Under Glass
Under Glass
1 Under Glass Newsletter Date Special Points of InterChristmas Gala This picture is at the Corvette plant, we got to park right up at the door. 4 Museum Tour 12,13 Sponsors Page 12 Inside this issue: President’s Article 2 Community Service 4 Corvette Only Parking space at the Museum. Events Calendar 5 Membership Re- 5 Birthdays 5 Meeting Minutes 6, 7, 8, 9,10 Corvette Museum 8 Page 1 2 Page 2 Under Glass Message from the President Hello, Fall slipped through fast and it feels like winter is here....Brrrrr. Evan though winter is here there are still some CGCC events yet to come. Thank you to Bob & Betty Felker and Chuck & Crystal Hulka for arranging and leading the Walla Walla Wine tour. It was a really fun weekend. Coming events are: Veterans Day Parade and the Gala. We are pleased to announce Rick Ford has volunteered to be Chairperson of the 5-Star Event. We are looking forward to his leadership in working with the committee. Rick will be arranging a meeting soon. 2013 is going to be another great year for our 5-Star CGCC has many things to celebrate, 45 years as a club, 60th Anniversary of the Corvette and 70 years for Clover Park Technical College where CGCC's endowment scholarships help to support students to move forward in their lives. As we look forward to the Holidays, please remember to get a slip from Jan for a Soldier or a Shelter Family member. There are a few names left. They will be available for pick up at the November meeting. Thank you to those who signed up in October, your generosity is appreciated. See Jan's article for more details. The Gala is around the corner and Sheryl is putting together a great evening. November will be the last month to sign up so come join the fun. We are looking forward to celebrating with our CGCC friends. See you in November. Alisa (Cover pictures from the September 2012 trip to the Corvette Museum, submitted by Rayetta) 3 Page 3 Under Glass PLEASE JOIN US! GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING Second Saturday of Each Month 7:00 P.M. Lakewood Elks 6313 75th St W Lakewood, WA Dinner & drinks are available prior to the meeting. Come early to meet & greet! Members, prospective members and guests are WELCOME! BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING Thursday before the General Membership Meeting 7:00pm November premeeting meal. We are at the deadline for UnderGlass articles and the Elks have not finalized the specific menu items. They are having a " Wine Fest" and the food will apparently be of the "German" variety. I'm sure that covers a very large range from sauerkraut to potatos to sausage. Anyway I won't try to guess, so we will have to wait for the e-mail meal count at which time I will provide the specifics of the meal. Sorry for the delay, it will be a surprise for all of us. Thanks for your patience. Doug Willrich 2012 Officers & Committee Chairs ALISA DILLON (253) 853-5823 PRESIDENT CLUB SALES Charlene Petersen (253) 691-2348 Angie Guy (253) 582-2624 DOUG WILLRICH (253) 973-8028 COMMUNITY SERVICE Jan Landry (360) 832-6990 VICE PRESIDENT BOB THOMAS (253) 862-1756 SECRETARY MARILYN UNDERHILL (253) 752-5234 TREASURER NWACC REPRESENTATIVES Chuck Hulka (253) 853-3118 George Schwartz (360) 456-1242 Elvira Tucker (253) 568-6647 NATIONAL CORVETTE MUSEUM REPRESENTATIVE Len Tucker (253) 568-6647 EVENTS Don Mulligan (253) 639-0781 FIVE STAR Rick Landry (360) 832-6990 Dennis Beaulieu (253) 847-4781 FOOD & PHONE Candy Bundy (253) 584-3123 GALA EVENTS Sheryl Menche (360) 785-7506 HISTORIAN Billy Chambers (253) 202-0095 MEMBERSHIP Michelle and Bill Wallace (253) 330-3962 PARADES Jim Dillon (253) 853-5823 PHOTOGRAPHER Christine Ervin (360) 273 3880 Ray Helt (253) 952-8123 PUBLIC RELATIONS Ray Helt (253) 952-8123 Jim Dillon (253) 853-5823 RAFFLE Penny Swanson (253) 536-8440 Maile Willrich (253) 923-8028 ROSTER Rick Landry (360) 832-6990 SUNSHINE Candy Bundy (253)584-3123 UNDER GLASS Micki Wendt (253) 267-1887 vette58lvr@yahoo.com WEB MASTER David Bailey (206) 984-1320 4 Under Glass Page 4 THANK YOU MEMBERS FOR YOUR CARING A very big thanks to those members who signed-up for a soldier from the Washington Soldiers Home and/or a family member from the Family Renewal Shelter. We still have 13 more soldiers available to choose from. I will be available at the November 10th CGCC Members Meeting or you may call me at 360-832-6990 and I can give you a name and wish list if you are not going to be able to attend the meeting. EVERYONE WHO HAS CH0SEN A NAME, PLEASE REMEBER THAT GIFTS ARE TO BE WRAPPED IN HOLIDAY PAPER THEN ATTACH (TAPE) THE GREEN OR PURPLE TAG YOU RECEIVED WITH THE NAME ON IT SECURELY TO THE GIFT. IF YOU CHOSE A SOMEONE REQUESTING JUST A GIFT CARD, WE SUGGEST YOU PUT THE CARD INTO A HOLIDAY CARD AND THEN ATTACH THE TAG TO THE ENVELOPE. IF YOU HAVE MORE THAN ONE GIFT, PUT THEM INTO A BAG OR BOX ALL TOGETHER THEN SECURE WITH TAPE AND ATTACH THE TAG. WE ARE COLLECTING THE GIFTS AT OUR NOVEMBER MEETING AND AT OUR GALA ON DECEMBER 1ST. IF YOU CAN NOT DELIVER THE GIFT/S, PLEASE CALL ME AND WE WILL WORK SOMETHING OUT. See you soon, Our Christmas Gala is just around the corner so it’s time to make plans to go. Where: Emerald Queen Hotel & Casino, (Hotel Ballroom) When: Saturday, December 1 2010 Cost: $25 per person Please sign up at CGCC meeting in October or November And give your money or check to Marilyn (our Treasurer) Or send your reservation and check or money order made Out to CGCC, to: Marilyn Underhill 1815 N Villard St Tacoma WA 98406 The deadline to mail your reservation is November 10, our meeting night. 5 Under Glass Page 5 Happy HappyBirthday Birthday November At the October meeting, there were 88 members in attendance with sponsor Dick Lynch bringing two guests: Kenneth Niemann and Kenneth Timmemon. One more regular meeting this year...hope to see you then! Michele & Bill Wallace and incoming Membership Chairs Rick & Cheri Austin Michele Cardinaux Wallace (253) 330-3962 Curt Wikstrom 1-Nov Joan Greenwood 4-Nov Lila Gardner 8-Nov Valerie Oakes 8-Nov Michael Eeds 8-Nov Don Rollins 10-Nov Jack Wilcox 13-Nov Pyon Roten 15-Nov Darlene Rutt 16-Nov Jane Richards 17-Nov Kay Pautz 18-Nov John Stafford 22-Nov Larry Knutson 25-Nov Barbra Madison 26-Nov Phil Berven 28-Nov 2012 EVENTS December Bill Wallace 2-Dec Michael Ervin 5-Dec Sharon Duschel 6-Dec Joe Taylor 6-Dec Pixie Pomeroy 12-Dec Ed Burnett 14-Dec Connie Miller 16-Dec Dave Baine 18-Dec Ken Owen 20-Dec Bob Grube 21-Dec Christine Majscak 21-Dec John Pomeroy 23-Dec David Bailey 25-Dec Gayle Lyscio 26-Dec Audrey Holmes 31-Dec Additions and/or changes are highlighted in red October 10/4 Five Star meeting @ 6:30PM. Dinner @ 5:30, Carr's Restaurant 10/6 Red Hat Days and Bar Tour. Event coordinator: Gary Christman Car show at 10:00AM. Parade at 1:30PM. Tour to vodka distillery to follow. 10/5-7 Wine Tour to Walla Walla. Event Coordinators: Betty and Bob Felker 10/11 Board of Director's meeting @ 7PM. Dinner @ 6. Carr's Restaurant 10/13 General membership meeting @ 7PM. 10/21 Book Club @ 4PM, Barnes & Noble, Lakewood Mall November 11/1 Five Star meeting @ 6:30PM. Dinner @ 5:30, Carr's Restaurant 11/3 NWACC Banquet, Hawk's Prairie Golf Course 11/8 Board of Director's meeting @ 7PM. Dinner @ 6, Carr's Restaurant 11/10 General membership meeting @ 7PM 11/10 Veterans Day Parade in Auburn. Meet for breakfast at IHOP, Super Mall @7:30AM. Move to parade staging area around 9:00AM. 11/17 Book Club @ 4PM, Barnes & Noble, Lakewood Mall December 6 Page 6 MEETING MINUTES Under Glass General Meeting – October 13th, 2012 The meeting was called to order at 7:05 pm by President Alisa Dillon President: Alisa Dillon It is certainly nice to see everyone tonight. Vice President: Doug Willrich Gary Fowler was appointed Sergeant at arms. Food for next month, it is going to be a German themed meal, Doug will provide specifics in the newsletter Carlene Petersen, George Longhurst and Rick Austin have volunteered to do the Annual Audit of our finances. Treasurer: Marilyn Underhill Marilyn provided a detailed financial report. Alisa asked for a motion to accept, a motion was made, seconded and approved by the membership. Secretary: Bob Thomas Alisa solicited a motion to accept the minutes for the September meeting as printed in the newsletter. There is one change, The Date of the 5 Star needs to be changed to the 17th. A motion was made, seconded and approved by the membership. Club Sales: co-Chairs Charlene Peterson and Angie Guy There is a sales table, everything $10.00 off. Community Service Chair: Jan Landry This is the time of year when we ask you to pick out a Soldier, or family to purchase Christmas gifts for. We have a number of people we have been asked to provide for. Jan and Rick are handling this. See her article in the Under Glass. Gifts need to be ready for the November Meeting or at the Gala event. We have 20 Soldier’s names and 20 Soldiers that chose to be anonymous and 3 families from the Family Renewal Shelter. Events Chair: Don Mulligan Doug is covering for Don tonight, On October 21st, the book club is meeting at the Barnes and Noble, Lakewood at 4:00pm. November 1st, 5 Star Meeting at Carrs Restaurant at 6:30pm November 3rd NWACC Banquet. November 10th, Veterans Parade, Auburn. See Parade report in Under Glass November 10th, General Membership Meeting, Lakewood Elks. See event calendar for more events. We had 3 events over the last month. The Spaghetti feed at Christman’s. The event went well; it was fun to drive the track at the Ridge Motorsports track (except for the rain). Thanks to Gary and Barb for putting on a great event. 7 Under Glass Page 7 MEETING MINUTES CONT. Rick Landry talked about the Wine tour. We had 14 cars attend, stayed at the Winehart hotel that had been recently renovated. On Saturday we went to 5 different wineries and a good dinner that evening. Weather was perfect, mid to high 70’s. Much thanks to the Hulka's and Felker's for setting this up. Gary Christman talked about the Red Hat day parade. 15 Corvettes showed up. There were over 70 cars in the show. Tour was up to Wilkerson and then up to Carbonado, we met up with a couple of perspective new members. It turned out to be a great fall tour. Sponsors report: Dick Lynch came up. He introduced Ken Neiman from Silverdale and his son Ken; Ken purchased a 427 60th Anniversary with the decal kit. Five Star Event: No Chairperson – Report by Alisa We had a planning meeting on October 4th; the 17th may not be a good date for the event, due to a large show the same weekend in South Tacoma Way. We are looking at potentially moving it to the 24th. We are still looking for a chairperson(s). Most of the chairs are in place but we need someone to run the meetings and coordinate the event. Food/Phone: Elvira Tucker Elvira is back; today she has lots of homemade goodies. Special thanks to Brent and Rae Thomas for covering last month. Gala Event: Chair: Sheryl Mencke It’s October so it’s time to get moving on signing up for the Gala event on December 1st at the Emerald Queen Casino. You get a dinner that costs 34.95 for $25.00. The food will be Prime rib, Chicken cordon blue and Salmon. Angie Guy will have her photography equipment set up and will be offering special pictures for a small charge. There is special pricing for rooms at the event. Historian: Billy Chambers Billy is not here tonight, Janice Campbell has some club pins from the 70’s that she found and wishes to present to the club, for either sale or hand out. But some will be kept for the History of the club. Membership: Michele and Bill Wallace: We have a couple of guests, (came with Dick Lynch) 86 members attended the meeting tonight. NCM Representative: Len Tucker There is an article about Len in the latest NCM magazine. Len brought up all of the people that made the tour to Bowling Green. We received a plaque from the museum for group that traveled the farthest to come to the museum. It was a two-week trip, it turned up to be a great trip, had a great time. 2014 is the big National Caravan to the museum. He has raffle tickets for a Red Coupe, drawing in January. 8 Page 8 Under Glass Last month, 8 CGCC members with their Corvettes participated with members from the Glass Odyssey and Cascade Corvette Clubs in a Northwest Corvette Club visit to the National Corvette Museum. We received a plaque for traveling the furthest distance in 2012 for a club event at the Museum. We had a great three day visit at the Museum. On the first day of our visit, we participated in 3 Xperiences which included VIP tours of both the Museum and the Corvette Plant. We also had the privilege of seeing Joe and Valerie Oaks take delivery (R8C) of their new Night Race Blue 427 2013 Corvette. We had three Xperience Vettes on display on Corvette Boulevard along with Joe and Valerie’s new 427, what a sight. Day two saw us taking a tour of the Kentucky country side and visiting Glendale, a small antique and crafts town for lunch and a visit to the Makers Mark Distillery. Day three we spent volunteering at the Museum. On the way to the Museum, a fast 4 day trip, we had the opportunity to stop at the Gateway Arch in St. Louis. On our return trip, we navigated the Tail of the Dragon, 318 turns in 11 miles; toured the Biltmore House (Mansion) and Grounds (great brunch); and spend a day site seeing in our Nation’s Capital, the other Washington. We also stopped at Wall Drugs for ice water while traveling thru South Dakota. If you missed this fantastic trip, you have another opportunity coming in 2014. Once every five years, Corvette owners from all over the country and beyond hear the call and begin their exodus to Bowling Green, Kentucky for the National Corvette Caravan. Individuals and clubs join groups along the way, forming long caravans reaching from coast to coast, converging on the National Corvette Museum the last week of August 2014. With fun stops along the way, this is something every Corvette enthusiast needs to do in their lifetime. Start making plans now to take your place in history and be a part of this automotive phenomenon. If you would like additional information about the NCM, please contact me during any of our meetings and events, or contact the Museum directly at 1-800-53VETTE or on their web page at http://www.corvettemuseum.org/. Len Tucker, Your National Corvette Museum Ambassador 9 Under Glass Page 9 MEETING MINUTES CONT. NWACC: Chuck Hulka/George Schwartz, Elvira Tucker Chuck presented the NWACC report. Last NWACC meeting was on Sunday Sept 9th, Last autocross was Sept 16th, 27 cars attended. Weather was perfect. The NWACC Banquet is coming up November 3rd, at Hawks Prairie Golf course. Flyers have been emailed to the members or are available on line at the CdeO website. The Banquet starts at 5:00 with a social hour, dinner at 6:00. This year we had 4 show and shines and 6 autocross events. At the NWACC meeting representatives were notified that the President and Secretary positions are available. Let Chuck, George or Elvira know if you are interested in running for one of these offices. At the next NWACC meeting they will be accepting suggested changes to the bylaws, Insurance: NWACC has looked into insurance for clubs Directors and Officers, the cost of provided as a groups policy through NWACC would be $735.00 per club which is way too much money for most clubs. Newsletter: Micki Wendt Deadline for articles is the Friday after the General meeting. There has been an issue with mailing out the UnderGlass. The computer Micki is using does not work with the club printer. We are working on resolving this. Parades: Jim Dillon November 10th is the Veterans Day parade. A sign-up sheet is available. We will be sending out email to the members. Meet at the IHOP at the supermall at 8:00am. If you were in the military and have a flag from your branch of service we would like you to display it. We will have American flags and CGCC flags. Dennis came up to remind everyone present to vote. This is the last General meeting to be able to vote. Those who have not voted will be sent ballots in the mail to be returned by October 31, 2012. Dick Lynch mentioned the Cruise in, there was great food provided by H.D. Hotspurs Catering Jet gave a battery charger away at the cruise in that was a big hit, $85.00 for club members. This is a float charger that is offered as an option on the 60th Anniversary Corvette. Photographers: Christiene Ervin and Ray Helt Ray wanted to thank the Greenwoods for all of their pictures. Public Relations Ray Helt / Jim Dillon Rainer Collision will be sponsoring the Club in 2013, they are located in Gig Harbor. Member present award: Eva Bennisen, Dan Hagerty, were drawn, Barb Christman won a Corvette Centennial Book (donated by Jet) and a pair of CGCC coffee mugs. 10 Under Glass Page 10 MEETING MINUTES CONT. Member present award: Eva Bennisen, Dan Hagerty, were drawn, Barb Christman won a Corvette Centennial Book (donated by Jet) and a pair of CGCC coffee mugs. Roster: Rick Landry As always the Roster is confidential. Send any updates to Rick. Sunshine: Candy Bundy Thanks to Liz Longhurst for covering last month. Dan Tumia, owner Corvettes of Auburn received a card Angie Crawford received at card. Nina Chambers also received a card. Valerie Oakes was sent a card and a plant. Crystal Hulka received a card. Kathy Fechter received a card, Linda Kindred received a card and flowers. Bill Gander is having double hip replacement surgery It’s been a busy couple of months Website: David Bailey No Report, send any updates to David. Old Business D and O insurance, Alisa is soliciting quotes. This is still in the discussion stage. 5 Star, this is our big event, so far no one has stepped up, so we need to decide if we want to have the event. If no one steps up, we will discuss. New Business Jan wanted to thank everyone who stepped up for our Soldier & Families. Raffle by Maile and Penny Swanson, Anything else for the good of the club Collected for the Zebra box $104.00 The Meeting was adjourned at 8:50 pm Trivia Byte July 2nd, 1992 marks the day when the one millionth Corvette, a white convertible, rolled off the assembly line. 11 Page 11 THANK YOU CLUB SPONSORS!! Under Glass Contact Dick Lynch Fleet/commercial Sales Manager, Cell (253) 405-3610, or email dick@jetchevrolet.com 12 Page 12 Under Glass Submitted by Rayetta Montgomery What a great trip! Len Tucker did an outstanding job planning our travels and the many destinations. We all agree that he can be our tour leader anytime. All of us also agreed that a smaller group is the only way to be able to see everything we got to see. We all got a very special VIP tour of the Corvette plant with one guide for each 4 of us. Instead of the usual 40minute tour, we got to be in the plant for 2 ½ hours! Seeing some of the things not usually seen, like how the VIN was put on the engine (VIN is on car in 3 places) and even how the engine is finalized with all those parts. Did you know, one person builds every engine of the Z06 & ZR1 and that their name is on that engine? I didn’t either! Seeing all those body parts come together and the final marriage with the frame & engine is pretty fascinating. The Corvette Museum gave us the same super tour. The displays change often, so any time you go, you see something new. Because of the time of year, they had a great 9/11 display of artifacts from the World Trade Center. If there is anything you need to know about your Corvette, the Museum Library probably has that information. It was a special day at the Museum not only because 3 of our group had their cars in the Museum Xperience, but…a big wahoo…Joe and Valerie Oaks took delivery of their gorgeous new Corvette! How terrific that we were all able to celebrate with them!! It is amazing to me that all of the roads in Kentucky seem to be rolling, green and fun to drive. We all drove out to Glendale where there were lots of quaint shops to spark our interests. We ate lunch at the most beautiful, manor house style restaurant. We missed the last tour of the day at the Makers Mark Distillery. But a guide just off work took the time to show us how Bourbon is made. This was another special day, as the Oaks were putting the first miles on their new Corvette! Friday was a free day for all of us so, Len Tucker, Bob Gunderman, Dave & DeeDee Ellingson and Ken & I volunteered at the Museum. Hey, it was fun! Not everyone gets to stack bricks or wash and label bricks from the Flint plant! DeeDee helped unpack new items for the gift shop & catalog. The most fun drive ever was the Tail of the Dragon. This 21-mile stretch has 11 miles with 318 curves! Yep, you got that right. Better than autocross…it is the real thing! Believe me, it was a thrill (I drove). Another fun-filled day was our tour of the Biltmore Estate.We had a great Brunch Buffet at Deer Park Restaurant; then toured the winery & shops and drove around the massive grounds. 13 Page 13 Under Glass What a huge, beautiful estate it is! The house (castle??) was unbelievable. Everything about it was super sized. Those poor Vanderbilts. We took a day tour around Wash. DC, but there is way more to see than you can ever begin to see in one day. But we did a mighty fine job of hitting all the highlights; even though we were hampered by a huge downpour and wind!! It was the only rainy day of the whole trip. Still, we had many a good laugh.You should have seen us in our fancy, free rain ponchos!! Several of us took the opportunity to visit families while out in the “east” and headed home in different directions. A chance meeting occurred when the Ellingson’s (from MN) and the Montgomery’s (from CT) just happened to meet up at a Rest Stop on their way home. What a nice surprise to both! All of us said it was a fantastic trip beginning to end. If you had planned on the tour but changed your mind and not come along, you really missed out! 14 Page 14 Under Glass 15 Page 15 Under Glass 16 CLASSICAL GLASS CORVETTE CLUB OF TACOMA P.O. BOX 111208 TACOMA, WA 98411-1208
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