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A baby is God’s opinion that the world should go on! – Carl Sandburg Happy Children’s Day to you all! RNI NO. MAHBIL/2011/39373 Regn. No. MH/MR/South-348/2012-14 WWW.PARSI-TIMES.COM Happy Birthday Nowroze Baug >> Pg. 07 FOZYA Kids in Panchgani >> Pg. 05 SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 2014 VOL. 4 - ISSUE 30 :: PAGES 20 :: ` 2/- The new JIYO Parsi logo by Behram Sidhwa and the Launch of the Press Campaign >> Page 02 WZCC Pune Pg. 10 The Nut Cracker Pg. 20 ROJ ANERAN, MAH KHORDAD Silver Folk >>Pg. 04 Parsi Rd., Singapore >>Pg.10 fp¡S> A“¡fp„“, dpl Mp¡fv$pv$ 02 Editorial SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 2014 Dear Readers, D Putting a new idea in front of the Parsi Community is like putting ENO in a glass of water! The still and un-opinionated p VVXGGHQO\WXUQHIIHUYHVFHQWÀ]]LQJZLWKHQHUJ\DQGH[SORGLQJ in into a million energetic bubbles that in a knee jerk reaction li literally explode out of the top of the glass! Yes! What we ODFN LQ QXPEHUV ZH ODFNLQQXPEHUVZHGHÀQLWHO\PDNHXSLQWKHVKHHUQXPEHUDQGYRUDFLW\RIRXU opinions! 6R WKH (12 ÁDYRU RI WKH ZHHN ZDV WKH -L\R 3DUVL 6FKHPH·V$G FDPSDLJQ launch. What was envisioned by the hard working Jiyo Parsi team, as a campaign that would be celebrated for its creative strengths and its pro-bono nature, has LQVWHDGGUDZQVRPHFUD]\DQGWRWDOO\¶%DZD·VW\OHRSLQLRQV:LWKLQWKUHHGD\V À]]\HOHPHQWVDFURVV,QGLDKDYHOLNHQHGXVWR3DQGDVFDOOHGXVUHJUHVVLYH¶EDE\ PDNLQJPDFKLQHV·DQGÁRRGHGWKHPHGLDZLWKRSLQLRQDIWHURSLQLRQ<HV2XU glass brimmeth over with enthusiasm and critic! Parsi Times attended the Press Conference that has been the fodder for stories and opinions in the Press and the hundreds of email forwards in our inbox. Way before the cacophony spilled over post the press-con, we had already asked the opinions of a few members of the Community about the Jiyo Parsi Scheme in our famous unedited Point of View Column (see the Parsi Times Issue dated 8th November, 2014) and as always it was great to see that there is a mix and people have their own educated opinions. The Press Launch was NOT for the larger “Scheme” at things, but for a series of $GYHUWLVHPHQWVWKDWDUHWRDSSHDULQDOO3DUVL3UHVVDQGWRLQWURGXFHWKH%UDQG $PEDVVDGRUV:HKDYHGHFLGHGWKDWRXUFRYHUDJHRIWKHVDPHZLOOUHPDLQIRFXVHG on the philanthropic nature of Madison Media and the creatives of the Campaign. However, I would like to put in my two bits… (I am Parsi after all!) Where is WKLVFUD]\H[SORVLYHÀ]]LQHVVZKHQ\RXUHDGDERXWKRZVNHOHWRQVDUHGURSSLQJ out of BPP closet (read: Cash in Cupboard) almost every week? Where is the opinion and the hot headed conversation when you hear a Trust is denying someone a house? Where is this anger when 20 Lakhs allegedly goes missing? It’s interesting to see something driving a Community up the wall so easily when there are other pressing matters that really do require reactions of passion! Of course, maybe (and I am being a bit cheeky here…) if the Jiyo Parsi Team had thought of feeding everyone a wonderful Godiwalla Bhonu, all opposing opinions would have been folded up and tossed away with the banana leaves at the end of the meal! Problem solved! We may be small in number but across India we are doing wonderful things. This weeks’ Issue celebrates events, the youth, the oldies and everyone we love DFURVV3DQFKJDQL+\GHUDEDG$KPHGDEDG3XQH9DVDLDQG0XPEDLDQGPDQ\ more places! Please do enjoy the issue and we hope to see you at Sanjan Day on Monday! Oh and by the way… when I spoke of our thousand plus opinions… by no means am I complaining! A Opinion is what drives us toward change and betterment, so DVXVXDONHHSWKHPÁRZLQJ:ULWHPHZKHQ\RXFDQ5HDGHUV Freyan. TWITTER https://twitter.com/TheParsiTimes FaceBook Like: Parsi Times O Lara Balsara the Executive Director at Madison World took the stage to showcase details on the campaign which aims to spread as much awareness on the critical decline in numbers mainly caused due to late and non marriages, fertility decline, immigration, marriages outside the community, separation and divorces. Before she gave the presentation Sam Balsara & H.E Masood E. Khaleghi she spoke with Parsi Times saying ‘I am very excited about this advertising campaign. I am proud to be a part of this effort and I think Jiyo Parsi is doing a good job and will hopefully be successful in increasing the Parsi population’. 17 advertisements followed evoking laughter, guffawing and even some criticism from the audiences. Post a question and answer session with the press and a small heartfelt request from the eminent Dr. Soonawala who was also present for the function, the crowd dispersed for a meal. The campaign has been conceived by Madison World for Jiyo Parsi where a young and energetic team worked with the cultural traits of the Community and focused on our sense of humor and our ability to laugh at ourselves. It was a pro-bono effort to drive awareness toward our dwindling numbers and will appear in all forms of Parsi Press over the next few months. Sam Balsara, Chairman and Managing Director, Madison World says, “Unlike other marketing campaigns, where the stakes Watch this space. The Jiyo Parsi ads will be here soon! n Monday, the 3rd of November, 50 plus members of the Press and some eminent Community members collected at the Sir --0RGL+DOO.5&DPD2ULHQWDO,QVWLWXWH%XLOGLQJ to attend the launch of the Press Campaign that is part of the newly launched Jiyo Parsi Scheme. The Jiyo Parsi Scheme has been launched by 3DU]RU )RXQGDWLRQ DQG %RPED\ 3DUVL 3XQFKD\DW with Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS) and )HGHUDWLRQRI=RURDVWULDQ$QMXPDQVRI,QGLD7KHVFKHPHZDVGHYHORSHGIURPWKH %RPED\3DUVL3DQFKD\DW)HUWLOLW\3URMHFWUXQE\'U$QDKLWD3DQGROHZKLFKKDVEHHQ WDNHQXSRQD1DWLRQDOOHYHOE\WKH,QGLDQ*RYHUQPHQWDQGWKH3DU]RU)RXQGDWLRQWR DUUHVWWKHGHFOLQHLQSRSXODWLRQRIWKH3DUVL=RURDVWULDQ&RPPXQLW\LQ,QGLD 2QWKHSRGLXPIRUWKHHYHQWZHUH.DW\*DQGHYLD'U6KHUQD]&DPD3HUL]DDG =RUDELDQ+(0DVRRG(.KDOHJKL6DP%DOVDUDDQG0U'LQVKDZ0HKWD The Chief Guest for the event was His Excellency Masood E. Khaleghi, Consul *HQHUDO RI WKH ,VODPLF 5HSXEOLF RI ,UDQ $FWRU DQG %XVLQHVVZRPDQ 3HUL]DG =RUDELDQ ZDV WKH Special guest for the event and one of the two faces of Brand Jiyo Parsi. Boman Irani, the other face of the campaign was not present. 3HUL]DDG=RUDELDQZKLOHWKDQNLQJWKHDXGLHQFH for coming out in such large numbers added humorously that even under a 100 is a large number when it comes to the Community! Katy Gandevia, Dr.Shernaz Cama, Perizaad Zorabian, H.E Masood E. Khaleghi, Sam Balsara & Dinshaw Mehta on the stage SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 2014 03 Letters to the Editor C[ÞX$e“ hp¡L$g çeyrTL$ L$p¡ç‘uV$ui“ 2014 \UROG0REHGKDUDVVHG Dear Editor, Mr. Aspi F. Sarkari, (Sr. Executive BPP) has written an article in Parsi Press called “ BPP’s Point of View”, has Highlighted a single case of RQH0U5RKLQWRQ7DUDSRUHÀOLQJ Court & Police cases against the BPP & for which the BPP has undergone an expense of Rs.15 Lakhs of Charity Funds which could have been used for Charity Work. I request Mr. Sarkari to kindly publish full details of )DOVH)ULYRORXVFDVHVÀOHGE\ the BPP against it’s own clan, & the amount of Charity Money wasted on such cases for the Information of the Community. In the mean while kindly explain to the Community the Unwarranted & Wasteful expenditure of Rs. 3 CRORES in the Renegade Priests case, would this NOT be more useful for Charity Work. Also there are a Lot More Cases against Individual Residents just to Harass them & to boast of BPP Clout & coerce them into Submission. One such case in my line of Investigation is of a 70 year old practicing MOBED who is being harassed for NO FAULT of his BUT due to fault of the BPP STAFF. The Trustees instead of rectifying the fault & accepting their MISTAKE gracefully, slapped an Eviction Suit on him, trying hard to pressurise this OLD MAN into submission & to tow their line. Even after living on BPP Property for the last 47 years, since 1967, he was slapped with an Eviction Suit declaring him a tresspasser in 2002! In 1973 the BOMBAY TENANCY ACT & THE BOMBAY RENT ACT ware Passed & all Leave Licencees to be made Compulsorly STATUTORY TENANTS. In 1983 all Licencees of the BPP were made Statutory Tenants except a few who were left out, maybe due to over sight. The EGO bloated BPP instead of accepting their mistake & doing the necessary correction, thought it wise to declare him a tresspasser & slapped him with an eviction suit. After 10 long years & ÀQDQFLDOGUDLQWKLV02%('ZRQ the case in 2013 & was declared a Deemed Tenant by the Court of Small Causes. Yet instead of accepting the Court Verdict the KXPLOLDWHG%33PDGHWKHPÀOH Another Suit In The Appellate Court, Challenging the Verdict of the Lower Court. Totally SHAMEFUL on the part of the Trustees, they must be made to RESIGN IMMEDIATELY,Whose Money are they wasting? A battery of Non Parsi lawyers are enjoying on OUR Charity Money due to the foolishness of the Punchayet 7UXVWHHV LQ ÀOLQJ )DOVH frivolous cases against it’s own brethren. Why can’t such cases be settled Amicably thus saving the community’s KITTY for Better use. Sincerely yours, Keki M. Billimoria 2UJDQ'RQDWLRQ Dear Editor, Organ donation is a fantastic thing – in fact a highest form of charity. If one wants to donate any organ after death, just send SMS to 9833533493, stating your name and address. Public Health Department will send you a form and a Organ Donor Card. Organ donation is a fantastic thing, but on a dangerous context, we should be conscious and careful to see this act of organ donation does not open up into a huge market and bring all the ugly things associated with it & have consulted our High Priest on this subject who agrees that it is a noble act and does not interfere in our Zoroastrian religion. An excellent article by Piroja Jokhi in P.T. dated 1st Nov. 2014. May common sense prevail among all Community members. No one can deny prayers for their beloved ones. We just have to put our ego aside. Best regards, Rumi Umrigar. Mf¡OpV$ L$p¡gp¡“u ey’ A¡kp¡riA¡i“ ep¡Æs C[ÞX$e“ hp¡L$g çeyrTL$ L$p¡ç‘uV$ui“ ir“hpf sp. 29-11-2014“p qv$hk¡ kp„S>¡ 5.30 hpN¡ iê$ ’i¡. A¡rgdu“¡i“ fpDÞX$ ir“hpf sp. 22-11-2014“p qv$hk¡ kp„S>¡ ‘p„Q hpÁe¡ Mf¡OpV$ d¡dp¡fueg lp¡g Mps¡ fS|> ’i¡. Ap lqfapC b^u L$p¡d“p gp¡L$p¡ dpV¡$ My‰u R>¡. lqfapC“p¡ dy¿e l¡sy “hu ârscpAp¡“¡ âp¡Ðkpl“ Ap‘u A¡d“¡ kd©Ý^ Ap¡qX$eÞkdp„ fS|> L$fhp“p¡ R>¡. A¡ÞV²$u ap¡d® A“¡ ê$ëk-f¡Áeyg¡i““p ap¡d® d¡mhhp dpV¡$ îudsu dlpê$Md rd”u, Ap¡ëX$ Mf¡OpV$ L$p¡gp¡“u, üyÆk fp¡X$, rb[ëX„$N “„. 12, 1g¡ dpm¡, ap¡“ “„. (Of) 36681457, dp¡bpCg “„. 9869553572 s’p îudsu S>ê$ fbpX$u dp¡bpCg “. 9870743410. Ap õ‘^p®dp„ cpN g¡hp s’p âp¡N°pd Å¡hp lpS>f fl¡hp Ap‘ kp¥“¡ klj® Apd„ÓZ R>¡. 7KDQD'RNKPD Dear Editor, The Thana Dokhma is nearly 250 years old and not AT ALL USED in the last 50 years – except perhaps for one body rested there in 1994 (as stated by Talati). That Dokhma’s adjoining lands lost its forest cover, over 70-75 years back. No Vultures. Heavy urbanization, all around. Thana Parsis bring their corpses to Mumbai. It is very shortsighted of Talati and his coTrustees to say “The intent of the donors was a Dokhma.” Very right – 250 years back! The Bombay H.C. can be approached for a change to put the land to a proper use, and earn lacs of rupees, against a miserable Rs. 15,785, earned in 2013. The project stamp be given to a Parsi builder, on a 100 year OHDVHDQGWKHVWHDG\FDVKÁRZ can be used for the Parsis of Thana (FIRST) and Bombay: For education – in India and abroad. For Medicine – by supporting the Parsi General and Masina Hospital, the Lady Hirabai Jehangir Clinic, the Parekh Dharamshala and the Parsi Ward of J. J. Hospital. Supporting Parsis to start self-employment projects Mobed – amelioration (allIndia) Widows’ amelioration, EOC. Let me conclude, by adding: “Change is the law of life and those who look only to the past or the present are certain to miss the future. (John F. Kennedy). “Change we need”. (Barack Obama). B. T. Dastur POINT TO NOTE: It’s the message, not the messenger you might be mad at! Please Note: The opinions expressed in ‘Letters to the Editor’ are those of Readers and contributors and do not necessarily express the opinion of our Publication. We reserve only the right to ‘edit for ǯ ǡƤǤ doubts and issues about the content of the letters, they are requested to contact the individual authors if his / her details are mentioned. Lara Balsara involved are much lower, the action called for through this campaign can be life-altering”. While defending some of the material in the presentation he added, “Good advertising has to offend someone to work. Otherwise it is just a handbill”. According to Parzor Project for the Preservation and Promotion of Parsi Zoroastrian Culture and Heritage, a UNESCO initiative, only one Parsi family in nine had a child below the age of 10. The numbers are far below replacement level with a Total Fertility Rate (TFR) of 0.88 and a vast aging population. Nearly 45 per cent adult males and 38 per cent adult females were unmarried, the Jiyo Parsi website stated. )HHG%DFN FRQWULEXWH#SDUVLWLPHVFRP 04 T he get-together for NOT SO YOUNG & NOT SO OLD was once again organized by Zoroastrian Trust Funds of India (ZTFI) on 2nd November, 2014 at Salsette Community Hall, Salsette Parsi Colony. The dignitaries present were Mrs. Arnavaz Mistry (Trustee of BPP) and Mr. Eruch Hodiwalla (President of Salsette Parsee Association). Mrs. Shiraz Guard, Committee Member of ZTFI extended a warm welcome to one and all. She thereafter gave a brief on SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 2014 Community Coverage the activities undertaken by ZTFI. To mention a few, she said that the “Feed A Family” programme is doing good work and a big numbers of donors are coming forward to extend their help. Even, the monthly doles and grain distribution are doing well for the Community. Later, Ms. Yasmin Mistry Trustee of ZTFI addressed the crowd and thanked all the donors who have been supporting ZTFI in all its schemes. During her speech, Ms. Yasmin Mistry asked the audience whether they expected anything particular from ZTFI. Many of them wanted ZTFI to once again arrange a trip to Udvada and more IXQ ÀOOHG HYHQW OLNH WKLV She immediately agreed to organize a trip shortly. Then Mr. Dara Khodaiji one of the Donors who attended the event addressed the gathering and appreciated the work done by ZTFI. 2 games of housie were played & fabulous prizes were distributed with lucky draws and spot prizes increasing the entertainment quotient. Music by Mr. Marzban Mehta kept people tapping their feet The function was well attended by around 160 Community members. While concluding the function, Ms. Yasmin Mistry thanked the Managing Committee, Staff Members and the Volunteers of ZTFI for their whole-hearted support for making the event a grand success. She again thanked all the Donors without whom the success of ZTFI is not possible. Lastly, on behalf of ZTFI she thanked the Trustees of Salsette Parsee Association for allowing ZTFI to use the hall for this event. )LQDOO\WKHIXQÀOOHGHYHQLQJFDPHWR an end with “Chhaiye Hame Zarthosthi” and dinner boxes were distributed to all the Community members, who attended the function. News From Hyderabad T Indian Vocal Music Competition The KHAREGHAT COLONY YOUTH ASSOCIATION (KCYA) will be conducting an ‘Indian Vocal Music Competition’ on Saturday, 29th November, 2014, from 5.30 pm onwards, at the Khareghat Colony Hall. he People’s Co-op. Credit Society Ltd., Hyderabad established in 2001 earmarks a certain percentage RILWVSURÀWVWRZDUGVD¶&RPPRQ Good Fund’ for donation to various Charitable organizations for education, treatment of Leprosy / HIV patients, education of mentally retarded children, rehabilitation of street children, etc. At a function organized by Bai Ratanbai J. Chenoy Parsi High School, Secunderabad, the Chairman of the Society Mr. Khushroo Toorkey in the [Elimination Round will be on Saturday, 22nd November, 2014]. The Competition is open to all amateur singers, irrespective of caste or creed. The main aim of the competition is to encourage new talent, and give them an opportunity to perform before a distinguish audience. Those who are interested in taking part in the above Competition, may kindly collect the entry forms and the rules & regulations of the competition, from Mrs. Mahrukh Mistry (address & phone nos. given below). The last date to send in the entries is on or before 15th November, 2014. An elimination round will be conducted on Saturday, 22nd November, at 5.00 pm onwards, at the Khareghat Hall. The same song must be sung in WKHHOLPLQDWLRQURXQGDQGWKHÀQDOV FOR ANY FURTHER ENQUIRIES, KINDLY CONTACT Mrs. Maharukh Mistry , Bldg No.12, 1st Floor, Old Khareghat Colony, Tel:. 23681457 / Mob.9869553572. OR Mrs. Jeroo Rabadi, Tel: 9870743410 We hope you will join in large numbers, and make this programme a grand success. presence of Mr. Kerfegar B. Antia - Managing Director & Mr. K. B. Mehta - Manager, handed over a cheque for Rs. 69,365/- to the Principal towards scholarship fees for seven deserving students of the school. He also handed over a cheque for Rs. 5,000/- towards Welfare of Teachers of the school. During the year 2013-14, the Society disbursed a total amount of Rs. 2,04,365/- from the Common Good Fund. The membership of the Society which stands at 2291 includes a number of Zoroastrians of the twin cities of Secunderbad-Hyderabad, mostly Senior Citizens, who depend to a large extent on the monthly interest received from the Society. The Society also gives loans at concessional rate of interest to salaried employees and against pledge of Gold. The function came to an end with a vote of thanks by the Administration Co-ordinator of the school, Mrs. Ketayoun H. Chenoy. 05 SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 2014 The Federation of Zoroastrian Youth Associations is a 23 year-old body and has been conducting Youth Meets each year during Diwali and summer vacations. This year’s event was an outdoor activity event which was held in Panchgani from the 23rd to the 26th of October, 2014. FOZYA had organized zed C SWCKPV NQECVKQP VJTQWIJ /T 5JCJTQMJ $JCVGPC YJQ EQPFWEVGF CNN CEVKXKVKGU NKMG TCRRGNNKPI TK±G UJQQVKPI GVE 'XGT[QPG GPLQ[GF VJG UWORVWQWU QWU home cooked meals. One of the happy attendees of the trip to Panchgani, Mr. Shirzad Irani shares his views on the event with Parsi Times. es. FOZYA’s Youth Meet at Panchgani was really loved by the Bawas and Bawis who went for it. Here’s what they said- 2 UGPRUQLQJKDYLQJGRQHRXU.DVWLDQGRXUÀOORI EUHDNIDVWZHFOLPERQWRWKHEXVDW.RUPD$JLDU\ $JURXSRIÀIW\FRPSULVLQJRIPHPEHUVIURPDVIDU DV%DQJDORUHDQG$KPHGDEDG That moment when the water just begins to VLPPHU",WZDVWKDWPRPHQWLQWKHEXVDOPRVWUHDFKLQJ 3DQFKJDQLZKHQHYHU\RQHLQWKHEXVVHHPHGWRDJUHH RQZKDWVRQJWRSOD\QH[W 6HWWOLQJ GRZQ DW WKH FDPSVLWH DQG DIWHU D KHDY\ OXQFK WR UHSODFH WKH KRPH PDGH RPHOHWWH VDQGZLFKHV EUHDNIDVW ZH TXLFNO\ VSOLW LQWR WHDPV IRU DQ LPSURPSWX 9ROOH\EDOO FXP +DQGEDOO JDPH $QG IURP WKDW SRLQW WKH QH[W WKUHH GD\V DUH D ELJ happy knot of memories. 5DSSOLQJULÁHVKRRWLQJERDWLQJFOLIIFOLPELQJRQWR WDEOHODQGZLWKWKHEDFNGURSRIDVXQVHWFDPSÀUHVDQG the partying.. 7KHQWKHUHZDVWKHZDONGRZQWRWKHZDWHUIDOOWKDW ZH QHYHU IRXQG )ROORZLQJ WKDW EXUSLQJ WKH &KLFNHQ %LU\DQLZHKDG6WUDZEHUULHVZLWKFUHDP 7KH ZDON GRZQ 0DKDEOHVKZDU ED]DDU PXQFKLQJ FDUURWVDQGVWDLQLQJRXUKDQGVRYHUEHUULHVZHSRQGHUHG RYHUWKHKXQGUHGVRIFKRLFHRIMDPV 2Q RXU VHFRQG PRUQLQJ LW UDLQHG OHDYLQJ EHKLQG D WKLFNIRJWKDWZRXOGGUHQFK\RXGDUH\RXZDONWKURXJK it. 7KH KLS ÁDVN WKDW NHSW WKH UHVSRQVLEOH IHZ RI XV ZDUPRQWKHODWHHYHQLQJWDEOHODQGWUHN$QGWKHUDLQ WKDWKLGWKHVXQDQGJRWXVORVWRQWKHHDUO\PRUQLQJ sunrise trek. 2XU FDPS FRRUGLQDWRU 0U 6KDUXNK DQ H[ 1&& &RPPDQGHU PDGH VXUH WKDW ZH KDG D FRPIRUWDEOH VWD\ LQ WKH GRUPLWRULHV ´%DED\RXRN"µKHZRXOGDVN$QGWKHQPLQXWHVODWHU H[FODLPWKDWOLNHODG\'LDQD´\RXFDQ·WDOOEHORUGVRQ \RXURZQWLPHKHUHµ7KDQNVWRKLPRXUZLOGERDUZDV SHUIHFWO\FRRNHGDQGZHKDGDQH[SHULHQFHGKDQGDW WKHEDUEHTXH 7KHHYHQLQJVZHVSHQWSOD\LQJJDPHVDQGLQWHUDFWLQJ DPRQJVWRXUVHOYHV2UDVDIHZFKRVHSOXFNLQJEHUULHV IURP WKH EXVKHV WKDW OLQHG WKH FRXUW\DUG LQ WKH IHZ PLQXWHVRIGD\OLJKWZHKDGOHIW2IFRXUVHWKHUHZDV PXVLFDQGGDQFHWRRODWHULQWRWKHQLJKW WK PRUQLQJ DIWHU D KHOO RI D QLJKW ZLWK GDUN FLUFOHV DQG DZNZDUG VPLOHV RQ RXU IDFHV ZH VDLG RXU IDUHZHOOV LQ WKH EXV ULGH EDFN WR 3XQH 6XGGHQO\ZHDUHÀOOHGZLWKORQJLQJIRUWKHIULHQGV ZHGLGQ·WHYHQNQRZDIHZGD\VHDUOLHU 0RQGD\ PRUQLQJ EDFN RQ RXU EUHDNIDVW WDEOH ZH KDGDELJJULQRYHUWHDDVZHZKDWVDSSHGHDFKRWKHU the memories we made over the trip. ,I\RXGRQ·WPLQGVWHSSLQJLQWRDIHZJRDWGURSSLQJ down the way or waking up shivering in t h e PRUQLQJEHFDXVH\RXUIULHQGZDVFROGDQG VWROH \RXU EODQNHW WKHQ WKLV LVDSUHWW\QLFHSODFHWREH 2 Dame Meher Master-Moos DW WKH 3HDFH &RQIHUHQFH 6XPPLW ZKLFK ZDV KHOG LQ 6RXWK .RUHD RQ WKH WK RI 6HSWHPEHU 7KLV VXPPLW ZDV RUJDQL]HG E\ WKH :RUOG $OOLDQFH RI5HOLJLRQVIRU3HDFHDQGD3HDFH$JUHHPHQWZDV signed in an effort toward betterment of humanity and harmony. Ervad Farhad Darayas Sanjana was ordained Maratab in D FHUHPRQ\ SHUIRUPHG RQ )ULGD\ WK 1RYHPEHU DW WKH :DGLDML $JLDU\ 0DULQH /LQHV 7KH FHUHPRQ\ was performed under WKH JXLGDQFH RI (UYDG $GLO -DOHJDU %KHVDQLD and was sponsored by a generous Zarthosti. 9$1$$=5$1$ ([DFWO\ D \HDU EDFN , ZDV LQWURGXFHG WR )2=<$ WKURXJK D IULHQG$W ÀUVW , WKRXJKW LW ZRXOG VLPSO\ EHERULQJVLQFH,ZDVVK\DQGZRXOGQ·WPL[DURXQG PXFK %XW WRGD\ , GRQ·W UHSHQW EHLQJ D SDUW RI )2=<$,ZHQWIRUWKHERUGLFDPSLQRUJDQLVHG E\WKHP,WJDYHPHDQRSSRUWXQLW\WRVRFLDOLVHZLWK SHRSOH RI WKH VDPH &RPPXQLW\ DQG H[SHULHQFH D ORWRIDGYHQWXUHVWRJHWKHU1RWRQO\GLGP\VK\QHVV GLVDSSHDU , DOVR JRW DFFHSWHG WR D QHZ IDPLO\ )2=<$7KLV\HDUZHZHUHDW3DQFKJDQL7KRXJKZH ZHUHDJURXSRIRQO\\RXQJDGXOWVWKHDPRXQWRI IXQZHKDGZDVWKHVDPHDVWKHRWKHUFDPSV,KDYH EHHQWR,ORYHGDOOWKHDFWLYLWLHVWKH\FRQGXFWHGDW the meet. 7KH RQH WKLQJ , ORYH DERXW )2=<$ LV WKDW \RX JHWWRHQMR\DFWLYLWLHVDQGKDYHDPD]LQJIRRGDWDQ DIIRUGDEOHSULFH 7KRXJK,·YHPLVVHGDORWRIWKHLUFDPSV,·PVXUH ,·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ÁHVKRRWLQJWUHNWRWKHWDEOHODQGUDSSHOOLQJ KRUVHULGLQJHWFZKLFKPDQ\RIXVIRXQGLWH[FLWLQJ $ELJWKDQN\RXWR)2=<$IRUWKHGHGLFDWHGHIIRUWV they have put over the years to make every event a VXFFHVV+RSH\RX·OONHHSXSWKHJRRGZRUN A Thumbs up from the YOU Group after enjoying Freida Edwards’ VHPLQDU RQ 'HWR[LÀFDWLRQ RI WKH 0LQG DQG %RG\ RQ WKH WK RI 2FWREHU DWWKH6LU--6FKRRO)RUW 06 Community Coverage Brief History: As we all know Vasai belongs to the main land away from the Island city of Mumbai in the Thane district. Around the turn of the century, a group of Vasai-Virar Parsis came together and with the foresight and professionalism shown by Mr. Bomi Sachinwalla, the Manijeh Pirojsha Sachinwalla Dar-E-Meher came into existence and this uniquely designed and styled building is a masterpiece of Mr. Sachinwalla’s architectural brain and all credits to him for keeping in mind all the religious aspects during the construction and placement of this Agiary. By P.T. Reporter Khushroo P. Mehta O n the eve of the 15th Salgreh of the Sachinwalla Dar-EMeher, I reached Valiv Naka early in the morning and while I was walking down the road toward the Agiary, many pleasant thoughts passed P\ PLQG LQFOXGLQJ WKH RQH RI ÀQGLQJ out something different on this day and sharing it with our P.T. Readers! On reaching the main gate of the $JLDU\ , VDZ WKH ÀQDO WRXFKHV IRU WKH celebration underway. I was lucky to hear the 9 gongs of the holy bell in the Kebla signifying that the morning Geh was being performed and unlike other normal days, today there was a Dasturji on duty there. I went around the lovely $JLDU\ FRPSRXQG IXOO RI ÁRUD 7KH handsome Varasyaji posed for my 1st picture of the day! I was happy to meet again the current Founder Trustee of the Agiary, Mr. Bomi Sachinwalla over a cup of hot Parsi tea & Sagan nu Ravo at his residence. Vitalized by the days events so far, I proceeded to click more snaps of the pilgrims coming in. Soon the holy well and the main gate were all decked up with lovely fragranceful ÁRZHUV DGGLQJ PRUH JORU\ WR WKH charm of this day and place. It was just about this time that I heard the sound of the luxury buses honking and was pleased to welcome two buses full of Zarthostis from Colaba & Tardeo by none other than the silent yet very effective volunteer of the Bomi Sachinwalla group Ms. Bakhtawar Hoshi Sahiar. Mr. Bomi Sachinwalla was full of praise for this lady, who has left the ICU to be present for this all function. We salute the dedication of this lady towards religion and her focus towards social service. The pilgrims were soon welcomed with a cup of hot Parsi tea and a plate full of delicious Poha for breakfast. The attendance grew to 150 strong as the Khushali Jashan began at 10.20 am and the Salgreh Jashan was performed by Ervad Fali Madan [Panthaki at Colaba Agiary] and Ervad Rohinton Sidhwa of Boyce Agiary. At this point of time Mr. Sachinwalla humbly requested all present for the Jashan to please be VHDWHG RQ ÁRRU DV VLWWLQJ RQ D FKDLU in front of the Aatash which is kept RQ WKH ÁRRU ZDV IRXQG ZURQJ E\ KLP The crowds happily agreed and for those senior citizens, who couldn’t sit down, chairs were offered and most of them took a seat on the outside veranda of the Agiary. This was a new concept in the seating arrangement of a Parsi Jashan which worked. As the Jashan progressed, I was briefed by Mr. Naryosang J Ichhaporia, who sadly commented that he had sent out over 150 sms to Vasai Virar Zarthostis requesting them to join in the Salgreh Jashan. Out of which only 3 to 4 of them actually turned out. He continued by saying that it’s the same when an appeal or request is sent out to the local Parsis to come forward and help clean the Agiary. Mr. Ichhaporia wondered how the same people were ready and came running to ask for help from the Trust, when they could not even attend and help in their own Trust organized religious function. Wake up Vasai Virar Zarthostis and come to the fore. After the Jashan the pilgrims moved towards the compound across the road where religious lectures were delivered by Mr. Bomi Sachinwalla, Dr. Firuza Pandey and Bansi Bhai. All of them had their focus on Aatash, its forms within and around us. The introduction of the speakers & the Vote of Thanks was delivered by Mr. Vistasp Engineer. Dr. Pandey asked the guests about what drew them year after year to this Salgreh functon. Some answers included ‘we have been coming here for years...we stay nearby... our wishes are granted here... we come with friends for company... we come to enjoy shudh shakahari bhojan.’ During his concluding address to the crowd, Mr. Bomi Sachinwalla specially made it a point to thank me for coming here for the last four years to cover this function and highly appreciated the PARSI TIMES in giving equal space to smaller Agiaries in other towns and promoting them. The crowds than took turns to shop a lot at the ZS stall and enjoy a tasty & simple vegetarian meal. This was another memorable day at Valiv where nature meets AHURA MAZDA in an Agiary. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 2014 07 SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 2014 By P.T. Reporter Swati Kalra T Photo Courtesy: KAIZAD CHINOY (Sound and Screen) he Nowroze Baug Play Centre (NPC) celebrated its 69th Birthday on 1st November 2014 at the Nowroze Baug playground. Everyone from the age of 4 to 74 participated in the cultural dance and musical performances. Every member participated actively with great enthusiasm and the evening was full of fun and entertainment. This birthday celebration witnessed a large gathering and the children participated in large numbers. The programme started with a Magic Show by Pappi Kumar followed by a talent contest ÀOOHGZLWKLQVWUXPHQWDOPXVLFVLQJLQJJ\PQDVWLFV and elocution. A prize distribution ceremony was KHOG IRU \RXQJ 3DUVL $FKLHYHUV LQ WKH ÀHOG RI academics and members who have excelled in GLIIHUHQWÀHOGVRIDUWVDQGFXOWXUHZHUHIHOLFLWDWHG 7KH DFKLHYHUV ZHUH GHQWLVW 'U %HQD] *DUD SK\VLRWKHUDSLVW 'U 1DYD] 7DWD PRGHO DQG DQ DFWRU 'LONKXVK 5DYWHZDOD DQG <DVKDDQ =XELQ .KDPEDWWD WKH HTXHVWULDQ VKRZ MXPSHU ZKR represented India at the Asian Games 2014 held DW,FKHRQ.RUHD$OOWKHDFKLHYHUVZHUHDZDUGHG a momento and a citation. 3URI 5RKLQWRQ 6DKXUDMD ZDV DZDUGHG D citation and momento in honour of his brilliant academic achievements. Prof. Rohinton R. 6DKXUDMD D OHDUQHG (FRQRPLVW ([ 3ULQFLSDO RI Podar College of Commerce & Economics; Director of Wellingkar Institute of Management involved LQ FRQVWUXFWLYH DFWLYLWLHV WR SURYLGH ZHOOV LQ YLOODJHV FRQVWUXFW VFKRROV DQG RWKHU RI VRFLDO work. He is a recipient of 39 Awards in recognising his services as an Educationist - His last award was from the International Society of Education DV WKH %HVW (GXFDWLRQLVW RI WKH <HDU The Chief Guest for the evening was 0UV+LUD$%KHVDQLD(GXFDWLRQLVWDQG3ULQFLSDO of New Activity School with 34 years of experience LQ WKH ÀHOG 7KH *XHVW RI +RQRXU ZDV 0UV 'LONKXVK5DYWHZDODPRGHODQGDQDFWRULQDYHU\ SRSXODUVHULDO´7DUDN0HKWD.D2ROWD&KDVKPDµ playing the role of a very lovey dovey wife Roshan Singh Sodhi. Other dignitaries on the dias ZHUH'LQVKDZ0HKWD &KDLUPDQRI%33'LQVKDZ 7DPEROL RI :=2 3URI 5RKLQWRQ 5 6DKXUDMD (GXFDWLRQLVW *RGUHM 'RWWLYDOD 352 RI %33 5RKLQWRQ 0HKWD +RUPX] 0HKWD 0HU]L *RGUHM Mehta who specialised in Thoracic Onco surgery. The winning Rotating Trophy for highest percentage in SSC/ICSE was awarded to Ms. Tinaz $'RFWRUIRUVHFXULQJWKHKLJKHVWDPRQJVW WKHPHPEHUVRI1%3&GRQDWHGE\6KLULQ9LVSL Bulsara in memory of their father Late Bahadur 6RUDEML%XOVDUDDQGWKHFDVKSUL]HVZHUHDZDUGHG by Dinshaw Mehta in memory of his father Late Rusi Mehta from the Firuzgar Charitable Trust. Chief Guest Mrs. Hira A. Bhesania complimented the Play Centre for its dedication in continuously giving the honorary services LQ YDULRXV ÀHOGV WR WKH Community at large for over 69 years. Nowroze Baug Play Centre would like to thank Mrs. Nazneen Gowadia for hosting the evening. The event concluded with a sumptuous dinner by Tanaz Godiwalla and all had great fun. )HHG%DFN FRQWULEXWH#SDUVLWLPHVFRP 08 T Community Coverage he concept of having Sheri Nu Jaman has been part and parcel of the Parsi Community at many places in south Gujarat particularly Navsari and Surat, but Ahmedabad which has the third largest Parsi population in Gujarat after Surat and Navsari only had three annual gambhars in the memory of individual donors hosted by the APP (Ahmedabad Parsi Panchayat) in its feasting calendar. This was rightly corrected by a group of like minded and large hearted individuals who got WRJHWKHU WR KRVW WKH ÀUVW VXFK 6KHUL Nu Jaman in Ahmedabad on the 19th of October 2014 at the Dr. Anklesaria Hall near Khamasa Agiary. In todays times, when our Community is so bigoted with individuals who try to claim credit for every little thing they do for the Community it was very exemplary and worth emulating of these individuals to remain anonymous and consider only the well being of the Community as their credit and achievement. Binaisha M.. Surti T he best in the world battle it out to o win their respective tournaments, urnaments, which may begin with ith a do or die situation or continuous winning streaks. It iss not about just one goal, one wicket or one win. It is all about out playing in the fair spirit off the game and making one’s nation ation proud. &5,&.(7 7 ROHIT SHARMA BREAKS ALL RECORDS TO ENTER HISTORY BOOKS OKS India played yed the 3rd game in g n a ruthless against ffashion n the Lankan counterparts, nterparts, winning the ing game by 6 wickets and eventually sealing the series. It was a commendable mmendable performance from the men in blue... Rohit Sharma lit up the Eden Gardens rdens with a scintillating knock ck of 264 (173) which included ed 33 fours and 9 sixes during the 4th ODI No less than 250 humdins cutting across all age groups had a great lunch consisting of Ravo, Masala Dal (with generous helpings of Ghee over it), Gol Sarka Nu Kachubar and hot Rotis. The catering was taken care by Malcolm Bastawala who normally associates Mek Caterers of Udvada. A token fee of 5/- was obtained to arrive at an approximately count the sum of which was donated to the Kathi fund of the APP. The APP helped in hosting of the Jaman. Though the idea was new to the people of Ahmedabad, many of the senior citizens who had their roots in either Navsari, Surat or the other south Gujarat towns, it was a sense of being back to their childhood when they had experienced such Sheri Nu Jamans very frequently in their own mohallas and baugs. Even those who had never experienced such frugal but satisfying veg. food in the company of fellow Community people at a time of the day when they would have normally been with their family at Kolkata on 13th October. Sharma created history by hitting the highest individual ODI score, surpassing Sehwag’s 219, his own score of 209 runs and Sachin’s 200. He became the 1st cricketer to register 2 double hundreds in ODI cricket. e H a l s o b r o k e the record set by Shikhar Dhawan for the highest individual score by an Indian in limited over’s cricket. Royal Rohit unbelievably scored 186 runs from fours and sixes alone, making it the most by a player in an ODI innings. His special powers helped India reach a mammoth total of 404 runs. On the other hand the Lankan wickets went down like a pack of cards. India struck with the ball at crucial junctures. Dhawal Kulkarni was the pick of the bowlers 4 scalping SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 2014 watching TV, it was very well received and almost all came out of the hall with a big smile on their face. As always Mr. Behram Mehta was kind enough to provide complementary “Aawa” Mineral Water for the Sheri-nu-Jaman. There were no hired waiters to serve. The service was taken care by the youth of Ahmedabad under the Leadership of PYLA. This coming together of Youngsters for Community cause was appreciated by one and all. More and more such gatherings and events only help in bringing our fragmented and divided Community to come close to each other and what else than FOOD to be the unifying factor. Hopefully, it will be remembered DV WKH ÀUVW RI PDQ\ VXFK -DPDQV WR come in the future and the response from the city’s Community would surely increase in the subsequent ones. Another feather added in the cap of the city’s small but very vibrant Parsi Zorthosti Community! wickets. The Lankan’s din’t last too long as they were all alll out ou left for a mere 251, that winning India the game by a 153 mammoth Rohit’s runs. heroics won a lot of hearts world over. Will India sweep the series 5-0 5or will SSri Lanka come out ou with a consolation consolatio win in the last ODI? INDIAN TEAM TRAVELLING TO AUSTRALIA LATER THIS YEAR Skipper M.S.Dhoni has been bee rested for the 1st test match matc as he is nursing an injury. injury Kohli named as captain in i his absence. TEAM: M.S.Dhoni (C), Virat Vira Kohli, Shikhar Dhawan, Dhawan Murali Vijay, K.L. Rahul, Rahu Cheteshwar Pujara, Ajinkya Ajinky Rohit Sharma, Rahane, Sharma Suresh Raina, Wriddhiman Wriddhima Saha, Naman Ojha, R. Ashwin, Ashwin Ravindra Karn Sharma, Ravindr Jadeja, Bhuvneshwar Kumar, Kuma Mohammed Shami, Ishant Ishan Sharma, Umesh Yadav and an Varun Aaron TEAMS ARE GIVING EACH OTHER STIFF STIF COMPETITION IN HERO INDIAN SUPER LEAGUE striker Elano Brazilian Elan Blumer and Spaniard Koke scored 2 exceptional goals for their respective sides as Chennaiyin FC and NorthEast United played a game of high intensity where they drew 2-2 in the ISL on Saturday. The next day saw Goa playing another goalless draw against Mumbai in a close encounter at the Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium. FC Goa got going in a brilliant way, thrashing Delhi Dynamos 4-1 on Thursday. As of Friday Kolkata leads the points table with 12 points, followed by Chennai also with 12points. &+(66 INDIA BAG 13 MEDALS AT ASIAN <287+&+(66 India put a fabulous show bagging 13 medals, in the Rapid Event on the opening day of the Asian Youth Chess Championships. VISWANATHAN ANAND ALL READY TO FACE THE CHALLENGE Viswanathan Anand is sitting SUHWW\DKHDGRIWKHÀIWKJDPHRI the World Chess Championship against Carlsen. With 1 victory, 1 loss and 1 draw. The match is currently tied at 2-2. Anand is looking to win in the 5th game. %$'0,1721 India’s top seed Saina Nehwal and other top players Parupalli Kashyap and K. Srikanth entered WKH TXDUWHU ÀQDOV RI WKH &KLQD Open Super Series Premier after posting wins in their respective rounds on Thursday. +2&.(< INDIA BEAT WORLD CHAMPIONS AUSTRALIA The Indian men’s hockey team played in a fantastic manner to defeat Australia 3-1 in a historic test series. 7(11,6 CZECH REPUBLIC CRUSH GERMANY TO WIN 3RD TITLE IN 4 YEARS The Czech Republic claimed its 3rd Fed Cup in 4 years after Petra Kvitova fought hard against Angelique Kerber of Germany in the opening reverse singles match on Sunday. 6122.(5 PANKAJ ADVANI FIRES A BREAK OF 147 IN A FRIENDLY SNOOKER GAME Ace Indian cueist Pankaj Advani has quickly shifted gears ahead of the World Snooker &KDPSLRQVKLSV DV KH ÀUHG a break of 147 in a friendly snooker game at the Star Academy. INDIA’S ANKUR MITTAL WINS GOLD AT ASIAN SHOTGUN India’s impressive run at the 4th Asian Shotgun Championships continued as Ankur Mittal clinched yet another gold medal in the men’s double trap event. Great players never give up, in fact they play the game with their heart and soul, thus showing that nothing is impossible...you just have to keep practising harder... 09 SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 2014 E ducation is the most powerful weapon to bring about constructive DQG DIÀUPDWLYH FKDQJH LQ WKH world furthermore a little push and encouragement can go a long way in making young minds achieve success. Being the philanthropic Community that we are, it is in our blood to embolden and nurture brilliant young minds who excel LQ YDULRXV ÀHOGV RQH RI WKHP being education. In the same fervent spirit, the Bharucha Baug Education Association organized their very own ‘Education Awards’ for the academic year 2012-13 on 8th November 2014. The very vibrant and eloquent Mrs. Hutoxi Aibara, the Master of Ceremonies IRU WKH HYHQLQJ ÁDJJHG RII the event by introducing the exceptionally enthusiastic audience of the colony to the Chief Guest of the evening, the aweinspiring Shri. Ashok Bhau Jadhav (ExMLA). Shri. Ashok Bhau Jadhav is no stranger to the people of Andheri. Along with doing so much for the DUHD KH KDV YHU\ PXQLÀFHQWO\ aided the colony by helping in getting the water tanks cleaned up for free and setting up the boring well with pumps. Generous, would be a small word to call a man of such stature who has always been willing to help any and everyone out. Mr. Jal Pardiwalla and Mr. Cyrus Khodaiji, President and Vice President of the association felicitated Shri. Jadhav with a shawl and a bouquet, who then spoke a few encouraging words and expressed his joy to be a part of such an event. He also commended the efforts put in by the Committee Members in organizing such a delightful event. Before the awards were given out to the students, 3 very respected academicians who have dedicated their lives to the ÀHOGRIHGXFDWLRQDQGSURPRWLQJ excellence in students were felicitated, namely; 0UV1XWDQ9DLJDRQNDU Everyone in Bharucha Baug knows Mrs. Vaigaonkar. She’s fondly known as the ‘Hindi & Marathi’ expert who has been giving tuitions to the children of the colony for years. Being the warm-hearted person that she is, she has many a times taught children from underprivileged families for no charge. 0UV5XNVKDQD9DULDYD Mrs. Variava is that kind of a teacher which other teachers strive to become. With love for her students in her heart, she has won numerous accolades along the years, one of them being the prestigious ‘Mayor’s Award’ for her invaluable contribution WR WKH ÀHOG RI HGXFDWLRQ 0UV-HVVLFD'DUXZDOOD The very effervescent Mrs. Daruwalla has been a teacher at the Manekji Cooper School for 15 years. She has also played an instrumental role in encouraging Extra-Curricular Activities. It was then time for students to be awarded the prizes. Prizes were given out to children right from Nursery to Graduation. Along with the usual 1st, 2nd and 3rd places, consolation prizes were given out too. &HUWLÀFDWHV DQG JHQHURXV FDVK prizes were given to all the winners. Students who placed 1st in their class were also given rotating plaques. The Prizes were very generously sponsored by the very dynamic, renowned and respected Ervad Burjorji H. Antia in Memory of his late parents along with Mr. Manek Engineerand the Shapoorji Pallonji Trust. Also, yours truly, who is a very proud resident of Sir Bharucha Baug, placed 1st in the Graduate Category. Another set of awards sponsored by the Late Mrs. Mehra Kotwal Foundation was given to children who have FKLHÁ\ H[FHOOHG LQ ([WUD Curricular Activities. Although this year, a special exception was made and two students received the award for excelling in academics. The Chief Guest then felicitated President, Mrs. Jal Pardiwalla and Vice President Mr. Cyrus Khodaiji and other Committee / Colony Members for putting in relentless efforts to make the program a grand success. The lovely Mrs. Hutoxi ,QQRYDWLYH LQYLWDWLRQ 'D]]OLQJ'HFRU ([FLWLQJ (QWHUWDLQPDHQW 1DYMRWHV DQG%LUWKGD\ 3DUW\'HFRU 3DFNDJHV KDSS\FKHHUV#JPDLOFRP ZZZKDSS\FKHHUVZL[FRPKRPH 10 SATURDAY,, NOVEMBER 15,, 2014 Community Coverage erage era er rag age g ge At the recent event of WZCC, Pune, Mr. Umeed Kothavala of Extentia a Information Technology brought his expertise on technology with his session on Mobile Advertising dvertising and its future in the world. Parsi Times brings to a glimpse of the event all the way ay from Pune! O $ERXW8PHHG.RWKDYDOD Umeed Kothavala is the CEO and co-founder of Extentia Information Technology, a technology services company that delivers solutions to customers across the globe. He is also the head of WZCC Youth Affairs, Pune. Through the WZCC platform, he addresses audiences often on how Mobile technologies EHQHÀW HGXFDWLRQ WUDYHO and advertising systems, with examples of actual implementations from his long time experience. n 5th November,2014, Extentia (Software Development Services) had hosted a very knowledgeable event on Mobile Advertising for the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII)’s Young Indians (YI) at the Extentia Towers, Pune. As we all know, technology can be our best friend, and can also be the biggest party pooper of our lives. This event focused on the shift of people to mobile advertising and how this one device has just turned the world of advertising. Extentia’s aim was to explain how Mobile By P.T. Reporter Delaveen Tarapore O n 9th November, 2014, Rustom Baug was bustling with activity! It was time for ‘Winter Relief Mela’ organised by the Senior Citizens of Rustom Baug. Every year, The Super Silver’s Club, as they are lovingly called organizes a Mela to raise funds for the upliftment of the various sections of our Society. This year too, the Silvers put up a grand show of not just innumerable stalls selling amazing goodies but also spectacular stage performances by different age groups. The evening rolled out with an enthralling performance by Super Silver Club’s member Mrs. Coomie Kasad who played the Harmonica. She has been playing the instrument for many years and dedicated her performance to her guru Mr. Phiroze Damri whose birth centenary was on 14th November. Even after a major surgery it was heartening to see Mrs. Coomie stand strong and FRQÀGHQWRQVWDJH7KHQH[WSHUIRUPHUV were the young girls of Rustom Baug Advertising has been moving at a real fast end and pace with all the drivers of the trend ce with they also enlightenend the audience the future of Mobile Advertising.. The red videos and the presentations covered le what Mobile Advertising is, how people e use the Mobile Advertisements, the possibilities of advertising agencies using Mobile Advertising and many such interesting topics. Relevant data and numbers were presented by Umeed Kothavala, CEO of Extentia. He also highlighted the concept of the ‘Second Screen’, and shared examples of successful Mobile ad campaigns worldwide. It was an informative and an interactive session where the youth put forth various questions that arose in their minds regarding the soon-to-conquer Mobile Advertising. Extentia demoed several gadgets for Young Indians in a ‘Techquarium’ session. These included Google Glass wearable grooving to Bollywood tunes in their sparkling costumes. Mrs. Zarine Bahmani, fondly known as the ‘young and vibrant spirit’ of the Super Silver’s Club anchored the show. Ervad Pervez Bajan and Mrs. Anahita Desai were not only the Honourable Chief Guests but also the heart of the evening. Along with Mrs. Kumi Daroowala (President of the Super Silvers Club) they enjoyed & encouraged every performance. Mr. Sanjay Prabhu and Mr. Ramesh Parekh, two talented members from Mrs. Coomie Kasad’s ‘Mumbai Harmonics Club’ performed brilliantly. Young, innocent angels from the Dharmagyaan Classes of Khareghat Colony performed a play that propagated faith in Behram Yazad under the loving guidance of their teachers Mrs. Nilufer Kudianawala and Mrs. Katy Anklesaria. The children of the Dharmagyaan classes of Rustom Baug too put up a spectacular performance on the life and history of King Jamshed under the constant training and guidance of their mentors Ervad Kaizad Kotwal, Mrs. Hutoxi Dudhwala .XPL 'DURRZDOD (President of the Super Silver’s Club of Rustom Baug and Vice President of the Rustom Baug Association and Senior Citizen Group): For me work is worship and I strongly believe that no religion is higher than the truth. I heartily wish to thank the whole unit of Rustom Baug without whom this event wouldn’t have been such a great success. And by the Grace of God the proverb ‘United We stand’ holds quite true with us. computer, Leap Motion controller, 3Doodler – 3D Printer and Neurosky Mind Wave – mind sensing device. The youth were then given a chance to use these devices and share their opinions and improvements. Kudos to WZCC for encouraging such events by the Youth for the Youth. and Mrs. Shehnaz Dumasia. Mrs. Kumi Daroowala thanked the teachers, these talented angels as well as parents who made an effort to see that their children learn about our religion. All this while the stalls were buzzing with Bawis and Bawajis who were busy buying various articles. There were almost twenty stalls which consisted of torans, house-hold décor, gift items DQGHYHQNXOÀWKDWPDGHVXUHWKDWHYHU\ mood and taste was gratifyingly catered to. A giant wheel on sight made sure the children went home equally thrilled as their parents. The entertainment quotient was constantly on the rise with another enthusiastic performance by Mr. Jamshed Kotwal and his lively Bollywood hits. Chief Guest Ervad Pervez Bajan gifted each children of Rustom Baug, a token of appreciation for their hard work and the lovely performances. Later, a lucky draw was carried out that left the audience soaring with excitement. This event made sure everyone went KRPH SOHDVHG DQG VDWLVÀHG EHDULQJ LQ =DULQH %DKPDQL (Incharge of the Entertainment aspect for the Super Silver’s Club): I have just turned 60, but I have been working with the club since the past few years. Our main motive behind all our initiatives is to bring all the seniors together and collectively do some social work and at the same time rejoice and have a lot of fun. mind most importantly, that this was initiated with the right intentions and for a greater cause. Mrs. Zarine Bahmani gracefully concluded the event with a vote of thanks to Parsi Times and everyone who contributed to this fest in cash or kind. <DVPLQ 0LVWU\ +XWR[L 'XGKZDOD (Enthusiastic and Thriving members of the Super Silver’s Club): This mela in its true essence is an in-house Rustom Baug event where in we have a perfect blend of the kiddies and senior citizens, who put together talent and hard work in an effort to bridge the generation gap, thus, making it a funÀOOHGHYHQLQJZLWKDJUHDWERQGLQJIDFWRU We have been holding melas for three years now and each year has been a great success. 11 SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 2014 Missing You !!! A tribute from a P.T. Reader to her beloved neighbour who passed away recently. It feels appropriate to pay tribute to a man with wild white and grey hair and piercing black eyes. He had the creative genius and magical ways about him. He has been by my side ever since I was a child and he was with me by my side until November 2, 2014. As I sit back and think what influence my neighbour and father figure had on me – it is difficult to say what it was. He never really insisted on anything in particular. I guess he had a way of life that he adopted and let the influence be whatever it was!! One thing I can clearly remember is his work ethic. He was a hard worker. He was never in the race for “The Best Award!!” He had his life’s ambitions and was devoted to fulfilling them. He was a Teacher and he was a Friend, Philosopher, Guide, a Mentor, a Facilitator…. He was a Scholar and was driven to maintain his scholarship standards and to be the best teacher he could be. From what I know he was a darned good Math Teacher!! A prominent teacher himself with a great sense of humour, I have fond memories of him. He was all praise for me and vividly recounted incidents that made me wonder how much high I HAVE reached today and how I have learned 2+2 from him. Unfortunately, I didn’t even know until almost near the end of his life. I can just feel a forlorn air around me today constantly trying to tell me something. Today as I have been a Teacher it’s time to thank my dear neighbour and friend DEAREST Ratan Uncle as I fondly called him. That was Mr. Ratan C. Hansotia. May his soul rest in peace. Anahita Hanoz Bengali 65 year old Jamshed, an introvert, staying alone in South Mumbai says that after returning home at 6 pm from WKH RI¿FH KH IHHOV ORQHO\ and would like to know the different modes of rest and UHOD[DWLRQ $Q\ WHFKQLTXHV" :DWFKLQJ 79 H[FHSW VSRUWV DQG FKDWWLQJ RQ WKH SKRQH HQGOHVVO\ DUH QRW KLV FXS RI tea. Dear Jamshed, Chatting on the phone senselessly and endlessly and watching serials are also not my cup of tea either. The 3 pillars of good health are 1) diet 2) exercise 3) rest and relaxation. There are 2 modes of rest and relaxation. One is the quiet tranquil form and the other is an enjoyable form. Reading a good book, palming’ your eyes, having a relaxing bath , prayers, mantra chanting, practicing Yogic Asanas and ‘pranayams’, meditation, writing in solitude, just thinking of wonderful memories spent with your beloved ones, browsing through photographs and albums taken on auspicious occasions, sitting in a quiet corner in the park admiring the beauty and bounty of Mother Nature, hearing the sound of the birds, the whisper of the winds, the lashing of ocean waves sitting near the seaside and watching the glorious sunset, listening to the music of your choice especially classic tunes of songs of the bygone era which have remained evergreen and immortal, cultivating a hobby of your choice, growing plants in your balcony and nurturing them daily are some of the quiet modes of rest and relaxation. Laughing heartily with family and friends, taking part in sociocultural-religious activities, taking part in one out-door sport like swimming or tennis or just being a spectator of sports of your choice. In our country people are cricket crazy and go ‘nuts’ over this sport and I can vouch for people who collect every single data of every single cricketer throughout the world! 'R \RX ÀW LQWR WKLV FDWHJRU\ Jamshed? If so, then you will be spending more than half a year watching this game. Planning outings, visiting exotic locales of places in India and abroad, celebrating various festivals and we Parsis love to celebrate every festival from Diwali to Christmas moreso to tinkle our glasses with the choicest wines and liquors and then turn into gourmands at festivities and all auspicious occasions. Love, romance and sex (I do not know if these can be applied in your case). Well love can be an all-embracing universal feeling of all things bright and beautiful and romantic feelings can pervade to the 5 elements of Nature and as for sex, let’s chop off the letter ‘s’ and turn it into exercises! These are some of the more entertaining modes of rest & relaxation. In sum, relax and enjoy the little things in life for one day you may look back and realise that they were the big things! Enjoy the sunset of your life with Dadar Ahura Mazdas guidance and blessings. If you want to ask Mrs. Avari a question, email us at contribute@parsi-times.com World for All, the Animal welfare NGO has teamed up with Parsi Times for this exclusive column! This week, it ffeatures loving animals that need homes and could do with the e love and care of affectionate Parsi households. So whether you u live alone and are looking for a companion or you want to teach tea a your children responsible love and caretaking, or if you simply love animals, here is a a hopeful soul who deserves a sim m chance to make you happy! cha BAMBI is a playful little male pup, at 4 months, bursting with energy and love. Please call 9004257179 to adopt. Hello from P U M P K I N . This cute little orange fella is so friendly and playful! Healthy, dewormed and vaccinated this two month old little bub is waiting for that one call to change his life. Dial 9820496099 for more details. KAMAKAZI loves laps! Be it human or the other kind. He is a mischievous yet affectionate little love bug who is looking for his forever home. Call 9820496099 to adopt Kamakazi. LEO is a survival Indian breed puppy aged 2 months. He’ has an adorable scrappy bark and loves the company of other dogs. Please call 9004257179 to adopt. SNOWY is a beautiful 6 week old Indian breed puppy energetic and loves human attention. Please call 9004257179 to adopt. Sweet little MANGO awaits a forever home. He is friendly, affectionate and full of love! Dewormed and ready for adoption. Call 9820496099 to adopt Mango. 12 )HHG%DFN FRQWULEXWH#SDUVLWLPHVFRP I t is heartening to learn that a few of the most eminent By P.T. Writer members of the community have joined hands for a most worthy cause of bringing peace and harmony by drafting a charter for co-existence. First of all it is GLIÀFXOW WR XQGHUVWDQG WKH UHDVRQ IRU VXFK ELWWHU VWULIH and irreconcilable differences that have cropped up in our community. The main cause of confrontation is that there are too many self-proclaimed guardians of others’ religion. We are an enlightened community and we all know what ZHVKRXOGRUVKRXOGQRWGR:HDUHÀJKWLQJRYHUWKHWULYLDO matter of disposal of the bodies of our dead who have no longer any existence or interest in life. As long as it causes no harm to the neighborhood or environment, the method of disposal of the bodies is a matter of the family and there is no need of interference from others. When God Almighty has given us the freedom to err and even to sin, how human beings can delight in depriving other human beings of their precious right to freedom ? We all have to think with the Vohu Mana -good mind before making our decisions. These issues can easily be sorted out by dialogues After the bitter experience of the and discussions. If we remain adamant last three elections of B.P.P. there and refuse to accept is a distinct perception that we need changes that come in way, we are not thorough and radical changes in the our going to make progress or prosper. We are a system of electing our leaders. mature community and if we accept the rights of others to freedom as we have a right to our freedom, all problems can be solved. In the present circumstances we are not aware, who has legal and moral authority to take major decisions for the community. We have no constitution to guide or govern the community. If the Trustees of the B.P.P. are entrusted to govern the community, are they competent and trustworthy enough to give guidance to the community? The Trustees will come and go, should the policies and rules be changed’ every time new Trustees are elected? Earlier also there were differences among the trustees but that did not bring the community to such shame and disgrace. How can we trust the trustees who do not trust each other? The charter of co-existence is the ÀUVWVWHSRIHVWDEOLVKLQJSHDFHZLWKLQWKHFRPPXQLW\7KHQH[WDQGPRVWLPSRUWDQW step is to draft a constitution and frame rules to give guidance to the community. With such divergent views, it is a daunting task to draft the constitution. We have a wealth of legal luminaries within our community who are proud inheritors of our faith. What Ambedkar did for our country, we have the Narimans, Sorabji, Kapadia, Khambata, to name a few who would not hesitate to serve the community with their time talent and wisdom. It is the one and only way to bring permanent peace and harmony, and give true value to the theme of co-existance. After the bitter experience of the last three elections of B.P.P. there is a distinct perception that we need thorough and radical changes in the system of electing our leaders. Earlier a panel of eminent members of the community had announced their decision to frame a model code of conduct for the next elections. Why it is shelved, or put on hold requires an urgent explanation. Ours is a small community, voters are few, and mostly knowledgeable, and if we conduct the election with austerity and without any expectation of lavish entertainment programs, and freebies, we can well afford to have elections every three years. We have to curtail the expenditures and make the process more simple, transparent and effective. Election at all venues can be conducted on the same day, where each eligible member of the community should be vigilant to caste his vote. Think Tank Piroja Jokhi SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 2014 This is not an Assembly or a State election, the community is now enlightened and with the bitter experience that we have will not repeat the mistakes, and vote for candidates on true merits. As we are now adopting the path of co-existence to bring peace and harmony within the community let us wish us all good luck and blessings of Ahura Mazda to be successful in our mission. All the members on the panel are wise, experienced and knowledgable having achieved the peak in their careers. With great humility they have approached the members of the community for suggestions. In a civil society it is natural that people have different opinions but that does not mean hostility for one another. We shut the doors of reason, when we refuse to listen to our opponent’s views. The openness of mind gives strength to perceive the real truth. Even if we do not agree on certain points, we can at least listen to their views and respect their opinion. The community today is like a rudderless boat with power intoxicated men at the helm not aware of any goal or direction. The idea of framing a charter for Co-existance is a very important step to establish peace and harmony within the community. Except for those who have personal or vested interest the community is sick and tired of these endless FRQÁLFWV DQG controversies . Much damage is caused to the community by bringing issues related to religion in the ambit of B.P.P. Doongarwadi is no doubt our most prized property, for the special purpose of performing the last rites of the dead. We all are aware that with the extinction of vultures, the system of Dokhmenashini is not functioning which has become a great cause of concern and brought a rift in the community. Cremation is an alternative which is not acceptable by a section of the community on religious grounds, though, since ages there never had been any objection to cremation and burials at places where dokhmas did not exist. All traditional prayers, In a civil society it is natural rituals and ceremonies were performed for that people have different opinions WKHPRIIHULQJDGLJQLÀHG but that does not mean hostility for farewell to the dead. In the city of Mumbai one another. We shut the doors of dokhmas do exist, but reason, when we refuse to listen they are not functioning. to our opponent’s views. The Recently people have started suggesting for openness of mind gives strength to an aramgaha, a resting perceive the real truth. Even if we place for dead bodies. If that is acceptable do not agree on certain points, we it is another viable can at least listen to their views and alternative to end WKH FRQÁLFWV DQG respect their opinion. controversies. The ultimate decision should be left to the family members, as they are the custodians of their relatives. We have ample spaces at Doongarwadi and there are other community estates which will facilitate for establishing a resting place for our beloved dead who at present have no decent place to rest in peace. This matter is so much hyped and twisted that it XUJHQWO\UHTXLUHVÁH[LELOLW\DQGGHWHUPLQDWLRQWRVROYHWKHPXFKYH[LQJSUREOHP2QFH a settlement is reached and the community has freedom to dispose the dead bodies of their dear ones with dignity in our traditional way with prayers and rituals we can experience peace and harmony establishing the Charter of Co-Existing in the community. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 2014 Community Coverage 13 “Our School moulds us for life’s true worth Through honesty and very hard work We are groomed to face the mill of life And to bear with patience all strife.” -School Song he Bai Bhikhaijee Shapoorjee Bengallee Girls’ High School (S.S.C) was founded by Sorabjee Shapoorjee Bengallee in 1858, in the T as a teacher in 1993. After which, I was promoted as a Vice-Principal in DQGWKHQÀQDOO\,EHFDPHWKH Principal in 2003. P.T.:6WXGHQWVLQWKH6FKRRO" Mrs. Balsara:422+ P.T.: What are the challenges that you face while teaching the current JHQHUDWLRQ" Mrs. Balsara: The introduction of no failure policy till Standard. VIII has resulted in lack of interest towards studies in the students and also a lack of competitive spirit amongst the toppers. Hence, to generate interest towards studies and to motivate the toppers to still do better; is a very challenging task. P.T.: So, to generate more interest, do teachers use any new technology or PRGHRIOHDUQLQJ" Mrs. Balsara:Yes, the teachers do use the Internet to teach certain subjects to make it more interesting for the students. P.T.: Is there a website or an online presence where our Parsi Times reader FDQNQRZPRUHDERXWWKHVFKRRO" Mrs. Balsara: The school has a website, www.bengalleeschool.org. P.T.: What are the core values of this VFKRRO":KDWYDOXHVGRHVLWLQVFULEHLQ WKHFKLOGUHQRIWKLVVFKRRO" Mrs. Balsara: The school motto is ‘Knowledge is Wealth’. Our school provides the students with sound academic education, inculcates cultural and moral training, sows seeds of social responsibility and thereby, prepares them as responsible, honest and welldisciplined citizens of the future. P.T.: Do you have Parsi children VWXG\LQJ LQ VFKRRO" 'RHV WKH VFKRRO FRQGXFWDQ\3DUVLUHOLJLRXVFODVVHV" Mrs. Balsara:Yes, we have two Parsi students, one in Senior K. G. and the other in Std. I. At present, the school doesn’t conduct any Parsi religious classes. P.T.:$PHVVDJHIRU\RXUVWXGHQWV" Mrs. Balsara: Strive for excellence not only in academics, arts, sports, etc. but also strive to be a good human being! )HHG%DFN Khushnum Y. Mistry memory of his beloved mother Bai Bhikhaijee Shapoorjee Bengallee. The school is under the able guidance of The Parsee Girls’ School Association, giving yeoman service in educating and developing all round personalities of thousands of girls. Mrs Kashmira K. Balsara, the principal says, “The aim of The Parsee Girls’ School Association (P.G.S.A.) is ‘Service to Girls’ Education’.” Mrs. Balsara has been in a long term relationship with Bengallee Girls’ High School. She has played the role of a teacher and Vice Principal in this school before undertaking the role of a Principal. Let’s get to know more about this Parsi school and Principal P.T.:(GXFDWLRQ4XDOLÀFDWLRQ" Mrs. Balsara:B.Sc., B.Ed. and I have also completed the Himalaya Wood Training for Guide Captains. P.T.: Your Tenure as a Principal of this 6FKRRO" Mrs. Balsara:I have a long relationship with my school. I am an ex-student of this school, and then I joined my school FRQWULEXWH#SDUVLWLPHVFRP School principals lead to make students better in their presence, and making sure that the impacts on the students last even in their absence. P.T. Writer Khushnum Mistry EULQJV WR \RX D FKDW ZLWK RQH RI WKH PDJQLÀFHQW SULQFLSDOV RI 0XPEDL Mrs. Kashmira K. Balsara of The Bai Bhikhaijee Shapoorjee Bengallee Girls’ High School. 14 Classifieds TRAVEL Comfortably in 7$527 DRESSMAKERS/ TAILORS TEMPO Trucks available Mahindra Xylo, 3 Row ON HIRE. We Undertake A/C on hire at reasonable contracts of shifting KNOW ABOUT ANYONE D. Shamji & Co. rate for Airport, Navjote, household furniture, etc, ANYTHING ON PHONE. PARSI DAGLI Pay afterward Wedding, Outstation. Shirts | Pants | Safari Suits with skilled labout. Rs. 500 per question. Bhupendra Gohil Contact Hutoxi Contact Dutta Mistry 9769658808 9819408576/9819648099. 22663131 / 9821005381 9821319228 / 9820006236 143-B, Perin Nariman TRAVEL WITH SHYAM Street, (Bazargate Street), PHOTOGRAPHY/VIDEOGRAPHY CLASSIFIED Fort, Mumbai - 1 Travel in A/c Innova and RATES Honda city to Udwada / dshamji33@gmail.com ARMAITY & RASHID D. www.dshamjidagli.com Navsari / Surat / Shirdi / Running Text %86,1(662))(5 BAMANBEHRAM Nashik / Pune / Panchgani (/(&7521,&65(3$,56 &ODVVLÀHGRs. 10/ per First Parsi Lady Videographer normal word SPITAMAAN CREATION / Mahabaleshwar etc. and Famous Press Photographer all over India. Rs. 15 / per bold word CLOCK REPAIRS FAIR DEAL - SHOP Ex. Special Executive Magistrate &ODVVLÀHG'LVSOD\ at Boyce Agiary Estate - 1 day Udwada – Rs.5,000/- Repairs of English /German HD. VIDEOSHOOTING for 7 persons (4cm X 4cm) Box Rs.500/ Tardeo. Grandfather Clocks, PHOTOGRAPHY & ALBUMS Airport transfers – per insert Embroidered Kurties, Wedding, Navjotes, Quarter Chimers, Carriage 1LJKWLHV ZHVWHUQ 2XWÀW Rs.1,500/- also local, On Every 3 Classified, Birthdays & Engagements Clocks, Pocket / Wrist Wedding & Navjote Sadra, Kusti, Toran. 1 Free functions Watches. Contact: Cyrus Contact: 6/3, Khareghat Colony, Bailiff & Sons CONTACT: 98203 67891 Khambatta: Hughes Road, Mum-7 9819620666 26042635, 9820987891 armaitybamanbehram@yahoo.com 9820895967, 9820257919. %8<,1*6(//,1* Armaity: 9820188266 &$7(5,1*)22' CLASSIFIEDS Akg“p rkL$L$pAp¡, b¡ÞL$“p¡V$, õV¡$çàk, L$hfp¡, dpQukg¡bg, r‘L$Qk® L$pX®$, àg¡INL$pX®$, rkNpf¡V$ L$pX®$, I[Ági A¡L$V$fp¡“p ‘p¡õV$ L$pX®$, ap¡V$pAp¡, Ap¡V$p¡N°pa A“¡ L$g¡L$i“p¡ gCiy„. 9987599908 ALLROUNDERS Caterers at Tardeo. Provide delicious Gherna Jeva Bhona for home / RIÀFH WLIÀQV 3DUW\ RUGHUV undertaken. Delicious Tarapori Patia, Brinjal / Prawns / Garabh Pickles, Badampak, Pork Vindaloo, Sorpotel, etc. available. Contact Nargish Lala: 65079177, 9819002500 EXCEL ELECTRONICS Rashid: 9820224667 REPAIRS LCD, LED, Television DVD Player, Audio System Washing Machine, Refrigerator, Microwave, AC Computer For Details: 6(59,&(6$9$,/$%/( 9322417064, 9820308174 diu“’u V$p„L$u“u kapC, ^prd®L$ õ’mp¡ / ‘pZu“p Ly$hp“u kapC / kp¡kpeV$u / dpmuep“u ‘pZu“u V$p„L$uAp¡ (kpdp“ lV$pìep hNf) kapC dpV¡$ k„‘L®$ ep¡Nu 9820776583 / 9167677673. Washing Machine / HomeChefs Dishwasher / Dryer/ caters to clean & healthy Microwave Oven / homemade food. ‘Your Refrigerator / AC / LCD / Cravings, our Creations’ PLAZMA / LED Parsi/Punjabi cuisine. Contact NATIONAL 7LIÀQ VHUYLYHV3DUFHOV (SAHIL) 9967000466/ Party/Bulk orders. 24034358 Ala carte menu also One Year Gaurantee &$5+,5( available. We now also cater at the +20()851,6+,1* INNOVA Triple A/C prestigious Elphinstone utmost comfortable & Cricket Club, C.S.T., reasonable rate, driven Mumbai by Parsi owner for local, We’re just a phone call outstation and happy away! occasion, Kurish Bailiff: Mr. Jehan Irani: +919820714483 Parsi Owned & Driven SWIFT D’ZIRE CAR (A.C. & IN GOOD CONDITION) AVAILABLE ON HIRE FOR OUTSTATION AND WITHIN MUMBAI. PLEASE CONTACT ROHINTON - 9223395255 Travel Comfortably in Brand New A/c INNOVA/SKODA RAPID Reasonable Rates & with Excellent Service. To Udvada, Navsari, Surat, Mahableshwar, Shirdi, Goa etc. Contact Navaaz 9819244454 / 9322279869 SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 2014 9(+,&/(6$/( Parsee Owner Fiat Car 1995, New Tyre, New Battery, A/c, Audio System. Call after 1 p.m. Contact 8879251529 Contd. from Page 09 Aibara then gave the Vote Vote of Thanks. The evening then took a very entertaining turn. It was time to play HOUSIE! Housie is truly the only game, when played invokes pin-drop silence and intense concentration. What joy it is to see people of all ages, be it young or old, coming together to zealously play a game and having fun like one big Parsi family! It is a given that no function in our community ends without a good and hearty meal. Keeping that tradition alive, we were treated to a scrumptious dinner. With the food tasting so good, I can guarantee that everybody went home with a full stomach. Special thanks to Mrs Mehroo Patel and Mr. Rohinton Nazir for providing us with the photographs of the event. Kudos! To the Members of the Association for perfectly executing and coming up with such an amazing event. It really is a pleasure to see events like this being held, whereby encouraging children to strive for nothing less than the best! We hope and wish to see many such events being organized in the future and continue to be a part of them. &,9,/-2%6 For Super Finish jobs in Painting, Plastering, Tiling, Marble, Granite, Polish. 3$&.(56029(56 Call - Hufron 9820764177 / 24139214 / 24166820 &2,16127(6&2//(&7,216 WORRIED WITH PROBLEMS IMMEDIATE SOLUTION Love Marriage, Business, DEEKAY PACKERS & MOVERS Freedom from Other National, International Women/Enemies Clearing, Forwarding, House Problems, +RXVHKROG*RRGV2IÀFHV Muthkarni, Vashikaran, Vehicles, Pets Black Magic. 14 Years Experience Any Work 100% Kersi Satisfaction. RAZA BENGALI +919892014580, 09756434001 +919892922006 Please do note that while we are happy to bring the Community together via our Classified Section we are not responsible and do not endorse any product or service advertised in our Classified Section and will not be held responsible by any third party for the content of the ad space. Printed and Published by Cyrus M. Shroff on behalf of Kersi Jamshed Randeria, From 102, Vikas Building, 11 Bank Street, Fort, Mumbai - 1. Printed at M/s Pri Media Services Pvt Ltd., Plot No. EL 201, Mhape, Navi Mumbai - 400 705. (GLWRU)UH\DQ%KDWKHQD&RQWDFW1RV$GYW)D[2IÀFH7LPLQJDPWRSP0RQGD\)ULGD\ 19 SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 2014 Like: Parsi Times Joining the Parsi Times pages with some fun, interesting and quirky things to do online, is Yazdi Tantra. A Chartered Accountant by training, Computer Consultant by Profession, Entrepreneur Developer by hobby and dƌĂŝŶĞƌ ŝŶ ŚŝƐ ůĞŝƐƵƌĞ ƟŵĞ͘ Look up his latest blog www. ConsumerResources.in for some useful resources, and on-lyne.blogspot.in for some ŵŽƌĞŝŶƚĞƌĞƐƟŶŐdĞĐŚ^ƚƵī͘ http://twitter.com/TheParsiTimes These days communication systems are so convenient and cheap that we can talk to anyone from across the world. However, when doing so, we need to remember the time zones of each part of the world. Besides, if you are travelling, you may need to check the time zone in your home country as well as in your destination country before you make any calls. World Time Buddy (WTB) is a cross between a time zone converter, a world clock converter, and an online meeting scheduler. It’s one of the best online productivity WRROVIRUWKRVHRIWHQÀQGLQJWKHPVHOYHVWUDYHOLQJLQÁLJKWVLQRQOLQHPHHWLQJVRU just calling friends and family abroad. The user interface is sleek and easy to use. You can effortlessly compare multiple time zones at a glance, plan conference calls, webinars, international phone calls and web meetings. It also aids with business travel & tracking of market hours. WTB also has convenient apps for Android and iPhone with the same ease of use interface. If calculating time zones is a problem, worldtimebuddy is the solution! WKH KDLU WR JHQHURXVO\ ÁRZ through its body and the bristles are set wide apart. A vent brush is not meant to completely control the hair; instead it’s used to blow-dry off moisture quickly or to create a soft, freeÁRZLQJ KDLUVW\OH ZLWK DGGHG volume. better when used on shorter lengths of hair. 5RXQG%UXVKThis has a solid T his That is something my grandmother told me to do. Although I don’t run a brush through my hair anymore unless I’m getting my hair blow dried. It’s very important to use the right equipment before attempting to blow dry or even brush your hair. A wrong brush won’t allow your hair to look the same after you step out from the hair dressers. It can also be of no use while brushing as it won’t even give the softness and effect your looking for. It’s not only about the round and paddle brush these are the 2 commonly used brushes. 9HQWRU6W\OLQJ%UXVKA vent brush has openings which allow interior into which the bristles are inserted. Depending on its size and the materials used, a round brush can create curl, body, shine DQG D VLJQLÀFDQW DPRXQW of controlled volume. it can be used to smooth hair while making the ends curl up or down, depending on which direction the hair is wrapped around the brush. 3DGGOH%UXVKPaddle brushes are brushes that have D ÁDW EDFN DQG KDV a cushion under the bristles. it is gentle on the hair because the cushion collapses when it comes into contact with tough tangles. it is one of the most commonly used brushes. The larger paddle brushes suit longer hair. 'HWDQJOLQJ %UXVK These are used all over the world by every country across every continent to detangle and brush hair. These Brushes come with Boar bristles and nylon bristles are used primarily for detangling. This brush is made with different sizes and also helps stimulate the lymph nodes and blood vessels in the scalp. Kn o w your hair and what it requires before you go shopping for your h a i r brushes the next time you do. Dear Mamaiji, You always make me read the Gujarati calendar date from the front page of the Parsi Times. Today is Aneran Roj. What does that mean? Dear Dikri, Today is Aneran Roj. This is the last day of the month in the Parsi Calendar. Aneran Yezat represents or stands IRU (QGOHVV ,QÀQLWH /LJKW /LJKW SOD\V D YHU\ LPSRUWDQW UROHLQ=RURDVWULDQLVP7KH,QÀQLWH(QGOHVV/LJKWSHUYDGHV the entire Universe and is ever expanding, growing and ÁRZLQJ DFURVV HYHU\ZKHUH :H EHOLHYH WKH VSDUN RI WKH Divine exists within All. Connect to Aneran Yezat and request this Divinity to assist you to connect more with \RXU ,QQHU /LJKW DQG WKH /LJKW RI WKH &UHDWRU ZKLFK LV (QGOHVV ,QÀQLWH 3RZHUIXO :LVH /RYLQJ DQG ([SDQVLYH It is a reminder to us of attributes within us which we as humans may choose to cultivate in our journey towards a PRUHVSLULWXDOO\IXOÀOOLQJ/LIH With inputs from Parvez J. Daruwala Name... Pearl R. Boga. I work at... Law Firm. I work as... A Corporate Lawyer. That basically means... Long working hours and fun. My work day begins with... Tea, conference calls, emails and work mandate!. I love this about my job... (a) Knowledge on the go; (b) Learning new and interesting things; (c) Ecstatic in tackling daily challenges; (d) Never Boring. I wish this would change about my job... Work hours and deadlines (at times!). I have been working here for... 4.5 years. I head to office and head back home at these times... 10.00 am - 07.00 pm (on paper working hours ). Some of the things that make up my work day… Reading voluminous documents, making several revisions, food, tea and quirky colleagues. Someone I think has an interesting job is… Freelancers!! Ingredients: ½ kg. Chicken lollipops 1 tablespoon ginger garlic paste 2 tablespoons tomato ketchup 1 tablespoon honey 1 teaspoon soya sauce IU\WKHOROOLSRSVRYHUDORZÁDPH WDEOHVSRRQVFRUQÁRXU 2. Serve hot topped with Thai sauce and chopped Salt & Pepper to taste spring onions. Oil to fry Directions: 1. Combine all the ingredients, H[FHSW WKH RLO /HDYH IRU hours. Just before serving, deep Purveen Dubash is a chef with many knives in her pretty home kitchen cabinet. From TV anchor to educator to author she is armed with culinary skills to put your tummy into a hypnotic state. We are proud to present to you her recipes which have the unique distinction of being not only simple to follow but yummy to taste! Submitted by: byy: TARONISH E. BATTY Age: 12 Years 20 Parsi Times - English and Gujarati. Regd. No. MH/MR/South-348/2012-14. Published on 15th November, 2014, 2QUVGFCV/WODCK2CVTKMC%JCPPGN5QTVKPI2QUV1H°EG/WODCK on every Saturday. T Yuum Yumm Yu Yum mm for your Tummy! Yummy he Nutcracker may have cal nothing to do with the musical nyy cafe but everything about this tiny rable. From in Kalaghoda is whimsical and adorable. o the colourful old the potted plants that greet you to school tiles or even the wooden partition that was probably sourced from an old granny, this cafe is what I like to call a cutie-patootie. It is incredibly small, which makes it a cozy little spot to hang out, and it’s charming interiors make it perfect for a meal with friends, a work meeting over tea and dessert or even a quick catch up over coffee. The menu boasts of some breakfast treats that they serve throughout the day thankfully, sandwiches, VPDOOPHDOVDQGVRPHWHUULÀFGHVVHUWV7KHELJJHVW863RIWKLVFDIHLV that they love their eedaas, they make them well and they serve them all day long! The Nutcracker owner Annie Bafna seems to have a weak spot for breakfast dishes and her menu includes some favourites like sallii per eedu breakfast sliders which are adorable mini burger buns, stuffed with caramalised onion, pesto and scrambled eggs served with a small side salad and some crisp potato wedges. It’s a complete meal and despite being unlike any burger you’ve had, it really is delicious. While I do love my eggs, I have to admit Annie’s favourite buttermilk pancakes is what really hit the spot. They are simple light airy pancakes served with butter and honey sprinkled with icing sugar and are perfect. It’s best eaten warm so don’t wait to dig in. 6RPHWKLQJWKDWFDPHKLJKO\UHFRPPHQGHGE\RQHRIWKHLUFKHIV5LVKDG*LQZDOOD w was their four cheese sandwich. It sounds quite pedestrian but believe me different ttypes of cheese melted and toasted with a few jalapenos is brilliant. For those of yyou who don’t want a sandwich or a breakfast meal in the middle of the day, you K KDYHHQRXJKWRFKRRVHIURP$%ODFN%HDQ%XUJHU+XPPXVDQG3LWDRUHYHQWKH $VLDQ6DODGZLWK*ULOOHG7RIXDQGFKLOOLGUHVVLQJ,I\RXQHHGDGULQNWRFRROGRZQ ,·GVXJJHVWWKHLU%DVLODQG3DVVLRQ)UXLW&RROHU7KHUHDOVWDUVRQWKHLUPHQX is the dessert. The Lemon Tart is possibly one of the best Lemon Tarts in WKHFLW\7KH3DVWU\LVSHUIHFWQRWEXUQWOLNHPRVWSODFHVDQGWKHOHPRQ ÀOOLQJ LVQ·W FOR\LQJO\ VZHHW RU V\QWKHWLF OLNH \RX XVXDOO\ ÀQG 7KH RWKHU JHP LV WKHLU6HYHQ/D\HUHG&RRNLHVHUYHGZLWK a dollop of ice cream. It’s a secret recipe that Annie won’t part with for anything in the world and it’s a chocolate lovers dream. If for no other reason, do visit this cafe just for their Lemon Tart and 6HYHQ/D\HUHG&RRNLH The cafe is small and can only accommodate about 30 people at a time so chances are it can get crowded very quickly. Apart from eggs, there is no meat or non vegetarian items served and everything is made from scratch. They DUH ÀUP EHOLHYHUV LQ TXDOLW\ RI LQJUHGLHQWV DQG products. While I might miss the rasher of bacon along with my eggs, for the most part you don’t miss the meat at all. While the area of Kalaghoda is becoming more trendy with various eating joints, The Nutcracker has already amassed some loyal fans and it seems will give old favourites like Kalaghoda &DIHDQG7KH3DQWU\DUXQIRUWKHLUPRQH\ The Nut Cracker 0RGHUQ+RXVH'U9%*DQGKL0DUJ2SSRVLWH 2QH)RUEHV%XLOGLQJ .DOD*KRGD0XPEDL 7HO 5HJLVWUDWLRQV DUH QRZ RSHQ IRU WKH WK =RURDVWULDQ &KLOGUHQ·V 'D\ ZKLFK ZLOO EH KHOG RQ 6XQGD\ WK 1RYHPEHU DW 6KDQPXNKDQDQGD &KDQGUDVHNDUHQGUD 6DUDVZDWKL$XGLWRULXPDPRQZDUGV 7KLV =RFKLOG 'D\ SURPLVHV \RX DOO D IXQ ÀOOHG DQG DQ HQULFKHG H[SHULHQFH 5HJLVWUDWLRQ IRUPV FDQ EH GRZQORDGHG IURP www.zochild.com. Connect with Mrs. Yasmin Dhanda 9820343322 / Mrs. Veera Mundroina (Dadar) 9769801389 / Mrs. Jeroo lrani (Cusrow Baug) 99207 58587 / Mr. Nariman Mehta (Navroz Baug) 022-247 14244 / Mr. Urvax Dhanda (Outstation) 09820343311. Like: Parsi Times SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 2014
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