Jun 2014 - The British Association of the Var


Jun 2014 - The British Association of the Var
British Association of the Var
Putting people and social needs together since 1998
June 2014
Association Loi 1901 No: W831001750
No 145
Lunch at Cotignac
On 13 May the BAV embarked upon a slightly different
form of lunch at Notre Dame de Grace, Cotignac. At this
notable place of interest and local beauty spot we gathered
on the terrace for aperitifs, followed by a talk by Patrick
Verilan. He spent about 45 minutes discussing the
relationship between the British and Provence since 300BC
when Pytheas travelled to the British Isles and made
amazing calculations, such as a remarkably accurate calculation of the area of the
country. He also discussed the travels of Lord Brougham and Queen Eleanor.
Queen Victoria apparently started the relationship with Cannes as it was
then part of Savoie and not France (the relationship with France was not
good at the time). It was a surprise that in ancient times Fréjus was the
world's largest port. The talk was informed, articulate and interesting and
demonstrated Patrick's great interest in the area.
The talk was followed by a buffet lunch and then a walk around the
interesting features of Cotignac, including the caves in the rock face overlooking the town. Members were
very enthusiastic and indicated they would like to repeat a similar event with Patrick.
Les Arcs - St Georges Day
At one time it seemed as if the lunch in St Maximin was never to be, as,
when it came to giving the Couvent Royale the numbers, we were
informed that the restaurant was to close for 2 months for works.
Happily, however, we were able to find a suitable alternative restaurant
in the form of the Logis de Guetteur, part of the hotel of the name
located in a commanding position in the old castle overlooking the town
of Les Arcs sur Argens. Fortunately
most of the proposed diners were able
to accept the change of location and we had a good turnout of 33
including guests. We were fortunate in having a beautifully warm spring
day and thus were able to benefit fully from the views for many
kilometres over the surrounding countryside. The restaurant treated us
admirably with a pre-amuse bouche, amuse bouche, and 3 tasty courses
and the service was impeccable. A toast was given to St George in recognition of his day.
Forthcoming Events
Committee Meeting
16 June
Summer Soiree – La Motte
11 June
Lunch at Trout Lake, Entrecasteaux
26 June
Quiz evening at Lac St Cassien
11 July
Vendange Lunch at Lorgues
13 September
Commemoration lunch for WWI
In Draguignan
10 October
10 pin bowling and Asian buffet lunch,
Fréjus - November
Christmas lunch at St Aygulf
Lakeside Quiz Evening
Another quiz, this time in the evening in the east
of the Var on the shores of the beautiful Lac St
Cassien at the restaurant Les Arbousiers in
Tanneron, with views of the lake. There is a
beach for swimming and pedalos or canoes for
hire during the afternoon. Bring your summer
visitors to enjoy this unusual venue.
Friday, 11 July
Quiz at 17.30 followed by meal at 19.00
Fish, chips and mushy peas
Spare ribs and chips
Crème caramel
WINE EXTRA - €9.50 50cl pichet
Price: €17 members, €19 non-members
Optional quiz: €5
Directions: From the south – leave the A8
autoroute at Les Adrets, junction 39. Turn left
onto the D37 towards Lac St Cassien and the
restaurant is about 5 mins further on the left.
From the north – from the D562 Draguignan to
Grasse road, after the turnings to Callian and
Montauroux, turn right onto the D37 to Lac St
Cassien and follow the road towards the A8. The
restaurant is the last on the right.
Peter and Shirley Rowson invited you to join
them for a
Summer Soiree & “Finger”
Buffet with Boules Tournament
18h00 - Wednesday 11 June
Directions will be given on request. Please
bring a plate of “finger” food, savoury or
*************************, 83920 La
Motte. 04 94 ********
All places are now filled – sorry!
Lakeside Gourmet
On Thursday 26 June at 12.00
we will be returning to an
unusual venue for lunch at the
Trout Lake about 3km west of
Entrecasteaux towards Carcès.
Members who have been
before were impressed with the gourmet
standard of the food served and the peaceful
surroundings overlooking the trout lake. You can
even pay to go fishing for the afternoon. Places
are limited to 60 so please book as early as
possible and not later than 12 June. The booking
form is in this newsletter.
Menu – 32€ members, 34€ non-members
Gambas à l'ail et aux persil flambées aux
Entrecôte aux cèpes à la crème avec ses
Assortiments de 3 fromages et son miel
Profiteroles au chocolat et ses fruits frais
Vin et café compris
On the road towards Carces to the south of the
village. After 3 km there is a pronounced bend in
the road to the left and a sign on the left saying
“Etang du Peche”, about 200m from Domaine
Campagnaud. Follow this track for several
hundred metres until the road opens out into a
car park with the trout lake on the right.
“What’s On” Guide
Zenith Oméga, Toulon: 0892 700 840
Opera House, Toulon: 04 94 93 03 76
Draguignan Theatre: 04 94 50 59 59
Forum Theatre, Fréjus and Centre Culturel, St
Raphaël: 04 94 95 55 55 www.aggloscenes.com
June 2014
31 May-1 Jun Fréjus, Base Nature. Donkey Fair.
Sat: afternoon and evening, Sun: all day. Free.
31 May-1 Jun Le Rayol Canadel, Jardin des
Meditérranées. Rendez-vous aux Jardins. (Other
villages also) Guided visits 10h30 and 14h30. 04
98 04 44 00
7 Jun St Raphaël, Basilique Notre Dame de la
Victoire. Concert by Esterelenco choir. 20h30. 04
93 69 33 10
7 Jun La Motte, village centre. Fête des
Vignerons. Buy a glass for €5 and taste local
wines. 19h00.
8 Jun Lorgues, Chateau de Berne. Brocante
professionnelle. 04 94 60 43 60
13 Jun Grimaud, Eglise Notre Dame de la Queste.
Soirées Musicales de Grimaud. Concert –
Ensemble Barbara Furtuna (male quartet,
Corsican music). 21h00. €20. 04 94 55 43 83
13 Jun Les Baux. Coach trip to Les Baux and the
Klimt exhibition in the Carrières. €35. 04 94 73 69
02 for details.
14 Jun Régusse, Eglise. Concert Romance –
Camerata Vocale. 20h30. Free.
14 Jun St Raphaël, Eglise Anglicane St John, ave
Paul Doumer. Concert – sacred music. 18h00.
Donations. 04 94 50 38 46
14-15 Jun Fayence, Ecomusée Agricole. Les
Médiévales. 8h00-17h00. 06 63 19 40 71
15 Jun,Le Thoronet, Abbaye. Les Voix Animées –
Italian sacred music. 18h45. €20. 06 51 63 51 65
15 Jun Fréjus, cathédrale. Concert – Chorale Vent
du Sud. 16h00. Free.
19-26 Jun Gassin, Polo Club. 16th Anniversary
Tournament. 04 94 55 22 00.
21 Jun All towns and villages. Fête de la Musique
– music in the streets. Evening. Free.
21 Jun Fayence, Aérodrome. Rassemblement
Vintage – historic cars, gliders and aeroplanes.
9h00-20-00. Free. 06 15 47 71 13
22 Jun Lorgues, Chateau de Berne. Journée
saveurs d’été. 04 94 60 43 60
24 Jun Draguignan, cinema. Opera film – Manon
Lescaut, Puccini. 19h45. €19
26 Jun-2 Jul Callian, various venues. Festival de
Violoncelle – various concerts. www.cello-fan.com
27-29 Jun Roquebrune-sur-Argens, Renouveau
Holiday Village, La Bouverie. Royal School of
Church Music Singing Weekend – Fauré, Elgar,
etc. Residential or day attendance. See website
for details: www.rscmfrance.org or ring 04 94 50
38 46
28 Jun St Raphaël, Pinède du Golf de Valescure.
Concert gourmand – Esterelenco choir. 20h30. 04
93 69 33 10
29 Jun Fréjus, cathédrale. Concert – Ensemble
Vocal de Cannes. 16h00.
29 Jun Fréjus, Le Clos des Roses. Croc et Classic
– outdoor concert, bring your own picnic and
boules. Booking essential. 04 94 52 80 51
Emergency contacts:
Medical help/SAMU
Police/Police Nationale
Fire and accident/Sapeurs Pompiers
SOS – all services (calling from a mobile)
BAV Welfare phone
06 42 86 49 01
EDF English speaking number
05 62 16 49 08
Orange English speaking No.
09 69 36 39 00
Annie Bruel
Born in Paris, after a
moving often due to
her father’s work,
Annie Bruel married
settling in the Var
where she became a
gym teacher. Since 1964 she has lived in the
canton of Fayence, firstly in Callian, then in the
quiet hilltop village of Tourrettes and worked as
an instructor in teacher training colleges in Nice
and Draguignan until her retirement.
Her love of literature led her to
become a writer under her
maiden name of Annie Bruel
and she has written a dozen
novels about life in the Var,
both in former times and
today, lovingly describing the
countryside and giving an
insight into the local way of
life, yet weaving these observations
into entertaining and fascinating stories. For
instance, “Les Amants de Malpasset” uses the
Malpasset dam disaster in Fréjus as its theme,
“Le Mas des Oliviers” is set around Mons, and
“Jean de Casteloun” features Callian and
Card Making Workshops
Pat Powell and her daughter Nikki are back in
France and look forward to running more Card
Making sessions. All materials are supplied to
make 3 or 4 cards at a nominal fee of 10 euros.
The skills required are suitable for beginners as
well as those of you who have attended previous
Please get in touch if you are interested in
coming along, and if you prefer to hold a
workshop in your own home this can also be
arranged. Groups can be from 6 - 12 people. It's
a lot of fun and a very rewarding way to spend
an afternoon.
Contact: **@2of2.co.uk or 04 94 ********.
Desperate to Stop?
call Alcoholics Anonymous
24 hour helpline –
08 20 20 02 57 aa-riviere.org
June Gardening Tips
This is the month when it is necessary to water
all plants very regularly. The first warm weather
will dry out the soil and dehydrate the vegetation.
The answer to this problem is to spread material
around the base of shrubs and mulch with grass
collected when mowing. Alternatively mulch with
natural straw, apricot stones or coconut in order
to retain the humidity in the soil, which will last
for several days and economises on the use of
You should keep an eye out for attacks of aphids
on rose bushes and other shrubs. This can be
cleared up with soapy water (a mixture of water
and savon noir) sprayed onto the plants.
Interspersing lavender and oeillets d’Indes
(marigolds) around the plants can also help to
keep these nuisance insects at bay.
Finally, you must strictly avoid watering onto the
leaves which promotes a powdery mildew and
lime deposits on the foliage and stems. Also hoe
the ground as one hoeing is as good as watering
French Lessons
Towards the end of last year we announced that
the Committee had, in the interest of improving
members’ French, decided to subsidise French
lessons and at the May Committee meeting we
discussed this further. We have had a few
instances recently where, worryingly, the lack of
particularly concerning.
In two cases a
Committee member was asked to contact the
emergency services on behalf of an ill British
resident and in another instance we discovered
that many retirement homes will not accept non
French-speaking residents.
A group of 10 members has, as a result,
commenced lessons for 1.5 hours a week and we
have agreed to subsidise lessons for one
trimester/three months in the sum of 50% of the
cost of lessons up to 7.50€ per week per person.
So, if you are able to get together with some
other local members for a group lesson, please
contact the Committee regarding the subsidy
which would be paid to the teacher directly.
British Association of the Var
Welfare Coordinator
Ann Mitchem
04 94 ******** or 06 ***********
The Azur Photography Group
Sunny Painting day at Montauroux
Our last meeting followed on from the ‘hands on’
session we enjoyed previously with our ‘mentor’
John. Having had the opportunity to understand
more about the significance of aperture and
shutter control when photographing various
scenes, it was now time to reveal how members
had put this advice into
When displayed on the large
screen, the importance of
various camera controls
affect the quality of the image became
immediately apparent. Although anybody with a
modern digital camera can obtain perfectly
acceptable results with the
‘automatic setting’, this
understanding how the
various controls operate, it is possible to be much
more creative. We hope to put this new
knowledge to good effect for our next outdoor
For more details please contact Mike Harper
Mike Harper
Our day started with a warm
welcome and warm sunshine.
We spent the whole day
painting in the stunning
surroundings of the home of
Hilary and Peter Rost. Our
painting table was decorated with vases of
beautiful wild flowers picked that morning for us
by Hilary, our kind hostess. Lovely works of art,
floral perfume and lively conversation filled the air
and our canvasses. Every corner of the garden
was a work of art waiting to be captured. We had
our shared lunch together in the shady garden,
and this proved as usual to be varied and
delicious. Peter produced a wonderful salad
adorned with edible wild flowers, all straight from
his vegetable garden. After exchanging culinary
compliments and recipes we painted again till late
afternoon, then reluctantly said goodbye and
thank you to our hosts. It was the most idyllic
Our next painting day will be at the lake at
Roquebrune sur Argens on Tuesday 17th June.
Please contact me (Stella Reynolds) on 04 94 70
37 71 for times, details and directions. We have
discussed having lunch at the restaurant at the
lake, instead of our usual shared lunch.
We have eaten there before and it was a very
good meal and reasonably priced. There is also a
picnic area at the lake.
04 94 ********
Happy Boules
The boules group meets every
week on Mondays at central Var
locations and has lunch at 12.00
followed by boules.
Whilst not
formally being a BAV event, the lunches are
extremely friendly and informal, typically with 10-16
people and at modest prices of 14-16€ plus wine.
If you would like to join us or find out where we are
meeting (announced at the beginning of the week)
please contact chairman@baofthevar.com
You will be assured of a friendly welcome and you
may even want to try playing boules, spare boules
are always available.
Rob Flanagan
Chairman's Report
Since last month's report the situation regarding
the Committee has become critical as Ann
Mitchem has been obliged to stand down as
Welfare Coordinator at least for some months for
personal reasons. We are therefore anxious to
find somebody to take on this role as Ann had, in
any event, proposed to stand down from this
position at the next AGM but remain on the
Furthermore, Ann was our
coordinator for the Vendange lunch.
We therefore need members to come forward in
order to assist as part of the welfare team as
helpers as well as coordinator and also to
volunteer as cookies for the lunch. Cookies will, of
course, be reimbursed for expenditure on food
and ingredients. This assistance at the Vendange
lunch could be as little as cooking or making a
single dessert or producing a part of the overall
starter or main course for the 100 attendees. We
will also need some assistance in the kitchen on
the day. Please contact any of the Committee if
you think that you can help.
Since making a comment in the newsletter in late
summer last year about reduced attendances at
events and late booking by members, I am
pleased to say that we have been delighted at the
level of bookings over recent months with
typically over 30 members booking for each
event. This though also brings another problem
of the capacity of venues as we do not know the
number of attendees at the time of booking an
event. This, however, is a problem that we are
happy to have if events are fully subscribed.
Equally, it is disappointing to have to turn
members away if we are over-subscribed.
Naturally we were particularly delighted to see
the ever popular Summer Soirée, hosted by Peter
and Shirley Rowson fully booked up some 6
weeks in advance!
The Committee is particularly concerned to host
the members and it has been decided to
re-impose the 2€ guest donation on top of the
cost of events. This may also have an advantage
to the BAV as one guest at a recent event said
that it might actually persuade her to join the
BAV. So, if you have friends who are regularly
guests please suggest that they join us.
You will see details of the next quiz event at
Tanneron /Lac St Cassien in the newsletter.
Shirley Rowson has now been quiz 'master' at
two lunches and these have been found to be
interesting, amusing and challenging. It is in July
and ideal for bringing guests who can take
advantage of the lake's facilities. We hope to see
you there but please book early.
Financial Planning phone calls
An employee of De Vere financial services joined
the BAV a couple of years ago, for one year only,
possiby as a means of finding new customers.
Since then some members have received “cold
calls” from this company, who said their name
had been given to the company by an
acquaintance. They were unable to name this
acquaintance when asked. We sincerely hope
they are not using the BAV Address Book as their
contacts list, as this is contrary to the terms of its
publication, so in order to monitor this situation
could you please inform the Chairman if you
receive such calls.
British TV in France
Thank you for the feedback to the articles I have
written regarding this subject. Many of you now
have larger dishes installed and (or) are using the
internet for your UK TV. Our bigger dish (1.25M)
has been receiving well for some months now,
even in wet weather, though as I write the signal
is at its lowest level and the BBC and ITV
channels are on the limit of reception. There
seems to be a two week cycle from strong signal
to weak signal on the Astra2E/2F satellites which
doesn’t affect those in the UK, but down here
with fringe reception it can be critical. As a result
I am also installing internet UK TV mainly as a
backup in case any further changes are made to
the satellite signal strength.
Astra2G was due to be launched by a Russian
satellite shortly but may be delayed due to the
political situation. We await any further satellite
channel changes as a result.
Rob Ward
Benefits for BAV members
(Please show your membership card)
Cigalon, Grand Rue, Flayosc 04 94 70 45
85. Offer: complementary espresso
coffee at this fine dining restaurant.
Flayosc Co-operative - 5% discount available with
the special BAV fidelity card. Full range of wines
and sparkling wine available together with fresh
cheeses, wine accessories etc.
Le Petit Romain, opposite Casino, Salernes
04 94 67 54 11. Offer: complementary espresso
coffee at this popular restaurant with a menu de
jour at 14.50€.
Lei Cigales, Route de Draguignan, Villecroze
04 98 53 02 88. Offer: complementary espresso
coffee in this restaurant specialising in galettes
and crepes with a separate menu du jour at
Nathalie and Fabrice Alric Antiquities, Place de
l'eglise, Villecroze - Offer 10% discount on a
range of antique style household furnishings and
a larger discount on antiques.
La Provençal, Place Martin Bidoure, Aups. 04 94
70 00 24. Free espresso coffee with meal.
Le Grand Hotel, Place du Général Duchatel, Aups.
04 94 70 10 82. Free coffee or digestif with meal.
Les Trois Marches, 11 Cours Gambetta, Cotignac.
04 94 04 65 99. Pretty provençal restaurant. Free
espresso coffee with meal.
Hotel and restaurant L’Orée du Bois, Quartier Ste
Roseline, Le Muy. 04 98 11 12 40. Free coffee or
tea with meal.
New York Break, 19 rue Picot, close to Place de la
Liberté, Toulon. 04 94 98 69 14 or 06 42 65 08
21. Free drink with every meal.
Aviva Insurance, Vidauban. Luc de Bardonnèche
offers various insurance discounts for BAV
members – see his advert in the Newsletter.
New members
We welcome Judith and Michael Coleman of
Cotignac to membership of the British Association
of the Var.
Vendange Lunch
The annual Vendange Lunch will take place on 13
September at noon at Domaine St Marc des
Omèdes, Chemin de Vaussiers, 83510 Lorgues
and will cost €25 for members and €27 for nonmembers. The usual delicious buffet will be on
offer and there will be Christmas cards and books
This is always a popular event and numbers are
strictly limited to 100, so book early to secure a
place. A booking confirmation form will be sent
out in response to the booking form, which must
be brought to the event to gain entry.
If you are willing to be on the team of
“Cookies” for this event, please contact Rob
Flanagan 04 94 ******** or
VISIT PROVENCE – places to go in
the Var and beyond.
Eden Theatre , La Ciotat
Almost twenty years after
closing down, the Eden
cinema in La Ciotat reopened
architectural gem located on the waterfront, it
would have been demolished more than once if it
hadn’t hosted, on March 21 1899, the Lumière
brothers mythic projection. In fact, many of their
films were shot nearby.
Also a theatre, the Eden
Theatre, with its 166 red
velvet seats, has also
witnessed the beginning of
many careers including that
of Fernandel, Yves Montand and Edith Piaf. In the
end it was due to financial reasons that the
cinema closed in 1983, only reopening briefly for
a festival, before closing for good in 1995 for
security reasons.
Thanks to the Marseille-Provence 2013, European
Capital of Culture year, the Eden can now enjoy a
new lease of life with a remarkable renovation
costing a total of 6 million euros and is back in
action as a cinema and theatre.
Boulevard Georges Clémenceau
13600 La Ciotat
04 42 83 89 05
Possible refund from EDF
(from The Connexion)
Lawyers are advising that electricity users have
the right to make a request for repayment of a
tax that makes up part of electricity bills, backdated for two years. The Contribution au service
public de l’électricité (CSPE) can make up to 10%
of a typical bill and is meant to help companies
cover costs such as investing in greener ways of
generating electricity. However the tax has been
ruled to be a form of illegal state aid by the
European Court of Justice, meaning that, in
theory, users – whether individuals or firms – can
apply to have tax that they have paid over the
last two years (24 months) before applying
refunded. For example if you apply for a refund
on May 1, 2014 you cannot claim a refund for tax
paid before May 1, 2012. The typical family using
electric heating could, therefore, be due a refund
of several hundred euros. This should include
VAT (TVA), which is at 20% for bills for this year
and was previously at 19.6% (note that if you
had a bill that was payable in January this year it
may still have been at the 19.6% rate - check it).
The outcome in France of such a request is not
yet certain, and is expected to depend partly on a
decision of the French Conseil d’Etat, which has
yet to rule. However lawyers say that the letter of
EU law means refunds are due and they urge
applications are made as soon as possible before
the Conseil potentially tries to impose more
restrictive conditions on claims.
should be made by lettre
recommandée avec avis de réception (LRAR) –
recorded delivery with reception slip – including
copies of your previous bills as proof of tax paid,
for the last 24 months. It is advisable to keep a
copy of your letter and the documents sent. If
you have not kept the paper bills you may be
able to recuperate them online via your personal
space on your supplier’s website
(see http://residential.edf.com/residential55833.html). The bills should itemise the
amounts of CSPE paid.
We suggest the following wording is used:
Suite à l’arrêt de la Cour de Justice de l’Union
Européenne daté du 19 décembre, 2013 (affaire
C-262/12) concernant la Contribution au service
public de l’électricité, je réclame par la présente
un remboursement des sommes relatives à la
CSPE figurant sur mes factures d’électricité et
payées par moi-même au cours des 24 derniers
mois précédant l'envoi de cette lettre (€ INSERT
Je joins à cette lettre des exemplaires de mes
Dans l’attente de votre réponse, veuillez agréer,
Monsieur, mes sincères salutations,
and sent to the following address:
Monsieur le Président
Commission de Régulation de l’Energie
15 rue Pasquier
75379 PARIS Cedex 08
Summer Soirée 11 June
Please note that this was booked up by 4 May.
We are delighted by the response, and sorry for
those who were too late to book. We did warn
you to book early! This type of event is very
popular, so if anyone else is able to offer their
house and garden for an event like this, please let
the committee know. A guidance sheet is
available and help may be at hand from your
Neighbourhood Network.
Bargain Basement
For Sale
Zodiac Cadet 340 with 6hp Mariner outboard.
EUR1,500. Laser dinghy with combi road and
launching trolley. EUR1,500.
Hamish Donaldson, La Croix Valmer:
The Bereavement Support
Network of the Var (BSN)
This organisation exists to support not only the
bereaved but also those who are terminally ill,
and their families and friends. If you, or
someone you know, could benefit from our
confidential, free support, then please contact:
Sandra - 04 94 84 64 89 or 06 32 35 31 24
info@bsnvar.org or www.bsnvar.org
for further information.
See the Latest News and Forthcoming
Events on our BA website
Golf Range
A new golf range has just opened in Salernes, in
a gorgeous valley, surrounded by hills and within
a short ‘drive’ of the centre of the village. The
owners had to overcome many years of
bureaucracy before works could begin and even
then an archaeological excavation had to take
place before the landscaping could start. Now, 11
years on, the Golf Range is open Saturdays,
Sundays and Mondays with the other days used
for continuing the works.
The plan is to have a 9
hole golf course with each
hole designed to present a
different challenge. There
will also be a putting green.
It’s run by 3 professional
teachers, one of whom
(Roger Giraud) trained
international coaches at
Saint Cloud Golf Club (near Paris) for many years;
his son Eric has been golf champion of France on
4 occasions and
represented his country on the European circuit.
His partner, Elizabeth Troubetzkoy, joins the
Practice de Golf de Salernes is run by CFEG
(Centre de Formation Enseignant de Golf)
www.cfeg.fr and reservations for private lessons
can be made with Eric, who speaks some English,
on 06 76 43 91 80 or e.giraud88@gmail.com. The
web site for the golf course is not yet ready. The
address : Quartier Paillette, 83690 Salernes.
The owners were surprised that a baby sanglier
has ‘adopted’ them and can sometimes be seen
wandering near Roger.
TGV development in the Var
This subject has reappeared after a request from
L’Association TGV Développement to reopen the
debate about an improved line from Marseille to
Nice, passing through the centre Var. A public
enquiry took place in mid-May. Their proposal is
for a line from Aubagne via Brignoles to Le Muy,
avoiding the costly and much disputed detour via
Toulon, and using the existing corridor of the A8
autoroute. They would like this stage, and that of
Le Muy to Cannes, to be brought forward to
2025, with the route to be published as soon as
possible for the information of those likely to be
affected by it. This scheme was presented to the
transport and environment department in Paris
recently, where it received the predictable initial
response of lack of finance.
Committee Members
Chairman - Rob Flanagan
Secretary - Michael Wharton
Treasurer - Lesley Honeywell
Welfare Coordinator - Ann Mitchem
Events Secretary - Kevin Bell
Publicity publicity@baofthevar.com
John Lloyd
Important non-Committee Members
Membership Secretary - Peter Rowson
membership@baofthevar.com 04 94 *****
Newsletter Editor – Shirley Rowson
newsletter@baofthevar.com 04 94 *****
Ron Alldridge, formerly a BBC radio presenter, currently lives in a beautifully
restored maison de maître in the centre of the village of Varages in Provence Verte. A
large part of the house is let to guests according to demand, and is very popular with
visitors from the USA due to its Provençal style and the walled garden with pool
hidden behind the house. You can see this beautiful house on
Who’s Who in the Var – Ron Alldridge
However, his life leading up to this point took a very different path, as I found out while we talked
over coffee in the main square of Varages in front of Ron’s house, with Samba the bearded collie
lying at our feet. His Christian faith has played a large part in this journey and he believes nothing
happens by chance. His first job was on a ship belonging to the American Christian organisation
“Operation Mobilisation” where he became communications manager, as they sailed around the
world providing practical aid to countries in need.
which it is impossible to switch off.”
Having read a book by a former producer of the
Panorama programme on BBC TV, he decided his
future lay in broadcasting and this person helped
him to get a job in BBC radio, where he worked for
13 years on programmes such as “Women’s Hour”,
and also a programme called “A month in a
monastery”, based on the idea of “Desert Island
Discs” but more searching – asking celebrity guests
what they would miss most during a month in a
monastery. “Broadcasting is a great privilege,” he
said. “You feel that you are at the centre of the
world and the first to know about world events.
However, it is also a demanding and tiring job, from
After a holiday in Lorgues twelve years ago, he and his wife – who worked for the United Nations
– decided on a change of lifestyle. By this time Ron was working as a freelance broadcaster and
they both felt they could manage their careers around a move to the Var, so began to look for a
property. After selling their house in London they rented one in Lorgues and viewed 70 houses in
the Var before finding the right one in unusual circumstances – divinely inspired, according to
Ron. He visited Varages by chance and was sitting in the square where he saw the beautiful
wooden door of the Maison du Faiencier, remarking to Samba that he wanted a door like that.
Soon after he saw the very door in an estate agent’s window and realised that the house was for
sale, and the rest is history. The house was built in 1609 and needed much work doing to bring it
up to today’s example of a tasteful Provençal property, retaining its original feel but with all “mod
Looking back on his career with the BBC, Ron learnt several important lessons: VIP interviewees
will not always react as you would wish, becoming barely articulate when asked questions and
making interviews very difficult; it is vital to do thorough research on a subject; be careful what
you say and never express an opinion about the person; truth can be slanted and manipulated.
In closing our chat, Ron quoted from an interview with Professor Anthony Clare for the Radio 4
programme “Last Words”, in which famous people were asked what advice they would give to
others if they had only 10 minutes left to live. The Professor’s response was: “Life is not a
L'Oasis Christian fellowship LORGUES
part of the Anglican Church of Lorgues with
Fayence in the Var
Every 2nd Sunday at 11h30 at
Arc-en-Provence, 1801 Chemin des Pailles
and every 4th Sunday at 11h30 at
Notre Dames des Anges Maison de Retraite
We have a Bring and Share lunch afterwards.
For details or directions please contact
Rev Peter or Shirley Massey 04 94 73 93 37 or
06 87 94 04 83
Cabasse, Carces, Correns,
Cotignac, and Le Val
Will meet for the last time before the summer
break on 27 June.
Michael Wharton
07 *********** *****@cam.ac.uk
Draguignan, Le Cannet des Maures, Les
Arcs, Le Luc, Taradeau and Vidauban
We meet on the second Friday of the month at
the Café de la Tour, Les Arcs at 10h30. You will
find a warm welcome and interesting discussions
if you care to attend. We make available a limited
selection of popular English paperback novels.
Pauline and Jim North
Le Pradon Congregation of the
Ascension CALLIAN
part of the Anglican Church of Lorgues with
Fayence in the Var
You are very welcome to join us at
Le Pradon Maison de Retraite Callian.
04 94 ******** ********@wanadoo.fr
We meet on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of
the month at 11h00 for Family Communion
We also have a Bring and Share lunch
Please ring Hilary Rost at 04 94 47 70 67 or
Rev Peter Massey at 04 94 73 93 37 for details
Entrecasteaux, Salernes, Tourtour
and Villecroze
The Villecroze,Tourtour etc coffee morning will be
on the 4th Tuesday of the month, place to be
announced later.
Ann & Maurice Mitchem
04 94 ******** ********@hotmail.com
St John’s for the Var
St John the Evangelist
La Motte and Le Muy
La Motte - The lucky number of thirteen of us
met in early May (including two new members)
and enjoyed coffee, croissants and conversation.
We thank all our members for their enthusiasm
and support of our group which meets on the
second Tuesday of the month at the Bar des
Cascades in downtown La Motte.
.Alexandra Lewis-Smith
Ave Paul Doumer, St Raphaël
Rev Keith Bretel
Holy Communion is held every Sunday at
followed by refreshments and a monthly lunch.
Grimaud Village Church
Ecumenical service at Grimaud village church
on first Thursday of the month at 11h00
04 94 ******** *****************@bbox.fr
Please ring 04 94 60 87 05 for details
Les Issambres
We meet every other Tuesday at 11h00 at
L'Arpillon café next to Casino.
Richard Tolaini
04 94 ********or 06 *********** *******@aol.com
St Maximin la Ste Baume, Brignoles, Brue
Auriac, Mazaugues, Meounes, Neoules,
Ollieres, Pourcieux, Pourrieres, Seillon
Source d’Argens and Tourves
We shall meet on Thursday, 19 June from 10.30
onwards at the Cercle Philharmonique in the main
square of St. Maximin la Ste. Baume. We have
become a friendly group of regulars, but there is
always room for more.
Diana Andre de la Porte
04 94 ******** *********@wanadoo.fr
Please Note: We appreciate the support of our advertisers
and encourage members to consider using their services;
however, BAV cannot take responsibility for the quality of
goods and services.
Before taking action in response to articles about law and
finance in the Newsletter, please take advice from a suitable
qualified person.
About the only thing that comes to us without
effort is old age.
Gloria Pitzer
When booking multiple Events at the same time, please attach separate
cheques for each booking in order to facilitate the banking procedures.
British Association of the Var Reservation Slip
€32.00 members, €34 non-members. 26 June 2014
Venue: Etang du Peche, 83570 Entrecasteaux. 12h00. Limit: 60 people
Names of those attending
Donation to BAV Welfare Fund
Total value of cheque enclosed
Additional names overleaf
Please add contact details below as an acknowledgement will be issued.
Email address:
Phone No:
Please return this slip with your cheque made payable to BRITISH ASSOCIATION OF THE VAR
To: Kevin Bell, *************************************, 83570 COTIGNAC by 12 June.
British Association of the Var Reservation Slip
€17 members, €19 non-members. Quiz €5. 11 July 2014
Venue: Les Arbousiers restaurant, 83440 Tanneron. Quiz 17h30. Meal 19h00
Names of those attending
Donation to BAV Welfare Fund
Total value of cheque enclosed
Additional names overleaf
Email address:
Please add contact details below as an acknowledgement will be issued.
Phone No:
Please return this slip with your cheque made payable to BRITISH ASSOCIATION OF THE VAR
To: Kevin Bell, *************************************, 83570 COTIGNAC by 30 June.
British Association of the Var Reservation Slip
VENDANGE LUNCH AT LORGUES €25.00 members, €27 non-members. 13 September 2014
Venue: Domaine St Marc des Omèdes, Chemin de Vaussiers, 83510 Lorgues . 12h00 Limit : 100 people
Names of those attending
Donation to BAV Welfare Fund
Total value of cheque enclosed
Additional names overleaf
Email address:
Please add contact details below as an acknowledgement will be issued.
Phone No:
Please return this slip with your cheque made payable to BRITISH ASSOCIATION OF THE VAR
To: Kevin Bell, *************************************, 83570 COTIGNAC by 31 August.