TERM 4 Week 7 2015 - St Joseph`s School Temuka


TERM 4 Week 7 2015 - St Joseph`s School Temuka
Term 4 Week 7—25 November 2015
Tena Koutou parents and friends of our school
Combined Fair Raffle
The end of the year is certainly upon us and we have a wide Included in this newsletter is one book of tickets that each
range of activities ahead of us in the next couple of weeks.
family is asked to sell as part of the combined fair fundraiser
Last week Yr 4-8 students took home their Student portfolio next year. All books are numbered and need to be returned
including their report for you to look through. We do this mid sold to the school office by MONDAY 9 DECEMBER. Parishterm to give you plenty of time to come and discuss with ioners have also been given books with Janine and her team
your child’s teacher if there is anything you are unclear having sold sixty books already. They will be selling at New
about. On Friday students also took home an extra hard copy World on FRIDAY 18 DECEMBER if you are able to assist for
of their report for you to keep at home to enable the folder an hour please complete and return the tear off slip if you
copy to be kept in the folder. Student’s blue folders need to can help with this.
be returned to school by MONDAY 7 DECEMBER for new staff
to look through for their 2016 classes.
Hangi - Wednesday 2 December
Our school Hangi is all set to take place on WEDNESDAY 2
DECEMBER at 5.30pm.
The team will be putting the food down about 12.30pm and
need some extra strong helpers for this part of the process.
We are extremely lucky to have had all the veges and
chickens donated by Scarbrooks and potatoes from the
Robinson family.
We will need helpers to assist with vege preparation on
WEDNESDAY 2 DECEMBER in the supper room from
9.00AM. We also need extra strong helpers to assist with
putting down the hangi baskets at lunchtime. Please fill out
the tear off slip if you can assist with this.
On the evening of the hangi we intend to have a small
ceremony during which students will share some of what
they have been learning in Te Reo then join together in
raising, serving and eating kai around at trestles set up on
the junior soccer field. If cold we will be eating in the supper
room of the hall. If you have not returned your attendance
slips please do so by TOMORROW to ensure we have
sufficient food.
We are all extremely delighted with our Tremendous success
and what this development means for our school, paid for by
someone else!!! The major working bee to complete the
tasks will be SATURDAY 9 APRIL so can you please diary that
one now. On that day members of the Mazda foundation
from Auckland along with the local dealership and staff from
Project Crimson and as many of our own community will We look forward to this celebration together.
complete the planting, path making, siting and building of
Speech & Drama
the treehouse and performing stage, birdhouses, beehives
Presentation Evening
path, bridge and plant 350 trees. Mazda provide a BBQ lunch
Mrs Ford’s students
for everyone. It is wonderful to see that the group of
shared their drama skills in
students who have driven this programme, our Yr 8 students
a most entertaining hour.
who will have moved on by then still want to be on the
organising committee to see this project through to the end.
What amazing dedication to their school.
We are looking forward to the end of year activities coming
up soon. Please note these in your calendars as we know
how busy everyone is at this time of the year.
Nga mihi nui
Bernie Leonard
Doing Your Bit
Sarah & Vic Sullivan and Tamara Page
cooking sausages at the Mission fair.
Student Success
Prizegiving Awards
 Brodie and Josh Young both qualified for the South Island Our annual prize giving is to be held on
Swimming Championship later during a weekend carnival.
MONDAY 14 DECEMBER at 6.30pm in the
 Angus, Sophia, Caitlin, Tallulah, Rhiana, Taine, Patrick and school hall. All students are expected to be
McKay all participated in the colour run last weekend in present as this is a school event.
On Tuesday 15 December we will be
 James Eastmead - Player of the Tournament at the South
having a fun swim followed by a picnic
Island Soccer tournament.
lunch in the domain as a last day celebration. This will be the last school day for students to attend.
Christmas Fete - Choir and Band
Members of the school choir and band have all received a
Scholastic Book Orders
note asking them to play at the Lions Christmas Fete on 5
December from 2.45pm until 3.30pm. If your child has not Scholastic Book orders are due online by Friday 27
returned their notice please can you do so in order for us to November. Please log into mybookclub.scholastic.co.nz
confirm our attendance. This is a community event in
support of St John.
St Joseph’s Got Talent
There have been lots of entries for
this event which is exciting. The
auditions will be held on MONDAY
30 NOVEMBER in the supper room.
Final performance and judging will
be on MONDAY 7 DECEMBER in the
hall at 11.00am. You are all invited
to attend the finals.
Mufti day
We will have a school mufti day on MONDAY 14 DECEMBER
with students asked to supply non perishable items for the
fair raffle. We ask that you check the use by date to ensure
the goods will be current in March 2016.
Theme for the mufti day is “summer fun”.
Rm 1 – Bathroom toiletries options
Rm 2 – Bottled goods ( non-alcoholic)
Christmas Float
Rm 3 – Canned food
Thank you to all those students who returned their slips Rm 4 – packaged food
indicating they want to be part of the Christmas Float this Rm 5 – confectionary
weekend. They will be given a note this week outlining what
they need to wear and the time to be there. Thank you for Lost Boys Grey Shorts – Size 7, 8 or 9 yrs
your support in this. It is always very much enjoyed by
Bronsyn has lost two pairs of shorts. The first pair was lost
everyone and a most popular community event in which we
last week when students were changing into PE Gear and
are proud to take part.
someone has picked his shorts up by mistake. On Tuesday at
swimming Bronsyn put the wrong shorts on and someone
Ministry of Education Meeting
put his shorts on. The shorts he has are not named but are a
The Ministry are holding a regional meeting on Thursday 25 size 8yrs.
November at 3.30pm at the Southern Trust Event Centre Both of Bronsyn’s pairs of shorts are named with HAND.
(Aorangi Stadium) to inform communities about the Could you please check your shorts at home and if you have
proposed reform of the Education Act and the changes they either of these pairs please return to Room 4 – Miss Duffield
wish to make. Everyone is invited to attend this meeting.
has a size 8yrs in her class.
Hangi—2 December
I am able to help with Hangi preparation _______________________________________________________ Name)
Putting food down at 12.30 pm
Yes / No
Vege preparation at 9.00 am
Yes / No
Combined Fair Raffle—Friday 18 December
I am able to help sell tickets at Temuka New World on Friday 18 December
________________________________________________ Preferred time: ________________________
Big Day Out Rm 3-4-5
On Friday 4 December the Year 0-4 students will be taking
part in a BIG DAY OUT at Peel Forest. Over the course of the
day students will participate in three rotations.
 A bug hunt – identify and study bugs through a
 Simple survival techniques and first aid taken by Richard
 The big tree guided walk, identifying different native
plants using visual aids.
 Finishing off the day with a Scavenger Hunt.
Students will be in mixed aged groups for the day.
 The children need to bring a cut lunch and a large drink.
 Students are to wear their school sports uniform and vests
to school.
 Please ensure that students wear sneakers or solid footwear suitable for walking.
 Students are encouraged to already have on sun-block but
they will be issued with sun-block before leaving school. A
school sunhat is a compulsory part of our school uniform.
 A car seat if your child is still using one.
IF WET we will advise on the day through Port FM and on
28 November Christmas Parade 11.30am—12.30pm
30 Nov—2 Dec Swimming
1 December Turbo Touch 11am—12.30pm
SC Athletics
Rm 1 Mass
School Hangi 5.30pm
Big Day Out Room 2
Big Day Out Room 3,4 & 5
Lions Christmas Fete
Year 8 Dinner
St Joseph’s Got Talent 11.00am
Road P Training
Rm 3 Mass
BOT Meeting & Strawberry Shout
Yr 7&8 Overnight Trip
Assembly Rm 2 at 2.15pm
Prizegiving—6.30pm—Parish Hall
Mufti Day
Last Day of School— Picnic and swim
1 February 2016
First Day of Term 1
12 March 2016
Combined School / Parish Fair
9 April 2016
Treemendous Working Bee
our school Facebook page.
TRANSPORT If you have returned a transportation slip
saying you are available for transport please take this as an
indication that we require your assistance. If you have any
questions or concerns please let Brenna, Suzy or Nicki know.
Dear Parents and/or Helpers for Mission Fair
THANK YOU for helping us with our mission fair fundraiser.
We greatly appreciate your help and special thanks to those
who took the time to create such well presented baking.
Year 8 students—thanks for giving up you time and
co-operating with the school to raise money for this good
cause. We are very grateful for the parents and teachers
who gave up their time to help! THANK YOU! We raised
Swimming Info
We will be swimming each afternoon this week and Monday
to Wednesday for the next two weeks. Please ensure your
children have their togs or a note.
Free swim on 15 December.
Mission Fair White Elephant Stall
If you are having a clear out over the holidays and have any
quality items to donate to the white elephant stall, please
contact Janine Steinmann 615 9084 or Sarah Sullivan 615 6981
to arrange pick up/drop off.
Congratulations to Guess the Lolly Jar Winners
Jar A—Dominic Smith, Jar B—Charles Scarsbrook,
Jar C—Angus Rooney
Room 2 Assembly
Room 2’s Assembly is now changed from 3 December to
the Friday 11 December at 2.15pm.
TSG Sports
Unfortunately due to the sudden rain last week during the sports
the event was abandoned due to not having any space to allow
the storm to pass, the gym was needed by Opihi in a very short
time. There has been no postponement date so we are running
our events at school with students competing against the standards set for SC Athletics. Any student meeting these standards will
have the opportunity to compete against all South Canterbury
schools next week. Those students will have a letter going home
this week seeking parent permission and transport. Thank you
very much to all our parents and grandparents who transported all
our students back to school.
Fruit In Schools Roster
Tamara Page
Rose Rooney /Sarah Young
Wednesday Sarah Sullivan
Margit Schenk / Donna Columb
Margit Schenk / Donna Columb
Altar Services
29 November: Jennifer Antony, Jamie Fitzgerald, Amber Gillies
6 December: Flynn Sugrue, Kelsey Sugrue, Loren Sugrue
Sausage Sizzle
Please could the first person named on the roster
pick up the meat from Eastside Butchery and the
bread from Eastside Dairy.
30 November
Suzanne Fitzgerald, Anna Thew
7 December
Kirsty Eastmead, Mel Loder
Sausages and meat patties with a piece of bread are available to
purchase for lunch on Mondays for $1.50 each. Please place your
order in the grey box outside the school office before school.
Temuka Kids Triathlon
Sunday 6 December 2015
Temuka Domain
Signing In 9.00—9.30am
Races starting 10am
Ages 8-18 years—Individual or mixed teams
Entry fee $5.00
Heaps of prizes, including a bike
This course is designed for kids. There will be no official
place getters. Come along and give it a TRI!
Entry forms available from the school office.
All enquiries to Karen— Email ackroyd@maxnet.co.nz
Temuka Promotions
Christmas Parade/Market Day
Saturday 28th November 2015
Theme: “The True Meaning of
10.00am ~ Stalls open, Sulky races,
Music, Children’s Entertainer
(all entries to line up on Hally Terrace at 11.45am)
And announcement of winners of float,
window display & other competitions.
Stall sites - $20.00
Christmas Ramble & Fete
Saturday 5th December 1pm—4.30pm
View four Temuka houses decorated for
Christmas, then proceed to Ashfield Manor
to enjoy stalls, entertainment provided by
St Joseph’s School pupils and light
Tickets $15 each, with all proceeds going to help furnish
the new St John’s Ambulance rebuild.
Tickets available from Lumino, the Dentist or phone Sue
Goodwin: 6159324.
New family destination opening 1 December 2015
Famlan Farm Park
19 Rosebrook Road
021 458 583
Tuesday - Saturday 10am - 5pm
Sunday 12 noon - 5pm
Closed Mondays except for public holidays
Closed Christmas Day
Admission $6
Advent—Preparing a Place for Jesus
Roncalli College warmly invite all people to come and
celebrate the beginning of Advent with the Holy Family
Parish at 6pm Saturday 28 November at St Thomas’
Mountainview Road.
Float entries in the Parade- Free
Teams of two entries in the Sulky Races - Free
Entries in by 25th November to the Temuka Library Service
Spend $10 in any of the participating businesses to receive a
Voucher entry into the Big Spender draw –Vouchers can be placed
in containers at Temuka Library and
New World Supermarket.
King Street will be closed from 10am -2.15pm
School Holiday Programme Christchurch:
21st December 2015 – 29th January 2016
The Mind Lab by Unitec has an exciting choice of
programme options for the upcoming School Holidays.
There has never been a more important time to spark your
child’s creativity anddigital literacy skills.
Bookings can be made online through our website
www.themindlab.com, or phone (03) 666 0088. No email
bookings accepted – enquiry only. Full Day Camps: $150 incl
GST per day 5 Full Day Camp $114 incl. GST per day
Promocode: ‘5_DAY_DEAL’
DECEMBER: 16th December – 24th December 2015
JANUARY: 5th January – 29th January 2016
Located in the former Dental Rooms at Temuka Primary
School, Hayhurst Street
8:30am-3pm $35, 8:30am-6pm $40,
early drop off 8:00-8:30am $5.
Trip fees extra but not more than $10 per trip.
WINZ subsidy is available.
To view the programme activities or to enrol please visit our
website www.mashkids.co.nz,
email us at enrol@mashkids.co.nz
or call us on 0800 420 520 any time.
We look forward to seeing you
and your children J 4