INTERNATIONAL IMAGES FOR SCIENCE AN EXHIBITION OF THE WORLD’S BEST SCIENTIFIC PHOTOGRAPHY INTERNATIONAL IMAGES FOR SCIENCE 2013 1 LEWIS MORRIS RUTHERFURD (1816-1892) The Moon, photographed from New York, 6 March 1865 Albumen print The Royal Photographic Society Collection at the National Media Museum, Bradford, United Kingdom Shortly after the announcement of the daguerreotype in 1839 its inventor, Louis Daguerre, exhibited the world’s first photographic image of the moon. It was faint but it showed what might be possible with photography and astro-photography dates from this time as other used it to support their own experiments. In 1841 John William Draper produced a far more successful series of daguerreotypes of the moon showing its principal features. In 1851 a series of seventy plates by John Adams Whipple and William Cranch Bond were exhibited to great acclaim at the Great Exhibition. These reinforced photography’s claim to produce the best representations of the moon, particularly as albumen and collodion emulsions on glass replaced earlier processes. Other photographers such as Warren de la Rue and Lewis Morris Rutherfurd all produced ever more detailed images of the moon which were used to produce lunar maps and to support astronomical research. Rutherfurd had started photographing the moon from 1856, developing his own achromatic optics to improve his results. His photographs were widely published in a variety of formats including stereoscopic pairs and as large-format photographs. Although scientists were divided about their worth, the public greeted the images with acclaim. He was praised at the time as ‘the greatest lunar photographer of the age’. MICHAEL PRITCHARD FRPS 2 INTERNATIONAL IMAGES FOR SCIENCE 2013 FOREWORD ROY ROBERTSON HonFRPS President The Royal Photographic Society Science has always been an integral part of The Royal Photographic Society’s activities since it was formed in 1853. Founded to promote the Art and Science of Photography, our remit is wide ranging. Special Interest Groups include the Imaging Science, 3D and Holography and the Medical Groups, and The Society runs a wide ranging Exhibition programme. These can be open to both members and non-members. The International Print Exhibition, the world’s longest running Print Exhibition, originally included scientific images, but with the decline of these, The International Images for Science Exhibition, was established in 2011, and was received with enthusiasm across the world, being shown to large audiences in the UK, Europe and China. The Society plans to build on the success of this previous exhibition, holding it every second year. It provides a showcase for an extraordinary variety of scientific photography – images that explore worlds we can only imagine, or that are used as tools in everyday life in medicine, engineering and other related fields. They do this in a way that can inform, question, or simply inspire. It is hoped that this exhibition, for which we are grateful to the Science and Technology Facilities Council for its support, can build on the success of the previous exhibition, reach new audiences, and continue to make scientific images accessible to a wider public. I am grateful to Afzal Ansary ASIS FRPS for continuing to manage this superb exhibition, and to our sponsors for enabling the exhibition to be produced and presented. My thanks also to all those who contributed to the exhibition, and to the selectors who had the difficult task of selecting this varied, informative and fascinating series of photographs. I hope you enjoy it, and want to know more! INTERNATIONAL IMAGES FOR SCIENCE 2013 1 INTRODUCTION AFZAL ANSARY ASIS FRPS Exhibition Co-Ordinator International Images for Science Exhibition 2013 Since 1853, when it was established, The Royal Photographic Society (RPS) has promoted the art and science of photography. In September 2011, The Society held its first International Images for Science Exhibition, showcasing the vast range of applications of photography within modern-day science. The 2011 exhibition was an overwhelming success reflecting the quality of the images selected. It was seen at the Edinburgh Science Festival, the Palace of Westminster and the Royal Albert Hall and at educational establishments in the UK and Europe. It has been exhibited in China and a complete set of all 50 images will be archived at the National Media Museum, Bradford, UK. The exhibition was universally praised for being a showcase for the work that scientists do and for showing how they use photography to support research and development. Building on the success of the 2011 Exhibition, The Royal Photographic Society, in partnership with the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC), has organised the International Images for Science Exhibition 2013. For this exhibition, submissions were open to both members and non-members of The Society. Scientists, scientific photographers, researchers, engineers, and technologists from 15 countries, including USA, Australia, Sweden and Israel submitted images. The final 100, chosen after a rigorous selection process, include photographs made by scientists for their research, as well as photographs made by scientific photographers to record science. Together they represent many, but still only a small fraction of applications of diverse photographic techniques currently in use. To study and discover new fields, scientists need new tools. Analogue photography has evolved into highly sophisticated digital imaging systems made to precise technical specifications. They are capable of yielding very specific results, appropriate for diagnosis, evaluation, measurements, assessment and investigation. The images often serve a dual purpose as scientists use them for pictorial documentation, communication, presentations and publications. Photography plays an important role in diverse fields of science. In astronomy it is used to study the composition of the nebulae and count stars, in oceanography, it helps to study sea-floor geological formations as well as recording the migration and behaviour of marine life, and in geography it not only aids in map making but in comparing tracts of land or urban areas over time. There are a number of scientific applications of photography such as micro and macrophotography, ultraviolet (UV) and infrared (IR) photography, time lapse and high speed, electron microscopy, thermography, fluorescein angiography, retinal photography, phase contrast microscopy, schlieren photography, stress analysis and the list goes on. While new innovative scientific imaging techniques are being developed, the old ones are finding new applications. The Telegraph ( – 17 May 2013) reported “Professor Simon Fishel, one of the world’s leading fertility specialists, explains how using time-lapse imaging is enabling scientists to predict which embryo has the greatest chance of a successful birth”. With this time-lapse imaging technique the scientists can now see more than 5000 images taken over a period of five days as compared to the conventional method when the embryo development would be checked up to six times over the same period. A UK survey conducted by Ipsos MORI in 2011 on Public Attitudes to Science revealed that 51 percent said that they hear and see too little information about science. Over 80 percent agreed that science is such a big part of our lives that we should all take an interest and twothirds thought it was important to know about science in daily life. Our International Images for Science Exhibition is unique, in that it provides access to images from a range of fields, which the public rarely gets to see. This is perhaps not surprising, given that most scientific imagery remains within its specialist scientific area. This exhibition brings this material into public view, allowing us to see that these images are not only important for science, but are often beautiful and fascinating works of art in their own right. Public engagement is valuable for better understanding of the role that photography plays in scientific research and development. As Wilder (page 5) highlights “Photography, long a tool for illustrating the best and newest science, has now become a more active participant, joining science with society through exhibition and public engagement”. 2 INTERNATIONAL IMAGES FOR SCIENCE 2013 These images are not only outstanding records of seldom seen objects or events but they also provide a wealth of scientific information. Words are usually not able to express or indicate all the information that a photograph can show. Therefore, scientists need to communicate their discoveries by pictorial documentation in the form of photographs. In fact, the application of photography to science is as old as photography itself. Photography also has an important role in archaeology, natural history, medicine, forensic science, engineering, fundamental research and through to every branch of science and technology. The International Images for Science Exhibition 2013 : An exhibition of the world’s best scientific photography serves as a showcase for the vast range of applications of photography within modern-day science. This exhibition shows images recorded by a number of imaging techniques that include: macrophotography, photomicrography, scanning electron micrography (SEM), time-lapse photography, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), thermography, schelieren photography and 3D reconstructed imaging, computed tomography (CT) and high speed photography. Scientific research and development is important and necessary in today’s world – without which the world’s civilisation would stagnate. The process of scientific imaging to document the research progress and research findings is equally important. Pick up any scientific journal and it will be almost impossible to find any article that is not illustrated with images. Images simplify complicated scientific data revealing information that might not be visible to the naked eye. Academics have to publish to be able to communicate the outcome of their work and their publications need imagery. Exploration and understanding of space and galaxies have always intrigued humans, inspiring us to pictorially document what we have observed from very early on. In 1839 Louis-Jacques-Mandé Daguerre (1787-1851), a French artist and diorama proprietor, reportedly took the world’s first photographic image of the moon. Even though the daguerreotype’s sensitivity to light was very poor and the camera optics were crude, the mere suggestion of an image made by the light of the moon sent journalists into raptures. Modern day imaging techniques have given us a better understanding of outer space, stars and galaxies by showing texture and details that would otherwise be indiscernible. Such images are further analysed and processed by the mighty power of the computer, thus bringing vast galaxies much closer to us, and revealing the most fascinating aspects of astronomy. Astronomical imaging has now become an essential tool for astronomers as Burnell explains (page 4). With its remit as an educational charity, The Society supports this exhibition as a unique opportunity to promote a better understanding of the role that imaging plays in scientific research and development. I would like to express my personal thanks, as well as those of The Society, to the following, without whose efforts and contributions the exhibition simply would not have been possible: Natalie Bealing and the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) for their support and partnership; Professor Joceyln Bell Burnell and Dr Kelley Wilder for their contribution in writing articles for this catalogue; The team of selectors: Catherine Draycott, Wellcome Trust; Gary Evans ASIS FRPS, Science Photo Library; Professor Ralph Jacobson ASIS HonFRPS, Chair of the Imaging Scientist Qualifications Board and past President; and Dr Uschi Steigenberger, formerly of the STFC, for their time, effort and expertise. I would like to thank all of the sponsoring organisations for their support, for the second time – The British Institute of Professional Photography, Science Photo Library, The Wellcome Trust, Paul Graham image specialists, Creativity Backgrounds, Loxley Colour and Towergate Camerasure. My thanks go to The Society’s President, Roy Robertson HonFRPS; Vice President and Chair of Science Committee, Derek Birch ASIS FRPS; and the members of the RPS Council, for giving me the opportunity, once again, to co-ordinate the exhibition. Also from The Society, I would like to thank Michael Pritchard FRPS, Director General; Lesley Goode, Exhibitions Manager; Sally Smart ARPS, Exhibitions Assistant; Nicholas Rogers, Finance Manager; Tony Mant, Database Manager; and David Land and Sue Harper, Editor and Assistant Editor of the RPS Journal. I thank Professor Michael Peres, Rochester Institute of Technology, USA, for sharing his experiences with me. Finally, my thanks go to David Spears ASIS FRPS; John Roe ARPS, of Omni; Colin Harding, of the National Media Museum; and Phil Stapleton LRPS, of The exhibition launches on 31 August at the Great North Museum, Hancock, Newcastle, as part of the British Science Festival. It will then tour the UK and abroad. All the images in the exhibition will be displayed at, under ‘Exhibitions’. I hope you will enjoy seeing the exhibition as much as I have enjoyed curating it. INTERNATIONAL IMAGES FOR SCIENCE 2013 3 ASTRONOMICAL IMAGING - AN ESSENTIAL TOOL JOCELYN BELL BURNELL DBE Visiting Professor, Astrophysics University of Oxford, United Kingdom Astronomical imaging predates photography; until the latter part of the nineteenth century observers made sketches of what they saw through their telescopes. This was not straightforward, as observers had to preserve their dark adaption – the sensitivity that comes after ten to twenty minutes in the dark. At the same time they needed enough light to see to make the sketches! Imaging is central in astronomy, and it has developed beyond wanting higher resolution optical images of fainter objects. Astronomy is done right across the electromagnetic spectrum, from high energy gamma ray astronomy to long wavelength radio astronomy. In every waveband we are helped by having an image (or map) showing how the brightness of an object varies across it. Sometimes in making the map one or another polarization is selected; this helps us towards an understanding of the physical processes taking place, for example linear polarization is often caused by a magnetic field. Spectroscopy also reveals the underlying physical conditions and maps or images taken in a particular spectral line are another starting point. For example, there is ubiquitous emission from hydrogen atoms at the radio wavelength of twenty-one centimetres, or the rarer emission-line objects can be found in the optical by making images in the red hydrogen alpha line. Sometimes the image or map is acquired indirectly. In radio astronomy the data from an interferometer has to be Fourier transformed to give the map. Sometimes it is helpful to change the contrast in an image, or to take the gradient of the intensity. Computer manipulation of an image is the norm these days, and astronomers regularly display images using false colours. There are times when the human eye and brain do better than a computer, for example when classifying galaxies by their shape. The problem has been the number of galaxies. One poor research student had images of a million galaxies to classify. Working flat out he found he could (only) do fifty thousand in a week! This led to the Citizen Science project ‘Galaxy Zoo’. The images were put up on the web and volunteers were invited to help. A quarter of a million people joined in! Now the Citizen Science website ‘Zooniverse’ has many more projects like this and earlier this year had over eight hundred thousand people worldwide taking part. Increased computing power for image processing has led to other innovative projects. At Palomar Observatory in California, for example, a small telescope takes sixty-second exposures of a large area of sky and repeats these exposures at intervals of anywhere between sixty seconds and five days. Comparison of one photo with another picks out celestial objects that change brightness (or move). In this way a new astronomical domain – that of transient objects – is being opened up. A similar thing is being done in radio astronomy using the Low Frequency Radio Array (LOFAR) radio telescope, one part of which is in Hampshire. It is too soon for final results but early indications are intriguing. As they say – watch this space! 4 INTERNATIONAL IMAGES FOR SCIENCE 2013 PHOTOGRAPHY, SCIENCE AND SOCIETY KELLEY WILDER Reader in Photographic History, Photographic History Research Centre, De Montfort University, Leicester, United Kingdom In the nineteenth century the audience for science was quite select. Whether it was the educated classes attending demonstrations at the Adelaide Galleries, or colleagues at the Royal Institution lectures, or visitors to the Crystal Palace, never had so many people been more interested in the exploits of scientists or the wonders of scientific discovery. And yet this audience still consisted largely of the moneyed and the educated. Photography, when it was announced to the public in 1839, entered this dialogue between science and its audience so seamlessly that it appeared to have always been there. It too was a pastime for those interested in the arts and sciences, who had time on their hands and a disposable income. So much has changed since then. Now cheap, transferable images are available to large portions of some societies (there are still many areas where these images are not available), and photography brings not only science to its audiences, but it generates new audiences, bringing society to science in unprecedented ways. The transformation owes as much to scientific policy as it does to photographic innovation, and it informs the use of photography in science and the relationship of photography, science and society. On January 12, 1839, the Literary Gazette described the invention of the daguerreotype as ‘a prodigy’ that ‘...disconcerts all the theories of science in light and optics, and, if borne out, promises to make a revolution in the arts of design.’ The hyperbolic rhetoric describing photography’s invention, the purported crowds attending demonstrations, the secrecy of the process, and the nature of its exhibition all conspired to heighten the sensation that here was some wondrous insight into the world. And yet it would be decades before photography could be successfully or consistently applied to astronomy, microscopy and many other sciences. In spite of the relative difficulty of applying photography to scientific endeavour, the rhetoric was largely positive, and scientists were rewarded for bringing new discoveries to photographic light, with lucrative speaking engagements, book contracts and university posts. Increasingly diverse crowds flocked to public exhibitions and lantern slide lectures that showcased everything from very, very small organisms and enormous nebulae to algae and archaeological digs. It was a culture of spectacle, but also of education. Through photography, scientists could offer up their newest and most astonishing discoveries for the enlightenment of students of all ages. By the first decades of the twentieth century, however, some scientists worried that this culture of spectacle did science a disservice. Its assumed one way delivery (from experts to non experts) alienated audiences and failed to engage them in the debates that sophisticated scientific endeavour required. No longer was it enough for photography to be, as Berenice Abbot put it, a ‘friendly interpreter’ between science and society. Instead, public engagement and the acknowledgement of the social aspects of science, required that photography act as a platform for bringing science and society together. Increasingly, this platform has used the vehicle of public exhibition. One finds these exhibitions everywhere – from the humble research poster at academic conferences, catching delegates’ eyes from a distance and inviting them closer for a more in-depth discussion, to extensive showcases of visually arresting, and scientifically relevant photographs like the Nikon Small World competition or indeed, the International Images for Science Exhibition. Exhibitions on a small scale are replicated on websites of science researchers, laboratories, and foundations. In these exhibitions, photography plays the role of linking the public to the research of scientists, inviting them to engage with current research in different ways. One has only to see the deployment of the Hubble telescope images as large scale wall decoration through LUMAS, or the repeated journalistic use of images from Mars to see this. Institutions that have education at the heart of their mission, like the Smithsonian Institution, produce their own traveling exhibitions, like the Hubble Space Telescope: New Views of the Universe. It is a revolving door – the photographs act as a stimulus to bring people together, rather than a set of facts to be accepted. Photography, long a tool for illustrating the best and newest science, has now become a more active participant, joining science with society through exhibition and public engagement. INTERNATIONAL IMAGES FOR SCIENCE 2013 5 DAVID MALIN FRPS Dimedone – Cyclomethone, 5,5-Dimethyl-1, 3-Cyclohexanedione : 1972 RMIT University, Melbourne & Australian Astronomical Observatory, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia Complex structures within a colourless crystal are revealed using polarised light microscopy. Dimedone is one of a class of chemicals called diketones. These are used in the production of a variety of chemicals such as agricultural products, dyes and pigments, synthetic vitamins and in the plastic industry as a stabiliser. This image was captured on 4x5 inch transparency film using a Projectina microscope and Leitz optics. 1 SPIKE WALKER ASIS FRPS Lagena Species Foraminifera : 2013 Penkridge, Staffordshire, United Kingdom Light micrograph of a foraminiferan of the genus Lagena. The foraminiferans are a class of marine protists that have an external shell, or ‘test’. Most commonly these are made of calcium carbonate. When the organism dies, these tests sink to the sea bed and over geological time form the bulk of carbonate rocks such as chalk and limestone. About 270,000 species, living and in the fossil record, have been described. Individuals of Lagena are typically around 0.4mm long. This image was made using ‘Spikeberg’ illumination, a combination of polarised light and Rheinberg illumination pioneered by the photographer, and captured on a Canon EOS 5D Mark II camera. The extended depth of field was achieved using stacking software to combine 54 individual frames focused at intervals of 4 micrometres. 2 6 INTERNATIONAL IMAGES FOR SCIENCE 2013 HARALD KLEINE Focusing Shock : 2007 3 School of Engineering and Information Technology, University of New South Wales / Australian Defence Force Academy, Canberra, Australia Interferometry image of the complex patterns created by a reflected shockwave. The shockwave has travelled down a shock tube from the top of the image to hit a cylindrical reflector at the bottom. Parts of the shock wave collide producing huge pressure variations, witnessed by the close-packed colour fringes. The image was created by illuminating the shock tube with a flash gun, the light passing through then hits an interference plate, and was captured using a high-speed video camera with an exposure time of 0.6 microseconds. INTERNATIONAL IMAGES FOR SCIENCE 2013 7 ADRIAN DAVIES ARPS Seed Spiralling Down from Sycamore Tree in Autumn : 2012 Surrey, United Kingdom Triple exposure image showing a seed falling from a Sycamore tree (Acer pseudoplanatus). The sycamore ‘seed’ is technically a samara, in which the seed is attached to a papery membrane that forms a wing. When the samara falls from the tree, the wing makes it autorotate, slowing its descent rate and allowing it to be blown further from the parent by the wind. This image was created in three exposures – the first with flash to show the leaves and seeds, the next a half-second exposure showing the spiralling fall and the last a flash exposure to freeze the samara at the bottom of its descent. These were recorded on a Nikon D300S camera with 105mm macro lens. 8 INTERNATIONAL IMAGES FOR SCIENCE 2013 4 ADRIAN DAVIES ARPS Pollen Being Discharged from Ash Tree Fraxinus excelsior : 2012 5 Surrey, United Kingdom Male flowers of a European Ash (Fraxinus excelsior) releasing pollen. Ash trees are wind pollinated. They normally have either all male or all female flowers, although mixed trees do occur and an individual tree can be one gender one season then the other the next year. Ash trees in Europe are currently under threat from the disease Ash Dieback, caused by the fungus Chalara fraxinea. This image was taken using a Nikon D300 camera with a 105mm macro lens with lighting from three flash units. INTERNATIONAL IMAGES FOR SCIENCE 2013 9 ROBERT HURT Massive Star Making Waves : 2012 Spitzer Science Center, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California, USA The vast bow wave caused as stellar winds hit surrounding cosmic dust clouds is captured in this striking image. At the centre is the giant star Zeta Ophiuchi, which is moving through the surrounding space at about 24 kilometres per second about 370 light years from Earth. Stars generate a stellar wind, high-energy particles that blast from their surface. Where this stellar wind hits the dust clouds a shock wave forms, very much like the bow wave that precedes a ship moving at sea or the sonic boom of a supersonic aircraft. In space, the effect is to heat up the dust which can then be seen glowing in infrared radiation. The infrared radiation is colour coded by wavelength: infrared at 3.6 and 4.5 micrometres are coloured blue, 8.0 micrometres in green and 24 micrometres in red. The data for this image were captured by NASA’s orbiting Spitzer Space Telescope. 10 INTERNATIONAL IMAGES FOR SCIENCE 2013 6 ROBERT HURT The Dusty Spectacle of Orion : 2013 7 Spitzer Science Center, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California, USA The Great Nebula in Orion is shown here to be a vast cloud of gas and dust, glowing in infrared and heated by large numbers of new stars. This view spans about 100 light years, in the sky this would appear six times the size of the full Moon. The bright star cluster in the centre of the nebula is easily visible to the unaided eye as part of the ‘sword’ in the constellation Orion. The infrared radiation seen here has been colour coded according to its wavelength: cooler, longer wavelengths are shown in green and cyan; hotter, shorter wavelengths in white and red. The data for this image were captured by NASA’s Widefield Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) spacecraft. INTERNATIONAL IMAGES FOR SCIENCE 2013 11 TEAM LED BY OLIVER HAINAULT The Wings of the Seagull Nebula : 2012 ePOD/ESO, European Southern Observatory, Garching, Germany Dark clouds of dust and clouds of gas glowing red define the Seagull Nebula. The red colour comes from hydrogen gas that is ionised by the ultraviolet light of hot, young stars within the nebula. The same light, scattered by dust, gives patches of a gentle blue haze. This is typical of what is known as an HII region. Known to astronomers as IC 2177, the Seagull Nebula is a star forming region that lies around 3700 light years from Earth on the border of the constellations Canis Minor and Monoceros. This frame spans about 100 light years in width. This image was gathered using the MPG/ESO 2.2 metre telescope at the ESO La Silla Observatory, Chile. 12 INTERNATIONAL IMAGES FOR SCIENCE 2013 8 RICHARD BOWER The Invisible Universe : 2013 Institute of Computational Cosmology, Department of Physics, University of Durham, Durham, United Kingdom Frame from a computer simulation of a large portion of the observable Universe. The image contains thousands of galaxies, each containing clouds of stars here coloured pink. These are the structures that are normally visible to astronomers. Between the galaxies are immense streams of cooler gas, coloured according to temperature from blue (300 degrees) through green and yellow to red (6 million degrees). The distribution of matter through the Universe is governed by the interplay of these cosmic streamers of relatively cool gas that is not visible to astronomers. 9 NICHOLAS WRIGHT Triggering the Birth of Stars : 2010 Centre for Astrophysics Research, University of Hertfordshire, Hatfield, United Kingdom 10 This image shows the ‘Elephant Trunk Nebula’, a column of dark gas and dust about 2400 light years away from Earth in the constellation Cepheus. A massive star out of frame to the left is illuminating the nebula with ultraviolet light, causing gas to ‘boil’ from the surface. Fluctuations in density within the nebula cause gas and dust to gather, eventually enough material will clump together that it collapses under its own gravity and ignites as a new star. This image was composed from three exposures combined in colour channels to make an RGB image: a broad red filter (reproduced in green), a broad infrared filter (reproduced in blue) and a narrow ionised Hydrogen-alpha band filter (reproduced in red). The data for this image were gathered using the Wide Field Camera on the Isaac Newton Telescope (INT) in La Palma, Canary Islands. INTERNATIONAL IMAGES FOR SCIENCE 2013 13 ROBERT GENDLER Trifid Nebula : 1997-2002 Robert Gendler Astronomy, Avon, Connecticut, USA Clouds of gas and dust mingle in a star-forming region known as the Trifid Nebula. The three dark arms that give the nebula its name almost hide our view of the massive star at the centre, the light from which has carved out this spherical hollow in the surrounding material and make it glow. The nebula, catalogued by astronomers as Messier 20 or NGC 6514, spans about ten light years in this frame. It is located about 9000 light years away in the constellation Sagittarius. This image was assembled by the photographer from various components: luminance data from the 8.2 metre Subaru telescope in Hawai’i, detail from the orbiting 2.4 metre Hubble Space Telescope and colour data by amateur astronomer Martin Pugh. 11 ROBERT GENDLER Ring Nebula : 1995-2008 Robert Gendler Astronomy, Avon, Connecticut, USA Both the inner and outer structure of the famous Ring Nebula is shown in this composite image. The Ring Nebula was formed from the gas blown out by a sun-like star toward the end of its life. By this stage the star has used up its hydrogen and is burning helium instead, its core has contracted and its outer gas blown out to form a red giant. When this fuel is exhausted, complex processes eject huge shells of gas which we see as a ‘planetary nebula’. The Ring Nebula, catalogued by astronomers as Messier 57 or NGC 6720, lies about 2300 light years from Earth in the constellation Lyra. The central ring of the nebula is about one light year across. This image was assembled from data gathered by the orbiting 2.4 metre Hubble Space Telescope, the 8.2 metre Subaru Telescope in Hawai’i and the photographer’s own 14.5 inch telescope. 12 14 INTERNATIONAL IMAGES FOR SCIENCE 2013 MARK MAIO 20/20 : 2011 13 Digital Institute for Science and Medicine, Alpharetta, Georgia, USA Composite of 20 images of human irises. The colour and structure of the iris is as individual to a person as their fingerprints. Indeed, iris recognition is used in many security applications. The images were captured using a slit lamp camera – a flash passes through a thin directional slit to create a very narrow sheet of light that passes over the iris from the side and the image recorded on a Canon 50D digital SLR. The individual images were then assembled in an image editing program. INTERNATIONAL IMAGES FOR SCIENCE 2013 15 ROBERT GENDLER Spiral Planetary Nebula : 2012 Robert Gendler Astronomy, Avon, Connecticut, USA The strange S-shape that gives the Spiral Planetary Nebula its common name is seen clearly in this composite image. A planetary nebula is formed from the gas blown out by a sun-like star toward the end of its life. By this stage the star has used up its hydrogen and is burning helium instead, its core has contracted and its outer gas blown out to form a red giant. When this fuel is exhausted, complex processes eject huge shells of gas. Normally this is seen as an almost symmetrical shape, but here interactions in the expanding gas have resulted in this spiral shape. The nebula, catalogued by astronomers as NGC 5189, lies about 1,780 light years from Earth in the constellation in the constellation Musca. This image was assembled from data gathered by the orbiting 2.4 metre Hubble Space Telescope, the 8.1 metre Gemini North Telescope in Hawai’i and the photographer’s own 14.5 inch telescope. 16 INTERNATIONAL IMAGES FOR SCIENCE 2013 14 DAVID SCHARF Human Lymphocyte : 2011 15 David Scharf Photography, Los Angeles, California, USA Scanning electron micrograph of a human Natural Killer (NK) lymphocyte. Lymphocytes are cells that mediate the immune system. NK cells such as this can distinguish the surface proteins on normal cells that have been infected by a virus or that have grown in a tumour. When it detects such a cell, the NK lymphocyte engulfs and destroys it. The NK cell seen here is about 18 micrometres wide and was grown in culture, fixed and dehydrated before being coated with platinum. The colours in this image come from multiple secondary detectors in the microscope through a system invented by Mr Scharf. INTERNATIONAL IMAGES FOR SCIENCE 2013 17 ROBERT GENDLER Messier 106 : 1995-2003 Robert Gendler Astronomy, Avon, Connecticut, USA A composite of space – and ground – based images reveal the grand structure of spiral galaxy Messier 106. M106 is a so-called Seyfert galaxy, one with an exceptionally bright core harbouring a supermassive black hole. The careful choice of filters allows us to see the tenuous ‘anomalous arms’ (red), vast sweeps of gas heated to millions of degrees, energised when matter falls into the central black hole. This frame spans about 500,000 light years. Also known as NGC 4258, M106 is found about 23.5 million light years from Earth in the constellation Canes Venatici. This image was created by combining data from the Hubble Space Telescope with ground-based imagery taken by the photographer and Jay GaBany. 18 INTERNATIONAL IMAGES FOR SCIENCE 2013 16 ROBERT HURT The Ultraviolet Andromeda Galaxy : 2012 17 Spitzer Science Center, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California, USA Hot stars burn brightly in this ultraviolet view of the Andromeda Galaxy. The bluewhite colours define the spiral arms in which young, hot, massive stars reside. Between them are darker blue-grey lines where dust obscures star formation regions. The Andromeda Galaxy, catalogued by astronomers as Messier 31, is the nearest large galaxy to our own Milky Way sitting about 2.5 million light years away. It is bright enough that the core is visible with the naked eye on a clear night as a slightly fuzzy star-like object. The data for this image were gathered by NASA’s Galaxy Evolution Explorer satellite. Shortwave ultraviolet radiation is shown in blue and longwave ultraviolet in orange. INTERNATIONAL IMAGES FOR SCIENCE 2013 19 DANIEL KARIKO Weevil Found on Front Porch, Doormat : 2012 School for Art and Design, East Carolina University, Greenville, USA Extreme close-up view of the head of a weevil. There are over 40,000 species of true weevils in the family Circulionidae, beetle-like creatures typified by a long snout and clubbed antennae. This is part of a series investigating our often-overlooked housemates, a result of the expansion of our habitat into rural areas. The image is a composite of light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. 20 INTERNATIONAL IMAGES FOR SCIENCE 2013 18 NICOLE OTTAWA Tardigrade, or Water Bear : 2010 19 Eye of Science, Reutlingen, Germany Coloured scanning electron micrograph of a tardigrade, Paramacrobiotus craterlaki. This fully-grown specimen is about 1mm in length and was found on moss in Crater Lake, Tanzania. Tardigrades, or water bears, are tiny invertebrates that live in aquatic and semi-aquatic habitats such as lichen and damp moss. They require water to obtain oxygen by gas exchange. In dry conditions, they can enter a cryptobiotic state of dessication in which their body water content is just 3 percent. In this state they may to survive for decades. P. craterlaki is a carnivorous species that feeds on nematodes and rotifers. Water bears are found throughout the world, including extreme environments such as hot springs and deep underwater. They can also survive the high levels of radiation and vacuum of space. This image was created in monochrome then later digitally colourised. INTERNATIONAL IMAGES FOR SCIENCE 2013 21 ANDREW SYRED & CHERYL POWER Large White Butterfly Scent Scale : 2010 PS Micrographs, Powys, United Kingdom Scanning electron micrograph of the wing of a Large White butterfly (Pieris brassicae) showing the scent scale at centre. Also known as the androconium, this specialised scale is used by the male butterfly to disseminate pheromones to attract a mate. This image was captured in monochrome and then later digitally colourised. 22 INTERNATIONAL IMAGES FOR SCIENCE 2013 20 NICOLE OTTAWA Evening Primrose Pollen : 2013 21 Eye of Science, Reutlingen, Germany Coloured scanning electron micrograph of the surface of a single grain of pollen of an Evening Primrose (Oenothera sp.). This part of the sample is about 50 micrometres wide. The very high magnification shows that the pollen grain has very fine hairs (white) made of viscin that allow the grain to grip the body of a passing insect for transport to another flower. These threads mean that the pollen may often only be transported by an individual species of bee. There are about 125 species of Evening Primrose, each adapted to be pollinated by a particular type of bee. This image was created in monochrome then digitally colourised. INTERNATIONAL IMAGES FOR SCIENCE 2013 23 DAVID MALIN FRPS Tungsten-Aluminium Alloy : 1970-2008 RMIT University, Melbourne & Australian Astronomical Observatory, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia Composite scanning electron micrograph of tungsten crystals in a matrix of aluminium. SEMs work by scanning an electron beam across a sample and detecting the scattered electrons. However, the beam can penetrate the surface of a sample depending on the accelerating voltage and the atomic number of the metal. Here three SEMs were created at voltages between 5kV and 30kV. At higher voltages the aluminium matrix appears increasingly transparent. The original images were made in 1970 as monochrome prints. In 2008 they were scanned and combined as different colour layers into a single digital image. 22 ANDREW SYRED & CHERYL POWER Silkworm Cocoon Silk Fibres : 2012 PS Micrographs, Powys, United Kingdom Scanning electron micrograph of silk fibres. Silk is the fibre spun by the larva of the domesticated silkmoth (Bombyx mori). During pupation the larva makes a protective cocoon of these fibres, comprising two strands of fibroin cemented together with gum-like sericin. Each fibre may be up to 900 metres long. This image was captured in monochrome then later digitally colourised. 23 24 INTERNATIONAL IMAGES FOR SCIENCE 2013 NICKY GOODFELLOW Lymphangiomas and Angiokeratomas on Leg : 2012 24 Medical Illustration Services, Perth Royal Infirmary, Perth, United Kingdom Photograph showing lymphangiomas and angiokeratomas clustered on the leg of a patient. Localised abnormalities in the lymph system affect normal skin growth. This causes multiple small tumours to grow. These often coalesce and may ooze fluid and become infected. As well as causing embarrassment from their appearance, such clusters may cause discomfort and restrict mobility. This image was captured in a studio using a Nikon D90 camera and 105mm macro lens, with lateral diffuse flash lighting. INTERNATIONAL IMAGES FOR SCIENCE 2013 25 GABRIEL BRAMMER Comets and Shooting Stars Dance Over Paranal : 2013 ESO Photo Ambassador, European Southern Observatory, Garching, Germany 25 Two comets and a meteor seen at sunset over the Paranal Observatory in Chile. Close to the horizon at right is Comet C/2011 L4 (PanSTARRS), its tail of dust reflecting sunlight. Near the centre of the image just above the mountain slope is the fuzzy Comet C/2012 F6 (Lemmon), the ionised gas in its coma glowing with a greenish hue. The brightish streak lying between the two comets is a meteor, or falling star, that happened to collide with our atmosphere at just the right time. The larger fuzzy patch at top left is the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC), a dwarf galaxy that orbits the Milky Way. The mountain seen here is Cerro Paranal, home to the Very Large Telescope (VLT), comprising four telescopes each of 8.2 metres diameter and operated by the European Southern Observatory. This image was captured on a Nikon D600 camera and 24-70mm lens with an exposure time of 69 seconds at ISO2000. The camera was mounted on an Astrotrac mount to prevent blurring of the star images. DAVID DOUBILET HonFRPS World of Penguins, Antarctic Peninsula : 2011 National Geographic Magazine (Contributing Photographer), Clayton, New York, USA Gentoo and Chinstrap penguins on a small ice floe in the ocean near Danko Island, Antarctica. The photographer observed them pushing each other off the floe and swimming in the water as if playing a game of tag. The two species belong to the genus Pygoscelis, Gentoos are P. papua and Chinstraps are P. antarcticus. The two species probably diverged about 14 million years ago. Gentoos are slightly larger than Chinstraps and are the fastest swimmers of all penguin species, reaching speeds of 36 km/h underwater. This image was captured with a Nikon D3 camera and 17-35mm lens in a customised waterproof housing and twin flash units. 26 INTERNATIONAL IMAGES FOR SCIENCE 2013 26 DAVID MALIN FRPS Star Trails over the Dome of the Anglo-Australian Telescope : 1979 27 RMIT University, Melbourne & Australian Astronomical Observatory, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia As the Earth spins on its axis, the stars appear to slowly draw out huge arcs in the sky. By using a long time exposure, the stars leave curved trails concentric about the celestial poles. In this image shot in Australia, the bright star closest to the celestial pole is Sigma Octantis. Here the photographer has used a Hasselblad camera and 40mm lens at f/5.6 with a 9.5 hour exposure on ISO200 film. INTERNATIONAL IMAGES FOR SCIENCE 2013 27 DEE BREGER Tunguska Ilmenite : 2008 Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University, New York, USA Scanning electron micrograph of a sample of the mineral ilmenite from the region around Tunguska, Siberia. This piece of the specimen is about 30 micrometres wide. On 30 June 1908 a fragment of a comet or asteroid crashed into the atmosphere, exploding at an altitude of 5-10km with an explosive energy equivalent to 10-15 million tons of TNT. The explosion flattened over 80 million trees over an area of 2150 square kilometres. The shock wave generated altered the structure of many minerals that were found close to the surface. A piece of the comet or asteroid may have survived to hit the Earth and form a crater, now called Lake Cheko, where this specimen was found. The checkerboard pattern here is typical of instantaneous mechanical stress. The original monochrome image was digitally enhanced using a variety of graphics techniques to highlight structural features. 28 INTERNATIONAL IMAGES FOR SCIENCE 2013 28 BERNARDO CESARE Sunflower of Jasper : 2010 Dipartimento Di Geoscienze, Università Di Padova, Padova, Italy Polarised light micrograph of a sample of ocean jasper. This is a rhyolite volcanic rock that contains a large proportion of silicate minerals. As the rock cools, small aggregates of quartz or feldspar develop which act as seeds for these radial inclusions. Ocean jasper is found only in Madagascar and is highly prized among collectors. Here a thin section of rock just 30 micrometres thick has been polished and polarised light shone through it. A second polarising filter reveals these amazing colours. Photographed using a Canon EOS 550D camera on a Zeiss microscope. 29 NORM BARKER Red Fossil Coral, Indonesia : 2011 Department of Pathology, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland, USA Macro photograph of a red fossil coral. The best of these kinds of fossils are found in Indonesia and are characterised by these tiny flower-like forms. The original corals were alive in reefs during the Miocene epoch, about 20 million years ago. The spaces left by the living part of the coral were replaced with deposits of agate. The carbonate skeleton of the corals were later dissolved and replaced by silicates, rich in iron and manganese. Specimens found today are cut and polished and have a rich, red colouring. Photographed with a Nikon D700 camera and a Zeiss Luminar 40mm lens. 30 INTERNATIONAL IMAGES FOR SCIENCE 2013 29 TED KINSMAN Fluid Fishbone Effect : 2012 Kinsman Physics Productions, Rochester, New York, USA High-speed flash image capturing the beautiful symmetrical pattern formed by two colliding fluid streams. The fluid here is glycerol with 10 percent water and the streams come from 1 millimetre diameter nozzles. As the streams collide, the combination of momentum and surface tension initially form a thin sheet. This rapidly becomes unstable, with most of the fluid volume forming droplets originating from the edge of the sheet, with the sheet itself breaking into a pair of ‘reflected’ droplet streams that soon combine directly below the collision point. The morphology of this pattern, known as a fishbone or herringbone, is strongly dependent on the flow velocity and the viscosity of the fluid. This image was captured with a flash duration of 25 microseconds and a digital camera. 30 INTERNATIONAL IMAGES FOR SCIENCE 2013 31 STEVE LOWRY Leaf Hairs on Deutzia scabra : 2012 32 Portstewart, Co. Londonderry, United Kingdom Polarised light micrograph of the hairs on the leaf of a Fuzzy Deutzia (Deutzia scabra). The deutzias are members of the hydrangea family and are commonly cultivated as an ornamental plant. The leaves have these stellate hairs, each of which is about 0.4mm across. Up to 20 species of Deutzia can be differentiated by the density and size of the hairs and the number of points on the ‘stars’. In Japan, traditional carpenters use leaves from D. scabra as a final polishing agent for mahogany. INTERNATIONAL IMAGES FOR SCIENCE 2013 31 DAVID SCHARF Two Neurons on a Glial Cell : 2011 David Scharf Photography, Los Angeles, California, USA Scanning electron micrograph of two human cortical neurons on a glial cell. Cortical neurons are cells found in the cerebral cortex, or ‘grey matter’, of the brain. The cortex is the outer 2-4mm of the brain and is where most of the ‘higher’ functions are based – memory, attention, perceptual awareness, thought, language and consciousness. The two neurons in the centre of the image have long, thin dendrites that try to connect with other neurons, while the glial cell beneath them provides nutrients. The central ‘soma’ of the neurons here are about 10 micrometres across. The cells were grown in culture, fixed and dehydrated before being coated with platinum. The colours in this image come from multiple secondary detectors in the microscope through a system invented by Mr Scharf. 32 INTERNATIONAL IMAGES FOR SCIENCE 2013 33 GREG PARKER Water Drop Collision and Bubble Burst : 2012 34 Parker Technology, Brockenhurst, Hampshire, United Kingdom High-speed flash image showing the collision of two water droplets beneath a bursting soap bubble. The two droplets fell at slightly different times. The first broke through the top of the soap bubble and hit the pool of water beneath. As the water from this impact reflected upward, it was hit by the second droplet. The image was captured using a Canon 5D Mark II SLR camera and a xenon flash unit with an exposure time of 9 microseconds. INTERNATIONAL IMAGES FOR SCIENCE 2013 33 JOHN PRIESTLEY Change and Stability at the Heart of the Spinal Cord : 2013 Blizard Institute, Queen Mary University of London, London, United Kingdom Confocal light micrograph of a longitudinal section through part of the spinal cord. The sample has been stained with fluorescent markers that bind to different structures and glow with specific colours when illuminated by a laser. Blue areas in the centre denote the walls of the central canal, surrounded by axons containing serotonin (red). Beyond these, offering structural support and protection, is a perineuronal net (green). This image was gathered digitally using a Zeiss LSM 710 microscope. 34 INTERNATIONAL IMAGES FOR SCIENCE 2013 35 ANDERS PERSSON Mechanical Heart Pump Computed Tomography : 2012 Centre for Medical Image Science and Visualisation (CMIV), Linköping University, Linköping, Sweden 3D reconstructed image of the chest of a patient showing an implanted heart pump (blue). The patient was examined using a Dual Energy Computer Tomography (DECT) scanner. This takes a series of scans of the patient, a virtual ‘slice’ at two different X-ray energies. The slices can then be combined to form a virtual 3D image and computer processing can apply transparency and colour to the various types of tissue and the synthetic material of the pump. This image was used to check the connection between the aorta and the left side of the heart. The heart pump is a temporary device used in patients waiting for transplantation surgery. 36 DORIT HOCKMAN Bat Embryonic Development : 2006 Trinity College, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom Composite of three images showing embryos of the Black Mastiff Bat, Molossus rufus. The younger embryo is at left. These images were taken in a study of the development of the flight structures of the bat. The wings develop as the fingers lengthen and a membrane grows between them. However, in this species the edges of their ears also extend and join together forming a helmet-like structure that is thought to help with manoeuvrability. Black Mastiff Bats are well known for their fast aerobatic flight when hunting for insects. Each of these images was taken though a dissecting microscope at low magnification and captured on a digital camera. 37 INTERNATIONAL IMAGES FOR SCIENCE 2013 35 BERNARDO CESARE Graphite-Bearing Rock from Kerala, India : 2012 Dipartimento Di Geoscienze, Università Di Padova, Padova, Italy Resembling a beautiful piece of abstract art, this is a polarised light photomicrograph of a graphite-bearing mineral. The coloured patches are pieces of quartz and feldspar with black graphite in between. This sample was found in Kerala, India, where such minerals could be commercially exploited as a source of graphite. Here a thin section of rock just 30 micrometres thick has been polished and polarised light shone through it. A second polarising filter reveals these amazing colours. Photographed using a Canon EOS 550D camera on a Zeiss Axioscop microscope. 36 INTERNATIONAL IMAGES FOR SCIENCE 2013 38 STEVEN MORTON FRPS Acoustically Levitated Drop of Human Blood Cells : 2007 39 School of Physics, Monash University, Victoria, Australia A drop of human red blood cells seen being levitated by acoustic radiation pressure. A pressure inducer (bottom) is used to generate intense sound waves. These create a net upward pressure because intense sound fields operate as non-linear systems, their effect is stronger than would be expected from classical physics. Here the sample is studied using laser Raman spectroscopy, levitation means that the structure of living blood cells can be determined without interference from the surface of any container. This image was captured using a Kodak 14n digital camera and Nikon macro lens. INTERNATIONAL IMAGES FOR SCIENCE 2013 37 KATRINA GOLD Fly’s Eye View : 2012 Wellcome Trust / Cancer Research UK Gurdon Institute, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom Confocal light micrograph of a section through the eye and brain of a fly. The colours come from dyes that bind to specific proteins in different tissue structures and that fluoresce under laser illumination. Here the red tendril-like objects at top and right are photoreceptors. Nerve cells in the brain closest to the photoreceptors are shown in green. The image was captured digitally using a Leica TCS SPII microscope. 40 HEATHER ANGEL HonFRPS Darwin’s Slipper Flower in Visible and UV Radiation : 2011 Natural Visions, Surrey, United Kingdom Flowers of Darwin’s Slipper (Calceolaria uniflora) photographed under visible light (left) and ultraviolet radiation (right). Some birds and insects have vision that extends into the ultraviolet and are able to see subtle patterns in the petals of certain flowers. In this image, the right-hand view shows that part of the petal (red) absorbs ultraviolet. Seedsnipes (Thinocorus rumicivorus) are attracted to pick the larger white patch, as they feed they rub the stamens of the flower with their head. In this way they transport pollen to other plants. C. uniflora is native to Tierra del Fuego in the extreme south of South America. These images were captured on a Nikon D3 camera with 105mm macro lens. The visible light image was illuminated with a Nikon SB900 flash, the ultraviolet image with a Metz 76 UV flash that provides illumination in the 290-410nm wavelength range. 38 INTERNATIONAL IMAGES FOR SCIENCE 2013 41 CRAIG AARTS Sphere-Ology : 2010 Department of Biochemistry, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada Confocal light micrograph of a collection of spherical colonies of stem cells. Each colony has been stained with a variety of fluorescent markers that highlight different structures within the cells when illuminated by a laser beam. Stem cells are the precursors to all the different types of cells in the body. They are being studied in the hope of finding treatments for many degenerative diseases. This image was captured digitally using a Leica DMIRB microscope. 42 ROBERTA CAGNETTA Human iPS-Derived Cerebral Cortex Neurons : 2012 The Henry Wellcome Building of Cancer and Developmental Biology, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom Confocal light micrograph of human cerebral cortex neurons. The core of each neuron is about 15 micrometres across. These nerve cells have been infected by a lentivirus that expresses Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP). The sample has been stained with fluorescent markers that bind to different structures. Blue areas are DAPI, a stain that binds strongly to DNA; green marks the GFP inside virus-infected cells; purple areas show the antibody Tuj1 that binds with neurites, projections from the cell body of the neuron. The neurons seen here were grown from induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells. Stem cell research is aimed at providing possible new treatments for debilitating degenerative conditions such as Alzheimer’s. 43 INTERNATIONAL IMAGES FOR SCIENCE 2013 39 JIM SWOGER 10.5 Day Old Mouse Embryo, Neurofilaments : 2011 Centre for Genomic Regulation, Barcelona, Spain Light micrograph of a mouse embryo, approximately 10.5 days post-fertilisation. The specimen was stained with a fluorescent marker that highlights the presence of precursor cells to nerve tissue then chemically treated to make it optically transparent. It was scanned using Selective Plane Illumination Microscopy to produce a series of optical ‘slices’ that were combined to generate a virtual 3D model of the embryo. The colours here from red to green to blue indicate increasing depth in the sample. 40 INTERNATIONAL IMAGES FOR SCIENCE 2013 44 VOLKER BRINKMANN Shigella Comet : 2010 45 Max-Planck Institute for Infection Biology, Berlin, Germany Coloured scanning electron micrograph of bacteria leaving an infected epithelial cell in the gut. Each bacterium, here coloured magenta, is about one micrometre long. The bacteria are Shigella flexneri, a cause of bacterial dysentery. When they enter epithelial cells in the gut, normally from contaminated drinking water, the bacteria form bundles with parts of the cell cytoskeleton. These bundles, known as ‘comets’, enable the bacteria to move freely as the cytoskeleton protects them from the body’s immune system. Here the bacteria are seen inside a comet bundle (green) leaving an infected host cell (yellow). This image was created in monochrome and later digitally colourised. INTERNATIONAL IMAGES FOR SCIENCE 2013 41 STEVE GSCHMEISSNER Ruptured Venule : 2011 Bedford, Bedfordshire, United Kingdom Coloured scanning electron micrograph showing red and white blood cells inside a small blood vessel. The sample was prepared by freeze fracturing, rapidly freezing the sample with liquid nitrogen such that tissues are instantly preserved. If the sample is broken, the inner structures are revealed. In this frame, a tiny vein, or venule, has been opened to show the blood cells inside. This image was created in monochrome and later digitally colourised. 42 INTERNATIONAL IMAGES FOR SCIENCE 2013 46 NICOLE OTTAWA Beauveria bassiana : 2012 47 Eye of Science, Reutlingen, Germany Coloured scanning electron micrograph showing the base of the antenna of a mosquito. The thin white tendrils are a fungus, Beauveria bassiana. This is common to many soils and is parasitic on many insects, causing white muscardine disease. B. bassiana is already used as a biological pesticide to control many types of insect pests, such as termites, aphids and some beetles. More recently it has been studied as a possible biological control for malaria-transmitting mosquitoes. This image was created in monochrome and later digitally colourised. INTERNATIONAL IMAGES FOR SCIENCE 2013 43 STEVE GSCHMEISSNER Activated Macrophage : 2013 Bedford, Bedfordshire, United Kingdom Coloured scanning electron micrograph of a human macrophage. Macrophages derive from monocytes, a specialised type of white blood cell. Their role is to destroy pathogens and cellular debris by engulfing and digesting them. Activated macrophages have receptors that are specifically attracted to lymphokines, signal devices used by the immune system to target microbes or tumour cells. Human macrophages are typically about 20 micrometres in diameter. This image was created in monochrome and later digitally colourised. 44 INTERNATIONAL IMAGES FOR SCIENCE 2013 48 ANDREW SYRED & CHERYL POWER Fruit Fly Male Sex Comb – Drosophila melanogaster : 2008 49 PS Micrographs, Powys, United Kingdom Scanning electron micrograph of the front leg of a male fruit fly (Drosophila melanogaster) showing the sex comb. This is a secondary sexual characteristic of the fruit fly that may be used to hold the female during mating. It is a rapidly evolving structure in D.melanogaster and the size and number of bristles appear to be important in selection by females. This image was captured in monochrome then later digitally colourised. INTERNATIONAL IMAGES FOR SCIENCE 2013 45 DAVID DICKIE Squamous-Cell Carcinoma, Right Hand : 2011 Department of Medical Photography, Crosshouse Hospital, Kilmarnock, United Kingdom Close-up view of the back of a patient’s hand showing a squamous-cell carcinoma (SCC). This is the second most common form of skin cancer after basal cell carcinomas (BCC). SCCs arise from uncontrolled multiplication of epithelial cells and usually occur on areas of the skin exposed to sunlight. There is a low but significant risk of metastasis (spreading), mainly to the lymph nodes, this risk is higher in SCC that presents on the lips or ears. Treatment is normally by surgical excision. This image was made using a Micro Nikkor 105mm lens on a Fuji S5 camera. Lighting was flash from the right and rear to emphasise the shape and texture of the carcinoma with a gentle fill light from the left to soften the shadows. 50 STEVEN MORTON FRPS Feeding Aedes aegypti : 2012 School of Physics, Monash University, Victoria, Australia 51 Macrophotograph of a yellow fever mosquito, Aedes aegypti, feeding on a human arm. Female mosquitoes are the ones that bite as they need blood to feed their developing eggs. A. aegypti is a mid-size species with a body length of 4-7mm. It can spread the viruses responsible for Dengue Fever, Yellow Fever and Chikungunya among other diseases. Despite various attempts at control, these diseases have risen 30-fold in the last 30 years. Current efforts are aimed at finding a genetic modification that could prevent the mosquito larvae surviving to the reproductive stage. This image was captured on a Nikon D800E camera and macro lens. The apparent depth of field was extended using a sequence of stacked images. 46 INTERNATIONAL IMAGES FOR SCIENCE 2013 JOHN VOLCANO Beckwith-Wiedemann Syndrome with Cleft Palate : 2013 52 UCL Medical Illustration Services, University College London, London, United Kingdom Photograph of a baby showing a cleft palate (palatoschesis). He had also been diagnosed with Beckwith-Wiedemann Syndrome (BWS). Both the cleft palate and BWS are genetic conditions symptomised by anomalous development before birth. Cleft palate is a result of the two parts of the skull that form the hard palate in the roof of the mouth not joining completely. Cleft palate is normally treated surgically soon after birth as it can lead to problems with feeding. BWS is an overgrowth condition characterised by high birth weight and length, overgrown tongue, abdominal wall defects, low blood sugar after birth and ear pits and creases. This image was captured on a Canon EOS 5D Mk.II camera and 100mm macro lens using studio flash lighting and a hand-held flash unit. INTERNATIONAL IMAGES FOR SCIENCE 2013 47 DAVID DOUBILET HonFRPS Lemon Sharks on Patrol, Bahama Banks : 2010 National Geographic Magazine (Contributing Photographer), Clayton, New York, USA A small group of Lemon Sharks (Negaprion brevirostris) feeding beneath a braking wave. Lemon Sharks inhabit coastal regions of tropical North, Central and South America and the west coast of Africa. They grow to around 3 metres in length and weigh around 90kg. Unlike many species, Lemon Sharks survive well in captivity and have been well studied as a result. This photograph was taken using a Nikon D2X camera and 10-17mm lens inside a customised underwater housing. Lighting was provided by two flash units. 53 HEATHER ANGEL HonFRPS How a Pond Skater Walks on Water : 2006 Natural Visions, Surrey, United Kingdom Macrophotograph showing a Pond Skater (Gerris lacustris) standing on the surface of water. This clearly shows how the insect spreads its weight across the surface of the water so it doesn’t break the surface tension and sink. The surface of their legs is covered with extremely fine hairs and a wax-like substance that prevent water sticking to them. These adaptations mean that G. lacustris is able to move quickly across the water surface looking for smaller insects on which to feed. This image was captured in a studio, a backlight softbox providing the illumination to highlight the depressions in the surface caused by the presence of the insect. 48 INTERNATIONAL IMAGES FOR SCIENCE 2013 54 DAVID DOUBILET HonFRPS Male Tomato Clownfish Guarding Eggs, Anilao Philippines : 2009 National Geographic Magazine (Contributing Photographer), Clayton, New York, USA 55 Close-up view of a male Tomato Clownfish (Amphiprion frenatus) guarding a clutch of eggs. Clownfish tend to lay eggs on flat surfaces of stones or rocks with both parent guarding the nest until the eggs hatch 6 to 11 days later. A. frenatus is found in the waters of the western Pacific Ocean, normally among purple anemones. They form symbiotic relationships with the anemones – the anemone protects the clownfish with its tentacles and provides food through scraps left from its meals, the clownfish cleans parasites from the anemone and provides nutrients through its faeces. This image was made with a Nikon D2X camera and 105mm lens in a Seacam underwater housing with lighting from a single flash unit. NORM BARKER Gallstones : 2011 Department of Pathology, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland, USA Gallstones are crystalline deposits that develop within the gall bladder. They vary in size, sometimes growing to the size of a golf ball. Their composition may be strongly crystalline or chalky, depending on the minerals involved which itself depends largely on age, diet and ethnicity. The three main types are cholesterol stones, pigment stones (bilirubin and calcium from bile) and mixed gallstones. Stones are often asymptomatic until about 8mm and larger, after which time they can cause intense pain and infection. Treatment is by using medication to dissolve the stones, breaking the stones apart using focused ultrasound (lithotripsy) or surgical removal. The image was recorded with a Nikon D700 camera and 105mm Micro Nikkor lens and a fibre optic light source. 56 INTERNATIONAL IMAGES FOR SCIENCE 2013 49 ANDREW GASSON ARPS Bubbles Beneath a Contact Lens : 2004 Andrew Gasson Contact Lenses, London, United Kingdom Tiny bubbles of air are seen trapped underneath a gas-permeable contact lens in a patient’s eye. The lens is used for orthokeratology, a process in which wearing a specially-shaped lens flattens the cornea of the eye by a calculated amount to reduce myopia (short-sightedness). The tears are shown by a sodium fluorescein stain glowing green under ultraviolet illumination with the bubbles as small blue spots. The tears follow the broad curve of the iris, at top left is the pupil and the ‘white’ (sclera) at lower right. This image was taken using a Nikon D200 camera attached to a Nikon FV3 slit lamp microscope with a Kodak Wratten 12 filter used to enhance the contrast. 57 NORM BARKER Gomphothere Tooth : 2012 Department of Pathology, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland, USA Macro photograph of a polished section of the tooth of a gomphothere. The gomphotheres were a diverse family of elephant-like animals that flourished in the Miocene and Pliocene epochs (12-1.6 million years ago). They differed from the true elephant ancestors by their tooth structure, often having four tusks. Gomphothere species across North America and Eurasia began to be replaced by true elephants from about 5 million years ago, although the most isolated populations in South America may have survived as recently as 6000 years ago. The blue mineral associated with the original enamel is vivianite. Photographed with a Nikon D800E camera and a Zeiss Luminar 63mm lens with fibre optic lighting. 50 INTERNATIONAL IMAGES FOR SCIENCE 2013 58 FERNAN FEDERICI Fluorescent Arabidopsis thaliana Plant : 2009 59 Department of Plant Sciences, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom Confocal light micrograph of part of a Thale Cress plant (Thaliana Arabidopsis). Various fluorescent stains have been used that bind to specific protein structures. Here cyan shows plasma membranes and red and yellow denote cell nuclei. An attempt has been made to modify the DNA within each cell nucleus. All express a reference protein that binds with the red fluorescent marker, but have a variable expression of the protein that binds with the yellow marker. The ratio of yellow to red gives the efficiency of the uptake of the modified protein expression. This is of great use in quantifying issues in genetic studies. INTERNATIONAL IMAGES FOR SCIENCE 2013 51 GERD-A. GÜNTHER Tick Hypostome : 2013 Düsseldorf, Germany Polarised light micrograph of the end of a hypostome of a Castor Bean Tick, Ixodes ricinus. The segment seen here is about 0.1mm long. The hypostome is a piercing mouth part common to certain arthropods such as ticks and mites. They are used to pierce the skin in search of blood, the harpoon-like projections allowing the insect to remain attached to the host during feeding. If the tick is removed incorrectly, this segment of hypostome can break off and remain in the skin, causing infection. I. ricinus is the largest of three common tick species in the United Kingdom. This image was captured using a Leica DMLB microscope with polarised light illumination and a Canon digital camera. 52 INTERNATIONAL IMAGES FOR SCIENCE 2013 60 TONY McCONNELL Large Lady : 1998 Tony McConnell Photography, London, United Kingdom Thermal infrared image of an overweight woman. This image was shot in a darkened room, so relies on the heat energy of the subject. Heat, detected as long wavelength infrared radiation, is colour coded from blue (coolest) through green yellow and red to magenta (warmest). The image was captured using a VarioCAM hr research 600 camera. 61 PHRED PETERSEN MAV Takeoff : 2012 School of Media and Communication, RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia Schlieren image showing the downwash from the rotors of a model helicopter. This technique visualises changes in the refractive index of a gas, in this case because of changes in air density. In this instance, alcohol vapour has been added to emphasise density variations as air is forced downward by the rotors. As the air stream hits the ground it moves outward in all directions with a turbulent, billowing motion. Studies such as this investigate the occurrence of recirculation, or how the billowing outwardmoving ground air is pulled back toward the rotors. In the real world this can cause significant damage to the rotors and engines from debris. The image was captured using a 300mm Z-configuration schlieren system with a threecolour filter over the electronic flash source. 62 INTERNATIONAL IMAGES FOR SCIENCE 2013 53 HARALD KLEINE Bullet Sequence : 2012 School of Engineering and Information Technology, University of New South Wales / Australian Defence Force Academy, Canberra, Australia A sequence of colour schlieren images showing the passage of a 0.22 inch calibre bullet in air. In the top frame the bullet is seen to the left, outside of the visualisation system, and shows no evidence of a shockwave. In the centre and lower frames, the same bullet is seen surrounded by compression waves (red and yellow) and expansion zones (blue and cyan). An area of turbulence left by the passage of the bullet is most clearly seen in the lower frame. The images were captured using a high-speed digital video system, taking 40,000 frames per second with an interval of 200 microseconds between frames. 54 INTERNATIONAL IMAGES FOR SCIENCE 2013 63 DAVID SCHARF MEMS Electrostatic Motor : 2010 David Scharf Photography, Los Angeles, California, USA Scanning electron micrograph of a torsional ratcheting actuator, a kind of microscopic electrostatic motor. This is an example of a microelectromechanical system (MEMS), tiny moving devices created by technologies used to make computer chips. Here the interlocking combs on the electrodes alternate between attraction and repulsion in response to a rapidly changing electrostatic charge. A ratchet device means that an attached component rotates in only one direction, but with relatively high torque. Each electrode is about 100 micrometres long and 20-30 micrometres wide. The colours in this image come from multiple secondary detectors in the microscope through a system invented by Mr Scharf. 64 MANFRED P KAGE Nerve Cells on a Silicon Chip : 2009 KAGE Mikrofotografie, Institute of Scientific Photography, Lauterstein, Germany Coloured scanning electron micrograph of nerve cells on a circuit printed on a silicon chip. The nerve cells (neurons) were cultured on the surface of the chip until they formed a network with other cells nearby. The part of the chip seen here is about 1.2mm in width. It was created in monochrome then later digitally colourised. 65 INTERNATIONAL IMAGES FOR SCIENCE 2013 55 CHRISTOPHER GUERIN Yeast SEM : 2012 VIB Bio-imaging Core, Gent, Belgium Scanning electron micrograph of two yeast cells in the process of budding. The larger cells are about 4 micrometres in diameter. Yeasts are single-celled organisms that reproduce asexually. Those that do so by budding, growth from an offshoot of a parent cell rather than by splitting into equal-sized offspring, come into the order Saccharomycetales or true yeasts. These are the yeasts used in baking and in fermenting. In total there are over 1500 species of yeasts in two phyla, the Ascomycota and the Basidiomycota. 56 INTERNATIONAL IMAGES FOR SCIENCE 2013 66 PHRED PETERSEN Blast Wave Patterns : 2011 67 School of Media and Communication, RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia High speed schlieren image showing the propagation of a shock wave from a toy cap gun charge inside a cylinder. This technique visualises changes in the refractive index of a gas, in this case because of changes in air density. The charge is ignited in the upper left frame. By the frame at upper right the spherical shock wave is well developed. At lower left the principal shock wave has been completely reflected from the corrugated interior surface of the cylinder causing a complex pattern of interactions. In the last frame the interactions have largely resolved into a nearspherical principal reflection. The frames were captured at a rate of 5000 per second with a synchronised flash unit providing exposures of 25 nanoseconds. The elapsed time between first and last frames was just 0.6 milliseconds. The video was captured with a Phantom v7.3 high speed camera and HSPS Mini Strobokin flash unit. INTERNATIONAL IMAGES FOR SCIENCE 2013 57 PAUL WHITTEN Retinal Haemorrhage : 2013 New York Eye and Ear Infirmary, New York, NY, USA Mosaic of three images of a human retina showing bleeding beneath the inner limiting membrane (ILM). The blood is seen draining into the vitreous humour, the clear gel that fills the eye. Retinal bleeding can be caused by high blood pressure, blockage or as a result of diabetes. Mild bleeding, especially where not associated with chronic disease, can often be left alone to reabsorb in its own time. More serious cases can be treated with laser cauterisation of damaged blood vessels. This image was made using a Topcon TRC 501X retinal camera and proprietary mosaic software. 58 INTERNATIONAL IMAGES FOR SCIENCE 2013 68 STEVEN MORTON FRPS Malaria Infected Human Red Blood Cell : 2008 69 School of Physics, Monash University, Victoria, Australia Atomic force microscope (AFM) image of the surface of a human red blood cell from a patient who has been infected with the malaria parasite (Plasmodium sp.). The parasite first infects the liver, then reproduces forming merozoites that infect red blood cells. Inside each cell, a single merozoite can multiply to form 8-24 clones before the cell bursts and the infective merozoites are released into the blood stream. This image was created from surface height data gathered by the AFM, then processed through a 3D visualisation package. INTERNATIONAL IMAGES FOR SCIENCE 2013 59 GERD-A. GÜNTHER Butterfly Wing : 2012 Düsseldorf, Germany Light micrograph of the wing of a common blue Common Blue Charaxes butterfly, (Charaxes tiridates). The part of the wing seen here is about 0.2mm in width. The undersides of the wing are covered in scales, mostly light brown but occasionally in bands of black. Two veins are seen here in dark brown, these are tubular and provide structural support for the wing as well as oxygen exchange (‘breathing’). C. tiridates is found in most of central Africa. This image was captured using a Leica DMLB microscope and Canon digital camera. 60 INTERNATIONAL IMAGES FOR SCIENCE 2013 70 LOUISE MURRAY Porcelain Crab Feeding Inside the Safety of its Host : 2011 71 London, United Kingdom A Porcelain Crab eating inside the protecting folds of a Pocillopora coral. Porcelain crabs belong to the family Porcellanidae, with 277 species described. They have very flattened bodies to enable them to hunt and hide in rocky crevices. This image was taken at night, an ultraviolet light causing the coral to fluoresce and give a ghostly green light to the scene. Photographed underwater in Tondoba Bay in the Red Sea off the coast of Egypt. INTERNATIONAL IMAGES FOR SCIENCE 2013 61 NICOLE OTTAWA Coffea : 2012 Eye of Science, Reutlingen, Germany Coloured scanning electron micrograph of the cells of a coffee bean. Coffee is made from the beans of the coffee plant (Coffea sp.). This part of the sample is about 30 micrometres wide. The sample was prepared by freeze fracturing, rapidly freezing the sample with liquid nitrogen such that tissues are instantly preserved. If the sample is broken, the inner structures are revealed. Here the fractured edges of cell walls are seen as grey. Inside the cells are small particles of oil. During the roasting process the oils are concentrated and converted to caffeol, responsible for the characteristic aroma and flavour. The oil particles also contain the caffeine in solution. This image was created in monochrome then digitally colourised. 62 INTERNATIONAL IMAGES FOR SCIENCE 2013 72 VIKTOR SYKORA Eye of a Cerambyx : 2012 73 First Faculty of Medicine, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic Coloured scanning electron micrograph of the eye of a beetle of the genus Cerambyx. The lenses of the compound eye is at lower right, at upper left are hairs that surround and protect the eye. Cerambyx is one genus of the Capricorn beetles, or Cerambycidae, so called because their antennae are long and curled and reminiscent of the horns of the Alpine Ibex. The genus contains about 30 species, the most common of which is Cerambyx cerdo. This image was created in monochrome then later digitally colourised. INTERNATIONAL IMAGES FOR SCIENCE 2013 63 FARAH AHMED 20 Million Year Old Gecko in Amber : 2012 The Natural History Museum, London, United Kingdom 3D reconstructions of a gecko found preserved in amber, imaged using X-rays in a micro-CT scanner. The CT technology uses fine beams of X-rays to take a virtual ‘slice’ of the sample – many such slices are then stacked together to make a 3D model. By careful computer processing, the bones are easily made visible. Because the specimen was preserved in amber, there is an air space which the soft tissues used to fill. The CT software is able to map this interior surface, effectively replicating the skin of the gecko. This specimen was found in the Dominican Republic and dates to about 20 million years ago. 64 INTERNATIONAL IMAGES FOR SCIENCE 2013 74 STEVEN MORTON FRPS 115 Million Year Old Jaw of Bishops whitmorei : 2009 75 School of Physics, Monash University, Victoria, Australia Macrophotograph of the tiny fossilised jaw of Bishops whitmorei, a placental mammal that flourished in Australia during the Early Cretaceous period about 115 million years ago. The classification of this and similar fossils has been governed by the assumed evolution of molar teeth in mammals. However, evidence from B. whitmorei suggests the existing understanding of this evolutionary trait may be incorrect and that many species have been incorrectly classified. This image was captured using a Nikon D3 camera with macro lens. INTERNATIONAL IMAGES FOR SCIENCE 2013 65 VOLKER BRINKMANN Stiletto : 2012 Max-Planck Institute for Infection Biology, Berlin, Germany Coloured scanning electron micrograph of the proboscis of a mosquito, Anopheles gambiae. At upper left is the outer sheath, or labium, enclosing the tip of the stylet (green). The stylet is made of the maxillae and mandibles, and is used to pierce the skin of the host animal to find and penetrate a blood vessel. The blood that escapes is sucked up through the labium. In mosquito species, such as the A. gambiae, the labium is relatively long and forms a proboscis. The section of stylet seen here is about 0.2mm long. This image was created in monochrome then digitally colourised. 66 INTERNATIONAL IMAGES FOR SCIENCE 2013 76 TED KINSMAN Over-Inflating a Balloon : 2011 77 Kinsman Physics Productions, Rochester, New York, USA High-speed flash image showing a balloon shortly after it has burst. A few millilitres of water were put in the balloon before it was inflated. When it burst, the sudden drop in pressure allowed water vapour inside to cool rapidly, forming the water droplets seen here. The flash was triggered by the sound of the balloon bursting, its duration of 50 microseconds freezing the moment. INTERNATIONAL IMAGES FOR SCIENCE 2013 67 ANDERS PERSSON Computed Tomography Angiography of Dead Wild Boar : 2013 Centre for Medical Image Science and Visualisation (CMIV), Linköping University, Linköping, Sweden 3D reconstructed image of a dead wild boar showing its skeleton and blood vessels. The animal had been killed in a traffic accident. An iodine contrast agent was injected into the arteries before the animal was placed in a Dual Energy Computer Tomography (DECT) scanner. This takes a series of scans of the animal, a virtual ‘slice’ at two different X-ray energies. The slices can then be combined to form a virtual 3D image and computer processing can apply transparency and colour to the various types of tissue. This technique is being developed to enable virtual autopsy to be performed on human bodies post mortem. 78 ANDERS PERSSON Post-Mortem Dual Energy Computed Tomography Examination : 2012 Centre for Medical Image Science and Visualisation (CMIV), Linköping University, Linköping, Sweden 3D reconstructed image of the thoracic cavity of a cadaver. At centre is the liver, beneath this is the small intestine. At upper left are parts of the bones and musculature of the shoulder and upper arm. The body was examined using a Dual Energy Computer Tomography (DECT) scanner. This takes a series of scans, a virtual ‘slice’ at two different X-ray energies. The slices can then be combined to form a virtual 3D image and computer processing can apply transparency and colour to the various types of tissue. At post mortem, higher X-ray energies may be used than for live patients. This gives extremely good tissue differentiation. The resulting images can be used for guiding autopsy investigations and for teaching. 79 68 INTERNATIONAL IMAGES FOR SCIENCE 2013 ANDERS PERSSON Computed Tomography Angiography : 2013 80 Centre for Medical Image Science and Visualisation (CMIV), Linköping University, Linköping, Sweden 3D reconstructed image of the head and neck of a patient highlighting the blood vessels. The skull and spine are also clearly seen. An iodine contrast agent was injected into the arteries before the patient was placed in a Dual Energy Computer Tomography (DECT) scanner. This takes a series of scans of the patient, a virtual ‘slice’ at two different X-ray energies. The slices can then be combined to form a virtual 3D image and computer processing can apply transparency and colour to the various types of tissue. As well as its use in clinical diagnosis, this technique is being developed to enable virtual autopsy to be performed on human bodies. INTERNATIONAL IMAGES FOR SCIENCE 2013 69 DAVID SCHARF MEMS Brain Electrode Array : 2011 David Scharf Photography, Los Angeles, California, USA Scanning electron micrograph of an array of microscopic electrodes used to connect with neurons in the brain. Neural interfaces such as this may be used for recording brain signals and interpreting them (such as operating a prosthetic limb) or for passing information to the brain (such as in hearing or sight impairment). This array was created by using an electric spark to selectively vaporise areas of a polished silicon crystal, leaving these electrodes standing. Each of these electrodes is about 0.1 mm thick. The colours in this image come from multiple secondary detectors in the microscope through a system invented by Mr Scharf. 81 VOLKER BRINKMANN Malaria Sporozoite Movement : 2011 Max-Planck Institute for Infection Biology, Berlin, Germany Time lapse fluorescence micrograph of malaria sporozoites. Sporozoites are the motile form of a parasite that infects its host. Here, the sporozoites are from Plasmodium, a genus of parasites that carry malaria. They are present in the saliva of a mosquito and are transmitted to a host during the mosquito’s blood meal. Here the colours show two different genetic varieties, stained with different fluorescent dyes. The motion of the sporozoites in two dimensions (up/down, left/right) is mapped as a function of time (into/out of the image plane). The majority of green-stained sporozoites are highly motile and move in helical tracks away from the centre. Most of the red-stained variety are relatively immotile. mikroskopie 82 70 INTERNATIONAL IMAGES FOR SCIENCE 2013 FARAH AHMED Tissint – Martian Meteorite : 2012 83 The Natural History Museum, London, United Kingdom 3D reconstruction of a fragment of the Tissint Martian meteorite, imaged using X-rays in a micro-CT scanner. The CT technology uses fine beams of X-rays to take a virtual ‘slice’ of the sample – many such slices are then stacked together to make a 3D model. CT technology allows very fine density differences to be visualised through the bulk structure of the rock. Here orange colours indicate the mineral olivine, green shows what were once fluid inclusions, blue is silicate glass and white shows fracture networks. Tissint is the name of a meteorite that fell to Earth in Morocco on 18 July 2011. Study of its structure and mineral content show that it was blasted from the surface of Mars in an impact about 700,000 years ago since which time it has wandered to solar system. INTERNATIONAL IMAGES FOR SCIENCE 2013 71 DANIEL KARIKO Yellow Paper Wasp Found on Back Yard, Pathway : 2013 School for Art and Design, East Carolina University, Greenville, USA Extreme close-up view of the head of a Yellow Paper Wasp. Paper wasps belong in the genus Polistes, with over 300 known species. Many species build their nests on human habitation, while not normally aggressive paper wasps will defend their nests vigorously. This image is part of a series investigating our often-overlooked housemates, a result of the expansion of our habitat into rural areas, and is a composite of light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. 72 INTERNATIONAL IMAGES FOR SCIENCE 2013 84 DANIEL KARIKO Cuckoo Wasp Found on Window Screen : 2013 85 School for Art and Design, East Carolina University, Greenville, USA Extreme close-up view of the head of a cuckoo wasp. Cuckoo wasps belong in the family Chrysidae, with over 3000 known species. Common names also include jewel wasp, gold wasp or emerald wasp, reflecting their brilliantly coloured, metal-like bodies. Most species are cleptoparasites – laying their eggs in host nests where their larvae eat the host egg or larvae. This image is part of a series investigating our oftenoverlooked housemates, a result of the expansion of our habitat into rural areas, and is a composite of light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. INTERNATIONAL IMAGES FOR SCIENCE 2013 73 DAVID W WALKER Victorian Microscope Slide: Head of Vanessa urticae : 2011 Huddersfield, Yorkshire, United Kingdom Digital scan of a microscope slide showing the intricate detail in the head of a small Tortoiseshell Butterfly (Aglais urticae). Also known by its older names Vanessa urticae or Nymphalis urticae, this is an abundant species in the United Kingdom and Ireland. The specimen was prepared and mounted by W Watson & Sons, a famous supplier of microscope slides, in the 19th Century. The slide was scanned in a 35mm film scanner, the resulting digital file was cleaned and balanced before conversion to monochrome and inverted to form this digital ‘negative’. 74 INTERNATIONAL IMAGES FOR SCIENCE 2013 86 MANFRED P KAGE Ant Holding a Micromechanical Gear : 2006 87 KAGE Mikrofotografie, Institute of Scientific Photography, Lauterstein, Germany Coloured scanning electron micrograph of a Leafcutter Ant (Atta cephalotes) holding a gear from a micromechanical device. The gear was made by shining a laser into a chemical film, solidifying the polymer so that it can be recovered by washing away the excess chemicals. The gear is about 0.1mm wide. The image was created in monochrome then later digitally colourised. INTERNATIONAL IMAGES FOR SCIENCE 2013 75 SPIKE WALKER ASIS FRPS Mouse Foetus, Longitudinal Section : 2006 Penkridge, Staffordshire, United Kingdom Macrograph of a stained sagittal section through a mouse embryo. At centre in green is the heart, beneath that is part of the spinal column. In the head at left, the brain and tongue are shown clearly. At right are sections through the legs and, closest to the body, the tail. This embryo measures about 18mm in length. The image was captured using a Canon EOS 1Ds Mark II camera on a Zeiss Tessovar. The tones in the resulting frame were reversed and the colours further emphasised using Photoshop ™ software. 88 RICHARD KIRBY The Doliolid, Doliolum nationalis : 2012 University Of Plymouth, Marine Institute, Plymouth, United Kingdom Light micrograph of the adult doliolid Doliolum nationalis. The larval stage of this creature possesses a notochord – a flexible rod-like structure of supporting cells – and so, like humans, they belong to the phylum Chordata. This 1.5 mm long, adult doliolid possesses bands of muscle around its barrel-shaped body that help it swim and feed as it drifts among the plankton at the sea surface. Contraction and relaxation of the muscles draws water in through the buccal siphon (right) and over the comb-like gills before it is expelled as a jet from the atrial siphon (left). A mucus sheet situated behind the gills traps food particles before the stream of water leaves the animal’s body. 89 76 INTERNATIONAL IMAGES FOR SCIENCE 2013 DAN SYKES A Blaschka Jellyfish : 2013 Imaging and Analysis Centre, The Natural History Museum, London, United Kingdom 3D reconstruction of a glass model of a jellyfish, imaged using X-rays in a micro-CT scanner. The artificial colours used here are based on the density of the glass. This incredible model was sculpted in glass in the mid-19th Century by Leopold and Rudolf Blaschka. The techniques used by this father and son team are not fully understood, it is hoped that this study will help reveal some of their secrets. 90 GERD-A. GÜNTHER Puccinia lagenophorae, Rust Spores : 2012 Düsseldorf, Germany Light micrograph of a section of the stem of a common groundsel (Senecio vulgaris) infected with spores of a rust fungus Puccinia lagenophorae. The spores are in the yellow patches at centre forming two clustered spots each about 50 micrometres wide. P. lagenophorae is parasitic to the common groundsel. Rusts such as this rarely kill their host but can severely debilitate individual plants. This is a major consideration in agriculture where rusts form on cereal crops. This image was captured using a Leica DMLB microscope and dark field illumination and a Canon digital camera. 91 INTERNATIONAL IMAGES FOR SCIENCE 2013 77 HANS U. DANZEBRINK Flame : 2013 Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB), Braunschweig, Germany 92 Colourised light micrograph showing a section of a prepared sample of nanoparticles. The nanoparticles are made from PMMA, or poly (methyl methacrylate), and appear as tiny dark spots in the upper part of the image and in the red area below. The yellow areas are remnants of the liquid suspension stabiliser from the manufacturing process, the blue-grey area is a silicon substrate. The nanoparticles are about 190 nanometres wide, the piece of the sample seen here is about 800 micrometres across. Nanoparticles are being studied as possible drug-delivery agents as they can be treated to carry chemicals to specific cell types within the body. This image was captured using a Zeiss Axiophot 2 microscope under bright-field contrast illumination, then later digitally colourised. VOLKER BRINKMANN Dividing Cancer Cells : 2001 Max-Planck Institute for Infection Biology, Berlin, Germany Coloured scanning electron micrograph of dividing cancer cells. One of the features that defines a cancer cell is that it undergoes rapid division. The rate of replication of normal epithelial cells is normally governed by ‘gatekeeper’ proteins, but these are missing on cancer cells. This image was created in monochrome and later digitally colourised. mikroskopie 93 78 INTERNATIONAL IMAGES FOR SCIENCE 2013 DAVID McCARTHY Swimmers on the Beach : 2012 University College London, School of Pharmacy, London, United Kingdom Scanning electron micrograph of ‘nanoswimmers’. These are microscopic objects being investigated for use as drug carriers in medicine. Each tiny coil is just 25 micrometres long, 5 micrometres wide and 300 nanometres thick. The coils are made from a polymer coated in nickel and titanium. This image was captured in monochrome then later digitally colourised by Ms A Cavanagh. 94 NICOLE OTTAWA Diatoms : 2006 Eye of Science, Reutlingen, Germany Coloured scanning electron micrograph of the shells of various diatoms. Diatoms are a type of photosynthetic, single-celled algae. There are around 100,000 species of diatom, which form an important part of the plankton at the base of the marine and freshwater food chains. The characteristic feature of diatoms is their intricately patterned, glass-like cell wall, or frustule. This image was created in monochrome and later digitally colourised. 95 INTERNATIONAL IMAGES FOR SCIENCE 2013 79 DAVID DOUBILET HonFRPS Chromodoris Nudibranch with Commensal Shrimp, Bali Indonesia : 2007 National Geographic Magazine (Contributing Photographer), Clayton, New York, USA A Pyjama nudibranch (Chromodoris magnifica) photographed with an attending shrimp. The nudibranchs form a group of soft-bodied, gastropod molluscs. There are over 3000 described species of nudibranch, many of which are extremely colourful to warn of their toxicity to potential predators. C. magnifica is found in the western Pacific Ocean and feeds on sponges of the genus Negombata. This specimen was photographed in an underwater miniature studio – a white background was fixed to a tripod and taken to the nudibranch. A marine biologist placed the nudibranch on the background then returned it to its environment. The image was captured on a Nikon D2X camera and 60mm macro lens in an underwater housing. Lighting was from two flash units with a further unit providing some back light. 80 INTERNATIONAL IMAGES FOR SCIENCE 2013 96 AMANDA REBBECHI Bladder Stones : 2002 97 Medical Illustration Unit, The Royal Melbourne Hospital, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia A clinician holding some bladder stones, also known as vesical calculi or cystoliths. Normally these are small particles that form when the patient is dehydrated and thus has concentrated urine, or if urine is allowed to become stagnant in the bladder due to infections. This allows various minerals to crystallise – most often these are calcium oxalates and phosphates of calcium, magnesium and ammonia. Treatment in the early stages is by breaking the stones using ultrasound or a laser and allowing the fragments to pass. In extreme cases, as seen here, surgical removal is required. This image was captured using a Nikon FM-2 camera with 55mm macro lens and studio lighting. INTERNATIONAL IMAGES FOR SCIENCE 2013 81 DORIT HOCKMAN Skeleton of a Chameleon Embryo : 2012 Trinity College, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom Light micrograph of a prepared specimen of an embryo of a Veiled Chameleon, Chamaeleo calyptratus. The skin was removed and the embryo treated with skeletal stains. These render cartilage in blue and bone in red. During development, the skeleton starts out as cartilage which is rapidly replaced by bone. Here most of the skeleton has turned into bone, with just the front ribs and parts of the skull still as cartilage. This image was taken as part of research into embryonic development and the diversity of growth in different species. The image was captured using a Leica dissecting photo-microscope. 82 INTERNATIONAL IMAGES FOR SCIENCE 2013 98 HUGH TURVEY Woman Drinking Water : 2010 99 The British Institute of Radiology, London, United Kingdom A variety of imaging techniques is used here to visually illustrate the anatomy and mechanics of a simple yet essential action – drinking water. The image uses magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), X-ray and conventional photographic elements that have been digitally combined and given a blue tint. INTERNATIONAL IMAGES FOR SCIENCE 2013 83 HEATHER ANGEL HonFRPS Time Lapse Sequence of Glory Lily Flower Opening : 2009 Natural Visions, Surrey, United Kingdom Time-lapse sequence showing the opening of a flower of a Glory Lily (Gloriosa superba). This clearly illustrates how the petals enlarge, flex upwards and change colour as the flower opens. This exposes the stamens and stigma so that butterfly pollinators can make contact with them. These images are part of an ongoing project on floral structure and pollination mechanisms, which Heather Angel is undertaking for the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. The images were captured using a Nikon D3 camera and 105mm macro lens with illumination from two SB900 electronic flash units. Separate exposures were later combined in an image editing program. 84 INTERNATIONAL IMAGES FOR SCIENCE 2013 100 LISTINGS NAME COUNTRY TITLE PAGE Craig Aarts Canada Sphere-Ology : 2010 Farah Ahmed United Kingdom 20 Million Year Old Gecko in Amber : 2012 / Tissint – Martian Meteorite : 2012 Heather Angel HonFRPS United Kingdom Darwin’s Slipper Flower in Visible and UV Radiation : 2011 / How a Pond Skater Walks on Water : 2006 / Time Lapse Sequence of Glory Lily Flower Opening : 2009 Norm Barker USA Red Fossil Coral, Indonesia : 2011 / Gallstones : 2011 / Gomphothere Tooth : 2012 Richard Bower United Kingdom The Invisible Universe : 2013 Gabriel Brammer Germany Comets and Shooting Stars Dance Over Paranal : 2013 Dee Breger USA Tunguska Ilmenite : 2008 Volker Brinkmann Germany Shigella Comet : 2010 / Stiletto : 2012 / Malaria Sporozoite Movement : 2011 / Dividing Cancer Cells : 2001 Roberta Cagnetta United Kingdom Human iPS-Derived Cerebral Cortex Neurons : 2012 Bernardo Cesare Italy Sunflower of Jasper : 2010 / Graphite-Bearing Rock from Kerala, India : 2012 Hans U. Danzebrink Germany Flame : 2013 Adrian Davies ARPS United Kingdom Seed Spiralling Down from Sycamore Tree in Autumn : 2012 / Pollen Being Discharged from Ash Tree Fraxinus excelsior : 2012 David Dickie United Kingdom Squamous-Cell Carcinoma, Right Hand : 2011 David Doubilet HonFRPS USA World of Penguins, Antarctic Peninsula : 2011 / Lemon Sharks on Patrol, Bahama Banks : 2010 / Male Tomato Clownfish Guarding Eggs, Anilao Philippines : 2009 / Chromodoris Nudibranch with Commensal Shrimp, Bali Indonesia : 2007 Fernan Federici United Kingdom Fluorescent Arabidopsis thaliana Plant : 2009 Andrew Gasson ARPS United Kingdom Bubbles Beneath a Contact Lens : 2004 Robert Gendler USA Trifid Nebula : 1997-2002 / Ring Nebula : 1995-2008 / Spiral Planetary Nebula : 2012 / Messier 106 : 1995-2003 Katrina Gold United Kingdom Fly’s Eye View : 2012 Nicky Goodfellow United Kingdom Lymphangiomas and Angiokeratomas on Leg : 2012 Steve Gschmeissner United Kingdom Ruptured Venule : 2011 / Activated Macrophage : 2013 Christopher Guerin Belgium Yeast SEM : 2012 Gerd-A. Günther Germany Tick Hypostome : 2013 / Butterfly Wing : 2012 / Puccinia lagenophorae, Rust Spores : 2012 Team led by Oliver Hainault Germany The Wings of the Seagull Nebula : 2012 Dorit Hockman United Kingdom Bat Embryonic Development : 2006 / Skeleton of a Chameleon Embryo : 2012 Robert Hurt USA Massive Star Making Waves : 2012 / The Dusty Spectacle of Orion : 2013 / The Ultraviolet Andromeda Galaxy : 2012 Manfred P Kage Germany Nerve Cells on a Silicon Chip : 2009 / Ant Holding a Micromechanical Gear : 2006 Daniel Kariko USA Weevil Found on Front Porch, Doormat : 2012 / Yellow Paper Wasp Found on Back Yard, Pathway : 2013 / Cuckoo Wasp Found on Window Screen : 2013 Ted Kinsman USA Fluid Fishbone Effect : 2012 / Over-Inflating a Balloon : 2011 Richard Kirby United Kingdom The Doliolid, Doliolum nationalis : 2012 Harald Kleine Australia Focusing Shock : 2007 / Bullet Sequence : 2012 Steve Lowry United Kingdom Leaf Hairs on Deutzia scabra : 2012 Mark Maio USA 20/20 : 2011 David Malin FRPS Australia Dimedone – Cyclomethone, 5,5-Dimethyl-1,3-Cyclohexanedione : 1972 / Tungsten-Aluminium Alloy : 1970-2008 / Star Trails over the Dome of the Anglo-Australian Telescope : 1979 David McCarthy United Kingdom Swimmers on the Beach : 2012 Tony McConnell United Kingdom Large Lady : 1998 Steven Morton FRPS Australia Acoustically Levitated Drop of Human Blood Cells : 2007 / Feeding Aedes aegypti : 2012 / Malaria Infected Human Red Blood Cell : 2008 / 115 Million Year Old Jaw of Bishops whitmorei : 2009 Louise Murray United Kingdom Porcelain Crab Feeding Inside the Safety of its Host : 2011 Nicole Ottawa Germany Tardigrade, or Water Bear : 2010 / Evening Primrose Pollen : 2013 / Beauveria bassiana : 2012 / Coffea : 2012 / Diatoms : 2006 Greg Parker United Kingdom Water Drop Collision and Bubble Burst : 2012 Anders Persson Sweden Mechanical Heart Pump Computed Tomography : 2012 / Computed Tomography Angiography of Dead Wild Boar : 2013 Post-Mortem Dual Energy Computed Tomography Examination : 2012 / Computed Tomography Angiography : 2013 Phred Petersen Australia MAV Takeoff : 2012 / Blast Wave Patterns : 2011 John Priestley United Kingdom Change and Stability at the Heart of the Spinal Cord : 2013 Amanda Rebbechi Australia Bladder Stones : 2002 David Scharf USA Human Lymphocyte : 2011 / Two Neurons on a Glial Cell : 2011 /MEMS Electrostatic Motor : 2010 / MEMS Brain Electrode Array : 2011 Jim Swoger Spain 10.5 Day Old Mouse Embryo, Neurofilaments : 2011 Dan Sykes United Kingdom A Blaschka Jellyfish : 2013 Andrew Syred & Cheryl Power United Kingdom Large White Butterfly Scent Scale : 2010 / Silkworm Cocoon Silk Fibres : 2012 / Fruit Fly Male Sex Comb – Drosophila melanogaster : 2008 Viktor Sykora Czech Republic Eye of a Cerambyx : 2012 Hugh Turvey United Kingdom Woman Drinking Water : 2010 John Volcano United Kingdom Beckwith-Wiedemann Syndrome with Cleft Palate : 2013 Spike Walker ASIS FRPS United Kingdom Lagena Species Foraminifera : 2013 / Mouse Foetus, Longitudinal Section : 2006 David W Walker United Kingdom Victorian Microscope Slide: Head of Vanessa urticae : 2011 Paul Whitten USA Retinal Haemorrhage : 2013 Nicholas Wright United Kingdom Triggering the Birth of Stars : 2010 39 64 / 71 38 / 48 / 84 29 / 49 / 50 13 26 28 41 / 66 / 70 / 78 39 29 / 36 78 8 /9 46 26 / 48 / 49 / 80 51 50 14 / 14 / 16 / 18 38 25 42 / 44 56 52 / 60 / 77 12 35 / 82 10 / 11 / 19 55 / 75 20 / 72 / 73 30 / 67 76 7 / 54 31 15 6 / 24 / 27 79 53 37 / 46 / 59 / 65 61 21 / 23 / 43 / 62 / 79 33 35 / 68 / 68 / 69 53 / 57 34 81 17 / 32 / 55 / 70 40 77 22 / 24 / 45 63 83 47 6 / 76 74 58 13 INTERNATIONAL IMAGES FOR SCIENCE 2013 85 SELECTORS CHAIRMAN OF SELECTORS AFZAL ANSARY ASIS FRPS Medical & Scientific Imaging Consultant CATHERINE DRAYCOTT Head of Wellcome Images Wellcome Trust GARY EVANS ASIS FRPS Manager Scientific Relations Science Photo Library Afzal Ansary trained in Medical Photography at St Mary’s Hospital Medical School, London, and studied Scientific Photography at the Polytechnic of Central London, after which he worked at Guy’s Hospital Medical School, London. In 1971, he established the Department of Medical Illustration at the University of Zambia, School of Medicine (University Teaching Hospital), which he headed for 18 years. During this period, he was also an Honorary Consultant to the National Council for Scientific Research, Lusaka, Zambia. Catherine Draycott has been Head of Wellcome Images since 1992. She has also been a Director of the British Association of Picture Libraries and Agencies since 1997 and was it’s Chairperson from 2000 to 2007. Gary Evans gained a BSc in scientific photography at the Polytechnic of Central London before joining the photographic industry as a technical advisor. Since 1991 he has worked at the Science Photo Library, the world’s largest specialist stock agency for images of science, technology, medicine and the natural world. He has worked in medical photography in three large teaching hospitals in the UK, and is an Accredited Senior Imaging Scientist, Registered Medical Illustration Practitioner, and Emeritus Fellow of the Bio-Communications Association. Besides his academic qualifications, he holds five Fellowships in Scientific, Medical and Biological Photography. He won the RPS Medical Group Lancet Award in 1990, for the book, A Colour Atlas of AIDS in the Tropics, of which he is principal author. A member of the Science Committee, and the Imaging Scientist Qualifications Board, he coordinated the first International Images for Science Exhibition in 2011, and has presented and published several papers. 86 INTERNATIONAL IMAGES FOR SCIENCE 2013 She is responsible for the management and development of Wellcome Images’ collection which spans the history of medicine and civilisation from antiquity to the present day with over 180,000 images available online. Since starting at Wellcome, she has overseen the acquisition and development of a collection of 45,000 contemporary images combining clinical medicine and disease with biomedical science. She has been a judge of the Wellcome Image Awards since their inception in 1997. He has worked on several internationally renowned exhibition projects, including designing and curating the prototype of From Earth to the Universe for UNESCO in 2008, an exhibition of astronomy images subsequently seen at over 1000 venues in more than 100 countries, and was a selector for the first IISE in 2011. An outspoken advocate of the power of images to communicate science with the public, he also remains an active photographer. Current projects include an exploration of extremely long exposures in daylight on monochrome film, stacked focus macrophotography and taking digital pictures though his new telescope. PHOTO: STFC/STEPHEN KILL RALPH JACOBSON ASIS HonFRPS Emeritus Professor of Imaging Science, University of Westminster USCHI STEIGENBERGER Director of ISIS (retired) Science and Technology Facilities Council Ralph Jacobson has MSc and PhD degrees from the University of London. He was made Professor in 1992 and Emeritus Professor of Imaging Science in 2002 at the University of Westminster where he has been teaching and carrying out research for more than 30 years. He founded the Imaging Technology Research Group and initiated an MSc in Digital and Photographic Imaging. Ralph has authored, co-authored, or contributed to 11 books and more than 150 research papers. His main current area of research is in measuring image quality using physical and psychophysical metrics. He was awarded a Fellowship of the Society for Imaging Science and Technology in 2006 for his research contributions in image quality and his leadership in imaging science education. Uschi Steigenberger studied physics at the University of Würzburg in Germany. Having finished a PhD in semiconductor physics she extended her scientific interest to magnetic materials using neutron scattering techniques as a key scientific tool. First working at the Institut Laue Langevin in Grenoble, the renowned research reactor, and later at the world’s leading pulsed neutron source, the ISIS Facility at the Rutherford Appleton in the UK, she focused on the structure and dynamics of materials known generally as strongly correlated electron systems. He was awarded an Honorary Fellowship of The Society in 1994 and was President from 2005 to 2007. He received the Fenton Medal in 2010. He is currently Editorial Consultant to The Imaging Science Journal and a member of the Science, Education and Imaging Sciences Group committees and chairs the Imaging Scientist Qualifications Board. She also became interested in developing neutron instrumentation and techniques. During her professional career she recognised the importance of visualising experimental results. She says: ‘Imaging scientific results is a tremendously powerful tool which supports the scientific interpretation and, in addition, can deliver absolutely stunning and beautiful images’. She recently retired as the Director of ISIS. She has a lifelong interest in photography which started when she was given an Agfa box camera for her 10th birthday and as a keen traveller she enjoys capturing the excitement of exploration in photographic images. INTERNATIONAL IMAGES FOR SCIENCE 2013 87 GLOSSARY 88 Atomic force microscopy (AFM) First invented in 1986, bright-dark-bright cycle meaning a complete wavelength out especially in biological specimens. A filter is made with a AFM essentially ‘feels’ a surface with a microscopic probe. of phase. This technique is sensitive and can be used to make central disc of one colour, say green, and a surrounding ring The tip of the probe is a few nanometres wide. This is quantitative measurements of very small changes. of another, say red. This is placed below the condenser lens brought extremely close to the sample surface, so close that Light year (ly) The distance travelled by light in a vacuum in the light path of a microscope. This is arranged so that electrons in the atoms of the tip and of the sample start in the course of one Julian year (365 ¼ days). This is about only the central green light enters the microscope objective, to repel each other, creating a force. The probe is scanned 9.46 trillion kilometres (or 5.9 trillion miles), or more than the red light just misses the objective. If a sample is now across the sample surface while a feedback mechanism 63,000 times the distance from the Earth to the Sun. placed in the microscope, parts of it will refract the outer raises or lowers the tip so that this repelling force remains Macrophotography This term covers what we normally red light component enough that it enters the objective. constant. The energy needed for raising and lowering of think of as ‘close-up’ photography. Generally speaking this Therefore the viewer sees the specimen against a green the tip as it scans is recorded and provides a 3D model of is capturing an image at somewhere like life size, although background with various structures emphasised in yellow the surface being studied. AFM works at the very limits of macro is often accepted to be from about ¼ life size to (the mixture of green and red light) and red. microscopy, being able to resolve individual atoms. 10 times life size. Macrophotography can be achieved Scanning electron microscope (SEM) Electrons can act as Computed tomography (CT) Conventional X-ray images are through supplementary ‘close-up’ lenses, specially designed waves as well as particles. A beam of electrons is created excellent at showing damage to hard structures such as macro lenses or by complex systems of reversed lenses from a hot filament and focussed using magnets into a spot. bones, but are poor at discriminating soft tissues. and bellows units. The main issues in macrophotography This is scanned across a specimen in a vacuum chamber. There is also the problem of superposition, where the are lighting and focus. Many digital photographers now Atoms in the surface of the specimen are energised, point of interest is surrounded by other tissue such as bone. use ‘stacking’ software to take many exposures at slightly releasing this energy as secondary electrons that are picked To overcome this, computed tomography takes a series of different focus points, the software then combines the up by a detector. Some items, notably biological specimens slit-like X-ray images through the body from many directions. ‘sharp’ sections of each image to produce a frame with such as insects, need to be coated with gold to produce These images are combined in a computer and software a greatly expanded apparent depth of field. a conductive surface. The current created by the secondary used to display the spatial position of various structures, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) One of the greatest electrons is represented by the brightness of a spot on the resulting in a virtual ‘slice’ through the body. By moving the advances in medical diagnostic imaging, MRI is used to screen that is synchronised with the scanning beam. Thus a patient slightly and repeating the procedure, a series of discriminate between tissues that appear identical in X-rays. monochrome image is formed with excellent resolution (more slices is obtained that can be assembled by the computer The MRI scanner is essentially a large superconducting than 200 times sharper than light) and extensive depth into a 3D model. CT scans (also known as CAT or computed magnet. The magnetic field it generates aligns the spin of of field. Various techniques are used to create colour in axial tomography scans) are especially useful when used in hydrogen atoms in the body, such as in water molecules in the image. One technique uses multiple detectors, each conjunction with a contrast medium, for example in studying tissues, and a brief burst of radio waves ‘flips’ the spin of the producing a single colour channel, which are then combined blood vessels. atoms. The rate at which the atoms return to their original spin as an RGB image. Others are colourised in post-production Confocal Microscopy This is an optical technique used state, and the energy they emit doing so, is characteristic of using image editing programs such as Photoshop. to increase the resolution, depth of field and contrast in a the molecular bond of the hydrogen atom and thus the tissue Schlieren photography This is a technique for visualising microscope. A point light source is focussed onto the specimen, type in which it resides. Complex software is used to create changes of refractive index – normally in air – resulting from the reflected light passing back through the lens and reflected a 3D map of the body from these data that shows excellent local differences in pressure or heat. The most familiar use by a semi-silvered mirror to a pinhole at an identical distance differentiation in soft tissues such as the brain, muscles, is showing shock waves in supersonic flows. A light source away. This drastically reduces any out-of-focus light, but means the heart and in many types of tumour. is placed at the focus of a parabolic mirror. This projects a that to get an image the focus spot needs to be scanned Micrometre (μm) Also known as a micron, this is one beam of light toward an identical mirror, the gap between across the specimen. This technique is most often used in millionth of a metre or one thousandth of a millimetre. them is the ‘working section’. A knife edge is placed at conjunction with fluorescent dyes and an ultraviolet laser to get Microsecond (μs) One millionth of a second. the focus of the second mirror, from above, the apparatus high-resolution location and compositional information in Nanometre (nm) One billionth of a metre, one thousandth of has a characteristic ‘Z’ shape layout. Thus the image of the a biological specimen. a micrometre. light source is focussed onto the knife edge, which is also Fluorescence microscopy This technique is ideal for Nanosecond (ns) One billionth of a second, one thousandth at the focus of a camera lens. Any local change in air density highlighting the location and composition of structures of a microsecond. in the working section bends the light above or below the such as cells and cell organelles. Fluorescent dyes are used Polarised light microscopy This method allows us to see knife edge, at the camera this is seen as a corresponding that glow each in a specific colour when illuminated with differences between materials that otherwise simply appear brighter or darker patch against a mid-grey background. More UV radiation. Each dye is designed so it binds to a specific to be transparent. Light is passed through a polarising filter sophisticated systems use a multi-coloured light source or a protein or chemical fragment. When a sample is viewed, that only allows through light waves that oscillate in a single coloured filter in place of the knife edge. different colours highlight different parts of the sample – common direction. This goes through the sample, where Selective Plane Illumination Microscopy This is a for example, when imaging a cell, blue may highlight the different materials that are optically active, rotate the plane development of fluorescence microscopy in which the presence of DNA, green may show the actin of the cell’s of polarisation by different amounts. By looking through a illumination comes from the side of the subject, not down structure and red may be used to show the mitochondria. second polarising filter (known as the analyser), we see these onto or through it. The illumination is normally by a laser Fluorescence techniques are often allied with confocal different amounts of optical rotation as different colours. beam which passes through a cylindrical lens and becomes illumination to take advantage of its high spatial resolution. This process is especially useful in determining the content of a thin sheet of light. This is aimed into the subject from the Infrared radiation (IR) Infrared is an electromagnetic mineral samples, in many biological structures and in stress side, so that it lights at a specific depth as seen by the user. radiation similar to light, but with longer wavelength, typically analysis of transparent materials. By changing the depth of this light sheet, the structure of a 0.7 micrometres to 1000 micrometres. Longer wavelengths Raman Spectroscopy Raman spectroscopy allows scientists sample at different depths may be studied, even combined are known as ‘thermal’ infrared, as their emission depends on to identify and study the structures of large molecules such in a computer to create a 3D model. the surface temperature of an object. as proteins. A laser is used to energise vibrations, rotations Ultraviolet radiation (UV) Ultraviolet is a type of Interferometry Optical interferometry exploits a characteristic or small-scale variations within a molecule – in doing so electromagnetic radiation similar to light but with shorter of coherent light, such as that produced by lasers. A light the energy of the laser beam is altered in a measurable wavelengths, typically 10-400 nanometres. Many insects beam is split into two, one passes through the test object and and characteristic way. This is known as inelastic scattering. can see longwave UV radiation (300-400 nanometres). is recombined with the other, reference, beam. Because the Raman spectroscopy allows the study of very small samples, Shorter wavelengths, typically 280-315 nanometres, light waves start out in phase (in step), any changes in the does not require the sample to be physically fixed and is promote the production of Vitamin D but excessive exposure test area change the phase of light rays passing through. largely unaffected by water so can be used for aqueous leads to sunburn. UV ‘blacklights’ make fluorescent When recombined they interfere with the reference beam, solutions. dyes glow in visible light, for example in security inks on either constructively (adding up) or destructively (cancelling Rheinberg illumination This is a technique for highlighting banknotes or the optical brighteners used in many out). This produces a pattern of dark and bright lines, each microscopic structures within apparently clear samples, washing powders. INTERNATIONAL IMAGES FOR SCIENCE 2013 Afzal Ansary ASIS FRPS is to be congratulated for bringing together a diverse range of exciting images that come within the remit of Scientific Imaging which according to the Encyclopaedia of Imaging Science and Technology (John Wiley & Sons, 2002) may be defined as: The scientific applications of photography and imaging as tools to assist visualization. It is as old as photography itself and is concerned with making visible events that are too large, too small, too slow, too rapid, or beyond the visible region of the electromagnetic spectrum to be seen. As we have seen from the introduction (page 2-3), virtually all areas of science and technology benefit from and even depend on scientific imaging. It is also used extensively by the manufacturing industries and as an educational tool to reveal all those events that cannot be seen by the unaided eye. Scientific photography and the imaging science behind its many practical techniques have played and continue to play a most significant role in all aspects of our modern society, from the discovery of radioactivity and sub-atomic particles to the fabrication of microcircuits. Perhaps William Henry Fox Talbot can be considered a very early imaging scientist and scientific photographer, if not the first. I very much hope that this exhibition will inspire and encourage those involved in scientific imaging to apply for a Science Distinction by the submission of prints, transparencies or digital images. Applicants are asked to provide a statement which must provide a clear explanation of the purpose, objectives or intent of the work submitted together with technical details of sample preparation, image capture conditions and any image manipulations or processing that have been applied, where appropriate. Even If the nature of the applicant’s work is confidential then arrangements can be made for the work to be assessed ‘in camera’ and its confidentiality guaranteed. Also many Scientific Photographers are involved professionally in scientific imaging and may wish to apply for one of our Imaging Science Qualifications which are summarised on this page (below). Further details of the requirements for both Distinctions and Qualifications can be found on The Society’s website ( PROF RALPH JACOBSON ASIS HonFRPS Chair, Imaging Scientist Qualifications Board Past President of The Royal Photographic Society (2005-2007) IMAGING SCIENTIST QUALIFICATIONS The Royal Photographic Society Imaging Scientist Qualifications provide a structure leading to professional qualifications for engineers, scientists and technologists whose professional activities are concerned with quantitative or mechanic aspects of imaging systems or their applications. The relevant academic disciplines (chemistry, engineering, physics etc), imaging systems (silver, non-silver, electronic etc) and applications, will be interpreted as widely as possible. The Qualifications may be gained by members of The Society working within relatively narrow specialisations but their achievements will require a range of widely applicable professional skills. Candidates are required to demonstrate at an appropriate level, and as required by their particular professional circumstances, an ability to undertake a programme of work, write reports and papers, work within a team and produce results. Members who acquire an Imaging Scientist Qualification will also receive a Society Distinction. LEVEL 1 Qualified Imaging Scientist and Licentiate (QIS LRPS) For those with academic qualifications below degree level. For this level there is a minimum age of 21 years. a) BTec, HND, in engineering or science. b) One year of relevant experience. Where the candidate has not satisfied part A, four years of relevant experience will be accepted instead. c) Normally, the candidate will have performed work of a non-routine nature, which may have been directed by a senior colleague, and have produced accurate records and simple internal reports. LEVEL 2 Graduate Imaging Scientist and Associate (GIS ARPS) For those with a first degree a) A suitable degree in engineering or science. b) One year of relevant experience where the candidate has an honours degree and two years of relevant experience where the candidate has a pass degree. c) Normally, the candidate will have made a useful contribution to the work of a team of scientists and may have directed the work of a technician. LEVEL 3 Accredited Imaging Scientist and Associate (AIS ARPS) The qualification for those with post-graduate experience as imaging scientists a) Normally either QIS or GIS. b) Five years of relevant experience postQIS or three years of relevant experience GIS. Where the candidate has not satisfied part A, nine years of relevant experience will be accepted instead. c) As GIS but more evidence reflecting the years involved. Normally, the candidate will have generated and completed an individual project and will have written internal reports and published refereed papers. The Qualifications Board will expect to see evidence of independent work. LEVEL 4 Accredited Senior Imaging Scientist and Fellow (ASIS FRPS) The Senior professional qualification a) Normally AIS. b) Five years of relevant experience postAIS Alternatively, nine years of relevant experience post-GIS or eleven years postQIS. Where the candidate has not satisfied QIS part A, fourteen years of relevant experience will be accepted instead. c) Individual work of a high standard, which has shown originality. The Qualifications Board will expect to see evidence of a broad involvement in imaging science beyond a narrow specialism. INTERNATIONAL IMAGES FOR SCIENCE 2013 89 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION PLEASE CONTACT THE ROYAL PHOTOGRAPHIC SOCIETY Fenton House, 122 Wells Road, Bath BA2 3AH United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1225 325733 Website: Email: Registered Charity Number: 1107831 EXHIBITION CO-ORDINATOR AFZAL ANSARY ASIS FRPS FRONT COVER IMAGE DAN SYKES A Blaschka Jellyfish DESIGNED BY OMNI PRINTED BY WINCANTON PRINTING COMPANY THE EXHIBITION IS SPONSORED BY ISBN 978-0-904495-06-5 9 780904 495065 © 2013 All rights reserved 90 INTERNATIONAL IMAGES FOR SCIENCE 2013