COMMISSION DISTRICTS INGHAM COUNTY, MI Lovejoy Ruppert ilt M illi /W on am Milton Lovejoy sto Warner n Milenz es all ey Quar ton Re db ud Eifert Chula Vista Kathy Skyway Lay Cedar Wat er Ma nnin g Ceda r No r ris Bee chwood Sharon Wa rb le r y Meridian Bon anz a Po int Ta ylo r Mulle t Meridian Sa nd s to ne Jad esto ne Country Wo ods oo d Blos se oin te Oa kP ind W rig h tw Se lw wo od ty Br a ck e n Glen Rive r Paddoc k Pimlico M is Wilfo rs Monarch Clov erdale Turnberr y Dobie Sandow n Northview Po nd Blackfoote Fa rm Me adows Red w ing Channing oo d Crooked Creek Hig hw Timberv iew Ma riner Wausau Sugar Maple Ow l Sand rid ge Sheldra ke Sand lew oo d Rox bury Rale ig h New Salem Kew een aw Mo ore Burning Bush W hit e Okemos Willia ms ton n Gr ee woo d Re do nd o Bee ch Bu tto nw oo d Ea gl Gr ee n Buena Mo ntebe llo Wo od V er le af Sil v As h W hi te Jeanette Hutchinson Lac Du Mon t Sleepy Hollow Live ran ce Ard mo re Semin ole Resear ch Sc ien ce Sum me rfie Whisp ld erw oo d Cra ne y Cha n till ham Jessal ee Sho rt M on tro se Gran dv iew est Br e ez y Mohawk nd Hig hla Dayspr ing Hillcr Oa kG len Campu s Hill Wo od cr a ft Comanche Shadow Elmwood Golden Hav ers Oakenclif fe Me rford Westminster Ba rn sb ur y on Dury ea Ma rm Martinique He r ro n orn e Ha w th OHa n lon Holt Rest Area 27 Hill Culv er Kirk land Ridg e Van R Knotwood SU S1 27/H N US 127 olt /H olt De lh i Th or bu rn Holiday Belaire Catal ina N US 1 Graduate Bo nn yv iew aalt e Meadow Pearso n Wanstead Fay S US 1 27 Whistlew ood Aurelius Seka Ou t Fa rr Dr a in Ca tta Helman il C orn er La ke Mu d Heatherton Have n Heathe r Rid ge Th orn ga te Island Lake Long view Park Lake Le lan d Jo Don Nor thwind Pa nd a Be Be ar ar La ke Ca mb r ia Farm College Collins Hagadorn la wn M er rit t Cobblers Rothbury Brookline Coa ch H o us e Woo d gle n od Box wo ge Knoll Oak la n d Hillside Evergreen Rosewood White Pond Tre e Tu lip Stuart Roxburgh Ar ds on ity Oakw ood Univ ers S US 127 Callihan Ch ic k or y Ea st Hulett Truman Ge er t Po r ta H il l Poplar Sp uc e Br y an t w llo Lo ng fe Crimso n N US 127 Staten W ind br ea k Bu tte rfie ld Br a ndy win e Mendo ta Abbott Gree nview Roxburgh Barclay Rege ncy Le af Re d Coolidge Knolls Hick s Clemens Center La Salle To ur a Au ine du bo n Howard Wood Fe rn Cle Hill v ela nd Cla rk Otto Bingham Raider Livernois Livernois Stonehaven Killarney Groombridge Boy m Zeeland Van Dyke 8 - Penelope Tsernoglou Dennis Dietz Edgar Circle 7 - Todd Tennis Hous e an ed e Ru nn ym Keith lth High Rhe a mo unt Com mon wea Mill Stream Curry Linlawn Herber t Colvin Laporte Sunnyside River Beech Mercantile Calvary Centr al Lod er Mc C o urt Sablain Parkway Ma rk Wakefield Case Grand Museum Cedar Larch Diamon Ne d Reo ller s Re o le y Strathmore Hess W ashington Oak Knoll Hav er hi Kyes Risch Wentland 9 - Carol Koenig Bray Cir Park c le Wolverine 27 S1 SU s em o Ok e Ash Va nd er ve en Da nsv i 14 - Steve Dougan Iosco Iosco Diamond Bond s r ne Ba Kipp r Bobolink Curtis 13 - Randy Schafer Haywood Pelic an Killdee Kendrick t Williamston Te mpl n Le gio s Cu r ti ills Columbia Pa rk Ba y Stratford Mark n ty Cou Br an so n Osborne 12 - Deb Nolan Columbia Columbia Steele Holt e nn vo La 14 s Cindy Roos ev el Hall Cherry South Washington Stevens Lawton Elm Mable Avon Rayner Maine Holt Oak n d erso Hen Willow Eaton Wildemere nia ge Eu Bur t Ma Charring ton rtell Steele 5 ! ith Monroe Matthews Rogers Maple Ingham Park Willow Clark Barnes e Cherry Warner Brookdale Gary C Northbrook South Judy D at St McRoberts Middlebury Hunting Meadows Eagles Nest Lansing Kiwanis Peachtree Ash Ann Sycamore Co pp er sm Rav en w ood Randolph East Bush Sycamore Oak Valley Center n Ma so Mechanic North Fo xv iew a Alt Hanna Devon Hill Center Walnut Katheryn Sitts Jefferson an erm Orchard Corbin Onondaga 15 Stag Thicket Elliott n Ma so m Zim Hawthorne Linden Ash walk River Jerico Kim Kerns Ash Maple Run Kingman ding McNamara Lan Columbia Howell Lantis Royce Miller Cra bapple 11 - Dianne Holman n wi Bubbling Spring hl Bu Locust ld Ba Searls Howell Raging River a re eA Ce da r Ma son H College n or Josephine Nichols d ga Ha Dart tur Na nd be er Riv Jo an 10 - Mark Grebner Howell Ho gs ba ck Jefferson Whithorn Delray Catherine Wainwright Corbett Du rw el l r ll Ro ya lC re sc en t West Main Sumac Waldo 13 Snedecke r Williamston Daylilly Dennis 6 - Dale Copedge Stockbridge Meech College Wirt 5 - Andy Schor 1st Bowman Walline Simmons Frost Lamb Harper Van Orden Alchin Holt Holloway Onondaga 4th 3rd 2nd East Eas t Middle Hamlin As pe nw oo d 4 - Rebecca Bahar-Cook Gramer Holt Darling Mockingbird 3 - Brian McGrain Townsend Stoc kbridge Beechn ut Wallace Elm e idg br ck Stockbridge/E I 96 Haskill Ch is h olm Gramer 2 - Debbie De Leon Grieb to Moreno Monroe Dobie Grovenb urg Jackson Maple S 6/ I9 e idg br ck to W 6 /S I9 Highview Sorg Willoughby 1 - Victor Celentino Epley Oak Oak Mason E Noble Franklin Stockbridge/W I 96 Walnut Detroit E I 96 Chestnut Main W 96/W I 96/W illi illia mst amston on Almond Ayrshire Manor Carol Sk ye High James Emerson n Me m phis Pine Sycamore Rang er Ver lin den he r so n Mc P Buffalo Division Farm Dry er Hayden Bedfor d Lewton Hill Center Webberville 5 ! Clark W I 96 Howard EI Beech Cherry Summit Stillman Burkle y Featherstone Lind s ey Beech Apple Pine W I 96 DISTRICT - COMMISSIONER Pardee Howard Su pe rio La ns i ls H il Au gu s ta Rulison Morning side Park Terrace ng Wise Lago on Access Linn Meech Rad ford Huschke Industrial Park a ks eO Th re Willoughby Ce da r Hickory Allen ico Ch Bravender Ed d in gto n Douglas Camino Del Sol Progress Apple Blossom Button Hagadorn Wigman nd Holla Zuider Kemp er Bon apart Van Buren Hapsburg Flanders Rembrant Vondel Kintyre ood hw Ar c Dublin Barry Harper iver Rio Corwin Okemos Rest Area Gateway Harper Cliff Grand R Gardenga te Tulip Dorothy ep De Block sa Li Railro ad Do nn a ke La Burkle y ap id s ge Riverview R id North ge Rid n Ru r da Ce Every R r da Ce Red Cedar Mill Elevator Fulton White Leasia Georgia Southfie ld ith sm ck Bla il Ra Rowley Mid dl e Crossman Lloyd Gree ncro ft High th Sou School Sunrise Church Highla nd Tennyson Irving Spaulding McCauley a nic Me ch Ironwood Every Wayfa rer ge rid y Orchard Riverside on Jac ks Pine Meadow lit Sp Cherithbro ok Ea to n Fulton Norwood Brown lle 15 - Laura Davis Kipp Curtice t es W N Hayhoe US Walker Fields North Chic kasaw Cook Mason Dansville Dansville Crossman 5 ! Strong Grove Dakin Chestnut Adams Miami Shawano Paw Paw Tomlinson Dansville Sheathelm South Jackson Tomlinson Mason Dansville Union ho Co Kickapoo Menominee 16 - Don Vickers Osborne ip p en Ed K 7/ 12 Jewett Thurlby Bunker Johnson Lone Oak Clayton Sleeping Meadow Cooper Williamston Service Dakin S US 127 Jessop Eden Car te r Toles S US 127 /Barnes US Barnes/N Oakle y n Ma so Grimes Pine Fir Swan rd wa Ho East M 36 Ewers Brogan Mount Pleasant Plains Plains Kinsey Lienhart Brockie Winsted Kane Gould Kelly Hawley Lowe Lake Vaughn y rra Mu Tuttle Leach Milne r/D ex ter Cu Budd Stillson Annis Miln er Hull Scofield Amanda Melissa M 36 Lu mb er jac k Ewers Ferris Ferris Burden Swan/Dietz Cutoff Potter Eden 127 US Vevay Pine Hawley 5 ! /S nes Bar Laxton N US 127/Bar nes Proctor Eden 127 Aurelius 16 nd Bo Osborne Seven Gables Gale Waverly 5 ! Barnes Millville Ives Rolfe Aurelius Carol Rolfe toff Eifert Coy Lyon Lyon Merrill Milner Ingalls Ingalls Catholic Church Woods Hermitage Stimson Eden Covert p/W illia ms Cu toff 5Bunkerhill ! Decamp sC u to ff Pennsylvania Dec am Williamston N US 127 Penn Armstrong Hoosier Vandervoort/Ben Ralsky Circle VFW Service 1 Court VFW Alo ha HaRhode Island wa Ma rga ii reStover tOO Rabing ldrirger kin dg Raffe nspe aw e aM em n e or ia rg rec ks ane l PeEnv eev eri Dns Duff ania K ylvyalv Monaco ns nia H riaol o Pen lz em M ry ilia Aux am Decamp Fo g/ W illi Dexter inn ev ille Me rid ian Clinton Green Moechel Parman East Meridian 06 M1 s Nim Olds M 52 Krummery State Churchill Baseline 6 10 Dewey Cooper Peacock Dutch Jackson Webber Hunt Baseline M M 52 Railroad Garfield Wes te rn Green Kane Was hburn Shepper an Craig Lagoon Access Bird Sh e rm ard rc h gs O Old n pri Wood Industrial Ch ur c h in Orr Williams Spring Morton lS era Min Water Cherry Mitteer Hill Willow Morton Ma ple Vernal Elizabeth Clinton Fitchburg Freiermuth Fitchburg Haynes Main East Russell Blair Armstrong Hahn Morningside Rice 5 ! Center Oak Herbert nic Cherry Me ch a Rice Heeney Third Second 1st Mill Williams an k Baseline a nic Morton Willow Elm Covert Woodworth Lloyd Tompkins Pl Mai n Me ch West State Holland Vicary O ld Ma in Water Race Morton Kirby Olds Baseline Searle Maple ims Cutoff Mills Simot /K N US 127 Adams Oak Commercial High Spring Willis Bald win Meeker Washington 5 ! Butler Elm Carney Me ridian/N Walker Wilber 5 ! Franklin Sherman Onondaga Blackmore Oak Baggerly Pennsylvania Ridley Crain Rossman vu e Adams Kimball Doty Church Waverly Bellevue Ma in Obrien in Ma Byrum Stone Egn Cinnamon SU atio s S S1 27/B 127/B elle elle vue vue Silver by Kir Fig Be lle Chapman 5Kinneville ! Kinneville Wright Water Kinneville Quest Hunters Cherry Elk Ridge Wall Williams Roland Pine Main Delano Cu to ff Tuttle Fogg NU Mitchell Ben to And rea Lu je r Amherst Me ad ow lan e Dunbar Springd ale Ravenswood L W ove ay si sid d e e O ld W av er ly Mersey Morrice Webb erville Perry Harris ss d pa Woo field Chars o ll Kn Hick or Putnam McCormick Grant Village Village Wint oo d Beechw Wallace Quinlan Rivers ide 5 ! Potomac Gree nfi eld ov e Woodc Vanneter Meadowdale Fuller Rowley Golfv iew Harvey Village Village Jack Pine y E I 96 Williams Love Evening Star Gladie Jolly Circle Sunset Twin Ponds rry Snowbe La ke Cherry Tree Sc en ic d Tr ails En Va lle Ambassador le App w Rainbo Stagecoach Ots e go Ponderosa Forsberg t Caba re Arbutus Hiawatha Otsego Wenonah Winterberry owns hhill D Churc Viceroy le da en ipp Ch Juneberry r Winding Rive ll no Jam es Legend Forest Oak Circle Brookshir e Glase r od wo eK Pin Daggertai l Park Wood Hiddenview Bismark s ng d eri Wan Live Oak Trotte rs Swallowtail White Pine Mitchell ood dlew er ipp Sk Algoma Corey Perry Willia mston Red Map le Brid od wo rk Co Turner s Beeman Cedarvale Moyer Oak Bark Burr Oak y Ospre et gn Cy Hill rian Vic to Wild Cherry Goldfinch ea do ws Samuel Oaks Sand Cherry M alle Thatcher Rayborn Scofield Barto n Zimmer Fruitbelt Courtside Ja co b V rry Che Wind N Wood Creekview Sp r in gL ak e Elk Glencoe Jon quil il Tr a e Beech Tre Summergate ills irh Fa ff Blu Southbury Chimney Oaks ood s hw Th ru iew yV Cole Maple Shade Rode o n do ng Co tr un Co Pine Circ le Fores t Glen Petoskey Windr eef Mizzen Shoals Roc ky Hill adow Sunny Me Nautical Sherwood Oliver Tr illiu m Breakwater Wharf Splice Leeward Cin na ba r Ruby ac ha Donn ar ed dC Re Starboard Spinnaker Re ef Glen Eyrie Luff Naubinway Waba ningo Osc od a Topaz d en Buttercup am ing C Cove H ar b Cheboygan or Cu wa ing t Sebe Tahquamenon Van Atta Silverwood Hatch Grand River White OakF ox od Ch wo as e Branch Chipp Alderwood Goldenwood Satinwood o rt Sh Agate Granite Fe lds pa r Rolling Meadows Nature Wellington w Spicewood Hickorywood Arbor Mackinac Indian Glen wo od Green Saran Cherry Hill Dobie Mojave orro Dunm rail ne Do Oakwood Oaklawn Stoneycroft Calgary Mercer Horstman Hart Meridian White Tail Powell Eastwood Marlborough Blackstone Birchwood Pringle Ebright Strawberry Earliglow Teakwood Cornell Central Park Country Way Silkwood Loun sbury Sho eman Woodmont Honey Creek Bird Farm Ventura l Cora Cade Hallendale Woodville Buckingham Creekwood Hillview Academic Pine Carlton Babbitt School e Maple Ridg k Sago Continental Pheasant Shaw Potter Edson Marsh Boulev ard Pebblestone Ethel Sweetwood Sha ftsburg Woodwind Oakpark ge Cotta ew Sen eca e Breckinridg Cla yb or n Lovejoy s old yn Re ia evi Lak Benson a sh no u Ke ito an M rn ho er wd Po Waverly Perry Randall b lum Co r ste Fo Martinus Harvey Cypress Greenman an Ta nfor Cra nwo od Ivywood Th istle do wn Forest Hills 5 ! pen ra C la Manitou Thistlewood d Klom ta San ch Bir Newman Okemos Veltema Lott te ea ur La k oo lbr Ho Davlind Jacqueline Rexford Berkley Grayfriars Applecroft Glenberry Tuscany Huntshire Doncaster Chaucer Pontchartrain Tr eetop Bell Oak Bell Oak Germany Sashabaw Cimarron Belwood ws Meado Association Hillside Baymea dows Hoxie Frost ck ba gs Ho 7 12 US Turnbridge on Willesd Atherton Dix on Binghampton Ashland Arundel Tamarack Service er Commerce Cent Un iv e rs it yP a rk Woodlake r Knig htsford Shadywood Alaiedon Scholar Tinkler Stonehurst Tihart Da mo n an Pleasant Cindy Schoolcraft 7 12 Hall Jeanne Castle es Sylvan Glen Kinawa VaHem lle m y B ing r oo w a e k y mit se Shagbark Yo oo Autumnw Kansas Observatory Varsity Walenju s Tiffany Manor Washington Heights Ra ve n Wood Leaf Jolly Oak Indiana Merton Ma nhatt US Hall Maple Enfield Laurelwood Foxwood r la ar Ch 11 Picadilly am Th Downing Royce Hulett Orchid Quadrille Sorority Ramparte Orleans Allium Fontaine Chateau Creole Lakeshore n Elle Hancock t po De Hill Dallas Michael Summit Walnut Chestnut Elm Adelpha Phillips Burton Hamilton Cromwell Lee r Kelle Delhi Elliott Jones Burton Auburn Jefferson Pageant Dogwood Cottonwood Tupelo Persimmon Sycamore Lynn Watson Grove Cl ev er Canoga Bayou Trianon Dellridge Thornwood Jarco Park Center Adelpha Meadowlawn Coolridge Bertha Vernon Phillips Dean 5 ! Acorn Orlando Haslett 1 Lamoreaux y Wood ood Shadow nw Du Dellridge Miriam Beryl Selma Schippell Audean Wemple Bond Woodworth rans Vete od Greenwo Weswilmar Windmill Oakle af Willoway Kate l r ne or C y ps CoDelhi Commerce is Main Decamp Kathy Eastlund Beech Ridge Pine Tree Memory e ritim Ma Reno Kingdon b Bam Mil West r th No Grove Loch Lomond Ivywood e Pin Floyd Mill Wheel Kieppes Londal Bickett Old Keller Baylog Hodge e ho Ta Birchwood Wild Che rry Belding Fox Hollow Coyote Creek Penobscot Woodfield I Lerner Marscot Scotmar Norburn Beechfield Executive Georgia Long Hearthside Kim Rye Kasey Sandhill Wachtel Rid Timberc rest ge Wachtel m oo Bush Gardens r Norwood yne Bis ca David Moonlight Willoughby Ascot Nico le Shaker Mirabeau Yuma Cavalier Hil l Sonoma Vista Taos 27 inte Po ok br o As h Royale er Riv Willow Ridge r Benjamin n Wood Knoll Cliffdale Woodside Epley Linn Sandhill Berry Ridge Harding Danbury Tacoma ian erid Kn ob James Phillips W Pine Tree Sovereign e er c Spanish Oak se mm Co Lamone r pri Ente Pennsylvania d oo Ga lio Sebring t Bowker s to Ne Mo ss Gle Shoesmith ill Pipe Minoka Chief Okemos Seven Trails Indian Osage Long Leaf Heritage Dono va n M Club Windy Sun Rapids Sunwind Aeolian Kingswood Cherrywood Sow er Bennett zy Ha ch on W de Ca Hid pe s ide Sevill e Oneida Oneida Navaho Butternut Co nif er t uthpor o ws So e ad nM Sundance on go La Riverwood ee Hamilton Tomahawk nee Paw Kewanee ne sto ay Gr r Aztec la So Oakbrook Chas e Belle Jet Ellas w Am Gunn ate an Dell High Bayonne e or Cherokee Ma um H Shawnee Apache ill dh oo W Dustin He ar tw oo d Bloomfield ! a m ilton 5 Clin ton Nakoma Chippewa Sequoia Copperhill Fairlane Kenneth Belle Chase Duvernay Boettcher tec Con Devonshire Appleton Orchard Richwood Dell Iris Wild Jo Lampen o a ill nH ro Hu Kn oll Heirloom nm Ke Ar apah Mohican Pioneer Janice Lee Karen Ann Del Mar Newman Kent Me th o dis t Indian Hills Cochise way East Iro qu o is O tta w Arrowhead Flamingo Cen t r al P a r ux Sio Dawn in nqu Algonquin Algo Blue Haven Teko nsha Beaumont Tranter Alpha Granger Glenwood Wilcox Ta rt Mayapple Pine Dell Sunhollow Bois Ile Village y Wardcliff Seminole cre s Bayshore 5th Rockwood Esoteric Bogue Collins Devonshire Allison Woodlyn Lyncott Crampton Bayberry Royal Oak Newton tt Evere Yor k Bent Tree tle Ben Park Lake Amber Gaylord C Smith Mansfield Creekstone e Leawood Norfolk r nte Hu nd Gra Ros ehill Applegrove k Oa y 5 ! Sp r in gM s Huntsv ille Montg omer I 496 I 9 6/ S U S Camperdown Spahr Lambeth Miles E English Oak Marsh on d Royal Oak eP Ridg ood Winterfield ille Dev Maxwell Blue Haven Brookfield wood Ma ple Hubbard Bogue Farm Allianc Trudy Scarborough Stoneleigh Ruth Glenwood /W H ill Sapphire Saranac Bennett Roll ing y wa ge Rid Tonawanda Wilshire Franklin Banyon Greencliff Sm all A Hickory Colby Roseland Jolly 96 st ore Emerald Lake La ke Heather Normandy White hall 12 ld F era Em Lake Lansing Lady Slipper Riv er Colby Colby Gulick Oa kd ale Maple hill Haslett ok e Nem Quarry Oa k Koala Twyckingham gy nolo r we rflo Sta W ild Greenleaf Cre ek Raby Kodiak Tonapah Forest ss Kings Cro Ginger Hardy Wild Perch Bass r Pike Ta ylo Hillcur ve Pep per Rid ge Buckthorn rst Lyndhu Blue Lac Lak e Mallard Lake Jacobs Quail Lak e She rbrook La Mer Lak e Crest Reynolds Water Plant Melville Rive r Bria rcliff y ntr ve Co Royce Br u in Blue Haven Timberlane Murphy Margaret Droste Sirhol Eyde Lake Lansin g Lake Lansing Hid de n Hannah Crescent Leone Access ig e Pa Timberlane Jaywood Moorland Wayland John R Lee Spartan Stoddard Woodmere Kenberry Brentwood Le e Chamberlain Lenore Jacobs Wilgus Ro e Michael La ke h Windrus Dawn East Lansing Woodside Ferndale Linden Teri Baker Pine Creek Southridge Whistler Linden Fe e Wilder Dickens Raphael Melrose Ann Shaw rs Ak e Wilson Wilson Traffic Circle ills Whiteh ge lfr id Go Patriots lawn Shadow Blythefield Bonita Lexington Bogue Harrison Fidelity Manley Canarsie Aurora Ruth a Homewood Parkway Five Oaks Robb Lexington Virginia Milford River Cedar Red Cedar Palmer Arbor Rebecc a Rowena Cherry Science Wilson ld Smithfie r lin KaCompton Erica Lantern Hill Bedford Delridge Stoddard Cornell Gunson Durand Phys ics Stadium Chestnut Cherry Agriculture Dunckel Beau Jardin Snyder Towner Mack Bliss d woo Burrw ood Mount Vernon Old C anto n th Sou L ow ead ron Leba End Cahill Roseland Trappers Cove Hazelwo od Highgate Whitegate Cranston k Wic Frye M b er Haslett Walnut Heights Victor Waters Edge Ser vice 10 Wyngar den Tavistock ison enn ftD ro xc Fo brook Kedzie Orchard Red Cedar Birch Narcissus Larkspur Shaw Red Cedar Traffic Circle Stadium Albert Shaw Traffic Circle Wilson Ridgewood Beech Dormitory Buglers Burcham Ann Tim 9B I6 BL 9 I6 L 9B I6 Fe n wic k Pine Hollow Sk yline Parkvale Marble Snyder Chittenden Collingwood Bailey Auditorium Skyline Hart Hardy ate Stoneg Division Circle Ha ll s Briarwick Brookhavenl r s H il pe e e e iag nk rr In Ca 9 Foxcroft Dennison Alton y Abbott Entrance Delta Sy ca m ore all enh End g d da an rm Gibson He Raind rop in e ll M Pollard on Me adow Old Hickor Elizabeth Sunrise Horizon nz a Es pera Rudgate st g po hin Hitc r tis Cu MAC Linden Ca pt ain Cedarhill King Dunbar Charles Hillcrest Grove Park Forest Dorothy Baldwin Reniger ra nce Wilson Walbridge Beechlawn Camelot Forest Sunset Louis ield Beal Clifton Center s terf Che Highland Cowley Kensington Friendship Morgan Howard Detroit Mifflin Charles Allen Ivanhoe Sever Kendale Sab ron Westlawn Prescott Linden Marigold Tanager idge Walbr ke nla Sta Roxburgh Glenhaven Whittier h Oa k burg Rox Red n a ve Woodcrest Glenh Glenha ven Cor nbrook Frandor Clippert Homer Midvale Kipling Glenmoor Lasalle Beal Ent Tanglewood Margate Footman Applegate Glenmeadow Colony W Glenhurs t ind ga Cre stwood te W Still Valley le inc he da in Fortune ll th W d Pa Hillwoo ria b er Cam De Sw allow Greencrest Burcham Meadowlawn ill Oakh Biber s en d ar rG wBa ToC uc k ar den in o Farrington Birch Row Northga te ill ers And Belmonte Fe rn Valley College Harper Burchfield Rutherford Towar Bur gun dy Abbott Columbine Colorado Rosewood d Sherw oo Gilcrest Boltwood Shelter e y at lg a irwa F Hil Merrill Elm Porter Gossar d Harkson Riveria rs tge Ru ris k ma Ta Winchester Pinecrest ley mb We ton Gro Bramble y ar uv Vo Coolidge reek Pebblec t res Burrows terc Win Homer ate Newton Sen Downer Chester Kimberly Cresenwood Elm Marshall eb ro ok Old M Woodland Abbott Woods Loree Bainbridge Pointe Peb bl Rampart Ker nw Towar Gossard Burnt Tree Gree ntree Br anch Kingswood Vassar Blake Foster in Ma Leslie Shepard Pen nsylvani Alden Gunn Kahres Hollow brook Ta m bou rine Ohch i Sycamore tg es W hed ge Stone Rolling Brook Bolle y Autumn Springfield Gay Weber Francis Leslie Allen Clifton Sunnyside Harding Devonshire Alpha Plymouth Richard Cedar Bend Grovenburg Amste rdam Timberland Foster Magnolia Regent Shepard Dakin McCullough Shubel Alpha Lyons Gardenia Rosedale Coulson Richard Vernson Calson Cooper Moorwood Gilbert Netherland Ker ry Fairview Horton Rumsey Elvin Lathrop Clifford Bensch Parker Ada Donora am Lath Loretta Curry Annapolis Sommerset Hilliard Cooper Reed Bush Hill Lockewoode Tolland Suth e rla nd Rotterdam Bessemaur Brody Service Te ch Dunck el Aldrich Mo nro e Krental Richard Holt McCue Narraganset Fireside Cham pion Remsing Born Ce ne s Carson Ma rle nt en Fairmont Mandell Weald nia g n Mill Stone M Lo lC u lhol ou Warbler land Just A Mere rty ale Mill Oak ar kd d to n Doc Stron gs oo Br Ben Haddon Hal l Lilac Daisy Maisonette Lockbridge th Ro k Tammany Waycross Abbeywood Beaumaris Hayford Clemens Marshall Custer Jones Morgan Ada Pontiac Joshua Kaynorth Barren Chesapeake Rolfe Miller Pierpont Sugar Bush Oak Biber Taylor Wildwood Wildwood Woodland Huntin gton Mount Hope Solomon Luwanna Don OConnor Post Oak Somercroft Magnolia June 8th Hosmer Hill Battenfield ne s to Key Furney Pa tric Cricket Gainsborough Josepha Legacy I 96 BL Deer Run Darlington Mid dle va le Wayne Whitesell Ambler Granada De m Artisan Worden ld Ma cdo na or ch An ge Crown Brody Wabash Irene llow g llin Ro R id Hayford Green Maryland Mahlon Rosamond Ferguson Virginia Holmes Holmes Holmes Haag Louis Trinity Ellen dale Hilliard Schafer Poc asset Saddlewood Michigan Dier Rensen 8 s W oo d Overg cliffe len Meadow Wood Provincial House Rex Cavanaugh L Vine University Lourdes Ramada n ica er Am Wabash Greenwich Conrad Andrew Jackson I9 6B Robinson Holmes n Delle Willoughby Meadowcroft Wood Indiana Clark Johnson Cleveland Dorrance Lesher Southgate Cedar Service Jolly Cedar Fa ith Kurt Wendy Fred Oak Ridge Frandor Access W I 496 Hamelon Tarleton Southlawn Westview Mulberry Fernwood Prospect 5 Willard Sims Barr Willemma Louisa od wo ge Ed Perkin s Irvington Dennis Mall Sellers Fairoaks e Ru Scott Forest Pennway Marfitt West Chamberlain Ohio Farrand Camp Quaker Parkview Wildwood Rosemont Donald Cherry land Stafford Sunrose 7 th or yn Ka Justice Harton Hoyt Shirley Kenwick Covington Lasalle Farwood Swart Arbor Gle n w Wolf do Woodingha m ea Woodingham M Foxfire Pin Oak Whitman Stonewood Lak e Side Boxelder Cypress e Pine Forest ri l ar ag ur e Clarendon ua l C D a l L Cov entry Clos rtw el e Cha Whitehills Oxford se lo tC Northlawn se Melody er Library m So Holiday Harvard Centerlawn Ridge Belmar Lee Blanchette Basswood Harton Re ge nt Health Care Samantha Imperial Trafalgar Ramblewoo d Hill Fo x Elizabeth Greenlawn Sandlyn Armstrong Krantz Riv er Illinois Park Prudden Cedarbrook Ellen Stabler Kendon Spokane Curry Marcus Tisdale Lincoln Grant Garfield man Berg Davidson Julia Robert Nightingale Ple as an t Vermont High Garfield Grant Jewell Crocus Tulip Meese Cunningham Sanibel n Ho Houg hto Kinlo ch Lanier Renfrew Donson Massachusetts High Roberts Ray ett Ev er Ora Kessler Peony Washington Marywood Southbrook Daft Little Hickory Hydra Dadson New York Ballard Bailey Linval Eaton Emily Redner Sawyer Fis her 8th Beech Maplewood Forest Tenny Laurie Tenny Palmer Cloverland Delaware Audreys Garland Eas t Beech Ceda r Maplewood Teel n Almar Crestview Maplehill Fenton Samantha Syringa Perkins Paris Jessop Potter Edison Edison Hun Irvington ter Ridgewood Cox Raritan Riley Greenlawn Park Vernon Mason Elmore Kenwood Lincoln Glendale Rouse Village Warrington d 7th Larch Martin t of cr en re G to ing ns Ke Palmer Schlee Harold Bogart Shreve oo Pere Marquette t Clear Plat Grand Coleman Todd Palmer Delbrook Daft Hein Miller Tisdale Brookland Dexter Rita Bohnet McKim Pacific Dexter e be rr a La Olympia McGarry Lama Tin le y Claremore Doris Hunt Hall Thompson Washington Townsend Osband Lowcroft Walton Attwood Hein Barker Yunker Balfour ez Vald Frank Alamo Caleta Rothesay Davis Bradley Burchfield rys Saint Ma Northrup Edgew MacMillan Kinglet Patricia Victoria Cartago er Riv Cherry Townsend Chestnut Atlas Stirling Bluebell Brad et rs te in W Valencia Woodgate lle be La Grovenburg Kenbrook Picardy Arvida East Grand Seymour Chestnut Beal Rundle Delevan Ferley Pershing od Emerald Majes tic Prospect Kalamazoo Motor Parkdale Edison Hamilton Dahlia Mel Southfield Willard Crest od Spruce Pinewo wo od Vans r Bel Ai Beechwood R G Curtis n Georgetow Nancy Horstmeyer Weymouth Ashley ffy Ta Kennedy Piper Bliesener Morgan Halifax Pico Balzer Desoto Webster Trumbull W hip p d Dington ale V Se ale lfr ncia id ge Haag Pheasant Picardy Mo ntic ello Newark Martin Luther King Jr a Illan Tressa Pollard Lincoln Greenlawn Everettdale Bela ire Larch Capitol Pine Sycamore Zubkus Marion Bristol Hughes Starr Renee Lark Wise d n ro Pe Mark Twain Bishop Ho lla nd Poplar Kellybrook Marion Marland Christiansen Sidney Richmond Wainwright Bradwell Lincoln Walsh o re ro ok Sh od b Wo Mayfair Kirk wo Fernwood Michigan Potter Park Ex it Potte r Park En Lind tranc e b ergh Beulah Fayette Pacific Edison Cavanaugh Fenton Parkview Vine Elizabeth W I 49 6 Main Gray Haco Kenwood Riley Pacific Rockford Vickie Main Climax Mechanic Hazel McKim Woodrow Marcus Larned Fu lle r Hea ld Larned Saginaw Stanley Bement Saint Joseph Florence Graham Vincent ter ell es rn r ch Do Do Briarfield e us Ro W eg Mason e r Moffitt Annetta Bishop Stirling Fletcher Marion Express Simk en Ingham Pleasant Grove Reo Mel Newark Fletcher Birch re ve Re Sharon Jan es Mary Center Walnut Sycamore Butler Leitram Max Quentin ck mlo He Quincy Richmond Eaton Pierce Winsford Radford Berry Holmes Mary Astor Prospect Bryon 3 Woodruff Marguerite Eureka Hickory d Bement Hillsdale Norman Denver Hodge Eu cli Helen Christiancy Jason Baker Torrence Avon Wilson Isbell Garden nk Ba Willard Rosadell Dunlap Southland Hillcrest Carvel Midwood rn bu ae Br Un ointe k no w Danb ury Co Crossro n ac hli ad gh tC Independence om mo n Willard Legrand Polly Washington Factory e Rac Chestnut Leonard Wisconsin Edgewood Chicago Summerville Princeton Riddle Park Pattengill Victor Warwick Pompton Cedar James Chestnut Lemrock State Princeton Kirby Bartlett West Middle Riverview Boston Wellington Concord Chatham Fairfax 6 Leyburn Wa yb ur n Loa Thompson Polly in jam John en B Washington Christopher Lansing Clyde Bartlett Holten Clayton Carey Jenison West Huron Wellington Poxson Barnard South Island Violet Woodbine Kelsey Loraine Smith Jerome om Hopkins Saginaw Vine Vine Mark Shoppers Alley Genesee Spring Hazel Ormond Cong res s Porter May Mark Little Sheldon sc Ba Ridgeline Oak Orchard Linden Grove Truck Park Saint Joseph Woodlawn Moores River Lenore Cooper Lenore Winston Gary Roosevelt Capitol Seagar Roseneath Linwood Carey Lahoma Howe Jay Lenawee Main Sparrow Woodbine Catalpa Nonette Hammond Edward Barnes Berten George Goodrich Schultz Creston Turner Spikes Coolidge Raymond Culver ss Knollwood ce Ac Riverside ner Curtis er R iv Taylor Tur d an Gr Robertson Dinsmore Hillsdale Savoy Erie Kalamazoo Kalamazoo Britten Poxson Gordon Pleasant View Calvin Greenbelt Ballard Conners Wexford Viola Swanee 4 Washtenaw Braman Alsdorf Ferrol Bernard Wadsworth Greenbelt Ingham Cabot Pulaski Holly Rock Peggy Herrick Avalon Hillcrest c Cooper Rundle Maloney Deerfield Atlanta Raynell Penrose Berkshire Viking Ingham Deerfield Stratford Gibson Risdale Barclay Sylvester Anson Karen Hampden Ma rilyn Dunlap Wainwright Stillwell Maybel ire Hampsh Colonial Wellesly Bedford Edwin r site Ros la e Pam Norwich Shetland Churchill Jerree Belmont Hanover Fielding on Ronald Westmoreland Hapeman Pettis Nottingham Belaire Oban Lawdor Hillborn Hepfer Berk e ley Po tom a Mount Hope Sussex Glenb rook Grant sber g Sumpter Lucie er Fauna Rice Cardiff Berwick Wedgewood Ken dalw ood Alpine Br Lochmoor ig ht Blair Abington Dover le y Coo Woodview Gingersnap Holmes Glenbrook he st Brisbane Sunderland Starlight Allegan Persons Greenbriar Montego Tulane Lyman North Taft Cady Manchester Northampton Darien Heights David Groesbeck Groesbeck Whyte Oakland Sheridan Monroe Schoolcra ft Shiawassee Drury Adams Ash Barritt Peppertree Wieland McKinley int glespo Abbey Ea Lake Lansing Lake Lansing David Woodbury Maple Madison Ionia Vance Randall North Elm Gross Victor Argyll Averill Malib u W es tc ate Newcastle Medburn Chalfonte York Christine Inverary Kilborn Lawler Allegan E I 496 Dwight Maple Genesee Banghart Gier c k Beaver Bla Do dg Pearl eR iv e Clinton r Liberty Edmore Pleasant Lapeer Ottawa Ottawa Hillsdale Douglas Reasoner Bates Harris Call Mosley Cottage Cambridge Glasgow Hollywood Roselawn Glenrose Olds William Bluff Bancroft Randolph Gier Thomas Cypress Englewood Chelsea Washtenaw Kingsley Harris Abbey Paulson Howe Chilson Jackson Bell Brook Lenawee Hillsdale Saint Joseph ford Ox We s tg 3 Sandhurst wee Lena Everett Warren e id g Chelsea Washtenaw Nipp Main Bridge ard Mu irfie ld Dora Andr ew Sain t Tr oo n Cooley Mildred r he at He Hillsdale B ru ce a es rb Fo Spencer Hungerford Haze Business Center Lentz Valley Ho Br ing ns La g Clare Hathaway Sober Cynwood Verlinden Hathaway Kalamazoo r ve In ss ne Canter bury Pingree 1 ey 2 All ley Al Cadillac Fo x P Alger Grace Western Crown Point Clement Pa ck All ey ld Kentfie Ionia Io ni Cross Daleford Church Rose Cawood Durant Rosemary Brynford Catherine Deerfield Bon Air Stoner L g in ns La in an s Drexel Osborn Washtenaw Jane Anne Mary Lou Sally Mae Queens Point t in Po s g Kin Comfort Cawood Cleo Verlinden Durant Stanley 1 Stockman Tecumseh Sunset Eastfield Waverly Old Oakland Michigan Theodore Glenn Hull Cypress Queen Ontario Keeney Hyland Oak land Ionia Greenwood Redwood Orchard Glen Community Paulson Russell Sadie Bassett Lamont Maple Harwick Ionia Kalamazoo Muskegon Theodore Genesee Michigan Edg ebrook Afton Arlington Westbury Barstow Dillingham Timber ss ce Ac Owen Willow Felt Greenoak Westwood Remy Delta Earl Gould Morris Pendleton Sy lva n Westfield Andrus Timber Hagan Upton ont Melvin Howe on gt r rin ek Ha cr e rtle Tu Hawksridge Sanford Frederick Hi Mount Lynwood Filley Diehm n ga Lo Fairfield Fairfield Paulson en Willow Boynton Gould Cornelia Fitting Edg em le n wg Risley Terminal Ma rqu ett e Downey Frederick 2 Carrier Biltmore er R iv eh ms cu Te Cogswe ll Shaffer Macon Dovelle Fo res t Gl Kaplin Pickw ick Overlea Shady Oa k W es le y Pembroke Trent ff n wgle Sno Sno Springbrook rland Darby li kc Oa Beacon Hill Kuerbitz ood Keegan rw Bria be Cum Byrnes Aragon Ridgefield r hes te Colc Northwest Newport Wyckham Cambrey Glencoe iv er aR Delt Leon en Colchester Alsand Sunnylane Gatsby Glened Wils on Paul Lafayette Mint Grandell Andrew Alfred Young Westmont Sheffer Cranbrook Pino Apo llo Sheridan Hylewood Walker Jonis Bardaville Arcadia Wilson Capitol City Franette Plaza Northdale Sheridan County Line Bou tell Barry Coleman Her rington ff to Cu Foster Ben tley Deer 0 Baseline 4 0.5 1 2 3 Miles PREPARED BY INGHAM COUNTY EQUALIZATION/TAX MAPPING March 5, 2009
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