WFIRST-AFTA: Local Group Science
WFIRST-AFTA: Local Group Science
WFIRST-AFTA: Local Group Science Dan Weisz Hubble Fellow University of Washington sdfg Image Credit: Robert Gendler Overview • Basic terminology • Importance of Stellar Pops • Possible scientific applications of WFIRST in the Local Group Why HST? Ground HST PSF Stability: Precision + deblending K-band (Keck AO) KKH 98, Keck AO: J. Melbourne+ 2008 F475W+F814W! (ACS) Brief Intro to Stellar Populations inRHeBs the Local Group BHeBs & (25-500 Myr) MS Brighter AGB RGB HB Lower MS Information is Rich and Redundant ancient MSTO/SGB Hotter Brief Intro to Stellar Populations in the Local Group Optical CMD Broad Color Range Near-IR CMD Narrow Color Range Brief Intro to Stellar Populations in the Local Group Optical CMD Near-IR CMD HLS Depth* 1 Mpc 0.5 Mpc 50 kpc *assuming no crowding Broad Color Range Narrow Color Range Importance of Stellar Pops • Ground truth for “subgrid physics” - age, energy input, ISM, metallicity, SFR, dust, integrated luminosity, SN remnant masses, IMF • Non-dissipative tracer of large-scale interactions! • Necessary to test connections between baryonic and dark matter in small galaxies The Stellar IMF in LG Dwarfs The Astrophysical Journal, 763:110 (8pp), 2013 February 1 Kalirai et al. SMC 121 ACS orbits F606W (GO-11677; PI: H. Richer) The Astrophysical Journal, 763:110 (8pp), 2013 February 1 Best Fit Salpeter 𝛘2 / DOF 47 Tuc F606W-F814W Figure 2. CMD of all stars along the line of sight in the HST/ACS observations (left). The photometry reveals three distinct populations; the main sequence and white dwarf cooling sequence of the foreground Milky Way globular cluster 47 Tuc (gray points), and the main sequence of the outskirts of the background SMC dwarf galaxy (e.g., the middle sequence—darker points). With a 50% completeness limit of F 606W = 29.9 (see Section 3.3), this imaging represents the deepest probe of the SMC’s populations to date. The inset panel presents a closer view of the faintest stars on the lower SMC main sequence (dark points) and 47 Tuc white dwarf cooling sequence (gray points). The red curve illustrates a stellar isochrone with [Fe/H] = −1.1 and t = 7 Gyr (Dotter et al. 2008), at a distance of (m − M)0 = 19.1 ± 0.1 (determined directly, as described in Section 3.2). The proper-motion selected SMC population, down to the limit of the data, is shown as darker points in the left panel, and reproduced down to F 606W = 28.6 in the middle panel. As discussed in Section 3.4, we simulate the SMC population by drawing stars from an IMF and convolving them with (1) a range of mass–luminosity relations appropriate for the SMC halo, (2) binaries, (3) photometric scatter in the observations, and (4) incompleteness in the observations. An example of the simulated CMD, for an IMF with form dN/dM ∝ M −1.90 , is shown in the right panel. Figure 4. Distribution of χ 2 from the fit of power-law IMFs to the ob(A color version of this figure is available in the online journal.) +0.15 Kalirai+ 2013 Same science in the Near-IR : ~12 orbits the SMC based on RR Lyrae stars (e.g., top-left panel of Figure 5 IMF Slope served SMC luminosity function. The minimum occurs at α = −1.90 (−0.10 ) (3σ error), and the χ 2 per degree of freedom for this fit is 0.86. in our derivation of the stellar IMF, our analysis below uses M = 0.37–0.93 M⊙ (black curve). Figure 5 also illustrates two m8 The Stellar IMF in LG Dwarfs 26 28 18 Hercules Leo IV UMa I 22 M92 M92 24 814 F814W m (STMAG) 20 26 M92 Low-Mass IMF Slope varies with sigma, [Fe/H] 28 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0.0 Geha+ 2013 m606-m814 (STMAG) -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0.0 m606-m814 (STMAG) F606W-F814W -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0.0 m606-m814 (STMAG) 7 Figure 1. The CMD of each UFD in our sample (black points). For reference, we show the empirical ridge line for the MS, SGB, and RGB in M92 (green Brown+ 2012,2014 curve), along with the HB locus in M92 (green points). The M92 fiducial has been placed at the distance and reddening for each galaxy (Table 1), matching IMF Slope the luminosity of HB stars and the color of the lower MS stars. Because the CMD of each galaxy looks, to first order, like that of a ancient metal-poor globular cluster, the stellar population of each galaxy is dominated by ancient metal-poor stars. The CMDs of these galaxies are all extremely similar to one another, implying they have similar stellar populations and star formation histories. Current data not deep enough to rule out 2.2.3. Metallicities MW Chabrier IMF to We determine the best-fitting T and [Fe/H] values simultaneously fromconfidence χ minimization of the pixel-by-pixel flux difhigh fitting, we degrade the synthetic spectra to the DEIMOS resolution. We excise wavelength regions affected by telluric contamination, strong sky emission lines, and regions improperly synthesized due to NLTE effects (Ca triplet and Mg I λ8807). 2.2.4. Membership We determined the membership status of stars in each sample using a refined version of the approach adopted by Simon & Geha (2007) and Simon et al. (2011), in which all of the available data for each star, including its velocity, color, magnitude, metallicity, position, and spectrum, were examined by eye. Photometry was extracted from Sloan Digital eff Sky Survey (SDSS) Data Release 9 (Ahn et al. 2012) or Data 2 Release 10 (Ahn et al. 2014) for each galaxy, and for the parFig. 5.— The power law slope, α, plotted against galaxy velocity dispersion (left), metallicity [Fe/H] (middle) and the observed stellar mass ference between the observed spectra and the synthetic grid, ticularly IV line andin the CVn II,panel weissupplemented range (right). Data are taken from the samesparse sources asUFDs Figure 4. Leo The dotted middle an empirical relationship suggested by using only spectral regions sensitive to variations in Fe abunKroupa (2001) with a zero-point shift to fit these data. Indirect measurements are shown for elliptical galaxies fromSand Conroy & van Dokkum the SDSS data at faint magnitudes with photometry from (2012). A trend is seen in the sense of shallower, more bottom-light IMF slopes towards less massive and more metal-poor galaxies. dance. We separately fit [α/Fe] using regions sensitive to Mg, σ [Fe/H] Stellar Mass Range m8 WFIRST: Local Group Dwarfs 26 28 18 Hercules Leo IV M92 M92 24 ! 26 Detect and characterize entire dwarf galaxies 814 F814W m (STMAG) 20 22 Wider field Get more stars faint stars for M92 IMF UMa I 28 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0.0 m606-m814 (STMAG) -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0.0 m606-m814 (STMAG) F606W-F814W Coma Berenices -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0.0 m606-m814 (STMAG) Figure 1. The CMD of each UFD in our sample (black points). For reference, we show the empirical ridge line for the MS, SGB, and RGB in M92 (green Geha+ 2013 curve), along with the HB locus in M92 (green points). The M92 fiducial has been placed at the distance and reddening for each galaxy (Table 1), matching NGC 6822 the luminosity of HB stars and the color of the lower MS stars. Because the CMD of each galaxy looks, to first order, like that of a ancient metal-poor globular cluster, the stellar population of each galaxy is dominated by ancient metal-poor stars. The CMDs of these galaxies are all extremely similar to one another, implying they have similar stellar populations and star formation histories. fitting, we degrade the synthetic spectra to the DEIMOS resolution. We excise wavelength regions affected by telluric contamination, strong sky emission lines, and regions improperly synthesized due to NLTE effects (Ca triplet and Mg I λ8807). 2.2.3. Metallicities We determine the best-fitting Teff and [Fe/H] values simultaneously from χ2 minimization of the pixel-by-pixel flux difference between the observed spectra and the synthetic grid, using only spectral regions sensitive to variations in Fe abundance. We separately fit [α/Fe] using regions sensitive to Mg, 2.2.4. Membership We determined the membership status of stars in each sample using a refined version of the approach adopted by Simon & Geha (2007) and Simon et al. (2011), in which all of the available data for each star, including its velocity, color, magnitude, metallicity, position, and spectrum, were examined by eye. Photometry was extracted from Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) Data Release 9 (Ahn et al. 2012) or Data Release 10 (Ahn et al. 2014) for each galaxy, and for the particularly sparse UFDs Leo IV and CVn II, we supplemented the SDSS data at faint magnitudes with photometry from Sand Optical BHeB NIR RHeB AGB RHeB MS+BHeB MS RGB TRGB Red Clump (Red HB) V-I vs I AGB J-H vs H Cool Stars can dominate rest-frame near-IR flux at early times nal, 748:47 (26pp), 2012 March 20 Melbourne et al. Few RGB stars at high-z AGB & RHeBs account for ~70% of rest-frame near-IR flux at high redshifts 11, only now we include corrections to the model predictions for TP-AGB and RHeB fluxes. RHeB flux contributions are increased by P-AGB contributions are reduced by a similar factor compared to the 2010 Padova models. The overall contribution of massive stars to Melbourne+ 2012 Rare Phases of Evolution: AGB & RHeB Stars SMC-SAGE Spitzer + 2Mass Short lifetimes: challenging to find Rapid Evolution: challenging to model LG survey for rare, IR-bright stars = great WFIRST science case Fig. 5.— Top: J − KS CMD showing the separation of carbonBoyer+ 2011 rich and oxygen-rich AGB stars in the SMC, following Cioni et al. (2006a,b). The J − Ks color is also used to select RSG and RGB stars. See text. Bottom: Same as upper panel, with the selection of HST’s Wide Area UV-Opt-IR Map of M31 432 WFC3/IR Pointings 2 WFIRST-AFTA Pointings mage: Dustin Lang >117,000,000 stars, multiple properties measured at up to 17 different times ~50% of the number of stars in SDSS Filters Spectra of Stars JWST “Crowding” varies with Radius Outer Bulge of M31 Outer Disk of M31 Depth varies with Radius F814W F475W F160W F110W Crowding limited* in NIR & optical *Maximum possible # of stars per arcsec2 = 0.5 million per ACS image Leverage full multi-camera data IR data only Williams+ 2014 Same IR data, but including higher res optical data in PSF fitting Spatially Resolved SFH of M31 5 Simones et al. 42 30 Alexia Lewis (UW) 23 dec 21 22 19 17 20 42 00 RA 15 18 16 13 14 11 9 12 7 10 41 30 Measure SFHs of ~9000 independent 100x100pc regions from optical-only CMDs 5 kpc 5 8 6 4 brick 2 2 41 00 40 30 12 30 12 00 11 30 Figure 2. Here we show example results for two di↵erent regions, one in Brick 15 sitting on a bright star-forming region (cyan, lower) and the other in B17 in a more quiescent spot (red, upper). We have overlaid the outlines of Bricks 15 and 17 on top of a GALEX FUV image (Gil de Paz et al. 2007). The region outlines are also shown. For each region, we show the CMD, with the color-magnitude space we do not fit shaded in red, and the SFH back to 1 Gyr. The SFHs have been binned into 25 Myr increments below 100 Myr and 50 Myr 11 00 10 30 10 00 Simones et al. 42 30 23 dec 21 22 19 42 00 RA 17 20 15 18 16 13 14 11 9 12 7 10 41 30 Spatially Resolved SFH of M31 5 kpc 5 8 6 4 brick 2 2 41 00 40 30 12 30 12 00 11 30 11 00 10 30 10 00 of the PHAT survey area. The 21 PHAT bricks analyzed in this study are outlined and numbered. Each brick was regions on a 15 ⇥ 30 grid, as shown for brick 2 in the inset panel. Lewis et al. (2014) derived the SFHs for all of the arcsec regions. M31 using the Hubble Space Telescope (HST). The SFHs of LocalinPHAT survey area is shown in Figure 1. Lewis et al. (2014) used photometry in the two optical bands (F475W Group galaxies and F814W, observed with the Advanced Camera for y, we have used the PHAT CMD-based Surveys, ACS, instrument) to derive spatially-resolved ar population synthesis to create maps of SFHs for the northeast quadrant of M31, excluding the would benefit from violet (UV) flux at sub-kpc resolution for crowded bulge area. To summarize their work, each quadrant of M31. We then compared the brick (using PHAT terminology; see Figure 1) in the maps with observations GALEX. We PHAT survey (except bricks 1 and 3) was divided into wide,frombluer filter sed on GALEX FUV and NUV (far and 450 regions on a uniform 15 ⇥ 30 grid, with each region on data from PHAT make it possible to ype of analysis to include a wide variety of n the most prominent local group spiral ugh this work can easily be extended to gth regimes. In §2, we describe the SFH ⇠ 24 arcsec⇥27 arcsec in size. The F475W, F814W CMD of each region was then fit using the SFH history code Lewis+ (2015) Stellar Mass Surface Density Long Live the Rings RGB stars > 1 Gyr old Radius [kpc] Lewis+ (2015) Mapping the Dusty ISM “How I took a winding path to somewhere I didn’t expect to go” ~ Julianne Dalcanton w/ Morgan Fouesneau NIR Color-Magnitude Diagrams RGB Extended to the Red Dalcanton+ 2015 Red Giant Branch is Doubled F110W-F160W CMD of Single WFC3/IR frame, subdivided in 4x4 grid Subregions of single WFC3/IR frame Complicates CMD interpretation, but great for quantifying dust Unreddened peak Reddened peak Foreground stars Background stars 6.6” = 25 pc pixels 2MASS Extinction map: Lombardi et al 2010 25 pc Median AV Residual structure: 1.5% flat fielding errors in WFC3/IR! Optical HI AV (Extinction) AV (Emission) Draine+ 2013 Superb Agreement w/ Dust Morphology from Emission Extinction Emission (Draine+ 2013) But, normalizations don’t agree. Emission-based dust masses high by factor of ~2 Extinction Emission (Draine+ 2013) Comparison w/ CO Schruba+ 2013 CO • General morphological agreement • But not perfect.... Extinction Extinction Contours on CO Mapping M31 with WFIRST PHAT Depth CMDs in ~5000s PHAT Area with WFIRST PANDAs Survey: McConnachie+ Summary • • • Near-IR: efficient for (luminous) cool stars Potentially Transformative Science in LG: - IMF and low-mass stars outside the MW complete census of luminous cool stars ISM, dust mapping, dust tomography large scale mapping of accretion in M31 Inner MW, deeper into the disk and halo find and characterize dwarf galaxies and halos proper motions and internal stellar kinematics Good potential synergy with future high resolution imaging
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