1289 Girl From Ipanema


1289 Girl From Ipanema
Munsey ––––––––––––––––– Girl From Ipanema –––––––––––––––––––– Page 1
Cecil Munsey, PhD
13541 Willow Run Road
Poway, CA (USA)
Website Article:
No. 1289
Photos / Illus:
August 2012
First Serial Only
(Fig. 2. Helô [1967])
(Fig. 1. Girl from Ipannema.)
(Fig. 3 Meritage Collection recording of
"Girl from Ipanema" One fo nearly 200
renditions of the famous song)
(Fig. 4. Helô Pinheiro inspiration for the
song "Girl from Ipanema" at age 68 –
Photograph by Andre Penner)
Researched, organized, illuminated, and presented by
Cecil Munsey, PhD
Copyright© 2012
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For Ken Lawler of Oak Park, California. “One of the most inspiring, kindest, loving and
caring men one could ever hope to meet; he is the same at home as he is in public!”
Prolegomenon – introduction
What: “Tall and tan and young and lovely.…” Youʼve heard of her: The Girl
from Ipanema.
According to Stan Shepkowski, possibly the worldʼs biggest fan of ʻThe Girlʼ from
Ipanema, speaks about the famous song written about her:
“Itʼs a song of sensuality that entices men everywhere to dream. It evokes the
fantasy of an exotic beach where warm ocean waves kiss the shore, where
breezes whisper through the palm trees, and where there is a woman, a dream
woman, an ideal woman who embodies the elusive essence of everything that
is desirable.”
When: The year was 1962; John F. Kennedy
was president; the Cuban Missile Crisis was
averted when President Kennedy and Soviet
premiere Khrushchev agreed on the removal of
Soviet missiles from Cuba; John Glen became
the first American in orbit when he circled the
earth three times in NASAʼs Mercury capsule;
and more to the point of this article, it was the
year that Brazilian songwriter Antonio Carlos
“Tom” Jobim (Fig. 5) was credited with helping
(Fig. 5. Composer of "The Girl
From Ipanema", Tom Jobin
to initiate the “Bossa Nova” (“New Trend”)
movement by writing the song, The Girl From Ipanema. And it was also the year
that Jobin first saw, ʻThe Girlʼ who inspired the song (Fig. 6).
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(Fig. 6. Helô Paes Pinto (3 photos of Girl from Ipanema) early 1960s)
Where: Ipanema is a trendy, rather artsy beach neighborhood in south Rio de
Janeiro, Brazil (Fig. 7, 8 & 9). [Note – Although Brazil is surrounded by SpanishSpeaking countries, Portuguese is the language of Brazil.]
(Fig. 7. Map of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
(Fig. 8. Ipanema Beach Rio de Janeiro)
(Fig. 9. Ipanema Beach at night)
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To the west is the upscale area of Leblon; to the east is Aproador and
Copacabana. A block off Ipanema Beach, on the northwest corner of Rua
Montenegro and Rua Prudente de Moraes was songwriter Tom Jobim's favorite
hangout, the Bar Veloso, a 20ʼ x 130ʼ veranda-style, open-air café (Fig. 10), this
was the place to drink Brahama Chopp beer (See Figs. 11 & 12 and ADDENDUM
to this article for “Brahama collectibles”), smoke cigarettes, read the newspaper, chat
with his friends, and watch the pretty girls.
(Fig. 10. The bar Veloso in the late 1960s)
(Fig. 11. Brahama Chopp, a favorite
Brazillian beer first made in 1888 by
Companhia Cervejaria Brahama – currently
owned by Anheuser-Busch InBev)
(Fig. 12. Embossed Brahma beer bottle)
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Almost every day a certain girl passed by the Bar Veloso (Figs. 13 & 14).
Often in her school uniform, sometimes in her two-piece bathing suit she was, of
course, tall, and tan, and young and lovely with long brown hair and green eyes and
a rather sensual way of swaying her hips. She did not go unnoticed by Jobim and
friends who often greeted her with whistles and “cat-calls.” The girl [Heloisa Eneida
de Menezes Paes Pinto] known by her friends and family as “Helô” (Fig. 15),
however, never responded to the men. Never did she stop to talk; indeed never did
she even make eye contact with the barʼs patrons. Each day when she walked to
the sea, she looked straight ahead, not at anyone else.
(Fig. 13. Bar Veloso 1962)
(Fig. 14. The bar Veloso (today) at Ipanema
Beach where the song was written)
(Fig. 15. A. C. Jobinʼs original song notes on a
bar napkin and Girl From Ipanema)
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The Song
And songwriter Jobim was in love. Basically a shy man, Jobim was afraid to
approach the girl. With good reason, for at the time he was married with two
children and knew he had to be at least twice her age. But that did not prevent a
budding infatuation on his part.
Eventually he convinced his old lyricist buddy
Vinicius de Moraes (Fig. 16) to come by the Bar Veloso
to see this girl. After several days of waiting the girl finally
walked past. Jobim remarked “Nao a coisa mais linda?"
(Isn't she the prettiest thing?), to which de Moraes
replied, "E a coisa cheia de gracia." (She's full of
grace). This sparked the creativity in de Moraes who
wrote those two lines on a napkin. The lines provided
(Fig. 16. Vinicius de
Moraes in 1962)
the basis for the opening two lines of the original,
Portuguese [Brazil] version of the song A Garota de Ipanema (“The Girl from
Jobim and de Moraes were, at the time,
collaborating on the music and lyrics for a play
entitled “Blimp” so it took some time to complete
the song about Helô. Originally titled Menina
que Passa (Girl Who Passes), Jobim first
performed the song in Rio on August 12, 1962
(Fig. 17).
It was a shoo-in to be part of a Jazz
album being put together by Verve Records in
(Fig. 17. Tom Jobim with Vinicius)
New York with (vocalist), Astrud Gilberto;
saxophonist, Stan Getz; and guitarist, João Gilberto featuring some of Jobimʼs
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In March, 1963, Tom and Joao flew up to New York to record the album for
Verve (“vigor and spirit or enthusiasm”) Records. They also took along Joaoʼs wife
Astrud because she was the only one who spoke any significant English. At the
recording studio it was decided that Menina que Passa needed a more Rio sounding
title so it was changed to A Garota de Ipanema (“Girl From Ipanema”). Also,
producer Creed Taylor felt the song should
have English lyrics. Fortunately, the group
had met lyricist Norman Gimbel (Fig. 18)
from Broadcast Music, Inc. (BMI) – a firm
that collects fees on behalf of songwriters,
composers, and music publishers) several
months before when they played Carnegie
Hall and it was Gimbel who wrote the
English lyrics for Girl From Ipanema.
(Fig. 18. Norman Gimbal)
(Vinicius DeMoraes / Norman Gimbel / Tom Jobim)
– English Lyrics –
Tall and tanned and young and lovely
the girl from Ipanema goes walking
and when she passes
each man she passes
goes Aaah!
When she moves it's like a samba
that swings so cool and sways so gently
that when she passes
each man she passes
goes Aaah!
Oh - but he watches so sadly
How - can he tell her he loves her
He - would just give his heart gladly
But each day when she walks to the sea
She looks straight ahead not at he
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Tall and tanned and young and lovely
the girl from Ipanema goes walking
and when she passes
he smiles
but she doesn't see
no she doesn't see
she just doesn't see...
The next task was to find someone to sing those English lyrics. [There is some
dispute as to how it was decided, but Joãoʼs wife, Astrud, was selected to sing
because, although she had never sung professionally, she had a soft sexy voice,
she could hold a tune, and at least she could pronounce the English words.]
When the album was released in 1964 under the title “Getz/Gilberto” by
Verve Records the first cut on the album was “The Girl from Ipanema” (Fig. 19). It
featured João Gilberto strumming his guitar and singing the original Portuguese
lyrics followed by Astrud Gilberto (Fig. 20), his wife, with the English lyrics.
(Fig. 19. Getz-Gilberto record album)
(Fig. 20. Astrud Gilberto Singer of GirlFrom
Back home in Rio, the song was an instant success. Brazil was in the midst
of an economic recovery and, having won the last two World Cups, the country was
riding high. The international success of “The Girl from Ipanema” was another
example of the miracle that was Brazil then. That miracle was to end two years later
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when economic mismanagement, corruption, and a military dictatorship took over,
but in the meantime Brazil was young and hopeful.
Who Was the Girl?
As can be imagined, the big question in Ipanema was the identity of the
inspiration for the song. Jobim and de Moraes remained mysterious on the subject.
Some people believed there was no real girl, only the creation of a poetʼs
imagination. Others thought they knew better; many women flattered themselves,
claiming to be “THE GIRL”. A cottage industry even grew: All you had to do was
take some pictures of a pretty girl and sell them to ʻdumbʼ tourists claiming the girl in
the picture was “THE GIRL”.
Heloísa Eneida de Menezes Paes Pinto (Helô) was a born on July 7, 1945
and raised as a Rio de Janeiro girl – a true “carioca,” the daughter of an army
general from whom her mother divorced when Helô was
4. She grew up on the Rua Montenegro, some blocks
up from the Bar Veloso. At age 17 she was shy and
quite self-conscious: she had crooked teeth (Fig. 21),
she felt she was too skinny, she suffered from frequent
asthma attacks, and she had an allergy that reddened
her face. And on her way to and from school and on her
treks to the beach, she had to walk by the Bar Veloso.
(Fig. 21. Helô)
Although the song had been around since 1962, it wasnʼt until 1964 that
Helô learned the truth that she had been its inspiration. Friends introduced her to
Tom Jobim, who still hadnʼt worked up the courage to talk with her. But with the ice
finally broken, he set out to win her heart. On their second date, he stated his love
for her and asked her to marry him. But she turned him down because two things
got in the way. Helô knew Tom was married and that he was “experienced,”
whereas she was “inexperienced” and thought she would not make him a good wife.
The other was that she had been dating a handsome young lad, since she was 15.
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His name was Fernando Pinheiro from a prosperous family in nearby Leblon.
Undaunted by her refusal, Tom told her that she was the inspiration for the song.
The revelation confirmed the rumors she had heard from others and, of course, she
was thrilled beyond imagination, but she still turned down his marriage proposal.
Mystery Solved
The world would not learn the truth until 1965. Tired of all the gossip and
particularly concerned that a contest was going to be held to select “the girl from
Ipanema,” Vinicius de Moraes held a press conference in a detoxification clinic in Rio
where he was undergoing treatment, and with Helô at his side, de Moraes told the
world. And he offered her one more testament:
"She is a golden girl, a mixture of flowers and mermaids, full of light
and full of grace, but whose character is also sad with the feeling that
youth passes and that beauty isnʼt ours to keep. She is the gift of life
with its beautiful and melancholic constant ebb and flow."
Immediately she became a sensation. Offers of movie stardom, modeling
contracts, and trips around the world came. Unfortunately for her, however, it was
the 1960s, this was macho Brazil, and she was a “good Catholic girl.” [“Catholic
girls are believed to have the ʻinnocent sweet girlʼ image yet they have the ʻwild childʼ
behavior” – Urban Dictionary.]
In her 1996 autobiography, “Por Causa do Amor”,
about women of the time, Helô wrote: “The middle class
philosophy was to discourage and even repress any
attempts to do anything other than bringing up children
and being the perfect housewife”. Fernando, to whom
she was recently engaged, and her army general father
General Aleixo Pinto (1890-1963) (Fig. 22) refused to
allow her (even at age 21) to leave home. Being a
loving fiancée and an obedient daughter she had no
(Fig. 22. General Aleixo
Pinto (1890-1963) of Brazil)
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choice. She turned down all offers until her father died in 1963.
It may be difficult today to believe that someone would turn down certain fame
and fortune to be a housewife, but times then were different:
In 1960 less than 12% of all jobs in Brazil were held by women and
only 20% of all college students were women. The “machismo rule”
was in effect. Remember, this is the country where, until 1991, it was
legal for a man to kill his wife if he thought she was cheating on him.
“The Girl” Marries
Helô married Fernando Pinheiro in 1966 and settled in to live the life of the
“perfect housewife.” Twelve years later, however, things changed.
1978 was the pivotal year for Helô Pinheiro and her family because of two
misfortunes. The first was that because the military government relaxed its trade
laws causing increased foreign imports, her husbandʼs iron and steel business
failed, the family lost its money, and Fernando was without a job. The second was
the birth of her fourth child, Fernando Jr. who suffered from numerous medical
Realizing her financial obligations, she turned to the only asset she had. “I
never wanted to use it that way”, she said. “It was a romantic thing, a gift of
love. I never wanted to commercialize it. Out of respect I didnʼt want to
exploit it”. But she had no choice. The girl from Ipanema was back!
The modeling assignments and TV appearances soon came. She became a
radio talk-show host and a gossip columnist. Soon she opened her own modeling
agency, began organizing beauty pageants, and attached her endorsement to over
100 different products.
Her name, her charm, and her hard work eventually gained her success.
“You move mountains”, she said, “…when it comes to providing for your
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Helôʼs Children
She has relaxed a bit now that her children are grown. Helô and Fernando
live in Sao Paolo with their son Fernando Jr. who suffers from serious learning
difficulties. Her daughter Kiki (Fig. 23) is a former model turned businesswoman,
daughter Georgiani (“not pictured”) is a psychologist, and daughter Ticiane is a
very successful super-model (Figs. 24 & 25).
(Fig. 23. Kiki Pinherio)
(Fig. 24. mother (Helô) &
daughter (Ticiane) in the 1990s)
(Fig. 25. Helô Pinheiro and
daugther Ticiane Pinheiro in
recent years)
Helôʼs main occupation these days (Fig. 26) centers on her Garota de
Ipanema (Girl from Ipanema) boutiques in Sao Paolo and Rio where she sells a
variety a womenʼs beachwear. And at the age of 68, Helô is still a looker (Fig. 27).
By herself, Helô appeared on the cover of Brazilʼs Playboy magazine for May, 1987
(Fig. 28) and she and Ticiane together appeared in a photo shoot in the March 2003
issue of the Brazilian Playboy magazine (Fig. 29).
(Fig. 26. Helô Pinheiro today in her
beach wear botique Garota de
Ipanema in San Paolo, Brazil)
(Fig. 27. Helô today)
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(Fig. 28. Playboy Cover Brazil-May 1987)
(Fig. 29. Playboy-Cover-Brazil-April 2003
[daughter & mother])
In the sixties, Helô was the icon of Brazilian femininity. Today she is an
example of it. Whereas in 1960 when less than 12% of the workforce was female,
today it is over 40%, and 2/5s of those women earn more than their spouses. Of
course, the typical Brazilian woman earns only 66% that of her male counterpart (in
the US that average is 76%). A full 50% of Brazilian women have jobs today. Both
Brazil and Helô Paes Pinto have come a long way since those innocent days back in
the early 1960s.
Interesting Sidelights:
Helô was one of the first girls on Ipanema beach to wear a two-piece swimsuit
that barely exposed the naval and was considered quite daring. Nowadays, when
we think of the beaches of Rio we think of “butt-floss and band-aids” so it is difficult
to think there was a time when a modest two-piece swimsuit that barely exposed the
navel was considered daring (Figs. 30 & 31). But Rio was different then, and it
certainly was not the French Riviera where the bikini was in style.
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(Fig. 30. The Girl From Ipanema - Heloisa on
the beach, the girl who inspired the song)
(Fig. 31. Helô in two-piece bathing suit)
When the “Girl from Ipanema” contests (that de Moraes reacted against)
continued, the girls who took part knew they were being compared to a girl who wore
a two-piece swimsuit. So they knew they had to become as daring as Helô at first
had been, then more daring than the previous yearʼs winner as the contests
continued. The more daring the girls became, the skimpier the swimsuits became.
The evolution of the Brazilian bikini and the string bikini is traced directly back to this
contest and therefore back to the youthful Helô(isa). No telling what will be the style
in Brazil in 2016 when the Summer Olympics are next scheduled for Rio de Janerio.
The 45 rpm record release of “The Girl from Ipanema” was, according to
Billboard, the fifth best selling song in the world in 1964 (the other four were Beatle
songs) and was awarded the Grammy as best song of the year. According to a
1996 United Kingdom Channel-4 production “Without Walls: The Girl from Ipanema”
recording is the fifth most played record in the history of the world.
The Getz / Gilberto album released by
Verve Records in 1964 (Fig. 32) stayed on the
pop charts for 96 weeks and won four Grammys.
The very first performance of A Garota de
Ipanema (then named Menina que Passa) was
on August 12, 1962 at the Au Bon Gourmet
restaurant on the Avenida Nossa Senhora in
(Fig. 32. Astrud Gilberto, Joaõ
Gilberto & Stan Getz)
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Copacabana and featured Tom Jobim, Vinicius de Moraes, João Gilberto, Otavio
Bailly, Milton Banana, and the vocal group Os Cariocas.
The Bossa Nova (Fig. 33) craze that began in the
late fifties ended rather quickly in the middle sixties. In
the atmosphere of a military coup in Brazil and the war
in Viet Nam, its light, lyrical and melodic sounds lost out
to hard driving beats and the sounds of protest.
Perhaps the downfall of the Bossa Nova began when it
came to the United States. In the early sixties record
companies were looking for the latest dance craze. The
Twist, the Watusi, and other fads were making money
for the record industry. When the Bossa Nova came,
(Fig. 33. Bossanova)
the thought was to make it into another dance fad. So
songs like Blame It On The Bossa Nova by Steve Lawrence and Edie Gorme and
Bossa Nova Baby by Elvis Presley were produced. These were not Bossa Nova.
Bossa Nova is a soft sophisticated sound meant for vocal and instrumental
interpretations, not for Las Vegas lounge acts. You listen to the Bossa Nova sound,
you don't rock to it on a dance floor. American commercialism miss-named its songs
and in doing so relegated a new Jazz form to realm of the “lounge-lizards.”
The Bar Veloso has since changed its name to “A Garota de Ipanema”.
The name of the North/South Street the café is on has also changed from the Rua
Montenegro to the Rua Vinicius de Moraes. Consequently the bar Garota de
Ipanema is on the corner of Rua Vinicius de Moraes and Rua Prudente de Moraes.
Helô's store is to the north, next door on the Rua Vinicius de Moraes. Also,
extensive construction on the Rua Prudente de Moraes took place in the seventies
and early eighties so you can no longer see the beach from the bar.
The 1958 album made by Jobim, de Moraes, and Joao Gilberto that launched
the Bossa Nova movement was released on the old 78-rpm records.
Tom Jobimʼs full name is “Antônio Carlos Brasileiro de Almeida Jobim.”
Joao Gilbertoʼs full name is “João Gilberto do Prado Pereira de Oliveira.”
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Stan Getzʼs real name is Stanley Gayetsky.
Vinicius de Moraes full name is “Marcus Vinicius da Cruz de Mello
Moraes”. In 1966, Frank Sinatra came up with the idea of recording an album with
Tom Jobim. To get a hold of Jobim to talk about it, the first place he called was the
Bar Veloso. Tom was there. The result of their collaboration was the 1967 release
of “Francis Albert Sinatra & Antonio Carlos Jobim”.
Tom Jobim served as best man when Helô married Fernando Pinheiro.
In 1976, at age 49, Tom Jobim took up with a 19-year old photographer named Ana
Beatriz Lontra who he married in 1986. It has been strongly suggested that Ana, at
age 19, looked an awful lot like the young Helô.
Norman Gimbel, born 1927 in Brooklyn, is a member of the Songwriter's Hall
of Fame who has Grammys for the lyrics to The Girl From Ipanema and Roberta
Flack's Killing Me Softly. In 1979 he and David Shire won an Academy Award for
Best Song for It Goes Like It Goes from the movie Norma Rae. He has three
songs in the BMI list of Top 100 Songs of the Century, The Girl From Ipanema,
Killing Me Softly, and Canadian Sunset. A very prolific writer, he is responsible for
the theme music to many TV shows including Happy Days, Laverne and Shirley,
Wonder Woman, and The Paper Chase. His movie credits include Norma Rae,
Goodfellas, Johnny Dangerously, Crimes of Passion, Meatballs, and Chisum.
It has been said that there are two types of Brazilian music, Before Jobim and After
Jobim. Born on January 25, 1927 Tom Jobim did not start studying music until 1941
and originally went to school to become an architect. In 1953 his first album was
published. Before he died on December 8, 1994 he had written the songs for 28
individual albums, the scores for eight movies, and a number of single releases that
appeared on other albums. After he died of a heart attack at Mt. Sinai Hospital in
New York, his body was flown back to Rio where it was draped in a Brazilian flag
and carried through the streets of Rio. He is buried in a tomb at the Sao Joao
Batista Cemetery near his old friend Vinicius de Moraes.
Tom Jobim was married twice, Thereza Hermanny in 1949 and Ana Lontra in
1986. Vinicius de Moraes was officially married nine times. Once, Jobim asked of
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his friend, “After all, little poet, how many times do you have to be married?” Vinicius
answered, “As many times as necessary”.
Born October 19, 1913 and died July 9, 1980, Vinicius de Moraes was a man
of many interests. He was a poet, a writer, a lyricist, a musician, a film critic, a
career diplomat, and a lawyer who studied English at Oxford University in
Cambridge. As a diplomat he served in France, Uruguay, and the United States. In
the US he was Consular at the Brazilian Consulate in Los Angeles and while in LA
he took the opportunity to study film under the tutelage of Orson Welles. He too is
buried in the Sao Joao Batista Cemetery.
In 2001, Helô Pinheiro opened her “Garota
de Ipanema” boutique in Sao Paolo catering
mostly to women and offering a variety of
beachwear (Fig. 34). One of the products she
offers is a T-shirt imprinted with the music and
lyrics from the song. Since this is a copy of the
original sheet music, it also contains the signatures
of Vinicius de Moraes and A. C. Jobim. The
estates of de Moraes and Jobim filed suit arguing
that the words and music belong to the estates and
that all monies made from the sale of those T-shirts
belong to the families of de Moraes and Jobim.
(Fig. 34. In her botique, Helô
Stands in front of a collage of
pictures from her youth in
San Paulo)
Fortunately for those of us who are romantics, the
Brazilian courts acted properly. In February, 2004 the court ruled in favor of Helô
Pinheiro stating “…without her there would not have been the song”.
In spite of the stir she created, Helô had a
traditional upbringing, and the song did little to
change that. Regarding her successful life as the Girl
from Ipanema, she explains, (Fig. 35) “I was flattered,
of course. But it left me wondering, do I really
(Fig. 35. Helô Pinherio at
age 58 [1964])
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deserve this?” “It was a weight trying to please everyone,
to show these characteristics that the song called for.”
In her late sixties (Fig. 36), about getting old she
speaks sincerely, “Back then, I never thought Iʼd get old,”
she said. “But youth passes. We have to live each
(Fig. 36. Helô today)
50 years after the music was composed and the lyrics were written, the song
“Girl From Ipanema” is still remembered (Fig. 37a).
(Fig. 37 a. Original sheet music of ʻGirl From Ipanemaʼ)
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(Fig. 37 b. 2012 comic strip mentioning Girl from Ipanema)
Bahama Beer Collectibles (Figs. 38 a. through s.)
In no particular order the following are some of the Bahama beer collectibles
found on the Internet: a. Brahama Pilsen beer bottle; b. green Brahama bottle cap;
c. bottle opener; d. beer bottle label; e. Brahama beer can; f. Brahama beer coaster;
g. bottle caps from Brazil; h. red Brahama bottle cap; i. Brahama tip trays; j.
Brahama Chopp bottle label; k. black & red Brahama cooler; l. cream-colored cooler;
m. limited edition Brahama beer can; n. Brahama beer coaster; o. Brahama beer
advertising logo; p. Brahama Chopp beer coaster; q. Advertising image; r. blue
Brahama bottle cap; s. photograph of Jennifer Lopez advertising for Brahama Beer,
“The Lava Lizard”.
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(Fig. 38a. Brahma
Pilsen Beer (Chopp)
bottle [enlarged])
(Fig. 38b. Brahama beer
(green) bottle cap)
(Fig. 38c. Brahama beer bottle
(Fig. 38d. Brahama beer
bottle label)
(Fig. 38e. Brahama beer can)
(Fig. 38g. Crown caps from Brazil)
Munsey ––––––––––––––––– Girl From Ipanema –––––––––––––––––––– Page 21
(Fig. 38h. Brahama beer red crown cap)
(Fig. 38i. Brahama beer tip trays)
(Fig. 38j. Brahama Chopp bottle label)
(Fig. 38k. Brahama cooler [black & red])
(Fig. 38l. Brahama cooler [cream colored])
(Fig. 38m. Brahma beer limited edition can)
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(Fig. 38n. Brahma beer coaster)
(Fig. 38p. Brahma Chopp beer coaster)
(Fig. 38r. Brahama (blue) bottle cap)
(Fig. 38o. Brahma beer logo)
(Fig. 38q. advertising image)
(Fig. 38s. photograph of Jennifer Lopez
advertising for Brahama Beer, the Lava
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Selected References:
The Fusco Brothers UNIVERSAL.LICLICK ©2006 J.C. Duffy
"Playboy Abril de 2003". Archived from the original on May 10, 2004.
"The Girl From Ipanema". Stan Shepkowski.Net
Fair use notice: Some material in this article was originally published by the sources above
and is copyrighted. It is offered here as an educational tool to increase further understanding
and discussion of bottle collecting and related history. It is believed that this constitutes “fair
use” of the copyrighted material as provided for in Section 107 of the U.S. Copyright Law. If
you wish to use this material for purposes of your own that go beyond “fair use,” you must
obtain permission from the copyright owner(s).
Munsey ––––––––––––––––– Girl From Ipanema –––––––––––––––––––– Page 24
Website notice:
More than 1,000 free-to-copy well-researched articles
And other materials of interest to bottle collectors and historians
Cecil Munsey, PhD
13541 Willow Run Road
Poway, CA 92064-1733
Phone: 858-487-7036
E-mail: cecilmunsey@cox.net
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