the most recent newsletter - Our Lady of the Sacred Heart School


the most recent newsletter - Our Lady of the Sacred Heart School
3 4
Week 4, Term 4 – 25th October 2016
8.00am Liturgy
Sunday, 30th October
From the
This coming Friday is both World
Teachers’ Day and Day for Daniel. World
Teachers’ Day is the day on which
students, parents and community
members can demonstrate their
appreciation for the wonderful
contribution that teachers make to our
school communities, our students and to
the wider community. World Teachers’
Day commenced in 1994 under the
instigation of the United Nations,
Scientific and Cultural Organisation
(UNESCO) to acknowledge the efforts
and to reinforce the important status of
teachers in our community.
safety and empowering them to
Recognise, React and Report. Throughout
the week, teachers have been delivering
the diocesan approved Daniel Morcombe
Safety Curriculum in an endeavour to
promote this important message.
On this World Teachers’ Day, I say to our
much valued and dedicated teachers
what I would say to them every day of the
year and that is: “Thank you for all you do
each and every day at Our Lady of the
Sacred Heart to ensure the children
entrusted to our care receive a quality,
faith-based, values-based education that
prepares them well for their journey
through life”. Please note, we will
acknowledge and recognise our
awesome teachers this Friday at
consider choices that may
keep them safe or help make
them become safe again as
quickly as possible.
Wed 26/10 Michelle Brady visit
Sporting Schools
Thurs 27/10 Lunch time disco
NO Homework Club
this week
School N’ball Emrld
Prep Transition Day
Day for Daniel
Level 2 Assembly
Swimming Lessons
7am Working Bee
Fri 28/10
Recognise encourages
students to be aware of
their surroundings and to
recognise body clues in
situations where they
don’t feel safe.
React helps students to
Report encourages students
to report unsafe incidents
to an adult.
Day for Daniel is an opportunity for
Australians to make a statement that
crimes against children are not
acceptable. The day also honours the
memory of Daniel Morcombe. Here at
OLSH, a safe and secure environment for
our precious young people is by far our
most important priority.
Thanks for reading…
The Day for Daniel is a National Day of
Action to raise awareness about child
safety and protection. Wear red and
educate is the theme for the Day while
raising awareness about child safety,
educating children about their personal
Sat 29/10
Sun 30/10
Tues 1/11
Wed 2/11
Thurs 3/11
Fri 4/11
8.00am Liturgy
Melbourne Cup
Sporting Schools
Homework Club
School N’ball Emrld
Swimming Lessons
8.00am Mass
Springsure & Dist.
Swimming Carnival
Sporting Schools
Thurs 10/11 Homework Club
Fri 11/11
Prep Transition Day
Level 4 Prayer
Swimming Lessons
OLSH Parish Fete
Sun 6/11
Wed 9/11
Sun 12/11
Wed 13/11
Thurs 17/11
Fri 18/11
10.30am Mass
Sporting Schools
Homework Club
Prayer Assembly
Swimming Lessons
Sun 20/11
Wed 23/11
Thurs 24/11
Fri 25/11
10.30am Mass
Sporting Schools
Speech Night
Prep Transition Day
Level 1 Prayer
Edition No 34 – 25th October, 2016
Our Friends, the Saints
s Thursday, the
 Lunchtime Disco – thi
be participating in a
students of
lunchtime disco in the Big
this week only.
 NO Homework Club –
bly – Please join us for
 Level 2 Prayer Assem
bly in the Sacred
our Level 2 Prayer Assem
Space this Friday at 8.40a
this Friday. Please
 Swimming Lessons –
immers and towel.
remember to bri
s Saturday.
 Working Bee – 7am thi
We remember in our
prayers: All those who
need comfort at this
time. May they be
Level 1
Abigail Roberts for her mathematical
enquiry skills.
Level 2
Level 3
Sarah Bradford and Darcy Perry
for your excellent team work and
communication skills while
investigating coding. Well Done!!
Anna Woolcock for your super
Friendship is one of the deepest joys we can know. Their
love and support enhances our joy and pleasure in good
times and helps us face pain and sorrow that could cripple
us. Our experience of friendship is not confined to those
here with us on earth. Those who have died continue to
love us still. I experienced this somewhat dramatically in
the past month. Without realising it, I had developed a
serious heart condition. The local medicos were
wonderful…but nothing was showing up on tests. I felt
worse and worse till I prayed to Sr Joan, who had passed
away last year. We had lived together for 12 years and
developed a deep friendship. From the bottom of my
heart, I asked, ‘O Joan, please sort this out.’ Within 24
hours I was in Brisbane, a few hours later having an
angiogram. During this, I felt I was dying but I was calm:
Joan was with me, more real than if she had been sitting
there. I lived. The relief of the stent was that dramatic but
more dramatic was the loving presence that had been with
me. Thank you Joan.
Sr Joan is one of my personal saints. You have yours. They
are the people who have known and loved you over the
years – your grandparents and friends, work colleagues
and, perhaps especially a child who has died. They watch
over us, caring and loving us. They are with us and we
need to take the time to sit and bask in their love. Next
week, the Church celebrates the Feast of All Saints. This is
our time to delight in our friends, our saints.
Loving God, I thank you for the people who have loved me
through my life. Let me appreciate how much care my
departed loved ones have for me and let me delight in
speaking to them of our love and of my need. I ask this in
Jesus’ name, confident that you will hear me.
Sr Kym Harris osb
Thoughts Have Feelings Too
ARTS COUNCIL - Wednesday, 20th October
exciting tightening tension paragraph
on bungee jumping. Well done!
Principal’s Awards
Anna Bradford for the encouragement and
confidence you instil in your class members.
‘That’s Living Our Lady’s Way!’
Catherine Whitehead for your willingness to be
an inclusive friend, a helpful classmate and for
applying yourself to all areas at school.
‘That’s Living Our Lady’s Way!’
Sienna Lodder for your continual enthusiasm and
positive energy in and around school. Your attitude
is very contagious. ‘That’s Living Our Lady’s Way!’
Josh and Jace as Emu 1 and Emu 2 - relaying messages
Edition No 34 – 25th October, 2016
Hello Everybody and welcome to week 4,
We had lots of fun on Friday taking
care of the school. We visited our
Kindy friends and explored with them
during outside time. Mason had written
about a volcano earlier in the week so
the boys created a volcano in the sandpit
and made it erupt. Our Kindy friends then joined us in
our classroom to explore our construction dramatic play
area. We have been investigating the materials used in
many structures around our school.
During Mathematics last week we talked a lot about
measurement. We found objects that were short, long and
longer; compared heavy and light objects with the balance
scales and investigated which containers held the most
sand in the sand pit and water in the water trough. This
week we will first revise and then extend our knowledge of
numbers to 20.
We will continue with our sight words and learn the new
sound ‘oo’ as in book, look, shook and foot. We have
been counting the sounds in our new words and then
blending them back together to help us spell them. For
example, book has three sounds; b - oo - k. Last week
we learnt the ‘or’ sound as in horse.
During gross motor skills we practiced our balancing on
balance boards. This helps build strength in our core.
This week we are having fun using our feet and elbow to
help us draw pictures and later in the week we will
switch to the easels to draw on a vertical surface, all
helping us build our core strength.
During Religion this week we will finish our unit about;
‘Jesus and his friends’. We will look at how we can be
better friends by making positive decisions. We will
follow this up in our Health Unit by investigating how we
can get along with others.
This week
students will bring
home a shoe box
that they will use
to collect special
items that hold
many memories
for them. We read
Wilfred Gordon
Partridge last week and found out how he helped Miss
Nancy find many memories she had lost. We will then as
individuals share the memories our items hold for us.
Mrs Daniels has her items on display in the classroom,
that hold many special memories for her.
Have a great week.
Mrs Daniels, Mrs Jamieson and Prep Students
Introducing Level 2’s Marvellous
Since the beginning of term we have
been reading Georges Marvellous
Medicine by Roald Dahl. In the story
George creates a medicine by going from
room to room grabbing random ingredients. He
does this to try to ‘cure’
his bad tempered
Grandma. Last week
we started to create our
own medicine in pairs.
We had to follow the
structure of a
procedural text and
include a title, goal, list of ingredients and
the cooking method. Here are just some of the outrageous
medicines Level 2 have created. Some have very strange
side effects. Do not create these medicines at home!!
Lexi and Darcy’s Marvellous Medicine
To make Grandma turn into different animals
 Animal medicine tablets
 Paper
 Flea powder
 Chillies
 5 Lemons
 Pepper
 Leaves
Get the pot.
Get the Spoon.
Get the ingredients ready.
Put the ingredients in the pot.
Put the pot on the stove.
Turn the stove to high.
Leave the pot on the stove for a few minutes.
Take the pot off the stove.
Mix for a few minutes.
Poor it on the medicine bottles.
Give the medicine to Grandma!!
Luke and Evangeline’s Marvellous Medicine
To make Grandma Explode.
 Dog Fleas
 Hot Chilli Sauce
 Engine Oil
 Scarlet red nail polish
 Baby powder
 Horse tablets
 Shaving cream
Edition No 34 – 25th October, 2016
Turn stove on high heat.
Put the pot on the stove.
Put shaving cream in the pot.
Pour in horse tablets.
Pour in baby powder.
Pour in the scarlet red nail polish.
Pour in engine oil.
Put in the hot chilli sauce.
Put the dog fleas in.
Stir all of the ingredients together.
Pour into medicine bottle.
Give it to Grandma to drink.
Jim and L.A’s Marvellous Medicine
It will make grandma grow and get a very long tongue.
 Engine oil
 Chicken medicine
 Horse tablets
 Grease
 Extra hot chilli sauce
 Anit-freeze for cars
 Brown paint
 Turn on stove and put the pan on the stove.
 Get the ingredients.
 Put the ingredients in the pan.
 Mix it together.
 Cook it in the pan on the stove.
 Pour medicine into Grandmas medicine jar.
 Give in to Grandma!
had been looking at angles and
turns so students created their own
online mind map using an app
called popplet showing all the real
life angles they found around our
school. In their pairs they then
used this document to explain why
each angle was acute, obtuse, a
right angle or a 3 quarter turn.
In English we have been
identifying rhyme, rhythm and
other poetic devices in ‘The
Lorax’ and will be writing our own
verse. As we continue to work
through the seven steps to writing
success students are focusing on
tightening tension and how they
can use senses and emotions to
make the reader feel like they are
actually apart of the story.
This week we are also
completing daily lessons from
the Daniel Morcombe safety
curriculum as lead up to day
for Daniel this Friday.
Have a great week
everybody :)
Miss Kennings
and Level 3
Monday and
Wednesday are
Lvl 3’s library days
on Friday
Miss Gauld and Level 2
Hello everyone! There has been lots
happening in level 3 this past fortnight.
In Religion we are investigating the
sacrament of reconciliation. This past
fortnight students have been looking at the
story of Zacchaeus; wondering about the
choices that people made in the story and looking at it from
different perspectives. Continuing to aim for a paperless
classroom for religion this term, students are working in
pairs, using
various iPad apps
to recreate the
story from the
perspective of
Jesus or the
people in the
Science is heating up this term, with students exploring how
heat is produced, how it can travel, how it is measured and
how it can affect
us. Last week we
completed an ice
experiment to
find out how body
heat moves.
The students
became the
teachers in maths
last week. We
Welcome to Week 4! It has been a
fabulous week in Level 4.
In Art, we have been learning about
printmaking. We are using a range of
carving techniques and tools to create a
Christmas themed stamp. This stamp will
then be used to print Christmas cards. We
all have made different Christmas designs including a
Christmas tree, a Santa hat and a very cute penguin.
Before we could start carving, we had to create a safety
checklist and demonstrate how to set up our workspace
and tools correctly. Miss McKenna showed us how our
designs would print a mirror image. Drawing our
designs around the other way was tricky.
This week we have been practising our five and ten times
tables. We learned that these times tables have a
“double double” link just like our two and four times
tables. We have also been working with shapes once
again. Today we learnt a little more about the internal
angles of shapes. Did you know that all the angles in a
rectangle add up to 360 degrees or that all of the angles
in a triangle will add up to 180 degrees? It’s a pretty
handy fact to know because it helps us when we are
calculating the angles of different shapes.
DISASTER HAS STRUCK! Our poor beans have fallen prey
to foul furry beasts, also known as caterpillars. We have
been diligently checking our poor plants every day to
make sure that the very hungry creatures have gone for
good. Just to be sure, we researched natural pest
solutions and created a soap-based solution to keep the
bugs away. Luckily our plants are still growing, despite
Edition No 34 – 25th October, 2016
having almost no leaves left and we will hopefully have
the ingredients for a fantastic green bean and broccoli
stir fry very soon.
We had a wonderful interview with our guest speaker and
learnt a lot about soils, rocks and landscapes. Miss McIver
explained why sand at the beach is so fine in comparison
to the sand you might find at a creek. We also learnt that
most rocks contain at least two minerals. Miss McIver
answered a lot of our questions during the hour including
some about volcanoes and the moon. It was a fantastic
experience, and it has helped us with our research about
the Earth. We have continued our investigation this week
by exploring the layers of the Earth and learning about the
movement of tectonic plates and how this can change a
landscape over time.
While Miss McKenna was over at Kids Connect, Level 4
travelled to see the Emerald Academy of Dance’s
production of Peter Pan. Here’s what Level 4 had to say
about the performance:
A very special postcard arrived in the mail last week
from Berlin. Miss Hanlon shared a little bit about her
adventures in Europe and told us that the thing she
missed the most about Australia were Aussie BBQ’s. We
will continue to keep a close watch for any other special
letters and postcards from around the world. Receiving a
letter is exciting! We are looking forward to learning
more about letter writing next week in English.
This week we continued to explore the Daniel Morcombe
safety curriculum, looking at ways that we can use
helpful strategies to help us recognise, react to and
report situations that may make us feel unsafe. We are
also learning about rules (road rules, school rules, class
rules, sports rules), why they are made and how they
keep us safe.
The last term is always busy, but we look forward to
sharing all of our adventures with you.
Until next time!
Level 4 and Miss McKenna
Happy ‘Thanking Tuesday’ everyone.
Last week we went to Kids Connect
2016 in Emerald where we spent a
couple of days working with children
from other Western Catholic Schools to
solve problems using technology. We
have included some reflections for you: -
One highlight from Kids Connect 2016 was the Binary
Coding code cracker. We saved the world from an evil
robot named S.I.R.E. During this investigation we used
computers, coding and games to figure out complex
locks to crack open cases. The code cracking was
definitely fun for everyone and in the end everyone got
a reward! Lollies! By Adele.
Lego robotics was AWESOME! We learned how to
program and use the car version of the Lego
Mindstorms EV3 robot. With the help of Miss Hall we
created awesome programs to make the EV3’s back
into a car park, use the sensors on the robot, travel
really fast, project a picture on the screen and use the
buttons to make it move! But best of all we made them
TALK! We made new friends and had LOADS of fun.
By Matthew
Mine Test was great for learning how to code a game
and help new friends out so their game could work as
well. You could fly in survival and everyone in the Mine
Test workshop had a lot of fun programing the mods
which was hard at first but became easier after in a
certain amount of time and everyone could have fun.
Kids Connect was awesome. By Allan
Makey Makey was amazing. We were all handed a
circuit board with wires and what you had to do was
plug the wires into something such as a banana, play
dough or tinfoil and connect the circuit board to a
laptop. Then we used a program called Scratch to
make sound when you hit the banana or you could
make it type letters and play games. At the end of day
one, we had to design a project to make using the
Makey Makey. So we all planned out what we wanted
to do. It was amazing what people came up with pianos,
cameras, gaming controllers, guitars and even drums.
When everyone finished their projects we all got to try
out each other projects and they all worked. I wish I
could go next year. By Sam Kavanagh.
I had loads of fun doing Scratch gaming. During the two
days we made a game called “Doom on a Broom”. It
was difficult to start with but as we got to the middle of
the game it started to get easier. In the game there are
goblins, witches, dragons, ghosts and bats. The object
is to destroy these characters before they get you.
By Jace.
We were all very appreciative of the support of Mr Wann
and Miss Raina (Binary Coding Breakout) in helping to
make our Technology endeavours over the couple of
days a memorable and exciting learning journey.
This week we are back into our classroom routines. As
we draw towards ‘Day for Daniel’ this Friday we will be
completing modules from our Child Protection
Curriculum and revisiting the “Recognise, React and
Report” theme of this work.
On Friday morning we will be performing the ‘Song of
the Month’ on assembly over the next few Fridays if any
parents are able to attend.
Until next time…
Level 5 and Mr Hunt
Edition No 34 – 25th October, 2016
Kids Connect Emerald
Thursday 20 & Friday 21 October
Last Thursday and Friday, students from Level 5
participated in the CWQ Kids Connect; a technology
conference organised by students for students. The
two day conference organised by children from St
Patrick’s Emerald covered breakout sessions
featuring sessions such as: Storybird story books;
Creating an iPad App using iBuild; Create interactive
Computer Games Using Scratch; Green Screen
Animation; Lego Robotics; Build a professional
looking Website to showcase local specialities and
MaKey MaKey. I would like to thank Mr Hunt for
transporting and supervising the students, and also
Miss McKenna who took a breakout group. The
feedback from students has been overwhelmingly
positive and there is no doubt they had heaps of fun!!
Springsure & District
Swimming Carnival
Just a reminder the Springsure & District Swimming
Carnival has been scheduled for Wednesday 9th
November, 2016. P-2 students can nominate in the
half pool event or 25m events. Only students 10yrs
and above can nominate for 50m events, the 100m
freestyle and the 100m individual medley. Students
10yrs and above can only swim 25m or 50m in any
one stroke. Only participation points will be awarded
to students 10yrs and above who compete in 25m
events. Therefore, only 50m events and the 100m free
will count towards age champion. Students must also
swim in a minimum of 4 eligible events to be
considered for age champion.
‘Little Lady’s’ Program commencing on
Friday 14th October (Term Four, Week Two)
The aim of the ‘Little Lady’s’ program is to
provide an insight into the routines and
structures which make up the
daily play-based fabric of a
Prep day in Primary school.
Students entering Prep in 2017
(child born 1st July, 2011 – 30th
June 2012)
Commencing Friday from 14th
October and will continue every
second Friday, 28th October, 11th
November and 25 November.
We look forward to providing your child
with new experiences and welcoming
you all to the OLSH family each
second Friday.
School Netball
Well, they have done it again, the OLSH Junior
Firebirds have continued on their winning way in the
Emerald & District Schools Netball Competition. Last
Thursday, both the OLSH Junior Netball team and the
Springsure Combined Senior team featuring Casey
and Kate, played Denison SS and St Patrick’s
Emerald respectively. The Springsure Combined
senior team played extremely well, only to go down
to the very well drilled St Patrick’s Emerald outfit,
while the junior OLSH team continue to improve and
‘play for each’ other in recording a 5 nil victory over
Denison SS. The confidence and tenacity in which
both teams are playing with is testament to hard
work, dedication and effort that all girls have
contributed since the start of the year. With only
two more weeks to play, the OLSH Junior Firebirds
play St Pat’s at 4:30pm. Can’t wait for Netball on
Thursday afternoon!!
Level 1 Craft Stall - OLSH Parish Fete
Looking for craft enthusiasts to create and donate
items to our stall. Pinterest - Fete Craft is a great
place to begin for inspiration
Coffee jars with dry ingredients
Tote bags
Canvas illustrations
Home made cards
Pet rocks
The ideas and items are endless!
Looking forward to sharing
your creative ideas - Mrs Daniels
Edition No 34 – 25th October, 2016
Tuckshop will be on FRIDAY, 28th October
Please ensure orders are in Thursday, 27th October.
Tuckshop orders are required to be
handed in on Thursday for tuckshop
on Friday.
Second Break Second break is a limited menu which
will be managed by the OLSHS Level
5 students.
Cake Cooks
Please supply 24 small cakes for 2nd
break at tuckshop on Thursday.
Cakes can be dropped off at school
on Thursday morning at the office or
Week 4 – 28/10
Kerrianne Clifton
Week 5 – 04/11
Susie Ganzer
Week 6 – 11/11
Simone Moore
Week 7 – 18/11
Melissa Williams
Week 8 – 25/11
Week 4 – 28/10
Level 1, Philippa Whitehead
and Susie Ganzer
Week 5 – 4/11
Lizzie Bradford, Sue Priddle
and Simone Moore
Week 6 – 11/11
Danielle Shaw, Marilyn Taylor
and Alison Roberts
With the end of the year fast approaching there will
be limited stocks available. Please watch this space in
the upcoming weeks for menu changes.
Cup Cakes
Cheese and Crackers
Bags of Popcorn
ARE NOW ALL $1.00 each
Kate Bradford – Wednesday, 26th October
Ella Fletcher – Wednesday, 26th October
Weeding and mulching
BYO gardening tools
Since mid-2015 Our Lady of the Sacred Heart
School has regularly participated in the
Sporting Schools program.
Term 4 Basketball & Cricket with Stephen Hunt
from Wednesday 19th October until 23rd
November from 3.15pm - 4.15pm.
These programs are offered to all students from
Prep – Year 6. Students can wear their school uniform
to the sessions, however, it is recommended that they
ensure that they wear appropriate footwear eg runners.
All equipment is provided.
Consent forms and medication forms will need to
be completed for insurance purposes and so that
we are aware that the parents have consented to
their child’s attendance in this program.
These have been sent home with students who are
interested in participating. Participants can bring
paperwork with them to their first session.
I hope many of the children will be able to attend
this FREE, FUN and ACTIVE program.
7am - Saturday, 29th October
REMEMBER Many hands make light work!
The P&F are also looking
for hay bale donations
eded to d
Cake coo
h Fete.
LSH Paris
over to
be handed
Items w
ool office
in the sch
the ladies
Friday, 11th
le at OLSH
ls availab
Edition No 34 – 25th October, 2016
Volunteers Needed
The OLSH Parish are looking for volunteers to help sell tickets
in the Christmas Cake Raffle. Any time you can spare would
be appreciated. Funds raised will go towards the upkeep
of the church. Please call Rita on 0438 841 370.
Edition No 34 – 25th October, 2016
Edition No 34 – 25th October, 2016