Catalogue 2007 - Fondo de Cultura Económica


Catalogue 2007 - Fondo de Cultura Económica
Fondo de Cultura Económica is the most important publishing house in
Mexico and one of the most important ones in Latin America. It was originally
established in 1934 as a way to provide students of economics with books in
Spanish on the subject. Little by little fce expanded its publishing areas to other
subjects that today encompass almost everything, from children’s literature
to scientific texts. Fondo de Cultura Económica is a decentralized publishing
institution funded by the Mexican government.
As part of our recent improvement, we now have our editorial and
commercial processes certified with the iso 9001:2000 quality management
fce’s backlist encompasses more than 8 000 volumes, from which 4 000
(aprox.) are still being published or reprinted, with more than 250 new titles
being added each year. This great cultural wealth is grouped in many subjects,
such as Literature, Philosophy, Social Sciences, History, Children’s Books, Art,
Economics, etc.
Besides its central office in Mexico, fce has foreign branches in Argentina,
Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Guatemala, Peru, Spain, usa and Venezuela.
Contact information
Carretera Picacho-Ajusco 227
Bosques del Pedregal, Tlalpan
14738 Mexico City, Mexico
Tel: (52-55) 5227-4672
Fax: (52-55) 5227-4656
Tel: (52-55) 5227-4601/4605
Fax: (52-55) 5227-4694
Managing Editor (Social Sciences, Humanities and
General Interest)
Tel: (52-55) 5227-4633/4634
Fax: (52-55) 5227-4640
Senior Editor (Children’s Books)
Tel: (52-55) 5449-1871
Fax: (52-55) 5449-1873
General Coordinator of International Affairs
Tel: (52-55) 5449-1874
Fax: (52-55) 5227-4698
General Manager (fce-Argentina)
Tel: (5411) 4771-8977
Fax: (5411)4711-8977
General Manager (FCE-Colombia)
Tel: (571) 531-2288
Fax: (571) 531-1322
General Manager (FCE-Spain)
Tel: (3491) 543-2904, 543-2960
Fax: (3491) 549-8652
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Arcos, María de. Experimentalismo en la música
cinematográfica, 4
Malosetti Costa, Laura. Los primeros modernos.
Arte y sociedad en Buenos Aires a fines del siglo xix, 4
Musacchio, Humberto. El Taller de Gráfica Popular, 5
Palenzuela, Nilo. Moradas del intérprete, 6
Anijovich, Rebeca, et al. Una introducción a la enseñanza
para la diversidad, 6
Carlino, Paula. Escribir, leer y aprender en la universidad.
Una introducción a la alfabetización académica, 7
Ortega Ruiz, Rosario. Psicología de la enseñanza
y desarrollo de personas y comunidades, 7
Padula Perkins, Jorge Eduardo. Una introducción
a la educación a distancia, 8
Tedesco, Juan Carlos. Educar en la sociedad
del conocimiento, 8
Bauzá, Hugo Francisco. El mito del héroe. Morfología
y semántica de la figura heroica, 9
Bauzá, Hugo Francisco. Qué es un mito.
Una aproximación a la mitología clásica, 9
Botero, Clara Isabel, et al. Museo del Oro. Patrimonio
milenario de Colombia, 10
Burucúa, José Emilio. Historia, arte, cultura.
De Aby Warburg a Carlo Ginzburg, 10
Cosse, Isabella. Estigmas de nacimiento. Peronismo
y orden familiar, 1946-1955, 11
Garramuño, Florencia. Modernidades primitivas. Tango,
samba y nación, 11
Gené, Marcela. Un mundo feliz. Imágenes
de los trabajadores en el primer peronismo, 1946-1955, 12
Lafaye, Jacques. Por amor al griego. La nación europea,
señorío humanista (siglos xiv-xvii), 12
Martínez, José Luis. El mundo privado de los emigrantes
en Indias, 13
O’Gorman, Edmundo. La invención de América, 13
Palti, Elías José. La nación como problema. Los
historiadores y la ‘cuestión nacional’, 14
Serulnikov, Sergio. Conflictos sociales e insurrección
en el mundo colonial andino. El norte de Potosí en
el siglo xvii, 14
Siracusano, Gabriela. El poder de los colores. De lo material
a los simbólico en las prácticas culturales andinas.
Siglos xvi-xviii, 15
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Benito-Vessels, Carmen. La palabra en el tiempo
de las letras. Una historia heterodoxa, 15
Calvillo, Tomás. El fondo de las cosas, 16
Esquinca, Bernardo. Belleza roja, 16
Fabre, Luis Felipe. Cabaret Provenza, 17
García González, Julieta. Las malas costumbres, 17
Gómez-Peña, Guillermo. Bitácora del cruce, 18
Gutiérrez Girardot, Rafael. Entre la Ilustración
y el expresionismo. Figuras de la literatura alemana, 18
Gutiérrez Girardot, Rafael. Modernismo. Supuestos
históricos y culturales, 19
Hernández, Efrén. Obras completas, I, 19
Hernández, Luisa Josefina. Los grandes muertos, 20
Laera, Alejandra. El tiempo vacío de la ficción.
Las novelas argentinas de Eduardo Gutiérrez y Eugenio
Cambaceres, 20
Macías, Elva. Imperio móvil, 21
Montemayor, Carlos. Obras reunidas, I, 21
Pastormelo, Sergio. Borges crítico, 22
Prieto, Carlos. Cinco mil años de palabras. Comentarios
sobre el origen, evolución, muerte y resurrección de
algunas lenguas, 22
Reyes, Alfonso. Letras de la Nueva España, 23
Roca, Juan Manuel. Cantar de lejanía. Antología personal,
Rojas Rebolledo, Eduardo. La ruta del aqueronte, 24
Sarlo, Beatriz. Siete ensayos sobre Walter Benjamin, 24
Uribe, Álvaro. La linterna de los muertos (y otros cuentos
fantásticos), 25
Velasco Luján, Jaime. Luna bajo el árbol, 25
Vicens, Josefina. El libro vacío. Los años falsos, 26
Villarreal, José Javier. La santa, 26
Zepeda, Eraclio. Las grandes lluvias, 27
Beuchot, Mauricio. La semiótica. Teorías del signo
y el lenguaje en la historia, 27
Beuchot, Mauricio. Historia de la filosofía del lenguaje, 28
Cerutti, Horacio. Filosofía de la liberación
latinoamericana, 28
Guariglia, Osvaldo. Una ética para el siglo xxi. Ética y
derechos humanos en un tiempo posmetafísico, 29
Hilb, Claudia. Leo Strauss: el arte de leer. Un lectura
de la interpretación straussiana de Maquiavelo,
Hobbes, Locke y Spinoza, 29
Muguerza, Javier. Desde la perplejidad. Ensayos
sobre la ética, la razón y el diálogo, 30
Navarro Reyes, Jesús. Pensar sin certezas. Montaigne
y el arte de conversar, 30
Palti, Elías José. Verdades y saberes del marxismo.
Reacciones de una tradición política ante su ‘crisis’, 31
Villoro, Luis. Los retos de la sociedad por venir, 31
Jelin, Elizabeth. Pan y afectos. La transformación
de la familia, 43
Sibilia, Paula. El hombre postorgánico. Cuerpo, subjetividad
y tecnologías digitales, 43
Children’s Books
Abal Medina, Juan. La muerte y la resurrección
de la representación política, 32
Aguilar, Luis F. Gobernanza y gestión pública, 32
Durán Barba, Jaime, y Santiago Nieto. Mujer,
sexualidad, internet y política. Los nuevos electores
latinoamericanos, 33
Feijoó, María del Carmen. Nuevo país, nueva pobreza, 33
Fuentes-Berain, Rossana y Gerardo Laveaga.
La democracia y sus quimeras. Diálogo entre un escéptico
y una idealista, 34
Herrera-Lasso M., Luis (coord.) México ante el mundo:
tiempo de definiciones, 34
Laclau, Ernesto. Misticismo, retórica y política, 35
Muleiro, Hugo. Al margen de la agenda. Noticias,
discriminación y exclusión, 35
Pinto, Mónica. El derecho internacional. Vigencia
y desafíos en un escenario globalizado, 36
Salazar Ugarte, Pedro. La democracia constitucional.
Una radiografía teórica, 36
Silva-Herzog Márquez, Jesús. La idiotez de lo perfecto.
Miradas a la política, 37
Amara, Luigi. Las aventuras de Max y su ojo submarino, 44
Baranda, María. Hago de voz un cuerpo, 45
Carrasco Inglés, Aitana. Ramona la mona, 46
Chávez Castañeda, Ricardo. Fernanda y los mundos
secretos, 46
Colomer, Teresa. Andar entre libros. La lectura literaria en
la escuela, 47
Dubovoy, Silvia. Ecos del desierto, 47
Duhne, Martha. ¿Quién pasó por aquí?, 48
Farias, Juan. Gallego. A la orilla del mar, 49
Ferreiro, Emilia. Cultura escrita y educación, 50
García Esperón, María. Tigres de la otra noche, 50
Hinojosa, Francisco. La peor señora del mundo, 51
Hiriart, Hugo. El nombre del juego es Posada, 52
Isol. El globo, 53
Isol. Secreto de familia, 53
Isol. Tener un patito es útil, 54
Isol. Vida de perros, 55
Krauze, León. El vuelo de Eluán, 55
Lago, Angela. Juan Felizario Contento. El rey
de los negocios, 56
Legnazzi, Claudia. Yo tengo una casa, 56
Luján, Jorge. El arca, 57
Martínez, Rocío. De cómo nació la memoria
de El Bosque, 58
Monroy, Manuel. Rabieta Trebejos, 59
Murugarren, Miguel. Animalario universal
del profesor Revillod, 59
Pavisic, Jenny. ¿Sansón?, 60
Pellicer López, Carlos. Julieta y su caja de colores, 60
Pellicer, Carlos. Colores con brisa, 61
Rueda, Claudia. La suerte de Ozu, 62
Sáez, Javier. Libro Caracol, 62
Sánchez, María del Carmen. ¿Para qué usas la lengua?, 63
Toledo, Natalia. La Muerte pies ligeros, 64
Yáñez, Ricardo. Un pajarillo canta, 64
Gurevich, Yuri y Felipe Pérez. Fenómenos de transporte
en semiconductores, 37
Hernández Macías, Héctor. La vida en los desiertos
mexicanos, 38
Jaramillo, Juan Francisco. 101 hierbas medicinales, 38
Larralde, Carlos y Aline Aluja. Cisticercosis. Guía
para profesionales de la salud, 39
Lisker, Rubén y Ruy Pérez Tamayo. La construcción
de la bioética. Textos de bioética, vol. i, 39
Paredes, Octavio, et al. Los alimentos mágicos
de las culturas indígenas mesoamericanas, 40
Peña, Luis de la. Introducción a la mecánica cuántica, 40
Prieto, Carlos. Aventuras de un duende en el mundo
de las matemáticas, 41
Schifter, Isaac y Carmen González-Macías. La Tierra
tiene fiebre, 41
Trabulse, Elías. La ciencia en el siglo xix, 42
Arfuch, Leonor. El espacio biográfico. Dilemas de
la subjetividad contemporánea, 42
w w w. fo n do decu l tu raeco n o mi c a. com
Experimentalismo en la música
Los primeros modernos. Arte y sociedad en
Buenos Aires a fines del siglo XIX
in Film Music]
[The First Modernists: Art and
Society in Late NineteenthCentury Buenos Aires]
María de Arcos
1st ed., Fce Spain, 2006
238 pp.
16.5 × 23 cm (6.5 × 9 in)
Collection: Tezontle. Subject: Music
ISBN 8437505992
Laura Malosetti Costa
1st ed., fce Argentina, 2001
455 pp.
15.5 × 23 cm (6 × 9 in)
Collection: Historia. Subjects: Art / Architecture; Theory, criticism
and history; Painting; National history; History of the New World;
Contemporary era; Culture and society
ISBN 9505574258
hy has film music, ever since its beginnings, clung to a
romantic, extremely traditional musical language? Why
did the experimental currents that flourished in twentieth-century
concert music leave no mark on film music? What happens when
a film uses new music and avoids the usual stereotyped patterns?
These questions are thoroughly analyzed in this book. María de
Arcos traces the evolution of music and film music through the
course of the twentieth century, leading to an examination of the
effectiveness of an experimental musical language transferred to
the screen. She concludes with a theoretical and practical analysis
of the sound track of Planet of the Apes (Franklin J. Schaffner,
1968) by the renowned American composer Jerry Goldsmith. The
novel musicological focus of this book will be a revelation to music and film researchers, critics and professionals, film school and
conservatory students, and any readers interested in increasing
their knowledge of film sound tracks and their evolution. The
text is accompanied by scores and an illustrated glossary of musical terms.
María de Arcos is a senior professor of composition at the
Seville Conservatory. She has composed music for short films,
film reports and a variety of types of film. María de Arcos
earned her doctorate in 2003 from the Universidad de Sevilla
and is currently a professor of piano and film music at the
Francisco Guerrero Professional Conservatory in Seville.
his book is a new study of art in Buenos Aires in the final decades of the nineteenth century. In particular, it examines the
ways in which art was interrelated with the political, economic,
social and cultural history of the period. The Sociedad Estímulo de
Bellas Artes (Society for the Promotion of Fine Arts) was founded
in a climate of confrontation and controversy about the place of
national and modern art. At the same time, there was growing
interest in cultural consumption on the part of the bourgeoisie.
In the field of art, the tension between a certain urgency to access
the prestige associated with cultural consumption and the desire
to confer an esthetic-ideological justification both on the works
of art and on the audience envisioned for them can be perceived
with particular clarity.
Laura Malosetti Costa (Montevideo, Uruguay, 1956) has a
degree in arts and a Ph.D. in history of art from the University
of Buenos Aires. She is a research professor at the Julio E.
Paryó Institute of Art History and Theory and a member of
the executive committee of the caia (Argentinean Center for
Research in Art).
This book gives the reader an experience that even a museum can
not provide; a fascinating account of the circumstances that made
these paintings central to an understanding of late nineteenthcentury Argentinean culture.
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El Taller de Gráfica Popular
[The People’s Graphic Arts
Humberto Musacchio
1st ed., Fce Mexico, 2007
208 pp.
23 x 32 cm (9 x 12.5 in)
Collection: Arte Universal. Subject: Art
ISBN 9789681677039
he Taller de Gráfica Popular (tgp; People’s Graphic Arts
Workshop) was founded in Mexico in 1937 by Leopoldo
Méndez and a group of other talented graphic artists and muralists. This book tells the story of the workshop, its members, and
its importance to Mexico’s cultural and political landscape. The
Gráfica Popular, as it was also known, soon adopted the extensive artistic heritage of Mexican engraving, legacy of caricaturists
and illustrators of the stature of Joaquín Giménez, Constantino
Escalante, Hesiquio Iriarte, Santiago Hernández, José María
Villasana, Jesús T. Alamilla, Gabriel Vicente Gahona Picheta, and
Manuel Manilla, and above all, José Guadalupe Posada, the master
of Mexican engraving whose influence left an indelible mark on
the Taller and its work.
Humberto Musacchio (b. 1943) studied economics at the
University of Mexico, and coordinated and directed the Revista
Mexicana de la Cultura. He was a cofounder and assistant
director of the newspaper La Jornada and has worked at a
number of Mexico’s major newspapers, Unomásuno, El Día,
El Nacional, Excélsior, Novedades and La Jornada. He is the
author of several books, including Diccionario enciclopédico
de México.
Includes more than 120 engravings by key artists in Mexico’s
modern history, such as Leopoldo Méndez, Miguel Covarrubias,
David Alfaro Sequeiros, Pablo O’Higgins, Luis Arenal, Raúl
Anguiano, José Chávez Morado, Alfredo Zalce, Ángel Bracho and
Mariana Yampolsky.
w w w. fo n do decu l tu raeco n o mi c a. com
Moradas del intérprete
Una introducción a la enseñanza para la
[An Introduction to Teaching
for Diversity]
Rebeca Anijovich et al.
1st ed., fce Argentina, 2004
128 pp.
15.5 × 23 cm (6 × 9 in)
Collection: Educación y pedagogía. Subjects: Education, Teaching
ISBN 9505576188
[The Interpreter’s Abodes]
Nilo Palenzuela
1st ed., Fce Spain, 2007
192 pp.
16.5 × 23 cm (6.5 × 9 in)
Collection: Tierra Firme. Subjects: Essay, Art, Art History
ISBN 8437506018
n these essays, Nilo Palenzuela writes about a diverse collection
of twentieth-century writers and artists from Europe and the
New World. He presents their essential poetic and philosophical positions as ‘interpreters;’ those who are first of all creators,
caught on the edge between modernity and tradition (Unamuno,
Borges, Klee, Arp, Tamayo, Paz); those who are interpreters who
crack open the doors of language onto thought (María Zambrano,
García Bacca, Eugenio Trías); and those who uphold the expression of contemporary freedom (Vicente Rojo, Francisco Toledo,
Mario Merz). Archetypes, forms of representation, actions, and
textual references are combined to reveal the fractured face of
the modern subject. Since the beginnings of modernity, the urge
to rebel against the old order has always existed side by side with
ongoing criticism of narcissistic excess and the will to power; a
rebellion that seeks to put creative work, words, images into play,
into life. Moradas del intérprete is a unique example of current
essay-writing in Spanish, a creative interpretation that transcends
national borders.
Nilo Palenzuela (Canary Islands, 1958) is a writer and
professor of Spanish literature at Universidad de La Laguna
(Tenerife). He is also known for his writing on contemporary
art and esthetics. He is a regular contributor to numerous
journals, including Cuadernos Hispanoamericanos, Letras Libres,
Vuelta, Revista de Occidente, Missives, and Quimera, among
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n recent decades, a variety of theories have been applied to the
issue of heterogeneity in the classroom but little has been written on concrete, systematic day-to-day experiences in schools.
This book reports on a successful educational project carried out
in elementary and secondary schools in Argentina and other Latin
American countries since 1996. The goal of this project is to meet
the varied learning needs of each individual student. The authors
present not only the theoretic underpinnings of their methods, but
also examples and useful tools: an understanding of heterogeneity
as a fundamental ingredient of the educational task; concepts of
autonomy, metacognition, and cooperative learning; planning and
implementation of teaching for diversity; alternative forms of
evaluation; establishment of educational environments in which
human, physical, and technological resources are at the service
of learning; the development of student autonomy; and the creation of learning centers for flexibility in teaching techniques.
This is a constructivist approach that focuses on teaching methods that take into account the differences in potential between
Rebeca Anijovich holds a degree in psychology and education
science from the Argentinean teacher’s college Instituto
Nacional Superior del Profesorado ‘Joaquín V. González’ and
a Master’s degree in teacher training from the University
of Buenos Aires Faculty of Liberal Arts. She teaches at the
University of Buenos Aires, the University of San Andrés, and
the flacso (Latin American School of Social Science).
Psicología de la enseñanza y desarrollo de
personas y comunidades
[Psychology of Teaching.
Learning and Training for
Individuals and Communities]
[Reading, Writing and Learning
in University: An Introduction
to Academic Literacy]
Rosario Ortega Ruiz
Paula Carlino
1st ed., fce Mexico, 2005
343 pp.
13.5 × 21 cm (5.3 × 8.3 in)
Collection: Educación y pedagogía
Subject: Education, Teaching, Learning
ISBN 9681675428
1st ed., fce Argentina, 2005
200 pp.
15.5 × 23 cm (6 × 9 in)
Collection: Educación y pedagogía. Subjects: Education, Teaching
ISBN 9505576536
his book received the award for Best Book in EducationTeaching published in 2005. Despite the fact that reading
and writing are central activities in high school and university,
and students’ success or failure depends to a great extent on
these skills, they do not form part of academic programs nor do
they receive adequate attention from teachers, thanks to a set of
widely-held assumptions which are, however, not supported by
research. In this book, Carlino examines these assumptions and
proposes a different point of view; that teachers at all levels and
in all areas should be concerned about ‘academic literacy’ in their
field of specialization. The author suggests that professors integrate the production and analysis of texts between all areas so that
university students can have access to the specific culture of each
discipline. With this goal in mind, she presents a variety of teaching activities, which all who seek to encourage student learning
and participation in class will find valuable. She concludes with a
teaching model whose purpose is to promote mastery of the concepts of each subject through encouraging reading and writing in
the respective subjects.
sychology of Teaching is a handbook for professors and professionals of education who might consider psychology as the
basis for the educative input. The book discusses learning difficulties and evaluates the current state of the educational sciences; it
analyses the psychological foundations of learning from cognitive, constructivist, and sociocultural perspectives. It discusses as
well the different phases of education according to age: childhood,
adolescence and youth.
Rosario Ortega is a professor of Psychology of Education
and Training at the University of Córdoba in Spain and she
is the head of the Department of Education at the Faculty
of Sciences of Education in the same university. She tutors
psychopedagogical research oriented to the use of games in the
process of learning, the social construction of knowledge and
learning, and the prevention of juvenile violence.
This is a book of great interest for students and researchers on
the different areas of education. Its clear and straightforward style
offers interesting data on the state of education in Spain that can
readily be applied to all Latin American countries. Its research will
be of great use to teachers, managers of educational programs and
institutions, students and scholars.
Paula Carlino (Buenos Aires, 1963) obtained a Ph.D. in
psychology from the University of Madrid and is a conicet
(Argentinean Science and Technology Research Council)
researcher and a researcher at the University of Buenos Aires
Institute of Linguistics.
w w w. fo n do decu l tu raeco n o mi c a. com
Escribir, leer y aprender en la universidad.
Una introducción a la alfabetización
Una introducción a la educación a distancia
Educar en la sociedad del conocimiento
[An Introduction
to Distance Learning]
Jorge Eduardo Padula Perkins
1st ed., fce Argentina, 2003
91 pp.
15.5 × 23 cm (6 × 9 in)
Collection: Educación y pedagogía. Subjects: Education, Pedagogy,
ISBN 9505575351
in the Knowledge Society]
Juan Carlos Tedesco
1st ed., fce Argentina, 2000
122 pp.
10.5 × 17 cm (4 × 6.8 in)
Collection: Colección Popular. Subjects: Education, Educational policy,
ISBN 9505573723
istance learning is a convenient option in contemporary
times, as it provides an excellent compromise between
training needs and the distance and time limitations imposed by
modern life. In Latin America, however, distance learning has traditionally not enjoyed a good reputation, while in other countries,
solid distance learning projects supported by major universities
have enjoyed success and good reputations. In recent years, not
only has the explosion of the internet and other high technology
promoted increased demand and supply in computerized distance
learning, but the impact of technology has also had a marked effect on the nature of distance learning. In this book, the author
analyzes various aspects of distance learning and debunks old
Jorge Eduardo Padula Perkins (Buenos Aires, 1952) is
a renowned expert in distance learning issues, particularly
the communication aspect of the field. He has a degree in
journalism from the Universidad del Salvador Faculty of
Education Science and Social Communication.
he phenomena analyzed in this book are characterized by
novelty and instability. No one can doubt that we are living
a period of profound transformation, but we do not actually know
if this pattern of dynamic change will persist or if we are caught in
the middle of a transition that at some point will assume a certain
degree of stability. At present, the intensive use of knowledge,
rather than the intensive use of labor, is the axis about which the
economy turns. This book analyzes the phenomena which pervade
education and studies their consequences; the role of the school,
of the ‘educational industry’ and other agents of socialization, such
as business, family, and the media. Two reactions frequently arise
in response to the apprehension these changes provoke. The first
discards predictions and even explanatory hypotheses, since the
possibility of error is so high. The second tries to make sense of
the changes by moving away from the social science approach
and closer to social philosophy. The arguments in this book are
located in the tension between these two positions, challenging
the silence and reticence of the debate.
Juan Carlos Tedesco (Buenos Aires, 1944) has a bachelor’s
degree in education science from the University of Buenos
Aires. In 1976 he entered unesco as a specialist in educational
policy for the unesco eclac Project. He is currently the
regional headquarters director of the International Institute for
Education Planning in Buenos Aires.
A compact but informative book that can be helpful for
developing distance learning projects.
Consciously written at an introductory level for the general reader
interested in these issues and readers new to the field.
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Qué es un mito. Una aproximación
a la mitología clásica
[The Myth of the Hero:
Morphology and Semantics
of the Heroic Figure]
[What is a Myth?
An Introduction
to Classical Mythology]
Hugo Francisco Bauzá
Hugo Francisco Bauzá
1st ed., fce Argentina, 1998
193 pp.
13 × 20 cm (5 × 7.8 in)
Collection: Historia. Subjects: History, Topics in history, Socio-cultural
topics, Mythology, Religion
ISBN 950557245X
1st ed., fce Argentina, 2005
264 pp.
10.5 × 17 cm (approx. 4 × 5.8 in)
Collection: Colección Popular. Subjects: Mythology, Religion
ISBN 9505576463
he semantics of the idea of the hero vary from one people
and culture to another, yet there are certain consistent elements that allow us to speak of a heroic canon or pattern. What
heroes have in common is that they are transgressors, they cross
the threshold of the prohibited and go beyond the limits imposed
by society. They are also in the promising situation of being
under the influence of the hope—generally utopic—of wanting
to bring order to a disordered world. And so they launch themselves enthusiastically into an adventure in the unknown, often to
succumb to a tragic end. In the analysis in this book, the hero is
defined as a singular being whose intervention converts chaos to
cosmos. It must be emphasized, however, that the story remains
dynamic and therefore active due to the exemplary actions of these
singular beings; ‘The survival of the heroic figure over the centuries and in different cultures,’ the author states, ‘demonstrates
man’s need, in all ages and latitudes, to create idols; to erect altars
at which to worship them.’
espite the fact that contemporary culture is marked by rationality, two world wars and uncountable genocides bear
witness to an undeniable crisis of reason. Man has been and will
continue to be an ‘amphibious’ being whose mind can hold both
reason and imagination. Today, post-modernity encourages a turn
to myth—a return to thought nourished by dreams, fantasies, and
utopias capable of grasping the dark side. The author engages in
a synoptic and systematic reflection on myth in the present day
and age. He examines the origin and themes of Greek mythology,
the source of Western culture, and the link between paganism and
Christianity and the resurrection of myth during the Renaissance
and Romanticism. He concludes by analyzing the various interpretations of mythic thinking since the nineteenth century that
have arisen out of anthropology, sociology, and the history of religion, but in particular out of psychoanalysis.
Hugo Francisco Bauzá (La Plata, Buenos Aires, 1942)
holds a doctorate in literature from the National University
of La Plata (unlp) and l’Université Paris IV, Sorbonne. He is a
professor in the Faculty of Fine Arts at the University of Buenos
Aires and a conicet (Argentinean Science and Technology
Research Council) researcher.
Hugo Francisco Bauzá (La Plata, Buenos Aires, 1942)
holds a doctorate in literature from the National University
of La Plata (unlp) and l’Université Paris IV, Sorbonne. He is a
professor in the Faculty of Fine Arts at the University of Buenos
Aires and a conicet (Argentinean Science and Technology
Research Council) researcher.
w w w. fo n do decu l tu raeco n o mi c a. com
‘In this book, Hugo Bauza has taken up the challenge of presenting
a synoptic and systematic analysis of our knowledge about myth
in our time.’
Jean-Jacques Wunenburger
Université Jean-Moulin, Lyon 3
El mito del héroe. Morfología y semántica
de la figura heroica
Museo del Oro.
Patrimonio milenario de Colombia
Historia, arte, cultura.
De Aby Warburg a Carlo Ginzburg
[The Gold Museum: Colombia’s
Thousand-Year Heritage]
[History, Art and Culture:
From Aby Warburg to Carlo
Photographs: Juan Mayr
Text: Clara Isabel Botero, Roberto
Lleras Pérez, Santiago Londoño Vélez
and Efraín Sánchez Cabra
José Emilio Burucúa
1st ed., fce Argentina, 2003
199 pp.
13.5 × 20 cm (5.3 × 7.8 in)
Collection: Historia. Subjects: History, Historiography, Classics
ISBN 9505575580
1st ed., Fce/Banco de la República/Skira, Colombia, 2007
272 pp.
24 × 28 cm (9.5 × 11 in)
Collection: Tezontle. Subject: Archeology
ISBN 9789583801341 paperback
ISBN 9789583801358 hard cover
he Colombian Banco de la República’s Gold Museum has
been classifying, exhibiting and conducting research on its
collection of fifty thousand pre-Hispanic objects, which include
works of gold, silver and other materials, since 1939. This book
includes more than two hundred photographs of the most important pieces.
The book also includes brief notes about the pre-Hispanic
societies that created the items, their ideology magnificently expressed in these pieces, the techniques they used and the symbolic
values they assigned to the objects. In addition, illustrations, maps,
and photographs of their territory provide further context for this
extraordinary collection.
Readers will discover the fascination and comprehend the fever
aroused in the first conquistadores by the myth of El Dorado, as
they learn how the past came to play a part in the identities of the
societies that today occupy the New World. Reading this book is
almost like visiting the Gold Museum.
Juan Mayr is a photographer, environmentalist and scholar
of pre-Hispanic and indigenous societies. His pictorial vision
makes the photographs of the Gold Museum’s collection—
taken especially for this book—true works of art.
by Warburg (1866-1929), a German Renaissance historian,
has attracted renewed interest in recent years. In the
Spanish-speaking world, he and his work became known through
the work of the Argentinean historian Jose Emilio Burucúa. In
this book, Burucúa treats Warburg’s essays. The Warburgian tradition changed the way that cultural history was written in many
countries in the West, especially in Italy, where his influence is
evident on studies of Renaissance magic, philosophy, and science
and in the works of the notable historian Carlo Ginzburg, who has
proposed a broader version of the Warburgian method. Why turn
to Warburg’s work now? Perhaps it has aroused renewed interest
because our current dilemma resembles that of the men of the
Renaissance. In this work we are exposed as faithful children of
the past, but also, according to the author, ‘as the living proof of
what is radically new and yet to come, of a justice, a goodness,
and a beauty that we have been promised from the beginning of
history and that remain unfulfilled.’
José Emilio Burucúa (Buenos Aires, 1947) is a teacher
training professor in history of the arts and has a degree in that
subject from the University of Buenos Aires, where he is also a
Burucúa possesses a formidable erudition; a prodigious knowledge
of history, the arts, and philosophy; and above all an outstanding
capacity for reflection on relationships and connections.
The most complete book of the Gold Museum collection.
With the magnificent photographs in this large format, full color
de-luxe edition, present-day readers can experience the fascination
of El Dorado.
10 |
Modernidades primitivas. Tango,
samba y nación
[Stigmas of Birth: Peronism
and the Family Order,
[Primitive Modernity:
Tango, Samba and Nations]
Florencia Garramuño
1st ed., fce Argentina, 2007
269 pp.
13.5 × 21 cm (5.3 × 8.3 in)
Collection: Tierra Firme. Subjects: Cultural studies, Cultural criticism,
Art, Architecture, Music
ISBN 9789505577019
Isabella Cosse
1st ed., Buenos Aires, 2006
206 pp.
13.5 × 21 cm (5.3 × 8.3 in)
Collection: Historia. Subjects: Contemporary history, Social and
cultural history, Culture and society, Cultural studies, Family and
gender studies
ISBN 9505576684
his book examines the changes introduced into the domestic
order by Peronism from an as yet unexplored perspective: the
dynamics of families outside the regulatory model, especially in
regard to illegitimacy. When the new regime took power, almost
one in three newborns was classified as ‘illegitimate.’ The notion of
family was central, because it involved an attempt to reformulate
the very concept of legitimacy and redefine its limits. Estigmas de
nacimiento is a work of thorough, original research which explores
the intersection of familial, cultural, and political history, examining the peculiar views of Peronism in relation to the domestic
order. This book is an attempt to understand the meaning that
illegitimacy had for people whose lives did not conform to social
mandates and model images, while it analyzes the changes introduced by Peronism in relation to the rights and perceptions of
people whose family structures were outside societal standards.
Isabella Cosse (Montevideo, Uruguay, 1966) has a degree in
history from the Universidad de la República in Montevideo,
Uruguay and a master’s degree in historical sciences from the
University of San Andrés where she is pursuing a doctorate. She
specializes in history of the family in Argentina.
w w w. fo n do decu l tu raeco n o mi c a. com
uring the 1920s and 1930s, a period of intense modernization, two musical genres that had been considered primitive—the tango in Argentina and the samba in Brazil—began to
be perceived as national musical styles. Modernidades primitivas
examines the cultural network in which these two types of music
came to be manifestations of national and modern character, and
analyzes nationalization of the Argentinean and Brazilian cultures
as the intersection of different practices; the allure of the primitive to the nationalist, but cosmopolitan vanguard; the export of
tango and samba back to Europe; and the decisive role of tango and
Carnaval films. This paradox, which the author terms primitive
modernity, involves a tangled skein of problems relating to the
nationalization and modernization of a Latin American culture in
which the tango and samba function as dual and contradictory figures. Modernity is assumed to be European, original and unique,
and deviations from this standard are seen as negative characteristics of an unequal modernity. How does a cultural dogma become
‘national’? What are the operations that enable particular cultural
forms to be thought of as symbols of ‘national identity’? With its
comparison of the two countries concerned, Modernidades primitivas brings a fresh outlook to a Latin American culture characterized by differences.
Florencia Garramuño (Rosario, Santa Fe, Argentina, 1964)
has a degree in literature from the University of Buenos Aires
and a Ph.D. in Romance languages from Princeton University.
She is an associate professor in the Department of Humanities
at the University of San Andrés, where she heads the Brazilian
Culture Program.
Estigmas de nacimiento. Peronismo y orden
familiar, 1946-1955
Por amor al griego. La nación europea,
señorío humanista (siglos xiv-xvii)
Un mundo feliz.
Imágenes de los trabajadores
en el primer peronismo, 1946-1955
[For the Sake of Greek. The
European Nation, Dominion
of Humanism (Fourteenth to
Seventeenth Centuries)]
[Brave New World:
Images of Workers
in the First Peronist Period,
Jacques Lafaye
Marcela Gené
1st ed., fce Mexico, 2005
594 pp.
16.5 × 23 cm (6.5 × 9 in)
Collection: Historia. Subject: History, European Humanism
ISBN 9681677528
1st ed., fce Argentina, 2005
159 pp.
13.5 × 21 cm (5.3 × 8.3 in)
Collection: Historia. Subjects: History, National history, Contemporary
history, Social and cultural history, Culture and society
ISBN 9505576277
he iconoclastic furor of the 1955 Revolución Libertadora
(Revolution for Liberation) wiped away the symbols and
images of Peronism in an attempt to erase from collective memory
every vestige that might evoke the deposed regime. A mere ten
years earlier, one of the central concerns of the movement that
was then beginning to coalesce was to create symbols that would
contribute to its identity. In the early years of the Peron government, thousands of posters and pamphlets bore the silhouettes of
their supporters, the descamisados and happy families of workers
reminding them who the true beneficiaries of government policies were. In this book, Marcela Gené has carried out an esthetic
and symbolic analysis of the images that were part of the powerful propaganda apparatus assembled by the government of Juan
Domingo Perón, an aspect which has received little attention.
Marcela Gené (Buenos Aires, 1958) has a first degree in art
history from the University of Buenos Aires and a master’s
degree and Ph.D. from the University of San Andrés. She is a
researcher at the Julio E. Paryó Institute of Art History and
Theory and head of the caia (Argentinean Center for Research
in Art).
A keen analysis by an expert in art history. The careful
reconstruction of the images of Peronism places them in a global
12 |
his book is the final outcome of a long research on the development of European humanism. It discusses its various
aspects including the particular kind of humanism that flourished in Spain, Portugal, and their colonies, especially New Spain.
The author presents humanists as diverse as Plato and Aristotle;
Petrarch, Erasmus, and Montaigne; Cicero and Quintilian;
Covarrubias and Juan Luis Vives; the Mexican fray Diego Valadés;
the Medici family; the French Budé, Lefèvre, Estienne, Amyot,
Turnèbe, and Casaubon; the English Linacre, Colet and Thomas
More; the German Wittenberg, Reuchlin, Beatus and Melanchton;
Lebrija; the Portuguese humanists, those from Salamanca, Bologna,
Louvain, Paris and Bordeaux; Bembo, Boccaccio and Paolo Giovio;
the humanists in the New World, the ‘Antarctic Academy’ of Lima;
Machiavelli and the Parisian Bodino; the utopias of the humanists
(from Thomas More to Rabelais), and much more.
Jacques Lafaye is a French historian who now lives in Mexico.
His previous books dealt with essential aspects of Renaissance
history. At fce he has published Albores de la imprenta, Los
conquistadores and Quetzacóatl y Guadalupe.
This is the first Spanish-language book on the subject, which
focuses on humanists rather than on humanism. It is also the
first to encompass the entire European sphere together with the
Spanish colonies in America.
This is a provocative book. In its ‘Considerations without warning’
the author raises the question whether the humanities are a
bourgeois privilege or a source of support for all humankind.
‘This is not a weighty book, and by that I mean that even though it
was written by a scholar it reads as if it were a journey, a tale that
captivates the reader.’
La invención de América: investigación
acerca de la estructura histórica del Nuevo
Mundo y del sentido de su devenir
[The Private World of
Immigrants in the Indies]
[The Invention of America.
An Inquiry into the Historical
Nature of the New World and
the Meaning of its History]
José Luis Martínez
2nd ed., fce Mexico, 2007
93 pp.
11 × 17 cm (4.3 × 6.7 in)
Collection: Biblioteca Universitaria de Bolsillo. Subject: History
ISBN 968168334X
Edmundo O’Gorman
4th ed., fce Mexico, 2006
256 pp.
11 × 17 cm (4.3 × 6.7 in)
Collection: Biblioteca Universitaria de Bolsillo. Subject: History
ISBN 9681680154
n this unusual book, the intimate lives of Spanish immigrants
to the New World are told in 650 personal letters. These letters, known as cartas de llamada (letters of call), went into the
official files, as the immigrants were obliged to bring their families to the New World, and their correspondence was included to
demonstrate their intention to fulfill the obligation. Those who
had already immigrated focused on making a fortune; their letters spoke of how hard work would enable them to earn wealth
and build their reputations. The collection includes the emotional
letters they wrote to their wives, promising presents and privileges
undreamed of in their homeland.
José Luis Martínez was a Mexican editor, essayist and
historian. He served as Mexico’s ambassador to unesco and
to Peru and Greece. He was the Chronicler of Mexico City
from 1975 to 1986, and director of the Fine Arts Institute and
of the publishing house Fondo de Cultura Económica. He was
awarded the French Légion d’honneur and the Mexican National
Literature and Linguistics and Alfonso Reyes awards. He headed
the Mexican Academy of the Spanish Language and was a
member of the Mexican Academy of History.
This book is a fascinating window into Colonial thought and daily
The letters in this book tell of the motives—love and family
fortune—of those who arrived to establish their way of life on the
new continent.
A fundamental book for the study of cultural relations between
Europe and the New World.
w w w. fo n do decu l tu raeco n o mi c a. com
istory is full of amazing voyages, and Colombus’s 1492
trip across the Atlantic is among the most spectacular of
them, not the least because of its unexpected end: the discovery of Americas, one of the foremost events in world history.
Columbus came upon lands that were not precisely a New World,
but rather part of the same and only world we know. The author
describes the appearance of the Americas as the result of chance
and Columbus’s personal goals, and suggests we replace our notion
of the discovery of the continent with another that better reflects
historical reality: the invention of the Americas.
Edmundo O’Gorman (Mexico City, 1906-1995) is often
called ‘the philosophical historian.’ A longtime professor and
researcher at the University of Mexico, he is especially known
for his doxographic work, his careful research of primary
sources, and his work in document preservation. Also noted for
his lucid, penetrating analysis of the history of Mexico and the
Americas, O’Gorman oversaw many now-classic editions of the
writings of numerous authors, including Gonzalo Fernández
de Oviedo, Francisco Cervantes de Salazar, José de Acosta, Fray
Toribio de Benavente, Fernando de Alva Ixtlixóchitl, Bartolomé
de las Casas, Justo Sierra and Fray Servando Teresa de Mier.
This book is controversial because it questions the notion of
It is a pioneering inquiry into representations of the identity of the
New World .
It is essential reading for students of colonial and postcolonial
history of the New World.
El mundo privado de los emigrantes en
Conflictos sociales e insurrección
en el mundo colonial andino. El norte
de Potosí en el siglo XVII
La nación como problema. Los historiadores
y la “cuestión nacional”
[The Nation
as Problem: Historians
and the ‘National Question’]
[Social Conflict
and Insurrection in the Andean
Colonial World: Northern Potosí
in the Seventeenth Century]
Elías José Palti
1st ed., fce Argentina, 2003
159 pp.
10.5 × 17 cm (4 × 6.8 in)
Collection: Colección Popular. Subjects: History, Historiography,
Politics, Government, Latin America
ISBN 9505575300
Sergio Serulnikov
1st ed., fce Argentina, 2006
468 pp.
13.5 × 21 cm (5.3 × 8.3 in)
Collection: Historia. Subjects: History, Medieval and modern history,
Social and cultural history, Colonial New World, Conquest and
ISBN 9505576692
he concepts associated with the term ‘nation’ are closely
linked to a number of typically modern historical phenomena, among them bureaucracy, secularization, capitalism
and revolution. If nations are a recent phenomenon, studies of
the concept of nation are even more so. The author analyzes the
work of historians who in recent decades have sought to change
the direction of nationalist narrative and question the supposed
objective, scientific nature of historical studies that claim that the
nation and the actual concept of the nation are recent, arbitrary
creations. Through a careful study, he shows that antigenealogical
discourse, like its opposite, also rests on certain assumptions and
holds its own blind spots. This important critical contribution is
essential reading for a comprehension of the eminently political
nature of the processes which nurture and transform the fictions
of identity.
Elías José Palti (Buenos Aires, 1956) is an acknowledged
expert in the field of intellectual history. He holds a degree
from the Faculty of Humanities at the University of Buenos
Aires. He has a master’s degree in social science from the Latin
American School of Social Science (flacso) and a doctorate
from the Department of History, University of California at
14 |
his book analyzes transformations in colonial domination
and ethnic resistance methods during the eighteenth century
in the province of Chayanta, a region inhabited predominantly by
indigenous communities in what is now northern Potosí, Bolivia.
The period examined begins in the 1740s with the implementation of the Bourbon reforms and ends four decades later with the
massive indigenous rebellion which threatened to put an end to
the Spanish colonial regime and restore a pre-Hispanic political
entity, the Incan Empire. The author reviews the repertoire of
negotiations and peasant protests, and discusses crucial issues in
New World colonial history and Andean ethnohistory. This book
sheds light on the political culture that translated the discontent
of the Andean peoples into collective practices that subverted the
representations and mechanisms of the colonial powers.
Sergio Serulnikov (Buenos Aires, 1952) has a degree in
history from the Universidad Nacional de Rosario and is
pursuing a doctorate at the University of Buenos Aires.
This is an excellent work of historic interpretation which serves as
an exemplary model of research methodology.
[Words in the Time
of Literature: A Heterodox
[The Power of Color:
From the Material to
the Symbolic in Andean Cultural
Practices, Sixteenth
to Eighteenth Centuries]
Carmen Benito-Vessels
Gabriela Siracusano
1st ed., fce Argentina, 2005
366 pp.
13.5 × 21 cm (approx. 5.3 × 8.3 in)
Collection: Historia. Subjects: History, Specific topics, Colonial New
World, Life and culture, Art, Architecture, Visual art, Painting
ISBN 9505576250
1st ed., fce Mexico, 2007
332 pp.
13.5 × 21 cm (5.3 × 8.3 in)
Collection: Lengua y estudios literarios. Subject: Literature
ISBN 9681678710
his book received the Jorge Barón Biza Award from the
Argentinean Association of Art Critics (aaca) for the best
contribution to research in its year, and was named the 2005-2006
best book of the year by the Association for Latin American Art
(alaa). The material dimension of the cultural history of the
Colonial period during the sixteenth to eighteenth centuries in
the Andean region is analyzed through a history of its art as part
of the cultural fabric, in particular color as it was manifested in
artistic ideas, concepts, symbols, beliefs and sensations. Through
an exhaustive study of Colonial images, the author shows how
pre-Hispanic color associations permeate the structures of society,
politics and economics, and ritual practices.
Gabriela Siracusano (Buenos Aires, 1960) has a degree in
arts and a Ph.D. in liberal arts with a concentration in arts. She
teaches at the University of Buenos Aires, and is a conicet
(Argentinean Science and Technology Research Council)
researcher and president of the Argentinean Center for Art
The author has conducted a rigorous, original study that goes
beyond classical art history methods to include mineralogy,
pharmacopoeia, medicine and alchemy, and books of secrets and
natural history.
w w w. fo n do decu l tu raeco n o mi c a. com
his book studies language as a being—in the Orteguian sense
and in its ontological manifestation—focusing on Spanish
literature from the Middle Ages to the present. From a firm philological base, the author turns to discourse as a way of life and
considers life as textual discourse or a palimpsest in which the
being of the speaker is inserted. La palabra en el tiempo de las letras
builds a bridge between classical philosophy, the Judeo-Christian
tradition and contemporary philosophy. It presents a heterodox
history of Spanish where God and the academics find themselves
on the same page.
Carmen Benito-Vessels has a degree in Romance literature
from the University of Salamanca. She undertook graduate
studies at the University of Lisbon and earned a doctorate
in Hispanic studies from the University of California, Santa
Barbara. She is currently a professor of medieval Spanish
literature at the University of Maryland, College Park.
Dr. Benito-Vessels recounts a heterodox—unofficial, non-linear,
not unambiguous—history of Spanish that will interest even nonspecialist readers.
Readers will find a fascinating historical voyage through apparently
disparate traditions and disciplines that brings Spanish to life, and
will interest not only Spanish speakers.
La palabra en el tiempo de las letras.
Una historia heterodoxa
El poder de los colores. De lo material a los
simbólico en las prácticas culturales andinas.
Siglos xvi-xviii
Belleza roja
El fondo de las cosas
[The Essence of Things]
Tomás Calvillo
1st ed., fce Mexico, 2006
103 pp.
13.5 × 21 cm (5.3 × 8.3 in)
Collection: Letras mexicanas. Subject: Literature
ISBN 9681678257
[Red Beauty]
Bernardo Esquinca
1st ed., fce Mexico, 2005
103 pp.
13.5 × 21 cm (5.3 × 8.3 in)
Collection: Letras mexicanas. Subject: Literature
ISBN 9681674790
omas Calvillo’s poetry speaks of the ocean, time, and love
—the ideal and concrete banalities of any poetic imagination—with a polished aesthetic learning afforded by enigma.
Midwife to the word—attending the birth of that which is to be
said—Calvillo’s poetry embarks upon a revelation of the possible.
Tomás Calvillo, in addition to his studies in Mexican
international policy and history, has a parallel career as a writer.
As a poet he has written El ombligo del agua (1980), Pájaro
de alambre (1981), Reunión (1988), 400 horas al alba (1988),
Amor (1995) and Poesía reunida, 1979–1993 (1997).
He has edited books of poems by Manuel Calvillo and Sergio
Mondragón. He is also the author of the essays La llave de la
poesía and Los caminos del libro. He is the coauthor, together
with Javier Sicillia, of La revelación y los días (1988). He has
written two works of fiction, Palabra que es la llave (1990)
and El epistolario de Angelina (1997), the latter having also
been adapted for the stage by the group El Rinoceronte
Enamorado. He is the president of El Colegio de San Luis.
Javier Sicilia has stated, ‘The experience of Tomas Calvillo has this
characteristic: it is born of the millenian and religious practice of
yoga, particularly kundalini yoga […] Contact with the words of
the sacred Sikh book, that for centuries, day and night, has been
read without interruption in the sacred place of that tradition,
enabled the silence of the author’s meditation to find a new
channel; poetry.’
et in a post-humanist version of modernity where brutality and
beauty coincide in the radical vindication of crime, violence,
and elegant perversions under the all-too-powerful influence
of wealth, Bernardo Esquinca’s novel is a psychological thriller,
an example of hard-boiled detective fiction, and a wet dream
extravaganza at the same time. A photographer of criminal news
lives with the obsession of turning his job into a work of art; a
beauty clinic prospers in isolation from the world and its moral
standards—both stories are interwoven into a sinister climax that
borders on apocalyptic vision. The bottom line is: what are we
prepared to do in order to get just a small share of the sublime?
Bernardo Esquinca studied journalism at the Western
Technological Institute for Higher Studies (iteso). He is
a founding editor of the newspaper Público in Guadalajara,
and Diario Monitor in Mexico City—where he lives at present.
He has published two collections of short stories, La mirada
encendida (1993), and Fábulas oscuras (1996), as well as a book
of essays Carretera perdida (2001). He is co-editor of the
magazine Día Siete, and writes for the journals Letras Libres
and Nexos.
This novel draws on the techniques of the thriller to deal with
important issues that had been virtually ignored in contemporary
Mexican fiction.
This is the opera prima of a very talented and promising Mexican
16 |
Las malas costumbres
[Provençal Cabaret]
[Bad Habits]
Luis Felipe Fabre
Julieta García González
1st ed., fce Mexico, 2007
79 pp.
11 × 17 cm (4.3 × 6.7 in)
Collection: Centzontle. Subject: Poetry
ISBN 9681681002
1st ed., fce Mexico, 2005
94 pp.
13.5 × 21 cm (5.3 × 8.3 in)
Collection: Letras mexicanas. Subject: Literature
ISBN 9681675002
abre’s poetry is a crossroads, a discursive intersection, a
dialogue between elite and popular cultural traditions, the
latter providing the inspiration for his finest poems and the wisdom to question power using parody. Carnavalesque gestures, a
festive attitude and a sometimes ‘impertinent’ use of humor are
devices the author employs in the pursuit of his book’s main
goal, which its title reveals: to question hierarchies and orders; to
revoke—albeit provisionally—all distance; to humble all things in
order to allow the possibility of their rebirth.
Luis Felipe Fabre was born in Mexico City in 1974. In 1995
he received a poetry award in a literary competition sponsored
by the magazine Punto de Partida published by the University
of Mexico. Other poetry books by this author include
Vida quieta (2000) and Una temporada en Mictlán (2003). On
the basis of his work, fonca (National Foundation for Culture
and the Arts) awarded him a young writers’ scholarship from
2004 to 2005.
his collection includes seven stories written in a fluent and
precise prose style. In these stories optimism is the seed of
all sorts of ominous events while nihilism is shown as a feast for
winners. A shrewd and restless interpreter of the values of the new
generations, Julieta García González uses erotic edge and psychological portraits as means to knowledge. Her tales are the finest
distillation of an unquiet sensibility that proceeds at a faster pace
than the reader can predict.
Julieta García González (b. ciudad de México, 1970) has
received grants for her creative work from the Mexican Writers
Association and the fonca (National Foundation for Culture
and the Arts); she has been a resident writer at the JiménezPorter Writers’ House at the University of Maryland. Her
first novel, Vapour, was acclaimed by the critics as a shrewd,
insightful, and well accomplished piece of narrative. Bad Habits
is her first collection of short stories.
In Fabre’s work, diverse voices meet; reminiscent of the works
of François Villon and Arnaut Daniel, his poems have also been
influenced by ranchera music and the songs of the Mexican
Fabre's poetry has claimed a unique space: the author has a
strange and marvelous talent for injecting social issues into his
writing in an unexpected and completely unpropaganda-like
manner: although hunger, power and collective angst appear in his
poems, they could certainly not be described as ‘socially-minded.’
w w w. fo n do decu l tu raeco n o mi c a. com
This is the first collection of short stories by an author that has
stirred keen interest among critics and readers alike. She is now
considered one of the most promising storytellers in Mexico’s
literary scene.
Cabaret Provenza
Bitácora del cruce. Textos poéticos para
accionar, ritos fronterizos, videografitis, y
otras rolas y roles
Entre la Ilustración y el expresionismo.
Figuras de la literatura alemana
[Between the Enlightenment
and Expressionism: Key Figures
of German Literature]
[Logbook of the Crossing:
Poems of Action, Border Rites,
Video Fever and Other Trips
and Tunes]
Rafael Gutiérrez Girardot
1st ed., fce Colombia, 2004
240 pp.
15.5 × 23 cm (6 × 9 in)
Collection: Tierra Firme. Subject: Literature
ISBN 9583800961
Guillermo Gómez-Peña
1st ed., fce Mexico, 2006
264 pp.
13.5 × 21 cm (5.3 × 8.3 in)
Collection: Aula Atlántica. Subjects: Literature, Cultural studies
ISBN 9681676564
ne of the most active and creative Chicano writer-performers explores the techno-Chicano esthetic and searches for a
new dialogue between Latin Americans who left their homelands
following the American dream and those who stayed behind. This
Logbook of the Crossing, is in itself a literary melting-pot where a
new language is being forged. ‘The reader can start anywhere and
read them [the parts] in any order.’ Borders, after all, are there for
us to go across.
Guillermo Gómez-Peña was born in Mexico in 1955 and
has been living in the United States since 1978. He studied
linguistics at the University of Mexico and is the author of
eight books in English and Spanglish which have been published
in the United States and Europe. Gómez-Peña is the first
Mexican artist to have received the MacArthur Foundation
Fellowship and the Prix de la Parole at the International
Theatre Festival of the Americas in Montreal. He is a writer,
performance artist and educator, and has presented his work in
Mexico, the United States, Canada, Australia, Cuba, and various
countries in South America and Europe.
This book gives a glimpse into what it means to be Chicano; an
identity toughened by a difficult life in a country that is not one’s
own; feelings that swing between the loneliness of being foreign
and the celebration of rootedness.
Gómez-Peña’s work has always tried to provoke; he does not
attempt to ‘define’ an identity, but to question it: How is it
formed? What beliefs, what prejudices, what acts define it? His
work both reinforces and attacks the dominant stereotypes in
American culture.
18 |
he essays in this book introduce the reader to the landmark
writers of German literature. While readers in the Hispanic
world already know of the Olympian figures of Goethe, Schiller,
Thomas Mann, Rilke and Kafka, this volume provides a closer
acquaintance with their work. The majority of the writers highlighted in this collection were rediscovered in the second half of
the twentieth century. Classic editions of the complete works of
Lichtenberg, Lenz, Nietzsche and Hugo Ball, and of the expressionists Jakob van Hoddis, Ernst Stadler, Georg Heym, Georg
Trakl and Gottfried Benn, were published between 1960 and 1980
in the peak of a rediscovery of the modern tradition; a rediscovery, it might even be said, of German literature itself, which had
been condemned to oblivion by National Socialism. This revival
of a rich chapter in European literature redefines the concept of
the vanguard; not as the intent to rebel that has been often attributed to it but as a broader vision of the philosophical, religious
and political complexity of early twentieth-century upheavals in
Western societies.
Rafael Gutiérrez Girardot (1928-2005) was one
of Colombia’s most distinguished scholars of literature and
philosophy. His books contributed to his reputation not only
in Spanish-speaking countries but across Europe. His graduate
studies were conducted under the existentialist philosopher
Martin Heidegger and the notable theorist of modern lyric
poetry, Hugo Friedrich.
This book examines a fruitful period in German literature, one
which also influenced the Spanish Vanguard movement.
The author was one of the principal Colombian intellectuals of the
second half of the twentieth century.
Obras Completas I. Poesía/Cuento/Novela
[Complete Works I: Poetry/
Short Story/Novel]
[Modernism: Historic
and Cultural Assumptions]
Efrén Hernández
Rafael Gutiérrez Girardot
1st ed., fce Mexico, 2007
488 pp.
16.5 × 23 cm (6.5 × 9 in)
Collection: Letras mexicanas. Subject: Literature
ISBN 9681679016
1st ed., Montesinos, Spain, 1983
3rd ed., fce Colombia, 2004
170 pp.
15.5 × 23 cm (6 × 9 in)
Collection: Tierra Firme. Subject: Literature
ISBN 9583800953
his book offers a new and enlightening vision of what
Modernism represented in Hispanic-America and Spain
in its close and inevitable relationship with nineteenth-century
European cultural life. It places turn-of-the-century Spanish-literature in the context of European letters, and explores its sociological, philosophical, and cultural aspects. The book addresses the
reciprocal relationship between bourgeois society and nineteenthcentury art, defining the tension between the two in the social
and spiritual complexity of the period, dominated as it was by
contradictory and ambiguous authors. ‘Modernism’ or ‘Modernity’
is used to clarify the complex European literature of the period
whose influence, according to the opinion of many critics, extends
into the present.
his is a volume of poetry, short stories, and novel. Its characters are things and beings that think, and in their generally digressive and nocturnal thinking they construct extraordinary landscapes and castles in the sky that are both representative
and abstract at the same time. The contemporaries of Efrén
Hernández (1904-1958) could have described him with the words
that Rubén Darío applied to St. Francis of Assisi; ‘minimum and
sweet.’ Octavio Paz described him, ‘He was a character from his
stories—intelligent, shy, reticent, lost in circumlocutions that
culminated in paradoxes, falsely modest, extravagant, and not
so much distracted as absorbed; circling about evidence which
was hidden but always about to appear’. In Hernández’s work, the
interplay between destiny and vocation produces one of the most
intriguing and evocative bodies of writing in the twentieth-century Mexican literary landscape.
Efrén Hernández was born in León, Guanajuato in 1904
and died in Mexico City in 1958. He abandoned his studies in
law for a life in literature. He was the assistant editor of the
literary journal América. An author faithful to his own creative
world, he wrote in multiple genres: short stories, novels, poetry,
theatre, and criticism. It was his 1928 story ‘Tachas’, one
of the greatest examples of Mexican storytelling that first
attracted notice.
Rafael Gutiérrez Girardot (1928-2005) was one of
Colombia’s most distinguished scholars of literature and
philosophy. His books contributed to his reputation not only
in Spanish-speaking countries but across Europe. His graduate
studies were conducted under the existentialist philosopher
Martin Heidegger and the notable theorist of modern lyric
poetry, Hugo Friedrich.
This book examines Hispanic literature since the late nineteenth
century within the European context.
The author was one of the principal Colombian intellectuals of the
second half of the twentieth century.
w w w. fo n do decu l tu raeco n o mi c a. com
With the passage of time, the work of Efrén Hernández continues
to become ever more ‘irreplaceable’ in the opinion of new
generations of readers and critics.
In this edition of Hernández’s complete works, Alejandro Toledo
has recovered his unpublished and scattered texts, in addition
to his best known works.
Modernismo. Supuestos históricos y
Los grandes muertos
El tiempo vacío de la ficción.
Las novelas argentinas de Eduardo Gutiérrez
y Eugenio Cambaceres
[The Great Dead]
[Empty Time in Fiction:
The Argentinean Novels of
Eduardo Gutiérrez and Eugenio
Luisa Josefina Hernández
1st ed., fce Mexico, 2007
542 pp.
16.5 × 23 cm (6.5 × 9 in)
Collection: Letras mexicanas. Subject: Literature
ISBN 9681678672
Alejandra Laera
1st ed., fce Argentina, 2004
342 pp.
15.5 × 23 cm (6 × 9 in)
Collection: Tierra Firme. Subjects: Language, Literary theory,
Analysis of authors and works
ISBN 9505576161
his volume contains twelve plays, grouped into four cycles.
This subtle, yet surprising work raises disturbing questions
about the contradictions that reign in Western culture. The networks of characters in the plays are continually faced with issues
concerning relationships among families and between partners.
They often find themselves in conflict with deeply-rooted cultural
traditions as they face realities such as the need for affection, frustration, loneliness or indecision.
Luisa Josefina Hernández was born in Mexico City in 1928.
She is one of Mexico’s leading playwrights; her plays include
Los sordomudos, La llave del cielo, Los frutos caídos, Los duendes,
Hécuba, and El orden de los factores. She has also written novels;
La plaza de Puerto Santo, El valle que elegimos, La cólera secreta,
La noche exquisita, and Apocalipsis cum figuris. Her work has a
realistic structure, but a backdrop of unreality transforms life
into a mere theatrical play. She has won the Magda Donato and
Xavier Villarrutia awards. She is a professor emeritus of the
University of Mexico.
This book is an essential selection of the work of one of the most
important Mexican dramatists.
This collection of works presents an incomparable image of
southeast Mexico.
n Argentina, the modern novel and the idea of novel writing as
a well-defined activity emerged in the 1880s. In this book, the
author sheds new light on the work and influence of two writers
of the period, showing the role their novels and the new genre
played in newly-developing concepts of nation and national identity. Their novels, not allegories of the nation, but rather seeds
that would grow into the idea of the nation in the popular imaginary, were located at the border of reality and invention. This book
presents a detailed examination of the work of Eduardo Gutiérrez
and Eugenio Cambaceres, of the publishing environment of the
day and the reception of their novels in Argentinean culture,
society and literature of the 1880s, thereby rescuing a neglected
body of literature and making a valuable contribution to Latin
American cultural studies.
Alejandra Laera (Buenos Aires, 1965) is a conicet
(Argentinean Science and Technology Research Council)
researcher and teaches Argentinean literature at the University
of Buenos Aires. She has been a visiting professor at Stanford
and Wesleyan Universities.
20 |
Obras reunidas I. Novelas
[Mobile Empire]
[Collected Works: Novels]
Elva Macías
Carlos Montemayor
1st ed., fce Mexico, 2007
100 pp.
11 × 17 cm (4.3 × 6.7 in)
Collection: Centzontle. Subject: Poetry
ISBN 9681681010
1st ed., fce Mexico, 2006
518 pp.
19 × 26 cm (7.5 × 10.2 in)
Collection: Obras reunidas. Subject: Literature
ISBN 9681681118
he ups and downs of our hostile, oppressive, complex world
are the paints and canvas with which Elva Macías creates
pictures of war. In the conflicts she describes, ‘the taste of victory is celebrated with breadcrumbs and tears,’ yet at the same
time geographic and cultural borders fade, revealing the equality
of all people. Well aware that the significance of her work extends
beyond the realm of poetry, the author navigates seas of indifference and hopelessness, plotting a course to solid ground: the
written word.
Elva Macías (1944) is the author of several books of poetry,
including an anthology, Entre los reinos. She has also written
children’s books; Informe de la lenteja y otros poemas, Si tienes
un mágico lugar, and Un rayo de sol temprano, a collection of
Spanish translations of poems by Russian children. She has
received the 1993 Rosario Castellanos Chiapas Award for
literature, the 1994 Carlos Pellicer National Poetry Award (for
her book Ciudad contra el cielo) and the 2002 Ramón López
Velarde Medal, awarded by the Universidad Autónoma de
n the two novels included in this first volume of Carlos
Montemayor’s collected works, the reader will find an original concept; a consummate writer has brilliantly blended social
criticism and documentary research with literary creation. Carlos
Montemayor has recreated one the most tragic epochs of recent
Mexican history, the Dirty War. His thorough research converts
the voices of real characters into a far-reaching literary text.
Carlos Montemayor (b. 1947; Parral, Chihuahua, Mexico)
is a novelist, poet and essayist. He has researched guerilla
movements in Mexico, and is a literary critic of current and
traditional writing in several different indigenous languages
of Mexico. His work as a political analyst has been important
in many respects. As a poet and literary translator, he has
concentrated particularly on classical Latin and Greek poetry,
and on several different currents in twentieth-century Latin
American and European poetry. He has earned numerous
awards within and outside Mexico, and his essays are essential
reading for an understanding of current issues in Mexico.
The novels of Carlos Montemayor offer the reader an alternative
to the official version of the Dirty War, one of the most tragic
episodes in recent Mexican history.
These passionate novels by one of the most representative writers
of current Mexican fiction combine intrigue and history with
talented writing.
Elva Macías is one of Mexico’s most important poets.
A dense, suggestive and delicate work, Imperio móvil criticizes a
real, historical situation.
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Imperio móvil
Borges crítico
Cinco mil años de palabras
[Borges the Critic]
[Five Thousand Years
of Words]
Sergio Pastormelo
1st ed., fce Argentina, 2007
197 pp.
13.5 × 21 cm (5.3 × 8.3 in)
Collection: Tierra Firme. Subjects: Language, Literary theory, Analysis of
authors and works
ISBN 9789505577118
orges, a passionate reader, frequently wrote about writers and
books. His unique vision often stimulated controversy in the
literary scene. In this book, the author examines a particular facet
of Borges’s writing; his critical works and their repercussions on
Argentinean literature. The author conducted a detailed analysis of essays on literature written by Borges for newspapers and
magazines such as Sur and El Hogar, as well as those which were
published separately or included in other books. A distinction is
made between an ‘academic critic’ and a ‘writer critic,’ examining how criticism was an essential part of Borges’s body of work
throughout his writing career. From this critical dialogue with
the canonical texts of Borges’s work, the author questions the
place of literary criticism, the objects of criticism, and its aims
and limitations, placing Borges crítico firmly in the center of the
contemporary debate.
Sergio Pastormelo (Junín, Buenos Aires, 1962) holds a
doctorate in literature from the National University of La Plata
where he is currently a professor of the theory of criticism, as
well as a professor of Argentinean literature at the Universidad
Nacional del Sur. He has given seminars and talks on Borges in
Argentina and France.
Carlos Prieto
2nd ed., fce Mexico, 2007
309 pp.
16.5 × 23 cm (6.5 × 9 in)
Collection: Lengua y estudios literarios. Subject: Literature
ISBN 9681683714
ow did we break out of silence? This and other questions
are a constant thread flowing through this careful review by
Carlos Prieto which provides a panoramic overview of the study of
language. In the words of Carlos Fuentes, the extraordinary charm
of this work is that it invites us with singular erudition to look
again at things we thought we knew about language and discover
what we did not know about these things. The book is a linguistic voyage that leads us through questions concerning the very
origin of languages, verbal imagination, the essence of language,
and cultural pluralism. However the most obvious merit of this
work is that it confirms what artists and writers have claimed for
thousands of years: the power of the word is a magical vehicle of
creation and destruction.
Carlos Prieto is a cellist and writer. He studied in Hungary,
Geneva, and New York, and has played with the Royal
Philharmonic Orchestra of London, the Berlin Symphony
Orchestra, the National Orchestra of Spain, the Moscow
Chamber Orchestra, among many others. He has made more
than 70 recordings, including the complete Bach Suites, works
by Shostakovich, Martinu, Bruch, and an extensive series of
Latin American music for the cello. In addition, Carlos Prieto
has also published with Fondo de Cultura Económica since
1993. He is the author of De la urss a Rusia: tres décadas
de experiencias y observaciones de un testigo (1992) and Las
aventuras de un violonchelo: historias y memorias (1998).
This book can already be called fce classic.
The present new edition contains a new chapter entitled
‘The Sino-Tibetan Family of Languages,’ and includes the prologue
written by Carlos Fuentes for the original edition.
22 |
Cantar de lejanía. Antología personal
[Literature of New Spain]
[Poems of Distance:
A Personal Anthology]
Alfonso Reyes
1st ed., sep, 1946
5th ed., fce Mexico, 2007
153 pp.
11 × 17 cm (4.3 × 6.7 in)
Collection: Biblioteca Universitaria de Bolsillo. Subject: Literature
ISBN 9681683293
Juan Manuel Roca
1st ed., fce Colombia, 2005
280 pp.
13.5 × 21 cm (5.3 × 8.3 in)
Collection: Tierra Firme. Subject: Literature
ISBN 958380102X
sweeping account of the literature of Mexico, the six chapters of this book cover authors and works from indigenous
poetry to the ‘critical era’ of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Additional critical commentaries contribute to an enjoyable
review of the development of Mexican literature over four centuries. Reyes does not overlook indigenous literature and its fusion
with European letters as he attempts to locate the emergence of
Mexican culture—a difficult task, in the author’s view; ‘To try to
determine when what was Spanish became Mexican is an enigma
worthy of Zeno. The issue is just as elusive in literature as it has
been in diplomatic relations.’ This text is required reading for anyone seeking to understand Mexican culture and literature.
Alfonso Reyes was a poet and essayist whose works
profoundly influenced Mexican culture and literature. He was a
member of Ateneo de la Juventud (a turn-of-the-century group
of intellectuals) together with Pedro Henríquez Ureña, Antonio
Caso and José Vasconcelos. In 1943 he helped found El Colegio
Nacional (an institution that brings together prominent
Mexican thinkers) and from 1957 to 1959 he directed the
Academia Mexicana de la Lengua (Mexican Academy of the
Spanish Language).
This book is essential reading for students of Mexican and Latin
American literature and culture.
The work contains Reyes’s now-classic discussion of one of the
most enigmatic periods in Mexican cultural history.
w w w. fo n do decu l tu raeco n o mi c a. com
uan Manuel Roca is recognized as one of the most quintessential
Colombian poets of his time. His poetry is one vast reflection on
achieving freedom through imagination. This personal anthology
brings together the recurring themes that he normally engages
in: death, silence, water, words, night, and time. The anthology
includes twelve books—from Luna de ciegos (1975) to Las hipótesis
de Nadie (2005), which received the 2004 Colombia Ministry of
Culture National Poetry Award—together with a number of previously unpublished poems. This edition includes a foreword by
Chilean poet Gonzalo Rojas and an afterword by Spanish publisher
Manuel Borras.
Juan Manuel Roca is a Colombian poet, fiction author, and
essayist, born in Medellín in 1946. His books of poetry include
Luna de ciegos, Ciudadano de la noche, and La farmacia del
ángel. He is also the author of two books of essays, Museo de
encuentros and Cartógrafa memoria, a short story collection
Las plagas secretas y otros cuentos, and the novel Esa maldita
costumbre de morir.
Cantar de lejanía received the 2007 Jose Lezama Lima Casa de las
Américas Special Award ‘for bringing together, in verses written
over the span of thirty years, the best and most personal of a
compelling oeuvre.’
A foreword by Gonzalo Rojas and afterword by Manuel Borras
enrich the vision of the collection.
Letras de la Nueva España
La ruta del Aqueronte
Siete ensayos sobre Walter Benjamin
[The Journey
of the Acheron]
[Seven Essays
on Walter Benjamin]
Eduardo Rojas Rebolledo
Beatriz Sarlo
1st ed., fce Mexico, 2006
217 pp.
13.5 × 21 cm (5.3 × 8.3 in)
Collection: Letras mexicanas. Subject: Literature
ISBN 9681678893
1st ed., fce Argentina, 2000
93 pp.
11 × 17 cm (4.3 × 6.8 in)
Collection: Colección Popular. Subjects: Language, Literary theory,
Analysis of authors and works
ISBN 9505573839
amora, Spain, 1282. An old minstrel finally fulfils a pledge he
made a long time ago—to write down the story he heard from
a squire by the name of Aira de Silos. It is the bewitching tale of
a mission entrusted by the king, Alfonso, to his best knights: the
custody of a relic of St Peter to be transported to Santiago. But this
is just the beginning—as it unfolds, The Journey of the Acheron
unveils for us the entire medieval world thanks to the author’s
uncommon literary expertise. In this first novel he is able to captivate the reader with a tale of love and disappointment, a veritable
journey through the darkest places of fear, pain and evil.
Eduardo Rojas Rebolledo (b. 1970) is a heart-felt South
Californian. He studied history at the University of Mexico and
at the University of Santiago de Compostela. He is the author of
two collections of short stories, De luces y sombras (1994), and
Cuentos crueles (2004). He has also published two collections of
essays: El Cid entre líneas (1997), and De alquimia e imposibles
(2004). At present he lives in Galicia, Spain.
The Journey of the Acheron solidly confirms Eduardo Rojas
Rebolledo’s promising literary career, which began with two
previous books of fiction that drew the attention of the critics.
After this first novel, written in a firm narrative pace and a
surprising tale-telling impulse, Eduardo Rojas Rebolledo has been
acclaimed as one of the best writers of the newest Mexican fiction.
The blend of intrigue, historical settings, adventure, and romantic
entanglements is sure to make this book a passionate experience
for any reader.
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n the seven essays in this book, the author, with incomparable
clarity and literary style, describes aspects of the life and work
of Walter Benjamin, showing how they relate to his influence on
contemporary thought, and to current readings of his work. These
texts are about Benjamin’s flight from the Nazi regime and suicide at the border, and his resistance to academic requirements.
They also address his way of constructing knowledge, which
did not find a place or legitimacy in Second World War Europe.
Benjamin’s method of composition; the essential value of quotations and contrasts, his atypical choice and use of materials, and
the relationship between art criticism and philosophy are some of
the points from which Sarlo proposes to begin reading Benjamin.
Siete ensayos sobre Walter Benjamin also includes a long article in
which echoes of La obra de arte en la época de la reproductibilidad
técnica [The Work of Art in the Age of Technical Reproduction]
can be related to a reading of certain contemporary practices and
Beatriz Sarlo (Buenos Aires, 1942) taught Argentinean
literature in the Faculty of Humanities at the University
of Buenos Aires for twenty years. She is currently one of
Argentina’s most important intellectuals, and her books have
been translated in Brazil, Great Britain, the United States and
Particularly moving is the reading that Sarlo gives of that ‘truly
Benjaminian pastime’—stickers. Indeed, Benjamin’s critical work
can be read in the light of a childlike use of pre-fabricated images.
Luna bajo el árbol
[Moon Beneath the Tree]
[The Lantern of the Dead
(and Other Fantastic Stories)]
Álvaro Uribe
1st ed., fce Mexico, 1988
2nd ed., fce Mexico, 2006
160 pp.
13.5 × 21 cm (5.3 × 8.3 in)
Collection: Letras mexicanas. Subject: Literature
ISBN 9681679903
Jaime Velasco Luján
1st ed., fce Mexico, 2007
92 pp.
11 × 17 cm (4.3 × 6.7 in)
Collection: Centzontle. Subject: Poetry
ISBN 968168091X
his is a new, extended edition of the book of short stories
that Uribe published at Fondo de Cultura Económica in
1988. Each of the eight stories (two of which—‘The Fountain’
and ‘Simón’s Last Dream’—are new to this edition) are remarkable for their precise and vigorous treatment of plot, the proficient
use of narrative rhythm and the introduction of perplexing scenes
where common and fantastic events can occur side by side under
the compelling force of his narrative style. A Mexican student in
Paris, a medieval scribe, and a couple stranded in an airport are
some of the protagonists in these stories; all of them are about to
witness unexpected fractures of reality.
Álvaro Uribe (b. Mexico City, 1953) studied philosophy at
the University of Mexico. He has served as cultural attaché in
Nicaragua and as cultural counsellor for the diplomatic service
in France. During his first sojourn in Paris (1978-1984) he was
the editor of the bilingual magazine Altaforte. He subsequently
coordinated the publications of the National Council for
Culture and Arts (conaculta) in Mexico. He has published
three novels, La lotería de San Jorge (1995), Por su nombre
(2001), and El taller del tiempo (2003), which won the first
issue of the Fiction Prize Antonin Artaud, in 2004. His works
have been translated to French, English, and German. He has
also published shorter fiction and essays.
una bajo el árbol is a thoughtful, patient contemplation of a
landscape from countless perspectives, seen under the subtle
changes of the interplay of light and shadow. It is not so much
the poems themselves that evoke awe—their beauty or wisdom
acknowledge a simplicity that is often ignored—as much as an
unspoken thread that runs through them: a blend of chance and
grace that results from overlooking surface appearances. With a
poetic voice that depends more on the implied than the explicit,
Jaime Velasco Luján captures both the fleeting instant and the
underlying constant that carries forward into a relentless future.
Jaime Velasco Luján was born in Huajuapan de León, Oaxaca
in 1949. He studied Spanish literature at the University
of Mexico. He has published two books, Cuaderno (2001)
and En el ojo de la gaviota (2004).
Amid the flurry of verbal noise, the poems of Luna bajo el árbol
evoke a contemplative silence that precedes creative activity.
The tradition of Spanish language haiku style poems was brought
to Mexico by José Juan Tablada, and Velasco Luján carries it on
with this book.
Literary critics widely agree that Uribe is not just one of the best
storytellers of his generation, but one of the best Mexican writers
of fiction ever.
The short stories included in this volume have a way to grasp the
reader’s attention thanks to the use of surprising, fantastic plots
and a skillful narrative style.
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La linterna de los muertos
(y otros cuentos fantásticos)
El libro vacío. Los años falsos
La santa
[The Empty Book.
Deceptive Years]
[The Saint]
Josefina Vicens
1st ed., fce Mexico, 2007
119 pp.
15 × 23 cm (6 × 9 in)
Collection: Letras Mexicanas. Subject: Poetry
ISBN 968167975X
José Javier Villarreal
1st ed., fce Mexico, 2006
336 pp.
11 × 17 cm (4.3 × 6.7 in)
Collection: Letras mexicanas. Subject: Literature
ISBN 9681678958
osé Javier Villarreal is one of the quintessential authors of contemporary poetry, part of the thriving cultural movement centered around Mexico’s northern border, although it actually resists
identification with a particular region. In the poems in this book,
Villarreal defines those precarious corners of the heart that permit
no explanations, places that can only be explored by the vibrant
strength and sound of poetry.
he Empty Book amounts to a giddy dive into the very folds of
existence through the words of a character who—more than
thinking for and about himself—exists as writing of his own self.
As the book unfolds the reader falls into a trap and a paradox—we
are reading the very stuff that José García, the narrator, has denied
and refuted over and over. In Deceptive Years the main character,
a servile assistant to a congressman, is used to portray the corruption of the political system. But this, instead of determining a
clearcut plot and a well-defined subject matter, serves as triggering
point for a frenetic spinning around the same elementary emptiness of the previous book. This emptiness is perhaps the only
legacy that the protagonist’s father left to his son.
Josefina Vicens (b. Villahermosa, Tabasco, 1911; d. Mexico
City, 1988) studied philosophy, literature and history at the
University of Mexico. She was a writer of political editorials in
newspapers, and a bullfight commentator; she also had a long
career as scriptwriter for the film industry. She published two
novels: El libro vacío (1958), which won the Xavier Villaurrutia
Prize and was translated into French in 1963, and Los años falsos
Jose Javier Villareal (Tijuana, Baja California, 1959) teaches
at the Faculty of Liberal Arts of the Universidad Autónoma de
Nuevo León, where he was awarded the Premio a las Artes. He
has also received the Aguascalientes National Poetry Award and
the Alfonso Reyes National Poetry Award. He produces and
presents the poetry program Las aventuras sigilosas for Radio
Nuevo León, 102.1 fm.
With this book, Jose Javier Villarreal confirms his privileged place
within contemporary poetry, a place granted by poetry itself when
one lives within it. His work is an excellent starting point for the
reader who would like to begin to explore Mexican poetry.
This book brings together in one volume the only two pieces of
fiction ever written by Vicens but which sufficed to establish her
narrative style as one of the hidden marvels of contemporary
Mexican fiction.
For many years Vicens’ works were unavailable to the public. This
book represents an invaluable recovery and an editorial event long
awaited by critics and readers alike.
26 |
La semiótica. Teorías del signo
y el lenguaje en la historia
[Pouring Rain]
[Semiotics. Theories of Sign and
Language in History]
Eraclio Zepeda
1st ed., fce Mexico, 2006
253 pp.
16.5 × 23 cm (6.5 × 9 in)
Collection: Letras Mexicanas. Subject: Literature
ISBN 9681679806
Mauricio Beuchot
1st ed., fce Mexico, 2004
208 pp.
11 × 17 cm (4.3 × 6.7 in)
Collection: Breviarios. Subject: Semiotics, Philosophy of language
ISBN 9681671899
ouring Rain has its own place in the vast—and oftentimes
brilliant—tradition of Latin American fiction. Set in a historical background, it tells the love story of Juana Urbina, a rich
well-to-do girl in nineteenth century San Cristóbal de Las Casas.
Well educated, rebellious, and brave, the young girl’s character
is an impressive illustration of all the traits that characterize the
remarkable idiosyncrasy of Chiapas.
Eraclio Zepeda (b. Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas, 1937) studied
social anthropology at Veracruz State University. He lectured
as university professor in Cuba and the People’s Republic
of China, and was a news correspondent in the former ussr.
His work depicts the social life and history of his native
Chiapas. He has been awarded the National Prize for Narrative,
the Xavier Villaurrutia Prize, the Chiapas Prize and the
distinction as ibby author (International Board of Books
for Young People). At fce he has published Benzulul and
Asalto nocturno, as well as two collective poetry volumes,
La espiga amotinada, and Ocupación de la palabra.
With the publication of this novel—first in a tetralogy—Fondo
de Cultura Económica gives new impulse to the promotion of its
most cherished authors.
The remarkable achievement of the narrative voice in this novel
offers good confirmation that authors will always tell the stories
they feel most strongly about, and that they will always go back to
reinvent those same stories.
w w w. fo n do decu l tu raeco n o mi c a. com
emiotics. Theories of Sign and Language in History offers the
reader a historical survey of the most important elements of
semiotics by relating them to the philosophy of language and
by highlighting the origin of many modern and contemporary
concepts. This is not an in-depth study of signs and their operating modes but an introduction to the vast field of semiotics from a
wide historical perspective. The author begins with a treatment of
the Greek and medieval theories of signs, paying special attention
to Thomas Aquinas’ and Raymond Lull’s philosophy of language.
He then presents scholastic authors from the Spanish Golden Age
and from the Mexican colonial period. Subsequently he characterizes modern semiotics in such authors as Locke, Leibnitz, Peirce,
and Morris. Finally, he studies the modern analytic interpretation
of language and the structuralist approach.
Mauricio Beuchot (b. Torreón, 1950) is a full time researcher
at the Centre for Classical Studies in the Philological Research
Institute at the University of Mexico. He is a member of the
Mexican Academy of Language, and of the Mexican Academy
of History.
This book offers an ample historical panorama of semiotics that
will be useful for students and professors alike.
Since semiotic analysis can be applied to a wide variety of fields
this general introduction to the subject will prove useful to readers
from virtually any academic area.
Las grandes lluvias
Historia de la filosofía del lenguaje
Filosofía de la liberación latinoamericana
[Philosophy of Language.
A History]
[Latin American Philosophy of
Mauricio Beuchot
Horacio Cerutti Guldberg
1st ed., fce Mexico, 2005
327 pp.
11 × 17 cm (4.3 × 6.7 in)
Collection: Breviarios. Subject: Philosophy of language
ISBN 9681675223
3rd ed., fce Mexico, 2006
528 pp.
13.5 × 21 cm (5.3 × 8.3 in)
Collection: Filosofía. Subject: Philosophy of Liberation, Latin American
ISBN 9681678206
ur times have been termed the ‘era of the linguistic turn’
due to the great interest that contemporary philosophy
has shown for the study of language. Such ‘turn’ is manifest in
the many schools and approaches to this subject, ranging from
philosophic hermeneutics to analytical philosophy, from structuralism to transcendental pragmatism. In this context, Mauricio
Beuchot proposes a historical reconsideration of the philosophy
of language arguing that only through the critical appreciation of
its past can the reader grasp the full compass of what this discipline has already been and what it will become. This book offers
the reader a historical survey of the most important authors and
schools that throughout history have occupied themselves with,
and have theorized about language. The chronological presentation is divided into Antiquity, Middle Ages, Modern times, and
Contemporary trends.
Mauricio Beuchot (b. Torreón, 1950) is a full time researcher
at the Centre for Classical Studies in the Philological Research
Institute at the University of Mexico. He is a member of the
Mexican Academy of Language, and of the Mexican Academy
of History.
This book offers an ample historical panorama of the philosophy
of language that will be of use to students and professors alike.
This volume will also prove very useful to students of philosophy
of language and it can serve as a textbook.
It includes an extended bibliography that will guide students
through their further reading.
28 |
ore than three decades have passed since the emergence
in Argentina of what came to be known as Philosophy of
Liberation, and twenty-two years since this book was first published by the Fondo de Cultura Económica. The publication of this
corrected and expanded third edition is a response to the unprecedented relevance of an issue once again brought to the forefront
by developments in Latin America. The author managed to produce a work that presents original philosophical thought anchored
in Latin American issues and realities.
Horacio Cerutti Guldberg (Mendoza, Argentina, 1950) has
taught in Argentina, Ecuador and Mexico. He is a researcher at
the Centro Coordinador y Difusor de Estudios Latinoamericanos
and a professor at the Faculty of Liberal Arts at the University
of Mexico. He was president of the Asociación Filosófica de
México from 1996 to 1998.
The author was one of the first scholars to locate this
philosophical movement in its historical and analytical setting.
The book includes a stimulating bibliography of the books
fundamental for an understanding of this Latin American current
of thought.
‘Horacio Cerutti is one of the members of the generation in
which what is known as the Philosophy of Liberation crystallized.
His testimony is of special importance within the history of
philosophy. This book treats a controversial subject with great
clarity and objectivity.’
Leopoldo Zea
Leo Strauss: el arte de leer. Una lectura de la
interpretación straussiana de Maquiavelo,
Hobbes, Locke y Spinoza
[An Ethic for the Twenty-First
Century: Ethics and Human
Rights in a Postmetaphysical
[Leo Strauss and the Art
of Reading: A Reading
on the Straussian Interpretation
of Machiavelli, Hobbes,
Locke and Spinoza]
Osvaldo Guariglia
1st ed., fce Argentina, 2002
159 pp.
10.5 × 17 cm (4 × 6.8 in)
Collection: Colección Popular. Subjects: Philosophy, Ethics
ISBN 9505575033
Claudia Hilb
1st ed., fce Argentina, 2005
356 pp.
13.5 × 21 cm (5.3 × 8.3 in)
Collection: Filosofía. Subjects: Philosophy, Ethics, Political Philosophy,
Politics, Government, Political Theory
ISBN 9505576412
o twentieth-century philosophy, the modern notion of the
Subject has led to two irreconcilable extremes; the complete negation of reason as the ultimate court of appeal for the
resolution of intersubjective conflicts, and the resulting extreme
relativism of theoretical epistemological positions and practical
normative positions. Against this negative scenario, the author
suggests that it is still not only possible, but even necessary to
speak of ‘reason’ in philosophy and to formulate genuine philosophical problems. The essays in Una ética para el siglo xxi present the basic elements of the debate between these two opposing
trends in contemporary ethics; universalism and particularism.
Their consequences for politics are analyzed, the weakness in the
relativist positions with respect to human rights and values issues
are examined, and notions of identity, autonomy and independence are considered.
Osvaldo Guariglia (Buenos Aires, 1938) has a first degree
in literature and a Ph.D. in philosophy from the University of
Buenos Aires, where he is a professor of ethics and director of
the Philosophy Institute. He is a conicet (Argentinean Science
and Technology Research Council) principal researcher.
Specialists in the area will savor the careful rhetoric, while the
general reader will have the opportunity to audit a rigorous,
demanding but accessible debate.
w w w. fo n do decu l tu raeco n o mi c a. com
his book treats the work of the German philosopher Leo
Strauss, focusing on the Straussian reading of Machiavelli,
Hobbes, Locke and Spinoza, classics of modernity. The path is
particularly complex, for his writing is esoteric; replete with insinuations, ironies, codes, and clues both true and false. According
to the author, Leo Strauss’s interpretive task is founded on a conviction of the importance of the distinction to classical political
philosophers between esoteric and exoteric writing. This has at
least two dimensions; one referring to the need for the philosopher to defend himself in the city court, and the other defending
the city from philosophical knowledge; that is, the subversiveness
inherent in the search for the truth. Leo Strauss: el arte de leer is
a thorough, enlightening analysis which focuses on the question
of how Strauss read the modern philosophers in order to throw
light on the central premises of Strauss’s own philosophy and the
aporias that supported his brilliant work.
Claudia Hilb (Buenos Aires, 1955) has a bachelor’s and
master’s degree in sociology from the University of Paris viii,
a specialization in Latin American studies from the University
of Paris iii Sorbonne Nouvelle, and a Ph.D. in social science
from the University of Buenos Aires Faculty of Social Science,
and is a conicet (Argentinean Science and Technology
Research Council) researcher.
Una ética para el siglo xxi. Ética y derechos
humanos en un tiempo posmetafísico
Desde la perplejidad. Ensayos sobre la ética,
la razón y el diálogo
Pensar sin certezas. Montaigne y el arte de
[From Perplexity: Essays on
Ethics, Reason, and Dialogue]
[Thinking without Certainty:
Montaigne and the Art of
Javier Muguerza
4th ed, fce Spain, 2006
710 pp.
16 × 23 cm (6.3 × 9 in)
Collection: Filosofía. Subject: Philosophy
ISBN 8437505976
Jesús Navarro Reyes
1st ed., fce Spain, 2007
352 pp.
13.5 × 21 cm (5.3 × 8.3 in)
Collection: Filosofía. Subject: Philosophy
ISBN 8437506026
ne might begin with the assumption that one function of
philosophy is to safeguard rationality. But the uses of reason
are multiple: logical reason, analytic reason, instrumental reason
and, what matters most here, dialogic or communicative reason.
Is it truly possible to reconstruct the process that led to the latter?
Javier Muguerza thinks so. The ‘death of God’ or, less definitively,
the decline of religion and its replacement by philosophy, has led
philosophy to postulate ‘a transcendental subject’ as a secularized
substitute (Kant), a ‘transcendental reason’ (Apel) and finally a
quasi-transcendentality of the human species in the utopia of an
‘ideal communication’ (Habermas).
This book is in fact a unique ‘guide for the perplexed,’ particularly because of its paradoxical goal. In contrast with the usual
meaning of a ‘guide,’ it does not aim to help the reader to find the
way; rather it invites the reader to choose perplexity and achieve
the ‘gift of perplexity’ of Socrates and Wittgenstein.
Javier Muguerza is a professor of ethics at the Universidad
Nacional de Educación a Distancia in Spain. He is the author,
among other works, of La razón sin esperanza (1986), La
alternativa del disenso (1990) and Ética, disenso y derechos
humanos (2000). He has headed the academic committee of
the Enciclopedia Iberoamericana de Filosofía [Latin American
Encyclopedia of Philosophy] since it was established, and was
cofounder and first director of the Instituto de Filosofía of
the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, of whose
journal Isegoría he is a coeditor.
30 |
ontaigne’s essays are often considered to contain the
origin of modern subjectivism: unable to overcome his
skeptical crisis, he began philosophy’s shift towards the interiority of the self, testing himself in his writing and turning in upon
himself. Nevertheless it should not be forgotten that his essays
lacked a firm—or fallacious—support for certainty. For this reason, Montaigne does not offer us a set of simple rules for a lone
person to follow in self-sufficient exercise of his reason. Rather,
conscious that uncertainty can never be dispelled, he concentrates
on the exercise of conversation, assuming the relationship and
dealings with the other to be constituent elements of his own
In this book, Jesús Navarro critically reviews the existing
literature of this cornerstone of modernity. He begins with the
problem of action, describing his dilemma between the temptation to withdraw and the need for political action. He then focuses on language and textuality as means to the development of
a full subjectivity that is capable of recognizing itself only through
relationships of exchange established with the other. Lastly, he
studies the gnoseological and ontological implications of this art
of conversing with which Montaigne tried to find a skeptical exit
from the Platonic cave.
Jesús Navarro Reyes is a professor of philosophy at the
Universidad de Sevilla. He has been a visiting researcher at the
Sorbonne and the Universities of Chicago and Berkeley. He has
published articles in academic journals and is the author of La
extrañeza de sí mismo (2005).
[Challenges of the Society
to Come]
[Truths and Wisdom of
Marxism: Reactions of a Political
Tradition Facing ‘Crisis’]
Luis Villoro
1st ed., fce Mexico, 2007
228 pp.
13.5 × 21 cm (5.3 × 8.3 in)
Collection: Filosofía. Subject: Philosophy
ISBN 9789681681845
Elías José Palti
1st ed., fce Argentina, 2005
232 pp.
13.5 × 21 cm (5.3 × 8.3 in)
Collection: Filosofía. Subjects: Philosophy, Ethics, Political philosophy
ISBN 9505576579
his series of texts on the contemporary state of Marxism by
fundamental political thinkers in the area investigates what
appears to be the final crisis of this political tradition as a ‘cultural
phenomenon.’ Unlike traditional works of political philosophy,
this book does not seek to formulate political or philosophical answers, nor to offer potential solutions or alternatives to changes in
the political landscape. Rather it attempts to clarify the nature of
the questions posed by the situation and to show why Marxism’s
current crisis contains some fundamental keys for doing so.
an a society eliminate inequality while excluding broad sectors of its population from social benefits? Do the new democracies that have risen out of the defeat of totalitarian regimes
ensure political freedom for their citizens? Is the search for a
common good not neglected when the defense of individual freedoms takes priority? Is it possible to confront the phenomenon
of globalization without ignoring cultural differences? Upon what
ethical principles should a new state be built if it is to achieve social unity amid a multiplicity of concepts of the common good?
These are some of the questions that Luis Villoro examines in
Los retos de la sociedad por venir. This book offers the reader a
profound analysis of three crucial present-day issues: justice, democracy, and multiculturalism.
Luis Villoro is a member of El Colegio Nacional and
researcher emeritus of the University of Mexico. fce has
published La idea y el ente en la filosofía de Descartes (1965),
El concepto de ideología y otros ensayos (1985), El pensamiento
moderno: filosofía del Renacimiento (1992), En México, entre
libros: pensadores del siglo xx (1994), Los grandes momentos del
indigenismo en México (1996), El poder y el valor. Fundamentos
de una ética política (1997), and De la libertad a la comunidad
Elías José Palti (Buenos Aires, 1956) is an acknowledged
expert in the field of intellectual history. He holds a degree
from the Faculty of Humanities at the University of Buenos
Aires. He has a master’s degree in social science from the Latin
American School of Social Science (flacso) and a doctorate
from the Department of History, University of California at
Elías Palti presents a frank, conscientious review of the political
tradition of Marxism; as a thinker removed from ideological and
intellectual agendas, he serves as an eminently suitable author of
this book.
w w w. fo n do decu l tu raeco n o mi c a. com
This book proposes mechanisms for multicultural dialogue and
regulatory canons for the transformation into a pluralist state.
It opens the political debate on issues essential to the shaping of
democracy in Latin America.
This book reflects on some of the ethical problems in building
a liberal democracy and contributes to the philosophical
construction of an inclusive society.
Los retos de la sociedad por venir
Verdades y saberes del marxismo.
Reacciones de una tradición política
ante su “crisis”
Gobernanza y gestión pública
La muerte y la resurrección de la
representación política
and Public Management]
[The Death and Resurrection of
Political Representation]
Luis F. Aguilar
Juan Abal Medina
1st ed., fce Mexico, 2006
234 pp.
16.5 × 23 cm (6.5 × 9 in)
Collection: Administración pública. Subject: Public Administration
ISBN 9681681339
1st ed., fce Argentina, 2004
132 pp.
10.5 × 17 cm (4 × 6.8 in)
Collection: Colección Popular. Subjects: Politics, Government, Theory
and History, Perspectives on History
ISBN 9505576218
he model of political representation, in the form that it has
come to be known in the modern world, currently appears to
be facing an irreversible crisis. This crisis is characterized on the
one hand by a fragmented and increasingly heterogeneous society,
an apathetic electorate quick to distrust those in power, and an oscillating body of public opinion that follows the lead of the media;
and on the other hand by political parties incapable of rallying social interests, leaders whose actions are subordinate to fluctuating
popularity rating statistics, and a delegitimized political system
that survives only at the price of its ever-increasing self-referentiality. Is it still possible to find new institutional and symbolic
mechanisms that can reconcile politics with society? The author
takes a historical-conceptual tour of the various models that have
been adopted by representation, exploring new forms of political
legitimacy and participation.
Juan Abal Medina (Buenos Aires, 1968) holds a doctorate
in political science from the Latin American School of Social
Sciences (flacso), and is a conicet (Argentinean National
Science and Technology Research Council) researcher and
professor of political science at the Universidad de San Andrés
and the Universidad Nacional de General San Martín.
This book is a valuable update of the debate on political
representation and the legitimation of democracy. Abal Medina
does not fill the text with gratuitous quotations, but writes with
great clarity and sound knowledge.
32 |
he ruling capability of governments is now at the core of
theoretical and public preoccupation. Are governments able
to govern? Can they truly guide their society towards a better state
of affairs? These questions are by no means unjustified—the social
damage produced by the economic and political crises in welfare
States has made it clear that not all actions from the government
are positive governing actions. The government itself can be a
factor of misgovernment for its society. This book analyses governmental action and introduces a new approach thanks to the
concept of governance. It evaluates the conditions of contemporary ruling actions and redefines the well-known question of governing capability. The author discuses the principles and resources
of new public management—especially those related to strategic
and quality management which are crucial in the making of an
efficient government.
Luis F. Aguilar, professor at the Metropolitan Autonomous
University in Mexico, is considered an authority on the field
of Public Management and Politics. He lectures regularly on
politics and public management in Latin America and Spain
and is currently a member of the un Committee of Experts on
Public Administration.
Luis F. Aguilar is internationally recognized as one of the leading
Mexican researchers.
This book presents innovative analysis on how political power is
exerted and offers a fresh perspective using new concepts such as
Nuevo país, nueva pobreza
[New Country, New Poverty]
[Women, Sexuality, Internet,
and Politics. The New Latin
American Voters]
María del Carmen Feijoó
2nd ed., FCE Argentina, 2003, expanded edition
158 pp.
10.5 × 17 cm (4 × 6.8 in)
Collection: Colección Popular. Subjects: Politics, Government, Society,
Latin America, Sociology, Economy
ISBN 9505575718
Jaime Durán Barba and Santiago Nieto
1st ed., fce Mexico, 2006
545 pp.
13.5 × 21 cm (5.3 × 8.3 in)
Collection: Política y derecho. Subject: Politics, Latin America
ISBN 9789681681265
his book offers a rare opportunity for those who wish to understand how contemporary Latin American societies function. The authors develop a provocative argument based on two
questions—what attracts Latin American voters? and why do new
voters in Latin America, particularly youngsters, despise politics?
The answers to these questions are presented in the book, but
the task is left for the reader to infer and question the role and
significance of such concepts as democracy, voters, and political
awareness in Latin America.
Jaime Durán Barba is a political consultant with more than
20 years of experience. He is founder and director of the
polling agency Informe Confidencial (Confidential Report).
A former director of the Latin American Faculty of Social
Sciences (flacso), he has published several books on political
marketing, and has lectured at international forums on applied
politics and the study of public opinion.
Santiago Nieto is the Executive Director of the polling
agency Informe Confidencial. He is a professor in the
Department of Sociology at the Pontifical Catholic University
of Ecuador. He has written on applied politics and the study
of public opinion, and has lectured in the USA, Mexico, the
Dominican Republic, Costa Rica and Ecuador.
ver the long term, evolving economic and social processes
have effected a new social structure in Argentina. A new
country, new poverty: with the transformation of social actors
of the past, collective, individual and everyday relationships have
come to make up a society very different from that of thirty or
forty years ago. A model of society in which more or less fixed
social positions could be defined has been called into question by
persistent and increasing poverty, a fragmented social safety net
and a labor market in which uncertainty reigns. Even the experience of poverty itself has changed radically. The new and evolving
scenario motivates a series of questions to which quantitative or
statistical answers are insufficient. What is the impact of perpetually high instability in the construction of the social actors’ subjectivity? In Nuevo país, nueva pobreza, the author takes a perceptive, original view, asking how these actors find, name and act on
new territory in the structure of society.
María del Carmen Feijoó graduated from the University of
Buenos Aires, where she now teaches, in sociology. She is also
the Argentina Liaison Officer of the United Nations Population
Fund and a CONICET (Argentinean Science and Technology
Research Council) researcher.
Jaime Durán and Santiago Nieto are two well-known political
consultants who work as advisers on political marketing in Latin
This book reveals new information on politics, democracy and
political awareness, especially among women and young people, in
Latin America.
w w w. fo n do decu l tu raeco n o mi c a. com
Mujer, sexualidad, internet y política.
Los nuevos electores latinoamericanos
La democracia y sus quimeras.
Diálogo entre un escéptico y una idealista
México ante el mundo:
tiempo de definiciones
[Democracy and its Chimeras:
Dialogue Between a Skeptic and
an Idealist]
[Mexico and the World:
A Time of Definitions]
Luis Herrera-Lasso M. (coordinator)
Rossana Fuentes-Berain
and Gerardo Laveaga
1st ed., fce Mexico, 2006
104 pp.
13.5 × 21 cm (5.3 × 8.3 in)
Collection: Dos en Fondo. Subject: Politics
ISBN 9681681061
his book is the result of three dialogues between two accomplished participants on various aspects of Mexican politics.
Issues including development in Mexico and the world, democracy, the exercise of power, and the growing influence of political
players such as the media are woven into an entertaining, thoughtprovoking series of dialogues. The value of this book stems from
the different points of view from which these two analysts view
the same phenomena; often their approaches do not coincide.
Rossana Fuentes-Berain studied the history of cinema
and aesthetics at the Sorbonne in Paris, and earned an
undergraduate degree in mass communication at Metropolitan
Autonomous University in Mexico, and a doctorate
in a joint program between the Universidad de Occidente,
the Universidad de Navarra, and the Universidad
Iberoamericana. She writes for El Universal.
Gerardo Laveaga obtained his law degree at the Escuela Libre
de Derecho, and a master’s degree in law at the Universidad
Iberoamericana, and continued his graduate studies at the
University of London. He writes for Reforma, El Financiero and
1st ed., fce Mexico, 2006
401 pp.
13.5 × 21 cm (5.3 × 8.3 in)
Collection: Política y derecho. Subject: Politics
ISBN 9681680812
n this book, the contributors analyze the interaction between
changes in Mexico and recent changes in the international order.
The book begins with a description of the current global order
and Mexico’s relations with other countries, and concludes with
an account of how changes in international relations have lagged
behind the rapid changes taking place in the world. The authors
combine an interesting mix of skills and experience in academia,
diplomacy and the public sector. This project was produced by
Grupo Coppan, a Mexican consulting firm concerned with debate
and policy formulation on issues central to Mexico’s interests.
Luis Herrera-Lasso has a bachelor’s degree in international
relations from El Colegio de México and a master’s degree in
international politics from the University of London. He has
been a professor at the Matías Romero Institute of Diplomatic
Studies, the National Defense College, the Universidad
Iberoamericana and the Universidad de las Américas. He was
consul-general for Mexico in San Diego. He is currently the
ceo of Grupo Coppan, international affairs consultant to the
director of cisen (Center for Research on National Security)
and a member of the Mexican Council of International Affairs.
This book presents a careful, multi-faceted analysis of Mexico’s
status in regard to globalization.
A valuable interdisciplinary study of Mexican foreign policy.
Readers will learn the points of view of two expert political
analysts on current Mexican and international issues.
A friendly but frank dialogue between the two participants
provides an unbiased look at some of the most pressing issues of
contemporary society.
34 |
Al margen de la agenda. Noticias,
discriminación y exclusión
[Mysticism, Rhetoric and
[Outside the Agenda:
News, Discrimination
and Exclusion]
Ernesto Laclau
1st ed., fce Argentina, 2002
128 pp.
10.5 × 17 cm (4 × 6.8 in)
Collection: Colección Popular. Subjects: Politics, Government,
Theory and History, Political theory
ISBN 9505574916
Hugo Muleiro
1st ed., fce Argentina, 2006
132 pp.
10.5 × 17 cm (4 × 6.8 in)
Collection: Colección Popular. Subjects: Communication
ISBN 9505576935
he main issue and prime concern treated by the author in
this book is the central role of the significant gaps that exist
in the composition of political meaningfulness. His interest in
mysticism arises from the fact that a mystical experience attempts
to transmit something which is essentially indescribable, and does
so by subverting the significance–meaning relationship with logical structures which the author has also identified in the field of
politics. These subversive discourse processes can be described in
terms of rhetorical dislocations; and rhetoric, the author claims,
plays an ever-increasing role in the humanities, while the humanities are inclined to recognize the centrality of discursive processes
in the construction of social bonds.
This new contribution by one of the most original experts in
contemporary political analysis is a theoretical examination of discursive processes and the construction of social bonds.
Ernesto Laclau (Buenos Aires, 1935), one of the great voices
in political theory, graduated from the University of Buenos
Aires with a degree in history. In 1969, the British historian
Eric Hobsbawm invited him to Oxford. With his theory of
hegemony, Laclau has created an extremely original, difficult
to categorize political analysis which underlines the discursive
aspect of social phenomena.
ow is the news agenda set? Who is included, and how are
they referred to? What place are they given in the media?
What sources are used? Al margen de la agenda shows that value
judgments and opinions are involved in the choice of news for
publication. When journalism judges that freedom of expression is
a supreme good, information becomes the private property of the
media. When information is considered a social good that belongs
to the community, the picture is quite different. The author
applies these conceptual frameworks to the handling of political
and economic news, particularly news about occupations of public
property meant to press the authorities. The book also treats less
frequently discussed aspects of the news; childhood, adolescence
and youth, and women. The analysis in this book shows how the
way the news are put together and broadcast helps to reinforce
practices and policies of discrimination and exclusion.
Hugo Muleiro (San Fernando, Buenos Aires Province,
Argentina, 1955) is a journalist, and chief editor at the ANSA
news agency. He specializes in issues dealing with childhood
and adolescence.
In summary, a valuable book (…) that reminds us that we should
be aware not only of the content, but also the method
of delivering the news, as well as what is not said but perhaps
should be.
w w w. fo n do decu l tu raeco n o mi c a. com
Misticismo, retórica y política
El derecho internacional. Vigencia y desafíos
en un escenario globalizado
La democracia constitucional.
Una radiografía teórica
[International Law:
Validity and Challenges in a
Globalized World]
[Constitutional Democracy:
A Theoretical Survey]
Pedro Salazar Ugarte
Mónica Pinto
1st ed., fce Argentina, 2004
170 pp.
10.5 × 17 cm (4 × 6.8 in)
Collection: Colección Popular. Subjects: Law, International Law,
Comparative Law
ISBN 9505576226
1st ed., fce Mexico, 2006
1287 pp
13.5 × 21 cm (5.3 × 8.3 in)
Collection: Política y derecho. Subject: Politics, Democracy
ISBN 968167023X
he armed conflict in Iraq has thrown international law
into question more harshly than has any other event. The
decision taken by a number of powerful countries headed by
the United States to invade Iraq without UN Security Council
authorization and in opposition to the opinion of millions around
the world would seem to question the validity of international
law. Nevertheless, in spite of the world’s outrage, this is not the
purpose of international law, nor even of the United Nations.
The author claims that international law is the inevitable consequence of governments coexisting in an international environment. Notwithstanding the many possible bases for its validity, she
considers the theoretical character of the problem, which arises
from the fact that the countries of the world have never questioned the validity of international law. The author suggests that
international law, like all bodies of legal norms that claim legal
validity, must take into account the reality to which it applies.
International law has different subjects—states, organizations and
individuals—all of which benefit from the existence of a predictable regulatory order.
his book studies the elements that have shaped our model of
contemporary constitutional democracy. The author begins
by independently analysing constitutional and democratic systems, and then shows their points of contact, and indicates the
location of cracks that cause friction and tension in the theoretical
and practical union between the systems.
Pedro Salazar Ugarte (Mexico, 1971) has a doctorate in
political philosophy from the University of Turin and is a
fulltime researcher at the Institute of Legal Research at the
University of Mexico. He was the coauthor, together with
Ricardo Becerra and José Woldenberg, of La reforma electoral de
1996, published in 1997 by the fce, and La mecánica del cambio
político en México. Elecciones, partidos y reformas (2005).
The author presents the risks to constitutionalism entailed by
an excess of democracy, and warns of the danger to the
democratic system represented by an aristocratic government of
magistrates—a dilemma which should engage the attention of
Latin American experts.
Mónica Pinto (Buenos Aires, 1952) is a full professor holding
the Chair of Human Rights and Guarantees in the Law and
Social Science Faculty at the University of Buenos Aires, and a
member of the Inter-American Institute of Human Rights.
36 |
Fenómenos de transporte
en semiconductores
[The Stupidity of Perfection.
Looking at Politics]
[Transport Phenomena
in Semiconductors]
Jesús Silva-Herzog Márquez
Yuri Gurevich and Felipe Pérez
1st ed., fce Mexico, 2006
187 pp.
13.5 × 21 cm (5.3 × 8.3 in)
Collection: Política y Derecho. Subject: Politics
ISBN 9681677951
1st ed., fce Mexico, 2007
299 pp.
16.5 × 23 cm (6.5 × 9 in)
Collection: Ciencia y Tecnología. Subject: Science and technology
ISBN 9681680642
he Stupidity of Perfection is a colourful sequence of portraits.
The author sketches precise profiles of five men who meditated deeply—and from very different angles and interests—on
the nature of power, time, freedom, law, etc.
Carl Schmitt, an anti-liberal attorney who ends up embracing
the cause of illegality; Michael Oakeshott, a conservative adventurer who regards experience as the primary source of political
wisdom; Norberto Bobbio, a disappointed socialist who defends
a civilization deeply rooted on legal institutions; Isaiah Berlin, an
ideological biographer who interprets politics as constantly having to choose the lesser evil, and Octavio Paz, a poet who sang the
brotherhood of man and found in history both our curse and our
hope. Silva-Herzog Márquez’s essays represent different approaches to the twentieth century derived from a discerning thoughtfulness. In the profiles of these outstanding intellects one can
find the hopes and frustrations of power, as well as its occasional
horrors and moderations. These are five different keys to contemporary political thought. Although these men never interacted,
their biographies show one common notion: politics ‘will always
bear the burdensome marks of force, mischance and conflict, the
stubborn spoilsports of perfection.’
Jesús Silva-Herzog Márquez is a political analyst and
observer living in Mexico City. He studied law at the University
of Mexico and obtained his masters degree in political science
from Columbia University. He is the author of El antiguo
régimen y la transición en México, and Andar y ver. He is also
a professor at the Technological Autonomous Institute of
Mexico (itam).
emiconductor materials have an ever-increasing number of applications in technology. They differ from all other groups of
solids mainly by their ability to substantially change their properties when perturbed by a variety of external factors. This book will
be useful to graduate students of solid state physics at the master’s
and doctorate levels, students studying electronics, researchers and
engineers in the areas of semiconductor physics, semiconductor
electronic devices, semiconductor materials and microelectronics,
and experts in thin film technology and physics.
Yuri Gurevich is a researcher in the Department of Physics
at cinvestav (the Mexican Polytechnical University Center
for Research and Advanced Study). He has a master’s degree
in physics from the Karkhiv State University in what was then
the USSR. He earned a Ph.D. from the Semiconductor Institute
at the USSR Academy of Science in Leningrad and a Doctor
of Science degree from the Institute of Radiotechnology and
Electronics at the USSR Academy of Science in Moscow.
Felipe Pérez completed his graduate studies at the Karkhiv
State University in what was then the USSR, and M.Sc. and Ph.D.
degrees in physics and mathematics. He has been a research
professor at the Physics Institute at the Universidad Autónoma
de Puebla since 1990.
There is a vast literature on transport phenomena but the majority
of textbooks in the area are written in Russian. There are also some
textbooks in English, but they generally describe only specific
aspects of these phenomena.
Jesús Silva-Herzog Márquez is one of the foremost representatives
of contemporary Mexican prose writing.
The arguments of this book shed some light on universal and
fundamental topics of political thought.
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La idiotez de lo perfecto.
Miradas a la política
La vida en los desiertos mexicanos
101 hierbas medicinales
[Life in Mexican Deserts]
[101 Medicinal Herbs]
Héctor M. Hernández Macías
Juan Francisco Jaramillo
Illustrated by Carlos Mario Orozco
1st ed., fce Mexico, 2006
192 pp.
13.5 × 21 cm (5.3 × 8.3 in)
Collection: La Ciencia para Todos. Subject: Plant Biodiversity
ISBN 9681680367
1st ed., Ediciones Martínez Roca, Colombia, 1997
2nd ed., fce Colombia, 2005
264 pp.
15.5 × 23 cm (6 × 9 in)
Collection: Ciencia y Tecnología. Subject: Chinese medicine
ISBN 9583801100
his book discusses historical, demographic, biological and
climatic aspects of the Sonora and Chihuahua deserts. It considers its geologic formation and locates the first human dwellers
before studying in detail the contemporary fauna and flora of the
habitat. It also discusses the problem of illegal commerce of cacti
and animals, and how it affects the fragile biodiversity of these
Héctor M. Hernández Macías (b. San Luis Potosí, 1954)
is fulltime researcher for the Institute of Biology at the
University of Mexico, and president of the Group of Specialists
on Cactaceae and Succulent Plants at the Commission for
the Survival of Species of the International Union for the
Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (uicn). His
line of research includes special patterns of plant distribution,
conservation of Cactaceae in the Chihuahua Desert, and the
phylogeny of the different genera of Mexican Cactaceae. At
fce he has published with other authors the collective book
Enfoques contemporáneos para el estudio de la biodiversidad
The author presents comprehensive information through tables
and glossaries so as to help the reader have access to more difficult
The book includes a full list of all the plants and animals adapted
to this environment with its common and scientific names.
It also includes many, well printed photographs.
38 |
his book clearly and accurately describes the medical properties of 101 common herbs classified by their use in traditional Chinese medicine. Each plant is illustrated by an ink drawing
in eighteenth-century style. The common name, pharmaceutical
name and botanical name are given, and the description identifies the part of the plant employed for medicinal use. The nature
of each herb is described; its flavor, temperature and moisture
characteristics, its chemical components and its degree of toxicity. The effects of the plant on the human body are summarized
and classified. The dose, contraindications, warnings and proper
preparation are given. The book also includes a glossary of medical
terms and two indexes, one organized by organs and syndromes of
traditional Chinese medicine, the other an alphabetical index of
disorders and the effects of the plants.
Juan Francisco Jaramillo is a Colombian physician who has
been practicing Chinese traditional medicine for over thirty
years. He wrote the Spanish versions of the China Academy
of Traditional Medicine’s Fundamentos de medicina tradicional
china and Compendio de acupuntura china. He edited the
first T’ai chi chu’an manual in Spanish and also researches
indigenous medicine and the use of native medicinal plants.
101 hierbas medicinales is a manual of herbal treatments as easy to
use for the general public as it is for experts.
The author is a recognized expert in traditional Chinese medicine.
The text is complemented by attractive, informative illustrations.
La construcción de la bioética.
Textos de bioética, vol. i
[Cysticercosis: A Guide
for Health Professionals]
[The Construction of Bioethics.
Bioethics Texts, vol. I]
Carlos Larralde and Aline S. de Aluja
Rubén Lisker and Ruy Pérez Tamayo
1st ed., fce Mexico, 2006
252 pp.
16.5 × 23 cm (6.5 × 9 in)
Collection: Biblioteca de la Salud. Subject: Health
ISBN 968168138X
1st ed., fce Mexico, 2007
223 pp.
16.5 × 23 cm (6.5 × 9 in)
Collection: Ciencia, Tecnología y Sociedad. Subject: Bioethics
ISBN 9789681683917
his is the first volume of a series planned by the Institute of
Bioethics in which scientists, legislators, and humanists will
explore a variety of questions related to bioethics.
The present book addresses the question of genetic counseling and prenatal diagnosis, abortion, cloning, stem cells, organ
transplants, medical research on humans, euthanasia, neuroethics,
and eugenics.
ysticercosis is an infection caused by larvae of the pork
tapeworm Taenia solium. Both humans (the primary host)
and pigs (intermediate host) can become infected. It was nearly
eliminated in Western Europe after a long struggle during the
eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, but continues to linger in
areas plagued by persistent poverty, population growth, migration,
and careless attitudes on personal and community health where
pigs are raised in unsanitary conditions.
This book will be useful for health institutions and health
professionals, students, researchers, and any reader interested in
the topic.
Carlos Larralde received his medical degree from the
University of Mexico Faculty of Medicine in 1964, a diplomado
certificate from the Mexican Council of Anatomopathologists
in 1968 and a Ph.D. from the University of Washington in
1972. He is a senior researcher at the University of Mexico
Biomedical Research Institute.
Rubén Lisker studied at the University of Mexico School of
Medicine. He has published more than 300 journal articles, four
books and 43 chapters in books. He is a researcher emeritus
of the National System of Researchers, professor emeritus of
the University of Mexico and Doctor Honoris Causa of the
Universidad Autónoma de Puebla. He was awarded the Mexican
National Award for Sciences and Arts in 2003 and is currently
Director of Research at the Salvador Subirán National Institute
of Medical Science and Nutrition.
Ruy Pérez Tamayo studied at the University of Mexico School
of Medicine, specializing in pathology. He has been a professor
of pathology for more than 50 years. He is currently a professor
emeritus at the University of Mexico, and has received the
Mexican National Science Award, the Luis Elizondo Award,
the Miguel Otero Award, the Aida Weiss Award and the Rohrer
Award, among others. He is Doctor Honoris Causa of the
Autonomous Universities of Yucatan, Colima and Puebla.
Aline S. de Aluja graduated from the University of Mexico
with a veterinary degree. She has made academic visits to
veterinary schools in Zurich and Berne, Switzerland; the Royal
Veterinary College of London; and the University of Turin in
Italy. She obtained a M.Sc. from the University of Pennsylvania.
This book contains contributions by researchers specializing in
cysticercosis diagnostic and treatment procedures, risk factors, and
the complex socio-biological network involved in transmission of
the disease.
w w w. fo n do decu l tu raeco n o mi c a. com
Cisticercosis. Guía para profesionales
de la salud
Los alimentos mágicos de las culturas
indígenas mesoamericanas
Introducción a la mecánica cuántica
to Quantum Mechanics]
[Magic Food in Mesoamerican
Native Cultures]
Luis de la Peña
Octavio Paredes, Fidel Guevara and
Luis Arturo Bello
1st ed., fce Mexico, 2006
992 pp.
21 × 28 cm (8.3 × 11 in)
Collection: Ediciones Científicas Universitarias. Subject: Quantum
ISBN 9681636481
1st ed., fce Mexico, 2006
208 pp.
13.5 × 21 cm (5.3 × 8.3 in)
Collection: La Ciencia para Todos. Subject: Mesoamerican Cultures
ISBN 9681675673
his is a textbook for science undergraduate and graduate
students. It was first published in 1979. This third updated edition covers all new developments in the subject up to the
beginnings of the new century. The book has kept its didactic
approach with abundant exercises and examples, and with all the
physical and mathematical tables related to the subject.
his book studies the food products and beverages that were
at the basis of the development and flourishing of the great
Mesoamerican civilizations, and which would later become a
source of food and a cultural legacy for the rest of the planet.
Luis de la Peña is a researcher at the Institute of Physics and
a professor from the Faculty of Sciences at the University of
Mexico. He obtained his Ph.D. from the State University of
Moscow graduating with honours under the tutoring of A.
Sokolov. He has received several national prizes and awards.
He is a member of the Science Academy of Developing
Countries since 1999. He is a specialist in theoretical physics
and quantum mechanics. He is famous for his efforts
to make science readily intelligible for all people, and
as a humanist preoccupied with the social effects
of the application of sciences.
Octavio Paredes is a Ph.D. graduate from the Department of
Plant Science at the University of Manitoba in Canada. He has
been on post-doctoral sojourns and sabbatical research projects
in the USA, France, England, and Canada. His line of research is
molecular biotechnology for the nutraceutic improvement of
plants of Mesoamerican origin. He is a professor and researcher
at the Centre for Research and Advanced Studies (cinvestav)
of the National Polytechnic Institute.
Fidel Guevara obtained his Ph.D. from the Faculty of
Chemistry at the Autonomous University of Querétaro. His
line of research is food biotechnology; he is a professor and
researcher at the Autonomous University of Aguascalientes.
Luis Arturo Bello is a Ph.D. graduate from the Department
of Biotechnology and Biochemistry at the cinvestav; his
line of research is the rational use of macromolecules of
alimentary importance; he is a professor and researcher at the
Centre for the Development of Biotic Products of the National
Polytechnic Institute in Yautepec, Morelos.
It is a complete and useful textbook for any course on quantum
This third edition covers more comprehensively certain important
topics—quantum mechanics as probability theory, trajectory
integrals, Hillbert space, rotation matrices, and irreducible
tensorial operators, among others.
This is a comprehensive and easy-to-read book on food from
Mesoamerica, its variety and its nutraceutic properties.
This is a book for all readers, written in plain but precise language.
40 |
La tierra tiene fiebre
[The Earth Has a Fever]
[Adventures of a Goblin
in the World of Mathematics]
Isaac Schifter and Carmen GonzálezMacías
1st ed., fce Mexico, 2005
168 pp.
13.5 × 21 cm (5.3 × 8.3 in)
Collection: La Ciencia para Todos. Subject: Science
ISBN 9681677501
Carlos Prieto
1st ed., fce Mexico, 2005
160 pp.
13.5 × 21 cm (5.3 × 8.3 in)
Collection: La Ciencia para Todos. Subject: Mathematics
ISBN: 9789681675752
he main character of this book is Sarando, a goblin from the
garden who is now trapped in a mysterious world of numbers
and geometric forms. He invites the reader to participate in his
adventure through the different regions of knowledge that make
up this mathematical world. The book presents concepts of great
actuality such as the theory of knots or the proof of Fermat’s theorem, but it also examines other traditional concepts such as Plato’s
five solid forms or the very history of Fermat’s theorem. The inquisitive Sarando helps the reader get acquainted with the biography of some of the greatest mathematicians who have contributed
to the creation of this world.
Carlos Prieto obtained his bachelor and master’s degree from
the Science Faculty at the University of Mexico and his Ph.D.
from the University of Heidelberg in Germany. He is at present
a researcher at the Institute of Mathematics (University of
Mexico) and a member of the National System of Researchers.
He has specialized in algebraic topology and its applications to
non-linear analysis. He has published several articles and books
on the subject.
This book explains important mathematical concepts—some
readily comprehensible, others requiring more effort from the
reader—in a friendly, narrative manner with abundant illustrations
so as to render intelligible certain formulae that the layman could
find otherwise incomprehensible.
The biographies of great mathematicians are cleverly introduced as
interesting narrative digressions.
w w w. fo n do decu l tu raeco n o mi c a. com
n this book the authors present the history of climate in the
planet. They analyze to what an extent climate has changed since
the Industrial Revolution, and for this they give important specific
data—how much carbon dioxide, methane, and other polluting
substances are sent to the atmosphere, what countries pollute the
most, how do chlorofluorocarbons affect the ozone layer—as well
as other questions still in discussion by scientists. The authors
conclude with an explanation as to why it is necessary to develop
and apply new technologies that improve the efficient use of natural resources so as to decrease current negative impact.
Isaac Schifter studied chemistry at University of Mexico.
He obtained his PhD from Claude Bernard University in Lyon,
France. Currently he is a researcher at the National Institute
of Petroleum, a public institution dedicated to the production
of knowledge about the oil industry and petrochemistry. He is
specialized in the techniques of fuel transformation.
Carmen González-Macías studied biology at the
Metropolitan Autonomous University and obtained her masters
degree from the Faculty of Science at the University of Mexico.
She is a researcher at the National Institute of Petroleum.
This book is an excellent introduction to environmental science.
It is based on a completely scientific approach but written in an
accessible language for any reader.
It will surely become a successful textbook given the abilities of the
authors to explain complex topics in an easy and straightforward
Aventuras de un duende en el mundo
de las matemáticas
La ciencia en el siglo XIX
El espacio biográfico. Dilemas de la
subjetividad contemporánea
[Science in the Nineteenth
[Biography: Contemporary
Dilemmas in Subjectivity]
Elías Trabulse
Leonor Arfuch
2nd ed., fce Mexico, 2006
299 pp.
11 × 17 cm (4.3 × 6.7 in)
Collection: Biblioteca Universitaria de Bolsillo. Subject: Science, History
ISBN 9681681428
1st ed., fce Argentina, 2002
272 pp.
15.5 × 23 cm (6 × 9 in)
Collection: Sociología. Subjects: Sociology, Cultural studies, Language,
Literary theory, Literary studies
ISBN 9505575041
wo centuries on, the burst of scientific discoveries in the
nineteenth century is still astonishing. The scientific advances of the period still have an important impact today; without
them, daily life in the twenty-first century as we know it would
be unthinkable.
Elías Trabulse was born in 1942 in Mexico City. He
studied chemistry at the University of Mexico and received
a scholarship from the university’s Institute of Chemistry
where he studied chemical kinetics. In 1965 he received the
international award of the American Society for Testing and
Materials for his work in the field. In 1968 he entered El
Colegio de México, where he earned a doctorate in History.
He has been a research professor at the Centro de Estudios
Históricos (Center for History Studies) and a professor at the
University of Mexico, the Universidad Iberoamericana and the
Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México.
Noted Mexican historian Elías Trabulse introduces texts by Darwin,
Pasteur, Laplace, Maxwell and other great scientists.
he original notion of ‘biography’ bears witness to the multiplicity and hybridization of textualities that characterize
contemporary culture, in which one’s own experience is given
precedence. In this book the author includes both time-honored
genres and burgeoning new forms. Biography does not, however,
merely feed narcissistic acclaim or intrusions on privacy. It operates in the realm of speculative identification; of the narrative and
ethical organization of life itself as it invents the habits, feelings,
and practices that constitute the social order. It is precisely this
increase in the scope of biography that makes it into a symptom,
a phenomenon in which the reconfiguration of contemporary
subjectivity can be read. Autobiography is analyzed here as the
intersection between the public and the private, where narratives
of identity are constructed.
Leonor Arfuch (Buenos Aires, 1945), received a doctorate in
literature from the University of Buenos Aires, where she is a
researcher and instructor. She has taught in the Ph.D. program
at the Department of Research in Education of the cinvestav
(Advanced Research and Study Center) in Mexico.
Dr. Arfuch draws upon a vast library covering historical variables
in the field of sociology, political philosophy, theory, and literary
42 |
[Post-Organic Man]
[Bread and Affection:
Family Transitions]
Paula Sibilia
1st ed., fce Argentina, 2005
272 pp.
10.5 × 17 cm (4 × 6.8 in)
Collection: Colección Popular. Subjects: Sociology, Science and
technology, Politics, Government, Globalization
ISBN 9505571410
Elizabeth Jelin
1st ed., fce Argentina, 1998
140 pp.
11 × 17 cm (4.3 × 6.8 in)
Collection: Colección Popular. Subjects: Sociology, Cultural studies,
Family and gender studies
ISBN 9505572549
amily is a social institution whose universality derives from
certain functions and tasks that must be performed in every
society. There are many variations as to how and by whom they
are carried out, what the forms of organization and who the social agents are, and the family environments and forms that are
present. These variations are neither random nor entirely due to
‘cultural’ differences. Working from a basis of democratic, egalitarian principles, the author shows what processes and trends
promote and hinder the democratization of society, both within
families and in a sociopolitical sense. She does so by deconstructing and contextualizing the place of affection in the family and
observing the composition of what is public and what is private;
the fight for gender equality; different types of families; the relationship between poverty and the constitution of domestic groupings; reproductive rights; family violence and the consequences of
aging which characterize our era. This book, rather than speaking
of families in crisis, makes reference to a growing variety of types
of families and ways of living together; an extension of the ‘right
to have rights.’
Elizabeth Jelin graduated from the University of Buenos
Aires with a degree in sociology and obtained a Ph.D. in
sociology from the University of Texas at Austin. She is a
conicet (Argentinean Science and Technology Research
Council) researcher and a researcher at the University of
Buenos Aires Faculty of Social Science.
w w w. fo n do decu l tu raeco n o mi c a. com
ndustrial capitalism developed techniques for efficiently molding useful bodies and docile subjectivities. In today’s information society, telecommunications and biotechnology attempt to
achieve much more radical transformations; to eliminate distance,
disease, aging, or even death. In such a world the human body
would be obsolete. The aim of the new technosciences is to create
hybrids between non-organic materials and manipulated genes for
the Faustian purpose of overcoming their natural limitations. El
hombre postorgánico details how the interweaving of biology and
computer technology simplifies human complexity while at the
same time forming the basis for new mechanisms of post-industrial capitalist control. In this book, Paula Sibilia has thoroughly
analyzed the philosophical foundations of contemporary technological science. She interprets its political, social, and ethical
aspects, claiming that the organic will always persist and resist
Paula Sibilia (Buenos Aires, 1967) is a professor of cultural
studies and media at the Universidad Federal Fluminense (uff)
in Rio de Janeiro, and is conducting post-doctoral research at
the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science in Berlin.
She obtained degrees in communication and anthropology
at the University of Buenos Aires, and has a master’s degree
in communication from the uff and doctorates in collective
health from the State University of Rio de Janeiro and in
communication and culture from the Federal University of Rio
de Janeiro.
El hombre postorgánico
Pan y afectos. La transformación
de la familia
Las aventuras de Max y su ojo submarino
[The Adventures of Max
and his Underwater Eye]
Text: Luigi Amara
Illustrated by: Jonathan Farr
1st ed., Fce Mexico, 2007
64 pp.
18 × 24 cm (7 × 9.5 in)
Picture book
ISBN 9789681684501
fter Max loses his right eye in accident, he finds he can see
things from two different points of view at the same time.
With his wandering eye, the imaginary one,Max sees his school,
the night, and his family in a new way. When his eye turns into
a mutant pearl and describes what it sees from the ocean bed, we
see the underwater world from a dazzling new perspective. This ingenious narrative poem expresses an instinctive sense of the fabulous and extraordinary humor as it demythologizes childhood.
Luigi Amara was born in Mexico City in 1971. He is a poet
and essayist, and has published several books of poems: El decir
de la mancha, El cazador de grietas, Pasmo y Envés. He has also
written a book of essays El peatón inmóvil. He was awarded the
1998 Elías Nandino Young Poets Award and has received grants
from the Mexican Institute of Fine Arts and the National
Foundation for Culture and the Arts (FONCA). He is also a
member of the National Artists Registry. Las aventuras de Max
y su ojo submarino is his first book of poems for children.
Jonathan Farr was born in Oxford in 1973. He studied
sculpture at the Slade School of Fine Art in London. His work
has been exhibited in Mexico and Europe. He paints murals and
creates stained glass windows for churches, and has illustrated
books for various publishers. He is the illustrator of ¿Para qué
usas la lengua? and Ripios y adivinanzas del mar, also published
by fce.
Winner of the 2006 Hispanic American Poetry for Children
For children 6 and older.
44 |
Hago de voz un cuerpo
[Voices from the Body]
Anthology: María Baranda
Illustrated by: Gabriel Pacheco
1st ed., Fce Mexico, 2007
156 pp.
17 × 24 cm (approx. 6.7 × 9.5 in)
Picture book
ISBN 9789681684006
his wonderful picture book is all about the body: hands, hair,
nails, arms, the neck and more. Fifteen outstanding Mexican
poets have used their words to create an enchanting series of metaphors of the body.
María Baranda is one of the most important poets of her
generation. In 1995 she was awarded the Efraín Huerta National
Poetry Award for her book Los memoriosos, the Villa de Madrid
International Poetry Award in 1998 for Moradas imposibles and
the Aguascalientes National Poetry Award for her book Dylan
y las ballenas in 2002. The fce published her book Atlántica y el
rústico in their Mexican Literature collection in 2002.
Gabriel Pacheco was born in Mexico City in 1973.
He studied stage and set design at the National Institute
of Fine Arts. He won the Tenth Città de Chioggia International
Illustration Competition in Venice in 2004, the first place
in the Fourteenth Catalogue of Children’s and Young Peoples’
Book Illustrators and the 2004 International Picture Book
Award. He has participated in exhibits in Mexico and Italy,
and was included in the 2007 catalogue of the Bologna
Illustrators Exhibition. He has illustrated books published by
leading Spanish and Italian publishing houses.
For children 7 and older.
w w w. fo n do decu l tu raeco n o mi c a. com
Ramona la mona
Fernanda y los mundos secretos
[Nicole the mole]
and the Secret Worlds]
Written and illustrated
by Aitana Carrasco
Ricardo Chávez Castañeda
1st ed., Fce Mexico, 2006
40 pp.
21 x 28 cm (8.3 x 11 in)
Picture book
ISBN 968168026X
1st ed., Fce Mexico, 2005
136 pp.
14 × 23 cm (5.5 × 9 in)
ISBN 9681670558
runo lives with his father, mother, grandparents, and five goldfish. Upon the arrival of Fola, a red cat, the child experiences
the loss of his fish and his grandfather. Bruno is not willing to
accept Mona, his brand new sister until one day things change
for good.
Aitana Carrasco was born in Valencia. She has a B.A. in
Fine Arts and is a member of the Valencia Association of
Professional Illustrators (apiv). In 1995 Carrasco was presented
a prize at the XI ‘El Gos i la Tortuga’ Award of Editorial 3i4.
In 1994-1995 the I.B. ‘A.J. Cavanilles’ awarded her at several
artistic and literary contests (in the fields of etching, poetry,
and fiction). In 1998 Carrasco was a finalist in the annual
contest of Poetry at the Polytechnic University of Valencia.
A story about loss, time and changes, jealousy, the lies of adults,
the discovery of the world and the surprises that life keeps for a kid
A beautiful book about love and fraternity, and the importance
of growing up.
en stories about different ways to see, smell, feel and experience the world. One child can not go out in the sun,
another carries an ocean within, another lost a leg, another is
haunted by a ghost, another sees only half of everything. This
series of stories promote tolerance by helping the reader to understand others who are different.
Ricardo Chávez Castañeda was born in Mexico City in
1961. He writes novels and short stories. He has won the 1994
Latin American Story Award, the 1987 Borges Short Story
Award, the 1994 Mexican National Novel Award, the 1993
and 1994 Mexican National Young People’s Novel Awards,
the 1993 Mexican National Children’s Story Award and the
1991 National Short Story Award. Along with other writers
including Jorge Volpi, Ignacio Padilla, Vicente Rasti, he is part
of the Crack Movement, a Mexican literary movement of the
For children 14 and older.
Winner of the IX Picture Book Award A la Orilla del Viento
(Fondo de Cultura Económica, 2005).
For children 4 and older.
Catalan edition available.
46 |
Ecos del desierto
[Among Books]
[Echoes of the Desert]
Teresa Colomer
Text: Silvia Dubovoy
Illustrated by: René Almanza
1st ed., Fce Mexico, 2005
280 pp.
13.5 × 21 cm (5.3 × 8.3 in)
Non Fiction
ISBN 9681671775
1st ed., Fce Mexico, 2007
64 pp.
15 × 19 cm (6 × 7.5 in)
ISBN 9789681683962
n this book, the author proposes a method based on theory and
practical experience for promoting literary education in the
schools. The first section of the book analyzes the function of
the school, reading and books involved in the process of literary education. The second part proposes an active relationship
between these three elements to promote reading, both collective
and individual, in the classroom.
Teresa Colomer is a Spanish specialist in children’s and young
people’s literature. She has presented lectures in numerous
countries on active promotion of reading comprehension. She
is currently the director of the Children’s Literature Research
Network in Catalonian universities and organizes a master’s
program in books and literature for children and young people
together with the Banco del Libro in Venezuela and the Germán
Sánchez Ruipérez Foundation.
Portuguese rights sold.
eenage Miguel decides to leave his home village to brave the
trip across the border in search of a better future. Crossing
the border is difficult, but so is his search for identity on the other
side. Miguel’s love of music takes him on a different path than that
of most migrants. This book tells a story about a difficult journey
and the struggle to make a life in a new country.
Silvia Dubovoy has long been involved in research on reading,
literature and communication. She began to write her own
stories when her grandchildren were born, and her books for
children and young people have been published by important
Mexican publishers.
René Almanza was born in Monterrey, Nuevo León in
1979. He studied visual arts, and designes signs, comics
and advertising as well as illustrating children’s books. His
graphic and artistic work has been exhibited in solo and group
expositions. He currently lives in Oaxaca.
For children 9 and older.
w w w. fo n do decu l tu raeco n o mi c a. com
Andar entre libros
¿Quién pasó por aquí?
[Who’s been here?]
Text: Martha Duhne
Illustrated by: Manuel Monroy
1st ed., Fce Mexico, 2006
32 pp.
18 × 18 cm (7 × 7 in)
Picture book
ISBN 9681680618
n entertaining way to learn about animals from their tracks,
with surprises hidden under flaps and an appealing story
for each animal. Ojitos Pajaritos [Birdie Eyes] is a collection of
picture books that introduce children to the pleasure of discovery.
The authors of these books are science writers, and the books are
aimed at children aged three to five who are starting to discover
the world around them.
Martha Duhne has been a producer and science writer for
television, radio and magazines for more than 20 years. She is
the coauthor of Animales asombrosos. She is the information
manager of ¿Cómo ves?, a science magazine for young people
published by the University of Mexico. The magazine won the
2002-2003 Latin American Award for Science and Technology
Manuel Monroy studied graphic communication design. In
addition to teaching, he designs posters and other art projects.
He has been an illustrator since 1994, and has exhibited in
solo and joint exhibitions. He has received numerous awards
for his work, including the 1995 Quórom Award and the 2001
Noma Concours Award in Japan. He has illustrated several fce
books, including Hombre de mar, the Yoyo series, Chanyelín, and
Rabieta Trebejos.
For children 3 and older.
48 |
Gallego. A la orilla del mar
[Gallego by the Sea Shore]
Text: Juan Farias
Illustrated by: Xosé Cobas
1st ed., Fce Mexico, 2006
48 pp.
25 × 27 cm (9.7 × 10.7 in)
Picture book
ISBN 9681682777
e knew that at ninety years of age, little was left for him to
do. But he had his memories: some comforted him, others
saddened him as they passed in measured cadence like music. This
is the story of Gallego’s remarkable life. It tells of the changes in
his village over the years and his relationships with those close to
him. His story is one of everyday happenings. In a manner suitable for children it tells of the affection, loyalty, love, innocence,
injustice and death that life measures out. A story that children
and grandparents can read together to inspire memories.
Juan Farias is the most original, evocative Spanish author
writing for children today. With more than fifty books already
published, he has created a compact literary universe. He began
writing for adults, and was a Nadal Award finalist in 1965 for
his non-fiction book Los buscadores de agua. Some time later,
he changed course and began writing books for children and
young people, which now make up the bulk of his work. These
books have won him numerous awards; the 1980 National
Children’s Literature Award of Spain for Algunos niños, tres
perros y más cosas, the White Raven Award in Munich in 1982,
1984, 1986 and 1992, and the 2005 Ediciones SM Iberoamerican
Award for Children’s and Young People’s Literature. He has also
twice represented Spain at the International Hans Christian
Anderson Award for Children’s Literature, in 2002 and 2004.
Xosé Cobas was born in Logrosa-Negriera in La Coruña, Spain.
He works in three areas of art; painting, illustration and graphic
design. His first solo exhibition as a painter was in La Coruña
in 1997, and was followed by other exhibitions in Galicia and
further abroad. He has illustrated books of poems, children’s
and young people’s literature, essays, and fiction, and has also
contributed to numerous periodicals including La Voz de
Galicia, which he has illustrated since 1981.
For children 8 and older.
Galician rights sold.
w w w. fo n do decu l tu raeco n o mi c a. com
Cultura escrita y educación
Tigres de la otra noche
[Written Culture
and Education]
[Tigers of the Other Night]
Emilia Ferreiro
Illustrated by: Alejandro Magallanes
Text: María García Esperón
1st ed., Fce Mexico, 1999
2nd ed., Fce Mexico, 2006
264 pp.
13.5 × 21 cm (5.3 × 8.3 in)
Non Fiction
ISBN 9681661311
1st ed., Fce Mexico, 2006
40 pp.
18 × 24 cm (7 × 9.5 in)
Picture book
ISBN 9681682726
his book deals with the science of writing and social problems in education. It also analyzes problems in schools in
poor regions and the use of new technology for teaching reading
and writing.
Emilia Ferreiro (Argentina, 1937) received a Ph.D.
in psychology from the University of Geneva; his thesis
advisor was Jean Piaget. He teaches at the Mexican National
Polytechnical Institute. He has given courses, lectures, seminars
and consultations at universities and ministries of education in
Brazil, Argentina, Mexico, Venezuela, Italy, France, Spain and
book about the power of imagination and play; about growing and discovering the world, with its dangers and its potential. The poems make multiple references to the tiger as an
archetype, and to other authors including Kipling, Borges, Verne
and Salgari.
María García Esperón is a teacher, science journalist and
writer. She has written scripts for the Mexican Radio Institute,
articles on painting, dance, music, theater and books for the
newspaper El Heraldo de México, and coauthored articles for
the periodicals El Perico Consentido and La Ciencia Recreativa.
She recently won the 2007 Norma-Fundalectura Award for
Children’s and Young Adult Books.
Alejandro Magallanes studied graphic design at the ENAP
(University of Mexico School of Art). He has illustrated
children’s books for Mexican and foreign publishers, and has
designed award-winning posters. He has been a member of
Alliance Graphique Internationale since 2004.
Winner of the 2005 Hispanic American Poetry for Children
For children 6 and older.
50 |
[The Worst Woman
in the World]
Text: Francisco Hinojosa
Illustrated by: Rafael Barajas, El Fisgón
2nd ed., Fce Mexico, 1995
48 pp.
15 x 19 cm (6 x 7.5 in)
B/W illustrations
ISBN 968164705X
n the north of Turambul lives the worst lady in the world. She
punishes her children when they misbehave, but also when they
are being good. Everybody in the neighborhood runs away from
her. But one day the villagers decide to do something to put an
end to her atrocities.
A humorous, acid, and cathartic tale on the limits of human
behavior and the strength of a community to resist an attempt of
an individual to impose herself upon them.
Francisco Hinojosa (Mexico City, 1954) studied literature,
and then started writing poetry, short stories, and children’s
books. In 1984 he won the IBBY Award for La vieja que comía
gente. Hinojosa is the most outstanding author of children’s
books in Mexico.
Rafael Barajas, El Fisgón is a curator, muralist, painter,
researcher, writer, and journalist. He is also one of the bestknown political caricaturists in Mexico.
This is one of the biggest bestsellers in the history of children’s
books in Mexico.
The story is illustrated by Rafael Barajas, El Fisgón, one of the best
caricaturists in Mexico.
For children 6 and older.
Portuguese rights sold.
w w w. fo n do decu l tu raeco n o mi c a. com
La peor señora del mundo
El nombre del juego es Posada
is the Name of the Game]
Text: Hugo Hiriart
Illustrated by: Joel Rendón
1st ed., Fce Mexico, 2005
48 pp.
20 × 27 cm (7.8 × 10.8 in)
Non Fiction
ISBN 9681673549
a Catrina is a train ride into the world of José Guadalupe
Posada, engraver and commentator on Mexican society in
the Revolutionary Era. In this story, disaster and tragedy mingle
with human characters like those Posada so often caricaturized; a
doctor who turns his daughter’s suitor into a chicken, the handsome son who mistreats his parents, the woman who meets the
Devil himself, and more. An ingenious and amusing tale that introduces young readers to the imagination, the wit and the engaging pictures created by one of the greatest Mexican artists, whose
portrayal of the spirit of Mexico transcended the country’s borders. The book includes information about the history of engraving in Mexico, the calaveritas and Posada’s games—the coyote,
the charro smugglers.
Hugo Hiriart is a writer and theater director. He studied
philosophy at the University of Mexico and painting at ‘La
Esmeralda’ (Mexican National School of Painting, Sculpture
and Engraving). He won the Xavier Villaurrutia Award and is a
member of the National Artists Registry.
Joel Rendón was born in Izúcar de Matamoros in the state of
Puebla in 1967. He studied visual arts at the Mexican National
School of Art. His work has been exhibited in Mexico, Cuba,
Argentina, Spain, North Africa and the United States. In a
series of short episodes called ‘Estampa al Minuto’ [Minute
Print] produced by Mexico’s Channel 11, he teaches children
about the principles and techniques of engraving.
For children 8 and older.
52 |
Secreto de familia
[The Balloon]
[Family Secret]
Written and illustrated by Isol
Written and illustrated by Isol
1st ed., Fce Mexico, 2000
32 pp.
15.5 x 17.5 cm (6.1 x 6.8 in)
Picture Book
ISBN 9681665732
1st ed., Fce Mexico, 2000
48 pp.
17 x 22 cm (8.6 x 6.7 in)
Picture Book
ISBN 9681670569
amila’s mother shouts so much that she looks like a balloon.
But Camila wishes she would actually turn into one. And one
day, her wish comes true. Camila begins to see her mother in a
new way. This charming story shows how fantasies can take flight,
and explores relationships between parents and children.
Isol (b. Buenos Aires, 1972) studied Fine Arts and Mixed Arts.
She has worked in the fields of comic, poetry and visual arts.
At this moment, she is entirely devoted to media and book
illustration (covering from publishing firms, to magazines and
newspapers). Very often she is the author of the texts of her
books. She has published her work in Spain, Mexico, France and
Argentina with great success. She was honored with a Golden
Apple at the BIB, and her books are in the White Ravens List
with a Special Mention (2002, 2003, and 2004).
he girl in this tale has a serious problem: one morning she
wakes up earlier than usual and discovers a horrible secret
hidden by her mother. This secret makes her, as well as her family,
different from everybody else.
Isol (b. Buenos Aires, 1972) studied Fine Arts and Mixed Arts.
She has worked in the fields of comic, poetry and visual arts.
At this moment, she is entirely devoted to media and book
illustration (covering from publishing firms, to magazines and
newspapers). Very often she is the author of the texts of her
books. She has published her work in Spain, Mexico, France and
Argentina with great success. She was honored with a Golden
Apple at the bib, and her books are in the White Ravens List
with a Special Mention (2002, 2003, and 2004).
Finalist at the Hans Christian Andersen Award 2006
Nomineé for the Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award 2006
Special Mention in The White Ravens 2004 List for El cuento de
Navidad by Auggie Wren (by Paul Auster, Sudamericana, 2003)
Golden Apple Prize in the Bienal of Illustration of Bratislava
2003, Slovakia, for the illustrations of the book Tic Tac (by Jorge
Luján, Alfaguara, 2003)
The White Ravens 2002 List for El globo (FCE publishers, 2003)
Illustration Award in the 3rd Press Design International Contest
(Porto Alegre, Brazil, 1998)
Special Mention in the Contest ‘A la orilla del viento’, 1997
(Fondo de Cultura Económica, Mexico)
Finalist at the Hans Christian Andersen Award 2006
Nomineé for the Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award 2006
Special Mention in The White Ravens 2004 List for El cuento de
Navidad by Auggie Wren (by Paul Auster, Sudamericana, 2003)
Golden Apple Prize in the Bienal of Illustration of Bratislava
2003, Slovakia, for the illustrations of the book Tic Tac (by Jorge
Luján, Alfaguara, 2003)
The White Ravens 2002 List for El globo (FCE publishers, 2003)
Illustration Award in the 3rd Press Design International Contest
(Porto Alegre, Brazil, 1998)
Special Mention in the Contest ‘A la orilla del viento’, 1997
(Fondo de Cultura Económica, Mexico)
For children 5 and older.
For children 5 and older.
French rights sold.
Korean rights sold.
w w w. fo n do decu l tu raeco n o mi c a. com
El globo
Tener un patito es útil
[Ducks are useful]
Written and illustrated by Isol
1st ed., Fce Mexico, 2007
32 pp.
15 × 16 cm (6 × 6.3 in)
Picture book
ISBN 9789681672850
For children 3 and older.
child finds a duck useful for swinging, for a hat, and as a
nose. A duck finds a child useful for back rubs, as a lookout,
and for polishing its bill. This accordion fold book in two colors
tells two versions of the same story, depending on which side is
Isol (b. Buenos Aires, 1972) studied Fine Arts and Mixed Arts.
She has worked in the fields of comic, poetry and visual arts.
At this moment, she is entirely devoted to media and book
illustration (covering from publishing firms, to magazines and
newspapers). Very often she is the author of the texts of her
books. She has published her work in Spain, Mexico, France and
Argentina with great success. She was honored with a Golden
Apple at the BIB, and her books are in the White Ravens List
with a Special Mention (2002, 2003, and 2004).
54 |
Finalist at the Hans Christian Andersen Award 2006
Nomineé for the Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award 2006
Special Mention in The White Ravens 2004 List for El cuento de
Navidad by Auggie Wren (by Paul Auster, Sudamericana, 2003)
Golden Apple Prize in the Bienal of Illustration of Bratislava
2003, Slovakia, for the illustrations of the book Tic Tac (by Jorge
Luján, Alfaguara, 2003)
The White Ravens 2002 List for El globo (FCE publishers, 2003)
Illustration Award in the 3rd Press Design International Contest
(Porto Alegre, Brazil, 1998)
Special Mention in the Contest ‘A la orilla del viento’, 1997 (Fondo
de Cultura Económica, Mexico)
El vuelo de Eluán
[A Dog’s Life]
[Eluán’s Flight]
Written and illustrated by Isol
León Krauze
1st ed., Fce Mexico, 2005
136 pp.
14 × 23 cm (5.5 × 9 in)
ISBN 9681674618
luán is one of the winged ones. His people have to start their
flight from a cave in the high mountains beside the Sea of the
Dangralos. When Eluán’s cave becomes too small for him, he must
make the decision to leave and overcome his fears to launch himself into the void. His flight takes a different path than the others,
and he flies into new adventures that expand his horizons.
1st ed., fce México, 1997
32 pp.
21 × 24 cm (8.3 × 9.5 in)
Picture book
ISBN 9681654234
boy and his dog spend so much time together that it is difficult to pry them apart. This book paints a picture of one of
the best, most precious relationships in the world—that of a boy
and his dog. A story of friendship, loyalty and good times. Author
Isol’s humor and unique graphic style combine to make a delightful picture book for beginning readers.
León Krauze was born in Mexico. He has a multidisciplinary
interest in international affairs, particularly Mexico’s relations
with the United States—the subject of one of his books. He
also writes about soccer, the subject of two more books. In
addition, he promotes graphic media, publishing projects and
video projects through the publisher Editorial Clío. He is also
a promising new novelist whose first novel has been published
by fce.
Isol (b. Buenos Aires, 1972) studied Fine Arts and Mixed Arts.
She has worked in the fields of comic, poetry and visual arts.
At this moment, she is entirely devoted to media and book
illustration (covering from publishing firms, to magazines and
newspapers). Very often she is the author of the texts of her
books. She has published her work in Spain, Mexico, France and
Argentina with great success. She was honored with a Golden
Apple at the BIB, and her books are in the White Ravens List
with a Special Mention (2002, 2003, and 2004).
For children 14 and older.
Finalist at the Hans Christian Andersen Award 2006
Nomineé for the Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award 2006
Special Mention in The White Ravens 2004 List for El cuento de
Navidad by Auggie Wren (by Paul Auster, Sudamericana, 2003)
Golden Apple Prize in the Bienal of Illustration of Bratislava
2003, Slovakia, for the illustrations of the book Tic Tac (by Jorge
Luján, Alfaguara, 2003)
The White Ravens 2002 List for El globo (FCE publishers, 2003)
Illustration Award in the 3rd Press Design International Contest
(Porto Alegre, Brazil, 1998)
Special Mention in the Contest ‘A la orilla del viento’, 1997
(Fondo de Cultura Económica, Mexico)
Vida de perros was a finalist in the Sixth A la Orilla del Viento
Picture Book Competition
For children 4 and older.
w w w. fo n do decu l tu raeco n o mi c a. com
Vida de perros
Juan Felizario Contento. El rey
de los negocios
Yo tengo una casa
[I Have a Home]
[Juan Felizario Contento.
The King of the Businesses]
Written and illustrated by
Claudia Legnazzi
1st ed., Fce Mexico, 2002
40 pp.
18 × 20 cm (7 × 7.8 in)
Picture book
ISBN 9681664248
Written and illustrated by Angela Lago
1st ed., Fce Mexico, 2003
32 pp.
23 x 34 cm (9 x 13.3 in)
Picture Book
ISBN 9681670477
his is the story of Juan Felizario Contento who inherited
a gold coin so bright that he traded it for a horse. The
horse was so fast that he traded it for a donkey… and so on until
Juan Felizario ends up with something much lighter. This is an
adaptation of the Grimm’s classic ‘Hans in Luck’ in a Brazilian
Angela Lago was born in Belo Horizonte, Brazil in 1945. She
writes and illustrates children books. She has exhibited her
work and received awards in China, France, Slovakia, Japan and
hat is a home? With her marvelous pictures, Claudia
Legnazzi shows that a home can be high or low, here or
there, big or small, but always very special. We see how imagination
springs from the home inside us.
Claudia Legnazzi was born in Argentina and illustrates
children’s books. Her work has won awards in Mexico and
Japan. Some of her illustrations are on display at the Chihiro
Museum of Art in Tokyo.
For children 4 and older.
Last year, Juan Felizario Contento was selected outstanding
picture book from the White Raven list.
For children 5 and older.
Portuguese rights sold.
56 |
El arca
[The Ark]
Text: Jorge Luján
Illustrated by: Manuel Marín
Forthcomming in Autumn, 2007
24 pp.
21 x 21 cm (8.2 x 8.2 in)
Picture book
ISBN 9789681677060
he Ark is an original animal alphabet written in verse. As
it sails through lively diluvial coves, the blessed ark shows
us a myriad of colorful animals, which superimpose one another
in each illustration just as every illustration superimposes on the
next one, creating a Chinese-box effect.
Jorge Luján was born in Córdoba, Argentina. Since 1978,
the year he arrived in Mexico, Luján has devoted himself to
organizing literary workshops and singing to children. In 1995
he was awarded the Children’s Poetry Prize of the Argentinean
Association for Children’s Literature. He has published more
than 10 books with different publishing houses in Latin
Manuel Marín is a painter, sculptor, sketcher, and teacher.
He has participated in more than 80 exhibitions in Mexico and
other countries.
A beautiful art object, an artifact toy, based on Noah’s Ark story. A
perfect book for reading aloud.
For children 4 and older.
French rights sold.
w w w. fo n do decu l tu raeco n o mi c a. com
De cómo nació la memoria de El Bosque
[How the Memory
of the Forest Was Born]
Written and illustrated by Rocío Martínez
1st ed., Fce Mexico, 2007
32 pp.
21 × 27 cm (8.3 × 10.8 in)
Picture book
ISBN 9789681684518
his is a story reminiscent of classic tales. It tells the life story
of a simple wooden table built by a woodcutter and how it
moved from house to house and master to master. At the same
time, the story speaks of the passage of time, love, life, death, gratitude, and human potential. The illustrations weave a rich tapestry
of colors and shapes that are based on the text but at the same
time add depth to the story with their movement and colors, with
amusing details for readers to discover.
Rocío Martínez was born in Madrid. She studied fine arts,
specializing in print-making. Since 1990, she has focused on
illustrating books for children and young people. Her work
has been shown at numerous solo and group exhibitions, and
she has earned the 1995 OEPLI-Ministry of Culture Illustration
Award for the Children’s Book Poster of the Week, the Ministry
of Culture Award for the best book published in 1995, the 1999
Lazarillo Illustration Award for Miguel y las palampatas, and the
2001 Lazarillo Illustration Award for La gallina Catalina. Her
books have been published in Spain and Latin America.
Winner of the 2006 A la Orilla del Viento Picture Book
For children 7 and older.
58 |
Animalario universal del profesor Revillod
Almanaque ilustrado de la fauna mundial
[Tantrum Trinkets]
[Universal Zoology]
Written and illustrated by
Manuel Monroy
Text: Miguel Murugarren
Illustrated by: Javier Sáez
1st ed., Fce Mexico, 1999
26 pp.
20.5 x 20.5 cm (8 x 8 in)
Picture Book
ISBN 9681660803
1st ed., Fce Mexico, 2004
40 pp.
18 x 14 cm (7.3 x 5.3 in)
Picture Book
ISBN 9681670485
For children 5 and older.
abieta’s grandma has an antique store
brimming with pretty things that she
has collected over the years. Whenever her
grandma visits her, Rabieta knows that she
will bring her some interesting gift. But
this time she only gets a sock! Why would
somebody want a single sock? Rabieta
discovers that it turns out to be more useful than she thought. A funny story about
how to use imagination in daily life
Manuel Monroy was born in Mexico
City in 1971. He studied graphic design.
He combines teaching with poster
design and other projects. He has
worked as an illustrator since 1994. He
has exhibited his work in individual and
collective exhibitions, and has won a
variety of awards
rofessor Revillod has collected many pictures of extremely exotic animals during his
numerous trips around the world. Come and see over 4 000 of his finest specimens, in
a stylishly designed and innovative picture book.
Miguel Murugarren was born in Spain. He studied philosophy and literature. He is
interested in advertising, graphic design and music.
Javier Sáez was born in Spain. He studied Fine Arts. He illustrates and writes his own
books, like Picopelosplumas and Los tres erizos, and works for many publishing houses.
This book won the Ninth International Children’s and Young People’s Picture Book
Award in 2004
French, German and English rights sold.
IX Picture Book Award A la Orilla del
Viento (Fondo de Cultura Económica,
For children 4 and older.
w w w. fo n do decu l tu raeco n o mi c a. com
Rabieta Trebejos
Julieta y su caja de colores
[Juliet and her
Text: Jenny Pavisic
Illustrated by: Margarita Sada
Written and illustrated by
Carlos Pellicer López
1st ed., Fce Mexico, 2007
28 pp.
17 × 22 cm (6.8 × 8.8 in)
Picture book
ISBN 9789681683351
3rd ed., Fce Mexico, 2000
32 pp.
24.5 x 30 cm (9.6 x 12 in)
Picture book
ISBN 9681645006
ne rainy night Julieta decides to try
out her watercolors for the first
time. She discovers she can create on paper what she does not have in real life.
This story shows children the relationship
between the surrounding reality and the
reality of art.
amson, a small, shy mouse, wonders why he was given the name of a mighty warrior.
He thinks his parents must have made a mistake when they named him, until one day
his name turns out to have a special meaning. A delightful book about identity and the
meaning of names.
Carlos Pellicer López was born in
Mexico City. He is a painter and author
of several children’s books.
Jenny Pavisic is a psychoanalyst who also specializes in child development. She has
been active in writing and promoting reading for nearly 20 years. She founded ReDSa
(Knowledge Dissemination Network) and has coordinated various reading promotion
projects. Besides writing children’s books, she continuously lectures all over Latin
Margarita Sada received a degree in graphic design from the inba (Mexican
Institute of Fine Arts) School of Design and continued her studies at the graduate level
at the University of Mexico School of Art in visual design. Today she is both a painter
and a children’s book illustrator.
Juliet and her Paintbox received
the Antonio Robles Award by IBBY
(International Board on Books for
Young People) in Mexico, ‘Placa Bienal
de Bratislava’ and the Jack Ezra Keats
Bronze Medal.
For children 3 and older.
For children 6 and older.
Korean rights sold.
60 |
Colores con brisa
on the Breeze]
Text: Carlos Pellicer
Illustrated by: Carlos Pellicer López
1st ed., Fce Mexico, 2006
40 pp.
21 × 27 cm (8.3 × 10.5 in)
Picture book
ISBN 9681678699
special book that introduces children to the world of poetry
and pictures; a single poem is illustrated per double page
spread. Carlos Pellicer López’s illustrations are a visual recreation
of the poetic tone of the verses in colors and scenes that give the
words a new meaning.
Carlos Pellicer was born in Villahermosa in the state of
Tabasco in 1899 and died in Mexico City in 1977. He was a poet
who wrote for the journals Falange, Ulises and Contemporáneos.
He was also a professor of modern poetry at the University of
Mexico and director of the Department of Literature of the
Fine Arts Institute. He received the Mexican National Award
for Literature in 1964.
Carlos Pellicer López is a writer and artist. His work has
appeared in anthologies published in the USA. His picture
book Julieta y su caja de colores, also published by fce, received
several awards, among them the 1982 Promexa Award, the 1983
Antoniorrobles Award, a Plaque in the 1985 Bratislava Biennial
of Illustrations and the Ezra Jack Keats Bronze Medallion in
1986. His picture book Juan y sus zapatos also received the 1982
Promexa Award.
Selected for The White Ravens 2007.
For children 5 and older.
w w w. fo n do decu l tu raeco n o mi c a. com
La suerte de Ozu
Libro Caracol
[Ozu’s Luck]
[Snail Book]
Written and illustrated
by Claudia Rueda
Written and illustrated
by Javier Sáez Castán
1st ed., Fce Mexico, 2003
32 pp.
17 x 22 cm (8.6 x 6.6 in)
Picture Book
ISBN 9681670515
1st ed., Fce Mexico, 2007
24 pp.
23 × 23 cm (9 × 9 in)
Picture book
ISBN 9789681683689
n this book, young children can learn about shapes through pictures and games. The
Victorian-style drawings are exquisitely composed within blocks, which are arranged
in an overall design.
Javier Sáez Castán studied fine arts at the University of Valencia. He has been
an illustrator for more than fifteen years, and his books have won awards in several
countries. He has also been a teacher, and directed educational and cultural workshops.
He is the illustrator of El animalario universal by Miguel Murrugarren, a fce book
which won the Ninth International Children’s and Young People’s Picture Book Award
in 2004.
uring wartime a child and his father
live on a farm. They experience all
kinds of things but both father and son
have different points of view. As time goes
by they discover the many advantages of
this interaction. This is a magnificent version of a Taoist fable about the relativism
and the wisdom of fate.
For children 4 and older.
Claudia Rueda is an outstanding
Colombian writer and illustrator.
This book received a Mention in the
Picture Book Award A la Orilla del
Viento by Fondo de Cultura Económica.
For children 4 and older.
French rights sold.
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¿Para qué usas la lengua?
[What do you Use
your Tongue for?]
Text: María del Carmen Sánchez Mora
Illustrated by: Jonathan Farr
1st ed., Fce Mexico, 2007
32 pp.
18 × 18 cm (approx. 7 × 7 in)
Picture book
ISBN 9789681683665
ongues are good for much more than we might imagine.
Animals use them as detectors or weapons; to hunt, taste,
smell or talk. In this book, the interplay between words and pictures leads very young readers to discover how animal tongues
have many different shapes and uses. They will even discover more
about their own tongues!
María del Carmen Sánchez Mora graduated from the
University of Mexico in biology, and earned a master’s degree
in ecology from Stanford University and a Ph.D. in science
from the University of Mexico. She began writing about science
fifteen years ago at the University Science Communication
Center. She has contributed to several programs at Universum,
the University of Mexico science museum. Her personal
interests include teaching biology and scientific illustration.
She is a member of the ERIDOB (European Researchers in
Didactics of Biology).
Jonathan Farr was born in Oxford in 1973. He studied
sculpture at the Slade School of Fine Art in London. His work
has been exhibited in Mexico and Europe. He paints murals and
creates stained glass windows for churches, and has illustrated
books for various publishers. He is also the illustrator of the fce
books Ripios y adivinanzas del mar and Las aventuras de Max y
su ojo submarino.
For children 3 and older.
w w w. fo n do decu l tu raeco n o mi c a. com
La Muerte pies ligeros
Un pajarillo canta
[Light-Footed Death]
[A Bird Sings]
Text: Natalia Toledo
Illustrated by: Francisco Toledo
Text: Ricardo Yáñez
Illustrated by: Carlos Pellicer López
1st ed., Fce Mexico, 2005
56 pp.
21 x 27 cm (8.2 x 10.6 in)
Picture Book
ISBN 9681676718
1st ed., Fce Mexico, 2006
48 pp.
21 × 28 cm (8.3 × 11 in)
Picture book
ISBN 9681682505
old as a legend, Light-footed Death gives a humorous explanation of how Death came to Earth. The idea for this book
came from some of Francisco Toledo’s engravings of Death jumping rope with different animals, all from the region of Tehuantepec,
where the artist and his daughter were born. The story is based on
ancient cultural heritage, and reinvents oral tradition.
The magnificent images of Francisco Toledo recreate the
atmosphere of popular stories and legends in a playful fashion and
turn the book into a valuable collectible for all those interested in
the painter’s work.
Natalia Toledo was born in Juchitán, Oaxaca in 1967. She is
a bilingual poet (Zapotec-Spanish). Some of her published titles
are: Olivo negro; Flor de pantano; Mujeres de sol, mujeres de oro,
and Paraíso de fisuras.
Francisco Toledo was born in Juchitán, Oaxaca in 1940.
Since 1959 his work has been exhibited in different museums
in México, United States, South America, and Europe. Recently
he was awarded Right Livelihood Award (Alternative Nobel
Price) for his Commitment and Art for the protection and
preservation of the natural and cultural environment in Oaxaca.
his book of poems by Veracruzan poet Ricardo Yáñez introduces children to poetry in its purest form.
Ricardo Yáñez was born in Guadalajara in 1948. He studied
literature at the University of Guadalajara and the University
of Mexico. In addition to his work as a journalist at the
newspapers Unomásuno and La Jornada, he has taught and
promoted culture, and led poetry workshops throughout
Mexico. His books of poems include Ni lo que digo, Deja de ser,
Antes del habla, and Si la llama.
Carlos Pellicer López is a writer and artist. His work has
appeared in anthologies published in the USA. His picture
book Julieta y su caja de colores, also published by fce, received
several awards, among them the 1982 Promexa Award, the 1983
Antonio Robles Award, a Plaque in the 1985 Bratislava Biennial
of Illustrations and the Ezra Jack Keats Bronze Medallion in
1986. His picture book Juan y sus zapatos also received the 1982
Promexa Award.
For children 5 and older.
For children 7 and older.
English rights sold.
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Carretera Picacho-Ajusco 227
Bosques del Pedregal, Tlalpan
14738 Mexico City, Mexico
Tel: (52-55) 5227-4672
Fax: (52-55) 5227-4656
Cover Illustration:
Ángel Bracho, La espiga, linoleum engraving, ca. 1960, 13 × 17 in,
from the book El Taller de Gráfica Popular by Humberto Musacchio
Fondo de Cultura Economica has foreign branches in Argentina, Brazil,
Colombia, Chile, Guatemala, Peru, Spain, United States and Venezuela
www.fondodecultura econom i ca. co m