one heart ONE MISSION
one heart ONE MISSION
CATHOLIC CHARITIES OF THE ARCHDIOCESE OF CHICAGO 2014 ANNUAL REPORT one heart ONE MISSION one heart ONE MISSION Catholic Charities fulfills the Church’s role in the mission of charity to anyone in need by providing compassionate, competent, and professional services that strengthen and support individuals, families, and communities based on the value and dignity of human life. Cor Unum, “One Heart,” was established in 1971 by Pope Paul VI as the agency of the Holy See responsible for coordinating the organizations and charitable activities promoted by the Catholic Church. We join with our brothers and sisters around the world who work to see the face of Jesus Christ in the poor and needy with “one heart,” a heart that beats in rhythm with the heart of Christ, whose pity for the hungry multitudes reaches them even in their spiritual hunger. October 2, 2014 Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, FRANCIS CARDINAL GEORGE, O.M.I. Archbishop of Chicago For Catholics and Christians, charity is not just about giving material things, it is about acting with heart—acting in the name of Christ to bring the love of God to people in need. Those we help do not need to be Catholic or even Christian, but our Christian faith is central to why we care for the poor and how we do it. Each person helped is treated with heart, for in each person’s distress we see the suffering Christ, who reminds us, “Whatever you did for these least brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me” (Mt. 25:40). On the following pages of Catholic Charities 2014 Annual Report, One Heart, One Mission, you will read numerous examples of how Catholic Charities serves the poor with heart. They welcome strangers as friends, lift the burdens of those who suffer, and bring hope to communities that some would call hopeless. It is remarkable to me that every 30 seconds someone turns to Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Chicago for help. In total, more than one million people from all religious, racial, and national backgrounds annually receive assistance from Catholic Charities, ranging from the basic human needs of food, clothing and shelter, to very specialized services such as substance-abuse treatment, mental-health counseling, and selfsufficiency programs. It is because of supporters like you that Catholic Charities is able to respond to this tremendous need. I am deeply grateful for the dedication of the Catholic Charities Board of Directors and Board of Advisors, the Junior Board, the parishes of the Archdiocese of Chicago, and the thousands of volunteers and donors that make the vital work of Catholic Charities possible. I am also thankful for the ongoing support of our business and government funding partners. Additionally, I commend Monsignor Michael Boland and his staff for their passionate drive to provide the best care possible to the most vulnerable among us. We can all be tremendously proud of the extraordinary work of Catholic Charities and the role each of us plays in helping them care for our brothers and sisters in need. Working together— working with one heart and one mission—we can provide families, children, seniors, veterans and anyone who needs a helping hand, with the love, compassionate understanding and professional services that they need to overcome obstacles and work their way out of crisis and poverty. May God bless you for your support and commitment to Catholic Charities. You and those you love are in my prayers; please keep me and the needs of the Archdiocese of Chicago in yours. Sincerely yours in Christ, 4 October 2, 2014 Dear Friends of Catholic Charities, It is my pleasure to present to you Catholic Charities Annual Report for Fiscal Year 2014, One Heart, One Mission. Guided and inspired by the heart of Christ, Catholic Charities mission is to bring His love and compassion to the poorest among us. Through more than 153 programs at 161 service locations in Cook and Lake counties, Catholic Charities annually assists one million people throughout the Archdiocese of Chicago. This year is special for me because it is my 25th anniversary with Catholic Charities. I had the honor to work in several areas of the agency before becoming Administrator in 1997. Over the past 25 years, the agency has grown and undergone many changes to respond to evolving needs: We have expanded our Emergency Assistance Program to reach more people in more communities with more services; added many new Women, Infant, and Children (WIC) Food & Nutrition Centers in communities that were veritable food deserts; added new hunger programs such as our Crisp! mobile grocery and Summer Lunch programs that bring food directly to those who may otherwise go hungry; vastly grown our senior housing and senior social services; formalized and expanded our services for veterans, immigrants, and refugees; improved our homelessness to self-sufficiency programs; and refined our early childhood education and child care programs to meet the growing needs of low-income working families—that’s just to name a few of the ways Catholic Charities has evolved and grown over the past 25 years! With all of these changes and improvements, Catholic Charities is constantly guided by one heart and one mission. Our hearts beat in rhythm with the heart of Christ, always helping those who are broken or down-hearted, and treating each individual with the unconditional love and respect they so desperately need and deserve to enhance their God-given dignity. We know that it is greatly important that we bring compassionate, loving help and hope to desperate areas where we are needed most. We have intentionally added program locations and expanded our breadth of services in areas of the city and suburbs that have the greatest poverty, the greatest crime, the greatest need, and also some of the greatest success stories. REV. MONSIGNOR MICHAEL M. BOLAND Administrator, President, and CEO Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Chicago I would like to personally thank all of the dedicated and creative staff of Catholic Charities for their hard work and daily inspiration. Every time I turn around someone is enthusiastically presenting another idea of how we can better serve people in need. I would also like to thank our devoted volunteers, board members, corporate and government partners, private foundations, and individual donors who help us continually evolve and expand to meet changing needs. We are profoundly grateful for your support. Each day I am humbled by Christ’s presence at Catholic Charities and all He empowers and inspires us to do. Thank you for being a vital part of Catholic Charities over the past year, and indeed during my 25 years at Catholic Charities. God willing, I look forward to all we can do together during the next 25! Sincerely, 5 one year ONE MISSION 2013 JULY • We break ground for the Porta Coeli/Our Lady Gate of Heaven senior affordable apartment building on Chicago’s far Southeast Side at a festive ceremony involving board members, local dignitaries and Our Lady Gate of Heaven parishioners. • Our Elder Abuse services is expanded and renamed Adult Protective Services, to include any adults with a disability over age 18 who may be physically, emotionally or financially abused. • The 2014 – 2018 Catholic Charities Strategic Plan is approved by the Board of Directors, giving direction that will carry the agency through its 100 year anniversary in 2017. • Our Neighbors in Need Fund appeal launched with a generous lead gift of $40,000 from the Charles H. and Bertha L. Boothroyd Foundation. AUGUST • Bishop Conway Residence, our supportive living program for lowincome seniors who need assistance with daily activities, celebrates 10 years with a Mass and reception. Bishop Edwin Conway served as 6 administrator of Catholic Charities for many years and the Residence is a fitting tribute to the personalized attention and care he gave to those around him. • $200,000 is donated to our Emergency Assistance Department by the Daniel P. Haerther Charitable Trust. SEPTEMBER • Bishop Timothy J. Lyne, long-time supporter of Catholic Charities and exemplary priest, passes into eternal life. • With the closing of grocery stores around Chicago, the critical issue of food deserts is brought into light in Chicago and Monsignor Boland is featured in the Chicago Tribune reminding readers that “We as social service agencies must come together with government and business leaders to ensure that every Chicagoan has access to healthy, nutritious food.” OCTOBER • Central States Institute, a substance abuse treatment program founded by Father Ignatius McDermott, celebrates 50 years with a conference for social service professionals. • We launch Volunteer Bridge, an online tool that broadens and streamlines our system for engaging thousands of volunteers. NOVEMBER • We host our first ever Adult Day Services Prom for participants at our three adult day care programs. Several “kings” and “queens” are crowned at the luncheon event, and dancing continues into the late afternoon. • The Mazza Foundation gives $100,000 for our new Interpretation Services Program. We envision that within three years the program will operate as a social enterprise, generating funds for its own support. • Refugee women begin selling handmade products through LOOM, a new social enterprise program that provides income, skill development, and fellowship under the direction of local artists and Refugee Services staff. DECEMBER • The 24th Annual St. Nicholas Ball raised more than $940,000 for Catholic Charities programs serving children and their families. • Following months of preparation and internal collaboration, Catholic Charities achieves re-accreditation by the Council on Accreditation (COA) on 2,000 fundamental social service practice standards. COA reviewers give us a glowing exit interview, citing our agency’s “operational excellence.” Left to right: Items made by refugee women at a LOOM sales event; Monsignor Boland distributes ashes at the Evening of Reflection; Volunteers and staff at a Divine Mercy Sunday supper in our Southwest region; “Jesus the Homeless” in front of Catholic Charities headquarters; Monsignor Boland, Cor Unum President Robert Cardinal Sarah, and Emergency Assistance Department Director Christene Dykes-Sorrells at a food pantry; Francis Cardinal George and Monsignor Boland greet Fr. John Rochford at the dedication of Holy Family Villa’s expansion 2014 JANUARY • Ron Laurent, long-time Board of Advisors member and former Chairman of the Board, receives a Catholic Charities USA Keep the Dream Alive Award in Washington, D.C. The award honors the memory of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and individuals who have spent their careers working on behalf of the poor and marginalized. • The “Polar Vortex” descends on Chicago; Catholic Charities responds with increased outreach through our mobile emergency assistance program. Extensive news coverage of the extreme weather results in increased donations of food, clothing and winter coats to Catholic Charities. Monsignor Boland is featured in Catholic Charities USA Magazine, “In weather like this, our top priority is ensuring everyone who needs a warm place to stay has somewhere to go.” FEBRUARY • Ryan’s Joy, an initiative that purchases fresh produce and dairy products for Catholic Charities food pantry clients, is launched in memory of Ryan Rocci, a young adult who interned at our agency and whose desire to help others will live on through the generosity of his family. MARCH MAY • One hundred members of the Board of Advisors and Junior Board gather for the Ash Wednesday Evening of Reflection. Monsignor Boland’s address to the group is on ”Three Decades of Papal Leadership.” • Robert Cardinal Sarah, President of the Pontifical Council Cor Unum, visits Catholic Charities Emergency Assistance Department. • Holy Family Villa dedicates new wings for short-term rehabilitation stays, a full-service rehabilitation center for physical, occupational and speech therapy, an expanded chapel and a multi-purpose event space that can accommodate all residents and family members for meetings and special events. • Admiral Michael G. Mullen, former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, keynotes at our Veterans in Need fundraising dinner. He calls Catholic Charities Veterans programs a “shining model” for other nonprofit agencies to follow. • The 25th Annual Art of Caring presented by the Women’s Board, Lake County Services raises more than $295,000 to help the poor. APRIL • St. Gall Parish on Chicago’s Southwest Side welcomes our newest regional office. Programs will eventually include senior services, immigration services and counseling to meet the needs of a thriving Latino community. • Legal Lifelines, our annual fundraiser for Catholic Charities Legal Assistance program, raises a record amount of more than $130,000. • Divine Mercy Sunday Suppers at several locations in the Archdiocese demonstrate solidarity with Pope Francis’ call for compassionate action on behalf of the poor and celebrate the dual canonization of Popes John XXIII and Pope John Paul II. • Jesus the Homeless, an evocative, life-size statue sculpted by Canadian Timothy Schmalz is installed outside our St. Vincent Center to honor Francis Cardinal George’s 50 years of priesthood. Nationwide media attention on the sculpture draws people daily to admire it. Monsignor Boland reflects in the Chicago Tribune, “Catholic Charities opens its doors to those whom many of us may just walk by. It is my hope that this sculpture will cause people to pause and pray for those most in need.” JUNE • About 250 seniors attend our Annual Senior Unity Mass, which was held at a new location, Holy Family Church, one of Chicago’s oldest parishes and a survivor of the Great Chicago Fire which started just blocks away. The O’Learys, owners of the world’s most famous cow, were parishioners. • Our Fiscal Year 2013 Annual Report, We Journey Together, receives the Public Relations Society of America Chicago Chapter Award of Excellence for a Nonprofit Annual Report. 7 “We Christians are called to confront the poverty of our brothers and sisters, to touch it, to make it our own and to take steps to alleviate it.” POPE FRANCIS one heart ONE COMMUNITY Pope Francis has called on us to “restore hope to young people, help the old…be poor among the poor, include the excluded.” There is no greater way of doing this than going to where those who suffer the most in our communities are – to go to them and be in their neighborhoods. For 97 years we have gone to where the poor are to bring hope and compassion with dignity and respect. Many of our 161 sites throughout Cook and Lake counties are intentionally in the most troubled neighborhoods – areas plagued by violence, where jobs are scarce and empty lots are uninviting reminders that they have been forgotten. But in these communities you will also find hope – and it is that hope that Catholic Charities harnesses, nurtures and grows through our 153 programs. You’ll find a child with a desire to learn and play in a safe place, a dad wanting to be a role model to his children by earning his GED, a mom shopping for healthy groceries at a neighborhood store, and a grandparent staying engaged and active in her community at an adult day center. Our mission calls on us to serve anyone in need. For years we have heard people ask the question “Can Chicago’s troubled neighborhoods be saved?” And, as urban poverty moves to the suburbs, increasingly we hear the same question asked of surrounding communities. We believe that with compassion a light of hope can be brought to these areas; that when we “let our light shine before men in such a way they will see our good works” (Matthew 5:16) these communities will be brought out of darkness. Last year, more than 1.1 million people in Cook and Lake counties were supported by Catholic Charities. As the needs of our most vulnerable grow, we remain nimble. Our programs evolve to meet the needs of the community. In April we opened our first City of Chicago Southwest Regional Office to provide more Catholic Charities services and support to a region in the city that is experiencing significant population growth, but also great poverty. Our 3,100 employees live the mission of Catholic Charities every day, bringing heart and compassion to their careers. Whether it is caring for the more than 1,500 children at our nine child development centers, providing support to 5,800 vulnerable patients as they transition out of the hospital, or sheltering 1,726 men, women, and children, Catholic Charities is committed to our community. BY THE NUMBERS 1.1 million people helped in Cook and Lake counties 161 locations 153 programs 4,504,578 meals served to those in need 9,107 veterans assisted with housing, mental health counseling, job placement, and more 6,707 families avoided foreclosure through housing counseling and resources 9 “All of us together are a family in the Church, who is our Mother.” POPE FRANCIS one heart ONE FAMILY Inspired by the teachings of Jesus Christ, we are committed to meeting the needs of the poor and to lifting families out of poverty and putting them onto a path to self-sufficiency. When families come to our doors, they are broken-hearted; many are the “new poor” seeking our help for the first time, navigating an unknown world. Often a family’s first stop is at our Emergency Assistance Department, where more than 203,700 people turned to us for help last year. It is at these centers that with compassion we listen to each person’s story, for we know that they will not be forsaken. Jesus affirmed in Isaiah 43:2; “When you go through deep waters, I will be with you. When you go through rivers of difficulty, you will not drown. When you walk through the fire of oppression, you will not be burned up; the flames will not consume you.” Whatever hardships a family faces, Catholic Charities remains by their side and is steadfast in helping the family stand on their own. Pope Francis reminds us that “to live charitably means not looking out for our own interests, but carrying the burdens of the weakest and poorest among us.” Our staff carries these burdens as our mission. We ask the more than 1.1 million people who counted on Catholic Charities last year for help to “come to me all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11:28) BY THE NUMBERS It is with His grace that we see each family as unique with its own path to self-sufficiency. They turn to us for shelter as 1,726 did last year; short-term support in ensuring their utilities are paid and they remain in their homes as 6,700 did; or are one of the 20,376 children who received a nutritious lunch in the summer so they didn’t go to bed hungry. Every 30 seconds something extraordinary happens at Catholic Charities. A person’s burdens are lifted as they come to us seeking help, and we live out Jesus’ calling to lift the spirits of those families who are weary and provide hope, compassion, and healing along the way. educated, and mentored A network of 9 food pantries served 203,894 people 1,098 men, women, and children received vital health exams at free community health fairs Clothing distributed to 16,043 clients 215,000 children supported, 11 “People have a dignity that is priceless and worth far more than things.” POPE FRANCIS one heart ONE HOME As the disciples asked Jesus, “When did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink? And when did we see you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe you? And when did we see you sick or in prison and visit you?” And humbly Jesus answered with perhaps our greatest calling, that “whatever you did for the least of my brothers and sisters, you did for me” (Matthew 25: 37-40). At Catholic Charities we open the doors at our 161 locations to all. We welcome them as we would our mother, father, brother, or sister – as we would welcome Jesus. We invite them in to be fed, comforted, sheltered, educated, and cared for at any stage in their lives. At Catholic Charities, you are not a number, you are a person. From the moment you walk into our doors, you are our guest and it is our privilege to serve the poor as Jesus has called us to do. We are no longer strangers, we are friends. Just as we would welcome our friends into our home, we welcome more than 1 million people every year. Every day we witness small acts of God’s grace – whether it is a formerly homeless man and his children moving into their own apartment as we helped 735 families do last year, one of our 3,733 older adults who use our seven senior centers staying fit with Zumba or other activities, a newly-arrived immigrant receiving guidance in navigating immigration paperwork and the legal system as 469 immigrants and refugees did last year, or a young girl, one of 1,542 at our child development centers, receiving a nutritious lunch and learning the alphabet. Pope Francis asks us, “If we see someone who needs help, do we stop? There is so much suffering and poverty, and a great need for good Samaritans.” At Catholic Charities, when we see those who need help, we open our doors, our homes, and our hearts and live out the mission that Jesus has called us to do – to help the least of our brothers and sisters. BY THE NUMBERS 2,428 seniors received nutritious meals delivered to their homes Nearly 70,000 people were fed a warm meal at our evening supper programs 16,058 people received emergency food or transportation assistance to a shelter through our Mobile Outreach Program 16 Women, Infant, and Children (WIC) Food & Nutrition Centers served 171,298 women, infants, and children with nutritious food, education, and support to promote good health 13 giving with ONE MISSION INDIVIDUALS & FAMILY FOUNDATIONS $8,752,157 (41%) 24% 41% 5% CORPORATE PARTNER: ARTHUR J. GALLAGER & CO. “At Arthur J. Gallagher & Co., our mission is to help businesses and individuals manage their risk. We choose to support Catholic Charities in their dedicated FOUNDATIONS $2,221,630 (10%) CORPORATIONS $1,663,197 (8%) 12% 8% 10% ORGANIZATIONS $2,444,365 (12%) PARISHES $1,154,039 (5%) efforts to assist families and individuals BEQUESTS at risk in Cook and Lake counties.” $5,037,198 (24%) j . patrick gallagher, jr, chairman, president and ceo, arthur j. gallagher & co., and anne murphy gallagher TOTAL $21,272,586 “How marvelous it would be if, at the end of the day, each of us could say: today I have performed an act of charity towards others!” POPE FRANCIS 14 giving with ONE MISSION INDIVIDUALS FUNDRAISING EVENTS Individuals made 65% of the cash donations and pledges received this year. Contributions to our special event fundraisers by individuals, corporations and foundations resulted in $3.29 million in net proceeds in FY14. Funds raised at each one of our 24 events benefits a specific program or region. More information about each event can be found on the following pages. PARISHES Parishes take up a special collection for Catholic Charities on Mother’s Day. Many parishes also contribute to specific programs and fundraising events; hold food, clothing and toy drives; provide volunteers; or contribute space for our programs. LEGACY OF HOPE SOCIETY The Legacy of Hope Society recognizes individuals who have informed us that Catholic Charities is in their estate plans. The society has 235 current members. In FY 2014, we received payments or distributions of legacies from 61 deceased individuals. APPEALS Donations to four major appeals met our most urgent needs: • Mother’s Day Appeal - $1,482,175 from 346 parish collections and 2,871 direct donations. • Neighbors in Need Fund - $418,979 from 2,044 donors • Year-End Appeal - $2,222,330 from 5,513 donors • Spring Challenge - $82,254 from 587 donors FOUNDATIONS, CORPORATIONS AND ORGANIZATIONS Catholic Charities sincerely thanks the many foundations, corporations, and organizations that have invested in our work to help our neighbors in need throughout Cook and Lake counties. Last year, more than $6.3 million was given by approximately 1,000 foundation, corporate, and organizational donors who provided nearly 2,000 gifts. More than 250 new foundation and corporate donors contributed over $400,000 to Catholic Charities programs. • B ank of America Charitable Foundation supported our Emergency Assistance Department and food pantries by helping us aid our clients in their return to self-sufficiency. • D esign Industries Foundation Fighting AIDS/ Chicago continued their long standing support of our HIV Care Cupboard in Lake County, allowing us to provide low-income individuals living with HIV and AIDS a place to secure nutritious food. • M ichael Reese Health Trust continued to assist our Community Family Service Centers (CFSC) provide mental and behavioral health services for economically disadvantaged children and their families. Noted here are a few of our many generous foundation, corporate, and organizational partners and the programs that benefited from their support this last fiscal year. • A bbvie, Inc. supported our Lake County programs including our Samaritan House Shelter and our Emergency Assistance Department. • A nthonian Association of the Friends of St. Anthony of Padua helped our Family (Domestic) Violence Program provide counseling to victims of domestic violence, and training to parishes interested in starting their own domestic violence ministry. 15 many events ONE MISSION 16TH ANNUAL GOLF INVITATIONAL • Wednesday, July 24, 2013 • Cog Hill Golf and Country Club, Lemont • $309,145 was raised to benefit Child, Youth, & Family Services programs Jim Ryan served as Chair; Mike Smith and Bob Berti served as Co-Chairs of our signature golf event which featured an incredible day on all four golf courses, celebrity contest holes and guest emcee, Andy Avalos, NBC5 Chicago Meteorologist. Mike Smith was honored with the Michael R. Sheahan Founder’s Award. Happy Products returned as presenting sponsor. Other major sponsors included: The Thomas & Christina Grusecki Foundation, Monterrey Security, East Lake Management and Development Corporation, Manufacturers Sales Solutions, Pepsi Beverages Company, LOFT Development Corporation, HERO/Beech Nut, Cummins-Allison Corporation, Kellogg’s, Cole Taylor Bank, Crowe Horwath LLP, Harmony Health Plan, John Buck Company, Kates Detective & Security Agency, Inc., and Much Brothers. 19TH ANNUAL CHARITIES GOLF CLASSIC • Monday, July 29, 2013 • Knollwood Club, Lake Forest & Shoreacres, Lake Bluff • $196,300 was raised to benefit Lake County Services Chaired by John Brinckerhoff, Mike Hoch and Scott Roberts, the outing featured golf, lunch, raffle, live and silent auctions and a “Beat the Deacon” hole to support Lake County Services. Sponsors included Bob & Joanie Reynolds, L.J. Sheridan & Co., the Helen Brach Foundation, and Ray & Debbie Guerin. 16 12TH ANNUAL WILLIAM E. JOYCE GOLF INVITATIONAL • Monday, August 5, 2013 • Crystal Tree Golf & Country Club, Orland Park • $73,261 was raised to benefit the Loving Outreach to Survivors of Suicide (LOSS) Program Jim Sexton returned as the Chair of the event which featured a fun day of golf, lunch, cocktails, dinner, and a cash raffle. 3RD ANNUAL PATRICK J. RYAN GOLF OUTING • Thursday, August 15, 2013 • St. Andrews Golf & Country Club, West Chicago • $99,718 was raised to benefit the Loving Outreach to Survivors of Suicide (LOSS) Program for Children & Youth Chaired by Jim & Marie Ryan and family, the outing featured golf, breakfast, lunch, dinner, a raffle, live and silent auctions, and exciting contests holes to support young survivors of suicide. Mike North, Fox Sports Radio Host and Daily Herald Columnist, served as emcee. Major sponsors included Happy Products, East Lake Management & Development Corporation, The Thomas & Christina Grusecki Foundation, The John Buck Company Foundation, Chip & Ellen Mulaney, the Perry Family Foundation, and Bank of America Merrill Lynch. JUNIOR BOARD BOAT CRUISE • Friday, August 16, 2013 • The Ft. Dearborn, Chicago • $5,599 was raised to benefit the Emergency Assistance Program Guided by Social Committee Co-Chairs Kristina Mulhall and Meaghan Farrell, the Junior Board set sail with more than 90 attendees on beautiful Lake Michigan for a night of sightseeing and socializing. The event would not have been possible without the donation of the boat by Chicago Line Cruises. 3RD ANNUAL HOLY FAMILY VILLA GOLF INVITATIONAL • Thursday, August 21, 2013 • Gleneagles Country Club, Lemont • $80,017 was raised to benefit the Holy Family Villa Expansion Project Chairs, John Parise and Steve Kositzky, and Co-Chairs, Fran Parise and Eileen Kositzky, welcomed guests to a day of golf and lunch followed by dinner, cocktails, raffles, and pick-a-prize. Quality Therapy & Consultation, Inc. was the Presenting Sponsor. 12TH ANNUAL GALA OF THE ARTS • Friday, September 6, 2013 • Navy Pier, Chicago • $155,882 was raised to benefit the Emergency Assistance Program Catholic Charities Board Members, William & Mary Alice Jovan and William & Jeanne Hardy, served as the Chaircouples for a second year, welcoming guests to an incredible art sale and show, culinary delights, an exquisite Golden Raffle and pick-a-prize. Allison Rosati served as Master of Ceremonies. Chicago’s own, The Buckinghams, provided the entertainment for the night. The Mandatum Award was bestowed upon Michael & Carol Bilder for their continued support to the event. Major sponsors included Michael & Carol Bilder, Fifth Third Bank, Richard & Christine Guzior of Richards Building Supply Company, Thomas Havey, and Chip & Ellen Mulaney. Patrick J. Ryan Golf Outing - The Ryan Family; Gala of the Arts - William & Jeanne Hardy, William & Mary Alice Jovan, Carol & Mike Bilder; Brighter Futures- Ben Jagoe, Char Madden, Tim Madden; Charities Royale - Joe Esposito, Lara Brislin, Kerry Cleary, and Fr. Wayne Watts; Spirit of Saint Nicholas Ball - The Wiatr Family, Francis Cardinal George, Monsignor Boland 13TH ANNUAL BRIGHTER FUTURES GOLF OUTING •M onday, September 9, 2013 • Riverside Golf Club, North Riverside • $ 57,911 was raised to benefit the New Hope Housing Program in the West Region A very warm day of golf, food, a prize raffle, and cash raffle was Co-Chaired by Doug & Kathy Kurtenbach and Jeff & Karen Stelmach. Generous sponsorship support was provided by Kirkland & Ellis LLP, Mosaic Sales Solutions, Doug & Kathy Kurtenbach, Jeff & Karen Stelmach, and The Wholey & Poitras Group at Baird. A hole-in-one by Board Member Bob Kastenholz was a highlight. NITE AT THE NET • Saturday, September 21, 2013 • Hinsdale Racquet Club • $ 54,805 was raised to benefit the Neighbors in Need Fund Chicago Blackhawks Coach “Q” Joel Quenneville and 101.9 FM THE MIX Morning Host Eric Ferguson welcomed 130 guests to a night of fast-paced drills, food and beverages, a silent auction, raffle, live auction, and DJ in the party tent. Major sponsors were Valley Fire Protection Systems and John Wilhelm & Family. 5TH ANNUAL AYUDANDO NUESTRAS FAMILIAS/HELPING OUR FAMILIES • Thursday, October 10, 2013 • National Museum of Mexican Art, Chicago • $ 30,388 was raised to benefit Family Strengthening programs The Latino Advisory Committee of the Board of Advisors hosted a fun-filled event which featured prize raffles and delicious hors d’oeurves. Lourdes Duarte, WGN-TV News Co-Anchor, was the emcee. Major sponsors included Azteca Foods, Inc., BMO Harris, Happy Products, Kates Detective & Security Agency, Inc., Thomas & Goya Vega-Byrnes, and Wintrust Financial. 3RD ANNUAL HOLIDAY TEA AND BOUTIQUE • Thursday, November 7, 2013 • Wynstone Golf Club, North Barrington • $32,584 was raised to benefit Lake County Services Chairs Tae Haider-Krebs and Jackie Cantwell welcomed 130 guests to a popular holiday event, where they enjoyed a day of shopping, floral and beauty workshops, and a delicious high tea. 7TH ANNUAL CHARITIES ROYALE CASINO NIGHT • Saturday, November 9, 2013 • Cultural Arts Center, Chicago • $45,424 was raised for the Emergency Assistance Department Casino Night Committee Co-Chairs Kerry Cleary and Joe Esposito led the planning of the Junior Board’s largest fundraiser. Live music by the Outcast Jazz Band entertained more than 400 guests as they played a variety of casino games while participating in a silent auction and raffle. Major sponsors included Wintrust Financial, Ft. Dearborn Partners, and Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP. 10TH ANNUAL COMPASSION IN ACTION DINNER • Saturday, November 16, 2013 • Olympia Fields Country Club, Olympia Fields • $18,463 was raised to benefit South Regional Services Supporters enjoyed a cocktail reception, a tasty dinner, raffles and an auction, as well as live entertainment by the Seton Academy Jazz Band. Bishop Joseph N. Perry received the Compassion in Action Award. The Bertrand W. Ellis Award was presented posthumously to Cherise Mayberry-Miles and Fred Shannon, Director of Catholic Charities South Suburban Services. 24TH ANNUAL SPIRIT OF SAINT NICHOLAS BALL • Friday, December 6, 2013 • Hilton Chicago • $940,716 was raised to benefit Children’s programs 1,222 black-tie dressed guests were welcomed by His Eminence Francis Cardinal George, O.M.I, Monsignor Michael M. Boland, and Chaircouple Leonard & Cheryl Wiatr for a gourmet dinner, spectacular live music, and dancing to kick-off the Christmas season. Cardinal George was recognized for celebrating 50 years as a priest. Our major sponsors were Arthur J. Gallagher & Co. and J. Patrick & Anne Gallagher, Charles & Ellen Mulaney, The Perry Family Foundation and Jim & Molly Perry, Wintrust Financial and Ed & Dorothy Wehmer, JMJ Foundation and James & Mary Jane Boris, Deloitte and Richard Caffarelli, Lawrence Morris, Robert & Elizabeth Parkinson, and The PrivateBank and Leonard & Cheryl Wiatr. 17 d’Vine Affair - Craig & Vicki Leuthold; First Look for Charity - Alexandra, Fran & John Parise; Holy Family Villa Dinner - Barbara Baumhart, Rev. Edward Upton, Bishop John Gorman, Monsignor Boland 13TH ANNUAL D’VINE AFFAIR • Sunday, January 26, 2014 • The Union League Club of Chicago • $95,651 was raised to benefit Self-Sufficiency programs Founders and Chaircouples, Joseph & Helen Glunz and John & Teddi Scholz, and Co-Chaircouple, Joseph & Jean Imperato, welcomed guests on several floors of The Union League Club to participate in wine seminars and sample 250 impressive wines from around the world. Major sponsors included Louis Glunz Wines, Inc., Mariano’s, Kates Detective & Security Agency, Inc., Dutch Farms, Jerome P. Glunz, BMO Harris Financial Advisors, Edwin & Eileen Frederick, and William & Mary Ann McGrath. 10TH ANNUAL FIRST LOOK FOR CHARITY AT THE CHICAGO AUTO SHOW • Friday, February 7, 2014 • McCormick Place, Chicago • $148,291 was raised for Maternity and Adoption Programs and the Neighbors in Need Fund The event was Co-Chaired by Marty Bredemann and Bill Montana. Nearly 500 guests enjoyed hors d’oeuvres, an open bar, a silent auction, and raffle in our private suite before viewing the cars on the showroom floor. Lauren Petty of NBC5 Chicago gave a warm welcome to our supporters. The Fred B. Snite Family Foundation was a major benefactor. Major sponsors included Bredemann Toyota-Scion, Bredemann Lexus, Cummins Allison, and Chicagoland Ford Dealers. 18 16TH ANNUAL HELPING HANDS DINNER & AUCTION • Saturday, March 1, 2014 • Silver Lake Country Club, Orland Park • $28,722 was raised the benefit homeless services in the Southwest Region Highlights of the Mardi Gras themed benefit included dinner, an auction, and music by the Marist High School Jazz Ensemble and the Outcast Jazz Band. The Helping Hands Award was presented to Little Company of Mary Hospital and the Vincentian Award was presented to Donald Larson. Andy Avalos, NBC 5 Meteorologist, was the event emcee. Major sponsors included The Windy City Thunderbolts, The PrivateBank, Levenfeld Pearlstein LLC, and Perfetti Sales & Marketing, Inc. 11TH ANNUAL ST. PATRICK’S DAY CELEBRATION • Thursday, March 6, 2014 • FitzGerald’s, Berwyn • $35,265 was raised to benefit the New Hope Housing Program in the West Region Highlights of the Irish-themed benefit included performances by the McNulty Irish Dancers, the Shannon Rovers, and members of the Irish Musicians Association-Chicago. Event Chair was Ben Jagoe, with Co-Chairs John O’Leary and Pat VanDeWalle. Major sponsorship support was provided by RUSH Oak Park Hospital and Cooney and Conway. 16TH ANNUAL MEALS ON WHEELS DINNER DANCE • Saturday, March 22, 2014 • Maravela’s Banquets and Catering, Fox Lake • $33,004 was raised to benefit Meals on Wheels in Lake County The Silver Plate Award was presented to Jim Wogan, who was honored for his service in attracting numerous volunteers to support the Meals on Wheels program. 185 guests danced, dined, and participated in a raffle and silent auction. Major sponsorship support was provided by Rosemary DeMore, Maravela’s, Louis Glunz Wines, Cardinal Health Foundation, and Andrew & Gail Zych. 5TH ANNUAL HOLY FAMILY VILLA DINNER • Sunday, March 23, 2014 • Gaelic Park, Oak Forest • $78, 035 was raised to benefit the Holy Family Villa Expansion Project Mary Ann Ahern, NBC5 reporter, emceed the event and Bishop John Gorman was honored with the Caritas Sanctae Familiae Award. Two new awards were created this year in honor of the late Bishop Timothy Lyne and Monsignor John Kuzinskas. Rev. Edward Upton was honored with the Bishop Timothy J. Lyne Award and committee member Barbara Baumhart was honored with the Monsignor John A. Kuzinskas Award. John & Fran Parise Co-Chaired the event. Major sponsors included Quality Therapy Consultation and Ed McMahon & Donna Jania. LOSS Brunch - (clockwise from left) Rebecca Martini, Juliette Futrell (baby), Susan Ward, Deborah Ward, Elizabeth Futrell; Veterans In Need Dinner - Hank & Emmy White, Monsignor Boland, Michael & Deborah Mullen; Art of Caring - Honorary Chairs Edward & Marcie Liddy 6TH ANNUAL LEGAL LIFELINES COCKTAIL RECEPTION • Thursday, April 10, 2014 • The Union League Club of Chicago • $131,524 was raised to benefit Catholic Charities Legal Assistance Legal professionals enjoyed tasty hors d’oeuvres and cocktails at the fundraiser Co-Chaired by Patricia Cari Nowak and Patrick A. Salvi. The Justice For The Poor Award was presented to Patricia Flaherty, Jack Lynch, Dennis Marks and Maureen O’Connor. Major sponsors included Robert & Patricia Nowak, Salvi, Schostok & Pritchard P.C., Robert & Jeanne Casey, George & Mary Fitzpatrick, Swanson, Martin & Bell, LLP, John B. Kralovec, Kralovec, Jambois & Schwartz, Chip Mulaney, Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP, Pavalon and Gifford, and Maureen & Martin O’Connor. 3RD ANNUAL SPRING HOUSEWALK • Wednesday, April 23, 2014 • Wynstone Golf Club, North Barrington • $32,583 was raised to benefit Lake County Services Chaired by Connie Antoniou, 100 guests enjoyed a luncheon, shopping boutique, silent auction, and raffle at a private club. Guests toured two estates, one of which included a unique model railroad museum. Special thanks to Sotheby’s Hunter-Fairways and our gracious homeowners. 23RD ANNUAL BLOSSOMS OF HOPE (LOSS) BRUNCH • Sunday, April 27, 2014 • Drury Lane, Oak Brook, IL • $101,319 was raised to benefit the Loving Outreach to Survivors of Suicide (LOSS) Program LOSS Brunch Chair, Sue Ward, and Co-Chair, Tina Wysocki greeted 940 guests to a lovely brunch honoring Monica Pedersen with the Charles T. Rubey Award. The LOSS Program marked its 35th anniversary by sharing a special tribute video during the brunch. Major sponsors included Gallagher Family Foundation, Jim & Brenda Grusecki, Michael & Cara Levinson, Jim & Kelly McShane, W.S. Darley & Company, and Isa Kranz Foundation. 25TH ANNIVERSARY HEARTS FOR HOMELESS FAMILIES DINNER & AUCTION • Saturday, May 3, 2014 • Chevy Chase Country Club, Wheeling • $61,330 was raised to benefit the New Hope Apartments Program Guests celebrated the 25th anniversary of the event is a historic venue, with Garry Meier of WGN Radio returning as the event emcee. Honorees included Stephen O’Brien-Combs, Heart of Charity Award recipient, Jane Fiore; St. James Parish of Arlington Heights, the Parish Partner Award recipient; and St. Emily Parish St. Vincent de Paul Conference, recipient of the Frederic Ozanam Award. Major supporters included American Family Insurance, The Overture Group, Alexian Brothers Health System, The Duchossois Family Foundation, and the Polk Bros. Foundation. 3RD ANNUAL VETERANS IN NEED DINNER • Friday, May 9, 2014 • The Union League Club of Chicago • $184,745 was raised to benefit Veterans Services programs More than 300 guests joined Chaircouple Admiral Hank & Emmy White for a wonderful night including Emcee Rob Johnson of CBS News. A highlight of the event was guest speaker, Admiral Michael G. Mullen, former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Cadets from the Lincoln Park High School ROTC volunteered as Color Guard and Chamber singers for the night. Major sponsors and supporters included Union Pacific Foundation, The Sullivan Family Foundation, Charles & Ellen Mulaney and Family, United Parcel Service, Norm & Mary Carlson, Joseph J. Duffy Company, and Jim & Brenda Grusecki. 25TH ANNIVERSARY ART OF CARING • Saturday, May 17, 2014 • Onwentsia Club, Lake Forest • $305,222 was raised to benefit Lake County Services The Women’s Board of Catholic Charities, Lake County Services hosted more than 230 guests who enjoyed cocktails, a display of artwork, dinner, silent and live auctions, and paddle raise. Edward & Marcie Liddy served as the Honorary Chaircouple. Event Co-Chairs were Carole, Kathleen, and Angela Sandner. A special Silver Circle fund supported the mission and founding members were recognized. Major sponsors included Robert & Joanie Reynolds, Edward & Marcie Liddy, William & Margaret Crane, and F. Quinn & Jean Stepan, Jr. 19 “Christ leads us to go out from ourselves more and more, to give ourselves and to serve others.” POPE FRANCIS 20 one heart PARISHES, VOLUNTEERS When someone turns to Catholic Charities for help, they are often at their weakest. For many, they have never experienced poverty. It is at this time they turn to us for hope and to be their guiding light. Without our parish partners and volunteers, who live the motto Matthew 5:16 proclaims, to “let your light shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father,” we would not be able to impact as many lives as we do each year. BY THE NUMBERS Parishes, Schools, and University Partnerships We are forever grateful to the dozens of schools, universities, and 243 parishes who partnered with us in the last year. With one heart thousands of parishioners and students supported the more than 1.1 million people who turned to Catholic Charities for help. In the last year our parish and school partners have: hosted health fairs, held food drives to stock the shelves at pantries, provided thousands of Christmas gifts, supported the annual Mother’s Day Appeal, and opened a new regional office at St. Gall Parish. Volunteers As Pope Francis reminds us, “Christ leads us to go out from ourselves more and more, to give ourselves and serve others.” We are blessed to fulfill our mission with the support of our 15,000 volunteers who gave 227,546 hours of their time at our programs in Cook and Lake counties. In FY 2014 we launched Volunteer Bridge, a new online tool to connect volunteers with the Agency’s most pressing needs and volunteer opportunities. Hundreds of volunteers are searching our opportunities every month as they mentor children, provide companionship to seniors, organize food drives, serve meals, and provide administrative support at our programs. Junior Board Our more than 500 member strong Junior Board has heard Pope Francis’ call to “not bury your talents, the gifts that God has given you! Do not be afraid to dream of great things!” The Junior Board welcomed nearly 100 new members in 2014. These members are committed to promoting the compassionate works of Catholic Charities and becoming leaders in the Church. In FY2014 they raised more than $55,000 to support our Emergency Assistance Department. Partnered with 243 parishes 227,546 hours of service provided by 15,000 volunteers to support the mission of Catholic Charities 100 new members joined the Junior Board – bringing the Junior Board to a record high of 500 dedicated members 21 October 2, 2014 Dear Friends of Catholic Charities, On average, every 30 seconds someone turns to In 1994, our budget was $63 million. This year Catholic Charities for help. our budget is $220 million, an increase of 350%. We respond through 153 programs at 161 sites in Cook and Lake counties. Each day we provide some 5,000 seniors nourishing food. Each week our supper programs give hundreds of homeless CHARLES W. MULANEY, JR. Chairman, Board of Advisors to sustain our programs. Our experience with your generosity in the past gives us the confidence to count on your help once again. men, women, and children a good meal. Each For 97 years, Catholic Charities has fulfilled month we assist more than 10,000 people with the Church’s mission of charity. Today, our critically needed food, clothing and shelter. Each dedicated staff of more than 3,000 competent and year more than 1 million of our neighbors are compassionate employees, together with more supported on their path out of poverty and onto than 15,000 volunteers, are working to assist our self-sufficiency. neighbors in need. Thank you for caring and for Over the last year, Catholic Charities developed a strategic plan that will direct our efforts through 2018. These guiding principles will ensure that the most vulnerable in our community are cared for with compassion and dignity. We have pledged to respond to the shifting circumstances facing our clients, work to improve our programs and their outcomes, enhance communications, maintain sound finances, and be ready and willing to accept new responsibilities to help those in need. 22 We need to raise more than $20 million this year making our efforts possible. Sincerely, BOARD OF DIRECTORS Catholic Charities benefits from the support of three separate boards: the Board of Directors, the Board of Advisors, and the Junior Board. These boards advise and support Catholic Charities and its administration to fulfill our mission of serving the poor and advancing the organization’s core values: Respect, Compassion, Competence, and Stewardship. EXECUTIVE OFFICERS BOARD OF DIRECTORS Rev. Monsignor Michael M. Boland Linda C. Abbott John J. Hartman* David K. McHugh* Kathleen M. Almaney* Angela Hickey Robert P. McNeill John P. Barrett PRESIDENT Charles W. Mulaney, Jr. CHAIRMAN Timothy J. Rivelli VICE CHAIRMAN David K. McHugh TREASURER Michael Y. Scudder, Jr. SECRETARY Cynthia D. Smetana ASSISTANT TREASURER AND ASSISTANT SECRETARY CORPORATE OFFICERS Rev. Monsignor Michael M. Boland John J. Ryan Cynthia D. Smetana Kathleen A. Donahue-Coia Michele Bianchi The Board of Directors has 46 members from diverse and David R. Hoese* Matthew Mohlman Michele Bianchi Richard S. Jalovec Michael L. Monticello Rev. Monsignor Michael M. Boland* Mary Ellen Kastenholz Lawrence P. Morris* Richard W. Burke, Sr. Michael P. Kendall Charles W. Mulaney, Jr.* Judith M. Kendzior Mark L. Noetzel* Janice R. Klich Timothy J. Rivelli* William L. Lamey, Jr. James M. Ryan Ronald P. Laurent John J. Ryan Christopher E. Lawler Michael Y. Scudder, Jr.* Robert G. Lindeman Cynthia D. Smetana* Margaret M. Lombardo* Rayelle Weber Board members also serve as Joseph F. Luby Jude P. Zwick Chairpersons of our 26 Board Charles F. Clarke, Jr. Kevin W. Cleary H. Richard Collins Maria P. Daley Kathleen A. Donahue-Coia Mary S. Feeley James R. Figliulo Martha FitzGerald Louis J. Glunz, III* William L. Hardy John J. Lynch, Jr. Clement V. Martin accomplished backgrounds and often with deep and strong relationships with Catholic Charities 13 of the Board of Directors members serve on the Board’s Executive Committee Standing Committees The Board of Advisors consists * Denotes Executive Committee Member of 645 members 23 many outcomes ONE MISSION 1,100,000 people received support from Catholic Charities on their path to self-sufficiency 1,098 children and adults received preventive health screenings and back to school physical exams at our health fairs 215,663 children played, learned and grew at our programs 1,726 people, including 1,139 children, overcame housing instability by living at our shelters or transitional apartments 171,298 mothers and children received nutritious groceries and a wide range of services to stay healthy at our Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) Food & Nutrition Centers. 6,707 vulnerable people avoided homelessness with a phone call through our homelessness and foreclosure prevention call lines 24 69,490 people received a nutritious, warm meal at our evening supper programs 4,184 people paved the way to healthier, stronger lives through expert mental health, grief or academic counseling 645 members of our Board of Advisors, 3,152 employees, and 15,000 volunteers aided Catholic Charities in fulfilling its mission one heart ONE MISSION Catholic Charities relies on contributions from individual supporters, organizations, foundations and corporations to offset the loss from Program Operations each year to assure that the full extent of Catholic Charities programming can continue. Audited financial statements are available upon request; please call Cindy Smetana at (312) 655-7864. OPERATING HIGHLIGHTS YEARS ENDED JUNE 30, 2014 AND 2013 (unaudited) 2014 2013 $163,012,289 14,853,885 7,287,466 185,153,640 $152,408,328 15,092,204 9,084,699 176,585,231 Seniors Children Basic Human Needs Families & Individuals Management & General Fund-raising Total operating expenses** 63,688,780 21,282,749 31,691,947 69,634,991 14,924,212 1,918,748 203,141,427 59,196,060 20,127,648 28,808,200 69,940,423 14,920,777 1,913,245 194,906,353 NET DEFICIT FROM OPERATIONS (17,987,787) (18,321,122) GENERAL CONTRIBUTIONS & BEQUESTS $13,665,377 $19,825,574 REVENUE: Fees and grants from government Program service fees Program contributions Total operating revenue* EXPENSES: *Excludes investment income and other non-operating revenue and gains. ** Excludes retirement benefit changes and other non-operating expenses and losses. 25 thank you DONOR HONOR ROLL Thank you to our generous donors - July 1, 2013 to June 30, 2014. Catholic Charities Board of Directors and staff are most grateful to all donors. We regret that space permits us to list only those gifts of $1,000 or more. Our sincere apologies to anyone inadvertently omitted from this list. Please notify us so that we may update our records. † Denotes deceased 26 INDIVIDUAL & FAMILY FOUNDATION DONORS - $10,000+ Mr. & Mrs. Keith Alessi Mr. & Mrs. Donal Barry Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Bartels Mr. & Mrs. Alan J. Baumgartner Mrs. Wilma Baumgartner Mr. & Mrs. Gerald A. Beeson Mr. & Mrs. John T. Bender Mr. Henry R. Berghoef Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Berti Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Bilder Mr. & Mrs. John K. Brinckerhoff Mr. James M. Brizzolara Ms. Frances M. Brown Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Burke Mr. Peter F. Byrne Mrs. Dolores F. Caray Mr. & Mrs. Michael M. Carlson Carrigan Charitable Trust Mr. Richard & Ms. Lisa Cederoth Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Coleman Mr. & Mrs. Dennis P. Colleran Mr. & Mrs. Daniel G. Coman Mr. & Mrs. William A. Crane Mr. Matthew Davis Mr. & Mrs. Hanley Dawson III Mr. & Mrs. John DeJoris Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. DeMint Mrs. Rosemary DeMore Mr. & Mrs. James F. Dietz Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Dineen Mr. Paul J. Donovan Duncan Family Foundation Early Family Foundation Mr. Patrick Eilers Dr. & Mrs. Eugene F. Fama Mr. & Mrs. Mark Filip Mr. & Mrs. Gerald F. Fitzgerald, Jr. Mrs. Susan F. Flynn Mr. & Mrs. Vincent W. Foglia Mr. & Mrs. J. Patrick Gallagher, Jr. The Gallagher Family Foundation Mr. John N. Gavin Adolph & Eleanor Glabowicz Foundation Dr. & Mrs. Louis J. Glunz III Mr. & Mrs. James P. Grusecki James P. and Brenda S. Grusecki Family Foundation The Thomas & Christina Grusecki Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Guzior Ms. Helen M. Hanley Mr. Thomas W. Havey Walter E. Heller Foundation Mr. Brian T. Herbstritt The Hickey Family Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Hoppe Mr. & Mrs. Harold E. House JMJ Foundation Mr. & Mrs. William Joyce Mr. & Mrs. Philip P. Kaiser, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Michael L. Keiser Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Kelleher Mr. & Mrs. Paul Kelly Mr. Christopher T. Kenny Mr. Stanley W. Komperda Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Konen, Sr. Mr. Bernard P. Krygowski Mr. & Mrs. Douglas J. Kurtenbach Mr. & Mrs. Edwin B. Lange Mr. & Mrs. John F. Lemker Mr. & Mrs. Edward M. Liddy Mr. & Mrs. James R. Lynch, Jr. The Lyon Family Foundation Ms. Amy Mazzolin Mazzolin Family Foundation Inc Mrs. Edward W. McCaskey Mr. Steven D. McCormick Mr. Edward McMahon & Ms. Donna M. Jania Mr. & Mrs. Charles P. McQuaid Mr. & Mrs. James A. McShane Mr. Lawrence P. Morris Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Mulaney, Jr. Ms. Eileen Mulaney Mr. & Mrs. John Charles Murphy Mr. & Mrs. Mark L. Noetzel Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Nowak Ms. M. Ann O’Brien Mr. & Mrs. Michael O’Grady Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. O’Meara Mr. & Mrs. James J. O’Sullivan, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John J. Parise Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Parkinson Mr. & Mrs. James N. Perry, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Vito G. Petruzzelli Mr. & Mrs. James J. Raaf Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Reynolds Ms. Erin E. Rocci Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Rocci Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Rooney, Sr. Mr. Gary M. Ropski & Ms. Barbara M. Schleck Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Rossi William & Mary Ryan Charitable Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Kevin P. Scanlan Mr. Harold E. Schefdore † Mr. & Mrs. John F. Scholz The John & Kathleen Schreiber Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Scott Deacon & Mrs. John Sebastian Mr. & Mrs. Bruce R. Sents Mr. James A. Serritella Mr. & Mrs. Mark V. Sever Mr. & Mrs. Robert Shaw Mr. Harry Smogolski Mr. & Mrs. William M. Sneed Mr. Martin J. Spalding Mr. & Mrs. James E. Spiotto Mr. Matthew E. Steinmetz Mr. & Mrs. F. Quinn V. Stepan, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. R. Ryan Stoll Mr. & Mrs. Timothy P. Sullivan Rev. Joseph C. Taylor Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Wallach Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Walsh, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Wehmer Professor Robert E. Weigand Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Westropp, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Wetoska Mrs. Virginia M. White Mr. & Mrs. Leonard E. Wiatr Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Witzel, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John W. Wymer, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Zyck INDIVIDUAL & FAMILY FOUNDATION DONORS $1,000 - $9,999 Mr. & Mrs. Vito E. Abbate Mrs. Lina A. Abraham Mr. & Mrs. John Adamczyk Ms. Stephanie Adamczyk Ms. Mavis M. Adams Mr. & Mrs. Jamie I. Adler Agape Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Gerald W. Agema Mrs. Marilyn R. Ahern Rev. Michael P. Ahlstrom Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Albrecht Mr. & Mrs. James W. Aldrich Mr. Theodore J. Aldrich Mr. Philip F. Alexander Mr. & Mrs. Adnan Almaney Mr. Warren W. Ambler Mr. Anthony J. Ambrose Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Ambrose Mr. Sam L. Amirante Mr. & Mrs. Kimball R. Anderson Mr. Bennett P. Applegate Mrs. Lorraine L. Arenberg Ms. Peggy Arizzi Mr. John M. Atkinson Mr. & Mrs. William Bach Ms. Eleanor B. Badalich Ms. Mary Baffico Isela Bahena Mr. & Mrs. James M. Baisley Mr. & Mrs. Paul Baisley Mr. & Mrs. John T. Baldwin Mrs. Joan M. Ball Ms. Anita C. Banas Mrs. Stanley R. Banas Mr. & Mrs. John P. Barrett Ms. Julie K. Barrientos Mr. & Mrs. Charles R. Bartels Mr. & Mrs. Robert Bartlett Mr. Gregory L. Barton Mr. & Mrs. Douglas S. Basler Mr. & Mrs. Gregory A. Bauer Ms. Catherine A. Baumann Mrs. Barbara J. Baumhart Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Bayer Miss Sara Anne Beazley Mr. & Mrs. John Behof Mr. & Mrs. Everett J. Bell Mr. & Mrs. James C. Bellinger Mr. Terrence M. Belton Mrs. Ann D. Benge Ms. Nancy Benz Mrs. Marlene L. Benzmiller Mr. Steven Beranek & Ms. Madeline McCarron Mrs. Louise W. Berezny Mr. Theodore Berg Ms. Doreen Berger Mr. & Mrs. Paul Berghoff, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Jerry E. Bern, Jr. Mr. Paul Bernacchi & Ms. Cynthia Colby Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Berner, Jr. Carol Lavin Bernick Family Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Edward C. Berry Mr. & Mrs. Edward M. Bestvina Mr. & Mrs. William J. Bettman Mr. Richard Beuke Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Bidwill, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Billmeier Mr. & Mrs. Gerald A. Black Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Black Mr. Bruce H. Blair Mr. & Mrs. James Blanda Mr. Eric Block Mr. & Mrs. Thomas S. Bloom Mr. & Mrs. Tyler Bohannon Rev. Msgr. Michael M. Boland Mr. Joseph Bolino The Bolton Sullivan Fund Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. Bomher Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Bonelli Rev. Robert J. Borre Mr. & Mrs. Jean Pierre Boustany Ms. Beverly Bowe Mr. Dennis P. Bowen Mr. & Mrs. J. Terence Bowen Mr. & Mrs. Biff Bowman Mr. & Mrs. Richard T. Bowman Mr. & Mrs. Mark E. Boyle Mr. Robert J. Brack Mr. & Mrs. Ryan L. Bradley Mr. & Mrs. John L. Bradshaw Mr. & Mrs. William J. Bradshaw Ms. Gayle S. Bragunier Mr. Robert Brankin Mr. Frederick M. Bransfield, Jr. Ms. Joan M. Bransfield Mr. Paul C. Breckner Mr. & Mrs. Martin J. Bredemann Mr. & Mrs. Thomas L. Brejcha, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John Bremner, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Daniel G. Brennan Mr. Daniel J. Brennan Mr. & Mrs. Michael Brennan Mr. & Mrs. Owen Brennan Mr. & Mrs. Terence K. Brennan Mr. David A. Bretz Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Brickner Mr. Ralph Brislin Ms. Patricia G. Broadbridge Mr. & Mrs. Michael T. Brody Mr. & Mrs. Dennis G. Brown Mr. & Mrs. Donald J. Brown, Jr. Mrs. Margaret Scanlan Brown Mr. Michael Brown Ms. Margaret Bruckert Mr. Dave Brush Mr. Fred W. Brzozowski Mr. & Mrs. Robert K. Buerer Mr. & Mrs. Angelo J. Bufalino Mrs. Elizabeth D. Buino Ms. Josephine Burke Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence E. Burnell Mr. & Mrs. Francis Burns Mr. & Mrs. John F. Burns Mr. & Mrs. Kevin F. Burns Mr. & Mrs. Kevin G. Burns Mr. James M. Butler Mr. & Mrs. John P. Byrne Ms. Margaret O. Byrne Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. Caffarelli, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Cafferty, Jr. Ms. Mary J. Cahillane Mrs. Susan C. Calandra Mrs. Barbara Calhoun Mr. & Ms. John F. Calmeyn Rev. Louis J. Cameli Mr. & Mrs. Donald N. Cameron Mrs. Mary Ann Capek Mr. & Mrs. John Capelli Mr. & Mrs. William T. Carey Mr. & Mrs. Norman Carlson Ms. Susan M. Carlson Mr. & Mrs. Edward O. Carney Carney Family Foundation Mr. Charles H. Carpenter, Jr. Mr. Philip J. Carrigan & Ms. Mary Clare Jakes Mr. & Mrs. John R. Carroll Mr. Mark Caruso Mrs. Kathleen Carver Mr. & Mrs. Johnny Casasnovas Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Casey Mr. & Mrs. Todd R. Cassidy Dr. James L Cavanaugh Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Caveney Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Caveney Mr. & Mrs. John L. Cerretani Mr. Theodore E. Cesarz Mr. & Mrs. Barry Chafetz Mr. & Mrs. Kedric J. Chamberlin Ms. April C. Chandler Mr. & Mrs. Dan Charhut Mr. Daniel P. Charles Mr. & Mrs. William W. Chenault Mr. & Mrs. James P. Chivilo Mr. James A. Ciarlette & Ms. Colleen E. Wunderlich Dr. & Mrs. Sam M. Ciccarelli Mr. Anthony Circolone Mr. & Mrs. Ronald A. Cizzon Mr. Justin Clark Ms. Leslie Clark Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. Clarke, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. James L. Claus Mr. & Mrs. Kevin W. Cleary Mr. Patrick R. Cleary Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Cleary Ms. Catherine G. Cleggett Ms. Patricia A. Clickener Mr. & Mrs. Steven A. Cocozza Mr. & Mrs. Marty J. Coe Mr. & Mrs. John B. Coffey Mr. & Mrs. John J. Coffey III Mr. John J. Coffey Mr. & Mrs. David T. Cohen Mr. & Mrs. Ronald A. Coia Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Cole Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Coleman Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Colleran, Jr. Mr. David Colleran & Ms. Miriam Elewy Mr. & Mrs. Barry G. Collins Mr. Frank S. Collura Ms. Diane M. Conrath Mr. & Mrs. Martin T. Conroy Mr. Thomas G. Conroy Frank W. & Nancy S. Considine Foundation Mr. Thomas P. Conway Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Cooney, Jr. Philip H. Corboy Foundation Rev. William T. Corcoran, Ph.D. Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Corsentino Mr. & Mrs. John E. Cortesi Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Costello Mr. Brad L. Cote & Ms. Debra McMahon Mr. & Mrs. Gary P. Coughlan Mr. & Mrs. Joseph E. Coughlin Ms. Nancy P. Cournaya Mr. Vinay Couto & Ms. Lynn Vincent Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Coyle Ms. Susan Craft Mr. Francesco Cristiano Mrs. Marianna C. Crowley Mr. & Mrs. Munawar Cullen Ali Mr. Amory Cummings Mr. & Mrs. David Cunningham Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Curley Mr. & Mrs. John T. Cusack, Sr. Ms. Patricia R. Daley Mr. & Mrs. Francis X. Daly Damico Family Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Peter G. Danis, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Paul C. Darley Mr. Larry Davi Mr. & Mrs. Brian C. Davison Mr. George J. Dawson Mrs. Mary Lou Dean Dr. & Mrs. Robert P. DeCresce Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Dee Ms. Kathryn Deeley Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. DeGraff Mr. & Mrs. Victor A. DeGuilio Mr. & Mrs. Henry J. Deiters Mr. & Mrs. P. Barton DeLacy Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Delany Mr. & Mrs. Clement DeLuca Mr. & Mrs. Mike Demski Mr. & Mrs. Eugene DeMuro Mr. & Mrs. Bruce V. Denny Mr. Grant DeNormandie Mr. & Mrs. John A. Derrick Mr. & Mrs. Donald L. Deubler Mr. & Mrs. William J. Devers, Jr. Ms. Caroline E. Devlin Mr. & Mrs. James A. DeZellar Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Dhamer Mrs. Mary Ann Diamond Ms. Theresa Dias Mr. Alberto Diez & Ms. Montserrat Albareda Mr. & Mrs. Michael H. Diggs Mr. Charles C. DiGiovanni Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Dillenburg Mr. Robert A. DiMeo The Honorable Barbara J. Disko Mr. & Mrs. G. Lowell Dixon Mr. & Mrs. William Dodds Mr. Michael E. Doherty Mrs. Florence K. Dolan Mr. & Mrs. Kevin M. Dolan Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Dolan Mr. Leo J. Domzalski Ms. Patricia S. Donahoe Ms. Elizabeth Donahue Ms. Mary Doohan Mr. & Mrs. W. Gregory Doolin 27 Mr. & Mrs. Philip A. Doran Mr. & Mrs. Steve Dorgan Miss Dolores M. Dorman Mr. & Mrs. Todd Douthat Mr. & Mrs. Michael Downey Mr. Brian J. Doyle Mr. Daniel M. Doyle Mrs. Joan Doyle Mr. & Mrs. John R. Doyle Mr. & Mrs. Raymond A. Dubiel Mr. Robert S. DuCharme Mr. T. Dennis Duffy Mr. & Mrs. Timothy G. Duggan Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Duncan Mr. & Mrs. Tim Dundon Mr. & Mrs. Daniel F. Dunne Ms. Laureen Dunne Mr. & Mrs. James W. Durkin Mr. John T. Durkin, Jr. Ms. Mary Dolores Durkin Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth J. Dynes Miss Renae M. Ebert Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Eck Theodore Eckert Foundation Mrs. Lois K. Eckland Mr. Nicholas Edquist Mr. & Mrs. Jack Edwards Mr. & Mrs. E. Ralph Egloff Mr. Kevin D. Eichrost & Ms. Sara A. Colleran Mr. Carl P. Eigelsbach Ms. Goldie G. Einecker Mr. & Mrs. Ted Eischeid Mr. & Mrs. Bertrand W. Ellis Mrs. Mary Erhardt Mr. & Mrs. Mark J. Erlenborn Mr. & Mrs. Brian P. Fahey Mr. & Mrs. William J. Fanning Mr. Robert H. Farley, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Jerry D. Farr Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Farrell, Esq. Mr. & Mrs. George Fay Ms. Mary S. Feeley Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Feldmeier Rev. Richard J. Feller Mr. & Mrs. James Ferguson Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Ferrigan, Jr. Mr. Francis A. Ferrone Mr. James R. Figliulo 28 Ms. Mary Anne Figliulo Mr. & Mrs. Ed Fiorentino Ms. Cynthia J. Fircak Ms. Ann C. Fitzgerald Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Fitzgerald Ms. Mary Kay Fitzgerald Kew Mr. & Mrs. Edward C. Fitzpatrick Mr. & Mrs. George F. Fitzpatrick, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Dennis J. FitzSimons Mr. & Mrs. George Flaherty Dr. & Mrs. John P. Flaherty Mrs. Bridget M. Flanagan Dr. & Mrs. Mark W. Fleming Mr. Thomas G. Fleming Mr. & Mrs. John F. Flynn Mr. Michael J. Flynn Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Flynn Mr. & Mrs. Kent A. Follett Mr. & Mrs. George L. Fornaris Mr. & Mrs. Francis D. Fraher Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Francl Mrs. Loretta M. Frank Mr. & Mrs. Paul W. Franke Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Freda Mr. & Mrs. Edwin L. Frederick, Jr. Mrs. Dolores A. Freitag Mr. & Mrs. William H. Fremgen Mrs. Joan M. French Mr. Mark A. Frey Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Frigo Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A. Frost Ms. Patricia Ann Fruin Mr. & Mrs. Peter R. Frye Mr. & Mrs. W. Kent Fuller Mr. Kenneth S. Gabriel Ms. Jennifer Gallagher & Mr. Steven Ring Mr. & Mrs. John J. Gallagher Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Gallagher Mr. & Mrs. William R. Gallagher Mr. & Mrs. Robert Galway Mr. Donald C. Gancer Mr. & Mrs. Patrick G. Gannon Mrs. Theresa Ann Gapp Ms. Julie A. Garrison Mr. & Mrs. J. Denis Gathman Mr. & Mrs. Patrick M. Geegan Mr. & Mrs. David P. Geiselhart Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Geldermann Ms. Kim Genton Mr. & Mrs. Mark J. Giancola Ms. Joan M. Giardina Mr. & Mrs. James L. Gill Dr. Kevin P. Gimpel Mr. & Mrs. Jerome D. Girsch Mr. & Mrs. Jack Gleason Mr. Steven J. Gloeckle Mr. Jerome Glunz Mr. John P. Glunz Mr. & Mrs. Joseph B. Glunz Louis Glunz III Family/Regis Technologies Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Paul Go Ms. Vivian I. Goeb Most Rev. Raymond E. Goedert Mr. & Mrs. Edward A. Goggin Mr. V. Edgar Goins Mr. David F. Goldberg Dr. Sandra A Goldberg Mr. & Mrs. Brad S. Goldenberg Mr. Alfred G. Goldstein Mr. Agustin Gomez-Leal Mr. & Mrs. Mark E. Goodman Mr. Michael J. Goolsby Most Rev. John R. Gorman, DD Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Gorman Ms. Ellen E. Gorney The Gorter Family Foundation Dr. & Mrs. Ara C. Goshgarian Mr. Donald E. Goss Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Graben Mr. & Mrs. Paul A. Grabowski Mr. & Mrs. Roger J. Grabowski Mr. & Mrs. Steve Graham Mr. & Mrs. Steve Gravante Mr. Richard K. Green Most Rev. Wilton D. Gregory, SLD Mr. John J. Gresens Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Griffin, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Christopher T. Griffith Mr. Edmund Gronkiewicz Mr. Timothy R. Grossi & Ms. Victoria C. Hand Mr. & Mrs. Victor Grossi Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Growney Mr. & Mrs. David W. Grzelak Mr. & Mrs. James Guyette Mr. Matthew Haaf Mr. & Mrs. Eric C. Habercoss Mrs. Joan Hackett-Metzger Mr. & Mrs. Thomas K. Haddon Mr. & Mrs. Brendan Hagarty Mr. & Mrs. Donald H. Haider Mr. & Mrs. George M. Halaby The Hale Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hall Col. & Mrs. Thomas M. Hamlin Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Hammes Mr. Donald R. Hand Ms. Marian C. Haney Mr. & Mrs. Dale Hanke Mr. & Mrs. Walter P. Hanley Mr. & Mrs. W. Hanna Miss Patricia J. Hantsch Mr. & Mrs. James E. Haran Mr. Mark F. Hardiek Mr. & Mrs. William L. Hardy Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Michael Harris Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Harris Mr. & Mrs. Joseph H. Harrison, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Paul Harrison Mr. Michael Hart Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Hart Mr. & Mrs. John J. Hartman Mr. & Mrs. Raymond V. Hartman Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Hassfurther The Haugh Family Foundation Mr. Mark Haushalter Mr. & Mrs. Philip D. Hausken Mr. & Mrs. William J. Hayden Mr. & Mrs. John R. Healy, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Donald Heil Mr. & Mrs. James R. Hellige Mr. & Mrs. Charles L. Hemler, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William M. Heneghan Ms. Colleen M. Hennessy Ms. Marilyn Hennessy Mr. & Mrs. Bernard D. Hennings Mr. & Mrs. Samuel J. Henry Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hermes Mr. Carlos Hernandez & Dr. Joan M. Philips Mr. & Mrs. James M. Herrmann Mr. Robert J. Heyne Mr. & Mrs. Russell C. Hibbeler Mr. & Mrs. John Hickey Mr. & Mrs. John T. Hickey, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Hickey Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Hicks Mr. & Mrs. David M. Hilko Mr. David D. Hiller Mr. & Mrs. John M. Hillery Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Hilliard Mr. & Mrs. George D. Hinchcliff Mrs. Patricia R. Hinkle, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Hitpas Mr. & Mrs. Emory Hoch Mr. & Mrs. P. Michael Hoch Mr. Patrick M. Hoch Ms. Charlotte T. Hoenig Mr. & Mrs. David R. Hoese Mr. Mark A. Hoffmeister & Kathy Bentley, Ph.D. Mr. & Mrs. Patrick E. Hogan Mr. Todd Holleman Lawrence T. & Dorothy A. Holmes Foundation Mr. Michael P. Holtz, Jr. Ms. Kay Ann Hoogland O’Brien Mrs. A. M. Hook Mr. & Mrs. James R. Hopkinson Mr. & Mrs. Peter S. Horos Mr. & Mrs. Timothy E. Horton Ms. Anna M. Hudak Mr. & Mrs. James W. Hudzik Dr. & Mr. Boyd Huffman Mr. Dennis M. Hughes & Mrs. M. Rose Kelly Mr. & Mrs. Michael F. Hughes Mr. & Mrs. James A. Hullihan Mr. & Mrs. Michael J Hurley Mr. Charles Huzenis & Ms. Deirdre Jameson Mr. & Mrs. Douglas R. Hyde Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Iglar Mr. & Mrs. Patrick S. Imburgia Dr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Imperato Barbara Jane Irwin & Roberto Romo Family Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Spencer B. Isola Mr. Philip Isom Mr. Martin Jablonski Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin Jagoe Mrs. Lucille A. James Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Janco Mr. James A. Janus Mr. Kris S. Jarantoski Mr. & Mrs. Arkadiusz A. Jasnos Mr. John G. Jaworski Mrs. Mary G. Jegen Mr. & Mrs. Harold S. Jensen Mr. Michael J. Jercich Mr. Brian Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Emile Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Erik Johnson Mrs. Marcia P. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Scott F. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. William V. Johnson The Joseph and Catherine Johnson Family Foundation Mr. William A. Jones Mr. John Josten Mr. Constantine J. Jovan Mr. & Mrs. William J. Jovan James N. Jovan Foundation Inc Mr. Dennis Joyce Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Joyce Mr. & Mrs. Edward T. Joyce Mr. & Mrs. Jeremiah E. Joyce Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Judy Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Kadleck Ms. Catherine Kallal Mr. David C. Kamper & Ms. Amelia A. Mechla Most Rev. Francis J. Kane, DD Mr. & Mrs. Norman Kaner Ms. Olvia J. Kapoor Mr. Gary Karch & Dr. Ann Karch Mr. & Mrs. Thomas S. Karlson Mrs. Helen M. Kastenholz Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Kastenholz Mr. Stephen A. Katz & Ms. Margaret Kinsella Mr. & Ms. Eric W. Kaup Mr. Thomas E. Kawalec Mr. & Mrs. Terrence Kearney Mr. & Mrs. Thomas L. Keefe Mr. & Mrs. Edward P. Keleher Mr. & Mrs. Timothy G. Keller Mr. Peter M. Kelliher II Ms. Bennetta Kelly Ms. Blanche M. Kelly Mrs. Byrd M. Kelly Mr. & Mrs. Gerard D. Kelly Mr. & Mrs. John G. Kelly Mr. Jonathan E. Kelly Ms. Mary Anne Kelly Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Kelly Mrs. Nancy Kelly Mr. & Mrs. William Kelly Mr. & Mrs. Ron Kelner Mr. & Mrs. David P. Kendzior Mr. & Mrs. John W. Kenefick Kathleen and David Kennedy Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Kenny Mr. & Mrs. John W. Kent Mr. Joseph Kerouac Mrs. Elizabeth S. Kiefer Mr. & Mrs. Mark J. Kiernan Mr. & Mrs. John M. Killian Mrs. Dorothy M. King Ms. Susan King Mr. Thomas L. Kittle-Kamp Mr. Roger R. Klass Dr. Janice R. Klich Mrs. Richard E. Klingler Mr. & Mrs. Steven T. Kloehn Mr. & Mrs. Michael Klupchak Ms. Casimira Kluza Mr. & Mrs. Timothy P. Knight Mr. & Mrs. Jon P. Knudsen Mr. & Mrs. Michael Koberda Mr. & Mrs. Andrew J. Kofoid Mr. Gregory Kohut Mr. & Mrs. Vincent A. Kolber Ms. Mary J. Komparda Mrs. Judith A. Konieczka Mr. & Mrs. Piotr Koperdowski Mrs. Camille A. Kopielski Mr. & Mrs. John Korba Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Korpics Mr. & Mrs. Steve C. Kositzky Mr. & Mrs. Joseph S. Kotlarz, Jr. Mr. John S. Koudounis Dr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Kowalczyk Ms. Elzbieta Kowaluk Mr. & Mrs. James M. Kramer Mr. & Mrs. L. D. Kramer Mr. & Mrs. James W. Kressin Mr. & Mrs. William S. Krol Dr. Jacqueline Krump Ms. Mary J. Kruse Ms. Bridie Krystof Mr. & Mrs. Michael L. Kubacki Mr. Kevin M. Kucik Mr. Robert B. Kuenster Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Kuhel Mr. & Mrs. Leonard G. Kuhr Mr. & Mrs. William R. Kunkel Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Kus Mr. Frank Kuzminski Rev. Msgr. Patrick R. Lagges Mr. & Mrs. Henry R. Lambert Mr. & Mrs. William L. Lamey, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. James J. Land Mr. John E. Land Mr. & Mrs. Brett A. Lane Mr. & Mrs. Desmond R. LaPlace Mr. & Mrs. Timothy F. Larocca Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Larry Mr. Christopher J. Larson Mr. & Mrs. Donald M. Larson Mr. & Mrs. Ronald P. Laurent Mr. & Mrs. William M. LaVanne Mr. Michael R. Lawler Mr. & Mrs. William J. Lawlor III The Lawlor Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Peter G. Lawrence Mr. & Mrs. Zachary D. Lazar, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. LeBrun Mr. David E. Lee Mr. & Mrs. Robert Leeds Ms. Amalia Lemar Mr. Ronald Lemar Mr. Robert E. Lembach, Jr. Mr. Michael D. Lenehan Mr. & Mrs. Patrick T. Leone Ms. Julie A. Lepri Mrs. Bernice B. Leracz Mr. & Mrs. & Edward Lerner Mr. & Mrs. Michael R. Levinson Mr. & Mrs. Dominic Lewis Mr. & Mrs. Michael R. Leyden Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Lindeman Mr. & Mrs. Steve Lindo Mr. Leonardo Linian Ms. Sandra M. Lis Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Lisy Mr. Thomas J. Litwiler Mr. & Mrs. Homer J. Livingston, Jr. Ms. Sarah E. Loftus Dr. & Mrs. Scott Logue Mr. Edwin A. Lohmeier Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. Lolli, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Lombardo, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. James E. Long Mrs. Patricia D. Long Mr. & Mrs. Richard T. Lorenz, Jr. Ms. Barbara J. Lowery Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Luby Mr. & Mrs. Andrew D. Lucas The Ludwig Family Foundation Mr. Alan Luke Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Lundin Mr. John Luxem Mrs. Dolores K. Lynch Mr. John J. Lynch, Jr. Mr. John J. Lynch Mr. & Mrs. John P. Lynch Mr. & Mrs. William Lynch Mr. Nicholas J. Lynn Mr. & Mrs. Brian P. Mack Mr. Douglas J. MacLeod Mr. & Mrs. Albert M. Madden Mr. & Mrs. John P. Madden Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Madden Mr. & Mrs. Steven R. Madden Mr. Thomas P. Madsen Ms. Michele G. Magner Mrs. Edward Magurany Mr. William Maher Mr. Neil K. Mahoney & Ms. Elizabeth M. Hennessey Mr. & Mrs. Patrick E. Mahoney Mr. Robert F. Mahoney Mr. & Mrs. Terence J. Mahoney Mr. & Mrs. Mark E. Majewski Mr. & Mrs. John E. Malone Mr. James J. Maloney Mr. & Mrs. Kevin P. Maloney Mr. William G. Maloney Mr. & Mrs. James J. Malooly Mr. & Mrs. Roger V. Manderscheid Mr. & Mrs. John F. Manley Mr. Louis J. Mannello Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Manning Mr. & Mrs. Anthony R. Manno, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Stephen P. Manus Mr. David Marino Mr. & Mrs. Dennis A. Marks Mr. & Mrs. Fred Marks Mrs. Marcia A. Marshall Mr. Robert J. Marshall John Marshall Family Foundation Mr. Bruce F. Martin Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence G. Martin Ms. Susan J. Martin Mr. Paul C. Martinez Mr. Steven Martini & Ms. Daisy Kessler Mr. & Mrs. Rocco J. Martino Mr. & Mrs. Dennis R. Marx Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. Mascari Mr. & Mrs. Peter Masloski Mr. & Mrs. Richard Mason Mrs. Anne H. Massaro Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Masterson Mr. Thomas Mazur Mr. & Mrs. James D. Mazurek, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Stanley L. Mazurek Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. McAdams Mr. John M. McAndrews Mr. & Mrs. Walter J. McAuliffe, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Hugh G. McBreen Ms. Maura Ann McBreen Mr. & Mrs. Michael McCann Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. McCarron Mr. & Mrs. Edward A. McCarthy Mrs. Gail McCarthy Mr. & Mrs. John C. McCarthy Mr. John T. McCarthy Rev. Terrence A. McCarthy Mr. & Mrs. Mark J. McCarville Mr. & Mrs. Kevin R. McCloskey Mrs. Janet McDermott Mr. & Mrs. Brice McDowell Mr. & Mrs. William M. McErlean Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. McGillicuddy Mr. & Mrs. Arthur J. McGivern Mr. Joseph M. McGovern Mr. & Mrs. William K. McGowan Mr. & Mrs. William J. McGrath Mr. & Mrs. William T. McGrath Mr. Timothy V. McGree Ms. Therese M. McGuire Mr. & Mrs. Timothy McGuire Mr. Timothy McGuire Mr. & Mrs. Gerard A. McHugh Mr. William A. McIntosh Mr. & Mrs. Robert A McKanna Catherine McKeever Denten Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Andrew J. McKenna 29 Mr. & Mrs. Edward McKernin Mr. Michael McKernin Ms. Elizabeth McLean Mr. Michael J. McMahon Ms. Mary Ann McMorrow Rev. Msgr. John P. McNamara Mr. Neal Edward McNamara The John J. and Margaret E. McNamara Charitable Foundation McNeill Memorial Foundation Mr. & Mrs. John P. McNicholas, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William J. McSorley Mr. & Mrs. John M. Meade Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Meagher, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Meehan Mr. Keith F. Melaragno Mr. Kenneth E. Menclewicz Ms. Marilou Menezes Mr. John W. Meriwether Dr. & Mrs. Bruce Meyer Mr. Casey Meyer Mrs. Marcella V. Meyer Ms. Taylor Meyer Drs. Thomas & Irene Meyer Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Meyers Mr. & Mrs. Donald R. Michalek Mr. Francis X. Michl, Jr. Mrs. Sheila M. Mickus Mr. & Mrs. John Mikulski Mr. & Mrs. Frederick E. Miller Mr. & Mrs. Paul S. Miller Mr. Philip R. Miller & Ms. Jean M. Newcomer Mr. & Mrs. Mark Milliman Mr. Elwyn J. Mix Mr. & Mrs. William C. Mize Mr. Patrick Moertl Mr. & Mrs. John Alan Moery Mr. Tim Monahan Mr. & Mrs. William E. Montana Mr. & Mrs. Elio J. Montenegro Mr. Michael L. Monticello & Dr. Karin B. Ulstrup Mr. & Mrs. James C. Mooney Mrs. Jo Anne M. Mooney Mr. & Mrs. Michael H. Mooney, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Walter R. Moore Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Morette Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Morris 30 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Morsch Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence J. Morse III Mr. † & Mrs. John Mosele Mr. Bernard K. Moss Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Mozal Mr. Matthew W. Mraz Ms. Ann P. Muehlebach Mr. Edward B. Mueller Mr. & Mrs. Kristina V. Mulhall Ms. Maureen G. Mullally Mrs. Suzanne Mullane Mr. & Mrs. David B. Mullen Admiral & Mrs. Michael Mullen Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Mulvihill Mr. & Mrs. Will G. Munnecke Mr. & Mrs. Gustavo Munoz Mr. Michael J. Munro Mr. & Mrs. Dave Murphy Mr. & Mrs. David P. Murphy Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Murphy Ms. Patricia Murphy Mr. Peter Murphy Mr. & Mrs. Richard Murphy Mr. Richard J. Murphy Mrs. Stephanie A. Murphy Dr. Thomas E. Murphy Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Murray Mr. & Mrs. R. Michael Murray Mr. & Mrs. Roy E. Murray Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Myers Napleton Family Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Richard Nash III Mrs. Lucille S. Neacy Mr. Thomas P Needham Mr. & Mrs. John K. Nelson Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Neville Mr. Greg Nicolaou Mr. & Mrs. Douglas E. Nieman Mr. & Mrs. Terrence J. Noetzel Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Noha Mr. John P. Noldan, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. James M. Nondorf Mr. & Mrs. Paul A. Norris Mr. & Mrs. John E. Norton Mr. & Mrs. Terrance A. Norton Mr. Richard S. Nowak Mrs. Amelia Nowakowski Mr. Daniel S. Nuter Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. O’Brien Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Wm. O’Brien Mr. & Mrs. Donnell P. O’Callaghan Mr. & Mrs. Kevin J. O’Connell Mrs. Margaret A. O’Connell Mr. William J. O’Connell III Mr. & Mrs. John J. O’Connor Mr. & Mrs. Martin M. O’Connor Mr. & Mrs. Michael F. O’Connor Mr. & Mrs. William E. O’Connor Miss Anne D. O’Donnell Mr. James O’Donnell & Ms. Amy Stewart Mr. & Mrs. Thomas S. O’Donoghue, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Tom O’Grady Ms. Christina M. O’Hara Mr. & Mrs. William P. O’Hara Mr. & Mrs. James Sepich Ms. Mary A. O’Laughlin Mr. & Mrs. John O’Malley Mr. John P. O’Malley Mr. & Mrs. William J. O’Malley Ms. Mary O’Neil Miss Rosemary O’Neil Mr. William T. O’Neill Dr. Mary E. O’Reilly Dr. & Mrs. William S. O’Reilly Mr. Kevin J. O’Shaughnessy Mr. John O’Sullivan Mr. † & Mrs. John M. O’Sullivan John O’Sullivan Legacy Committee Mrs. Martha N. O’Toole Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. O’Toole President & Mrs. Barack Obama Ms. Maria Ochs Ms. Barbara T. Ocwieja Mr. & Mrs. Raymond D. Oddi Mr. John F. Offenbacher Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Olson Dr. Sandra F. Olson Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Onan Ms. Stephanie Ortel Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence A. Oskielunas Mr. Michael W. Osterhout Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth J. Ottaviano Mr. James A. Otterbeck Mrs. Suzanne M. Otterbeck Mr. & Mrs. Bruce L. Ottley Mr. Thomas W. Pace Ms. Gloria J. Parise Mr. John W. Parizek Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Parrott Mr. & Mrs. Nathan Partain Mr. & Mrs. David M. Patchin Mr. & Mrs. John F. Patek Rev. Peter P. Paurazas Ms. Nancy A. Payonk Mr. & Mrs. Gregory B. Pease Mr. Peter Pellegrino Mr. & Mrs. David W. Pepping Ms. Christine Percheski Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Perkaus, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Perry Mr. & Mrs. Matthew A. Persohn Mr. & Mrs. John E. Peters, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Brian Petrillo Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Petruzzelli Mr. Zachary A. Pfeiffer Mrs. Frances Picchietti Pickell Family Foundation Mr. & Mrs. John J. Pikarski, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Planek Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Planek Mr. & Mrs. William T. Planek Mr. James M. Plunkard & Ms. Kathleen A. LaPorte Mr. Philip D. Podgorny Mr. David P. Poitras Mr. & Mrs. Xavier M. Polanski The Polen Family Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Pollard Ms. Lisa Pollina Ms. Barbara J. Pope Mr. & Mrs. Christopher R. Porter Mr. & Mrs. Gregory B. Powell Power Family Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Powers Mr. Richard J. Pozdol Mr. Colin J. Prendergast Mr. & Mrs. Richard Prendergast Dr. & Mrs. Michael Lee Primack Mr. & Mrs. Mark Prince Mr. & Mrs. Gary L. Prior The Prior Family Charitable Trust Mr. Leslie Prizant Mr. & Mrs. Henry A. Proesel II Mr. & Mrs. Donald J. Provenzale, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Brad Purcell Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Purcell Mr. & Mrs. Mark J. Purdome Mr. David J. Purtell Mr. & Mrs. Peter Puthenveetil Ms. Claire Putlack Mr. & Mrs. James G. Quaid Ms. Roxanne Quigley Mr. & Mrs. Robert Quinn Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Quinn Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Quinn Mr. & Mrs. Barry J. Quirke Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Radecki Mr. & Mrs. Robert Rao Dr. Megan A. Ratliff, D.D.S. Dr. & Mrs. R. Andrew Rauh Dr. & Mrs. Stephen Alan Ray Mr. & Mrs. John D. Rayis Mr. Douglas P. Reading Mr. Thomas Reagan Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Reedy Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Reedy Mr. & Mrs. H. Thomas Reepmeyer Mr. Charles F. Regan, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Lynn E. Rehn Mr. & Mrs. Joseph O. Reifenberg Mr. & Mrs. John P. Reilly Mr. Terrence J. Reilly Mrs. Mary W. Remien Mr. Jeffrey W. Richards & Ms. Eileen F. Byrne Mr. & Mrs. Kevin R. Richards Ms. Roxanne M. Richards Mr. & Mrs. Larry D. Richman Mr. & Mrs. Bernard B. Rinella Mr. & Mrs. James Ringler Michael T. Riordan Family Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Rivelli Mr. & Mrs. Gerald J. Rixie Mr. & Mrs. Mario S. Rizzo Dr. & Mrs. Richard S. Rock Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Rocotello Ms. Camille A. Rogell Mr. William J. Rogers Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Rogowski Mr. James Rollings Mr. Daniel M. Romano Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Romano Dr. & Mrs. Adam H. Romeiser, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Jose A Romero Mr. David Roper & Ms. Susan E. Pavish Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Rose Mr. & Mrs. Anthony R. Rossi, Sr. Mr. Mark Rotert Mr. & Mrs. George W. Rourke John W. and Jeanne M. Rowe Foundation Mr. Mark T. Rowley Mr. David L. Roxe Mrs. Linda A. Roxe The Roxe Foundation Ms. Kelly Roycroft Ms. Kelly Royster Rev. Charles T. Rubey Mr. Joseph O. Rubinelli, Jr. Mr. † & Mrs. Joseph Rubinelli Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin A. Ruf, Jr. Mrs. Clairmont A. Ruff Mr. & Mrs. Louis M. Rundio, Jr. Mr. Cornelius J. Ryan Mr. James M. Ryan Mr. & Mrs. John J. Ryan Mrs. Kristen Ryan Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence G. Ryan Mr. & Mrs. Patrick G. Ryan, Jr. Thomas Maura Ryan Family Foundation Mr. Gregg Rzepczynski Mr. & Mrs. David R. Sahs Drs. Ponciano & Emelina Salud Mr. & Mrs. Silvano Salvi Mrs. Sheila M. Sammons Mr. & Mrs. John F. Sandner Ms. Kathleen Sandner-Gialamas Mr. & Mrs. Dominic M. Saraceno Mr. & Mrs. Alvin T. Saunders Mr. & Mrs. Paul O. Savard Mr. Ralph E. Schackart Mr. & Mrs. James K. Schaeffer Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Schank Mrs. Barbara Chiesa Schanmier Mr. & Mrs. Michael F. Scheck Mr. & Mrs. Edward Scheidler Mr. Thomas M. Schell Mr. Richard J. Schmitt Mr. Todd Schnuck Ms. Mary Ellen B. Schopp Mr. Thomas J. Schreck Mr. & Mrs. Stephen C. Schulte Mr. James F. Schuster Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Schwarz Mr. & Mrs. Michael W. Scolaro Mr. & Mrs. Michael Y. Scudder, Jr. Ms. Lori Ellen Seaman Mr. Lee Selander Mr. & Mrs. Nikolaus Semaca Mr. Joseph T. Seminetta Mayor & Mrs. James J. Sexton Shaker Family Charitable Foundation Mr. & Mrs. John Shannon Mrs. Katharine H. Shannon Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Sharkey Ms. Denise M. Shea Mr. & Mrs. James F. Shea Shea Family Foundation Mr. Francis Sheahen Mr. & Mrs. Gordon W. Sheahen Mr. & Mrs. Matthew J. Sheahin Mr. & Mrs. Joseph H. Shearin Shelton Foundation Mr. & Mrs. John J. Sheridan Mr. & Mrs. Lee A. Sheridan Mr. Thomas Shimko Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Shomo IV Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Siebenaler Mr. & Mrs. William J. Siebenaler Mr. Walter W. Siebert Mr. Robert F. Sieja Ms. Judith M. Silekis Mr. William G. Simpson Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Sise Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Sjoerdsma Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Skender Mrs. Mary Ann Slack Dr. & Mrs. Gary G. Sladek Mr. & Mrs. Mark Smetana Mr. & Mrs. E. B. Smith, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Gerald W. Smith Mrs. Helen L. Smith Mr. John A. Smith Mr. & Mrs. John R. Smith Ms. Mary Ann Smith Mr. Matthew D. Smith Mr. Paul W. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Vincent C. Smith Mrs. Janette E. Smock Mr. Thomas S. Smogolski Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Snider Mr. & Mrs. Armiger H. Sommers Mr. Anthony Sorgi Mrs. Jeanne M. Sorrentino Mr. Andrew Soucheray Mr. Fred Southward Mr. & Mrs. James D. Southwell Ms. Jeanne M. Sowa Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Spadoni Mr. & Mrs. Frank R. Spale Mr. & Mrs. Kevin J. Speicher Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Spence Mr. Chris Sperry Mr. & Mrs. James Sprayregen Mr. & Mrs. William B. Spriegel Mrs. Mary C. Springman Mr. & Mrs. Ross Sprovieri Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence A. Stack Mr. & Mrs. Mitchell A. Staggs Mr. & Mrs. Markham T. Stahl Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Stanley Mr. Richard E. Starkey Mr. & Mrs. Joseph B. Starshak Mr. & Mrs. Eric Staudt Mr. & Mrs. Eric H. Steele Mr. & Mrs. Scott D. Steffens Mr. & Mrs. Jeffery Stelmach Mr. & Mrs. Norbert G. Stengel Stevens Family Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Leonard P. Stolarski Dr. & Mrs. Ralph W. Stoll Mr. Donald J. Storino Mr. & Mrs. Mark P. Strauch Mr. William J. Strnad & Ms. Stacy Jo Haney Mr. & Mrs. Eric C. Strobel Carole S. & Alfred Stroh Deacon Stanley D. Strom Dr. Bernadette A. Strzyz Dr. James J. Strzyz Mr. & Mrs. Don Stueland Mr. & Mrs. Gregory T. Stupka Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Sullivan Ms. Geralyn G. Sullivan Dr. & Mrs. James P. Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. Patrick F. Sullivan Mrs. Rosemary B. Sullivan Dr. & Mrs. Thomas D. Sullivan Sullivan Family Foundation Inc Mr. Steven Sutherland Mr. & Mrs. Raymond S. Swaback Mr. & Mrs. Edmund Sweeney Miss Therese H. Sweeney Mr. & Mrs. William T. Sweeney Mr. Terrance Swensen Szalay Family Foundation Ms. Rosemary E. Tagge Mr. James Christopher Tansey Mr. & Mrs. John R. Taylor Ms. Mary Rose Teahan Mr. & Mrs. Mark J. Teresi Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Terry Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Tevonian Ms. & Mrs. Betsy J. Tharp, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John T. Therriault Mrs. Joan Thesing Mrs. Nancy B. Thomas Mr. David Thompson Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Thornton Mr. & Mrs. Robert Tiberi Mr. & Mrs. Daniel D. Tiemann Mr. & Mrs. David C. Tiemeier Mr. & Mrs. Richard H. Tilghman III Mr. & Mrs. James W. Todd Mr. & Mrs. Peter M. Tomaselli Mr. Robert Tomlinson Mr. & Mrs. Robert Frank Tomlinson Mr. & Mrs. Pierro Tonino Mr. & Mrs. Timothy G. Trahey Mr. & Mrs. Jamie M. Trapp Mr. Jay Tremblay & Ms. Jan Koors Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Treslo Mr. & Mrs. Mark B. Tresnowski Mr. & Mrs. Mark T. Tritschler Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Tuerk Mr. Leonard J. Tufo Mrs. Elizabeth K. Twede Mr. & Mrs. Brian Tyler Rev. Edward F. Upton Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth T. Urbaszewski Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Urso Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Vahl Mr. John P. Vaile Mr. Craig D. Vallorano Mr. D. Charles Van Hecke, Jr. & Dr. Cathy L. Baechle Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Vanden Boom Mr. Joseph P. Vargas Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Vega-Byrnes Mr. Steven C. Verney Dr. & Mrs. Leonard L. Vertuno Mrs. Carol Vetta Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Vicek Mr. & Mrs. John J. Viera Mr. & Mrs. Roger M. Vilmur Mr. & Mrs. Dale Visokey The Vitale Family Foundation Inc Ms. Sally Vittorio Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Vogel Mr. & Mrs. Charles Vogl Mr. William C. Vonder Heide Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Vonderhaar Ms. Maureen C/K Wade Mr. Ronald J. Wagenhofer Mr. Stanley A. Wager Mr. Robert F. Wahlin Mr. Gregory W. Walch & Ms. Melinda McFadden Mr. Andreas Waldburg-Wolfegg Mr. Frank J. Waldeck Mr. & Mrs. Charles R. Walgreen Mr. Joseph M. Walker Mr. Kevin Waller & Ms. Jean Roche Rev. Michael J. Walsh Mr. & Mrs. Terrence M. Walsh Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Walsh Mr. & Mrs. Edward I. Wanandi Mr. Mark Ward Mr. & Mrs. Ronald R. Ward Mr. Rupert J. Ward Mr. & Mrs. Andrew J. Warzecha, Sr. Mr. Joseph Watson Rev. Wayne F. Watts Ms. Mary T. Weber Mr. † & Mrs. James Weber Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth E. Wegner Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Weicher Weinberg Family Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Weirath Dr. Elliot S. Weisenberg & Dr. Clara E. Orban Mr. & Mrs. William E. Weiss Dr. & Mrs. C. Michael Weldon-Linne Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Werner Ms. Katherine M. Wetoska Mr. Stephen Wetoska 31 Admiral & Mrs. Henry F. White Mr. Jonathan White Mr. Nicholas A. White Mr. & Mrs. Thomas B. White Mr. Timothy M. Whiting Mr. & Mrs. Richard Wholey Mrs. Eva M. Wiatr Mr. & Mrs. Raymond O. Wicklander, Jr. Mrs. Patricia Wiegand Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. Wiktor Mr. John M. Wilhelm Mr. Michael Wilkie Mr. & Mrs. John W. Wilkinson Mr. & Mrs. John E. Williams Dr. Paul Williams Mr. Richard T. Williamson Mr. & Mrs. Russell L. Willingham Mr. & Mrs. Robert K. Wilmouth Mr. & Mrs. James Winikates Mr. & Mrs. Bernard L. Winker Mr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Wisniewski, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Richard Witt Mr. & Mrs. Henry R. Wojewski Mr. & Mrs. Gerald A. Wood, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Alain Wood-Prince WPW Family Foundation Mr. Richard Wright Mr. & Mrs. William Yacktman Ms. Lydia Yee Mr. & Mrs. Simon P. Yohanan Mr. & Mrs. Christopher C. Young Mr. Michael S. Hyman & Ms. Stephanie A. Young Mr. Clifford E. Yuknis Mr. & Mrs. Timothy G. Zahler Miss Felice M. Zaldokas Ms. Emily Zender Mr. Henry A. Ziomek Mr. Thomas M. Zollo Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Zorc Mr. & Mrs. John V. Zubik Mr. & Mrs. Justin F. Zubrod Mr. & Mrs. Joseph C. Zuercher Mr. & Mrs. Jude P. Zwick Mr. & Mrs. Andrew J. Zych 32 LEGACY & BEQUESTS RECEIVED Ms. Joyce Lee Ahart Mr. James S. Bacciocco Mrs. Dorothy P. Becklenberg Mr. Roland Boertitz Ms. Gloria Ann Bonanno Mrs. Kristin W. Brennan Ms. Elizabeth A. Capilupo Ms. Jospehine Chmielewski Mr. Gerald T. Cuny Ms. Lillian E. Del Chicca Mr. John R. Devereux Rev. William J. Devine Mr. Edward F. Dirsa Mrs. Laverne R. Dondlinger Mr. John H. Emery Deacon John J. Flanagan, Sr. Ms. Lorraine Fleming Ms. Marjorie F. Hansen Mrs. Marcine F. Henrikson Dr. Richard J. Houk Miss Lucille C. Karella Mr. Robert J. Kennedy Mr. Edward J. Kirk, Sr. Rev. Msgr. John A. Kuzinskas Ms. Lauretta L. Langan Mr. Walter B. Lehmann Dr. Wilma H. Lehmann Miss Rose M. Lombardo The Most Rev. Timothy J. Lyne Mrs. Mary E. Lynn Mrs. Margaret Majkrzak Mrs. Catherine H. Malin Ms. Genevieve E. Mally Mr. Robert L. Matusak Ms. Mildred McNicholas Ms. Remedios Mendoza Mr. & Mrs. Max C. Mielecki Mrs. Helen Mitchell Rev. Robert J. Novak Mrs. Ethel P. O’Connor Mr. & Mrs. George T. Paris Mrs. Ruth A. Perry Mrs. Anne T. Prete Mrs. Kathleen V. Quilter Ms. Ada I. Santiago Mrs. Mildred Schafer-Monko Rev. Richard F. Schroeder Rev. Joseph W. Seitz Ms. Dorothy E. Sipiora Ms. Lorraine G. Smith Mr. Donald Smith Mrs. Mary Ann Patricia Smith Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Smith Ms. Dorcel M. Spengler Dr. Harry Staffileno, Jr. Mrs. Jean I. Taylor Ms. Asta K. Velicka Rev. John L. Wodniak Ms. Mary A. Woeber Mrs. Adell Zine FOUNDATIONS, CORPORATIONS & ORGANIZATIONS $10,000+ 4501 W. Augusta LLC Abbott Fund AbbVie Foundation AbbVie Inc J. R. Albert Foundation Inc Alexian Brothers Health System Inc American College of Bankruptcy Foundation Anthonian Association of the Friends of St. Anthony of Padua Bank of America Charitable Foundation Inc Beech-Nut Nutrition Corporation Better Business Planning Inc BMO Harris Bank Charles H. and Bertha L. Boothroyd Foundation Paul Borg Construction Company Helen Brach Foundation Fred J. Brunner Foundation Burke, Warren, MacKay & Serritella PC Business & Professional People for the Public Interest Catholic Charities USA The Chicago Community Trust Christ Child Society of Chicago Cole Taylor Bank Community Memorial Foundation ConAgra Foods Foundation Cummins-Allison Corp Deloitte LLP Dubsdread Inc Joseph J. Duffy Company Dutch Farms Inc Eby-Brown Company LLC Emergency Fund Flood Brothers Disposal & Recycling Systems Inc Fort Dearborn Partners Inc Robert E. Gallagher Charitable Trust The Arthur J. Gallagher Co Goldman, Sachs & Co. Matching Gift Program Google/ITA Gift Matching Program Daniel P. Haerther Charitable Trust Happy Products Inc Harmony Health Plan Healthcare Foundation of Northern Lake County Holy Name Cathedral Peter G. Horton Charitable Remainder Annuity Trust Illinois Children’s Healthcare Foundation Illinois Club for Catholic Women Illinois Tool Works Foundation Michael Joseph Foundation Kates Detective & Security Inc Kirkland & Ellis Foundation The Russell and Josephine Kott Memorial Charitable Trust Frank J. Lewis Foundation Loft Development Corporation The Logos Charitable Fund Inc M·A·C AIDS Fund Manufacturer’s Sales Solutions Inc Mazza Foundation McCormick Foundation McGraw Foundation Medline Industries Inc Monterrey Security Consultants Inc The John C. & Carolyn Noonan Parmer Private Foundation Northern Builders Inc Northern Trust Company Edmond & Alice Opler Foundation Opus Foundation P-K Tool & Mfg. Co. Payson Casters Inc Richard A. Perritt Charitable Foundation PNC Bank Polk Bros. Foundation Prince Charitable Trusts The Private Bank and Trust Company Quality Therapy & Consultation Inc Ravenswood Health Care Foundation Reade Industrial Fund Michael Reese Health Trust The Retirement Research Foundation Roundy’s Foundation Rush Oak Park Hospital Sage Foundation Salvi, Schostok & Pritchard P.C. Dr. Scholl Foundation Fred B. Snite Foundation St. Clement Parish St. Joseph Parish - Libertyville Sunset Food Mart Inc The Trustmark Foundation Union Pacific Foundation VedderPrice PC ViBern Foundation A. Montgomery Ward Foundation Westlake Health Foundation Wintrust Financial Corporation Zurich North American Insurance Company FOUNDATIONS, CORPORATIONS & ORGANIZATIONS $1,000 $9,999 4720 South Drexel LLC A-1 Roofing Company Active Roofing Company Inc Addus HealthCare Inc The Herbert Adelman Foundation AIDS Foundation of Chicago All Are Welcome Social Services Inc Amy Allen Memorial Scholarship Fund Inc Allstate Giving Campaign Ally Financial Inc Alpha Distributors American Family Mutual Insurance Company American Foundation for Suicide Prevention The Ancilla Domini Sisters Lindsay Anderson Consulting Aon Foundation Apple & Eve LLC Arcadis Archdiocese of New York / Office of the Cardinal Arlington Computers Arlington Heights Senior Center Inc Arnstein & Lehr LLP Art-Flo Arthur Foundation Associated Bank Azteca Foods Inc B.G.K. Security Services Inc Robert W. Baird & Company Bank of America NA Barack Ferrazzano Kirschbaum & Nagelberg LLP The Bill Bass Foundation Drs. Battistoni & Beam LTD Baxter International Inc Belfor USA Group Inc Walter J. & Edith E. Best Foundation Big Sisters of Chicago William Blair & Company, LLC Blistex Inc The Bohnen Family Foundation Brann New Door Bredemann Lexus, Ford, Toyota & Chevrolet Bredemann Toyota - Scion In Park Ridge Brixen Ivy Charitable Fund Bud’s Ambulance Service Bunzl Mid Central Region CA Matching Gifts Program Cafe Bionda Tom Callahan Plumbing Co Inc Canon Solutions America Inc Cardinal Health Foundation Caring Women’s Connection Caritas for Children Inc Carmichael Truck Leasing, Rental & Repair Catholic Cemeteries Harry F. and Elaine M. Chaddick Foundation The Chicago Bar Foundation Chicago District Ford Dealers Advertising Fund Inc Chicago Gaelic Park Inc Chicago Title Insurance Company Churchill, Quinn, Richtman & Hamilton LTD Classic Toyota - SCION CME Group Inc Comet Die & Engraving Company Community Chest of Cicero Community Savings Bank Consolidated Religious Offerings Fund Continental Air Transport Company Inc Cooney & Conway Crowe Horwath Group LLP Crown Family Philanthropies Crystal Landscaping & Lawn Maintenance Cushman & Wakefield Inc Cytosport Inc Daprato Rigali Inc W.S. Darley & Co Davis Bancorp Inc Dean Foods Company Dentons City of Des Plaines DIFFA/Chicago Dominican University Donohue, Brown, Mathewson, & Smyth LLC Dowd & Dowd, LTD Dr. Pepper/Seven Up Inc Duane Morris LLP East Lake Management & Development Corp George M. Eisenberg Foundation for Charities C J Erickson Plumbing Co. Evanston Catholic Womans Club Exchange Club of Gurnee Exelon FactSet Research Systems Inc First Bank of Highland Park Foundation First Midwest Bancorp Inc FMC Technologies Franciscan-St. James Hospital & Health Centers Fresh Start Produce Inc Frost, Ruttenberg & Rothblatt PC The Frye Foundation G.O.L.F. Gallagher Bassett Services Inc General Mills Geralex Inc Geraty and Company Get Fresh Produce Inc Gina Giancola SAFE Foundation LTD Gilligan Foundation Louis Glunz Wines Inc The Godfrey Hotel Chicago Going Places LLC Max Goldenberg Foundation Golf Magazine Gordon & Pikarski W. W. Grainger Inc Grajer Electric LLC Grant Thornton LLP Grubhub Inc Hampster Industries Haran & Associates LTD Healthcare Management Solutions Inc Heneghan Wrecking Company Inc Hi-Style Dinette & Bedding Co Highland Park Community Foundation Hinsdale Racquet Club Holy Cross Parish - Deerfield Holy Cross/Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish Holy Family Parish Hospira Employee Giving Campaign Hotel Felix Huron Consulting Group I CAA Immaculate Conception Parish - Highland Park Ingredion Inc Jaeger Nickola & Associates Architects JBT Corporation Matching Gift Plan Jel Sert Co. Jewel-Osco Johnson & Krol LLC Jones Lang LaSalle JPMorgan Chase Foundation Kellogg’s Company Law Offices of John G. Kelly PC Kinney Consulting Kiyoshi Management LLC Kottke Associates LLC KPMG LLP Kraft Foods Matching Gifts Program Law Offices of John B. Kralovec & Associates LTD Garnetta Kramer Charitable Foundation Isa Kranz Foundation Lake County Exchange Clubs Prevention of Child Abuse Fdn. Lake Forest Bank and Trust Lakeside Bank Latino Express Lavelle Law LTD Levenfeld Pearlstein LLC Liberty Mutual - Give with Liberty Campaign Lighthouse Analytics Inc Lions Club of Long Grove Inc Little Company of Mary Hospital Loyola University Sacramental Life LTD Commodities Inc Luther Village Spiritual Enrichment Foundation The John D. & Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation MacNeal Health Network Madden Funds Management LTD Marshall Pierce & Company Mary, Seat of Wisdom Parish Maryville Academy MB Charitable Foundation MB Financial Bank McCracken & Walsh Attorneys at Law McGladrey LLP McGuire Woods LLP McKernin Exhibits Inc Rev. Robert E. McLaughlin Faith Foundation McNabola Law Group PC Lizzie McNeill’s Inc Megent Inc Mi-Jack Products Inc Mid-American Elevator Inc Jim Moran & Associates Mosaic Sales Solutions Motorola Solutions Foundation The Muldowney Foundation Ed Napleton Dealership Group National Council of La Raza Nawara Financial Advisors Inc The News Sun Donald J. Nolan LTD Northern Trust Bank Lake Forest NorthShore University HealthSystem Highland Park Hospital Northwest Community Healthcare Affiliates Northwest Side Hunger Walk Bill Nygren Foundation The William F. O’Connor Foundation Oak Park Apartments Old Plank Trail Community Bank Old St. Mary Parish The Options Clearing Corporation Order of Malta, American Association Order of Malta, Federal Association, USA Organic Milling Orland Township Our Lady of the Wayside Parish P.E.L. Inc Pan-O-Gold Baking Co The Patrick Dealer Group Pavalon & Gifford Monica Pedersen Inc Pepsi-Cola General Bottlers Inc Perfetti Sales and Marketing Inc Peterson Johnson & Murray Chicago LLC PJ Plumbing Service Polonia Banquets Popovits & Robinson PC Prairie Material Sales Inc Pretzel & Stouffer, Chartered PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP PrivateBancorp Inc The Promontory Financial Group LLC ProSigma Patners LLC PVS Chemicals Inc Quigley Preparatory Seminary South Class of 1973 QWR Services R.G.U.S. Inc Radian Group Inc Raimonde Drilling Corporation Ray’s Chevrolet & Suziki Regis Technologies Inc Religious Offering Fund Richards Building Supply Company Risk Placement Services Inc Roundy’s Supermarkets Inc Ryan & Ryan Attorneys at Law S & S Automotive Group Sandler, O’Neill & Partners LP Schaaf Glass Co School District #104 Allen N. Schwartz LTD Scott & Kraus LLC Seeco Consultants Inc Seven ‘C’ Foundation Sigma Security Services LLC A Silver Lining Foundation Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP St. Alphonsus Liguori Parish St. Anne Parish - Barrington St. Athanasius Parish St. Catherine Laboure Parish St. Daniel the Prophet Parish St. Domitilla Parish St. Edna Parish St. Elizabeth Seton Parish 33 St. Emily Parish St. Francis of Assisi Parish - Orland Park St. Gilbert Parish St. Hubert Parish St. James Parish - Arlington Heights St. John of the Cross Parish St. John Vianney Parish St. Jude The Apostle Parish St. Marcelline Parish St. Mary of Vernon Parish St. Mary Parish - Riverside St. Matthew Parish St. Michael Parish - Cleveland Ave St. Paul Chong Hasang Korean Catholic Mission St. Paul of the Cross Parish St. Paul Parish - Chicago Hts St. Philip the Apostle Parish St. Raymond De Penafort Parish St. Thomas of Villanova Parish St. Vincent de Paul Society - St. Catherine Laboure St. Vincent de Paul Society - Our Lady of the Wayside St. Vincent de Paul Society - St. Joseph, Wilmette St. Zachary Parish Stamos & Trucco LLP Stanton Mechanical Inc Starboard Media Foundation Inc Sunset Foods TDC Supply Inc TDK U.S.A. Corporation Fred Teitelbaum Construction Co. Testa Produce Inc Thera Ventures Inc Top Notch Building & Maintenance Inc Toyota Dealer/Lexus Pursuit of Potential Match Program Toyota Financial Services Triad Electrical Contractors Inc Troutman Sanders LLP True Understanding Inc TTMAR Leasing LLC TTX Company UBS Investment Bank UIC Athletics Underwriters Laboratories Inc Union Pacific Railroad Company 34 Union Tank Car Company United Conveyor Foundation United Parcel Service UVANTA Pharmacy Northern Illinois Valley Fire Protection Systems Verit Advisors LLC VFW Barrington Memorial Post 7706 Victor Supply Company Visa Inc. Matching Gifts Ward & Ward PC Ward Contracting & Building Restoration Waste Management Inc Wayne Hummer Investments Wheels, Inc Winston & Strawn Foundation Winston & Strawn LLP Yerkes Plumbing Yonan Floor Coverings Inc Lila and Violet Zaranti Foundation Zipcar Inc IN-KIND DONORS 10pin Bowling Lounge - Michael Spencer 312 Chicago Abbott Group - Linda Abbott Abbott Laboratories AbbVie Inc Mr. Gustavo E. Abello Advocate Christ Hospital Advocate Condell Medical Center Mr. & Mrs. Art Allendorph Allstate Insurance Co Alpha Baking Co American Hotel Register Annunciation of Our Lady Church Antioch Township Aon Hewitt Ari Resort and Casino Arlington Heights Senior Center Inc Ascension-St. Susanna Parish Ascension Parish Banh Mi & Co Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Barnoski Bedford Park Girl Scouts Mr. & Mrs. Paul H. Berghoff, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Berti Bittersweet Pastry Shop Blessed Jurgis Matulaitis Lithuanian Catholic Mission Bloomingdale’s Blue Chip Casino Boka Resturant Group Mr. Lincoln Wade Brewer Brickell Bay Beach Club Mr. & Mrs. John K. Brinckerhoff Brinks Gilson & Lione Broadway in Chicago Bruce Vernon Park Church of God Mrs. Elizabeth M. Buker Bulls/Sox Academy Mr. & Mrs. John Burke Burlington Coat Factory Ms. Elaine Burns Cafe Pyrenees Cardinal Health Cardinal Meyer Center Cardiomed CareFusion Carmel Catholic High School Carnivale Restaurant Mr. Gonzalo Carvajal Dr. Gerald M. Casey Catering By Michael’s Mrs. Beatriz Cervantes Mrs. Betty Chambers Chicago Blackhawks Chicago Board of Trade Chicago Firehouse Restaurant Chicago from the Lake Chicago Line Cruises Chicago Marthoma Church Chicago North Shore Kiwi Club Chicago Shakespeare Theater Chicago White Sox Charities Chicago Wolves Pro Hockey Chico & Nunes PC Christ the King School Church of St. Mary - Lk Forest Dr. & Mrs. Sam M. Ciccarelli Mr. & Mrs. Francis A. Citera Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. Clarke, Jr. Club Lucky Mr. & Mrs. Murray Conzelman Ms. Patty Corbett Corporate ART Group Cristo Rey/St. Martin College Prep Crown Imports Ms. Margaret J. Czarnowski Ms. Susan Dacy Ms. Judith A. Dain Dancenter North Mr. & Mrs. Hanley Dawson III Deacons of Vicariate V Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Dee Delany Chiropractic Delaware Place Bank DePaul University Nursing Students Diaper Depot Dickinson Associates Discover Financial Services Inc Mr. & Mrs. Leonard P. Disis Ms. Nichelle Divelbiss Mr. & Mrs. John Diversey Divine Infant Parish Ms. Catherine M. Djuric Ms. Lise Dominique Mr. & Mrs. William P. Doody The Drake Hotel Driehaus Capital Management Inc The Richard H. Driehaus Museum Drury Lane Mr. & Mrs. John Dudek Eagle Waters Resort Faith Lutheran Church Mr. & Mrs. Dan Farrell Federal Aviation Administration Mr. & Mrs. Salvatore Ferrara II Fifth Third Bank Ms. Jane Fiore FLAME/UIC Family Literacy Outreach Office Mr. Doughlas Fleck Fogo de Chao Frankie’s Beef & Pasta Friends of Ryan Healy Mr. & Mrs. William J. Gallagher, Jr. General Federation of Women’s Clubs Illinois 6th District Mr. & Mrs. Robert Gerry Mr. & Mrs. Joseph B. Glunz Louis Glunz Wines Inc Ms. Marilyn Gnutek Good Shepherd Presbyterian Parish Gordon Tech Grace Seeds Ministry - Share the Harvest Great Lakes Bank The Grille on Laurel Ms. Cynthia L. Gunderson Mr. & Mrs. Richard Guzior Harborside International Hel’s Kitchen Mr. & Mrs. P. Michael Hoch Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Hoelterhoff Mrs. Robin L. Holada Hollister Inc Holy Cross Parish Holy Cross/Immacuate Heart of Mary Parish Holy Family Medical Center Holy Family Parish - Inverness Holy Family Parish - Roosevelt Rd Holy Ghost Parish Holy Name Cathedral Huch Chicago Hynes Law Offices LLC IHSCA Instituto Health Sciences Career Academy Iliana Financial Immaculate Conception Parish - 88th Ave Immaculate Conception Parish - North Pk Ave Immaculate Conception Parish - Highland Park Immaculate Conception Parish - Talcott Ave Immanuel Bethel United Church of Christ Incarnation Parish Incarnation School Indestructo Rental Company INFANT Inc Infant Jesus of Prague Parish Instituto Del Progreso Latino Intelligent Medical Objects Ms. Rosalind Jackson Ms. Eva Javier Jendra Studio Jewel-Osco Joe & Frank’s Sausage Company Ms. Adrienne Johns Mr. Bruce R. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. William R. Johnson Ms. Jamisha Jones Ms. Yvonne C. Jones Mr. and Mrs. John W. Jordan II K & D Vending Dr. & Mrs. Stephen E. Kahn Mr. & Mrs. Darren W. Karst Mr. & Mrs. Timothy P. Kase Mr. & Mrs. Ken Kass Keefer’s Restaurant Rev. Terence M. Keehan Mr. & Mrs. Timothy G. Keller Kellogg School of Business Mr. & Mrs. Ron Kelner Kent Certified Wine Cellar & Trust Kenwood Liquors Mr. & Mrs. Barry A. Ketter Kiwanis Club of Des Plaines Knights of Columbus - Oak Lawn Knights of Columbus #3731 Koch Foods Inc Ms. Sonya Koenig Komatsu America Corporation Mr. Edward Korajczyk Mr. & Mrs. Steve Kozitsky Kraft Foods Inc Mr. Richard Kral Lake County Cares Lake Forest High School Lake Geneva Canopy Tours Lassak Deli Mr. Andrew C. Lauck Mr. Nicholas R. Lavalle, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Zachary D. Lazar, Jr. Ms. Amalia T. Lemar Mr. & Mrs. James V. Lentino Ms. Cynthia Levandoski Mr. & Mrs. Michael R. Levinson Libertyville Covenant Church Libertyville High School Mrs. Dolores J. Lightner Little Company of Mary Hospital Log Cottage Loyola Academy Loyola University Medical Center Lurvey’s Nursery Lutheran Church of the Cross Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Lyman Mr. & Mrs. John Lynch Magiesu Foundation Maine Township District 207 Make It Better Media Mr. & Mrs. Alex F. March Mariano’s Marist H.S. Spanish Nt’l. Honor Society Marquette Bank Marriott Theatre Marshall Pierce & Company Mary, Seat of Wisdom Parish Mr. & Mrs. Richard Mason Mater Inc Ms. Amy Mazzolin Mother McAuley Liberal Arts High School Mr. & Mrs. Neal McNamara Mr. William McNulty Med Pro Health Providers Mrs. Joanne Menzies Merchandise Mart Properties Inc Mi Style Furniture El Milagro Inc Mision San Juan Diego Moller Financial Services Monterrey Security Consultants Inc Mr. Lawrence T. Morand Mr. & Mrs. Al Moschner The Mothers Trust Foundation Mt. Moriah Christian Center Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Mulaney, Jr. Joseph Mullarkey Distributors Inc Mr. & Mrs. William Murray Mr. & Mrs. Patrick B. Murray Museum of Science & Industry Nazareth Academy Mr. Edward Normandt Northwestern Athletics Mr. & Mrs. E. William Nugent Dr. & Mrs. James J. Nuzzo Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. O’Brien Mr. & Mrs. Donnell P. O’Callaghan Mr. & Mrs. Daniel O’Donnell Ms. Claire Obertin Ms. Rachel Obertin Oceanique Olive Garden Lincolnwood 1291 Old St. Mary Parish Old St. Patrick’s Parish John O’Sullivan Legacy Committee Our Lady of the Brook Parish Our Lady of Charity Parish Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish Our Lady of Hope Parish Our Lady of Lourdes Parish Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Parish - Belmont Ave Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish Our Lady of Ransom Parish Our Lady of Tepeyac Parish Our Lady of Victory Parish Our Lady of the Wayside Parish Our Lady of the Woods Parish Pajama Program Headquarters & Reading Center Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Palmer Panera Bread @ Orland Park Crossing #1093 Ms. Gloria J. Parise Mr. & Mrs. John J. Parise Mr. & Mrs. Paul A. Parise Payless Shoe Source, Inc. Pesche’s Nursery Peculiar Peoples Ministries The Peninsula Chicago Pepsi Mr. & Mrs. John W. Perkins Ms. Nancy E. Pierce Pine Meadow Golf Club Mr. Elliot Pinsel Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence S. Potash Dr. & Mrs. Michael Lee Primack Prince of Peace Parish The Private Bank Professional Women’s Club Chicago Public House Quadrangle Development Company Queen of All Saints Basilica Queen Bashaba Grand Chapter Queen of Martyrs Parish Queen of the Rosary Parish Radio Flyer Inc Rainforest Cafe Angelina & Anna Ramirez Mr. Patrick Ready & Ms. Elizabeth M. Ross Redeemer Lutheran Church Ms. Janita Reehl Regis Technologies Inc Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Reynolds Mrs. Laura E. Rios River Trails School District 26 Mr. Marc L. Rivette Mr. & Mrs. Scott A. Roberts Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Rocci Mr. & Mrs. Raul Rodriguez Rosebud Restaurants Ms. Sheila Rossignuolo Rotofugi - Designer Toy Store and Gallery Roy’s Restaurant Mr. Clifford Rudd Rust-Oleum Mr. Donald E. Ryan Sacred Heart Parish - Melrose Pk Sacred Heart Holy Name Society - Palos Hills Sacred Heart Parish - Palos Hills Sacred Heart Parish - Winnetka Salt Creek Park District Mr. & Mrs. Silvano Salvi Ms. Angela Sandner Mr. & Mrs. John F. Sandner Mr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Sandner Mr. & Mrs. Christopher M. Saternus Mr. & Mrs. Raymond J. Scarpelli Mr. & Mrs. Vito J. Scavo Vito Scavo Insurance Agency Inc Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Schippers Mr. & Mrs. John Scholz Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Scholz Mr. & Mrs. George G. Schultz Second City SEDOL Self Help Closet & Pantry Miss Bernadine A. Senkeresty Seton Academy Shamrock International Fastener John G. Shedd Aquarium Shoreline Sightseeing Siena Tavern Ms. Lisa Sikes Mr. & Mrs. Mark Smetana Washington & Jane Smith Home Smith & Wollensky Restaurant Group, Inc Smithgroup/JJR Snap-On Credit Sonrisa Family Dental South Suburban Bassmasters St. Agnes Parish - Chicago Hts St. Ailbe Parish St. Albert the Great Parish St. Aloysius Parish St. Alphonsus Liguori Parish St. Alphonsus Parish - Wellington Ave. St. Andrew Parish - Romeoville St. Andrew the Apostle Parish St. Anne Parish - Barrington St. Anne Parish - Hazel Crest St. Athanasius Parish St. Barbara Parish - Brookfield St. Barbara Parish - Throop St St. Barnabas Parish St. Beatrice Parish St. Bede the Venerable Parish St. Benedict the African (East) Parish St. Benedict the African (West) Parish St. Bernadette Parish St. Bernardine Parish St. Cajetan Parish St. Catherine Laboure Parish St. Catherine of Siena-St.Lucy Parish St. Cecilia Parish St. Christopher Parish St. Clement Parish St. Columbanus Parish St. Daniel the Prophet Parish St. Demetrios Greek Church St. Dismas Parish St. Domitilla Parish St. Donatus Parish St. Dorothy Parish St. Edna Parish St. Edward Parish St. Emily Parish Ss. Faith, Hope, & Charity Parish St. Felicitas Parish St. Ferdinand Parish St. Frances of Rome Parish St. Francis of Assisi Parish - Orland Pk St. Francis de Sales Parish - Ewing Ave St. Francis de Sales Parish - Lk Zurich St. Francis Xavier Parish - La Grange St. Francis Xavier Parish - Wilmette St. Gall Parish St. Gerald Parish St. Germaine Parish St. Gertrude Parish - Franklin Park St. Gilbert Parish St. Giles Parish St. Gregory the Great Parish St. Hubert Parish St. Ignatius Parish 35 St. Isaac Jogues Parish St. James Parish & School - Arlington Hts St. James Parish - Fullerton Ave St. James Parish - Highwood St. James Parish - Homewood St. Joan of Arc Parish St. John Berchmans Parish St. John Bosco Parish St. John Brebeuf Parish St. John Cantius Parish St. John Fisher Parish St. John of the Cross Parish St. John the Baptist Parish St. John the Evangelist Parish St. Joseph Parish - Homewood St. Joseph Parish - Libertyville St. Joseph Parish - Round Lake St. Joseph Parish - Summit St. Joseph Parish - Wilmette St. Joseph Summit Ladies of the Rosary St. Joseph the Worker Parish St. Joseph Women’s Club St. Joseph Youth Group St. Jude the Apostle Parish St. Julian Eymard Parish St. Juliana Parish St. Julie Billiart Parish St. Kieran Parish St. Laurence High School St. Leonard Parish St. Luke Parish St. Marcelline Parish St. Mark Parish St. Mary of Celle Parish St. Mary of the Angels Parish St. Mary of the Annunciation Parish St. Mary of the Lake Parish St. Mary of the Woods Parish St. Mary Parish - Buffalo Grove St. Mary Parish - Des Plaines St. Mary Parish - Riverside St. Mary of the Annunciation Parish St. Mary of the Woods School St, Mary of Vernon Parish St. Matthew Parish St. Michael Parish - Cleveland Ave St. Norbert Parish St. Odilo Parish St. Pascal Parish St. Patrick Parish - Lk Forest St. Paul Chong Ha Sang Korean Catholic Mission St. Paul the Apostle Parish St. Paul of the Cross Parish St. Peter Parish - Skokie St. Peter Parish - Volo St. Philip the Apostle Parish Ms. Dany St. Pierre St. Pius V Parish St. Pius X Parish St. Raphael the Archangel St. Raymond De Penafort Parish 2014 MOTHER’S DAY APPEAL Catholic Charities thanks all parishioners who contributed so generously to their parish collection on Mother’s Day or sent donations directly to us in the name of their parish and the Mother’s Day Appeal. This list reflects the total dollars accounted for as of August 22, 2014. 36 St. Raymond Women’s Club St. Rene Goupil Parish St. Robert Bellarmine Parish St. Sabina Parish St. Simon the Apostle Parish St. Stanislaus Bishop & Martyr - Belden St St. Stanislaus Bishop & Martyr - Posen St. Stephen Protomartyr Parish St. Stephen, Deacon & Martyr St. Sylvester Parish St. Tarcissus Parish St. Terrence Parish St. Theresa of the Little Flower Garden Club St. Theresa Parish St. Thomas the Apostle Parish St. Thomas Becket Parish St. Thomas of Villanova Parish St. Viator Parish St. Viator High School St. Vincent de Paul Society - St. James Parish St. Vincent de Paul Society of St. Cecilia Conference St. Vincent de Paul Society - St. James Arl Hts St. Walter Parish St. Williams School St. Zachary Parish & School Starcom MediaVest Group Standard Bank Mr. Brian E. Stasiewicz Mr. Matthew Stephan Stevenson High School St. Adalbert Parish St. Adrian Parish St. Agatha Parish St. Agnes Parish St. Agnes of Bohemia Parish St. Ailbe Parish St. Albert the Great Parish St. Alexander Parish All Saints-St. Anthony Parish Blessed Alojzije Stepinac Croatian Catholic Mission St. Aloysius Parish St. Alphonsus Parish (Wellington Ave) $20.00 $601.19 $133.25 $1,475.00 $1,027.30 $1,851.35 $4,702.00 $11,383.00 $785.00 $1,169.00 $3,407.11 $1,744.00 Stonewall Orchard Golf Club Ms. Eileen Strang Mr. & Mrs. Leonard G. Strauch Summit Public Library Summit School District #104 Sunset Food Mart Swett & Crawford Sysco Foods Mr. Matthew Szwajkowski Mrs. Mary Tambeaux Tavern at the Park Ms. Lynn Taylor TCF Bank Mrs. Elizabeth P. Teich Tolton Center - ESL Classes Corinne Torkelson Photography Tremont Hotel Trilogy Real Estate Tru Trump International Hotel & Tower - Chicago Univision Radio/WVIV US 99.5 Mr. Robert G. Vering VF Outlet Village of Grayslake Mr. Roberto C. Villanueva Vince’s Flower Shop Mr. Samid Viveros Walgreens Walsh Elementary School Washington Elementary St. Alphonsus Parish (Lemont) St. Alphonsus Liguori Parish St. Ambrose Parish St. Anastasia Parish St. Andrew Parish St. Andrew the Apostle Parish St. Ann Parish (Lansing) St. Anne Parish (Barrington) St. Anne Parish (Hazel Crest) Annunciata Parish St. Anselm Parish St. Ansgar Parish $1,141.81 $3,160.00 $548.00 $110.00 $2,171.00 $729.00 $1,485.00 $9,935.00 $315.00 $1,166.89 $100.00 $869.00 Waukegan Township Mr. & Mrs. Brian Tyler Weber’s Bakery Inc Whisper Creek Golf Course White Deer Run Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Wilfinger Willows Academy Window Works Windy City Thunderbolts WMS Gaming Wolf’s Bakery Women’s Board of Catholic Charities, Lake County Mr. & Mrs. John Wonak Mr. Peter L. Wray Mr. Milton A. Wright Wynstone Golf Club Ms. Lisa Young Mr. & Mrs. Edgardo L. Yordan, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Victor P. Zepchi Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Zimmer Zion Township UNITED WAYS Barrington Area United Way United Way of Lake County United Way of Metropolitan Chicago North Shore United Way Northwest Suburban United Way South-Southwest Suburban United Way United Way of DuPage/West Cook Blessed Anton Martin Slomsek Slovenian Catholic Mission St. Anthony Parish (Prairie Ave) St. Anthony Parish (Cicero) Ascension Parish Ascension-St. Susanna Parish Assumption Parish Assumption B.V.M Parish St. Athanasius Parish St. Barbara Parish (Throop St) St. Barbara Parish (Brookfield) St. Barnabas Parish St. Bartholomew Parish $392.00 $233.00 $909.00 $5,845.75 $241.00 $4,354.00 $518.76 $5,444.30 $1,038.00 $3,347.69 $5,283.00 $2,467.29 St. Basil/Visitation Parish St. Beatrice Parish St. Bede Parish St. Bede the Venerable Parish St. Benedict Parish (Irving Pk Rd) St. Benedict Parish (Blue Island) St. Benedict the African (East) Parish St. Benedict the African (West) Parish St. Bernadette Parish St. Bernardine Parish St. Blase Parish Blessed Sacrament Parish Most Blessed Trinity Parish St. Bonaventure Oratory St. Bride Parish St. Bronislava Parish St. Bruno Parish St. Cajetan Parish St. Camillus Parish St. Catherine of Alexandria Parish St. Catherine Laboure Parish St. Catherine of Siena-St.Lucy Parish St. Cecilia Parish St. Celestine Parish St. Charles Borromeo Parish Chicago Airports Catholic Chaplaincy Christ the King Parish Shrine of Christ the King Sovereign Priest St. Christina Parish St. Christopher Parish St. Clare of Montefalco Parish St. Clement Parish St. Cletus Parish St. Clotilde Parish St. Colette Parish St. Columba Parish St. Columbanus Parish St. Constance Parish St. Cornelius Parish Corpus Christi Parish St. Cyprian Parish Ss. Cyril & Methodius Parish Czech Mission St. Damian Parish $490.00 $1,566.24 $1,324.25 $2,819.54 $2,329.00 $866.00 $307.00 $115.00 $1,607.00 $1,816.60 $2,368.81 $1,031.50 $4,593.00 $392.00 $266.06 $428.00 $215.00 $5,325.00 $32,043.00 $2,727.00 $3,211.00 $1,599.84 $5,298.00 $2,885.79 $50.00 $94.00 $10,321.79 $225.00 $7,525.55 $209.00 $568.00 $10,069.58 $5,029.00 $100.00 $3,310.31 $349.00 $476.00 $40.00 $2,814.75 $420.95 $1,139.31 $3,349.00 $120.00 $6,669.00 St. Daniel the Prophet Parish St. Denis Parish St. Dismas Parish Divine Infant Parish Divine Providence Parish Divine Savior Parish St. Domitilla Parish St. Donatus Parish St. Dorothy Parish St. Edmund Parish St. Edna Parish St. Edward Parish St. Elizabeth Seton Parish St. Emeric Parish St. Emily Parish Epiphany Parish St. Eugene Parish St. Eulalia Parish St. Fabian Parish Ss. Faith, Hope, & Charity Parish St. Felicitas Parish St. Ferdinand Parish Five Holy Martyrs Parish St. Florian Parish St. Frances of Rome Parish St. Francis of Assisi Parish (Kostner Ave) St. Francis of Assisi Parish (Roosevelt Rd) St. Francis of Assisi Parish (Orland Pk) St. Francis Borgia Parish St. Francis De Sales Parish (Ewing Ave) St. Francis De Sales Parish (Lake Zurich) St. Francis Xavier Parish (La Grange) St. Francis Xavier Parish (Wilmette) St. Gabriel Parish St. Gall Parish St. George Parish (Ewing Ave) St. George Parish (Tinley Pk) St. Gerald Parish St. Gerard Majella Parish St. Germaine Parish St. Gertrude Parish (Granville Ave) St. Gertrude Parish (Franklin Pk) St. Gilbert Parish St. Giles Parish $2,204.00 $1,461.00 $1,012.00 $3,585.63 $7,525.51 $3,721.50 $1,995.40 $1,324.00 $110.00 $6,715.50 $5,562.85 $1,947.00 $4,748.10 $1,273.60 $9,993.00 $10.00 $4,455.00 $1,699.90 $2,793.00 $24,288.76 $1,149.00 $3,320.00 $818.00 $1,030.00 $2,176.04 $198.64 $650.68 $5,420.00 $1,466.00 $899.92 $15,856.00 $7,840.00 $15,152.00 $1,162.00 $2,790.28 $422.00 $6,382.20 $3,568.25 $478.00 $8,831.00 $7,507.06 $1,223.00 $6,839.00 $8,967.11 Good Shepherd Parish $971.00 St. Gregory the Great Parish $910.67 St. Hedwig Parish $1,190.38 St. Helen Parish $414.00 St. Helena of the Cross Parish $288.74 St. Henry Parish $967.00 St. Hilary Parish $2,598.00 Holy Angels Parish $160.00 Holy Cross Parish $4,976.59 Holy Cross/Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish $1,768.00 Holy Family Parish (Roosevelt Rd) $699.00 Holy Family Parish (Inverness) $5,860.00 Holy Ghost Parish $2,337.50 Holy Innocents Parish $428.00 Holy Name Cathedral $58,600.30 Holy Name of Mary Parish $270.00 Most Holy Redeemer Parish $3,581.00 Holy Rosary Parish $502.12 Church of the Holy Spirit $3,989.76 Holy Trinity Polish Mission $2,140.00 St. Hubert Parish $5,481.67 St. Hugh Parish $434.25 St. Hyacinth Basilica $2,489.00 St. Ignatius Parish $2,934.88 Immaculate Conception Parish $7,480.40 (North Park Ave) Immaculate Conception Parish (Talcott Ave) $4,288.18 Immaculate Conception Parish (44th St) $1,721.44 Immaculate Conception Parish (88th St) $666.95 Immaculate Conception Parish (Highland Pk)$4,609.45 Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish $1,047.61 Incarnation Parish $3,958.05 Infant Jesus of Prague Parish $6,880.38 St. Irenaeus Parish $2,954.00 St. Isaac Jogues Parish $4,048.03 St. Isidore, the Farmer Parish $50.00 St. Ita Parish $2,081.23 St. James Parish (Fullerton Ave) $2,129.48 St. James Parish (Wabash Ave) $301.00 St. James Parish (Arlington Hts) $11,259.00 St. James Parish (Highwood) $1,213.70 St. James Parish at Sag Bridge $2,402.21 St. James Parish (Sauk Village) $1,403.00 St. Jane de Chantal Parish $10.00 St. Jerome Parish $1,910.78 St. Jerome Croatian Parish $1,074.00 St. Joachim Parish $1,251.00 St. Joan of Arc Parish $1,039.00 St. John Parish (Glenwood) $2,203.00 St. John the Baptist Parish $657.00 St. John Berchmans Parish $4,895.00 St. John Bosco Parish $3,405.63 St. John Brebeuf Parish $6,239.47 St. John Cantius Parish $1,351.00 St. John of the Cross Parish $32,055.85 St. John De La Salle Parish $50.00 St. John the Evangelist Parish $2,675.00 St. John Fisher Parish $2,327.25 St. John Vianney Parish $2,076.66 St. Josaphat Parish $3,130.23 St. Joseph Parish (Hermitage Ave) $922.26 St. Joseph Parish (Orleans St) $613.00 St. Joseph Parish (Homewood) $2,060.00 St. Joseph Parish (Libertyville) $17,687.52 St. Joseph Parish (Round Lake) $1,970.91 St. Joseph Parish (Summit) $679.00 St. Joseph Parish (Wilmette) $6,915.75 St. Joseph the Worker Parish $2,886.00 Mission San Juan Diego $709.00 St. Jude the Apostle Parish $3,340.71 St. Julian Eymard Parish $1,688.25 St. Juliana Parish $1,626.00 St. Julie Billiart Parish $2,764.00 Blessed Jurgis Matulaitis Lithuanian Catholic $964.00 Mission St. Kevin Parish $557.30 St. Kieran Parish $3,796.00 St. Ladislaus Parish $2,420.00 St. Lambert Parish $2,455.85 St. Lawrence O’Toole Parish $2,992.00 St. Leonard Parish $1,866.75 St. Linus Parish $4,910.00 St. Louis De Montfort Parish $5,777.00 St. Louise De Marillac Parish $4,998.36 Santa Lucia/Santa Maria Incoronata Parish $320.00 St. Luke Parish $9,184.00 St. Malachy/Precious Blood Parish $366.00 St. Marcelline Parish $3,867.90 37 St. Margaret Mary Parish St. Margaret of Scotland Parish Santa Maria Addolorata Parish St. Maria Goretti Parish Santa Maria Del Popolo Parish St. Mark Parish St. Martha Parish St. Martin De Porres Parish Old St. Mary Parish St. Mary Parish (Buffalo Grove) St. Mary Parish (Des Plaines) St. Mary Parish (Evanston) Church of St. Mary (Lake Forest) St. Mary Parish (Riverside) St. Mary of the Angels Parish St. Mary of the Annunciation Parish St. Mary of Celle Parish St. Mary of Czestochowa Parish St. Mary of the Lake Parish St. Mary of Perpetual Help Parish St. Mary Queen of Apostles Parish Mary, Queen of Heaven Parish Mary, Seat of Wisdom Parish St. Mary, Star of the Sea Parish St. Mary of Vernon Parish St. Mary of the Woods Parish St. Mary Magdalene Parish Mater Christi Parish Maternity B.V.M. Parish St. Matthew Parish St. Matthias Parish St. Michael Parish (Cleveland Ave) St. Michael Parish (Orland Pk) St. Michael the Archangel Parish St. Monica Parish Mother of God Parish Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Parish Nativity of Our Lord Parish St. Nicholas Parish St. Nicholas of Tolentine Parish St. Norbert Parish Notre Dame De Chicago Parish 38 $3,083.32 $1,044.00 $482.00 $13,523.00 $4,607.00 $414.98 $2,537.00 $645.00 $11,428.00 $4,356.00 $15,917.04 $4,672.25 $16,235.00 $5,871.75 $35.00 $9,307.11 $1,916.55 $1,905.00 $2,679.70 $570.00 $270.25 $20.00 $7,576.52 $2,830.00 $10,285.69 $8,881.00 $245.00 $2,246.71 $839.73 $2,686.01 $250.00 $5,042.62 $4,801.00 $345.00 $3,860.00 $428.00 $20.00 $690.94 $4,720.19 $933.00 $11,117.00 $2,061.00 St. Odilo Parish Our Lady of the Brook Parish Our Lady of Charity Parish Our Lady of Fatima Parish Our Lady Gate of Heaven Parish Our Lady of Grace Parish Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish Our Lady of Hope Parish Our Lady of Humility Parish Our Lady of Knock Parish Our Lady of Loretto Parish Our Lady of Lourdes Parish Our Lady of Mercy Parish Our Lady, Mother of the Church Our Lady Mother of the Church Polish Mission Our Lady of the Mount Parish Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish (Belmont Ave) Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish (Melrose Pk) Our Lady of Peace Parish Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish Shrine of Our Lady of Pompeii Our Lady of Ransom Parish Our Lady of the Ridge Parish Our Lady of the Snows Parish Our Lady of Sorrows Basilica Our Lady of Tepeyac Parish Our Lady of Victory Parish Our Lady of the Wayside Parish Our Lady of the Woods Parish St. Pancratius Parish St. Pascal Parish St. Patricia Parish Old St. Patrick’s Parish St. Patrick Parish (Lake Forest) St. Patrick Parish (Lemont) St. Patrick Parish (Wadsworth) St. Paul Parish (22nd Pl) St. Paul Parish (Chicago Hts) St. Paul of the Cross Parish St. Paul the Apostle Parish $6,317.25 $8,862.00 $1,071.86 $36.00 $79.00 $984.00 $900.00 $1,268.00 $3,029.10 $1,747.00 $1,626.00 $2,184.45 $2,854.72 $930.00 $32,924.00 $240.00 $11,606.37 $1,360.10 $1,176.48 $13,272.50 $719.00 $6,439.85 $2,593.00 $183.00 $304.00 $363.31 $845.00 $9,158.00 $6,159.10 $1,159.85 $7,847.00 $3,775.00 $14,398.00 $21,198.76 $2,884.00 $6,362.13 $889.80 $1,205.00 $14,556.00 $13,049.33 St. Paul Chong Ha Sang Korean Catholic Mission St. Peter Parish (Madison St) St. Peter Parish (Antioch) St. Peter Parish (Skokie) St. Peter Parish (Volo) St. Peter Claver Mission St. Peter Damian Parish Ss. Peter and Paul Parish St. Philip the Apostle Parish St. Philip Neri Parish St. Philomena Parish St. Pius V Parish St. Pius X Parish Prince of Peace Parish St. Priscilla Parish St. Procopius Parish Providence of God Parish Queen of All Saints Basilica Queen of Angels Parish Queen of Martyrs Parish Queen of the Rosary Parish Queen of the Universe Parish St. Raphael the Archangel St. Raymond De Penafort Parish St. Rene Goupil Parish Resurrection Parish St. Richard Parish St. Rita of Cascia Parish St. Robert Bellarmine Parish St. Roman Parish St. Rosalie Parish St. Sabina Parish Sacred Heart Mission Sacred Heart Parish (Melrose Pk) Sacred Heart Parish (Palos Hills) Sacred Heart Parish (Winnetka) Shrine of the Sacred Heart Sacred Heart Croation Parish St. Simeon Parish St. Simon the Apostle Parish St. Stanislaus Bishop & Martyr Parish (Belden St) $1,387.29 $2,250.00 $2,637.00 $13,227.56 $652.00 $150.00 $1,435.77 $368.00 $35,070.88 $748.00 $607.65 $1,583.57 $130.00 $4,345.83 $5,778.01 $398.72 $10.00 $13,131.00 $2,745.41 $3,133.00 $3,291.00 $1,680.35 $1,627.00 $5,694.00 $1,145.00 $865.31 $50.00 $1,428.75 $3,967.00 $569.82 $1,864.00 $330.00 $1,639.00 $1,846.00 $6,630.00 $7,372.00 $2,180.00 $254.00 $628.00 $498.02 $787.00 St. Stanislaus Bishop & Martyr Parish (Posen) $15.00 St. Stanislaus Kostka Parish $260.00 St. Stephen, Deacon & Martyr $7,616.00 St. Stephen King of Hungary Parish $155.00 St. Stephen Protomartyr Parish $3,392.00 St. Sylvester Parish $1,358.48 St. Symphorosa Parish $2,474.00 St. Tarcissus Parish $2,921.40 St. Teresa of Avila Parish $3,732.00 St. Terrence Parish $2,504.00 St. Thaddeus Parish $648.00 St. Thecla Parish $3,001.00 St. Theresa Parish $13,921.00 St. Therese Chinese Catholic Church $1,094.00 St. Thomas Becket Parish $2,524.00 St. Thomas the Apostle Parish $545.00 St. Thomas of Canterbury Parish $560.00 St. Thomas More Parish $1,960.66 St. Thomas of Villanova Parish $9,554.71 St. Timothy Parish $902.00 Transfiguration Parish $3,657.25 Transfiguration of Our Lord Parish $388.00 St. Turibius Parish $832.00 St. Viator Parish $2,341.31 St. Victor Parish $1,141.00 St. Vincent De Paul Parish $8,327.75 St. Vincent Ferrer Parish $4,962.31 St. Walter Parish $1,239.00 St. Wenceslaus Parish $593.00 St. William Parish $1,634.50 St. Zachary Parish $6,088.34 one heart MANY WAYS TO GIVE CASH MATCHING GIFTS Cash donations of any size are gratefully accepted. Mail your check to: Catholic Charities, 75 Remittance Drive, Ste. 1623, Chicago, IL 60675-1623. Ask your employer if a matching gift program is offered. You may be able to double or triple your generosity with a matching gift. CHARITABLE GIFT ANNUITIES MONTHLY GIVING Make a gift and receive steady payments in return. Your annuity payments will not be affected by economic downturns, and will continue for life. Your credit card or bank account can be automatically charged each month. You can enroll online at or ask us to mail the sign-up form. CORPORATE GIVING For many companies, giving to Catholic Charities is a compelling way to support the communities where they do business and their employees and customers live. Make a program grant, sponsor a special event, do a food or clothing drive, or volunteer for a project. EVENTS Become involved in one of more than 30 fundraising events as an individual or corporate sponsor, a ticket or table purchaser, a member of the committee, or a volunteer. ONLINE GIVING Online giving is safe, secure and fast. Go to PLANNED GIFTS To help future generations, name Catholic Charities as a beneficiary of your will, trust, retirement account, or insurance policy. You become a member of our Legacy of Hope Society when you include us in your estate plans. STOCKS & SECURITIES Bring gently-worn clothes, small household goods, and food to 721 N. LaSalle in Chicago or to any of our regional offices. Gifts of appreciated stock may result in tax savings for you. Give your broker our DTC#0010 for credit to account #2437010 for “Catholic Charities Chicago.” Our broker is Brown Brothers Harriman, (312) 781-7140. IRA CHARITABLE ROLLOVER TRIBUTE GIFTS IN-KIND GIFTS As of this writing, the IRA Charitable Rollover has not been extended for 2014. Congress might reauthorize it later this year. We invite you to check with us for updates. Please keep your charitable intentions in mind when you time your IRA withdrawals this year. You can make a donation in honor or in memory of a loved one or celebrate a special occasion. We will send a card on your behalf. As a generous benefactor, you have unique priorities and reasons for giving. There are many ways to give, and each gift will be carefully used as directed. For answers to your questions about giving, contact Judith M. Silekis, Director of Development, at (312) 655-7289 or VEHICLE DONATIONS We accept cars, trucks, boats, RVs and even golf carts! Pick-up is free and we do all the paperwork. Call (877) 786-4483 or visit 39 CATHOLIC CHARITIES OF THE ARCHDIOCESE OF CHICAGO ANNUAL REPORT 2014 CITY OF CHICAGO SUBURBAN COOK COUNTY Near North St. Vincent Center 721 North LaSalle Street Chicago, Illinois 60654 (312) 655-7000 North/Northwest Regional Services Family Service Center 1717 Rand Road Des Plaines, Illinois 60016 (847) 376-2100 Southwest St. Gall Parish 5533 South Sawyer Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60629 (773) 349-8835 West Regional Services 1400 South Austin Boulevard Cicero, Illinois 60804 (708) 222-1491 South Regional Services 16100 Seton Drive South Holland, Illinois 60473 (708) 333-8379 Southwest Regional Office 7000 West 111th Street, Ste. 101 Worth, Illinois 60482 (708) 430-0428 LAKE COUNTY Lake County Services Joseph Cardinal Bernardin Center 671 South Lewis Waukegan, Illinois 60085 (847) 782-4000 Annual Report FY 2014 Editor: Kristine Kappel Design: Jennifer Sirota Photography: Emilio Albertini