ORTAÖĞRETİM YES YOU CAN STUDENT’S BOOK A2.2 YAZARLAR Funda BAYDAR ERTOPCU Hatice İNCİ Sevinç ÖZBIÇAKCI SAMUR DEVLET KİTAPLARI ÜÇÜNCÜ BASKI ……………………., 2014 MİLLÎ EĞİTİM BAKANLIĞI YAYINLARI. ..................................................................... : 5795 DERS KİTAPLARI DİZİSİ ........................................................................................... : 1583 14.?.Y.0002.4295 Her hakkı saklıdır ve Millî Eğitim Bakanlığına aittir. Kitabın metin, soru ve şekilleri kısmen de olsa hiçbir suretle alınıp yayınlanamaz EDİTÖR Yalçın ALBAYRAK DİL UZMANI Sedat ALKAN GÖRSEL TASARIM UZMANI Bengü BAHAR ÜZLİKCAN Elvan ÇELİKTUĞ PROGRAM GELİŞTİRME UZMANI Deniz CANPOLAT ÖLÇME VE DEĞERLENDİRME UZMANI Nuray SUNAR REHBERLİK UZMANI Füsun GÖKKAYA ISBN 978-975-11-3708-1 Millî Eğitim Bakanlığı, Talim ve Terbiye Kurulunun 29.06.2012 gün ve 81 say ılı kararı ile ders kitabı olarak kabul edilmiş, Destek Hizmetleri Genel Müdürlüğü’nün 28.03.2014 gün ve 1310094 sayılı yazısı ile üçüncü defa 782.878 adet basılmıştır. Korkma, sönmez bu şafaklarda yüzen al sancak; Sönmeden yurdumun üstünde tüten en son ocak. O benim milletimin yıldızıdır, parlayacak; O benimdir, o benim milletimindir ancak. Bastığın yerleri toprak diyerek geçme, tanı: Düşün altındaki binlerce kefensiz yatanı. Sen şehit oğlusun, incitme, yazıktır, atanı: Verme, dünyaları alsan da bu cennet vatanı. Çatma, kurban olayım, çehreni ey nazlı hilâl! Kahraman ırkıma bir gül! Ne bu şiddet, bu celâl? Sana olmaz dökülen kanlarımız sonra helâl. Hakkıdır Hakk’a tapan milletimin istiklâl. Kim bu cennet vatanın uğruna olmaz ki feda? Şüheda fışkıracak toprağı sıksan, şüheda! Cânı, cânânı, bütün varımı alsın da Huda, Etmesin tek vatanımdan beni dünyada cüda. Ben ezelden beridir hür yaşadım, hür yaşarım. Hangi çılgın bana zincir vuracakmış? Şaşarım! Kükremiş sel gibiyim, bendimi çiğner, aşarım. Yırtarım dağları, enginlere sığmam, taşarım. Ruhumun senden İlâhî, şudur ancak emeli: Değmesin mabedimin göğsüne nâmahrem eli. Bu ezanlar -ki şehadetleri dinin temeliEbedî yurdumun üstünde benim inlemeli. Garbın âfâkını sarmışsa çelik zırhlı duvar, Benim iman dolu göğsüm gibi serhaddim var. Ulusun, korkma! Nasıl böyle bir imanı boğar, Medeniyyet dediğin tek dişi kalmış canavar? O zaman vecd ile bin secde eder -varsa- taşım, Her cerîhamdan İlâhî, boşanıp kanlı yaşım, Fışkırır ruh-ı mücerret gibi yerden na’şım; O zaman yükselerek arşa değer belki başım. Arkadaş, yurduma alçakları uğratma sakın; Siper et gövdeni, dursun bu hayâsızca akın. Doğacaktır sana va’dettiği günler Hakk’ın; Kim bilir, belki yarın, belki yarından da yakın Dalgalan sen de şafaklar gibi ey şanlı hilâl! Olsun artık dökülen kanlarımın hepsi helâl. Ebediyyen sana yok, ırkıma yok izmihlâl; Hakkıdır hür yaşamış bayrağımın hürriyyet; Hakkıdır Hakk’a tapan milletimin istiklâl! Mehmet Âkif Ersoy GENÇLİĞE HİTABE Ey Türk gençliği! Birinci vazifen, Türk istiklâlini, Türk Cumhuriyetini, ilelebet muhafaza ve müdafaa etmektir. Mevcudiyetinin ve istikbalinin yegâne temeli budur. Bu temel, senin en kıymetli hazinendir. İstikbalde dahi, seni bu hazineden mahrum etmek isteyecek dâhilî ve hâricî bedhahların olacaktır. Bir gün, istiklâl ve cumhuriyeti müdafaa mecburiyetine düşersen, vazifeye atılmak için, içinde bulunacağın vaziyetin imkân ve şeraitini düşünmeyeceksin! Bu imkân ve şerait, çok namüsait bir mahiyette tezahür edebilir. İstiklâl ve cumhuriyetine kastedecek düşmanlar, bütün dünyada emsali görülmemiş bir galibiyetin mümessili olabilirler. Cebren ve hile ile aziz vatanın bütün kaleleri zapt edilmiş, bütün tersanelerine girilmiş, bütün orduları dağıtılmış ve memleketin her köşesi bilfiil işgal edilmiş olabilir. Bütün bu şeraitten daha elîm ve daha vahim olmak üzere, memleketin dâhilinde iktidara sahip olanlar gaflet ve dalâlet ve hattâ hıyanet içinde bulunabilirler. Hattâ bu iktidar sahipleri şahsî menfaatlerini, müstevlîlerin siyasî emelleriyle tevhit edebilirler. Millet, fakr u zaruret içinde harap ve bîtap düşmüş olabilir. Ey Türk istikbalinin evlâdı! İşte, bu ahval ve şerait içinde dahi vazifen, Türk istiklâl ve cumhuriyetini kurtarmaktır. Muhtaç olduğun kudret, damarlarındaki asil kanda mevcuttur. Mustafa Kemal Atatürk CONTENTS Table of Contents..........................................................................................................................8 - 11 Course Introduction............................................................................................................................12 Course Overview.........................................................................................................................13 - 14 THEME 1 - JOBS........................................................................................................................15 - 25 1A - Different jobs, different lives 1B - Think small, dream big 1C - A good plan is a good beginning THEME 2 - NATURE AND ENVIRONMENT...............................................................................26 - 36 2A - Natural disasters 2B - Bigger, deeper, higher 2C - The most enjoyable journey ever THEME 3 - HEALTH AND DIET.................................................................................................37 - 47 3A - Are you health conscious ? 3B - Can I help you? 3C - Eat healthy, live happy THEME 4 - TOURISM................................................................................................................48 - 58 4A - From adventure to experience 4B - Places to see 4C - Seven Wonders of the World THEME 5 - SCIENCE..................................................................................................................59 - 69 5A - New inventions, new innovations 5B - CERN, the Dream Team 5C - Too good to be true THEME 6 - YOUTH.....................................................................................................................70 - 80 6A - More than a vacation 6B - I’m an AIESECer 6C - Take part in the World Sports Festival THEME 7 - ART...........................................................................................................................81 - 91 7A - I love silver screen 7B - From Artists to Masterpieces 7C - Music, the salt and the pepper of life THEME 8 - WINNERS AND LOSERS........................................................................................92 - 102 8A - Do your best and catch success 8B - With or Without Success 8C - What makes you happy? Grammar reference...................................................................................................................103-116 Peer Assessment.............................................................................................................................117 Group Work Assessment..................................................................................................................118 Portfolio Assessment.......................................................................................................................119 Irregular Verbs..................................................................................................................................120 Vocabulary List.........................................................................................................................121 -124 7 TABLE OF CONTENTS TOPICS THEME 1 JOBS 1A- Different Jobs, Different Lives 1B- Think Small, Dream Big 1C- A Good Plan is a Good Beginning THEME 2 NATURE AND ENVIRONMENT 2A- Natural Disasters 2B- Bigger, Deeper, Higher 2C- The Most Enjoyable Journey Ever 8 OBJECTIVES OF THE THEME Understanding the order of the events I hear / adjectives. Understanding simple interviews / other people’s plans. Understanding other people’s routines and free time activities. Understanding what people are doing now. Predictions / plans talking about what I like doing in my free time.. Communicating with people politely. Talking about my interests and hobbies / my summer plans Writing an e-mail about my likes and dislikes / what I’d like to be in the future by giving reasons / about my summer plans. Understanding experiences about natural disasters happened in the past Comparing two cities / superlatives Understanding clear conversations. Distinguishing everyday signs and notices. Understanding people’s obligations and write about what I have to and don’t have to. Understanding travel brochures. Writing a comparing paragraph. Talking about what I did yesterday / last weekend/ month / year Writing about the events that happened in the past using first, second, next, then... Talking about the best/ worst / funniest things in my life LANGUAGE AREAS and STRUCTURE Simple Present Present Continuous Simple Future Be going to Possessive adjectives Simple Past Adjectives (-ed, -ing) a / an / the comparative adjectives superlative adjectives have to / has to VOCABULARY Nouns: Talk show producer, newsreader, instructor, fence, cavity, patient, presenter, smile, motto, chalet, accommodation, computer, ear, abroad, skyscraper, alien, nanotechnology, pet, aggression, interest, pill, space, material, chip, therapist, need, fortune teller, barbecue, birthday, plan, master degree, columnist, exhibition, stock broker, journey, cuisine, tapas Verbs: threat, look after, fill, treat, come from, repair, peel, practise,feel, produce, replace, grow, earn, build, run, look forward to Adjectives: Private, broken, nervous, worldwide, great, strange, decayed, traditional, dental, free, self driven, animated , tiny, public, good at, interested in, fantastic, alone, best seller, nutty, special, next, tasty Adverbs: especially, at the moment, also, happily, really Nouns: landslide, flood, earthquake, tsunami, hurricane, volcanic eruption, magnitude, damage, cry, force, local, death, shock, mountain, waterfall, desert, river, ocean jungle, island, valley, lake, addict, landmark, profession, state, life, enjoyable, beauty, wood, trouble, lemur, snorkel, turtle, insect repellent, kite, sunscreen Verbs: happen, discuss, sweep, hit, scream, grab, cause, cover, affect, follow, remember, carry, make friends, come true, bring, make bed Adjectives: extensive, huge, enormous, loud, large, powerful, surprised, terrified, excited, frightened, terrifying, frightening, surprising, high, big, cold, long, far, expensive, deep, delicious, dangerous, healthy, boring, cheap, crwoded, nice, comfortable, cloudy, warm, breathtaking, elegant, wonderful, hot, man made, wild, fascinating, responsible, dead, harsh, funny, scary Adverbs : suddenly, yesterday TABLE OF CONTENTS TOPICS THEME 3 HEALTH AND DIET 3A- Are You Health Conscious? 3B- Can I Help You? 3C- Eat Healthy, Live Happy! THEME 4 TOURISM 4A- From Adventure to Experience 4B- Places to See 4C- Seven Wonders of The World OBJECTIVES OF THE THEME Understanding the ingredients in a recipe / the words about cooking / simple directions. Understanding conditional sentences/ short poems. Countable and uncountable words about food / the words about shopping. The dialogues in a restaurant and give orders in a restaurant. Understanding abbreviations / simple charts, graphs. Understanding information about health and diet Talking about my eating habits. Using quantifiers (some-any - a few - alittle - many - much) in my everyday speech. Asking the price. Sharing feelings and ideas. Writing some short recipes / a menu / short poems on simple topics. The order of the story. distinguishing information in a listening text Getting the main idea. Understanding short stories. Understanding what people were doing in the past Understanding people’s experiences. adverbs. Reading leaflets. Asking and answering the questions about the past. Asking for and giving information about experiences. Talking about my preferences. Giving e ideas about types of holidays. Writing a true story about myself / my experiences / a postcard from a holiday destination. Writing the main idea of a story. LANGUAGE AREAS and STRUCTURE countables / uncountables a few - a little - a lot many – much some-any May / Can I ...? Would you like ...? Do you want ...? Prepositions of place If clause Type 1 Past Continuous Adverbs When - While clauses Sequence words Present Perfect VOCABULARY Nouns: lettuce, tuna, can, cross, bowl, recipe, ingredient, connection, garlic, dill, pickle, tablespoon, beef, bean, rice, brocoli, spring onion, addict, junk food, freak, bread, parsley, celery, spinach, leek, tangerine, aubergine, pomegranate, roll, carton, glass, meal, menu, soup, drink, mineral water, apple pie, dessert, starter, vegetable, junction, roundabout, fast food, bridge, order, population, chart, obesity, rate, bar, chart, graph, cause, portion, weight, calory Verbs: stir-chop, sprinkle, squeeze, grate, starve, add, beat, bring, turn, take away, go past, guess, exercise, lose weight, understand, gain,make, Adjectives: silly, quick, easy, grilled, overweight, alarming, real, busy, tasty, Nouns: boating, cycling, wildlife, railway, meal, underwater, backpack, scrabble, jenga, rattlesnake , digital camera, rucksack, souvenir, adrenaline, craftsmanship, rainbow, demonstration, flight, trip, market stall, pigeon, battery, barrier, reef, coral, pyramid, temple, statue, mauseloum, lighthouse, communication, promise , ruin Verbs: decide, worry, look at, remember, enjoy, fall off, appear, think, receive, arrive in, go back, charge, dive, shine, stay in, taste, visit, meet, fall, keep , turn Adjectives: fine, impossible, fond of , crazy about, experienced, mysterious, delightful, ancient, wonderful, mouth watering, spectacular Adverbs : deeply, happily, hopelessly, finally, suddenly, continuously, hungrily, carefully, unfortunately, fortunately, heavily, first, then, later, finally, in the end , among, well, like 9 TABLE OF CONTENTS TOPICS OBJECTIVES OF THE THEME Understanding interviews related to inventors / latest inventions. Taking notes while I’m listening THEME 5 and summarizing the text. Understanding poems / biographies. SCIENCE Giving my opinion about a topic. Understanding simple 5A-New Inventions abbreviations / simple quotes. Agreeing or disagreeing with a and topic. Innovations Starting, maintaining and ending a conversation. Talking about what I had to do at 5B- CERN, The the weekend. Dream Team Giving reasons. Talking about what I could (couldn’t do when I was a child. 5C-Too Good to Writing e about the craziest / Be True funniest / invention / abiography Keeping a diary. THEME 6 YOUTH 6A- More Than a Vacation 6B- I’m an AIESECer 6C- Take Part in The World Sports Festival 10 Taking notes while listening. Predicting the plot of a story. Understanding people’s comments / e-mails / complaint letters/short stories. Understanding the names of the sports and equipments. Getting the specific information. Asking for and giving advice. Discussing the theme of a poem. Giving opinion about a sport. Talking about my complaints/the reasons. Numbering the sentences in order to make a dialogue. Saying what something is made of. Talking about the rules of a game. Writing a complaint letter / everyday dialogues and about my favourite sport. LANGUAGE AREAS and STRUCTURE Present Perfect tag questions could-couldn’t had to Advice -should Firstly, secondly… Opposing (However-but-on the other hand) Indefinite pronouns Reflexive pronouns Simple Present Passive Be able to Must-mustn’t VOCABULARY Nouns: energy, stage, pig, pork, cow, beef, shark, dolphin, importance, designer, solar, screen, response, concept, panel, breath, benefit, nap, similarity, talented, opinion, coach, law, experiment, housemate, summies, detector, memory, mind, track, secret, truth,interest, electronics, workshop, mysticism, cancer, surgery, education, marriage, achievement, biography, muticultural, revolution, establishment, sense, principle, Verbs: absorb, get, develop, wish, stick, simplify, design, invent, come out, come up with, mean, invent, observe, miss, join, agree, disagree, go on, get along well, turn on, light, look after, adopt, prefer, enrol, realize, resign, feel sorry, Adjectives: aquatic, basic, infrared, gisnt, brilliant, metallic, creative, awesome, smart, annual, incredible, tiny, important, inspirational, splendid, inspiring, biological, brilliant, famous for Adverbs : especially, completely Nouns: decision, confidence, poetry, paradise, sailing, location, disaster, brochure, staff, reply, leak, aiesecer, attraction, face, paper, carton, bulb, container, towel, tissue, napkin, jewellery, hockey, fencing, squash, karate, golf, handball, soccer, boxing, faith, wood, iron, patronage, rocketlon, talent, rule, net Verbs: count, complain, have a look, pay attention, gather, improve, manage, overcome, stay with, support, hold, last, win, exchange, hit Adjectives: limited, unhelpful, selfish, eager, huge, luckily, various, impressive Adverbs: absolutely, by the way, actually, also, differently, personally, culturally, seriously TABLE OF CONTENTS TOPICS THEME 7 ART 7A- I Love Silver Screen 7B- From Artists to Masterpieces 7C-Music, The Salt and The Pepper of Life OBJECTIVES OF THE THEME Guessing the end of a film and choosing a suitable title. order of adjectives and describing things using adjectives. Understanding reason and result in the. Understanding the type of a film / the elements of a story. Completing a table while reading. Understanding past habits / information on posters. Identifying the date / place / topic of an invitation. Understanding referring Giving recommendations about a film. Asking and answer about past habits. Talking about my favourite singer / band / composer / film Writing a review of a film I’ve seen recently. Preparing an exhibition poster and writing a slogan on it Writing about types of music I like by giving reasons. Understanding the topic with the help of the title / simple announcements. THEME 8 Understanding success stories. Predicting the end of a story. WINNERS understanding a questionnaire. AND understanding people’s problems LOSERS / formal letters / people’s experiences. Giving opinion about people’s quotes. 8A- Do Your Best and Catch Sharing information about stress. Success Talking about fixed arrangements. Giving a formula for being successful. 8B- With or Talking about my problems and Without Stress what makes me happy. Writing an ending for a story / aletter to a problem page / a recipe for happiness. 8C- What Makes Checking and editing my writing. You Happy? LANGUAGE AREAS and STRUCTURE Gerunds Infinitives Although - In spite of Used to Adjective order Object pronouns As - because - to Simple PastPresent Perfect Too - enough Possessive pronouns Continuous for future meaning VOCABULARY Nouns: comedy, horror, internship, salary, guy,romance, hope, soul, period, figure, salt, trouble, announcement, slogan, tribute, sign, side, mood Verbs: protect, float, share, sell, manage, survive, miss, approach, take place, jump up , jump down, sign, display, start, close, come from, turn off, shine, pay, buy Adjectives: runaway, based on, medical , homeless, peniless, determined, fantastic, inspiring, easy going, excellent, ridiculous, bright, close, artistic,alive, irrational, unbelievable, ugly, ordinary, exaggerated, wonderful, creative Adverbs: increasingly, truly, continuously, simply, actually Nouns: fantasy, captain, founder, host, entrepreneurs, stationary, boss, teen, account, stress, habit, decision, tip, happiness, goal, emotion, advertisement, application, existence, laughter, conflict, intuition, prestige Verbs: brainstorm, make money, save, create, include, appear, present, concentrate, go out, beat, reduce, breathe, cope with, wake, respond, apply for, participate, lay, come up, observe, swap, seek Adjectives: possible, heavy, upset, anxious, helpless, calm, relaxed, aggressive, forgetful, desperate, uncertain, weak, strong, challenging, similar, definite Adverbs: rarely, deeply, extremely, magically, highly, mentally, physically 11 COURSE INTRODUCTION Outcome based set of textbooks -YES YOU CAN - are tailored for students aged 14 -19 and incorporated with Communicative Approach. The curriculum of the set of textbooks take the learners from A1 (Basic User) and aims to bring to C1 (Proficient User), which is described in Common European Framework of References (CEFR). CEFR describes six levels and competences: A1 Basic User (Breakthrough Level) A2 Basic User (Waystage Level) B1 Independent User (Threshold Level) B2 Independent User (Vantage Level) C1 Proficient User (Effective Operational Proficiency) This textbook and its components provide a complete course for A2.2 level. What can a learner with A2 level do? A2 – Waystage Level • Can understand sentences and frequently used expressions related to areas of most immediate relevance. • Can communicate in simple and routine tasks requiring a simple and direct exchange of information on familiar and routine matters. • Can describe in simple terms aspects of his/her background, immediate environment and matters in areas of What does outcomes based textbook mean? As mentioned above, CEFR includes certain outcomes and YES YOU CAN (Student’s Book, Workbook and Teacher’s Book) aims to enable students to acquire these outcomes. That means all the teaching activities that are carried out throughout the course should serve for this purpose. Note that grammar is only one of the tools of the aim. At the end of the course, students are expected to be able to use these outcomes rather than use the grammar rules without a context. Why Communicative Approach? Communicative approach puts the learner in the centre of learning. It is also based on real life contexts. It is claimed that natural integration of language and culture takes place through a more communicative approach than through a more grammatically based approach (Canale and Swain, 1980). 12 YES YOU CAN develops four skills (Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing) using a number of different communicative texts, dialogues, tasks, vocabulary, language study, performance tasks, games, fun corners and quizzes. Since the methodology of YES YOU CAN is communicative, almost all the activities are designed to meet students’ needs and they address students’ feelings to promote active learning. Grammar teaching is acquired through skills and activities. The ultimate aim of the set of textbooks (from A1 to C1) is to bring up students as independent and proficient users of four skills. YES YOU CAN contains; • Communicative methodology, • Student-centred activities, • Four skills (integrated) with authentic texts, dialogues, activities and guiding, • Contextual vocabulary and grammar teaching, • Games, poems, jokes and cartoons, • Authentic photos, illustrations and comics, • Self-check sections at the end of each theme, • Peer correction charts where necessary, • Activities aim to promote general knowledge and cultural awareness. • Supportive components: Workbook, Teacher’s Book and audio recordings. Student’s Book Student’s Book has been written to attract students’ attention with interesting topics, daily language components, dialogues, designs, photos and illustrations. There are eight themes in the Student’s Book. Each theme consists of three contents. Each content includes both general and common outcomes, vocabulary and language areas which are embodied in four skills (Listening, Reading, Speaking, Writing). Grammar teaching happens through skills. So, the more students are exposed to those skills the more they learn how to use the language. Keep in Mind! sections provide a summary to the language studied. Students refer to these sections throughout the learning process. The Student’s Book also aims to promote cultural understanding, human rights, active citizenship and respect to the environment. Workbook Workbook has been designed parallel to the Student’s Book. In the Workbook, we aim to practice the outcomes, vocabulary and grammar in the Student’s Book and to extend the learning with extra reading texts, puzzles and games. Each theme has three contents with two pages each. Performance and project works are included at the end of the themes. Workbook is recommended to be a self-study material. STUDENT’S BOOK OVERVIEW Theme cover page All theme cover pages have photos related to the theme. Name of the theme Students go through the outcomes before they start the theme. Attractive visuals are provided so that students can be attentive. There is a variety of comprehension activities. Pair work & group work activities are widely used. The first activity of reading part is usually to read the text for general understanding. 13 Each theme has three contents. They give ideas about what the students are going to be introduced with. Photos taken from real life make the reading texts authentic. Contents start with receptive skills and ends with productive skills. Keep in Mind section provides a summary to the language studied. Students refer to this section throughout learning process. Ss practise the writing skills they are supposed to acquire. Student’s Book consists of 4 Atatürk pages. There are variety of activities on Atatürk’s pages. Four skills (Reading, Listening, Speaking, Writing) are also taken into consideration. Poems are used to make students love poems. This is a self check activity. Students check to see whether they have acquired the outcomes or not. 14 Theme 1 JOBS At the end of the theme, you’ll be able to ... understand the order of the events you hear / adjectives. understand simple interviews / other people’s plans. understand other people’s routines and free time activities. understand what people are doing now. understand predictions / plans talk about what you like doing in your free time. predict what will happen in the future. communicate with people politely. talk about your interests and hobbies / your summer plans say what you’d like to be in the future. write an e-mail about your likes and dislikes / what you’d like to be in the future by giving reasons / about your summer plans. 15 A - DIFFERENT JOBS DIFFERENT LIVES B Get Ready A. Match the people in the photos to their names. ....... 1. Eva Mendes ....... 2. Ophrah Winfrey ....... 3. David Beckham ....... 4. Melissa Theuriau ........ 5. Mehmet Öz ........ 6. Deron Williams A D C E B. Now, write the names in exercise “A” near the jobs. 1. Newsreader 2. Basketball player 3. Surgeon 4 Actress 5. Talk show producer 6. Footballer F ........................... ........................... ........................... ........................... ........................... ........................... C. What are they doing in the photos? D. Look at the photos in exercise “A” again. Make sentences as in the example. Love what you do! I’m a newsreader. I read news on TV, but now I’m cycling. A. Work in pairs. Complete the phrases 1 - 9 below with the words from the box. When necessary, use your dictionaries. pull out - fill - treat - work - write - make - travel - peel - cook 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ............................... in the countryside ............................... cavities ............................... cucumbers ............................... soup ............................... a decayed tooth 6. 7. 8. 9. ............................... patients ............................... all over the world ............................... TV programmes ............................... story books B. Work with a partner. Student A: Say a verb from exercise A. Student B: Say the nouns that go with it. Student A: cook 16 Student B: cook soup C. Look at the people from the magazine “Celebrities and Hobbies”. Read about Emma and Ayhan. Look at their hobbies and interests below. Write “E” for Emma, “A” for Ayhan. 1. History .................... 2. Cooking .................... 3. Gardening .................... 4. Sailing .................... 5. Art .................... 6. Literature .................... Emma Preston comes from Bristol, England. She works as a flying dentist in South Australia. She doesn’t have a private office. She flies to help people in the countryside. When people in the countryside have dental problems, they call her. She pulls out decayed teeth, fills cavities and repairs broken teeth. She loves treating patients of all ages especially children. She is good at helping very nervous kids. Her motto is “Love and Cure”. She never feels relaxed in the city centre. She is happy to work in the countryside because she is crazy about nature. She enjoys gardening, art and literature. She is also a writer. She usually writes story books for kids. The name of her last book is “The Balloons Are Dancing”. At the moment she is in her garden and trying to finish her book. She rarely has a holiday because she is so busy. Ayhan Sicimoğlu is a worldwide known Turkish musician. He is one of the great Latin- Afro drummers. People call him “the Professor of Rhythm”. He has a band called Latin All Stars. He really loves music and his motto is “Love what you do!”. In his concerts you can see the big smile on his face. Music is his life. He’s not only a musician but also a TV programmer and a presenter. He makes travel programmes called “Colours”. He always travels all over the world and presents culture, strange places and food. He usually enjoys cooking, sailing and history. Now he is in Cuba. He is cooking “gazpacho”, a traditional cold soup in a restaurant. He is peeling the cucumbers and the chefs are watching him. They think he’s a great cook. D. Read the text and fill in the missing words. 1. Emma …………… feels relaxed in the city centre. 2. Emma …………… has a holiday because she is so busy. 3. Ayhan ………….... travels all over the world. 4. Ayhan ……………. enjoys cooking. E. Read the text again and fill in the table. Emma What does she / he do? Keep in M He always in d! makes tra vel progra He is co ok m mes. ing gazpac ho She usuall y writes st now. or y bo oks for kids. Ayhan Where is she / he now? What’s she / he doing now? What’s her / his motto? F. Work in pairs. Ask and answer as in the example. What do you like doing in your free time? I love surfing because I feel free on the waves. I like taking photos in the countryside because I’m crazy about nature. What about you? G. Write a short paragraph about what you like / don’t like doing in your free time. 17 Chalet boy A. Look at the photos. What kind of accommodation is it? a. Hotel b. Chalet c. Youth hostel B. Steve, an Irish university student, is working as a chalet boy in France. Listen to the interview and number the sentences in the order you hear. ...... a. I serve the dinner at around seven p.m. ...... b. At 11 a.m I set the table for tea and snacks. ...... c. I get up at 5.30 every morning. ...... d. Finally at 9.30 p.m. I meet the other chalet boys and girls. ...... e. First I prepare the breakfast for the guests. ...... f. From 12 p.m. to 2 p.m I go out for skiing. C. Listen to the interview again and find. “What’s Steve’s hobby?” D. Work in groups and discuss. What are two good things and two bad things about this job? Good thingsBad things e.g.You work and do your hobby. You get up very early in the morning. E. Tell your interests / hobbies to the class. Find the most interesting hobby. F. Read the internet posting. What are Kylie’s hobbies? I’m Kylie. I live in Norway. I study History at Bergen University. I’m learning Spanish and English at the moment. I’m 19 and I love writing poems, ice skating and mountain climbing. Please e-mail me. I want to practise English and learn about other cultures - especially South Africa and America. Peer Correct ion Co de ? : Mean ing is not cl ear. WO : Word order WW: Wrong word S : Spellin g P : Punctu ation G : Gram m ar 18 G. Write a posting about you. Give your name, your city / country, job, interests / hobbies. What do you like doing? ...................................................................... ........................................................................ ....................................................................... ...................................................................... ........................................................................ ........................................................................ ................................................................. . B - THINK SMALL, DREAM BIG! Get ready A. These sentences are from a Science magazine. Read and tick (√) the sentences you agree. Search the Net for more information. IN THE FUTURE: People will carry tiny computers in their ears when they go abroad so they won’t have any problems. Space tourism will be common. People will go on a holiday to other planets. There will be self-driven cars. People will just push a botton and relax. There won’t be any actors because computer animated actors will replace them. People will have robot friends. People will live longer. They will still stay young at the age of 100. B. Discuss the sentences above with your classmates. Use “I agree / I don’t agree / I think / I don’t think so”. C. Read the headlines and find the descriptive words. e.g.tiny computers D. Write two things you think “will happen and won’t happen” before the year 2200. e.g.I think people will go on holiday in space. I don’t think people will cook because they will have food pills. E. Would you like to go on holiday in space? Why? Why not? e.g.Yes, I’d love to. Because I want to meet the aliens and learn their culture. Real or science fiction A. The newspaper headlines below are about nanotechnology and pet theraphy. Read and guess. Which headlines are for nanotechnology and which ones are for pet theraphy? Search for nanotechnology and pet theraphy on the Net. ………1. Think small, Dream big. ……… 4. Building the Nano - World of tomorrow. ……... 2. Growing public interest in nanotechnology. ……… 5. Aggression in pets. ……... 3. Help your dog overcome anxiety. ……… 6. Building the Nano - World of tomorrow. ……… 7. How to travel with your dog. 19 B. Read the bubbles below and find. What do Anita and David want to be in the future? I’m good at Science and Maths. I’m really interested in nanotechnology so in the future I’d like to be a nano-tech engineer. I will build fantastic materials for example brand new medicines and ultra fast computer chips. Everybody will use my products so I’ll make a lot of money and travel all around the world. By the way, people will live happily and comfortably with my smart inventions. I’m interested in Biology and Psychology and I love being with animals so I want to be a pet therapist in the future. I will work especially with dogs and cats. I will discover their needs and feelings. I’ll keep them happy so the pet owners will be happy, too. I’m sure I’ll be a worldwide known pet therapist so I’ll earn a lot of money. Then I’ll open a big pet hotel for cats and dogs. They won’t stay alone when their owners are away. We’ll live together happily. I’d like to write a book on dogs and cats and my book will be a best seller. The name of my book is ready “Look who is talking!”. C. Read the bubbles again and answer the questions. 1. Who is good at Science and Maths? 2. What products will Anita produce? 3. Where will she travel when she earns a lot of money? 4. How will people live after Anita’s smart inventions? 5. Why does David want to be a pet therapist? 6. When will David open a big pet hotel? D. What will you do in the future? Look at the spidergram and talk. have two children I think I will make a lot of money study abroad speak Chinese get a masters degree have a good job Min d! Keep in tic materials. tas uild fan alone. I will b y a t on’t s They w n o i t a i c n pronu es difficult to hteeanrctehse ysohuort ometim Tick the sen a.It’s s “will”. form of pping. hear. t for sho g. u o o g 1.I’ll oppin ut for sh I go o İzmir. in 2.I live ir. e in İzm v li I’ll epeat. n and r b.Liste o out. I’ll not g out. o I won’t g travel around the world e.g. I think I will study abroad. E. Work with a partner. Student A is a well known fortune - teller. Student B wants to learn about his / her future. Look into the crystal ball and answer your partner’s questions. Then take turns. and healty lif e Long Have children A lot of money Travel around the world e.g. Student A: You will have a long and healthy life. Student B: Oh, will I have a good job? Student A: Let me see. Hımm! You will be a famous journalist. 20 a Do your best ! A. Look at the photos below. Match them to the films. ......... 1. Nutty Professor 2 ......... 2. Men in Black 3 ......... 3. Star Wars ......... 4. King Kong b c d B. Listen to the interview between the DJ and Rick Baker. Find: “What’s Rick Baker’s job?” C. Listen to the interview again and tick the sentences you hear. ...... 1. ...... 2. ...... 3. ...... 4. ...... 5. ...... 6. ...... 7. I’m happy to be in this studio. You’ll use your creativity and you’ll have fun. If you do this, the money will come for your services. People won’t make enough money when they become a special effects make - up artist. Could you give the names of some of your works? It’s not a great job. Try to become number one in your job. D. Work in pairs. Ask and answer as in the example. Student A : What would you like to be in the future? Why? Student B : I’d like to be a plastic surgeon because I’m interested in aesthetic operations. I’ll make people happy. E. Now write. What would you like to be in the future ? Why? ................................................................................................. ................................................................................................. ................................................................................................. ................................................................................................. ................................................................................................. ................................................................................................. ................................................................................................. ................................................................................................. Co de Peer Correction not clear. ? : Meaning is r WO : Word orde d or w ng ro W WW: g lin el Sp S : n P : Punctuatio ar m am Gr G : 21 C - A GOOD PLAN IS A GOOD BEGINNING Get Ready A. Look at the photos and complete the blanks with the verbs below. have - spend - watch - take - go - stay buy - cook 1. ........................ a barbecue. 2. ........................ shopping and ........................ a birthday present. 3. ........................ home and rest. 4. ........................ time with my family. 5. ........................ a basketball match. 6. ........................ photos. 7. ........................ for friends. b a c d e f g B. Match the phrases to the photos. C. Work in groups. Ask and answer questions about your plans / wishes for the weekend. e.g. Student A: What are your plans for the weekend? Student B: I’m going to go shopping and buy a birthday present for my cousin. Then I’m going to meet friends at Bruno’s. D. Ask your classmates and find someone in the class who... • would like to live in a different country. • would like to write a book. • is planning to study abroad. • is planning to get a masters degree. • is going to learn Spanish. • is going to do a degree in fine arts. 22 My dreams and plans A. What are your plans for the weekend? B. Read these people’s plans when they retire. Match the people to the bubbles. Jeremy B. ..... A. ..... C. ..... I work as a columnist at a newspaper, but I’m going to do a degree in Art. I’m crazy about painting. I’m planning to have my own exhibition. I hope my readers will love my paintings. 1 As a stock broker I’m planning to retire early before I’m 45. Then I’d like to run my own restaurant. I’m going to make wonderful dishes. I’m sure my restaurant will be the number one in the city. 3 Deborah Martin - Julie 2 My wife and I work as archeology professors at a university. We’re going to retire next month. We’re planning to spend about a year travelling and we’re really looking forward to it. I’m sure we’ll have a great time. C. Read the bubbles again and underline the plans and predictions of the people and write them in the right columns. Plans e.g. Deborah is going to do a degree in art. .................................................................. .................................................................. .................................................................. .................................................................. Prediction Deborah hopes her readers will love her paintings. .................................................................. .................................................................. .................................................................. .................................................................. D. Read again and tell. Is there anybody around you who is planning to retire and do something different as in exercise “A”? Discuss with your friends. E. Work in pairs and take turns. Ask and answer as in the example. Are you going to go to the art exhibiton at the weekend? Why not? Oh, what a pity! Can I come with you? No, I’m not. Because I’m gonna visit grandma. She’s in hospital. Sure. She will be happy to see you. ion ys we t a i c n u pronnotice the two different wa nd Listen a g to”. say “goin correct. month. Both are tire next re to g oin month. We’re g tire next re a n n o We’re g 23 I’m going to take photos A. Choose the correct verbs in these phrases. 1. make / take photos 2. live abroad / leave 3. learn / want / Spanish 4. have / spend time with someone Min d! Keep in isit v oing to rst. We’re g and Vienna fi t s s will Budape lleague o c r u o I think us. admire B. Listen and and write the descriptive words. 1 We’re going to visit Budapest and Vienna first. My wife is planning to write an 1. ................. book about our journey and I’m gonna take lots of 2. .............. photos. I think our colleagues will admire us. 2 I’m going to learn French because I’d like to go to Paris one day and visit all the 3. ................. art galleries. I’m also planning to spend more time with my 4. ................... grandchildren. I’m sure we’ll have fun together. 3 I’m planning to go to İzmir next summer because I’d like to learn the Turkish cuisine. I’ve got a next door neighbour from Turkey and she makes 5. ................. dishes. They’re really tasty. I’m going to cook the 6. ............ dishes in my restaurant and my customers will love them I guess. C. Listen again. Which people in the photos A - C on page 23 said them, do you think? Write the names. 1. ..................................... 2. ..................................... 3. ..................................... D. Read and find. “What’s Catherine going to do in Mallorca, Spain?” In summer I’m going to join a tour to Mallorca with my cousin. We’re going to take a heli tour. Helicopter tours are very popular over the island. I’m crazy about scuba diving and I’m going to scuba dive in one of the diving centres. I’m also going to taste “tapas”. It’s a traditional dish in Mallorca. E. Tell about your summer plans. • • • • Where are you going to go? When are you going to eat / see / buy etc.? Who are you going to go with? What are you going to do there? F. Now write about your plans for summer. Then report it to your classmates. .................................................................................................... .................................................................................................... .................................................................................................... .................................................................................................... 24 Peer ? : Cor rectio n M WO : eaning is n Co de Word ot cle ar. o WW: Wron rder g wo r S : d S P : pelling Punct ua G : Gram m tion ar A REAL LEGEND A. Do you know these? Read the sentences and choose the right option. 1. Atatürk published many books such as “Nutuk (1927) and ……………….(1937)”. a. Geometry b. The History of Waltz 2. Atatürk died at the ……………….Palace in İstanbul. a. Topkapı b. Dolmabahçe 3. Atatürk wanted to have a modern farm in Ankara so he established “…....” in 1925. a. Atatürk Forest Ranch b. Ankara Zoo 4. Atatürk was fluent in ……………..and German. a. Italian b. French 5. Chess and ……………..were Atatürk’s favourite leisure activities. a. swimming b. backgammon B. Search the Net for some interesting facts about Atatürk and some interesting photos of him. Share it with your classmates. C. Read the poem and fill in the blanks with the words below. golden - blue - lives - kiss - morning I’m thinking of Mustafa Kemal; He didn’t die on November 10 1………..! He is still with us everywhere, He 2…………in all parts of the land, He lives in the veins of our hearts. I’m thinking of Mustafa Kemal; His 3…………… waves in the wind, I see his 4…………….eyes shining bright. He is always in my dreams every night. I 5………..his hands. Ümit Yaşar Oğuzcan CHECK YOUR PROGRESS I can… Listening understand the order of the events I hear. understand simple interviews. understand adjectives. understand other people’s plans. Reading understand other people’s routines and free time activities. understand what people are doing now. understand predictions. understand the plans. Spoken Interaction talk about what I like doing in my free time. predict what will happen in the future. communicate with people politely. Spoken Production talk about my interests and hobbies. say what I’d like to be in the future. talk about my summer plans. Writing write an e-mail about my likes and dislikes. write what I’d like to be in the future by giving reasons. write about my summer plans. 25 Theme 2 Nature and Environment At the end of the theme, you’ll be able to .... understand past experiences about natural disasters. compare two cities understand clear conversations. distinguish everyday signs and notices. understand obligations and write about what you have to and don’t have to. understand travel brochures. make comparisons giving your personal opinions and write a comparing paragraph. talk about what you did yesterday / last weekend / month / year. talk and write about the events that happened in the past using first, second, next, then.... talk about the best / worst / funniest things in your life. 26 A - NATURAL DISASTERS Get Ready A. Match the natural disasters to the photos. 1. ...... landslide 2. ...... flood 3. ...... earthquake 4. ...... tsunami 5. ...... hurricane 6. ...... volcanic eruption a b d c f e B. Which of them happens frequently in your country? The Unexpected Danger A. What’s going on in the photos below? Discuss with your classmates. 3 1 2 B. Match the words to their meanings. Use your dictionaries when necessary. ....... 1. extensive (adj) ....... 2. sweep (v) ....... 3. hit (v) ....... 4. scream (v) ....... 5. grab (v) ....... 6. huge (adj) ....... 7. magnitude (n) a. b. c. d. e. f. g. very big, enormous hold suddenly remove in a fast and powerful way cause damage suddenly give a long loud cry the force of an earthquake covering or affecting a large area 27 C. Read the news below and find. When did it happen? POWERFUL EARTHQUAKE ROCKS TOHOKU, JAPAN T he most powerful earthquake hit Japan on Friday March 11, 2011 at 2.46 p.m local time. The earthquake was 8.9 magnitude. A huge tsunami followed the earthquake. The waves reached six miles on Japan’s northeast coast. The wall of water swept away cars, ships and buildings. The earthquake and tsunami caused extensive damage and there were thousands of deaths and hundreds of missing people. In Tokyo people screamed and grabbed each other’s hands when the quake hit. The shock was so powerful that even the people in Beijing felt it. D. Read the news again and answer the questions. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Where did the earthquake occur? When did it happen? What was the magnitude of the 2011 Tohoku earthquake? What happened after the earthquake? Why were there thousands of deaths? Did the people in Beijing feel the earthquake? E. Answer the questions. 1. 2. 3. 4. What was the last natural disaster in your country? What happened? When did it happen? Where did it happen? Hurricane Katrina A. What happened in these photos? 28 d! Keep in Min powerful. o s ke was a u q h rt a e e Th amed. People scre B. Listen to Judy Rawinsky, a nurse and find what natural disaster she is talking about. C. Listen again and choose the right option. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Judy was on her way home from a visit to …………………. in Texas. a. her parents b. her daughters By Monday morning at ……………… Hurricane Katrina hit. a. 6.30 b. 9.30 The first floor of the hospital ……………….. flooding. a. went b. started They ……………….. drink the water because it ……………. poisonous. a. couldn’t / was b. can’t / is She had to stay in hospital till …………………………. . a. next Saturday b. the following Monday Everybody was …………………… . a. terrified b. surprised It was the most ………………… week in her life. a. frightening and terrifying b. frightened and terrified d! Keep in Min . d e I felt terrifi ing. It was terrify D. Tell an exciting or frightening event that you had. Look at the questions below and take notes. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. How old were you? What was it? What happened? How did you feel? What happened in the end? How did you feel in the end? E. Now, write a paragraph about that event. Use “first, then, later, in the end”. This happened in (time / place) ................................ when I was ............... ................. (age). One day ........................................................................... ..................................... . Then .................................................................... ............................................................ . After .............................................. ............................................................. I felt (excited / terrified / surprised / frightened) ................................ . In the end ................................................ ............................................................ . It was the most (exciting / terrifying / surprising / frightening) .............................................. experience in my life. o de tion C c e r r ar. o Peer C ing is not cle n a Me ? : der o rd o r : WO W ong word r WW: W elling p S : S ation Punctu P : r ram ma G : G F. Did you do these things yesterday? Write true sentences. e.g. I went to school yesterday or I didn’t go to school yesterday. 1. go to school 2. play a computer game 3. sit at home all day 4. buy a new CD 5. eat out 6. take the bus to school 7. study English 8. get up early 9. go to a concert to a friend on the phone for a long time 29 B - BIGGER, DEEPER, HIGHER Get Ready A. Match the photos to the words in the box. Which words aren’t illustrated? a 1. ...... mountain 2. ...... waterfall 3. ...... river 4. ...... desert 5. ...... ocean 6. ...... jungle 7. ...... island 8. ...... valley 9. ...... lake b c d e f B. Complete the names of the places with the geographical features from the box. Use your dictionaries or information technology when necessary. Mountain - Ocean - Lake - Rainforest - River - Falls Islands - Desert 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. The Danube ..................................... . The Gobi .......................................... . ............................................. Superior. The Maldive ...................................... . Kilimanjaro ....................................... . The Niagara ..................................... . Amazon ............................................ . The Indian ........................................ . C. Listen and check. 30 Keep in We usua Min d! lly use “th e” with • the n ames of seas, oce falls and ans, rivers deserts. , The Pasifi c Ocean, The Sah Desert, T ara he Rainfores Nile, The Amazo n t • the n ames of g ro us o hills or m ountains. f islands and The Can ary Islan • We d on’t usua ds, The Himalaya s, lly use “th names o e” with th f lakes, b e eaches o hills and r single mountain s. Copacab ana Beac h, Lake V an A quiz show A. Answer the questions below. 1. Do you watch quiz shows on TV? 2. Which field are you good at best? Choose from the followings. • Literature • Geography • Art • Sports • Music B. Are you ready for the quiz? These questions are from the quiz show “Who wants to be a millionaire?”. Read the questions below and choose the right option. 1. Which mountains are higher? a. The Andes b. The Rockies a. The Atlantic b. The Pacific 7. Where are there more countries? a. in Africa b. in South America 2. Which continent is bigger? a. North America b. Africa 3. Which elephant is bigger? a. Indian elephant 8. Which city has bigger population? a. Sao Paulo b. Beijing b. African elephant 4. Where is colder? a. The Antarctica 9. What’s further? a. London to New York b. The Arctic 5. Which river is longer? a. The Nile 10. Which city is more expensive? a. Tokyo b. Rome b. The Danube 11. Which city is as cheap as Johannesburg, South Africa? a. Karachi, Pakistan b. Luxembourg 6. Which ocean is deeper? If you have 8 and more true answers, you’re really a geography addict. Why don’t you join a quiz show? If you have 5 - 7 true answers, you’re good at geography. You can be better if you read more. If you have 4 or less than 4 true answers, you should spend more time readig about Geography. b. London to Moscow d! Keep in Min s. n the Rockie a th r e h ig h re a . The Andes e than Rome re expensiv o m . o is o ky ky To To ed as is as crowd Mexico city C. Read the questions in the quiz again and make sentences as in the example. e.g.The Andes are higher than the Rockies. Africa is bigger than America. D. Work in pairs and take turns. Give your opinions as in the example. Use the words in the boxes below. delicious - expensive - healthy - cold- dangerous - expensive - interesting - boring - cheap crowded - good - bad By the way, what do you think of Spanish and French cuisine? I agree with you. / I don’t think so. Well, I think Spanish cuisine is more delicious than French cuisine. Spanish / French cuisine İstanbul / Paris travelling by train / travelling by bus Oslo / Venice vegetables / meat Chinese food / Italian food skiing / ice skating 31 From Ottawa to Havana … B. Write the names of the cities under the right photos. Ottawa - Havana A. Match the countries to the capitals. .....1. Cuba .....2. Canada .....3. Australia .....4. New Zealand .....5. Venezuela a. Canberra b. Wellington c. Ottawa d. Havana e. Caracas 1. .................................... 2. .................................... C. Listen to Fiona and find. Where was she before Havana ? Where is she going after Havana? D. Listen again and choose the right option. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Ottawa was……………………..than Havana. a. hotter b. colder The hotel in Havana was ……………..than the hotel in Ottawa. a. bigger b. smaller The food in Havana was………………and the hotel staff were………….and more helpful. a. better / friendlier b. worse / nicer Havana is ………………..and more interesting than Canada. a. lovelier b. livelier Fiona thinks that Venezuela is as …………………as Cuba. a. interesting b. boring E. Work in groups of five. Plan a long journey to another country. Think about ... • the weather • size of the country • hotels • activities The spokesman of the group reports it to class as in the example. Use “first, next, then”. We arrived in Sydney. It was cloudy but warm. First we went to the hotel. The hotel was comfortable and clean. Next we went to the city centre and visited “Darling Harbour”. There were wonderful museums and elegant restaurants. The scenery was breathtaking. Then we went to the open air cinema. F. Sophia is at the reception of the hotel in Sydney. She wants to go to Darling Harbour. Read the dialogue and make a similar one. Sophia : I want to go to Darling Harbour. How can I get there? Receptionist : Well. You can enjoy a fifteen minute walk or use the mono rail. Sophia : How long does it take by mono rail? Receptionist : Not more than ten minutes. Sophia : Sorry. I couldn’t get it. Can you repeat it? Receptionist : Just ten minutes. Sophia : Thanks a lot. I’ll walk then. I love walking. See you. Receptionist : See you, bye. G. How much do you remember about the countries your classmates reported? Choose two countries and search the Net for more information. Write a paragraph comparing them. 32 e.g. Finland and Morocco. Finland is colder than Morocco. ........................................................ .......................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................... ion Code Peer Cor rect is not clear. ? : Meaning der WO : Word or word WW: Wrong S : Spelling tion P : Punctua ar G : Gram m C - THE MOST ENJOYABLE JOURNEY EVER Get Ready A. Match the landmarks to the countries. a. The Taj Mahal ...... 1. New York, the USA ...... 2. Paris, France ...... 3. Rome, Italy ...... 4. Agra, India ...... 5. London, England .......6. Barcelona, Spain ...... 7. Sydney, Australia b. The Statue of Liberty c. The Tower of London e. The Eiffel Tower f. The Sagra De Familia d. The Opera House g. The Colosseum B. Which of these landmarks would you like to visit? Why? I’d like to visit Colosseum because I’m interested in history. C. Choose the right option. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. What’s the hottest desert in the world? a) Patagonia b) Gobi c) Sahara What’s the highest man - made structure ever made? a) Empire State Building in New York b) the Burj Dubai c) The Egyptian Pyramids What’s the smallest country in the world? a) Monaco b) Sri Lanka c) Vatican What’s the world’s most popular sports? a) soccer b) baseball c) tennis What’s the most dangerous profession in the world according to you? a) stuntman b) astronaut c) tight - rope walker What’s the most expensive spice in the world? a) saffron b) coriander c) ginger Watch out for the bears ! A. Look at the warning signs below. What do they mean? Write their meanings under the pictures. a. Attention moose! b. Be alert! c. Watch for ice! 1. ...... 2. ...... 3. ...... 33 B. Read the letter and find. What is the lowest temperature in Alaska? Hi Simon, I’m having a wonderful time in Alaska. It’s the largest state in the USA and one of the most beautiful places in the world. It was the most enjoyable journey ever. We arrived at the camp and slept in log cabins. It was the coldest night of my life. Here the weather is terribly cold. It can get as cold as -60 °C. The best thing here is the wild life and the arctic beauty. Polar bears, red foxes, seals and moose are fascinating. I’ll show you the photos when I come back. On the first day of the camp we shared the duties. The worst thing is that I have to cook. The best thing is that I don’t have to do the washing up. Dennis has to do it. Maggie is responsible for the fire. She has to carry the wood with Thomas and light the fire. They have to watch out for the bears. The most frightening thing here is hungry bears. Actually, they are fantastic animals but they are the most dangerous animals when they’re hungry. That’s all for now. Everybody is waiting for the spaghetti. Love Martha d! Keep in Min have to do ’t n o d I ok. I have to co up. the washing C. What is the lowest temperature in your country? D. Find these things in the letter. e.g.the worst thing : 1. the largest state in the USA : .................... 2. the best thing : .................... E. Read the letter again and answer the questions. 1. 2. 3. 4 . Is Martha having a good time in Alaska? What does Martha have to do? Do Maggie and Thomas have to carry the wood? Who has to be aware of the bears? F. Look at the telephone conversation between Martha and Mr Wildie, the director of the camp. Put the sentences in the right order. 34 ..........a. Mr Wildie, speaking. How can I help you? ..........b. Please be quick, Mr Wildie. ..........c. Never go out and wait for the guards. ..........d. Don’t worry.We’ll be there in five minutes. Bye. ..........e. I’m Martha from the camp, Mr Wildie. We’re in great trouble. We need to go out but there are three bears outside our log cabin. We don’t know what to do. .....1....f. Hello, can I talk to Mr Wildie, please? 3. the most frightening thing : ....................... 4. the most dangerous animals : ................... Keep in Min d! It was the coldest night of my life. They are the most dangerous anim als. The best thing is that I don’t hav e to do the washing up. G. Work in pairs. Student A is Martha. Student B is Mr Wildie, the director of the camp. Read the conversation in exercise F again and make a similar telephone conversation using the problems below. • • • • There is no hot water in the bathroom. The washing machine doesn’t work. The light bulb is dead. The keys are lost. H. Write your dialogues. I. Act them out in the classroom. scar a g a Mad Making friends with lemurs ? turtles kel with to snor riends with e k li u f o y e Would u like to mak yo Would ? rfing lemurs kite su ar fish c s a g a in Mad king Join us ing sea kaya div a b u c s ue. come tr factor reams h d ig r h u d o y an h. We help ect repellent ery hars s v in is g n in u s Br e th en sunscre n ve l 2 Tra M ada g a s c a r i jo us A. Look at the travel brochure. Guess where Madagascar is. a. East coast of Africa b. South coast of Europe B. Search about Madagascar from travel magazines on the Net and share it with your classmates. C. Listen to the interview between the travel agent and the DJ. Tick (√) the animals you hear. D. Listen again and write True (T), False (F) or Don’t know (DK). ....... 1. Madagascar is the fourth largest island in the world. ....... 2. The best thing in Madagascar is the unique animals and plants. ....... 3. Madagascar is not a right place for nature lovers. ....... 4. Lemurs are dangerous animals. ....... 5. Natives in Madagascar are the friendliest people in the world. ....... 6. Travellers don’t have to take insect repellent with them. E. Imagine you are at a camp with friends in Madagascar. Write five things you have to do and five things you don’t have to do. What was the best thing in your holiday? The food. I think Mexican dishes are the tastiest in the world. e.g. I have to take my sunglasses and cap with me but I don’t have to bring my raincoat and rainboots. OK. What about the worst thing on your holiday? F. Think about one of your holidays. Work in pairs. Ask and answer as in the example. Write your dialogue and share it with your classmates. The weather. It was wet and windy. 35 AN IMAGINATIVE AND CREATIVE MIND, ATATÜRK! A. Match the questions to the answers to refresh your knowledge about Atatürk. ........ 1. In which city was Atatürk born? ........ 2. When did Atatürk graduate from the military academy? ........ 3. Where did the first National Congress take place? ........ 4. When did Atatürk become the first president of Turkey? ........ 5. What is the meaning of Atatürk? ........ 6. What was the name of the ship that took Atatürk to Samsun on 19th May,1919? a. Father of the Turks. b. 1905. c. 29th October 1923. d. Selanik. e. Bandırma. f. Erzurum. B. Match the two halves of Atatürk’s quotes. ........ 1. Do not be afraid of ........ 2. Peace at home, ........ 3. Happy is he who says ........ 4. A healthy mind ........ 5. Freedom and Independence ........ 6. Our true mentor in life a. “I’m a Turk.” b. is science. c. is my character. d. in a healthy body. e. peace in the world. f. telling the truth. C. Which one is your favourite quote? Why? CHECK YOUR PROGRESS I can… 36 Listening understand experiences about natural disasters. understand comparisons of two cities understand clear conversations. Reading understand things that happened in the past. understand comparisons / superlatives. distinguish everyday signs and notices. understand people’s obligations. understand travel brochures. Spoken Interaction exchange information about past events. make comparisons giving my personal opinions. make telephone conversations. Spoken Production talk about what I did yesterday / last weekend/month/year. talk about the events using first,second,next,then...etc. talk about the best / worst / funniest things in my life. Writing write about an exciting or frightening event using first, next, then. write a paragraph to compare two cities / continents etc. write about what I have to and don’t have to do. Theme 3 HEALTH AND DIET At the end of the theme, you’ll be able to ... understand the ingredients in a recipe / the words about cooking / simple directions. understand conditional sentences / short poems. understand countable and uncountable words about food / the words about shopping. understand the dialogues in a restaurant and give orders in a restaurant. understand abbreviations / simple charts, graphs. understand information about health and diet. talk about your eating habits. use quantifiers (some - any - a few - a little - many - much) in everyday speech. ask the price. share your feelings and ideas. write some short recipes / a menu / short poems on simple topics. 37 A - ARE YOU HEALTH CONSCIOUS ? Get Ready A. Look at the trolleys A-C and discuss: Which trolley belongs to: 1. a junk food addict 2. a veggie 3. a health freak C. ..... B. ..... A. ..... B. When you go shopping for food, is your trolley similar to trolley A, B or C? C. Prepare your own trolley. Use pictures and present it to the class. D. Look at the words in the box. Which trolley are the things in? Write A, B or C. yoghurt ..A.. fizzy drinks ....... grapes ....... bread ....... chips ....... nuts ....... parsley ....... milk ....... celery ....... radish ....... chocolate ....... spinach ....... green apples ....... leeks ....... bananas ....... cheese ....... fish ....... lettuce ....... biscuits ....... eggs ....... tangerines ....... sweets ....... spring onions ....... beef ....... aubergine ....... pomegranate ....... E. Write the words in exercise D in the correct box. Vegetables Fruit Meat Drinks Junk food Others F. Look at the pictures and fill in the blanks with the words in the box below. bottle - tubecan - carton - cup - tin - bar packet - jar- roll 1. ................. 6. ................. 2. ................. 3. ................. 9. ................. 4. ............... 5. ................. 7. .............. 8. ................. 10. ................. G. Work in pairs and take turns. Ask your partner what she / he bought from the supermarket yesterday / last weekend. Student A: Did you buy any milk for the milkshake? Student B: Yes, I did. I bought three cartons of milk. 38 I love tuna salad A. Write the words under the pictures. stir - chop - sprinkle - squeeze - grate 1. ............................... 2. ........................ 3. ............................... 4. ..................... 5. ........................... B. Sam and Bertha want to make a salad for dinner but they don’t know how to do it. Read the conversation between Sam and Bertha. Find what Bertha should do to get an Internet connection. Sam : I’m starving, Bertha. Let’s make a salad. It’s easy and quick. Bertha : OK. Remember we don’t have any chicken, tomatoes or carrots. We have a little cheese, some lettuce and some dill. Sam : Do we have any tuna? Bertha : Yes, we have two cans of tuna. Sam : That’s great. Let’s google a recipe on the Net. Bertha : But there is no connection at the moment. Sam : Click on the cross and close the window. Try it again. Bertha : Are you cold? Sam : Don’t be silly, Bertha and be quick before I die from hunger. Bertha : Aha! The Internet connection is OK. Here are the ingredients for a terrific tuna salad. One can of tuna, some lettuce, a few spring onions, a little garlic, some dill, 4 tablespoons olive oil and 3 tablespoons mayonnaise, a pinch of salt and some chopped pickle relish and enjoy your salad. Sam : Let’s put everything in a big bowl and stir together. Can you grate some cheese and squeeze two lemons? They’re not in the recipe but we can add them. Bertha : Sure I love cheese. C. Read the dialogue again and answer the questions. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Who is very hungry? What are Bertha and Sam going to prepare for dinner? How many cans of tuna do they have? How much dill do they need? Who is going to grate the cheese? D. Look at the table. Write the foods in the dialogue in columns B. A Countable ..........a few........... .............................. .............................. .............................. .............................. d! Keep in Min oil a little olive s n o a few lem carrots oil / a lot of e liv o f o t lo a some carrots some cheese Uncountable B A .......tomatoes........ .............................. .............................. .............................. .............................. .............................. .............................. .............................. .............................. .............................. B .............................. .............................. .............................. .............................. .............................. E. Now write “a few” or “a little” in columns “A” in exercise D. 39 F. How can you cook the food below? Bring some photos. Choose a verb and make sentences as in the example. potatoes - chicken - beef - beans - steak - rice - cake - cookies - eggs - broccoli 2. grill 1. roast e.g. I can boil and fry potatoes. 3. bake 4. boil 5. fry G. Work in pairs. Mime the words in the photos. Student A says a word. Student B mimes the word. H. Bertha and Sam are talking about the ingredients of the tuna salad. Listen to them and choose the correct one. Sam : Is there 1. much / many cheese for the salad? You know I love cheese. Bertha : No, we don’t have much cheese. Sam : Are there 2. much / many spring onions in the fridge? Bertha : No. We have 3. a few / a little but they are enough for the salad. d! Keep in Min ? h milk… Is there muc ..? ny tomatoes… a Are there m I. Now work in pairs. Each student chooses a dish to cook. Ask questions about the ingredients as in the example in exercise G. Use “many / much”. e.g. Student A : Is there much milk for your cake? Student B : No, there isn’t much milk but there is a lot of yoghurt. Are there many tomatoes for your salad? Student A : Yes, there are a lot of tomatoes, but there aren’t many cucumbers etc. Ready steady cook A. Do you try out new recipes from cook programmes or from the Net? B. Listen to the chef from a popular cooking show “Ready Steady Cook” and fill in the recipe. Chocolate muffin .......... eggs A cup of ………… ……… ………. of flour …… tablespoons of cocoa powder Two ……………of baking powder Two teaspoons vanilla 2 / 3 cup of ………… ……….. 2 / 3 cup of …………… ……….. chocolate chips (optional) C. Listen to the recipe again and put the sentences in the right order. ..........a. Next add flour, cocoa powder, baking powder, vanilla and milk. .......... b. Finally bake at 180 °C. .......... c. Then add the melted butter and chocolate chips. .......... d. Mix all the ingredients. .......... e. First beat the eggs with sugar. D. Do you know any websites about easy and quick recipes? Search the Net for some easy and quick recipes. Bring some photos. Share it with your classmates. E. Take notes and write your recipes and instructions. Swap your recipes and choose the quickest and the easiest one. F. Give your recipe a title / name. 40 e.g. Chocolate Stream B - CAN I HELP YOU? Get Ready A. Work in pairs. Look at the pictures and decide: Where do you go when you want to have ... 1. a pizza and a can of Coke? Picture ....................................... 2. a glass of tea with a piece of cake? Picture ....................................... 3. a good meal? Picture ....................................... A. Fast food restaurant B. Work in pairs and take turns. Student A asks the questions. Student B answers them. Use the questions in the box. Add some more questions if you like. Do you like to go to restaurants? What is your favorite restaurant ? How often do you go to this restaurant? What do you like to order? What is the favourite dish? B. Restaurant C. Cafe I’d like a bowl of chicken soup, please A. What would you like to have a starter / main course when you go to a restaurant? B. Read the dialogue. What do Kevin and Sally order? Complete the waiter’s note. ... ......... ......... 0001 No 0 . ......... ......... urant esta Café & R r Starte ................. . 1 ...... ................ 2 ...... course Main ................. . 1 ...... ................ 2 ...... s Drink ................. . 1 ...... ................ 2 ...... d! nt? in Min t do you wa Keep ? a h ? = W ou want…… e k li u y yo o .? = D would What you like…. d Woul Waiter : Hello, Can I help you? Kevin : Can we get the menu? Waiter : Sure.Here you are. A few minutes later ... Waiter : Would you like a starter? Kevin : Yes, I’d like a bowl of chicken soup, please. Waiter : And what would you like for a main course? Kevin : I’ll have a grilled chicken with rice. Waiter : What will you have, madam? Sally : I’d like some vegetable soup. Waiter : What would you like next? Sally : Some steak with fried potatoes. Waiter : Would you like anything to drink? Kevin : Yes, I’d like a glass of ice tea, please. Waiter : And you, madam? Sally : Just a glass of mineral water. Waiter : Can I bring you anything else? Kevin : No, thank you. Five minutes later ... Waiter : Here is your meal. Enjoy it. 41 C. Read the dialogue again and write True (T) or False (F). ...... 1. Kevin would like to have a vegetable soup. ...... 2. Kevin will have a grilled chicken with rice. ...... 3. Sally and Kevin will drink only mineral water. ...... 4. Sally’d like to have apple pie as dessert. D. Work in pairs. Look at the menu. What would you like to eat / to drink? Make similar dialogues as in the examples. Dialogue 1. Student A : Would you like a ha Student B mburger? : Yes, ple ase. Can I ha Student A ve a glass o : Here y f fruit juice ou are. Student B , please? : How m uch Student A : It is £ 3 is that? .55. Bert’s Fast Food Restaurant MENU Main course Hamburger Hot dog £ 2.30 £ 2.50 Meatballs Pizza by the slice £ 3.20 £ 1.60 Drinks Mineral water Coke Ayran Tea Fruit juice Lemonade £ 1.00 £ 1.10 £ 1.00 90 p £ 1.25 £ 1.20 ? 2. me coffee Could I have Dialogue ou like so y ee. ld ff u o o c W e k A : don’t li I . s k n Student a th g, please? B : No, d a hot do n a e k o Student C some are. Here you : A t n e h is that? Stud How muc . : B t n e Stud £ 3.60 A : It is Student Bruno’s fast food restaurant A. Match the directions to the pictures. ...... 1. Turn right at the traffic light. ...... 3. Turn left at the next junction. ...... 2. Go past the shopping centre. ...... 4. Go around the roundabout. shopping centre a B. Listen and check your answers. 42 b c d C. Bruno is going to open a fast food restaurant today. Lisa is going to help Bruno but she doesn’t know where the restaurant is. Listen and read Bruno’s mail and choose the correct option. Hi Lisa, When you come to Main Road, go 1. along / up that road for about 500 metres. At the first traffic lights turn 2. right / left. Then you will see a big roundabout. Go 3. over / round the roundabout and then turn 4. right / left. Go 5. through / past the shopping centre on your left. Go straight ahead. After about two hundred meters, you go 6. over / under a bridge. Then at the next junction turn 7. right / left into Blue Street. Take the 8. second / first turning on the left and my fast food restaurant is on your 9. right / left between the florist’s and the cinema. Thanks, Bruno D. Lisa is at the fast food restaurant now. She is helping Bruno. Listen and choose the correct option. Lisa : May I have your order, please? Customer: Can I have a 1. sandwich / a piece of pizza, please? Lisa : Do you want white or brown bread? Customer:2. Brown / White bread, please. Lisa : Do you want butter on that? Customer:3. Yes, please / No, thanks. Lisa : What would you like in the sandwich? Customer: Can I have some 4. lettuce / ketchup, please? Lisa : Anything else? Customer:5.No, thank you / Yes, a glass of orange juice . Lisa : Will you eat here or take away? Customer: I’ll eat here. How much is that? Lisa : Your total is 6. £ 5.25 / £ 5.35. The napkins are just near the table. Enjoy your meal. Customer: Here you are. Thanks. E. Listen again and answer the questions. 1. 2. 3. 4. What did the customer order? Did he drink anything? Where did the customer eat his lunch? How much did he pay? Keep in Min d ! May I have yo ur order, plea se? Can I have a sandwich, plea se? F. Work in groups of three. Prepare a menu for your own restaurant. Use pictures in your menus. G. Work in pairs. Write a conversation as in exercise “C”. Student A: You are the waiter. Student B: You’re the customer at a restaurant. H. Act out your dialogues. ion Code Peer Cor rect is not clear. ? : Meaning der WO : Word or ord w WW: Wrong S : Spelling tion P : Punctua ar G : Gram m 43 C - EAT HEALTHY, LIVE HAPPY ! 2005 2002 2005 2002 2011 2011 2011 B. Look at the chart below and tick the right sentences below. Compare the answers with your partner. 2002 A. Look at the picture and guess the meaning of the word “globesity”? Which two words are in it? Discuss your guesses with your classmates. 2005 Get Ready If you want more information, this data is available at the WHO website, link to 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The chart shows increasing obesity rates for the adult population. The chart is for all the countries. The obesity rates in 2011 are the highest for China, Brazil and Great Britain. In 2005 the obesity rates are less than the rates in 2002. The yellow bars show obesity rates in 2002, the grey bar shows in 2005 data and the red bar shows the rates in 2011. 6. Obesity rates are not climbing at alarming rates internationally. C. What does WHO stand for? D. Now, search the Net for obesity. Present the information to the class. Use charts, graphs, tables etc. Just tell me where to eat A. The sentences below belong to Dr Timothy Harlan, a physician and a chef. Tick (√) the sentences you agree. ...... 1. If parents cook vegetables at home, they will save their children from obesity. ...... 2. If you push food on children, they will grow up to be overweight or obese. ...... 3. If you don’t turn off the TV, your children will be less active. ...... 4. Never say to your child “you have to eat all your food”. ...... 5. Obesity is a social and environmental disease. ...... 6. You are what you eat. ...... 7. Junk food marketing is the real cause of child obesity. B. Imagine that Dr. Timothy Harlan is giving a seminar today at your school. Make an announcement to your classmates. 44 C. Match the two columns. .....1. difficult .....2. gain weight .....3. exactly .....4. portion .....5. avoid .....6. unfortunately a. stay away from b. hard c. unluckily d. helping e. completely f. put on weight D. Read the article below and choose the main idea. Visit some websites to get more information about healthy diet. a. It’s always a good idea to cook and eat at home. b. If you want to lose weight, just exercise. c. The more you eat out, the more you pay. Dr Timothy Harlan (a physician and a chef) says... In the busy world it can be difficult to avoid eating out because it’s just so easy and quick so people are becoming more and more restaurant lovers. Unfortunately, restaurant portion sizes can be two, three or even four times standard portion sizes, and you know what that means: If you eat too many calories, you’ll gain weight and if you gain too much weight, you’ll always want to lose weight. If you read my web page through for a while, you will understand it’s really important for people to cook and eat at home. Believe me it’s healthier and cheaper than you thought. In addition if you eat at home, you’ll know exactly what you’re eating and how much you’re eating. E. Read the article again and write True (T) or False (F). in d! ...... 1. Eating out is easier than cooking at home. Keep in M calories, n a ...... 2. Restaurant portion sizes are not bigger than the standard portion sizes. you eat too m y If in weight. ...... 3. If you don’t eat too many calories, you won’t gain too much weight. you will ga ...... 4. Eating at home is healthier and cheaper than eating out. F. Discuss the following questions with your classmates. 1. Do you have any healthy snack ideas? 2. What are the healthiest choices at fast food restaurants? G. Work in pairs. Student A says a sentence. Student B completes it. If you eat fruit and vegetables, And if you are healthy, you will be healthy. you will be happy. 45 Time to be a poet A. Work in pairs. Discuss the theme of the poem with your partner. I love food It makes me feel really good Healthy and tasty food Keeps me in a superb mood I want the whole world to know How it makes me go, smile and grow Eat healthy and nutritious food It will make you feel so good B. Match the opposites. .....1. pass .....2. cool .....3. tasty .....4. sad a. bad b. disgusting c. happy d. fail C. There is a poetry competition in Antoni’s school. The topic is “Eat Healthy, Live Happy”. Listen to Antoni’s poem and find. What will happen if you eat vegetables? D. Listen to the poem again and tick the lines you hear. ...... 1. Fruits are really good. ...... 2. Junk food is bad. ...... 3. Veggies are the best. ...... 4. Meat and fish keep you healthy and cool. ...... 5. If you eat junk food, you will fail that school test. E. Complete the sentences with your own ideas. 1. If the weather is sunny on Saturday, ...................................................... 2. If I don’t study, ...................................................... 3. If I eat a lot of junk food, ...................................................... 4. If I am ill tomorrow, ...................................................... 5. If I stay in this evening, ...................................................... 6. If I have time tomorrow, ...................................................... 7. If I don’t have money at the weekend, ...................................................... 8. When I get home early today, ...................................................... 9. When I go on holiday this year, ...................................................... 10.When I meet my friends this weekend, ...................................................... F. Imagine you will join the poetry competition”Eat Healthy, Live Happy”. Work in pairs and write a poem with your partner. Read your poems to the class. Choose the best poem in the class. 46 QU IZ TIME Read the questionnaire and circle the right choice. 1. How much time do you spend in front of TV and computer added together? a. Almost no time at all. b. Two or three hours a day. c. It depends…but at least 8 hours every day. 2. How often do you do exercise? a. At least three times a week. b. Once a week. c. Very rarely. I don’t have time, you know. 3. How often do you eat junk food? a. No, never. b. Twice a week. c. Basically, I only eat junk food. 4. What do you love most? Food or being active? a. Well, I only eat healthy food and exercise regularly. b. I like sports but food is also so great. c. Food, of course. Everybody says I’m a couch potato. 5. What do you eat for your breakfast? a. A glass of orange juice or kiwi juice and a sandwich. Maybe a fruit. b. Just a few cookies. c. I don’t eat breakfast. I buy some candy bars on my way to school. CHECK YOUR PROGRESS I can… Listening understand the ingredients in a recipe. understand the words about cooking. understand simple directions. understand conditional sentences. understand short poems. Reading understand countable and uncountable words about food. understand the words about shopping. understand the dialogues in a restaurant. understand abbreviations. understand simple charts, graphs. understand information about health and diet. Spoken Interaction use quantifiers (some-any-a few-alittle- many- much) in my everyday speech. give orders in a restaurant. ask the price. share my feelings and ideas. Spoken Production say what I bought from the supermarket. say what I’d like to eat / drink. talk about my eating habits. present information using charts or graphs. Writing write some short recipes. write a menu. write short poems on simple topics. 47 Theme 4 TOURISM At the end of the theme, you’ll be able to ... understand the order of the story. distinguish information in a listening text and get the main idea. understand short stories. understand what people were doing in the past. understand people’s experiences. understand adverbs. read leaflets. ask and answer the questions about the past. ask for and give information about experiences. talk about your preferences. give ideas about types of holidays. talk about your past experiences. write a true story about yourself / your experiences / a postcard from a holiday destination. write the main idea of a story. 48 A - FROM ADVENTURE TO EXPERIENCE Get Ready B A. Match the holiday types to the photos. ......... 1. Boating holiday ......... 2. Cycling holiday ......... 3. Backpacking ......... 4. Wildlife holiday ......... 5. Climbing holiday ......... 6. Railway holiday A E C D F B. What types of holiday do you like? Why? I prefer wildlife holidays because I’m an animal freak and I love being in the nature. What happened to the baby penguin? A. Do you like reading true stories? Why / Why not? B. Look at the photos and guess the place. Is it an aquarium or a national park? C. Would you like to visit this place? Why / Why not? 49 D. Read the Jacksons’ true story in Malaysia and find where they were when their son Jamie disappeared suddenly. During their visit to Malaysia, the Jacksons decided to visit the largest aquarium in the country, the Underwater World Langkawi. They were visiting the Antarctica section. Suddenly their five-year-old son Jamie disappeared. They looked for the boy for over 20 minutes, but they couldn’t find him.They were waiting hopelessly. All of a sudden they saw their son. Jamie was walking slowly with his backpack over his shoulder. After they found the boy, they got into a taxi happily. On the way to the hotel the boy said “I did something bad.” His parents said “Don’t worry about it because we’re just glad you’re back.”Jamie repeated the second time that he did something bad. His parents said everything was fine. This conversation happened continuously on their way to the hotel. When they finally got to the hotel, they asked their son why he was telling the same thing again and again. He said he took a baby penguin from the aquarium. The mother thought it was a toy penguin and said they would bring it back to the toy shop. In their hotel room when they opened the boy’s backpack, they were very surprised because there was a real baby penguin in the backpack. It was sleeping deeply. d! Keep in Min ing the is v E. Read the story again and write True (T) or False (F). s were it The Jackson uarium. ion in the aq ……1. The Jacksons were visiting the Antarctica section in the aquarium. Antarctic sect ……2. Jamie was walking fast with his backpack. ……3. Jamie was continuously saying the same sentence in the taxi. ……4. Jamie said he took a toy penguin from the souvenir shop. ……5. The baby penguin was sleeping deeply in Jamie’s backpack. F. Look at the story again. Underline the adverbs. Write them next to their adjectives. Adjective deep sudden happy slow hopeless continuous Adverb ................. ................. ................. ................. ................. ................. Keep in Min d! deep d e eply happy happil y G. Tell your friends a short story you have read recently. H. Work in pairs. Ask and answer as in the example. Were you watching “How I Met Your Mother” at 8 yesterday evening? Wow! Why don’t you join the show? 50 study Geography - Maths play tennis / basketball play scrabble / jenga No. I was watching my favourite quiz show “Who wants to be a Millionaire”. I know the answers of all questions. I. Look at the pictures and say. What were these people doing at four p.m. yesterday afternoon? Steve Flashback to Florida Melanie Andy Cindy Pete A. Listen to April and Gina’s adventure in Florida and put the pictures in the right order. D C A B B. Listen again and choose the best option. E 1. I and my friend Gina were…………… Florida. a. backpacking b.cycling 2. We were enjoying ourselves with some funny thoughts of …………. . a. rattlesnakes b. alligators 3. The joke was ……………going on between us. a. continuously b. slowly 4.It was looking at me …………………….. . a. carefully b.hungrily 5. I now remember very well the ………..face of the alligator. a. angry b. happy C. What happened at the end of the story? D. Write a true story about yourself. Use Simple Past and Past Continuous. • • • • • d! Keep in Min ell w good fast fast ion Code Peer Cor rect is not clear. ? : Meaning der WO : Word or ord w ng WW: Wro ng lli S : Spe tion P : Punctua ar m m G : Gra You are the narrator of the event. Think of an interesting / frightening / funny / exciting event. Find a title for your story. Organize your information. (Each true story has a beginning, middle and end.) Add some photos if you have. 51 B - PLACES TO SEE Get Ready A. Which of the things below do you take when you go for a short a trip / a long holiday? suitcase - sunhat - sunglasses - digital camera - rucksack - money belt - book - MP4 - mobile phone -a T-shirt and a pair of jeans - map - waterproof clothes - suncream - shorts B. Work in pairs. Ask and answer as in the example. Hiking re Adventu Beach e.g. Norma : I’m planning to go rafting next month. What should I take with me? Vincent: You should take waterproof clothes and sunglasses. C. Match the people to the types of holidays above. Sight seein ...... 1. Bill : When I fell off the boat, I was really afraid. ...... 2. Julia: While we were visiting the Tower of London, many tourists were buying souvenirs. ...... 3. Sally: While we were swimming, we saw a lovely dolphin. It was fantastic! ...... 4. Tony: We were walking in the mountains when the rainbow appeared. It was amazing. D. What type of holiday do you like best? e.g. Adventure holiday is my favourite one. I love adrenaline. City of Bridges A. Read the leaflet below and look at the photos. What kind of holiday is it? B. What can you do in Venice? Venice is a city in northern Italy. It is known as “The Queen of the Adriatic”, “City of Water”, “City of Bridges”, and “The City of Light”. It is a very exciting city with its fantastic Grand Canal. You can admire it by taking a gondola ride. You can see The Rialto. It is really a fine example of craftsmanship. You can watch the gondolas on the Grand Canal. Basilica di San Marco is a very beautiful and old building in the city. And if you go to Murano Island, you can watch a Glass - Blowing Demonstration. 52 g C. Look at Cathy in the photo. Read her story in Venice and find. “What did they eat at La Zucca?” Last weekend, while I was cooking in the kitchen, I received a phone call from my friend Julia. She was going to Venice for a meeting. She said she had an extra flight ticket to Venice. While I was running towards my room to prepare my suitcase, I was really excited. An hour later when Julia called me, I was charging my camera battery. She was at the airport so I called a taxi and left the house. When I arrived at the airport, Julia was waiting for me. We got on the plane. We arrived in Venice. I was planning to have a gondola ride in Venice while Julia was having a meeting. But it was impossible because it was raining heavily so I went to the hotel for a nap. After an hour, the rain stopped so I decided to go out. First I walked in the narrow and colorful streets of Venice. While I was walking and crossing over the many bridges, I took lots of photos. Then I went to La Zucca to have dinner with Julia. We ordered Italian pizza. It was really delicious. While we were eating our pizza, we made a plan for our short trip. After d! Keep in Min dinner, we went to the Rialto Bridge. The market stalls were closed, have a to g nnin I was pla while but many tourists were buying some Venetian souvenirs from the e in Venice gondola rid g. shops. Then we went to Piazza San Marco. It was full of tourists and ving a meetin Julia was ha of course, pigeons. Finally we went back to our hotel. I was tired but very happy at the end of the day. D. Match the two halves of the sentences. 1. I was charging my camera battery 2. While we were eating our pizza, 3. Many tourists were buying 4. Julia was waiting for me a. when I arrived at the airport. b. some Venetian souvenirs. c. when Julia called me. d. we made a plan for our short trip. E. Work in groups of four and discuss. Do you think Venice is a good place for holiday? I think Venice is a perfect place for holiday. Because there are many interesting and beautiful places to see. F. Imagine that you had an interesting event last weekend. Use the questions below and write about it. Where and when did it happen? What were you doing ? What happened? What happened next? How did you feel at the end? Use the sequence words in your story. (First, then, after that, finally) ode ..................................................................................................................... Peer Cor rection C clear. .....................................................................................................................? : Meaning is not .....................................................................................................................WO : Word order .....................................................................................................................WW: Wrong word .....................................................................................................................S : Spelling tion P : Punctua ar m G : Gram 53 Diving is thrilling A. Match the adjectives in column A with the opposites in column B. A interesting comfortable quiet safe crowded cheap healthy clean B empty unhealthy dangerous boring uncomfortable dirty expensive noisy B. Work in pairs. Look at the given places. Then guess where they are. Banff National Park - St Petersburg The Great Barrier Reef - Fifth Avenue Student A: I think Picture A is St Petersburg. Student B: You are right. Where is it? Student A: It is in Russia Federation. C. Work in groups of three. Describe the places. Use the adjectives above. Student A: Say an adjective. Student B and C: Add new adjectives. e.g. Student A: Banff National Park is healthful. Student B: Banff National Park is healthful and clean. Student C: Banff National Park is healthful, clean and quiet. D. Match the sentences to the photos. Use your dictionary if necessary. A B .... 1. I was swimming among the corals. .... 2. Fish were swimming through the reef. .... 3. We joined an experienced and friendly crew and we dived. C E. Listen to Doctor Aaron and find. “What does he do at the weekends in Australia?” F. Listen again and write True (T) or False (F). ........... 1. Aaron was diving well when he was in Sweden. ........... 2. While he was swimming among the fish, he felt stressed. ........... 3. He was swimmimg among the corals like a fish. ........... 4. The corals were shining and the light rays were dancing off every surface. G. Which places in the world would you like to visit? Work in pairs and make similar dialogues as in the example. Search the Net for the interesting places in the world. Student A: Where would you like to go? Student B: I’d like to go to the Arctic to see the penguins. They are so cute. Student A: Are you sure there are penguins in the Arctic? Last year I joined the “Save the Penguins” project in Antarctica. Student B: Oh, of course Antarctica, not Arctic. I made the same mistake again. H. Bring some photos about the places you would like to visit. Report your ideas to the class. e.g. Sally and I like to see natural areas. We are crazy about the nature and animals so we would like to go to The Great Barrier Reef and the Banff National Park. I. You are planning to visit a place. Write about your plans. Give reasons. 54 C - SEVEN WONDERS OF THE WORLD Get Ready A. Match the photos to the wonders of the ancient world. ........ 1. The Great Pyramid of Keops ........ 2. The Hanging Gardens of Babylon ........ 3. The Statue of Zeus at Olympia ........ 4. The Temple of Artemis at Ephesus ........ 5. The Mausoleum of Halicarnassus ........ 6. The Colossus of Rhodes ........ 7. The Lighthouse of Alexandria C B A E F D B. Which of the ancient wonders is the most interesting? Why? G I think the Great Pyramid of Keops is the most interesting one. Because it is more mysterious than the others. 55 Have you ever been to Colosseum? A. Match the countries to the new wonders of the world. A. Peru B. Brasil C. Jordan D. India E. China F. Italy 3. ...... G. Mexico 2. ...... 1. ...... Petra 7. ...... Chichen Itza Colosseum 4. ...... 5. ...... 6. ...... Christ the Redeemer Taj Mahal Machu Picchu Great Wall of China B. Read Katie’s e-mail and find the country she’s visiting. From : To :,, Hi, everyone, I’m having a wonderful time. It’s very rainy in Rome. We’re staying in a lovely hostel in the heart of the city. The staff are young and friendly. They can speak English, French and Spanish so we have no communication problem. We have already seen the magnificent Colosseum and we’ve taken lots of photos. We have just seen the Trevi Fountain but we haven’t seen the Spanish Steps yet because of the heavy rain. That’s Friday. I’ve tasted fantastic pizzas. They’re the most mouth - watering pizzas I’ve ever eaten. Unfortunately I haven’t tried the Italian ice-cream because I have a terrible sore throat. My friends say it’s the most delightful ice-cream they’ve ever tasted. Must go now! Friends are waiting for me downstairs. We’re going on a sightseeing tour with Hop - on Hop - off bus. See you soon. P.S. I attached some photos. Don’t forget to have a look. XOXO 56 We ha Keep in Min v Colos e already seen d! seum the m . We ha agnific v ent Have en’t seen t you s h een th e Spanish Have sta e yo No, I h u ever bee Spanish sta irs yet. n irs ye a t? It’s th ve never b to Paris? e mos een th t delig ere. they’v h e eve r tast tful ice - c ed. ream C. Read the e-mail again and answer the questions. 1. Where does Katie stay in Rome? 2. What are the staff like? 3. What places has Katie seen in Rome? 4. Have they visited Spanish Steps yet? 5. Why hasn’t she tried the ice - cream? 6. Which two adjectives does Katie use to describe the Italian pizza? D. Do you know any abbreviations? Ask and answer as in the example. What does P.S. stand for? E. Complete the questions with your own ideas. Ask and answer the questions with your partner. 1. Have you ever been to .............................? 2. Have you ever stayed .............................? 3. Have you ever eaten .............................? 4. Have you ever met .............................? 5. Have you ever tried .............................? I think P.S. is the short form of post script. I mean any note after a message. F. Write a postcard from an imaginary holiday destination. • • • • Search the country on the web. Use the e-mail in exercise B as a model. Don’t write the name of the country, ask your friends to guess it. Write a P.S. at the end of your postcard. The Symbol of Eternal Love A. Have you ever heard the story of Taj Mahal? If you have no idea about it, search the Net. Share the story with your classmates. ion Code Peer Cor rect not clear. is ? : Meaning der WO : Word or word WW: Wrong S : Spelling tion P : Punctua ar G : Gram m B. Listen to the story behind Taj Mahal and find how long it took to complete the wonder. C. Listen to Taj Mahal story again and choose the main idea. a. If you are deepily in love with someone, you’ll keep your promise sooner or later. b. If you fall in love, your hair will turn white. c. It’s always very easy to keep a promise. D. Write the basic theme of the story in your own words. 57 QU IZ TIME 2.a 3.b 4.a 5.c 6.c CHECK YOUR PROGRESS I can… 58 Listening understand the order of the story. distinguish information in a listening text. get the main idea from the listening text. Reading understand short stories. understand what people were doing in the past / people’s experiences. understand adverbs. understand an e-mail from a holiday destination. read leaflets. Spoken Interaction ask and answer the questions about the past. ask for and give information about experiences. Spoken Production talk about what I was doing at 5 yesterday. talk about my preferences. give ideas about types of holidays. talk about my past experiences. Writing write a true story about myself. write about my experiences. write a postcard from a holiday destination. write the main idea of a story. Key : 1.c 1. Where can you watch the spectacular sunrise and sunset? a.The Mount Erciyes. b.The Mount Ararat. c.The Nemrut. 2. What colour is “The Statue of Liberty”? a. Green. b. Grey. c. Beige. 3. What is the Spanish name for a Bullfighter? a. Cowboy b. Matador c. Farmer 4. Which equipment do you take with you while going camping? a. A sleeping bag and a tent. b. A racket and a racket ball. c. Diving googles and a swimming suit. 5. Which of these places do adventure lovers go? a. The Pyramids. b. The Eiffel Tower. c. The Mount Uludağ. 6. Where can you visit the ruins of the great Inca city, Machu Picchu? a. Mexica b. Argentina c. Peru Theme 5 SCIENCE At the end of the theme, you’ll be able to ... understand interviews related to inventors / information about latest inventions. take notes while you’re listening and summarize the text. understand poems. give your opinion about a topic. understand biographies and write a biography. understand simple abbreviations / simple quotes. agree or disagree with a topic. start, maintain and end a conversation. talk about what you had to do at the weekend. give reasons why you’d like to visit somewhere. talk about what you could (couldn’t do when you were a child. write about the craziest / funniest / invention. keep a diary. 59 A - NEW INVENTIONS AND INNOVATIONS Get Ready Do the questionnaire and find out. Are you a science freak? 1. Which colour absorbs more heat ? a. red b. black c. purple d. white 2. How do we get energy? a. photosynthesis b. sleeping and eating c. sleeping d. eating 3. Which animal needs 13.000 liters of water to make a kilogram of that product? a. pig - pork b. cow - beef c. chicken - chicken d. goat - milk If FE = IRON 4. Name the stages of a developing child? THEN DOES a. baby, baby, baby FEMALE = IRON MAN? b. zygote, embryo, fetus, baby c. fetus, baby d. there is only one stage - baby 5. What’s the fastest aquatic animal? a. tuna b. flying fish c. shark d. dolphin 6. What’s the fastest land animal? a. leopard b. lion c. cheetah d. jaguar 7. Who discovered the presence of gravitation? a. Joseph Edison b. Marie Curie c. Albert Einstein d. Isaac Newton 8. What’s Einstein’s law? a. e = ma2 b. e = drf3 c. e = wd4 d. e = mc2 9. How old is the Earth? a. 400 billion years old b. 4.6 billion years old c. 3500 million years old d. 10 million years old 10. Who was the first person to go into space? a. Neil Armstrong b. Edwin Aldrin c. Yuri Gagarin d. Micheal Collins Results: If you have 8 and more “True” answers, you love Science and you are a nominee for top 3 Science freaks in class. If you have 5 - 8 “True” answers, you know something about Science but you must go on studying. If you have 4 or less “True” answers, you have a very long way to go in Science. Do you wanna carry your house inside your pocket? A. Number the following inventions in the order of importance. Discuss your results with your classmates. The toilet Antibiotics Electricity The telephone The television The printing press The computer 60 The automobile Student A: I think automobile is the most important invention. Student B: I don’t agree wit you. In my opinion the most important invention is the printing press. B. Match the words to their definitions. ....1. invention ....2. innovation ....3. straddling bus a. a new public bus which is cheaper, greener and faster b. a discovery; a finding c. something newly introduced, such as a new method or device C. Look at the photos. Match them to the headings below. 1. Pocket size Tent 2. Straddling Bus 3. Computer game Eye exams Martin Azua, Spanish designer, has developed “the basic house”. The tent - like structure is made of metallic polyester. You can easily fold it up and take with you wherever the wind blows. (A). ……………………………… and it’s not much more special than a bag of peanuts,”says Martin Azua. If you’re an outdoor enthusiast and love the idea of travelling, this brilliant shelter is just for you. A Researchers from the university of Tennessee have developed a new eye test device especially for children. (B). …………………………… The Dynamic Ocular Evaluation System (DOES) is able to screen the child’s eyes while they are watching a short cartoon or playing a video game. The device uses infrared light to gather data and the assessment is available within one minute. The test also works without the need for eye dilation or verbal responses from the child. B Have you ever been stuck in traffic and wished you could just say “Go go Gadget car” then lift off and fly right over everybody? (C). ............................................................. It’s the new solution to the country’s traffic and pollution problems. The giant public bus can carry up to 1200 passengers. It uses electricity and solar power from the panels on the bus’ roofs and at the bus stops. It travels at an average speed of 25 mph (40kph). C D. Read the paragraphs above and fill in the blanks with the sentences below. ....... 1. Yauzhou Sang from China has designed China’s new bus concept. ....... 2. I’ve managed to create the golden shelter ....... 3. They have used cartoons and games to simplify eye exams. E. Compare the giant public bus with a normal bus. Numbers of passengers Energy Features Giant public bus Normal public bus electricty and solar power oil 1200 environmentally friendly 90 non environmentally friendly F. Which invention or innovation in exercise B is the most useful? Give your reasons. G. Now work in pairs. Discuss the bubbles with your classmates. In my opinion computer game eye exam is the most useful one because children are afraid of seeing a doctor. I’m afraid I don’t agree with you. Straddling bus is the most useful of all. Everybody hates being stuck in traffic. It helps people save time. 61 The Edison of Japan A. Match the words to their definitons. ..... 1. creative (adj): ..... 2. come up with (v): ..... 3. come out (v): ..... 4. take a nap (v): ..... 5. invent (v): ..... 6. benefit (n): ..... 7. awesome (adj): ..... 8. breath (n): ..... 9. freedom (n): a. happen b. extremely good, astonishing c. a helpful or good effect d. liberty e. sleep for a short period during the day f. producing original and unusual ideas g. the air that goes into and out of your lungs h. think of an idea i. design or create something new B. Look at the man in the photos. Describe him using the adjectives below. Guess his job. crazy talented creative funny imaginative friendly smart C. Listen and check your guesses. D. Listen to the interview on a TV show again and tick what Dr. Yoshiro Nakamats has invented so far. floppy disk the DVD the CD I-pad Cinemascope LCD TV overhead projector taxicab meter the digital watch E. Listen to the interview again and choose the right option. 1. I’ve come up with my ideas ............................... . a) over the clouds b) underwater 2. I dive ............................... an oxygen tank or snorkel. a) without b) with 3. I’ve ............................... a plexiglas writing pad so I can record these ideas underwater. a) created b) found 4. When you have perfect ..............................., your ideas come out. a) invention b) freedom 5. I only sleep ............................... hours at night. a) two b) four F. Tick the true sentences. Correct the false ones. 1. Both Dr. Nakamats and Edison are innovators. ............... 2. Dr. Nakamats sleeps as little as Edison. .................... 3. Dr. Nakamats takes a nap twice a day like Edison did. ................ G. Search the Net for the weirdest / craziest / funniest / invention. Write about it and give a presentation to your classmates. 62 o de on C clear. i t c rre s not i r Co Pee eaning r : M d orde d ? or wo r : W WO Wrong : g WW Spellin tion : u t a S Punc mar : am P : Gr G B - CERN, THE DREAM TEAM Get Ready A. Look at the photos below. Guess the place. a. Space camp b. Research centre c. Genetics lab B. Work in pairs and make similar dialogues. e.g. Student A: Wow! What an interesting place. I think it is a space camp. Student B: I don’t think so. In my opinion it’s a reserch centre. Student A: Let’s go and ask Mr Jankins. CERN the Laboratory for the World A. Have you ever heard the word “CERN”? What does a. European Council for Nuclear Research stand for? b. European Laboratory of Genetics B. Circle the words you know in the list. Ask your teacher when necessary. experiment - tiny - particles - inspirational - trip - nature - researcher - splendid - scientist chance - tiring C. On 25 May 2011, Bertha from UK travelled 10 hours by coach with her 50 friends and two physics teachers on an annual school visit to CERN. Read the interview with Bertha and find what happened in 1989. Ke CERN is in G ep in Min d It was e ! a busy neva, isnt’t it? and tir ing we ek, wa sn ’t it? School reporter: Hi, Bertha. You had an incredible week at CERN, didn’t you? Bertha : Yes, we did. It was the best school trip ever. We had the chance to see the world’s most important research center. School reporter: CERN is in Geneva, isnt’t it? Bertha : Yes, it is in Geneva, Switzerland. Scientists from different countries have experimented on “Particle Physics” there since 1954. School reporter: Particle Physics? What does it mean? Bertha : It’s the study of nature’s tiniest building blocks. You know scientists try to explain basic laws of nature with these tiny particles. 63 School reporter: Have the scientists at CERN ever invented something extremely important? Bertha : Sure. They invented World Wide Web in 1989 and people have used it for 23 years. School reporter: Wow. It must be very inspirational to visit such an important centre. Bertha : Exactly. We followed some lectures and observed some experiments. School reporter: Did you have a chance to talk to researchers and scientists? Bertha : Yes, we did. That’s why the trip was really inspiring. School reporter: But it was a busy and tiring week, wasn’t it? Bertha : Yes, it was but we had also free time for a splendid trip round CERN and Geneva. And scientists were with us during some trips. School reporter: That’s really incredible, Bertha. I’m sure everybody in the school would like to visit CERN. Bertha : Absolutely. Nobody wants to miss that chance! D. Read the interview with Bertha again and write Agree (A) or Disagree (D). 1. Bertha was very happy about the trip to CERN. 2. Only Swiss scientists and researchers have worked at CERNsince 1954. 3. Students at CERN have a chance to follow some lectures and observe some experiments. 4. Scientists at CERN use tiny particles to explain basic laws of nature. 5. People have used “www” for 10 years. E. Match the two halves of the sentences. 1. Cern is the world’s most important research centre, 2. Scientists from all over the world have experimented at Cern for 58 years. 3. It was the best school trip ever, 4. Scientists invented World Wide Web in 1979, 5. We followed some lectures and observed some experiments, F. Search the Net for CERN. Take some notes. Then give your reasons why you’d like to visit CERN. a. didn’t they? b. wasn’t it? c. isn’t it? d. didn’t we? e. haven’t they? d! Keep in Min 23 years. / r fo it d use People have since 1989. I’d like to visit Cern because G. Work in pairs. Ask and answer as in the example. it’s the biggest physics laboratory • learn English • since I was born in the world and I want to follow some • live in this city (town) • for six years lectures of famous scientists and • have your mobile • since September researchers. • be in this school • for a year e.g. Julia : How long have you had your bike? Martin: For two months. What about you? Julia : My grandma bought it for me yesterday. Martin: Oh, lucky you! 64 CERN diaries A. Some of Bertha’s friends asked her to keep a diary at CERN. Listen to her adventures and take notes in the table. Accommodation Small house near …………… The name of the Japanese student .................................... Housemates The name of the Project at CERN Hometown of Hiro Tanika - Canada, Jocelyn -…………, Guido -……….. .................................... .................................... B. Listen to Bertha’s experiences at CERN again and write the number of the days near the activities. ................. a. interviewing some physicist ................. b. visiting the computer centre ................. c. joining the lectures in the amphitheatre ................. d. going on a sightseeing tour to Genova ................. e. saying goodbye to Hiro ..First day.. f. meeting the housemates ................. g. taking a tour to the detector modules ................. h. meeting the other summies at the welcome party C. Do you like keeping diaries? Why / Why not? e.g. I like keeping diaries because my diary is my best friend and it keeps my secrets. D. Do you agree with the sentences below? Make sentences as in the example. e.g. I agree with the sentence one. I keep a diary and I can easily remember the memories. 1. If you keep a diary, you’ll easily remember the memories. 2. Diaries are great ways to keep track of your past and think about your future. 3. When you read over your memories, you’ll always have a smile on your face. 4. Your diary is your best friend because it keeps your secrets. 5. It’s better to buy a diary with locks, but never lose the key! E. Keep a diary for five days. • First take your pen and write whatever is on your mind. (write about how you feel and why) • Write about your experiences, your anger, fear, excitement, happiness etc. • You can also write about your future plans. • Try to write your diary at night so you can describe the entire day. Use “and,but,because” etc. • You can stick stickers on some pages or draw some smiley faces to express how you feel about something / someone. • Always write the truth and don’t forget to put the date at the top of the page. 65 C - TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE Get Ready A. What do you think of the inventions below? Tell your opinion. A Mobile phone D Mp4 player B Notebook C Tablet PC E Computer B. Which one is the most important invention of the 21st century? Do you know the person behind these inventions? e.g. I think mobile phones are great. I can’t do anything without my mobile phone and I always feel safe with it. The Biography of a Great Legend! A. Work in pairs. Read and discuss what the poem is about. You gave access To countless dreams To share our humanity Through machines You turned lights on In our minds By lighting your own Beyond the signs. From Garage to World’s Most Valuable Company Steven Paul Jobs was born on 24th February, 1955 in San Fransisco. His biological parents couldn’t look after him so a middle - class couple, Paul and Clara Jobs adopted him. Steven grew up in Silicon Valley. As a child he preferred doing things by himself. 1. ………………………………………….. but he wasn’t interested in team sports. 66 Steve Jobs B. Read the biography of Steve Jobs and fill in the blanks with the sentences below. a. he couldn’t go on working in the company. b. He could swim well c. They could get along well with each other for years. d. he could only work with computers in his life At an early age his interests developed in electronics and gadgetry. He spent a lot of time working in the garage workshop of a neighbour. Soon Jobs enrolled in an Explorer Club. There he met some engineers and saw new electronic products. At the age of 12 he met a computer for the first time. He was very impressed and he realized that 2. …………………… ………………………………. . When Steve reached college age, he attended Reed College in Oregon. He studied there for one semester. Then he had to leave the college. He spent a lot of time learning about eastern mysticism. In 1975 Jobs joined a computer club. There he met Steve Wozniak. They quickly became friends. 3. ……………… ……………………… …………………... . Wozniak was trying to build a small computer. Jobs liked the idea of selling such a brilliant machine. So they formed their own company in 1976. Apple company was born. First year sales of the company was $ 2.7 million. The company’s sales grew to $ 200 million within three years. Then Jobs and Wozniak opened a completely new market - PCs. In 1984 Jobs resigned from Apple to open a new company called Next. In 1996 Apple bought Next for $ 429 million and Jobs returned to Apple and became the CEO. i-Pad 2 was at the markets in 2001. Next i-Phone appeared. Then i-Pod followed it. In 2004 he became pancreatic cancer. After surgery he returned to Apple, but 4. ……………………… . He had to resign as CEO. Unfortunately on 5th October, 2011 he died in Palo Alto, California. Everybody felt sorry for him because he had to leave the world before he finished his whole task, but he managed to open an incredible gate for the mankind. C. Read the biography again and write True (T), False (F) or Don’t know (DK). ...... 1. Steven liked doing team sports when he was a child. d! ...... 2. His father, Paul, was keen on electronics. Keep in Min well ry ve ...... 3. 1967 was the year when he first met a computer. I could swim a child. ...... 4. Steve couldn’t finish Reed College. when I was e. ...... 5. Jobs and Wozniak weren’t good friends so they couldn’t become partners. I had to leave the colleg ...... 6. At the age of 21 Jobs formed his company with Wozniak. ...... 7. Jobs didn’t have to open a new market because the new company’s sales were so good. ...... 8. Jobs was suffering from cancer so he had to leave the company. D. What do CEO and PC stand for? Choose and discuss with your classmates. CEO a. Chief Executive Officer b. Chef Electronics Organization PC a. Perfect Company b. Personal Computer E. When Steve was a child, he could swim well. What could / couldn’t you do when you were a child? F. Work in pairs and make a dialogue about what you had to do at the weekend. Tim Norah Tim Norah Tim : Hey Norah. You look pale. What happened? : I had to go to bed at 2 a.m. : Oh, were you ill? : No. I had to help my sister with her homework. : Poor you! G. Write a short autobiography. H. Present your autobiography in class. ion Code Peer Cor rect is not clear. ? : Meaning der WO : Word or word WW: Wrong S : Spelling tion P : Punctua ar m m ra G G : 67 The Real Genius A. Do you like listening or writing poems? Have you ever written a poem for someone? B. After the death of the computer master, Steve Jobs, a group of students from a science school wrote a poem for him and shared it on their school blog. Listen and write the missing words. You make your own 1. …………….. By making a quick fame Not 2. ………….. you are a celebrity But because you make the modern 3. ………… Many people remembered you And many people will 4. …………you You open your 5. …………. by the things we can do You open the gates we never 6. ……….… we can go through Using your gadgets is simply remembering you 7. …………… me there is no onein the history as brilliant as you Everybody appreciates the contributions you made Thank you for the 8. …….….. role you played C. Listen again and find. Why are the poets so thankful to Steve Jobs? a. He was the most popular celebrity. b. He did many great things for the mankind. D. Summarize the theme of the poem in your own words. E. Read the quotes of Steve Jobs. What do they mean in your own language? Which quote is the most inspiring to you? If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle ! Going to bed at nights saying we’ve done something wonderful. That’s what matters to me. Design is not just what it looks like. Design is how it works. My model for business is the Beatles: They were four guys that kept eachother’s negative tendencies in check; they balanced eachother. And the total was greater than the sum of the parts. F. Search the Net for some famous scientists or inventors and write a short biography of her / him. 68 Paragraph 1: Paragraph 2: Paragraph 3: Paragraph 4: *say who this person is. *say what he / she is famous for. *give information about his / her life as a young man / woman (when / where / born - education). *give information about his / her life as an adult (marriage / achievements - what he / she could / couldn’t do / what he / she had to do). *write about his / her death. *how people feel about him / her. Peer Cor re ? ction : Co de WO Meaning is :W WW: ord ord not clear er . Wron S : Spe g word lling P :P G : unctuati on Gram mar A MAN OF GREAT IDEAS… A. Look at Atatürk’s principles and read the sentences below. Which principle is mentioned in each bubble? Write it in the blanks. Secularism - Nationalism - Populism - Revolutionism - Republicanism - Statism 1. It is a political revolution. It’s a change from the multinational Ottoman Empire to the establishment of the Turkish Republic. It is the only regime which can best represent the wishes of the people. Which principle is it? .......................................................... . 2. This principle gives great importance to the sense of unity and the national identity. It’s secretly against class privileges and class disinctions. Which principle is it? .......................................................... . 3. This principle is one of the most important principles. It’s the replacement of traditional institutions with modern institutions, for instance the adaptation of the Latin Alphabet. Which principle is it? .......................................................... . B. What do these principles mean in Turkish? C. Read the poem and find what Atatürk wants us to do. The last letter from Atatürk If you love and understand me, Spend your days in the laboratories, not the coffee houses, Let knowledge and reading turn your head white. That is the only way to shed light on that eternal darkness. Bring me good news again, Of new discoveries fit for civilized lands, I want action from you, not words, Do you understand? Have you written the name of the turk in space with Atatürk’s capsule? Halim Yağcıoğlu CHECK YOUR PROGRESS I can… Listening understand interviews related to inventors. take notes while I’m listening. understand poems. summarize the recorded text. Reading understand information about latest inventions. define my opinion about the subject / whether I agree or disagree. understand biographies. understand simple abbreviations. understand simple quotes. Spoken Interaction agree or disagree with a topic. start, maintain and end a conversation. talk about what I had to do at the weekend. Spoken Production give my opinion about a topic. give reasons why I’d like to visit somewhere. talk about what I could (couldn’t) do when I was a child. Writing write about the craziest / funniest / invention. keep a diary. write a biography. 69 Theme 6 YOUTH At the end of the theme, you’ll be able to ... take notes while listening. predict the plot of a story. understand people’s comments / e-mails / complaint letters / short stories. understand the names of the sports and equipments. get the specific information. ask for and give advice. discuss the theme of a poem. give opinion about a sport. talk about your complaints / the reasons. number the sentences in order to make a dialogue. say what something is made of. talk about the rules of a game. write a complaint letter / everyday dialogues and about your favourite sport. 70 A - MORE THAN A VACATION Get Ready A. Read the bubbles and guess what do “it” and “there” refer to? We’re so happy that we sent David there. In other words it’s the best decision we’ve ever made. We’ve seen unbelievable improvements in David’s confidence, social skills and study skills. Moreover, he has a perfect motivation. a. Language School b. International Youth Camp c. Poetry Club I just want to say it has a big impact on me. I’m getting As and Bs in all of my classes. I’m really enjoying school. I hope that I get a chance to come back next year. B. Brainstorm the benefits of youth camps. E RC A M P P U S .. .... . . . .... Res pon s ib ility .... .... .... .... ........... ...... ..... .... Self - con .. ..... .... .... .... ... .... ... ... fi dence Yo u t h c a mps deve l op C. Work in pairs. Make dialogues as in the example. Agree. Moreover, they’re fun. I think international youth camps are great because we can make new friends from all over the world. Stop chatting! Let’s enroll in the don Quijote youth camp in Valencia. 71 You shouldn’t miss that chance A. Look at the beginning of the e-mail. Who is it to / from? What is it about? From : David To : Elena Subject: Supercamp - More than a vacation Hi, I’m back from Supercamp. I have a lot to say. I absolutely had fun. Supercamp is the paradise of water sports. I did scuba diving, canoeing and sailing. I also tried some land sports such as lacrosse and .The staff was great. They archery. I think the food was better than mom’s cooking. Keep it secret always knew where we were. They helped us to have a great time. I’m sure you’ll meet a new David cause I made wonderful friends and learnt a lot from them. I can write thousands of good words for the camp, but they aren’t enough. You should go and see the camp as soon as possible. You know seeing is believing. You shouldn’t miss the chance of being a camper at Supercamp. By the way, I’ve started to count the days till next year! I attached some photos. P.S You should have a look at them. B. Read David’s mail and answer the questions. Kee You s hould p in Min d 1. Which activities did David do during the camp? You s ! hould go and see 2. What was the food like at the camp? n’t m t iss th he camp. 3. Was the staff helpful? at cha nce. 4. According to David what should Elena do as soon as possible? 5. Do you think David will go to Supercamp next summer? C. Work in pairs and make similar dialogues as in the example. Use the table to ask for / give / accept or reject advice in the following situations. Asking for advice • What should I do? Accepting / Rejecting • That’s a good idea. Thanks. • Thanks for the advice, but…… Giving advice • You should / shouldn’t... • Why don’t you……..? • How about ………...? • The best thing you can do is……………….. I want to go to an international youth camp in summer. What should I do? That’s a good idea. Thanks. 72 Situations • Your friend wants to lose weight. • Your brother wants to keep fit, but he doesn’t like sports. • Your sister wants to buy a new brand mobile phone but she doesn’t have any money. You should check on the web and read the comments of the campers. Think twice before you go A. Have you ever been to a youth camp? If not, are you planning to enroll in a youth / summer camp? B. Anita went on a youth camp to Canada but she had some problems. Listen to her mail to her cousin, Daniel and complete the table. The name of the camp : ....................................... Staff’s personality : ....................................... and selfish Location : ....................................... Anita’s feelings about the camp: ....................................... C. Listen to Anita’s mail again and tick the sentences you hear. .......... 1. You shouldn’t go there. .......... 2. You should take a sleeping bag with you. .......... 3. You should think twice before you go. .......... 4. You shouldn’t go to bed late. .......... 5. Moreover, the advisors were just like babysitters. D. Anita decided to write a letter of complaint to the camp management. Read her letter and underline the suitable opening and closing remarks. 1. Hello, everybody / Dear / Sir / Madam I’m writing to complain about your camp in Ottowa. A. First of all / Also, your camp brochure is a disaster. Your brochure said that there were countless activities but actually the activities were so limited. Your brochure also claimed that your staff was the best, but unfortunately, they were unhelpful and selfish. B. Finally / In addition, there were no advisors around. C. However / Finally, my vacation in your camp made me very unhappy. There was no camp spirit. I hope you will change your camp policy as soon as possible. I will not recommend your camp to anybody around me. I’m looking forward to your reply and your compensation. 2. Yours faithfully / Love, Keep in Mind! Anita Harrison linkers of addition / contrast E. Read the letter again and choose the To list points: firstly, secondly, what is more, also, in addition To introduce opposing ideas: however, but, on the other hand correct words or phrases (A - C). F. Daniel is at a youth camp in Malta. Unfortunately he has some problems like Anita. Look at the dialogue between Daniel and Mr Wood, head staff, and fill in the blanks with the right questions. A. Could you please send someone to help me? B. Can I talk to Mr Wood? C. How can I help you, Daniel? Daniel : Good morning 1. ………………………………..? Mr Wood : Mr Wood speaking 2. ……………………………..? Daniel : I’m afraid there is no hot water in the bathroom. Mr Wood : Did you talk to the camp staff about the problem? Daniel : Sure, I did. But they didn’t come to have a look. 3. …………………………………? Mr Wood : OK, Daniel. I’ll send someone in a minute. G. Work in pairs. Prepare a complaint dialogue using the problems below. Then act your dialogues out. the electricity went off ten minutes ago / the tap is leaking / the air conditioning isn’t working / there are no clean towels in your room H. Imagine you were one of the campers in that camp. Write a similar complaint letter (as in activity C) to the camp management. Use the following problems. Use linkers of addition / contrast. terrible food dirty cabins unhelpful staff no water activities no fun 73 B - I’M AN AIESECer Get Ready A. Look at the photos below. Guess where the people are in these photos. a. They are abroad working on a group project. b. They’re on holiday. B. Discuss the questions below with your classmates. 1. How much do you pay attention to what is happening around you? 2. Are you eager to take responsibility? 3. Do you think you think differently from the others? Mark your footsteps around the world with AIESEC! A. In which country do you want to do a volunteer project? Why? B. Read Helen and Pete’s experiences as an AIESECer and find where they are from and where they went on a project. I’m Helen McAvoy from Cardiff, Wales. Two years ago I and three other girls from AIESEC went on a project to Njaaga Orphanage in Kenya. There we looked after 60 children. We played games, read and painted with them. Later on they learnt how to paint themselves. To gather money for the orphanage, I also taught English one day a week in the local primary school for two months. I had a chance to travel after my working hours. There were many attractions to see. Everywhere was fascinating. I was very happy to be in this project because I wanted to improve myself personally and culturally. But living in a different culture was really difficult. Communicating people without knowing the language was another story. Luckily, I managed to overcome all the in d! in M paint p e o Ke difficulties. Moreover, putting a huge smile on just ow t rnt h a e l They selves. one child’s face was worth everything. hem t 74 I’m Pete Middleton from London. I was in Wuxi, China for an AIESEC Project in 2010. When I arrived in Wuxi, I experienced a culture shock because nobody could speak English there. Luckily my shock passed quickly and I decided to learn Chinese. I worked from 9 to 5, Monday - Friday and taught children English and they taught me some Chinese words. All the weekend I traveled by myself in d! to different areas in China. Everywhere was wonderful. in M p e e K uns ul. I tried local food. Chinese food was so delicious. I stayed with a rono wonderf h there. P e as finit nglis dy Chinese family and their mother was a great cook. Everybody in Inde where w speak E one rea y e Ever dy could ys som a o the family was so friendly and there was always someone ready to w b l a o N s e wa Ther p me. help me. They will be my friends forever. hel to C. Read about Helen and Pete and write Agree (A) or Disagree (D). ...... 1. Helen worked as an English teacher in a local primary school once a week. ...... 2. Helen didn’t have any time to travel around Kenya so he couldn’t see anywhere. ...... 3. Helen had no difficulties in Kenya. ...... 4. Pete could speak English with everybody in Wuxi. ...... 5. Pete loved Chinese dishes. ...... 6. Everybody in the family was helpful. D. Work with your partner. Read the dialogues and make similar ones. Let’s go somewhere after school. Poor you! How about going somewhere in the city centre? Sorry, I can’t go anywhere because I have to look after my little brother. Good idea! I’d like to buy some souvenirs for my friends. Aren’t you hungry? I’m starving. Why don’t we eat something first? E. Do you like reading poems? Why / Why not? F. Work in pairs. Discuss the theme of the poem with your classmates. WHAT IS What is MY COUNTR Y my coun try? They ask ed And sud me, denly I r ea That I g o no lon lised g er. That I c oul In any l dn’t even answ ang er, In any p uage, lac In any t e, ime, For here I A citize am, n of the world. 75 Reduce, Reuse and Recycle... A. What materials can you recycle? Read the items below and put a tick to the materials that are recyclable. Put a cross on the materials that are not recyclable. ….1. paper egg cartons ….8. bottle caps ….9. batteries ….2. cans ….3. plastic and paper shopping bags ….4. plastic bottles ….5. newspapers ….11. cassettes / video tapes ….6. milk / juice cartons ….7. magazines ….10. light bulbs ….12. medicine containers ….13. paper towels, tissues and napkins B. Do you enjoy listening to true stories from different people? Why / Why not? C. Listen to the story and find what it is about. D. Listen to Shia’s experiences in Ghana again and write the answers to the questions below. 1. How long did Shia stay in Ghana? 2. How many hours a week did Shia have to work in Ghana? 3. What materials did they use to make bags and jewellery boxes? 4. Did the children in Ghana enjoy the idea of recycling? 5. Where did they sell the handicrafts? 6. Was Shia happy in Ghana? E. Number the sentences in order to make a dialogue. F. Work in pairs and act out the dialogue. 76 Products: T-shirt pillows Toothbrush holder Laundry basket CD holder ...... a. Old magazines and tape from old videos. You can also make it yourself. ...... b. Oh, cool! What material did you use? ..1.. c. Your shopping bag is fantastic. Where did you buy it? ...... d. I didn’t buy it. I made it myself. ...... e. Good idea. ...... f. I will. I will also use my old jeans and newspapers. G. Work in pairs and write a similar dialogue as in exercise E. Use the words below. Materials: pet bottles toothpaste tubes bottle caps old T-shirts / jeans egg cartons ction Co de Peer Cor re lear. ing is not c n a e M : ? order WO : Word word g n WW: Wro g in ll e S : Sp uation P : Punct mar G : Gram C - TAKE PART IN THE WORLD SPORTS FESTIVAL Get Ready c A. Match the pictures to the sports. 1 hockey 2 fencing 3 cycling 4 squash 5 karate 6 gymnastics 7 golf 8 handball 9 soccer 10 horse riding d b a e g h f i B. Now complete the table. Then listen and check. j do ……………….., …………………., …………………….. play …………….., …………….., ………………….., ………………., …………… go ………………, ……………………. C. Which equipment do you use to play these sports? Draw lines between the sports and the equipment. • golf • tennis • horse riding • ice hockey • boxing • windsurfing • table tennis clubs board gloves paddle puck saddle racket D. Work in pairs. Use the equipment in exercise “C”. Use the materials below and make similar dialogues as in the example. rubber - leather - wood - plastic - iron Student A: What is a horse saddle made of? Is it made of wood? Student B: No, it isn’ t. It is made of leather. E. Work in pairs and share your ideas about these sports. Use the adjectives below. boring - exciting - difficult - expensive - competitive - exhausting- fascinating- sweaty dangerous - amazing - enjoyable I think ice hockey is really fascinating and competitive. I don’t agree. I think it is dangerous and exhausting. 77 F. Which sport do you do in your free time? Why do you prefer it? Give reasons to your classmates. Together we can do it. A. What does “UNESCO” stand for? a. United Nations Educational Scientific and Culture Organization b. United Nations Environmental Sports and Creativity Organization B. The World Sports Festival is an international sports event. Guess and tick the aims of this festival. Enthusiasm for sports Protecting the environment Faith in today’s youth Perfect organization for a perfect festival Seeing sports as an essential part of a healthy society Supporting the most creative athlete C. Read about the World Sports Festival and find who supports the festival. The World Sports Festival is held in every July in Vienna, Austria. This event lasts for four days. Since 2008, over 12.500 young athletes have participated in this tournament. Under the patronage of the UNESCO, over 25 nations compete against each other in various sports such as soccer, basketball, volleyball, swimming, table tennis, American football, squash, baseball, racketlon, bowling, wrestling, tennis, badminton etc. Everyone can enjoy the excitement of an international competition at the World Sports Festival and each participant can match with competitors from all over the world. In this event the most important thing is not to win but to take part so even small achievements are celebrated as well as the bigger ones. The youth are able to represent their own country, and at the same time they are able to show their talents and skills into different sports. It’s also a perfect time for the youth to befriend with the other teams from the other countries and to practise friendly competitions and unity. Kee The Wo p in Min d! rld Spo rts Fes is held tival in Vien na. D. Read the text again and write the bold words in the text next to their synonyms below. 1. rivals : ...................................... 2. make friends with: ...................................... 3. contest : ...................................... 4. different : ...................................... 5. take part : ...................................... 6. accomplishments : ...................................... E. Now cover the text and summarize it. Keep in Min d! le to The youth are ab n country. ow r ei th t represen • Where is it held? • What are the youth able to do in this festival? • When is it held? • Are small achievements celebrated in this sports event? • How long does it last? • What is the most important thing in the event? • Which sports are there in this festival? 78 F. Fabian is a sports freak and he coaches little kids at the weekends. He is talking about the rules of a sport. Read the speech bubble and find which sport he’s talking about. It is played by two teams. There are seven players in each team. You are allowed to handle and throw the ball using your hands, but you mustn’t touch the ball with your feet. Use your arms and hands to block your opponent but you mustn’t push, hold or hit. In order to win, you must score more goals than your opponents. G. Read the speech bubble again. What mustn’t you do during the game? H. Talk about the rules of your favourite sport and ask your classmates to find the name of this sport. Discipline and competing are learnt here. A. Do you like team or individual sports? Give your reasons. B. Which is more important in sport, winning or taking part? Keep in Min d! more goals. You must score h the ball with You mustn’t touc your feet. C. Erika, Andreas and Whitney took part in the World Sports Festival in Vienna last year and they became good friends. Listen to their comments and find who said these sentences and write “E” for Erika, “A” for Andreas and “W” for Whitney. ...... 1. The atmosphere was breathtaking. ...... 2. Discipline and competing are learnt here. ...... 3. If you take sports seriously, you must take part in this tournament. ...... 4. It was an impressive experience for my team and me. ...... 5. You have to be a part of it. ...... 6. We wanna take part again next year. ...... 7. A lot of experience is exchanged by the athletes from all over the world. D. Are Erika, Andreas and Whitney happy with their experiences in Vienna. Why / Why not? E. Work in pairs. Ask and answer as in the example. Tell why you agree or disagree with your partner. Do you like doing or watching sports? I don’t agree with you. I prefer watching sports. While I’m watching it, I can eat pop corn and crisps. F. Write about your favourite sport. • Team or individual sport. • The rules • The reasons why you like it. I like doing sports because it’s a great way to keep fit. What about you? I can’t believe you. You are a real couch potato. Co de ection r r o C r clear. Pee g is not in n a e M ? : er o rd o rd WO : W ng word ro WW: W lling e p S : S n nctuatio u P : P ram mar G : G 79 QU I Z TIM 1. Which of the following things do you need for tennis? a. helmet b. racket c. flippers 2. You play football on a pitch. Where do you play badminton? a. on a track b. on a court c. on a course 3. Here are some sports.Which of the following is a martial art? a. aikido b. polo c. squash 4. What do you call a person who watches a sport? a. an opponent b. a competitor c. a spectator 5. What do you use to hit a ball in golf? a. a racket b. a club c. a bat 6. In which of these sports do you hit a ball over a net? a. volleyball b. golf c. hockey Key: 1.b 2.b 3.a 4.c 5.b 6.a CHECK YOUR PROGRESS I can… 80 Listening take notes while listening. predict the plot of a story. understand people’s comments. Reading understand e-mails. understand complaint letters. understand short stories. understand the names of the sports and equipments. get the specific information about sports. Spoken Interaction ask for and give advice. discuss the theme of a poem. give opinion about a sport. Spoken Production talk about my complaints. talk about the reasons. number the sentences in order to make a dialogue. say what something is made of. talk about the rules of a game. Writing write a complaint letter. write everyday dialogues with my partner. write about my favourite sport. E Theme 7 ART At the end of the theme, you’ll be able to ... Guess the end of a film and choose a suitable title for the recorded text. Understand the order of adjectives and describe things using adjectives. Understand the reason and result in the recorded text. Understand the type of a film / the elements of a story. Complete a table while reading. Understand past habits / information on posters. Identify the date / place / topic of an invitation. Understand referring (object pronouns). Give recommendations about a film. Ask and answer about past habits. Talk about your favourite singer / band / composer / types of music you like listening. Talk about a film and write a review of a film you’ve seen recently. Prepare an exhibition poster and write a slogan on it. Write about types of music you like by giving reasons. 81 A - I LOVE SILVER SCREEN Get Ready ..... 1. a horror film A. Match the types of films to their posters. ..... 2. a comedy ..... 3. a science fiction film ..... 4. a cartoon ..... 5. a romance ..... 6. an action film C A E B D F B. Read the following film quotes and match them to the films. ..... 1. The Pursuit of Happiness - 2004 ..... 2. E.T. (Extra Terrastrial) - 1982 ..... 3. Happy Feet - 2006 ..... 4. Titanic - 1997 ..... 5. Runaway Bride - 1999 a. “I do not want to live in a world without penguins.” b. “Maybe it was an iguana.” c. “You got a dream……. You gotta protect it. If you want something, go and get it.” d. “I wanted to tell you why I run sometimes ride - away things.” e. “There were twenty boats floating nearby and only one came back. One.” Will Smith gives a fantastic performance. A. Match the elements of a story to the questions. a. Plot b. Characters c. Setting d. Theme e. Time ...... 1. Where does the story take place? ...... 2. When does the story take place? ...... 3. What’s the summary of the story? ...... 4. What’s the main idea of the story? ...... 5. Who are the people in the story? B. Match the words to their meanings. ...... 1. give up (v) ...... 2. survive (v) ...... 3. internship (n) ...... 4. desperate (adj) ...... 5. stockbroker (n) ...... 6. penniless (adj) ...... 7. steady (adj) 82 a. regular b. having no money c. a person that buys and sells shares for other people d. stop doing something e. hopeless f. stay alive g. training C. Read the summary of the film “The Pursuit of Happyness” quickly and complete the table. Main characters Setting Time Plot Theme The Pursuit of Happyness is a biographical drama. The film is based on a true story about a man named Christopher Gardner and his little son, Chris. The story takes place in San Francisco in 1981. Will Smith plays Chris Gardner. His real son, Jaden Smith, plays Chris Jr. Christopher is a smart and struggling salesman. He spends his days trying to sell expensive medical equipment to doctors. He financially breaks his family. His wife leaves him, he loses his house, his bank account and credit cards. He is forced to live out in the streets with his son, Chris Jr. He is completely desperate and tries to find a steady job. Then he has an opportunity to be a stockbroker. He really loves working in this job. However during the internship he has to work without any salary for six months. Although he is homeless and penniless, he has to take care of his son on his own. They live on the streets and sleep in subway stations. They never give up struggling in spite of the difficulties. Chris and his little son are determined to stay alive. At the end, they manage to survive. Although the story seems depressing, its message is really inspiring.“If there is pain, there is life and if there is life, there is hope.” Don’t miss that fantastic film. D. Read the story again and write Agree (A) or Disagree (D). d! Keep in Min in the t u o e to liv He is forced his son. streets with this job. s working in He really love ..... 1. Chris’s wife takes care of their child. ..... 2. In spite of having no salary, he goes on working as a stockbroker. ..... 3. Chris and his little son never give up struggling although they have many difficulties. ..... 4. Chris is tottaly hopeless at the end of the film. E. Write your answers to these questions. 1. How often do you go to the cinema? 2. Do you watch films on TV and DVDs? 3. What kind of films do you like best? 4. What’s your favourite film? 5. Who’s your favourite director? 6. What was the last film you saw? d! Keep in Min depressing, m e story se s e th h g u o h Alt iring. is really insp g in spite its message g ru e up st glin iv g r ve e n y The lties. of the difficu F. Think about the films you watched recently ( cast - setting - plot etc.) and make sentences. *A film that you like watching many times *A place in a film that you want to see *A film that you hate watching *A country in a film that you intend to visit *An actor / actress you hope to meet one day *A director that you would like to interview G. Work in pairs. Ask and answer as in the example. Make invitation, suggestion and excuse. Have you seen “Jack and Jill” ? No, it is a comedy. Don’t miss this film. It’s really funny. Sorry, I can’t. I have to do the shopping with mum. No, not yet. Is it an action film? Let’s go this afternoon, then. Use these recommendations. You must see this film. It has something for everyone. Don’t go to see this film. It isn’t very good. Don’t miss this film. It is a classic. 83 How it all goes down ... A. Draw a line between the directors and their films. David Fincher Steven Spielberg Woody Allen Martin Scorsese B. Listen to the summary of “The Curious Case of Benjamin Button” and match the sentences. ....... 1. While everyone else gets older, ....... 2. Benjamin’s parents force him to act like a baby ....... 3. Benjamin is an easy - going guy ....... 4. Benjamin gets younger, ....... 5. By the time he graduates, ....... 6. Roscoe is increasingly upset with his father a. so he quickly loses interest in his wife. b. because his own son is approaching Benjamin’s age. c. Benjamin gets younger. d. in spite of his abnormality. e. eventhough Benjamin has the body and mind of a much older man. f. he is young enough to go to prep school. C. Listen to the summary of “The Curious Case of Benjamin Button” again and guess the end of his story. D. Discuss your guesses with your classmates. E. Listen to the rest of the film and check your guesses. F. Talk about another movie you know. Don’t say the name of the movie. Your friends guess what movie it is. Student A : It’s a computer animated film. It’s also a comedy drama. Student B : Is it “Kung Fu Panda”? Student A : No. Student B : Is it “Happy Feet”? Student A : Yes. G. Take notes about a film that you have seen recently. Then write about it following the pattern below. Paragraph one : facts about the film Paragraph two : where the story takes place, main events of the plot Paragraph three: your opinion of the film ion Code Peer Cor rect is not clear. ? : Meaning der WO : Word or word WW: Wrong S : Spelling tion P : Punctua ar G : Gram m 84 The last film that I saw was ……………… and …………. starred in. It was directed by ……………….. . It’s a comedy / thriller / horror film. The story takes place in …………. . It’s about three people / a man etc. I really liked / didn’t like the film because it was very interesting / boring /………. . The actors were excellent / ……. and the special effects / costumes / ……. were amazing. However the story was very sad / a bit too long /………….. . B A B - FROM ARTISTS TO MASTERPIECES Get Ready C A. Have you ever seen these paintings before? Whose masterpieces are they? Match them to the artists below. ........... 1.Leonardo Da Vinci ........... 2.Claude Monet ........... 3.Salvador Dali ........... 4.Pablo Picasso ........... 5.Vincent Van Gogh ........... 6.Pierre August Renoir B. Which of the following sentences about the famous artists are true, do you think? D 1. Picasso was a terrible student. 2. When in public, Salvador Dali jumped up and down to get attention. 3. Vincent Van Gogh taught in English schools when he was young. 4. Claude Monet used to spend most of his time drawing ridiculous pictures of his teachers when he was at school. 5. Leonardo Da Vinci invented scissors. 6. Renoir worked in a porcelain factory when he was a little boy. E F C. Work in pairs. Ask and answer as in the example using the given prompts. What funny pictures! Did you use to draw funny pictures of your teachers when you were in primary school? The Genius of Art Yes, I did. I used to draw caricatures of my teachers and friends. • have lo ng ha ir • swim well • play b as • read fa ketball ir • keep a y tales diary • ride a b ik • get up e early et c. A. Look at the exhibition poster and find: a. What’s the name of the exhibition? b. Whose works are displayed? c. Where is it? d. When is it? e. What time does it start? 85 B. Do you like reading school magazines? Why / Why not? C. Match the words to their synonyms. .....1. tenderly .....2. approximately .....3. famous .....4. closest .....5. truly .....6. artistic a. best b. softly c. nearly d. really e. well - known f. created or done with skill and good taste D. Students in Holland Park School prepared a Van Gogh’s page for their school magazine, Rainbow. Look at the page and read Van Gogh’s famous quotes. What do they mean in your own language? Discuss with your classmates. R V b ow n i a N E C IN GOG H N A V T E. Read some facts about Van Gogh in the school magazine and choose the best title for it. a. Talented Mr Gogh b. The Luckiest of All Artists I want to touch people with my art. I wan t them to say “he feels deeply, he feels tenderly. ” I feel that there is nothing more truly artistic than to love people. ul into my work, and I put my heart and my so cess. have lost my mind into pro How difficult it is to be simple. Real painters do not paint things as they are... They paint them as they themse lves feel... Did you know Vincent Van Gogh was born in 1853 and died young at the age of 37? • In a short period of ten years Van Gogh made approximately 900 paintings. • Young Van Gogh used to use dark colours in his paintings. Later on he painted his pictures in bright colours. • His famous painting “The Starry Night” has all the stars in the correct spot in the sky. • Vincent only sold one painting during his lifetime and only became famous after his death. • Van Gogh wrote over 800 letters in his lifetime - he wrote most of them to his brother and closest friend,Theo. • He drank strong coffee as he thought drinking coffee helped him choose the right colour. • Although Vincent Van Gogh was born in Holland, he spent most of his artistic life in France. • During his stay in England, everybody called him Van Gof (instead of Van Gogh) so he began signing all his paintings with Vincent. F. Read again and write the answers of these questions. 86 1. What year did Van Gogh die? 2. Did Van Gogh earn a lot of money? 3. Was he a world wide known artist when he was alive? 4. Why did he drink strong coffee? 5. Why did he sign all his paintings with Vincent? G. Search about some famous artists on the web. Look at the poster in exercise A. Prepare an exhibition poster and don’t forget to write: • • • • • • The name of the exhibition Peer Whose works are displayed ? : Cor rectio n M Where it is WO : eaning is n Co de W o When it is WW: ord order t clear. W What time it starts S : rong word S When it opens / closes P : pelling Punct ua G : H. Write a slogan on your poster. Gram m tion ar Trust your feelings and go after them. A. What do you think of these paintings? Tick the suitable adjectives. • funny • cute • interesting • unbelievable • unusual • irrational • exaggarated • ugly • ordinary B. Look at Fernando Botero’s paintings. Work in pairs and find some more adjectives with your partner to describe them. e.g. Student A: Oh, these paintings are so extraordinary and fascinating. Student B: Right. But they are a bit crazy. C. Fernando Botero, the famous artist and sculptor, visited Holland Park School for an interview. Listen to the interview with Botero and tick the sentences you hear. ........ 1. It’s a lovely small old town in Italy. ........ 2. Local people in Pietrasanta are friendly talkative Italians. ........ 3. In July we became a happy big Latin American family. ........ 4. Why do you always use these cute fat figures? ........ 5. I’m an energetic young man. I never feel myself lazy and old. D. Simon has to find a title for his interview for the school magazine. Listen to the interview again and choose the most suitable title. a. An Italian Artist b. A Unique Style Keep in Min d! in material opinion size age shape colour orig plastic watch. ish Brit k blac a nice small old square E. Work in pairs search the Net for a famous artist and prepare an interview. Student A is the interviewer. Student B is the famous artist. Then act out your interview with your partner. F. Desribe these things. Use at least three adjectives for each thing. 1. something that you are wearing: I’m wearing…smart purple metal glasses… . 2. something that is in your bag: In my bag I’ve got……………………… . 3. your house or flat: I live in a ………………………………………. . 4. your hair: I’ve got…………………………………… . 5. your father’s car: He drives ……………………………… . 87 C - MUSIC, THE SALT AND THE PEPPER OF LIFE Get Ready A. Draw lines between the singers / bands’ quotes and the photos. B A 1. “There are many things that I’d like to say to you. But I don’t know how.” From the song “Wonderful” - Oasis. 2. “I love you like a fat kid loves cake.” From the song “21 Question” - 50 Cent 3. “All the lonely people, where do they all come from? All the lonely people, where do they all belong?” From the song “Rigby” -The Beatles C 4. “Music makes the people come together!” From the song - “Music” - Madonna 5. “You can turn off the sun, but I’m stil gonna shine.” From the song “The Remedy” - Jason Miaz D 6. “In every life we have some trouble, when you worry, you make it double.” From the song “Don’t worry, be happy” - Bob Marley F E B. What do the quotes above mean in your language? Discuss with your classmates. The Fabulous Four - Beatles A. Look at the invitation and find ; • What is it about? • Where is it? • When is it? B. What’s the message of the invitation? What does it mean? Discuss with your partner. 88 There is a BEATLES in everyone. C. Jason is a Beatles fan. In this month’s magazine he has a page on the Beatles. Read his page and match the titles to the paragraphs. 1. A Beatles song is the most covered song of all time. 2. The Beatles’ songs pay tribute to mothers. 3. The Beatles are the most popular and successful band of all time. 4. The Beatles’ most successful single “Hey Jude” was for a child. 5. The Beatles caused the removal of certain street signs. Beatles, the British band, were a band unlike any other, and their history is filled with interesting facts. Here are just a few of (1) them. A……. They broke up 40 years ago, but their names are still recognized by music fans of all ages all over the world. John, Paul, George and Ringo. In the U.S alone 600 million people have bought their albums. In 1964 they appeared on a TV show in America and 70 million people watched (2) them. Over 40 percent of them were Americans. B……..Paul Mc Cartney wrote a song called “Penny Lane”. It was about a street near Liverpool, England. After “Penny Lane” became a hit, Beatles fans continuously stole the sign of the street. The city of Liverpool finally began simply painting the name of the street on the sides of the buildings. They finally installed thief resistant signs in 2007. C……..It spent nine weeks at number one on the charts in 1968. Paul Mc Cartney wrote (3) it for John Lennon’s son, Julian. Paul intended to comfort Julian after his parents’ divorce. D……..According to the Guiness Book of World Records, more than 3000 musicians have recorded “Yesterday”, The Beatles’ hit. E……..Both John Lennon and Paul Mc Cartney lost their mothers when they were in their teens. Lennon wrote the song “Julia” for his mother and the Beatles recorded (4) it. One of the band’s biggest hits, “Let it be” was for Mc Cartney’s mom. Her name was Mary and she is referred to as “Mother Mary” in the lyrics. D. Look at the bold italic words in the text. What do they refer to? Draw lines between the words. 1. them 2. them 3. it 4. it a. the song “Julia” b. interesting facts c. the single “Hey Jude” d. the Beatles d! Keep in Min d them. tc ople wa he e p n io ill m 0 7 E. Read about the Beatles again and write the answers of these questions to make a paragraph. 1. How many people watched the Beatles? 2. What happened when “Penny Lane” became a hit? 3. Who did Paul McCartney write “Hey Jude” for? Why did he write it for him? 4. Why is the song “Yesterday” in the Guinness Book of World Records? 5. How did Paul McCartney and Lennon show their love to their mothers? 89 F. Work in pairs. Ask and answer as in the example. Student A : Who is your favourite band, Tim? Student B : The Pussycat Dolls. I’m crazy about their songs and their dance. Do you like them? Student A : Actually no. They’re not my favourite. I love “Black Eyed Peas”. Fergie’s voice is marvellous and their song “I gotta feeling” is superb. You are what you listen to. A. Tick the types of music you know. Pop music Jazz Blues Classical music B. Answer these questions. Rock music Reggae Opera Traditional folk music Rap 1. What types of music are you keen on? 2. What types of music don’t you like? 3. What were the last two CDs you bought? 4. What was the last concert you went to? C. Imagine you are planing to go to a concert at the weekend. Talk about it. “When? / What time? / Where? / Whose concert? / Who with?” D. Listen to Jade, Marc and Fernando. Write “J”,”M” or “F” near the sentences below. ........ 1. I’m keen on listening to blues. ........ 2. I suppose music is like a language with or without words. ........ 3. During the day I prefer listening to rock music. ........ 4. Like many people, music is a huge passion of mine. ........ 5. Whenever I listen to rap, I become much more self - motivated and energetic. ........ 6. I finish my day with some smooth calming music such as jazz. E. Listen again and match the two halves of the sentences to find the reason. ..... 1. Jade listens to rock music ..... 2. Marc is keen on listening to blues ..... 3. Fernando finishes his day with jazz a. because it puts him in a wonderful mood after a tiring and busy day. b. to lift his mood. c. as it gives him positive emotions, such as happiness, contentment and interest. F. Work in pairs. Ask and answer as in the example. Student A: What kind of music do you like listening in the evenings? Student B: I love listening to rap because it gives me energy to finish my homework. What about you? 90 G. What type of music do you like listening in the mornings / afternoons Peer Correction Code / evenings? Write your reasons. Work with your partner. Swap ? : Meaning is not clear. your papers. Check the grammar, spelling, punctuation mistakes. WO : Word order And write it again. WW: Wrong word S : Spelling P : Punctuation G : Grammar THE MOST EXTRAORDINARY MAN OF THE 20TH CENTURY A. Read what international press wrote about Atatürk and fill in the blanks with the given words. man - leaders - nation 1. One of the most talented ……………..of the after war period. 2. He was a…………..of great ideas. New York Times Neue Freie Presse, Vienna 3. Atatürk has shown the miracle of modernizing a ……….in a few years. Paris-de Temps B. Discuss the following quotes of Atatürk with your classmates. Teachers are the one and only people who save nations. Everything we see in the world is the creative work of women. You, the sons and daughters, the future of Turkey, even under such circumstances and conditions, your duty is to save the Turkish independence and the Repulic, you’ll find the power you need in the noble blood in your veins. C. Read Poyraz’s poem and fill in the blanks with the words given. believe - child - flag - spend - everything Whenever I see my 1 ……… waving, My eyes are full of tears cause I’m proud of being a Turk, Being a 2 ………..of you, Atatürk. Promise I will 3 ……… days reading, writing and thinking, I’ll do my best to find out 4 ……………… I’ll bring you the news of new discoveries, 5 ……… me everybody will see the action before my words. 9D-Poyraz D. Listen and check your answers. E. Choose the best title for the poem. a. Promise I’ll do……… b. Different routes F. Did you like the poem? Why / Why not? CHECK YOUR PROGRASS I can… Listening guess the end of a film. understand the order of adjectives. choose a suitable title for the recorded text. Reading understand the type of a film. understand the elements of a story. complete a table while reading. understand past habits. understand information on posters. identify the date / place / topic of an invitation. understand referring (object pronouns). Spoken Interaction give recommendations about a film. ask and answer about past habits. talk about my favourite singer / band / composer. Spoken Production talk about a film. talk about what I used to do in the past. describe things using adjectives. talk about types of music I like listening. Writing write a review of a film I’ve seen recently. prepare an exhibition poster and write a slogan on it. write about types of music that I like by giving reasons. 91 Theme 8 WINNERS AND LOSERS At the end of the unit, you’ll be able to ... understand the topic with the help of the title / simple announcements. understand success stories. predict the end of a story. understand questions in a questionnaire. understand people’s problems / formal letters. understand people’s experiences. give opinion about people’s quotes. share information about stress. talk about fixed arrangements. give a formula for being successful. talk about my problems and what makes me happy. write an ending for a story / a letter to a problem page / a recipe for happiness. check and edit your writing. 92 A - DO YOUR BEST AND CATCH SUCCESS Get Ready A. Match the people to the jobs. ....... 1. the captain of the Turkish National Volleyball Team ....... 2. the king of rock’n roll ....... 3. the captain of Argentina’s football team ....... 4. the founder and the CEO of Facebook ....... 5. former professional basketball player ....... 6. talk show host and producer A Ophrah Winfrey B C Elvis Presley Lionel Messi D Michael Jordan E Mark Zuckerberg F Neslihan Demir Darnel B. Why are they so successful? What’s your simple formula for being successful? C. Work in pairs. Brainstorm some adjectives related to success. Make dialogues as in the example. If you want to be successful, you must be ambitious. But being ambitious is not enough. You must be also hardworking and determined. ambitious ...................... ...................... hardworking ...................... ...................... D. What do the following quotes mean in your language? Do you agree with them? When a winner makes a mistake, he says “I was wrong.” When a loser makes a mistake, he says “It wasn’t my fault.” The winner says,”It may be difficult, but it’s possible.” The loser says “It may be possible, but it’s too difficult.” The winners always has a programme, the loser always has an excuse. 93 Succeed your way and live the life you want. A. Match the words to their explanations. ...... 1. entrepreneurs ...... 2. stationery ...... 3. forward ...... 4. make money a. earn b. businessman c. the things needed for writing, such as paper, pens, pencils etc. d. send B. Read the story of Cameron Johnson and guess what happened to his new company and what he’s doing now. Cameron Johnson is one of the most successful young entrepreneurs in the world and has been a boss for eighteen years. 27 year - old Cameron started his first business at the age of nine. He designed and painted greeting cards, invitations and stationery for family and friends. In less than a year, he saved $ 50.000. He used all this money for his new job - an email forwarding company called My EZ Mail. He made a lot of money in a month - $ 3000 - then he created an online advertising company with two other teens - Aaron Grenspan and Tom Kho . ....................................................................................... ............................................................ C. Read about Cameron again and write “True” (T) or “False” (F). ....1. Cameron Johnson has been a businessman since 1994. ....2. When he was in primary school, he created his own greeting cards and invitations. ....3. He borrowed some money from his family to start his new company My EZ Mail. ....4. He didn’t earn enough money. ....5. He had two partners when he started his online advertising company. D. Now read the end of Cameron’s story and compare it with your own ending. In his freshman year of high school, at the age of fifteen, he was receiving checks between $ 300.000 and $ 400.000 a month. Before he graduated from high school, his bank account was over $ 1 million. Now Johnson is giving speeches worldwide and writing his new book “You call the shots.” He has appeared on many TV shows and in magazines. 94 d! Keep in Min rds. ca d greeting . He designe hteen years e r a boss fo ig n e e b s a h He E. Find the synomyms of the words below in the text in exercise “D”. 1. get :…………………… 2. first year student :……………….. 3. finish school :………………………. 4. talk :…………………… 5. be present :……………………… F. Write the answers of these questions. 1. What was happening when Cameron was the first year student in high school? 2. How much money did he make before he graduated from high school? 3. Has he appeared on TV? G. Work in pairs. Ask and answer. “What can you say about Cameron Johnson’s character?” I think Cameron is very hardworking and ambitious. Of course I did. You know I’m hardworking and ambitious like Cameron. Right. He is also creative and determined. By the way, did you study for the Maths test? Never give up! A. Do you agree with the quote. “Nothing is impossible”. Why / Why not? B. Read the title of the listening text and guess what it is about. C. Listen and check your guesses. D. Listen again to Adele’s story and write an ending for it. But unfortunately I was too heavy to ……………. ………………………………………………………... ………………………………………………………... ………………………………………………………... ………………………………………………………... ………………………………………………………... ………………………………………………………... ………………………………………………………... E. Listen and check your guesses. F. Write about a person whose life story is a real success. Peer Co ? : Me r rection an C WO : Wo ing is no o de r t cle d o rd WW: ar. er Wron S : Spe g word ll P : Pun ing ..................................................................................................................... G c tu : Gram ation ..................................................................................................................... mar ..................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................... • First search different success stories on the web. Take notes. • Then present it to your classmates. 95 B - WITH OR WITHOUT STRESS Get Ready A. Do the self test and find out. “Are you a stressful person?” 1. Are you forgetful in daily activities? a. Never or rarely b. Sometimes c. Always 2. Are you easily upset? a. Never or rarely b. Sometimes c. Always 3. Do you feel anxious and helpless? a. Never or rarely b. Sometimes c. Always 4. Can you make careless mistakes in school, work or in other activities? a. Never or rarely b. Sometimes c. Always 5. Are you aggressive? a. Never or rarely b. Sometimes c. Always 6. Do you eat more than usual when you have a problem? a. Never or rarely b. Sometimes c. Always 7. Can you sleep easily when you have a problem? a. Never or rarely b. Sometimes c. Always 8. Do you easily feel tired although you aren’t? a. Never or rarely b. Sometimes c. Always 9. Do you have difficulty in concentrating or making decisions? a. Never or rarely b. Sometimes c. Always 10. Do you cry more easily than the other people? a. Never or rarely b. Sometimes c. Always Show stress who’s the boss! A. Answer the following questions. B. Talk about what problems you’ve had these days. 1. Do you like reading teen magazines? 2. Do you read problem pages of the magazines? 3. What kind of problems do teens write about? e.g. My mother always wants me to look after my little sister. This makes me crazy because I wanna go out with my friends. C. Read the letter from the problem page of a teen magazine and guess: What does “have butterflies in the stomach” mean? a. feel nervous b. to feel extremely hungry c. to have full stomach SMARTEEN PROBLEM PAGE PROBLEMS ? With your school, teachers, classmates and parents? For the best advice and the best help, write to “SMARTEEN” today! Dear Smarteen, I’m a sixteen - year old girl and I’m having problems with my exams. I’m always despearate and scared because of them. The day before the exam, I spend the whole night vomitting. Whenever I look at the exam paper, my mind just goes blank. I remember nothing. I’m too nervous to do anything. My hands shake, my heart beats quickly and I always have butterflies in my stomach. I want to be somewhere far far away from the exams. I’m too hopeless to be successful. Help! What should I do to beat exam stress? Exam Victim 96 D. Read the letter again and find the reason why the girl is always desperate and scared. E. Read the reply of the magazine to Exam Victim and find what she should do to reduce exam stress. SMARTEEN PROBLEM PAGE SMARTEEN says: Dear Exam Victim, You must learn how to reduce exam stress. First of all, close your eyes and breathe slowly and deeply. This will calm your nervous system. Next tell yourself “I’m calm and relaxed” or “I know I will do fine.”If your mind goes blank, don’t panic! If you panic, you can not remember anything. Finally, try to develop good study habits and techniques. Don’t forget exams are a small part of your life and they will not last forever. If you manage to minimise exam stress - In other words if it is controlled at the right level, you will feel strong enough to become successful. Keep in mind you are the boss of your life. F. Read the two letters quickly and match the halves of the sentences. …….1. You will feel strong …….2. I’m too hopeless a. to be successful. b. enough to become successful. d! Keep in Min with co eak to pe He is too w stress. enough to He is strong ress. cope with st G. Do you agree with Smarteen’s advice? Discuss with your classmates. Use: I (don’t) agree with…….. / In my opinion / …………. / I think …………… H. Imagine you have a typical teen problem. Write a letter to the problem page of the teen magazine. Dear Smarteen, My name is ……………and I am from …………….. . I’m ……………years old. My problem is with……………………. . The problem is this: …………………… . I feel so …………………………! ion Code Peer Cor rect is not clear. ? : Meaning der WO : Word or ord w ng WW: Wro ng lli S : Spe tion P : Punctua ar m m G : Gra I. Work with your partner. Swap your books. Find the mistakes and correct them. J. Write a reply to your partner. K. Work in pairs. Take turns to ask and answer as in the example. Which pages do you like reading in magazines? I love problem pages because I’m keen on others’ problems. I’m a sports freak so I love reading sports pages. What about you? 97 An interview with a life coach A. Read the following poem and find which line do you agree most? If you feel depressed, sing. If you feel sad, laugh. If you feel uncertain, raise your voice. If you feel poor, think of wealth to come. If you feel weak, think of your past successes. If you feel fear, remember your goals. If you feel stressed, take control of your life. B. Write a suitable title for the poem. C. Look at the photo below and guess. Where are the students? Who is the man? What are they doing? D. Listen to the announcement in Bell High School, Ottawa and answer the questions. 1.When is Mr Sullivan giving a seminar? ............................................................... 2.What time is he giving the seminar? ............................................................... 3.What is the topic? ............................................................... 4.Where is he giving the seminar? ............................................................... d! Keep in Min ing m o c is Mr Sullivan ernoon for tomorrow aft the seminar. E. Listen to Professor Sullivan, a psychiatrist and a life coach, and tick Professor Sullivan’s favourite stress buster. 1. 3. 2. 4. F. Tick Professor Sullivan’s tips you can use to beat stress. ..... 1. I can laugh at my problems. ..... 3. I can watch a comedy. 5. ..... 2. I can jump up and down on my bed. ..... 4. I can dance. G. Work in pairs. Take turns to ask and answer as in the example. Have you got a formula to beat stress? Mine is a little bit different. I do yoga. Whenever I do yoga, my stress is over. 98 Yes. My formula is to watch a comedy. Whenever I watch a comedy, I forget all my problems. What’s yours? d! Keep in Min la u ur form ? A: What’s yo yoga. And yours? do B: Mine is to C - WHAT MAKES YOU HAPPY ? Get Ready A. Read the poem and fill in the blanks with the given words below. singing - being - waking Happiness is 1…………. home again, Happiness is walking in the rain. Happiness is 2…………. with no pain. Happiness is to see the sun shining, Happiness is to listen to the birds 3……………, Happiness is to feel your heart beating, Happiness is family to me, Happiness in the faces, I longed to see, Happiness is once more being free. B. What makes you happy? Discuss with your friends. Being with animals makes me happy. That’ why I want to be a vet. Oh, I’m afraid of animals. I want to be a famous chef because cooking makes me very happy. C. Look at the ingredients for happiness. Number them in the order of importance for you. holidays good education having a pet success a good job family lots of friends good health having goals a big house spending time in nature helping people /animals a lot of money D. Work in pairs. Take turns to ask and answer as in the example. Student A : You look so happy today. What happened? Student B : I’m flying to Australia next week. My sister sent me a ticket. Student A : Great! What are you going to do there? Student B : I’m going to visit a kangaroo farm. You know I am crazy about them. Happiness is helping Caretta Carettas A. Look at the birthday cake and guess what makes Katrina happy? Tick a, b or c. a. swimming with Caretta Carettas b. helping Caretta Carettas c. being on an island 99 B. Read Katrina’s application letter and find why she’d like to work as a volunteer for Caretta Research Project. Caretta Research Project PO Box 9841 Savannah, GA, USA, 31142 - 0041 A B Katrina Mendonsa Kamycka 957 16521 Prague 6-Suchdol, Czech Republic 27 February 2012 D C I am responding to your advertisement on your web site for the position of volunteer work for Caretta Research Project. I would like to apply for this position and turn my gap year into a wonderful experience. I am twenty years old and I live in Prag. I am a student at a faculty of Veterinary Medicine. I am highly interested in animals and I am very happy when I am with them. Therefore, being a volunteer in Caretta Research Project is the right job for me. I have participated in a similar volunteer job in Fethiye, Turkey and I have big plans for Caretta Carettas. I look forward to hearing from you. Dear Sir / Madam, Yours faithfully E Katrina Mendonsa F C. Look at Katrina’s application letter and match the words to the letters. 1. Opening remark : ……………. 2. Closing remark :………………… 3. Name / signature of the applicant : …………………. 4. Address of the applicant :………………………. 5. Address of the organization :…………………………………… 6. Date : .................................... D. Caretta Research Project thought that Katrina was the right youngster for the post. She went to Wassaw Islands to work for the Project. Read her blog and find.”What does happiness mean to Katrina?” Project h c r a e s e R Caretta This is the description area about me and my Carettas. Write whatever you want here and talk about your blog. 100 Have you ever sat on a beach and cried from happiness? I have. Read my emotions and memories with Caretta Carettas. I spent two months on Wassaw Island (near the coast of Savannah, the USA) doing sea turtle protection and research. It was the most challenging and the happiest experience of my life. The conditions of the island were so challenging that I got exhausted both mentally and physically. Every night I had to stay awake and watch the turtles lay their eggs till morning. During the day it was so hot that I couldn’t sleep at all. The reward of a hard week was seeing the turtles coming up from the ocean and observing them. I can’t explain my happiness when I saw the baby turtles. They were so cute that I wanted to kiss them one by one. I love the turtles. I love being a part of their survival. I love working to keep their existence. This is what I want to do throughout my life. I want to be a researcher. To me, happiness is helping Carettas! d! Keep in Min t I wanted a th o cute They were s one by one. to kiss them E. Read her blog again and write True (T) or False (F). Correct the False ones. ..... 1. Katrina spent a year on Wassaw Island. ..... 2. Watching the turtles lay their eggs was very tiring. ..... 3. She slept all day long. ..... 4. Seeing the baby turtles made Katrina very happy. ..... 5. Katrina is planning to work with sea turtles throughout her life. F. Match the two halves of Katrina’s thoughts. 1. I was so tired that 2. My memories are so lovely that 3. When I saw the turtles, I was so happy that a. I want to share them with everybody. b. I forgot all my tiredness. c. I wanted to sleep whole day and night. G. Read the text again and find the similar sentences with the sentences below and write them. 1.They were such cute baby turtles that I wanted to kiss them one by one. ………………………………………………………… 2. It was such a hot day that I couldn’t sleep at all. ………………………………………………………….. H. Do you like reading stories on others blogs? Tell a story you’ve read recently on the web to your classmates. I. Imagine you saw an ad about your dream job on a web site. You want to apply for this post. Write a formal letter to this organization company. Use the example in exercise B. What’s your recipe for happiness? A. Do you agree with the quote below? Do what makes you happy, Be with who makes you smile, Laugh as much as you breathe, Love as long as you live. B. Tick the words you know. Search the meaning of unknown words. patience - bowl - thoughtfulness - understanding - faith - kindness - laughter C. Listen how Katrina describes happiness on her blog and fill in the missing words in her recipe for happiness. 1. ……………a big mixing bowl and 2. ……………it with 2 cups of patience. 3. ………… 1 heart full of love and 2 hands full of thoughtfulness. 4. ………… a big bottle of laughter and a head full of understanding. 5. ………………some kindness and faith. 6. ………… them well. 7. …………anyone you meet. D. Listen again. Work in groups of five. Choose a group leader to mime the recipe. Choose the student who mimes the recipe best in the class. E. What is your own recipe for happiness? Write your recipe on a piece of paper. Swap papers. Correct your partner’s mistakes. F. Choose the best recipe of the class. 101 QU I Z TIM 1. What’s your motto of life? a. Never give up! b. There is always a way out! c. Life is life! Just enjoy it! 2. When there is a big problem, you………………… . a. wait and see what will happen b. try to avoid the situation c. try to find a way 3. Would you describe yourself as a person who……………? a. usually tries to win b. tries to win but is aware that winning is not so easy c. always wants to win 4. Do you spend much time worrying what people will think of you? a. Yes b. No c. Sometimes 5. When it comes to reading, you……………………………. . a. read only for pleasure b. read for understanding the world c. get most of your information from newspapers, TV or the Internet 6. In making small and big decisions, you generally……………. . a. trust yourself b. go with the advice of friends and family c. think over and over again 7. In your work, your highest priority is …………….. . a. a long-term security b. a good pay and prestige c. a work which makes you feel you are making a difference 8. You consider yourself a person who………………… . a. is happy to experience many things b. has a definite purpose c. will seek to rise to the top CHECK YOUR PROGRESS I can… 102 Listening understand the topic with the help of the title. understand simple announcements. follow simple clear information in a recorded text. Reading understand success stories. predict the end of a story. understand questions in a questionnaire. understand people’s problems. understand formal letters. understand people’s experiences. Spoken Interaction give opinion about people’s quotes. share information about stress. talk about fixed arrangements. Spoken Production give a formula for being successful. talk about my problems. talk about what makes me happy. Writing write an ending for a story. write a letter to a problem page. check and edit my writing. write a recipe for happiness. E Theme 1 GRAMMAR REFERENCE PRESENT CONTINUOUS TENSE AND PRESENT SIMPLE TENSE • We use Present Continuous Tense for things that a. are happening at the time of speaking. Now I’m drinking milk. b. are temporary and happening around now. e.g He is looking a job these days. I’m staying with my uncle until I find a flat. • We use Simple Present Tense for a. daily routines and things we always / sometimes / never do. e.g I always get up early. I play tennis on Saturdays. b. verbs that describe states (be-want-need- have(possess)- like-love-hate-) e.g. I need some butter now. • State verbs talk about states, feelings and opinions. We don’t usually use state verbs in the Present Continuous. e.g. I like chocolate. (NOT I’m liking chocolate.) FREQUENCY EXPRESSIONS / ADVERBS Frequency expressions and adverbs tell us how often something happens. Expressions: They usually go at the beginning or at the end of a sentence. • every ............. day / morning / night / Monday / afternoon / evening / week / year • once a week / twice a year / three times a month, etc. e.g. Every Saturday he goes to the cinema with his friends. He goes to the cinema with his friends every Saturday. ADVERBS : Sunday Monday Tuesday Friday Saturday Thursday Wednesday Always Sunday Saturday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Sunday Thursday Friday Monday Thursday Wednesday Often Usually Monday Saturday Tuesday Friday Rarely Never Sometimes We use frequency adverbs and the Present Simple to say how often we do something. 103 • We usually put the adverb before the verb. e.g. I sometimes watch TV. I don’t often go out at nights. But “sometimes” is different in negatives. e.g. I sometimes don’t go out with friends. SIMPLE FUTURE “WILL” Future Time Expressions = tomorrow, tomorrow morning / afternoon / evening / night, soon, later, in an hour / 10 minutes / two years, next week • We use “will” for prediction (The things that we think will happen in the future). e.g. There will be robot teachers in the future. I think it won’t rain tomorrow. • We use will for promises. e.g. I will come home before nine, dad. I promise, I won’t tell anybody your secret. BE GOING TO The Future Time Expressions : soon, tonight, tomorrow, next week / month / year, in an hour / a year / two months - We use “be going to” to express our future plans and intentions. e.g. I’m going to visit Mary next week. • We use “be going to” to predict the future, using information based on what we see / know at present. e.g. Be careful! There is a hole in front of you. You are going to fall. Theme 2 GRAMMAR REFERENCE SİMPLE PAST A. Past Form of “to be” • We use the past simple for completed action at a definite stated time in the past. e.g. Mr Brown was in Italy two weeks ago. We were at home last night. • B. Simple Past We use the Simple Past Tense to express the idea that an action started and finished at a specific time in the past. e.g I saw a movie yesterday. • To make negatives we use “didn’t+verb base” form. e.g Judy didn’t come to school yesterday. • To make questions, we use “did + subject+verb base” form. e.g Did you have breakfast this morning? 1. Regular verbs: • Most verbs take “ -ed”. e.g. play……. played • Verbs that end in “e” take only “-d”. e.g. arrive………arrived • In verbs ending in consonant “y”, we drop the “y” and put “-ied”. e.g. cry……… cried • In verbs ending one vowel between two consonants, we double the last consonant and put “-ed”. e.g. stop ……….stopped 104 2. Irregular verbs: e.g. I went to school yesterday. • Wh- questions come before “did”. e.g. Where did you go last week? I went to Ankara. • We don’t use “did” after “who” or “what” if we ask about the subject. e.g. Who washed the dishes? Jane washed the dishes. Subject What happened? An accident happened. Subject Who did you visit? What did you study? I visited my aunt. Object I studied maths. Object ADJECTIVES ENDING –ed / -ing • Adjectives ending –ed describe our feeling abouts about someone or something. e.g. I felt bored at the cinema. • Adjectives ending in -ing describe the thing or person that has an effect on us. e.g The film was really boring. “-ed” adjectives “-ing” adjectives amazing amazed amusing amused annoying annoyed astonishing astonished boring bored confusing confused depressing depressed disgusting disgusted embarrassing embarrassed exciting excited exhausting exhausted horrifying horrified fascinating fascinated frightening frightened frustrating frustrated terrifying terrified satisfying satisfied shocking shocked worrying worried DEFINITE / INDEFINITE ARTICLES 1. We use indefinite article (a / an) with only singular countable nouns when we’ve talked for the first time. Using “a” or “an” depends on the sound that begins the next word. So... • a + singular noun beginning with a consonant: e.g a boy; a car; a bike; a zoo; a dog • an + singular noun beginning with a vowel: e.g an elephant; an egg; an apple; an idiot; an orphan • a + singular noun beginning with a consonant sound: e.g. a university; a unicycle an + noun beginning with silent “h”: e.g. an hour 105 2. We use definite article “the” • when both speakers know which noun they are talking about. The car over there is fast. The teacher is very good, isn’t he? • when the noun is only one. The sun is far away from the world. The first time you speak of something, use “a or an”, the next time you repeat that object use “the”. e.g. I live in a house. The house is quite old and has four bedrooms. I ate in a Chinese restaurant. The restaurant was very good. • with some musical instruments. e.g. I play the guitar. • with the names of seas, oceans, rivers, falls and deserts. e.g. The Pasicif Ocean, The Sahara desert, The Nile • with the names of groups of islands and hills or mountains. e.g The Canary Islands, the Himalayas 3. We don’t use “a-an-the” • with the names of lakes, beaches or single hills and mountains. e.g. Copacabana Beach, Baikal Lake • when you are speaking about things in general e.g. I like Russian tea. She likes reading books. • when you are speaking about meals, places, and transport e.g. He has breakfast at home. I go to university. He comes to work by taxi. • COMPARATIVE ADJECTIVES We use “comparative form + than” when we compare two people, things or animals • For short adjectives, add –er (+than) to compare two people or things. e.g. Russia is cooler than France. Wales is smaller than England. • For adjectives ending –y, change to –i e.g. I think chemistry is easier than physics. • For long adjectives, add more / less + adjectives + than e.g. I think rhinos are more dangerous than crocodiles. • Some adjectives are irregular: e.g. bad - worse good - better far - farther Travelling by plane is better than travelling by bus. - Remember! With some words you need to double letters. 106 fat - fatter slim - slimmer big - bigger sad - sadder thin - thinner SUPERLATIVE ADJECTIVES We use “the + superlative” form when we compare three or more people, things and animals. • • • • For short adjectives, add –est. e.g. The Nile is the longest river in the world. For adjectives ending –y, change to –i, then add est. e.g. I think chemistry is the easiest subject at school. For long adjectives, add the most e.g. I think football is the most popular sport in the world. Some adjectives are irregular: e.g. bad - worst good - best far - farthest Travelling by plane is the best one. - Remember! With some words you need to double letters. fat - fattest slim - slimmest big - biggest sad - saddest thin - thinnest HAVE TO - HAS TO I. We often use have to / has to to say that: • something is obligatory. e.g. Children have to go to school. - something is necessary. e.g. I have to tidy my room. II. There is a difference between “must” and “have / has to”. • • Use must when you think that sth is necessary. e.g. I must tidy my room. It is in a real mess. (I want this.) Use have / has to when a law or another person says sth is necessary. e.g. I have to tidy my room. (My mother wants me to do it.) III. “Mustn’t” and “don’t / doesn’t have to” are completely different. • “Mustn’t” expresses prohibition. e.g. You mustn’t get out of the bed. You are ill. • “Don’t / doesn’t have to” expresses lack of necessity. e.g. I don’t have to cook today. We are having dinner at La Zucca. (It is not necessary for me to cook today.) IV. Needn’t • “Needn’t” is similar to “don’t / doesn’t have to”. e.g. You needn’t wash my shirt. It is not dirty. 107 Theme 3 GRAMMAR REFERENCE COUNTABLES / UNCOUNTABLES 1. Countable nouns • We can count them. They have got singular and plural forms. When they are singular, we put “a / an” before nouns. e.g. a book (singular) books (plural) 2. Uncountable nouns • We cannot count them. They are always singular. We can’t use “a / an” before uncountable nouns. e.g. milk, coffee, money QUANTIFIERS • some + plural countable nouns. We use it in (+) sentences and offers. some + uncountable nouns e.g. There is some milk in the cup. There are some books on the table. Would you like to drink some milk? • any + plural countable / uncountable nouns We use it in (-) and (?) sentences. e.g. Is there any milk in the cup? No, there isn’t any milk in the cup. Are there any apples in the basket? No, there aren’t any apples in the garden. • We use “many” for plural countable nouns in (-) and (?) sentences. • We use “much” for uncountable nouns in (-) and (?) sentences. e.g. Are there many books in your bag? No, there aren’t many books in my bag. Is there much coffee in the cup? No, there isn’t much coffee in it. • In affirmative (+) sentences we normally use “a lot of “or “lots of”. e.g. There is a lot of milk in the fridge. There are a lot of apples in the basket. • Generally we write “a lot of” but we say “lots of”. • We use “much” and “a little” + uncountable nouns. e.g. There isn’t much coffee in the cup. There is only a little coffee in the cup. • We use “many” and “a few” + countable nouns. e.g. There aren’t many apples in the basket. There are only a few apples in it. • want to, would like + to infinitive These sentences have the same meaning; e.g. I want to study English. I would like to study English. • We use “would like” to make polite offers. e.g. Would you like something to drink? Would you like to dance with me? CAN - COULD AND MAY • We use “can” ,”could” or “may” to ask for permission. May is more formal than can. We use “can’t” or “may not” to refuse. e.g. Mum, can I go out? No, you can’t. 108 PREPOSITIONS OF PLACE Prepositions of place tell us where people or things are. on in next to between in front of behind near under IF CLAUSE TYPE 1 We use “will” in the main clause to show our strong expectation. e.g. If it rains, we will stay home. • We use “can / may / might” in the main clause to show that sth. is possible, but we are not so certain about what will happen. e.g. If it rains, we can / may / might stay home. • We can use imperatives in the main clause. e.g. If you are hot, open the window. Form: If I study, I will pass the exams. If Ben gets up early, he can catch the bus. If you see John tonight, • • tell him to e-mail me. When “if clause” is at the beginning of the sentence, we put a comma after it. e.g. If you study hard, you get good grades. When “if clause” is at the end of the sentences, we don’t put a comma. e.g. You get good grades if you study hard. Theme 4 GRAMMAR REFERENCE PAST CONTINUOUS We use Past Continuous to talk about an action or situation that was in progress at a particular time in the past. e.g. Jane was playing tennis at this time yesterday. Time expressions = at six o’clock last night, at this time yesterday / last week / all day yesterday ADVERBS Adverbs tell us in what way someone does something. Adverbs can modify verbs, adjectives or other adverbs.Adjectives tell us something about a person or a thing. Adjectives can modify nouns or pronouns. Adjective Mandy is a careful girl. Mandy is very careful. safely) Adverb Mandy drives carefully. e.g. Mandy is a careful driver. (This sentence is about Mandy, the driver, so use the adjective.) Mandy drives carefully. (This sentence is about her way of driving, so use the adverb. We usually add “ly” to the adjectives to get an adverb such as terrible – terribly / safe - 109 Note: Not all words ending in -ly are adverbs. eg. adjectives ending in -ly: friendly, silly, lonely, ugly nouns, ending in -ly: ally, bully, Italy, melancholy verbs, ending in -ly: apply, rely, supply irregular forms good well hard hard fast early late fast early late Types of adverbs 1) Adverbs of manner : quickly, kindly 2) Adverbs of degree: very, rather 3) Adverbs of frequency:often, sometimes 4) Adverbs of time : now, today 5) Adverbs of place : here, nowhere WHEN / WHILE CLAUSES • We use Past Simple for a completed action. e.g. I broke the vase. • We use Past Continuous for an action in progress in the past. e.g. I was cleaning the room. 1.While ( as – just as – when) = All have the same meaning. We use them with past continuous. e.g. While I was cleaning the room, I broke the vase. (First action is in progress but second one is completed.) e.g. While I was sleeping, my brother was playing football. (Both actions are in progress.) If “while” comes at the beginning of the sentence, we use comma between the sentences. If we use “while” after the first sentence, we don’t use comma. e.g. My brother was playing football while I was sleeping. While I was sleeping, my brother was playing football. 2. “When” gets a completed action. e.g. When I broke the vase, I was cleaning the room. When John returned home, everyone ran out to greet him. PRESENT PERFECT - We use the Present Perfect to say that an action happened at an unspecified time before now. The exact time is not important. e.g. I have seen that movie twenty times. • • • • 110 We use “Present Perfect” to talk about experiences up till now. e.g. I’ve driven a racing car. They have been to China. The results of the past action are important in the Present Perfect. e.g. He’s lost my keys.(He doesn’t have his keys now.) The time reference in the sentences includes the present. e.g. She has been ill all this week. (This week isn’t finished.) With superlatives e.g. This is the most delicious pizza I have ever tasted. • Time words often found with the Present Perfect Tense. Periods of time which are still in progress: All my life, this week, this year e.g. I have never been to Europe all my life. Ever-never: We often use “ever” in questions and “never” in statements. e.g. Have you ever ridden a horse? I’ve never ridden a horse. just / already - yet: “just” is usually used only with the Present Perfect Tense and it means ‘a short time ago’. e.g. I’ve just seen Susan coming out of the cinema. “already” is used to say that something has happened early – or earlier than it might have happened. e.g. I’ve already spent my salary and it’s two weeks before pay day. “yet” is used to talk about something which is expected to happen. It means “at any time up to now”. It is used in questions and negatives. e.g. Have you finished your homework yet? I haven’t finished it yet. I’ll do it after dinner. Theme 5 GRAMMAR REFERENCE TAG QUESTIONS A tag question is a special construction in English. It is a statement followed by a mini-question. The whole sentence is a “tag question”, and the mini-question at the end is called a “question tag”. Notice that the question tag repeats the auxiliary verb (or main verb “be”) from the statement and changes it to negative or positive. e.g. You like tea, don’t you? (Positive statement - negative tag) You don’t like me, do you? (Negative statement- positive tag) Sheila is a student, isn’t she? The children played tennis yesterday, didn’t they? Dave won’t go to France, will he? Watch out! I am a teacher, aren’t I? Nobody is at home, are they? Everybody has just arrived, haven’t they? Do your homework, won’t you / will you? Don’t speak loudly, will you? Let’s go to the canteen, shall we? Sheila never drinks milk, does she? Everything is ready for the party, isn’t it? COULD (PAST FORM OF CAN) Could is an auxiliary verb. We use could to: • talk about past possibility or ability e.g. When he was four, he could swim very well. • make requests. e.g. Could you help me, please? 111 HAD TO • We often use had to to say that something was obligatory in the past. e.g. I had to get up early when I was at the university. DIDN’T HAVE TO Didn’t have to means it wasn’t necessary in the past. You had a choice. e.g. I didn’t have to take a taxi yesterday because Dave drove me to school. Theme 6 GRAMMAR REFERENCE ADVICE We use should and shouldn’t to give advice or to talk about what we think is right or wrong. • You should means something like I think it is a good idea for you to do it. • You shouldn’t means something like I think it is a bad idea for you to do it. Should is used to express the opinion of a speaker and often follows I think. e.g. You look tired. I think you should go to bed earlier. You shouldn’t work so hard. You will be ill. Asking • What should I do? • • That’s a good idea. Thanks. Thanks for the advice, but…… Accepting / Rejecting Giving • • • • You should / shouldn’t Why don’t you……..? How about ………………….? The best thing you can do is……………….. CONNECTORS OF ADDITION AND CONTRAST Connectors of addition : in addition, furthermore, moreover, as well as, also,and Connectors of contrast : however, nevertheless, on the one hand / on the other hand, but e.g. Terry apologised several times but Julia wouldn’t speak to him. Kevin works very hard to help his parents.In addition, he’s a good student. On the one hand, I’d love to come. On the other hand, I really haven’t got the time. WHY - BECAUSE / SO • “Why” is a question word. It asks about a reason. e.g. Why can’t she go to school today? • “Because” gives a reason. e.g. She can’t go to school, because she is ill. • “So” gives a result. e.g. She is ill, so she can’t go to school today. INDEFINITE PRONOUNS people someone anyone no one everyone things something anything nothing everything places 112 somewhere anywhere nowhere everywhere • • • • We usually use someone / somewhere and something in positive sentences to mean one person / place / thing. e.g. I saw someone in front of your house in the morning. We usually use anyone / anywhere and anything in negative sentences and questions to mean one person / place / thing. e.g. There isn’t anything in my bag. No one / nowhere and nothing mean not one person / place / thing.We use them in positive sentences but the meaning is negative. e.g. There is nobody in the room. It is empty. Everyone / everywhere and everything mean all the people / places / things. e.g. You can buy everything. REFLEXIVE PRONOUNS We use reflexive pronouns when the subject and object of a sentence are the same person. Personal pronouns Reflexive pronouns You yourself I He She It We You They myself himself herself itself ourselves yourselves e.g. You can cut yourself while chopping onions. He hurt himself while he was skiing. The cat saw itself in the mirror. They believed in themselves. You helped yourselves to more fruit. We use by + reflexive pronoun to mean alone or without any help. e.g. I did my homework by myself. You go to the movies by yourself. He ate dinner by himself. • themselves SIMPLE PRESENT PASSIVE FORM • • You can use the passive form if you think that the thing receiving the action is more important or should be emphasized. e.g. The students are taught by the professor at this university. You can also use the passive form if you do not know who is doing the action or if you do not want to mention who is doing the action. e.g. The rooms are cleaned every day. BE ABLE TO: We sometimes use it instead of can. We use”be able to”: • to talk about ability e.g. I can play tennis = I’m able to play tennis. Notice that be able to is possible in all tenses, for example: e.g. I was able to drive... I will be able to drive... I have been able to drive... MUST Necessity / Obligation - Prohibition • “Must” is most commonly used to express strong advice. e.g. You must do your homework. • “Must not” suggests that you are prohibited from doing something. e.g. You mustn’t park here. (It is forbidden to park here.) 113 Theme 7 GRAMMAR REFERENCE GERUNDS - INFINITIVES When a verb follows a verb, it either takes the gerund or infinitive form. Gerunds and infinitives are forms of verbs that act like nouns. I. The Gerund is used: after certain verbs such as “admit - appreciate - avoid - delay - deny - dislike - enjoy - fancy - finish imagine - involve - keep - mention - mind - miss - postpone - practise - recommend - regret - suggest”. e.g. I enjoy dancing. II. The Infinitive is used: after certain verbs such as “agree - arrange - ask - come - decide - expect - get - hate - hope - intend learn - manage- need - offer - plan - pretend - promise - refuse - say - seem - tend - want “. e.g. I want to go on holiday. III. Some verbs can take either the gerund or the infinitive with no loss of meaning such as “begin continue - hate - like - love - neglect - prefer - start - try”. e.g. “It started to rain.” or “It started raining.” (Both sentences have the same meaning.) Although - Though- Eventhough- In spite of - Despite All have the same meaning but : I. after “although / though / eventhough“ we use a subject + verb: e.g. Although it rained a lot, we enjoyed our holiday. I didn’t get the job although I had all the necessary qualifications. II. after “in spite of” or “despite”, we use a noun, a pronoun (this/that/what etc.) or -ing: e.g. In spite of the rain, we enjoyed our holiday. I didn’t get the job in spite of having all the necessary qualifications. The boss didn’t get angry with Narissa despite her being late. Used to We use ‘used to’ for something that happened regularly in the past but no longer happens. e.g. I used to travel a lot in my job but now, since my promotion, I don’t. My father used to drive to work but now he takes the bus. We also use it for something that was true but no longer is. e.g. There used to be a cinema in the town but now there isn’t. ADJECTIVE ORDER Opinion adjectives: They express our personal opinions: e.g. beautiful-cute-ugly etc. Fact adjectives: They express facts: e.g. red - long - old - wooden etc. An opinion adjective goes before a fact adjective. e.g. It is a beautiful green shirt. 114 When there is more than one adjective, we follow this order opinion A beautiful size big age shape colour origin material noun new square brown French wooden table OBJECT PRONOUNS Subject Verb Sheila phoned She phoned Object Dave yesterday. him yesterday. Subject pronouns Object pronouns I You He She It We You They me you him her it us you them Infinitive of purpose • To say why we do something. We use “to + verb”. e.g. I went to İstanbul to visit the Topkapı Palace. • We can also use “for+ a noun” to say why we do something. e.g. I went to the cafe for a drink. Theme 8 GRAMMAR REFERENCE PRESENT PERFECT AND SIMPLE PAST 1. We use Present Perfect for : • a past action with a result in the present .We’re interested in the result. e.g. I’ve cooked the meal.(Meal is ready now.) • experience up to the present. e.g. I’ve never been to Paris. 2. We use Past Simple for: • • completed action in the past.We’re interested in the action itself. e.g. I cooked vegetables. the actual time of the event. e.g. I went to Paris last weekend. TOO - ENOUGH Too and Enough are used with adjectives and indicate degree. 1. Too means more than necessary, and it precedes the adjective. e.g. He is too old to run fast. 2. Enough means sufficient and usually follows the adjective. e.g. Tony was tall enough to play on the basketball team. Enough can also be used with nouns. In such cases, enough usually precedes the word it modifies. e.g. I have enough money for the CD player. I don’t have enough (money) for the computer. 115 PRESENT CONTINUOUS FOR FUTURE MEANING • • • • • We usually use the Present Continuous for definite future arrangements. e.g. He is flying to Rome tonight. We usually know exactly when the arrangements are happening. They are often the type of arrangements we can write in a diary. e.g. I’m seeing my doctor at 5 on Monday. When we use the Present Continuous for future arrangements, we usually use a future time phrase such as today, tonight , tomorrow, next…… . We usually use the Present Continuous to ask about people’s arrangements. e.g. Where are you going this summer? The arrangement doesn’t have to be in the near future. The important thing how certain we are about it. e.g. We are getting married in May next year. SO - BECAUSE • • “so” is used to show RESULT. e.g. It was raining, so we decided not to go to the beach. “because” shows the REASON. e.g. We decided not to go to the beach because it was raining. so..... / such .... • When used for emphasis, “so” must be followed by either an adjective or an adverb and must be linked to an explanation clause. e.g. It was so hot that we decided not to go to the beach. OR • We decided not to go to the beach because it was so hot. “such” is used in the same way, but must be followed by an adjective+noun. e.g. It was such a hot day that we decided not to go to the beach. OR We decided not to go to the beach because it was such a hot day. NOTE! When there is no explanation clause, use “very”, unless referring to a present situation. e.g. It was very hot yesterday, wasn’t it? It’s so nice to see you again! POSSESSIVE PRONOUNS • We often use possessive pronouns when we know what thing we are talking about. e.g. Is this your coat? No, it isn’t my coat. Mine is brown. Personal pronouns I my You your She her We our He It You They 116 Possessive adjectives your their mine yours his its Possessive pronouns his +nouns hers ----- ours yours theirs PEER ASSESSMENT FORM Student being assessed:__________________________ Student making the assessment:_______________________ For each aspect, rate the student on a scale from A to D using the following guide: A: did this very well B: did this adequately C: did this less than adequately D: did this poorly General Aspect Specific Aspect Group Process Attended a large majority of group meetings Rating Maintained contact with other group members Communicated constructively to discussion Generally was cooperative in group activities Asked useful questions Encouraged and assisted other group members The task Made a genuine attempt to complete all jobs agreed by the group Made an intellectual contribution to the completion of the task Did (at least) their fair share of the work Read and commented in a timely manner on drafts of the report Contributed a significant amount (measured in ideas as well as words) to the report Overall Based on your ratings and comments above, this student’s contribution overall on this group task Issacs, G. (2002) Assessing Group Tasks. Teaching and Educational Development Institute. Queensland, Australia. 117 GROUP WORK ASSESSMENT FORM Student’s Name: ................................................................ GROUP WORK ASSESSMENT 1. contributes to decision making. 2. respects and encourages the views of others. 3. contributes in a positive way to the group work. 4. exhibits on-task behaviour consistently. 5. completes the task on time. 6. volunteers to take responsibilities and roles. 7. does research from a variety of resources. 8. gets on well with other group members. 118 PORTFOLIO ASSESSMENT FORM Student’s Name: .............................. 5* Date: 4* 3* 2* 1* 1. All tasks are completed and organized 2. The portfolio is attractive in terms of design, layout and neatness. 3. There is variety of activities, skills in portfolio. 4. The portfolio is submitted on time. 5. The language is fluent and accurate. 6. Topics are searched from a variety of different resources. 7. Tasks are enriched with different visuals and audios. 8. There is a progress in the language use and other skills throughout the portfolio process. * 5 (Excellent), 4 (Good), 3 (Not Bad), 2 (Need To Be Improved), 1 (Poor) Additional Observations: .......................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................... 119 IRREGULAR VERBS PRESENT be become begin bite bleed blow break bring build burn buy catch choose come cost cut dig do drink drive eat fall feed feel fight find fly forget freeze get give go grow hang have hide hit hold hurt keep know learn leave lend 120 PAST PARTICIPLE was / were been became become began begun bit bit bled bled blew blown broke broken brought brought built built burnt / burned burnt / burned bought bought caught caught chose chosen came come cost cost cut cut dug dug did done drank drunk drove driven ate eaten fell fallen fed fed felt felt fought fought found found flew flown forgot forgotten froze frozen got got gave given went gone grew grown hung hung had had hid hid hit hit held held hurt hurt kept kept knew known learnt / learned learn / learned left left lent lent PAST PRESENT let lie light lose make mean meet pay put read ride ring rise run say see sell set shake shine shoot show shut sing sit sleep smell speak spend stand steal strike swim take teach tear tell think throw understand wake wear win write PAST let lay lit lost made meant met paid put read rode rang rose ran said saw sold set shook shone shot showed shut sang sat slept smelt spoke spent stood stole struck swam took taught tore told thought threw understood woke wore won wrote PAST PARTICIPLE let lay lit lost made meant met paid put read riden rung risen run said seen sold set shaken shone shot shown / showed shut sung sat slept smelt spoken spent stood stolen struck swum taken taught torn told thought thrown understood woken woren won written 1A Nouns: accommodation, chalet fence cavity patient motto newsreader instructor presenter smile talk show producer Verbs: come from feel fill treat look after peel practise repair Adjectives: broken decayed dental free great nervous private strange traditional worldwide Adverbs: also at the moment especially 1B Nouns: abroad aggression alien chip computer ear fortune teller interest material nanotechnology need pet pill skyscraper space therapist Verbs: build earn grow produce replace Adjectives: alone animated best seller fantastic good at interested in nutty public self driven special tiny Adverb : happily 1C Nouns: barbecue birthday columnist cuisine exhibition journey master degree plan stock broker tapas Verbs: look forward to run Adjectives: next tasty Adverbs: really 2A Nouns: cry damage death earthquake flood force hurricane landslide local magnitude shock tsunami VOCABULARY volcanic eruption Verbs: affect cause cover discuss follow grab happen hit scream sweep Adjectives: enormous excited extensive frightened frightening huge large loud powerful surprised surprising terrified terrifying Adverbs : suddenly yesterday 2B Nouns: addict desert island jungle lake mountain ocean river valley waterfall Verbs: remember Adjectives: big boring breathtaking cheap cloudy cold comfortable crowded dangerous deep delicious elegant expensive far healthy high long nice warm wonderful 2C Nouns: beauty dream enjoyable freedom independence insect repellent kite landmark lemur life peace profession snorkel state sunscreen trouble turtle wood Verbs: bring carry come true graduate make bed make friends take Adjectives: dead fascinating funny harsh hot man made responsible scary wild 3A Nouns: addict aubergine bean beef 121 bowl bread brocoli can carton celery connection cross dill freak garlic ingredient junk food leek lettuce parsley pickle pomegranate recipe rice roll spinach spring onion tablespoon tangerine tuna Verbs: add beat chop grate sprinkle squeeze starve stir Adjectives: easy quick silly 3B Nouns: apple pie bridge dessert drink fast food glass junction meal menu mineral water order roundabout soup 122 starter vegetable Verbs: bring go past take away turn Adjectives: grilled 3C Nouns: bar cause chart graph obesity population portion rate weight Verbs: exercise gain guess lose weight Adjectives: alarming busy overweight real tasty 4A Nouns: backpack boating cycling jenga meal railway rattlesnake scrabble underwater wildlife Verbs: decide enjoy look at worry Adverbs: carefully continuously deeply finally happily hopelessly hungrily suddenly 4B Nouns: adrenaline barrier battery coral craftsmanship demonstration digital camera flight market stall pigeon rainbow reef rucksack souvenir trip Verbs: appear arrive in charge dive fall off go back receive shine think Adjectives: crazy about experienced fine fond of impossible Adverbs : among finally heavily in the end later like then well 4C Nouns: communication lighthouse mauseloum promise pyramid ruin statue temple Verbs: fall keep meet stay in taste turn visit Adjectives: ancient delightful mouth watering mysterious spectacular wonderful Adverbs : fortunately unfortunately 5A Nouns: assessment beef benefit breath concept cow designer dolphin energy environment floopy disk importance lung nap panel pig pork response screen shark similarity solar stage talented Verbs: absorb come out come up with design develop get invent simplify stick wish Adjectives: aquatic awesome basic brilliant creative gist infrared metallic smart Adverbs : especially 5B Nouns: coach detector experiment housemate law memory mind opinion secret summies track truth Verbs: agree disagree invent join mean miss observe Adjectives: annual important incredible inspirational inspiring splendid tiny 5C Nouns: achievement adoptation biography cancer disinction education electronics establishment institution interest marriage multicultural mysticism principle privilege regime revolution sense surgery workshop Verbs: adopt enroll feel sorry get along well go on look after mean prefer realize resign share suffer summarize turn on light Adjectives: biological brilliant famous for Adverbs: completely 6A Nouns: brochure compensation confidence decision disaster leak location paradise poetry reply sailing spirit staff Verbs: complain count have a look Adjectives: limited selfish unhelpful Adverbs: absolutely actually also by the way 6B Nouns: AIESECer attraction bulb container face jewellery napkin paper tissue towel Verbs: gather improve manage overcome pay attention stay with Adjectives: eager huge luckily Adverbs: culturally differently personally 6C Nouns: boxing equipment faith fencing golf handball hockey iron karate leather net patronage rocketlon rubber rule soccer squash talent wood Verbs: celebrate coach exchange hit hold last score support take part win Adjectives: impressive various Adverbs: seriously 7A Nouns: comedy guy hope horror internship romance salary Verbs: approach float manage miss protect sell share survive take place Adjectives: based on determined easy going excellent fantastic 123 homeless inspiring medical peniless runaway Adverbs: increasingly 7B Nouns: figure period soul Verbs: close display jump down jump up sign start Adjectives: alive artistic bright close exaggerated irrational ordinary ridiculous ugly unbelievable Adverbs: truly 7C Nouns: announcement mood salt side sign slogan tribute trouble Verbs: come from pay shine turn off Adjectives: creative wonderful Adverbs: actually continuously 124 simply 8A Nouns: account boss captain entrepreneurs fantasy founder host stationary teen Verbs: appear brainstorm create include make money present save Adjectives: heavy possible 8B Nouns: decision habit stress tip Verbs: beat breathe concentrate cope with go out reduce Adjectives: aggressive anxious calm desperate forgetful helpless relaxed strong uncertain upset weak Adverbs: deeply extremely magically rarely 8C Nouns: advertisement application conflict emotion existence goal happiness intuition laughter prestige Verbs: apply for come up lay observe participate respond seek swap wake Adjectives: challenging definite similar Adverbs: highly mentally physically Reference www.aı