Exhibition Contract - Jeotermal Kongresi


Exhibition Contract - Jeotermal Kongresi
3 Geothermal Congress and Exhibition
October 14-15 2015, Bilkent Hotel-Ankara-TURKEY
1. EXHIBITION NAME: UCTEA 3 Geothermal Congress and Exhibition
2. PARTIES: Hereinafter for convenience Chamber of Mining Engineers of Turkey shall be called as
the "CHAMBER' and the exhibitor companies shall be referred as the "COMPANY".
3. LOCATION AND TIME: Bilkent Hotel & Convention Center, Ankara/TURKEY, 14-15 October
4.1 CHAMBER will plan the exhibition area and COMPANY will exhibit its services and products
in its allocated space by following the rules and conditions specified in this contract.
CHAMBER reserves the right to alter the settlement plans at any time without notice before the
beginning of the Congress. The plan of exhibition area is attached to this document. The
technical and other information about the exhibited product will be given by the representatives
4.2 The COMPANY renting the neighbor stand may change in time. CHAMBER has the right to
make such changes.
4.3 CHAMBER does not take responsibility of transportation of the stand materials belonging to
COMPANY to exhibition hall. In this respect, the company is advised to check the capacity and
dimensions of the Any damage caused by excess weight of elevator will be repaired at the
exhibitor's expense. CHAMBER cannot be defined as receiver of COMPANY"s exhibition
materials. If the exhibition materials are received by Hotel, due to absence of the COMPANY,
CHAMBER does not take the any responsibility of payment sourced from different reasons such
as damaged material, incomplete receipt, and inappropriate storing conditions.
Standard stand: Standard stand is the stand having the boundaries determined and drawn by
CHAMBER. CHAMBER will mark the boundaries of the stand on the floor using aluminum
profiles and wallboard. The stand includes 2 chairs, a table, and a plug point as shown in the
attached plan. If COMPANY has any additional item or needs, CHAMBER should be notified
about such demands before October 1, 2015. The additional needs and extra items approved and
considered as appropriate, will be supplied by CHAMBER and the COMPANY will be charged
accordingly. The walls of the stand does not have any load bearing capacity, therefore apart
from light weight items i.e. pictures, nothing should be hanged and/or nailed to stand walls. The
walls must not be damaged and light weight pictures can be bonded to stand walls using double
sided tapes. Any item exhibited by COMPANY must fit into stand area and air space.
4.5 Private stand: Private stand is the stand, designed and build by COMPANY on the allocated
space. The stand must be fitted into allocated stand area and air space. The height of the stand
cannot be more than 2.50 m. The floor of the allocated space must not be damaged i.e. by
drilling and nailing for the construction of the stand. The adhesives must not be used to bound
carpet etc, instead double sided tapes can be used. The tapes should be removed by the
COMPANY at the end of congress. CHAMBER will supply a plug point and COMPANY is
responsible for constructing its own lightning systems and electrical circuit.
4.6 Any portion of a COMPANY stand that obstructs or interferes with the privileges of other
companies, or for any reason becomes objectionable at the discretion of the CHAMBER, must
be immediately modified or removed by the CHAMBER.
Chamber of Mining Engineers of Turkey
Selanik Caddesi No: 19/4 06650 Kızılay-Çankaya/ANKARA
E-mail bilgi@jeotermalkongresi.org
Phone: +90 312 425 10 80 Fax : +90 312 417 52 90
Web www.jeotermalkongresi.org
3 Geothermal Congress and Exhibition
October 14-15 2015, Bilkent Hotel-Ankara-TURKEY
Exhibition will be opened on October 14, 2015 at 10:00 and closed on October 15, 2015
Thursday at 17:00.
The COMPANY will have its exhibit materials in place before October 14, 2015 10:00, keep the
exhibition open during the Congress, and have his dismantle and removed latest on October 15,
2015 Thursday at 17:00.
COMPANY must obey the time schedule defined by CHAMBER. Any employee of
COMPANY is not allowed to overnight in stand and exhibition area without acceptable reason.
Exhibition materials must be kept in exhibition area.
COMPANY is responsible for the safety of the exhibits, employees or any other person before,
during transportation of exhibition items and construction of stand.
COMPANY is advised to take appropriate insurance policy cover for their participation and
insure his products, public liability and all risks in respect expressed in the condition (14), for
the purpose of indemnifying CHAMBER.
COMPANY will be responsible for the stand fittings, furniture, and floor space hired by
CHAMBER and make sure they are left in the same condition prior to the hired period.
COMPANY will be responsible for the cost of restoring to its original condition. It is the
responsibility of the COMPANY for any goods and products in its stand and space.
COMPANY must use construction materials such as double sided tape which does not cause
damage to floor or walls. It is the responsibility of the COMPANY for any goods and products
in its stand and space. COMPANY will not deface any part of the exhibition facility. Nothing
may be posted, nailed, affixed or otherwise attached to any part of the facility. Any costs arising
out of negligence on the part of COMPANY, its agents, or employees will be the sole
responsibility of COMPANY.
CHAMBER reserves the right to prohibit any display and audio devices such as CD player/VCD
player, because of noise or other objectionable features.
No explosives, petrol, gas or highly inflammable substances are allowed. COMPANY will not
bring items and products into the Exhibition that breach health, safety, public decency or are
considered illegal by the law. CHAMBER has the right to remove any material listed above.
COMPANY will be responsible for the cost of damage occurring due to use of such product and
COMPANY staff has to know where the emergency exits are.
Exhibitors may not place anything in the aisles during the open hours of the event. COMPANY
must not use any item hanging from the roof and must not fix any material to the floor.
COMPANY will keep the space occupied by him/her in good order. The company is also
responsible for the cleaning of his stand before and during the exhibition. Hotel will be
responsible for the cleaning of aisle and other spaces out of the COMPANY stand during
COMPANY is responsible for the safety of the exhibits, employees or any other person before,
during and after the exhibition duration. CHAMBER is not responsible for any liability of loss
or damage caused by theft, fire, rain, storm, tempest, flood, lightning, any natural calamities,
defect at the venue, labor disputes, explosion, war, national emergency, civil unrest, inevitable
accidents, any force majeure or any cause not within the control of COMPANY. In this respect,
COMPANY is advised to take necessary precautions to keep his safe using safe box etc.
Chamber of Mining Engineers of Turkey
Selanik Caddesi No: 19/4 06650 Kızılay-Çankaya/ANKARA
E-mail bilgi@jeotermalkongresi.org
Phone: +90 312 425 10 80 Fax : +90 312 417 52 90
Web wwwjeotermalkongresi.org
3 Geothermal Congress and Exhibition
October 14-15 2015, Bilkent Hotel-Ankara-TURKEY
Stand fee is 180 USD /m + VAT,
Every COMPANY, filling and undersigning the payment form, and every person employed
directly or indirectly by him shall be bound by and must observe these rules and regulations in
all aspects. All exhibition stands must be controlled by an authorized representative of the
exhibitor throughout the opening hours.
CHAMBER has the right to accept or reject COMPANY application. The payment of rejected
COMPANY will be completely refunded by CHAMBER.
COMPANY bookings and reservations will be valid until October 1, 2015. If the contract form
is not undersigned, the booked area can be allocated to another COMPANY after predefined
Cancellations must be received by the Congress secretariat in writing until September 15, 2015.
COMPANY will be charged a cancellation fee to cover costs that have been made on your
behalf. Cancellation fee is 10% of the total exhibition space contracted. After 15 September
2015, no refund will be made in the canceling applications.
No sub-letting or the use of any space by third parties is permitted.
The exhibition terms and conditions shall be valid after the receipt of registration and payment
forms by CHAMBER.
The CHAMBER reserves the right to alter, add to or amend any of these conditions and the
decision of the CHAMBER shall be final.
Contact Persons:
Niyazi Karadeniz
Eren Günüç
Vedat Kaplan
+90 533 361 58 28
+90 533 342 57 83
+90 532 686 26 35
bilgici eotermalkongresi.org
Chamber of Mining Engineers of Turkey
Selanik Caddesi No: 19/4 06650 Kızılay-Çankaya/ANKARA
E-mail bilgi@jeotermalkongresi.org
Phone: +90 312 425 10 80 Fax : +90 312 417 52 90
Web wwwjeotermalkongresi.org
Konferans Salonu Planı
Conference Hall Plan
Conference Hall