1312-convention herald.indd - Interchurch Holiness Convention
A P U B L I C A T I O N O F I N T E R C H U R C H H O L I N E S S C O N V E N T I O N Editor's Thoughts S preading scriptural holiness throughout the land” was John Wesley’s purpose for the original Methodist church. The message Wesley preached was not always welcomed by the church or the world, but it was the needed message, the correct message, and the blessed message because it was the Bible message. James Plank In these new times, strange forces abound to sidetrack us to flashy new methods and a more appealing, half-priced Gospel. Our message of holiness is still not popular but it is still the Bible message. The InterChurch Holiness Convention is committed to proclaiming that message until Jesus returns. We are grateful for Flexon, French, Emery, Griffith, Whitney, Straub, Cowan, Herron, Wilcox, Schmul, Adcock and a host of others who have handed a well-lit torch to us. Quite frankly, that is not the compelling reason we keep preaching, teaching, traveling and printing. The reason we don’t quit is because the message they preached and we preach is the message of eternity—“Holiness Unto the Lord.” This is no man-made doctrine or invented religion. Holiness is not some side-line tradition or hobby horse. This is the Gospel—the message of deliverance, the shouts of victory, the life of an overcomer. Say what you will, it is not popular because it demands everything. The Calvary way has always demanded such— all or nothing. That’s not popular. It requires crucifixion, death to self, eradication of the old nature, and an end to the worldly, the borderline and the sinful. It’s not popular. It’s no fun to die. It’s not fun to give up yourself. It’s no fun to run counter-culture. On the other side of death, is resurrection. Once you have experienced the joy and peace and satisfaction of the resurrected sanctified life, you will never be satisfied with anything else. The Russian cosmonauts went to outer space, came back and declared they didn’t see God, to which one preacher 2 Convention Herald replied, “Your little space ship just didn’t go far enough!” Some are leaving behind the message of holiness saying there is nothing to it. The Bible doesn’t teach it and they tried it and it didn’t work, to which I simply reply, your space ship didn’t go far enough. Respectfully I say, the Bible doesn’t promise something it won’t provide. God doesn’t put carrots at the end of sticks. If you seek, you will find. Trust and obey. Put God to the test. Be honest. Try obedience in every area of life including areas of dress, entertainment, music and attitudes—all of the big things and all of the little things you said didn’t matter anymore. You might be surprised how quickly victory will come. You will have to die, however, at the other end of your death is heart purity and glorious life. “But around the cross there’s glory, and His strong arm bears my load, and His loving smile is sunshine, and He brings me naught but good. Oh let me walk with Jesus, He has been a friend to me, for He fills my heart with gladness, and He saves and keeps me free.” ◉ Convention Herald, a Christian family magazine, is the official publication of the InterChurch Holiness Convention. _________________________________ 2013 Volume 66—Number 5 & 6 _________________________________ InterChurch Holiness Convention Executive Offices: PO Box 876 Bedford, IN 47421 E-mail: ihconvention@sbcglobal.net Phone: 812-275-2119 Fax: 812-277-9821 _________________________________ General Secretary: Leonard Sankey Editor: James D. Plank Printing: Country Pines Printing, Shoals, IN Graphic Design/Layout: Jon Plank Published bi-monthly by the InterChurch Holiness Convention and mailed from Shoals, IN 47581. $5 per year—USA and Canada. $6 per year—all other countries. _________________________________ Subscriptions, Billing, Advertising and Address Changes: Convention Herald PO Box 876 Bedford, IN 47421 E-mail: ihconvention@sbcglobal.net Phone: 812-275-2119 Fax: 812-277-9821 Announcements and articles: James Plank P.O. Box 99 New Berlin, PA 17855 E-mail: jimplank@me.com Unsolicited articles will not be returned. _________________________________ IHC and the Convention Herald do not necessarily endorse every product or service advertised in this periodical. reflections from the General Secretary Come, Thou Long Expected Jesus by CURTIS GOING “O God our help in ages past; Our hope for years to come…” W hat Does the Leonard Sankey New Year Hold? I don’t know, and neither do you; neither does anyone else. The future is known only to God. He holds tomorrow in His hand, thus if we hold unto His hand, He will guide us unerringly where He wants us to go. So how are we to walk in 2014? 1. Not alone, but with God. 2. Not in our own wisdom, but in His. 3. Not unthinking, but soberly, thoughtfully. 4. Not cowardly, but “strong in the Lord and in the power of His might.” 5. Not discouraged, but full of Christian hope. 6. Not making our own way, walking in the light of His Word. 7. Not egotistically, but humbly. 8. Not too fast, nor too slow, but keeping step with the Lord. 9. Not insensitively, but listening to the guidance of the Spirit. 10.Not carnally, but spiritually. Isaac Watts’ great hymn resonates at the beginning of this year: O God our Help in ages past, Our Hope for years to come Our shelter from the stormy blast, And our eternal home. Before the hills in order stood, Or earth received her frame From everlasting Thou art God, To endless years the same. ◉ W ho would think to look in the book of Genesis for a mention of the Christmas story? As Christian families gather this Christmas to read the story of Christ’s birth, most of them will turn to Matthew or Luke’s account, but few would think of opening their Bible to the book of Genesis. Yet, there it is, in a moment of defeat and brokenness for Adam and Eve and in the middle of God pronouncing a curse against the serpent in the Garden—the first veiled reference to Christmas. “And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.” (Genesis 3:15) The casual Bible reader might easily pass over these words without grasping the full extent of their meaning, but they communicate the eternal truth that Christ would come through the seed of the woman to crush Satan’s head. As vague as these words may seem, they represent great hope for fallen man. They speak of the triumphant Christ. Looking through the lens of time, the future events foreshadowed in Genesis 3 appeared blurred and obscure, but through the centuries that followed, the lens was carefully adjusted as God revealed Himself to man and the picture came more clearly into focus. Throughout the Pentateuch God introduced the concept of a sacrifice for sin, and He presented the intricate details of the sacrificial (continued on page 10) Convention Herald 3 It has been an outstanding year for the IHC, complete with world travels and conventions in several states of the Union. IHC is more than a convention in Dayton—much more! Area conventions are conducted in many locations with a list of potential and future conventions growing each year. The opportunity to promote the old fashioned Bible message of heart purity is a tremendous responsibility and honor and includes day-to-day activities that involve many people. General Secretary Leonard Sankey travels frequently on behalf of IHC. As of November he had attended 360 services in 29 different churches in 12 states and 3 countries (USA, Mexico and Turks & Caicos Islands) In the convention work, he has been assisted in 2013 by James Plank, Darrell Stetler, Paul Gray and Paul Pierpoint in the conducting of various Area Conventions. Marc Sankey and Marc Dodrill each contributed a convention this year as well. In each location, IHC is met with a warm welcome—the best of fellowship and friendships. The Convention attempts to encourage holiness works large and small wherever possible. Those who travel for IHC are grateful for every offering and every accommodation and every meal. So many people do so much to keep the convention movement operating. Behind the scenes, Marci Webb in Indiana, and Jodi Heidler in Pennsylvania, keep the office work happening. Jon Plank is instrumental in all of our graphics—keeping the announcements churning out for each location. Above all, IHC is blessed with a host of Convention Coordinators and Host Pastors who organize, promote and help plan each convention. They are key in providing the prayer support needed if anything effective is going to happen. The holiness people are blessed with prayer warriors who, on their knees, are lifting each service in each location to God. Many times preachers will enter a convention wondering if God will meet with His people again—and He never fails. The hush of His quiet presence, or the exuberant shouts of victory and praise are a result of some saint who has carried the service in prayer. Altar services have been frequent in the work this year with many victories. These times of God’s moving are the result of faithful pray-ers who are carrying the services. 4 Convention Herald 2013 was active, with people working hard on behalf of the holiness cause. The year began with Assistant Secretary James Plank conducting the National Holiness Camp in Papua New Guinea. Perhaps the most successful mission field in the last 100 years, the holiness people of Papua New Guinea are resolutely determined to stand by “the old paths wherein is the good way.” God is honoring their efforts with outstanding moves of the Holy Spirit and rapidly spreading revival throughout the nation and beyond. They continue to send delegations to the Annual Convention in Dayton and stand with their US brothers and sisters in every way possible. In the United States, four conventions were held in the Winter: Kansas State Winter, South Carolina State, Indianapolis Area and Central Ohio. Keith Ledford, Stephen Cassady, Youan Tainapel, John Kennedy and others assisted IHC with the preaching ministry. In February, Leonard Sankey once again conducted the services at Sea Breeze Camp Meeting in Hobe Sound, Florida. While the holiness churches support hundreds of camp meetings throughout the year, the Hobe Sound camp has been an integral part of the movement since the days of H. Robb French and Harold Schmul. Also in February, James Plank represented IHC at the St. Louis Holiness Convention in St. Louis, Missouri, sponsored by the John Wesley Foundation. The spring began with the annual InterChurch Holiness Outreach and Bus Convention in Camby, Indiana. This convention is not tied to IHC, but certainly is a blessing to our people in the promotion of outreach and evangelism—one of the heartbeats of the holiness movement since the days of Wesley. In March, a group of 47 adventurous pilgrims landed in Jerusalem! The Inspirational Holy Land Tour took place under the guidance of Evangelist Rollin Mitchell, James Plank and Paul and Nancy Gray. The instruction of a tremendous guide and the fellowship of believers in the Holy Land was something that each traveler will carry with them through the remainder of their lives. Special services were held in the Upper Room, the Garden of Gethsemane, and in other locations. The presence of the Lord was real, resulting in shouts of praise and people seeking God around altars of prayer. (See pictorial review on page 12) The spring conventions were conducted with the blessing of the Lord: West Michigan, Alaska State, Oklahoma City, Washington State, West Pennsylvania, Rocky Mountain, Missouri State Spring and Kentucky State. The convention in Kentucky was new for 2013! God met with those attending in a powerful way. In addition to the IHC personnel, Chris Cravens, Andrew Stroud, Solomon Shaffer, Dale Hayford, Duane Elmore and John Case ministered in these conventions. The Annual Convention in Dayton, Ohio was one of the best—attendance was up and offerings were received with ease. By far, the most important part, was the salvation of souls and believers sanctified wholly. Many left the convention this year refreshed and encouraged. The goal of Dayton is met if God chooses to meet with His people. With all hindrances and faults and even failures—God has blessed over and over again. May God’s people ever contend for the Glory! Without it, there is no power and no ability to function. Convention Herald 5 The committee to plan the next Annual Convention met in the Oswald Chambers Room on the campus of God’s Bible School in Cincinnati, Ohio, on May 16th. Leonard Sankey, James Plank, Darrell Stetler, Paul Gray and John Manley were present to choose the theme for Dayton 2014: “The Preeminent Christ.” The theme was chosen as we remembered one of Harold Schmul’s favorite quotes from Sangster: “Lord, we don’t mind who is second as long as Thou art first.” Summertime found three conventions: Crystal Coast (NC), Delta (CO) and Mid Tennessee. Harry Plank, Marcus Dodrill, Nathan Shockly and others assisted in preaching these conventions. The fall is always busy for IHC with 13 conventions conducted this year: Central Pennsylvania, North Carolina State, Shelbyville (IN), South East Michigan, Illinois, South Central Indiana, South East Ohio, Cincinnati, New York, Missouri State Fall, Virginia State, Chattanooga (TN) and Alabama State. Of these conventions, three of them were new! The list of speakers for these events included: Chester Handfield, Jeremy Fuller, Curtis Going, Tom Reed, Jack Hart, Barry Whitaker, Daniel Stetler, Adam Buckler, John White, Jack Hooker, Marcus Dodrill, Keith Bunch, Marc Sankey, Tim Cole, Matthew Ellison, Aaron McCarty, John Case and Rodney Loper. We said farewell to some “greats” among us, including: William Gale, W.O. Kneal, R.G. Humble, Shirley Gray, Marilyn Baker, Ron Hartkopf, Amos Hann and H.C. Emmert. This list is in no way complete, but it is fitting to remember these and all who have held up the blood-stained banner of the cross! The work of holiness is not dead! God will always raise up a people to shout out the message of heart-purity. Let us purpose to be those who will “stand in the gap and make up the hedge” as Jesus tarries. ◉ Sons of men, behold from far, Nations all, far off and near, Hail the long-expected star! Haste to see your God appear! Jacob’s star that gilds the night, Haste, for Him your hearts prepare, Guides bewildered nature right. Meet Him manifested there. —Charles Wesley Manager: Keith McLeod Mike Morgan Bob Morgan Come visit us where I-80 intersects the Mississippi River! 110 W 2nd Street • Milan, Illinois 61264 • 309.787.3335 6 Convention Herald Meet us at these locations in the coming year! Visit www.ihconvention.com for more information. Sunday School: 10 AM, Sunday Services: 11 AM & 6 PM Wednesday Service: 7 PM 1647 North Ellsworth Ave, Salem, Ohio 44460 | 330-337-6792 Rev. Henry Miller, Pastor | www.salembmc.org Convention Herald 7 Interchurch Holiness Convention Tuesday April 22 RON STEVENS KEYNOTE SPEAKER BRYAN LINE FROM THE HEART MARK HESKETT FROM THE HEART JOHN MANLEY TUESDAY EVENING SPEAKER STEVE SMITH WEDNESDAY BIBLE STUDY 1:30 PM Music Around the Piano Family Groups Convention Choir Paul Gray, Director RICHARD GREMILLION REVIVAL RALLY SPEAKER CARL EISENHART WEDNESDAY EVENING SPEAKER STANLEY GRABILL THURSDAY BIBLE STUDY NATHAN PURDY DERON FOURMAN HOLINESS MEETING SPEAKER THURSDAY CLOSING CHALLENGE 2:30 PM Chapel of the Children Gene and Angie Davis 2:45 PM ROLLIN MITCHELL TIME OF DISCOVERY I SOLOMON SHAFFER TIME OF DISCOVERY II GENE & ANGIE DAVIS CHAPEL OF THE CHILDREN ROBERT THOMPSON HEALING SERVICE MARC SANKEY INTERNATIONAL SERVICE Keynote Address Ron Stevens 6:00 PM JANET SANKEY WOMEN OF WORTH MATT MALOYED YOUTH PROGRAM DIRECTOR DAVID BLOWERS BUILDING FOR KEEPS DIRECTOR TIM CRATER MASS CHOIR DIRECTOR PAUL GRAY MUSIC DIRECTOR From the Heart Bryan Line, Mark Heskett God’s Bible School Choir and Orchestra 7:15 PM Evening Worship Union Bible College Choir and Orchestra John Manley, Speaker LEONARD SANKEY GENERAL SECRETARY JAMES PLANK ASSISTANT GENERAL SECRETARY DARRELL STETLER SPECIAL ASSISTANCE MICHAEL AVERY CONVENTION CHAIRMAN n Wednesday April 23 The Preeminent Christ 9:00 AM “Lord, we don’t mind who is second as long as Thou art first.” —WILLIA M SA NGSTER Morning Bible Study Steve Smith 10:15 AM Chapel of the Children Gene and Angie Davis Revival Rally Richard Gremillion 10:30 AM Women of Worth Janet Sankey, Director 12:00 Noon Fasting & Prayer, Healing Service Robert Thompson, Director Thursday April 24 9:00 AM Morning Bible Study Stanley Grabill CONTACT IHC 10:15 AM PO BOX 876, BEDFORD, IN 47421 Chapel of the Children Gene and Angie Davis 2:00 PM Holiness Meeting Nathan Purdy Chapel of the Children Gene and Angie Davis Time of Discovery II Solomon Shaffer Time of Discovery I Rollin Mitchell International Service Marc Sankey, Director 6:00 PM The Next Generation Matt Maloyed, Director Penn View Bible Institute Orchestra Allegheny Wesleyan College Choir 7:15 PM Evening Worship Penn View Bible Institute Choir and Orchestra Carl Eisenhart, Speaker 2:00 PM Children’s Mass Choir Presentation 2:15 PM Building for Keeps David Blowers, Director Chapel of the Children Gene and Angie Davis 6:00 PM Closing Challenge Hobe Sound Bible College Choir Deron Fourman, Speaker Convention Mass Choir and Orchestra Tim Crater, Conductor 812.275.2119 OR 570.765.0578 IHCONVENTION@ME.COM WWW.IHCONVENTION.COM (from page 2) system to point towards the day when the ulti- cross. In due course, Satan’s strategy brought death, and when mate sacrifice would be made on Calvary’s hill. Jesus’ limp body was lowered from the cross and placed in a In the years that followed, God disclosed more details through However, Satan’s success was short-lived, because God’s ceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.” (Isaiah plan included an empty tomb and a risen Savior! The wound 7:14) God Himself was coming to fix the problem of sin that that Satan inflicted on Jesus’ heel only held Him for three days, started when the serpent ensnared Adam and Eve in the Garden. until He rose triumphantly, signaling the enemy’s defeat. The Isaiah declared, “Prepare ye the way of the LORD, make straight work that the Seed of the Woman accomplished ultimately in the desert a highway for our God. Every valley shall be exalted, destroyed Satan’s power over mankind. He reigns in righteous- and every mountain and hill shall be made low: and the crooked ness and “Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be made straight, and the rough places plain: And the glory of shall be no end…” (Isaiah 9:7a) the LORD shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together: for the mouth of the LORD hath spoken it.” (Isaiah 40:3-5) sin’s curse. Culture is marred by its depravity. The lives of sinners are marked by its stranglehold. Even believers feel its effects through the er, but then there were four hundred years of silence. There is trials and temptations of daily living. However, rest assured that the no record of God’s connection with His chosen people through day is coming when all of this will be put to an end. John foresaw a these years—just silence. time when “the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire Baby, and the Hope of the Ages was wrapped in swaddling clothes and laid in a manger in the little village of Bethlehem. The seed of the woman was on the earth. God had become a man. and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever.” (Revelation 20:10) In the meantime, the child of God can have a personal taste of Christ’s triumph over Satan through the cleansing power of From the Pentateuch to the Gospels, what was at first dis- Jesus’ shed blood and daily strength granted by the Holy Spirit. tant and vague had become clear. Christ had come to redeem Satan dealt a heavy blow to Jesus’ heel, but Jesus and all those fallen humanity from the awful curse of sin, and in the process who are faithful to His cause will triumph in the end. Satan bruised His heel. Satan’s plot included jeering religious Perhaps George Frederick Handel best expressed the reality leaders, arrogant government officials, hardened Roman sol- of Christ’s triumph when he wrote, “And He shall reign forever diers, a crown of thorns, a cat-of-nine-tails, mocking crowds, and ever, King of kings! and Lord of lords! Hallelujah! Hallelu- loneliness, heavy wrought-iron nails, and a rugged Roman jah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!” ◉ September 15–24, 2014 TOUR ISRAEL WITH A PROFESSIONAL JEWISH GUIDE ENJOY THE MINISTRY OF JAMES PLANK AND ROLLIN MITCHELL BE INSPIRED BY SPECIAL SERVICES AND MUSIC AT ISRAEL’S HOLY SITES Departure from Departure from + Airline Fuel Surcharge* + Airline Fuel Surcharge* Indianapolis $3165 Register now… Space is limited! * An airline fuel surcharge will be added to the tour cost. It is currently $730 per person and is subject to change until ticketing. Prices are per-person based on double occupancy and include gratuities. Add $825 for single occupancy. Land-only (for passengers wishing to secure their own airfare to/from Israel)—$2265 per person based on double occupancy. w 10 Yet, this Christmas season, the world still reels from the effects of The blurry picture of hope in Genesis 3:15 was getting clear- Then suddenly, the silence was shattered by the cry of a tiny Newark $2965 cold, borrowed tomb, Satan had bruised Jesus’ heel. the prophet Isaiah. Isaiah prophesied, “Behold, a virgin shall con- Convention ww . I s r Herald ael14.com Janet Sankey Director A Stocking Full Of Switches by Kimberly Killon Atwell Want to have your cake and eat it too? Easley Bible Methodist Church invites you to worship with us 855 Gentry Memorial Highway Easley South Carolina Phone: 864-855-3892 www.easleybiblemethodist.org Terry D. Going, Pastor Where the souls of men are refreshed A sunny welcome awaits you at Bethel Holiness Church SEBRING, FLORIDA A conservative holiness church in the “heartland” of Florida Please come and worship with us! Rev. Charles Schnell • 863-382-2964 Do you desire to keep Jesus as the center of your home and instill the true meaning of Christmas into your children or grand children’s hearts, while still mingling and weaving in some of the magic, enchantment, and make-believe of this exciting time of year? If so, this book is for you! If you are weary of seeing and hearing of the many ways the devil has stolen the birth of Christ, then this book will be a breath of fresh air! $12 Each +$3 Shipping & Handling _____________________ $15 Total Kimberly K. Atwell 1180 Little Pine Road Ennie, NY 28623 336-657-8730 itiswellwithmysoul@skybest.com Convention Herald 11 NON PROFIT ORG. POSTAGE PAID SHOALS, IN PERMIT NO 18 INTERCHURCH HOLINESS CONVENTION PO BOX 876 BEDFORD IN 47421-4913 I walked today where Jesus walked…” The lyrics to this beautiful song took on special meaning for the group of 49 who visited Israel with IHC this past March. What a thrill to experience the sights and culture of this country firsthand, and ponder the biblical accounts that took place here. The tour was led by renowned Jewish guide, Shlomo Eyal, and hosted by James Plank and Rollin Mitchell. Paul and Nancy Gray provided special music. God’s presence was felt as our people worshiped together in the land we call “holy.” IHC is grateful to all who joined the tour, as well as the churches who sent their pastors. The saying is absolutely true—once you visit Israel, “you’ll never be the same!” ◉ 2013 IHC IN ISRAEL GROUP Diane Baber | Lucinda Benally | Brian, Sharon, Caleb, Eric & Nathaniel Black Steven, Luann, Bethany, Kara & Matt Boardman | Lyvonne Brown Chad & Melissa Clark | Brian & Julia Dowd | Adrian & Rebecca Duttry Jeremy Fuller | David & Carolyn Gookins | Paul & Nancy Gray (Music) Harold Knight | Charles & Susan Leitzel | Carl & Janet Matlock | Gloria McGinnis Rollin & Debora Mitchell (Host) | Christy Moomaw | James Plank (Host) Jon & Alicia Plank (Coordinator) | Harry Plank | George Prior | Ruth Shaw | Bev Tallent Debra Thompson | Jerry Thompson | BJ & Jean Walker Shirley Wesaw | Herb & Valerie West | John & Leanne Zeigler
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