Hahn`s Bait and Tackle
The West Bend News VOLUME 1 – ISSUE 3 Serving All of Paulding County - (419) 258-2000 BROKEN YOKE IN CONCERT AT PAULDING COUNTY CARNEGIE GROVER HILL LIBRARY UPCOMING EVENTS TEEN NIGHT PRESCHOOL STORY TIME Attention all teens in grades 7-12, join us at the Paulding County Carnegie Library on Thursday, September 22nd from 6:00-7:00 p.m. for a “game night”. Bring a friend and have some fun. Snacks will be provided. For more information contact the library at 419-399-2032. Join us at the Paulding County Carnegie Library every Tuesday at 1:00 p.m. for preschool story time. This fun filled half hour program is open to all 3-5 year olds. Come listen to stories, sing songs, and make new friends. Don’t miss out on the fun! HURRICANE KATRINA FROM YOUTH P.O.V. VFW HOST LAWNMOWER POKER RUN By: Kayla Emerson Hurricane Katrina is a very sad and devastating incident. I wish I could be there to help all of the homeless people. They have to be very unhappy about all of this, I know I would be! I am just so very thankful that the Lord has given me all that I have. Here is a prayer, “Jesus in Heaven please help all of those Hurricane Katrina victims, please help them all find homes, shelters, their families, food and water and please make sure they all turn out to be healthy and well... amen!” And to everybody who reads this, please try to help out with this disaster. I have donated a dollar to them, my high school, Hicksville High, has made over $1,900 to send to help with Hurricane Katrina. Please help out! Just think if this happened to you, wouldn’t you want people to help you? The VFW Men’s Auxiliary Post 5087 recently sponsored their 1st annual Lawnmower Poker Run on August 13, 2005, at the Antwerp VFW. We had 18 entries from the surrounding area, and raised $310 for the Friends of the Park. Participants ran around the southwest side of Antwerp and had seven stops to pick up their cards and return to the VFW hall to turn in their cards, which was a timed event. Fastest time was 6 ½ minutes; slowest time was 55 minutes. Winning 1st place was Mark Moniger with an ace high flush. 2nd place went to Tony Delong with a king high flush. Katie Jackson of Antwerp won the 50/50 drawing. We had several other winners from nicest tractor to surprised it runs, with lots of others winning door prizes. A great time and a few laughs were had by all, and are looking forward to next years. We would like (Continued on Page 2) “BROKEN YOKE” CHRISTIAN BAND Pioneer Christian Ministries is sponsoring a youth revival. The dates of the revival will be September 29 - October 1, Thursday - Saturday starting at 6:00 P.M. This event will be located at the Welcome Park, SR 637, Grover Hill. Thursday Night “Broken Yoke” will be in concert and sharing with all the youth!! Broken Yoke is a great Christian band. Their Ministry is to uplift the Lord Jesus Christ and praise Him through their music. All youth who attend will be blessed. Friday and Saturday evenings will include “The Dave Boggs Band”. They will be sharing and playing. They are a great praise and worship group. Their heart’s desire is to see youth of all ages serve and praise the Lord Jesus Christ. Ron Defore is to be the guest speaker. Ron is a dedicated Christian man who will bring forth God’s word each night. We hope and pray that all area churches will get involved and support this youth revival. It is time for all churches and God’s people to unite to save and help our local youth. All ages are invited to attend this youth revival. Also, please spread the word and invite people to attend. We ask for your prayers for this event. We desire to see our communities serving God and helping our youth know him. If you would like to help or have any questions, please call youth pastor, Jim Landwehr, 419-453-3612, or Pastor Chuck Oliver, 419-587-3490. All help is greatly appreciated. West Bend Printing & Publishing Inc. Publishers of the West Bend News free circulation newspaper P.O. Box 1008 101 North Main Street Antwerp, Ohio 45813 Ph. (419) 258-2000 Fx. (419) 258-1313 westbend@verizon.net ANTWERP COMMUNITY HEALTH FAIR WHERE: Antwerp United Methodist Church WHEN: Saturday, October 1, 2005 7:30-10:30 AM WHAT: Fasting Blood Profile–Fast for 12-14 hours You may have your medication & water COST: Women $25.00 Men $40.00 (added PSA test) PAYABLE: Day of Testing, Cash or Check to: Paulding County Hospital NEEDED: A self-addressed, stamped envelope for return of test results to you. Other service representatives will be available for your information until noon. A brunch will be served for our fasting friends. ROYAL NEIGHBORS GRANDPARENTS NIGHT–GREAT TIME ROYAL NEIGHBORS HELD DRAWING–MATCHING FUNDS RAFFLE The Royal Neighbors of America held their grandparents Family Night Supper at the VFW Hall in Antwerp. Everyone enjoyed Lee’s Famous Chicken, Mashed potatoes & gravy and a lot of other covered dishes & desserts, which, of course, were out of this world. We really had a great time & we played the old corn game after the drawing of the prizes Supreme Camps sent. The adult prizes were won by Chris Boesch. The junior prize went to Kylee Trauterman, Oracle Lelia’s grandaughter. Thank you Supreme Camp for sending the favors for each person there, coffee mugs for adults & watches for the children. Oracle Lelia Trauterman wants to thank R.N.A. Supreme Camp for the great times we’ve had at all the dinners you support us with. By: Lelia Trauterman The Royal Neighbors of America held the drawing for the matching funds raffle. It was a 50/50 raffle. The winner of the money was Robin Trauterman of Antwerp. He won $335.50. The Friends of the Park got the other half $335.50. Supreme camp will match that sum and they will get $671.00. Michelle Dooley of Antwerp was present for the drawing and her son Matthew Dooley drew the name for the 50/50. Michelle represented the Friends of the Park. Oracle Lelia Trauterman, wants to thank every one for supporting the raffle, the people who sold tickets and a the people who purchased the tickets. A special thank you to Crystal Drake for printing the tickets, it was really nice of you. Thank you, Oracle Lelia Trauterman. PRSRT STD U. S. Postage Paid Paulding, OH 45879 Permit No. 75 WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 2005 BOOSTERS SPONSOR CHICKEN BBQ The Antwerp Academic Boosters are sponsoring a Port-a-Pit chicken BBQ before the football game with Wayne Trace on Friday, September 23. Serving will begin at 4:30 and end at 7:00. The auditeria will be available for those wishing to eat at the school; carry-out meals will also be available. There is a minor cost of the ticket, and this includes ½ chicken, two sides, dessert, and a drink. A ticket can be purchased from any pride card holder, in the elementary office, or from Mrs. Detmon, the Academic Booster advisor. There will be a limited number of tickets available to purchase at the door, so we encourage you to buy a pre-sale ticket. The Academic Boosters is a non-profit organization devoted to recognizing academic excellence and improvement in our junior and senior high school. We currently have 105 students in grades 8-12 who have a GPA of 3.25 or higher, which earned them a pride card. A pride card entitles the students to several perks throughout the year, including a monthly doughnut bar, entry into a monthly raffle, savings bonds for seniors, and an end-of-the year trip to Cedar Point. The Boosters also help defray the cost of the National Honor Society Induction Ceremony. As you can see, we need to earn a substantial amount of money through this BBQ to pay for all of the special activities that we offer to these deserving students. So come to the school on the 23rd–the chicken is delicious, you won’t have to cook before the game, and you’ll be contributing to a worthy cause. The Boosters than you in advance for your support. PAULDING COUNTY BOARD OF MRDD MONTHLY MEETING The Paulding County Board of MRDD will hold their monthly meeting on Thursday, September 15 at 7:00 p.m. at the P.C. Workshop Inc. Administrative Conference Room; 900 Caroline St., Paulding, OH ANTWERP ROTARY CLUB On Thursday, September 8, the Rotary Club of Antwerp met for its weekly meeting at the Archer Restaurant in Antwerp. The meeting was well attended by its members, including President Barry DeLong, Secretary Luann Martin, Ron Eschbach, Shawn Dooley, Floyd Ramsier, Marilyn Provines, Steve Fast, Donna Miller, Jeff Rhonehouse, Suzanne Rister, Bob Kammeyer, Tom Marlin, Sandra Temple, Randy Derck and Mark Hartman. The weekly program was given by Barry DeLong. The program was a brief history of Rotary International and the oustanding public service Rotary International provides, not only to the local community but also to the international community. Highlights of the program included the virtual eradication of polio worldwide as a result of local and international Rotary Clubs. Also, the im(Continued on Page 2) Discover Six Dances...Free! Ballroom Dancing for the non-dancer. Saturday, October 8th at 7 p.m. Call 419-258-1616 to register Hahn’s Bait and Tackle 16391 St. Rt. 111 – Cecil, OH 45821 Phone: (419) 399-5760 Hours: Mon. - Fri. 4:30 p.m. - 8 p.m. Sat. & Sun. - 7 a.m. - 6 p.m. “Nightcrawlers, red worms, minnows, waxworms, or lures. We’ve got what you need hook, line and sinker” Paulding County Economic Development Business & Industry Appreciation Banquet September 22, 2005 OSU Extension Building Social hour 5:30 - 6:30 Dinner at 6:30 Dinner by Grant’s Catering Tickets are $18.00 per person Call 419-399-8282 for tickets PAGE 2 – WEST BEND NEWS – SEPTEMBER 14, 2005 OBITUARIES PASTOR: Scott Marsee 704 S. Erie Street Antwerp, OH 45813 REAL RELAXED & RELEVANT Sunday: 9:30am Sunday School 10:30am Worship Nursery Available AntwerpCommunityChurch A Church of the Nazarene (419) 258-2069 Wednesday: 7:00pm Adult Bible Study, Kid’s Club, Middle School thru High School Student Ministry Antwerp Church of Christ corner of SR 49 & CR 192. 419-258-3895 Sun. AM Bible Study 9:30 • Service 10:30 Sun. PM Bible Study 6:00 • Service 7:00 Wed PM J.A.M. & Bible Study 7:00 Christ is who we follow. Come & be a part of our family. FOR RENT: THIS SPACE Remodeled weekly if you request. High-traffic area. Convenient location. All maint. included. Call 419-258-2000 for more info The West Bend News has the lowest ad prices in the area with one of the largest distributions. Let West Bend News announce your engagement, wedding, or anniversary. It’s only $4 per column for the photo and the announcement is free community news. Why advertise in here? Because you are reading it! Have Something to sell? Classified ads are $4.00 for 25 words or less and only $.10 for each additonal word. HEARTSAVER CPR & FIRST AIDE Adult, Child, & Infant CPR Monday, Sept. 26, 2005 6:30 pm —10:00 pm Cost: $35 First Aide Wednesday, Sept. 28, 2005 6:30 pm—10:00 pm Cost: $20 Take both classes and save! Cost for both: $45 Price includes book fees Pre-register by calling 419-54-5680 208 N Columbus St Affiliate of Hicksville, OH Sarah Beverly, 48 died, September 4, at her home. She was born May 11, 1957, in Paulding County, the daughter of Earl Junior and Betty Lou (Highwarden) Beverly. She was employed by Johns Manville, Defiance, and was a member of the Quarter Century Club. She is survived by three brothers, Earl (Zyphia) Beverly, San Antonio, TX, Kent Beverly, Paulding, OH, and Elliott Beverly, Dallas, TX; a sister, Leslie Beverly, Tiffin, Oh; and a nephew, James Earl Beverly. She is preceded in death by her parents, and a brother, Gregory A. Beverly. Funeral services was a Den Herder Funeral Home, Paulding, with Pastor Tim Dooley officiating. Burial at Rochester Cemetery, Cecil. Donations may be made to Caring Way of Defiance. Helen Marie Philllips, 71, died at her home on Sunday, September 11. She was born on November 14, 1933 in Hicksville, the daughter of Daryl and Mildred (Piper) Teegardin. She married John “Speck” Phillips on March 15, 1953. She was the owner of Helen’s Fabrics in Hicksville for (12) years; a member of St. John Lutheran Church, Hicksville; a member of the Eagles Aerie Auxiliary – Hicksville; and was an avid bingo player She is survived by her husband; two sons: Michael John (Ellen) – Lexington, SC and Ronald Lee (Zoeanne) – Woodburn, IN; a daughter: Debra Ann (David) Gallagher – Columbia City, IN; three grandchildren: Chad (Roselee) Phillips – Spokane, WA, Kristi Marie – Woodburn, IN and Rod Michael Hissong – Dayton, OH; and three greatgrandchildren. Also surviving are two brothers William Teegardin – Charleston, SC, Arthur Teegardin – Sherwood, OH; three sisters Mary Hartman – Kinderhook, MI, Betty Hoover and Edith Webster both of Bryan, OH. She was preceded in death by her parents; a brother – Archie Teedgardin; a sister – Margorie Teegardin. The funeral service will be on Thursday, September 15th at 2:00 pm at Smith & Brown Funeral Home, Hicksville. Pastor Daniel Fugate, St. John Lutheran Church, will officiate. Visitation will be on Wednesday at the funeral home from 2:00 to 5:00 and 7:00 to 9:00 with an Eagles Auxiliary Service at 7:00. Burial will be at Forest Home Cemetery, Hicksville. Preferred memorials to the American Cancer Society. (Continued from Page 1) portance of the Rotary Club International in the United Nations was discussed. President Barry DeLong provided a summary to the Club of the Rotary District 6600 Seminar attended the previous evenings by Barry DeLong, Suzanne Rister, Tom Marlin and Marilyn Provines. That Foundation and Membership seminar was presented at the Orchard Hills Country Club in Bryan. The weekly meeting ended with the traditional Pledge of Allegiance by all Club Members. The Rotary Club of Antwerp meets every Thursday at noon at the Archer Restaurant. Freda Mae Brockelbank, 81, died September 9, at her home. She was born on March 30. 1924 in Hicksville, Ohio, the daughter of Clyde and Alda (Headley) Peter. She was a 1943 graduate of Hicksville High School. She married Edward Brockelbank on April 10, 1948. He preceded her in death in 2003. She was a member of St. Michaels Catholic Church, Hicksville; she was a homemaker and enjoyed quilting and needlepoint. She is survived by (3) daughters: Freida “Fritz” (Daniel) Smith – Hicksville; Becky (David) Berry – Huntington, IN; Kay (Calvin) Yoder – St. Joe; (5) grandchildren; (13) great-grandchildren; (3) stepgrandchildren; (2) step-greatgrandchildren; and a brother, Max (Barb) Peter – Hicksville. She was preceded in death by her parents; her husband; (2) daughters – Mary Francis and Victoria Sue; a brother Basil Peter and a sister Catherine Lassus. The funeral mass was at St. Michaels Catholic Church – Hicksville – with Fr. Thomas Oedy officiating. Burial at Six Corners Cemetery – Hicksville. Preferred memorials to St. Michaels Renovation Fund. Angela Reneé Switzer, 36, died September 5, at the Northwestern Medical Center, Chicago, where she had been a patient for 3 days. She was born December 9, 1968, in Paulding County, the daughter of Terry and Elaine (Cotterman) Lothamer. On May 4, 1990, she married Todd A. Switzer, who survives. She was a member of St. Joseph Catholic Church, Paulding. She was employed as an Education Specialist for Headstart of Defiance, and previously employed by Hicksville Junior High School, and Napoleon Junior High Catholic School. She is survived by her parents, Elaine and Roger Sierer; her husband, Todd Switzer; a daughter Ashley Switzer, all of Paulding; two brothers, Eric Lothamer, Defiance, OH, and Jeff (Amy) Sierer, Jewell, OH; two sisters, Amy (Sam) Laibe, Ottawa, OH, and Heather (Pat) Kohls, Kalida, OH; grandparents, Wayne and Ivahbelle Lothamer and Richard and Carrie Cotterman, all of Paulding; and kidney donor, Doreen Vance, of Paulding. She is preceded in death by her father, Terry Lothamer in 1975. Funeral service was at Don Herder Funeral Home, Paulding, with G. Allen Fillman and Pastor Joseph Allen officiating. Burial at Live Oak Cemetery at a later date. (Continued from Page 1) to thank all our sponsors and donors: VFW Post 5087, Pop & Brew, Marilyn’s Petals & Vines, MERLS Family Restaurant, K & L Tool, Antwerp Pharmacy, Village Hardware, Subway, Karen’s Park Station, H & W Napa, and Antwerp Equity. Race And Chronic Pain (NAPSA)—Many Americans aren’t dealing with pain. Recent studies show one in five chronic pain sufferers has not seen a doctor about the pain and only one in 20 patients has seen a pain specialist. Chronic pain is about equally distributed among Americans of all races, according to the researchers. The American Pain Foundation estimates 50 million people in this country suffer persistent pain. However, while about 85 percent of Caucasians and African Americans said they’d gone to a doctor, only 70 percent of Hispanics had. Hispanics are more likely to try to treat chronic pain themselves, particularly those who speak Spanish at home. “The remarkable finding that about one-third of the Caucasians, African Americans and Hispanics who were initially contacted for the study reported persistent pain for at least three months during the past year confirms the magnitude of pain as a national public health problem,” said Russell Portenoy, M.D., chairman of the Department of Pain Medicine and Palliative Care at Beth Israel Medical Center in New York. The survey results showed that perceived low access to care correlated with being Hispanic or speaking Spanish, being younger or male, having low income or limited education, being unemployed, and having financial concerns that prevented pain treatment. “This study validates what most Latinos have known for a A recent study found racial disparities in treatment of chronic pain. long time—that lack of medical insurance and proficient health education along with language barriers all impede access to care, especially when it comes to pain management,” said Venus Ginés, CEO/Founder of Día de la Mujer Latina, Inc. Ms. Ginés is also a breast cancer survivor and has been diagnosed with lupus, a chronic inflammatory disease that can affect various parts of the body, especially the skin, joints, blood and kidneys. “While pain does not discriminate, it seems access to appropriate treatment does,” says researcher Ivonne Fuller. “By identifying factors that can limit access to pain care, studies such as this one help demonstrate the need for improved education and health care services for minorities in pain.” For more information, visit www.partnersagainstpain.com. Healthful Snacks The Whole Family Can Enjoy (NAPSA)—It’s never too early—or too late—for parents to set a good example by establishing good eating habits and providing healthful foods for children, especially when it comes to snacks. The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) guidelines recommend up to two cups of fruits a day, reinforcing the importance of health- Many families find the idea of snacking on fruit ful eating for parents is one that can really grow on them. and kids. According to Grocery Head- busy kids, teens and adults. “One regular four-ounce Dole quarters, Americans eat an average of five times a day, with Fruit Bowl is a great way to help snacks accounting for almost half consumers reach the USDA’s of those occasions. Additionally, recommended servings of fruit Parade lists the four most popular per day and is a healthier way to snacks as chips, popcorn, cookies satisfy cravings and cut caloand ice cream. With childhood ries,” said Jennifer Grossman, obesity a growing national con- Vice President, Dole Nutrition cern, it’s more important than Institute. With kids and parents conever for kids to eat more nutritious foods—and for their parents stantly on the go, Dole Fruit to make sure healthful snacks are Bowls is an easy way to make available in the household. How- sure the whole family eats right ever, choosing healthier snacks whether on the road, in school or does not have to mean compromis- at home. Other healthful snack ing taste or convenience. Many alternatives include nuts and healthy grab-and-go snack choices seeds (good sources of protein and beneficial oils), multigrain appeal to all ages and taste buds. When a snack attack hits and crackers and yogurt. Whole fruit kids crave something sweet, skip and vegetables—such as carrots the candy bars and cookies and try and celery sticks—as well as nata fruit or fruit in gel cup instead. ural fruit juices, dried fruit and Dole Fruit Bowls offer a wide vari- raisins also make for tasty and ety of all-natural, refreshing fruits convenient snack choices. Select items from among the (like peaches and pears) and fruit in gel combinations (like Man- groups listed in the USDA’s food darins in Orange Gel) that are pyramids to ensure that your famlower in fat and calories than many ily eats snacks that are healthful other snack foods. These fruit cups and more nutritious than vending are packed in convenient, portable machine fare. No matter what the containers that require no refriger- season, it’s always a good time for ation before opening, making them parents and kids to start making the perfect grab-and-go snacks for healthier snack choices. “Bringing Your Heroes To Life!” CLEM’S COLLECTIBLES Sports Memorabilia • Autographs NASCAR • Collecting Supplies Sports Cards • Magic The Gathering Yu-Gi-Oh! • Collectible Card Games Comic Books • Graphic Novels CLEM’S COLLECTIBLES A T T E N T I O N CHURCHES: We want to put your articles in. Do you have an event coming up? Let everybody know in the West Bend News. 15% OFF STOREWIDE with Coupon COUPON EXPIRES 10/9/2005 Downtown Deance 518 Clinton St. (419) 782-7249 Fort Wayne Glenbrook Mall (260) 480-7087 Check us out on the web at www.clemscollectibles.com PAGE 3 – WEST BEND NEWS – SEPTEMBER 14, 2005 305 S. MAIN ANTWERP, OH 45813 419-258-5351 PHYLEY’S CANDIES LARGE JAR AVAILABLE AT: Paulding County Hospital’s chief financial officer Rob Goshia, reviewed on-going efforts to upgrade PCH’s computerized billing system with the hospital trustees at their recent board meeting. “We are investigating options to revise our bills,” said Goshia. “Our goal is to make the bills as clear and as easy to understand as possible.” Goshia told the group that the PCH-billing focus group, which included several community residents, had provided valuable input on improving the format of the hospital’s bills. “They offered several suggestions on how to improve the format of our bills. We’re confident we can incorporate their suggestions,” Goshia added. Goshia continued, whatever computer program is selected to generate the bills it also will provide upgrades to the payroll, medical records, accounts payable, and materials management systems. “In materials management, we are moving toward barcoding. That would give us the capability to take inventory on-line, at any time,” he said. “The more efficient and cost effective our business processes are, the more opportunities we have to devote our financial resources to providing the best in healthcare,” Goshia added. In his monthly financial report, Goshia reported a net loss for July of $27,228 and a year to date profit of $165,856. “The loss was primarily a result of lower than budgeted revenue in outpatient surgery due to the delay in Dr. Strawter’s coming on board,” Goshia said. The board approved upgrades to laboratory information systems. The new equipment will cost $11,354. Hospital CEO Gary Adkins reported that Dr. William Strawter, PCH’s recently employed general surgeon, started his clinic on August 22. He is currently able to see patients covered by Medicare, Medicaid, Anthem, and Medical Mutual. “We are continuing work to get him enrolled in additional insurance plans so he can offer his skills to an even larger portion of area residents,” Adkins said. Adkins added that Dr. Strawter is preparing to offer a wound care clinic at the hospital. (Continued on Page 4) LETTER TO THE EDITOR COMMUNITY EDUCATION IMPORTANT HEALTH SCREENING FOR WOMEN Are you busy caring for the needs of others, but never take time for yourself? Get information on important health screening that could save your life! Tuesday, September 20, 2005 7:00—8:00 pm Community Room at 208 N Columbus St Hicksville, OH 43526 Affiliate of I am writing in response to a letter I read in your newspaper about the “ignorance”of driving far away to shop. I just could not let this go by with out giving my thoughts. Our fighting men and women through the ages has fought to keep us free,we have freedom to make our own decisions in life and yes believe it or not,even the freedom to shop where we want to shop. I wish people in this world would stop trying to run others lives and just make decisions that effect their lives. I support local stores in our community, but I also like to leave town and shop. If there is ignorance in this,oh well. I guess thats what you get when you have freedom. --Ron Burdine Farnsworth Silk-Screening Ron and Cheryl Farnsworth 111 East River Street P.O. Box 853 Antwerp, OH 45813 (419) 258-2022 (419) 506-0347 farny@paulding-net.com 7KHWRSWHQZD\VZHPHHW \RXUIDPLO\·VKHDOWKFDUHQHHGV 3DXOGLQJ&RXQW\+RVSLWDO·V 7RS7HQ PAULDING COUNTY HOSPITAL TO UPGRADE BILLING SYSTEM 5DQNHGLQWKHWRSRIDOO KRVSLWDOVQDWLRQDOO\ 6WDWHRIWKHDUW UDGLRORJ\ VHUYLFHV VOLFH&7VFDQQHUWHOHUDGLRORJ\ ,PDJH&KHFNHUPDPPRJUDSK\ 7RSQRWFKVXUJLFDOVWDIIIDFLOLWLHV IXOOWLPHVXUJHRQ 0RGHUQ PDWHUQLW\ IDFLOLWLHV IXOOWLPH 2%*<1 $FFUHGLWHG IXOOVHUYLFH ODERUDWRU\ $Q RXWSDWLHQW GHSDUWPHQWVWDIIHG ZLWKVNLOOHGVSHFLDOW\GRFWRUV +RPH KHDOWKFDUH SURYLGHG E\ QXUVHVKRPHPHGLFDOVXSSOLHV 3XOPRQDU\FDUGLDFUHKDELOLWDWLRQ 3K\VLFDOVSHHFKRFFXSDWLRQDO WKHUDS\ KRXUHPHUJHQF\FDUH XUJHQW FDUH 3ULPH &DUH )RUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQDERXWWKHKRVSLWDO FDOOaRUYLVLW ZZZSDXOGLQJFRXQW\KRVSLWDOFRP %\WKH-RLQW&RPPLVVLRQRI$FFUHGLWDWLRQRI+HDOWKFDUH2UJDQL]DWLRQV WKHJROGVWDQGDUGIRUTXDOLW\LQKHDOWKFDUH CLASSIFIED ADS Get Results Fast! Call 419-258-2000 Fax 419-258-1313 Email westbend@verizon.net West Bend Printing & Publishing Inc. Publishers of the West Bend News free circulation newspaper PAGE 4 – WEST BEND NEWS – SEPTEMBER 14, 2005 (Continued from Page 3) Adkins’ report also included: PCH is reviewing a contract to install an on-line nursery on the hospital web site as well as adding information about the new Financial Assistance Program and a video tour of several areas in the hospital. The new Healthy Workplace Program continues to progress with a plan for an in-house health risk assessment submitted to the Program committee for review. The assessment should be completed by the end of October. Once the program is operating successfully at the hospital, it will be offered to the other businesses in the community. Adkins attended a meeting in August regarding the Bureau of Workers Compensation method of reimbursement to hospitals. The Bureau’s proposal is a cost-plus method of reimbursement. This method is a financial positive for the hospital because PCH is a low cost provider. PCH chief operating officer Randy Ruge shared the architectural plans for the installation of new general x-ray and fluoroscopy equipment and the remodeling of the treatment room with the board. He also reported that Dr. Strawter has already performed his first surgery at PCH. Board members also reviewed the: Quarterly Quality Assurance Report; Quarterly legal compliance audit; and Most recent customer survey by Press Ganey, Inc. The survey showed a vast improvement in several areas of customer services. ANTWERP ELEMENTARY PTO NEWS By: Tianne Pendergrast Antwerp Elementary PTO Vice President It is time for our PTO fund raiser, Pizza Man, again this year. Kickoff will be Thursday, September 15th and all orders will need to be in by Monday, September 26th. Delivery of the the items will be approximately three weeks later and the money will be due at that time for the items. The money raised from this fund raiser is used for the many activities PTO provides during the school year. PTO only has one fund raiser a year and this is it. Pizza Man had been our fund raiser for a number of years and seems very well received in Antwerp. We will be selling many items such as: pizzas, garlic bread with or without cheese, cookie dough, desserts, chocolate and more. If you were at the Open House at school a few weeks ago you may have tried some of the goodies. Order your favorites from your child or from a neighbor child in the Antwerp Elementary. Our next PTO meeting will be October 11th at 7:00 pm. Come and see what we are doing for your child and our school. It takes more than a few people to make PTO work. We still could use some help on some of the event committees, so let us know if you would like to help with one. ONGOING BUSINESSES and 2 spacious buildings for sale by owner. Shotz Nightclub and Sunrise Café restaurant located in downtown Hicksville, OH. Owner Retiring. CALL 419-542-6312 for additional information. 14777 State Rt. 49 Antwerp, Ohio 45813 Phone: 419-258-1827 Owner: Tricia Lichty SUNOCO-COUNTRY TIMES MARKET Antwerp, Ohio - 49 South Need Cook, Waitress, Cashier... Here we grow again...come join us. Background checks done. No Phone Calls accepted ATTENTION PARENTS: We need parents of children who are in sports to submit news articles concerning their sport. CLASSIFIED ADS Sell it in the classifieds! Classifieds are $4.00 for 25 words or less and $.10 for each additional word. Bold is $1.00 additional. Fax or e-mail your ad in or stop on by. A T T E N T I O N CHURCHES: We want to put your articles in. Do you have an event coming up? Let everybody know in the West Bend News. fax: (419) 258-1313 • Email: westbend@verizon.net I SELL AVON. I can get what you need. Call for orders or to request a catalog. Ask for Angel at 419258-1809. tf BUSINESS CARDS are manufactured by West Bend Printing & Publishing. Stop on by at 101 N. Main, Antwerp. 419-2582000. FOR SALE Fisher Price Ocean Wanders Aquarium cradle swing. Six speeds, eight songs and swings front to back and side to side. In excellent condition. $60.00 call 419-258-2560. tf START YOUR Christmas shopping w/Avon or earn extra money for the holidays. For information or an Avon book. Call Waldine at 419-258-2359 or 419-769-1018. www.youravon.com/wlawson 2,3p FOR RENT: Mobile home for rent, Antwerp. 2 bedroom, 1 bath $300/ month & deposit. No pets. Call 419-542-8992. 2,3p WOOD CRAFTSMAN custom build most anything of wood. Wishing wells, planters, decorative benches & seats, wall shelves, wood puzzles for kids. 419-258-2362. 2,3p CHILDCARE on 11/1/05 I will be opening my heart & home to care for your children. Please call Kathy at 419-258-4441. tf FURNITURE: 3 piece sectional with recliner, green/burgandy, $150 or best offer. Antwerp. 419506-0619. p3,4 PRIVATE DUTY Service, Inc a part of Paulding Area Visiting Nurses has opening for Home Health Aides for days, evening and night shifts. This case is in the Wayne Trace area. This is a part-time, possible full-time positions. Training classes provided. Must have reliable transportation. Call Mon-Fri 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. or apply at 250 Dooley Dr., Suite A, Paulding. 419-399-4917 2-3 FRESH BLUE and brown eggs. 5930 Rd 230 East of SR 49, 3 ½ miles. 419-542-6276. 3-4 HUGE GARAGE SALE: Tools, fishing equipment, welder, wood band saw, clothes, craft supplies, freezer, bicycles, much more. Wednesday 14th – Friday 16th, 9-7. 5 miles east of Antwerp on 24 to county road 73, go north ½ mile. Watch for signs. pd HUNTER DOUGLAS – Pleated shades, vertical blinds, etc. Measured and installed. Call Judy McCalla, Hicksville. 419-5426182. tf SM I T H - D OUGH T Y GARAGE SALE: Saturday, September 17th 9-5. 401 S. Main St. Antwerp (next to bank). Sleeper sofa, storm windows, mini blinds, adult clothes, misc. pd GARAGE SALE Tools (Micrometers, Calipers, etc.), Clothes, misc. Sept 16-18--Thurs. & Friday 95, Sat 9-12. 402 E. Canal St, Antwerp p FOR RENT: THIS SPACE Remodeled weekly if you request. High-traffic area. Convenient location. All maint. included. Call 419-258-2000 for more info WooHoo! WHAT can we . nd ing Inc t Be WesPublish & g ntin Pri ti Prin d Inc. t Ben ing WesPublish ng & ers of Publish t Ben the Wes d New et 1008 Box Main Stre 13 P.O. North Ohio 458 101 p, Antwer nd ng t Be WesPublishi ng & Box 1008 et ti Prin Inc. P.O. Main Stre 13 North Ohio 458 101 p, Antwer zon.net d@veri45813 westben io 13 • werp, Oh 258-13 • Ant et (419) Fax Main Stre 00 • th 258-20• 101 Nor (419) 8 Phone . Box 100 P.O s free circ new ulation spap er ? PRINT ? TODAY? -2000 9) 258 -1313 Ph. (41 9) 258 .net Fx. (41 verizon nd@ westbe West Bend Printing & Publishing Inc. 419-258-2000 101 N. Main St. Antwerp, OH 45813 Publishers of the West Bend News free circulation newspaper WANTED Lynne Mansfield Dog Grooming & Boarding Your Junk cars, vans, trucks, any vehicles. Will pick them up FREE. Call 419-258-2560 For Details 2187 CR 144, Antwerp, OH 45813 419-258-1442 Tired of a shedding dog? Ask about our shed release. Pick up or delivery available on select days. Payne & Antwerp areas. Now boarding and grooming your pets in present building. Where Customer Service is #1 Dan Fowler, Agent LELAND SMITH INSURANCE 103 N. Main • Antwerp, OH 45813 Phone: 419-258-1363 • Toll Free: 877-258-1363 dfowler@lelandsmith.com Gorrell Bros. AUCTIONEERS & REAL ESTATE 1201 N. WILLIAMS • PAULDING, OH 419-399-4066 www.gorrellbros-paulding.com PUBLIC AUCTION SAT., SEPT. 24 - 10:00 A.M. LOCATION: 16100 Rd. 8 Paulding, Oh – 6 mi. west of Defiance, OH on Rt. 24 to the Bend Rd.; then south 1 mile on The Bend Rd. to T-8 (County Line) then east T-8 for ¼ mile. Or, 7 mi. north of Pualding, OH on C-115 (Emerald Rd.) to T-8 (County Line); then east on T-8 2¼ mi. Watch for auction signs. QUALITY TIRES AT DOWN TO EARTH PRICES HOUSEHOLD • ANTIQUES • COLLECTIBLES TOOLS • LAWN & GARDEN New Tires Used Tires Tire Repair Lube, Oil, Filter Brakes Mastercraft TIRES MADE IN THE USA for Call ates! m Esti CHUCK’S TIRES Antwerp, 24 West • 419-258-8895 When there are no production jobs left in the states, who will purchase the foreign goods? Remember, someone, somewhere will always do it cheaper. Buy MADE IN THE USA!! M-F 8:00-6:00, SAT 8:00-3:00 West Bend want ads are a real bargain. Ask anyone who has placed a want and you will see they get results! To place an ad stop in or call 419-258-2000 ANTIQUES AND HOUSEHOLD including Regent Blasius & Sons Upright Piano & Bench • Silvertone Electric Organ & Bench • Drop Leaf Table w/4 chairs • Cherry Drop Leaf Table • Round Maple Kitchen Table w/4 chairs • Metal Bed • Nice Lift Hospital Bed • Coffee & End Tables • Table & Floor Lamps • Zenith Color TV • Side Chairs • Two 3 piece Bedroom Suites • Bookcases • GE Refrigerator • Kenmore • Microwave • Desk • Folding Chairs • Dressers • Older & Newer Pictures & Wall Hangings • Stella 6 string Guitar • Gilbert Erector Set & Other Related Toys • Globe • Slide View Master, Games, Puzzles, ETC. from the 50’s & 60’s • Marx Electric Train Set • Games • Old Pictures & Wall Hanging • Pitcher & Bowl • Gilbert Mantle Clock • Tandem Clock • Wooden Trunk • Primitive and Old Tools from the Barns • Old Scales • Many Knick Knacks • Paper & Advertising • Old Slide View Master • Costume Jewelry Milk Can • Old Bicycles • Encyclopedias & Other Books • Bowls • Plates • Dishes • Glassware • Kitchen Utensils • Spice Rack • Copper Tea Pot • Pots & Pans • Tableware • Kitchen Items & Related • Metal Cabinet • Exercise Bike FROM THE BARNS AND SHEDS INCLUDING Large amount of small tools and related • Agri-Fab 38” Lawn Sweeper • BainBridge Saw • Stihl Chain Saw - 028 AV Super • Hand Tools • Extension Cords • Hand Saws • Nuts • Bolts • Etc. • Drills • Drill bits • Grease Guns • Electric Screw Driver • Wrenches • Screwdriver • Hand Saws • Drills Etc., Etc., Etc. • Shovels • Rakes & Related Hand Tools • Electrical Wire • 1 ton Chain Hoist • Variety of Parts & related • Grinding Stone • Wet Dry Vac • Wooden Ladder • 2 Axle Trailer • Contents of 2 Story House • Garage & Barns - VERY PARTIAL LISTING- STILL SORTING. TERMS: Cash or good check on the day of auction with proper ID; J&B Lunch OWNERS: Robert, William, James & Gary Hurtig (Heirs of Irma Hurtig) GORRELL BROS. AUCTIONEERS & REAL ESTATE 1201 N. Williams St., Paulding, OH (419) 399-4066 Nolan Shisler • Joseph Barker • Sandra Mickelson Aaron Timm • Larry Gorrell • Don Gorrell Apprentice
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