act No. 31 of 1997, Inland Fisheries Act CAP I10, LFN 2004, The Endangered Species Act, Cap E9, LFN 2004, Nigeria Minerals and Mining Act 2007, Labour Act CAP L1 L.F.N of 2004, Lagos State Waterfront Infrastructure Development Law 2009, and Lagos State Environmental Protection Agency (LASEPA Edict of 1996. Others include, Convention on Biological Diversity (1992), International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution From Ships, 1973 as modified by the Protocol of 1978 (MARPOL 73/78), Convention on Wetland of International Importance, Especially as Water Flow Habitat, Ramsar, Iran 1971, African Convention on Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (1968). Project Justification and Options Feasibility studies show that the proposed reclamation can be achieved in an environmental and economical sustainable manner, and that there is available technology to achieve it with minimal impact on the environment. The benefits of the proposed reclamation include; land provision, revenue Generation, forestall of lagoon bank erosion, Jobs and employment provision, etc. Evaluation of options to the project such as; No implementation, Delayed implementation, Alternative Location and Technology, favoured the implementation of the project in the proposed location; since it is within the area mapped out by the Lagos Government for sand filling and real estate development. A number of dredging alternative dredging technology including; Pontoon-mounted grabbing, Dragline, Pontoon-mounted pumping, Trailing Suction, Blasting, Bucket Dredging and Cutter Suction Dredging were appraised. Cutter Suction dredging was found to be the most suitable in view of the nature of proposed reclamation and the least negative environmental. No implementation and Delayed implementation options were ruled out, as they lack substantial reasons to be considered. Project Process Description Activities of the proposed reclamation have been grouped into three sequential phases namely: Pre-reclamation, Reclamation and Post-reclamation. Pre-reclamation activities include; Project Concept development and signing of PPP Agreement with the Lagos State Government, Feasibility Studies such as; Environmental Impact Assessment, Geotechnical Studies, Bathymetric Survey, Stakeholders’ Consultations, etc, as well as mobilisation of equipment and personnel to site. Reclamation activities will involve dredging of sand from the selected borrow area and filling of the proposed Island using CSD technology. Sand search geotechnical studies estimated availability of 7, 585,200m3 of suitable sand in borrow area. About 4,500,000m3 of sand will be required to fill the proposed Orange Island. CSD is a stationary dredger. It consists of a pontoon, which is positioned with a spud-pole at the back and two anchors at the front. The soil is loosened by rotating a cutting head, while powerful in-board centrifugal pumps hydraulically transport the loosened soil. The cutter head, which is hydraulically driven, encloses the intake of a Orange Island Development Company Limited Executive Summary P a g e | xxviii Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation centrifugal dredge pump. The cutter head is mounted at the end of a fabricated steel structure, named the ‘ladder’, which is attached to the main hull by heavy hinges that permit rotation in the vertical plane. The ladder assembly is lowered and raised by means of a hoisting controlled from the bridge. After loosening and suction, soil is pumped into a delivery pipeline (floating or landline) and discharged at desired location. Post-Reclamation activities involve leveling of the filled area to desired topography and height, and demobilization of equipment and personnel from site. The entire reclamation exercise; from mobilisation to demobilisation from site is expected to last about 14 months. The rrate of settlement was approximately 251mm.The average of coefficient of consolidation over the range of pressures involved equaled to 2.31m /yr. T50 (50% of final foundation settlement) and T90 (90% of final foundation settlement) were estimated at 4.885 years and 21.135 respectively. In order to ensure good shore protection, perimeter wall of 1.5m above high water level will be constructed round the island with the sand fill sloping down at 1:4 into the water. Shoreline exposed to wave action of the lagoon during stormy weather will be lined with one layer of 200mm nominal size crushed stone hand-placed on the sandy surface. The final completed surface of the Island will have slopes varying between 1:100 and 1:200. Different kinds of wastes (general and toxic) ranging from dredged sediment (~6,000.000m3), kitchen wastes, packages of consumables, used lube oil, hydraulic oil, disused PPEs, disused vehicle parts, etc. are anticipated to be generated during the entire work phases. Best practices including, appropriate collection and evacuation of wastes by licensed vendor, immediate clean-up of spills, proper storage in containments, prohibition of indiscriminate discard or wastes, etc., shall be put in place to ensure sound waste management. Description of Project Environment Two seasons (dry and wet) field studies were carried out in March (11- 17th) and July (8-14th) 2013 in accordance with the FMEnv approved ToR, provided the primary data used in characterising the project environment. Other sources include; existing literature, stakeholders’ consultations, questionnaire administration, and various feasibility studies’ reports. Spatial boundary of 5km radius from the proposed project was adopted for the field studies. The table below outlined the environmental attributes studied in addition so Socioeconomic and Public Health studies. Studies were undertaken by qualified experts in line with FMEnv and international applicable guidelines and standards. Samples analyses were based on the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) and American Public Health Association (APHA) standard procedures. Orange Island Development Company Limited Executive Summary P a g e | xxix Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Climate characteristics The climate of the project area and its immediate environment is influenced by the tropical and continental air masses, which are associated, respectively with the northeast and moisture-laden monsoon south-west winds. The movement of these air masses results in the two weather seasons: wet season; from April to November, and dry season; from December to March. Precipitation occurs virtually all year round with annual average of 186mm. Rainfall pattern shows double maxima, with a relatively dry period in August. Temperature has annual range of 28 to 320C and 23 to 260C for maximum and minimum records respectively. Mean monthly minimum and maximum temperatures were 24 and 300C respectively. Relative humidity (RH) has annual averages of 85 and 74% in the morning and afternoon periods respectively. Wind speed range between 2 and 8 m/s. The wind speed is lower than 2.7m/s in about 60% of the time, and seldom (<2% of the time) exceeds 3 m/s. The prevailing wind direction (about 55% of the time) is South West (2100 - 2400). Sunlight is most intense between November and February. Lowest insolation is recorded between June and October. The monthly average sunlight hours ranged between 3 and 7 hours with an annual average of 5 hours. Geology The project area falls within the Dahomey sedimentary basin, a basin known to have resulted from the events associated with the break-up of Gondwana and subsequent opening of the southern Atlantic. Deposition was in a fault-controlled depression, bounded by faults and other tectonic structures of the Romanche Fault Zone on the west, and by the Benin Hinge line, also a major fault structure, on the east. Sediment thickness in the basin, which extends from Accra/Ghana to the Okitipupa Ridge, where it is separated from the Niger Delta, increases from north to south and from east to west within Nigeria. Regional Hydrogeology Coastal Nigeria is made up of two sedimentary basins: The Benin basin and the Niger Delta basin separated by the Okitipupa ridge. The rocks of the Benin basin are mainly sands and shale’s with some limestone which thicken towards the west and the coast as well as down dips to the coast. Recent sediments are underlain by the Coastal Plains Sands which is then underlain by a thick clay layer - the Ilaro Formation and other older Formations. The Recent Sediments and Coastal Plains Sands consist of alternation of sands and clays. Hydrology Lagos lagoon is the largest of the four lagoon systems of the Gulf of Guinea. It is the major inland water body in southwestern Nigeria. The lagoon, which is located in Lagos state, is brackish water fed majorly in the north by Ogun Yewa, Ona and Oshun rivers. It drains more than 103,626km of the country and discharges into the Atlantic Ocean via Lagos Harbour. The surface area of the lagoon was estimated to be 150.56km2. Orange Island Development Company Limited Executive Summary P a g e | xxx Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Air Quality and Noise The total suspended particulate (TSP) level in the area recorded an average of 132.5 µg/m3. Relatively higher values were recorded in the dry season. SO2 and H2S gases were not detected in all the study locations. In effect, the concentration of SO2 is below the FMEnv limit of 0.01ppm hourly daily average. CO concentrations in ambient air of the study areas recorded an overall average of 1.62ppm in dry and wet seasons. This value is below the FMEnv permissible limit of 20ppm for eight-hour average. CO2 recorded an overall average concentration of 376.8ppm in the study areas in dry and wet seasons. NO was not detected in dry season. In wet season, the values ranged from 0.0 to 11.0ppm with the average of 5.5ppm. NO2 and NH3 were not detected in the air of the study area. . Noise levels in dry and wet seasons recorded an average of 60.5 dB(A). Dry and wet season averages were 59.3 dB(A) and 62.7 dB(A) respectively. Noise levels measured within and around the study area were below the FMEnv permissible limit of >85 dB(A) exposure for 8 hours. Soil Characteristics The predominant particle type in the soil of the study area was sand. The average particles distributions in both seasons were 96.0%, 2.4% and 1.5% for sand, silt and clay respectively. The pH of soil in the studied areas ranged between acidic and extremely alkaline. In dry season, average pH of top and subsoil were 7.5 and 7.9 respectively, while they recorded 8.0 and 8.7 respectively in wet season. Electrical Conductivity recorded averages of 69.3µS/cm and 158.2 µS/cm respectively in dry and wet season. Total organic carbon content recorded average values less than 0.3% in both seasons. Anions average concentrations in soil in both seasons were as follows: nitrates, 28.36mg/kg; sulphates, 12.11mg/kg; phosphates, 1.68mg/kg and chloride 55.38mg/kg. Cations recorded the following average values: sodium, 93.61mg/kg; potassium, 4.1mg/kg; magnesium 4.1mg/kg, and calcium 1.40mg/kg. Fe was the predominant metal in the soil of the study area. It recorded overall average of 132.92mg/kg. Zn recorded 2.61mg/kg, Cr, 17.91mg/kg, Cu, 6.4mg/kg, while Ni recorded 0.33mg/kg. Cd, Pb and Mn were not detected in the soil. Total hydrocarbon content in soil recorded an average concentration of 0.13mg/kg. Total heterotrophic bacteria in soil recorded combined (top and subsoil) average count of 1.61x108 cfu/g in the two season studies. Total Heterotrophic Fungi recorded 4.88x104 cfu/g, Total Hydrocarbon Utilizing Bacteria recorded 1.75x104 cfu/g, Total Hydrocarbon Utilizing Fungi recorded 2,4x103 cfu/g, while coliforms were not detected. Groundwater Characteristics Groundwater pH had average of 7.78, conductivity, 3.1mS/cm, while salinity recorded average of 1.8‰. DO had average of 9.6mg/l, BOD, 1.6mg/l, and COD, 45.3mg/l. TDS recorded average of 0.4mg/l, while TSS ranged between 1.5mg/l and 6.4mg/l. Nitrate had average concentration of 17.7mg/l , Sulphate recorded 15.9mg/l; Chloride 520.8mg/l; while Phosphate recorded an average of 0.4mg/l. Sodium had average concentration of 136.5mg/l; potassium had 6.9mg/l, magnesium 7.3mg/l, and calcium, 2.4mg/l. Zn, Cu, Pb, Mn, Cr and Ni were all not detected in groundwater samples. Fe was detected in 2 out of the 5 groundwater stations studied in dry season, where it ranged between <0.001 and 0.004mg/l, while Cd was detected in only 1 of the 5 groundwater Orange Island Development Company Limited Executive Summary P a g e | xxxi Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation stations in dry season, with a concentration of 0.004mg/l. Total Hydrocarbon concentration had an average of 0.766mg/l. An overall average count of 1.2x107cfu/ml was recorded in both season’s study for Total Heterotrophic Bacteria. Total Heterotrophic Fungi recorded 2.72x103cfu/ml, Total Hydrocarbon Utilizing Bacteria recorded 1.66x101cfu/ml, while Total Hydrocarbon Utilizing Fungi recorded 1.2x101 cfu/ml. Coliforms were not identified in the groundwater samples in both seasons’ study. Surface water Characteristics Surface water temperature recorded an average of 28.680C in the 2-season study, while pH averaged 7.55. The range of temperature and pH recorded were below FMEnv permissible limit for fisheries. Electrical conductivity had an average value of 24.59mS/cm in dry season and 0.97mS/cm in wet season. Dissolved Oxygen (DO) had an average of 9.67mg/l in both season study, BOD5, recorded 1.1mg/l, while COD was 78mg/l. TSS and TDS recorded averages of 6.52mg/l and 695.82mg/l respectively in the 2 seasons’ study. Turbidity was below 0.1NTU in dry season, but recorded average of 24.29NTU in wet season. Nitrate ions in the lagoon water had an average of 15.9mg/l over the two hydrological seasons’ study, Sulphate ions had 21.3mg/l, Chlorides, 6,320.2mg/l, while Phosphate ion recorded 0.1mg/l. Sodium concentration in the lagoon water recorded an average of 567.9mg/l in both seasons’ study, Potassium, 8.9mg/l, magnesium, 13.3mg/l, while calcium recorded an average of 1.745mg/l. Fe content was not detected in 13 out of the 15 stations studied dry season. In wet season, the concentration recorded an average of 1.433mg/l. Zn recorded an average of 0.017mg/l and 0.009mg/l in wet and dry season respectively. Cu, Pb, Cd, Ni and Mn were barely detected in the lagoon water. Total hydrocarbon content in the lagoon water recorded an average of 0.9mg/l in the two seasons’ study. Total Heterotrophic Bacteria and Total Heterotrophic Fungi recorded average counts of 1.57x107cfu/ml and 6.63x103cfu/ml respectively in the 2 seasons’ study. Total Hydrocarbon Utilizing Bacteria and Total Hydrocarbon Utilizing Fungi recorded 6.83x103cfu/ml and 3.93x102 cfu/ml respectively. Total Coliforms recorded an average of 3.77x102cfu/ml but were recorded in 4 out of the 15 study locations. The predominant Isolate was E. coli. Hydrobiology and Fisheries Plankton Phytoplankton distribution in the lagoon showed preponderance of Diatoms, Dinoflagellates, Blue-green algae and Chlorophytes. Zooplankton was represented by Holoplankton and Meroplankton forms including; Crustacea, Chaetognatha, Chordata, and Juvenile stages. The dominant group of zooplankton was Crustacea. The species of phytoplankton and zooplankton recorded are known tropical and indigenous forms. Macrobenthos Macrobenthic community was dominated by Molluscs, Athropods and Annelids Major contributors to the molluscan population were; Tympanotonus fuscatus var radula, Pachymelania fusca quadriseriata, and Physa sp. Arthropods included; Penaeus notalisz, Cyathura sp. and Chironomous sp. while annelids were represented by Nereis lamellose, Lumbriculus variegates and Nais elinguis. Orange Island Development Company Limited Executive Summary P a g e | xxxii Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Fish and Fisheries Fisheries in the study area employ gears such as Basket traps, hook and lines, pole and lines, cast nets, gillnets and fish shelters (Acadja– a fish aggregating device) and longlines. Men, women and children are involved in fishing. An average of two persons per boat was observed fishing around the area. From the assessment of the fishermen’s catch, Ethmalosa fimbriata, was the most abundant species followed by Sarotherodon melanotheron. Other abundant species include; Tilapia guineensis, Callinectes amnicola and Sphyraena barracuda, while species like Mugil cephalus, Liza falcipinnis, Sarotherodon galilea, Hemichromis fasciatus and Elops lacerta were common. Fishermen catch ranged between 5 -7 kg/day/person. Catch varies in seasons. In terms of the health status of the catch, i.e. condition factor, which is the index of the fatness or wellbeing of a species; ranged between 1.00 and 2.00. Most of the catches were sold at Obalende and Makoko (Betterlife) fish markets, where the fishermen reported that they make better sales. Sediment Characteristics The pH of the lagoon sediment ranged between 6.6 and 9.6 in both seasons. Electrical conductivity ranged between 77 and 5,420 µScm-1, while Total organic carbon ranged between 0.01 to 0.35%. Sand was the most predominant particle in the sediment of the study locations. The overall average distribution of sand, silt and clay particles in the sediments were 80.73%, 13.73% and 5.54% respectively. Exchangeable cations recorded the following average values; Na, 93.7mg/kg; K, 3.4mg/kg; Mg, 5.5mg/kg, while Ca recorded 9.2mg/kg in the both seasons study, except for calcium, cations recorded higher values in wet season. Anions content in the sediment in the 2 seasons’ study recorded averages of 20.3mg/kg for nitrates, 26.7mg/kg for sulphates, 0.9mg/k for phosphates and 1103mg/kg for chlorides. Fe, Zn, Cr and Cu recorded average values of 374mg/kg, 13.3mg/kg, 15.3mg/kg and 9.0mg/kg respectively. Cd, Pd, Mn and Ni were either not detected or occurred in very trace amounts. Total Hydrocarbon Carbon (THC) content recorded an average of 0.527mg/kg. Sediment samples collected close to high vehicle traffic zones and human settlements had relatively higher THC, suggesting hydrocarbon contribution from traffic and waste discharges. Total heterotrophic bacteria in the sediment recorded an average count of 1.72x108cfu/g in the two season studies. Total Heterotrophic Fungi recorded 6.17x104cfu/g, Total Hydrocarbon Utilizing Bacteria recorded 1.38x104cfu/g, while Total Hydrocarbon Utilizing Fungi recorded 1.54x103 cfu/g. Total coliforms were recorded in 8 out of the 15 study locations in dry season, and in 12 locations in wet season, with slightly high counts. An overall average of 6.76x103cfu/g was recorded for coliforms in both seasons study. Bathymetry The bathymetric survey of the lagoon section around the proposed project area showed that the surface level was 1mCD. Water surface level ranged between 0.2mCD and 11.9mCD. Depth range of between 5.0mCD and 11.9mCD were recorded in the southern portion of the surveyed area which was observed being manually dredged by local sand miners. Orange Island Development Company Limited Executive Summary P a g e | xxxiii Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Sand Search and Geotechnics Geotechnical sand search showed that suitable materials are available within the proposed borrow area for the reclamation. Vegetation Floral species close to the proposed project site were mainly Paspalum scrobiculatum, Paspalum vaginatum and some other annual herbs and shrubs. Observed prevalent economic crops include Talinum triangulare (waterleaf), Saccharum officinarum (sugarcane), Carica papaya (paw paw), Telferia occidentaes (Fluted pumpkin), Citrus spp. Magnifera indica (mango), Musa paradisiaca (plantain), M. sepientum (banana), and Cocos nucifera (coconut palm). Wildlife Based on field observations, only birds and some reptiles were observed in the study area. Birds of the waterside, such as kingfishers, egrets and plovers were identified. Particular species including; white egrets (Egretta spp.), Cattle egrets (Ardeola ibis) and some herons (Ardea cinerea) were observed. Spur-winged plovers were equally observed. In the waterside community, domesticated goose (Anser anser.) was observed. Further, away from the waterside, garden species, mostly doves, robins and weaverbirds were sighted. In addition, various kites and other birds were observed in flight during the course of fieldwork. Some other wildlife including reptiles and mammals were reported to exist or used to exist around the project area. Stakeholders Consultation Three groups of stakeholders, namely: Governments and their Agencies; Host Communities, and Non Governmental organisation, were consulted. Generally, all stakeholders consulted welcomed the project and expressed their willingness to provided necessary support for the project. However, they advised that the proponent should implement the project in a sustainable manner. The Eti-Osa LGA Chairman advised that the project promoters and contractors should think of social responsibility developments they can bring into the locality of their operation. Oba Elegushi pledged his unalloyed support for the project, emphasizing that as the traditional leader of the host community, every project that will bring about further development would gain his royal support. The table below show the various stakeholders consulted. Socio-economics Host Community Origin and Background The main indigenous community proximal to the proposed project site is Ikateland. The community is under the Eti-Osa Local Government Area of Lagos State, Nigeria. The name “Eti Osa” in Yoruba language means “lagoon side”, indicating that the area is located along the lagoon. The traditional ruler (King) of Ikateland is HRM Oba Alayeluwa Saheed Ademola Elegushi, Kusenla lll, the Elegushi of Ikateland. Ikateland, which is on the western approach to Eti-Osa on the Lekki – Epe Expressway is situated about 4 km from Mobil headquarters and Orange Island Development Company Limited Executive Summary P a g e | xxxiv Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation presently covers an area of about 10 square kilometres. Historical records indicate that the people of Ikate are of Awori origin. The Ikate kingdom is reported to have been founded over 300 years ago by Kusenla, one of the descendants of Olofin of Iddo. The community sections most proximal to the proposed project site are Ebute-Ikate and Itedo. While the EbuteIkate are Egun people, the Itedos are Ilaje migrants from Ondo State of Nigeria. The Ebute-Ikate people live along the water banks, in wooden houses raised on stakes to keep them above high water levels. The Itedo people, on the other hand, live upland. Community Structure and Demography Origin and Structure of Ebute-Ikate Migrant Community Consultation with the elders and leaders of Ebute Ikate revealed that the people migrated to their present location about 20 years ago. They are migrants from Badagry and Benin Republic who came to Lagos, first at Mekwe (Bonny Camp), then to Maroko, and Thornbil Ikoyi, and later to Banana Island. They eventually obtained permission from the HRH Oba Elegushi of Ikateland to inhabit the waterside on a temporary basis since as fishermen they inhabit riparian areas. In terms of leadership structure, the Ebute-Ikate community does not have a traditional leadership institution recognised by the Elegushi, since they are migrants. They, however, have elders and appointees who represent them before Kabiyesi (the King). Origin and Structure of Itedo Migrant Community Consultation with the Itedo Community showed that there are two factions of the dwellers, with different family lineages, namely: the Ogunyemi Family and the Harrison Family. The Ogunyemi family is reported to have migrated to the lagoon area of Ikateland from Ilaje (Ondo state, Nigeria) in the 1960s. The population of this family is estimated at 1,100. The Itedo people are tenants to Elegushi, therefore do not have traditional leadership. However, the family is represented by the elders. The eldest man is referred to as Olori ebi, followed by Adiile, and others. Socio-demography People between ages 12 and 45 years occupied majority of the household members in both communities. Gender distribution was 53% male to 47% female. Majority (92%) of the respondents were married, while 2% reported being widowed. Polygyny (marriage of one man to more than one woman at the same time) was very prevalent among the people, with some men having as many as five wives. Most of the respondents had primary education or higher. Generally, younger respondents had higher levels of education, just as men had higher education than the women. The community members are mostly Christians (87%). 11% are traditional worshippers and 2% Muslims. There is no shrine for traditional worship in Itedo, thus, traditional worship is conducted at the Ikate shrine. On the other hand, churches abound in the community. There is a shrine for traditional worship in Ebute Ikate. Orange Island Development Company Limited Executive Summary P a g e | xxxv Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Most (92%) of the respondents owned the houses that they live in, while only 8% rented their abodes. In terms of types and quality of houses, field observation showed that most of the houses are built on stilts, with wooden materials. A few members of the Harrison family have permanent structures. The number of rooms in the houses ranged between 1 and 4, with 2 rooms being most prevalent (74%). Most (68%) of the residents had spent over ten years in their residence. Despite the relatively long tenure of residence, many of the respondents still lived with the fear of dislocation/eviction. 82% of the households had two or more persons in employment, while 18% had only one person in employment. Members of the Ebute-Ikate community are mostly engaged in the informal sector of the economy, with the largest proportion (42%) being involved in fishing, followed by 33% who are engaged in trading and 23% artisans, 1% employed in the civil service, while another 1% was into sand mining. However, the Itedo people have abandoned fishing as main occupation. Quite a number of them own small businesses, while a few others work as civil servants and professionals. 63% of the respondents had been in business for over 10 years; 49% 10 – 20 years; 11% 20 – 30 years, and 3% over 30 years. More than 70% lived around or within one kilometre of their workplaces. The modal monthly income group among the respondents was N10,000 or less (47%), followed by >N10,000 – N20,000 (35%), >N20,000 – N30,000 (6%), >N30,000 – N40,000 (5%), while 4% apiece earned >N40,000 – N50,000 and >N50,000 – N100,000. Monthly household expenditure ranged from under N5,000 to about N100,000, although 17% of the respondents could not estimate their monthly household expenditures. The modal monthly household expenditure is >N10,000 – N20,000 (57%). Some (12%) of the respondents reported monthly household expenditures of less than N5,000. Some community members belong to thrift societies Members of the community buy potable water from outside the community. Water from dug wells are used for washing, bathing and some cooking, while water from lagoon is used mainly for cleaning and human waste disposal. Some households reported relying on what is locally known as “pure water” (water in polyethylene sachets) as their primary source of drinking water, spending as much as N800 in purchasing 11 bags and an average of N2,000 per week for purchasing drinking water for a household. There is general lack of basic sanitation facilities in the community. Most of the houses lacked standard toilet and bathing facilities. Only a few households had pit latrines and make-shift bathing facilities. A good number of people defecate directly into the lagoon. Although the respondents reported that they participated regularly in the (Lagos State compulsory) Thursday environmental sanitation exercise, there were obvious evidence of indiscriminate dumping of wastes in the communities and their environs. The communities are fairly organised as they hold periodic meetings to address matters of interest. Public Health Assessment Public health in the community is considered poor. 23% of the respondents reported that they could not pay for health care in the last 12 months. Only 1% had health insurance. Access to healthcare is further impeded by the lack of public health care facilities within the community. Majority (53%) of the people do not make use of the Orange Island Development Company Limited Executive Summary P a g e | xxxvi Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation formal health care system. They reported patronizing herbalists, chemists, faith healers, and so on. The table below show relative distances of health centres patronised by some of the community members. The people are generally poor, stand the risk of malnourishment and engage is some behaviours that pose health risks. Poor housing, overcrowding, smoking (2% of the respondents were smokers), excessive alcohol consumption, scarcity of fruits and vegetable (or inability of most members to afford them), poor waste disposal, scarcity of potable water, etc, constitute health risk factors identified in the communities. Defeacation in the lagoon in which members equally swim poses great risk of faeco-oral transmission of diseases. This study showed that more than half of the womenfolk had suboptimal weights; 20% of them were overweight, 28.6% were obese, while 5.7% of them were underweight. In contrast, only 5.7% of the men were overweight, and none of them was either obese or underweight. 3% have been told by a health professional that they have diabetes. Similarly, the figures for other illnesses were as follows: hypertension – 1%, asthma – 1%, and hearing impairment – 4%. Potential and Associated impacts Assessment of impacts of the proposed Orange Island reclamation project shows that quite a number of positive impacts will result from its implementation. Some potential negative impacts have also been identified; forty-eight (48) of them with varying degrees of significance. Most of the impacts (50%; 24 impacts) are predicted to be of low significance; 42 % (20 impacts) are anticipated to be of moderate or medium significance, while negligible and high significance impacts accounted for the remaining 4% (2 impacts). Detailed assessment shows that impacts of moderate to high severity would occur in aquatic ecology; sediment structure, benthic biota, surface water quality, as well as hydrobiology and fisheries. Most significant impacts are actually expected to occur during dredging and filling. Impact Mitigation Measures and Alternatives Mitigation measures aimed at avoiding, minimising or compensating for negative impacts are recommended for all identified negative impacts. Generally, the measures are either preventive or curative. Measures are generally in form of policies of DOs and DON’Ts which ensure that negative effects do not occur. They also include proper planning, supervision and monitoring to ensure that the right things are done. There are also some structural measures put in place to ensure that unavoidable impacts are minimised, a typical example is the plan of using of silt curtains to contain dispersion of suspended sediment materials beyond certain areas during dredging and filling. Mitigation measures are prescribed for all activities from pre-reclamation to postreclamation phase of the project. They are intended to reduce high significant impacts to low, and low impacts to negligible significance status. Environmental Management plan (EMP) EMP provides the framework for implementing of mitigation commitments provided in the EIA. Key issues covered in the EMP for the proposed Orange Island Reclamation Project include: Orange Island Development Company Limited Executive Summary P a g e | xxxvii Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation • Role and responsibilities of all parties involved in the project; • Health safety and Environment management policy; • Accidents and contingency plan, and; • Impact mitigation monitoring plans. It is anticipated the thorough implementation of the EMP will enhance the overall sustainability of the project. Conclusion Assessment of environmental impacts from all activities of the proposed Orange Island reclamation shows that moderate to high significant impacts will occur in the benthic ecology of the lagoon and by extension water quality and hydrobiology. However, proper implementation of the mitigation measures will reduce these impacts to low significance. More so, impacts mitigation monitoring are expected to provide early signals of impending environmental degradation, and inform decision making to further strengthen controls measures. Orange Island Development Company Limited Executive Summary P a g e | xxxviii Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation CHAPTER 1 1.1 INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND INTRODUCTION This document presents the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) of the proposed Orange Island reclamation of 150 Ha on Lagos Lagoon Lekki, Lagos State, Nigeria. FW Dredging Limited (FWDL) proposes to reclaim 150 hectares of land, about 300 metres off the bank of Lagos lagoon on Lekki Phase 1 axis. The land is intended for development of a model real estate - ORANGE ISLAND CITY. FWDL is a wholly indigenous company that provides world class services in land reclamation, shore protection, sand winning, stockpiling, sand filling, channel dredging, river and lake dredging, harbour and marina dredging, etc. The company has been involved in a number of dredging projects in Nigeria including; dredging/land reclamation for the ‘man-made’ lake in Summerville Golf Estate and Adiva Estate at Lakowe Lekki. FWDL in line with appropriate laws in Nigeria, incorporated a subsidiary – Orange Island Development Company (OIDC) as a place Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) for actualising the proposed reclamation project. 1.2 THE PROPOSED PROJECT The proposed project involves reclamation of approximately 150 Ha of land by dredging sand from selected borrow area within the lagoon, and using the material to fill the proposed area by use of Cutter Suction Dredging technology. 1.2.1 Features of the Orange Island City Although this EIA is specifically for the land reclamation, figure 1.1 shows the main features of the intended estate development. The component parts include the following: a. Residential Area – This will occupy about 50.8% of the total land area, estimated at about 76.17Ha. The area will comprise a mix of low and high-rise developments. The layout and sizes of plots in the residential area will be mapped out in the environmental friendly manner. b. Commercial Area – This will take about 11.98% (~ 17.98Ha) of the reclaimed land area, and will be allocated for commercial structures development. The plots will be available for commercial developments and to investors such as: retail shopping, banks and hotels, etc. c. Green Area – 5.33% (~ 7.99Ha) of the reclaimed land will be designated for greening. This land size allocation will be distributed at various sections of the island. Artificial wetland is part of the proposals to be used for this allocation. The project promoter’s intention with this allocation is to create habitats for Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter One: Introduction and Background P a g e |1 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation flora and fauna and tap into benefits of such environments like; flood control, air purification, carbon sink, noise attenuation, etc. d. School Area – 4.69% (~7.04Ha) of the proposed Island will be used for educational needs of the estate. e. Road Network - 17.7% (~26.97Ha) of the reclaimed land area will be used for road network in and out, and within the Island estate. f. Utility Area - 2.39% (~3.58Ha) of the reclaimed land area will be dedicated for utility services such as electricity infrastructure, water supply facilities, sewage and waste management facilities, etc. g. Community Centre - 2.75% (~4.14Ha) of the land area will be used for community centre. The centre is to provide recreational and sports facilities such as golf course, football field, swimming pools, gymnasia, etc. h. Marina – At specific interface between the reclaimed land and water, marina areas will be created. In addition to serving ecological needs of ensuring free flow of water, these areas could be put into suitable uses like jetties, boat clubs, etc. 4.09% (~6.15Ha) of the island area will serve for marina. Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter One: Introduction and Background P a g e |2 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Figure 1.1: Zonal Drawing of the proposed Orange Island City Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter One: Introduction and Background P a g e |3 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation The proposed Orange Island City will be delivered under a Build-Own-Operate and Transfer (BOOT), a publicprivate-partnership (PPP) arrangement with Lagos State Government (LASG). FWDL has signed an agreement with the State Government in this regard (Appendix 1). The PPP will ensure effective and sustainable development of the proposed project. In line with the agreement, FWDL through OIDC will be responsible for; (1) technical feasibility and viability analysis, (2) land reclamation, (3) fund raising for the project, (4) development of necessary infrastructure, (5) sale of plots, and (6) management of the estate for a specified period before transferring ownership to Lagos State Government. Lagos State Government will (among others); (1) support and ensure that all relevant government agencies collaborate with the FWDL, (2) issue relevant permits, (3) issue certificate of occupancy and other necessary titles before project commencement. In line with OIDC’s policy on sustainable planning and development as well as existing regulations on environmental protection, the company appointed Ecopro Resources Limited (ERL) a Federal Ministry of Environment and Lagos State Environmental Protection Agency (LASEPA) accredited consultant to conduct Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for the proposed land reclamation. 1.3 THE PROPOSED PROJECT SITE The proposed reclamation site is on Lekki axis of Lagos Lagoon, in Eti-Osa Local Government Area of Lagos State (plate 1.1). The site which measures 150Ha is located approximately within latitude 60 27’ 37.136 and 60 28’ 29.954 North of the equator and longitude 30 29’ 29.235 and 30 30’ 30.42 East of Greenwich Meridian. Map 11 and 1-2 show the Administration and Land Use of Lagos State in relation to the proposed site. The proposed project area is approximately 22.5km and 12.1km from the Murtala Mohammed International Airport and Lagos Seaport respectively. Land uses around the proposed site include; natural water bodies, minor and major urban areas, and fishing community. The site is accessible through Lekki-Epe Expressway, or via waterways from Lagos Harbour and inland water jetties. Going by road, the site is connected through Itedo road – off Lekki-Epe Expressway, by 3rd Round About (Plates 1.2 and 1.3). Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter One: Introduction and Background P a g e |4 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Plate 1.1: Shoreline into the project area. (Note: Manual-mined sand and Ebute-Ikate Community Stilted structures) Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter One: Introduction and Background P a g e |5 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Map 1.1: Lagos State Administrative showing Project Area Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter One: Introduction and Background P a g e |6 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Map 1.2: Land Use around the project Area Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter One: Introduction and Background P a g e |7 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Plate 1.2: A section of Lekki-Epe Expressway. Leading to the site Plate 1.3: 3rd Round About, the point to via off Lekki-Epe Expressway into the project site along Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter One: Introduction and Background P a g e |8 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation 1.4 THE EIA OBJECTIVES EIA is an internationally accepted tool employed to assess potential and associated environmental (and social) impacts of proposed developmental activity, and to develop management strategies that ensure minimal impact on the environment. As a management tool, EIA provides project proponents with fore knowledge of the likely impacts of their planned development on natural and human environment with a view to mitigating the negative effects, and enhancing benefits. Specifically, the objectives of this EIA include the following: To obtain baseline information on the biophysical and socio-economic characteristics of the proposed project area; To evaluate all associated and potential impacts of the proposed land reclamation on the biophysical and socio-economic components of the environment; To recommend appropriate mitigation measures that will enable avoidance, reduction or compensation for all identified negative impacts, as well as measures to enhance positive impacts; To develop environmental management and monitoring plans for ensuring that the reclamation activities are implemented within environmentally acceptable performance standards; To provide a database for performance evaluation, and future references; To consult with relevant stakeholders to obtaing their views in other to consider their interests and possible engagement for the overall success of the proposed project; To ensure that the proposed reclamation activites comply with environmental regulations of the Federal Ministry of Environment (FMEnv), Lagos State Ministry of the Environment (LagMoE) and applicable international standards; 1.5 To ensure that OIDCs Corporate Policy on Health Safety and Environment is upheld. SCOPE OF THE EIA ACTIVITIES In line with the ToR submitted to the FMEnv, the scope of the EIA study is summarised as follows: Reconnaissance to the project area to obtain firsthand knowledge of the project environment in order to adequately scope the EIA studies; Review of relevant existing literature; including related studies, the initial feasibility report of the proposed project, dredging and sand filling protocols, bathymetry and and geotechnical reports, etc, in order to generate relevant information and data required for the EIA. Literature review was expected to provide information on pertinent knowledge gaps that would require detailed survey during field studies; Data gathering on the social and biophysical environmental characteristics of the proposed project area. Data and information that to be collected include, but not limited to the following; Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter One: Introduction and Background P a g e |9 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation o Elements of the physical environment, including: climate and meteorology, geology and hydrogeology, ambient air quality, surface water quality sediment quality, soil quality, hydrobiology and fisheries, geology, bathymetry, and biodiversity. o Human environment attributes including socioeconomics, demography, public health, cultural values, land use, concerns and interests of stakeholders and persons/communities vulnerable to project impacts. Evaluation of the preferred dredging and sand filling technology in other to identify their interactions and impacts on the environment; Appraisal of alternatives to the project proposal; in terms of location, dredging technology, and sand source; Assessment of all potential and associated (positive and negative) impacts from the dredging and sand filling activities; employing multi-criteria approach to evaluate their significance, duration, extent and possible interaction with other impacts. Development of appropriate practicable mitigation measures for all identified negative impacts. The measures will be designed to either prevent or ameliorate negative impacts to barest minimum, and within regulatory acceptable levels; Preparation of appropriate and cost-effective environmental management plan for short and long-term implementation. This will cover monitoring plans that will ensure compliance to prescribed mitigation measures and identification of residual impacts and improved methods of mitigation. As part the regulatory process, the State and Federal Ministry of Environment conducted site verification visits to the proposed site (Plate 1.4 and 1.5). Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter One: Introduction and Background P a g e | 10 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Plate 1.4: Officials of the Lagos State Ministry for the Environment (Drainage Services Unit) during site verification Plate 1.5: Officials of the FMEnv during Site Verification exercise Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter One: Introduction and Background P a g e | 11 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation 1.6 LEGAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE FRAMEWORK This EIA was prepared to meet Nigeria and international regulatory standards for environmental safeguards. The applicable regulations, laws, international treaties and conventions that were considered in implementing this EIA are presented in following subsections. 1.6.1 Nigeria Legislations and Administrative Framework Federal Ministry of Environment (FMEnv) The FMEnv is the apex institution responsible for the protection and safeguard of Nigeria’s environment. The ministry took over the responsibility of the former Federal Environmental Protection Agency (FEPA), established by the FEPA Decree of 1998. The primary objective of FMEnv is to achieve the objective of Chapter II section 20 of the 1999 Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria which mandates the protection and improvement of water, air, land, and wildlife of Nigeria. FMEnv has in place statutory documents to aid the control and abatement of industrial wastes and indiscriminate pollution of the environment. Statutory documents prepared towards this end include: Federal Environmental Protection Agency Act (1988); Environmental Impact Assessment Act No 86 (1992); Harmful Wastes (Special Criminal Provisions etc) Act No 42 (1988); National Environmental Protection (Management of Solid and Hazardous Wastes Regulations) (1991); National Environmental Protection (Effluent Limitation) Regulations (1991); National Policy on the Environment (1989, revised 1999); National Guidelines and Standards for Environmental Pollution Control in Nigeria (1991). National Guidelines for Environmental Auditing In Nigeria (1999); Water Resources Act of 1993. Environmental Impact Assessment Act No. 86 of 1992 The EIA Act No 86 (1992) is the primary Act governing EIAs in Nigeria. The Act was promulgated in order to enable the prior consideration of an EIA on specified public or private projects. The Act sets out the procedure to be followed and methods to be used in undertaking an EIA. Section 2 (2) of the Act requires that where the extent, nature or location of the proposed project or activity is such that it is likely to significantly affect the environment, an EIA must be undertaken in accordance with the provisions of the Act. The Act requires that project proponents apply in writing to FMEnv prior to embarking on the proposed project, to ensure that an EIA is undertaken in the planning stages of the Project. Section 4 (a) – (g) sets out the following minimum requirements for an EIA: Description of the proposed activities; Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter One: Introduction and Background P a g e | 12 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Description of the potentially affected environment of the proposed project including specific information necessary to identify and assess the environmental effects of the proposed activities; Description of practical activities, as appropriate; Assessment of the likely potential environmental impacts of the proposed activities and the alternatives, including direct or indirect, cumulative, short and long term effects; Identification and description of measures available to mitigate adverse environmental impacts of the proposed activities and an assessment of these measures; Indication of gaps in knowledge and uncertainty; Indication of whether the environment of any other state or Local Government Area(s) (LGA) or areas outside Nigeria are likely to be affected by the proposed activity or its alternatives; and Brief and non-technical summary of the information provided under the above provisions. Section 7 of the Act requires that FMEnv must provide government agencies, members of the public, experts in any relevant discipline and interested groups an opportunity to comment on EIAs prior to making a decision. Section 9 (1) requires that FMEnv provides its decision in writing, and includes reasons for the decision and required provisions, if any, to prevent, reduce or mitigate any negative impacts on the environment. Paragraph 4(a) of the schedule listed Coastal reclamation involving an area of 50 hectares or more amongst projects requiring EIA. Environmental Impact Assessment Procedure In response to the promulgation of the EIA act discussed above, the Federal Ministry of Environment (FMEnv) developed a National EIA Procedure in 1995. The procedure provides steps to be followed from project conception to commissioning in order to ensure that the project is implemented with maximum consideration for the environment. The procedure for EIA involves the project proposal stage where the project proponent notifies the FMEnv of the proposed project in writing. The project proposal is expected to contain all relevant information on the project including a land-use map. This stage is followed by the screening phase, when the Ministry will carry out an Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) and assign the project into categories based on the following criteria: magnitude, extent or scope, duration and frequency, risks, significance, mitigation measures available for associated and potential environmental impacts. The location of the project in Environmentally Sensitive Areas (ESAs) is also an important criterion in the project categorisation. The areas categorised as Environmentally Sensitive Areas (ESAs) include coral reefs, mangrove swamps, small islands, tropical rain forests, areas with erosion-prone soils, natural conservation areas; etc. Another stage of FMEnv EIA procedure is the scoping stage, the main feature of which involves, the proponent submitting to FMEnv; a Terms of Reference (ToR) for the proposed EIA study. In some cases, the Ministry may Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter One: Introduction and Background P a g e | 13 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation require a Preliminary Assessment Report, and any additional information from the proponent to assist in vetting the scope and the ToR of the proposed EIA study. This stage is followed by the implementation of the EIA study; preparation of Draft Final Reports, and Final EIA Reports, review process and approval/certification. The categories of projects under the national EIA procedure are as follows: Category I: this category of projects is subjected to full-scale EIA. The proposed Orange Island Reclamation has been placed under this category by FMEnv. Paragraph 4(a) of the Mandatory study schedule listed Coastal reclamation involving an area of 50 hectares or more as one of the projects requiring mandatory EIA study. Category II: this category of projects may not require a full-scale EIA except when the project is located in an Environmentally Sensitive Area (ESA), in which case the project will be assigned to Category I. The requirement for a Category II projects is partial EIA. Also, mitigation measures or changes in project design (depending on the nature and magnitude of the environmental impacts) as well as further actions may be required from the proponent. Category II projects include reforestation/afforestation projects, land and soil management, smallscale irrigation and drainage, mini hydro-power development, small-scale development of petroleum or related activities, etc. Category III: this category includes projects expected to essentially have beneficial impacts on the environment. For projects in this category, the Ministry will issue an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). Projects in this category are such as; family planning programmes, institutional development, environmental awareness projects, etc. Apart from the general EIA Guidelines, the Ministry has also prepared sectoral guidelines for EIA in different industrial sectors, including the petroleum and petro-chemicals sector and infrastructure. National Environmental Guidelines and Standards The National Guidelines and Standards for Environmental Pollution Control in Nigeria (NGSEPCN) were defined in March 1991 to serve as a basic instrument for monitoring and controlling industrial and urban pollution. The main considerations of the guidelines and standards include: • effluent limitations; • pollution abatement in industries and facilities generating wastes; and • management of solid and hazardous wastes. Some of these guidelines and standards later evolved into national regulations in August 1991. Key regulations are summarised below. Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter One: Introduction and Background P a g e | 14 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation National Effluent Limitation Regulation The National Effluent Limitation Regulation, S1.8 of 1991 (No 42, Vol. 78, August, 1991) makes it mandatory for industries such as waste generating facilities to install anti-pollution and pollution abatement equipment on site. The Regulation is specific for each category of waste generating facility with respect to limitations of solid and liquid discharges or gaseous emissions into the environment. Appropriate penalties for contravention are also prescribed. Pollution Abatement in Industries Generating Wastes Regulations The Pollution Abatement Regulation, S1.9 of 1991 (No 42, Vol 78, August, 1991) imposes restrictions on the release of toxic substances and stipulates requirements for pollution monitoring units, machinery for combating pollution and contingency planning by industries, submission of lists and details of chemicals used by industries to FMEnv, permits for the storage and transportation of harmful or toxic waste and the waste generator’s liability. The Act also provides regulations on strategies for waste reduction, permissible limits of discharge into public drains, protection of workers and safety requirements, environmental audit (or environmental impact assessment for new industries) requirements and penalties for contravention. Management of Hazardous and Solid Wastes Regulations The Management of Hazardous and Solid Wastes Regulation, S.1.15 of 1991 (No 102, Vol. 78, August, 1991) defines the requirements for groundwater protection, surface water impoundment, land treatment, waste piles, landfills, and incinerators. It also describes the hazardous substances tracking programme with a comprehensive list of acutely hazardous chemical products and dangerous waste constituents. In addition, the Act also contains the requirements and procedures for inspection, enforcement and penalties. National Environmental Standards and Regulations Enforcement Agency (NESREA) NESREA Act 27 of 2007 established the National Environmental Standards and Regulations Enforcement Agency (NESREA). The Agency, which works under the Federal Ministry of Environment. NESREA is saddled with the responsibility for the protection and development of the environment, biodiversity conservation and sustainable development of Nigeria’s natural resources in general and environmental technology, including coordination and liaison with relevant stakeholders within and outside Nigeria on matters of enforcement of environmental standards, regulations, rules, laws, policies and guidelines. National Inland Waterways Authority (NIWA). The National Inland Waterways Agency (NIWA) established by the National Inland Waterways Act No. 31 of 1997 have the statutory mandate for the improvement and development of the inland waterways for navigation; provide an alternative mode of transportation for the evacuation of economic goods and persons and execute the objectives of the national transport policy as they concern inland water ways. Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter One: Introduction and Background P a g e | 15 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Inland Fisheries Act CAP I10, LFN 2004 Focused on the protection of the water habitat and its species, the relevant sections of this act include: • Section 1 - prohibits unlicensed operations of motor fishing boats within the inland waters of Nigeria. • Section 6 - prohibits the taking or destruction of fish by harmful means. The Endangered Species Act, Cap E9, LFN 2004. This Act focuses on the protection and management of Nigeria’s wildlife and some of their species in danger of extinction as a result of overexploitation. These sections are noteworthy: Section 1 - prohibits, except under a valid license, the hunting, capture or trade in animal species, either presently or likely to be in danger of extinction. Section 5 - defines the liability of any offender under this Act. Section 7 - provides for regulations to be made necessary for environmental prevention and control as regards the purposes of this Act. The Nigerian Urban and Regional Planning Act Cap N138, LFN 2004 This Act was enacted to oversee realistic and purposeful planning of the country to avoid overcrowding and poor environmental conditions. The relevant sections of the Act include: Section 30 (3) - requires a building plan to be drawn by a registered architect or town planner. Section 39 (7) - establishes that an application for land development would be rejected if such development would harm the environment or constitute a nuisance to the community. Section 59 - makes it an offence to disobey a stop-work order. Section 72 - provides for the preservation and planting of trees for environmental conservation. Nigeria Minerals and Mining Act 2007 This Nigeria Minerals and Mining Act was enacted in March 2007 and repealed the Minerals and Mining Act, No. 34 of 1999. This law is purposed for the regulation of all aspects of exploration and exploitation of solid minerals in Nigeria; and for related purposes. Part 1(1) of the act states: “the entire property in and control of all mineral resources in, under or upon any land in Nigeria, its contiguous continental shelf and all rivers, streams and watercourses throughout Nigeria, any area covered by its territorial waters or constituency and the Exclusive Economic Zone is and shall be vested in the Government of the Federation for and on behalf of the people of Nigeria”. The Act prohibits unauthorised exploration and exploitation of minerals. Section 1(3) of the act states that the property in mineral resources shall pass from the Government to the person by whom the mineral resources are lawfully won, upon their recovery in accordance with this Act. The Mnistry of Mines and Steel Development enforces the stipulations of this act. Accordingly, FWDL has been issued QUARRY LEASE (QL) for the proposed dredging. The QL is valid for five years and will last between November 5, 2013 and November 4, 2018. Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter One: Introduction and Background P a g e | 16 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Land Uses Act No. 6 of 1978 The Land Use Act of 1978 vests the right of ownership of all lands situated in the territory of each state (except land vested in the Federal Government or its representatives), solely in the Governor of the State, who would hold such land in trust for the people. The Governor shall be responsible for the allocation of land in all urban areas to individuals resident in the state and to organisations for residential, agriculture, commercial and other purposes. Similar powers are conferred to local government authority in terms of non-urban areas. Labour Act CAP L1 L.F.N of 2004 The Labour Act provides specific laws regulating labour employment and conditions of contracts. Part I of the Act specifies the general provisions as to protection of wages, contracts of employment and terms and conditions of employment. While Part II provides procedure for recruiters and recruiting. 1.6.2 Lagos State Legislations and Administrative Framework Lagos State Ministry of Waterfront Infrastructure Development A bill was passed in 2008 by the Lagos State House of Assembly for a law to provide for the regulation of waterfront infrastructure development, sand dealing and dredging operations in the state. The law, “Lagos State Waterfront Infrastructure Development Law 2009” (LAWID) empowered the Ministry of Water front and Infrastructure Development (MWID) to regulate sand dredging. MWID is empowered by the law to grant permission for sand dredging or dealing within, around and on waterfronts and embankments in accordance to sections 3(e), 4 and 1(2) of the LAWID Law. Section 23 of the LAWID Law provides the following definitions: Waterfront is land at the edge of a stream, creek, lagoon, coastal area, shoreline, harbour, wharf, dock, bar beach and other beaches within Lagos State. Embankment simply means bank of wall of waterways. Sand dealing operations means engagement of anybody in the business of dealing or transportation of granite, laterite, stone, gravel, clay, etc. around or on waterfronts in Lagos State. Lagos State Ministry of Waterfront Infrastructure Development was created from the defunct Lagos State Waterfront and Tourism Corporation in June 2007. Two separate ministries which include the Ministry of Waterfront and Infrastructure Development and the Ministry of Tourism Intergovernmental Relations were carved out of the defunct corporation. The Creation of the ministry was necessitated by the need to ensure that the development of shore-lines and Waterfront schemes are not limited only to Lagos Island as the case was when activities along the waterfronts were managed by the corporation. The ministry was created with the mission to create wealth through the provision of world class waterfront infrastructural facilities and services for all. The ministry grant permit for land reclamation in the state. Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter One: Introduction and Background P a g e | 17 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Lagos State Waterways Authority Law (LASWA) 2008 LASWA enacted by the Lagos State House of Assembly came into force in July 21, 2008. Notwithstanding the provision of any other law to the contrary. Relevant sections of this law are as follows: Under section 4: • Establish, maintain and regulate the operation of any type of vessels and like carriers, pilot boats, ferries, lines and regular ferry services within the waterways of Lagos state; • Regulate the use of internal waterways by all users including private and common carriers; • Institute and collect water transportation tolls, rates and charges clear and maintain Lagos state Inland waterways free from all obstructions, derelicts, wrecks and abandoned properties and install route buoys gauges, distance boards and markings along the inland waterways of Lagos State. In addition, section 5 of this law specifies the authority’s power to; • Install route buoys, gauges, distance boards and marking along the waterways; • Grant permits and licenses for dredging, pipeline construction, dredging of slots along the waterways and crossing of waterways by utility lines, water intake, rock blasting and removal; • Clear water hyacinth and other aquatic weeds. Lagos State Environmental Protection Agency (LASEPA) LASEPA Edict of 1996 established the Lagos State Environmental Protection Agency (LASEPA). The agency amongst others is saddled with the responsibility of: • Monitoring and controlling of disposal of wastes generated within the state; • Monitoring and controlling of all forms of environmental degradation from agricultural, industrial and governmental operations; • Monitoring of surface, underground and potable water, air, land and soils within the state to determine the pollution level as well as collect baseline data; • Cooperating with Federal, State and Local Governments, statutory bodies and research agencies on matter and facilities relating to environmental protection( Section &b, g and i) The Edict empowers the agency to make regulations on: Acceptable standards or criteria to control the pollution level of water, air, noise and land in line with the policy and guidelines of the Federal Government; Standard for effluent discharge; Waste management strategy and alternatives, etc. (Section 9; a, c and e). The Edict also makes it mandatory for all persons generating any waste listed in Section 2.2 to ensure adequate treatment according to the Agency Standard before discharge to the environment. Also all emission from vehicles, plants and equipment within the State shall be within the limit set down by the Agency. Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter One: Introduction and Background P a g e | 18 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Lagos State Physical Planning Permit Authority (LASPPPA) Lagos State Physical Planning Permit Authority (LASPPPA) otherwise known as Planning Permit Authority started from Development Control Department (DCD) under the Ministry of Physical Planning. This department performs the main functions of Lagos State Urban and Regional Planning Board, which was established on 28th April, 1998 by virtue of Lagos State Edict No. 2 of 1998 in line with the Nigerian Urban and Regional Planning Law (Decree) No. 88 of 1992. To reflect its new role of policy implementation and plans implementation, the board was re – christened in the draft law as Lagos State Physical Planning and Development Authority (LASPPDA). LASPPDA was reformed to LASPPPA in July 2010. The functions of LASPPPA include (but not limited) the following: Processing and issuance of all planning permits in the State. Monitoring and ensuring compliance with the provisions of the approved and Operative Development Plans, Approval Orders and Regulations. Referring any plan prepared by it to the Ministry for the purpose of obtaining the approval of the Commissioner; Evaluation of Physical Planning Technical Report in consultation with the Ministry; Cooperating with the Building Control Agency to achieve zero tolerance of illegal developments; 1.6.3 International Regulations Nigeria is a signatory to a number of international conventions and agreements relating to development and environmental management. Some of these conventions whose tenets apply in some way(s) to the proposed reclamation project are presented below. Convention on Biological Diversity (1992) This convention came into force in Nigeria on 27th November 1994. The objectives are to conserve biological diversity, promote the sustainable use of its components and encourage equitable sharing of the benefit arising out of the utilization of genetic resources. Such equitable sharing includes appropriate access to genetic resources as well as appropriate transfer of technology, taking into account existing rights over such resources. Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (Bonn Convention) (1979) The Bonn Convention concerns the promotion of measures for the conservation (including habitat conservation especially for endangered species listed in Bonn) and management of migratory species. African Convention on Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (1968) This convention came into force in Nigeria 7th May 1974. The objectives of the convention is to encourage individual and joint action for the conservation, utilization and development of soil, water flora and fauna for the Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter One: Introduction and Background P a g e | 19 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation present and future welfare of mankind, from an economic, nutritional, scientific, educational, cultural and aesthetic point of view. Convention on Wetland of International Importance, Especially as Water Flow Habitat, Ramsar, Iran 1971 This provision came into force in Nigeria on 2nd February 2001 with the objective to stem the progressive encroachment on and loss of wetlands now and in the future, recognizing the fundamental ecological functions of wetlands and their economic, cultural, scientific, and recreational value. Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer, Montreal, 1987 (As Amended) This came into force in Nigeria on 7th January 1993 with the objective to protect the ozone layer by taking precautionary measure to control global emissions of substances that deplete it. International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution From Ships, 1973 as modified by the Protocol of 1978 (MARPOL 73/78). The convention provides regulations intended to minimize pollution of the seas, including dumping, oil and exhaust pollution. Its stated object is to preserve the marine environment through the complete elimination of pollution by oil and other harmful substances and the minimization of accidental discharge of such substances. The original MARPOL was signed on 17 February 1973, but did not come into force due to lack of ratifications. The current convention is a combination of 1973 Convention and the 1978 Protocol. It entered into force on 2 October 1983. All ships flagged under countries that are signatories to MARPOL are subject to its requirements, regardless of where they sail and member nations are responsible for vessels registered under their respective nationalities. 1.7 Structure of Report This EIA report is organised as follows Chapter 1: Introduction and Background Chapter 2: Project Justification and Alternatives Analyses Chapter 3: Description of Project Process Chapter 4: Description of the Environment Chapter 5: Associated and Potential Environmental Impacts of Project Chapter 6: Impacts Mitigation Measures Chapter 7: Environmental Management Plan Chapter 8: Conclusion and Recommendations Bibliography Appendices Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter One: Introduction and Background P a g e | 20 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation CHAPTER 2 2.1 PROJECT JUSTIFICATION AND ALTERNATIVES Introduction The justifications for the proposed Orange Island reclamation and evaluation of options are presented in this section. Justification was made from the point of view of need, value, benefits and sustainability. No implementation, delayed implementation, use of different site and dredging technology were considered as options to the proposal. 2.2 Need for the proposed Project The proposed project will provide useable land for housing development, improved quality of life and environmental-friendly design concept to waterfront development in Lagos. 2.2.1 Housing Need and Quality of Life Adequate housing is essential for quality life and living. Housing conditions affect people’s health (WHO, 2007). Article 25(1) on the Universal Declaration of Human Right identifies housing as a fundamental human right. In 2011, life expectancy for average Nigerian male was 52 years, a year younger than his female counterpart (WHO, 2011). The Human Development Index (HDI) for Nigeria is 0.471, below those of Libya, Ghana and Congo with records of 0.769, 0.558 and 0.534 respectively (UNDP, 2013). Life expectancy is one of the factors that determine HDI. Good and adequate housing is essential for longer life expectancy and higher HDI. The proposed reclaimed land will be used for developing a model estate with standard designs for residential and other uses. Naturalness shall be key to every development on the estate. Sizeable land area will be allotted for greenery (vegetaion) and man-made wetlands. These mimic of nature will provide the estate with qyality environment and serenity. Vegetation have the capacity to clean ambient air quality by sinking carbon, and attenuating noise. 2.2.2 Nigeria’s Population and Housing Need The primary demand factor on housing is human population. The Human population in Nigeria is huge and on the rise. The country is the most populous in Africa, with a population of over 140 million 1 people. United Nations estimated the population to be over 158 million people in 2010, while the CIA Factbook estimated Nigeria’s population at above 174 million by July 2013. By the National Census figure, Nigeria’s population rose by about 36.4% between 1999 and 2006. Housing deficit in Nigeria had been estimated at 16 million housing units and 1 2006 Population Census. OFFICIAL GAZATTE(FGP 71/52007/2,500(OL24): Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Two: Project Justification and Alternatives Analyses P a g e | 21 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation require between 46 trillion and 52 trillion Naira 2. It is indisputable therefore that Nigeria and Nigerians have daunting need for adequate housing. 2.2.3 Nigeria’s GDP and Real Estate and Services Sector Going by its Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Nigeria economy shows staggered growth in the last eight years. Positive correlation appear to exist between the GDP growth and input from Real Estate and Services Sector to the country’s economy. Notwithstanding the growth in real estate, it is still a far cry from the population demands. Table 2.1 shows the relative contribution of Real Estate and Services Sector to Nigeria GDP while figure 2.1 shows a comparison in the trend of GDP growth and and Real Estate and Services contribution to the nation’s wealth as a percentage of the total GDP. Growth in this sector will contribute to higher GDP for the country. The proposed Orange Island will make some positive impact in this regard. Table 2.1: Relative contribution of Real Estate and Business Services to Nigeria GDP Year Total GDP (N' Million) Real Estate (N' Million) Real Estate and business services Contribution to GDP (%) GDP annual Increase (%) 2005 561,931.39 7,865.61 1.52 6.51 2006 595,821.61 8,783.96 1.59 6.03 2007 634,251.14 9,813.72 1.67 6.45 2008 672,202.55 10,970.75 1.75 5.98 2009 718,977.33 12,171.02 1.81 6.96 2010 776,332.21 13,479.26 1.85 7.98 2011 834,000.83 14,901.71 1.90 7.43 2012 888,893.00 16,452.34 1.96 6.58 Source: CBN 2012 Statistical Bulletin Figure 2.1: Comparative Trend of GDP growth and Real Estate Contribution to Nigeria Economy 2 Punch Newspaper. June 10, 2013. Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Two: Project Justification and Alternatives Analyses P a g e | 22 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation 2.2.4 Lagos and Housing Demand Lagos unarguably engenders the highest pull effect of rural-urban migration in Nigeria. Average human population per square kilometre in Lagos in 2006 was 4,907. According to Lagos State Bureau of Statistics, human population would exceed 21 million by the end of 2012 (LASG, 2011). This estimate was projected using 3.2% growth rate over the 2006 census figure of 17.5 million. In view of the huge deficit in housing needs of Nigeria and Lagos in particular, massive investment in housing infrastructure is an obvious necessity. The challenge of meeting the housing needs of Nigeria and Lagos cannot be met by the government alone; hence the importance for private sector participation. Lagos State government has been responding to this demand of fundamental human need. Table 2.3 shows the statistics of houses built in Lagos State between 2001 and 2010. This statistics shows that 93.2% of the houses built in Lagos during this period were by the State Government. The less than 7% contribution from the private sector shows the need for increased participation of private sector in the business of housing in the state. The proposed reclamation which will be used for real estate development will stand out as a model of private sector collaborating with Lagos State Government to bring about respite to need of housing infrastructure development. The project is estimated to provide more than 1,300 residential plots, which will give home to about 12,000 people. In addition to residential plots, the project will also provide space for commercial, recreational and sports infrastructure. Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Two: Project Justification and Alternatives Analyses P a g e | 23 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Table 2.2: Lagos State Population 2006-2015 Source: Lagos Bureau of Statistics, 2011. Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Two: Project Justification and Alternatives Analyses P a g e | 24 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Table 2.3: Statistics of Houses built in Lagos State between 2001 and 2010 2.3 Value of the proposed Project The proposed reclamation will make land available for mixed real estate development. The various land uses are expected to add immense value to the environment and socio-eeconomic life of Lagos state in particular and Nigeria in general. In terms of benefits and sustainability, the value of the proposed project are presented in the following subsections. 2.3.1 Benefits of the Project The major beneficiaries from the proposed project include, the proponent, Lagos State Government, potential investors, Ikateland, Eti-Osa Local Government and local economy. Specifically, the following benefits are anticipated from the proposed project: Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Two: Project Justification and Alternatives Analyses P a g e | 25 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Land provision The proposed reclamation will make available about 150 Ha of useable land for built environment. The land mass that erstwhile was a shallow water body with very little economic importance will be transformed into a source of socio-economic development without significantly compromising the ecological role of the sorrounding water body. Revenue Generation The reclaimed land will become a potential source of revenue for Lagos state government via payment of various statutory fees like; land use charges, land title fees, etc. Forestall of Bank Erosion Due to the shallow nature of Lagos lagoon near the proposed reclamation project, uncontrolled manual sand mining goes on. This uncontrolled dredging in long term has the potential to drive reclining sediment transport and cause bank erosion. Creation of the proposedisland will ward off this activity and forstall bank erosion. Provision of Jobs and employment The proposed reclamation will create employment for different professional, contractors and local labour.In view of the fact that every employed person is very likely to have dependents, job provision to personnel will privide improved livelihood for more people. 2.3.2 Sustainability of the Project Sustainable project is a development that meets present needs without compromising the future’s right to meet its need. The sustainability of the proposed reclamation is evaluated from environmental, socio-economic and technical points of view. Environmental Sustainability Initial environmental evaluation of the proposed reclamation shows that moderate to high significant negative impacts could be experienced on sediment and benthic ecology. These impacts are unlikely to have significant long-term effects for the following reason: The overall area to be affected is relatively small compared to the size of the lagoon. The proposed area to be reclaimed is less than 0.024% of the lagoon surface area. The dredged material will be used for the proposed reclamation thereby eliminating the challenge of disposal of dredged materials. Bathymetry and geotechnical studies confirmed the availability of the required volume and quality of sand from the borrow area. Difference in the sand/sediment quality between the borrow area and the dumping area, which is also a potential source of negative impacts is greatly eliminated, considering that the quality of material from the sand source and dumping area are almost similar. Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Two: Project Justification and Alternatives Analyses P a g e | 26 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Chances of bank erosion are unlikely considering that the proposed site would be an island off the bank of the lagoon. Bathymetry studies show that water depth at the borrow and reclamation areas are generally less than 1.5 meters. The proposed dredging will at most get to a depth of 12 meters, and therefore will not create sharp slopes in the ‘after-dredging’ bathymetry of the lagoon such that it would trigger sediment transport strong enough to cause bank erosion. The main permanent access to the Island will be via the proposed Northern Regional Road which traverses the southern end of the island (this is part of Lekki Master Plan). A temporary access road to island will be a short link of the island with the southern water bank. The road will be constructed with culverts to allow free flow of water. This EIA provides adequate information on the aquatic ecology and proffer appropriate mitigation and management plan to reduce unavoidable negative impacts of the reclamation activities. Implementation of the approved Environmental Managmet Plan (EMP) at all phases of the proposed project will ensure its environmental sustainability. The dredging contractor, Van Oord Nigeria Limited places high premium on sustainability in operation. The company has in place HSE Policy in place to ensure that all dredging activities are performed to the best international standard. The company has valid ISO 9001:2004 (Quality Management System) and ISO 14001:2004 (Environmental Management System) Certifications, and other relevant certifications to ensure safety and environmental quality management. Socio-economic sustainability. It is projected that the project will generate approximately 93 billion Naira by the 5th post-reclamation year; when the plots of land would have been sold. The estimated capital expenditure for the project is 16.7 billion Naira. Being a long term investment, the eventual owners of the land will reap further profits on their investment. Presently, there is high demand for property on the Lekki-Ajah axis of Lagos, with premium value. The accessibility of the proposed site and state-of-the-art facilities to be put in place will make the island a top choice for investors. Technical sustainability. The dredging technology proposed for the reclamation is Cutter Suction Dredging. This technology can be applied to all kinds of sediment with minimal impacts. Its operation creates even bottom-water terrain making erosion due to sharp sediment transport very unlikely. 2.4 Project Options This is an appraisal of all possible options to the project to show that the most sustainable option is adopted. The option considered include No Project, Delayed implementation, alternative location, and different technology options. Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Two: Project Justification and Alternatives Analyses P a g e | 27 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation 2.4.1 No Project This implies that the proposed Orange Island reclamation will not take place. Adopting this option, no potential benefits associated with proposed reclamation will be achieved. This will defeat the stakeholders’ benefits and render the resources expended in the project feasibility wasteful. Although this option will completely avoid the short-term negative impacts associated with the proposed reclamation, especially those on sediment and benthic ecology, the many positive impacts of the project and the fact that all negative impacts can be reasonably mitigated override its importance. This option was therefore considered not suitable. 2.4.2 Delayed Implementation This option implies postponing the implementation period of the proposed project. This would be necessary under certain circumstances such as; civil unrest, antagonistic public opinion, government policy, prevailing economic conditions, or other opposing force majeure. While evaluating this option, no circumstances of these kinds that would warrant delay of the proposed project existed. Preliminary planning activities for the proposed project including consultations with stakeholders show that the project was highly desirable. The host communities, local and state governments support the project implementation as proposed by the proponent. Also due to likelihood inflation and other associated costs that are time dependent, delaying the project will add to its overall implementation cost. More so, it will delay the benefits (direct and indirect) associated with the project. Since there is no antagonistic circumstance to the proposed project, there will be no need to consider delaying it. 2.4.3 Alternative Location This option means that a different location would be selected for the proposed land reclamation. It was eliminated considering that no other location have the characteristics of the proposed site, which includes: closeness to land, far away enough to forestall bank erosion, allowance for free flow of water, minimal and short term environmental impacts, easy access, and fit into Lekki development master plan. Relocating the proposed site for the reclamation means loss of these desirable qualities, reduced benefits and sustainability. This option was hence not considered. 2.4.4 Different Technology This option considers the use of different dredging and reclamation technology. A number of dredging technology options was considered. The options considered are presented in table 2.4. Upon critical evaluation of the dredging technologies, the Cutter Suction Dredger was selected as the most suitable in terms of; efficiency, adaptability to the physical nature of the lagoon, and with least impacts on the project environment. Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Two: Project Justification and Alternatives Analyses P a g e | 28 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Table 2.4: Different Dredging Technologies considered for the proposed Orange Island Reclamation Dredging technology Pontoon Mounted Grabbing Illustration Dragline Orange Island Development Company Limited Description Advantages Disadvantages A pontoon mounted dredger, consists of a barge-mounted crane, propelled by a tug and assisted by two hopper barges. In operation, the grab dredger is lowered to water bed where it bites into the sediment due to its weight, and closes through a lock mechanism. The materials dredged are either dumped into the on-board hopper Alternatively, into adjacent hopper barges, for transport to the authorized dump site. This method consists in dragging an open steel bucket along the sea bed until it fills up. When full, the bucket is lifted and its load dumped on the shore or into a barge. Flexibility of use in maintenance dredging. Variety of grabs are available; Causes obstruction of traffic when stationed in navigation channel Leaves irregular bottom topography. Efficient to depths of 35 meters, beyond which the free-fall effect of the grab limits efficiency; and Suitable for working along quays and in the corners of harbour basins. Makes uniform scrape on waterbed It tends to spill much of the dredged sediment during operation and gives rise to considerable turbidity. Chapter Two: Project Justification and Alternatives Analyses P a g e | 29 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Dredging technology Pontoon Mounted Pumping Illustration Trailing Suction Orange Island Development Company Limited Description Advantages Disadvantages This consists of a large submersible pump suspended from a pontoon and dunked into the water. Sucked in sediment is pumped away via floating pipes. Capable of a larger output than any other dredger of comparable size. Some pumps are also equipped with cutter blades to handle sea grass and weeds. Rough seas, especially swell, hamper this kind of dredging due to the fact that the pump does not always contact the sea bed; Suitable for dredging in areas known to contain archaeological remains. Leaves irregular bottom topography Poses minimum interference to waterways traffic; Final dredged depth is less precise, and could cause over-dredging in some instances Versatile in handling both and cohesion-less cohesive sediments; Mobilization costs considerable high. This is a hopper vessel with a trailing arm suspended over the side and dragged over the sea bed. The vessel usually steams forward at high speed (~ 6 knots) compensating for swell and tidal variations while maintaining the drag head in contact with the sea. The water/sand mixture is drawn on board by powerful pumps, passed through a series of decanters and the solids deposited inside the internal hoppers. The relatively clear, decanted seawater is dumped overboard. These dredgers are fully automated and dredging generally takes place over a 24-hour period, non-stop. The dredged sand in the hoppers is either dumped offshore if clean or pumped onshore for reclamation via pipes laid out Range of sediments that can be dredged efficiently is very limited; obstructs waterways traffic when stationed on navigable route can be Dredged load can be pumped ashore as reclamation; Comes in various sizes to suit most project sizes. Chapter Two: Project Justification and Alternatives Analyses P a g e | 30 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Dredging technology Illustration Blasting Bucket Dredging Cutter Suction Orange Island Development Company Limited Description ashore. This method involves drilling of a series of closely spaced holes into the water bed by used explosives. The holes in the sea bed may be drilled either from above water level, or directly from the sea bed, The hydraulic power to operate the driller is supplied from a shorebased power pack. This is also known as the ladder dredger. It consists of an endless bucket chain scraping the sea bed while the dredger is moved across the area to be dredged by a series of anchor ropes. Advantages Disadvantages Suitable quick method for for dealing with small amounts of very hard rock formations like outcrops. Needs to be accompanied with grabbing for the removal of the spoil; Drilling and grabbing cause an obstruction to waterways traffic unless carried out from the sea bed; Indiscriminate loss of aquatic biota during blasting; Mobilization costs can be considerably high Capability of dredging a level bottom topography; Ability to work in narrow or restricted areas; In recent times most bucket dredgers have been replaced with cutter-suction dredgers. Versatility in handling a wide range of sediments Side loaded barges are generally filled with a high solids-to-water ratio. This is among the most popular type of dredger. Suitable for dredging a wide range of sediments Causes an obstruction to sea traffic when stationary in a navigation channel; Rough seas, especially swell, hamper bucket dredging They are noisy and may be prohibited from working at night in urban areas. In the presence of coralline limestone, the cutter head invariably generates considerable fines in the 10 micron Chapter Two: Project Justification and Alternatives Analyses P a g e | 31 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Dredging technology Illustration Description It is available in a wide range of sizes ranging from the small portable units that fit on a large road trailer to ocean-going vessels over 100 meters long. Typically, the sand/water mixture is pumped a distance away and longer than-normal distances are achieved by the installation of booster pumps along the discharge line. Orange Island Development Company Limited Advantages Disadvantages range that are difficult to settle; Water-to-sand ratio of the dredged material is so high that it must be pumped directly to the disposal site; Rough seas, especially swell, hamper the smaller dredgers Causes an obstruction to waterways traffic when stationary in a navigation channel. Chapter Two: Project Justification and Alternatives Analyses P a g e | 32 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation CHAPTER 3 3.1 PROJECT PROCESS DESCRIPTION Introduction This chapter presents a description of the proposed Orange Island Reclamation Project. It covers all activities that will be performed during pre-reclamation, reclamation (dredging and filling) and post-reclamation phases of the project. Although the reclaimed land will be used for mixed real estate development, this EIA is concerned only with the reclamation of the Island. Separate EIAs will be conducted in due time for other developments on the Island. 3.2 Proposed Project Location The proposed Orange Island is to be reclaimed on the southern portion (lekki Phase 1 axis) of Lagos Lagoon in Eti-Osa Local Government Area (LGA) of Lagos State (plate 3.1). The site is located within latitude 60 27’ 37.136” and 60 28’ 29.954” North of the equator and longitude 30 29’ 29.235” and 30 30’ 30.42” East of Greenwich Meridian and covers an approximate area of 150 Ha. The site is bounded on the north by Lagos lagoon and on the south by Lekki Phase 1 and Ikate areas of Eti-Osa LGA. Map 1-1 shows the Administrative map of Lagos State, showing the project area. The site is approximately 22.5km from Lagos International Airport and 12.1km from Lagos Seaport. The most proximal indigenous community to the site is Ikateland. The site is accessible through Leki-Epe Express Road, turning in (northwards) at the 3rd Round About, also called Ikate Round About. The site can also be accessed via several jetties on the bank of the lagoon, and from Lagos harbour. Map 3.1 shows the proposed site with specific landmarks. Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Three: Project Description P a g e | 33 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Map 3.1: The Proposed Project Area Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Three: Project Description P a g e | 34 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation 3.3 Proposed Project Activities Activities of the proposed Orange Island reclamation are grouped into three sequential phases namely: prereclamation, reclamation, and post-reclamation. The activities to be implemented at these phases are described below. 3.3.1 Pre-reclamation Phase This phase covers activities that will be performed prior reclamation. These include the following: Project Concept development In 2010, FW Dredging Limited (FWDL) came up with concept of Orange Island Estate development. It subsequently prepared a project Concept Document (CD) that provided as it were the proposed real estate, investment considerations, financial analyses and implementation plan. The project Concept Document equally proposed partnership with the Lagos State Government as means to better and faster achieve the project. FWDL eventually signed an agreement with the State Government. The state Government through the Ministry of Waterfront Infrastructure granted approval for the company to conduct feasibility studies for the suitability and sustainability of the proposed area for the intended project. Final permit for the reclamation was to be granted upon fulfilling all relevant statutory requirements. These requirements included; hydrographic and seismic survey of the proposed sand search area, geotechnical studies, Lagos State Ministry of Physical Planning and Urban Development Permit, Environmental Impact Assessment, among others. Feasibility Studies In line with relevant statutory requirements, the proponent commissioned the implementation of a number of studies to obtain relevant data and information for the outstanding permits and the proposed project development. The studies commissioned include; Environmental Impact Assessment, Geotechnical Sand Search Study, Bathymetric study, etc. Mobilisation to Site Following completion of all necessary feasibility studies and acquisition of all required government permits, including provisional EIA approval, the dredging contractor will mobilise machinery and personnel to site to commence reclamation works. The primary equipment for the reclamation is Cutter Suction Dredger and Spread. Key equipment, machinery and materials that will be mobilised to site are presented in table 3.1. Notable personnel that will be mobilised to site for the reclamation are shown in table 3.2. Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Three: Project Description P a g e | 35 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Table 3.1: List of Equipment, Machinery and Materials to be mobilised to site S/No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Item Cutter Suction Dredger (CSD) Tugboat Multicat Workboat Ramp Barge Fuel barge Spray Pontoon Survey Launch Local Speed Boat Bulldozer CAT D6R Excavator CAT 325 Wheel loader CAT 966 Pipes, Waterboxes, Lightsets, etc Site Office AGO Fresh Water Store needs From/To Port Harcourt to Lagos Port Harcourt to Lagos Port Harcourt to Lagos Port Harcourt to Lagos Port Harcourt to Lagos Port Harcourt to Lagos Port Harcourt to Lagos Port Harcourt to Lagos Local Hire Shore to Site Shore to Site Shore Site Port Harcourt to Lagos Shore to Site Vessel to Vessel Shore to Vessel Mode of Transportation Waterway – towed by tugboat Waterway –Self propelled Waterway –Self propelled Waterway – Self propelled Waterway –towed by tugboat and Multicat Waterway –towed by tugboat and Multicat Waterway –towed by tugboat and Multicat Road Waterway – Self propelled Via Barge Via Barge Via Barge Via Barge Via Barge Waterway Road and Barge Table 3.2: Personnel to be mobilised to site Job Personnel Cutter Suction Dredger Tugboat Multicat Reclamation Operators Survey Staff Operational Staff Office Staff Drivers Total 3.3.2 Skilled 3 2 2 2 3 4 2 Unskilled 5 2 3 5 1 2 6 Total 8 4 5 7 4 4 4 6 42 Reclamation Phase This phase covers the actual reclamation activities. It essentially involves dredging of sand from the marked out borrow area and filling of the proposed site. Dredging Cutter Suction Dredger (CSD) named “Calabar River” will be deployed for the proposed reclamation. Cutter Suction Dredger Operation CSD is a stationary dredger. It consists of a pontoon, which is positioned with a spud-pole at the back and two anchors at the front. The soil is loosened by rotating a cutting head: ‘the cutter’, while powerful in-board centrifugal pump(s) hydraulically transport the loosened soil. The cutterhead, which is hydraulically driven, encloses the suction intake of a centrifugal dredge pump. The cutterhead is mounted at the extremity of a fabricated steel structure, named the ‘ladder’, which is attached to the main hull by heavy hinges that permit Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Three: Project Description P a g e | 36 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation rotation in the vertical plane. The ladder assembly is lowered and raised by means of a hoisting controlled from the bridge. By means of winches, the cutter (and therefore the whole pontoon), is pulled in turns to the portside and starboard-side anchor whilst turning on the fixed spud-pole. In this way (part of) a circular movement is made whilst a so-called spud-pole carrier enables a forward movement of the dredger. The vertical position of the cutting head and the ladder can be measured by the any of the following ways: • The length of a thin wire connected from the ladder to the pontoon, through heaves etc. • The angle between the ladder and the pontoon in combination with draught and trim of the pontoon. • The depth of the cutting head can be determined by using pressure readings from specially installed sensors. The above-mentioned measures make the CSD able to determine how deep and in what angle the cutting head is used for dredging. After loosening and suction, the soil is pumped into a floating pipeline and a land pipeline. The overall production of a CSD depends on many factors, among which: soil characteristics such as situ density, particle distribution and SPT and/or CPT values, dredging depth, weather conditions, marine traffic, tides, currents, etc. The CSD operations continue 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. In addition to the CSD, other machinery and equipment that will be deployed during dredging include tugboat, multicat, workboat, ramp barge, fuel barge, spray pontoon, survey launch and local speedboat. Figure 3.1: A Cross-section of Cutter Suction dredger Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Three: Project Description P a g e | 37 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Plate 3.1: Cutter Suction Dredger at Work Plate 3.2: CSD Cutter Head Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Three: Project Description P a g e | 38 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Sand Borrow and Reclamation Area The geotechnical investigations involved: (1) hydrographic survey to determine the dredgeable area, ground bottom profile of the intended borrow pit with transect sections, (2) drilling of geotechnical boreholes to a maximum depth of 15m to determine minable sand deposit within the lagoon. The studies confirmed that the quality and volume of sand required for the reclamation can be obtained from the area. The studies estimated availability of 7, 585,200 m3 of sand in borrow area. Soil type was loose to medium dense whitish sand. Water depth within the reclamation area recorded an average depth of 1.2m. About 4,500,000m3 of sand will be required to fill the proposed Orange Island. The study recommended the Slots-system of hydraulic mining and cutter suction dredger with a ladder length of 14 -16m, while dredging should not be conducted at shoreline to minimize erosion and flooding. Table 3.3 shows the geographical coordinates of the borrow and reclamation areas, while figure 3.2 shows the plots of the reclamation and borrow areas. Figure 3.2: Borrow area (red) and Reclamation area (blue) Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Three: Project Description P a g e | 39 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Table 3.3: Coordinates of the pegged points of the reclamation and Borrow Ares INNER CIRCLE A B C D OUTER CIRCLE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Easting (M) 554691.049 555710.754 554826.002 553806.336 Northing (m) 716582.884 715698.126 714678.466 715563.224 555337.491 556435.400 556534.749 555582.104 554179.609 553608.000 553958.000 553437.000 553067.000 552982.337 553934.997 717406.880 716454.226 715051.738 713953.823 713854.466 714356.000 714884.000 715460.000 714997.000 716209.618 717307.534 Filling Filling of the proposed reclamation area carried out by sand pumping using floating pipeline from the CSD. Sand will be extracted from the lagoon bed and pumped as ‘sand-water’ mixture through the pipeline (Plate 3.3 and 3.4) to the reclamation area. The sand will be pumped to rise above water level to create the intended island. Plate 3.3: Floating Pipeline Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Three: Project Description P a g e | 40 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Plate 3.4: Reclamation landline Tidal Data of the Lagoon Lagos Lagoon is under the influence of tides but the effect varies at different sections of the Lagoon, and different from the tide in the open ocean. Figure 3.3 shows a sketch of the tidal fluctuation base on a seven-day tidal observations at Banana Island Jetty near the Proposed Orange Island. Figure 3.3: Tidal Fluctuation of Lagos Lagoon The depths on the chart were reduced to the local Chart datum in order to give a more realistic depiction of water in the survey area. The volume computations were made using a project datum (Upper Level) of 1.751m Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Three: Project Description P a g e | 41 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation above Local Chart datum. This level is exactly one (1) metre above the highest observed local tide, and is about the level of Banana Island itself. Standard datum for elevation in Nigeria is mean sea-level (MSL), Lagos, lying 2.46m below the top of federal surveys benchmark No.1 situated under east mole signal station, east mole Lagos. In Lagos, chart datum is about 0.3metres above LL.WS and L.AT so that tide height occasionally fall below datum; in such a case it may be considered as a poorly selected chart datum. Presently, Lagos CD = BM1 – 2.918m and M.S.L. = Chart datum + 0.454m 3.3.3 Post-Reclamation Phase This phase involves leveling of the filled area to desired topography, and demobilization of equipment and personnel from site. After pumping of sand into the reclamation area, dry plant equipment will be deployed to further direct the sand-water mixture to obtain the required levels and shape. To calculate volumes and check levels, topographic and bathymetric survey will be done on regular bases. The main dry plant equipment that will be deployed at this phase includes; bulldozers, excavators and wheel loaders. Demobilisation of equipment and personnel from site will employ similar transport mode used during mobilisation. Soil Settlement The likely settlement that may arise as a result of loading was estimated using Terzaghi’s (1943). Using the parameters obtained from oedometer test in conjunction with the soil properties, the amount of settlement obtained was approximately 251mm. The period required for either 50% (T50) or 90%(T90) of the final foundation settlements was computed using the Taylor and Merchant’s method. Average of coefficient of consolidation over the range of pressures involved equaled to 2.31m /yr. T50 and T90 were estimated at 4.885 years, i.e. 4 years 323 days and 21.135 years, i.e. 21 years 49.2 days respectively. Shoreline Protection and Erosion Control The Island reclamation shall be done to ensure good shore protection. Perimeter wall of 1.5m above high water level will be constructed round the island with the sand fill sloping down at 1:4 into the water. Shoreline exposed to wave action of the lagoon during stormy weather will be lined with one layer of 200mm nominal size crushed stone hand-placed on the sandy surface. The final completed surface of the Island will have slopes varying between 1:100 and 1:200. The maximum surface slope of 1:100 is still relatively flat especially for a sandy surface. Wastes Generation and Management The proposed reclamation activities are anticipated to generate different kinds of wastes ranging from dredged sediment, kitchen wastes, packages of consumables, used lube oil, disused PPEs, disused vehicle parts, etc. Table 3.4 presents the various kinds of wastes anticipated from the reclamation activities and their modes of disposal. Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Three: Project Description P a g e | 42 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Table 3.4: Waste Generation and Management Waste Type Dredged Sediment Source Dredged sediment to be transported from designated borrow areas to reclamation site using floating pipes. Management Approximately six 6,000,000m3 of bottom water sediment dredged from the borrow areas will be used to fill the proposed island; therefore there will be no challenge of selecting dump site. “Pause” periods of four (4) hours shall be observed daily during dredging and pumping of sediments to reduce resuspension of sediments and trapped toxic materials in lagoon surface water. When monitoring results indicate that suspended materials are above FMEnv permissible levels the dredger shall be relocated to allow material settlement. Dredging Shall be limited to the marked out areas. Dredging equipment shall be maintained in proper and efficient condition. Well maintained (floating) pipeline shall be used to eliminate or minimize leakage of turbid water. Monitoring shall be conducted as recommended in the EMP. General Solid Waste (Putrescibles) Non-putrescebles Toxic This category of waster includes putrescible organics. They include materials such as kitchen wastes, fruit peels, etc. This category of wastes would be generated from kitchen of vessels. This category covers general solid wastes. It include materials like glass, cardboard paper, rubber, plastic, wood, concrete materials, polyvinylchloride (PVC) materials, etc. components of this waste category are anticipated mainly from packages of materials, disused PPEs, damaged pipes, etc. Putresceble and non- putresceble organic wastes shall be collected in appropriate containers and evacuated by licensed contractor. Waste generated on board of vessels shall be shipped onshore. Wastes generated on the deck shall be immediately cleaned up. In the event that waste is lost overboard, reasonable and practicable measures shall be undertaken to retrieve/clean-up the waste as soon as possible. Per Capita generation of putresceble and non-putresceble waste is estimated at about 1.5kg per day. This includes toxic chemicals, especially oxidizing agents and corrosives. Toxic wastes that could be generated from the reclamation activities include used lubricating oil, accidental spills of liquid fuels such as petrol and diesel, hydraulic oil, paints, absorbents, clean-up materials, etc Storage of dangerous goods shall be done in Manners that minimize risk of environmental contamination. Stored toxic liquids shall be placed in leakproof secondary containment (drip trays), while such secondary containment capacity must be 110% of the largest container. Quantity of dangerous goods stored on vessels shall be limited to fit-for-purpose. Storage will be done according to the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS). Hazardous materials are stored in a confined space which must be properly ventilated. A register of all toxoc substances on site and onboard vessels shall be kept at easy reach. Orange Island Development Company Limited Handling shall be as per the MARPOL 73/78 Annex V requirements Chapter Three: Project Description P a g e | 43 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation 3.4 Proposed Activities Schedule The entire reclamation exercise; from mobilisation to demobilisation from site is expected to last 14 months. Figure 3.4 provides the proposed schedule for the proposed project. Figure 3.4: Proposed Activities Schedule for Orange Island Reclamation Activities Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Three: Project Description P a g e | 44 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation CHAPTER 4 4.1 DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT ENVIRONMENT Introduction Documentation of existing environmental conditions within the area of influence of a proposed project prior its commencement is critical for a sound EIA. The objectives of proper documentation of pre-project (baseline) characteristics of the environment include the following: (1) To provide baseline information for impacts quantifications and prediction; (2) To assess the conformance of the baseline with FMEnv permissible limits for specific parameters; (3) To provide benchmark for future assessment and audits; (4) To inform preparation of appropriate impact mitigation measures and environmental management plan. This chapter presents the field methodologies, observations, laboratory analyses methods and characteristics of the biophysical and social environment. 4.2 Scope of Study Field studies and data collection for characterisation of the pre-project (baseline) conditions of the proposed project environment covered: 4.3 • Climate and Meteorology • Air Quality and Noise Levels • Geology/Hydrogeology • Surface and Ground Water • Soil and Sediment • Bathymetric Survey • Geotechnical survey • Wildlife and Vegetation • Hydrobiology and Fisheries • Land use • Socio-economic, demography and community characteristics • Public Health • Stakeholders Consultation Data Sources and Collection Approach The primary source of data for this EIA was a two-season (dry and wet) field studies conducted in March (1117th) and July (8-14th) 2013 in accordance with the FMEnv approved ToR. Other sources include existing Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 45 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation literature (published and unpublished), stakeholders’ consultations, questionnaire administration, and various feasibility studies’ reports. Sources of secondary information are appropriately referenced. 4.4 Spatial Boundary and Field Study Design Data collection covered a 5km spatial boundary, including control points. The coverage of various environmental attributes considered probable recipients and sensitivity of impacted areas. Community studies for instance focused in greater detail on Ikateland which is the most proximal indigenous community to the project area. Design of the field activities was made prior mobilization. This was aided by information obtained during reconnaissance survey of the project area. Sampling locations were decided as waypoints in Geographic Position System (GPS) and later plotted in a sampling map used during the field studies. Locations for biophysical sampling considered (1) the ecological types around the study area; (2) vulnerable environmental attributes with regards to the potential and associated impacts of the environment and (3) control or buffer zones. Socioeconomics studies considered human habitations close to the proposed project area, and within the area of influence. Table 4.1 presents an inventory of the biophysical samples collected during field studies, while Map 4.1 shows spatial locations of sampled points. Table 4.1: Inventory of Biophysical samples collected. S/No Environmental Attribute Parameter Details 1 Surface Water 2 Ground water 3 Soil 4 5 6 7 Ambient Air Quality Noise Ecology Hydrobiology Physico-chemical Microbial Physico-chemical Microbial Physico-chemical Microbial Noise level Vegetation Macrobenthos Plankton Orange Island Development Company Limited & FMEnv Recommended No. of Samples 10 Nos + Control Actual No. of Samples Collected 14 + 1 Control & 2 Nos + Control 4 + 1 Control & 10 Nos + control 12 + 1 Control 10 Nos 8 8 11 + 1 Control 14 + 1 Control 10 14 + 1 Control 14 + 1 Control Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 46 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Map 4.1: Biophysical Attributes Study Locations Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 47 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation 4.5 Study Team Field studies, analyses and report writing were undertaken by a multidisciplinary team from Ecopro Resources Limited. The key experts involved in this study include Marine ecologists, Engineers, sociologist, Toxicologists, wildlife and vegetation experts, Fisheries and Hydrobiology, Benthic Ecologist, Planktologist, air quality Specialist, Geography Information Systems experts, Public Health Experts, and Analytical Chemists. Relevant technical contributions were made my Town planning experts, dredging engineers, hydrogeologists and architects. 4.6 Laboratory Analyses of Samples Samples were analysed in Anila Resources (Nigeria) Limited laboratory located at No. 5 Afisman Drive, Anifowoshe, Ikeja – Lagos State, in line with FMEnv and international applicable standards. The Laboratory is certified by the Federal Ministry of Environment and Department of Petroleum Resources (DPR). Analytical methodologies used for samples analyses were based on the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) and American Public Health Association (APHA). 4.7 Biophysical Samples Collection and analyses methods 4.7.1 Air Quality and Noise Field Study Ambient air quality measurements were carried out on site using in-situ digital meters (Table 4.2) at 12 locations, with 1 as control (plate 4.1). Measurements were conducted between 08:00 and 19:00 hrs Nigeria time. Locations for air quality and noise measurements were randomly selected with consideration on sensitive receptors. The sampled locations for air quality and Noise levels are presented in Table 4.3 and Map 4.2. Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 48 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Plate 4.1: Air Quality Measurement Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 49 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Map 4.2: Air Quality Study locations Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 50 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Table 4.2: List of Air Quality Equipment Used In the Study Parameter Equipment Detection Limit Total Suspended Particulate (TSP) Hydrogen Sulphide (H2S) Casella Cel Microdust Pro 880nm 0.001 - 2500mg/m3 Gas Alert Extreme (BW GAXT-H-DL Gas Alert Extreme (BW GAXT-M-DL Gas Alert Extreme (BW GAXT-S-DL Gas Alert Extreme (BW GAXT-A-DL Toxi RAE II PGM-1140 Technologies) Model 0 – 100ppm Technologies) Model 0 – 1000ppm Technologies) Model 0 – 100ppm Technologies) Model 0 – 100ppm Carbon monoxide (CO) Sulphur Oxides (SO2) Ammonia (NH3) Nitric Oxide (NO) Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) 0 – 250ppm 0 – 250ppm Carbon Monoxide (CO2) Gas Alert Extreme (BW Technologies) Model GAXT-N-DL Alnor CF910 Noise level Pulsar Sound Meter Model 14 35dB(A) - 130dB(A) 0 – 5000ppm Table 4.3: Air Quality sampling locations S/N Sample ID Longitude Latitude Easting Northing 1 AQ1 3032' 35.54" E 6028' 12.07" N 560063.55 715193.93 2 AQ2 30 31' 41.39" E 60 29' 43.92" N 558397.31 718012.91 3 AQ3 30 29' 56.69" E 60 26' 9.27" N 555188.12 711418.24 4 AQ4 30 27' 30.09" E 60 28' 29.57" N 550681.18 715722.33 5 AQ5 30 27' 26.22" E 60 26' 14.73" N 550776.61 712781.84 6 AQ6 30 28' 54.84" E 60 27' 13.79" N 553286.39 713397.64 7 AQ7 30 30' 2.33" E 60 27' 54.67" N 555358.26 714654.90 8 AQ8 30 32' 14.89" E 60 26' 38.62" N 559432.38 712323.77 9 AQ9 30 31' 10.05" E 60 25' 40.79" N 557442.35 710545.80 10 AQ10 30 30' 32.01" E 60 27' 16.83" N 556271.08 713493.94 11 (control) AQ11 30 28' 15.37" E 60 30' 29.03" N 552482.68 718937.26 12 AQ12 30 29' 22.30" E 60 29' 18.45" N 554126.12 717226.48 4.7.2 Soil Field Study and laboratory analyses method Soil samples were collected from 13 locations (including 1 control point) using a hand-screw bucket auger. Top and subsoil samples were collected at depths of 0 to 15cm and 15 to 30cm respectively (plate 4.2). Table 4.4 Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 51 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation shows the geographical coordinates of of soil sampling locations. Samples were collected at three points around each location, thoroughly mixed and sub sampled into various categories of analyses to be conducted. Samples for physico-chemical analyses were collected in polythene bags; those for total hydrocarbon were collected in aluminium foil bags, while samples for microbiological analyses were collected in sterilized sample containers. All samples were properly labelled and transported to the laboratory for analyses. The samples were subjected to detailed physico-chemical and microbial analyses. The laboratory procedures for various parameters are provided in the appendix. Plate 4.2: Soil Sampling Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 52 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Map 4.3: Soil Study locations Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 53 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Table 4.4: Soil sampling locations S/N 4.7.3 Sample ID Longitude Latitude Easting Northing 1 S1 30 28' 25.74" E 60 26' 6.84" N 552390.79 711346.02 2 S2 30 31' 23.29" E 6027' 32.14" N 557853.18 713968.03 3 S3 3029' 52.69" E 60 25' 29.03" N 555052.55 710183.99 4 S4 30 28' 28.80" E 60 27' 30.40" N 552503.46 713905.28 5 S5(Control) 30 32' 13.07" E 60 27' 53.50" N 559405.67 714616.63 6 S6 30 30' 11.53" E 60 27' 1.09" N 555653.79 713031.29 7 S7 30 27' 37.28" E 606' 42.26" N 550908.49 712437.34 8 S8 30 31' 56.55" E 60 26' 21.46" N 558890.89 711798.12 9 S9 3029' 8.11" E 6026' 31.60" N 553713.19 712109.26 10 S10 30 29' 39.70" E 60 27' 13.50" N 554675.51 713389.76 11 S11 30 27' 4.34" E 60 25' 27.78" N 553441.61 710340.60 12 S12 30 33' 1.49" E 60 26' 17.42" N 557207.55 712472.13 13 S13 30 29' 50.66" E 60 26' 1.94" N 554994.04 711190.35 Surface and Ground Water Field Study and laboratory analyses method Surface water samples were collected from 15 different locations (including 1 control point) from Lagos Lagoon. Ground water samples were collected from existing boreholes around the study area. Five ground water samples including 1 control were collected. Maps 4.4.and 4.5 show the sampling locations while table 4.5 presents the surface and ground water sampling points. All water samples were collected in clean PVC sample containers and sub sampled into appropriate sample containers for the various parameters analyses. Samples for physicochemical and heavy metals analyses were collected in 250 ml plastic containers while those for hydrocarbons and were collected in 250ml glass bottles. Samples for microbiological analyses were collected in 15ml McCartney sample containers. Collected samples were properly labelled and stored in a thermos cooler and transported to the laboratory for analyses. As a precautionary measure, sample containers were rinsed with water from the sampling locations prior to sample collection. Water samples for heavy metals analyses were acidified with nitric acid (pH 2) while those for hydrocarbons were acidified with sulphuric acid. In-situ measurements of sensitive water parameters were taken using Horiba U-50 water checker. The parameters measured in-situ includes pH, conductivity, turbidity, salinity, total dissolved solid, dissolved oxygen, specific gravity and temperature. The results of the in-situ parameters were crosschecked and the results compared with those from laboratory analyses. This is a quality control protocol for ensuring that reliable and accurate data were recorded. In summary, the laboratory methods used for the various water quality analyses are presented in table 4.6, while detailed procedure are presented in Appendix. Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 54 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Map 4.4: Surface Water Sampling Stations Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 55 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Map 4.5: Groundwater sampling stations Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 56 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Table 4.5: Surface Water and Groundwater sampling locations S/N Sample ID Longitude Latitude Easting Northing Surface Water 1 SW1 30 27' 52.68" E 60 29' 13.25" N 551373.70 717064.30 2 SW2 30 27' 47.57" E 60 27' 8.20" N 551220.40 713223.93 3 SW3 30 30' 58.36" E 60 30' 14.14" N 557075.00 718939.61 4 SW4 3031' 14.55" E 60 28' 59.41" N 557574.38 716645.33 5 SW5 30 29' 40.95" E 60 29' 49.92" N 554697.96 718193.43 6 SW6 30 27' 22.22" E 60 28' 17.22" N 550439.72 715342.76 7 SW7 30 32' 11.24" E 60 27' 14.46" N 559319.26 713424.28 8 SW8 30 31' 13.21" E 60 28' 0.26" N 557535.11 714828.84 9 SW9 30 30' 16.42" E 60 28' 9.23" N 555790.59 715102.37 10 SW10 30 29' 41.08" E 6027' 58.29" N 554705.41 714765.46 11 SW11 30 32' 20.69" E 6028' 47.67" N 559606.41 716286.93 12 SW12 30 29' 1.84" E 60 28' 49.98" N 553498.79 716351.62 13 SW13 30 29' 27.68" E 60 27' 26.47" N 554294.87 713787.98 14 SW14 (Control) 30 29' 24.89" E 60 30' 29.78" N 554203.72 719416.95 15 SW15 30 31' 42.42" E 60 29' 36.93" N 558429.19 717798.20 Ground water 1 GW1 30 29' 19.04" E 60 26' 24.89" N 554031.17 711896.74 2 GW_CTRL 30 27' 44.77" E 60 26' 39.59" N 551135.08 712345.50 3 GW2 30 28' 34.97" E 60 27' 8.66" N 552676.23 713239.39 4 GW3 30 28' 49.49" E 6027' 20.12" N 553121.94 713591.78 5 GW4 30 29' 30.95" E 60 26' 56.50" N 554396.09 712867.81 Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 57 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Table 4.6: Laboratory Analyses Method for Water Samples Water Parameter Organics: Total Hydrocarbons (THC) Total Organic Carbon (TOC) Metals: Alkali Metals (Ca, Mg, Na and K) Other Metals: (Cr, Cu, Fe, Ni, V, Pb, Zn, Cd, Hg, and Mn) Physico-chemistry: TDS/TSS BOD5 TOC Anions (SO42-, NO3-, PO43-, Cl- ) Alkalinity Microbiology: Heterotrophic Bacteria Culturable Fungi Coliform Bacteria Analytical Method N-Hexane Extract using GC Dichromate Wet Oxidation (Walkley and Black, 1934) Flame Photometry (Jone, 1988) Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry (AAS) TDS/TSS meter (APHA 209C) Titrimetric (Winklers APHA 422) Titrimetric, wet digestion (APHA 422) Colorimetric, autoanalyzer (ASTM 3867, APHA 427C) Titrimetric (APHA 427C) Plate count Plate count Plate count, MPN (Crickshank, 1975) Plate 4.3: Surface and Ground water sampling and In-situ measurements 4.7.4 Sediment Sampling and laboratory analyses method Sediment sampling was carried at the same 15 locations where water samples were collected (Map 4.6).Table 4.7 shows the coordinates of the sampling locations. Samples were collected using a modified Van-Veen grab sampler. Two grab hauls were taken at each location and the top 1-2 cm of the sediment grabbed collected using a plastic scoop. The samples to be analyzed for physico-chemical parameters and heavy metals were collected Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 58 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation and stored in clean polythene bags while those for total hydrocarbon analyses were stored in parcels made from aluminium foils. Samples for microbiology were collected in sterile 10ml Steriline tubes. The samples were properly stored in coolers and transported to the laboratory for analyses. Specific analyses methods used for sediments samples are in table 4.8. Table 4.7: Sediment Sampling Points S/N Sample ID Longitude Latitude Easting Northing 1 SED1 30 27' 52.68" E 60 29' 13.25" N 551373.7 717064.3 2 SED2 30 27' 47.57" E 60 27' 8.20" N 551220.4 713223.93 3 SED3 30 30' 58.36" E 60 30' 14.14" N 557075 718939.61 4 SED4 3031' 14.55" E 60 28' 59.41" N 557574.4 716645.33 5 SED5 30 29' 40.95" E 60 29' 49.92" N 554698 718193.43 6 SED6 30 27' 22.22" E 60 28' 17.22" N 550439.7 715342.76 7 SED7 30 32' 11.24" E 60 27' 14.46" N 559319.3 713424.28 8 SED8 30 31' 13.21" E 60 28' 0.26" N 557535.1 714828.84 9 SED9 30 30' 16.42" E 60 28' 9.23" N 555790.6 715102.37 10 SED10 30 29' 41.08" E 6027' 58.29" N 554705.4 714765.46 11 SED11 30 32' 20.69" E 6028' 47.67" N 559606.4 716286.93 12 SED12 30 29' 1.84" E 60 28' 49.98" N 553498.8 716351.62 13 SED13 30 29' 27.68" E 60 27' 26.47" N 554294.9 713787.98 14 SED14 30 29' 24.89" E 60 30' 29.78" N 554203.7 719416.95 15 SED15 30 31' 42.42" E 60 29' 36.93" N 558429.2 717798.2 Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 59 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Map 4.6: Sediment sampling locations Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 60 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Plate 4.4: Sediment Sampling Table 4.8: Methods used for Sediment Analyses Sediment Parameter Organics: Total Hydrocarbons (THC) Metals: Alkali Metals (Ca, Mg, Na and K) Other Metals: (Cr, Cu, Fe, Ni, V, Pb, Zn, Cd, Hg, and Mn) Physico-chemistry: Particle size distribution Anions (SO42-, NO3-, PO43-, Cl- ) Alkalinity Microbiology: Heterotrophic Bacteria Culturable Fungi Coliform Bacteria 4.7.5 Analytical Method N-Hexane Extract using GC APHA 18th edition 3111B and ASTM D3561. Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (Perkin Elmer ZEEMAN 3030 HGA 600 ASTM D5198/D3974. Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (Perkin-Elmer Model Zeeman 3030 HGA 600 BS1377 (Part 2; 1990), ASTM D422, Dutch RAW. argentometric method (APHA 4500 Titrimetric (APHA 427C) Plate count Plate count Plate count, MPN (Crickshank, 1975) Hydrobiology: Plankton and Macrobenthos Sampling and laboratory analyses method Hydrobiology Samples were collected from the same locations as water samples. Map 4.7 and table 4.9 show the study locations. Plankton Studies Plankton samples were collected using 55 microns standard plankton net. Sampling was by both vertical and horizontal towing. Towing was conducted for eight minutes at each sampling point. Samples were collected in Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 61 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation sample containers and fixed with 10% formaldehyde solution. All samples were properly stored in a cooler and conveyed to the Laboratory for identification and analyses. Table 4.9: Hydrobiology Sampling Points S/N Sample ID Longitude Latitude Easting Northing 1 HYD1 30 27' 52.68" E 60 29' 13.25" N 551373.7 717064.3 2 HYD2 30 27' 47.57" E 60 27' 8.20" N 551220.4 713223.93 3 HYD3 30 30' 58.36" E 60 30' 14.14" N 557075 718939.61 4 HYD4 3031' 14.55" E 60 28' 59.41" N 557574.4 716645.33 5 HYD5 30 29' 40.95" E 60 29' 49.92" N 554698 718193.43 6 HYD6 30 27' 22.22" E 60 28' 17.22" N 550439.7 715342.76 7 HYD7 30 32' 11.24" E 60 27' 14.46" N 559319.3 713424.28 8 HYD8 30 31' 13.21" E 60 28' 0.26" N 557535.1 714828.84 9 HYD9 30 30' 16.42" E 60 28' 9.23" N 555790.6 715102.37 10 HYD10 30 29' 41.08" E 6027' 58.29" N 554705.4 714765.46 11 HYD11 30 32' 20.69" E 6028' 47.67" N 559606.4 716286.93 12 HYD12 30 29' 1.84" E 60 28' 49.98" N 553498.8 716351.62 13 HYD13 30 29' 27.68" E 60 27' 26.47" N 554294.9 713787.98 14 HYD14 30 29' 24.89" E 60 30' 29.78" N 554203.7 719416.95 15 HYD15 30 31' 42.42" E 60 29' 36.93" N 558429.2 717798.2 Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 62 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Map 4.7: Hydrobiology sampling locations Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 63 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Plate 4.5: Plankton Sampling: Vertical and Horizontal Tow In the laboratory, five drops of the concentrated (centrifuged) sample (10ml) were investigated at different magnifications (50x, 100 x and 400) using a Wild II binocular microscope with calibrated eye piece and the average recorded. The microtansect drop count method described by Lackey (1938) was employed. Final data were presented as number of organisms (cells, filaments or colonies). Appropriate texts were used to aid identification, these include: Phytoplankton-Hendey 1958, 1964; Wimpenny, 1966; Patrick and Reimer, 1966, 1975; Whitford and Schmacher, 1973; Vanlandingham, 1982; Nwankwo, 1990, 1995, 2004; Zooplankton- Newell and Newell, 1966; 2.821966; Olaniyan, 1975, Barnes et al., 1993 and Waife and Frid, 2001. The following diversity indices were used for biological data analysis. • Margalef’s Richness Index (d) • Menhinick’s Index (D) (. • Shannon and Weiner diversity index (Hs) • Species Equitability (j). • Simpson’s Dominance Index (C) Macrobenthos A van-veen grab was used to collect sediment samples from the water bed. Two hauls of grab samples were randomly taken at each point. The collected samples were sieved using sieve of 100-micron mesh size in order to collect the sieved off macrobenthos in sample containers. Rosebengal in formaldehide was used to preserve the collected samples and transported to the laboratory for identification. In the laboratory, sorting and counting of benthos was done by using microscope (Holme and McIntyre 1971). Identification was done after (Gosner 1971), (Fauchald 1977), (Lincoln 1979), (Bernhard G 1974) and (Kobina and Mike 2001). The sorted animals were classified into taxonomic groups (Phyla, class, families, and species). The number of species and individuals for each station were counted and recorded. Ecological indices were used in statistical analysis of observed data. Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 64 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Plate 4.6: Macrobenthos Sampling 4.7.6 Vegetation Field Studies Vegetation studies were conducted primarily by observation at vegetated locations within the designated area of influence. Observations were made at 10 different locations. Table 4.10 and Map 4.8 show the study locations. Table 4.10: Vegetation Study locations S/N Sample ID Longitude Latitude Easting Northing 1 VG1 30 32' 50.53" E 60 26' 30.95" N 559546.79 712588.13 2 VG2 30 30' 48.04" E 60 27' 57.98" N 556740.21 714745.38 3 VG3 30 29' 53.24" E 60 27' 5.77" N 555063.75 713181.06 4 VG4 30 29' 26.81" E 60 25' 32.29" N 554262.00 710284.78 5 VG5 30 28' 55.87" E 60 27' 59.92" N 553280.74 714822.43 6 VG6 30 29' 13.27" E 60 27' 15.44" N 553833.72 713444.14 7 VG7 30 29' 15.85" E 60 26' 35.47" N 553915.33 712226.27 8 VG8 30 32' 10.56" E 60 27' 56.05" N 559268.72 714702.03 9 VG9 30 31' 17.05" E 60 26' 45.14" N 557627.45 712517.19 10 VG10 30 31' 7.38" E 60 25' 43.25" N 557342.04 710621.03 Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 65 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Map 4.8: Vegetation Study locations Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 66 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Plant Characterization / Identification Characterization / identification of vegetation types to species level, followed by a visual estimate of their relative abundance was carried out using standard keys (Akobundu and Agyakwa (1987), Hutchinson and Dalziel, (1968) and Keay, et. al., 1964). Where on-the-spot assessment was not possible, plant specimens were collected and brought back to the laboratory for further keying and identification. Plant Pathological Assessment A survey of the state of health of the vegetation within each sampling location was carried out by visual inspection. The number of diseased plants in each direction was recorded and disease incidence for each location was worked out. The colour and shape of each leaf spot was observed and recorded. The number of spots per leaf was counted for 5 leaves per plant species and the average calculated. Infected leaf samples of major vegetation species were clipped and used for pathogen isolation in a potato dextrose agar (PDA), while identification was carried out using appropriate standard keys by Barron, 1969; Bomsh, et al 1980 and Barnett and Hunter, 1972 Plant Physiognomy An assessment of the vegetal composition within each sampling location was made by carefully observing the composition of plant species found in a sample location. This was followed by a comparison of the luxuriant nature of these plant species. Plant Frequency Plant frequency was determined as the percentage number of times species was found in the total number of sampling locations studied. This frequency helped in determining which plant species was most adapted to the prevailing edaphic conditions within the study area. Biomass Estimation A 1m x 1m quadrant was used for the biomass estimation, where all herbaceous species were uprooted and brought back to the laboratory. Fresh weight of these clipped samples was immediately taken with the aid of a weighing machine (Ohaus Model: LS2000), then dried and re-weighed for estimation of the biomass productivity. Biomass productivity (g/m2) was estimated using the formula: Biomass Productivity = Where, A = Total weight (field) in an area of 1m2 B = Fresh weight of subsample (g) C = Dry weight of subsample after oven drying at 800C (g) Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 67 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Inventory of Economic Crops Dominant and economic plant types at each sampling location were identified and recorded. 4.7.7 Wildlife Studies The following methods were employed for wildlife studies: • Visual observation and documentation on the field; • Oral discussions with natives of the study area; • Literature survey and review. Field activities included observation of wildlife species, their droppings, paw marks, feathers, shells etc. Observations were recorded in field notebooks. The information on wildlife and animal resources recorded in this report is field observations verified with credible available literatures. Specific attention was paid to the occurrence of economic and endangered species. 4.7.8 Bathymetric Survey An approximate area of 900Ha around the proposed reclamation and sand borrow area was surveyed using specialised fast-survey boat equipped with DGPS positioning system, automatic tide recording system and NaviSound 210 Single beam echo sounder. All positioning and setting out related to Clarke 1880 projection, defined by the following geodetic parameters: Plate 4.7: Survey Launch used for Bathymetric studies Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 68 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Projection name: Nig Belt (LAGOS). Latitude of Origin: 0.00º N Longitude of Origin: 3º E False Easting: 500000 False Northing: 0 Scale Factor: 0.99960000 Spheroid name: WGS’84 Semi-major axis: 6378247.145 Inverse Flattening: 293.465. All measuring and test equipment had a unique identification number permanently affixed to each item of measuring and test equipment. Each item was calibrated or verified at intervals recommended by the manufacturer and calibration certificates were administered duly. Within the equipment database each item is entered with its own unique identification number and date when the next calibration is due. To achieve the required accuracies, Differential GPS technology was applied for this survey. DGPS operates using a system of ground-based reference stations to broadcast the difference between a receiver station and the known fixed position. Figure 4.1 shows the DGPS survey principle. The Global Positioning System (GPS) is a worldwide radio-navigation system formed from a constellation of 24 satellites. For horizontal control, the survey-vessel was equipped with GPS receivers locking in on the Base Station, thereby obtaining DGPS accuracy position fix. The Base station systems provided WGS’84 coordinates which were transferred to the Clarke 1880 Nig Mid Belt projection by the data-acquisition software packages. Vertical control was achieved by the z-component of the DGPS system. The received DGPS height was used to on-line reduce the bathymetric data to the CD level while operating in the working area. When properly defined in local coordinates, in due consideration of GPS L1L2 antenna height, the DGPS receiver provided a CD related height component, which was utilised as a reference level/height for further data-reduction purposes to CD. In the absence of DGPS, vertical control in those circumstances was achieved, using tidal information. Depths measurements took place with Navisound 210 echo sounder using single beam normal transducer. The frequency of the echo sounder was 200 kHz. The principle of echo sounder is shown in figure 4.2. An automatic transmitting and recording tide gauge was established at a location close to the work site. Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 69 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Figure 4.1: DGPS Survey Principle Figure 4.2: Eco Sounder Bathymetric Survey Principle The reference level for the tide gauge was related to the established Benchmarks in the vicinity of the intended location and the tide gauge transmitted and recorded in CD. The tide gauge readings were recorded and Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 70 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation transmitted to the survey vessel. When applicable, the transmitted and/or recorded tide was utilised to reduce data to the correct CD. This can be done either on-line or off-line. The whole process of data-preparation, -acquisition, -processing, -presentation, -handling and managing was internally structured and optimised to fit the requirements and to achieve repeatability by standardising activities. During the period of vessel mobilization all significant vessel sensor offsets were measured and entered into the software to compensate for these measured offsets. All sensors utilized in data acquisition were interfaced to the PC installed on board the survey boat. Subsequently the software will calculate Easting, Northing and depth values. The software stores these while carrying out single beam survey. Bathymetric reduced raw data results was send to the office and checked for quality through match-checks on previous information. 4.7.9 Geotechnical Survey Thirteen (13) marine boreholes were drilled to 15m below water level or to a refusal depth whichever comes first, in order to obtain subsoil information and verify availability of sufficient quantities of sand within the vicinity of the proposed reclamation area. Pulsing method was adopted for the drilling using specialized pontoon. The drilling pontoon consists of two separate pontoons attached to each other by a demountable frame. The Work Container and Generator (which Plate 4.8: The Drill Pontoon “HAM 912” used for the survey powers the compressor) were placed on top pf the pontoon, while a tripod with sheave is located at the front side Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 71 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation of the potoon. Borehole positions were determined using handheld GPS with an accuracy of +/- 5m. The drilling pontoon was placed in position by two spud pillars, operated by a pneumatic winch. A bailor of 1 meter was repeatedly moved up (by pneumatic winch) and down (by gravity) to capture mixture of soil/water from the borehole. The bailer is equipped with a flap at the bottom, which ensures that captured material remains inside dueing hoisting, while a steel casting guided the bailer and kept the borehole from collapsing. After drilling, samples were appropriately bagged, labeled, and transported to laboratory for analyses. Coordinates of the Borehole locations 4.8 Quality Assurance Methodology In order to assure and guarantee quality in this study, a number of strategic best practice plans were put in place and adhered to strictly. Quality assurance plans covered sample collection and handling, laboratory analyses and data management. Some quality assurance plans carried out include: 4.8.1 Sample Collection/Handling Prior to mobilization to field, all sample containers were washed/ sterilized using a standard methodology and neatly packed. Applicable field sampling and collection instruments wer cleaned and re-calibrated after each use. Sample chain-of-custody forms were properly filled to indicate the sample names and locations, preservatives used, analysis required and date of sampling. This was used in the tracking of samples from the point of collection in the field to the laboratory where analyses were carried out, as well as for cross references. Samples were transferred in coolers and crates under standard conditions as applicable to various analyses, to the laboratory after each field exercise. 4.8.2 Laboratory Analyses Quality assurance (QA) and quality check (QC) measures adopted for laboratory analyses were in accordance with DPR and FMEnv standards and recommendations. Other QA measures adopted in this study include: Engagement of adequate and competent personnel at all phases of the study; Strict adherence to standard analytical operating procedures during analyses. Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 72 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation 4.8.3 Data Management Field data were digitized soon after fieldwork using appropriate computer software. Quantitative data analyses and presentation of results were conducted using Microsoft Excel spreadsheets and SPSS 10.0. GIS analyses where carried out using Arcview 3.2 and ArcGIS 9.2. All data where subjected to quality check before being used in report preparation. 4.9 Baseline Characteristics of the Proposed Project Environment This section presents the baseline characteristics of natural environment within and around the proposed reclamation arae. The characteristics reported here are based on findings of wet and dry seasons studies carried as part of this EIA, as well as information from secondary sources like; government records and available literature. Sources of every data are appropriately referenced. 4.9.1 Climate Characteristics The climate characteristics of the proposed project area are based on records from the Nigeria Meteorological Agency (NIMET) between 1976 and 2012. The climate of the project area and its immediate environment is influenced by the tropical and continental air masses, which are associated, respectively with the northeast and moisture-laden monsoon south-west winds (Ojo, 1972). The movement of these air masses results in the two weather seasons – the wet season from April to November, the dry season from December to March typical of the project area. Some Climatological data for the project area are presented in Table 4.11. Table 4.11: Summary of Climate Characteristics of the Study Area Month Average (mm) Rainfall Temperature C Average Max Min Recorded Max Min Relative (%) Humidity am pm Average (hrs) January February March April May June July August September 28 46 102 150 269 460 279 64 450 31 32 32 32 31 29 28 28 28 23 25 26 25 24 23 23 23 23 35 36 37 37 40 34 34 36 34 17 19 16 21 21 21 20 19 20 84 83 82 81 83 87 87 85 86 65 69 72 72 76 80 80 76 77 6 7 6 6 6 4 3 3 3 October November December Min Max Average 286 69 25 25 460 186 29 31 31 28 32 30 23 24 24 23 26 24 36 37 37 34 40 36 21 21 19 16 21 20 86 85 86 81 87 85 76 72 68 65 80 74 5 7 7 3 7 5 Orange Island Development Company Limited Sunlight Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 73 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Precipitation Rain falls virtually in all the months of the year with annual average of 186mm. Precipitation pattern shows double maxima, with a relatively dry period in August. Two seasons are identifiable: the rainy season (April to November) and the relatively dry season (December to March). Rainfall is heaviest during the months of June and September. This period accounts for over 50% of the total annual rainfall whilst only about 7.5% of annual total rainfall occurs between November and February (Figure 4.3). Monthly rainfial pattern around the proposed project area in recent times, with particular reference to the year 2010 suggests a higher than normal rainfall from June to September (NIMET, 2010). Figure 4.3: Precipitation Pattern of the Study Area Figure 4.4: Comparison of monthly Rainfall in Ikeja (Lagos): 2010 with 1971-2000 Source: NIMET, 2010 Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 74 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Temperature Temperature of the study area has annual range of 28 to 320C and 23 to 260C for maximum and minimum temperature records respectively. Mean monthly minimum and maximum temperatures were 24 and 300C respectively. Lowest temperatures were recorded between July and September while temperatures were recorded between October and March (figure 4.5) Figure 4.5: Average Monthly Temperature of the Study Area Relative Humidity Monthly average Relative humidity (RH) in the study area ranged between 81 and 87% in the morning periods and between 65 and 80% at afternoon periods. Annually averages stand at of 85 and 74% in the morning and afternoon periods respectively. Figure 4.6 shows the average monthly RH(%) in the study area at morning and daytime. Figure 4.6: Average Monthly Relative Humidity in the study area Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 75 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Wind The northeast trade wind generally brings a season of clear skies, moderate temperatures, and lower humidity for most part of Nigeria from September through November. From December through February, however, the northeast trade winds blow strongly and often bring with them a load of fine dust from the Sahara. These dustladen winds, known locally as the harmattan, often appear as a dense fog, and covers everything with a layer of fine particles. The harmattan is more common in the north but affects the entire country except for a narrow strip along the southwest coast. An occasional strong harmattan, however, can sweep as far south as Lagos, providing relief from high humidity’s in the capital and pushing clouds of dust out to sea. The project area has a wind speed ranging between 2 and 8 m/s. The wind speed is lower than 2.7m/s in about 60% of the time, and seldom (<2% of the time) exceeds 3 m/s. Wind speeds are generally lower in the night than during the day with the highest wind speed recorded at the onset of the rainy season. The prevailing wind direction (about 55% of the time) is South West (2100 - 2400). However, during the dry season, winds are distributed in all directions, but predominantly south to south-west during the rainy season. Sunlight Sunlight in the proposed project area is most intense between November and February. Lowest insolation is recorded between June and October. The monthly average sunlight hours ranged between 3 and 7 hours with an annual average of 5 hours. 4.9.2 GEOLOGY AND TOPOGRAPHY Regional Geology, Stratigraphy and Tectonics The project area falls within the Dahomey sedimentary basin, a basin known to have resulted from the events associated with the break-up of Gondwana and subsequent opening of the southern Atlantic. Deposition was in a fault-controlled depression, bounded by faults and other tectonic structures of the Romanche Fault Zone on the west, and by the Benin Hinge line, also a major fault structure, on the east. Sediment thickness in the basin, which extends from Accra/Ghana to the Okitipupa Ridge, where it is separated from the Niger Delta, increases from north to south and from east to west within Nigeria. Detailed studies, among others by Adegoke (in Kogbe, 1976) and Whiteman (1982), indicate a stratigraphic succession (Table 4.12) that began with the mostly marine Cretaceous Abeokuta Formation at its base, lying unconformably on the Precambrian Basement Complex. The Paleocene Ewekoro Formation is deposited conformably on the Abeokuta Formation and is succeeded by the Eocene Ilaro Formation, which signifies the close of Mesozoic sedimentation in the basin area. The mostly continental Oligo-Plieistocene sediments of the Benin Formation also known as “Coastal Plain Sands” overlie the Ilaro Formation. The formation consists of loose, poor to moderately sorted sands, clays, pebbles, sandy clays and clayey sands, and rarely, thin lignite beds. The youngest sedimentation in the area is of Quaternary alluvial deposits of unconsolidated and unsorted sands, clays and silts. Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 76 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Figure 4.7: The geology of Southern Nigeria (Wright et al. 1985) Table 4.12: Stratigraphic Succession in the Basin Area Age Recent Oligo-Pleistocene Eocene Paleocene-Lower Eocene Cretaceous Pre-Cambrian Adegoke (in Kogbe, 1976) Alluvium Benin Formation Ilaro Formation Oshosun Formation Akinbo Formation Araromi Formation Afowo Formation Ise Formation Basement Complex Regional Hydrogeology Coastal Nigeria is made up of two sedimentary basins: The Benin basin and the Niger Delta basin separated by the Okitipupa ridge. The rocks of the Benin basin are mainly sands and shale’s with some limestone which thicken towards the west and the coast as well as down dips to the coast. Recent sediments are underlain by the Coastal Plains Sands which is then underlain by a thick clay layer - the Ilaro Formation and other older Formations (Jones and Hockey, 1964). The Recent Sediments and Coastal Plains Sands consist of alternation of sands and clays. The Recent Sediments forms a water table aquifer which is exploited by hand-dug wells and shallow boreholes. The Coastal Plains Sands aquifer is a multi-aquifer system consisting of three aquifer horizons separated by silty or clayey layers (Longe et al. 1987). It is the main aquifer in Lagos Metropolis that is Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 77 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation exploited through boreholes for domestic and industrial water supply. In the coastal belt of the Benin basin, this aquifer is confined. A brief review of the regional hydrogeology is essential for the understanding of the probable impacts that the proposed project may have on groundwater in the area. This is summarized in Table 4.13. From the table, it is obvious that aquifers exist in virtually every formation represented in the area. Table 4.13: Summary of Hydro-Geological Units in the Project Area Age Formation Lithology Recent Alluvium Oligo-Pleistocene Benin Formation Ilaro Formation Sands, clays, mud, pebbles Sands, clays, silts, sandy clays, gravel Predominantly shale, clays Limestone, shale, clay Eocene Paleocene Cretaceous Ewekoro Formation Araromi Fm. Afowo Fm. Ise Fm. Shale, fine/medium sands Coarse/medium sandstone, shale, silt-stone Sands, grits, sand-stone Depositional Environment Continental Hydro geological Significance Aquiferous Continental Aquiferous Marine/lacustrine Non-aquiferous Marine Marine/continental Marine Aquiferous (limestone) Aquiferous Aquiferous Continental Artesian The Abeokuta Formation The Abeokuta Formation, comprising of the Araromi, Afowo and Ise Formations, has been exploited for industrial water supply and rural water supply, where temperatures of 80oC and 43oC have been encountered. Aquifers of the Abeokuta Formation are essentially confined and artesian conditions have been encountered in boreholes at Itoikin and Igbonla with a free flow head of about 15m at the Itoikin borehole. The Ilaro and Ewekoro Formations Both the Ilaro and Ewekoro formations may be considered an effective regional aquitard/acquiclude unit, separating the underlying Abeokuta Formation aquifers from the overlaying Benin Formation aquifers. A borehole screened in a thin band of sandy gravel of the Ilaro Formation at Lakowe yielded a transmissivity of 2.3m2/d and produced brackish water with a conductivity of 6ms/cm. The Ewekoro Formation is known to be aquiferous only where limestone members are present, and no significant aquiferous zones have been reported in this formation in Lagos State. The Coastal Plain Sands (Benin Formation) Though aquifers are known to exist in the other sedimentary formations present in the area, the Benin Formation is, without doubt, the most significant aquifer system, being the major source of groundwater for private and public water supply, including industrial and commercial water usage. An overwhelming majority of the boreholes and dug wells in Lagos State are in the Benin Formation aquifers. Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 78 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation The focus of this present investigation is the Benin Formation, which constitutes the most significant and productive regional aquifer system in Southern Nigeria, outcropping over an area close to 25,000km2 and dipping below the recent swamp deposits of the coastal areas. Its thickness, estimated at between 30m to 60m (Oteze, 1981), has been confirmed in several boreholes at different locations. In Lagos State, the Benin Formation becomes thicker and increasingly sandy southwards from its outcrop area in the north and is also characterized by water quality variations. The formation is essentially plastic, being made up of loose red earth overlying unconsolidated, very poorly sorted clayey sands, gravelly sands and sandy clays, intercalated with grey clays and peat. The sands are generally friable, but become increasingly compacted with depth. Kampsax-Kruger (1977), based on evidence from borehole lithology and gamma ray logs identified 3 major aquiferous zones, separated by thick layers of clay aquicludes. Recent Sediments Locally significant aquifers may be found in the alluvial deposits along major streams in the state and around the coast. The unconsolidated deposits may constitute hydrogeologically significant lithologic units, either as conduits for the passage of contaminants, as filter for removal of harmful chemicals and pathogens or as local aquifers for rural water supply. Due to their widely varying lithology that ranges from clay through silt, fine-coarse sand and gravel there is a broad variation in their hydraulic properties too, especially permeability, this is particularly significant in water supply considerations and pollution control. In the southwestern part of the country, phosphate resources occur in the Eocene Ilaro Formation and are presently being mined at Ifo Junction in Ogun State. The resource estimate of this phosphate deposit is 40 million tonnes, but the reserve estimates need updating and confirmation (Ministry of Solid Minerals Development 2000). Other authors, for instance McClellan and Notholt (1986) estimate the PR reserves at this location as slightly over 1 million tonnes only. The Eocene sedimentary succession in the coastal zone of Nigeria is geologically similar to the succession with the economic Togo phosphates. Unfortunately, the phosphatebearing sedimentary layer reaches only a thickness of 1.3 m and the overburden can reach up to 15 m (McClellan and Notholt 1986). In southwestern Niger, in the striking continuation of the Sokoto phosphates, the phosphates occur mainly in the ‘Formation de Garadaoua,’ which is stratigraphically equivalent to Paleocene to Eocene sediments of northern Nigeria (Hanon 1900). The Benin Formation consisting predominantly of massive highly porous sands and gravels with locally thin shale/clay interbeds forms a multi-aquifer system in the delta. Many boreholes have been drilled into the aquifers of the Benin Formation yielding good quality water but many have also been abandoned due to high salinity. Oil and gas are produced from sand reservoirs in the Agbada Formation while the Akata Formation consists of uniform shale rocks. Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 79 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation 4.9.3 Air Quality and Noise Characteristics Introduction The quality of air has obvious implications on public health and environment. Noise and some gases become detrimental to human health at certain concentrations. International and local specific standards are set for control of noxious emissions and noise for different receptors. Every project is required to be implemented in a manner that ensures adequate management of pollutants (gaseous emissions and noise). In order to predict the extent of impact(s) of any planned project on the environment, it is important to have a good understanding of the pre-project quality of air within the project’s area of influence. This section of the report presents an overview of the health implications of key air contaminants and the baseline characteristics of air quality during dry and wet season around the proposed Orange Island Reclamation vicinity. Effects of Air Pollutants There are a number of health challenges associated with different air contaminants. These range from relatively minor impacts such as respiratory irritation, headaches and cough to more serious health impacts, including chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Some of the associated effects of air pollutants are discussed below. Carbon Monoxide Carbon monoxide (CO) is a colourless, odourless and poisonous gas produced by the incomplete combustion of fossil fuels - gas, oil, coal and wood. When it combines with the oxygen-carrying component of the blood (haemoglobin) to form a carboxyhaemoglobin (COHb), it impairs the oxygen carrying capacity of the blood. Prolonged (45 minutes to 3 hours) exposure to concentrations of CO between 200 ppm and 800 ppm often results in severe headache, dizziness, nausea and convulsions. Table 4.14 shows the effects of various levels of COHb in humans. Table 4.14: Carboxyhaemoglobin Levels and Related Health Effects % COHb in blood 80 60 40 30 7-20 5-17 Below 5 2.9-4.5 2.3-4.3 Effects Associated with this COHb Level Death Loss of consciousness; death in prolonged exposure Confusion; collapse on exercise Headache; fatigue; impaired judgment Statistically significant decreased maximal oxygen consumption during strenuous exercise in healthy young men Statistically significant reduction of visual perception, manual dexterity, ability to learn, or performance in complex sensor motor tasks (such as driving) No statistically significant vigilance reduction after exposure to CO Statistically significant decreased exercise capacity (i.e., shortened duration of exercise before onset of pain) in patients with angina pectoris and increased duration of angina attacks Statistically significant decreased (about 3-7%) work time to exhaustion in exercising healthy men Source: U.S. EPA (1989) Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 80 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Sulphur Dioxide and Hydrogen Sulphide Sulphur dioxide (SO2) is a colourless gas that is produced from biological decay, forest fires, volcanic eruptions and, oceans. It can also result from fossil fuel combustion, smelting, manufacture of sulphuric acid, and incineration of refuse and production of elemental sulphur. Health effect associated with the inhalation of high concentrations of this oxide includes breathing disorder, respiratory illnesses, alterations in pulmonary defence and aggravation of existing cardiovascular diseases. Hydrogen sulphide (H2S) gas, which is extremely toxic, odorous and corrosive, may also, be generated from similar processes as SO2. In the atmosphere, SO2 and H2S react with water vapour to form acid rains (EPA, 1995). Acid rain has been reported to cause extensive damage to building and structural materials as well as valuable ancient sculptures. The acidification of soils and aquatic systems have also been reported to alter species composition among plankton, decline in productivity of fish and amphibians and the mobilization of metals, which were initially locked unto sediment/soil particles. Acidification of drinking water reservoirs and concurrent increases in heavy metal concentrations may exceed public health limits and cause injurious effects. Exposure to SO2 at concentrations above 13mg/m3 could stimulate broncho-constriction (as in asthma) and mucus secretion as well as irritate the eyes in man and other animals (ACGIH, 1995). Long-term exposure to lower concentrations may result in death from cardiac and/or respiratory diseases and increased prevalence of related symptoms. Similarly, exposure to H2S gas above 150µg/m3 could result in death (SIEP,1995). Nitrogen Dioxide NO2 is a pungent, acidic gas. Corrosive and strongly oxidizing, it is one of several oxides of nitrogen (NOX) that can be produced as a result of combustion processes. Combustion of fossil fuels converts atmospheric nitrogen and any nitrogen in the fuel into its oxides, mainly nitric oxide (NO) but with small amounts (5-10%) of NO2. NO slowly oxidizes to NO2 in the atmosphere. This reaction is catalyzed in the presence of O3. In the presence of sunlight, NOX, including NO2, react with volatile organic compounds to form photochemical smog. The main source of NO2 resulting from human activities is the combustion of fossil fuels (coal, gas and oil). In cities such as Lagos, about 80% of ambient NO2 comes from motor vehicles. Other sources include the refining of petrol and metals, commercial manufacturing, and food manufacturing. Electricity generation using fossil fuels can also produce significant amounts. Exposure to nitrogen dioxide (NO2) has been shown to cause reversible effects on lung function and airway responsiveness. It may also increase reactivity to natural allergens. Inhalation of NO2 by children increases their risk of respiratory infection and may lead to poorer lung function in later life. Recent epidemiological studies have shown an association between ambient NO2 exposure and increases in daily mortality and hospital admissions for respiratory disease. NO2 has also been shown to potentiate the effects of exposure to other known irritants, such as ozone and respirable (PM 10) particles. There is some evidence that acute exposure to NO2 may cause an increase in airway responsiveness in asthmatic individuals. This response has been observed only at relatively low NO2 concentrations, mostly in the range of 400–600 µg/m3. Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 81 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Total Suspended Particulate (TSP) There are categories of particulate matter that can be suspended in air, they include: total suspended particles; PM10; PM2.5; fine and ultra-fine particles; diesel exhaust; mineral dust; metal dust and fumes. Particulates in the atmosphere are known to cause varying deleterious effects in the environment. In this regard, the size and chemical nature of particulates are more vital than their number. Particulates with diameter of less than 3-micron can penetrate the respiratory system and cause breathing problems and irritation of the lung capillaries. They are referred to as respirable particulates. They can also constitute nuisance in the environment, interfere with sunlight and act as catalytic surfaces for reaction of adsorbed chemicals. Description of the baseline air quality of the study area is based on the concentration of specific parameters measured at the various study points. Study methodology and equipment used area presented in section 4.7.1 of this report. Parameters measured include; Total Suspended particulates (TSP), Sulphur dioxide (SO2), Hydrogen sulphide (H2S), Carbon monoxide (CO), Nitogen dioxide (NO2), Nitric Oxide (NO), Ammonia (NH3),and carbon dioxide(CO2). Table 4.15 shows the result of air quality measurements in dry and wet season. Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 82 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Table 4.15: Air Quality Characteristics of the study area in dry and wet season Study Points 3 4 A1 A2 A3 CO (ppm) D3 W4 ND ND ND ND 2 0.8 CO2 (ppm) D W 360 389 385 372 340 390 NH3 (ppm) D W ND ND ND ND ND ND NO (ppm) D W ND 0 ND 1 ND 2 A4 ND ND 380 370 ND ND ND 3 ND A5 ND ND 392 380 ND ND ND 4 A6 A7 A8 ND ND 2.2 ND ND 1 368 392 390 370 385 378 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND A9 2.5 1.2 348 413 ND ND A10 A11 (Control) A12 Minimum Maximum Average FMEnv Limit Overall Average ND ND ND ND 2.5 2.2 10 1.6 ND ND ND 0.8 1.2 1.0 356 380 381 340 392 372.7 370 375 379 370 413 380.9 ND ND ND NA NA NA NA 376.8 NO2 (ppm) D W ND ND ND ND ND ND H2S (ppm) D W ND ND ND ND ND ND SO2 (ppm) D W ND ND ND ND ND ND TSP (ug/m3) D W 128 110 135 121 180 169 ND ND ND ND ND 125 115 On Lagos lagoon, off Banana Island ND ND ND ND ND ND 148 124 Off Admiralty Way Lekki 1 5 6 7 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 138 108 178 118 98 175 Ikate waterside community On Lagos lagoon within 100m from proposed reclamation site By NCF gate along Lekki-Epe Expressway ND 8 ND ND ND ND ND ND 145 121 Igbaefon community ND ND ND NA NA NA ND ND ND NA NA NA 9 10 11 0 11 5.5 ND ND ND NA NA NA ND ND ND NA NA NA ND ND ND NA NA NA residential estate, off Chevron Drive Lekki Lagos Lagoon North of proposed reclamation site On Lagos Lagoon, ~200m north of proposed reclamation site NA NA NA 150 112 128 108 180 139.6 250 132.5 135 105 115 98 175 125.5 NA ND ND ND NA NA NA 0.01 NA ND ND ND NA NA NA NA ND ND ND NA NA NA 0.04-0.06 NA NA Land Use Features at Study Point Lagos Lagoon bank. Near Residential Estate (VGC) On lagoon Ikate Elegushi Round About by Lekki Epe Expressway Source: ERL, 2013 Dry Season Wet Season Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 83 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Total Suspended Particles The total suspended particulate (TSP) level in the study area recorded an average of 132.5 µg/m3. Relatively higher values were recorded in the dry season than in wet. This is expected as dust particles and other particulates have more residence time in the dry season as compared to the rainy season. Particulates suspended in the air are deposited by gravitational pull known as dry deposition. Dry deposition is the most prominent natural means of removing particulate from the air, during the dry season. In the rainy season, an additional means called wet deposition is added on. Particulate are “washed out” of the air when rain falls and when this is combined with dry deposition, it makes the cleansing of air more effective in the rainy season. TSP ranged between 108µg/m3 and 180µg/m3 with an average value of 139.6µg/m3 in dry season, while it ranged between 98µg/m3 and 175µg/m3 with an average value of 135.4µg/m3 in wet season. The highest recording, was obtained along Lekki-Epe Expressway, suggesting vehicle traffic contribution to TSP concentration. All recorded values are below the FMEnv standard of 250µg/m3 for ambient air quality. TSP is not likely to increase significantly during reclamation considering that dredged materials will be moisture-laden. A comparison of the average TSP values obtained in the study area (wet and dry seasons) with the classification criteria in Table 4.16 shows that ambient air around the study area was of moderate quality in both seasons, with a marginally better quality in wet rainy season. Table 4.16: Air Quality Classification Based on TSP Concentration Range of TSP Values (µg/m3) 0 – 75 76 – 230 231 – 600 Class of Air Quality High Quality Moderate Quality Poor Quality Source: Jain, et al. 1976 Sulphur Dioxide and Hydrogen Sulphide SO2 and H2S gases were not detected in all the study locations. This means that the concentration of these gases in the study areas were below the sensitivity of the equipment used, which is 0.01ppm. In effect, the concentration of SO2 is below the FMEnv limit of 0.01ppm hourly daily average. Carbon Monoxide (CO) and Carbon Dioxide (CO2) CO concentrations in ambient air of the study areas were observed to be low. It recorded an overall average of 1.62ppm in dry and wet seasons. Higher values were recorded in dry season than in wet season. The maximum recorded values in dry and wet seasons were 2.5ppm and 1.2ppm respectively (table 4.15). These values are below the FMEnv permissible limit of 10ppm for hourly average. Sources of CO in the areas they were recorded could be linked to vehicular emissions and use of household diesel and gasoline generators. Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 84 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Carbon dioxide concentration in ambient air recorded an overall average of 376.8ppm in the study areas in dry and wet seasons. Higher concentrations were recorded in wet season than in dry, but the dry season concentrations had wider standard deviation of 17.9ppm. CO2 concentration in ambient air of the study area in dry season ranged between 340ppm and 392ppm and between 370ppm and 413ppm in wet season (Table 4.15). Nitrogen Oxides and Ammonia NO was below the detecting limit of the measuring equipment (0.1ppm) at all the study locations in dry season. In wet season, the values ranged from 0.00 to 11.0ppm with the average of 5.5ppm and standard deviation of 3.6ppm. NO2 and NH3 concentrations in the ambient air of the study areas were below the detection limit (0.1ppm) of the equipment used for the study. Noise level Noise is undesired sound. It has both public health and ecological implications. Loud and uncontrolled noise levels could cause adverse effects to public health and comfort. The most obvious is impaired hearing and eventual deafness in cases of prolonged exposure. The major source of noise within the study areas is vehicular traffic. Noise levels measured at study points in dry and wet seasons recorded an average of 60.5 dB(A). In dry season, noise levels ranged between 48.3 and 75.5 dB(A) with the average of 59.3 dB(A). In wet season however, the levels ranged between 51.6 and 72.3 dB(A) with the average of 62.7 dB(A) (Table 4.17). Noise levels measured in wet season were marginally higher than those of dry season. The higher noise could be attributed to a number of factors including; water turbulence, vehicular movement on wet roads, etc. Noise levels measured within and around the study area were below the FMEnv permissible limit of 90 dB(A) exposure for 8 hours (Table 4.18) and WHOs prescribed 70 dB(A) daytime one hour exposure. Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 85 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Table 4.17: Noise levels at the Study locations Study Points A1 A2 A3 A4 Noise (dBA) Dry Season 51 49.2 60.4 59.2 Wet Season 52 57.6 69.7 62.6 A5 A6 A7 A8 75.5 53 57.8 69.7 69.3 56.5 62.3 72.3 Off Admiralty Way Lekki 1 Ikate waterside community On Lagos lagoon within 100m from proposed reclamation site By NCF gate along Lekki-Epe Expressway A9 A10 64.7 68 66.3 67.2 Igbaefon community residential estate, off Chevron Drive Lekki A11 (Control) 48.3 51.6 A12 54.3 52.7 Minimum 48.3 51.6 Maximum 75.5 72.3 Average 59.3 61.7 Standard Deviation 8.7 7.4 Overall Average 60.5 NA FMEnv 90 (8hrs Exposure) WHO 70 (1 hr. Daytime exposure Land Use Features Lagos Lagoon bank. Near Residential Estate (VGC) On lagoon Ikate Elegushi Round About by Lekki Epe Expressway On Lagos lagoon, off Banana Island Lagos Lagoon North of proposed reclamation site On Lagos Lagoon, ~200m north of proposed reclamation site Source: ERL, 2013 Table 4.18: Noise Exposure Limits for Nigeria Duration Per Day (Hour) Permissible Exposure Limit (dB (A) 8 90 6 92 4 95 3 97 2 100 1.5 102 1 105 0.5 110 0.25 or less 115 Source: Guidelines and Standards for Environmental Pollution Control in Nigeria (FEPA, 1991) 4.9.4 Soil Characteristics Soil is a medium for crop production and engineering structures. It plays significant roles in sustainable development. Apart from its physico-chemical attributes, it harbours living organisms and other organic materials that interact in a system-sustaining manner to maintain its integrity. These properties and activities in soil give it the ability to carry out its dependent functions, such as plant life sustenance, holding of structures, etc. However, human activities have become sources of undesired impacts to the soil, and the footprint will be worse without proper planning. In order to minimize the impacts of developmental activities on the soil, it is imperative to understand soil properties before working on it. Understanding of soil properties will aid assessment and proper management of activities that could affect it negatively. Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 86 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation pH pH refers to the negative logarithm (in base 10) of the hydrogen ion concentration, It tells the degree of acidic or alkaline condition of a medium. A pH of 7 represents neutral conditions, while pH values greater than 7 indicate basic (alkaline) conditions, and pH values less than 7 indicate acidic conditions. It is a major factor in all chemical reactions associated with the formation, alteration, and dissolution of minerals. Table 4.19 presented the pH of soil at the various study locations. Table 4.19: pH of Soil in Study Area Sample ID S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 (Ctrl) S6 S7 Dry Season Topsoil pH Subsoil pH 7.9 8.3 6.5 7.2 7.0 7.3 8.2 7.9 7.2 7.4 6.8 7.3 8.1 8.7 Wet Season Topsoil pH Subsoil pH 8.3 9.2 6.8 8.2 7.2 8.0 8.6 9.4 7.6 7.9 6.9 7.5 7.9 9.1 S8 S9 9.0 6.6 9.2 6.9 10.6 7.1 10.3 8.4 S10 8.3 9.1 8.5 9.4 S11 6.8 7.4 7.4 8.0 S12 8.1 7.8 8.5 8.7 S13 7.7 8.1 8.2 8.6 Min 6.5 6.9 6.8 7.5 Max 9.0 9.2 10.6 10.3 Average 7.5 7.9 8.0 8.7 Combined Average 7.7 8.3 Source: ERL, 2013. pH became more alkaline in the subsoil and, from dry to wet season. It ranged between 6.5 and 9.0, and 6.8 and 10.6 in the topsoil in dry season in wet seasons respectively. The subsoil pH in dry and wet seasons ranged between 6.9 and 9.2, and 7.5 and 10.3 respectively. The average pH of top and subsoil in dry seasons were 7.5 and 7.9 respectively. In wet season, the pH in the top and subsoil had averages of 8.0 and 8.7 respectively. The combined average pH of top and subsoil were 7.7 in dry, and 8.3 in wet season. The pH of soil in the studied areas ranged between acidic and extremely alkaline (Udo, 1986) Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 87 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Table 4.20: Soil pH Classifications pH Range Class 4.5 – 5.5 5.5 – 6.0 6.0 – 7.0 7.0 7.0 – 7.5 7.5 – 8.0 8.0 – 8.5 8.5 – 9.0 Very Acidic Distinctly Acidic Acidic Neutral Faintly Alkaline Alkaline Strongly Alkaline Extremely Alkaline Source: Udo, 1986 Conductivity Conductivity is a measure of the ability of soil to transmit electric current. It is also called electrical conductivity. It is dependent on the availability of ions that enables electron transmission and hence electric current. The conductivity of soils at the studied location are presented in table 4.21. Electrical conductivity of the soil samples ranged between 62.0 µS/cm and 330.0 µS/cm with the average of 143.6 µS/cm in the topsoil in dry season. In the subsoil in dry season, it ranged from 79.2 µS/cm to 324.2 µS/cm with the average of 172.7 µS/cm. The combined average conductivity (top and sub soil) in dry season was 158.2 µS/cm In wet season, the conductivity in the topsoil ranged between 23.7µS/cm and 150.1 µS/cm with the average of 58.7 µS/cm. In the subsoil in wet season, the conductivity ranged between 37.7 µS/cm and 123.7 µS/cm with the average of 79.9 µS/cm. The combined average conductivity (top and sub soil) in dry season was 69.3µS/cm. Seasonal variation analyses showed that conductivity of soil in the study area had higher values in dry than wet season. There was an apparent regular trend in the spatial values of conductivity in both seasons’ study (Figures 4.8 and 4.9). Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 88 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Table 4.21: Conductivity of Soil in Study Area Sample ID Dry Season Conductivity(µScm-1) Topsoil Subsoil Wet Season Conductivity(µScm-1) Topsoil Subsoil S1 124.5 176.3 58.7 99.4 S2 134.5 234.3 47.2 68.9 S3 98.4 143.9 43.7 101.8 S4 124.7 212.8 65.2 123.7 S5 (Ctrl) 245 198 33.5 37.7 S6 78.9 99.4 23.7 53.4 S7 103.5 142.7 78.3 84.8 S8 330.6 248.2 150.1 109.6 S9 98.2 95.7 33.4 63.1 S10 89.7 112.4 35.3 43.7 S11 62 79.2 44.8 67.1 S12 231.5 324.2 101.1 123.4 S13 145.3 178.6 48.6 61.7 Min 62.0 79.2 23.7 37.7 Max 330.6 324.2 150.1 123.7 Average 143.6 172.7 58.7 79.9 Combined Average 158.2 69.3 Source: ERL, 2013. Figure 4.8: Seasonal Variation of Conductivity (uS/cm) in topsoil of Study Area Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 89 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Figure 4.9: Seasonal Variation of Conductivity in Subsoil of Study Area Total Organic Carbon (TOC) Apart from mineral components in soil, the remaining solid matter components are organic matter. Organic matter plays a significant role in the dynamics of soil as it provides living environment for organisms, promotes structural stability, supplies and stores nutrients (particularly nitrogen, phosphorus, and sulphur), which are slowly released in usable form as decompositions occur. Considering that the main component of organic matter is carbon, the calculation of the Total Organic Carbon is used to quantify the percentage composition of organic matter in soil sample. The TOC in soil of the study locations in dry and wet season are presented in table 4.22. Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 90 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Table 4.22: Total Organic Carbon in Soil of Study Area Sample ID Dry Season TOC (%) Wet Season TOC (%) Topsoil Subsoil Topsoil Subsoil S1 0.09 0.05 0.15 0.09 S2 0.05 0.02 0.04 0.03 S3 0.23 0.19 0.19 0.14 S4 0.18 0.15 0.05 0.02 S5 (Ctrl) 0.38 0.33 0.23 0.19 S6 0.37 0.28 0.26 0.19 S7 0.09 0.07 0.04 0.02 S8 0.23 0.2 0.08 0.06 S9 0.32 0.25 0.12 0.09 S10 0.27 0.23 0.11 0.07 S11 0.19 0.11 0.05 0.03 S12 0.25 0.17 0.06 0.03 S13 0.23 0.19 0.12 0.08 Min 0.05 0.02 0.04 0.02 Max 0.38 0.33 0.26 0.19 Average 0.22 0.17 0.12 0.08 Combined Average 0.20 0.10 Source: ERL, 2013. Total organic carbon content in soil of the studied locations in dry season ranged between 0.05 and 0.38% in the topsoil, and between 0.02 and 0.33% in the subsoil. The average TOC in top and subsoil in dry season were 0.22% and 0.17% respectively, while the combined average (top and subsoil) TOC in dry season was 0.20% In wet season, the average TOC recorded in top and subsoil was 0.12% and 0.08% respectively. Soil TOC in wet season ranged between 0.04 and 0.26% in the topsoil and 0.02 and 0.19% in subsoil. The combined average TOC (top and subsoil) in wet season was 0.08%. Accordint to Udo, 1986, the TOC of soil in the study areas fall within low to high range (Table 4.23). Table 4.23: Soil Total Organic Carbon Classification TOC (%) Class <1.50 Low 1.50 – 2.50 Medium >2.50 High Source - Udo, 1986 Higher TOC were recorded in both top and subsoil matrices in dry than wet season. The spatial and temporal trend of TOC in the top and subsoil samples in dry and wet seasons are presented in figure 4.10 and 4.11. Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 91 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Figure 4.10: Seasonal Variation of TOC (%) in Topsoil of Study locations Figure 4.11: Seasonal Variation of TOC (%) in Subsoil of Study locations Soil Texture Soil texture is the proportionate distribution of the different sizes of mineral particles in a soil. It does not include organic matter. These mineral particles vary in size from those easily seen with an unaided eye to those below the range of a high-powered microscope. According to their size, these mineral particles are grouped into "separates." A soil separate is a group of mineral particles that fit within definite size limits expressed as diameter, in millimeters. Sizes of the separates used in the USDA system of nomenclature for soil texture are shown in Table 4.24. Since various sizes of particle have quite different physical characteristics, the nature of mineral soils is determined to a remarkable degree by the particular separate that is present in larger amounts. Thus, a soil possessing a large amount of clay has quite different physical properties from one made up mostly of Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 92 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation sand and/or silt. According to USDA, there are twelve major textural classes. Their compositions are defined by the USDA textural triangle (Figure 4.12). Table 4.24: Different Soil Separates as defined by USDA Name of soil separate Very coarse sand* Coarse sand Medium sand Fine sand Very fine sand Silt Clay Diameter limits (mm) 2.00 - 1.00 1.00 - 0.50 0.50 - 0.25 0.25 - 0.10 0.10 - 0.05 0.05 - 0.002 less than 0.002 * Note that the sand separate is split into five sizes (very coarse sand coarse sand etc.). The size range for sands considered broadly comprises the entire range from very coarse sand to very fine sand i.e. 2.00-0.05 mm. Figure 4.12: USDA Soil Textural Triangle. The particle size distribution and textural soil types in the study areas in dry and wet seasons are presented in Table 4.25.The predominant particle type in the soil of the study area was sand. In dry season the combined (top and subsoil) average particles distribution was 95.4%, 3.1% and 1.6% for sand, silt and clay respectively. Whereas the average distribution in the top soil was 96.4%, 2.3% and 1.3% for sand, silt and clay respectively, the distribution in the subsoil was 94.4%, 3,8% and 1.8% in similar order. In wet season, the combined (top and subsoil) average particles distribution was 96.0%, 2.4% and 1.5% for sand, silt and clay respectively. The average distribution for sand, silt and clay particles in the topsoil was 96.3%, 2.2% and 1.5% respectively, while the subsoil recorded the average of 95.7%, 2.7% and 1.6% in similar order. Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 93 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Table 4.25: Particle Size Distribution of Soil in Study Areas Sample ID S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 (Ctrl) S6 S7 S8 S9 S10 S11 S12 S13 %Sand 97.8 97.4 96.5 98.9 94.5 96.5 97.2 97.3 93.4 96.7 98.2 95.6 92.7 Min Max Average Combined Average 92.7 98.9 96.4 95.4 Topsoil %Silt %Clay 1.6 0.6 1.5 1.1 2.9 0.6 0.9 0.2 3.9 1.6 2.3 1.2 1.9 0.9 1.4 1.3 4.3 2.3 2.1 1.2 1.1 0.7 2.7 1.7 3.9 3.4 0.9 4.3 2.3 3.1 0.2 3.4 1.3 1.6 Orange Island Development Company Limited Dry Season Texture Sand Sand Sand Sand Sand Sand Sand Sand Sand Sand Sand Sand Sand %Sand 86.7 95.6 97.5 97.2 92.7 95.2 95.9 95.8 92.1 95.2 97.4 94.2 91.8 86.7 97.5 94.4 Subsoil %Silt %Clay 11.2 2.1 2.7 1.7 2.3 0.2 1.8 1 4.9 2.4 3.3 1.5 2.8 1.3 2.5 1.7 4.9 3 2.9 1.9 1.5 1.1 3.7 2.1 4.4 3.8 1.5 11.2 3.8 0.2 3.8 1.8 Texture Loamy Sand Sand Sand Sand Sand Sand Sand Sand Sand Sand Sand Sand Sand %Sand 97 97.6 97.2 97.9 95 97 96.4 95.6 94 97.1 98 97 92.6 92.6 98.0 96.3 96.0 Topsoil %Silt %Clay 1.8 1.2 1.7 0.7 1.8 1 1.1 1 3.8 1.2 1.9 1.1 2.1 1.5 1.7 2.7 3.9 2.1 1.9 1 0.9 1.1 1.8 1.2 3.7 3.7 0.9 3.9 2.2 2.4 0.7 3.7 1.5 1.5 Wet Season Texture Sand Sand Sand Sand Sand Sand Sand Sand Sand Sand Sand Sand Sand %Sand 95.2 96.9 97 98.1 93 97.2 96.3 96.2 94 96.4 95 96 93.1 93.0 98.1 95.7 Subsoil %Silt %Clay 2.6 2.2 1.9 1.2 1.9 1.1 1.6 0.3 4.3 2.7 2.3 0.5 2.6 1.1 2.7 1.1 3.8 2.2 2.3 1.3 2.3 2.7 2.8 1.2 3.8 3.1 1.6 4.3 2.7 Texture Sand Sand Sand Sand Sand Sand Sand Sand Sand Sand Sand Sand Sand 0.3 3.1 1.6 Source: ERL, 2013. Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 94 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation The proportion of sand particle in the topsoil increased marginally from dry to wet season, while the silt and clay particles reduced slightly. This slight seasonal distribution of the particles in soil could be attributed to wash-down effect of smaller particles down the profile by rainwater. Soil Anions (NO3- , SO42-, PO43-, Cl-) Anions are very crucial for soil agricultural productivity. Nitrates, phosphates, Sulphates and Chlorides are key nutrient sources for plants growth, body maintenance and general sustenance. Table 4.26 presents anionic characteristics of soil in study area. Nitrate (NO3-) In dry season, nitrate ions ranged between 19.5mg/kg and 59.3mg/kg with the average of 33.1mg/kg in the topsoil samples. It recorded an average of 37.7mg/kg in the subsoil, ranging from 23.3mg/kg to 65.3mg/kg. The combined (top and subsoil) average content of nitrate in the soil samples in dry season was 35.4mg/kg (table 4.26). In wet season, a combined (top and subsoil) average concentration of 21.0mg/kg nitrates was recorded. The concentration ranged from 12.8mg/kg to 35.3mg/kg, and 13.3mg/kg to 29.3mg/kg in top and subsoil respectively. The average concentration of nitrates in the top and subsoil in wet season were 21.2mg/kg and 20.8mg/kg (Table 4.26) The overall average concentration of nitrates in the soil (top and sub) in the 2-season study was 28.36mg/kg Nitrate ions were higher in the soil samples in dry season than in wet. However, dry season contents varied more with standard deviations of 11.7 and 12.7 in the top and subsoil, while the deviations were 6.7 and 5.6 in the top and subsoil in wet season. Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 95 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Table 4.26: Anions Concentration in the Soil of Study Area Sample ID S1 S2 S3 Nitrate Top Sub 36 44 44.66 65.33 59.33 28 Soil Anions (mg/kg) Dry Season Sulphate Phosphate Top Sub Top Sub 12.439 14.087 3.9 6.4 24.975 22.48 <0.001 <0.001 10.306 9.98 1.1 1.5 Chloride Top Sub 140 30 220 460 40 50 Nitrate Top Sub 27.84 28.49 16.63 19.52 35.33 13.27 S4 22.45 24.52 11.98 13.44 6 0.9 120 160 15.89 13.27 7.58 6.95 0.3 0.1 30 20 S5 (Ctrl) 24.66 23.33 14.442 9.446 9.8 1 40 30 23.02 22.93 6.45 6.45 0.9 0.5 10 10 S6 38.78 46.2 14.37 12.48 3.4 3.7 60 50 25.8 29.3 8.31 9.04 0.4 0.5 10 20 S7 23.33 45.33 11.559 12.504 0.7 1 30 30 15..47 22.32 13.45 11.95 0.1 0.3 20 10 S8 25.33 38.66 12.471 10.888 2.1 0.8 160 200 22.41 21.63 55.05 34.55 0.1 0.12 70 50 S9 46.89 52.4 9.48 8.73 4.8 3.4 40 30 24.78 27.62 7.15 6.92 0.09 0.1 30 20 S10 28.9 33.2 22.89 20.75 7.6 6.4 80 60 21.23 23.48 14.59 11.82 1.1 0.7 40 30 S11 33.67 37.12 8.74 9.12 4.4 4.9 30 40 15.89 19.43 5.89 5.55 0.2 0.4 50 30 S12 19.47 23.37 9.12 10.73 1.2 1.6 40 50 12.83 14.33 6.74 6.55 0.09 0.11 10 10 S13 27.21 28.47 8.54 9.98 0.7 1.1 50 30 13.17 15.32 6.31 6.49 0.2 0.3 20 10 Min 19.5 23.3 8.5 8.7 <0.001 <0.001 30.0 30.0 12.8 13.3 5.7 5.3 0.1 0.1 10.0 10.0 Max 59.3 65.3 25.0 22.5 9.8 6.4 220.0 460.0 35.3 29.3 55.1 34.6 1.1 0.7 70.0 50.0 Average 33.1 37.7 13.2 12.7 3.5 2.5 80.8 93.8 21.2 20.8 12.3 10.3 0.3 0.3 26.9 20.0 Std.Dev Combined Average 11.7 35.4 12.7 5.2 12.9 4.3 3.0 3.0 2.2 60.5 87.3 122.4 6.7 21.0 5.6 13.3 11.3 7.9 0.3 0.3 0.2 18.0 23.5 12.2 2-Season Average 28.36 12.11 Orange Island Development Company Limited 1.68 55.38 Soil Anions (mg/kg) Wet Season Sulphate Phosphate Top Sub Top Sub 5.67 5.34 0.5 0.6 15.77 15.62 0.15 0.21 6.89 6.47 0.4 0.4 Chloride Top Sub 30 10 20 30 10 10 Source: ERL, 2013. Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 96 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Sulphates (SO42-) In dry season, sulphate ions ranged between 8.5mg/kg and 25.0mg/kg with the average of 13.2mg/kg in the topsoil samples. It recorded an average of 12.7mg/kg in the subsoil, ranging from 8.7mg/kg to 22.5mg/kg. The combined (top and subsoil) average content of sulphate in the soil samples in dry season was 12.9mg/kg (table 4.26). In wet season, a combined (top and subsoil) average concentration of 11.3mg/kg sulphates was recorded. The concentration ranged from 5.7mg/kg to 55.1mg/kg, and 5.3mg/kg to 34.6mg/kg in top and subsoil respectively. The average concentration of sulphates in the top and subsoil in wet season were 12.3mg/kg and 10.3mg/kg (Table 4.26) The overall average concentration of sulphates in the soil (top and sub) in the 2-season study was 12.11mg/kg Sulphate ions were higher in the soil samples in dry season than wet. Wider variations were observed in the sulphate contents in the soil samples in wet season than dry. Phosphates (PO43-) Phosphates ions in the soil of the study areas ranged between less that 0.001mg/kg and 9.8mg/kg. In dry season, phosphate ions content in the soil ranged between <0.001 and 9.8mg/kg with the average of 3.5mg/kg in topsoil and, from <0.001 to 6.4mg/kg with the average of 2.2mg/kg in subsoil. The combined (top and subsoil) average soil phosphate content in the study area in dry season was 3.0mg/kg. In wet season, phosphates concentration in the soil sampled had a combined (top and sub) average value of 0.3mg/kg. The concentration ranged between 0.1 and 1.1 with the average of 0.3mg/kg in topsoil. In subsoil, the concentration of phosphates in the wet season ranged from 0.1mg/kg to 0.7mg/kg, with the average of 0.2mg/kg. The overall average concentration of phosphates in the soil (top and sub) in the 2-season study was 1.68mg/kg Higher concentrations of phosphate ions were recorded in soil in dry season. Chloride (Cl-) In dry season, chloride ions ranged between 30.0mg/kg and 220.0mg/kg with the average of 80.8mg/kg in the topsoil samples. It recorded an average of 93.8mg/kg in the subsoil, with values ranging from 30.0mg/kg to 460.0mg/kg. The combined (top and subsoil) average content of chloride in soil samples in dry season was 87.3mg/kg (table 4.26). In wet season, a combined (top and subsoil) average concentration of 23.5mg/kg chlorides was recorded. The concentration ranged from 10.0mg/kg to 70.0mg/kg, and 10.0mg/kg to 50.0mg/kg in top and subsoil respectively. The average concentration of chlorides in the top and subsoil in wet season were 18.0mg/kg and 12.2mg/kg (Table 4.26) The overall average concentration of chloride in soil (top and sub) in the 2-season study was 55.38mg/kg Chloride ions were higher in the soil samples in dry season than wet. Wider variations were observed in dry season than wet. Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 97 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Soil Exchangeable Cations (Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, K+) Cations contents in soil of the study area are presented in table 4.27. Sodium (Na+) Sodium was the predominant cation in the soil of the study area. Sodium content in soil samples in dry season had a combined (top and subsoil) average concentration of 50.69mg/kg. In the topsoil, sodium concentration ranged between 22.74mg/kg and 98.49mg/kg with the average of 47.69mg/kg. Sodium content in dry season increased slightly in the subsoil; ranging between 25.38mg/kg and 101.24mg/kg with the average of 53.69mg/kg. In wet season, sodium concentration in topsoil ranged between 76.78mg/kg and 271.4mg/kg with the average of 142.33mg/kg. In subsoil, the concentration increased marginally; ranging from 82.46mg/kg to 232.60mg/kg, having the average of 130.75mg/kg. The combined (top and subsoil) average concentration in soil of the study area in wet season was 136.54mg/kg. In the 2-season study, the overall combined average concentration of sodium in soil of the study area was 93.61mg/kg. Higher sodium content was recorded in wet season. Deviation from the mean concentration was equally higher in wet season. Potassium (K+) Potassium ions content in soil samples in dry season had a combined (top and subsoil) average concentration of 5.09mg/kg. In the topsoil, potassium concentration ranged between 2.28mg/kg and 8.34mg/kg with the average of 4.9mg/kg. Potassium content in dry season decreased slightly in the subsoil; ranging between 2.74mg/kg and 9.5mg/kg with the average of 5.28mg/kg. In wet season, potassium concentration in topsoil ranged between 0.52mg/kg and 20.94mg/kg with the average of 4.18mg/kg. In subsoil, the concentration decreased marginally, ranging from 0.41mg/kg to 5.64mg/kg and having an average of 2.06mg/kg. The combined (top and subsoil) average concentration of potassium in soil of the study area in wet season was 3.12mg/kg. In the 2-season study, the overall combined average concentration of potassium in soil of the study area was 4.1mg/kg. Potassium content in soil o was higher in dry season. Deviation from the mean concentration was wider in wet season results, particularly in the topsoil. Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 98 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Table 4.27: Cations Concentration in Soil of the Study Areas S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 (Ctrl) S6 S7 S8 S9 S10 S11 S12 S13 Soil Cations (mg/kg) Dry Season Sodium Potassium Top Sub Top Sub 40.66 100.83 4.01 6.91 26.56 72.61 2.83 2.74 39.83 44.81 3.81 5.09 72.12 58.34 6.58 7.24 56.43 68.47 3.91 4.63 35.72 39.48 5.34 5.78 53.11 31.12 7.57 9.50 78.01 41.49 7.84 3.10 25.28 29.74 3.48 3.69 98.49 101.24 8.34 9.02 25.72 27.46 2.98 3.02 22.74 25.38 4.76 4.98 45.28 56.94 2.28 2.89 Magnesium Top Sub 5.81 4.42 4.88 4.58 5.16 4.79 4.78 4.53 6.81 2.50 5.12 4.86 6.84 9.67 9.27 4.55 1.88 1.42 4.78 4.96 2.22 2.48 2.78 2.55 2.21 1.97 Calcium Top Sub 0.34 0.28 2.24 0.96 0.09 <0.001 4.48 3.74 1.22 0.78 0.98 0.67 6.78 4.89 0.49 0.27 1.11 0.64 5.58 5.22 2.08 1.46 0.07 0.03 0.54 0.38 Soil Cations (mg/kg) Wet Season Sodium Potassium Top Sub Top Sub 271.40 232.60 0.98 1.12 239.41 151.45 20.94 1.75 122.78 101.20 0.52 0.98 129.40 98.56 10.25 5.24 150.20 117.01 5.65 0.41 111.20 108.24 2.14 1.08 124.64 114.40 4.98 5.64 139.00 166.00 1.48 1.64 144.60 124.80 1.42 1.68 106.40 134.20 3.24 4.08 98.02 102.40 1.26 1.78 76.78 82.46 0.78 0.94 136.40 166.42 0.64 0.48 Magnesium Top Sub 0.78 0.34 44.13 <0.001 1.02 0.94 0.48 0.32 0.65 <0.001 0.62 0.58 3.20 2.78 0.52 9.51 <0.001 <0.001 1.74 0.89 <0.001 0.09 0.07 0.06 <0.001 <0.001 Calcium Top 0.02 <0.001 <0.001 0.52 <0.001 0.16 0.70 <0.001 0.02 2.20 <0.001 1.21 0.02 Sub 0.01 <0.001 <0.001 0.27 <0.001 0.34 0.52 4.61 0.01 1.84 <0.001 0.84 0.02 Min Max Average 22.74 98.49 47.69 25.38 101.24 53.69 2.28 8.34 4.90 2.74 9.50 5.28 1.88 9.27 4.81 1.42 9.67 4.10 0.07 6.78 2.00 <0.001 5.22 1.61 76.78 271.40 142.33 82.46 232.60 130.75 0.52 20.94 4.18 0.41 5.64 2.06 <0.001 44.13 5.32 <0.001 9.51 1.72 <0.001 2.20 0.61 <0.001 4.61 0.94 Std.Dev Combined Average 2-Season Average 23.30 50.69 93.61 25.97 2.05 5.09 4.10 2.30 2.15 4.45 4.10 2.10 2.21 1.81 1.40 1.88 54.45 136.54 40.18 5.75 3.12 1.76 13.66 3.62 3.03 0.77 0.78 1.49 Sample ID Orange Island Development Company Limited Source: ERL, 2013. Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 99 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Magnesium (Mg2+) In dry season magnesium ion concentration in soil of the study area ranged between 1.88mg/kg and 9.27mg/kg with the average of 4.81mg/kg in the topsoil. It ranged from 1.42mg/kg to 9.67mg/kg with the average of 4.10mg/kg in subsoil. A combined average of 4.10mg/kg of magnesium was recorded in soil of the study area in dry season. In wet season, average concentrations of 5.23mg/kg and 1.72mg/kg of magnesium was recorded in top and subsoil respectively. The magnesium concentration in topsoil in wet season ranged between <0.001mg/kg and 9.51mg/kg, while in subsoil, it ranged between <0.001 and 9.51mg/kg. A combined average of 3.62mg/kg of magnesium was recorded in top and subsoil of in wet season In the 2-season study, the overall combined average concentration of magnesium in soil of the study area was 4.1mg/kg. Magnesium content in soil was higher in dry season. Calcium (Ca2+) In dry season calcium ion concentration in soil of the study area ranged between 0.07mg/kg and 6.78mg/kg with the average of 2.0mg/kg in the topsoil. It ranged from <0.001mg/kg to 5.22mg/kg with the average of 1.61mg/kg in subsoil. A combined average of 1.81mg/kg of calcium was recorded in soil of the study area in dry season. In wet season, average concentrations of 0.61mg/kg and 0.94mg/kg of calcium was recorded in top and subsoil respectively. Calcium concentration in topsoil in wet season ranged between <0.001mg/kg and 2.20mg/kg, while in subsoil, it ranged between <0.001 and 4.61mg/kg. A combined average of 0.78mg/kg of calcium was recorded in top and subsoil of in wet season. In the 2-sseason study, the overall combined average concentration of calcium in the soil of the study area was 1.40mg/kg. Calcium content in soil of the study area was higher in dry season. However, the values recorded in dry season had wider deviation from the mean concentration especially in topsoil. Soil Heavy Metals Heavy metals contents in soil of the studied areas in dry and wet seasons are presented in Tables 4.28 and 4.29. Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 100 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Table 4.28: Heavy Metals Concentration in Soil of the Study Areas in Dry Season S1 S2 S3 S4 Soil Heavy Metal (mg/kg) - Dry Season Iron (Fe) Cadmium (Cd) Top Sub Top Sub 352.245 462.1 <0.001 <0.001 262.875 325.795 <0.001 <0.001 104.625 72.66 <0.001 <0.001 47.78 78.42 <0.001 <0.001 Lead (Pb) Top <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 Sub <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 S5 (Ctrl) 44.86 294.99 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 S6 38.98 49.24 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 S7 364.45 351.955 <0.001 <0.001 S8 232.36 168.42 <0.001 S9 68.72 78.24 S10 45.78 S11 Sample ID Zinc (Zn) Top Sub 8.6 12.21 0.325 1.755 4.235 0.115 0.211 0.314 Manganese (Mn) Top Sub <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 Chromium (Cr) Top Sub 10.69 15.44 14.25 17.22 6.53 11.875 13.78 15.94 Copper (Cu) Top Sub 7.28 7.98 9.17 7.43 5.53 6.08 4.47 6.03 Nickel (Ni) Top Sub 0.09 0.04 0.17 0.05 0.11 <0.001 0.78 0.49 2.145 <0.001 <0.001 4.75 14.25 11.04 12.12 0.141 0.08 <0.001 11.09 5 0.242 0.56 <0.001 <0.001 9.84 11.26 17.14 15.69 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 2.845 5.34 <0.001 <0.001 15.44 26.13 21.05 18.48 1.06 1.11 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 3.73 2.455 <0.001 <0.001 6.53 15.44 17.44 8.34 0.04 0.02 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 4.24 4.78 <0.001 <0.001 4.48 5.26 3.47 2.22 0.01 0.01 54.23 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 1.29 1.11 <0.001 <0.001 14.89 15.37 5.31 3.03 0.07 0.09 128.75 156.94 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 0.34 0.46 <0.001 <0.001 3.84 4.64 2.19 2.35 <0.001 <0.001 S12 234.74 333.33 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 0.186 0.164 <0.001 <0.001 5.21 4.74 7.74 9.08 <0.001 <0.001 S13 178.43 121.34 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 0.143 0.201 <0.001 <0.001 2.89 1.04 11.79 9.43 0.01 0.02 Min 38.98 49.24 NA NA NA NA 0.14 0.12 NA NA 2.89 1.04 2.19 2.22 <0.001 <0.001 Max 364.45 462.10 NA NA NA NA 11.10 12.21 NA NA 15.44 26.13 21.05 18.48 1.06 1.11 Average 161.89 195.97 NA NA NA NA 2.88 2.43 NA NA 8.70 12.20 9.51 8.33 0.25 0.21 Std.Dev 117.75 139.36 NA NA NA NA 3.52 3.41 NA NA 4.64 6.80 5.91 4.88 0.36 0.37 Combined Average 178.93 NA Orange Island Development Company Limited NA 2.66 NA 10.45 8.92 0.23 Source: ERL, 2013. Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 101 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Table 4.29: Heavy Metals Concentration in Soil of the Study Areas in Wet Season S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 (Ctrl) S6 S7 S8 S9 S10 S11 S12 S13 Soil Heavy Metal (mg/kg) - Wet Season Iron (Fe) Cadmium (Cd) Top Sub Top Sub 232.43 248.22 <0.001 <0.001 254.7 196.32 <0.001 <0.001 56.73 49.95 <0.001 <0.001 24.67 43.83 <0.001 <0.001 95.47 31.24 <0.001 <0.001 23.62 24.87 <0.001 <0.001 101.12 143.76 <0.001 <0.001 65.83 21.94 <0.001 <0.001 56.29 64.72 <0.001 <0.001 28.45 31.02 <0.001 <0.001 78.94 94.56 <0.001 <0.001 98.37 87.34 <0.001 <0.001 48.98 56.37 <0.001 <0.001 Lead (Pb) Top <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 Min Max Average Std.Dev Combined Average 23.62 254.70 89.66 73.44 86.91 NA NA NA NA NA Sample ID 21.94 248.22 84.16 70.78 NA NA NA NA NA Orange Island Development Company Limited NA NA NA NA Sub <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 NA NA NA NA Zinc (Zn) Top 4.12 4.52 1.83 0.09 1.04 <0.001 0.09 17.56 2.1 0.34 0.06 0.04 <0.001 <0.001 17.56 2.89 5.13 2.55 Sub 5.64 1.75 0.04 0.04 2.62 <0.001 0.11 10.99 2.4 0.57 0.08 0.02 <0.001 <0.001 10.99 2.21 3.39 Manganese (Mn) Top Sub <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 Chromium (Cr) Top Sub 23.34 33.29 46.91 52.85 19.74 24.79 27.37 29.12 24.34 29.09 23.14 26.23 38.38 36.28 30.88 47.5 19.72 21.45 35.78 43.27 0.78 0.14 3.24 1.98 11.09 9.13 Copper (Cu) Top Sub 2.89 1.95 3.61 4.39 1.49 1.08 2.45 1.07 3.32 1.95 6.38 8.15 11.74 7.38 10.77 5.81 1.06 0.95 3.41 2.82 1.95 1.21 3.33 2.17 5.89 3.47 NA NA NA NA NA 0.78 46.91 23.44 13.23 25.38 1.06 11.74 4.48 3.37 3.87 NA NA NA NA 0.14 52.85 27.32 16.30 Nickel (Ni) Top Sub <0.001 0.01 0.22 1.02 <0.001 <0.001 0.21 0.08 4.29 0.29 <0.001 <0.001 0.04 0.03 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 0.02 0.05 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 0.009 0.01 0.95 8.15 3.26 2.46 <0.001 <0.001 4.29 1.02 0.80 0.21 1.71 0.37 0.48 Source: ERL, 2013. Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 102 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Iron (Fe) Iron was the predominant metal in soil of the study area. It recorded overall average of 132.92mg/kg over the 2 seasons’ study. In dry season, the concentration of iron in topsoil ranged between 38.98mg/kg and 364.45mg/kg with the average of 161.89mg/kg. In subsoil, iron content ranged between 49.24mg/kg and 462.10mg/kg with the average of 195.97mg/kg. A combined (top and subsoil) average content of 178.93mg/kg of iron was recorded in soil of the study area in dry season. In wet season, iron content in topsoil ranged between 23.62mg/kg and 254.70mg/kg with the average of 89.66mg/kg. Iron content in subsoil in wet season ranged between 21.94mg/kg and 248.22mg/kg with the average of 84.16mg/kg. A combined (top and subsoil) average iron content of 86.91mg/kg was recorded in soil of the study area in wet season. Higher contents of Fe were detected in soil samples in wet season that in dry. The reduced concentration in wet season could be accounted for by dissolution and run offs. Cadmium (Cd), Lead (Pb) and Manganese (Mn) Cd, Pb and Mn were not detected in the soil of the study area. Their concentrations were below the sensitivity (0.001) of the analytical equipment used. Zinc (Zn) Zn content in soil of the studied area had an overall average of 2.61mg/kg in the 2-season study. In dry season, Zn content in topsoil ranged between 0.14mg/kg and 11.10mg/kg with the average of 2.88mg/kg. In subsoil, Zn content in dry season ranged between 0.12mg/kg and 12.21mg/kg with the average of 2.43mg/kg. A combined (top and subsoil) average content of 2.66mg/kg of Zn was recorded in soil in dry season. In wet season, Zn content in top and subsoil recorded average concentration of 2.89mg/kg and 2.21mg/kg. The content in top and subsoil ranged between <0.001 and 17.56mg/kg, and <0.001 and 10.99mg/kg respectively. The combined (top and subsoil) average concentration of Zn in the soils studied was 2.55mg/kg in wet season. Zn content in soil of the study area were higher in dry season than in wet. Chromium (Cr) Cr recorded an overall average of 17.91mg/kg over the 2 season study. In dry season, the concentration of chromium in topsoil ranged between 2.89mg/kg and 15.44mg/kg with the average of 8.7mg/kg. In subsoil, the chromium content ranged between 1.04mg/kg and 26.13mg/kg with the average of 12.20mg/kg. A combined (top and subsoil) average content of 10.45mg/kg of chromium was recorded in the soil of the study area in dry season. In wet season, chromium content in the topsoil ranged between 0.78mg/kg and 46.91mg/kg with the average of 23.44mg/kg. Chromiun content in subsoil in wet season ranged between 0.14mg/kg and 52.85mg/kg with the average of 27.32mg/kg. A combined (top and subsoil) average Cr content of 25.38mg/kg was recorded in soil of the study area in wet season. Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 103 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Higher contents of Cr were detected in soil samples in dry season that in wet. Copper (Cu) Cu content in soil of the studied area had an overall average of 6.4mg/kg in the 2 season study. In dry season, Cu content in the topsoil ranged between 2.19mg/kg and 21.05mg/kg with the average of 9.51mg/kg. In subsoil, Cu content in dry season ranged between 2.22mg/kg and 18.48mg/kg with the average of 8.33mg/kg. A combined (top and subsoil) average content of 8.92mg/kg of Cu was recorded in the soils studied in dry season. In wet season, Cu content in top and subsoil recorded average concentration of 4.48mg/kg and 3.26mg/kg. The content in top and subsoil ranged between 1.06mg/kg and 11.74mg/kg, and 0.95mg/kg and 8.15mg/kg respectively. The combined (top and subsoil) average concentration of Cu in the soils studied was 3.87mg/kg in wet season. Cu content in soil of the study area was higher in dry season than in wet. Nickel (Ni) Nickel was the least detected heavy metal in soil of the study area. It recorded overall average of 0.33mg/kg over the 2 season study. In dry season, the concentration of Ni topsoil ranged between <0.001mg/kg and 1.06mg/kg with the average of 0.25mg/kg. In subsoil, Ni content ranged between<0.001mg/kg and 1.11mg/kg with the average of 0.21mg/kg. A combined (top and subsoil) average content of 0.23mg/kg of nickel was recorded in soil of the study area in dry season. In wet season, nickel content in the topsoil ranged between <0.001mg/kg and 4.29mg/kg with the average of 0.80mg/kg. Nickel content in subsoil in wet season ranged between <0.001mg/kg and 1.02mg/kg with the average of 0.21mg/kg. A combined (top and subsoil) average nickel content of 0.48mg/kg was recorded in soil of the study area in wet season. Higher contents of Ni were detected in soil samples in wet season that in dry. Soil Total Hydrocarbon Content (THC) In the 2 seasons’ study, total hydrocarbon content in soil of the study area recorded an average concentration of 0.13mg/kg (Table 4.30). Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 104 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Table 4.30: Total Hydrocarbon Content in Soil of the Study Areas Sample ID THC (mg/kg) Dry Season THC (mg/kg) Wet Season Topsoil Subsoil Topsoil Subsoil S1 0.28 0.12 0.14 0.079 S2 0.09 0.07 0.12 0.075 S3 0.14 0.25 0.097 0.083 S4 0.15 0.09 0.069 0.058 S5 (Ctrl) 0.08 0.03 0.032 0.012 S6 0.13 0.07 0.064 0.051 S7 0.22 0.09 0.11 0.08 S8 0.21 0.13 0.084 0.085 S9 0.09 0.07 0.7 0.064 S10 0.11 0.084 0.089 0.079 S11 0.23 0.15 0.11 0.08 S12 0.04 0.02 0.048 0.035 S13 0.18 0.12 0.098 0.79 Min 0.04 0.02 0.03 0.01 Max 0.28 0.25 0.70 0.79 Average 0.15 0.10 0.14 0.12 Std.Dev 0.07 0.06 0.17 0.20 Combined Average 0.12 2-Season Average 0.13 0.13 Source: ERL, 2013. In dry season, THC in topsoil ranged between 0.04mg/kg and 0.28mg/kg with the average of 0.15mg/kg. In subsoil, in dry season, THC concentration ranged from 0.02mg/kg to 0.25mg/kg with the average of 0.10mg/kg. A combined (top and subsoil) average of 0.12mg/kg THC was recorded in dry season (Table 4.30). In wet season, THC in soil recorded concentrations ranging from 0.03mg/kg to 0.70mg/kg with the average of 0.14mg/kg. In subsoil, THC ranged between 0.01mg/kg and 0.79mg/kg with the average of 0.12mg/kg. A combined (top and subsoil) average THC concentration of 0.13mg/kg was recorded in wet season. THC concentration in soil of the study area was slightly higher in wet season than in dry. Soil Microbiology Microbial isolates recorded in soil of the study area in dry and wet season are presented in tables 4.31 and 4.32. The predominant species isolated in the soils of the study locations are presented in Table 4.33. Total Heterotrophic Bacteria (THB) In the two season studies, a combined (top and subsoil) average THB counts in the soil of the study area was 1.61x108 cfu/g. Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 105 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation In dry season, THB counts in topsoil ranged between 1.35x108 and 2.14x108cfu/g with the average of 1.73x108 cfu/g. The THB counts decreased marginally in subsoil, recording an average value of 1.49x108 cfu/g, and ranged between 1.27x108cfu/g and 1.74x108cfu/g. A combined (top and subsoil) average THC count of 1.61x108cfu/g was recorded in dry season’s study (Table 4.31). In wet season, THB counts in topsoil ranged between 1.62x108 and 2.24x108cfu/g with the average of 1.61x108 cfu/g. The THB counts decreased slightly in subsoil, recording an average value of 1.62x108 cfu/g, and ranged between 1.22x108cfu/g and 1.92x108cfu/g. A combined (top and subsoil) average THC count of 1.61x108cfu/g was recorded in wet season’s study (Table 4.32). Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 106 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Table 4.31: Microbial Isolates in Soil of the Study Areas in Dry Season Sample ID S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 (control) S6 S7 S8 S9 S10 S11 S12 S13 Min Max Average Std. Dev. Combined Average Microbial Isolates (cfu/g) in Dry Season THB 5 (cfu/g) THF 6 (cfu/g) Topsoil Subsoil Topsoil 1.79E+08 1.64E+08 5.00E+04 2.13E+08 1.69E+08 7.00E+04 1.54E+08 1.39E+08 6.00E+04 1.65E+08 1.48E+08 4.00E+04 1.83E+08 1.41E+08 6.00E+04 2.10E+08 1.74E+08 6.00E+04 2.14E+08 1.61E+08 3.00E+04 1.56E+08 1.33E+08 5.00E+04 1.49E+08 1.38E+08 4.00E+04 1.35E+08 1.27E+08 7.00E+04 1.59E+08 1.50E+08 4.00E+04 1.43E+08 1.34E+08 5.00E+04 1.89E+08 1.55E+08 4.00E+04 1.35E+08 1.27E+08 3.00E+04 2.14E+08 1.74E+08 7.00E+04 1.73E+08 1.49E+08 5.08E+04 2.72E+07 1.49E+07 1.26E+04 1.61E+08 4.43E+04 Subsoil 3.00E+04 4.00E+04 5.00E+04 3.00E+04 4.00E+04 4.00E+04 8.00E+04 4.00E+04 3.00E+04 5.00E+04 3.00E+03 3.00E+04 3.00E+04 3.00E+03 8.00E+04 3.79E+04 1.74E+04 TC 7 (cfu/g) Topsoil ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND NA NA NA NA NA Subsoil ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND NA NA NA NA THUB 8 (cfu/g) Topsoil 2.00E+04 2.40E+04 1.60E+04 1.60E+04 1.90E+04 1.60E+04 2.20E+04 1.60E+04 1.60E+04 2.20E+04 1.70E+04 1.60E+04 2.70E+04 1.60E+04 2.70E+04 1.90E+04 3.72E+03 1.72E+04 Subsoil 1.70E+04 1.80E+04 1.40E+04 1.40E+04 1.30E+04 1.60E+04 1.70E+04 1.20E+04 1.40E+04 1.80E+04 1.50E+04 1.40E+04 1.80E+04 1.20E+04 1.80E+04 1.54E+04 2.06E+03 THUF 9 (cfu/g) Topsoil 3.00E+03 4.00E+03 3.00E+03 2.00E+03 4.00E+03 3.00E+03 1.00E+03 1.00E+03 2.00E+03 1.00E+03 4.00E+03 3.00E+03 5.00E+03 1.00E+03 5.00E+03 2.77E+03 1.30E+03 2.19E+03 Subsoil 2.00E+03 2.00E+03 2.00E+03 1.00E+03 1.00E+03 1.00E+03 2.00E+03 2.00E+03 1.00E+03 1.00E+03 2.00E+03 1.00E+03 3.00E+03 1.00E+03 3.00E+03 1.62E+03 6.50E+02 Source: ERL, 2013. Total Heterotrophic Bacteria Total Heterotrophic Fungi 7 Total Coliforms 8 Total Hydrocarbon utilizing Bacteria 9 Total Hydrocarbon Utilizing Fungi 5 6 Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 107 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Table 4.32: Microbial Isolates in Soil of the Study Areas in Wet Season Sample ID S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 (control) S6 S7 S8 S9 S10 S11 S12 S13 Min Max Average Std. Dev. Combined Average Microbial Isolates (cfu/g) in Wet Season THB 10 (cfu/g) THF 11 (cfu/g) Topsoil Subsoil Topsoil 1.92E+08 1.74E+08 7.00E+04 1.24E+08 1.76E+08 9.00E+04 1.62E+06 1.43E+08 7.00E+04 1.80E+08 1.52E+08 3.00E+04 1.98E+08 1.56E+08 5.00E+04 2.24E+08 1.92E+08 4.00E+04 2.00E+08 1.76E+08 5.00E+04 1.83E+08 1.54E+08 7.00E+04 1.56E+08 1.42E+08 5.00E+04 1.42E+08 1.22E+08 1.00E+05 1.28E+08 1.90E+08 6.00E+04 1.54E+08 1.48E+08 5.00E+04 2.12E+08 1.76E+08 6.00E+04 1.62E+06 1.22E+08 3.00E+04 2.24E+08 1.92E+08 1.00E+05 1.61E+08 1.62E+08 6.08E+04 5.74E+07 2.08E+07 1.93E+04 1.61E+08 5.32E+04 Subsoil 4.00E+04 6.00E+04 6.00E+04 4.00E+04 4.00E+04 3.00E+04 6.00E+04 5.00E+04 3.00E+03 7.00E+04 4.00E+04 6.00E+04 4.00E+04 3.00E+03 7.00E+04 4.56E+04 1.75E+04 TC 12 (cfu/g) Topsoil Subsoil ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA THUB 13 (cfu/g) Topsoil 1.80E+04 2.80E+04 1.40E+04 1.70E+04 2.00E+04 1.70E+04 1.80E+04 1.70E+04 1.80E+04 2.40E+04 1.80E+04 1.40E+04 3.00E+04 1.40E+04 3.00E+04 1.95E+04 4.93E+03 1.79E+04 Subsoil 1.60E+04 2.20E+04 1.02E+04 1.60E+04 1.50E+04 1.30E+04 1.90E+04 1.40E+04 1.50E+04 2.00E+04 1.60E+04 1.20E+04 2.40E+04 1.02E+04 2.40E+04 1.63E+04 3.96E+03 THUF 14 (cfu/g) Topsoil 1.80E+03 3.80E+03 2.40E+03 3.00E+03 3.40E+03 4.00E+03 2.00E+03 3.00E+03 1.00E+03 2.00E+03 5.00E+03 4.00E+03 6.00E+03 1.00E+03 6.00E+03 3.18E+03 1.39E+03 2.61E+03 Subsoil 1.40E+03 2.20E+03 1.60E+03 2.00E+03 1.20E+03 2.00E+03 3.00E+03 2.00E+03 1.00E+03 1.00E+03 3.00E+03 2.00E+03 4.00E+03 1.00E+03 4.00E+03 2.03E+03 8.75E+02 Source: ERL, 2013. Total Heterotrophic Bacteria Total Heterotrophic Fungi 12 Total Coliforms 13 Total Hydrocarbon utilizing Bacteria 14 Total Hydrocarbon Utilizing Fungi 10 11 Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 108 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Total Heterotrophic Fungi (THF) In the two season studies, a combined (top and subsoil) average THF counts in the soil of the study area was 4.88x104 cfu/g, In dry season, THF counts in topsoil ranged between 3.0x104 and 7.0x104cfu/g with the average of 5.08x104 cfu/g. In the subsoil THF counts recorded an average value of 3.79x104 cfu/g, and ranged between 3.0x103cfu/g and 8.0x104cfu/g. A combined (top and subsoil) average THC count of 4.43x104cfu/g was recorded in dry season’s study (Table 4.31). In wet season, THF counts in topsoil ranged between 3.0x104 and 1.0x105cfu/g with the average of 6.08x104 cfu/g. The THF counts decreased slightly in subsoil, recording an average value of 4.65x104 cfu/g, and ranged between 3.0x103cfu/g and 7.0x104cfu/g. A combined (top and subsoil) average THF count of 5.32x104cfu/g was recorded in wet season’s study (Table 4.32). Total Coliforms Coliforms were not identified in the soil of the study in dry and wet seasons. Total Hydrocarbon Utilizing Bacteria (THUB) In the two season studies, a combined (top and subsoil) average THUB counts in soil of the study area was 1.75x104 cfu/g, In dry season, THUB counts in topsoil ranged between 1.600x104 and 2.7x104cfu/g with the average of 1.9x104 cfu/g. In the subsoil THUB counts recorded an average value of 1.54x104 cfu/g, and ranged between 1.2x104cfu/g and 1.80x104cfu/g. A combined (top and subsoil) average THUB count of 1.72x104cfu/g was recorded in dry season’s study (Table 4.31). In wet season, THUB counts in topsoil ranged between 1.40x104 and 3.0x104cfu/g with the average of 1.95x104 cfu/g. The THUB counts decreased slightly in subsoil, recording an average value of 1.63x104 cfu/g, and ranged between 1.02x104cfu/g and 2.40x104cfu/g. A combined (top and subsoil) average THUB count of 1,79x104cfu/g was recorded in wet season’s study (Table 4.32). Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 109 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Table 4.33: Predominant Microbial Species Isolated in Soil of the study Areas Sample ID Predominant Species Of Microorganisms Isolated S1 T Bacillus spp., Nocardia spp., Aspergillus niger, Fusarium spp. S1 B Bacillus spp., Corynebacterium spp., Rhizopus stolonifer, Aspergillus wentii. S2 T Bacillus spp., Micrococcus spp., Trichoderma spp., Aspergillus niger. S2 B Bacillus spp., Clostridium spp., Aspergillus fumigatus, Trichoderma spp. S3 T Bacillus spp., Micrococcus spp., Aspergillus flavus, Rhizopus stolonifer. S3 B Bacillus spp., Nocardia spp., Aspergillus niger, Fusarium spp. S4 T Bacillus spp., Micrococcus spp., Trichoderma spp., Aspergillus niger. S4 B Bacillus spp., Nocardia spp., Trichoderma spp., Aspergillus wentii. S5 T (Control) Bacillus spp., Pseudomonas aeruginosa Aspergillus niger, Fusarium spp. S5 B (Control) Bacillus spp., Corynebacterium spp., Fusarium spp., Geotrichum spp. S6 T Bacillus spp., Pseudomonas aeruginosa Fusarium spp., Penicillium spp. S6 B Bacillus spp., Nocardia spp., Aspergillus niger, Fusarium spp. S7 T Bacillus spp., Flavobacterium spp., Rhizopus stolonifer, Trichoderma spp. S7 B Bacillus spp., Clostridium spp., Aspergillus fumigatus, Fusarium spp. S8 T Bacillus spp., Pseudomonas aeruginosa Fusarium spp., Penicillium spp. S8 B Bacillus spp., Nocardia spp., Trichoderma spp., Aspergillus wentii. S9 T Bacillus spp., Nocardia spp., Aspergillus niger, Fusarium spp. S9B Bacillus spp., Micrococcus spp., Aspergillus flavus, Rhizopus stolonifer. S10 T Bacillus spp., Corynebacterium spp., Fusarium spp., Geotrichum spp. S10 B Bacillus spp., Micrococcus spp., Trichoderma spp., Aspergillus niger.. S11 T Bacillus spp., Nocardia spp., Aspergillus niger, Fusarium spp. S11 B Bacillus spp., Clostridium spp., Aspergillus fumigatus, Trichoderma spp. S12 T Bacillus spp., Corynebacterium spp., Fusarium spp., Geotrichum spp. S12 B Bacillus spp., Pseudomonas aeruginosa Aspergillus niger, Fusarium spp. S13 T Bacillus spp.,Aspergillus fumigatus., Aspergillus niger, Fusarium spp.. S13 B Bacillus spp., Rhizopus stolonifer, Bacillus spp., Nocardia spp., Trichoderma spp., Aspergillus wentii. Source: ERL, 2013. Total Hydrocarbon Utilizing Fungi (THUF) In the two season studies, a combined (top and subsoil) average THUB counts in the soil of the study area was 2.4x103 cfu/g. In dry season, THUF counts in topsoil ranged between 1.00x103 and 5.0x103cfu/g with the average of 2.77x103 cfu/g. In the subsoil THUF counts recorded an average value of 1.62x103 cfu/g, and ranged between 1.0x103cfu/g and 3.0x103cfu/g. A combined (top and subsoil) average THUF count of 2.19x103cfu/g was recorded in dry season’s study (Table 4.31). In wet season, THUF counts in topsoil ranged between 1.0x103 and 6.0x103cfu/g with the average of 3.18x103 cfu/g. The THUF counts decreased slightly in subsoil, recording an average value of 2.03x103 cfu/g, and ranged Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 110 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation between 1.0x103cfu/g and 4.0x103cfu/g. A combined (top and subsoil) average THUF count of 2.61x103cfu/g was recorded in wet season’s study (Table 4.32). 4.9.5 Groundwater Characteristics of the Project Environment Groundwater study was carried out in line with the methodology presented in section 4.7.3 of this report. The physico-chemical characteristics of ground water in the study areas are presented in tables 4.34 and 4.35. Table 4.34: Physico-chemical Characterisicts of Groundwater in the Study Locations Parameter/Unit pH Conductivity mS/cm Salinity (‰) DO (mg/l) TDS (mg/l) TSS (mg/l) Turbidity (NTU) BOD5 (mg/l) COD (mg/l) Season Dry Wet Dry Wet Dry Wet Dry Wet Dry Wet Dry Wet Dry Wet Dry Wet Dry Wet Sample ID GW1 GW1 7.6 8.0 7.7 8.3 1.2 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.6 0.4 0.3 0.1 9.4 8.6 12.9 10.2 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.3 4.1 2.2 6.4 3.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.56 1.13 2.43 1.58 78 67 8.32 8.1 GW3 8.0 7.7 1.0 0.5 0.5 0.2 6.5 7.8 0.6 0.3 3.9 6.1 0.0 0.0 1.33 2.21 92 8.5 Orange Island Development Company Limited GW4 7.7 7.6 25.5 0.5 15.5 0.2 9.8 11.1 0.4 0.3 1.9 3.2 0.0 0.0 1.91 1.3 86 7.5 GW_CTRL 7.4 7.8 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 8.9 10.5 0.1 0.1 1.5 2.7 0.0 0.0 0.94 1.64 89 8.3 Min 7.4 7.6 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 6.5 7.8 0.1 0.1 1.5 2.7 0.0 0.0 0.9 1.3 67.0 7.5 Max 8.0 8.3 25.5 0.6 15.5 0.3 9.8 12.9 0.6 0.4 4.1 6.4 0.0 0.0 1.9 2.4 92.0 8.5 Average Overall Average 7.7 7.8 7.8 5.7 3.1 0.4 3.4 1.8 0.2 8.6 9.6 10.5 0.4 0.4 0.3 2.7 3.6 4.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.4 1.6 1.8 82.4 45.3 8.1 Source: ERL, 2013. Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 111 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Table 4.35: Anions and Cations Contents in Groundwater of the Study Locations Parameter/Unit NO32- (mg/l) SO42- (mg/l) Cl- (mg/l) PO43- (mg/l) Na+(mg/l) K+(mg/l) Mg2+(mg/l) Ca2+ (mg/l) Season Dry Wet Dry Wet Dry Wet Dry Wet Dry Wet Dry Wet Dry Wet Dry Wet Sample ID GW1 GW1 17.5 24.1 13.0 18.5 18.9 24.3 15.8 14.3 1001.0 370.0 870.0 220.0 2.1 0.0 4.0 0.1 556.3 33.2 359.0 44.2 5.8 2.3 2.0 8.0 11.2 21.1 5.0 4.5 0.8 0.5 5.5 3.3 GW3 19.8 14.8 19.6 15.6 890.0 330.0 0.1 0.2 56.0 49.8 15.8 13.0 9.9 4.8 0.8 5.6 GW4q 21.3 17.5 15.5 14.0 989.0 340.0 0.0 0.6 120.6 110.7 12.7 7.4 4.9 5.1 0.5 4.3 GW_CTRL 18.2 12.0 11.6 9.0 120.0 78.0 0.0 0.1 19.0 15.7 0.7 1.7 3.2 2.9 0.2 3.0 Min 17.5 12.0 11.6 9.0 120.0 78.0 0.0 0.1 19.0 15.7 0.7 1.7 3.2 2.9 0.2 3.0 Max 24.1 18.5 24.3 15.8 1001.0 870.0 2.1 4.0 556.3 359.0 15.8 13.0 21.1 5.1 0.8 5.6 Average Overall Average 20.2 17.7 15.2 18.0 15.9 13.7 674.0 520.8 367.6 0.4 0.7 1.0 157.0 136.5 115.9 7.5 6.9 6.4 10.1 7.3 4.5 0.5 2.4 4.3 Source: ERL, 2013. pH The pH of most natural waters is between 6.0 and 8.5, although higher values can be recorded in groundwater brines and salt lakes. The pH of groundwater in the study area ranged between 7.4 and 8.3 with the average of 7.8 in the 2 seasons’ study (Table 4.34). In dry season groundwater pH ranged between 7.4 and 8.0 with the average of 7.7. In wet season, the pH ranged between 7.6 and 8.3 with the average of 7.8. Groundwater pH was more alkaline in wet season than in dry season. Electrical Conductivity Electrical Conductivity, or specific conductance, is a measure of the ability of water to conduct electric current. It is sensitive to variations in dissolved solids, mostly mineral salts. The degrees to which these dissociate into ions, the amount of electrical charge on each ion, ion mobility and the temperature of the solution, all influence conductivity. Conductivity of a given water body, is related to the concentrations of total dissolved solids and major ions. Groundwater conductivity in the study area ranged between 0.1 and 25.5mS/cm with the average of 3.1mS/cm in the 2 seasons’ study (Table 4.34). In dry season, groundwater conductivity ranged between 0.2mS/cm and 25.5 mS/cm with the average of 5.7mS/cm. In wet season, conductivity of groundwater ranged from 0.1mS/cm to 0.6mS/cm with the average of 0.4mS/cm. Conductivity expectedly, was lower in wet season most likely due to the dilution effect of rainwater. Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 112 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Salinity The salinity of groundwater in the studied areas ranged between 0.1 and 15.5‰ with the average of 1.8‰ in the 2 seasons’ study. In dry season, salinity of groundwater ranged between 0.1‰ and 15.5‰ with the average of 3.4‰. In wet season, the salinity values ranged between 0.1 and 0.3‰ with the average of 0.2‰ (table 4.34. Whereas higher salinity values were recorded in dry season, locations closer to Lagos lagoon had increaed salinity. Dissolved Oxygen, Total Dissolved Solids, Total Suspended Solids and Dissolved oxygen in the groundwater of the study area ranged between 6.5mg/l and 10.5mg/l with the average of 9.6mg/l in the 2 season studies. In dry season, groundwater DO ranged between 6.5mg/l and 9.8mg/l with the average of 8.6mg/l. The DO became more alkaline in wet season; ranging between 7.8mg/l and 12.9mg/l with the average of 10.5mg/l (Table 4.34). Total dissolved solids (TDS) in the groundwater of the study area ranged between 0.1 and 0.6mg/l with the average of 0.4mg/l. In dry season, TDS ranged between 0.1mg/l and 0.6mg/l with the average of 0.4mg/l. In wet season, TDS of the groundwater studied ranged between 0.1mg/l and 0.4mg/l with the average of 0.3mg/l (Table 4.34). TSS in the groundwater studied ranged between 1.5mg/l and 6.4mg/l with the average of 3.6mg/l in the 2 season studies. In dry season, TSS ranged from 1.5mg/l to 4.1mg/l with the average of 2.7mg/l, while it ranged between 2.7mg/l and 6.4mg/l with the average 4.4mg/l in wet season (Table 4.34). The turbidity of groundwater in the study area recorded 0.0NTU throughout the study period. BIOCHEMICAL OXYGEN DEMAND (BOD) AND CHEMICAL OXYGEN DEMAND BOD5 of groundwater in the study area ranged between 0.9mg/l and 2.4mg/l with the average of 1.6mg/l. In dry season, groundwater BOD5 ranged between 0.9mg/l and 1.9mg/l with the average of 1.4mg/l. In wet season, it ranged between 1.3mg/l and 2.4mg/l with the average of 1.8mg/l (Table 4.34). COD of groundwater in the study area ranged between 7.5mg/l and 92.0mg/l with the average of 45.3mg/l. In dry season, groundwater COD in the study locations ranged between 67.0mg/l and 92.0mg/l with the average of 82.4mg/l. In wet season, COD in the groundwater studied ranged from 7.5mg/l to 8.5mg/l with the average of 8.1mg/l(Table 4.34). Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 113 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Anions The anionic contents of groundwater of the study locations in dry and wet seasons are presented in table 4.35. Nitrate (NO3-) Nitrate ion (NO3-) is the common form of combined nitrogen found in natural waters. It may be biochemically reduced to nitrite by denitrification processes, usually under anaerobic conditions. Nitrite ion is rapidly oxidised to nitrate. Natural sources of nitrate to surface waters include igneous rocks, land drainage, plant, and animal debris. Nitrate is an essential nutrient for aquatic plants and seasonal fluctuations can be caused by plant growth and decay. Natural concentrations, which seldom exceed 0.1 mg/l NO3-N, may be enhanced by municipal and industrial wastewaters, including leachates from waste disposal sites and sanitary landfills. In rural and suburban areas, the use of inorganic nitrate fertilisers can be a significant source. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommended maximum limit for nitrates in drinking water is 50 mg/l (or 11.3 mg/l as NO3-N). Waters with higher concentrations can represent a significant health risk. Nitrate ion contents in groundwater studied ranged between 12.0mg/l and 24.1mg/l with the average of 17.7mg/l. In dry season, the concentration of nitrates in groundwater ranged from 17.5mg/l to 24.1mg/l with the average of 20.2mg/l. In wet season, the concentration ranged between 12.0mg/l and 18.5mg/l with the average of 15.2mg/l. Higher nitrates were recorded in groundwater in dry season. Sulphate (SO42-) Sulphate ions detected in groundwater ranged between 9.0mg/l and 24.3mg/l with the average of 15.9mg/l. In dry season, the concentration of nitrates in groundwater studied ranged from 11.6mg/l to 24.3mg/l with the average of 18.6mg/l. In wet season, however, the concentration ranged between 9.0mg/l and 15.8mg/l with the average of 13.7mg/l. Dry season groundwater samples recorded higher concentration of sulphates than wet season samples. Chloride (Cl-) Chloride ions in the groundwater studied recorded an average of 520.8mg/l; ranging between 78.0mg/l and 1,001.mg/l in the 2 season study. In dry season, concentration of chloride ions in groundwater ranged between 120.0mg/l and 1,001.0mg/l with the average of 674.0mg/l. In wet season however, chloride ions concentration in groundwater of the studied area ranged between 78.0mg/l and 870mg/l with the average of 367.6mg/l. Higher chlorine concentrations were recorded in ground water samples in dry season. Phosphates (PO43-) Phosphate ions in groundwater studied recorded an average of 0.7mg/l; ranging between 0.0mg/l and 4.0mg/l in the 2 season study. In dry season, concentration of phosphate ions in the studied groundwater ranged between 0.0mg/l and 2.1mg/l with the average of 0.4mg/l. In wet season however, phosphate ions concentration in Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 114 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation groundwater of the studied area ranged between 0.1mg/l and 4.0mg/l with the average of 1.0mg/l. Higher phosphate concentrations were recorded in ground water samples in wet season. Groundwater Exchangeable Cations (Na+, K+, Mg2+, Ca2+) Sodium (Na+) All natural waters contain some sodium since sodium salts are highly water soluble and is one of the most abundant elements on earth. It is found in the ionic form (Na+), and in plant and animal matter. Concentrations of sodium in natural surface waters vary considerably depending on local geological conditions, wastewater discharges and seasonal use of road salt. Values can range from 1 mg/l or less to 105 mg/l or more in natural brines. The WHO guideline limit for sodium in drinking water is 200 mg/l. Many surface waters, including those receiving wastewaters, have concentrations well below 50 mg/l. However, ground-water concentrations frequently exceed 50 mg l-1. Sodium is commonly measured where the water is to be used for drinking or agricultural purposes, particularly irrigation. Elevated sodium in certain soil types can degrade soil structure thereby restricting water movement and affecting plant growth. The concentration of sodium in groundwater of the study area ranged between 15.7mg/l and 556.3mg/l with the average of 136.5mg/l in the study period. In dry season, concentration of sodium in groundwater ranged between 19.0mg/l and 556.3mg/l with the average of 157.0mg/l. In wet season, sodium content in groundwater studied ranged from 15.7mg/l to 359.0mg/l with the average of 115.9mg/l. Concentrations of sodium in groundwater were higher in dry season than wet season. Potassium (K+) The concentration of potassium in groundwater of the study area ranged between 0.7mg/l and 15.8mg/l with the average of 6.9mg/l in the study period. In dry season concentration of potassium in groundwater ranged between 0.7mg/l and 15.8mg/l with the average of 7.5mg/l. In wet season, potassium content in groundwater studied ranged from 1.7mg/l to 13.0mg/l with the average of 6.4mg/l. Concentrations of potassium in groundwater of the study locations were higher in dry season than in wet season. Magnesium (Mg2+) Concentration of magnesium in groundwater of the study area ranged between 2.9mg/l and 21.1mg/l with the average of 7.3mg/l in the study period. In dry season, concentration of magnesium in groundwater ranged between 3.2mg/l and 21.1mg/l with the average of 10.1mg/l. In wet season, magnesium content in groundwater ranged from 2.9mg/l to 5.1mg/l with the average of 4.5mg/l. Concentrations of magnesium in groundwater of the study area were higher in dry season than in wet season. Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 115 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Calcium (Ca2+) The concentration of calcium in groundwater of the study area ranged between 0.2mg/l and 5.6mg/l with the average of 2.4mg/l in the study period. In dry season, concentration of calcium in groundwater ranged between 0.2mg/l and 0.8mg/l with the average of 0.5mg/l. In wet season, calcium content in groundwater studied ranged from 3.0mg/l to 5.6mg/l with the average of 4.3mg/l. Concentrations of calcium in the groundwater studied were higher in wet season. Heavy metals (Fe, Zn, Cu, Pb, Cd, Mn, Cr and Ni) in Groundwater The concentrations of iron, zinc, copper, lead, cadmium, manganese, chromium and nickel in ground water of the study locations are presented in table 4.36. Zinc, Copper. Lead, Manganese, Chromium and Nickel Zn, Cu, Pb, Mn, Cr and Ni were all not detected in groundwater samples. They were below the detection limit (0.001mg/l) of the analytical equipment. Iron Fe was detected in 2 out of the 5 groundwater stations studied in dry season, where it ranged between <0.001 and 0.004mg/l. In wet season, Fe was detected in 3 of the 5 groundwater stations with values that ranged between <0.001 and 0.22mg/l. Cadmium Cd was detected in only 1 of the 5 groundwater stations in dry season, with a concentration of 0.004mg/l. Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 116 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Table 4.36: Heavy Metal Concentration in Groundwater of the Study Area Sample ID Fe Zn Cu Pb Cd Mn Cr Ni Mg/l Dry Wet Dry Wet Dry Wet Dry Wet Dry Wet Dry Wet Dry Wet Dry Wet GW1 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND GW2 0.002 0.09 ND ND ND ND ND ND 0.004 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND GW3 0.004 0.22 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND GW4 ND 0.09 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND GW_CTRL ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 0.031 ND Min ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND Max 0.004 0.220 ND ND ND ND ND ND 0.004 ND ND ND ND ND 0.031 ND Average 0.003 0.133 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Overall Average 0.081 NA NA NA NA NA NA ND NA Source: ERL, 2013. Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 117 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Total Hydrocarbon Content (THC) in Groundwater The total hydrocarbon content in ground water of the study locations ranged between 0.874mg/l and 1.115mg/l with the average of 1.017mg/l in dry season. The concentration ranged between 0.12mg/l and 0.791mg/l with the average of 0.515mg/l in wet season. An overall average concentration of 0.766mg/l was recorded over the two seasons’ study (Table 4.37). THC content in groundwater of the study area recorded higher concentration in dry season Table 4.37: Total Hydrocarbon Concentration in Groundwater of the Study Area Sample ID THC (mg/l) Dry Season Wet Season GW1 0.874 0.453 GW2 1.115 0.535 GW3 1.035 0.674 GW4 1.041 0.791 GW_CTRL 1.02 0.12 Min 0.874 0.120 Max 1.115 0.791 Average 1.017 0.515 Overall Average 0.766 Source: ERL, 2013. Groundwater Microbiology The microbial counts in groundwater of the study area in dry and wet seasons are presented in table 4.38. Table 4.39 presents the predominant microbial species isolated in the groundwater samples. Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 118 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Table 4.38: Microbial Isolates in Groundwater of the Study Area Sample ID THB THF TC GW1 GW2 GW3 GW4 GW_CTRL Dry Season 1.07E+07 1.00E+07 1.51E+07 1.94E+07 1.80E+06 Wet Season 1.00E+07 1.20E+07 1.81E+07 2.02E+07 2.20E+06 Dry Season 1.00E+02 3.00E+02 3.00E+02 4.00E+02 1.00E+02 Wet Season 1.20E+02 2.00E+02 4.00E+02 6.00E+02 2.00E+02 Dry Season 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Min Max Average Std. Dev. 1.80E+06 1.94E+07 1.14E+07 6.56E+06 2.20E+06 2.02E+07 1.25E+07 7.13E+06 1.00E+02 4.00E+02 2.40E+02 1.34E+02 1.20E+02 6.00E+02 3.04E+02 1.95E+02 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Overall Average 1.20E+07 2.72E+02 cfu/ml Wet Season 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 THUB (cfu THUF Dry Season 1.30E+01 1.20E+01 1.60E+01 2.00E+01 1.00E+01 Wet Season 1.50E+01 1.00E+01 2.00E+01 3.00E+01 2.00E+01 Dry Season 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 1.00E+01 2.00E+01 0.00E+00 Wet Season 0.00E+00 1.00E+01 3.00E+01 5.00E+01 0.00E+00 1.00E+01 2.00E+01 1.42E+01 3.90E+00 1.00E+01 3.00E+01 1.90E+01 7.42E+00 0.00E+00 2.00E+01 6.00E+00 8.94E+00 0.00E+00 5.00E+01 1.80E+01 2.17E+01 1.66E+01 1.20E+01 Source: ERL, 2013. Table 4.39: Predominant Microbial Species Isolated in Groundwater of the study Area Sample ID PREDOMINANT SPECIES OF MICROORGANISMS ISOLATED GW1 Bacillus spp.; Staphylococcus aureus, Mucor spp. GW2 Bacillus spp., Rhizopus stolonifer, Fusarium spp. GW3 Bacillus spp., Rhizopus stolonifer, Fusarium spp. GW4 Bacillus spp., Staphylococcus aureus, Aspergilus wentii. GW_CTRL Bacillus spp., Rhizopus stolonifer, Fusarium spp. Source: ERL, 2013. Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 119 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Total Heterotrophic Bacteria (THB) THB counts in groundwater in dry season ranged between 1.80x106 and 1.94x107cfu/ml with the average of 1.14x107cfu/ml. The THB counts in wet season, recorded an average value of 1.25x107cfu/ml, and ranged between 2.20x106cfu/ml and 2.02x107cfu/ml. An overall average count of 1.2x107cfu/ml was recorded in both season’s study (Table 4.38). Total Heterotrophic Fungi (THF) THF counts in groundwater of the study area ranged between 1.0x102cfu/ml and 4.0x102cfu/ml with the average of 2.40x102cfu/ml in dry season. In wet season, THF counts ranged between 1.20x102cfu/ml and 6.0x102cfu/ml, and having an average count of 3.04x102cfu/ml. Over the two seasons studied an overall average count of 2.72x103cfu/ml was recorded for THF (Table 4.38). Total Coliforms (TC) Coliforms were not identified in the groundwater samples in dry and wet seasons. Total Hydrocarbon Utilizing Bacteria (THUB) Hydrocarbon utilizing Bacteria counts in groundwater recorded an overall average count of 1.66x101cfu/ml over the two seasons’ study. In dry season, the THUB count ranged between 1.0x101cfu/ml and 2.0x101cfu/ml, with the average of 1.42x103cfu/ml. The hydrocarbon utilizing bacteria count in wet season had an average of 1.9x101cfu/ml, with values ranging between 1.0x101cfu/ml and 3.0x101cfu/ml in groundwater (Table 4.38). Total Hydrocarbon Utilizing Fungi (THUF) Hydrocarbon utilizing Fungi counts in groundwater studied recorded an overall average count of 1.2x101 cfu/ml over the two seasons’ study. In dry season, the THUF count ranged between 0.00cfu/ml and 2.0 x101 cfu/ml, with the average of 6.0 cfu/ml. The THUF count in wet season had an average of 1.80x101 cfu/ml, with values ranging between 0.0 cfu/ml and 5.0 x101 cfu/ml in groundwater (Table 4.38). 4.9.6 Surface Water Characteristics of the Proposed Project Environment Hydrology of Lagos Lagoon Lagos lagoon is the largest of the four lagoon systems of the Gulf of Guinea (Webb. 1958). It is the major inland water body in southwestern Nigeria. The lagoon, which is located in Lagos state, is brackish water fed majorly in the north by Ogun Yewa, Ona and Oshun rivers (Ajao, 1996). It drains more than 103,626km of the country and discharges into the Atlantic Ocean via Lagos Harbour. The surface area of the lagoon was estimated to be 150.56km2 (Ajao, 1996). Based on the field studies and analyses following the methods described in section 4.7.3 of this report, the hydrological characteristics of Lagos Lagoon within the study locations are presented below. Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 120 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Temperature, pH, Conductivity and Salinity Table 4.40 presents the values of temperature, pH, electrical conductivity and salinity of the Lagoon surface within a 5km spatial boundary of the proposed reclamation area. Table 4.40: Temperature, pH, Conductivity and Salinity of Surface Water in the Study Area Sample ID Temp ( ̊C) pH Conductivity (mS/cm) Salinity (‰) Dry Season Wet Season Dry Season Wet Season Dry Season Wet Season Dry Season Wet Season SW1 30.65 25.70 7.40 7.10 29.02 2.14 17.50 0.90 SW2 31.10 26.20 7.20 7.30 34.99 4.05 21.10 1.70 SW3 30.67 25.91 7.91 7.52 23.90 0.29 14.50 0.10 SW4 30.66 25.89 7.93 7.49 24.40 0.50 14.80 0.10 SW5 30.37 27.30 7.80 7.50 25.70 0.71 15.50 0.30 SW6 31.20 26.90 7.70 7.40 28.69 2.14 17.30 0.90 SW7 31.18 25,5 7.44 7.10 22.40 0.24 13.50 0.10 SW8 31.34 27.40 7.73 7.58 22.70 0.58 13.60 0.30 SW9 30.68 26.15 7.92 7.50 21.90 0.47 13.10 0.20 SW10 30.49 26.30 7.90 7.50 22.06 0.48 13.30 0.20 SW11 30.98 27.10 7.86 7.50 22.30 0.24 13.40 0.10 SW12 30.50 25.50 7.70 7.50 22.39 0.48 13.50 0.20 SW13 30.77 26.34 7.71 7.49 25.50 1.46 15.50 0.70 SW14 (Ctrl) 30.57 25.79 7.90 7.08 21.23 0.35 12.80 0.20 SW15 31.10 26.90 7.90 6.90 21.72 0.48 13.10 0.20 Min 30.37 25.50 7.20 6.90 21.23 0.24 12.80 0.10 Max 31.34 27.40 7.93 7.58 34.99 4.05 21.10 1.70 Average 30.82 26.38 7.73 7.36 24.59 0.97 14.83 0.41 Std. Dev. 0.30 0.63 0.22 0.21 3.77 1.06 2.28 0.45 Overall Average 28.68 FMEnv Standard <40 7.55 12.78 7.62 6.5 – 8.5 Source: ERL, 2013 Temperature Water bodies undergo temperature variations along with normal climatic fluctuations. These variations occur seasonally and, in some water bodies, over periods of 24 hours. The temperature of surface waters is influenced by latitude, altitude, season, time of day, air circulation, cloud cover and the flow and depth of the water body. Temperature affects physical, chemical and biological processes in water bodies and, therefore, the concentration of many variables. As water temperature increases, the rate of chemical reactions generally increases together with the evaporation and volatilisation of substances from the water. Increased temperature also decreases the solubility of gases in water, such as O2, CO2, N2, CH4 and others. The metabolic rate of aquatic organisms is also related to temperature, and in warm waters, respiration rates increase leading to increased oxygen consumption and increased decomposition of organic matter. Growth rates also increase (this Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 121 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation is most noticeable for bacteria and phytoplankton which double their populations in very short time) leading to increased water turbidity, macrophyte growth and algal blooms, when nutrient conditions are suitable. Surface water temperature recorded an average of 30.820C with values ranging between 30.370C and 31.340C in dry season. In wet season, water temperature recorded lower values; ranging from 25.500C to 27.400C with an average of 26.380C. The overall average temperature of surface water was 28.680C. Surface ater temperature range recorded is within the FMEnv standard of less than 40.00C for fisheries. pH The pH is an important variable in water quality assessment as it influences many biological and chemical processes within a water body. At a given temperature, pH (or the hydrogen ion activity) indicates the intensity of the acidic or basic character of a solution and controlled by the dissolved chemical compounds and biochemical processes in the solution. In unpolluted waters, pH is principally controlled by the balance between the carbon dioxide, carbonate and bicarbonate ions as well as other natural compounds such as humic and fulvic acids. The natural acid-base balance of a water body can be affected by industrial effluents and atmospheric deposition of acid-forming substances. Changes in pH can indicate the presence of certain effluents, particularly when continuously measured and recorded, together with the conductivity of a water body. Diel variations in pH can be caused by the photosynthesis and respiration cycles of algae in eutrophic waters. The pH of most natural waters is between 6.0 and 8.5, although lower values can occur in dilute waters high in organic content. The pH of the lagoon water ranged between 7.2 and 7.93 with an average of 7.73 in dry season. In wet season, it ranged between 6.9 and 7.58 and average of 7.36 (figure 4.13). The overall average pH for the 2 season study was 7.55. The range of pH recorded is within FMEnv range of 6.5 – 8.5 for fisheries. Figure 4.13: Seasonal Variation of Surface water pH Electrical Conductivity Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 122 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation The electrical conductivity of the lagoon water ranged between 21.23 and 34.99mS/cm with an average value of 24.59mS/cm in dry season. The values dropped to between 0.24 and 4.05 mS/cm with an average of 0.97mS/cm in wet season. Figure 4.14 shows seasonal variation in surfacewater conductivity. Figure 4.14: Seasonal Variation in Surfacewater Conductivity Salinity The salinity of Lagos lagoon surface water at the study areas ranged between 12.8 and 21.1‰ with an average of 14.83‰ in dry season. Salinity values at the study locations in wet season ranged between 0.1 and 1.7‰ with an average of 0.41‰. The lagoon areas proximal to the sea expectedly, had higher salinity. Dissolved Oxygen, Dissolved Solids, Suspended Solids and Turbidity The dissolved oxygen (DO), total dissolved solids (TDS), total suspended solids (TSS) and Turbidity of lagoon surface at the study locations are presented in table 4.41. Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 123 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Table 4.41: DO, TDS, TSS and Turbidity of Surface water Sample ID DO (mg/l) Dry Wet Season Season TDS (mg/l) Dry Wet Season Season TSS (mg/l) Dry Wet Season Season Turb (NTU) Dry Wet Season Season SW1 8.90 10.22 1290.00 21.00 5.80 8.40 0 17 SW2 7.52 9.24 1340.00 42.00 6.50 7.50 0 23 SW3 8.99 12.64 1480.00 18.80 7.20 9.85 0 21.9 SW4 8.95 14.28 1510.00 32.20 5.60 8.72 0 31.1 SW5 8.78 9.16 1430.00 18.00 4.30 8.34 0 17 SW6 7.98 8.78 1280.00 41.00 7.90 9.54 0 12 SW7 7.43 11.40 1390.00 89.00 7.80 9.21 0 39 SW8 8.79 12.48 1410.00 36.90 4.80 6.52 0 40.6 SW9 8.17 14.87 1310.00 30.70 9.40 8.10 0 42.8 SW10 8.21 10.67 1480.00 78.00 6.90 5.73 0 34 SW11 8.46 8.78 1380.00 52.00 5.60 7.58 0 28 SW12 8.50 9.88 1060.00 38.00 3.54 5.63 0 16 SW13 9.76 11.46 1500.00 93.40 3.14 3.81 0 12.2 SW14 (Ctrl) 8.65 8.98 1150.00 22.70 2.70 4.35 0 18.8 SW15 8.90 9.24 1220.00 31.00 4.30 6.90 0 11 Min 7.43 8.78 1060.00 18.00 2.70 3.81 0.00 11.00 Max 9.76 14.87 1510.00 93.40 9.40 9.85 0.00 42.80 Average 8.53 10.81 1348.67 42.98 5.70 7.35 0.00 24.29 Std. Dev. 0.60 2.00 132.44 24.71 1.93 1.83 0.00 10.91 Overall Average 9.67 695.82 6.52 Source: ERL, 2013. Dissolved Oxygen (DO) Dissolve Oxygen is essential to all forms of aquatic life, including those organisms responsible for the selfpurification processes in natural waters. The oxygen content of natural waters varies with temperature, salinity, turbulence, the photosynthetic activity of algae and plants, and atmospheric pressure. The solubility of oxygen decreases as temperature and salinity increase. Concentrations in unpolluted waters are usually close to, but less than, 10 mg/l. Variations in DO can occur seasonally, or even over 24 hour periods, in relation to temperature and biological activities (i.e. photosynthesis and respiration). Biological respiration, including that related to decomposition processes, reduces DO concentrations. In still waters, pockets of high and low concentrations of dissolved oxygen can occur depending on the rates of biological processes. In severe cases of reduced oxygen concentrations (whether natural or man-made), anaerobic conditions can occur (i.e. 0 mg/l of oxygen), particularly close to the sediment-water interface as a result of decaying, sedimenting material. Determination of DO concentrations is a fundamental part of a water quality assessment since oxygen is involved in, or influences, nearly all chemical and biological processes within water bodies. Concentrations below 5 mg/l Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 124 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation may adversely affect the functioning and survival of biological communities and below 2 mg/l may lead to the death of most fish. DO can be used to indicate the degree of pollution by organic matter, the destruction of organic substances and the level of self-purification of the water. Dissolved Oxygen (DO) in the lagoon surface water at the studied locations had and average of 9.67mg/l in both dry and wet seasons. Higher DO values were recorded in wet season than in dry (Figure 4.15). The higher values recorded in wet season can be attributed to increased water turbulence, which enhances miscibility, reduced temperature and salinity, among others. It ranged between 7.45 and 9.76mg/l with an average of 8.53mg/l in dry season, and between 8.78 and 14.87mg/l with average of 10.81 in wet season. Figure 4.15: Seasonal Variation of DO in Surface Water Total Dissolved Solids (TSS), Total Suspended Solids and Turbidity TDS of the lagoon water at the study locations ranged between 1,060mg/l and 1,510mg/l with an average of 1,348.67mg/l in dry season. The TDS was lower in wet season ranging between 18mg/l and 93.4mg/l with an average of 42.98mg.l. An overall average of 695.82mg/l was recorded over the 2 seasons’ studies. TSS ranged between 2.7 and 9.4mg/l with an average of 5.7mg/l in dry season. In wet season, TSS ranged between 3.81 to 9.85mg/l with an average of 7.35mg/l. Over the two seasons’ study, TSS in lagoon surface water recorded an average of 6.52mg/l. Turbidity values of water samples obtained from the Lagos lagoon in dry season were below the sensitivity limit of the equipment used (0.1NTU). In wet season however, the water turbidity ranged between 11 and 42.8NTU Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 125 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation with an average of 24.29NTU. Increased turbidity in the study locations in wet season is attributable to the influx of land-based substances. Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD5) and Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) The BOD5 and COD values of lagoon water recorded at the study points are presented in table 4.42. Table 4.42: BOD and COD of Surface Water Sample ID BOD5 COD Dry Season Mg/l Wet Season Dry Season Wet Season SW1 0.66 0.80 178.00 13.30 SW2 0.82 0.89 148.00 12.70 SW3 0.97 0.99 169.00 13.48 SW4 0.83 0.89 121.00 10.23 SW5 0.92 1.18 123.00 12.25 SW6 0.76 1.11 211.00 13.80 SW7 1.45 1.51 187.00 12.09 SW8 1.67 2.01 221.00 14.76 SW9 0.94 0.95 189.00 9.70 SW10 1.34 1.03 167.00 11.50 SW11 1.11 1.67 175.00 12.10 SW12 0.94 1.26 99.00 10.50 SW13 1.76 2.05 224.00 15.20 SW14 (Ctrl) 0.67 0.84 125.00 15.21 SW15 0.65 0.78 85.00 9.80 Min 0.7 0.8 85.0 9.7 Max 1.8 2.1 224.0 15.2 Average 1.0 1.2 161.5 12.4 Std. Dev. 0.4 0.4 43.3 1.9 Overall Average 1.1 87.0 Source: ERL, 2013 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD5) The biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) is an approximate measure of the amount of biochemically degradable organic matter present in a water sample. It is defined by the amount of oxygen required for the aerobic microorganisms present in the sample to oxidise the organic matter to a stable inorganic form. Standardised laboratory procedures are used to determine BOD by measuring the amount of oxygen consumed after incubating the sample in the dark at a specified temperature, which is usually 20°C, for a specific duration, usually five days. Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 126 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation This gives rise to the commonly used term “BOD5”. The oxygen consumption is determined from the difference between the dissolved oxygen concentrations in the sample before and after the incubation period. Unpolluted waters typically have BOD values of 2 mg/l or less, whereas those receiving wastewaters may have values up to 10 mg/l or more, particularly near to the point of wastewater discharge. BOD5 of Lagos lagoon in the sampled locations recorded an overall average of 1.1mg/l over the two hydrological studies. In dry season, BOD ranged between 0.7 and 1.8mg/l with an average of 1.0mg/l, and between 0.8 and 2.1mg/l in wet season. The BOD recorded in the study areas falls within the range of unpolluted water. Figure 4.16 shows the seasonal variation in the surface water BOD. Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) Figure 4.16: Seasonal Variation of Surface water BOD5 COD is the amount of oxygen required to chemically oxidize organic water contaminants to inorganic end products. Measurement of COD is necessary based on the fact that strong oxidizing agent under acidic condition can fully oxidize all organic compounds to carbon dioxide. Unlike BOD, toxic compounds such as heavy metals in water samples do not have any effect on the oxidants used in the COD test. Although COD measures more than organic constituents, the organic fraction usually predominates and is the constituent of interest. Chemical oxygen demand was developed as an alternative to the more lengthy BOD analysis. The Lagos lagoon surface water COD at the studied locations ranged between 85 and 224mg/l with an average of 161.5mg/l. In wet season, the COD ranged from 9.7 to 15.2mg/l with an average of 12.4mg/l. over the two seasons’ study, COD had an average value of 78mg/l. Surface Water Anions The anionic contents of the lagoon surface water at the studied points are presented in table 4.43. Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 127 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Table 4.43: Anions Concentration in Surface Water Sample ID NO3 SW1 SW2 SW3 SW4 SW5 SW6 SW7 SW8 SW9 SW10 SW11 SW12 SW13 SW14 (Ctrl) SW15 Dry Season 10.9 11.4 15.7 17.8 14.6 12.1 23.2 26.3 10.6 14.4 41 13.7 27.5 10.07 13.9 Wet Season 9.05 8.79 14.09 20.12 13.2 11 17.3 13.92 16.37 10.5 23.7 9.73 21.33 14.61 11.23 Dry Season 36.52 53.8 37.432 34.222 28.42 49.33 45.629 21.827 26.864 25.93 25.432 33.47 25.53 19.75 22.49 Min Max 10.1 41.0 8.8 23.7 19.8 53.8 Average Std. Dev. Overall Average 17.5 8.6 15.9 14.3 4.6 32.4 10.4 21.3 SO4 Mg/l Wet Season 12.75 18.33 6.67 8.67 9.84 15.53 11.31 9.24 9.52 7.84 6.82 7.12 11.32 8.1 9.37 Cl- PO4 Dry Season 14,870 17,800 13,500 11,850 12,530 16,360 11,850 13,900 14,200 9,230 9,650 10003.1 9,870 10,120 10,350 Wet Season 250 650 130 220 130 490 182 220.01 260 110 155 210 190 160 165.6 Dry Season 0.97 1.25 0.1 1.1 0.89 1.01 0.54 ND ND ND ND ND 0.01 ND ND Wet Season 0.07 0.12 0.13 0.11 0.14 0.09 0.11 0.15 0.17 0.17 0.12 0.22 0.28 0.05 0.14 6.7 18.3 9,230.0 17,800.0 110.0 650.0 ND 1.3 0.1 0.3 10.2 3.3 12,405.5 2,637.9 6,320.2 234.8 146.0 0.7 0.5 0.3 0.1 0.1 Source: ERL, 2013 Nitrates Nitrate ions concentration in the lagoon surface water from studied locations had an average of 15.9mg/l over the two hydrological seasons’ studies. In dry season, the concentration ranged between 10.1 and 41.0mg/l with an average of 17.5mg/l. In wet season, the concentration ranged between 8.8 and 23.7mg/l with an average of 14.3mg/l (table 4.43). The seasonal variations in nitrates concentration in the surface water is shown in figure 4.17. Figure 4.17: Seasonal Variation in Nitrate Concentration in Surface water Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 128 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Sulphates Sulphate is naturally present in surface waters as SO42-. It arises from the atmospheric deposition of oceanic aerosols and the leaching of sulphur compounds, either sulphate minerals such as gypsum or sulphide minerals such as pyrite, from sedimentary rocks. It is the stable, oxidised form of sulphur and is readily soluble in water (with the exception of lead, barium and strontium sulphates, which precipitate). Industrial discharges and atmospheric precipitation can also add significant amounts of sulphate to surface waters. Sulphate can be used as an oxygen source by bacteria that convert it to hydrogen sulphide (H2S, HS-) under anaerobic conditions. Sulphate concentrations in natural waters are usually between 2 and 80 mg/l, although they may exceed 1,000 mg/l near industrial discharges or in arid regions where sulphate minerals, such as gypsum, are present. Sulphate concentration in the studied areas of Lagos lagoon ranged between 19.8 and 53.8mg/l with an average of 32.4mg/l in dry season. In wet season, the concentration ranged between 6.7 and 18.3mg/l with an average of 10.2mg/l. Over the two hydrological seasons’ studies, the ion’s concentrations had an average of 21.3mg/l (Table 4.43). Seasonal variations of sulphates at the study locations are shown in figure 4.18. Figure 4.18: Seasonal Variation of Sulphate Concentration in Surface water Chloride Chloride ions in the lagoon surface water at the study locations had an average of 6,320.2mg/l over the two hydrological seasons’ studies. Higher values were recorded in dry season when the concentration ranged between 9,230mg/l and 17,800.0mg/l with an average of 14,405.5mg/l. In wet season, chloride ions concentration ranged between 110.0mg/l and 650mg/l with an average of 234.8mg/l (Table 4.43). Figure 4.19 shows spatial and temporal variation of chloride ions concentration during the study. Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 129 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Figure 4.19: Seasonal Variation of Chloride in Surface Water Phosphate Phosphorus is an essential nutrient for living organisms and exists in water bodies as both dissolved and particulate species. It is generally the limiting nutrient for algal growth and, therefore, controls the primary productivity of a water body. Artificial increases in concentrations due to human activities are the principal cause of eutrophication. In natural waters and in wastewaters, phosphorus occurs mostly as dissolved orthophosphates and polyphosphates, and organically bound phosphates. Changes between these forms occur continuously due to decomposition and synthesis of organically bound forms and oxidised inorganic forms. Natural sources of phosphorus are mainly the weathering of phosphorus-bearing rocks and the decomposition of organic matter. Domestic wastewaters (particularly those containing detergents), industrial effluents and fertilizer run-off contribute to elevated levels in surface waters. Phosphorus associated with organic and mineral constituents of sediments in water bodies can also be mobilised by bacteria and released to the water column. Phosphorus is rarely found in high concentrations in freshwaters as plants actively take it up. The concentration of phosphates in Lagos lagoon surface ranged between 0.1mg/l and 0.3mg/l in wet seaon, with an average of 0.1mg/l. In dry season, the ion was not detected in 8 out of 15 locations studied. However, at the points detected, the ion recorded the average of 0.7mg/l and a maximum concentration of 1.3mg/l. Surface Water Exchangeable Cations The exchangeable cations concentrations recorded in Lagos lagoon surface water of at the study locations are presented in table 4.44. Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 130 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Table 4.44: Exchangeable Cations Concentration in Surface Water Sample ID Na+ K+ SW1 Dry Season 1,023.9 Wet Season 170.5 Dry Season 15.6 Wet Season 7.0 Dry Season 55.9 Wet Season 6.1 Dry Season + Wet Season 0.584 SW2 1,246.5 476.9 21.8 10.0 59.4 5.1 4.847 1.021 SW3 1,047.2 57.5 11.6 4.4 4.8 4.4 3.880 <0.001 SW4 947.3 105.8 8.6 4.9 4.5 4.8 1.612 <0.001 SW5 1,033.6 98.8 11.8 5.8 5.8 4.4 1.385 <0.001 SW6 1,020.4 110.2 18.5 8.6 23.6 6.7 3.582 0.378 SW7 997.9 110.3 7.2 4.1 4.3 4.0 3.564 0.103 SW8 1,007.1 99.2 9.5 4.9 3.6 4.7 3.325 <0.001 SW9 927.2 119.7 10.8 5.2 44.5 5.0 4.314 <0.001 SW10 879.9 89.9 9.0 3.5 45.3 4.2 3.752 0.648 SW11 924.9 99.7 9.9 5.2 5.0 5.0 2.984 <0.001 SW12 1,002.2 101.2 9.8 4.7 39.7 4.2 3.785 <0.001 SW13 999.3 320.3 16.9 10.2 13.8 5.0 4.218 0.925 SW14 (Ctrl) 875.4 95.6 10.1 4.8 11.4 5.1 1.231 <0.001 SW15 948.5 100.4 9.0 4.8 3.4 1.8 1.672 <0.001 Min 875.4 57.5 7.2 3.5 3.4 1.8 1.231 <0.001 Max 1,246.5 476.9 21.8 10.2 59.4 6.7 4.847 1.021 Average 992.1 143.7 12.0 5.9 21.7 4.7 3.246 0.244 Std. Dev. 88.9 110.0 4.2 2.1 21.1 1.1 1.203 0.370 Overall Average 567.9 8.9 Mg2+ 13.2 Ca2+ 1.745 Source: ERL, 2013 Sodium All natural waters contain some sodium since sodium salts are highly water soluble and is one of the most abundant elements on earth. It is found in the ionic form (Na+), and in plant and animal matter. Concentrations of sodium in natural surface waters vary considerably depending on local geological conditions, wastewater discharges and seasonal use of road salt. Values can range from 1 mg/l or less to 105 mg/l or more in natural brines. The WHO guideline limit for sodium in drinking water is 200 mg/l. Many surface waters, including those receiving wastewaters, have concentrations well below 50 mg/l. However, ground-water concentrations frequently exceed 50 mg l-1. Sodium is commonly measured where the water is to be used for drinking or agricultural purposes, particularly irrigation. The concentration of sodium in Lagos lagoon surface water ranged between 875.4mg/l and 1,246.5mg/l with an average of 992.1mg/l in dry season. The high sodium concentration recorded in dry season is attributable to seawater influence. In wet season, most likely due to fresh water influx, sodium ion concentration ranged Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 131 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation between 57.5mg/l and 476.9mg/l with an average of 143.7mg/l. Figure 4.20 shows seasonal variation in sodium ion concentration the lagoon surface water. Figure 4.20: Seasonal Variation of Sodium in Surface Water Potassium Potassium (K+) is found in low concentrations in natural waters since rocks that contain potassium are relatively resistant to weathering. However, potassium salts are widely used in industry and in fertilisers for agriculture and enter surface waters with industrial discharges and run-off from agricultural land. Potassium is usually found in the ionic form and the salts are highly soluble. It is readily incorporated into mineral structures and accumulated by aquatic biota, as it is an essential nutritional element. Potassium ions concentration in the lagoon surface water ranged between 7.2 and 21.8mg/l with an average of 12mg/l in dry season. The concentration reduced in wet season; ranging from 3.5 to 10.2mg/l with an average of 5.9mg/l. Over the two seasons studied, potassium ions in the lagoon surface water had an average concentration of 8.9mg/l (Table 4.44). The seasonal variation trend along the studied points is shown in figure 4.21. Figure 4.21: Seasonal Variation of Potassium in Surface Water Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 132 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Figure 4.22: Seasonal Variation of Magnesium in Surface Water Magnesium Magnesium is common in natural waters as Mg2+. Along with calcium, it is a main contributor to water hardness. Magnesium arises principally from the weathering of rocks containing ferromagnesium minerals and from some carbonate rocks. Magnesium occurs in many organometallic compounds and in organic matter, since it is an essential element for living organisms. The magnesium content in the surface water of Lagos lagoon had an average of 13.3mg/l. In dry season, the ion ranged between 3.4 and 59.4mg/l with an average of 21.7mg/l. Whereas in wet season, it had an average of 4.7mg/l; ranging from 1.8 to 6.7mg/l (Table 4.44). Seasonal variation of magnesium content in the surface water is shown in figure 4.22. Calcium Calcium is present in all waters as Ca2+ and is readily dissolved from rocks rich in calcium minerals, particularly as carbonates and sulphates, especially limestone and gypsum. It is abundant in surface and groundwater. The salts of calcium, together with those of magnesium, are responsible for the hardness of water. Industrial, as well as water and wastewater treatment processes contribute calcium to surface waters. Calcium compounds are stable in water when carbondioxide is present, but calcium concentrations can fall when calcium carbonate precipitates due to increased water temperature, photosynthetic activity or loss of carbondioxide due to increases in pressure. Calcium concentrations in natural waters are typically < 15 mg/l. However, in waters associated with carbonate-rich rocks, concentrations may reach 30-100 mg/l. Salt waters may have concentrations of several hundred milligrams per litre or more. The concentration of calcium in Lagos lagoon surface water in dry season ranged between 1.231 and 4.847mg/l with an average of 3.246mg/l. The concentration was below the detection limit (0.001) of the equipment used at 9 out of the 15 locations studied in wet season. At the locations where it was recorded, a maximum and average concentrations of 1.021 and 0.244mg/l respectively were reccorded. An overall average of 1.745mg/l of calcium Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 133 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation ion was recorded over the two season’s study (Table 4.44). Figure 4.23 shows seasonal trend of calcium ions concentration inhe study locations. Figure 4.23: Seasonal Variation of Calcium in Surface Water Heavy Metals in Surface Water The concentrations of iron, zinc, copper, lead, cadmium, manganese, chromium and nickel in the lagoon surface water at the various study locations are presented in table 4.45. Iron Iron content in surface water was below the detection limit (0.001mg/l) of the equipment used in 13 out of the 15 stations studied in dry season. In the locations where iron was detected, it recorded a concentration of 0.001mg/l. In wet season, the concentration of iron in the surface water ranged between 0.001mg/l and 2.6mg/l with an average of 1.433mg/l (Table 4.45). Zinc Zinc content in surface water ranged between 0.0mg/l and 0.44mg/l with an average of 0.017mg/l in wet season. In dry season however, zinc was only detected in 5 out of the 15 study stations with values ranging from 0.001 to 0.020mg/l and an average of 0.009mg/l (Table 4.45). Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 134 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Table 4.45: Heavy Metal Concentrattions in Surface Water Sample ID Fe Zn Cu SW1 SW2 SW3 SW4 SW5 SW6 SW7 SW8 SW9 SW10 SW11 SW12 SW13 SW14 (Ctrl) SW15 Dry <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 0.001 <0.001 <0.001 Wet 0.01 0.001 1.83 2.42 1.01 1.37 1.74 2.08 2.6 1.16 1.72 0.974 1.5 1.58 1.65 Dry <0.001 0.001 0.019 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 0.002 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 0.02 0.01 0.002 <0.001 0.011 Wet 0.009 0.019 0.003 0.044 0.017 0.004 0.039 0.006 0.033 <0.001 0.002 0.006 0.031 0.027 0.003 Dry 0.002 0.002 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 Wet <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 Min Max Average Std. Dev. Overall Average 0.001 0.001 0.001 NA 1.273 0.001 2.600 1.443 0.742 0.001 0.020 0.009 0.008 0.015 0.002 0.044 0.017 0.015 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.002 NA NA NA NA Pb Mg/l Dry 0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 NA 0.001 Cd Mn Cr Ni Wet <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 Dry 0.012 0.001 0.004 0.024 <0.001 0.021 0.02 0.013 0.009 <0.001 0.002 0.013 <0.001 0.001 0.002 Wet <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 Dry <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 Wet <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 Dry <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 Wet <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 Dry 0.012 0.003 0.055 0.022 <0.001 0.023 0.006 0.01 0.066 <0.001 0.051 0.001 0.005 0.018 0.027 Wet <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 NA NA NA NA 0.001 0.024 0.010 0.008 0.010 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 0.001 0.066 0.023 0.021 0.023 NA NA NA NA Source: ERL, 2013 Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 135 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Copper Copper content in the lagoon surface water at all the study locations was below the detection limit (0.001mg/l) of the equipment used in wet season. In dry season, it was detected only in 2 locations with concentration of 0.002mg/l. Lead Lead had a concentration of 0.001mg/l in only one study location in dry season, but was not detected in others in trace amounts. In wet season, lead was not detected in samples for all the locations studied, Cadmium Cadmium was not detected in the lagoon surface water in all the locations studied in wet season. Cd ranged between 0.001mg/l and 0.024mg/l with average of 0.010 in dry season. Manganese and Chromium These metsal were not detected in the studied locations in both seasons Nickel Nickel was not detected in the water in wet season but detected at 2 locations in dry season with values of 0.001mg/l and 0.066mg/l and an average of 0.023mg/l. Total Hydrocarbon Content (THC) The total hydrocarbon content in the lagoon surface water ranged between 0.5 and 5.8mg/l with an average of 1.1mg/l in dry season. The concentration ranged between 0.2 and 3.8mg/l with an average of 0.7mg/l in wet season. An overall average of 0.9mg/l was recorded over the two seasons’ study (Table 4.46). The seasonal variation of THC concentration in the surface water of Lagos lagoon at the studied locations area is shown in figure 4.24. Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 136 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Table 4.46: Total Hydrocarbon Content in Surface Water Sample ID SW1 SW2 SW3 SW4 SW5 SW6 SW7 SW8 SW9 SW10 SW11 SW12 SW13 SW14 (Ctrl) SW15 THC Dry Season 0.631 2.173 0.757 0.538 0.563 0.964 5.832 0.797 0.845 0.869 0.927 0.558 0.518 0.486 0.532 Min Max Average Std. Dev. Overall Average 0.5 5.8 1.1 1.4 0.9 Wet Season 0.392 0.974 0.452 0.385 0.209 0.693 3.837 0.523 0.547 0.684 0.672 0.431 0.498 0.275 0.387 0.2 3.8 0.7 0.9 Source: ERL, 2013 Figure 4.24: Seasonal Variation of Total Hydrocarbon in Surface Water Surface Water Microbiology The microbial counts in the surface water of the lagoon in dry and wet seasons are presented in table 4.47 Total Heterotrophic Bacteria (THB) THB counts ranged between 1.02x107 and 2.20x107cfu/ml with an average of 1.54x107cfu/ml in dry season. The THB counts increased marginally in wet season, recording an average value of 1.59x107cfu/ml, while it ranged between 1.10x107cfu/ml and 2.14x107cfu/ml. An overall average count of 1.57x107cfu/ml was recorded in both Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 137 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation season’s study (Table 4.47). The predominant islotates are presented in table 4.48. Spatial variations in wet and dry seasons are presented in figures 4.24 and 4.25. Total Heterotrophic Fungi (THF) THF counts in the surface water ranged between 3.0x103cfu/ml and 3.0x104cfu/ml with an average of 7.33x103cfu/ml in dry season. In wet season, THF recorded lower counts; ranging between 3.0x103cfu/ml and 9.0x103cfu/ml, and having an average count of 5.93x103cfu/ml. Over the two seasons, an average count of 6.63x103cfu/ml was recorded for THF (Table 4.47). The predominant THF isolates are presented in Table 4.48. Spatial variations in wet and dry seasons are presented in figures 4.24 and 4.25. Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 138 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Table 4.47: Microbial Isolates in Surface Water Sample ID SW1 SW2 SW3 SW4 SW5 SW6 SW7 SW8 SW9 SW10 SW11 SW12 SW13 SW14 (Ctrl) SW15 THB 15 (cfu/ml) Dry Season 1.87E+07 1.24E+07 1.92E+07 2.03E+07 1.74E+07 1.32E+07 1.43E+07 1.95E+07 1.28E+07 1.20E+07 1.46E+07 1.34E+07 2.20E+07 1.02E+07 1.10E+07 Min Max Average Std. Dev. Overall Average 1.02E+07 2.20E+07 1.54E+07 3.76E+06 1.57E+07 Wet Season 1.92E+07 1.43E+07 2.02E+07 2.14E+07 1.94E+07 1.48E+07 1.65E+07 1.87E+07 1.34E+07 1.32E+07 1.62E+07 1.48E+07 1.40E+07 1.10E+07 1.20E+07 1.10E+07 2.14E+07 1.59E+07 3.18E+06 THF 16 (cfu/ml) Dry Season 8.00E+03 4.00E+03 6.00E+03 7.00E+03 5.00E+03 8.00E+03 3.00E+03 4.00E+03 5.00E+03 7.00E+03 5.00E+03 5.00E+03 9.00E+03 3.00E+04 4.00E+03 3.00E+03 3.00E+04 7.33E+03 6.51E+03 6.63E+03 Wet Season 6.00E+03 5.00E+03 7.00E+03 5.00E+03 7.00E+03 9.00E+03 5.00E+03 3.00E+03 7.00E+03 8.00E+03 4.00E+03 6.00E+03 8.00E+03 4.00E+03 5.00E+03 3.00E+03 9.00E+03 5.93E+03 1.71E+03 TC 17 (cfu/ml) Dry Season 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 1.10E+03 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 1.20E+03 0.00E+00 1.00E+03 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 1.80E+03 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 1.80E+03 3.40E+02 6.07E+02 3.77E+02 Wet Season 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 1.00E+03 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 2.00E+03 0.00E+00 1.20E+03 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 2.00E+03 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 2.00E+03 4.13E+02 7.50E+02 THUB 18 (cfu/ml) Dry Season Wet Season 1.90E+03 2.00E+03 2.00E+04 2.40E+04 2.00E+02 3.00E+02 2.40E+04 2.20E+04 3.80E+03 4.20E+03 1.80E+04 2.10E+04 1.50E+04 1.70E+04 2.10E+03 2.40E+03 1.30E+03 1.60E+03 2.00E+03 2.30E+03 1.20E+03 1.60E+03 2.20E+03 1.80E+03 3.10E+03 3.40E+03 1.20E+03 1.80E+03 1.50E+03 2.00E+03 THUF 19 (cfu/ml) Dry Season Wet Season 4.00E+02 5.00E+02 3.00E+02 6.00E+02 2.00E+02 3.00E+02 4.00E+02 3.00E+02 4.00E+02 5.00E+02 6.00E+02 4.00E+02 3.00E+02 4.00E+02 2.00E+02 3.00E+02 4.00E+02 6.00E+02 2.00E+02 3.00E+02 2.00E+02 2.00E+02 4.00E+02 6.00E+02 6.00E+02 8.00E+02 2.00E+02 3.00E+02 4.00E+02 5.00E+02 2.00E+02 2.40E+04 6.50E+03 8.19E+03 6.83E+03 2.00E+02 6.00E+02 3.47E+02 1.36E+02 3.93E+02 3.00E+02 2.40E+04 7.16E+03 8.79E+03 2.00E+02 8.00E+02 4.40E+02 1.64E+02 Source: ERL, 2013 Total Heterotrophic Bacteria Total Heterotrophic Fungi 17 Total Coliforms 18 Total Hydrocarbon utilizing Bacteria 19 Total Hydrocarbon Utilizing Fungi 15 16 Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 139 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Table 4.48: Predominant Microbial Species Isolated in Surface Water Sample ID PREDOMINANT ISOLATES SW1 Bacillus spp., Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Nocardia spp., Staphylococcus stolonifer, Fusarium spp.; SW2 Bacillus spp., Clostridium spp.; Aspergiillus Flavus, Trichoderma spp SW3 Bacillus spp. Clostridium spp., Escherichia coli, Aspergillus wentii, Penicillium spp. SW4 Bacillus spp., Flavobacterium spp., Rhizopus stolonifer, Penicillium spp.. SW5 Bacillus spp., Staphylococcus aureus, Aspergillus wentii. SW6 Bacillus spp., Rhizopus stolonifer, Fusarium spp. SW7 Bacillus spp., Clostridium spp.; Aspergiillus Flavus, Trichoderma spp SW8 Bacillus spp., Escherichia coli, Micrococcus spp.; Rhizopus stolonifer, Trichoderma spp. SW9 Bacillus spp., Staphylococcus aureus, Aspergillus wentii. SW10 Bacillus spp. Clostridium spp., Escherichia coli, Aspergillus wentii, Penicillium spp. SW11 Bacillus spp., Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Nocardia spp., Staphylococcus stolonifer, Fusarium spp.; SW12 Bacillus spp., Flavobacterium spp., Rhizopus stolonifer, Penicillium spp.. SW13 Bacillus spp., Escherichia coli, Micrococcus spp.; Rhizopus stolonifer, Trichoderma spp. SW14 (Ctrl) Bacillus spp., Flavobacterium spp., Rhizopus stolonifer, Penicillium spp.. SW15 Bacillus spp., Clostridium spp.; Aspergiillus Flavus, Trichoderma spp Source: ERL, 2013 Total Coliforms (TC) Total coliforms were recorded in the 4 out of the 15 study locations, with higher counts in wet season. Coliforms were recorded at locations proximal to local community habitations (Figure 4.24 and 4.25). TC counts ranged from 0.0 to 1.8x103cfu/ml, with an average count of 3.4x102cfu/ml in dry season. In wet season, the counts ranged between 0.0 to 2.0x103cfu/ml, with an average of 4.13x102cfu/ml. An overall average count of 3.77x102cfu/ml was recorded in both season’s study (Table 4.47). The predominant Isolate was E. coli. (Table 4.48) Total Hydrocarbon Utilizing Bacteria (THUB) Hydrocarbon utilizing Bacteria counts recorded an overall average of 6.83x103cfu/ml over the two seasons’ study. In dry season, the THUB count ranged between 2.0x102cfu/ml and 2.4x104cfu/ml, with an average of 6.5x103cfu/ml. THUB count in wet season had an average of 7.16x103cfu/ml, with values ranging between 3.0x102cfu/ml and 2.4x104cfu/ml (Table 4.47). Figure 4.24 and 4.25 shows the spatial trend of the bacteria count in dry and wet seasons. Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 140 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Total Hydrocarbon Utilizing Fungi (THUF) Hydrocarbon utilizing Fungi counts recorded an overall average count of 3.93x102 cfu/ml over the two seasons’ study. In dry season, the THUF count ranged between 2.0x102cfu/ml and 6.0 x102 cfu/ml, with an average of 3.47 x102 cfu/ml. The hydrocarbon utilizing fungi count in wet season had an average of 4.40 x102 cfu/ml, with values ranging between 2.0x102 cfu/ml and 8.0 x102 cfu/ml (Table 4.47). Figure 4.25 and 4.26 shows the spatial trend of the bacteria count in dry and wet seasons. Figure 4.25: Temporal Variation of Microbial Isolates in Surface Water in Dry Season Figure 4.26: Temporal Variation of Microbial Isolates in Surface Water in Wet Season Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 141 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation 4.9.7 Hydrobiology Plankton Dry Season Phytoplankton Spectrum. The phytoplankton recorded 4 (four) group of species namely; Diatoms (Division – Bacillariophyta), Dinoflagellates (Division – Dinophyta), Blue-green algae (Division – Cyanophyta) and the Chlorophytes (Division Chlorophyta). The dominant group of phytoplankton was the Diatoms, followed by the Dinoflagellates Blue-green algae and then the Chlorophytes. Whereas the Diatoms, recorded 80% (Centrales – 63.3% - 19 species, Pennales – 16.7% - 5 species), Dinoflagellates (10%, 3 species) Blue-green algae reported 6.7%, 2 species and the Chlorophytes, (3.3%, 1 species) (figure 4.27). The diversity and distribution of phytoplankton per ml per station is shown in Table 4.49 whereas Table 4.50 presents the phytoplankton community’s eco-mathematical indices. Thirty (30) species were recorded at the 15 stations studied. Total number of species recorded per station ranged between 25 and 27. Figure 4.28 shows a graphical relationship between Total Number of Species (S) and Total Abundance of the species (N) among others. Graphical representations of the ecological indices are show in Figure 4.29. The key species occurring for the study were Chaetoceros affinis Lauder, Coscinodiscus centralis Ehrenberg, Hemidiscus cuneiformis Wallich and Trichodesmium thiebautii Gomont in terms of occurrence and abundance. Figure 4.27: Percentage occurrence of major phytoplankton groups (Dry Season) Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 142 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation DIVISION – BACILLARIOPHYTA CLASS - BACILLARIOPHYCEAE ORDER I – CENTRALES Bacillaria paxillifer (O.F. Muller) Hendey Chaetoceros convolutus Castracane Chaetoceros decipens Cleve Coscinodiscus centralis Ehrenberg Coscinodiscus eccentrius Ehrenberg Coscinodiscus radiatus Ehrenberg Ditylum brightwelli (T. West) Grunow Hemidiscus cuneiformis Wallich Hemidiscus sp. Odontella regia (Schultze) Ostenfeld Odontella regia (Schultze) Ostenfeld Pseudonitzschia sp. Rhizosolenia alata Brightwell Rhizosolenia styliformis Brightwell 10 15 5 25 15 25 5 20 10 10 25 - 15 5 10 30 5 30 10 10 5 5 15 30 - 10 5 5 25 5 25 5 10 5 5 10 25 10 15 20 50 50 15 5 15 15 50 - 15 5 15 10 15 15 35 15 15 - 25 10 5 15 5 15 10 5 15 20 25 25 15 30 5 15 5 5 25 15 20 10 5 20 10 5 15 5 15 5 15 5 Order II – PENNALES Bacillaria paxillifer (O. F. Muller) Hendey Fragillaria oceanica Cleve Thalasiothrix fraunfeldii Cleve & Grunow Pleurosigma angulatum (Quekett) Wm Smith Synedra crystallina (Ag.) Kutzing 5 15 5 15 15 10 10 45 20 5 5 5 25 15 35 - 15 30 25 45 5 10 25 10 10 DIVISION – CYANOPHYTA CLASS – CYANOPHYCEAE Order – HORMOGONALES Trichodesmium thiebautii Gomont 35 5 - 15 15 5 20 15 15 20 - 5 10 5 20 10 5 10 10 10 15 - 15 5 5 20 10 5 - 10 5 15 15 20 25 15 20 - - HYD 15 HYD 14 HYD 13 HYD 12 HYD 11 HYD 10 HYD 9 HYD 8 HYD 7 HYD 6 HYD 5 HYD 4 HYD 3 HYD 1 Taxa HYD 2 Table 4.49: Composition and abundance distribution of phytoplankton per ml (Dry Season). 20 15 15 - 20 10 10 25 20 5 30 10 5 5 10 10 25 15 30 25 5 20 5 15 5 5 20 15 10 5 5 20 5 10 5 10 10 5 10 5 30 10 5 5 15 20 5 5 15 5 15 5 25 5 5 10 25 5 15 10 10 5 - 15 10 20 15 15 15 5 5 20 10 10 25 15 10 5 5 5 5 5 20 10 5 30 25 5 5 10 - 30 15 10 10 5 - 5 DIVISION – DINOPHYTA Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 143 HYD 15 HYD 14 HYD 13 HYD 12 HYD 11 HYD 10 HYD 9 HYD 8 HYD 7 HYD 6 HYD 5 HYD 4 HYD 3 HYD 1 Taxa HYD 2 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation CLASS – DINOPHYCEAE ORDER – PERIDINALES Ceratium extensum (Gourret) Scho. Ceratium tripos (O.F.M.) Nitzsch 5 10 10 15 5 10 15 15 15 15 25 5 15 5 15 10 15 15 10 5 10 5 - 5 - 10 5 Total species diversity (S) Total abundance (N) 19 270 19 285 18 175 15 355 17 305 20 305 15 170 18 250 18 230 15 180 18 245 19 245 16 120 19 235 16 155 Source: ERL, 2013 HYD 15 HYD 14 HYD 13 HYD 12 HYD 11 HYD 10 HYD 9 HYD 8 HYD 7 HYD 6 HYD 5 HYD 4 HYD 3 HYD 2 Bio-indices HYD 1 Table 4.50: Phytoplankton community composition parameters (Dry Season). Total species diversity (S) 19 19 18 15 17 20 15 18 18 15 18 19 16 19 16 Total abundance (N) 270 285 175 355 305 305 170 250 230 180 245 245 120 235 155 Log of Species diversity (Log S) 1.28 1.28 1.26 1.18 1.23 1.30 1.18 1.26 1.26 1.18 1.26 1.28 1.20 1.28 1.20 Log of abundance (Log N) 2.43 2.45 2.24 2.55 2.48 2.48 2.23 2.40 2.36 2.26 2.39 2.39 2.08 2.37 2.19 Shannon-Wiener Index (Hs) 1.21 1.18 1.16 1.10 1.17 1.24 1.11 1.21 1.21 1.13 1.19 1.20 1.15 1.18 1.12 Menhinick Index (D) 1.16 1.13 1.36 0.80 0.97 1.15 1.15 1.14 1.19 1.12 1.15 1.21 1.46 1.24 1.29 Margalef Index (d) 3.22 3.18 3.29 2.38 2.80 3.32 2.73 3.08 3.13 2.70 3.09 3.27 3.13 3.30 2.97 Equitability Index (j) 0.94 0.92 0.92 0.94 0.95 0.95 0.94 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.95 0.94 0.96 0.92 0.93 Simpson's Dominance Index (C) 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.09 0.08 0.06 0.09 0.07 0.07 0.08 0.07 0.07 0.08 0.08 0.09 Source: ERL, 2013 Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 144 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Figure 4.28: Phytoplankton Total number of species (S) and abundance (N) (Dry Season) Figure 4.29: Phytoplankton ecological indices (Dry Season) Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 145 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Zooplankton Spectrum (dry Season). The zooplankton recorded 4 (four) groups of species of (Holoplankton and Meroplankton forms. They include; Phylum – Crustacea, Phylum – Chaetognatha, Phylum - Chordata, and Juvenile stages. The dominant group of zooplankton was the Phylum – Crustacea, followed by the Juvenile stages. Whereas the Crustaceans recorded 60% (Calanoid Copepods, 6 species – 30%, Cyclopoids, 4 species – 20%, Branchiopods, 1 species – 5% and Decapods, 1 species 5%), Juvenile stages reported 30%, Chordates, 5% (1 species) and Chaetognathas reported 5% (1 species) (figure 4.30). The juvenile stages were represented by seven forms namely: Megalop larva, Nauplii larva of Barnacle, Nauplii larva of Copepods, Jellyfish larva, Gastropod larva and Fish eggs. The diversity and distribution of zooplankton per ml per station is shown in table 4.51 whereas Table 4.52 presents the zooplankton community’s eco-mathematical indices (biological indices). In all, a total of 20 species / forms were recorded at the 4 stations. Total number of species recorded per station ranged between 15 and 19. Figure 4.31 shows a graphical relationship between Total Number of Species (S) and Total Abundance of the species (N) among others. Graphical representations of the ecological indices are show in figure 4.32. Oithona plumifera Baird, Penilia avirostris Dana, and Sagitta enflata Vogf were the key species occurring in terms of occurrence and abundance. Copepod eggs, Nauplii larva of Copepods and Fish eggs represented the juvenile forms in this regard. Figure 4.30: Percentage occurrence of zooplankton phylum and juvenile stages (Dry season). Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 146 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation PHYLUM – CRUSTACEA CLASS I: COPEPODA ORDER I: CALANOIDA Acartia clausii Giesbrecht Acartia discaudata Giesbrecht Centropages hamastus (Lingberg) Paracalanus parvus Claus Paracalanus sp. Pseudocalanus elongatus (Boeck) 10 15 55 10 25 35 10 5 15 45 10 30 10 - 35 30 20 20 15 15 10 15 35 10 10 15 25 10 10 5 5 10 ORDER II: CYCLOPOIDA Corycaeus obtusus Dana Cyclopina longicornis Boeck Oithona plumifera Baird Oncaea venusta Phillipi 5 10 15 15 10 25 25 10 5 35 10 5 20 10 5 10 15 PHYLUM – CHAETOGNATHA ORDER – APHARAGMORPHA Sagitta enflata Vogf 5 5 - 15 PHYLUM : CNIDARIA CLASS: SCYPHOZOA Unidentified jellyfish I Unidentified jellyfish II 5 15 10 20 10 35 JUVENILE STAGES Fish larva Gastropod larva Megalop larva 5 10 5 5 5 25 15 Orange Island Development Company Limited 10 15 25 10 35 20 10 20 15 10 5 30 15 20 10 10 25 10 35 - 25 - 5 20 15 10 5 20 10 5 10 15 5 20 15 10 5 5 10 5 30 10 15 20 5 15 20 5 15 10 25 15 5 15 10 25 15 5 15 10 10 - 25 20 5 35 15 10 10 - 25 20 5 35 15 HYD 15 HYD 14 HYD 13 HYD 12 HYD 11 HYD 10 HYD 9 HYD 8 HYD 7 HYD 6 HYD 5 HYD 4 HYD 2 HYD 1 ZOOPLANKTON TAXA HYD 3 Table 4.51: Composition and abundance distribution of zooplankton per ml (Dry Season). 35 30 15 20 25 15 10 15 5 30 5 10 10 15 10 5 5 10 10 5 30 15 10 5 20 10 5 10 5 20 20 5 20 10 5 10 25 15 5 15 25 15 10 10 - 25 20 10 5 5 10 10 - 5 20 5 5 15 Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 147 Nauplii larva of Barnacle Nauplii larva of Copepods Jellyfish larva Zoea larva 5 5 10 15 - 5 10 15 10 - 10 - Total species diversity (S) 14 17 13 Total abundance (N) 170 245 245 5 10 15 - 15 5 5 5 5 5 10 - 5 - 17 13 16 17 14 265 200 200 190 205 5 5 10 - 5 - 15 25 5 14 15 13 185 205 230 HYD 15 HYD 14 HYD 13 HYD 12 HYD 11 HYD 10 HYD 9 HYD 8 HYD 7 HYD 6 HYD 5 HYD 4 HYD 2 HYD 1 ZOOPLANKTON TAXA HYD 3 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation - 15 25 5 - 16 15 15 12 185 255 185 110 Source: ERL, 2013 HYD 15 HYD 14 HYD 13 HYD 12 HYD 11 HYD 10 HYD 9 HYD 8 HYD 7 HYD 6 HYD 5 HYD 4 HYD 3 HYD 2 Bio-indices HYD 1 Table 4.52: Zooplankton community composition parameters (Dry season). Total species diversity (S) 14 17 13 17 13 16 17 14 14 15 13 16 15 15 12 Total abundance (N) 170 245 245 265 200 200 190 205 185 205 230 185 255 185 110 Log of Species diversity (Log S) 1.15 1.23 1.11 1.23 1.11 1.20 1.23 1.15 1.15 1.18 1.11 1.20 1.18 1.18 1.08 Log of abundance (Log N) 2.23 2.39 2.39 2.42 2.30 2.30 2.28 2.31 2.27 2.31 2.36 2.27 2.41 2.27 2.04 Shannon-Wiener Index (Hs) 1.00 1.16 1.02 1.17 1.06 1.12 1.18 1.10 1.06 1.11 1.06 1.10 1.12 1.10 1.02 Menhinick Index (D) 1.07 1.09 0.83 1.04 0.92 1.13 1.23 0.98 1.03 1.05 0.86 1.18 0.94 1.10 1.14 Margalef Index (d) 2.53 2.91 2.18 2.87 2.26 2.83 3.05 2.44 2.49 2.63 2.21 2.87 2.53 2.68 2.34 Equitability Index (j) 0.87 0.94 0.91 0.95 0.95 0.93 0.96 0.96 0.93 0.94 0.95 0.91 0.95 0.94 0.95 Simpson's Dominance Index (C) 0.15 0.08 0.11 0.08 0.10 0.09 0.07 0.09 0.10 0.09 0.10 0.10 0.08 0.09 0.11 Source: ERL, 2013 Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 148 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Figure 4.31: Zooplankton Total number of species (S) and abundance (N) (Dry Season) Figure 4.32: Zooplankton ecological indices (Dry season) Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 149 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Phytoplankton Spectrum (Wet Season). In wet season, the phytoplankton recorded three group of species. They were the Diatoms (Division – Bacillariophyta), Blue-green algae (Division – Cyanophyta) and the Chlorophytes. The dominant group was the Diatoms while the Blue-green algae and the Chlorophytes had the same percentage representation. Whereas the Diatoms, recorded 63% (Centrales – 33.3% - 9 species, Pennales – 29.6% - 8 species), while the Blue-green algae reported 18.5%, 5 species, the Chlorophytes also reported 18.5%, 5 species (figure 4.33). The diversity and distribution of phytoplankton per ml per station is shown in Table 4.53, whereas Table 4.54 presents the phytoplankton community’s eco-mathematical indices. Twenty-seven (27) species were recorded at the 15 stations studied. Total number of species recorded per station ranged between 8 and 15. Figure 4.34 shows a graphical relationship between Total Number of Species (S) and Total Abundance of the species (N) among others. Graphical representations of the ecological indices are show in Figure 4.35. The key species occurring for the study were Aulacoseira granulata Ehrenberg (Ralfs), Aulacoseira granulata var. angstissima Muller, Bacillaria paxillifer (O.F. Muller) Hendey and Synedra crystalline (Ag.) Kutzing. Figure 4.33: Percentage occurrence of major phytoplankton groups (wet season) Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 150 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Table 4.53: Composition and abundance distribution of phytoplankton per ml (Wet Season). HYD 2 HYD 3 HYD 4 HYD 5 HYD 6 HYD 7 HYD 8 HYD 9 HYD 10 HYD 11 HYD 12 HYD 13 HYD 14 HYD 15 3 Aulacoseira granulata Ehrenberg (Ralfs) 85 20 15 25 5 - 5 20 5 25 5 - 20 15 10 Aulacoseira granulata var. angstissima Muller 155 5 5 20 - 25 30 5 - 20 15 25 5 5 5 Aulacoseira varians Agardh - - - 5 - - 10 - - 5 5 - - - 5 Odontella biddulphiana Bayer - 5 - - 10 25 5 5 - 5 15 25 5 - - Odontella laevis Ehrenberg 10 15 10 30 5 15 Coscinodiscus centralis Ehrenberg - 10 10 15 - - 10 5 Coscinodiscus eccentrius Ehrenberg - 5 5 - - 5 10 Coscinodiscus radiatus Ehrenberg - - - - 5 - 10 Terpsinoe musica (Ehr.) Hustedt 5 - - - - - - 5 5 10 15 25 5 5 10 HYD 1 Taxa DIVISION – BACILLARIOPHYTA CLASS-BACILLARIOPHYCEAE ORDER I – CENTRALES - 10 10 5 - - 5 15 - - - - - - 5 - - - - - 5 5 5 10 15 25 35 10 10 10 ORDER II – PENNALES Bacillaria paxillifer (O.F. Muller) Hendey 35 Gyrosigma balticum (Ehr.) Rabenhorst 10 15 - - - 10 15 - - - 10 15 - Navicula cryptocephala (Kutz.) Hustedt 15 - - - - 20 5 5 - - - 5 - - - Pleurosigma angulatum (Quekett) Wm. Smith 60 15 - - 20 10 - 10 - - - - 5 - - Surirella ovata Kutzing - - 15 15 10 - - - 15 15 - 30 15 15 Surirella splendida Wm. Smith - 5 - - - - - 5 - - 25 - 10 - - Synedra ulna var. biceps Ehrenberg - - - - 10 - - - - - 15 - - - - Synedra crystallina (Ag.) Kutzing 5 15 20 10 - 15 5 15 20 10 - 15 - 20 10 DIVISION – CYANOPHYTA CLASS – CYANOPHYCEAE ORDER I – CHROOCOCCALES Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 151 HYD 2 HYD 3 HYD 4 HYD 5 HYD 6 HYD 7 HYD 8 HYD 9 HYD 10 HYD 11 HYD 12 HYD 13 HYD 14 HYD 15 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation 65 55 20 - 25 - 5 55 20 - 25 - 5 20 - Oscillatoria chalybea Gomont 50 - 20 10 - - 65 - 5 20 - - - 20 10 Oscillatoria curviceps C.A. Agardh 25 5 15 5 - 5 15 5 30 - - 5 5 5 5 Oscillatoria formosa Bory - - - 5 - - 5 - 10 15 - - - - 5 Oscillatoria limnosa Agardh 850 - 20 10 - 5 15 - 5 20 - 5 - 10 10 5 55 - 10 - 85 5 55 - 10 - 5 55 - 10 Gonatozygon monotaenium De Bary 255 - 20 20 - - 5 - 20 20 - - - 20 20 Gonatozygon sp. 25 - - - - - 30 - - - - - - - - Scenedesmus obliquus (Turp.) Kutzing - 15 5 5 - - - 15 5 20 - - 10 5 5 Scenedesmus quadriquada (Turp.) de Brebisson - 10 10 25 - - - 10 30 10 - - - 30 25 Total species diversity (S) 15 14 15 16 8 11 17 15 15 17 10 10 13 15 17 Total abundance (N) 1645 230 200 200 100 235 255 230 200 250 140 130 175 200 170 HYD 1 Taxa Microcystis aureginosa Kutzing ORDER II – HORMOGONALES DIVISION – CHLOROPHYTA CLASS – CHLOROPHYCEAE ORDER I – ULOTHRICALES Spirogyra africana Fritsch Cruda ORDER II – ZYGNEMATALES ORDER III – CHLOROCOCCALES Source: ERL, 2013 Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 152 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Total abundance (N) Log of Species diversity (Log S) Log of abundance (Log N) Shannon-Wiener Index (Hs) Menhinick Index (D) Margalef Index (d) Equitability Index (j) Simpson's Dominance Index (C) HYD 15 HYD 14 HYD 13 HYD 12 HYD 11 HYD 10 HYD 9 HYD 8 HYD 7 HYD 6 HYD 5 HYD 4 HYD 3 HYD 2 Bio-indices Total species diversity (S) HYD 1 Table 4.54: Phytoplankton community composition parameters (Wet Season). 15 14 15 16 8 11 17 15 15 17 10 10 13 15 17 1645 230 200 200 100 235 255 230 200 250 140 130 175 200 170 1.18 1.2 1.2 1.2 0.9 1 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1 1 1.1 1.2 1.2 3.22 2.4 2.3 2.3 2 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.3 2.4 2.2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.2 0.74 1 1.1 1.2 0.8 0.9 1 1 1.1 1.2 0.9 0.9 1 1.1 1.2 0.37 0.9 1.1 1.1 0.8 0.7 1.1 1 1.1 1.1 0.9 0.9 1 1.1 1.3 1.89 2.4 2.6 2.8 1.5 1.8 2.9 2.6 2.6 2.9 1.8 1.9 2.3 2.6 3.1 0.63 0.9 1 1 0.9 0.8 0.9 0.9 0.9 1 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 1 0.31 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 Orange Island Development Company Limited 0.1 0.1 Source: ERL, 2013 Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 153 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Figure 4.34: Phytoplankton Total number of species (S) and abundance (N) (Wet Season) Figure 4.35: Phytoplankton ecological indices (Wet season) Zooplankton Spectrum (Wet Season). In wet season zooplankton recorded three groups of species of holoplankton and meroplankton forms. They were Phylum – Crustacea, Rotofera and the Juvenile stages. Whereas the Crustaceans recorded 38.5% (Rotifers, 4 species – 30.7%) of the total zooplankton, the Juvenile stages also reported 30.7, (Figure 4.36). Four Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 154 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation forms represented the juvenile stages namely: Copepod egg, Copepod nauplii larva, Rotiferan egg and Zoea larva. The diversity and distribution of zooplankton per ml per station is shown in Table 4.55 whereas Table 4.56 presents the zooplankton community’s eco-mathematical indices. In all a total of 13 species / forms were recorded at the 15 stations studied. Total number of species recorded per station ranged between 2 and 6. Figure 4.37 shows a graphical relationship between Total Number of Species (S) and Total Abundance of the species (N), while figure 4.38 presents the community indices at the sampled locations. Paracalanus parvus (Claus), Lecane bulla Gosse and Rotiferan egg were the key species occurring in terms of occurrence and abundance. Copepod nauplius and Zoea larva represented the juvenile forms in this regard. Figure 4.36: Percentage occurrence of zooplankton phylum and juvenile stages. Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 155 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation HYD 15 HYD 14 HYD 13 HYD 12 HYD 11 HYD 10 HYD 9 HYD 8 HYD 7 HYD 6 HYD 5 HYD 4 HYD 3 ZOOPLANKTON TAXA PHYLUM: CRUSTACEA HYD 2 HYD 1 Table 4.55: Composition and abundance distribution of zooplankton per ml (Wet season) CLASS: COPEPODA ORDER I: CALANOIDA Acartia clausii Giesbrecht - 10 5 - - - - 5 - 5 - - 5 - - Paracalanus parvus (Claus) 5 5 10 5 - - 5 10 5 10 5 - 10 5 - Cyclops strenus Fisher - 15 - - 5 - - - 10 - 5 5 - - 5 Cyclops sp. 10 5 - - 10 - 10 - 5 - - - - - - Mesocyclops sp. - - 5 - 10 - - 5 - 5 - - 5 - 10 Lecane bulla Gosse - - 10 5 5 5 - 10 5 5 5 5 10 5 5 Lecane sp. - - 5 - 5 15 - 5 - - 10 10 5 - 15 Monostyla sp. - - - 10 10 - - 10 - 5 - 10 10 Brachionus plicatilis Muller - - - 5 10 5 - - 5 - 5 5 - 5 5 Copepod egg - - 5 10 - 5 - 5 10 5 10 10 5 10 5 Copepod nauplii larva - - 10 - 5 10 - 10 - - - - 10 - 10 Rotiferan egg - 15 - 5 - 15 - 5 5 - - 5 10 5 - Zoea larva 5 - - - 5 - 5 - - - - - - - - ORDER II: CYCLOPOIDA PHYLUM: ROTIFERS CLASS: MONOGONOTA ORDER: PLOIMA JUVENILE STAGES Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 156 HYD 15 HYD 14 HYD 13 HYD 12 HYD 11 HYD 10 HYD 9 HYD 8 HYD 7 HYD 6 HYD 5 HYD 4 HYD 3 ZOOPLANKTON TAXA HYD 2 HYD 1 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Total species diversity (S) 3 5 7 6 8 7 3 8 8 5 6 7 8 6 8 Total abundance (N) 20 50 50 40 55 65 20 55 55 30 40 45 60 40 65 HYD 15 HYD 13 HYD 12 HYD 11 HYD 10 HYD 9 HYD 8 HYD 7 HYD 6 HYD 5 HYD 4 HYD 3 HYD 2 HYD 1 Bio-indices HYD 14 Source: ERL, 2013 Table 4.56: Zooplankton community composition parameter (Wet Season). Total species diversity (S) 3 5 7 6 8 7 3 8 8 5 6 7 8 6 8 Total abundance (N) 20 50 50 40 55 65 20 55 55 30 40 45 60 40 65 Log of Species diversity (Log S) 0.48 0.7 0.85 0.78 0.9 0.85 0.48 0.9 0.9 0.7 0.78 0.85 0.9 0.78 0.9 Log of abundance (Log N) 1.3 1.7 1.7 1.6 1.74 1.81 1.3 1.74 1.74 1.48 1.6 1.65 1.78 1.6 1.81 Shannon-Wiener Index (Hs) 0.45 0.65 0.82 0.75 0.88 0.8 0.45 0.88 0.88 0.68 0.75 0.82 0.88 0.75 0.86 Menhinick Index (D) 0.67 0.71 0.99 0.95 1.08 0.87 0.67 1.08 1.08 0.91 0.95 1.04 1.03 0.95 0.99 Margalef Index (d) 0.67 1.02 1.53 1.36 1.75 1.44 0.67 1.75 1.75 1.18 1.36 1.58 1.71 1.36 1.68 Equitability Index (j) 0.95 0.93 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.95 0.95 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.96 Simpson's Dominance Index (C) 0.38 0.24 0.16 0.17 0.11 0.17 0.38 0.14 0.13 0.22 0.17 0.15 0.14 0.17 0.14 Source: ERL, 2013 Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 157 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Figure 4.37: Zooplankton Total number of species (S) and abundance (N) (Wet Season) Figure 4.38: Zooplankton ecological indices (Wet Season) The plankton spectrum for this study contains both holoplanktonic and meroplanktonic forms. The dominant group of phytoplankton was the Diatoms, followed by the Blue-green algae. Key species occurring for the study were Coscinodiscus eccentrius Ehrenberg, Synedra crystallina (Ag.) Kutzing, Oscillatoria limnosa Agardh and Oscillatoria tenius. These species generally indicate brackish / marine physico-chemical conditions. For the Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 158 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation zooplankton, the copepod crusteceans were the more important group, before the juvenile statges. Acartia clausii Giesbrecht, and Acartia discaudata were the notable holoplankton forms while Copepod nauplus and Zoea larva represented the meroplankton (juvenile) forms. These juveniles reflect breeding and nursery ground especially for crabs. This is represented by the abundance of the Zoea larva. Megalop larva and Fish egg were also recorded. The Copepod nauplius also shows a favourable breeding ground for copepods. These species indicate brackish water environmental conditions. The changes or variation in species of phytoplankton and zooplankton from station to station recorded for this study were likely reflections of the variety of species available in the region and the natural variation of species from point to point. The phytoplankton composition and distribution per station is also in consonance with previously recorded levels of nutrients in our coastal waters. There were no threatened species recorded for this study. The species of phytoplankton and zooplankton recorded for this study are known tropical and indigenous forms previously recorded in (Olaniyan, 1975) Nigerian part of the Atlantic Ocean. Results from the biological indices for the phytoplankton and zooplankton communities (Shannon-Wiener Index (Hs), Menhinick Index (D), Margalef Index (d), Equitability Index (j) and Simpson's Dominance Index (C) followed a similar regime with the phytoplankton and zooplankton species composition and distributive pattern and were reflections of the species diversity (S) and species abundance (N) at the different stations. Hence, the bio-indices values were a good likeness of the species diversity and abundance. It is worthy of note that the inferences aforementioned are based on the bio-diagonistic characteristics of the plankton composition, abundance and distribution as recorded in this investigation. Macrobenthos Benthic macrofauna, are animals that are larger than 0.5 millimeter and live on rocks, logs, sediment, debris and aquatic plants during some period in their life cycle. They include vast array of aquatic animals and are widespread in their distribution and can live on all bottom types, even on man-made objects (artificial substrates). Benthic organisms constitute an important part of the aquatic food chain, especially as they are important food source for fish, and because of their abundance and position as “middlemen” in the aquatic food chain. Macrobenthos play a critical role in the natural flow of energy and nutrients in aquatic ecosystems. Most benthos exhibit limited mobility and so they are less able to escape the effects of pollutants. Therefore, they can provide reliable information on water quality. Their long life cycles allow studies conducted by aquatic ecologists to determine any decline in environmental quality.The large numbers of species possess a wide range of responses to stressors originating from agricultural, domestic and industrial sources. Many benthic macroinvertebrates are long-lived, allowing detection of past pollution events such as oil spills and dumping of wastes (Garrity and Levings, 1993). Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 159 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation In dry season, the macrobenthic community of the study area was dominated by molluscs (79%), followed by Athropods (11%) and Annelids (10%). The checklist and abundance of identified species in dry season are presented in table 4.66. Figure 4.39 shows the percentage distribution of the major macrobenthic groups at the locations studied in dry season. 115 individuals from 17 different species and 14 families were recorded in the study. Organisms from phylum Mollusca were most predominant with 92 individuals (79%). Arthropods accounted for 11% of the entire community, while Annelids occupied the rest 10%. Major contributors to the mollusca population were; Tympanotonus fuscatus var radula (38), Pachymelania fusca quadriseriata (17), and Physa sp (10). Recorded arthropods included; Penaeus notaliz, Cyathura sp. and Chironomous sp. while annelids recorded were: Nereis lamellose, Lumbriculus variegates and Nais elinguis. Figure 4.39: Percentage Distribution of major Macrobenthos Groups at the study locationsin Dry Season Species Richness and Diversity in Dry Season The species richness and diversity of benthic macrofauna in this study as represented by the number of taxa observed at study sites were generally low (Table 4.57). The highest number (11) of species was recorded in HYD2. HYD1 and HYD9 recorded 10 and 6 taxa respectively. .The low benthic macroinvertebrate population and species richness observed in this study depict an impoverished community. The result recorded is typical of a degraded ecosystem. In wet season, the community of macrobenthic organisms recorded at the study locations, showed preponderance of molluscs, especially gastropods. 110 individuals from 15 families and 18 species will recoreded. 79% (87 individuals) of the organisms identified were molluscs, 12% (13 individuals) were annelids, while the remaining 9% (10 individuals) were arthropods. Molluscs were represented mainly by: Pachymelania fusca quadriseriata (16), Pachymelania aurita (43), Macomo Cumana (6) and Turritella ungulina (6). Annelids recorded include Nereis lamellose (5), N. granulata (3) and Glycera spp. (5), while the predominant arthropod Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 160 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation species were Cyathura spp. (3), Penaeus notalis (3), and Balanus pallidus (3). Figure 4.40 shows the percentage distribution of the major macrobenthic groups at the locations studied in dry season. Figure 4.40: Percentage Distribution of major Macrobenthos Groups at the study locationsin Wet Season Species Richness and Diversity in Wet Season The species richness and diversity of benthic macrofauna in this study as represented by the number of taxa observed at study sites were generally low (Table 4.58). The highest number (11) of species was recorded in HYD2. HYD11 and HYD9 recorded 9 and 8 taxa respectively. The low benthic macroinvertebrate population and species richness observed in this study depict an impoverished community. The result recorded is typical of a degraded ecosystem. Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 161 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Table 4.57: Checklist, Abundance and Distribution of Macrobenthic Invertebrate Species in the study sites in Dry Season. Taxa PHYLUM :MOLLUSCA CLASS: Gastropoda Family:Thiaridae Pachymelania fusca quadriseriata Pachymelania aurita Family: Potamididae Tympanotonus fuscatus var radula Family: Naticidae Natica fulminea Family: Turritellidae Turritella ungulina Family: Neritidae Neritina glabrata CLASS: Bivalva Family: Tellinidae Macoma Cumana Tellina nymphalis Family: Ostreidae Crassostrea gasar Family: Physidae Physa spp. Family: Mytilidae Mytilus sp Subtotal PHYLUM :ARTHROPODA CLASS: Insecta Subclass:Diptera Family: Chironomidae Chironomous sp Sub Phylum: Crustacea Class: Malacostraca Sample location ID HYD1 HYD2 HYD3 HYD4 HYD5 HYD6 HYD7 HYD8 HYD9 HYD10 HYD11 HYD12 HYD13 HYD14 HYD15 Total 0 0 2 0 1 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 8 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 17 5 1 1 0 2 0 0 3 1 8 4 3 5 9 0 1 38 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 4 1 3 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 3 8 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 4 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 10 1 11 0 7 0 1 0 4 0 5 0 0 0 6 1 4 0 21 0 4 0 4 0 7 0 10 0 4 1 4 3 92 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 5 Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 162 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Taxa Family: Anthuridae Cyathura sp Family: Penaeidae Penaeus notalis Subtotal PHYLUM :ANNELIDA Class: Polychaeta Subclass: Errantia Family: Neredidae Nereis lamellose Class: Clitellata Family: Lumbriculidae Lumbriculus variegatus Nais elinguis Subtotal Total Species Diversity (S) Total Abundance (N) No of Families Sample location ID HYD1 HYD2 HYD3 HYD4 HYD5 HYD6 HYD7 HYD8 HYD9 HYD10 HYD11 HYD12 HYD13 HYD14 HYD15 Total 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 4 0 2 2 5 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 5 14 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 2 0 3 1 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 2 9 10 16 9 11 15 10 2 2 2 3 4 3 3 5 3 2 2 2 4 6 3 5 7 5 6 23 5 1 4 1 3 5 3 3 7 3 3 11 3 3 4 3 4 4 3 63 115 58 Orange Island Development Company Limited Source: ERL, 2013 Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 163 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Table 4.58: Checklist, Abundance and Distribution of Macrobenthic Invertebrate Species in the study sites in Wet Season. Taxa PHYLUM :MOLLUSCA CLASS: Gastropoda Family:Thiaridae Pachymelania fusca quadriseriata Pachymelania aurita Family: Potamididae Tympanotonus fuscatus var radula Family: Naticidae Natica fulminea Family: Turritellidae Turritella ungulina Family: Neritidae Neritina glabrata CLASS: Bivalva Family: Tellinidae Macoma cumana Tellina nymphalis Family: Ostreidae Crassostrea gasar Family: Physidae Physa spp. Family: Mytilidae Mytilus sp Subtotal PHYLUM :ARTHROPODA Class: Malacostraca Family: Anthuridae Cyathura sp Family: Penaeidae Penaeus notalis Family: Diogenidae Clibanarus africana Sample location ID HYD1 HYD2 HYD3 HYD4 HYD5 HYD6 HYD7 HYD8 HYD9 HYD10 HYD11 HYD12 HYD13 HYD14 HYD15 Total 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 2 1 2 3 0 2 0 1 2 11 1 7 1 3 2 4 4 9 0 0 0 0 16 43 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 2 0 6 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 2 0 5 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 6 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 2 1 6 0 2 1 3 0 5 1 6 0 3 0 1 0 16 0 8 0 9 0 7 0 14 0 5 0 0 3 87 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 164 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Taxa Class: Maxillopoda Family: Balanidae Balanus pallidus Subtotal PHYLUM :ANNELIDA Class: Polychaeta Subclass: Errantia Family: Neredidae Nereis lamellosa N. granulata Family: Glyceridae Glycera sp Subtotal Total Species Diversity (S) Total Abundance No of Families Sample location ID HYD1 HYD2 HYD3 HYD4 HYD5 HYD6 HYD7 HYD8 HYD9 HYD10 HYD11 HYD12 HYD13 HYD14 HYD15 Total 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 3 0 1 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 10 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 5 3 0 1 1 3 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 2 1 2 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 5 13 3 3 3 11 11 10 2 2 2 4 4 3 5 6 4 3 6 2 4 6 4 6 6 6 8 19 6 2 8 1 9 11 8 3 7 2 5 16 3 3 5 3 0 0 0 68 110 57 Orange Island Development Company Limited Source: ERL, 2013 Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 165 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation 4.9.8 Fish and Fisheris in Lagos Lagoon Introduction In Nigeria, the growing demand for fish has increased domestic fishing efforts and has resulted in rising fish imports and prices (Delgado et al., 2003). Species distribution is an indication of where fish species occur or are located in the aquatic environment. Artisanal or small-scale fisheries using planked canoes with or without motorized engines are the predominant fisheries of inland waters around the proposed reaclamation arae. The lagoon is important in conservation terms because of the great diversity of endemic species (Emmanuel, 2009; 2010). Fish and fishing related activities are among the man occupation of some people in the nearby settlements to the proposed reclamation project, although community studies revealed that Itedo people have almost all left fishing as a profession. Lagos Lagoon experiences both freshwater and brackish water characteristics and is a large stretch of continuous train of lagoons and creeks along the coast of Nigeria; from republic of Benin boarder to Niger Delta (Emmanuel et al., 2008b). The lagoon has a salinity range of 0 – 28.9‰ between the peak of rainy season to the peak of the dry season (Emmanuel and Onyema, 2007). Land use and other human activities influence species diversity and abundance (Victor and Dickson, 1985; Victor and Ogbeibu, 1985, 1986). Nwadukwe (1995) observed 23 species from 17 families in 2 habitats in the Lagos Lagoon in which 6 species appeared regularly. Materials and Methods Fish and Fisheries studies were carried out in March (dry season) and July (wet season) 2013. The types of fishing gears used in the area were examined, the fishermen operating in the area were interviewed and their catches, observed. The fish species were classified to family level using some available identification texts like Schneider (1990), Olaosebikan and Raji (1998) and Emmanuel (2009). Some fishing operation pictures were taken to complement the information acquired. The abundance of each species was estimated according to the following criteria as described by Benech et al. (1983): ≥ 10% = Dominant 1 to 9% = Common < 1% (but caught more than once) = Occasional < 1% (and caught only once) = Rare. Gears and Crafts The fishing gears used by fisherfolks in this area are: Basket traps (Plate 4.9), hook and lines, pole and lines, cast nets (Plate 4.10 and 4.11), gillnets and fish shelters (Acadja – this is fish aggregating device used majorly by fishermen to aid their fisheries) (Plate 4.12) and longline (Plate 4.13). In the study area, men, women and children are involved in fishing. An average of 2 persons per boat engage in fishing oprtation. Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 166 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Plate 4.9: Basket Trap Stakes (left) and Basket Trap with bait (right) sited near the proposed Reclamation Area Plate 4.10: Group castnetting in Lagos lagoon Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 167 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Plate 4.11: Fishermen operating castnet along the beach of the project area Plate 4.12: A fish aggregating device (Acadja) setup around the project site. Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 168 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Plate 4.13: Fisherman preparing his longline for fishing operation Fish Species Composition in Dry and Wet Season Tables 4.59 and 4.60 present the fish species compositions of the study area in dry and wet season. The low species diversity noted in the lagoon may be a reflection of fishing gear type used for the period. This agreed with Lagler (1974) and Emmanuel and Kusemiju (2005) that different fishes were known to react differently to different types of fishing gears. Most fish specimens caught in this study from the lagoon were juveniles, which probably indicated that the lagoon served as nursery ground for these species. The occurrence of Hemichromis. fasciatus, Bathygobius soporator, Eleotris vittata and Callinectes amnicola in the lagoon indicated that these species can tolerate a wide range of salinity, and that stressful situations have demonstrated that their capacity to adapt is very high. Albaret and Lac (2003) and Emmanuel (2008) have reported similar findings for the Ebrie lagoon (West Africa) and Abule Agege creek (Lagos) respectively. Plates 4.14 to 4.21 show some of the fish species Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 169 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Plate 4.14: Ethmalosa fimbriata Plate 4.15: Tilapia guineensis Plate 4.16: Hemichromis fasciatus Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 170 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Plate 4.17: Sarotherodon melanotheron Plate 4.18: Eleotris vittata Plate 4.19: Caranx hippos Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 171 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Plate 4.20: Callinectes amnicola caught around the project area Plate 4.21: Some Chrysichthys nigrodigitatus caught from fishing activities in the project area Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 172 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Table 4.59: Families and species of fishes caught from the study area (Dry season) Family/species Gobiidae Bathygobius soporator Eleotridae Eleotris vittata Cichlidae Hemichromis fasciatus Sarotherodon melanotheron Tilapia guineensis Bagridae Chrysichthys nigrodigitatus (Plate 6) Clupeidae Ethmalosa fimbriata Carangidae Trachinotus teraia Caranx hippos Haemulidae Pomadasys jubelini Lutjanidae Lutjanus agennes Monodactylidae Psettias sebae Mugilidae Liza falcipinnis Liza dumeril Sphyraenidae Sphyraena barracuda Portunidae Callinectes amnicola * Carapace width Orange Island Development Company Limited Local Name (Yoruba) Size range (Cm) Weight range (g) Abundance Score Orombo 6.0 – 11.0 20.0 – 35.0 Common Ikunun 6.0 – 10.0 19.0 – 33.0 Common Akokoro Epiya Epiya 8.0 – 13.0 9.0 – 15.0 10.0 – 18.0 30.0 – 45.0 41.0 – 100.0 60.0 – 120.0 Common Abundant Abundant Obokun 17.0 – 45.50 120.0 – 700.0 Abundant Agbodo/ Efolo 10.0 – 16.50 35.0 – 70.0 Abundant Owere Agaza 18.0 – 45.00 12.0 – 16.00 100.0 – 712.0 70.0 – 200.0 Rare Dominant Ikekere 10.0 – 15.00 60.0 – 200.0 Rare Obira 11.5 – 15.00 70.0 – 120.0 Rare Akaraba 10.5 – 11.50 35.0 – 40.0 Rare Atoko Atoko 18.5 – 20.00 16.5 – 17.5 100.0 – 200.0 87.0 – 90.0 Common Rare Kuta 30.5 – 45.50 300.0 - 1000 Common Akan 6.0 – 13.00* 15.0 – 30.0 Abundant Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment Page | 173 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Table 4.60: Fish species composition of the fishermen catches in the project area (Wet season) Family/Species Carangidae Trachinotus teraia Clupeidae Ethmalosa fimbriata Mugilidae Mugil cephalus Liza falcipinnis Liza dumerilli Bagridae Chrysichthys nigrodigitatus Cichlidae Sarotherodon melanotheron Sarotherodon galilea Hemichromis fasciatus Tilapia guineensis Gerreidae Gerres nigri Elopidae Elops lacerta Lutjanidae Lutjanus goorensis Sphyraenidae Sphyraena barracuda Portunidae Callinectes amnicola Palaemonidae Macrobrachium macrobrachion * Carapace width ** prawn total length Orange Island Development Company Limited Local names (in Yoruba Total Length Range (cm) Weight Range (g) Abundance Score Owere 6.00 – 12.0 20.0 – 70.0 Rare Agbodo/efolo 4.00 – 12.60 14.0 – 54.0 Dominant Atoko Atoko Atoko 12.0 – 30.0 10.0- 15.0 8.0 – 10.0 45.0 – 150.0 20.0 – 50.0 15.0 – 34.0 Common Common Rare Obokun 6.00 – 20.0 25.0 – 164.0 Common Epiya Epiya Akokoro Epiya 10.0 – 14.0 9.0 – 12.0 5.0 – 10.0 9.0 – 17.0 25.0 – 50.0 16.0 – 40.0 10.0 – 40.0 23.0 – 78.0 Dominant Common Common Common 5.0 – 9.0 13.0 – 25.0 Common Sugbon 12.00 – 20.0 34.0 – 98.0 Common Obira 13.0 43.0 Rare Kuta 15.00 – 45.0 67.0 - 1000 Abundant Akan 5.0 – 9.0* 20.0 – 45.0 Common Ede 4.0 – 6.0** 8.0 – 12.0 Common Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment Page | 174 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Predominant Species Assessment of fishermen catch around the proposed reclamation site, Ethmalosa fimbriata, was the most abundant species followed by Sarotherodon melanotheron. Solarin (1998) and Emmanuel et al. (2008a&b) observed similar high abundance in the two species in the Lagos lagoon. The poor species diversity (16 species) according to Allison et al (1997) may be due to anthropogenic activities; such as dredging and water pollution from petroleum products occasioned by barges, tugs and other lagoon crafts. The fish species identified in wet season are shown Plate 4.22. The impact of human activities on species richness has also been reported by Kone et al. (2003) in the Go River (Ivory Coast), Gratwicke et al. (2003) in the Upper Mangame River, Zimbabwe, Emmanuel (2009) in Lekki Lagoon and Allison and Okadi (2009) in the lower Nun River, Niger Delta, Nigeria. Plate 4.22: Some fish species caught by the castnet fishermen around the project area Catches Catch around thestudy area ranged between 5 -7 kg/day/person. This is, between 125 – 175kg/month/person. Catch varies from season to season. The fishermen also alleged that the low catch is as a result of human activities like; wastes discharges, sand mining and dredging around the area, which have driven fishes far away from impacted areas .In terms of the health status of the catch, i.e.condition factor, which is the index of the fatness or wellbeing of a species. The condition factor of the fishes ranged between 1.00 and 2.00. Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment Page | 175 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Market structure Most of the catches are sent to Obalende and Makoko (Betterlife) fish markets where the fishermen reported that they make better sales. Catch landings at the market were more than what was observed at the fishing grounds but some of the fishmongers explained that the bulk of the fish were from acadja fishery (fish aggregating device).Some of the fishes are processed before sale in the market by dressing and smoking them (Plate 4.23 and 4.24). Plate 4.23: Some dressed Sarotherodon melanotheron, Pomadasys jubelini, Lutjanus sp and Liza falcipinnis Plate 4.24: Smoked fish on 44 gallon drum before sale Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment Page | 176 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation 4.9.9 Characteristics of Lagoon Sediment The characteristics of the Lagos lagoon sediment around the proposed reclamation area is very important in view of the fact that the dredging and filling activities would very likely have direct on it, and through the suspension of of particles, indirectly affect other components of the aquatic environment. Based on field studies and analyses methodology presented in section 4.7.4 of this report, the properties of lagoon sediment within the study area are presented below. pH The pH of of the lagoon sediment ranged between 6.6 and 7.3 in dry season and between 8.0 and 9.6 in wet season. pH averages in dry and wet seasons were 7.0 and 8.9 respectively. In both seasons’ studies, an overall average pH of 7.9 was recorded (table 4.61). The range of pH reported in this study is similar to those reported in previous studies. Studies between April and September of 2010, reported pH range of 7.3 to 7.6 (Balogun et. al., 2011). The trend of pH in the sediments at the various study locations is presented in figure 4.41. Table 4.61: pH of Lagoon Sediment Sample ID pH SED1 SED2 SED3 SED4 SED5 SED6 SED7 SED8 SED9 SED10 SED11 SED12 SED13 SED14_Ctrl SED15 Dry Season 7.1 6.9 7.1 6.7 7.0 6.9 6.6 6.7 7.3 7.3 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.2 7.2 Wet Season 8.8 8.0 8.4 9.6 9.2 8.7 8.9 8.5 8.6 8.8 9.0 9.0 9.2 8.9 9.4 Min Max Average 2-Season Average 6.6 7.3 7.0 7.9 8.0 9.6 8.9 Orange Island Development Company Limited Source: ERL, 2013 Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment Page | 177 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Figure 4.41: Seasonal Variation of Sediment pH Electrical Conductivity The lagoon sediment conductivity at studied locations ranged between 3,350 and 5,420 µScm-1 with an average of 4,137 µScm-1 in dry season. In wet season, it ranged between 77 and 434 µScm-1 with an average of 171 µScm-1. During the two seasons study, conductivity had an average of 2,154 µScm-1 (Table 4.62). Spatial and temporal distribution of sediment electrical conductivity is presented in figure 4.42. Table 4.62: Sediment Conductivity Sample ID Conductivity (µScm-1) SED1 SED2 SED3 SED4 SED5 SED6 SED7 SED8 SED9 SED10 SED11 SED12 SED13 SED14_Ctrl SED15 Dry Season 3,900 5,400 4,970 5,420 3,350 4,500 3,850 4,070 3,500 3,400 5,160 3,800 3,750 3,480 3,499 Min Max 3,350 5,420 77 434 Average 4,137 171 2-Season Average 2,154 Orange Island Development Company Limited Wet Season 101 243 77 297 89 158 92 155 237 198 434 234 78 77 90 Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment Page | 178 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Source: ERL, 2013 Figure 4.42: Seasonal Variation of Sediment Conductivity Total Organic Carbon (TOC) Total organic carbon content in the lagoon sediment at studied locations ranged between 0.01 to 0.35% during the entire study. In dry season, the TOC ranged between 0.01 and 0.27% with an average of 0.08%. In wet season, it ranged between 0.01 and 0.35 % with an average of 0.11% (table 4.63) TOC recorded low values at locations where sand mining and dredging take place. The trend of seasonal variation of TOC at the study locations is presented in figure 4.43. Table 4.63: Total Organic Carbon (%) in Sediment Sample ID SED1 SED2 SED3 SED4 SED5 SED6 SED7 SED8 SED9 SED10 SED11 SED12 SED13 SED14_Ctrl SED15 Dry Season 0.04 0.02 0.07 0.05 0.12 0.04 0.08 0.15 0.03 0.02 0.19 0.02 0.05 0.27 0.01 Min Max Average 2 Season Average 0.01 0.27 0.08 0.09 Orange Island Development Company Limited Total Organic Carbon (%) Wet Season 0.06 0.02 0.1 0.08 0.18 0.09 0.12 0.21 0.05 0.01 0.28 0.04 0.02 0.35 0.02 0.01 0.35 0.11 Source: ERL, 2013 Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment Page | 179 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Figure 4.43: Seasonal Variation of TOC in Sediment Particle Size Distribution Particle size distribution and textural types of the lagoon sediment at the study locations are presented in Table 4.64. Sand particles were most predominant at the study locations. Percentage sand content in the sediment ranged between 24.9 and 98.1% in dry season, and between 36.5 and 98.2 in wet season. The average sand content in the sediment in dry and wet seasons were 79.13 and 82.32% respectively. Silt particles ranged between 12 and 49.8% in dry season, and 0.9 and 39.8 in wet season. Clay had least percentage content in the sediment; with values ranging between 0.3 and 25.3% in dry season, and 0.8 and 23.7 in wet. The overall average distribution of sand, silt and clay particles in the sediment through the study period were 80.73%, 13.73% and 5.54% respectively. The proportional distribution of sand, silt and clay particles in the sediments of the lagoon in dry and wet seasons are presented in figures 4.44 and 4.45. Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment Page | 180 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Table 4.64: Particle Size Distribution of Sediment Sample ID Particle Size (Dry Season) Particle Size(Wet Season) %Sand %Silt %Clay Texture Type %Sand %Silt %Clay Texture Type SED1 95.4 4.1 0.5 Sand 97.2 1.2 1.6 Sand SED2 94.8 4.9 0.3 Sand 96.2 2.9 0.9 Sand SED3 89.8 6.5 3.7 Loamy Sand 93.1 4.8 2.1 Sand SED4 98.1 1.2 0.7 Sand 97.1 1.5 1.4 Sand SED5 39.8 49.8 10.4 Silt Loam 49 39.8 11.2 Loam SED6 68 27.8 4.2 Sandy Loam 72.5 18.8 8.7 Sandy Loam SED7 82.4 14.9 2.7 Loamy Sand 89.4 8.8 1.8 Loamy Sand SED8 78.6 17.8 3.6 Loamy Sand 69.5 20.2 10.3 Sandy Loam SED9 98.1 1.2 0.7 Sand 95.4 1.7 2.9 Sand SED10 97.6 1.6 0.8 Sand 98.2 0.9 0.9 Sand SED11 56.9 28.9 14.2 Sandy Loam 64.6 20.3 15.1 Sandy Loam SED12 95.6 3.1 1.3 Sand 94.7 3.9 1.4 Sand SED13 94.5 2.5 3 Sand 97.4 1.7 0.9 Sand SED14_Ctrl 24.9 49.8 25.3 Silt Loam 36.5 39.8 23.7 Loam SED15 72.5 16.3 11.2 Sandy Clay Loam 84 15.2 0.8 Loamy Sand Min 24.90 1.20 0.30 36.50 0.90 0.80 Max 98.10 49.80 25.30 98.20 39.80 23.70 Average 79.13 15.36 5.51 82.32 12.10 5.58 2-Season Average 80.73 13.73 5.54 Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment Page | 181 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Figure 4.44: Particle Size Distribution of Sediment at the Study locations in Dry Season Source: ERL, 2013 Figure 4.45: Particle Size Distribution of Sediment at the Study locations in Wet Season Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment Page | 182 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Exchangeable Cations (Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, K+) in Sediment The distribution of exchangeable cations in the lagoon sediment at the study locations is presented in Table 4.65. Table 4.65: Exchangeable Cations Concentrations in Sediment Sample ID Na+ K+ Mg2+ Ca2+ Mg/kg SED1 Dry Season 49.230 Wet Season 145.800 Dry Season 1.890 Wet Season 0.900 Dry Season 3.200 Wet Season 0.890 Dry Season 23.400 Wet Season 6.900 SED2 27.450 112.400 4.562 11.400 2.700 <0.001 39.400 1.200 SED3 31.718 143.800 3.131 20.940 4.532 44.130 43.215 <0.001 SED4 63.523 151.450 4.354 1.750 2.787 <0.001 43.002 <0.001 SED5 17.800 99.400 3.330 6.740 3.100 <0.001 6.900 0.060 SED6 39.400 174.000 1.980 0.940 2.700 0.540 2.300 0.120 SED7 15.137 150.200 1.610 5.650 2.780 0.650 3.580 <0.001 SED8 58.817 117.010 2.217 0.410 3.707 <0.001 1.420 <0.001 SED9 50.988 139.000 4.873 1.480 6.604 0.520 7.852 <0.001 SED10 43.700 119.000 2.180 3.240 5.200 4.800 2.100 0.080 SED11 34.954 166.390 3.971 1.640 3.734 9.510 5.392 4.610 SED12 27.400 143.200 1.200 1.500 4.700 18.200 1.800 <0.001 SED13 22.440 200.100 3.840 0.560 1.900 <0.001 4.400 0.900 SED14_Ctrl 43.240 224.400 1.890 2.110 3.800 0.700 2.700 <0.001 SED15 56.800 143.200 2.110 0.420 4.600 0.590 1.900 <0.001 Min 15.137 99.400 1.200 0.410 1.900 0.520 1.420 0.060 Max 63.523 224.400 4.873 20.940 6.604 44.130 43.215 6.900 Average 38.840 148.623 2.876 3.979 3.736 8.053 12.624 1.981 2-Season Average 93.732 3.427 5.463 9.238 Source: ERL, 2013 Sodium Sodium contents in the sediment ranged between 15.14mg/kg and 63.52mg/kg with an average of 38.84mg/kg in dry season. The concentration recorded higher values in wet season; ranging between 99.5mg/kg and 224.4mg/kg with an average of 148.623mg/kg (Table 4.65). In the two seasons’ study, an average of 93.73mg/kg of sodium was detected in the sediment samples analysed. Figure 4.46 shows the trend of sodium content in the sediment for both seasons study. Higher concentrations of sodium ions were trapped in the sediments in wet season. Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment Page | 183 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Figure 4.46: Seasonal Variation of Sodium Concentration in Sediment Potassium ions Potassium ions content in the sediment samples ranged between 1.2mg/kg and 4.87mg/kg with an average of 2.876mg/kg in dry season. In wet season, it ranged between 0.41mg/kg and 20.94mg/kg with an average concentration of 3.979mg/kg (Table 4.65). The distribution trend of potassium in the sediment at the locations is presented in figure 4.47. Figure 4.47: Seasonal Variation of Potassium Concentration in Sediment Magnesium Magnesium content in the sediment of the lagoon ranged between 1.9mg/kg and 6.604mg/kg with an average of 3.736mg/kg in dry season. In wet season, it ranged from 0.52mg/kg to 44.053mg/kg with an average of Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment Page | 184 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation 8.053mg/kg. An overall average of 5.463mg/kg of magnesium was recorded in the sediment over the 2 seasons’ study (Table 4.65). The distribution trend of Magnesium in the sedimentsat the study locations shows little seasonal influence except for relatively high concentration at location SED 3 and SED12 in wet season (Figure 4.48). Figure 4.48: Seasonal Variation of Magnesium in Sediment Calcium The concentration of calcium ions in the sediments of the lagoon ranged between 1.42mg/kg and 43.215mg/kg with an average of 12.624mg/kg in dry season. In wet season, it ranged from 0.06mg/kg to 6.9mg/kg, and recorded an average of 1.981mg/kg. An overall average of 9.238mg/kg of calcium concentration was recorded in sediments in the 2-seasons’ study. Seasonal variation in calcium content of the lagoon sediments showed higher values in dry season. Sediment from location SED1 to SED5 recorded relatively higher calcium contents in dry season, while sediments from SED1 and SED11 had higher calcium contents in wet season, compared to other locations (Figure 4.49). Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment Page | 185 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Figure 4.49: Seasonal Variation of Calcium oncentration in Sediment Sediment Anions (NO3- , SO42-, PO43-, Cl-) Anions concentraion in the lagoon sediment at the studied locations are presented in Table 4.66. Table 4.66: Anions Concentration in Sediment Sample ID NO3- SO42- Season SED1 SED2 SED3 SED4 SED5 SED6 SED7 SED8 SED9 SED10 SED11 SED12 SED13 SED14_Ctrl SED15 Dry Season 21.333 26.666 26.555 27.333 20.33 23.435 21.333 22 24 20.12 26 21.033 20.376 20.33 19.666 Wet Season 17.6 19.5 19.74 16.91 15.6 19.3 16.91 14.17 22.23 18.4 22.95 18.5 16.4 15.5 14.9 Dry Season 36.534 40.58 38.158 40.969 34.391 37.274 27.572 23.134 37.418 39.39 39.3 36.784 24.89 26.79 19.237 Mg/kg Wet Season 24.96 35.78 15.57 17.85 11.9 35.42 15.85 9.25 33.97 17.8 12.98 21.75 27.48 10.43 8.94 Min Max 19.666 27.333 14.170 22.950 19.237 40.969 Average 22.701 17.907 33.495 2-Season Average 20.304 26.745 Orange Island Development Company Limited PO43- Cl- Dry Season 1.1 0.8 0.1 0.4 0.9 0.5 0.5 0.8 1.5 0.5 0.6 0.3 1.3 0.6 0.4 Wet Season 1.3 1.5 0.5 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.9 0.6 1 1.2 1.4 0.6 0.7 0.5 0.8 Dry Season 2130 2600 2470 2670 1480 2460 1880 1930 1740 1560 2520 1960 1770 1650 1890 Wet Season 40 60 30 140 90 120 40 70 1180 160 210 70 30 60 80 8.940 35.780 0.100 1.500 0.500 1.500 1480.00 2670.00 30.000 1180.00 19.995 0.687 0.893 2047.33 158.667 0.790 1103.00 Source: ERL, 2013 Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment Page | 186 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Nitrate (NO3-) Nitrate ions content in the lagoon sediment had higher values in dry than wet season. In dry season, the ions ranged between 19.69mg/kg and 27.33mg/kg with an average value of 22.7mg/kg. In wet season however, nitrate ion in the sediment ranged from 14.17mg/kg to 22.95mg/kg with an average of 17.907mg/kg (Table 4.66). There was almost a uniform trend in nitrate concentration in the sediments at the various locations in wet and dry season (Figure 4.50) Figure 4.50: Seasonal Variation of Nitrate in Sediment Sulphate (SO42--) The sulphate ion content in the sediment of the Lagoon had an overall average of 26.745mg/kg over the 2season study. Sulphates in sediment ranged between 19.237mg/kg and 40.969mg/kg with an average of 33.495mg/kg in dry season. In wet season however, nitrates in sediment ranged from 8.94mg/kg to 35.78mg/kg with an average content of 19.995mg/kg (Table 4.66). There was an uneven trend in the variation of sulphate concentration in the lagoon sediment at the studied locations in dry and wet seasons (Figure 4.51). Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment Page | 187 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Figure 4.51: Seasonal Variation of Sulphate in Sediment Phosphate (PO43-) Phosphate ions content in the lagoon sediment at the studied locations ranged between 0.1mg/kg and 1.5mg/kg with the average of 0.687mg/kg in dry season. In wet season, there was a marginal increase in phosphate content in the sediment samples, it ranged from 0.5mg/kg to 1.5mg/kg and recorded an average of 0.893mg/kg (Table 4.66). Over the two seasons study, phosphate content in the sediment had an average of 0.79mg/kg. Figure 4.52 shows the variation trend of phosphates in the sediment of the studied locations in dry and wet season. Figure 4.52: Seasonal Variation of Phosphate in Sediment Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment Page | 188 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Chloride (Cl-) Chloride was the most abundant anion in the sediment of the lagoon at the sampled locations. Chloride ranged from 1,480mg/kg to 2,670mg/kg with the average of 2,047.33mg/kg in dry season. In wet season, it ranged between 30mg/kg and 1,180mg/kg with the average of 158.67mg/kg (Table 4.66). The higher level of chloride in dry season was probably due to seawater influx. The dilution effect from fresh water in wet season was perhaps a key factor for reduced chloride content in the sediment. An overall average of 1,103mg/kg of chloride concentration was recorded in the 2-seasons study. Figure 4.53 shows spatial and temporal trend of chloride content in the lagoon sediment in both seasons. Figure 4.53: Seasonal Variation of Chloride in Sediment Sediment Heavy Metals (Fe, Cd, Pb, Zn, Ni, Mn, Cr, Cu) Heavy metals concentration in sediment of Lagos lagoon at the study locations are presented in table 4.67. Iron (Fe) Iron concentration in sediment of the studied locations ranged between 74.84mg/kg and 485.205mg/kg with an average of 210.561mg/kg in dry season. In wet season, it rose to between 60.01mg/kg and 1,729.25mg/kg with an average of 537.304mg/kg (Table 4.67). Figure 4.54 shows seasonal variation of iron content in sediment of studied locations. The variation suggests influx of Fe from land based materials - wash off from soil. Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment Page | 189 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Figure 4.54: Seasonal Variation of Fe in Sediment Cadmium (Cd), Lead (Pb) and Manganese (Mn) Cadmium, lead and manganese were below the sensitivity limit (0.001mg/kg) of the equipment used for measurement in both seasons’ sediment studies. Zinc (Zn) Zinc content in the lagoon sediment ranged between 0.118mg/kg and 12.821mg/kg with an average of 4.187mg/kg in dry season. In wet season, it ranged from 1.98mg/kg to 73.28mg/kg with an average of 22.468mg/kg. An overall average concentration of 13.327mg was recorded in the 2 season study (Table 4.67). Figure 4.55 shows seasonal variation of zinc in sediments of the studied locations. Figure 4.55: Seasonal Variation of Zinc in Sediment Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment Page | 190 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Copper (Cu) The concentration of copper in the lagoon sediment at the studied locations had an overall average of 8.957mg/kg in the 2-season study. In dry season, the concentration of copper ranged between 0.43mg/kg and 7.347mg/kg with an average of 2.221mg/kg. Wet season recorded higher concentrations; ranging from 2.19mg/kg to 108.0mg/kg with an average of 15.693mg/kg (Table 4.67). The seasonal variation trend of copper contents in sediment at the studied locations is shown in figure 4.56. Figure 4.56: Seasonal Variation of Cu in Sediment Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment Page | 191 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Table 4.67: Heavy Metal Concentration in Sediment Sample ID Fe Cd Pb Zn Mn Cr Cu Ni Mg/kg Season Dry Wet Dry Wet Dry Wet Dry Wet Dry Wet Dry Wet Dry Wet Dry Wet SED1 78.4 231.4 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 2.12 5.89 <0.001 <0.001 7.98 16.78 1.02 13.32 <0.001 <0.001 SED2 190.4 698.4 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 8.942 11.49 <0.001 <0.001 11.476 45.89 2.12 5.55 0.03 1.92 SED3 440.306 1729.25 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 10.75 26.35 <0.001 <0.001 8.338 43.35 1.767 7.22 <0.001 3.85 SED4 485.205 63.06 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 12.821 57.48 <0.001 <0.001 9.727 23.16 4.016 7.01 <0.001 <0.001 SED5 89.7 96.4 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 5.64 36.74 <0.001 <0.001 8.78 22.21 0.43 108 <0.001 <0.001 SED6 143.4 121.8 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 9.462 32.62 <0.001 <0.001 1.4 9.1 1.79 2.19 <0.001 0.11 SED7 396.941 874.94 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 0.491 7.34 <0.001 <0.001 8.123 29.69 0.889 3.19 <0.001 1.45 SED8 368.148 108.4 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 1.983 11.04 <0.001 <0.001 13.948 12.47 2.466 3.75 <0.001 0.73 SED9 119.273 60.01 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 4.828 36.67 <0.001 <0.001 8.358 24.34 7.347 38.54 <0.001 2.69 SED10 121.4 980.2 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 0.953 8.94 <0.001 <0.001 8.22 21.24 3.25 11.38 <0.001 1.23 SED11 74.84 686.9 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 0.118 73.28 <0.001 <0.001 9.263 30.88 2.43 14.59 <0.001 0.14 SED12 101.4 568.4 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 0.542 4.74 <0.001 <0.001 8.21 14.73 1.54 9.18 <0.001 0.85 SED13 381.2 1011.4 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 0.245 1.98 <0.001 <0.001 5.43 12.01 0.43 3.27 <0.001 0.09 SED14_Ctrl 78.2 339.6 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 2.78 12.73 <0.001 <0.001 7.435 12.84 1.17 3.26 <0.001 <0.001 SED15 89.6 489.4 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 1.124 9.73 <0.001 <0.001 9.745 13.23 2.65 4.94 0.01 <0.001 Min 74.840 60.010 ND ND ND ND 0.118 1.980 ND ND 1.400 9.100 0.430 2.190 ND 0.090 Max 485.205 1729.250 ND ND ND ND 12.821 73.280 ND ND 13.948 45.890 7.347 108.000 0.030 3.850 Average 210.561 537.304 ND ND ND ND 4.187 22.468 ND ND 8.429 22.128 2.221 15.693 NA 1.306 2-Season Average 373.932 ND ND 13.327 ND 15.278 8.957 NA Source: ERL, 2013 Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 192 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Chromium (Cr) The concentration of chromium in the lagoon sediment at the studied locations had an overall average of 15.278mg/kg in the 2-season study. In dry season, Cr concentration in sediment ranged between 1.4mg/kg and 13.948mg/kg with the average of 8.429mg/kg. Cr concentrations in wet season were relatively higher; ranging from 9.1mg/kg to 45.89mg/kg with the average of 22.128mg/kg (Table 4.66). Figure 4.57 shows the seasonal variation trend of Cr in the lagoon sediment Figure 4.57: Seasonal Variation of Chromium in Sediment Nickel (Ni) In the dry season, Ni was detected at in 2 out of 15 sediment samples; with concentrations of 0.01mg/kg and 0.03mg/kg. In wet season however, Ni was detected in 10 samples with concentrations ranging between 0.09mg/kg and 3.85mg/kg, and an average of 1.306mg/kg Total Hydrocarbon Content (THC) The THC of sediment at the studied locations is presented in table 4.68. Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 193 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Table 4.68: Total Hydrocarbon Content in Sediment Sample ID SED1 SED2 SED3 SED4 SED5 SED6 SED7 SED8 SED9 SED10 SED11 SED12 SED13 SED14_Ctrl SED15 THC (Dry Season) 0.72 1.25 1.154 0.8 0.81 1.11 1.1 0.901 1.012 0.95 1.402 0.69 1.35 0.78 0.84 Min Max Average 2-Season Average 0.690 1.402 0.991 0.527 (Wet Season) 0.04 0.06 0.05 0.04 0.02 0.08 0.07 0.05 0.08 0.06 0.12 0.04 0.075 0.077 0.067 0.020 0.120 0.062 Source: ERL, 2013 THC in the lagoon sediment ranged between 0.69mg/kg and 1.402mg/kg with the average of 0.991mg/kg in dry season. The THC levels in the sediment were lower in wet season; ranging from 0.02mg/kg to 0.12mg/kg with an average of 0.062mg/kg. The overall average concentration of THC in sediment in the 2-season study was 0.527mg/kg (Table 4.68). Seasonal variation of sediment THC is presented in figure 4.58. Sediment samples collected close to high vehicle traffic zones and human settlements had high THC, suggesting hydrocarbon contribution from traffic and waste discharges. Figure 4.58: Seasonal Variation of Total Hydrocarbon Content in Sediment Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 194 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Sediment Microbiology Microbial counts in the lagoon sediment at the study locations are presented in table 4.69. Total Heterotrophic Bacteria (THB) THB counts in sediment in dry season ranged between 1.3x108 and 2.0x108cfu/g with the average of 1.65x108 cfu/g. It increased marginally in wet season, recording an average value of 1.78x108 cfu/g, and ranged between 1.48x108cfu/g and 2.20x108cfu/g. An overall average count of 1.72x108cfu/g was recorded in both season’s study (Table 4.69). The predominant islotates are presented in table 4.70. Total Heterotrophic Fungi (THF) THF counts in sediment ranged between 3.0x104cfu/g and 1.0x105cfu/g of 5.8x104cfu/g in dry season. In wet season, it ranged between 3.0x104cfu/g and 1.5x105cfu/g, with an average count of 6.53x104cfu/g. Over the two seasons study, an overall average count of 6.17x104cfu/g was recorded (Table 4.69). Total Coliforms (TC) Total coliforms were recorded in 8 out of the 15 study locations in dry season, and in 12 locations in wet season with slightly higher counts. Coliforms were recorded at locations proximal to local community dwellings. TC counts ranged from 0.0 to 2.0x104cfu/g, with an average count of 5.75x103cfu/g in dry season. In wet season, the counts ranged between 0.0 to 3.0x104cfu/g, with an average of 7.77x103cfu/g. An overall average count of 6.76x103cfu/g was recorded in both season’s study (Table 4.69). The predominant Isolate was E. coli. Total Hydrocarbon Utilizing Bacteria (THUB) Hydrocarbon utilizing Bacteria counts recorded in the sediments had an overall average count of 1.38x104cfu/g over the two seasons’ study. In dry season, the THUB count ranged between 1.0x103cfu/g and 2.2x104cfu/g, with an average of 1.17x104cfu/g. The hydrocarbon utilizing bacteria count in the sediment in wet season had an average of 1.58x104cfu/g, with values ranging between 1.20x103cfu/g and 2.4x104cfu/g (Table 4.69). Total Hydrocarbon Utilizing Fungi (THUF) Hydrocarbon utilizing Fungi counts in sediment recorded an overall average count of 1.54x103 cfu/g over the two seasons’ study. In dry season, sediment THUF counts ranged between 2.0x102cfu/g and 6.0 x103 cfu/g, with the average of 1.49 x103 cfu/g. The counts in sediment in wet season had an average of 1.59 x103 cfu/g, with values that ranged between 3.0x102 cfu/g and 1.59x103 cfu/g (Table 4.69). Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 195 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Table 4.69: Microbial Isolates Counts in Sediment Sample ID SED1 SED2 SED3 SED4 SED5 SED6 SED7 SED8 SED9 SED10 SED11 SED12 SED13 SED14 (Ctrl) SED15 THB 20 (cfu/g) Dry Season 1.72E+08 1.54E+08 1.94E+08 1.53E+08 1.44E+08 1.63E+08 1.75E+08 1.42E+08 1.89E+08 1.92E+08 1.37E+08 1.74E+08 2.00E+08 1.38E+08 1.45E+08 THF 21 (cfu/g) Wet Season Dry Season 1.84E+08 4.00E+04 1.66E+08 3.00E+04 2.20E+08 8.00E+04 1.68E+08 1.00E+05 1.56E+08 6.00E+04 1.82E+08 5.00E+04 1.94E+08 7.00E+04 1.62E+08 3.00E+04 1.78E+08 4.00E+04 1.89E+08 8.00E+04 1.58E+08 8.00E+04 1.94E+08 6.00E+04 2.20E+08 8.00E+04 1.48E+08 3.00E+04 1.54E+08 4.00E+04 TC 22 (cfu/g) Wet Season Dry Season 5.00E+04 1.80E+04 4.00E+04 0.00E+00 7.00E+04 1.30E+04 1.50E+05 1.20E+04 7.00E+04 1.00E+03 3.00E+04 1.20E+03 4.00E+04 0.00E+00 5.00E+04 0.00E+00 6.00E+04 0.00E+00 9.00E+04 1.00E+04 9.00E+04 1.10E+04 7.00E+04 0.00E+00 7.00E+04 2.00E+04 4.00E+04 0.00E+00 6.00E+04 0.00E+00 THUB 23 (cfu/g) Wet Season Dry Season Wet Season 2.20E+04 1.00E+04 2.10E+04 1.00E+03 1.40E+04 1.80E+04 1.50E+04 2.20E+04 2.40E+04 1.60E+04 1.60E+04 2.00E+04 2.00E+03 1.10E+04 1.60E+04 1.80E+03 2.00E+04 2.40E+04 1.00E+03 1.80E+04 2.10E+04 8.00E+02 1.50E+04 1.70E+04 0.00E+00 2.10E+04 2.20E+04 1.20E+04 1.00E+04 1.20E+04 1.40E+04 1.40E+04 1.80E+04 0.00E+00 1.00E+03 1.20E+04 3.00E+04 1.20E+03 1.00E+04 1.00E+03 1.00E+03 1.20E+03 0.00E+00 1.70E+03 1.50E+03 THUF 24 (cfu/g) Dry Season Wet Season 3.00E+02 5.00E+02 2.00E+02 4.00E+02 6.00E+03 4.00E+03 4.00E+03 2.00E+03 2.00E+02 4.00E+02 2.00E+02 3.00E+02 5.00E+02 4.00E+02 2.00E+02 3.00E+02 3.00E+02 5.00E+02 4.00E+02 3.00E+02 6.00E+02 8.00E+02 4.00E+03 6.00E+03 5.00E+03 7.00E+03 3.00E+02 5.00E+02 2.00E+02 4.00E+02 Min Max Average Std. Dev. Overall Average 1.37E+08 2.00E+08 1.65E+08 2.20E+07 1.72E+08 1.48E+08 2.20E+08 1.78E+08 2.25E+07 3.00E+04 1.50E+05 6.53E+04 2.95E+04 0.00E+00 3.00E+04 7.77E+03 9.67E+03 2.00E+02 6.00E+03 1.49E+03 2.08E+03 1.54E+03 3.00E+04 1.00E+05 5.80E+04 2.27E+04 6.17E+04 0.00E+00 2.00E+04 5.75E+03 7.39E+03 6.76E+03 1.00E+03 2.20E+04 1.17E+04 7.50E+03 1.38E+04 1.20E+03 2.40E+04 1.58E+04 7.25E+03 3.00E+02 7.00E+03 1.59E+03 2.23E+03 Source: ERL, 2013 Total Heterotrophic Bacteria Total Heterotrophic Fungi 22 Total Coliforms 23 Total Hydrocarbon utilizing Bacteria 24 Total Hydrocarbon Utilizing Fungi 20 21 Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 196 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Table 4.70: Predominant Species of Microbial Isolates in Sediment Sample ID PREDOMINANT ISOLATES SED1 Bacillus spp., Clostridium spp., Eschenchia coli, Aspergillus fumigatus, Penicillium spp. SED2 Bacillus spp., Clostridium spp., Eschenchia coli, Aspergillus fumigatus, Penicillium spp. SED3 Bacillus spp., Clostridium spp., Escherichia coli, Aspergillus fumigatus, Fusarium spp. SED4 Bacillus spp., Corynebacterium spp., Eschericha coli, Fusarium spp., Saccharomyces spp.. SED5 Bacillus spp., Clostridium spp., Eschenchia coli, Aspergillus fumigatus, Penicillium spp. SED6 Bacillus spp., Clostridium spp., Eschenchia coli, Aspergillus fumigatus, Penicillium spp. SED7 Bacillus spp., Micrococcus spp., Aspergillus flavus, Penicillium spp. SED8 Bacillus spp., Flavobacterium spp., Fusarium spp., Aspergillus wentii. SED9 Bacillus spp., Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Rhizopus stolonifer, Trichoderma spp. SED10 Bacillus spp., Corynebacterium spp., Eschericha coli, Fusarium spp., Saccharomyces spp.. SED11 Bacillus spp., Clostridium spp., Eschenchia coli, Aspergillus fumigatus, Penicillium spp. SED12 Bacillus spp., Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Rhizopus stolonifer, Trichoderma spp. SED13 Bacillus spp., Clostridium spp., Escherichia coli, Aspergillus fumigatus, Fusarium spp. SED14 (Ctrl) Bacillus spp., Corynebacterium spp., Eschericha coli, Fusarium spp., Saccharomyces spp.. SED15 Bacillus spp., Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Rhizopus stolonifer, Trichoderma spp. Source: ERL, 2013 4.9.10 Bathymetry of the Proposed Project Area The bathymetric survey of Lagos lagoon around the proposed reclamation area showed that the surface level was 1mCD. Water surface level ranged between 0.2mCD and 11.9mCD. Deep sections with water surface level ranging between 5.0mCD and 11.9mCD were recorded in the southern portion of the surveyed area. Local sand mining is most likely responsible for the deep sections. Figure 4.59 shows the lagoon bathymetry around the proposed reclamation area. Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 197 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Figure 4.59: Bathymetry of Lagos lagoon around the proposed reclamation site and borrow areas Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 198 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation 4.9.11 Geotechnical Characteristics The sand search geotechnical studies showed that suitable materials (fine and sitly sand) for filling the proposed site are available within the selected borrow area. Figure 4.60 shows the imagery of the boreholes locations identified with yellow and green coloured pegs. The green pegs show locations with best materials (mainly fine sand), while yellow pegs show locations with fair amount of good materials with some amounts of clay overburden. Geotechnical logs of the borehole locations are included as appendix. Summary of the sand search geotechnical studies are as follows: • BH01 – BH06 are drilled in the north and middle of the proposed reclamation area. They contain 2.8 – 8.7m CLAY overburden before FINE SAND was encountered. • BH01 has a large FINE/SILTY SAND layer covered by 2.8m dark CLAY. From 2.8 to 4.0m FINE SAND with CLAY particles was found. Below 4.0m the FINE/SILTY SAND layer began. • BH02 and BH05 contain only unsuitable CLAY layers. BH06 reveal a 1.9m SILTY SAND layer but covered with a 5.9m CLAY overburden. • BH03 and BH04 contain a 6.9 and 4.8m suitable FINE SAND layer. BH03 has a 3.0m SILTY CLAY layer on top of the suitable material. The FINE SAND layer of BH04 is covered by 8.7m MEDIUM CLAY. • Overall the BH01 – BH06 do not show favourable material for reclaiming an artificial island due to the large unsuitable overburden and/or small suitable material layers. • BH07 – BH12 were drilled on the south side of the Orange Island project area. In this area more suitable material was found, with exception of BH07. • BH07 shows various layers. From 0 to 3.0m SILTY CLAY and from 3.0 to 5.1m FINE SAND and remains of SOFT CLAY. 1.5m SILTY SAND is found at a depth of 6.6m, enclosed by HARD CLAY layers. • BH08, BH09, BH11 and BH12 have a 7.4 – 14.1m suitable FINE SAND or SILTY SAND layer with no unsuitable overburden or unsuitable layers. Some of the layers contain shells, deadwood or traces of clay. BH10 shows the same suitable FINE SAND and SILTY SAND layer, but interrupted by a SILTY CLAY with lumps of HARD CLAY layer from 3.0m to 8.0m. • BH13 was drilled out of the indicated borrow area, west of Orange Island. This borehole has a suitable layer from 0 to 3.4m, consisting of SILTY SAND. Subsequent to this layer 3.1m of HARD CLAY is found. From 6.5m down SILTY SAND and FINE SAND with traces/particles of clay and dead wood is present. • BH08, BH09, BH11 and BH12 contain the best material for the Orange Island Development Company Limited proposed reclamation Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 199 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Figure 4.60: Satellite Imagery showing Boreholes locations Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 200 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation 4.9.12 Vegetation Introduction Vegetation pattern provides an integrated reflection of physical and chemical factors that shape the environment of a given land area (Whittaker 1965). Often vegetation patterns are determinants for overall biological diversity patterns (Franklin 1993, Levin 1981, Noss 1990) which can be used to delineate habitat types in conservation evaluations (Specht 1975, Austin 1991). Vegetation as an integral part of the terrestrial environment performs several functions that are crucial to the sustenance of the environment. Some of these functions include: • Protection of the fragile soils from the erosive impacts of rains and wind; • Maintenance of soil fertility through continuous nutrient recycling; • Conservation of water resources through shading; • Preservation of water sheds; • Regulation of air and soil temperatures; • Moisture balance;, • Provision of habitat for terrestrial flora and fauna; • Purification of the ambient air through the removal of carbon dioxide and the release of oxygen during photosynthesis for human and animal respiration. Human changes could be more drastic than natural cycles. As such, any study of the environment, for the purpose of environmental impact identification, must necessarily include vegetation and must focus on the general status of the vegetation within the project area, those vegetation attributes that are likely to be impacted, the extent of impact, as well as the mitigation measures to ameliorate these negative impacts. Plant Characterization / Identification The surroundings of the project area beyond the lagoon water body are built-up and the planned reclamation will enhance further expansion of built environment. In view of this, vegetation around the project area was sparse. Some ornamental/orchard plants were observed around the project area. Vegetation species identified in the sampling locations within the study area were primarily Paspalum scrobiculatum, Paspalum vaginatum and some other annual herbs and shrubs, including Chromolaena odorata, Chloris pilosa, Commelina spp, Cyperus spp., Mariscus spp., Setaria barbata, and Kyllinga spp. Along the roadsides, and in some of the homesteads within the 5km radius designated for vegetation sampling for this project, regular roadside species such as Ageratum conyzoides, Asystasia gangetica, Synedrella nodiflora, Tridax procumbens, etc. were observed. Ornamental/orchard species observed include; Terminalia catapa, Mangifera indica, Cocos nucifera, Citrus spp. Plates 4.25 – 4.30 show some of the vegetation species observed around the sampling locations. Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 201 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Plate 4.25: Paspalum spp. Close to the proposed reclamation area Plate 4.26: Terminalia catapa and Mangifera indica around homesteads Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 202 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Plate 4.27: Ornamentals and coconuts along roadsides within the area Health Status and Biomass Productivity Plants within the spatial boundary were generally observed to be luxuriant and lush, and to be healthy and thriving well. An assessment of the pathological conditions of the plants indicates that leaf spot is the most prominent endemic disease condition. The fungal isolates from the major plant species included: Penicillium sp.; Botryodiplodia sp.; Aspergillus sp.; Alternaria sp.; Rhizoctonia sp.; and Colletotrichum sp. In terms of biomass productivity of the herbaceous layer, the entire project area had acceptable biomass values, with a range of 250-845g/m2. Productivity appeared higher in the periodically inundated areas, where there is a preponderance of Paspalum, than in the roadside areas and around homesteads, where periodical weeding and clearing takes place. Generally, the biomass values recorded agrees with those reported for similar habitats by Al Mufti et. al.(1977). Inventory of Economic Crops Observed prevalent economic crops include Talinum triangulare (waterleaf), Saccharum officinarum (sugarcane), Carica papaya (paw paw), Telferia occidentaes (Fluted pumpkin), Citrus spp. Magnifera indica (mango), Musa paradisiaca (plantain), M. sepientum (banana), and Cocos nucifera (coconut palm). Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 203 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation 4.9.13 Wildlife and Endangered Species Information on wildlife is presented in two parts: Field observations; and literature/historical data. Field observations Based on field observations, only birds and some reptiles were observed in the study area. Birds of the waterside, such as kingfishers, egrets and plovers were identified. Particular species include, white egrets (Egretta spp.), Cattle egrets (Ardeola ibis) and some herons (Ardea cinerea) were observed. Spur-winged plovers were also observed. In the waterside community, domesticated goose (Anser anser.) was observed. Further, away from the waterside, garden species, mostly doves, robins and weaverbirds were observed. Also, various kites and other birds were observed in flight in the course of fieldwork for this project. Table 4.71 shows some of the bird species observed. Table 4.71: List of Birds Observed in the Study Area Common Name Biological Name Grey Heron Green-backed Heron Hammerkop Crowned Hawk Eagle Palm-nut Vulture Black Kite Kittlitz’s Sand Plover Common Tern Common Sandpiper Red-eyed Dove Blue-breasted Kingfisher Pied Kingfisher Square-tailed Rough-winged Swallow Plain-backed Pipit Carmelite Sunbird Olive-bellied Sunbird Common Bulbul Grey-headed Sparrow Village Weaver Spur-winged plover Cattle Egret Domestic goose Ardea cinerea Butorides striatus Scopus umbretta Stephanoaet-us coronatus Gypohierax angolensis Milvus migrans Charadrius pecaurius Sterna hirundo Actitis hypoleucos Streptopelia semitorquata Halcyon malimbicus Ceryle rudis Psalidoprocne nitens Anthus leucophyrs Nectarinia fuliginosa Nectarinia chloropygia Pycnonotus barbaetus Passer griseus Ploceus cucculatus Vanellus spinosus Ardeola ibis Anser anser Reptilian fauna of the project area consisted mostly of lizards (Agama spp.). Domesticated Pig (Sus scrofa) were observed at the waterside community. No other species of wildlife were observed in the course of field sampling activities for this project. Plates 4.28 - 4.30 show some of the bird species observed around the project area in the course of fieldwork. Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 204 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Plate 4.28: A plover and a great white egret foraging around project area Plate 4.29: A Gaggle of white geese in the study area Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 205 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Plate 4.30: Domestic pigs in the study are Information from Literature and Consultation Based on literature information, and discussions with residents of the area, the main groups of wildlife that occur in the area are: Mammals, birds, reptiles and amphibians. Discussions with elderly people living in the area, and consultation of literature works in the general area reveals that the mammals that occur, or used to occur in the area included: Colobus monkeys, giant rats, bush pigs and duikers. Table 4.72 shows a list of the animal species reported to occur in the area: Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 206 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Table 4.72: List of Mammals in the Study Area Common Name Biological Name Status Mona Monkey White-bellied Pangolin Black-bellied Pangolin Red-legged Sun Squirrel Fire-footed Tree-Squirrel Blotched Genet (“Bush cat”) Marsh Mongoose (“Fox”) Sitatunga (“Antelope”) Brush-tailed porcupine Bush pig (warthog) Grass cutter African palm squirrel Fruit bat Giant Rat Grimm’s Duiker Red River Hog Cecopithecus mona Manis tricuspis Manis tetradactyla Heliosciurus rufobrachium Funisciurus pyrrhopus Genetta tigrina Atilax paludinosus Tragelaphus spekei Alterurus africanus C. sylviculton Thyronomys swindeianous Epixerus ebii Eidolon heluum Cricetomys gambianus Sylvicarpa grimmi Potamocherus porcus Common Common Common Uncommon Common “ Uncommon Common Common Common Common Common Common Very common common uncommon Birds reported to occur in the area include egrets, the plovers and kingfishers, as well as birds of the garden such as the red-eyed dove. The reptilian fauna reported from literature consists of turtles, crocodiles, snakes and lizards. However, most of these species no longer exist in the area, as they have migrated way to development and urbanization. Only the ubiquitous rainbow lizard, Agama agama is still very common in the area. Table 4.73: List of Reptiles in the study area Biological Name Common Name Trionyx triunguis Kinixys erosa Testudo paradilis Osteolemus tetraspis Varanus niloticus Python sebae Dasypeltis fasciata Naja nigricollis Chameleo gracilis Dicroglossus occipitalis African Soft-shelled Turtle Serrate Hinge-backed Tortoise African Forest Tortoise Dwarf Crocodile (“Alligator”) Nile Monitor Lizard (“Iguana”) African Python Egg-eating Snake Spitting Cobra Common Chameleon Bullfrog (“Jumping Chicken”) Generally, wildlife species used to be very numerous and widely varied in the area. However, reports indicate that most of these species are now no longer to be found in the area, mostly because of extensive human presence and the associated depredation as well as the fact that their habitats have been extensively destroyed for the purpose of built environment. However, periodic sightings of some of these species are still reported. For example, the giant rat (Cricetomys gambianus) is still reported to occur regularly around homesteads, while Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 207 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation periodic sighting of some snakes, especially the rock python (Python sebae) is reported around the marshes fringing the lagoon. With regards to the avian fauna, most of the species reported from literature and consultations are still relatively common around the project site, and this indicates, to some extent, that development activities have not had too significant an impact on avian species composition in the area, although population levels may have dropped substantially, to a level that can be supported by the available habitats, within the general area. Stakeholders Consultation Stakeholders’ analysis was conducted at the outset of this EIA. Regulatory requirements, area of influence of the proposed project, technical requirements of the project, among others were considered during the analysis. The identified stakeholders were consulted and interacted with, with the following objectives: i. Disclosure of the proposed Island reclamation project ii. Seeking opinions and concerns on the proposed reclamation iii. Seek support towards the success of the proposed project iv. Identify areas of possible conflicts that may affect the project and ways to resolve them. It is important to note that stakeholders’ consultation is a continuous process which will keep on until the project is successfully implemented. However, the outcome of the consultation that have been made so far (as part of the EIA process) are presented below in the following sections. Three groups of stakeholders were consulted, namely: (1) Governments and their Agencies, (2) Community Leaders and, (3) Non Governmental Bodies. Table 4.74 presents the stakeholders consulted while table 4.75 presents the highlights of the consultation, event dates and key persons present at the meetings. Attendance lists of all consultations as well as relevant correspondence are presented in Appendix. Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 208 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Table 4.74: Consulted Stakeholders No Category Stakeholder 1 Federal Ministry of Environment 2 Lagos State Ministry of Environment Government and their Agencies 3 Lagos State Ministry of Waterfront and Infrastructure Development 4 Eti-Osa Local Government 5 Traditional Ruler of Ikateland 6 Community Leaders 7 8 Leaders of Ebute Ikate community Leaders of Itedo Community Non Governmental Agencies Nigeria Conservation Foundation Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 209 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Table 4.75: Highlights of Stakeholders Consultation S/No 1 2 3 Stakeholder Federal Ministry of Environment Dates Notification letter dated 22/1/13. Acknowledged; 05/2/13 This was followed by visit to site on 07/03/13 Lagos State Ministry of Environment (LAGMOE) (Office of Drainage Services) Notification Letter dated 04/12/12; Acknowledged; 05/12/13. Field visit held on 07/01/13. The field visit was scheduled by the Ministry in a letter dated 27/12/12 Lagos State Ministry of Waterfront Infrastructure (MWFID) Letter requesting consultation dated, 20/5/13; acknowledged, 23/5/13. Consultation held on 26/7/13 at MWFID office. Key Persons Present FMEnv Officials: Mr. Fred Odika, Mrs. Adeola Omotunde and Mr. Tejuosho O. Highlights of Discussion Follow up Picture Record OIDC made a presentation on the features of the proposed project. Orange Island Development Company (OIDC): Ms Erica Akpeghagha, Mr. Chiedu Nweke and Mr. Barth Ndulue (EIA Consultant) FMEnv advised that detailed data gathering should be implemented in carrying out the EIA. The site visit and meeting was followed by a letter (dated 22/3/13) from FMEnv notifying the placement of the proposed reclamation in category 1 projects, which requires full EIA and panel review. The letter specified number of field samples to be collected. Plate 4.31 The visit was followed by a letter from the Ministry dated 07/03/13 advising Orange Island Development Company to liaise properly with the FMEnv for the proposed project since the project falls under mandatory EIA study category. Plate 4.32 LAGMOE Officials: Engr. M.O. Adegbite (Director IREC) and Mrs. OjoOniyun B. A. (Geologist). OIDC: Mr. Chiedu Nweke, Ms Erica Akpeghagha, Ade Ojo (Ecologist), Barth Ndulue (EIA Consultant), Agugua Augustine (Sociologist) MWFID: Mrs. Olusegun T. O. OIDC: Mr. Barth Ndulue and Mr. Obehi Eguakhide Orange Island Development Company Limited OIDC pledged to conduct sound EIA that will meet FMEnv Standard. OIDC made a presentation on the features of the proposed project. The Ministry officials expressed their satisfaction with the early notification about the proposed project. It advised that proper studies should be conducted to ensure that good measures are put in place to avert impacts on the environment, especially on flood and erosion. OIDC assured the officials that all that needs to be done will be implemented to ensure that the proposed reclamation is sustainably carried out. Mrs. Olusegun noted that the MWFID is already aware of the proposed reclamation and that OIDC application is being considered. She however advised that, from the environmental protection point of view, OIDC should endeavourer to work with LAGMOE and FMEnv to ensure that the project is sustainably implemented. Plate 4.33 OIDC assured MWIFD that it places high premium on environmental safeguard as a matter of corporate policy and that the EIA will be prepared Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 210 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation S/No 4 5 Stakeholder Dates Eti-Osa Local Government Letter requesting consultation dated; 20/5/13. Acknowledged; 22/05/13. Reminder letter dated, 14/6/13. Consultation held on 2/7/13 at the LGA Secretariat Eti-Osa Local Government 10/7/13. Follow up on 2/7/13 consultation. Key Persons Present Eto-Osa LGA: Mr. Ibrahim Ajibola (Supervisor for Environment), Mr. Arole Y. Adeshola. OIDC: Mr. Oyedrian Olowosoke, Mr. Barth Ndulue Eti-Osa LGA: Hon. Anofiu Olanrewaju Elegushi ( Chairman, Eti-Osa LGA), Mr. Ajibola Ibrahim (Suoervisor for Environment), Mr. Arole Y. and Adeshola Lawal Oluwaseun Ganiyu OIDC: Mr. Oladrian Olowosoke, Mr. Barth Ndulue 6 Traditional Ruler of Ikateland Consultation at Elegushi Palace 22/4/14 Ikateland: HRM Oba Alayeluwa Saheed Ademola Elegushi, Orange Island Development Company Limited Highlights of Discussion to meet international standards OIDC made a presentation on the features of the proposed project. The LGA Officials apologized for the delayed consultation and noted the importance of OIDC carrying the LGA along as it proceeds in the project. Mr. Ibrahim however requested that the meeting be rescheduled for Wednesday 10/7/13 when the Hon. Chairman of the LGA will be available. Follow up Picture Record Meeting was rescheduled to hold on 10/7/13 when the Honorable Chairman of Eti-Osa LGA will be available. It was agreed that site visit will be conducted same day. OIDC made a presentation on the features of the proposed project. Hon. Anofiu Olarenwaju Elegushi expressed his gladness on OIDC’s consultation at an early stage of the project. He noted that the proposed project is a welcome development in as much as it is sustainably implemented. He however advised the proponent to ensure that in addition to embarking on the project, to equally initiate programs that can benefit host communities. He noted that any such action will be highly supported and appreciated by the LGA. Plate 4.34 and 4.35 The Chairman pledged his support for the proposed reclamation project. After the meeting, the officials of Eti-Osa LGA made a visit to the proposed project site. OIDC made a presentation on the features of the proposed project. Plate 4.36 Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 211 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation S/No Stakeholder Dates Key Persons Present Kusenla (lll), the Elegushi of Ikateland, Mr. Bamidele Ijagbemi (PA to Kabiyesi) OIDC: DSP (Rtd) Waheed Olusegun Kassim, Prof. Omololu Soyombo, Mr. Chiedu Nweke, Mrs. Olayinka Ogunsilire, Mr, Mr. Theodore Omalu, Mr. Barth Ndulue, 7 Elders of EbuteIkate 4/3/2013 Ebute-Ikate: Mpe Dasu, Rasheed Ojoku, Frances Gondonu OIDC: Samuel Oluwaseun Onyema, Barth Ndulue Highlights of Discussion The Traditional Ruler, Oba Elegushi expressed his pleasure for OIDC coming to consult with him. He lauded the proposed project and noted that the project area, though on water is most proximal to Ikateland and such, He is the nearest neighbor to the project. Follow up Picture Record To make follow visits to the community for socioeconomics study after meeting with Oba Elegushi Plate 4.37 He reiterated his support for the project which he said will usher in development to his kingdom, and admonished the proponent to ensure that the project is delivered sustainably. OIDC thanked the Kabiyesi for the warm welcome and assured him that all that needs done will be done to ensure sustainable project and relationship with his kingdom. OIDC made a presentation on the features of the proposed project. The elders of Ebute-Ikate expressed their joy for OIDC deeming it necessary to intimate them on the proposed project. They pledged their unalloyed support in as much as Kabiyesi, Oba Elegushi grants his majesty’s permit for the proposed project. They noted that they are tenants to HRM. They noted that the project will have little or no effect on them, since they do not fish for sustenance in the area of the proposed project. They reported that they fish mainly in the sea. OIDC thanked the elders and pledged to make a follow up visit for focus group discussion and questionnaire administration in the community after a visit to Oba Elegushi for his majesty’s permission Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 212 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation S/No 8 9 Stakeholder Itedo Community – Harrison Family Itedo Community – Ogunyemi Family Dates 16/7/13 30/7/13 The consultation was scheduled after initial visit to the family on 25/7/13 Key Persons Present Harrison Family: Rt. Rev. Dr. Zeblon Harrison Ikogbowo (Family Head), Mr. Ade Harrison, Mr. Olorunwa Lebi, Pastor M. I. Harrison OIDC: Waheed Olusegun Kassim, Mr. Chiedu Nweke, Mr. Theodore Amalu, Mr. Oladiran Olowosoke, Mr. Aurelian Megnieru. Ogunyemi family: Mr. John Ogunyemi (Adiele), Mr. Jerry Ogunyemi OIDC: Barth Ndulue, Obehi Eguakhide Highlights of Discussion OIDC made a presentation on the features of the proposed project. The family head on behalf of his people welcome OIDC and the proposed project. He mentioned that any project that will bring development around their community is welcome. He however advised that consultation should continue so as to always identify areas of interest between the people and OIDC. Follow up Picture Record Plate 4.38 OIDC pledged that the proposed project will be implemented with the welfare of the people in mind. OIDC made a presentation on the features of the proposed project. Mr. John Ogunyemi, an elder of the family thanked OIDC for making the consultation. He provided the history of Itedo community and confirmed that the family is tenant to Oba Elegushi who allowed the family to inhabit the area about 40 years ago. He noted that, as long as Kabiyesi, Oba Elegushi grants his majesty’s permission for the project, the family will provide unalloyed support for its success. Plate 4.39 He noted that the project is not likely to impact the people directly, since they no longer engage in fishing. He reported that their main occupation has shifted to trading and civil service. OIDC thanked the family head and pledged that the project will be sustainably implemented to ensure that there will be no significant negative Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 213 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation S/No 10 Stakeholder Nigeria Conservation Foundation (NCF) Dates 28/513 Key Persons Present NCF: Mr. Adetayo Okunlola (Project Manager), Mr. Bunmi Jegede (Ecologist), Adedamola Ogunsesan OIDC: Ms. Erica Akpeghagha, Samuel Oluwaseun Onyema, Oladiran Olowosoke, Barth Ndulue Orange Island Development Company Limited Highlights of Discussion impacts on the people. OIDC made a presentation on the features of the proposed project. Follow up Picture Record NCF thanked OIDC for consulting her and noted that as body interested in biodiversity conservation, it is important that the project is implemented sustainably with regards to biodiversity safeguards. NCF equally pledged to partner with OIDC in anyway the company would need its expertise as it goes on with the proposed project. Plate 4.40 OIDC thanked NCF and assured her that the ongoing EIA study is one of the company’s ways of showing that it places high premium on safeguarding the natural environment. OIDC further noted that it will consult with NCF anytime its partnership is deemed needful. Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 214 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Plate 4.31: Interaction with FMEnv Officials during Site Verification exercise Plate 4.32: Interactions with LAGMOE Officials during Site Verification exercise Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 215 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Plate 4.33: Consultation with Lagos State Ministry of Waterfronts and Infrastructure Development Plate 4.34: Group Photograph with the Chairman And Officials of Eti-Osa LGA during consultation Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 216 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Plate 4.35: Interaction with Officials of Eti-Osa LGA during Site Verification Plate 4.36: Group Photograph during Consultation with HRM, Oba Alayeluwa Saheed Ademola Elegushi, Kusenla (lll), the Elegushi of Ikateland Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 217 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Plate 4.37: Consultation with the Elders of Ebute-Ikate Community Plate 4.38: Consultation with Harrision Family Elders of Itedo community Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 218 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Plate 4.39: Consultation with Elders of Ogunyemi Family of Itedo Community Plate 4.40: Consultation with Nigeria Consultation Foundation Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 219 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation 4.9.14 Socio-economics and Social Impact Assessment (SIA) Background The socio-economic study for the proposed Orange Island Reclamation project considers the most proximal human habitation and community (ies) that could be impacted by the proposed reclamation project. The main indigenous community proximal to the proposed project site is Ikateland, which is under Eti-Osa Local Government Area of Lagos State, Nigeria. The name “Eti Osa” in Yoruba language means “lagoon side”, indicating that the area is located along the lagoon. The traditional ruler (king) of Ikateland is HRM Oba Alayeluwa Saheed Ademola Elegushi, Kusenla lll, the Elegushi of Ikateland. Ikateland, which is on the western approach to Eti-Osa on the Lekki – Epe Expressway is situated about 4 km from Mobil headquarters and presently covers an area of about 10 square kilometres. The area extends from 6.25” to 6.26”N longitude, and 3.28”East to 3.31” east of the equator. Historical records indicate that the people of Ikate are of Awori origin, whose main occupations were fishing and palm oil manufacturing, although the people also engaged in small farming, producing cassava, palm oil, palm kernels and gari for sale in markets in Lagos, in exchange for tobacco, pipe, twine, thread, gin, rum and provisions. The Ikate kingdom was founded over 300 years ago by Kusenla, one of the descendants of Olofin of Iddo. Until recently, the development of the area was retarded by locational factors (relatively difficult to access because of physical constraints). However, with the construction of the Lagos – Epe Expressway, the area has been opened up and there has been rapid physical, social and economic development in recent times, with land in the area highly valued and properties attracting prime rents, highly sought by individuals, as well as public and private sector organizations. Ikateland now hosts several modern houses, estates, office buildings, and industries, and the people are now increasingly engaged in modern economic activities. Data Collection and Analysis The work adopted a triangulation method for data generation, combining qualitative and quantitative techniques of data collection. The community studies were conducted using the following approaches: i. Consultation with HRM Oba Alayeluwa Saheed Ademola Elegushi, Kusenla lll, the Elegushi of Ikateland ii. Consultation with officials of Eti-Osa LGA iii. Consultation with Ebute Ikate and Itedo community leaders and members iv. Focus Group Discussions with men, women and youth v. Questionnaire administration on individual household respondents vi. Direct observation of the community functions. Community leaders were selected for interview, using the purposive sampling technique, based on their particular leadership positions in the communities, while individual household members were selected for interview using the Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 220 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation convenience sampling technique, with households as sampling units. The direct observation of community by the researchers also helped to provide meaningful direction for the interview sessions and clarify some points during the discussions. One hundred and one (101) respondents were interviewed for this study in the two communities. Plate 4.41: Focus Group Interaction with Youth Plate 4.42: Focus Group Interaction with Women Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 221 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Plate 4.43: Consultation with Community Elders Plate 4.44: Questionnaire Administration Study Location/Population The community sections most proximal to the proposed project site are those closest to the lagoon. Two distinct migrant groups (Ebute-Ikate and Itedo) who were granted permission to stay on the areas by the Elegushi royal Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 222 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation family several years ago occupy these sections of the community. While the Ebute-Ikates are Egun people, the Itedos are Ilaje migrants from Ondo State of Nigeria. The Ebute-Ikate people live along the water banks, building their wooden houses on stakes to keep them above water levels. The Itedo people, on the other hand, live upland and do not engage in fishing as major occupation, in recent times. Origin and Structure of Ebute-Ikate Migrant Community Consultation with the elders and leaders of Ebute Ikate revealed that the people migrated to their present location about 20 years ago. They are migrants from Badagry and Benin Republic who came in to Lagos, first at Mekwe (Bonny Camp), then to Maroko, and Thornbil Ikoyi, and later to Banana Island. They eventually obtained permission from the HRH Oba Elegushi of Ikateland to inhabit the waterside on a temporary basis since they were fishermen and needed to stay by water. As residents, they make no financial payment to Elegushi but only pay homage to him as their landlord. During consultations and interviews, they generally expressed satisfaction with the way HRM has been treating them. The Population of Ebute-Ikate migrant community is estimated at 4,500. Leadership Structure of Ebute-Ikate The Ebute-Ikate community does not have a traditional leadership institution recognised by the Elegushi, since they are migrants. They, however, have elders and appointees who represent them before Kabiyesi (the King). As at the time of this study, the leader of the Ebute-Ikate people was Chief Edupo. He is not referred to as Baale, since his office is not traditionally recognised. Chief Edupo and a few appointees, represent the people before Elegushi when needs arise. Origin and Structure of Itedo Migrant Community Consultation with the Itedo Community showed that there are two factions of the dwellers, with different family lineages, namely: the Ogunyemi Family and the Harrison Family. The Ogunyemi family, whose main occupation was fishing, is reported to have migrated to the lagoon area of Ikateland from Ilaje (Ondo state, Nigeria) in the 1960’s. Led by Pa. Jonathan Ogunyemi, they sought the permission of the Oba Elegushi to inhabit the nearest upland (the present day Itedo, formally called Ilete) in September, 1967. The Kabiyesi granted their request. As tenants on Ikateland, they do not pay tenement to Kabiyesi, rather they pay Him Isakole (homage: royalty) every December 25 as an expression of their appreciation and loyalty. As fishermen, they used to pay the Isakole to the King with fishes. It was Pa J. Ogunyemi that built the first church at Itedo – the Apostolic Church of Christ. The population of this family is estimated at 1,100. Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 223 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Plate 4.45: Pa Ogunyemi’s House located at the first Upland inhabitation of the Ogunyemis Leadership The Itedo people are tenants to Elegushi, therefore do not have traditional head (Baale). However, the family is represented by the Elders. The eldest man is referred to as Olori ebi, followed by Adiile, and others. Language of Interview In order to enhance communication with the respondents and to ensure their full understanding of the issues of discussion, the interviews were conducted in languages that the respondents were most comfortable with. Figure 4.61 shows that most (62%) of the interviews were conducted in the Egun language; 25% in the Yoruba language; 9% in pidgin English; and 4% in proper English. This is in line with the popularity of the languages in the community. This also gives an idea about the ethnic composition of the community members, most of whom are Egun. In explaining how Ikate, in the Elegushi area came to be populated by a large Egun contingent, one of the male discussants in the FGD explained that: Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 224 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation “We are a community, from our various villages, from Badagry, settling in this Ikate, Elegushi. We have settled in some other places i.e. from Melewe (i.e. Borofe at Bonny Camp). We have been shifted, i.e. from [Thornbull], Ikoyi to Banana Island. After we were driven from Banana, we approached the Elegushi to allow us to settle here. We have settled since 1995 (i.e. 18 years).” Figure 4.61: Distribution of Language of Interview Socio-Demographic Characteristics of Respondents Age Distribution of Hhousehold members Analysis of the age distribution of the respondents shows that the two communities have a relatively young population comprising predominantly young people (Figure 4.62). Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 225 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Figure 4.62: Age Distribution of the Household Members Gender Distribution of Respondents Analysis of the gender distribution of the respondents (figure 4.63) shows that male respondents constituted 53% of the people interviewed, while the females constituted 47%. Socio-cultural factors may be used to explain the predominance of males among the respondents, given the patriarchal nature of the society, and the tendency for females to remain more in the background and to shy away from public visibility. It was also noted that many women go outside the community for their livelihood, and were thus not available for interview. Figure 4.63: Gender Distribution of Respondents Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 226 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Marital Status of Respondents The marital status distribution of the respondents shows that an overwhelming majority (92%) are married. 6% are single, while 2% reported being widowed (figure 4.64). No co-habiting, separated, or divorced person was encountered in the study. Further, in this regard, it was noted that polygyny (marriage of one man to many women at the same time) was very prevalent among the people, with some men having as many as five wives. Figure 4.64: Marital Status of Respondents Education Most of the respondents had secondary education or higher. Generally, in line with demographic trend, the young respondents had higher levels of education. The men also had higher levels of education than the women. Religious Background of Respondents The distribution by religion of the respondents shows that they are mostly Christian (87%), while 11% are traditional worshippers and 2% Muslim (figure 4.65). A possible reason for this development is found in the information obtained in the Itedo community to the effect that all members of the Ogunyemi family except one (the Adiile) are Christians. The only exception is an African Traditional Religion worshipper. Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 227 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Figure 4.65: Religion of Respondents There is no shrine for traditional worship in Itedo, thus, traditional worship is done at the Ikate shrine. On the other hand, churches abound in the community. The Adiile reported that there are about 30 different churches in the community, while there is only one mosque in Ikate. While the proportion of the respondents that practices traditional religion at Ebute Ikate seems rather small, it is evident that the religion is still relatively prominent in the community, with shrines and sacred places in the community. Many of the traditional worshippers offer sacrifices to water spirits to spare them from water mishaps. According to the Focus Group Discussion with the Ebute-Ikate people, the major shrine houses the Zangbeto deity, whose masquerade outing normally holds on 20th August annually. Both male and female are free to witness the festival. Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 228 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Plate 4.46: Shrine of Zangbeto in Ebute-Ikate Plate 4.47: Mouthpiece of Zangbeto Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 229 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Plate 4.48: Shrine for Water Spirit House Ownership Most (92%) of the respondents said they owned the houses that they lived in, while only 8% were renting. However, again, it is significant to note that most of the members of the community noted that they were temporary tenants or squatters on the land. At Itedo community however, the Harrison family faction are claimimg ownership of the land they live on presently. The case is still pending in court. The Ogunyemi family, like the inhabitants of Ebute-Ikate, are loyal to the Elegushi and confirmed that they are tenants to the Royal Family and Ikateland. In this regard, the type and quality of houses (Plate 4.49) are notable. Field observation showed that most of the houses are built on stilts, with wooden materials. These are temporary structures, which is in line with the pattern of houses that are inhabited by traditional riverine communities. A few members of the Harrison family faction have erected permanent structures. Orange Island Development Company Limited Figure 4.66: House Ownership by Respondents Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 230 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Plate 4.49: House on Stilts in the community The number of rooms in the houses ranged from one to four, with a mode of two rooms (74%), followed by one room (20%), three rooms (4%) and four rooms (2%). Figure 4.67: Distribution of No.of Rooms per House in the Community Household size is relatively large in the study communities, with about 40 per cent of the households having 5 – 7 members; another one-third have 8-10 members, followed by about one-quarter with 2 – 4 members. Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 231 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Figure 4.68: Household size distribution of Respondents Tenure of Residence in Community Most (68%) of the residents had spent over ten years in the study area, while 16% had spent 5 - 10 years, 9% 2 – 5 years, and 7% two or less years in the area (figure 4.69). Despite the relatively long tenure of residence, many of the respondents still lived with the fear of spatial dislocation/eviction. This fear, they said explains why they build only temporary structures in the community in order to reduce the cost of eviction. In this regard, the respondents expressed hopes that the Elegushi would allow them to settle permanently. The Itedo dwellers have been on Ikateland longer than the Ikate people, having been dwelling in their present location for over 30 years. Figure 4.69: Distribution of Respondents Duration in Residence Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 232 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Employment Status of Household Members Overall, 82% of the households had two or more persons in employment, while 18% had only one person in employment. The mode (71%) is two persons in employment in the households (Figure 4.70). Figure 4.70: Distribution of Employed Individuals in Respondents Household Occupational Background of Respondents Further analysis shows that the members of the Ebute-Ikate community are mostly engaged in the informal sector of the economy, with the largest proportion (42%) being involved in fishing, followed by 33% who are engaged in trading and 23% artisans, 1% employed in the civil service, while another 1% was into sand mining (figure 5.71). However, the Itedo people have since stopped fishing, with many of them presently being owners of small businesses, and a few others work as civil servants and professionals. The people in the fishing profession operate both in the immediate water and on the high sea. One of the respondents from Ebute-Ikate community reported that: Orange Island Development Company Limited Plate 4.50: Fishing Boats at Ebute-Ikate Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 233 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation “We fish in the water here and the high sea where we catch some sharks and barracuda. We use hook, sect net, and Akaja method of fishing. We use the canoe, engine boat and the [dug-out] for our operations. The engine boat uses about 40 hp. We fishermen go very far spending as much as one week before returning back home. We use ice block to preserve the fishes caught on the high sea. We fish every time of the day, but fishes are mostly caught at night. We get fishes in abundance all through the year especially rainy season except in January, February, and March which are considered dry season. The fishes give birth in abundance during August, September, and October period. The kinds of fishes mostly caught are Sawa, Bonga, Millet, Tilapia, Catfish Snapper (red and white), crab, crayfish, etc. We don’t like fish pond business because it is very tasking though there is one that existed before our arrival but nobody is interested in taking up the business. Other [sea foods] caught aside fishes are Turtle (on high sea) and Sunjaie (Ipamaja).” None of the respondents claimed to be engaged in farming, because as the respondents pointed out, the nature of the soil does not support farming. However, the study indicated that the fishing profession is on the decline in the community, as many youths do not seem to be enthusiastic about taking up the profession. An explanation for this is the increasing trend of modernization, globalization and education/enlightenment. With education, many people are more interested in formal, white-collar employment. When probed further, many of the young people said they wanted to live a life away from water. Figure 4.71: Occupational Background of Respondents Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 234 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Another possible explanation for the declining interest in fishing is the reported scarcity of fishes on the seas, which the respondents attributed to the dredging activities in the area. As one of the respondents noted, dredging activity affects them because “it makes the water colour to change and causes a depth in water which makes the fish scarce”. Plate 4.51: A Woman processing fish for smoking Plate 4.52: Fish Smoking facilities Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 235 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Tenure of Business Operation by Respondents Overall, 63% of the respondents had been in business for over 10 years; 49% 10 – 20 years; 11% 20 – 30 years and 3% over 30 years. On the lower side, 18% of the respondents had been in business for 5 – 10 years, 15% for 2 – 5 years, and 5% for two years or less (figure 4.72). The inference from this is that most of the respondents had been operating their businesses for a relatively long period. Figure 4.72: Duration of Respondents in Business Operation Analysis distances Distance to Workplaces of information between on the respondents’ houses and their workplaces indicates that more than 70% lived around or within one kilometre of their workplaces. More specifically, with 53% living within one kilometre of their workplaces, and 13% within 1 – 2 kilometres, while 15% worked more than 2 kilometres from their homes (figure 4.73). Figure 4.73: Approximate Distances to Workplace of Resondents Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 236 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Income Distribution of Respondents The modal monthly income group among the respondents is N10,000 or less (47%), followed by >N10,000 – N20,000 (35%), >N20,000 – N30,000 (6%), >N30,000 – N40,000 (5%), while 4% each earned >N40,000 – N50,000 and >N50,000 – N100,000 respectively (figure 4.74). However, as some of the respondents noted, their monthly incomes varied in line with the number of fishes they get. In the words of one respondent: “The amount we make monthly varies depending on how water is good, but on the average we make sometime fifteen to twenty-four thousand naira only”. Figure 4.74: Distribution of Monthly Income of Respondents Monthly Household Expenditure Monthly household expenditure ranged from under N5,000 to about N100,000, although 17% of the respondents could not estimate their monthly household expenditures. The modal monthly household expenditure is >N10,000 – N20,000 (57%). Some (12%) of the respondents reported monthly household expenditures of less than N5,000 (figure 4.75). As may be expected of a community of this nature, when juxtaposed with the reported monthly income, the expenditure levels suggest a relatively high level of poverty in the community. Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 237 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Figure 4.75: Distribution of Estimated Monthly Expenditure of Respondents HH Ownership of Household Appliances Analysis of the ownership of various household appliances can also be used to indicate the living conditions of the households. As shown in figure 4.76, about four-fifth of the households owned mobile telephone handsets; about 52% owned radio sets; while about 45% had television sets. Furthermore, about 18% of the households also had electric fans. All other household items listed were owned by less than 5% of the households. Again, this suggests a relatively low-income community. Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 238 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Figure 4.76: Distribution of Appliances Ownership by Respondents Household Water and Sanitation Members of the community buy potable water from outside the community. Water from dug wells are used for washing, bathing and some cooking, while the water from the lagoon is used mainly for cleaning and human waste disposal. The Focus Group Discussion participants shed more light on the water situation in the communities. Many discussants among the Egun remarked that the water from the local wells was not good for drinking. Some of them said they sometimes went as far as Iwaya (a riverine community on the Lagos Mainland) to buy water. They noted that the water from the lagoon was used for washing of dirty clothes, utensils and other things, while water from the local wells was used for bathing and sometimes, for cooking. They reported buying 50 litres of water for N150. Similarly, discussants from the Ilaje community of Itedo reported that the water from dug wells was not good for drinking, and thus they usually buy from sellers of acceptable clean water for drinking and cooking. The water, though from unknown sources, is said to be brought in to the community by water tankers and emptied into storage tanks from which everyone purchased at the rate of N80 a bucket (about 20 litres). Households were said to purchase 20 to 40 buckets of water per week, depending on the size of the family. Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 239 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Some households also reported relying on what is locally known as “pure water” (water in sachets) as their primary source of drinking water, spending as much as N800 in purchasing 11 bags and an average of N2,000 per week for purchasing drinking water for a household. The study indicated general lack of basic sanitation facilities in the community. Most of the houses lacked standard toilet and bathing facilities, with only a few households having pit latrines and makeshift bathing facilities. Thus, a good number of people in the community defecate directly into the lagoon. Plate 4.53: Water Storage facilities at Itedo community Plate 4.54: Children Fetching Water from Dug-well at Ebute-IIkate Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 240 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Plate 4.55: Makeshift Structure for Bathing in lagoon Plate 5.56: Makeshift Structure for bathing on land Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 241 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Energy for Cooking Kerosene stove and firewood were reported as the main forms of energy for cooking in the community. Plate 4.57: Stored Firewood for cooking in the community Plate 4.58: Cooking place in the community Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 242 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Waste Disposal Although the respondents reported that they participated regularly in the compulsory Thursday environmental sanitation exercise in the community, and collect their solid waste, which the Lagos Waste Management Authority helps them to dispose, there was still evidence of indiscriminate dumping of refuse and solid waste in the neighbourhood. Human wastes are discharged directly into the lagoon. The community dwellers did not think there was anything wrong with defecating in the lagoon. They also believed it is a good source of food for fishes. Plate 4.59: Indiscriminate solid waste disposal in the community Plate 4.60: Makeshift structure for human waste disposal into the lagoon Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 243 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Sources of Finance for Businesses and Engagements The respondents reported the existence of various traders’ and artisans’ cooperative and thrift association (such as Duromanto, Jejelaye Fishermen Cooperative, Kosi Wahala Fishermen), to which many of them belonged. These were said to be mutual-help associations for the benefit of members. There is also the FADAMA programme in the community. The Ilaje women who participated in the Focus Group Discussion also said they were members of the Ifesowapo Ladies Club. The women also reported participating in the popular contributory scheme (Ajo) in which members make financial contribution periodically to a common purse and members access the money on a turn-byturn basis as may be agreed by all members. The Egun men also reported membership of a similar scheme which they called “Donwa”, with members contributing about five hundred naira each, which is given to different members on a week-by-week basis. In terms of community organization, it was reported that a community meeting holds every two weeks, while the Ilaje women also reported the attendance of monthly family meetings, which holds in the first week of every month for all family members. Community Security The community was reported to be generally safe and secure. The youths were said to play a prominent role in ensuring the security of the community. However, some women from Itedo reported concerns about recent cases of burglary and shop breaking, which they said compelled them to employ local guards for the protection of their goods and properties. Conclusion A general conclusion that can be reached from this study is that the residents of the study communities are not strongly tied to land, as most of them live in “temporary” structures, which may not be too expensive to construct. This is because they recognize that they are “temporary tenants” on the land. Despite this “temporary status”, dislocation would still be expected to affect the residents in various ways. For instance, many of them are still likely to experience and suffer from the psychological, social and economic effects of dislocation, if necessary. In the process of relocation and resettlement, some properties are likely to be lost or damaged, families, friends and kinsmen are likely to be separated, people who work or operate businesses within the community would experience changes to incomes, etc. In terms of religious/cultural effects, the places of worship in the community would also be affected by dislocation/relocation. However, these can be re-located to new sites. Consultation with the community leaders of Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 244 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Ebute-Ikate and Itedo confirmed that the shrines and graves could be relocated, if need be. However, the proposed Orange Island Reclamation would not require any of the communities to be relocated or resettled, since the project site is on water and about 500 metres away from the nearest dwellers. Recommendations In order to ameliorate the possible effects of the proposed Orange Island reclamation project on the nearby communities and possibly enhance the positive impacts, the following recommendations are made: • The community members, especially the Ikate fishermen, should be adequately notified prior to the commencement of dredging, to enable them keep their fishing gears away from the project area. • The project promoters should consider providing some basic facilities such as toilets and potable water in the community in order to enhance their lives and nearest neighbours. This is in line with the suggestion of the Chairman of the Eti-Osa Local Government Area during consultation meeting on the proposed project. • If there is a need to dislocate or relocate the migrant community in future, a proper resettlement action plan should be put in place to ensure that project affected persons are appropriately and adequately restituted, to assuage the psychological and social effects of dislocation. Part of this process should include identification and preparation of the new locations for the affected persons and provision of necessary facilities and infrastructure (e.g. schools, hospitals, water supply, etc.) in the new location. Also the resettlement plan should cover provision of necessary and reasonable assistance for the relocation of socio-cultural and religious sites such as shrines, churches and mosques. 4.9.15 Public Health Assessment Introduction This health impact assessment is implemented as part of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for the proposed Orange Island reclamation. The identified stakeholders for this HIA include; Lagos state government, Orange Island Development company Limited, leaders and people of Ikate Elegushi community, and the EIA/HIA assessment teams. This HIA which was conducted between March and August 2013, adopted the US Centers for Disease Control guidelines (CDC, 2012). It is organized in seven parts. The International Association of Impact Assessment defines Health Impact Assessment (HIA) as “a combination of procedures, methods and tools that systematically judges the potential, and sometimes unintended, effects of a policy, plan, program or project on the health of a population and the distribution of those effects within the population. HIA identifies appropriate actions to manage those effects” (Quigley, 2006). HIA is concerned with Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 245 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation harmful effects and with the ways public decisions can be shaped to promote and improve a population’s health. It is also concerned with protecting vulnerable populations, in this case the Ebute-Ikate people living in shanty settlements along the Lekki lagoon in Lagos. The Case for the HIA (screening) After careful consideration, it was found necessary and worthwhile to conduct an HIA for the Orange Island reclamation project. Firstly, dredging and land reclamation activities are known to have many potentially harmful consequences to ecosystems and health (Mostafa 2012). Secondly, the affected community is a poor settlement of migrants who do not have the voice to defend themselves from potential harm from construction projects. Thirdly, it was feasible to conduct a meaningful assessment: there was sufficient time and expertise. HIA Scope and Methodology The goals for the HIA as follows: (1) Complete a rapid HIA report. This included: (a) screening, scoping data gathering, stakeholders’ consultation, report writing, and develop monitoring plan. (2) Engage potentially impacted residents in the HIA. This included: (a) In-person meeting with a panel of impacted residents to shape the scope of the rapid HIA, (b) community survey and data gathering. (3) Influence and inform the proposed development. This included: (a) dissemination of HIA report as well as summary of findings and recommendations to stakeholders and decision makers and (b) submission of HIA report as a component of the EIA The primary beneficiaries of this HIA are the people of Ebute-Ikate and Itedo communities who are most proximal the proposed reclamation area. The study presented a unique opportunity to interact with members of the community, to get their perspective about how the proposed project might affect their lives. It covers a baseline of the health profile of the community, their exposure to health challenges consequent upon the project, likely negative and positive impacts of the project activities on the community, and possible remedies. Research questions The research questions were as follows: i. What impacts will the proposed Orange Island reclamation project have on the health of the people of Ikate community; ii. What can be done to mitigate or eliminate any identified potentially negative impacts to health. The health impacts were assessed in two broad categories, namely: health outcomes and health determinants. The potential health effects of the project include its impact on diseases such as obesity, diabetes, hypertension, asthma, hearing impairment, malnutrition, water-borne illnesses, malaria, and mortality. There are also health determinants Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 246 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation that could be impacted by the project, and these were categorized into resources, behavioural risk factors, community structure, and environmental quality. These scoping categories were determined based on literature review and expert opinion. The pathways by which the project could impact these health determinants and outcomes are illustrated in Figure 4.77. Research Methods Both qualitative and quantitative research methods were employed in the assessment. Data sources used include literature review, secondary data (Nigeria Demographic and Health Survey 2008), primary survey data, and focus groups discussions (FGDs). A detailed questionnaire was used to interview a sample of 101 randomly selected adults in the community under study. The questionnaire was interviewer administered, in the language of choice of the respondent, using the help of interpreters where necessary. This survey instrument is attached as appendix Focus group discussions were held with cross-sections of men, women, and youths of the community. Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 247 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Figure 4.77: Pathway diagram showing links between land reclamation project and health Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 248 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Socio-Demographics The social impact assessment section of this EIA Report (section 4.6.14) provides detail socio-demographic data and information on the communities studied. Resources 23% of the respondents could not pay for health care in the last 12 months. Only 1% had health insurance. Access to healthcare is further impeded by the lack of public health care facilities within the community. Table 4.80 shows the locations of the health facilities employed by the communities and their relative distances from the people. As some of the women expressed, “We don't have any public hospital but we have what we refer to as a private hospital which is equally used as maternity centres. We go to Kizito or Ifeoluwa Hospital if cases are serious” (FGD with women, May 2013). Hence it is not surprising that the majority (53%) of the people do not make use of the formal health care system when sick; these patronize herbalists, chemists, faith-healers, and so on. Table 4.76: Location of Health Facilities and Distances from communities Distance from Community (km) Coordinates Ebute Ikate Itedo Northings Eastings St. Kizito Clinic 2.37 2.818 6.4347 3.5052 Ife-Oluwa Hospital Jakande 2.21 2.616 6.4348 5.5045 Eti-Osa LGA Primary Health Centre Igbo Efon 3.37 4.57 6.4370 3.5228 Chemist shop 2.016 0.152 6.440 3.4820 Health Centre Generally, the communities comprise of a low-income population, with majority (63%) of the working class earning 15,000 naira or less per month, a figure far less than the national minimum wage of 18,000 naira. “The amount we make monthly varies depending on how good the water is ….” (Male Focus Group Discussion, May 2013). 92% of households own the house they live in; the remaining 8% rent. Although housing availability will appear not to be a problem at a first look, the poor quality of these houses raises serious safety concerns. The houses, which are made of wood, bamboo, and zinc, are so shabbily constructed that they do not offer protection from harsh weather, rodents, insects, or other disease vectors (plate 4.61). Majority of houses in the community have only one or two rooms, yet majority (70%) of households have between 5-10 people. These suggest a high prevalence of overcrowding in the community. Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 249 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Plate 4.61: A typical House in Ebute-Ikate The people do not farm due to the fact that the soil in the area is of poor agricultural quality. “We don't farm here because the soil is not good for such. We are mainly fishermen and we buy our foods from the neighboring markets. Our traditional foods are Eko, Tuwo, Amala, Eba, Fufu, Semovita” (Women Focus Group Discussion of Ebute-Ikate, May 2013). The major source of protein is fish. They occasionally eat pork. Domestic water used in the community is obtained from wells (see plate 4.62). As much as 33% of respondents felt their source of domestic water was unreliable and hence not potable. “Our water is not good for consumption; we only use it to wash our dirty clothes. We go to Iwaya (a community on the mainland to buy water)” (Male Focus Group Discussion, May 2013). Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 250 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Plate 4.62: A child fetching water from dug well Behavioral Risk Factors 2% of the respondents are smokers. Although alcohol consumption seemed moderate, some practices such as encouraging pregnant women to take dry gin could be deleterious to health. As one respondent put it “We love to take ogogoro (local gin) but we don't refine it here. We only buy from outside the community and we use it for the purpose of showing hospitality to our guest and to make merry and most importantly it helps erect our manhood. We have never recorded any fatality in taking alcoholic drink in this community. We measure the quantity we drink by a small glass cup referred as shots. Pregnant women are encouraged to take a shot of gin per night after four (4) months of pregnancy” (Male Focus Group Discussion, May 2013). Fresh fruits and vegetable are not readily available in the community; as noted earlier the people do not farm. Hence, consumption of such healthy foods is low. The means of sewage disposal is unhygienic. They use make-shift structures for defecating into the open water body. One informant commented: “We do swim in the water at any time of the day not minding the excreta because we believe fishes eat our faeces”. Swimming in such filthy waters poses great risk of faeco-oral transmission of diseases. Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 251 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Community Structure Majority of the people (>60%) have lived in the community for 10 years or more. Most of the adults are married, and there was no single case of divorce among the people surveyed. “In this community there is no restriction in marriage. You can marry as much as you can cater for. “We also encourage intermarriage because we believe in the sustenance of lineages” (Male Focus Group Discussion, May 2013). Majority are Christians (87%), though an appreciable number practice traditional religion, worshipping gods like marine spirits. “The major shrine in Ikate waterside houses the Zangbeto Masquerade which normally holds August 20 annually” (Male Focus Group Discussion, May 2013). Ebute-Ikate is apparently a male-dominated society. One of the women focus group participant noted, “we are never informed nor participate when decisions are taken pertaining community matters” (Ebute Ikate Female Focus Group Discussion, May 2013). There are several community organizations for men – such as the Jejelaiye Fishermen Cooperative, and the Kosiwahala Fishermen – while there are neither women groups nor associations. The women are made to buy the fish harvested by their husbands, which they go on to sell for their own income. As one man stated “we sell fish to our wives whom now take to sell at Oju Olobun, Jakande market and other neighbouring communities” (Male Focus Group Discussion, May 2013). In Itedo community, the Ogynyemi family women reported that they are involved in the family meeting and decision making with their male counterpart. The cooperatives serve the role of banks for the people. “We don't normally put our money in banks but we form a group of ten called Donwa where we contribute about five hundred naira and give to different members every week.” The young ones also have their own social groups. “We have some associations such as One love, white and white and Osupa premises” (Youth FGD May 2013). A sense of strong community cohesion provides an atmosphere in which the people feel really safe and in no need of security forces. “Ikate is relatively safe. We don't really have a formidable vigilante group but our youths helps us with insecurity problems if there are any” (Male Focus Group Discussion, May 2013). In Itedo, where most of the women engage in petty trading, incidences of burglary of their shops have occurred in recent times. Environmental quality Waste management practices in the community are poor and harmful. There is indiscriminate waste disposal in the open. Such indiscriminate dumping of waste constitutes breeding grounds for disease vectors such as housefly and rodents. It also releases putrid smell into the environment, diminishing the air quality. Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 252 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Electricity supply is poor. “The electricity is not regular though available. This subjects us to cook with firewood and stove” (Male Focus Group Discussion, May 2013). Along the same lines, the women commented "we cook food with either stove or firewood. We spend about N2,000 on Kerosene every two weeks and as much as N4,000 on firewood every 3 weeks” (Female Focus Group Discussion, May 2013) Indoor pollution and inhalation of smoke from cooking are a known major source of air pollution (Fullerton et al. 2008), with potentially harmful consequences such as respiratory illnesses including cancers. Health outcomes The women noted: “We experience fever, blood shortage, worm, and cough amongst our children. We normally go to Kizito Hospital for antenatal care while we deliver at Ifeoluwa Hospital in Jakande” (Female FGD May 2013). 30% of the respondents considered their health as being at best fair or poor (Figure 4.78). More than half of the womenfolk had suboptimal weights; 20% of them were overweight, 28.6% were obese, while 5.7% of them were underweight. In contrast, only 5.7% of the men were overweight, and none of them was either obese or underweight. 3% have been told by a health professional that they have diabetes. Similarly the figures for other illnesses were as follows: hypertension – 1%, asthma – 1%, and hearing impairment – 4%. Figure 4.78: Respondents Perception of their general Health Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 253 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Impact analysis Dredging and sand-filling activities negatively impact the livelihoods of people that depend on water resources for sustenance. In the recent past, the People have expressed strong aversion for dredging activities on Lagos Lagoon, as evidenced by a prior petition to the Lagos State Government against one of the dredging companies (Somorin 2013). Despite fishing being the major source of income for the Ebute-Ikate people, they do not fish in commercial quantity in the area of the lagoon proposed for reclamation. “We do only small small fishing in this area (the proposed reclamation site) because catch is low (. We go far into the lagoon and sea to fish. Even, the fish we catch here are very small” (Female FGD May 2013). Also displacement is a serious concern of the people as they repeatedly expressed worries and begged for them not to be displaced from their land either by Oba Elegushi or by development projects. These people have spent a good part of their history migrating from one location to another, often unwittingly; hence, they do not desire any such circumstances as may force them to move once more. Eviction is known to have significant negative consequences such as leading to overcrowding, diminishing access to basic services, and generally leaves people worse off than they were (Agbola and Jinadu 1990). Table 4.77 presents a description of the impact analyses criteria, while Table 4.78 presents a summary of findings from the health impact analyses. It is important to note that for the purpose of this analysis, only the impact of the land reclamation project itself is considered; thus any potential benefits or harm that might accrue to the subsequent usage of the reclaimed land were not considered as the stakeholders agreed that these were outside the scope of the current analysis. Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 254 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Table 4.77: HIA Analyses Criteria Direction Magnitude Severity Likelihood Rank Description Rank Description Rank Description Rank Description Positive Changes that may improve health Low Causes impacts to no or very few people Low Causes impacts that can be quickly and easily managed or do not require treatment Likely it is likely that impacts will occur as a result of the proposal Negative Changes that may detract from health Medium Causes impacts to wider number of people Medium Causes impacts that necessitate treatment or medical management and are reversible Possible it is possible that impacts will occur as a result of the proposal Uncertain Unknown how health will be impacted High High Causes impacts that are chronic, irreversible or fatal Unlikely t is unlikely that impacts will occur as a result of the proposal Uncertain it is unclear if impacts will occur as a result of the proposal No effect Causes impacts to many people No effect on health Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 255 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Table 4.78: HIA Impact Analyses Summary of Findings Health Outcome or Determinant Direction Underlying mechanism(s)/remarks Magnitude Severity Likelihood General Health Status Negative A combination of factors High Medium Likely Obesity Negative Diabetes Negative Hypertension Negative Asthma Uncertain Hearing Impairment Negative Decrease intake of protein (fish), higher uptake of carbohydrates, and increase in sedentary lifestyle from unemployment. Decrease intake of protein (fish), higher uptake of carbohydrates, and increase in sedentary lifestyle from unemployment. Building projects on reclaimed land might improve electricity supply in neighborhood, decreasing usage of firewood and stove. On the other hand there could be air pollution from construction equipment. Noise pollution from construction activities Mental disorders: anxiety & depression Negative Malnutrition Water-borne illnesses Cancers Distribution Health Outcomes Decrease intake of protein (fish), higher uptake of carbohydrates. Increase in sedentary lifestyle from unemployment. Medium Medium Likely Low High Possible Low High Possible Low Medium Uncertain Low Low Possible Unemployment, displacement. Medium Medium Likely Negative Decrease intake of protein (fish), higher uptake of carbohydrates. Medium Medium Likely Negative Flooding, displacement. High High Possible. Negative Toxic chemicals and heavy metals from dredging activities Low High Uncertain Malaria Negative Environmental degradation, flooding. High High Possible Mortality Negative Combination of factors High High Possible Will impact women more, because of greater baseline prevalence of obesity Women will likely suffer more unemployment Pregnant women and children will suffer more consequences Health determinants Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 256 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Health Outcome or Direction Underlying mechanism(s)/remarks Determinant Resources: Individual, Household and Community Health care access: Decreased income from fishing could mean fewer resources to afford Negative affordability healthcare Health care access: Uncertain Uncertain availability Income and Uncertain Loss of livelihood, decrease income from fishing. employment Housing: supply, Negative Flooding, displacement. cost, accessibility Housing: safety Negative Flooding Food resources and Release of toxic chemicals, decline in fishing activities, reduced Negative safety income to purchase other food materials. Magnitude Severity Likelihood High Medium Likely High Medium Uncertain High Medium Likely High Medium Possible High Medium Likely Water resources and safety Negative Release of toxic chemicals, decline in fishing activities, reduced income to purchase potable water. High Medium Likely Recreational facilities Uncertain Environmental degradation, increased flooding Low Low Uncertain Social networks Negative Displacement due to flooding and/or environmental degradation Medium Low Possible Community cohesion Negative Displacement due to flooding and/or environmental degradation Medium Low Possible Crime and violence Negative Displacement due to flooding and/or environmental degradation Medium Low Possible Culture and spirituality Negative Displacement due to flooding and/or environmental degradation Medium Low Possible Distribution Community Structure Behavioral risk factors Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 257 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Health Outcome or Determinant Direction Underlying mechanism(s)/remarks Magnitude Severity Likelihood Distribution Tobacco use Negative Coping mechanism to unemployment, changes in community structure Low High Possible Will more likely affect males Alcohol consumption Negative Coping mechanism to unemployment, changes in community structure Low High Possible Will more likely affect males Consumption of fresh fruits/vegetable Uncertain reduced income to purchase fruits and vegetables High Medium Possible Hygiene and Sanitation: sewage disposal Uncertain Poor hygiene practices due to displacement High High Possible Hygiene and Sanitation: solid waste Uncertain Poor hygiene practices due to displacement High High Possible Air quality Uncertain Pollution from construction equipment Low Medium Possible Noise Negative Noise pollution from construction activities Low Low Possible Disease vectors Negative Environmental degradation, Increase flooding High Medium Likely Flood and erosion Negative Increase flooding High Medium Possible Environmental quality Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 258 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Recommendations Among the health determinants and outcomes considered for this analysis, the following which are likely to be impacted negatively, with medium-to-high magnitude and severity and as well as reasonable plausibility of impact, are to be given utmost attention: • • • • • • • • • • • • General Health Status Mortality Obesity Mental disorders: anxiety & depression Malnutrition Water-borne illnesses Malaria Health care affordability Food resources and safety Water resources and safety Disease vectors Flood and erosion Considering the vulnerability of the People of the waterside communities (especially, Ebute-Ikate) to impacts that may arise from the land reclamation project, adequate plans need to be put in place to address the challenges highlighted above. These plans can be in the following forms: 1. Provide alternative means of income: as most of these people rely on fishing for survival, a decline in fishing activities consequent upon this project will have negative impact on their livelihood. One way of mitigating this challenge is to establish a skills acquisition center to train some of the people in crafts, arts, and other technical professions that could provide them with an alternative means of livelihood. “…our major problem is temporary habitation of the land. Also, lack of education and vocational centers coupled with unemployment” (Youth FGD, May 2013). They will also need transport infrastructure and access to viable markets for their goods and services. As some of the women expressed: “we need land for market because we go as far as Idumota and Ajah to sell our product” (Female FGD, May 2013). The women should be given special consideration in the empowerment initiatives. 2. Provide the community with potable water: the community currently lacks access to potable water. “The only benefit that we believe we can derive from this project activity is for us to have regular power supply and to drill borehole for us because we buy a 50 liters plastic for 150 Naira each” (Female FGD, May 2013). 3. Provision of toilet facilities and waste disposal system: the sewage and waste disposal system in the community is highly unsanitary. This places the people at risk of faeco-oral illnesses and a host of vector borne diseases such as malaria. Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 259 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation 4. Health clinic: the community lacks a health center of its own, making the people to travel to other communities in search of health care. The majority is left with no option than to resort to alternative and questionable means of care such as faith-healers and chemist shops, especially as private health facilities are less accessible to them considering their income status. Establishing a health post or mobile health clinic within the community will go a long way in addressing the health needs of the people, as well as cushioning the health impacts of the project on the community. 5. Flood control: adequate measures should be put in place to manage the dredging and sand-filling activities in such a manner as to minimize the risk of flooding and environmental degradation. Conclusion Land reclamation activities alter the ecosystem of the surrounding areas with consequences that can be deleterious to health. Nonetheless, population growth results in a situation where there is constant need for man to expand the frontiers of current space for development activities. This exercise has highlighted the cardinal areas of concern concerning the health of the nearby communities. If adequately implemented, the recommendations made in this HIA will go a long way in protecting the health and livelihood of the affected people while permitting the Proponent Orange Island Development Company Limited and State to achiev’e its development objectives. Chapter Four: Description of Project Environment P a g e | 260 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation CHAPTER FIVE 5.1 ASSOCIATED AND POTENTIAL IMPACTS Introduction This chapter presents an assessment of the associated and potential impacts of the proposed Orange Island reclamation on the human and natural environment. Impacts on human environment are concerned about the effects of the proposed project on socio-economy and public health, while impacts on the natural environment consider interactions with the biophysical attributes. Assessment of the impacts of the proposed project focused on the effects of all actions and activities of the project on components sub components of the environment (human and natural). 5.2 Impact Assessment Methodology Characteristics A number of impact assessment methods have been developed, while new approaches continue to emerge. There are some fundamental characteristics for good and acceptable methods of impact assessment (SCOPE, 1979), these include: • Comprehensiveness This implies that the method should detect the full range of important elements and a combination of elements, directing attention to novel or unsuspected effects or impacts, as well as to the expected ones. • Selectivity This character relays the ability of the impact assessment method to focus on major factors. It is often desirable to eliminate as early as possible (i.e., during identification) un-important impacts that would dissipate effort if included in the final analysis. However, screening at the identification stage requires some pre-determination of the importance of an impact. Lindblom (1959), Beer (1967), and Holling (1978) provided some guidelines on how to deal with this issue. • Exclusivity This characteristic of an impact assessment methodology enables it to avoid as much as important, double counting of effects. Although this can be very difficult due to the interwoven interactions in environmental components, with experience and informed knowledge, it can be fairly well achieved. • Confidence limits Subjective approaches to uncertainty are common in many existing methods and can sometimes lead to quite useful predictions. However, explicit procedures are generally more acceptable, as their internal assumptions are open to critical examination, analysis, and if desirable, alteration. • Objectivity The importance of objectivity in impact assessments has been emphasized by many including the Federal Ministry of Environment and other Nigerian regulators. Objectivity minimizes the possibility that the predictions Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Five: Associated and Potential Impacts P a g e | 261 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation automatically support the preconceived notions of the promoter and/or assessor. These pre-judgments are usually caused by a lack of knowledge about local conditions or insensitivity to public opinion. A second reason for objectivity is to ensure comparability of EIA prediction amongst similar types of actions. An ideal impact prediction method contains no bias. • Prediction of Interactions Environmental, sociological and economic processes often contain feedback mechanisms. A change in the magnitude of an environmental effect or impact indicator may then produce unsuspected amplifications or dampening in other parts of the system. 5.3 Impact Assessment Methodology There is no universal methodology that can be applied for all project types (Canter, 1996). Adaptation of useful tools from existing methodologies to suit particular project is therefore, needful (UNEP, 1996). The use of an array of methodologies, leveraging on their specific strengths has been recommended (Lohani et al., 1997). In assessing the impacts of the proposed Orange Island reclamation project, combination of the following techniques was adopted: i. Checklists ii. Matrices iii. Computer models iv. Geographic Information Systems (GIS) In applying the above techniques, the impact assessment aimed at meeting the dual need of; guiding the project proponent to apply appropriate environmental management plans, and meeting regulatory requirements. The following approaches were employed to meet the needs: i. Resource/Receptor Based impacts approach – this approach assesses and describes impacts based on their effects on the environmental receptor(s) of affected resources. For instance, an assessment of the project impacts on fish and fisheries around the proposed project affected area. This approach provides information that are of interest to regulators and other stakeholders; ii. Activity-Based Assessment of Impacts – this approach looks at proposed project impacts on the environment on activity-by-activity bases, i.e.; it evaluates the impacts of every project action/activity on the environment. This approach is of great interest to the project proponent and its contractors, as it enables development and implementation of a sound environmental management plan. While using the above-explained techniques and approaches, the entire impact assessment process followed the steps below: Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Five: Associated and Potential Impacts P a g e | 262 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Step 1: Description of the proposed project’s actions/activities and their interactions with the environment; Step 2: Identification of components and sub components of the environment that could be affected by the proposed project activities. Step 3: Superimposition of the proposed project’s actions/activities on components of the environment to screen out all possible impacts. Step 4: Detailed assessment of all identified impacts under the following criteria: Positive or negative, direct or indirect, magnitude; frequency, duration, sensitivity, cumulative effects, and significance. Step 5: Description of the identified impacts. Detailed assessment of identified impacts was aided by the following: i. Survey of the baseline characteristics of the natural and human environment; ii. Interactions with project proponents and relevant contractors; iii. Comparative investigation of baseline environmental conditions with existing applicable regulatory requirements; iv. Consultation with experts and stakeholders; v. Knowledge and information from similar projects; vi. Reference to relevant literature (Published and unpublished) with guidelines on performing impact analysis; like those of the Federal Ministry of Environment, Word Bank, IFC performance Standards, Equator Principles, etc. 5.3.1 Description of the proposed project’s actions/activities and their interactions with the environment; Chapter three of this report presents the activities of the proposed Orange Island Reclamation project. However, as a prelude to the impact assessment process, an overview of the specific activities is presented below. Phase One – Pre-Reclamation This phase consists of activities that will be implemented prior to reclamation. It involves the following: • Project concept development, • Relevant Applications and discussions with Government authorities, • Project Site Survey, • Bathymetric studies, • EIA implementation, Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Five: Associated and Potential Impacts P a g e | 263 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation • Stakeholders' consultations, • Engagement of contractors, • Mobilisation to site. Phase Two – Reclamation This phase involves sand dredging sand filling of the proposed Island. Dredging will be carried out by cutter suction technology. Cutter Suction Dredger (CSD) is a stationary dredger. It consists of a pontoon, which is positioned with a spud-pole at the back and two anchors at the front. The soil is loosened by rotating a cutting head, while powerful in-board centrifugal pumps hydraulically transport the loosened soil. The cutter head, which is hydraulically driven encloses the intake of a centrifugal dredge pump. The cutter head is mounted at the end of a fabricated steel structure, named the ‘ladder’, which is attached to the main hull by heavy hinges that permit rotation in the vertical plane. The ladder assembly is lowered and raised by means of a hoisting controlled from the bridge. After loosening and suction, soil is pumped into a delivery pipeline (floating or landline) and discharged at desired location. Phase Three – Post-Reclamation This phase involves levelling of filled materials to desired landscape consolidation, as well as demobilisation from the site. 5.3.2 Components of environment that could be affected by the proposed project Field reconnaissance survey findings and expert assessment guided the screening of environmental components that could be affected by the proposed Orange Island reclamation. Table 5.1 and 5.2 present the environmental components that could be affected by the proposed reclamation. Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Five: Associated and Potential Impacts P a g e | 264 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Table 5.1: Components of Natural Environment that could be impacted by proposed project. Natural Environment Aquatic ecosystem Components Surface water quality Sediment quality Benthic biota Plankton Fish and fisheries Air Quality/ Noise Noise Energy level Ambient air quality Soil Erosion/Flooding Vegetation Floral types and Important Species Table 5.2: Components of Human and Socio-economic Environment that could be impacted by proposed project. Human Environment Livelihood/sustenance Components Fisheries activities Job/employment Business and Investment Demography Population Distribution Transportation Road Transportation Water Transportation Culture Religious practices Social and Cultural Values Health General Health and Comfort Feeding and Nutrition Social justice Stakeholders interests Land ownership/acquisition 5.3.3 Superimposition of project’s activities on environmental components. This stage involves evaluation of the proposed project activities' interactions with the environment and assessment of the natures of effects. The outcome of this exercise is presented in table 5.3. Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Five: Associated and Potential Impacts P a g e | 265 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Table 5.3: Project Activities and Mode of Impacts on Environmental Components Project Phase Activities Project concept development, Environmental Component Livelihood/sustenance Social justice Relevant Applications and discussions with Government authorities, Pre-reclamation Stakeholders' consultations, Project Site Survey, Bathymetric studies, EIA implementation, Aquatic Ecosystem Engagement of contractors Mobilisation to site. Dredging Aquatic ecosystem Transportation of dredged materials via floating pipes Air quality/Noise Sand filling of the proposed Island Livelihood and sustenance Erosion and flooding Orange Island Development Company Limited Interaction with government agencies and local communities will enhance cordial relationships in view of the overall interest among social groups. Watercrafts movements could discharge solid and liquid wastes into the water environment. Mobilisation to the site could increase noxious emissions and reduce ambient air quality around the project area Air quality/Noise Reclamation Mode of impact Hiring of required consultants and personnel for prereclamation activities will provide income and enhanced livelihoods for the beneficiaries. Use of survey vessels will increase noise levels and reduce ambient air quality via emission of noxious gases (NOx and SOx), etc. Dredging will displace sediment habitat causing morbidity and mortality of benthic biota Suspended materials in water column due to dredging and sand filling activities will increase turbidity, reduce light penetration and primary production. Chapter Five: Associated and Potential Impacts P a g e | 266 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Project Phase Activities Environmental Component Mode of impact Dredging and filling will cause migration of fishes, destruction of breeding grounds, morbidity and mortality of some species, especially, juveniles stages. Continuous dredging operations could increase the noise level. Increased noise level, especially at night will affect night fishing activities and may result in reduced catches. Continuous Illumination, especially at night will affect the dark reaction phase of photosynthetic cycle and reduce primary production. Floating pipes for transporting dredged materials could obstruct fishing grounds, e.g., nets setting and deployment. Air Quality and Noise Earth work, especially in dry season will increase ambient TSP levels. Levelling of Filled materials Water Quality Post-Reclamation Operation of machinery for transport and levelling of dredged materials will increase ambient noise level and noxious emissions. Discharge of dredged materials into the water column (from the edge of filled grounds) will increase suspended materials and turbidity, thereby affecting primary production. Demobilisation of machinery and personnel Wildlife Orange Island Development Company Limited Bird species could forage on dredged out fauna with bioaccumulated toxins (like heavy metals) which can affect the health of the birds. Toxic pollutions are linked to a number of ailments in birds, including thinning of eggs. Chapter Five: Associated and Potential Impacts P a g e | 267 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation 5.3.4 Detailed Assessment of all identified impacts Following the project activities and environment interactions presented in section 5.2.3, detailed assessment of all potential and associated impacts from the proposed Orange Island reclamation project was conducted. Evaluation and categorization of impacts considered conformance to regulatory standards, expert opinions, baseline environmental conditions, and sensitivity of impact recipients. Every impact was categorised based on specific characteristics defined in section Definition of Impact Terms An impact is a change in an environmental component or quality parameter, which results from a particular activity. Such change is the difference caused by the influence of project activity on the pre-project condition. An impact is specified in space and time. Specific attributes determine the characterisation of an impact. Presented below ate different impacts categories used the defining the effects of the proposed Orange Island Reclamation: Positive Impact: this is when project activity introduces effects that are considered improvements to the baseline environmental conditions, i.e., it produces healthier ecosystem and improved quality of living for human population. Negative Impact: this is when an activity introduces changes that are considered adverse to the baseline environmental conditions; i.e., it produces fewer healthy ecosystem and, quality of living that is below the pre-project conditions for human population. Direct Impact: this is a change directly occurring from the proposed activity, and easily traceable to its cause. Indirect or Secondary Impact: this change is less obvious, occurring later in time or further away from the impact source, but whose cause(s) could be linked to the proposed action. Cumulative Impact: This is an incremental effect resulting from a combination of new project impact and those of other activities undertaken recently or will be carried out in the near or foreseeable future. The individual impacts may be low or negligible, but may become significant in combination with others. Accumulation of the individual impacts could be incremental (additive) or interactive or synergistic resulting in an overall effect that is more severe than isolated impacts. Temporary: this defines impacts that are short-lived, reversible, and/or intermittent in nature. The environment returns to previous state when the impact stops, or after a very short time. Permanent: this refers to impacts that occur during project development but persist in the affected environment long after. Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Five: associated and Potential Impacts P a g e | 268 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Short-term: this describes impacts that last for a brief period during project development activity(ies) but recovers quickly due to natural cycle or applied mitigation measures. Long-term: this describes impacts that continue through a project's life cycle, and end with it. They may be intermittent or repeated rather than continuous but occur over the project life cycle. Tables 5.4 to 5.6 present checklist the characteristics of potential impacts from the proposed Orange Island Reclamation. Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Five: associated and Potential Impacts P a g e | 269 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Table 5.4: Characteristics of Impacts from the proposed project at pre-reclamation phase PRE-RECLAMATION PHASE ENVIRONMENTAL COMPONENTS X X X X X Direct X X X X X Indirect X X X X X Food/Feeding/Nutrition Health and Comfort Social and Cultural Values Religion Water Transportation Road Transportation Demography Business and investment Job/employment Land Acquisition Negative Temporary Vegetation X Stakeholders interests Positive Wildlife Fish and fisheries Plankton Benthic biota Sediment Surface water Ground water Human/Socioeconomic Environment Aesthetics Erosion/Flooding Soil structure/Quality Ambient Air Quality Noise Nature of Impact Natural Environment X X X X X X X X X X X X Permanent Reversible X Irreversible Short-term Long Term Intermittent Continuous Cumulative Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Five: Associated and Potential Impacts P a g e | 270 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Table 5.5: Characteristics of Impacts from the proposed project at reclamation phase Positive X Negative X X X X X X X X Direct X X X X X X X X Indirect Temporary X X X X X X X X X X Land Acquisition Stakeholders interests Food/Feeding/Nutrition Health and Comfort Social and Cultural Values Religion Water Transportation Road Transportation Demography Business and investment Job/employment Vegetation Wildlife Fish and fisheries Plankton Benthic biota Sediment Human/Socioeconomic Environment Surface water Ground water Aesthetics Erosion/Flooding Soil structure/Quality Ambient Air Quality Noise Nature of Impact RECLAMATION PHASE ENVIRONMENTAL COMPONENTS Natural Environment X X X X X X X Permanent X Reversible X X X X X X X X Irreversible Short-term X X X Long Term Intermittent X X X X X X X X X X X Continuous Cumulative Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Five: Associated and Potential Impacts P a g e | 271 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Table 5.6: Characteristics of Impacts from the proposed project at post-reclamation phase POST-RECLAMATION PHASE ENVIRONMENTAL COMPONENTS Negative X X X X Direct X X X X Land acquisition Stakeholders interests Food/Feeding/Nutrition Health and Comfort Social and Cultural Values X Religion Business and investment X Water Transportation Job/employment X Road Transportation Vegetation X Demography Wildlife Positive Fish and fisheries Plankton Benthic biota Sediment Surface water Ground water Human/Socioeconomic Environment Aesthetics Erosion/Flooding Soil structure/Quality Ambient Air Quality Noise Nature of Impact Natural Environment X X Indirect X Temporary X X Permanent X Reversible Irreversible Short-term X X Long Term X X X X X X Intermittent Continuous Cumulative Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Five: Associated and Potential Impacts P a g e | 272 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Impact Severity Criteria Severity criteria used in this impacts assessment deal on impacts expected from project activities and emergencies on the natural environment, socio-economic and human environment, as well as public health and safety of workers. Assessment of impacts generally involved evaluation of the potential effects of project actions on the impact indicators identified in tables 5.1 and 5.2. The impact severity criteria applied to this assessment include: i. Magnitude ii. Duration iii. Areal extent iv. Frequency v. Sensitivity a. Magnitude: this is the quantitative intensity of impact(s). It is measured in terms of the proportion of resources or a population that can be affected by an impact by project activities. Impact magnitude is typically expressed in terms of relative severity such as high (or major), medium (or moderate), low or negligible described as follows: High - this is when large proportion of resource or population (up to half) is affected, with observable and measurable effects; Medium – this is when a moderate amount of resource or less than half of a population is affected, with generally measurable and observable effect; Low – this is when a small amount of resources or population is affected. A low magnitude impact may be within the range of slight variation from background conditions; Negligible – this is when the amount of the resource or population affected is generally unnoticeable or immeasurable small. b. Duration: this is the time estimated for a population or a resource to return to conditions prior to the impact. It is the period between the commencement of impact and when it ends. Duration of impacts from the proposed Island reclamation were characterized and described as follows: High - long-term impact; recovery will not occur within ten years; Medium - moderate-term impact; recovery will occur between one and ten years; Low - short-term impact; recovery will occur in less than one year; Negligible - recovery from impact is short-termed and almost immediate. Characterization of the duration of impact as low, medium, or high equally considers the degree of reversibility of impact. Irreversible impacts are classified with high duration. Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Five: Associated and Potential Impacts P a g e | 273 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation c. Area Extent: this refers to the geographical space within which project activities' effects occur. It can be described in unit such as km2, hectares, acres, plots, etc. The severity criteria used for area extent are as follows: High – impact with national, regional or global environment (e.g., GHG emissions) influence; Medium – impact in the general vicinity of the project site or study area; Low - impact limited to the immediate vicinity of the activity of source activities; Negligible - impact limited to a very small part of the activity area. d. Frequency – this is the number of times an impact is expected to occur over the life cycle of the project. Frequencies of impacts due to the proposed project were characterized as follows: High - continuous impact: impact will occur continuously throughout the life of the project (e.g., continuous discharge of process wastewater); Medium - intermittent impact: impact will occur intermittently over the life of the project; Low - rarely occurring impact: impact will occur a very limited number of times (e.g., pre=reclamation impact); e. Sensitivity of the Receptor: this describes the economic, social, and/or ecological importance of an impact receptor. Impacts that directly affect people or critical natural resources are deemed more important than those that indirectly affect people or vital resources. This also covers impacts on environmental sensitive areas (ESAs) such as wetlands, as well as impacts on endangered species, or introduction of invasive species. Sensitivity criteria for receptors of impacts from the proposed reclamation were characterized as follows: High - refers to a receptor with high economic, social and/or ecological importance and/or has intrinsic sensitivity (including vulnerability and exposure) to the specific impact (eg. Introduction of High noise level to human residence); Medium – refers to a receptor with moderate economic, social and/or ecological importance and is not particularly vulnerable and/or exposed to the impact; Low – refers to a receptor with low economic, social and/or ecological importance and is not vulnerable and/or exposed. Negligible - receptor is not of economic, social and/or environmental importance and not vulnerable. Table 5.7 presents a summary description of the severity criteria ratings used for the impacts, while table 5.8 shows the colour codes and ranking for the ratings. Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Five: Associated and Potential Impacts P a g e | 274 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Table 5.7: Impact Severity Ratings Magnitude High Medium Low Negligible Areal Extent Frequency Continuous impact: impact will occur continuously throughout the life of the project (e.g., continuous discharge of process wastewater) Duration Large amount of the resources or pollution is affected; an easily observable and measurable effect OR greater than quantitative or semi-quantitative criteria Impact to the national, regional or global environment Moderate amount of the resource or population is affected; generally measurable and observable effect OR at the quantitative or semi-quantitative criteria Impact to the general vicinity of the project site or study area Intermittent impact: impact will occur intermittently over the life of the project Impact limited to the immediate vicinity of the activity or occurrence that results in the impact. Rarely occurring impact: impact will occur a very limited number of times (e.g., construction impacts) Short-term impact; recovery will occur in less than one year. Negligible category is not applicable to this situation because impact with no frequency would not occur. Recovery from impact is short-termed and almost immediate. Small amount of the resource or population is affected; a low magnitude impact may be within the range of normal variation of background conditions OR less than the quantitative or semi-quantitative criteria OR impact not detected or at background conditions. The amount of the resource or population affected is unnoticeable or immeasurable small OR impact not detected or at background conditions. Orange Island Development Company Limited Impact limited to a very small part of the activity area. Long-term impact; recovery will not occur within ten years. Moderate-term impact; recovery will occur between one and ten years. Sensitivity of Receptor Receptor is of high economic, social and/or environmental importance and/or has intrinsic sensitivity (including vulnerability and exposure) to the specific impact. Receptor is of moderate economic, social and/or environmental importance and is not particularly vulnerable and/or exposed to the impact. Receptor is of low economic, social and/or environmental importance and is not vulnerable and/or exposed. Receptor is not of economic, social and/or environmental importance and/ sensitive and/or vulnerable. Chapter Five: Associated and Potential Impacts P a g e | 275 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Table 5.8: Rankings of the Impact Severity Criteria Rating High Moderate or medium Low Negligible Positive Impact Rank 8 -10 5–7 2–4 0–1 Colour code Impact Significance: The significance of each impact was predicted by summation its severity criteria and superimposing on the likelihood of its occurrence. The overall impact severity was based upon the aggregation of the various severity criteria discussed in (a – e). The aggregations are as follows (and depicted in figure 5.1): i. ii. iii. iv. Impact Quantum (IQ) Temporal Effects (TE) Overall Impact Severity (IS) Impact Significance (S) = = = (Magnitude (Duration (IQ = (IS + + + + Area Extent) ÷ 2 Frequency) ÷ 2 TE)/2 Impact Likelihood (L)) ÷ 2 Figure 5.1: Impact Significance prediction Process The overview of the impact analyses for the proposed reclamation is presented as a matrix (Leopold et al., 1971) (Table 5.9) while the outcome of the impact significance prediction is presented in Table 5.11 Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Five: Associated and Potential Impacts P a g e | 276 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Table 5.9: Associated and Potential Impacts Matrix of the Proposed Orange Island Project Land Ownership Stakeholders interests Food/Feeding /Nutrition Health and Comfort Social and Cultural Values Religion Water Transportation Road Transportation Demography Business and investment Job/employment Vegetation Wildlife Fish and fisheries Plankton Benthic biota Sediment Surface water Ground water Human/Socio-economic environment Aesthetics Erosion/Flooding Soil structure/Quality Pre-Reclamation Ambient Air Quality Activities Noise Natural Environment Project Concept Design Government Relations Site acquisition Feasibility and EIA Stakeholders consultations Contract Award Mobilisation to site Reclamation Dredging Materials Transport Filling Post-Reclamation leveling of Materials Demobilisation from site Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Five: Associated and Potential Impacts P a g e | 277 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Table 5.10: Impact Significance Matrix for the proposed Orange Island Reclamation Project Areal Extent Impact Quantum (IQ) Frequency Duration Temporal Effects (TE) IQ & TE Sensitivity Overall Impact Severity Likelihood Impact Significance Phase Magnitude Impact Severity Criteria Noise 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 4 3 5 4 Ambient Air Quality 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 4 3 3 3 Aesthetics 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 Surface water 3 3 3 1 1 1 2 6 4 3 4 Fish and fisheries 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 6 4 3 3 Road Transportation 3 4 4 1 2 2 3 7 5 6 5 Noise 4 4 4 6 6 6 5 5 5 8 7 Ambient Air Quality 2 3 3 5 6 6 4 5 5 3 4 Aesthetics 1 4 3 1 5 3 3 3 3 3 3 Surface water 7 4 6 5 4 5 5 7 6 8 7 Sediment 5 4 5 6 4 5 5 7 6 10 8 Benthic Biota 5 4 5 6 4 5 5 8 6 10 8 Plankton 4 3 4 3 4 4 4 5 4 8 6 Fish and Fisheries 7 4 6 3 4 4 5 8 6 7 7 Water Transportation 1 1 1 2 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 Materials Transport Fish and Fisheries 1 1 1 1 3 2 2 4 3 1 2 Filling Erosion/Flooding 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 8 5 1 3 Activity Pre-Reclamation Mobilisation to site Dredging Reclamation Orange Island Development Company Limited Impacted Component Chapter Five: Associated and Potential Impacts P a g e | 278 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Orange Island Development Company Limited Temporal Effects (TE) IQ & TE Sensitivity Overall Impact Severity Likelihood Impact Significance Demobilisation Duration Leveling Frequency Post-Reclamation Impact Quantum (IQ) Activity Areal Extent Phase Magnitude Impact Severity Criteria Aesthetics 2 1 2 2 3 3 2 1 2 3 2 Surface Water 7 4 6 5 4 5 5 7 6 8 7 Sediment 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 5 3 9 6 Benthic Biota 5 4 5 5 4 5 5 7 6 9 7 Plankton 3 3 3 3 4 4 3 5 4 7 6 Fish and Fisheries 7 4 6 3 4 4 5 5 5 7 6 Noise 1 2 2 4 3 4 3 6 4 3 4 Air Quality 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 4 3 3 3 Aesthetics 1 2 2 1 3 2 2 4 3 3 3 Surface Water 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 7 4 5 5 Fish and Fisheries 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 7 4 3 4 Road Transportation 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 5 3 1 2 Impacted Component Chapter Five: Associated and Potential Impacts P a g e | 279 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation 5.3.5 Description of identified Impacts This section presents a description of potential and associated impacts of the proposed Orange Island Reclamation project. The positive impacts are discussed first. The discussion of the negative impacts was based on impacts’ receptors in order of the project phases. 5.4 Positive Impacts The proposed Orange Island Reclamation Project will result in a number of positive impacts on human/social, and natural components of the environment. Notable beneficial impacts from the project are presented below. 5.4.1 Positive Impacts during Pre-reclamation Phase The positive impacts identified during this phase include the following: Job/Employment Creation The proposed Orange Island reclamation project will provide jobs and employments at the pre-reclamation phase. Activities at this phase require the services of: Architects, Legal experts, Bathymetric and Seismic surveyors, Financial experts, Landscape designers, Quantity Surveyors, Land Surveyors, Geotechnical Engineers, Geophysical surveyors, EIA Consultants, Town Planners, Development Managers, Administrators, etc. About 25 professionals/experts are already engaged at this stage as consultants. It was estimated that at least another 75 indirect jobs had to be created via the consultants. The later activities of the pre-reclamation phase; which covers; award of contract for dredging and filling, and mobilization of equipment and personnel to the site is anticipated to create additional 10 direct and 40 indirect jobs. Benefactors of these jobs expectedly will improve the livelihood of their respective families and dependants. Applying a conservative estimate of oneperson– two dependants, the 150 persons employed would have added positive values to another 300 people at the minimum. Stakeholders’’ Interests The proposed project will be developed under a Public-Private Partnership (PPP) with the Lagos State Government. The primary stakeholders, therefore, include; the Project Promoters (Orange Island Development Company), Lagos State Government, Eti-Osa Local Government and Ikate Elegushi Community. Other stakeholders include, the Federal Ministry of Environment and Lagos State Ministry of Environment. The identified positive impacts here include economic benefits accruable to the promoters, ownership of the project by the Lagos State Government in line with the PPP MoU 25, associated development and improved livelihood of the nearby local communities. The Government will take over the Island and inherit the long-term 25 Memorandum of Understanding Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Five: Associated and Potential Impacts P a g e | 280 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation benefits accruable from sales and taxations. In addition, the development will likely increase real estate value in the neighborhood, which eventually benefits landowners and local communities. Land Ownership The project will provide about 150 hectares of usable land to the promoters, and eventually for the Lagos State Government that shall take over the project in line with the PPP MoU. In the event that the State Government decides to privatise the lands, the buyers will also reap long-term benefit from the project. Improved Quality of life The proposed island development due to its design and infrastructure will improve the social life and health of the resident and visiting population. Recreational facilities, green environment and aesthetic landscaping, etc. altogether will enhance quality of life. 5.4.2 Positive Impacts during the Reclamation Phase Job/Employment Creation The dredging and filling activity is expected to last six months. Activities at this phase will provide short-term jobs for the dredging contractor and personnel, and improve the livelihood of their families/dependants. Fueling and maintenance of the machinery will also promote business for the dealers and maintenance companies. Wildlife The filled island will provide landing sites for bird species. Birds will equally forage on biota exposed by dredging activities. 5.4.3 Positive Impacts during Post-reclamation Phase Wildlife (Birds) Filled and leveled island will provide landing and breeding sites for some bird species and intertidal species like mollusks and crabs. 5.5 Negative Impacts Forty-eight (48) negative impacts of varying degrees were identified to be associated with the proposed Orange Island reclamation (Table 5.11). 50% (24 impacts) are of low significance; 42 % (20 impacts) are categorized of moderate or medium significance, while negligible and high significance impacts, recorded 4% (2 impacts) each (figure 5.2). The various impacts are discussed in following sections. Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Five: Associated and Potential Impacts P a g e | 281 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Figure 5.2: Distribution of Negative Impacts’ significance 5.5.1 Negative Impacts during Pre-Reclamation Air Quality – Emission from vehicular movements During mobilization of equipment and personnel to site, vehicular emissions would contribute to ambient air quality. Typical gaseous emissions from petrol and diesel engines are nitrogen (N2), carbon dioxide (CO2), steam (H2O) and carbon monoxide (CO). Oxides of nitrogen (NOx), sulphur (SOx) and suspended particulates are expected in trace amounts. Transportation of the dredger and ancillary equipment will mainly be through waterways with no close interaction with human communities, except for fishermen and other water users encountered on transit. Under baseline conditions in dry and wet seasons, the amount of NO2 CO and Particulate Matters recorded around the proposed project site were below the FMEnv standards as shown in table 5:11. The closest community is about half a kilometer from the proposed project site. Transportation of personnel on road will be minimal. All mobilization activities are expected to last not more than two weeks. In view of the low impact quantum and negligible temporal effects, this impact is considered of low significance. Box 5.1 presents a summary of the severity criteria of this impact. Mitigation will be required to reduce the significance to negligible status. Box 5.1: Impact on Air quality from Vehicular emissions during mobilisation to the field. Impact Quantum Temporal Effects 2 (Low) 1 (Low) Air Quality Impact during mobilization to site Likelihood Significance Impact Nature (Pre-mitigation) 3 (Low) 3 (low) Direct, short term, temporary Orange Island Development Company Limited Mitigation Required Chapter Five: Associated and Potential Impacts P a g e | 282 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Table 5.11: Air Quality Standards Used in the Assessment Pollutant CO CO CO NO2 NO2 FMEnv Average Criterion -3 Period (µgm ) 1 hr 11400 1 hr 75-113 - Particulates PM10 PM10 24 hr - 250 - Applicable Standards EU Average Criterion -3 Period (µgm ) 8hr 10000 1 hr 200 Annual 40 mean 24hr 50 Annual 40 mean WHO Average Criterion -3 Period (µgm ) 8hr 40000 1hr 30000 1 hr 200 Annual 40 mean 24hr 50 Annual 20 mean Noise Impacts Noise refers to unwanted sound and vibrations. Noise emitted from road vehicular and watercrafts movement could disturb nearby human settlement and wildlife. During mobilization, probable receptors of noise include; small business operators along Itedo road, residents of Itedo and Ikate settlements of Ikate Elegushi Community, as well as fishermen and other travelers by waterways. Noises from the project vehicles are unlikely to exceed the permissible level by the FMEnv. Noise level at Itedo and Ikate settlements during the field studies in wet and dry seasons were below 57dB (A) (figures 5.4 and 5.5). This baseline noise level is below the FMEnv permissible level of 90 dB(A) for eight hours exposure. Noise emission to nearest recipients in the worst case scenario is not expected to exceed 70dB (A) during this activity. Considering the short-term/temporary nature of this activity, the significance of noise impact during mobilization to the site is considered low. Box 5.2 presents a summary of the impacts’ severity criteria. Box 5.2: Severity criteria for Impact on Noise from Vehicular emissions during mobilisation to field. Impact Quantum Temporal Effects 2 (Low) 1 (Negligible) Noise Impact during mobilization to site Likelihood Significance (Pre-mitigation) 5 (Moderate) 4 (low) Impact Nature Direct, short temporary Mitigation term, Required Impacts on Aesthetics Residents and corporate entities in that section of Lekki 1 also use the link road to the proposed reclamation site. The general visual conditions along the road could affect the aesthetic value along the corridor. The roadsides Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Five: Associated and Potential Impacts P a g e | 283 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation are used by small business operators whose activities contribute to the untidy conditions within the area via indiscriminate solid waste disposal. Mobilization for the reclamation activity could further reduce the aesthetic value along the road, and lagoon front if personnel dispose wastes inappropriately. Since the contractor has strict Waste Management policy, is unlikely to occur. This impact is considered low in view of its negligible impact quantum (short-term mobilization period) and low likelihood of occurrence. Box 5.3 presents a summary of the impacts’ severity criteria. Box 5.3: Severity criteria for Impact on Aesthetics during mobilisation to field. Impact Quantum 2 (Low) Impact on Aesthetics during mobilization to site Temporal Effects Likelihood Significance (Pre-mitigation) 1 (Negligible) 2 (Low) 2 (low) Impact Nature Direct, short temporary Mitigation term, Required Impact on Surface Water Quality Barges and small crewing vessels will be used to transport equipment and personnel to the site from Port Harcourt. Poor Waste Management by vessel operators could cause disposal of liquid and solid wastes into surface water. This impact is considered to be of low significance in view of the short-term nature and low likelihood of occurrence due to strict Waste Management policy of the contractor. Box 5.4 presents a summary of the impacts’ severity criteria. Box 5.4: Severity criteria for Impact on surface water during mobilisation to field. Impact Quantum 3 (Low) Impact on surface water during mobilization to site Temporal Effects Likelihood Significance Impact Nature (Pre-mitigation) 1 (Negligible) 3 (Low) 4 (Low) Direct, short term, temporary Mitigation Required Impact on Fish and Fisheries Fishing Lagos Lagoon near the project area has reduced drastically in the recent times due to progressive low catches by fishermen (this was reported during consultations and focus group discussions with host communities). Fishing still occurs albeit at a subsistence level. Potential impacts on fish and fisheries during mobilization to the site could be in form of occupation of fishing grounds and accidental destruction of set fishing gears. This impact is considered moderate in sensitivity in view of its socioeconomic importance. However, there will be low likelihood of importance due to prior information of the fishermen, and also low impact quantum due to short period involved. The overall significance is therefore graded low. Box 5.5 presents a summary of the impacts’ severity criteria. Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Five: Associated and Potential Impacts P a g e | 284 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Box 5.5: Severity criteria for Impact on Fish and Fisheries during mobilisation to field. Impact Quantum 2 (Low) Impact on fish and fisheries during mobilization to site Temporal Effects Likelihood Significance Impact Nature (Pre-mitigation) 1 (Negligible) 3 (Low) 3 (Low) Indirect, short term, temporary Mitigation Required Impact on Road Traffic Transportation of personnel occasionally to the reclamation site will be via Lekki-Epe Expressway. Traffic along this route is usually heavy between the hours of 6:00 and 9:00am 12:30 and 2:00pm and, between 5:00 and 9:00pm. It is estimated that during the pre-reclamation phase of the proposed project, an average of two passenger-vehicles (SUV and Pick-up trucks) will make return trips to the site daily for about a week. In view of man-hour loss and other socio-economic effects of slow traffic due to increased number of vehicles on the road, impact of road transport is considered moderately sensitive and likely to occur. However, the anticipated low impact quantum in terms of few additional vehicles due to the proposed project, and low temporal effects, this impact is considered to be of moderate significance. Box 5.6 presents a summary of the impacts’ severity criteria. Box 5.6: Severity criteria for Impact on Road Traffic during mobilisation to field. Impact Quantum Temporal Effects 4 (Low) 2 (Low) 5.5.2 Impact on Road Traffic During mobilization Likelihood Significance (Pre-mitigation) 6 (Moderate) 5 (Moderate) Impact Nature Mitigation Indirect, short term, temporary Required Negative Impacts during Reclamation Activities at this phase include; dredging, transport of dredged materials via pipelines, and filling of the proposed island location. The negative impacts identified to be associated with these activities are discussed in the following subsections. Noise Impact during Dredging/Filling Noise impact study is very important considering that the dredging/filling activities will go on almost around the clock for about six months. While considering sensitive environments within the area of influence of the reclamation activities, noise models were run to estimate the influence of dredging/filling activities on noise levels at surrounding environments. The following scenarios were considered for noise impacts on the environment; 1. BASELINE SCENARIO: Noise level distribution within the area of influence of the proposed reclamation project based on the pre-project measured values. Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Five: Associated and Potential Impacts P a g e | 285 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation 2. LOW NOISE IMPACT SCENARIO: Noise level distribution due to continuous operation of the CSD or a combination of other machinery with source noise level of 103 dB(A). 3. HIGH NOISE IMPACT SCENARIO: Noise level distribution due to continuous operation of the CSD and another work vehicle (Tugboat or multicat) – with source noise emission of 103dB(A) and 110dB(A) respectively. Noise level distribution contours (and raster) were generated using Inverse Distance Weighted (IDW) interpolation. IDW is a GIS tool, which uses a method of interpolation that estimates cell values by averaging the values of sample data points in the neighborhood of each processing cell. The closer a point is to the center of the cell being estimated, the more influence, or weight; it has in the averaging process. The models were run on ESRI ArcGIS 10.1 Software. The noise levels around (Baseline scenario) the proposed project area in dry and wet seasons, based on in-situ measurements are presented in figures 5.3 and 5.4 respectively. Figures 5.5 shows the noise level around the project area due to the effect of the continuous dredging/filling – with only the CSD in operation – LOW NOISE IMPACT SCENARIO, while figure 5.6 shows the HIGH NOISE IMPACT scenario which results from the operation of the CSD and other high noise emitting vehicle. Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Five: Associated and Potential Impacts P a g e | 286 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Figure 5.3: Baseline Noise level around the project area in dry season Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Five: Associted and Potential Impacts P a g e | 287 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Figure 5.4 Noise level around the project area in wet season Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Five: Associted and Potential Impacts P a g e | 288 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Figure 5.5: Noise level around the project area during operation of the CSD only – LOW NOISE IMPACT SCENARIO Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Five: Associted and Potential Impacts P a g e | 289 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Figure 5.6: Noise level around the project area during operation of the CSD and another heavy machinery – HIGH NOISE IMPACT SCENARIO Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Five: Associted and Potential Impacts P a g e | 290 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Table 5.12 presents the range of noise level perception at different receptor locations around the proposed project area at daytime. Table 5.12: Baseline and Predicted Noise Levels at different Receptor environments around the project area Receptor Area ~Distance from Site (km) Range of Noise Level (dB(A) Baseline Baseline Low Impact Dry Wet Scenario Itedo settlement Ikate settlement Chevron Head quarters Lekki Phase 1 Residents Igba Efon Jakande Victoria Garden City Nigeria Conservation Foundation St. Kizito Clinic Ife Oluwa Hospital Ave Maria Cath. Church 3.7 2.7 5.2 4.5 4.8 4.9 4.9 5.8 4.6 4.5 4.0 58 – 60 54 – 60 67 – 69 60 - 64 65 – 66 63 – 65 52 – 57 67 - 69 60 – 62 60 – 64 58 - 60 59 - 63 57 – 63 68 – 70 59 – 66 67 – 69 66 – 69 54 – 60 64 – 70 68 – 69 68 – 69 59 - 62 62 – 64 58 – 64 66 – 72 62 – 68 68 – 70 68 – 70 58 – 60 66 – 72 66 - 71 66 – 71 59 - 65 High Impact Scenario 64 – 68 68 – 70 70 – 74 64 - 70 68 - 72 68 -72 58 - 62 68 – 74 66 – 72 66 – 72 64 - 70 Noise level from the prediction models shows that even under high-impact scenario, the maximum noise levels at the recipient zones are below the FMEnv permissible limit. Figure 5.7 compares noise level at receptor areas with the Federal Ministry of Environment and World Bank permissible levels. Figure 5.7: Comparative Assessment of baseline and predicted noise levels at Specific Receptor areas with regulatory permissible levels WB (C&I) – World Bank Permissible Noise Level for Commercial and Industrial Area WB (R&E) – World Bank Permissible Noise Level for Residential and Educational Area Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Five: Associated andPotential Impacts P a g e | 291 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Considering the continuous nature of noise impact during dredging/filling activities, sensitivity of recipients and high likelihood of occurrence, noise impact at this stage is considered of moderate significance. Box 5.7 presents a summary of the impacts’ severity criteria while figure 5.8 shows noise levels from different sources. Box 5.7: Severity criteria for Noise Impact during dredging/filling. Impact Quantum Temporal Effects 4 (Low) 6 (Moderate) Noise impact during dredging Likelihood Significance (Pre-mitigation) 8 (High) 7 (Moderate) Impact Nature Mitigation Direct, continuous, short term, temporary Required Figure 5.8: Typical Sound Levels from various sources Source: Occupational Safety and Health Administration, US Department of Labour Air Quality Impacts from CSD and Ancillary Crafts Noxious Emissions Emissions from the CSD and other ancillary crafts will potentially increase noxious gas in the surrounding environment. Typical gaseous emissions from petrol and diesel engines are nitrogen (N2), carbon dioxide (CO2), steam (H2O) and carbon monoxide (CO). Oxides of nitrogen (NOx), sulphur (SOx) and suspended particulates Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Five: Associated andPotential Impacts P a g e | 292 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation can also be emitted in trace amounts. Under baseline conditions in dry and wet seasons, the amount of NO2, CO and Particulate Matters recorded around the proposed project site were below the FMEnv standards. The closest community to the dredging site is about half kilometer away, making it unlikely for perceptible concentration by human population to exceed the permissible limits. Estimated CO2 emissions from the various crafts are presented in Table 5.13. Table 5.13: CO2 Emissions from various work Machinery ESTIMATED CO2 EMISSIONS FROM PROJECT MACHINERY. kgCO2/OH OH Equipment 1,632.7 100 Calabar River (CSD 110.7 90 Bulldozer 101.3 90 Excavator 104.4 90 Wheel loader 11.3 35 Car 10 168 Diesel Generator tonCO2/wk 163.3 10 9.1 9.4 0.4 1.7 Considering the continuous nature, and short-term of the dredging/filling, the temporal effects of noxious emissions is considered to be of moderate severity. In view of the localized nature of the effects, the impact quantum is adjudged to be of low severity. The significance of impact of dredging/filling activities on air quality is therefore considered low. Box 5.8 presents a summary of the impacts’ severity criteria. Mitigation will be required to reduce the impact severity. Box 5.8: Severity criteria for Air Quality Impact during dredging/filling. Impact Quantum Temporal Effects 3 (Low) 6 (moderate) Air Quality impact during dredging/filling Likelihood Significance Impact Nature (Pre-mitigation) 3 (low) 4 (Low) Direct, continuous, short term, temporary Mitigation Required Impact(s) on Aesthetics Reduction in aesthetics during dredging/filling could arise from improper discharge or disposal of wastes. Floating wastes (solid/liquid) on water reduce aesthetics and cause nuisance to navigation. Potential sources of wastes include spillages of liquid fuel and used lubricating oil, disused machine parts, disused PPEs, kitchen wastes, paper, wood planks, etc. The Quantum, Temporal Effects and likelihood of this impact (occurring) are considered of low severity. The overall impact significance is also predicted to be low. Box 5.9 presents a summary of the impacts’ severity criteria. Mitigation will be required to reduce the impact severity. Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Five: Associated andPotential Impacts P a g e | 293 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Box 5.9: Severity criteria for Impact on Aesthetics during dredging/filling. Impact Quantum 3 (Low) Impact on Aesthetics during dredging/filling Temporal Effects Likelihood Significance Impact Nature (Pre-mitigation) 3 (Low) 3 (Low) 3 (Low) Direct, temporary Mitigation Required Impact(s) on Surface Water during Dredging/Filling CSD operation involves cutting and dislodging of water bottom sediments and hydraulically sucking out the soil and water mixture through a pipeline to desired location. Dredging/filling would lead to alteration of physicchemical quality of water. Notable effects that arise due to sediment re-suspension include: Increased turbidity, reduced light penetration, reduced pH, reduced dissolved oxygen, release of toxic components such as heavy metals, organic contaminants into the water column. Increase in suspended particles is expected to be minor considering the less than 10% content of silt and clay particles in water sediment of project area (table 5.14). Heavy metals in sediment around the proposed project site were generally low in concentration. Cadmium, Lead, Nickel and Manganese were not detected in the sediment. Re-suspension of sediment particles is not likely to release significant amount of these metals into the water column. (Table 5.15). Impact on water pH is also expected to be minor considering marginal difference in baseline pH in water and sediment, and also due to relatively low sulphate ions concentration in the sediment (table 5.16). The impact on surface water due to dredging/filling activities is predicted to be of moderate significance, considering its moderate quantum and temporal effect, as well as high sensitivity and likelihood of occurrence. Box 5.10 presents a summary of the impacts’ severity criteria. Mitigation will be required to reduce the impact severity. Box 5.10: Severity criteria for Impact on Surface water during dredging/filling. Impact Quantum 6 (Moderate) Impact on Surface Water during dredging/filling Temporal Effects Likelihood Significance Impact Nature (Pre-mitigation) 5 (Moderate) 8 (High) 7 (Moderate) Direct, intermittent, short term, temporary Mitigation Required Table 5.14: Overall average % particle size distribution of sediment in project area Average proportions (%) of Particle Size distribution of sediment samples Sand Silt Clay 80.73 13.73 5.54 Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Five: Associated andPotential Impacts P a g e | 294 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Table 5.15: Average Heavy metal contents in sediment and water of the project area Heavy Metal Sediment (mg/kg) Water (mg/l) Fe 374 1.3 Cd ND 0.01 Pb ND 0.001 Zn 13.3 0.015 Ni ND 0.023 Mn ND ND Cr 15.3 ND Cu 9.0 0.002 Table 5. 16: Average pH and Sulphate ions in water and sediment os project area pH 7.9 7.55 Sediment Water SO4226.7mg/kg 21.3mg/l Impact(s) on Sediment during Dredging/Filling Dredging cuts into sediment; altering its physical and chemical structure. Changes in sediment structure affect its ability to support biological habitats. Uneven topography due to dredging may increase sediment transport and alter the hydrological regime, which could engender flooding. In view of the likelihood of this occurring, its moderate quantum and temporal effects, it is predicted to be of high significance. Table 5.11 presents a summary of the impacts’ severity criteria. Mitigation will be required to reduce the impact severity. Box 5.11: Severity criteria for Impact on Sediment during dredging/filling. Impact Quantum Temporal Effects 5 (Moderate) 5 (Moderate) Impact on Sediment during dredging/filling Likelihood Significance Impact Nature (Pre-mitigation) 10 (High) 8 (High) Direct, intermittent, short term, temporary Mitigation Required Impact(s) on Benthic Biota during Dredging/Filling The lagoon bottom sediment is home to a number of species at the various phases of their lives' cycle. These species are referred to as benthic organisms or bottom-dwellers. Most shellfish live in sand. Underwater vegetation serves as spawning ground for some fishes. Dredging activities will potentially dislodge these organisms from their natural environment. Study of benthic macro fauna around the proposed project area showed that molluscs, Annelids and Arthropods are the most predominant group of organisms that will be affected by dredging/filling activities. Figures 5.9 and 5.10 show the distribution of the major group of organisms around the proposed project area. Potential effects of dredging/filling activities on benthic organisms would range from relocation from original habitat, reduced metabolism due to altered feeding habit and death of some members. Juveniles and other early life stages with less mobility capability would be most vulnerable. Smothering of some species could occur due to re-suspension of sediment particles. Impact of dredging/filling activities on benthic organisms is very likely to Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Five: Associated andPotential Impacts P a g e | 295 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation occur, and anticipated to have moderate quantum and temporal effects. Although some members of the benthic community will be lost from this activity, the community is expected to recover in a relatively short time of weeks to a few months. The significance of this impact is considered of high significance. Box 5.12 presents a summary of the impacts’ severity criteria. Mitigation will be required to reduce the impact severity. Figure 5.9: Major Macrobenthos groups vulnerable to impacts from dredging/filling activities in dry season Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Five: Associated andPotential Impacts P a g e | 296 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Figure 5.2: Major Macrobenthos groups vulnerable to impacts from dredging/filling activities in wet season Box 5.12: Severity criteria for Impact on Benthic Biota during dredging. Impact Quantum Temporal Effects 5 5 Impact on Benthic Biota during dredging/filling Likelihood Significance Impact Nature (Pre-mitigation) 10 8 Direct, intermittent, short term, temporary Mitigation Required Impact(s) of Dredging/Filling Activities on Planktonic Lives Planktons are microscopic organisms that drift with water current. Dredging activities will have both direct and indirect impacts on these life forms. Direct effects will be in form of displacement and exposure to nonconducive environment, which could lead to inactivity and sometimes, death; on the other hand, it could be in form smothering of filter-feeders by fine suspended particles in water. Indirect impacts could occur due to Orange Island Development Company Limited Plate 5.1: Photomontage of planktonic organisms Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plankton Chapter Five: Associated andPotential Impacts P a g e | 297 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation alteration of the physic-chemical properties of water. Changes in dissolved oxygen, water pH, turbidity, release of toxic substances from sediment, could affect planktonic lives. Increased turbidity and reduced light penetration could affect primary production in an aquatic ecosystem; by reducing photosynthetic efficiency of phytoplankton. Reduced primary production will have an overall effect on energy flow along the food chain. Analyses of plankton distribution around the project area show that the most susceptible group of phytoplankton include diatoms, dinoflagellates and bluegreen algae (figure 5.11 and 5.12), while the zooplankton include crustaceans, cniderians, Chaetognatha and juvenile life forms (figure 5.13 and 5.14). Figure 5.3: Major phytoplankton groups vulnerable to dredging/filling impacts in dry season Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Five: Associated andPotential Impacts P a g e | 298 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Figure 5.4: Major phytoplankton groups vulnerable to dredging/filling impacts in wet season Figure 5.13: Major zooplankton groups vulnerable to dredging/filling impacts in dry season Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Five: Associated andPotential Impacts P a g e | 299 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Figure 5.14: Major zooplankton groups vulnerable to dredging/filling impacts in wet season Box 5.12: Severity criteria for Impact on Planktonic life forms during dredging/filling. Impact Quantum Temporal Effects 4 (Low) 4 (Low) Impact on Plankton during dredging/filling Likelihood Significance Impact Nature (Pre-mitigation) 8 (High) 6 (Moderate) Direct, Indirect, intermittent, short term, temporary Mitigation Required Impact(s) of Dredging/Filling Activities on Fish and Fisheries Artisanal or small-scale fisheries using planked canoes with or without motorized engines are the predominant fisheries around the proposed reclamation area. Fishes are sight feeders; therefore, increased turbidity due to dredging and filling activities could reduce feeding capability of fishes, as well as fertilization of eggs. Adult and more active species will typically migrate away from unclear waters. Reduced abundance of plankton would have concomitant effect on fish abundance in the affected areas. Dredging/filling activities could destroy fish spawning grounds. Sediment disturbance and re-suspension could release toxic substances and excess nutrients that can cause algal bloom and fish kill. The use of floating pipes for transportation of dredged materials could obstruct fishing grounds and navigable channels. Movement of many watercrafts (barges for movement of equipment and personnel carriers) may affect fishing activities. Generally, impacts that lead to reduced fish abundance and catch could influence the livelihood of fishermen operating within the area. Although the temporal coverage of the Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Five: Associated andPotential Impacts P a g e | 300 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation impact area is minor, its quantum is considered moderate. In view of moderate likelihood of impacts on fish and fisheries occurring, the significance of the impact is rated moderate (Box 5.13). Mitigation Measures will be required to reduce the impact’s significance level. Box 5.13: Severity criteria for Impact on fish and Fisheries during dredging/filling. Impact Quantum 6 (Moderate) Impact on Fish and Fisheries during dredging/filling Temporal Effects Likelihood Significance Impact Nature (Pre-mitigation) 4 (Low or minor) 7 (Moderate) 7 (Moderate) Direct, Indirect, intermittent, short term, temporary Mitigation Required Impact(s) of Dredging/Filling Activities on Transportation During dredging/filling, movement of watercrafts will be greatly concentrated within the reclamation area. More so, there will be occasional land transportation of some personnel to site to inspect work progress. Movement of the CSD and other watercrafts could obstruct navigable routes of other water transportation users, while occasional land transportation will add to the volume of vehicle along road, especially along the busy Lekki-Epe Express Road. Considering that vehicular movement during dredging and filling will involve mostly the CSD and ancillary watercrafts, localized within the reclamation area, the quantum on impacts on water transportation will be negligible. In addition, in view of the fact that traffic of waterways around the project is very scanty, the likelihood of this impact is rated low, while its overall significance is predicted to be low to negligible (Box 5.14). Mitigation Measures will be required to reduce the impact’s significance level. Box 5.14: Severity criteria for Impact on Transportation during dredging/filling. Impact Quantum Temporal Effects 1 (Negligible) 3 (Low) 5.5.3 Impact on Transportation during dredging/filling Likelihood Significance Impact Nature (Pre-mitigation) 2 (Low) 1 (Negligible) Direct, Indirect, intermittent, short term, temporary Mitigation Not required Negative Impacts during Post-Reclamation Activities at this phase include; leveling of the filled area to desired topography, and demobilization of equipment and personnel from the site. The negative impacts identified to be associated with these activities are discussed in the following subsections. Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Five: Associated andPotential Impacts P a g e | 301 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Post-Reclamation Noise Impact(s) Noise impact(s) during leveling filled materials and demobilization from the site will is expected to be much lower than the situation during dredging/filling. This reduced prediction considers the fact that CSD will no longer be in operation, while the bulldozer becomes the primary machinery. The Noise emission from the bulldozer is about 86 dB(A). Other noise emanating from demobilisation vehicle will be minimal and transient. In effect noise perception around the project area is expected to be lower than the LOW IMPACT SCENARIO MODEL presented in section (Figures 5.6, 6.7, and Table 5.12). Considering the low significant quantum, temporal effects and likelihood of occurrence, the overall impact significance is predicated to be low (Box 5.15). Mitigation Measures will be required to reduce the impact’s significance level. Box 5.15: Severity criteria of Noise Impact during Post-Reclamation Activities. Impact Quantum Temporal Effects 2 (Low) 4 (Low) Noise Impact during Post-Reclamation Activities Likelihood Significance Impact Nature (Pre-mitigation) 3 (Low) 4 (Low) Direct, Indirect, intermittent, short term, temporary Mitigation Required Post-Reclamation Air Quality Impact(s) During post-reclamation activities (leveling of filled materials and demobilisation) noxious emissions may result from vehicles like bulldozer, demobilisation watercrafts, etc. This impact will last for a relatively short period (about a week), and therefore predicted to be of low significance (Box 5.15). Mitigation Measures will be required to reduce the impact’s significance level. Box 5.16: Severity criteria of Air Quality Impact during Post-Reclamation Activities. Impact Quantum 2 (Low) Air Quality Impact during Post-Reclamation Activities Temporal Effects Likelihood Significance Impact Nature (Pre-mitigation) 2 (Low) 3 (Low) 3 (Low) Direct, Indirect, intermittent, short term, temporary Mitigation Required Post-Reclamation Impact(s) on Aesthetics Impact on aesthetics during post-reclamation activities could arise from improper discharge or disposal of wastes. Floating wastes (solid/liquid) on water reduce aesthetics and cause nuisance to navigation. Potential sources of wastes into surface water include spillages of fuel/lube, kitchen and other domestic wastes. The Quantum, Temporal Effects and likelihood of this impact (occurring) are considered of low severity. The overall impact significance is also predicted to be low. Box 5.17 presents a summary of the impacts’ severity criteria. Mitigation will be required to reduce the impact severity. Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Five: Associated andPotential Impacts P a g e | 302 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Box 5.17: Severity criteria for Impact on Aesthetics during Post-reclamation. Impact Quantum 2 (Low) Impact on Aesthetics during Post-reclamation Temporal Effects Likelihood Significance Impact Nature (Pre-mitigation) 2 (Low) 3 (Low) 3 (Low) Direct, temporary Mitigation Required Post-Reclamation Surface Water Impact(s) Leveling could alter water quality (e.g. Turbidity) if dredged materials are pushed into the water column from the boundary of the reclaimed area. Poor waste management by operators and personnel on board watercrafts and vehicles used during demobilisation could lead to disposal of liquid and solid wastes into surface water. The strict Waste Management policy of the dredging contractor will make this unlikely; the overall significance of impact on surface water is predicted to be moderate considering its sensitivity to fish and fisheries. Box 5.18 presents a summary of the impacts’ severity criteria. Box 5.18: Severity criteria for Impact on surface water during Post-Reclamation Activities. Impact Quantum 2 (Low) Impact on surface water during Post-reclamation Activities Temporal Effects Likelihood Significance Impact Nature (Pre-mitigation) 1 (Negligible) 5 (Moderate) 5 (Moderate) Direct, short term, temporary Mitigation Required Post-Reclamation Impact(s) on Fish and Fisheries Alteration of water quality during leveling of filled materials will indirectly affect fisheries. Reduced water turbidity will affect the feeding habit of fishes by obscuring their sight. Turbid water reduces primary production in an aquatic ecosystem, with an indirect effect on fish abundance. Fine sediment particles can affect gills of fishes, reduce their respiratory ability, and increase morbidity. More so, settling in of particles down the water column to the bed could lead to fish migration, and affect spawning grounds. All impacts that reduce fish abundance and availability will affect the livelihood of fishermen. This impact is predicted to be of low significance. Box 5.19 presents a summary of the impacts’ severity criteria. Mitigation measures will be required to reduce the impact to negligible significance. Box 5.19: Severity criteria for Impact Post-Reclamation Activities on Fish and Fisheries. Impact Quantum 2 (Low) Impact Post-Reclamation Activities on Fish and Fisheries Temporal Effects Likelihood Significance Impact Nature (Pre-mitigation) 2 (Low) 3 (Low) 4 (Low) Direct, indirect short term, temporary Orange Island Development Company Limited Mitigation Required Chapter Five: Associated andPotential Impacts P a g e | 303 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Post-Reclamation Impact(s) on Transportation Effect on transportation during demobilization would be similar to that during mobilization to site. Transportation of personnel and equipment from site during demobilization will be mainly by use of watercrafts. However, a few personnel will be moved by road. Road movement will add to traffic along Lekki-Epe Expressway, with extended effects on adjoining roads. In view of the transient nature of this impact, the overall significance is considered low. Box 5.20 presents a summary of the impacts’ severity criteria. Box 5.20: Severity criteria for Impact on Transportation during Demobilisation. Impact on Transportation During Post-Reclamation Temporal Effects Likelihood Significance Impact Nature (Pre-mitigation) 1 (Negligible) 1 (Negligible) 2 (Low) Direct, Indirect, short term, transient Impact Quantum 2 (Low) 5.5.4 Mitigation Required Impact on Health and Safety The proposed reclamation project poses a number of health and safety impacts, especially on workers. Potential impacts include; i. Man Overboard ii. Hearing impact from vessels/water craft engines, and road noise iii. Respiratory tract discomfort and infections iv. Road accidents v. Draught vi. fatigue vii. Body injury In terms of significance, impact on health safety could range between moderate and high considering that human health and life could be involved. 5.5.5 Cumulative Impacts Cumulative impact could result from the activities of other dredging ativities going on in the lagoon, as well as those from local sand miners. Local sand miners where spotted operating on the bank of the lagoon close to the proposed reclamation area. Since the local miners operate manually, noise impact contribution from theor activites would be insignificant. In terms of water quality, re-suspension of sediment particles could occur. Cumulative impact on water ecology would be relatively insignificant bearing in mind that the manual miners operate in shallow areas with over 95% sand deposits and lower potential of releasing fine particles and toxic materials. Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Five: Associated andPotential Impacts P a g e | 304 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation CHAPTER SIX 6.1 IMPACT MITIGATION MEASURES AND ALTERNATIVES Introduction The different anticipated positive and negative impacts of the proposed reclamation are presented in chapter five of this report. This section essentially presents measures that will be taken to ensure that the proposed project is sustainable by mitigating negative effects, and enhancing benefits. 6.2 Objectives of Impacts Mitigation The specific objectives of mitigation include the following: 6.3 • Identifying better ways of undertaking actions; • Avoiding, minimising or remedying adverse effects; • Ensuring that residual impacts are within applicable regulatory acceptable level; • Enhancing benefits from the project. Impact Mitigation Hierarchy The hierarchy of mitigation measures (figure 6.1) adopted for the proposed Orange Island Reclamation project is as follows: Avoidance: This is the first consideration for every negative impact triggering activity. It entails NOT engaging in a particular activity or manner of implementation and employing other method that will not cause the identified impact. Minimisation: this is the second consideration. In the event that the result of an action will produce very desirable benefit but comes with some negative impacts, and there is no better way of achieving the same result, every practicable action possible is put in place to reduce (to the barest minimum) the negative Figure 6.1: Impacts Mitigation Principle effects to acceptable limit. Compensation: This is the third consideration. It involves providing comfortingalternative to assuage for the unavoidable negative effects of a proposed action; which can neither be avoided, nor its negative effects reduced further, but must be carried out for a greater good. Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Five: Associated andPotential Impacts P a g e | 305 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Impact mitigation measures to be adopted for the proposed reclamation project are of two distinct natures; (i) Structural measures; such as project design modification, change of location, engineering revision, etc, and (ii) Non-structural measures; such as management policies, economic incentives, ecological enhancement, community services, capacity building, etc. 6.4 Identified Impacts and Mitigation Measures Mitigation measures for potential negative impacts from the proposed Orange Island Reclamation are presented in Tables 6.1 – 6.3 for pre-reclamation, reclamation phase, and post-reclamation activities respectively. In order to ensure comprehension and management application, the mitigation measures are presented alongside identified impacts for the different phases of the reclamation project. Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Five: Associated andPotential Impacts P a g e | 306 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Table 6.1: Mitigation Measures for Impacts during Pre-Reclamation Activities PRE-RECLAMATION PHASE Impact/Source Noxious gas emissions from vehicles and watercrafts used for mobilising equipment and personnel to site. Specific Effects Increase in background level of noxious gaseous like; NOx, SOx, CO and suspended particulates. Significance Low Mitigation Measures All project vehicles and watercrafts shall be properly serviced and maintained; Contractors’ vehicles, vessels and machinery shall be inspected prior mobilisation to site; Only vehicles, vessels and machinery that meet specified emission criteria shall be permitted to mobilise to site All project vehicles and watercrafts shall be properly serviced and maintained; Contractors’ vehicles, vessels and machinery shall be inspected prior mobilisation to site; Noise from vehicles and watercrafts used for mobilising equipment and personnel to site. Increase in background noise level along the area traversed by vehicles and watercrafts, and vessels; Low Nuisance to personnel operating at high noise areas in marine vessels Only vehicles, vessels and machinery that meet specified noise emission criteria shall be permitted to mobilise to site Indiscriminate disposal of solid wastes by road sides or on water; Spillage of used oil and other Orange Island Development Company Limited Low Waste Management Policy shall be put in place and adhered to; Provision shall be made for waste collection, and for appropriate disposal; Residual Impact Contractor OIDC HSE Manager Negligible OIDC HSE Manager Contractor OIDC HSE Manager OIDC HSE Manager Movement shall be restricted as best as possible to times of the day when such an impact will have less significance on residents within around the project site. Personnel working at high noise areas like vessel engine area, shall use appropriate PPE (ear muffs and plugs) for hearing protection Reduced Aesthetics due to poor waste management Responsibility negligible Contractor/Caption of Vessel Contractor’s Supervisor Negligible Chapter Six: Mitigation Measures and Alternatives P a g e | 307 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation PRE-RECLAMATION PHASE Impact/Source Specific Effects liquid wastes on land or water. Significance Mitigation Measures Responsibility Residual Impact Conspicuous signage prohibiting littering of the environment shall be provided at strategic places in vessels and other crafts; All liquids including used lube oils shall be properly stored to prevent spillage; Safety Briefing shall be given to all crew and passenger before embarking on trips; Vessel Captain Vehicle Driver Drivers shall ensure that passengers do not discard wastes indiscriminately from their vehicle. Daily evaluation of personnel waste management discipline shall be conducted Contractor’s HSE Manager Waste Management Policy shall be put in place and adhered to; Provision shall be made for waste collection, and for appropriate disposal; Alteration of Surface Water Quality due to inappropriate disposal of wastes and toxic materials Contamination of surface water by disposal of wastes and toxic liquids Low All liquids including used lube oils shall be properly stored to prevent spillage; Materials Safety and Data Sheet of all toxic liquid/chemicals shall be kept on board; Contractor’s Supervisor/ Vessel Captain Negligible Black and grey waters shall be disposed appropriately in line with applicable regulations. Safety Briefing shall be given to all crew and passenger before embarking on trips; Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Six: Mitigation Measures and Alternatives P a g e | 308 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation PRE-RECLAMATION PHASE Impact/Source Specific Effects Significance Mitigation Measures Responsibility Residual Impact Daily evaluation of personnel waste management discipline shall be conducted Waste Management Policy shall be put in place and adhered to; Discharge of toxic materials in water could be detrimental to fishes and other aquatic lives; Contractor’s Supervisor/ Vessel Captain Provision shall be made for waste collection, and for appropriate disposal; All liquids including used lube oils shall be properly stored to prevent spillage; Materials Safety and Data Sheet of all toxic liquid/chemicals shall be kept on board; Black and grey waters shall be disposed appropriately in line with applicable regulations. Impact on Fish and Fisheries due to discharger of wastes and toxic materials Low Vessels and watercrafts movement could run over and destroy fishing gears like set nets and traps. Tributyltin (TBT) shall not be used as antifouling agent on all vessels and watercrafts OIDC HSE Manager Captains of Vessels shall avoid fishing gears on water during navigation Contractor’s Supervisor/ Vessel Captain Safety Briefing shall be given to all crew and passenger before embarking on trips; Daily evaluation of personnel waste management Orange Island Development Company Limited Negligible Contractor’s HSE Manager Chapter Six: Mitigation Measures and Alternatives P a g e | 309 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation PRE-RECLAMATION PHASE Impact/Source Specific Effects Significance Mitigation Measures discipline shall be conducted Responsibility Residual Impact Manager/Vessel Captains/Drivers Low Transportation of Personnel to site on road shall be done at off-peak of traffic congestion along the major roads to the site; Impact on Transportation Vehicles mobilizing personnel to site could add to traffic volume along Lekki-Epe Express and/or Ozumba Mbadiwe road, and lead to man-hour loss to road users. Moderate Movement from mainland part of Lagos into the Island shall explore alternate options like using EKO Bridge or THIRD MAINLAND Bridge, and also, taking ADMIRALTY TOLL or NEW LEKKI-IKOYI TOLL depending on where traffic is freer during movement to the site; Drivers shall be given traffic briefing on preferred route prior movement to site. Speed limits and proper driving conduct shall be enforced by close monitoring of vehicles All crew and passengers on board vessels shall stay clear of unsafe areas during navigation; Man Overboard OIDC HSE Manager Vessel Captain/ Drivers Every crew and passenger shall use appropriate Personal Floatation Device (PFD) on board; Health and Safety Moderate Good housekeeping shall be observed to avoid causes of slips, trips and falls; All necessary rescue device such as buoys, shall always be on board vessels used to move personnel to the site; Low Emergency procedure for man overboard rescue shall be put in place by all contractors moving equipment and personnel to site; Safety Briefing shall be given to all crew and passenger Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Six: Mitigation Measures and Alternatives P a g e | 310 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation PRE-RECLAMATION PHASE Impact/Source Specific Effects Significance Mitigation Measures before embarking on trips; Responsibility Captains and Divers shall ensure that all passengers abide by all safety procedure before and during travels. Work Permit shall be issued only to vessels and vehicles that meet safety standards. Hearing Defects due to exposure to high noise area Personnel working at high noise places like the Chief Engineer, shall use appropriate PPE Body Injury All personnel shall use appropriate PPE such as hardhats, safety boots, hand gloves before embarking on jobs with risks of injuries; Road Accidents Only qualified drivers with relevant licences and trainings shall convey personnel and equipment to site; Residual Impact OIDC HSE Manager Vessel Captain Vessel Captain Traffic rules shall be strictly adhered to; All passengers shall be given safety briefing before embarking on journeys; Safety procedures and rules shall be strictly adhered to; First aid kits shall be provided in all vessels and vehicles transporting personnel to site; Orange Island Development Company Limited Drivers and Crew shall be given basic first aid administration training. Contractor Captains and Drivers shall be provided with emergency telephone numbers and communications devices to use in case of emergency. OIDC HSE Manager/Contractor Chapter Six: Mitigation Measures and Alternatives P a g e | 311 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Table 6.2: Mitigation Measures for Impacts during Reclamation Activities RECLAMATION PHASE (DREDGING AND FILLING ACTIVITIES Impact/Sources Specific Effects Significance Mitigation Measures The CSD and all ancillary machinery shall be properly serviced and maintained throughout the work period following manufactures instructions; The CSD and all ancillary machinery shall be inspected prior commencement of dredging and weekly throughout the reclamation period; Noise emissions from CSD and ancillary crafts Increase in background noise level due to CSD and ancillary machinery operation; Nuisance to personnel operating at high noise areas in marine vessels Moderate Only crafts and machinery that meets specified noise emission criteria shall be issued work permit. Adherence to specified criteria shall be checked weekly Personnel working at high noise areas like CSD engine area, shall use appropriate PPE (ear muffs and plugs) for hearing protection; Noise Level Shall be monitored weekly (at least twice in each occasion, at 6 hours interval) throughout the reclamation period The CSD and ancillary rafts/machinery shall be properly serviced and maintained; Noxious gases missions from CSD and ancillary crafts Increased level of noxious gases like NOx, SOx, CO and suspended particulates in ambient air Low The CSD and other ancillary crafts and machinery shall be inspected prior commencement of dredging and weekly throughout the reclamation period; Only crafts and machinery, including the CSD that meet specified emission criteria shall be issued work permit. Adherence to specified criteria shall Orange Island Development Company Limited Responsibility Dredging Contractor Residual Impact OIDC HSE Manager OIDC HSE Manager Low Dredging Supervisor/OIDC HSE Manager OIDC HSE Manager/IMM Consultant Dredging Contractor OIDC HSE Manager Negligible OIDC HSE Manager Chapter Six: Mitigation Measures and Alternatives P a g e | 312 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation RECLAMATION PHASE (DREDGING AND FILLING ACTIVITIES Impact/Sources Specific Effects Significance Mitigation Measures be checked weekly Responsibility Air quality monitoring shall be conducted weekly in the first month of the dredging activities and subsequently, monthly, throughout the reclamation period Waste Management Policy shall be put in place and adhered to; Provision shall be made for waste collection, and for appropriate disposal; Reduced Aesthetics due to poor waste management and abandonment of malfunctioning crafts and machinery Alteration of Surface Water Quality due to resuspension of sediment particles and toxic materials during dredging and filling Conspicuous signage prohibiting littering of the environment shall be provided at strategic places; Indiscriminate disposal of solid wastes on water; Spillage of used oil and other liquid wastes on water. Increased turbidity; Reduced light penetration; Reduced pH; Reduced dissolved oxygen; Release of toxic components such as heavy metals, organic contaminants into the water column Orange Island Development Company Limited Low Residual Impact Dredging Contractor/Supervisor Dredging Contractor/Supervisor/LAW MA All liquids including used lube oils shall be properly stored to prevent spillage; Negligible Safety Briefing shall be given to all personnel every day before commencement of work; Moderate Malfunctioned machinery shall be removed to appropriately location immediately; Dredging Supervisor Spill containment/contingency plan shall be put in place and implemented in case of occurrence Dredging Supervisor Silt (geo-textile) curtain shall be used to cordon off dredging and fiiling area from the rest of the lagoon; “Pause Period” of four (4) hours shall be observed daily (between 10am and 2pm) to all for settling of suspended particles in order to increase light penetration and reduce effect on primary Dredging Contractor Dredging Contractor/OIDC HSE Manager Dredging Contractor/OIDC HSE Manager Low Dredging Contractor/OIDC HSE Manager/IMM Chapter Six: Mitigation Measures and Alternatives P a g e | 313 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation RECLAMATION PHASE (DREDGING AND FILLING ACTIVITIES Impact/Sources Specific Effects Significance Mitigation Measures production. Water quality shall be monitored weekly in the first month of dredging, and once every month subsequently. Weekly monitoring shall be conducted (after the first month) if specific water parameters indicate levels inimical to fisheries as specified by the Federal Ministry of Environment. Monthly monitoring can recommence when level of contamination returns to levels favourable to fisheries. Responsibility Consultant Residual Impact Specific water quality parameter to be monitor shall include: Physico-chemical parameters: pH, DO, BOD, Turbidity, Heavy metals, Anioins, Cations, Hydrocarbons, etc; Biological Indicators: Plankton and microbes Fish and Fisheries: assessment of fishermen catches Bathymetric survey shall be conducted prior dredging; Alteration Sediment Quality and hydrological regime Alteration of physical and chemical structure of sediment; Inability to support biological habitats; Uneven topography may increase sediment transport, alter the hydrological regime, and possibly engender erosion and flooding. Orange Island Development Company Limited High Dredging shall be carried out only within marked out areas; Perimeter wall of 1.5m above high water level will be constructed round the island with the sand fill sloping down at 1:4 into the water. Shoreline exposed to wave action of the lagoon during stormy weather will be lined with one layer of 200mm nominal size crushed stone hand-placed on the sandy surface. The final completed surface of the Island will have slopes varying between 1:100 and 1:200. Bathymetric survey shall be conducted weekly to ensure that uneven topography is not created. Dredging Contractor/OIDC HSE Manager/IMM Consultant Moderate/Low Chapter Six: Mitigation Measures and Alternatives P a g e | 314 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation RECLAMATION PHASE (DREDGING AND FILLING ACTIVITIES Impact/Sources Specific Effects Significance Alteration of Ecology and Biota Relocation of organism away from original habitat; Reduced metabolism due to altered feeding habit and death of some members; Juveniles and other early life stages with less mobility capability would be most vulnerable; Smothering of some species could occur due to resettling of suspended sediment particles. High Impact on Planktonic lives Displacement and exposure to nonconducive environment; Inactivity and death of some species; Smothering of filter-feeders by fine suspended particles in water; Indirect impacts could occur due to alteration of the physic-chemical properties of water; Increased turbidity and reduced light penetration will reduce primary production by phytoplankton. Moderate Impact on Fish and Fisheries Fishes are sight feeders; therefore, increased turbidity could reduce feeding capability of fishes, as well as fertilization of eggs; Adult and more active species will migrate away from unclear waters further away from Orange Island Development Company Limited Moderate Mitigation Measures Dredging shall be limited to marked out area; The dredged materials from the lagoon shall be used to fill the proposed island. No foreign material shall be used to avoid signiciant alteration of the ecology or introduction of alien species “Pulse Period” of four(4) hours shall be observed daily to allow some level of recovery for affected community of biota; Silt curtain shall be used to contain suspended particles dispersion within the reclamation area; Monitoring of macro benthic community shall be conducted monthly throughout the period of dredging. Dredging shall be limited to marked out area; Filling shall be done using dredged material from similar environment to avoid remarkable change in ecology or introduction of alien species “Pulse Period” of four(4) hours shall be observed daily to allow some level of recovery for affected community of biota; Silt curtain shall be used to contain suspended particles dispersion within the reclamation area; Monitoring of plankton distribution shall be conducted weekly in the first month of dredging/filling and subsequently, monthly for the rest of the reclamation period; Other mitigation measures against impacts on surface water quality shall be applied. Silt curtains shall be used to cordon off are being dredged and filled to contain spreading of resuspended sediment particles; Responsibility Residual Impact Dredging Contractor/OIDC HSE Manager/IMM Consultant Moderate/Low Dredging Contractor/OIDC HSE Manager/IMM Consultant Low Dredging Contractor/OIDC HSE Manager Low Dredging shall be limited to marked out area; Fishing communities (Ikate and Itedo waterside) Chapter Six: Mitigation Measures and Alternatives P a g e | 315 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation RECLAMATION PHASE (DREDGING AND FILLING ACTIVITIES Impact/Sources Specific Effects peasant fishermen; Reduced abundance of plankton would have concomitant effect on fish abundance in the affected areas; Dredging/filling activities could destroy spawning grounds; Sediment disturbance and re-suspension could release toxic substances and excess nutrients that can cause algal bloom and fish kill; The use of floating pipes for transportation of dredged materials could obstruct fishing grounds; Movement of many watercrafts (like barges) may affect fishing activities; Impacts that lead to reduced fish abundance and catch could influence the livelihood of fishermen operating within the area. Impact on Transportation Occasional land transportation of personnel to site could add to traffic volume along affected roads, especially, Ozumba Mbadiwe and Lekki Epe Expressway; Movement of the CSD and other watercrafts could obstruct navigable routes of other water transportation users Significance Mitigation Measures shall be notified of the impending dredging and filling work, and jointly device alternative routes and/or traffic plans; Movement of watercrafts used for dredging and supplies shall be scheduled so as not to interfere significantly with artisanal fishing activities. Most fishing activities occur overnight except for cast netting that is done majorly during the day; Captains of watercrafts shall be properly trained on necessary safety measures to adopt when approaching artisanal fishing activities; All measures enunciated for mitigating negative impacts on surface water shall be applied; Monthly assessment of fish and fisheries activities shall be monitored Responsibility Residual Impact Dredging Contractor/OIDC HSE Manager Transportation of Personnel to site on road shall be done at off-peak of traffic congestion along the major roads to the site; Low Movement from mainland part of Lagos into the Island shall explore alternate options like using EKO Bridge or THIRD MAINLAND Bridge, and also, taking ADMIRALTY TOLL or NEW LEKKIIKOYI TOLL depending on where traffic is freer during movement to the site; Drivers shall be given traffic briefing on preferred route prior movement to site. Negligible OIDC HSE Manager Movement of CSD ancillary crafts shall be properly scheduled and operated to minimise Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Six: Mitigation Measures and Alternatives P a g e | 316 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation RECLAMATION PHASE (DREDGING AND FILLING ACTIVITIES Impact/Sources Specific Effects Significance Man Overboard Mitigation Measures obstructing waterways. All personnel on board watercrafts shall stay clear of unsafe areas throughout the work period; Responsibility Residual Impact Vessel Captain/ Drivers All Personnel shall use appropriate Personal Floatation Device (PFD) on board; Good housekeeping shall be observed to avoid causes of slips, trips and falls; All necessary rescue device such as buoys, shall always be on board watercrafts used during dredging and filling; Emergency procedure for man overboard rescue shall be put in place by the dredging contractor; Health and Safety Moderate Safety Briefing shall be given to all personnel before work commences everyday; Captains and Divers shall ensure that all passengers abide by all safety procedure while on board and travelling; Hearing Defects due to exposure to high noise area Body Injury Road Accidents Orange Island Development Company Limited Work Permit shall be issued only to vehicles that meet safety standards. Personnel working at high noise places, shall use appropriate PPE; All personnel shall use appropriate PPE such as hardhats, safety boots, hand gloves before embarking on jobs with risks of injuries; Low/Negligible Dredging Supervisor/OIDC HSE Manager Vessel Captain/Driver OIDC HSE Manager Dredging Supervisor/OIDC HSE Manager Only qualified drivers with relevant licences and Chapter Six: Mitigation Measures and Alternatives P a g e | 317 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation RECLAMATION PHASE (DREDGING AND FILLING ACTIVITIES Impact/Sources Specific Effects Significance Mitigation Measures trainings shall be issued work permit; Responsibility Residual Impact Traffic rules shall be strictly adhered to; All passengers shall be given safety briefing before embarking on journeys; Safety procedures and rules shall be strictly adhered to; First aid kits shall be provided in all vessels and vehicles; Materials Safety and Data Sheet of all toxic liquid/chemicals shall be kept on board; Dredging Supervisor/ OIDC HSE Manager/Contractor Drivers and Crew shall be given basic first aid administration training. Captains and Drivers shall be provided with emergency telephone numbers and communications devices to use in case of emergency Good housekeeping shall be observed at work areas Poor Sanitation All wastes shall be properly handled and evacuated by licensed vendor Regular cleaning of all work environment shall be conducted Stagnant water shall not be allowed around work area to prevent breading of mosquitoes. Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Six: Mitigation Measures and Alternatives P a g e | 318 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Table 6.3: Mitigation Measures for Impacts during Post-Reclamation Activities POST-RECLAMATION PHASE (LEVELLING OF FILLED MATERIALS AND DEMOBILISATION) Impact/Sources Specific Effects Significance Mitigation Measures All vehicle and watercrafts shall be properly serviced and maintained; Noise from bulldozer and other machinery during leveling of reclaimed land, and from vehicular and watercraft movement during demobilisation Contractors’ vehicles, vessels and machinery shall be inspected prior demobilisation from site; Increase in background noise level around affected areas Nuisance to personnel operating at high noise areas in marine vessels Low Only vehicles, vessels and machinery that meet specified noise emission criteria shall be permitted to convey personnel and equipment from site Personnel working at high noise areas like vessel engine area, shall use appropriate PPE (ear muffs and plugs) for hearing protection All vehicle and watercrafts shall be properly serviced and maintained; Noxious emissions from bulldozer, other ancillary machinery and vehicles used in demobilisation Reduced Aesthetics due to poor waste management Increase of background level of noxious gaseous like; NOx, SOx, CO and suspended particulates. Low Only vehicles, vessels and machinery that meet specified emission criteria shall be issued permit to demobilise from site. Waste Management Policy shall be put in place and adhered to; Indiscriminate disposal of solid wastes by road sides or on water; Spillage of used oil and other liquid wastes on land or water. Orange Island Development Company Limited Contractors’ vehicles, vessels and machinery shall be inspected prior demobilisation from site; Low Responsibility Residual Impact Dredging Contractor OIDC HSE Manager negligible OIDC HSE Manager Contractor/ Vessel Captain Contractor Negligible OIDC HSE Manager OIDC HSE Manager Contractor Provision shall be made for waste collection, and for appropriate disposal; Negligible Conspicuous signage prohibiting littering of the environment shall be provided at strategic places Chapter Six: Mitigation Measures and Alternatives P a g e | 319 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation POST-RECLAMATION PHASE (LEVELLING OF FILLED MATERIALS AND DEMOBILISATION) Impact/Sources Specific Effects Significance Mitigation Measures in vessels and other crafts; Responsibility All liquids including used lube oils shall be properly stored to prevent spillage; Residual Impact Vessel Captain Safety Briefing shall be given to all crew and passenger before embarking on trips; Drivers shall ensure that passengers do not discard wastes indiscriminately from their vehicle. Waste Management Policy shall be put in place and adhered to; Vehicle Driver Provision shall be made for waste collection, and for appropriate disposal; Alteration of Surface Water Quality due to inappropriate disposal of wastes and toxic materials Contamination of surface water by disposal of wastes and toxic liquids All liquids including used lube oils shall be properly stored to prevent spillage; Low Materials Safety and Data Sheet of all toxic liquid/chemicals shall be kept on board; Contractor/Vessel Captain Negligible Black and grey waters shall be disposed appropriately in line with applicable regulations. Safety Briefing shall be given to all crew and passenger before embarking on trips; Impact on Transportation Vehicles mobilizing personnel to site could add to traffic volume along Lekki-Epe Express and/or Ozumba Mbadiwe road, and lead to man-hour loss to road users. Improperly planned trip on water could Orange Island Development Company Limited Low Transportation of Personnel to site on road shall be done at off-peak of traffic congestion along the major roads to the site; Negligible Movement from mainland part of Lagos into the Island shall explore alternate options like using Chapter Six: Mitigation Measures and Alternatives P a g e | 320 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation POST-RECLAMATION PHASE (LEVELLING OF FILLED MATERIALS AND DEMOBILISATION) Impact/Sources Specific Effects Significance Mitigation Measures interfere with movement of fishermen EKO Bridge or THIRD MAINLAND Bridge, and also, taking ADMIRALTY TOLL or NEW LEKKIIKOYI TOLL depending on where traffic is freer during movement to the site; Responsibility Residual Impact OIDC HSE Manager/Vessel Captains/Drivers Drivers shall be given traffic briefing on preferred route prior movement to site. All water movement shall be planned to minimise impact on other users All crew and passengers on board vessels shall stay clear of unsafe areas during navigation; Man Overboard Vessel Captain/ Drivers Every crew and passenger shall use appropriate Personal Floatation Device (PFD) on board; Good housekeeping shall be observed to avoid causes of slips, trips and falls; Health and Safety Moderate All necessary rescue device such as buoys, shall always be on board vessels used to move personnel to the site; Low Emergency procedure for man overboard rescue shall be put in place by all contractors moving equipment and personnel to site; Safety Briefing shall be given to all crew and passenger before embarking on trips; Orange Island Development Company Limited Captains and Divers shall ensure that all passengers abide by all safety procedure before and during travels. OIDC HSE Manager Work Permit shall be issued only to vessels and Vessel Captain Chapter Six: Mitigation Measures and Alternatives P a g e | 321 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation POST-RECLAMATION PHASE (LEVELLING OF FILLED MATERIALS AND DEMOBILISATION) Impact/Sources Specific Effects Significance Mitigation Measures Hearing Defects due to exposure to high vehicles that meet safety standards. noise area Body Injury Personnel working at high noise places like the Chief Engineer, shall use appropriate PPE Road Accidents All personnel shall use appropriate PPE such as hardhats, safety boots, hand gloves before embarking on jobs with risks of injuries; Responsibility Residual Impact Vessel Captain Only qualified drivers with relevant licences and trainings shall convey personnel and equipment to site; Traffic rules shall be strictly adhered to; All passengers shall be given safety briefing before embarking on journeys; Safety procedures and rules shall be strictly adhered to; Contractor First aid kits shall be provided in all vessels and vehicles transporting personnel to site; OIDC HSE Manager/Contractor Drivers and Crew shall be given basic first aid administration training. Captains and Drivers shall be provided with emergency telephone numbers and communications devices to use in case of emergency Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Six: Mitigation Measures and Alternatives P a g e | 322 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation 6.5 Conclusion The mitigation measures presented in section 6.4; tables 6.1 to 6.3 have been put in place to ensure that negative impacts associated with the proposed Orange Island reclamation are completely either avoided or minimised to acceptable limits. The measures could be enhanced during the course of the project implementation based on findings of the Impact Mitigation Monitoring in order to ensure that dynamic efforts are made to promote sustainability of the proposed project. Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Six: Mitigation Measures and Alternatives P a g e | 323 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation CHAPTER SEVEN 7.1 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN Introduction Environmental Management Plan (EMP) provides the framework for the implementoin of mitigation commitments and monitoring proposals for environmental sustainability of a project. This section presents the EMP for the proposed Orange Island Reclamation project. 7.2 Objectives This EMP is put in place to ensure that the project proponent complies with all the mitigation measures recommended in this EIA, as well as commitment to best practice in management, and continuous improvement of environmental performance of the proposed reclamation project. It is equally intended to provide early signal of environmental degradation with a view to improve on the management approaches. 7.3 Responsibilities In order to ensure commitment that requisite actions that guarantee environmental protection are duly taken, clear-cut assignment of responsibilities is needful. The main participants in the proposed project, as it relates to environmental management are presented below. 7.3.1 Project Proponent The onus of ensuring that all activities of the project are environmentally sustainable is on the proponent (OIDC). It shall appoint a Project Manager who shall be responsible for overseeing the activities of all Contractors/subcontractors working on all aspects of the project and ensures strict adherence to applicable standards and regulations. The project Manager shall report to the Managing Director of OIDC. OIDC shall also appoint a Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) Manager who shall be responsible for ensuring that all activities of contractors/subcontractors adhere to guidelines and procedures set by the Federal Ministry of Environment and other regulators. He shall issue work permit to every contractor working on the project. He shall liaise with HSE managers of contractors, Environmental Management Consultants and the applicable regulatory agencies to ensure that all aspects of the project meet environment regulatory requirements. The HSE Manager shall report to the Managing Director of OIDC. 7.3.2 Dredging Contractor Van Oord Nigeria Limited (VONL) is the appointed dredging Contractor for the proposed project. VONL shall be responsible for all dredging and reclamation activities; ensuring that they are sustainably implemented. In order to achieve this VONL has put in place a Health Safety and Environment Management Plan to ensure that its operations meet local and international regulatory standards. The company has valid ISO 9001:2004 (Quality Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Seven: Environmental Management Plan P a g e | 324 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Management System) and ISO 14001:2004 (Environmental Management System) Certifications that attest to its high premium on sustainable operations. Specialised personnel shall be engaged to ensure that the tenets of the HSE policy are appropriately implemented. Figure 7.1 shows the organisation of VONL HSE Unit. Figure 7.1: VONL’s HSE Unit Organogram In order to ensure effective HSE Management System, all parties must be involved. HSE issues shall be discussed during the weekly internal progress meetings with subcontractors and VONL project staff. It shall be the responsibility of the Project Manager to ensure that HSE issues are addressed during the meetings. Specific Responsibilities Project Manager (PM) The Project Manager shall at all times, be responsible and accountable for proper implementation of the VONL HSE Policy and systems on the project he manages and shall: • Set a positive personal example; • Identify and organise appropriate training for his staff; • Liaise with the QHSE Department on HSE issues; • Actively promote a positive safety culture throughout their areas of responsibility; • Ensure that QHSE Policy is implemented properly and that any delegated duties are correctly performed; • Ensure that all agreed actions are implemented as soon as practicable; • Suspend any work or other activity which is considered to constitute an immediate danger to personnel and / or public. The circumstances should then be fully investigated and no work shall be allowed to continue until appropriate remedial action has been taken; • Ensure that as part of the bi-weekly site inspection, Health, Safety and Environmental inspections are carried out and that HSE issues are actively managed and controlled; • Ensure that any incidents and near misses are fully investigated (where applicable) and actions are being followed up and where applicable corrective actions are being implemented. Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Seven: Environmental Management Plan P a g e | 325 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation All employees All employees shall be required to: • Understand the VONL HSE Policy; • Co-operate with VONL in complying with duties and requirements imposed by relevant statutory provisions and VONL procedures; • Co-operate with VONL in complying with Health, Safety and Environment management duties and requirements imposed by management; • Not interfere with, or misuse anything provided in the interests of Health, Safety and Environment; • Report all incidents, near misses and dangerous situations to their manager; • The Works Manager shall be responsible for ensuring that all personnel is aware of their duties as stated in the Project Plan and all applicable underlying documents. Site visitors The Project Manager will ensure that a visitors’ book is maintained at the site office, recording: o Name, o VONL details o Arrival times and departure times o Car Registration number • Visitors sign the book on arrival and receive a brief induction but must still be accompanied by a responsible member of the project team whenever they are out on the site. • Personnel who visit the site regularly, e.g. Contracts Manager, QHSE Coordinator etc, will be given a full induction on their first visit. Provided that site rules are adhered to, regular visitors will then be permitted to access all areas of the site on this and subsequent visits. However, should any major changes occur on the project it will be deemed necessary for all regular visitors to be re-inducted. 7.4 Health Safety and Environment Management Plans The tenets of VONL HSE Policy as it applies to this project shall be abided with strictly. Relevant sections of the policy are presented below. 7.4.1 Training, Competence and Awareness Training VONL believes that continuous HSE training is important for all employees and will further equip them with the necessary knowledge and skill to effectively implement and improve the HSE system at work site. There are requirements for personnel working on the project to be competent for the tasks they are to perform. A training matrix shall be prepared in which all training available shall be stated with applicable target groups. The Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Seven: Environmental Management Plan P a g e | 326 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation crew on board of the VONL vessels shall be trained on applicable regulations for environmental protection and safety. The VONL Crewing department shall maintain a training matrix. It shall detail the required certificates and expiry dates for the crew of each vessel. In addition to standard skill, the following training shall be provided: • First – Aid Course; • Fire fighting training; • Safe working practices (use of PPE, manual handling, working at height, reduction in the discharge of waste, etc); and, • Environmental emergency response procedures (i.e. oil spill) Induction Every personnel shall undergo HSE induction on arrival to site. The inductions will cover all site-specific HSE aspects, including site rules, applicable local HSE rules and regulations, emergency procedures, unsafe working conditions, Client requirements etc. The induction shall ensure that all personnel work in a safe manner, use correct PPE at all times and understand the proponent, VONL and sub-contractor’s commitment to health, safety and environmental issues. All persons inducted shall sign the induction form. The record of induction shall be kept at the site office. Toolbox talks The Project Manager shall organise Toolbox Meetings for all personnel working on the site/project at least once a week, or whenever necessary. A toolbox talk form and attendance list shall be prepared for all meetings. The purpose of this meeting is to further promote HSE awareness among all the personnel and workers and also to remind them of the basic Safety Rules and Environmental Management Regulations. In addition to the standard safety issues, method statements, near miss and incidents, etc may be discussed in the toolbox talks. Apart from the abilities of sub-contractors to satisfy the work requirements, the talks shall ensure that they equally have the capabilities of meeting the minimum VONL standards Requirements. Competence The Corporate Personnel and Organisation department (P&O) shall be responsible for producing and maintaining an up to date training matrix that identifies key personnel and the level of training required to ensure conformance with VONL Health, Safety and Environmental Policy and with reference to significant risks, impacts and emergency preparedness. The Project Manager shall ensure that relevant and applicable training is identified and provided for all project staff, including sub-contractors, consistent with the requirements of the matrix. Tasks which have the potential to cause a health and safety hazard or a significant environmental impact shall first be identified by risk assessment. Following the risk assessment VONL or the subcontractor acting on its behalf shall ensure that persons undertaking the tasks are competent on the basis of appropriate education, training and experience. Copies of training certificate shall be made available upon request. Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Seven: Environmental Management Plan P a g e | 327 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Training and awareness shall be created through a variety of routes including site induction, toolbox talks, briefing, newsletters and formal training courses. People that operate specialised equipment (excavator, cranes, tele-handlers, etc) must: • Be competent to operate the specialised equipment they are to operate; • Be in the possession of a valid, applicable to the type of equipment which he / she operates, Certificate of Competence / driver license. A copy of these documents must be handed over to the QHSE Department during the induction. • The operator record and a copy of the relevant competence certificates shall be maintained on site. HSE posters and sign boards HSE Posters and signboards shall be strategically displayed throughout the project site to remind all personnel of risks, danger and precautionary measures to be taken when working on site. 7.4.2 Emergency Preparedness Emergency preparedness and response An Emergency Response Plan shall be put in place to include the following: • Emergency Response Team on site; • Emergency telephone list; • Route to hospital; • VONL’s Emergency procedure; • Emergency Assistance Site security The Project Manager, or his delegate, shall be responsible for instituting and maintaining appropriate measures for the site security and safeguarding of client’s interests, public and others against any hazards resulting from the activities of the Project, including contractors on neighbouring sites, fishermen, etc. The site boundary shall be clearly identified. Incidents, near misses and damage VONL has established a procedure and sequence of investigation and analysis of all incidents at work site with the objective of recommending specific actions to prevent recurrence. The following personnel shall be informed immediately once an incident, damage or near miss has occurred: • Project Manager (to inform Client) • QHSE Manager • Subcontractor and supervisor in-charge of the work / injured person. Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Seven: Environmental Management Plan P a g e | 328 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation In case of serious personal injury, the QHSE Manager together with the subcontractor and his representative shall conduct a preliminary investigation and take immediate necessary actions such as: • Cordoning off the scene of the Incident, • Attend to the injured person or call for an ambulance The QHSE Manager shall issue instructions to whoever is responsible for carrying out the appropriate corrective and preventive actions as soon as possible. The Project Manager shall send preliminary incident report within 24 hours to QHSE-department. In case of damage, the report will be send to the Technical Department. The QHSE Manager distributes the incident investigation report among other involved parties. The final incident report (if applicable) must be sent within 3 working days to the QHSE department. Subcontractors shall inform the Project Manager Work Manager and HSE representative immediately when an incident occurs and must submit a (preliminary) incident report within 24 hours to VONL. An overview shall be maintained with all outstanding actions resulting from incidents and near misses. The QHSE representative on site shall maintain this overview. First Aid A minimum of one qualified First Aider shall be on site during site working hours, if over 50 persons are on site at any time, two qualified first aiders are to be in attendance. Arrangements will be made to cover leave, sickness, shift-work, weekend work etc. First aiders shall be nominated for the Project and their names (First Aid poster) will be posted on the notice board. Damage If damage(s) occurs on property, vessels or equipment, a damage report including the master’s statement and if applicable, a sketch of the situation shall be drawn up. Corrective and preventive measures (incidents) The QHSE Manager shall issue a verbal or written instruction outlining the corrective measures to be put in place, based on the recommendations for preventive measures set out in the Incident Investigation report. The QHSE Manager shall inspect and ensure that the appropriate actions are being carried out, as instructed. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) All personnel on site shall be provided with standard PPE by their employer. Mandatory PPE are as a minimum: • Approved safety footwear; • Hard hat / safety helmet; • High visibility clothing (jacket or coverall) Consumable PPE shall always be available on site, such as working gloves and rain suits. Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Seven: Environmental Management Plan P a g e | 329 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Specific work sometimes requires additional PPE, such as during cutting and welding. The type of PPE to be used will be indicated in the risk assessment which shall be made prior to start of the activity. Additional PPE could be: • Safety glasses; • Earplugs / ear protection; • Breathing masks/filters; • Welding mask. A supply of PPE shall be held in the offices and made available for visitors as well as an overview of which PPE has been distributed and to whom (this is included in the site induction form). Communication Personnel shall be briefed on special HSE issues in toolbox meetings. Subjects might be the review of unsafe acts, incidents and near misses, lessons learned or HSE subjects arising from the weekly project progress meeting. Feedback shall also be encouraged from the workforce during the toolbox talk. Ad-hoc meetings will be conducted whenever critical issues related to HSE require immediate attention. Any senior Manager can call for a meeting. Critical HSE matters that must be attended to immediately are (but not limited to): • Incident or fire on site; • Other critical issues which may cause loss of lives or serious damage to works or property Communication between labour and their supervisor shall be without language restrictions. The same applies for communication between supervisors and Project Management Team and within the Project Management Team. 7.4.3 Health, Safety and Environmental Monitoring HSE Inspections The purpose of HSE inspections is to monitor and ensure compliance to the site HSE rules and regulations and appraise relevant authority and client requirements. Prior to the start of the project, the PM (or nominated staff) will inspect all hired equipment by means of the inspection checklist mentioned in box 7.1 below. It is a requirement that all line managers and supervisors monitor QHSE matters continuously as a day-to-day activity. In addition to this, the Project Manager must undertake a monthly site inspection, which will be documented and placed on the site files. Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Seven: Environmental Management Plan P a g e | 330 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Box 7.2: HSE Inspection Schedule Management of subcontractors Prior to appointment of a subcontractor, the bidding subcontractors will receive the “QHSE Requirements for Subcontractors”. This document sets out a series of rules for managing Quality, Occupational Health and Safety and Environmental protection at subcontractor’s worksites. The rules form a contractual requirement between VONL and the subcontractor, in addition to the requirement for legal compliance. Compliance with the “QHSE Requirements for Subcontractors” shall be verified by means of inspections and (if applicable) pre-award and / or post-award audits. Once the appointed subcontractor is on site, the Project Manager shall ensure that sub contractors: • Are given a full site induction on arrival at the site offices; • Are made aware of PPE, Welfare, First Aid and Emergency arrangements; • Provide adequate competent supervision to supplement that provided by VONL; • Provide suitable and sufficient risk assessments and method statements for all relevant tasks; • Supply certificates of training/competency of their personnel, copies of which must be held in the site files; • Supply test certificates and maintenance records for plant and equipment, copies of which must be held in the site files; Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Seven: Environmental Management Plan P a g e | 331 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation • Provide the Project Manager with the necessary information and/or amendments in order to comply with contractual and statutory require; • Report to the Works Manager prior to starting work to ensure: o The works are co-ordinated with regard to other works on site; o They will be operating a safe system of work; o Valid permits to work have been issued; o Their safety method statements have been approved; o The induction procedure is carried out on all personnel; o Are aware that failure to comply with these conditions will result in the Subcontractor or his employee(s) being refused entry to or removed from site; o Provide weekly and monthly HSE statistics: o Inform Van Oord PM, WM and HSE representative when incidents occur. The Project Manager shall also ensure collaborative attitude on site by making public, available details of other contractors and their related activities. On a weekly basis a progress meeting will be conducted with the main subcontractors in which HSE isna part of the agenda. Machinery and Equipment Maintenance Many incidents occurring onshore and offshore are machinery / equipment related. Regular inspection and maintenance of machinery / equipment is a necessary precautionary measure that must be carried out to prevent incidents. Onshore machinery and equipment maintenance Categories of essential equipment such as lifting equipment, hoist and power tools shall be inspected on a regular basis or as per local regulation. All inspections shall be recorded with notes on any deviation that requires corrections. All deviations are to be rectified before they are used. The Superintendent shall maintain the records and these records must be available for review by the site safety management / authority as and when required. Machinery / equipment requiring periodic inspection shall include, but not limited to the following: • Cranes (mobile, crawler); • Mobile Elevated Working Platforms - Cherry pickers; • Loose hoisting gear; • Dump trucks, wheel loaders, bulldozers, excavators etc. Inspection and maintenance of mobile cranes, lifting machines and loose hoisting equipment shall be executed by a qualified person(s). Inspection shall be conducted annually or as per local regulation. Records of the Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Seven: Environmental Management Plan P a g e | 332 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation inspection must be kept on site. The respective operator shall conduct daily visual inspections before operating and report any fault to the Works Manager for an immediate action. Relevant records of these visual inspections are kept if applicable. Offshore machinery and equipment maintenance Maintenance operations on board A complete set of documentation consisting of drawings, diagrams, instruction books and parts books shall be available on board the vessels. Taking the guidelines from this documentation and instructions into consideration, the checkup/ maintenance operations to be carried out are scheduled on the basis of: • Time intervals for certain parts of the ship or for machines and installations and the navigation and safety devices; • The number of operation hours of machine installations; • Legal requirements set by the Classification agency and the Transportation and Public Works Inspection (maritime division); • Measuring reports related to wearing of parts in contact with sand; • Continuous inspections/maintenance by crew; • Damage occurred, defects and failures occurring. 7.4.4 Controlling significant site risks – Health and Safety All works shall be carried out in a proper and safe manner taking into consideration the safety of all parties involved as well as the public. Working over or adjacent to water For tasks and assignments conducted over water, every effort shall be made to eliminate the risk of accidental entry into water. Where possible, gangways to the required standard shall be provided for entry onto vessels. Buoyancy aids such as lifejackets shall be issued to personnel as appropriate and it is compulsory that they are worn when work involves working over or near water. All lifejackets shall receive annual servicing by an approved company. Life rings and other lifesaving equipment shall be provided at suitable intervals along the quay wall or on the beach. Training shall be provided as appropriate. Temporary electrical installations Any temporary electrical installation on site will be in accordance with plans drawn up by a competent person. Any work or alterations made to the installation will only be undertaken by a competent person. All circuits serving electrical equipment shall be provided with a Residual Current Device (RCD) and a Miniature Circuit Breaker (MCB) for personal protection. Where generators / light sets are used on site, attention will be given to Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Seven: Environmental Management Plan P a g e | 333 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation the sitting of the equipment in order to minimise pollution caused by noise and fumes and the generators will be placed on drip trays to prevent any pollution of the sand underneath. Working at Height The following hierarchy shall be applied for any working at height tasks. i. Working at height should be avoided where possible; ii. Work equipment (e.g. scaffolding, hand-railing etc) or other measures will be used to prevent falls where working at height cannot be avoided; and iii. Where we cannot eliminate the risk of a fall, use work equipment or other measures (e.g. PPE) to minimise the distance and consequences of a fall should one occur Prior to any working at height taking place the following will be taken into account: a. Work at height is properly planned and organised; b. Take account of weather conditions that could endanger health and safety; c. Ensure those involved in work at height are trained and competent; d. The place where the work at height is done is safe; e. Equipment for work at height is appropriately inspected; f. The risks from fragile surfaces are properly controlled; and g. The risks from falling objects are properly controlled. Permit to Work system The purpose of a system of work permits is to control the high risks to personnel, vessel and environment when carrying out work under hazardous conditions. Due to the sheer nature of VONL’s vessels, repair and maintenance is a fully integrated part of the working practice on board and on the shore. Hot work activities (welding, burning, cutting, grinding) Hot work activities on board the vessel / barge / on site are common practice. There are several locations on board the vessel / barge where hot work activities can be carried out like the workshop engine room, welding workshop. For above-mentioned locations a work permit is not mandatory. However on locations where risks are not ruled out (such as welding / burning in engine room, in accommodation, etc), a work permit has to be issued prior to the activities. The checklist as given in the work permit has to be followed to guarantee a safe working environment. Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Seven: Environmental Management Plan P a g e | 334 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Working on electrical systems Working on live electrical systems shall be strictly prohibited. It shall require the permission of the Works Manager (site) or Chief Engineer (marine equipment) and should only be carried out in exceptional circumstances. Exceptions are as follows: i. Carry out of adjustment procedures; ii. Making measurements to the installation. Before working on electrical system can start, an electrical permit must be obtained from the Works Manager or Chief Engineer and the lock out / tag out instruction as stated in the Safe Working Practice must be followed. Control of lifting operations Information on ground conditions, along with other key information regarding the lift area (i.e. overhead cables etc.) should be forwarded to the crane company prior to arrival on site. A site visit by the crane company may be necessary before any lifting activities take place. Prior to arrival on site, copies of the lifting equipment, crane and loose gear certificates, and the applicable papers such as driver license, certificate of competence of the crane driver, must be obtained from the lifting company to ensure that the applicable certificates are in place. The operator of the crane shall be responsible for: • Proper placement of the crane in relation to the load to be handled; • Proper placement and use of outriggers, where provided; • The determination of stable or unstable ground or footing. All rigging equipment (loose gear) shall be visually inspected prior to each shift. Damaged or defect slings shall be removed from service. All cranes and lifting equipment must be inspected (cranes – annual and lifting equipment 6 monthly) by an independent 3rd Party. All lifting operations shall be planned and supervised by a competent person. The appointed person shall: • • • • • Assess the proposed lift to provide for planning, selection of equipment, instruction and supervision to enable the work to be carried out safely; Ensure that all tests, inspections examinations and maintenance of the crane and lifting accessories have been carried out, and that there is a procedure for reporting defects and taking any necessary corrective action; Have the authority to carry out their duties and to stop the operations if they think there is a danger; A competent and trained banks-man and rigger will also be on site to assist with the lifting operations; Lifts shall be classified as routine and non-routine lifts, where the latter is divided into simple, complicated, complex and heavy lifts. A lifting permit must at least be prepared in the following case: • Non-routine lifts as described above and in the definitions; Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Seven: Environmental Management Plan P a g e | 335 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation • Lifting on new reclaimed land. Traffic management The site shall be organised in such a way that, so far as is reasonably practicable, pedestrians and vehicles are segregated and can move around safely. Site traffic and pedestrian routes shall be identified within the traffic management plan, which shall contain a site layout which in turn will be displayed in the main office and on site notice boards. When producing the traffic management plan consideration will be given to all vehicles on site, including delivery vehicles. VONL’s projects sites adopt reverse parking policy for the designated parking areas. All site personnel shall be briefed on the traffic management within the site induction. Transport safety Every person involved or available on the work place shall understand and adhere to the following: • • • • • • The immediate area shall be clear of all workers except those engaged or assisting in the loading and unloading of equipment and materials; Necessary Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) i.e. safety helmets, safety shoes, leather or leather-palm gloves, hi-visibility jacket shall be used by employees while handling loading and unloading work; Drivers must obey all traffic signs, and show absolute regard for safety of employees and the Public. Toolbox Meetings on safety precautions and emergency measures shall be conducted to all personnel involved in the loading and' off-loading, prior to start work, and shall be repeated on regular basis; Drivers shall make regular inspection on their vehicle for obvious defect and report (if found) immediately to their Foreman; The practice of employees sleeping or resting under equipment during rest periods shall prohibited; Drivers shall ensure that incidents resulting in damage or injury shall be immediately reported to the VONL’s HSE Department. Lone working When it is necessary, the lone worker shall be equipped with appropriate communication equipment and a system shall be established whereupon he / she is contacted at set intervals throughout the period of working. Tools Proper handling use of tools shall maintain the following practices: • • • • • • • • All tools provided on site shall be of the best available quality with proper safeguards; Tools designed with guards, handles and electrical trip switches shall be equipped with such devices at all times; All defective tools shall be immediately removed from service for repair; Tools shall be visually inspected for damage or defects daily and prior to use; Electrical hand tools shall be of the double insulated type and shall be maintained in good condition; Any defective tool(s) shall be removed from site; All work equipment when not in use shall be stored in storage containers in a secure area on site, these containers will be locked at the end of each shift; Items of equipment that can only be operated by trained and competent personnel (disc cutters; chainsaws etc.) will be locked away with only authorised personnel able to access them. Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Seven: Environmental Management Plan P a g e | 336 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Welding and cutting equipment Welding and cutting activities will mainly take place in the workshop and on the marine equipment (open air). On the reclamation area it might happen that during placement / removal of the land line burning / cutting activities take place (removal of bolts / nuts). The materials of which the pipelines are made of are steel with no cathode protection installed on them. • • • No welding will take place on an external surface of a tank containing a flammable liquid; Flashback arrestors must be installed on the welding sets; Personnel engaged in welding, cutting, burning, chipping and grinding activities must wear the appropriate PPE (face mask / welding mask, gloves, aprons, coverall (fire retardant), etc). Storage of gas cylinders The below mentioned points of attention must be followed in relation to the storage of gas and oxygen cylinders: • • • • • • • • • • • The gas cylinders should be stack vertically, properly fixed and protected against falling; The storage location should be equipped with at an appropriate number of fire extinguishers; A “No Smoking and Naked Flames” should be placed on a clearly visible location; Storage areas shall be purpose built in the open air, shaded from direct sunlight and fenced of to a height of 2 m; Oxygen and acetylene cylinders should be kept separated at least 3 metres from each other when stored or separated by a fire proof screen (steel plate) with a fire delaying effect of 60 minutes; Storage areas shall be clearly identified, with the names of the gases stored; Full and empty cylinders shall be kept apart and “full” / “empty” notices will be displayed; The gas cylinders should be fitted with a protection cap; All gas cylinders should be colour coded as per regulations. Cylinders shall only be moved using cradles and trolleys and it is not allowed to roll cylinders; Cylinders should never be lifted by their valve cap or guard. Housekeeping VONL and all subcontractors shall keep work area clean, tidy, and free from debris. It has been proven that a clean site helps to prevent injuries from slips and trips. • • • • • All materials shall be stored, as appropriate, in stockpiles of reasonable size and gradient. All storage areas will be fenced off and secured to prevent unauthorised access. All work equipment when not in use shall be stored in a secure area on site. Items of equipment that can only be operated by trained and competent personnel (disc cutters; chainsaws etc) should be locked away with only authorised personnel able to access them; Personnel shall be trained in good housekeeping by means of toolbox talks. 7.4.5 Controlling significant site risks – Environmental Storage and register of dangerous goods The storage of hazardous materials such as diesel, hydraulic oil, paint and other chemicals that pose potential environmental hazards shall be in a manner that prevents any potential risk. Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Seven: Environmental Management Plan P a g e | 337 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation • • • • Ground protection must be used (e.g. drip trays). The drip trays must be 110% of the volumes of the liquids it contains; Storage will be according the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS); If hazardous materials are stored in a confined space, the space must be properly ventilated. A register of all potential hazardous materials will be kept on site (or in storage facility). • • • • Fuel handling Oil storage facilities shall not be located within 10m of a watercourse or 50m of a well or borehole. All oil storage facilities shall have the appropriate safety signage in place such as contents of the tank, no smoking, etc; Firefighting equipment shall be available in the close vicinity of the storage tanks / bunded areas. Only trained personnel shall conduct fuel handling activities. • • • • • Oil storage method Storage tanks and mobile bowsers shall either be constructed with double skins or contained in an impermeable bund with a liquid holding capacity of 110% of the storage tank; Similar requirements shall apply to any storage of liquids on site; All storage areas on site will have a capacity of 110% of the biggest drum / container stored in the area. The storage tanks shall be held on a secure site; Filling and fuelling valves / taps shall be kept locked with access only to authorised personnel. The valves / taps should be clearly showing whether they are in the open or closed position. Refueling plant and equipment For onsite refuelling, oil spill response and firefighting equipment shall be stationed near to the mobile bowser. The bowser shall be placed as near as practicable to the plant. A fail safe nozzle shall be used which is stored, when not in use, inside the bunded bowser. While moving the nozzle from the mobile bowser to the plant, oil-absorbing material shall be placed between them (i.e. a drip tray), with the operator checking the area for any leakage afterwards. Only generators and mobile plant that are too far away to drive up to the fuel storage area shall be refuelled on site. Prior to all refuelling activities a toolbox talk will be held between the supervisor, the mobile bowser operator and the plant operator. 7.4.6 Oil Spill Contingency Plan Onshore Oil Spill Contingency Plan In the event of a small spill (less than 200 litres) Equipment should be shut down and lines closed immediately if this can be done without risk, and absorbent material or soil / sand is to be used to surround the spill and prevent it entering drains or controlled waters. The Project Manager shall be immediately notified, and the spill is to be covered with absorbent material or sand. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is to be worn at all times. Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Seven: Environmental Management Plan P a g e | 338 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation All contaminated spoil or clean up materials should be treated as hazardous waste and removed from the site. In the event of a large spill (over 200 litres) The Project Manager shall be notified immediately who will then notify the Client representative. Wearing the appropriate PPE, lines are shall be closed and plant shut down. The spill should be prevented from entering surface water drains or controlled waters by creating barriers of sand or similar materials. The Project Manager will direct the cleanup process and contaminated material shall be disposed of as hazardous waste. After the event, all people involved should make a written record of their recollection of events leading up to and during the course of the incident. These records should be reviewed and actions taken to implement measures to prevent re-occurrence. Offshore Oil Spill Contingency Plan On board the marine vessels, in accordance with and approved by the applicable Flag State regulations, a SOPEP plan (Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan) shall be available. The SOPEP contains the following (but not limited to): • • • • • • The steps to control discharges; Reporting requirements; List of Coastal State Contracts; General Arrangement Plan; Tank Plan and; Fuel Oil piping diagram 7.4.7 Waste management Waste management on site shall be executed as per local regulations (segregation, disposal, etc.). The production of wastes shall be minimised, and wherever possible shall be re-used on the site where it was produced. Where waste cannot be re-used on site, every endeavour will be made to use it in an environmentally beneficial manner, for example by recycling. Only in a last resort will waste be disposed of at a landfill. All wastes stored on site shall be kept safe and contained, ensuring that they cannot be blown around, or into water, damaged by the weather or scavenged by vandals, thieves, trespassers or animals. In the event of a site not being completely secured, all wastes will be stored in locked containers. Separate skips shall be used for controlled and special waste. Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Seven: Environmental Management Plan P a g e | 339 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation All waste on site shall be collected and disposed of by a local firm, who shall transport both controlled and hazardous waste offsite for the duration of the project. Copies of their Waste Management License and Waste carriers license shall be held in the site filing system (if applicable). 7.4.8 Health risks Substances hazardous to health The Control of substances hazardous to health shall be in accordance with the applicable legislation. • The Superintendents and / or HSE representative shall use the MSDS form as the basis of a toolbox talk to all personnel likely to use the substance; • Personnel should be made aware at induction that they are not to use hazardous substances without the appropriate training in the use and storage of the substance; • There shall be a fully ventilated store on site for storage of hazardous substances. Storage shall be as per the local requirements and checks will be made prior to storage to ensure that hazardous substances are compatible and can be stored together; • The storage shall be set up to ensure that there can be no risk of an environmental spill (internal drip trays); • Information regarding the correct PPE to be used shall also be relayed within the toolbox talks; • The use of hazardous materials shall be reduced to the practical minimum limit; • Flammable and other hazardous materials shall be stored in designated areas; • The storage areas shall include, when required, the provision of the required fire extinguishers, ventilation and clean up facilities; • Handling and use of hazardous materials shall be done according the applicable MSDS and with the utmost care and precautions; Noise As far as reasonable practicable, all machines and equipment used, will not produce excessive noise (i.e. 90 dBA for 8 hours). The control of noise on site will be achieved by: • • • • • Making an assessment of the personal noise exposure of workers; Reducing noise at source wherever practicable; Providing suitable hearing protection; Informing workers of the noise levels they are exposed to, how their hearing may be at risk and what they must do to protect it; Designated hearing protection zones. • • • • • Vibration The maximum daily use as specified in both the regulations and also the manufacturer’s recommendations must not be exceeded at any time; Where tasks involve continued use of vibratory equipment a rotational system for the use of the equipment will be implemented on site; Where sub-contractors are responsible for the provision of their own hand tools, they shall be responsible for ensuring that the equipment is safe and fit for purpose, and properly inspected and maintained; It shall be the responsibility of the Project Manager (or nominated person) to ensure that suitable arrangements are established for checking and maintaining hand held vibrating equipment on site; All records shall be kept up to date in the site files. Symptoms of Hand Arm Vibration Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Seven: Environmental Management Plan P a g e | 340 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation • • • • • Attack of whitening (Blanching) of one or more fingers when exposed to cold; Tingling and loss of sensation in the fingers; Loss of light touch; Pain and cold sensations between periodic white finger attacks; Loss of Grip strength Manual handling Poorly thought out or badly performed manual handling activities are the cause of many injuries to construction workers. Manual handling tasks include: • • • • Lifting Lowering Pulling Pushing Suitable control measures shall be put in place once the following points have been established: • What has to be moved? • Does it really have to be moved? • What does it weigh? • Can it be broken down into smaller loads? • Can the process that requires it to be moved be changed? • Where is the load’s centre of gravity? • Can it be safely handled by one person? • Will assistance be required? • Can the move be carried out more safely with mechanical assistance? • How far does it have to be moved and from where to where? • Is the route clear of obstructions? • Can it be put down safely? All workers at risk of injury from manual handling shall be briefed in a toolbox talk by the works manager on the hazards of manual handling and the precautions to be taken. Exposure to UV Rays / heat stress Working during sunny periods poses a risk of overexposure to UV Rays. • • • Sun protection cream shall be provided on site for use by all personnel; A toolbox talk shall be carried out highlighting the dangers of exposure to UV Rays and Heat stress and the mitigation measures put in place; All personnel shall be required to remain adequately dressed throughout periods of hot weather; Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Seven: Environmental Management Plan P a g e | 341 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation • • All personnel will also be encouraged to: o Stay in the shade whenever possible, during breaks and especially at lunch time; o Use a high factor sunscreen on any exposed skin; o Drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration; o Check skin regularly for any unusual moles or spots. A “heat stress” awareness poster is available which will be displayed on site. Smoking Smoking shall be prohibited in all offices and welfare facilities of VONL and its subcontractors. Designated smoking areas shall be allocated which will have ashtray and fire extinguishers Pest control All building structures and associated facilities operated by VONL and subcontractors shall be insect and rodent proofed, free from vermin and shall be maintained throughout the duration of the project activities. No person shall place, leave, dump or allow garbage to accumulate in any building or areas of the site, in a manner that will provide food and harbourage for insects and rodents. If pest control has to take place, all personnel shall be evacuated from the area to be fumigated and will only be allowed to return once Pest Control has given permission 7.4.9 Marine activities Precautions as stipulated in this HSE Plan shall be applicable offshore in addition to the Safety Management System on board. Exemption will be wearing of life jackets. These will be worn during boat transfer, when working over or adjacent to water and on board marine equipment if there is no railing available. Some general directions are as follows: • • • • • • • • Personnel (dis)embarking on marine equipment must obey the instructions of the person in charge of the vessel at all times; Unexpected movements of the marine equipment, even in good weather, must be anticipated; Life jackets should be available for all personnel and visitors. Each person shall be trained in the use of a life jacket; Tools must not be scattered around the work site; Grease and oil spills must be cleaned up immediately; Garbage must be disposed off properly. No garbage must be thrown overboard; Navigation warnings and signals shall be used. All operations shall be performed depending on actual weather/operational conditions. To support decision making daily weather forecasts will be available on site and on all marine equipment. These weather forecasts will be closely monitored throughout the operation. Limiting weather/operational conditions are a combination of: Wind force and direction; Current speed and direction; Wave/swell height, period and direction; Vicinity of other (surface and subsea) structures and marine equipment. Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Seven: Environmental Management Plan P a g e | 342 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation To what extent these factors are actually a limitation depends fully on the interaction of these factors with respect to the marine equipments behaviour. It is the responsibility of the Master of the marine equipment to assess the weather conditions and ensure the safety of the marine equipment and its crew at all times. The Master may decide to postpone operations until weather conditions have improved. His decision shall be binding and irrevocable. In consultation with the Superintendent a shelter location will be appointed. 7.5 Impact Mitigation Monitoring (IMM) Plan This subsection presents specific plans for ensuring that the mitigation measures outlined in chapter six of this report are appropriately and adequately implemented. These plans if properly carried out are expected to provide early warning signs for environmental degradation with a view to take further measures in forestalling them. 7.5.1 Flood Prevention Monitoring Plan Although the nature of the lagoon presents minor risks to flooding, dredging activities shall be carried out to ensure that factors that could lead to erosion are forestalled. Ensuring that angle of repose of topography due to reclamation maintains an average of 1 unit vertical for 2 units horizontal is important to preventing sediment transport that could lead to erosion. In order to ensure sharp slopes in underwater topography due to dredging, bathymetry survey shall be conducted every two weeks throughout the reclamation period and after reclamation. In event that undesired topography is created, corrective dredging shall be implemented. 7.5.2 Surface Water Quality Monitoring Plan Considering the nature of the proposed project and likely sources of contamination of the surface water, monitoring shall concentrate on checking deviations in the physic-chemical properties of the water, as well as presence of toxic substances like heavy metals. Surface water quality monitoring shall be carried out weekly in the first month of the reclamation activities, and subsequently monthly, until completion of reclamation (to demobilisation). Post-reclamation monitoring shall be undertaken bi-weekly for two months. Table 7.1 presents the monitoring schedule. Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Seven: Environmental Management Plan P a g e | 343 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Table 7.1: Surface Water Quality Monitoring Schedule SURFACE WATER QUALITY MONITORING PLAN Impact Indicators Physico-chemical characteristics: pH, DO, BOD, TSS, TDS, Total Organic Carbon Turbidity, Anoions, Cations, Heavy metals, Conductivity, Hydrocarbons, Depth, etc Benchmark (s) FMEnv Permissible limits (water quality for fisheries); Baseline Concentrations in EIA Sampling location Within and beyond the reclamation (dredging and filling) site; same areas or very proximal to locations sampled in the EIA Sampling Frequency - Weekly in the first month of reclamation activities; Then, monthly throughout the reclamation period (up to demobilisation; Bi-weekly, two months after demobilisation Responsible party OIDC HSE Manager, VONL HSE Manager, FMEnv accredited consultant Regulator (s) Federal Ministry of Environment; Lagos State Ministry of Environment 7.5.3 Air Quality and Noise Monitoring Plan Noise and noxious gases emissions from the proposed reclamation project could increase the background levels. Although impact predictions show that these increases are unlikely to exceed permissible standards by the FMEnv, it is important to monitor ambient air quality to ensure that unexpected increases do not occur. Monitoring for air quality/noise shall be conducted weekly in the first two months of commencement of reclamation and subsequently monthly for the rest of the reclamation activities until demobilisation. Postreclamation monitoring for air quality/noise shall be carried out weekly, one month after demobilisation. Table 7.2 presents the schedule for air quality and noise monitoring. Table 7.2: Air Quality and Noise Monitoring Schedule AIR QUALITY AND NOISE MONITORING PLAN Impact Indicators Ambient Noise levels (dB(A)), SOx, NOx, TSP, CO, H2S, Hydrocarbon, etc. Benchmark (s) FMEnv Permissible limits; Baseline Concentrations in EIA; predicted noise levels in EIA Sampling location At the same areas or very proximal to locations where measurements were taken in the EIA Responsible party - Weekly in the first two months of reclamation activities; - Then, monthly throughout the reclamation period (up to demobilisation); - Bi-weekly, one months after demobilisation OIDC HSE Manager, VONL HSE Manager, FMEnv accredited consultant Regulator (s) Federal Ministry of Environment; Lagos State Ministry of Environment Sampling Frequency Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Seven: Environmental Management Plan P a g e | 344 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation 7.5.4 Hydrobiology and Fisheries Monitoring Plan Notable impacts of the proposed reclamation project are those on macrobenthic biota, planktons, as well as fish and fisheries. Main mitigation measure to forestall these impacts, especially beyond the reclamation zone is the use of silt curtain. Monitoring of these parameters is important to ensure that the mitigation measures are sufficient to in reducing the impacts of the dredging and filling activities on these aquatic life forms. More so, bearing in mind that artisanal fishing on the lagoon is a means of sustenance for some people. Monitoring for plankton and macrobenthos shall be implemented weekly in the first one month of commencement of dredging and filling, and then, monthly for the rest of the reclamation period, until demobilisation. Post-demobilisation monitoring shall be conducted monthly, three months after demobilisation from site. For fish and fisheries, interview of fishermen and record of catches shall be conducted bi-weekly in the first month of commencement of dredging and then bi-monthly through the remaining period of dredging, until demobilisation. Post-demobilisation monitoring shall be conducted bi-monthly, four months after demobilisation. Table 7.3 presents the monitoring schedule. Table 7.3: Hydrobiology and Fisheries Monitoring Schedule HYDROBIOLOGY AND FISHERIES MONITORING PLAN Impact Indicators Plankton community indices, Macrobenthos community indices, Fish catches and abundance. Benchmark (s) EIA data; Existing literature Sampling location At the same areas or very proximal to locations where measurements were taken in the EIA Sampling Frequency Plankton and Macrobenthos - Weekly in the first one month of reclamation activities; - Then, monthly throughout the reclamation period (up to demobilisation); - Monthly, three months after demobilisation Fish and Fisheries - Bi-weekly in the first one months of reclamation activities; - Then, bi-monthly throughout the reclamation period (up to demobilisation); - Bi-monthly, four months after demobilisation Responsible party OIDC HSE Manager, VONL HSE Manager, FMEnv accredited consultant Regulator (s) Federal Ministry of Environment; Lagos State Ministry of Environment 7.5.5 Waste Management Monitoring Plan VONL has in place robust waste management policy, which is expected to be fully implemented by VONL personnel and subcontractors. It is however important to monitor the effectiveness of the implementation of this policy and its efficiency in ensuring proper management of wastes throughout the reclamation project. Monitoring of waste management shall be by visual inspection of the work area and surrounding environment, inspection of the waste management practices observed by personnel and records of waste handling. Waste management Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Seven: Environmental Management Plan P a g e | 345 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation monitoring shall be carried out bi-weekly in the first 2 months of commencement of reclamation and subsequently, monthly until demobilisation. Post demobilisation monitoring shall be carried out two weeks after. In the event that some waste issues are still in existence, post-demobilisation monitoring shall be conducted after two weeks, again. Table 7.4 presents waste management monitoring schedule. Table 7.4: Waste Management Monitoring Schedule WASTE MANAGEMENT MONITORING PLAN Impact Indicators Visual aesthetics; waste management practices; waste management records Benchmark (s) Pre-work conditions (visual observations), VONL Waste Management Policy, FMEnv Standards Sampling location Reclamation area and environs, including road to site from Lekk-Epe Expressway. Sampling Frequency - Bi-weekly in the first two months of reclamation activities; Then, monthly throughout the reclamation period (up to demobilisation); Two weeks post-demobilisation; Another two weeks after if some issues still exist at the last monitoring. Responsible party OIDC HSE Manager, VONL HSE Manager, FMEnv accredited consultant Regulator (s) Federal Ministry of Environment; Lagos State Ministry of Environment, Lagos State Waste Management Authority (LAWMA) 7.5.6 Community Relations/Grievance Redress Mechanism Good relationship with host community plays a key role in the success of any project. OIDC shall ensure that it maintains good relationship with Ikateland, the host community for the proposed project. Such relationship shall be extended to the most proximal settlement to the site, the Ebute-Ikate. Relationship with the communities shall adopt the following approach (among others): • Continual consultation with the community to address issues of mutual concern; • Periodic courtesy visits to the community to relate with their views on the project; • Early notification of community leaders of the periods of commencement of reclamation activities and, mutual discussion on how the project will have minimal impact on the people (especially artisanal fishermen) Although no grievance is anticipated during the project implementation since the community leaders and all other stakeholders expressed total support for the proposed project, OIDC shall work closely with the Ministry of Waterfronts Infrastructure Development, Eti-Osa LGA, Oba Elegushi, and other applicable stakeholders to quickly address any form of grievances that may arise due to the proposed reclamation project. Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Seven: Environmental Management Plan P a g e | 346 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation 7.6 Conclusion In view of the fact that thorough implementation of this EMP is key to environmental sustainability of the proposed Orange Island reclamation Project, the proponent (OIDC) and the dredging Contractor (VONL) shall ensure that every aspect of it is carried out as highlighted in the environmental management plan and as necessary. It is also important to note that in view of unforeseen events/occurrence, this EMP can be modified in order to enhance its effectiveness, especially when IMM discovers issues that are not addressed herein. Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Seven: Environmental Management Plan P a g e | 347 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation CHAPTER EIGHT 8.1 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS Conclusion This Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) has identified and documented the positive and negative impacts that can result from the proposed Orange Island Reclamation. Notwithstanding that a few significant negative impacts, especially those on the lagoon benthic ecology and aquatic biota, could occur, much more positive impacts will accrue from the proposed reclamation. The anticipated benefits of the project outweigh the potential negative impacts. More so, all the negative impacts that could result from the proposed project can be adequately mitigated to conform to applicable regulatory limits. In view of available information, it is convincing, that the proposed reclamation can be safely implemented 8.2 Recommendations In order to ensure that the proposed Orange Island Reclamation project is implemented without significant negative impacts on the natural and human environment, the following are recommended: i. All mitigation measures outlined in this EIA should be diligently implemented; ii. The recommendations in the EMP should be responsibly adhered to; iii. Documentation of all processes and actions as they relate to environmental safeguard should be taken very seriously and reported appropriately; iv. Impact Mitigation monitoring reports should be carefully reviewed with a view to improving on recommended mitigations measures, if impacts not covered in this EIA manifest. Orange Island Development Company Limited Chapter Eight: Conclusion and Recommendation P a g e | 348 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation BIBLIOGRAPHY ACGIH (1995). 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Orange Island Development Company Limited Bibliography P a g e | 355 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation APPENDICES APPENDIX 1: EIA NOTIFICATION LETTER TO FEDERAL MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT AND RELATED CORRESPONDENCE Orange Island Development Company Limited Appendices P a g e | 356 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Orange Island Development Company Limited Appendices P a g e | 357 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation APPENDIX 2: EIA NOTIFICATION LETTER TO LAGOS STATE MINISTRY FOR THE ENVIRONMENT Orange Island Development Company Limited Appendices P a g e | 358 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Orange Island Development Company Limited Appendices P a g e | 359 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Orange Island Development Company Limited Appendices P a g e | 360 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation APPENDIX 3: FEDERAL MINISTRY OF THE ENVIRONMENT APPROVAL FOR EIA IMPLEMENTATION Orange Island Development Company Limited Appendices P a g e | 361 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Orange Island Development Company Limited Appendices P a g e | 362 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation APPENDIX 4: VAN Oords NIGERIA LIMITED QUALITY AND ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS CERTIFICATES Orange Island Development Company Limited Appendices P a g e | 363 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Orange Island Development Company Limited Appendices P a g e | 364 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation APPENDIX 5: SOCIOECONOMICS AND HEALTH IMPACT ASSESSMENT STUDY QUESTIONNAIRE ENVIRONMENTAL, SOCIAL AND HEALTH IMPACT ASSESSMENTQUESTIONNAIRE Introduction • • • • • • INDIVIDUAL/HOUSEHOLD INTERVIEW SCHEDULE Good day Sir/Madam. I am from Ecopro Resources Limited (working for Orande Island Development Company), conducting Environmental Impact Assessment for a proposed land reclamation ex ercise in this area. I would like to know your views about the potential environmental, social and economic impact of the project on people in this community, and how any undesirable consequences of the land reclamation and mixed estate could be avoided/mitigated. We have received permission from appropriate authorities to conduct this study. The interview will only take a few minutes. You have been randomly selected for this interview. The information you provide will be very useful in advising appropriate authorities and agencies on modalities for ensuring that the proposed project does not adversely affect people in this community. It will also aid further consultation and engagement with the community members in addressing the challenges that the proposed project may pose to them. Your participation in this study is voluntary. You can skip questions you don’t want to answer, and you can stop completing the survey at any time. Your honest and sincere responses will be highly appreciated. You are assured that information given shall be treated with confidentiality and used for the purpose of this research only. Thank you. Your answers will be treated in strict confidence. CONSENT: Are you willing to be interviewed? Yes No Questionnaire number Section 1: Survey Identification S/No Issues Responses 1. Local government of interview: Response codes 2. Town of interview: 3. Name of Interviewer 4. Language of interview English .................................................1 Pidgin English ......................................2 Yoruba .................................................3 Other language (specify) .....................4 5. Date of interview (ddmm e.g. 2801) 6. Time interview started (hhmm, e.g. 0820) 7. Time interview ended (hhmm, e.g. 0850) Orange Island Development Company Limited Appendices P a g e | 365 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Section 2: Socio-Demographic Information of Respondent 8. Sex of respondent (Interviewer indicate as appropriate) 9. How old are you now? ( Age last birthday in years) 10. Date of birth (DD/MM/YYYY) 11. What is your current marital status? 12. What is your ethnic background? 13. What is your State of origin? 14. What is your religion? 15. What is your highest level of education completed? 16. Which are the major ethnic groups in this community? 17. How long have you been living in this community? (number of years) 18. What is your current occupational status? 19. What is/are the major occupation(s) of the people in this community? 20. What is your main source of income? What is your profession? 21. How long have you been working (number of months/years) 22. Where do you work? 23. How far away from here is your work location? Orange Island Development Company Limited Male .................................................... 1 Female ................................................ 2 ……….. years ……/……/……. Single (never married) ........................ 1 Cohabiting ........................................... 2 Married ................................................ 3 Separated ........................................... 4 Divorced .............................................. 5 Widowed ............................................. 6 …………………………. …………………………. Christianity .......................................... 1 Islam ................................................... 2 Traditional religion............................... 3 Atheist ................................................. 4 Other (please specify) ......................... 5 No formal education ............................ 1 Quranic education ............................... 2 Primary................................................ 3 Secondary ........................................... 4 Post-Secondary (degree) .................... 5 Post-Sec (non-degree)........................ 6 Others (pls specify) ............................. 7 Yoruba ................................................ 1 Egun.................................................... 2 Awori ................................................... 3 Igbo ..................................................... 4 Other (please specify) ......................... 5 ……………. years Employed/self-employed..................... 1 Unemployed ........................................ 2 Retired ................................................ 3 Housewife ........................................... 4 Student/Apprentice ............................. 5 Other (please specify) ......................... 6 Business/Trading ................................ 1 Farming ............................................... 2 Fishing ................................................ 3 Sand mining ........................................ 4 Skilled work (artisanship) .................... 5 Teaching ............................................. 6 Civil service employee ........................ 7 Others (pls specify) ............................. 8 …… years ……….months Within house ....................................... 1 Within 1 km ......................................... 2 Appendices P a g e | 366 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation 1 – 2 km .............................................. 3 Outside this community....................... 4 Others (pls specify) ............................. 5 24. On the average, how much do you, as a person, receive as income from all sources per month? 25. How many members of your household are gainfully employed? 26. What is the estimated total income (from all sources) of your household? Section 3a: General Health Information 27. Would you say your health in general is …? (PLEASE SELECT ONLY ONE) 28. About how much do you weigh without shoes? 29. About how tall are you without shoes? * measure & weigh respondent if possible 30. Has a doctor, nurse or other health professional ever told you that you have diabetes or sugar disease? 31. Has a doctor, nurse or other health professional ever told you that you have hypertension? * ask if they are taking any drugs for BP 32. Have you been told by a doctor, nurse, or other health professional that you have asthma? 33. Do you have any difficulty with hearing? Section 3b: Health coverage and access 34. During the past 12 months, were you unable to pay or did you have problems paying for medical bills, either for yourself or any family member in your household? 35. Do you current have any type of health insurance or arrangement in which your medical bills are paid or subsidized? Please probe and ask respondent to specify 36. What kind of place do you go to MOST OFTEN when you are sick or need advice about your health? * Allow respondent to pick more than one response. 37. Do you now smoke cigarettes every day, some days, or not at all? 38. On the average, how many cigarettes do you now smoke a day? 39. Do you use tobacco in any other form? Specify 40. Are fresh fruits and vegetables easily available in your neighborhood? Section 4: Household Situation and Facilities 41. Type of house Orange Island Development Company Limited N ………….. Males = Females = N ………….. Excellent ………………1 Very good……………...2 Good……………………3 Fair……………………..4 Poor…………………….5 Don’t know…………….6 …………………….kilograms ...... meters …..centimeters Yes………..1 No…………2 Don’t know ……3 Yes………..1 No…………2 Don’t know ……3 Yes………..1 No…………2 Don’t know ……3 Yes………..1 No…………2 Don’t know ……3 Yes………..1 No…………2 Don’t know ……3 Traditional Healer/Herbalist….1 Chemist/Drug store…………2 Clinic/health center/hospital….3 Church/Prayer House………..4 Others( Please specify)………5 Don’t know ………………….6 Every day............1 Some days...........2 Not at all............3 Don’t know.........4 Yes………..1 No…………2 Don’t know ……3 Bungalow ............................................ 1 2/3 storey building ............................... 2 Appendices P a g e | 367 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Other type (specify)............................. 3 42. Do you own or rent your house? 43. Type of material house’s walls are made of: (Interviewer observe) 44. How many rooms are used by your household in this building? (Count living room as one room) 45. Including your own household, how many households live in this compound? 46. Including you, how many people live in this household? 47. Including you, how many people living in this household are within these age groups? 48. What is your estimated total monthly expenditure on the following? 49. Do you own the apartment/house in which you currently live or are you renting? 50. What is the major means of transportation in this community? 51. Do you have electricity in this house? 52. If “Yes”, what is the source of electricity supply to most houses in the community? 53. Is electricity supply regular in this area? 54. How do you get most of the water you use here daily? 55. Is the source of water reliable? 56. Is the water good for drinking? Orange Island Development Company Limited Own………………..1 Rent………………..2 Others (specify)……3 Cement ............................................... 1 Wood/planks ....................................... 2 Mud/mud bricks................................... 3 Thatch ................................................. 4 Other (specify) .................................... 5 …….. rooms. ……… 1. No. of males …………….. 2. No. of females …………… 3. Total …..……………….… 1. Persons aged 12 yrs or less … 2. Persons 13 – 19 ……… 3. Persons 20 – 45 …….. 4. Persons 45 – 60 …………… 5. Persons over 60 yrs. ………. Food N ................................................ 1 Clothing N ........................................... 2 Housing/Rent N................................... 3 Transportation N ................................ 4 Schooling/education N ....................... 5 Medical care/health N ........................ 6 Other (specify) .................................... 7 Own the house .................................... 1 Fee-paying tenant ............................... 2 Non-fee-paying tenant ........................ 3 Official quarter..................................... 4 Other (pls specify) ............................... 5 Yes ...................................................... 1 No ....................................................... 2 PHCN .................................................. 1 Private electricity provider ................... 2 Generator ............................................ 3 No electricity ....................................... 4 Other sources (specify) ....................... 5 Yes ...................................................... 1 No ....................................................... 2 Yard well/borehole .............................. 1 Community well/borehole.................... 2 Stream/pond/river ............................... 3 Public standpipe.................................. 4 Yard/Shared standpipe ....................... 5 Water seller ......................................... 6 Other (specify) .................................... 7 Reliable ............................................... 1 Not reliable .......................................... 2 Don’t Know.......................................... 3 Yes ...................................................... 1 No ....................................................... 2 Don’t Know.......................................... 3 Appendices P a g e | 368 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation 57. What type of toilet facility does this household most frequently use? (Tick only one) 58. What is the most commonly used mode for disposal of solid waste from this household? Or: How does your household dispose of most of its solid waste? (Tick only one) WC toilet (private) ............................... 1 VIP Latrine (private) ............................ 2 Public toilet.......................................... 3 Other types(Specify) ........................... 4 No toilet facility .................................... 5 Dumping ground in neighbourhood ..... 1 Truck pusher/private refuse collector .. 2 Neighbourhood bin/skip ...................... 3 Bin/drum outside house ...................... 4 Other types(Specify) ........................... 5 59. Which of the following items do you possess/use in your household and how many? Television set Radio Satellite connection for TV Computer/laptop Internet connection Mobile phone Fridge/freezer Gas cooker Camera Electric fan Audio stereo set Air conditioners Motor cars/vans/vehicles Motor bike Bicycle Section 5: Community Facilities 60. Do you have any of the following in this community? a) Post office b) Recreational center/space c) Government/public primary school d) Government/public secondary school e) Market f) Fire station g) Police station h) Government Hospital h) Private hospital 61. Are there street lights in this community? Number of items Time of usage per week (h) Yes No Don’t Know 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 Yes ...................................................... 1 No ....................................................... 2 62. If “Yes”, ask: Do the street lights work regularly? Yes ...................................................... 1 No ....................................................... 2 Section 6: Awareness about Planned Land Reclamation and Mixed Estate Project 63. Are you aware about the planned land reclamation and mixed Yes ...................................................... 1 estate project in this area? No ....................................................... 2 64. If “Yes”, how did you first know about the planned project? 65. What is your attitude to the planned land reclamation and mixed estate project in this area? 66. Give reasons for your response to Q49 Favourable to land reclamation ........... 1 Unfavourable to land reclamation ....... 2 Indifferent ............ 3 Section 7: Potential Effects of the Proposed Land Reclamation and Mixed Estate 67. How do you think the land reclamation and mixed estate project in Orange Island Development Company Limited Appendices P a g e | 369 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation this area could affect you as an individual? (Probe for effects on daily life activities, economic activities, social activities, etc.) 68. How do you think the land reclamation and mixed estate project in this area could affect your family/household? (Probe for effects on daily life activities, economic activities, social activities, fishing access, farm land, water, etc.) 69. How do you think the land reclamation and mixed estate project in this area could affect your community? (Probe for effects on daily life activities, economic activities, social activities, fishing access, farm land, water, etc.) 70. What are the problems that the land reclamation and mixed estate project is likely to bring to this community? (Probe for impact on sources of livelihood, accommodation, social facilities and infrastructure, etc.) 71. What other problems do you think could arise from the land reclamation land reclamation and mixed estate project in this area? 72. What solutions can you proffer to solve the above-identified problems? 73. Do you foresee any possible conflict between the current residents/indigenes of this community and the project? Yes ...................................................... 1 No ....................................................... 2 74. What do you think should be done to avoid such conflicts? 75. In what ways do you think the project activities could conflict with the life of the people? 76. What do you think should be done to avoid such conflicts? 77. What benefits do you think this community can derive from the land reclamation land reclamation and mixed estate project here? (Probe for business and employment opportunities, provision of essential facilities etc.) 78. Are there some socio-cultural artifacts (e.g. shrines or other sacred things) in this community that may be affected by the land reclamation and mixed estate project? 79. If “Yes”, please mention the socio-cultural artifacts. Yes.......................................1 No ........................................2 80. Can such socio-cultural artifacts/sacred places be Yes ...................................... 1 transferred/relocated/replicated in a new location? No........................................ 2 81. Do you think there could be some resistance/ objection by people to land Yes....................................... 1 reclamation and mixed estate? No ........................................ 2 82. If “Yes”, why do you think people may resist/ object the land reclamation and mixed estate? 83. What do you think can be done to minimize or overcome such resistance/objection? 84. Do you have any fears or concerns about the land reclamation and mixed estate project? Orange Island Development Company Limited Appendices P a g e | 370 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Section 8: Social/Community Network 85. Are there some influential associations/clubs/social groups in this area? (Probe for CDAs, business/trade/occupational groups, social groups/clubs, religious groups, etc) 86. If “Yes”, please mention the associations/ clubs/social groups in this area. 87. Who are the members groups/associations? of the executive of Yes ...................................................... 1 No ....................................................... 2 these 88. Do you belong to any of these association/ club/social group in this area? 89. If “Yes”, please mention the associations/ clubs/social groups you belong to in this area Yes ...................................................... 1 No ....................................................... 2 90. Are there youth-based groups in this community? Yes ...................................................... 1 No ....................................................... 2 91. Can you name such groups that you know exist in this community? 92. Is there any vigilante group in this community? Yes ...................................................... 1 No ....................................................... 2 93. If yes, who are the people in charge of the activities of the vigilante group? 94. How are the activities of the vigilante group controlled in this community? 95. How is the vigilante group funded? 96. How is information such as date of community meetings communicated to the people in this community? 97. How are important decisions taken in this community? 98. What other comment do you have to add to what we have discussed so far? This is the end of the interview. Thank you very much Sir/Ma. Interviewer record time interview ended. Orange Island Development Company Limited Appendices P a g e | 371 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation APPENDIX 6: CONSULTATION ATTENDANCE LISTS Federal Ministry of Environment Site Verification Visit Attendance List Orange Island Development Company Limited Appendices P a g e | 372 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Lagos State Ministry for the Environment Site Verification Visit Attendance List Orange Island Development Company Limited Appendices P a g e | 373 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Consultation with Lagos State Ministry of Water front Infrastructure Development Attendance List Orange Island Development Company Limited Appendices P a g e | 374 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Consultation with Eti-Osa Local Government; Attendance List (1st and 2nd Visits) First Visit Second Visit Orange Island Development Company Limited Appendices P a g e | 375 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Consultation with Ikate Community – Attendance List Initial Consultation with Elders (Men) Orange Island Development Company Limited Appendices P a g e | 376 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation With Ebute Ikate Women Orange Island Development Company Limited Appendices P a g e | 377 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Orange Island Development Company Limited Appendices P a g e | 378 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation With Ebute-Ikate Men Orange Island Development Company Limited Appendices P a g e | 379 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Orange Island Development Company Limited Appendices P a g e | 380 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation With Ebute-Ikate Youth Orange Island Development Company Limited Appendices P a g e | 381 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Orange Island Development Company Limited Appendices P a g e | 382 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Consultation with Itedo Community – Attendance List With Waterside Dwellers Orange Island Development Company Limited Appendices P a g e | 383 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation With Harrison Family Orange Island Development Company Limited Appendices P a g e | 384 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation With Ogunyemi Family (Men) Orange Island Development Company Limited Appendices P a g e | 385 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation With Ogunyemi Family (Women) Orange Island Development Company Limited Appendices P a g e | 386 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Consultation with Nigeria Conservation Foundation Lekki – Attendance List Orange Island Development Company Limited Appendices P a g e | 387 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation Attendance at Draft EIA Public Review Orange Island Development Company Limited Appendices P a g e | 388 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation APPENDIX 7: GEOTECHNICAL BOREHOLE LOGS Orange Island Development Company Limited Appendices P a g e | 389 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation APPENDIX 8: LABORATORY PROCEDURES Orange Island Development Company Limited Appendices P a g e | 390 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation APPENDIX 9: MoU BETWEEN LASG AND FWDL Orange Island Development Company Limited Appendices P a g e | 391 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation APPENDIX 10: AGREEMENT BETWEEN LASG AND FWDL Orange Island Development Company Limited Appendices P a g e | 392 Environmental Impact Assessment of the Proposed Orange Island Reclamation APPENDIX 11: QUARRY LEASE FROM MINISTRY OF MINES AND STEEL DEVELOPMENT Orange Island Development Company Limited Appendices P a g e | 393