1 - Treasure Island
1 - Treasure Island
CITY OF TREASURE ISLAND PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD CITY HALL AUDITORIUM - 120 108th AVENUE, TREASURE ISLAND, FLORIDA THURSDAY, JUNE 18, 2015 AT 2:00 PM 1. 2. 3. 4. MEETING CALLED TO ORDER BY PRESIDING OFFICER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CELL PHONE ANNOUNCEMENT ROLL CALL TIM BUTLER KEVIN JOHNSON LARRY LUNN SALEENE PARTRIDGE STEVE YOST 5. 6. 7. 8. DENNIS FAGAN (CHAIRPERSON) JOHN LAYNE FRANK MCCONNELL GUY PETIX DAN YOUNKMAN RICHARD HARRIS JIM LORENZ (VICE-CHAIR) DARRELL MEACHUM MITCHELL SHENKMAN APPROVAL OF MINUTES: April 16, 2015 and May 21, 2015 EX PARTE COMMUNICATION DISCLOSURE ADMINISTRATION OF WITNESS OATH PRESENTATION OF ITEMS: A. Case No. PZ 2015-23V A variance to encroach into the front yard setback two nd and a half (2.5) feet for two 2 living level cantilevered shallow porches. Lot 31 th on 80 Avenue (currently vacant) (RM-15). B. Case No. PZ 2015-24SR Site Plan Review for a new 7 unit motel with restaurant. 9650 Gulf Blvd. (CG) THIS CASE HAS BEEN POSTPONED TO JULY 16, 2015 BY THE REQUEST OF THE APPLICANT. C. Case No. PZ 2015-V A marine variance to increase the combined maximum width of a marine structure from 35 feet to 38 feet – 10 inches for a residential th dock with 2 boat lifts. 12175 5 Street, East (RU-75) 9. 10. 11. REPORTS AND COMMENTS OF CITY ATTORNEY, STAFF, AND BOARD MEMBERS NEXT PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD MEETING – THURSDAY, JULY 16, 2015 AT 2 P.M. ADJOURNMENT Ex parte communication - The substance of any ex parte communication with a board member which relates to quasi-judicial action pending before the Board is not presumed prejudicial to the action if the subject of the communication and the identity of the person, group, or entity with whom the communication took place is disclosed and part of the record before final action on the matter. The board member may read a written communication from any person. However, a written communication that relates to quasi-judicial action pending before a board member shall not be presumed prejudicial to the action, and such written communication shall be made a part of the record before final action on the matter. Board members may conduct investigations and site visits and may receive expert opinions regarding quasi-judicial action pending before them. Such activities shall not be presumed prejudicial to the action if the existence of the investigation, site visit or expert opinion is made a part of the record before final action on the matter. Disclosure must be made before or during the public meeting at which a vote is taken on such matters, so that persons who have opinions contrary to those expressed in the ex parte communication are given a reasonable opportunity to refute or respond to the communication. (For more information see Florida Statutes 286.0115) Any person desiring to file an appeal to any action taken by the Board at this meeting will need a record of the proceedings and for such purpose may be required to insure that a verbatim transcript is made. Said transcript shall be made by the appellant at his or her expense. The City maintains a tape recording of all public hearings. In the event that you wish to appeal a decision, the tape may or may not adequately insure a verbatim record of the proceedings. Therefore, you may wish to provide a court reporter at your expense. Any person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding is entitled to assistance at no cost. Please contact the office of the City Clerk in writing at 120 108th Avenue, Treasure Island, Florida 33706, or by phone at 727-547-4575, at least two working days prior to the meeting to advise what assistance is needed. CITY OF TREASURE ISLAND PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD MINUTES Thursday, April 16, 2015 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. ROLL CALL Tim Butler Dennis Fagan (Chairperson) Richard Harris Kevin Johnson John Layne Jim Lorenz (Vice-Chair) Larry Lunn Frank McConnell Darrell Meachum Saleene Partridge Guy Petix Mitchell Shenkman Steve Yost Dan Younkman Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Absent Present Present Present Present The Chairperson called the meeting to order at 2:00 pm. Present were the City Attorney, Maura Kiefer and the CI Director, Paula Cohen. It was noted that Ms. Partridge reported her absence. New member, Larry Lunn, offered a brief introduction listing his past experiences and qualifications. 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: There were no minutes for approval. 4. EX PARTE COMMUNICATION: There was no Ex Parte communication reported. 5. ADMINISTRATION OF OATH: All applicants, witnesses, members of staff and other persons wishing to address any item before the Board of quasi-judicial nature were duly sworn. 1 P & Z minutes 04/16/2015 6. PRESENTATION OF ITEMS: A. [PZ-2015-13-V - Variance ]- Tim Ramsberger, 12112 Lagoon Lane is requesting a variance to reduce the north setback along 122nd Avenue from 10 feet to 4 feet to install the staircase for a new single family home. Residential Medium (RM-15) The CI Director offered a verbal presentation of the staff report and answered questions of the Board. The applicant, Tim Ramsberger, 12112 Lagoon La. and his agents Jill Colledge and Dan Karcher of Dan Karcher Construction addressed the Board. Mr. Ramsberger offered an explanation of the variance request and answered questions of the Board. Public Comments: Ms. Mel Lenehan 8251 Bayshore Dr. addressed the Board stating that she supports the variance request. Board discussion ensued regarding the variance request. Upon a request from the CI Director, the applicant’s agent, Jill Colledge, addressed the Board and explained that there would be a reduction in the stair width from 6 feet to 5 feet in order to reduce the variance to a 5 foot setback. ACTION: Motion was made by Mr. Butler and seconded by Mr. Meachum to approve the variance request to reduce the setback on 122 nd Ave. from 10 feet to 5 feet to install the staircase based on staff findings and conditions. Mr. Yost requested to modify the motion to include the words to complete the structure that has been presented because the structure will also be in the 10 foot setback. Mr. Butler wished to amend his motion to include the portion of the house and the porch that also encroach into the setback as per the site plan provided Mr. Meahum agreed to amend his second. Upon roll call the vote to approve the amended motion was unanimous. 2 P & Z minutes 04/16/2015 B. [PZ-2015-14-V - Variance ]- Anas and Staci Iqbal, 12416 Sunshine Lane are requesting a variance to increase the length of an existing encroachment that is 12 feet 6 inches in length to 17 feet 4 inches for a proposed landing to the stairs. There is an existing encroachment of 3 feet 10 inches into the 10 foot setback of Sunshine Lane. Resort Facilities High (RFH-50) The CI Director offered a verbal presentation of the staff report and answered questions of the Board. The applicant, Mr. Anas Iqbal addressed the Board and offered an explanation of the purpose of the variance request. Mr. Iqbal offered a video presentation of the proposed structures. Public Comments: Ms. Mel Lenehan, 8251 Bayshore Dr. addressed the Board and stated that she supports the variances. Board discussion ensued with concerns and opinions regarding the variance requests. ACTION: Motion was made by Mr. Harris and seconded by Mr. Yost to approve the variance request in accordance with staff supporting facts that there is already an encroachment, does not increase the habitable area of the home and subject property is substandard in width and area. Board discussion ensued regarding the need to have a condition that the variance if approved will attach to the structure and not the land. Opinions were offered by the City Attorney and it was suggested by the Chair to reconsider going down that road. Mr. Meachum wished to amend the motion to include the condition that the variance remain with the structure and not the land. Mr. Harris agreed to amend his motion and Mr. Yost agreed to amend his second to include the condition that the variance remain with the structure and not the land. 3 P & Z minutes 04/16/2015 Upon roll call the vote to grant the variance with the condition as stated in the amended motion was 8 ayes and 5 nays (Mr. Butler, Mr. Johnson, Mr. Lunn, Mr. Meachum and Mr. Younkman the dissenting votes). C. [PZ-2015-15-V - Variance ]- Anas and Staci Iqbal, 12416 Sunshine Lane are requesting a variance to increase the length of an existing encroachment that is 56 feet in length to 76 feet for a proposed 1st floor terrace and 2nd floor deck/lanai. There is an existing encroachment of at least 6 feet 11 inches into the 10 foot setback of 125 th Avenue. Resort Facilities High (RFH-50) ACTION: Motion was made by Mr. Harris and seconded by Mr. Meachum to deny the variance request as presented. Upon roll call the vote to deny the variance was 8 ayes and 5 nays (Mr. Layne, Mr. Petix, Mr. Shenkman, Mr. Yost and Mr. Younkman the dissenting votes). 7. REPORTS AND COMMENTS FROM THE CITY ATTORNEY, STAFF AND BOARD MEMBERS: The City Attorney offered a review of House Bill 383 which she indicated seems to be moving through the process. Ms. Kiefer noted that House Bill 383 addresses Chapter 70, the Private Property Act and then read the definition of Prohibitive Exaction which is the subject of the bill. 8. NEXT MEETING: The next regularly scheduled P & Z meeting will be Thursday, May 21, 2015 at 2:00 pm. 9. ADJOURNMENT: Motion was made to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 3:20 pm. A. J. Sarko Recording Secretary Dennis Fagan Chairperson 4 P & Z minutes 04/16/2015 CITY OF TREASURE ISLAND PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD MINUTES Thursday, May 21, 2015 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. ROLL CALL Tim Butler Dennis Fagan (Chairperson) Richard Harris Kevin Johnson John Layne Jim Lorenz (Vice-Chair) Larry Lunn Frank McConnell Darrell Meachum Saleene Partridge Guy Petix Mitchell Shenkman Steve Yost Dan Younkman Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Absent Absent Present Present Present The Chairperson called the meeting to order at 2: 00 pm. Present were the City Attorney, Maura Kiefer, the CI Director, Paula Cohen and the City Planner, Michelle Orton. It was noted that Mr. Petix and Ms. Partridge have reported their absence. 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Motion was made by Mr. Harris and seconded by Mr. Butler to approve the minutes of the meeting of March 19, 2015 as printed. Upon a voice vote the motion to approve the minutes was unanimous. 4. EX PARTE COMMUNICATION: Mr. Yost reported that he was a noticed neighbor in case PZ-2015-19V and Mr. Butler reported that he received several e-mails and noted that he did not respond to any and also that they will be forwarded to staff. 1 P & Z minutes 05/21/2015 5. ADMINISTRATION OF OATH: All applicants, witnesses, members of staff and other persons wishing to address any item before the Board of quasi-judicial nature were duly sworn. 6. PRESENTATION OF ITEMS: A. [PZ-2015-16-V-Variance ]- Beach Haven Condo Association, 9750 Gulf Blvd is requesting a variance to encroach an additional 5 feet into the north side yard setback to install one exterior aluminum spiral staircase. Commercial General (CG) Postponed to July 16, 2015 meeting at the request of the applicant. B. [PZ-2015-16-V-Variance ]- Beach Haven Condo Association, 9750 Gulf Blvd is requesting a variance to encroach an additional 5 feet into the south side yard setback to install one exterior aluminum spiral staircase. Commercial General (CG) Postponed to July 16, 2015 meeting at the request of the applicant C. [PZ-2015-18-SM- Site Plan Modification]- Beach Haven Condo Association, 9750 Gulf Blvd is requesting a site plan modification to incorporate six new powder-coated exterior aluminum staircases on the Beach Haven Condo property. Commercial General (CG) Postponed to July 16, 2015 meeting at the request of the applicant D. [PZ-2015-19-V - Variance ]- Tom and Melanie Lair, 8715 East Bay Drive are requesting a variance to permit the overall length of the dock to increase from a maximum of 50 feet to 67 feet 6 inches due to the extent of sea grass in the Bay behind their home. Residential Medium (RM-15) The CI Director offered a verbal presentation of the staff report and answered questions of the Board. Mr. Speeler of Speeler Foundations, Inc., the applicant’s agent addressed the Board outlining the proposed dock structure and noted the aerial photo he has distributed to the Board. Mr. Speeler answered questions of the Board. Public Comments: Ms. Mel Lenehan, 8251 Bayshore Dr., addressed the Board and stated that she supports the variance request. 2 P & Z minutes 05/21/2015 Ms. Melinda Lair, 8715 East Bay Dr., the owner and applicant addressed the Board and noted that she has received several e-mails supporting the dock. The e-mails were read into the record by the Chair. E-mails were from Mr. Tom Fitzgerald, 8685 East Bay Dr. supporting the dock, Jim and Linette Zink, 8665 East Bay Dr. supporting the dock and Pam ???? no address also supporting the dock. ACTION: Motion was made by Mr. Harris and seconded by Mr. Shenkman to approve in accordance with staff report and recommendations. Upon roll call the vote to approve the motion was unanimous. E. [PZ-2015-20-V – Variance A and B ]- Justin and Rennie Mace, 715 119th Avenue are requesting A – a variance to reduce the required 5 foot marine structure setback on the east side lot line to 2 feet and B – a variance to reduce the required 5 foot marine structure setback on the west side lot line to 3 feet. Residential Urban (RU-75) It was noted by the CI Director that two handouts were distributed to the Board, a document from Dolphin Marine indicating the proposed dock and a letter from T. C. and Tracy Dettenwanger offering an outline of their proposed public comments. The CI Director offered a verbal presentation of the staff report and answered questions of the Board The applicant, Justine Mace, 715 119th Ave., addressed the Board explaining his situation and reasons for the variance request and answered questions of the Board. Public Comments: Mr. Ron Schmidt, 11775 7th St E, addressed the Board and explained his objection to the variance. Mr.Tom Dettenwanger, 725 119th Ave., addressed the Board by reading from a handout that was previously distributed to the Board. Mr. Ron Schmidt, 11775 7th St E, again addressed the Board stating another objection to the variance. 3 P & Z minutes 05/21/2015 Ms. Mel Lehehan, 8251 Bayshore Dr., addressed the Board noting the lack of an overhead to allow for public viewing. Mr. Pete Zitter, 685 Capri Blvd., addressed the Board and stated that knowing the applicant to be a man of his word he would like to see the variance granted. The applicant, Justin Mace, again addressed the Board offering a rebuttal to some earlier comments. Board discussion ensued regarding dock regulations and measurements. ACTION: Motion was made by Mr. Butler and seconded by Mr. Shenkman to approve both variance A & B as recommended by staff and in accordance with details in staff report and based on the drawing from Dolphin Marine with no mooring of boats. The City Attorney suggested that the motion be amended to add no mooring of registered boats. Mr. Butler and Mr. Shenkman agreed to amend the motion. Upon roll call the vote to approve the amended motion was 9 ayes and 3 nays (Mr. Johnson, Mr. Lorenz and Mr. Meachum the dissenting votes). Board recessed at 3:45 pm Board reconvened at 3:55pm Mr. Yost left meeting at 3:55 pm F. [PZ-2015-21-SR – Site Plan Review ]- T I Beach 9900 LLC, 9900 Gulf Boulevard is requesting a site plan review for a new single family structure along the Gulf of Mexico located at 9900 Gulf Blvd. Resorts Facilities High (RFH-50) The CI Director offered a verbal presentation of the staff report and answered questions of the Board Mr. Jack Bodziak, the applicant’s architect and agent, addressed the Board and answered questions of the Board. Ms. Noel Johnson, 9920 Gulf Blvd., addressed the Board and expressed some concerns with the construction site. 4 P & Z minutes 05/21/2015 Ms. Mel Lenehan, 8251 Bayshore Dr., addressed the Board and expressed a concern with the loss of commercially zoned properties. Upon a question from Mr. Butler regarding undergrounding utilities and the easement necessary, the CI Director noted that a condition was missing from the staff report and the 10 foot easement along the entire width of the property on Gulf Blvd. is to be included as a condition. ACTION: Motion was made by Mr. Harris and seconded by Mr. Johnson to approve the site plan in accordance with staff recommendations and staff report and an added condition that an FDOT driveway connection and drainage connection permit or exemption be provided to the City prior to the issuance of a building permit and that a recorded easement be provided. Mr. Jack Bodziak, the applicant’s agent addressed the Board to explain that prior to granting a certificate of occupancy the driveway and drainage connection permits are granted. The City Attorney suggested adding the words to pay in the first condition of approval after the word responsible. An amended motion was made by Mr. Harris and seconded by Mr. Johnson to approve the site plan in accordance with staff recommendations and staff report and an added condition that an FDOT driveway connection and drainage connection permit or exemption be provided to the City prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy and that a recorded easement be provided. Upon roll call the vote to approve was unanimous. G. [PZ-2015-22-SR – Site Plan Review ]- T I Beach 9900 LLC, 9900 Gulf Boulevard is requesting a site plan review for a new single family structure along the Gulf of Mexico located at 9908 Gulf Blvd. Resorts Facilities High (RFH-50) *The CI Director offered a verbal presentation of the staff report noting the change made by the City Attorney in the condition of approval to be responsible to pay for the removal and/or relocation of any and all public utilities, etc. and to include the recorded 10 foot easement along with FDOT driveway and drainage connection permits if required prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. Mr. Jack Bodziak , the applicant’s architect and agent, addressed the Board. 5 P & Z minutes 05/21/2015 Ms. Mel Lenehan, 8251 Bayshore Dr. addressed the Board and questioned the easement and the sidewalk footage. ACTION: Motion was made by Mr. Harris and seconded by Mr. Butler to approve the site plan in accordance with the staff report including additional conditions as *noted above. Upon roll call the vote to approve was unanimous. 7. REPORTS AND COMMENTS FROM THE CITY ATTORNEY, STAFF AND BOARD MEMBERS: There were no reports 8. NEXT MEETING: The next regularly scheduled P & Z meeting will be Thursday, June 18, 2015 at 2:00 pm. 9. ADJOURNMENT: Motion was made to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 4:30 pm. A. J. Sarko Recording Secretary Dennis Fagan Chairperson 6 P & Z minutes 05/21/2015 A. Case No. PZ 2015-23V A variance to encroach into the front yard setback two and a half (2.5) nd feet for two 2 living level cantilevered shallow porches. Lot th 31 on 80 Avenue (currently vacant) (RM-15). CITY OF TREASURE ISLAND PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD 120 - 108th Avenue, Treasure Island, Florida 33706 Telephone (727) 547-4575; Fax (727) 547-4584 CASE NO. PZ-2015-23-VARIANCE STAFF REPORT JUNE 18, 2015; 2:00 P.M. - PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD PROPERTY OWNERS: Sherri Wiggins Hassan Salami 200 South 57th West Suite 103 Salt Lake City, UT 84101 DESCRIPTION: A variance to encroach into the front yard setback two and a half (2.5) feet for two 2nd living level cantilevered shallow porches. GENERAL INFORMATION: Location: Lot 31 on 80th Avenue (vacant) Land Use: Residential Medium Zoning: RM-15 Adjacent Property (Use): North: Lot 24 (24 80th Ave) - Single Family Dwelling Unit South: Part of lot 38, all of lots 39, 40 and 41 (26 79th Terrace) 8 Dwelling Units East: Lot 30 is vacant Lots 28-29 (28 80th Ave) Single Family Dwelling Unit West: Lot 32 is vacant Lot 33 (33 80th Ave) - Single Family Dwelling Unit Site Area: 35 feet x 40 feet = 1400 square feet Flood Zone: AE 12, Flood Insurance Rate Map Community Panel No. 12103C0257G, September 3, 2003. Site Legal: PENGUIN CABANA SUBDIVISION, LOT 31 1 Parcel #: 36-31-15-68283-000-0310 BACKGROUND: The subject site is a vacant lot lying south of 80th Avenue and east of West Gulf Boulevard. The applicants purchased this lot in 2011. STAFF ANALYSIS 1. The variance is in fact a variance as set forth within the Land Development Regulations and within the province of the Planning and Zoning Board based upon the opinion of the City Manager or his designee. The variance being requested is set forth within the Land Development Regulations and under the purview of the Planning and Zoning Board. 2. Special conditions or circumstances exist which are peculiar to the building, structure, or land for which the variance is sought and do not apply generally to buildings, structures, or lands in the same district. This lot is rectangular in shape and measures approximately 35 feet by 40 feet for 1400 square feet of area. The minimum lot dimensions for an RM-15 lot are 40 feet by 90 feet and a minimum of 4,500 square feet of area. Land Development Regulations, Sec. 68-451 Non-Conforming Lots, permits a single-family structure to be constructed on a nonconforming lot. The subdivision was platted in 1939, prior to the adoption of Ordinance 78-18 which prescribed minimum lot sizes. 3. Strict application of the provisions of the land development regulations would not permit the applicant reasonable use of the building; structure, or land. The Land Development Regulations permit the development of a single family home on a non-conforming lot as identified in the above response. The setback requirements are 10 feet for the front yard, 5 feet at the rear and side yards leaving a shallow depth for the building. 4. The peculiar conditions and circumstances existing are not the result of the actions of the applicant, the applicant’s agents, or the applicant’s predecessors in title. The size of the lot was platted in 1939 prior to the adoption of prescribed minimum lot sizes and not the result of the petitioner. 5. The variance proposed to be granted is the minimum variance that will make possible the reasonable use of the building, structure, or land. The variance proposed is the minimum required to develop the architectural features to the front yard of the proposed residence without imposing any sight restrictions to neighboring properties. The building footprint of the single family structure is within the required setbacks and the minimum variance requested is for two cantilevered shallow porches on the second floor living area. 2 6. Owing to special conditions, a literal enforcement would result in unnecessary hardship. Special conditions to be considered pursuant to this section of the land development regulations shall include, but not be limited to, the following circumstances: Redevelopment. If the proposed project involves the redevelopment or utilization of an existing developed or partially developed site. Substandard Lot(s). If the proposed project involves the utilization of an existing legal nonconforming lot(s). Neighborhood Character. If the proposed project promotes the established development pattern of a block face, including setbacks, building height, and other dimensional requirements. Public Facilities. If the proposed project involves the development of public parks, public facilities or public utilities. Architectural and/or engineering considerations. If the proposed project utilizes architectural and/or engineering features that would render the project more disaster-resistant. Comments: 7. Redevelopment – Not applicable. There is no record of a dwelling ever existing on this lot. Substandard Lot(s) - This is a substandard lot in the RM-15 zoning district. The minimum lot size is 40 feet x 90 feet with an area of 4,500 square feet. The petitioner’s lot measures approximately 35 feet wide x 40 feet with an area of 1400 square feet. Neighborhood Character – The neighborhood consists of non-conforming lots; that are both built upon with single family homes and a few vacant lots. The establishment of a single family home on this site is consistent with the neighborhood. The fact that the proposed improvement will be cantilevered allows the architectural feature to exist with the least impact on the neighborhood. Public Facilities – Not applicable Architectural and/or engineering considerations – The proposed project will abide by required state building and City flood control ordinances to provide for a more disaster-resistant dwelling unit. The variance provides for a 2.5 deep architectural feature on the front of the new home. The granting of the variance will be in harmony with the general purpose and intent of this chapter. The general purpose and intent of this chapter is to provide a variance where a hardship has been determined. The lot is substandard in size. The footprint of the new home will meet the zoning regulations. The owners are trying to establish an architectural feature on a very small house. 8. The granting of the variance will not be injurious to the neighborhood or otherwise detrimental to the public welfare. 3 The granting of this variance will not be injurious to the neighboring property owners. Granting the variance may enhance the character of the neighborhood by providing an architectural feature on the front of the house. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The staff recommends APPROVAL of the request; based upon the following: This rectangular shaped lot is substandard to the minimum lot requirements for a single family home in the RM-15 zoning district; This request is a minor variance to the front yard setback; The proposed encroachment will not block anyone's view and will not be injurious to the neighborhood. The proposed encroachment will be on the 2nd living level of the new home and it will be cantilevered from the building. Should the Planning and Zoning Board wish to DENY the variance, it would be based on the following finding: The variance request to reduce the required front yard setback from 10 feet to 7.5 feet is a self-imposed hardship to create two second living level cantilevered shallow porch. It is an architectural feature which is not necessary to provide for reasonable use of the lot. As described in Section 70-221, subsection (g) “The granted variance shall be valid for one year”. To remain in effect after one year, one of the following must have occurred: (1) An extension of time has been approved by the approving body; (2) Building permits relating to the requested variance have either been applied for or granted; or (3) A site plan review relating to the requested variance has been applied for or approved by the planning and zoning board. Any requests for an extension of time relating to a variance(s) must be in writing and received by the city manager or specified designee at least three weeks prior to its expiration date in order for the request to be placed on the approving body's agenda.” 4 A variance to encroach into the front yard setback 2.5 feet to reduce the required front yard setback from 10 feet to 7.5 feet for two cantilevered shallow porches on the 2nd living level of a new home. Planning and Zoning Board Action: [ ] Approved [ ] Denied [ ] Deferred 5 [ ] Approved with Conditions . J1015-2.-? v Case Number: City of Treasure Island Development Review Application Please use blue or black ink only. Failure to complete this form in its entirety will result in this application being returned without review. Note: A separate application is required for each request. Property Owners Address SHERRI WIGGINS / HASSAN SALAMI Agent 200 SOUTH 57 WEST SUITE103 Address SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84101 Phone 801-864-3894 Phone Fax Email Fax HSALAMI02@GMAIL.C0M List all Legal Owner(s) of Property: Email SHERRI WIGGINS AND HASSAN SALAMI SHERRI WIGGINS AND HASSAN SALAMI Complete legal description (may be placed on attached separate page): LOT#31, PEQUIN CABANA SUBDIVISION AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 23. PAGE 38 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF PINELLAS COUNTY , FLORIDA Development Name: SHERRI AND HASSAN RESIDENCE Site Location/Address: LOT # 31 80TH AVENUE TREASURE ISLAND FL 33706 Area of Development (Acreage or Square Feet) Parcel Identification Number (list all): Application Request 1400 SQUARE FEET 36-31-15-68283-000-0310 Variance of 2.5' on the front setback for a third level cantilevered shallow porche. ^ SINGLE HOME RESIDENCE SINGLE HOME RESIDENCE Future Land Use Designation Proposed Future Land Use Current Zoning ^^ Proposed Zoning RM15 I certify that I have reviewed the Land Development Regulations and that my submission meets all requirements. The only exceptions are those items to which I am requesting variances to or waivers from certain sections of the code and understand that they must be listed on the plans individually and on the attached transmittal. I understand that if an item does need a variance, it will be necessary to file through the appropriate review entity. Signature must be original (No copies, scans, faxes or e-mails) Owner/Agent os loCi (JM S Date VARIANCE APPLICATION FOR A NEW RESIDENCE FOR Sherri Wiggins and Hassan salami PENGUIN CABANA SUB LOTS 31 80ih AVENUE TREASURE ISLAND, FLORIDA NARRATIVE STATEMENT The Owner of this property is requesting a minor front yard setback variance in order to construct a new residence. The existing site is currently a vacant parcel. The lot size is 35' by 40' lot sandwiched between two vacant lots of the same size. Narrative: 1) The Owners are requesting a 2.5' variance to the front yard setback in order to construct an architectural feature ( Mediterranean looking cantilevered porches) 8'6"wide to the front of the proposed new residence. This structure will only encroach on the 3rd level with no supports extending down to the ground level. All other aspects of the proposed new home have been designed to meet all other setback and flood elevation requirements. 2) The existing site lot of 1400 square feet is sub-standard to the minimum lot size required by the RM-15 zoning for single family homes of 4,500 square feet and lot dimensions of 35' wide x 40' deep, thereby making development difficult to construct a sizable home for today's real estate market. The extremely shallow depth of the property at 40' feet with the required 5' rear setback and 10' front setback leaves a very small 25' remaining depth to design a residence. 3) The existing lot dimensions which are making construction challenging, are not the result of the applicant. 4) We believe this variance is the minimum required to help develop architectural features to the front of the proposed residence, without imposing any sight restrictions to neighboring properties. 5) Special conditions: a.) This property is an existing vacant lot. Past development may have occurred on this site, but is unknown to the applicant. b.) This is a substandard lot as mentions above in item #2. c.) The existing neighborhood has many non-conforming structures to this zoning district, ie: fronts of buildings not meeting the required 10' front yard setback. d.) This is not a public project. e.)This project has been designed to exceed the energy efficiency code as well as the requirements for hurricane resistant homes as it will integrate building with metal insulated panels so as to reduce the impact on the environment. 6) The granting of this variance will be in harmony with the intent of the code in order to provide relief to structures with hardships, while at the same time develop an attractive architecturally designed home. 7) The granting of this variance will enhance the character of the neighborhood as mentioned above We believe this is a minor encroachment to the 10' front setback. The encroachment totals only 42.5 square feet of area at the 3rd level. We feel that this variance would rather enhance the look of the structure embellish the look of 80th avenue and relieve the occupants from the rather very small 25' by 25' allowable building space . We ask for your thoughtful consideration of this variance request, as we feel that it will have little or no adverse effect to the neighboring properties or the city. Thanks for your consideration. Sherri Wiggins and Hassan Salami. 801-864-3894 Hsalami02@gmail.com (80TH AVENUE A-PER PLAT) ,6* 80TH AVENUE (30' R/W) (24' PAVED) N.A.V.D. BM. EL.~2.81' ON ,BACK OF CURB B.C. 5/8" F.I.R. (LB65J9) ADJ. J'W.F* "•O N.A.V.D. BM. EL =2.72' ON BACK OF CUR, /L JJ66' 70 '4Q"EL 35' (P&M) 5/8" F.I.R. (LB6539) - (BASIS OF BEARINGS) 3/4" F./.P. 105 (PAM) ADJ. 3' & 6'W.F. CLEAR 0.13' I I "sf- LOT 30 (VACANT LOT) LOT 32 «9 A? ki kj Q> N c\J Ch N LOT 31 O) £ § § 0.9'x1.2'x2' HIGH ELECTRIC BOX 0.9'Nx0.35'\ ADJ. 6'W.F. CLEAR 0.09 v OVERHEAD_ ELECTRIC UNES ADJ. 6'W.F,,X 5/8" SIR S66'10'40"W 35' (PScM) £ £ Co (/•) I;1P.P. 5/8" FIR (LB6539) VERHEAD ELECTRIC LINES 0.3' N 5/8' FJ.R. (0.13'SxO.OItf) LOT 40 LOT 39 LOT 41 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT 31, PENQUIN CABANA SUBDIVISION, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 23, PAGE 38, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF PINELLAS COUNTY, FLORIDA. JOB NUMBER: MMXIV157 TELEPHONE: (727) 360-0636 DATE OF FIELD SURVEY: 4/17/14 SCALE: 1 INCH = 10 FEET DRAWN BY: DCH CERTIFIED TO: DAVID C. HARNER PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR 9925 GULF BOULEVARD TREASURE ISLAND, FL 33706 SECTION 36 TOWNSHIP 31 SOUTH RANGE 16 EAST SHERRI WIGGINS AND HASSAN SALAMI FLOOD ZONE: "AE" (B.F.E.= 12) FLOOD MAP DATE: 8/18/09 COMMUNITY NUMBER: 125153 PANEL NUMBER: 0257 G CHECKED BY: DCH •• r PANEL'SQfl§o®[ra Stair Storage 8'-8" * 7'-0* 9'-0" Ceiling Bicycles 6070 Driveway Plants Ground Floor Plan 3/16" = r-o' Driveway !••• PDDD 3036CSMT 3036CSMT 3036AWNG I* ro 3 CL T] O O "V 0) 3 3068 3036AWNG 3036AWNG 3036CSMT 3036CSM •• •• •• PANEUkmftm 3024AWNG 3024AWNG Bath 12"-0" * 8'—10" 8'-0" Ceiling Arch Walk-In Closet 8'-0" Celling Walk-In 1 Closet Ii 8'-0" Ceiling Bedroom 1 Bedroom 2 11'—8" * 10"-98'-0' Celling 8'—0" Ceiling 3060CSMT 3060CSMT 3060CSMT 1st Floor Plan 3/16" = r-o" 3060CSMT •• PANEL 3024AWNG 3024AWNG Mezzanine 16-2" x t2'-6 Vaulted Celling Open to Below 6036HFXD 6036HFXD 3rd Floor Plan 3/16" = r-0 •• •• •• PANEL Roof Plan 3/16" = r-0" •• •• •• PANEL North Elevation 3/16" = r-0' •• •• •• PANEL East Elevation 3/16" = r-0" !••• Pooo CD CO r+ • CD < 05 PANELMo©0®m South Elevation 3/16" = r-0" PANELtftta©S®Bi) +35'-0" (49-0' NAVD) HEIGHT UMIT (BFE +2)+35 +34'—4" (48-4' NAVD) TOP OF ROOF / 4 +27'—1* (41'-r NAVD) TOP OF WALL +19'—0' 1/2" (33'-0 1/2" NAVD) TOP OF 3RD FLR +9'—6' (23'—6" NAVD) TOP OF 2ND FUR +9'—2" (23'-2" NAVD) TOP OF BALCONY 4 O'-O' (14'—0' NAVD) TOP OF 1ST FUR —1'—5" (12*—7' NAVD) TOP OF COLUMNS —2'—0" (12'—0" NAVD) — 10'—5" (3'-7" NAVD) TOP OF GROUND FLR — 10'—9" (3'—3' NAVD) TOP OF CARPORT SLAB -11'-4" (2'-8* NAVD) EXISTING GRADE I -14'-0" (Q'-Q- NAVD) T MEAN SEA LEVEL Cross Section 1/8" = T-0" REPORT OF THE GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION PROPOSED RESIDENCE LOT 31-80™ AVENUE TREASURE ISLAND, FLORIDA Driggers Engineering Services Incorporated 1 "S1 SSL D R 1 G G E R S • SERVICES INCORPORATED Geatechnical Engineering & Construction Materials Tasting Ms. Sherri Wiggins 510 W. Murray Boulevard Murray, Utah 84123 RE: i E N G 1 NEERING June 4, 2014 Report of the Geotechnical Investigation Proposed Residence Lot 31 - 80<h Avenue Treasure Island, Florida Our File: DES 147412 Dear Ms. Wiggins: In accordance with your request and authorization, DRIGGERS ENGINEERING SERVICES, INC. has completed the subsurface soil investigation for the planned residence. The following pages of this report present the results of our Held and laboratory studies, plus provide preliminary recommendations for structure subgrade preparation, foundation design and slab support. FIELD GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION To identify foundation subgrade conditions on the subject lot, a single Standard Penetration Test (SPT) boring was performed and advanced to a nominal depth of 45 feet below existing grade. The Standard Penetration method of sampling and testing was utilized to provide soil samples for visual classification and laboratory testing, plus to develop Standard Penetration resistance data reflective of the strength and bearing capability of the soils penetrated. Representative samples were returned to the laboratory for examination by the project engineer and assignment of laboratory classification tests. Plate I in the report Appendix provides an illustration of the approximate boring location. The results of the exploratory borings are also appended in the form of a boring log providing visual soil descriptions and estimated Unified Soil Classifications with depth, plus groundwater information. Also attached is a brief description of the Standard Penetration method of sampling and testing. Sarasota Phone: 941.371.3949 Fax: 941.371.8962 sarolfice@driggers-eng.com Cloarwater P.O. Box 17839 • Clearwater, Florida 33762 Phone: 727.571.1313 • Fax: 727.572.4090 clwoHice@driggers-eng.com Tampa Phone: 813.948.6027 Fax: 727.572.4090 tpaolflce@driggers-eng.com 2 LABORATORY CLASSIFICATION TESTING To aid in further characterizing the engineering properties of the subsoils encountered at the boring location, a limited laboratory classification test program was implemented. The classification tests consisted of a grainsize analysis and Atterberg liquid limit and plastic limit determinations. Results of the laboratory tests are presented in the report attachments. INDICATED SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS The exploratory boring has identified an upper unit of fine and sometimes shelly sands with variable silt and organic fmes content which comprise the SP Unified Soil Classification. Note, however, that a thin seam of high plasticity clay was evidenced between about 1.4 and 1.8 feet. Thus, some of these upper soils likely represent fill placed to develop current grades. The line sands were evidenced to a depth of about 18 feet where the fmes content increased, resulting in silty sands with an SM classification. The silty to slightly silty fine sands with shell continued to the completion depth of the boring. At the time of our field investigation, which was conducted in May of 2014, groundwater was measured at depth of 2.7 feet below existing gTade. It is anticipated that normal seasonal high groundwater levels would be tidally controlled and may occur relatively close to the measured level. GEOTECIINICAL EVALUATION STRUCTURE TYPE AND LOADING CONDITIONS - It is our understanding that your proposed residence will include two column supported elevated living levels above an open ground level. Steel stud framing would be utilized to construct the residence. We also anticipate that negligible fill would be placed to develop the final grade. Based upon experience with similar construction we anticipate individual column supports would be subjected to total axial compressive loads of 50 kips, or less. We also understand that the lot is within an "A" zone and therefore, deep foundations would not be mandated by building code. When your plans are complete, should final structural loads or fill thicknesses significantly exceed these levels, this office should be contacted to review recommendations herein. Driggers Engineering Services Incorporated 3 SHALLOW FOUNDATION RECOMMENDATIONS - If deep foundations are not mandated by the Building Code, shallow foundations may be utilized for structure support. With proper subgrade preparation, foundations may be designed based upon an allowable soil bearing pressure of up to 2,000 pounds per square foot. Foundations proportioned in accordance with this allowable soil bearing pressure should experience maximum total settlement of 1.0 inch or less considered excessive, we suggest incorporation of liberal steel reinforcement in the foundations and within grout-filled masonry cells in the columns. Such stiffening of the structure should help minimize cosmetic cracking due to minor settlement. Note that the exploratory boring has identified an upper fill unit which locally contains seams of clay. Such fill soils can also locally contain organic seams. Accordingly, subgrade preparation should include probing of foundation and slab areas for the presence of any moderate to highly organic soils, root zones, layers of high plasticity clay or other deleterious materials which would warrant undercutting and replacement with compacted, structural backfill. We recommend that these operations be conducted under the observation of a representative of the geotechnical engineer to help identify any highly organic or otherwise unsuitable materials which would warrant removal. Appended are specific recommendations for structure subgrade preparation and foundation design. DEEP FOUNDATION ALTERNATIVE - If mandated by the Building Code, or should you desire the added resistance to potential storm scour, pile foundations may also be considered. Typically, where modest pile capacities and design involve a relatively small number of piles, driven piles would be an economical alternative. Augered cast-in-place and augered displacement piling may also be considered as essentially vibration free alternatives. We can provide recommendations for these piling types upon request. Driven Piling - Treated timber piling having a minimum tip diameter of 8 inches and a butt diameter of not less than 10 inches should be capable of developing an axial compressive resistance of up to 15 tons when driven into the underlying medium dense sands. Based upon results of the single SPT boring, pile penetration depths on the order of 35 feet should be anticipated. However, experience suggests that there can be considerable differences in pile penetration depths within relatively short distances. Therefore, the contractor should plan for additional pile lengths. We would recommend limiting uplift resistance to 3 tons when penetrating to a minimum depth of 35 feet. It is recommended that dynamic pile driving formulae such as the Hiley formula or wave equation analyses be utilized for control of pile penetration. •riggers Engineering Services Incorporated 4 It must be recognized that the installation of timber piles will impart some noise and vibration. This vibration can cause minor settlements of adjacent structures if supported on shallow foundations. Accordingly, the pile driving contractor should certainly be cautioned with respect to special care that he must exercise in order to avoid potential damage to-neighboring structures. Pre-drilling through the upper soils can help reduce these vibrations. We suggest conducting a crack survey of adjacent structures prior to initiating the pile driving operations in order to document any existing distress. Quality assurance will also be warranted to confirm the required design capacity and the capability of the contractor's installation equipment. This testing usually involves installation of the piles under the continuous inspection of a qualified geotechnical engineer or geotechnician. The purpose of this inspection will be to monitor the penetration resistance during pile driving. Based upon the relatively conservative capacities provided we would not anticipate the need for load testing. SLAB-ON-GRADE CONSTRUCTION - Slab-on-gradc construction may be utilized for a ground level parking area beneath the structure with proper subgrade preparation and fill placement as discussed above. Fill required to establish design grades should be placed and compacted in lifts. Of importance is the subsequent compaction of backfill around foundations, adjacent to stem walls and within utility trenches in order to provide uniform slab subgrade support. DRIGGERS ENGINEERING.SERVICES, INC. appreciates the opportunity to assist you on this project. Should you have any questions concerning the results of our geotechnical studies, please do not hesitate to contact this office at your convenience. Respectfully submitted, DRIGGERS ENGINEERING SERYICE^ENG /Nicholas T. Korecki, P.E. Senior Geotechnical Engineer FL Registration No. 45529 NTK-REP\147412 Copies submitted: (3) •riggers Engineering Services Incorporated No. 45529 V* OK# APPENDIX RECOMMENDATIONS FOR SUBGRADE PREPARATION AND FOUNDATION DESIGN PLATE I - BORING LOCATION PLAN STANDARD PENETRATION TEST BORING LOG SUMMARY OF LABORATORY TEST RESULTS GRAINSIZE ANALYSIS METHOD OF TESTING Driggers Engineering Services Incorporated RECOMMENDATIONS FOR SUBGRADE PREPARATION AND FOUNDATION DESIGN •riggers Engineering Services Incorporated RECOMMENDATIONS FOR SUBGRADE PREPARATION AND FOUNDATION DESIGN SUBGRADE PREPARATION h The entire-building area"and for a distance of at least 5 feet beyond the outside foundation perimeters should be stripped of all surface vegetation, topsoil, existing buried structures and foundations and other objectionable material. Exact depth of stripping should be determined by a representative of the soil engineer in the field. All previous underground pipes, conduits, tanks or other structures should be located that may require removal. Soils used to backfill excavations should consist of suitable structural fill backfilled in compacted lifts as specified hereinafter. 2. The structure area and especially foundation areas should be hand probed for the presence of soils with excessive organic content, root concentrations or other unsuitable material which will require overexcavation and replacement with compacted structural fill. Removal of unsuitable material should extend beyond the footing or structure perimeter at least 3 feet. Backfilling should follow the recommendations listed below. 3. A hand-guided, vibratory compactor (minimum drum width of 36 inches) should be employed on the stripped grade and the soil compacted to at least 95% Modified Proctor (ASTM D1557) density. A qualified engineer or technician should be present during initial compaction operations to check proper compactor performance and compaction procedures. 4. Subgrade compaction should consist of no less than eight (8) to ten (10) complete coverages in a criss-crossed pattern. In addition, compaction should achieve a minimum density of no less than 95% of the Modified Proctor maximum dry density established in ASTM D-1557. 5. The bottom of footing excavations should be compacted using a vibratory sled or impact compactor. A density of at least 95% of the Modified Proctor maximum dry density should be obtained at the bottom of footing elevation. 6. Density tests should be used to control subgrade compaction. At least one (1) density test should be performed for every 2,000 ft.2 at a depth of 6 inches below the compacted, stripped subgrade elevations. No fewer than two (2) tests should be planned. Density tests should also be performed in the bottom of the footings. FILL AND BACKFILL PLACEMENT 1. Fill and backfill required to develop proposed grade should be inorganic, clean to slightly silty fine sand, free of unsuitable debris. For example, soils with a Unified Soil Classification of SP to SP-SM would certainly be considered suitable. 2. The fill should be placed in lift thicknesses not exceeding 9 inches with each lift compacted to a density of not less than 95% of the Modified Proctor maximum dry density. Thinner lifts may be required depending upon compactor size and performance. Moisture content within the fill soil should be controlled to within ±2% of optimum as established in ASTM D-1557 to help ensure development of both density and stability during compaction operations. No fewer than six (6) to eight (8) coverages should be performed on each lift using the above specified hand-guided vibratory roller. 3. Density tests should also be used to control fill placement. At least one (1) density test should be performed for each 2,000 ft.2 per fill lift. No fewer than two (2) tests should be planned per fill lift. FOUNDATION DESIGN 1. Shallow foundations may be designed based on an allowable bearing pressure of up to 2,000 pounds per square foot based upon dead plus live plus wind load requirements. 2. We recommend a footing embedment of no less than 16 inches below finished grade, but excessive embedment should be avoided to take advantage of the compaction process and maintain the footing as high as possible within the compacted structural fill. 3. Slab-on-grade construction may be utilized. To maintain slab support, care should be taken so that all excavations made for foundations and utilities are backfilled with suitable fill compacted in thin lifts with a small compactor. Before backfill is placed, all water and loose debris should be removed from these excavations. 4. Wall foundations should be no less than 16 inches wide and individual column foundations should be no less than 3 feet wide. PLATE I - BORING LOCATION PLAN •riggers Engineering Services Incorporated 0 I EGEND: ® STANDARD PENETRATION TEST BORING LOCATION CAD RLE NAME: A:\PIATE1\147412.DWG SHEET TITLE BORING LOCATION PLAN PROJECT NAME PROPOSED RESIDENCE LOT 31 - 80th AVENUE NE TREASURE ISLAND. FLORIDA 5 10 20 SCALE IN FEET DRAWN BY: R.D.B. DATE: 5/19/14 PREPARED BY •^i=o=-Hi DRIGGERS ENGINEERING SERVICES, INCORPORATED SHEET NO. PLATE I STANDARD PENETRATION TEST BORING LOG •riggers Engineering Services Incorporated •RIGGERS ENGINEERING SERVICES INCORPORATED Project No. PES 147412 BORING NO. B-1 Project Proposed Residence, Lot 31 - 80th Avenue NE, Treasure Island, Florida Location See Plate I Foreman Completion Depth To DePth 46.5' Date 5/9/14 Water 2.7' Time B.D. Date 5/9/14 STANDARD PENETRATION TEST BLOWS/FT. ON 2" O.D. SAMPLER-140 LB. HAMMER, 30" DROP SOIL DESCRIPTION SURF^EL: Light brown Fine SAND with shell (SP) Dark gray CLAY (CH) Light brown Fine SAND with trace of shell (SP) Medium dense light brown Fine SAND with shell VIE) • Medium dense light grayish-brown Fine SAND (SP) 5/9/15 6/8/8 5/11/12 8/10/14 5/6/7 Medium dense light grayish-brown Fine SAND with abundant shell (SP) 4/7/7 7/8/8 Loose dark gray silty Fine SAND with shell (SM) 3>•*!?»> WTsW J????: itfKKrt ffc?*. Very loose dark gray slightly silty, slightly clayey Fine SAND with trace of shell (SP-SM) WH/WH/2 Loose to medium dense light gray slightly silty Fine SAND with shell (SP-SM) KB?# 3/3/2 ft'sTO Remarks Borehole Grouted WH = Weight of Hammer Casing Length 40.0' DRIGGERS ENGINEERING SERVICES INCORPORATED BORING NO. B-1 Project No. PES 147412 Project Proposed Residence, Lot 31 - 80th Avenue NE, Treasure Island, Florida Location See Plate I Foreman Completion Depth 46.5' Date 5/9/14 %ater 2.7' x CL UJ a Time Date a: cc .J H B.D. ora SOIL DESCRIPTION S >to 5/9/14 STANDARD PENETRATION TEST BLOWS/FT. ON 2" O.D. SAMPLER-140 LB. HAMMER, 30'LDROP gSg > -J Q. o CL r: -J 5 £ m<o SURF. EL: Loose to medium dense light gray slightly silty Fine SAND with shell (SP-SM) 35 - uu s. 4/16/11 IMWI 40 / Very loose dark brownish-gray silty Fine SAND with shell (SM) / / 1/1/2 / \ 45 - \ Loose dark grayish-brown silty, slightly clayey Fine SAND with trace of shell (SM) \ \ 8/3/5 1 50 H 55 - 60 65 - Remarks Borehole Grouted WH = Weight of Hammer Casing Length 40.0' SUMMARY OF LABORATORY TEST RESULTS •riggers Engineering Services Incorporated SUMMARY OF LABORATORY TEST RESULTS BORING NO. B-l DEPTH («) 1.4-1.7 WV. DESCRIPTION 58.1 Dark gray CLAY Yd (pcf) G, ATTERBERG LIMITS LL PL S3 27 P.P. (tsf) U.C CON. W% 25.0-26.5 = Con. CI (ppm) SO 4 (ppm) RES. (ohm-cm) Consolidation Test Ydfpcf) = Gs = LL = Dry Density Specific Gravity Liquid Limit G.'S. (+1) ORG. (%) CI. (ppm) Grainsize Analysis (Hydrometer) Organic Content Total Chloride PL PI P.P. (tsf) U.C. Plastic Limit Plasticity Index Pockct Penetrometer Unconfmed Compression SOJ (ppm) RES. (ohm-cm) Totn! Sulfate Lab Resistivity See Test Curves Percent Passing No. 200 Sieve — = = = pH • with trace of shell Water Content ORG. (V.) PI Dark gray slightly silty, slightly claycy Fine SAND B-l G.S. CLIENT: Sherri Wiggins PROJECT: Proposed Residence, Lot 31- 80ft Avenue NE, Treasure Island, Florida DES 147412 FILE: GRAINSIZE ANALYSIS •riggers Engineering Services Incorporated PRIGGERS ENGINEERING SERVICES, INC. u. S Sta«KU«J Siava Numben \ 100 l 10 50 GRAVEL Number B-l Depth 25.0' - 26.5' Natural Moisture Coarse LL P. L P. 1. 1 0.5 0.1 0.05 Grain Size in Millimeters SAND Medium 1 Fine Classification Dark gray s ngrit ly si Ity, slightly clayey Fine SAND with trace of shell Q.01 0.005 SILT or CLAY CLIENT: Sherri Wiggins PROJECT: Propos 2d Residence, Lot 31 - 80th Avenue NE, Treasu *e Island, Florida FILE: DES 14}'412 0.001 METHOD OF TESTING Driggers Engineering Services Incorporated STANDARD PENETRATION TEST AND SOIL CLASSIFICATION STANDAMD PENETRATION TEST (ASTM P-15861 _ In.the. Staidard Penetration Test boriDgs, a rotary drilling rig is used to advance the borehole to the desiired test depth. A viscous drilling fluid is circulated through the drill rods and hit to stabilize the borehole and'to assist in removal of' soil and rock cuttings up and out of the borehole. . • Upon reaching the desired test depth, the 2 inch O.D, split-barrel sampler or "split-spoon", as it is sometimes called is attached to an N-size drill rod and lowered to the bottom of the borehole. A 140 pound hammer, attached to the drill string at the ground surface, is then used to drive the sampler into the formation. The hammer is successively raised and dropped for a distance of 30 inches using a rope and "cathead" assembly. The number of blows is recorded for each 6 inch interval of penetration or until virtual refusal is achieved. In the above manner, the samples are ideally advanced a total of 18 inches. The sum of the blows required to effect the final 12 inches of penetration is called the blo.wcount, penetration resistance or "N1.1. value of the particular material at the sample depth. • After penetration, the rods and sampler are retracted to the ground surface -where the core sample is removed, sealed in a glass jar and transported to the laboratory for verification of .field classification and storage. • . . SOIL SYMBOLS AND CLASSIFICATION . .. Soil and rock samples secured in the field sampling operation were visually classified as to texture, color arid .consistency. The Unified Soil Classification"was assigned to each soil stratum per ASTM D-2<187. Soil classifications are presented descriptively and symbolically for ease of interpretation. The stratum identification lines represent the approximate boundary between soil types. In many cases, this transition may be gradual. ' Consistency of the soil as to relative density or undrained shear strength, unless otherwise noted, is based upon Standard Penetration resistance values of "N" values and industry-accepted standards. "N" values, or blowcounts, are presented in both tabular and graphical form on each respective boring log at each sample interval. The graphical plot of blowcount versus depth is for illustration purposes only and does not warrant continuity in soil consistency or linear variation between sample intervals. The borings represent subsurface conditions at respective boring locations and sample intervals only. V ariations in subsurface conditions may occur between boring locations. Groundwater depths shown represent water depths at the dates and time shown only. The absence of water table information does not necessarily imply that groundwater was not encountered. Rev. 9/20]] 1 VVDD BBLL VEE H AA 800TT 22 21 28 29 20 43 30 W W 19 42 VVDD BBLL LLFF GGUU 31 32 33 41 40 37 44 45 R R EER H H TT 7799TT 36 W W 46 VVD BBLL LFF GGUU 47 48 W W VVDD BBLL LLF GGU 51 59 58 57 56 VVEE H H AA 7799TT 55 54 53 61 62 52 63 PZ 2015-23V Lot 31 – 80th Avenue NORTH RR EE D O ORR YYSSH BBAA 49 50 RR EE DD ORR HHO YYSS BBAA 39 38 35 2 RR EE DD ORR HHO YYSS BBAA LLFF GGUU W W 23 34 3 25 24 15 17 26 13 14 16 18 27 12 R EERR HH TT 8800TT DDRR RREE HHO YYSS BAA 11 2 60 8 Site 1 VVDD BBLL VEE H AA 800TT 22 21 28 29 20 43 30 W W 19 42 VVDD BBLL LLFF GGUU 31 32 33 41 40 37 44 45 R R EER H H TT 779TT 36 W W 46 VVD BBLL LFF GGUU 47 48 W W VVDD BBLL LLFF GGUU 51 59 58 57 56 VEE H H AA 7799TT 55 54 53 61 62 52 63 RR EE D O OR YYSSH BBAA 49 50 RR EE DD O ORR YYSSH BBAA 39 38 35 2 RR EE DD ORR HHO YYS BBAA LLFF GGUU W W 23 34 3 25 24 15 17 26 13 14 16 18 27 12 R EERR HH TT 8800TT R E DD ORR HHO YYSS BAA 11 2 60 8 PZ 2015-23V Lot 31 – 80th Avenue NORTH Site PZ 2015-23V Lot 31 – 80th Avenue (vacant lot) Looking Southwesterly on 80th Avenue Google Map CITY OF TREASURE ISLAND, FLORIDA PUBLIC NOTICE TREASURE ISLAND PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD PUBLIC HEARING CASE NO. PZ 2015-23 VARIANCE DATE: THURSDAY, JUNE 18, 2015 at 2:00 P.M. TREASURE ISLAND CITY HALL AUDITORIUM LOCATED AT 120 108TH AVENUE PROPERTY OWNERS: SHERRI WIGGINS HASSAN SALAMI 200 SOUTH 57 WEST SUITE 103 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84101 PROPERTY LOCATION: LOT 31 80TH AVENUE (VACANT LOT) The Planning and Zoning Board will consider a variance to reduce the front yard setback from 10 feet to 7.5 feet to construct a 3rd level cantilevered architectural feature (two Mediterraneanlooking porches) on a newly proposed single family house. th PLANS FOR THE APPLICATION MAY BE REVIEWED AT THE COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT DEPARTMENT, 120 108 AVENUE, TREASURE ISLAND, FLORIDA, BETWEEN THE HOURS OF 8:00 AM AND 4:30 PM, MONDAY TO FRIDAY. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL THE COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT DEPARTMENT AT 547-4575 EXT. 239. Ex parte communication - The substance of any ex parte communication with a board member which relates to quasijudicial action pending before the Board is not presumed prejudicial to the action if the subject of the communication and the identity of the person, group, or entity with whom the communication took place is disclosed and part of the record before final action on the matter. The board member may read a written communication from any person. However, a written communication that relates to quasi-judicial action pending before a board member shall not be presumed prejudicial to the action, and such written communication shall be made a part of the record before final action on the matter. Board members may conduct investigations and site visits and may receive expert opinions regarding quasi-judicial action pending before them. Such activities shall not be presumed prejudicial to the action if the existence of the investigation, site visit or expert opinion is made a part of the record before final action on the matter. Disclosure must be made before or during the public meeting at which a vote is taken on such matters, so that persons who have opinions contrary to those expressed in the ex parte communication are given a reasonable opportunity to refute or respond to the communication. (For more information see Florida Statutes 286.0115) Any person desiring to file an appeal to any action taken by the Board at this meeting will need a record of the proceedings and for such purpose may be required to insure that a verbatim transcript is made. Said transcript shall be made by the appellant at his or her expense. The City maintains a tape recording of all public hearings. In the event that you wish to appeal a decision, the tape may or may not adequately insure a verbatim record of the proceedings. Therefore, you may wish to provide a court reporter at your expense. Any person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding is entitled to assistance th at no cost. Please contact the office of the City Clerk in writing at 120 108 Avenue, Treasure Island, Florida 33706, or by phone at 727-547-4575, at least two working days prior to the meeting to advise what assistance is needed. NOTE: THE STAFF COMMENTS AND OTHER CORRESPONDENCE MAY ALSO BE VIEWED AT THE COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT DEPARTMENT OFFICE. _________________________________________ Paulette E. Cohen Community Improvement Director B. Case No. PZ 2015-24SR Site Plan Review for a new 7 unit motel with restaurant. 9650 Gulf Blvd. (CG) THIS CASE HAS BEEN POSTPONED TO JULY 16, 2015 BY THE REQUEST OF THE APPLICANT. C. Case No. PZ 2015-V A marine variance to increase the combined maximum width of a marine structure from 35 feet to 38 feet – 10 inches for a residential dock th with 2 boat lifts. 12175 5 Street, East (RU-75) CITY OF TREASURE ISLAND PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD 120 - 108th Avenue, Treasure Island, Florida 33706 Telephone (727) 547-4575; Fax (727) 547-4584 CASE NO. PZ-2015-25-V STAFF REPORT Thursday, June 18, 2015 at 2:00 p.m. Planning and Zoning Board PROPERTY OWNER: Anita Ford 12175 5th Street, East Treasure Island, FL 33706 AGENT: James (Jay) A. Pruitt 12175 5th Street, East Treasure Island, FL 33706 DESCRIPTION: A marine variance to increase the combined maximum width of a marine structure from 35 feet to 38 feet – 10 inches for a residential dock with 2 boat lifts. GENERAL INFORMATION: Location: 12175 5th Street, East Land Use: Residential Urban Zoning: RU-75 Adjacent Property (Use): North: 12205 5th St – single family house South: 12155 5th St. – single family house East: Boca Ciega Bay West: 5th St. right-of-way 12170 5th St. single family house Lot Area: 70 feet x 120 feet Waterfront Width: 70 feet 1 Flood Zone: AE 11, Flood Insurance Rate Map Community Panel No. 12103C0192G, September 3, 2003. Site Legal: CAPRI ISLE SUBDIVISION, BLOCK M, LOT 33 and RIPARIAN RIGHTS Parcel #: 14-31-15-13284-013-0330 BACKGROUND: The property owner purchased this property in 1986. On the subject lot is a non-FEMA compliant single family home that was built in 1962. The current waterfront structures include a 30 foot long dock and a 13 feet – 2 inch wide boat lift on the left side of the dock and a large wet slip on the right side of the dock. The applicant intends to install a 16,000 lb. boat lift on the right side of the dock and build a 3foot wide catwalk 15 feet in length with a 2 feet - 6 inch lower landing. The catwalk meets code and does not require the review and approval of the Planning and Zoning Board. Pertinent regulations pertaining to Marine Structures Chapter 69 - MARINE STRUCTURES AND COMMERCIAL FISHING DIVISION 1. - GENERALLY Excerpt from Sec. 69-32. - Definitions Private dock dwelling, single-family means any dock which will be used by an individual owner, his family and friends, or means any single structure dock facility which provides dockage for a duplex type residential unit. This definition is not to include docks servicing zero lot line attached units. A private dock shall not be used for the production of income. Catwalk means a narrow dock with a minimum width of 24 inches and a maximum width of 36 inches. Dock means any structure, otherwise known as a pier, wharf or loading platform which is constructed on piling over open water or which is supported by floatation on the water. Service catwalk means a structure on pilings over open water similar to a dock. The service catwalk shall be a minimum of two feet wide, a maximum of three feet wide and used solely in conjunction with a boat lift for servicing the boat and lift. This structure shall the considered part of the boat lift. ARTICLE II. - MARINE STRUCTURES DIVISION 3. - CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE Excerpt from Sec. 69-71. - Docks, davits, boat lifts and boats. (a) Maximum width, length and position of docks, davits, boat lifts and tiepoles. (1) All docks to be constructed on waterfront property of less than 60-foot frontage must be located so that no portion of the proposed dock is closer to either extended property line than 2 one-third of the waterfront measurement. All docks to be constructed on waterfront property of more than 60-foot frontage must be located so that no portion of the proposed dock is less than 20 feet from either adjacent extended property line. Docks located on waterfront property on the inside corner of a canal may be located not closer than five feet from either adjacent extended property line. (2) All docks, not to include boatlifts and davits, shall be constructed so that the width of same shall not exceed 25 percent of the width of the property involved at the waterfront. Residential docks and boat lifts shall be limited to a combined maximum width of 35 feet. The length of docks shall not exceed a maximum length of 50 feet, including tie poles. Catwalks shall have a minimum width of 24 inches and a maximum width of 36 inches. (3) All davits and lifts shall comply with all setback and locational requirements of docks. (4) All tiepoles shall be located within the extension of the side property lines, project not farther above the surface of the water than is reasonably necessary for their use, and in no case higher than ten feet above mean high water. Tiepoles shall be located no more than 50 feet from the seawall. (5) Docks shall be constructed so that no portion of the deck projects above the level of the seawall cap more than 12 inches. (6) The location of all docks, including the measurements, limitations and restricted area in which docks are not permitted, shall be in accordance with the requirements of Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein, which, along with its locations, measurements, limitations and restricted area is incorporated in this Code. (7) All docks, davits, lifts or tiepoles, as permitted, shall be located so as not to interfere with the riparian rights of adjacent properties. (8) All boats and personal watercrafts moored at a private dock shall be located so as not to interfere with the riparian rights of adjacent properties. (d) Number of docks. Private docks. A private dock shall not be used to accommodate more than two boats for permanent mooring. No more than one dock structure shall be located at any dwelling, singlefamily, with the exception of service catwalks. Catwalks and service catwalks will be considered part of the private dock and shall be included in the width calculations for the total dock structure. DIVISION 4. - VARIANCES Sec. 69-91. - Procedure. (a) Requests for variances from the requirements of this chapter shall be heard by the planning and zoning board. No variance may be granted unless the applicant establishes, by substantial competent evidence, that: 3 (1) A literal enforcement of the provisions of this article would result in extreme hardship due to the unique nature of the project and the applicant's property; (2) The variance being sought to be granted is the minimum variance that will make possible the reasonable use of the applicant's property; and (3) The granting of the requested variance will be in harmony with the general intent and purpose of the chapter and will not be injurious to the area involved or otherwise detrimental or of adverse effect to the public interest and welfare. (b) In granting any variance, the planning and zoning board may prescribe appropriate conditions and safeguards. (c) The planning and zoning board shall prescribe a reasonable time limit not to exceed one year within which the action for which the variance is granted shall be initiated. (d) Variances shall not be deemed to set precedence for other applications should they be either standard applications or those requiring variances. (e) In no event shall the planning and zoning board grant variances permitting construction of structures which interfere with or violate the riparian rights of adjacent properties. STAFF ANALYSIS: (1) A literal enforcement of the provisions of this article would result in extreme hardship due to the unique nature of the project and the applicant's property. Applying the regulation to this location does not diminish the applicant’s opportunity to use the waterfront. The applicant currently has the maximum number of permanent mooring locations on the lot. (2) The variance being sought to be granted is the minimum variance that will make possible the reasonable use of the applicant's property. The applicant has reasonable use of the lot and the waterfront of the property. The maximum number of permanent mooring spaces for a private residential home is two. The applicant currently has 2 permanent mooring spaces, a boatlift and a wet slip. (3) The granting of the requested variance will be in harmony with the general intent and purpose of the chapter and will not be injurious to the area involved or otherwise detrimental or of adverse effect to the public interest and welfare. The property owner at 12155 5th St East has already provided a notarized signature on the Pinellas County Dock Application to permit the placement of the new boat lift 15 feet 4 inches from the lot line. That is the neighbor who would be most impacted by this marine improvement. 4 The subject lot is rectangular in shape. The neighboring lots on each side of the subject property are also rectangular in shape. It is unlikely that there will be a navigational concern that will result from the installation of the new boat lift. The variance request does not appear to be similar with the pattern of marine structure sizes in Treasure Island. As one looks at an aerial of the City (especially at the end of the “fingers”), it does not appear that this variance request for the waterfront structure to be greater than 35 feet to be in harmony with lots in the city with a much greater waterfront width. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends DENIAL of the request for a marine variance to increase the combined maximum width for a residential dock and boat lift from 35 feet to 38 feet-10 inches. There are two permanent mooring spaces on this site. Therefore, the maximum number of permanent mooring spaces is already available at this single family home. The maximum width for a marine structure is the same for all private single family residential properties in the City, without regard to the waterfront width. The maximum width regulation is applied equally to all lots bordering Boca Ciega Bay, Johns’ Pass and Blind’s Pass. This is not in harmony with other marine structures in the City. If the Planning and Zoning Board members wish TO APPROVE the request for a marine variance to increase the combined maximum width for a residential dock and boat lift from 35 feet to 38 feet – 10 inches, the findings would be: The property owner already has a wet slip is this location and no additional permanent mooring locations will be created by this request. The property owners to the right (most impacted by the installation of the new boat lift) located at 12155 5th Street, have signed the Pinellas County dock application for the applicants not objecting to the placement of the new boat lift. Pursuant to Sec. 10-221 (g) The granted variance shall be valid for one year. To remain in effect after one year, one of the following must have occurred: (1) An extension of time has been approved by the approving body; (2) Building permits relating to the requested variance have either been applied for or granted; or 5 (3) A site plan review relating to the requested variance has been applied for or approved by the planning and zoning board. Any requests for an extension of time relating to a variance(s) must be in writing and received by the city manager or specified designee at least three weeks prior to its expiration date in order for the request to be placed on the approving body's agenda. CASE PZ 2015-25V A variance request to increase the combined maximum width for a residential dock and boat lift from 35 feet to 38 feet-10 inches. Planning and Zoning Board Action: [ ] Approved [ ] Denied [ ] Deferred 6 [ ] Approved with Conditions . yz 9c\^ ~£5 V Case Number: City of Treasure Island Development Review Application Please use blue or black ink only. Failure to complete this form in its entirety will result in this application being returned without review. Note: A separate application is required for each request. Owners' f-Q&b^ flfJtTft Agent Address / 7-1 HS" fitA St• £- Address 7 (t& Xs/an^t h 3396k 1 1 7-b ~~~ ' 3^'lCX^ Phone 7Z7- ^7-l^o/l'ZA hM'Oltoti Phone fl2J] Fax 727- 3(P1~ 12W0 12^1 Email II Fax '1?Ji M7,-S <4 (JbrA d\ 7aMMCiJLf WM-gjU-tL. Email .<^>W List all Legal Owner(s) of Property: f fXZQ{ tk^\ rt>\ Complete legal description (may be placed on attached separate page): . ioi & iDevelopment Name:" (X PTS, Cc:pv Site Location/Address: 1'2-1*73- 5-K ) ^ Vnf.^u-v^g- Area of Development (Acreage or Square Feet) Parcel Identification Number (list all): Application Request Future Land Use Designation Current Zoning. gf ef(Lo/frfeij A^l/1lficn/i 1 br^4 C ifr *J/n tllA Proposed Future Land Use _ Proposed Zoning _ tj/i A)/# I certify that I have reviewed the Land Development Regulations and that my submission meets all requirements. The only exceptions are those items to which I am requesting variances to or waivers from certain sections of the code and understand that they must be listed on the plans individually and on the attached transmittal. I understand that if an item does need a variance, it will be necessary to file through the appropriate review entity. Signature must be original (No copies, scans, faxes or e-mails) Shslzoi^ owner Owp£r/AgenK Date O (/tnita (fold. 72/75 S" Stjl (jT^eabWce ^Ibland (fjf*- 33706 727-644-0768 (p/ione) 727-344-3267 (fax) afo,Ld@uitiae?Lcuic.efJ^hQ^ To: City of Treasure Island Board/Commission 120 108"' Ave Treasure Island, FL 33706 REF: Requesting Marine Variance To whom it may concern: I am requesting a variance of the width requirement so that I can install a boatlift to the right side of my dock. I have an existing wet slip which will accommodate up to a 50 foot boat in this area, where a 40 foot boat was recently moored. I am no longer able to maintain the large vessel, so I am requesting the variance so that I can safely moor and board a smaller boat from a boatlift, rather than the existing wet slip. Tearing down the existing dock to construct a conforming structure would create an undue financial hardship. Thank you for your consideration. Anita Ford PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYORS CHECKED BY: EDM PH. (727) 347-8740 576011TH AVENUE NORTH ST. PETERSBURG, FLORIOA 33710 OF FIELD VNORK: 11/26/12 FAX (727) 344-4640 WWW.MURPHySLANOSURVEYiN6.COM ;ERTIFIED TO: Patricia S. Keener Sun/ey not valid for more than one (1) year from date of field work. SCALE: 1" = 20' WO. S —nay—14 • .or YACHT BASIN BOAT LIFT 4" VIWIFE 226' OVER- 5 27° 34' 00' SEC. 14 TOP. 31 S. RGE. 15 E. 2R- fi Ft>. 15.6' J.7' CONC. SEAWALL -ADJ. 4" VINYL FE OJO'OR. o o Cvl 4'VlKM.fe. - 2 0.23' aft.— ADT.6'VIN/LFE. - * O-23'OVR mo? 12.24! LOT 7.66* LOT 1 STY. MAS. <5t FRM. #12205 -ADJ. 6" VINYLFe. 0.13' OVER 2.70' ac . LOT UJ LU LU O vO CVJ 1/2* FIR S27°.34'.00;; E 70.00WM) (BASIS OFBESOMS) o oo CD t-f CL 5/8" FIR fl.C A BOUNDARY SURVEY OF: Lot 32, Block M, CAPRI ISLE BLOCKS L-M-N-O, as recorded in Plat Book 39. Paae 6 of thfi Puhlir. Rftnords nf Application # /ATE POCK, ^ AMIf: Ford, Anita 2175 5th St. E. Treasure Island, PL. 3370G *P ^ "" 1J (OFFICIAL USE ONLY) REVI?'*-,?;;V. r-osc COMPLIANCE MHW MLW BOTTOM Profile View ENG. SCALE: 201 -2SSL TOTAL SQUARE FEET NEW SQUARE FEET WATERWAY WIDTH WATERFRONT WIDTH \ I/ — M- 2GO 70' This p**ct qut»#«6 tef U.S. AWH/ tisffts of Engineers permi! SAJ-96. Approval from the Fl Ospi ot Environmental Protection (813-632-/600) may also be required Plan View (applicant and adjacent docks) z/|\ O P/L P/L c8 8> o EXISTING WETSLIP UfT I 1 1 r 1 \ EXISTING c :DOCK= / 32' 2'-GH—^A'^-{ O-G'-^ 2G'-G" SHOREUNE The undersigned does not object to the proposed dock and requested variances as drawn in the space provided above. Left Owner: John E. 4/or Patricia 5. Keener Right Owner: N/A Signature Municipality Approval Water and Navigation Approval 5; EYASTIU\Q> MAY l 8 20!) Date lONl APPROVED PINELLAS COUNTY PRIVATE DOCK Application # NAME: Ford, Anita (OFFICIAL USE ONLY) I 2 I 75 5th St. E. Treasure bland, PL. 337OG MHW MLW BOTTOM Profile View ENG. SCALE: I" = 20' TOTAL SQUARE FEET NEW SQUARE FEET WATERWAY WIDTH WATERFRONT WIDTH M/ —M— 3071 52.5' 2GO' 70' Plan View (applicant and adjacent docks) /1 \ REMOVE PART OF EXISTING DOCK CONSTRUCT EXTENSION e - PtoPOSED PIUNS © - If-SET PIUNG P/L 3&-10" V- 47-G 40' EXISTING BOAturr EXISTING =DOCK.3 42 "e" PROPOSED 16.000# NCPTUNC eoATurr 50' 30' I G-& 2'-£"<NTS> 15'-1 a 5-i-l 4'_ 10"—J—I 5-4' 5'-1 0" 22-6" <NTS>" The undersigned does not object to the proposed dock and requested variances as drawn in the space provided above. Left Owner: N/A Right Owner: N/A Signature Date Signature Municipality Approval Date Water and Navigation Approval Vkoposed PRIVATE POCK Application # ' NAME: ford, Anita (OFFICIAL USE ONLY) I 2 I 75 5th St. E. Treasure Island, EL. 33706 MHW MLW BOTTOM Profile View 3Q7-5' TOTAL SQUARE FEET NEW SQUARE FEET WATERWAY WIDTH WATERFRONT WIDTH ENG. SCALE: I" = 20' M/ 52.5' 2 GO1 70" Plan View (applicant and adjacent docks) REMOVE PART OF EXISTING DOCK, CONSTRUCT EXTENSION • - PROPOSED PILING O - RE-5CT PILING F/L t- EXISTING BOATLIFT 4 , 40' 42 -6" P/L 3&-1 0" 47-6" :EXISTING =DOCK. PROPOSED G.OOO# NEPTUNE BOATLIFT 50' 30' k.,V M 0'- 20' G'-G"2'-6"<NTS> M lla^:(Vf.R^ - ^ !=4;•<w*Iv.v.*>cn-:£* :• * " -•'ti.f 5'-10"—J—I 3'-2"- ^1 • I Is • V a 'I!1 .•.Vrfl."-' fi. / I ??' C" •UL. cs'-J-—I 4'-1D"——I ^"-4"—*— " ——I ?'— 5'-10" <NTS> The undersigned does not object to the frofosed dock and requested variances as drawn in.the space provided above. Left Owner: N/A Signature Right Owner: Suzanne $/or Jeffrey Wrtght Date *6 Municipality Approval PateA-^-^ Water and Navigation Approval "p«opo^ Uu/ hbeSR Application # VARIANCE REQUEST FORM Left Lot Owners Name: N/A Mailing Address: Zip: I Certify that I am the owner of Lot which adjoins the property owned by the applicant who proposes to construct a Commercial | | Multi-use | | Private x ! dock at the following address: I have seen the plans of the proposed structures) with any requested variances (see Section IVB of Application) and therefore: DO OBJECT! | DO NOT OBJECT X to the construction. OWNERS SIGNATURE: X Date: NOTARY: STATE OF FLORIDA, PINELLAS COUNTY, BEFORE ME the undersigned authority, personally appeared , well known to me, or who provided a valid Florida Driver's license to be the person who executed the foregoing instrument and that he/she acknowledged to me, under oath, that he/she signed the same freely and voluntarily for the purposes expressed therein. Witness my hand and official seal this day of .,20. Notary Public My commission expires: Right Lot Owners Name: Suzanne P. &/or Jeffrey K. Wright Mailing Address: 12155 5m St. E. Treasure Island~FLT Zip: 33706 I Certify that I am the owner of Lot 34 which adjoins the property owned by the applicant who proposes to construct a: Commercial Multi-use I Private dock at the following address: 12175 5th St. E. Treasure Island. FL. 33706 I have seen the plans of the proposed structure(s) with any requested variances (see Section IVB of Application) and therefore: Dp-pBJECT| | DO NOT OBJECT |"Y"| to the construction. QWNE SIGNATU Date: " NOTARY: STATE OF FLORIDA, PINELLAS COUNTY, BEFORE ME the undersigned authority, flSrsonally appeare3~D . , well known to me, or who provided a valid Florida Driver's License to be the person who executed the foregoing instrument and that he/she acknowledged to me, under oath, that he/she signed the same freely and voluntarily for the purposes expressed therein. Witness my hand and official seal this*7 day of ^ Notary Public My commission expires: £ "/ ^ ^ TINA MARIE KELLESTINE COMMISSION # FF 26717 EXPIRES June 12, 2017 — NOTARY * PUBLIC STATE OF JLORIPA BONDED THROUGH Rll INSURANCE COMPANY 20 ^ ^ _ / 0 70 12 12300 12255 12150 70 90 12205 12250 70 TT EE HH SS 55T 70 12175 83 12 70 (S) 12 540 83 0 83 70 12 0 0 75 14 12125 12150 80 SITE PZ 2015-25V 12175 5th Street, E NORTH 560 0 70 12155 12170 (S) 140 70 12200 520 84 DD LLVV II BB PPRR CCAA 0 70 12 12300 12255 12150 70 90 12205 12250 70 TT EE HH SS 55TT 70 12175 83 12 70 (S) 12 540 83 0 83 70 SITE 12175 5th Street – aerial NORTH 12 0 0 75 PZ 2015-25V 14 12125 12150 560 0 70 12155 12170 (S) 140 70 12200 520 84 PZ 2015-25V SITE 12175 5th Street Google aerial NORTH CITY OF TREASURE ISLAND, FLORIDA PUBLIC NOTICE TREASURE ISLAND PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD PUBLIC HEARING CASE NO. PZ 2015-25 VARIANCE DATE: THURSDAY, JUNE 18, 2015 at 2:00 P.M. TREASURE ISLAND CITY HALL AUDITORIUM LOCATED AT 120 108TH AVENUE PROPERTY OWNER: ANITA FORD 12175 5TH STREET, E TREASURE ISLAND, FL 33706 AGENT: JAMES (JAY) A. PRUITT 12175 5TH STREET, EAST TREASURE ISLAND, FL 33706 PROPERTY ADDRESS: 12175 5TH STREET, EAST The Planning and Zoning Board will consider a marine variance to increase the combined maximum width of a marine structure from 35 feet to 38 feet – 10 inches for a residential dock with 2 boat lifts. th PLANS FOR THE APPLICATION MAY BE REVIEWED AT THE COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT DEPARTMENT, 120 108 AVENUE, TREASURE ISLAND, FLORIDA, BETWEEN THE HOURS OF 8:00 AM AND 4:30 PM, MONDAY TO FRIDAY. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL THE COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT DEPARTMENT AT 547-4575 EXT. 239. Ex parte communication - The substance of any ex parte communication with a board member which relates to quasijudicial action pending before the Board is not presumed prejudicial to the action if the subject of the communication and the identity of the person, group, or entity with whom the communication took place is disclosed and part of the record before final action on the matter. The board member may read a written communication from any person. However, a written communication that relates to quasi-judicial action pending before a board member shall not be presumed prejudicial to the action, and such written communication shall be made a part of the record before final action on the matter. Board members may conduct investigations and site visits and may receive expert opinions regarding quasi-judicial action pending before them. Such activities shall not be presumed prejudicial to the action if the existence of the investigation, site visit or expert opinion is made a part of the record before final action on the matter. Disclosure must be made before or during the public meeting at which a vote is taken on such matters, so that persons who have opinions contrary to those expressed in the ex parte communication are given a reasonable opportunity to refute or respond to the communication. (For more information see Florida Statutes 286.0115) Any person desiring to file an appeal to any action taken by the Board at this meeting will need a record of the proceedings and for such purpose may be required to insure that a verbatim transcript is made. Said transcript shall be made by the appellant at his or her expense. The City maintains a tape recording of all public hearings. In the event that you wish to appeal a decision, the tape may or may not adequately insure a verbatim record of the proceedings. Therefore, you may wish to provide a court reporter at your expense. Any person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding is entitled to assistance th at no cost. Please contact the office of the City Clerk in writing at 120 108 Avenue, Treasure Island, Florida 33706, or by phone at 727-547-4575, at least two working days prior to the meeting to advise what assistance is needed. NOTE: THE STAFF COMMENTS AND OTHER CORRESPONDENCE MAY ALSO BE VIEWED AT THE COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT DEPARTMENT OFFICE. _________________________________________ Paulette E. Cohen Community Improvement Director