February 2016 - Orthopaedic Rehab Specialists
February 2016 - Orthopaedic Rehab Specialists
4 February Employee of the Month Karah Warriner Karah is a recep onist within the company and works as a float for all our loca ons. She is the defini on of a true team player. She some mes starts her day at 5:45 am in one loca on and finishes that day at 7:00 pm at another loca on. She has even started the day in Jonesville and finished the same day in Holt. Despite all this travel, Karah has accepted her responsibility with a posi ve “Can Do” a8tude and with a smile on her face. She has made some personal sacrifices to help the company and has exceeded her expecta ons. Congratula ons, Karah! 2016 Our Therapists Jerome Malone PT Founder/Chief Executive Officer Kevin Barclay PT, AT, ATC, SCS Chief Operating Officer Aaron Holly MSPT, MTC Brandon Klump MSPT, AT, ATC ORS Cer fied Athle c Trainer Receives Dis nguished Honor at the NATA Conference Lisa McCarrell PT Pa ent of the Month Becky Bowman MSPT Rob S. Adrienne Tawney DPT Connie Hinkley MSPT Our Locations: 206 Page Avenue Jackson, MI 49201 517.783.6670 Rob has done an amazing job working towards his goals to get back to his previous level of ac vity. He works so hard in and out of the clinic. It has been a pleasure to see him get stronger each week and even start running! We are so proud of your accomplishments, Rob! Keep up the good work! David Arend DPT Cheryl Kennedy-Reul DPT J.T. Shaw MSPT Cory Rogotzke DPT David Walbright PT, DPT, OCS, CSCS Michael Cox PT, DPT Moneach Berro MSPT Rob with his Therapists, Cheryl and Morgan 2136 Robinson Road Suite 1 Jackson, MI 49203 517.750.2540 865 Olds Street Suite D4 Jonesville, MI 49250 517.849.7040 Cassie Butters MS, OTR/L Michelle Dominick-Dreyer PTA Leslie Fuller PTA From The Therapist’s Desk 113 S. East Avenue Jackson, MI 49203 517.990.6231 2040 N. Aurelius Suite 5 Holt, MI 48842 517.268.9040 Barbara Clayborn PT, DPT SSATC and Gatorade are excited to announce The Gatorade Secondary School Athle c Trainer Award. This award recognizes a cer fied athle c trainer from each NATA district who has made outstanding contribu ons in furthering his or her high school’s athle c care program or the overall profession of secondary school athle c training. Our very own Ryan Johnson is the winner of this award! Ryan is the Athle c Trainer at Holt High School and he will be recognized in Chicago in March for GLATA and again in Bal more for the NATA conference. We are so proud of Ryan and all of his hard work! Angie Fiedler PTA Taryn Holt PTA “Think 'stop, drop, and roll' with posture. Stop Tara Beebe PTA what you're doing, drop your shoulders, and roll your shoulders back." Morgan Martin PTA ~Katelyn Harmon PTA Lynne Anklam PTA Lauren Crabb PTA Todd Sparks MS, ATC, AT, PTA Training Tips Mark Marshall PTA, ATC, CSCS “It’s that me of the year when infec ous skin diseases seem to be more prevalent in high school athletes (especially wrestlers). When in doubt get it checked out!” Jane Brooks PTA ~Ryan Johnson AT, ATC Holt High School Jessica Stahl PTA OT Thoughts “During the winter months, try baking cut-out cookies with you kids. This can help with cogni on and fine motor developmental skills.” Laura Hause PTA Kelly Verdin PTA Katelyn Harmon PTA In this issue: Page 2: Stretching is the Key to a Happy, Active Life Jackson Area Prep Athletes Page 3: Take a New Look at Aquatic Therapy Total Performance Training Center Page 4: Employee & Patient of the Month ~Alyssa Bertke Pre-OT student www.orsmi.com 2 3 Stretching is the Key to a Happy, Active Life Take a New Look at Aquatic Therapy By: Michelle Peterson AT, ATC By: Taryn Holt PTA Stretching and flexibility go hand in hand. Your level of flexibility is dependent upon many factors of an individual such as nutri on, hydra on, gene c make up and physical ac vity level. One way to help to prevent injury is to improve flexibility through stretching. Aqua c Therapy has been around since the earliest recorded history. Water has numerous benefits by just entering the pool. We take the proper es of water and develop a program to help progress your therapy and decrease your pain. As humans we are mostly water, the human body is slightly less dense than water its self (men averaging a higher density than women). Some may believe the elderly popula on would be best aqua c therapy the most, however anyone from young to old, athlete to geriatric pa ent can benefit from Aqua c Therapy. Stretching before AND aCer any physical ac vity is vitally important. Whether you are liCing weights, par cipa ng in prac ces/games or shoveling snow from your driveway, you use various muscles to perform the task. OCen mes stretching is forgoEen because at the me you feel fine but hours aCer ac vity or more commonly the next day you might find yourself in pain. Take the me about 10-15 minutes to properly stretch your muscles before ac vity so your muscles are warmed and ready for ac vity ahead. Then when you are done with your ac vity, take the me to stretch those muscles again. Be sure to hold each stretch for 20-30 seconds to ensure an appropriate stretch to the targeted muscle. When we work muscles, we ghten those muscles if those muscles go without stretching they stay ght and eventually take away from the range of mo on for the ac vity in the future. When the ght muscles are being used for an ac vity an injury is likely to occur because the muscles cant work at the level the are being used. Michelle is the Athle c Trainer at Jackson High School in Jackson and can be reached at: michelleatc@orsmi.com Jackson Area Prep Athletes The proper es of water allow us to challenge our pa ents in a different manor than what can be achieved on land. The pool’s natural proper es of water include: hydrosta c pressure, buoyancy, viscosity, and thermodynamic can be u lized to aide in your Physical Therapy. If you would like more details on how we use them come see us at the pool for your lesson in the principles of water and a good workout. Aqua c Therapy is very beneficial, especially aCer a total joint replacement. However, not just total joint replacement pa ents can benefit from a pool treatment. For example, athletes are great candidates for the pool. For an athlete, a pool session can be a lower impact day of therapy. Our pool offers an underwater treadmill to get you back to running without the impact that land based running puts on your joints. Jumping ac vi es are also done with less impact. Resistance training can be done with jets or the natural resistance of the water. An aqua c se8ng is great to get your muscles to relax and stretch. You don’t need to have recently had a total joint replacement or be an athlete to come to the pool we welcome a variety of pa ents, so talk to your Physical Therapist to see if the Aqua c Therapy could be added to your Physical Therapy. Week of 1/4/16: Basketball-Kaylee Jester of Napoleon High School Week of 1/11/16: Basketball-Kylen Brown of Michigan Center High School Week of 1/18/16: Wrestling-Kanen Storr of Leslie High School Week of 1/25/16: Basketball-Dylan Pa4on of Leslie High School Taryn is a Physical Therapist Assistant at our Total Joint & Aqua c Center in Jackson and can be reached at taryn@orsmi.com 3055 Shirley Drive Jackson, MI 49201 Our Certified Athletic Trainers & Performance Coaches Total Performance Training Center……….…….……….Adam Stoyanoff & Dave Grzesek Human Performance Lab (LCHS)……..…………………………….…….Nick VanBogelen Columbia Central High School..…………………….…………..….………...Keeley Glonek Concord High School………………………....………….……….……….....Joel Massobrio East Jackson High School……………………..……………………………...Keeley Glonek Eaton Rapids High School…………………..…………………..…………….Marko Grbesa Grass Lake High School……………………….………………………...…Emily Henderson Holt High School…………………………………………….……….……..…..Ryan Johnson Homer High School………………………………..……………….……....……Vince Mottes Jackson High School…...………………….……………………...….......Michelle Peterson Jonesville High School……………………………...……..….…………..……Justin Carroll Leslie High School…………………………….…..………………...….……….Brie Hensley Lumen Christi High School……………………….....………………….….....Sarah Wilhelm Michigan Center High School……………...…………………………..………..Kate Hilbert Napoleon High School……………………..…….…………………………...…..Erin Nelson Northwest High School…………………….……………………....………..Whitney Crandall Reading High School……………………………………………..……(event coverage only) Spring Arbor University……………………………………..…Dave Brock & Chris Benedict Springport High School………………….….……………………………..………..Kelly Lane Vandercook Lake High School…………………..……….……..……………..…Ryan Vogel Western High School………….…………….………..……………………..……...Beth Cuatt 517-768-2255 ext. 2 · www.totalperformancejackson.com 2016 Orthopaedic Rehab Run/Walk Series Total Performance Training Center is Orthopaedic Rehab Specialists’ 3,000 square foot performance-training facility. The facility is designed for athletes and located inside the ORS Fieldhouse (formerly known as The RAC). This facility is the only place in Jackson where athletes can receive the individualized coaching that will take their performance to the next level. The degreed and cer fied coaching staff at Total Performance specializes in developing accelera on, quickness, speed, power, and overall athle cism. Schedule of Events • Programs on average last 7-12 weeks, but can be tailored to anyone’s needs. Groundhog Gallop: Saturday, February 6, 2016 • Sessions last about 1 1/2 hours and includes an individualized strength training workout. ORS 5k/10k: Saturday, April 23, 2016 • Each program begins with a free evalua on. Family Service Run for Fun: Saturday, May 7, 2016 Concord Classic 5k: Saturday, June 25, 2016 Hanover-Horton Firecracker: Monday, July 4, 2016 Rose Run: Saturday, July 16, 2016 Run Clark Lake: Saturday, August 6, 2016 Falling Waters Trail Half Marathon: Sunday, October 2, 2016 Call 517-768-2255 ext. 2 to schedule your free evalua on today!