In this Issue An Evening with the MythBusters
In this Issue An Evening with the MythBusters
20 Mathematics Spring/Summer 2008 The University of Arizona In this Issue An Evening with the MythBusters page 2 The hosts of the Discovery Channel’s hit show, MythBusters, Adam Savage, left, and Jamie Hyneman, center, came to Centennial Hall on The University of Arizona campus in October to share personal experiences and answer questions from fans. As a local science advocate and Mathematics Associate Professor, Bruce Bayly, right, served as moderator for the event, An Evening with the MythBusters. The show came courtesy of NewSpace Entertainment and the Biosphere 2 B2 Institute. Bayly said, “It turns out Adam and Jamie are the same offscreen as on: unpretentious, good-natured, and full of energy and enthusiasm for intellectual challenges. The themes of curiosity and inquiry constantly recurred, as did the phrase ‘If you do the math . . .’”© Photo by Kip Perkins Errata and Clarifications The following error crept into Mathematics, Spring/Summer 2008, Volume VII, Issue 1. In the article, New Solutions to an Old Puzzle, page 13, the equation should have read: a4 + b4 + c 4 + d4 = (a+b+c+d)4 View from the Chair page 3 Math Department gets a new chair: Roy F. Graesser Endowed Chair in Mathematics page 4 New plans for an old dilemma page 5 Two examples of undergraduate research assistantships page 8 Exploring the geometry of homogeneous spaces page 9 The University of Arizona Department of Mathematics PO Box 210089 Tucson, AZ 85721-0089 NONPROFIT ORG US POSTAGE PAID TUCSON ARIZONA PERMIT NO. 190 Physics Factory bus makes a run for the border page 10 ConcepTests: Understanding the path to the right answer page 15 Middle school mathematics teachers study hard too f n k m x g o Fall/Winter 2008 Volume VIII, Issue 2 2 Mathematics Spring/Summer 2008 The University of Arizona A View from the Chair The Lohse Connection Nicholas Ercolani Professor of Mathematics By Christa King Administrative Associate I am very pleased to be announcing two significant milestones for our Department. The first of these is the endowment of a Chair in Mathematics commemorating Dr. Roy F. Graesser, one of our former Department Heads and a lifelong advocate of the central importance of mathematics education. It will be the first endowed faculty appointment in our Department’s history. This milestone comes to us through the leadership and generosity of Linda Lohse, who manages the trust that was originally established by Dr. Graesser. The second milestone is the recent announcement by the University and the Arizona Board of Regents that a significant portion of our Department will, in the near future, be moving into a new building, the Earth & Natural Resources (ENRII) Building currently slated for completion in 2011 (See related article on page 4). This will be a transitional occupancy until funds can be raised for the construction of a building that will accommodate all of the activities, across campus, of mathematical sciences. In the meantime, we look forward to the opportunity of forging new fundamental scientific collaborations between Mathematics and the climate & environmental science units that will occupy ENRII with us. You will also find in this newsletter many updates on the activities of our faculty, new and old, staff and students as they push forward at the frontiers of the research, educational and outreach missions in the mathematical sciences. As many of you already know, I have stepped down from my position as Head of Mathematics. In looking back over the past seven years, I feel that I am truly privileged to have been able to represent such an outstanding Department. The many achievements this Department has made, reported on in past and current issues of this newsletter, have been the result of the collegial collaborations of many talented faculty, staff and students. The Department is currently under the strong stewardship of Professor Tom Kennedy, pending the outcome of an internal search for a new Head. I look forward with great anticipation to the achievements that will be reported in future issues and which will, no doubt, outstrip those of the past.© The Lohse family has a long history of generosity to the Department of Mathematics. The University of Arizona In 1999, Ashby Lohse gave a significant amount of money to Dr. Stevenson to begin the Center for Recruitment and Retention of Mathematics Teachers. After his death, the Lohse Family continued to support this initiative and that support has enabled the Center to grow over the past eight years. Ashby Lohse was Graesser’s attorney and when Graesser died, he named Ashby Lohse as executor of his estate. Ashby Lohse created the Graesser Foundation, which began supporting Math Department outreach.© 3 Math Department gets a New Chair Roy F. Graesser Endowed Chair in Mathematics In looking back at the notes from Roy Graesser’s years as Department Head, some of the following items stand out: By Christa King Administrative Associate 1932: Associate Professors make an annual salary of $2,790. Linda Lohse, Secretary of the Graesser Foundation and long-time supporter of departmental outreach programs, recently announced donations toward a Roy F. Graesser Endowed Chair in Mathematics. The gift will honor long-time faculty member and former Department Head Roy F. Graesser. Prominent Tucson attorney Ashby Lohse, began supporting the Mathematics Department outreach efforts in 1986, when he gave Professors Fred Stevenson and Dan Madden funds to begin a middle school math camp for outstanding mathematics students in the state. A second math camp was begun in 1988 when students from Whiteriver Junior High in Whiteriver, Ariz., applied en masse to the camp. Ashby Lohse increased his financial support to accommodate two camps. He continued this support, not only financially but with his presence each time the students gave their final presentations. Mathematics Spring/Summer 2008 Courtesy of Special Collections, The University of Arizona Library, Graesser Biographical File Graesser, who received his bachelor’s and master’s degrees and Ph.D. from the University of Illinois, joined the Mathematics Department at The University of Arizona in 1926 as an Assistant Professor. He was promoted to Associate Professor in 1932 and to Professor and Head in 1938. He served as Department Head for 21 years until 1959. In 1938, when Graesser became Department Head, there were 17 undergrad math majors and 4 master’s students (the first PhD was not awarded until 1962). That same year, the Math Department, which was a part of the College of Liberal Arts, moved into the renovated Pima Hall from Old Main. In addition to his duties as Head of the Department, Graesser published frequently in the journals School of Science and Mathematics and Mathematics Magazine, along with frequent articles in Mathematics Teacher. Graesser also wrote a radio program, The Invention of Zero, that aired on KVOA. The majority of Dr. Graesser’s service to the Department occurred during the years of World War II and the Korean War. In 1941, annual student registrations were 1,557 students; and in 1943, annual registrations were 636. In 1947 they had increased to 3,461 students and five new faculty members were added—four of whom were women! 1941: Faculty members complain to Graesser that in order to have more time for scholarship, they would like to have their teaching loads reduced from 24 units per year. 1943: An adding machine is requested for the use of the Statistics students—estimated cost, $100. 1944: Graesser refinishes a used cabinet for the math models at a cost of $5. That same year, he was able to purchase a U.S. military slide rule for the Department—an estimated value of $20—for only 98 cents at war surplus. 1947: “We need more OFFICE SPACE.” 1953: For the first time, all full-time faculty members have PhDs. In 1959, Graesser stepped down as Department Head to return to teaching, which he did on a part-time basis until his retirement in 1964. Roy F. Graesser died in 1972 in Tucson. Richard A. Harvill, University of Arizona President at the time, said Graesser was “highly exacting in his requirements and extremely well-liked and admired by students. He was a very able administrator” and “one of the great teachers of his generation.” The Mathematics Department is privileged to be the recipient of the Roy F. Graesser Endowed Chair in Mathematics.© Editor/Writer: Karen D. Schaffner, Department of Mathematics Cover photo by Joceline Lega The Department of Mathematics Newsletter Fall/Winter 2008, Vol VIII, Issue 2, is published twice yearly by The University of Arizona, Department of Mathematics, PO Box 210089, Tucson, AZ 85721-0089. All contents ©2008 Arizona Board of Regents. All rights reserved. The University of Arizona is an EEO/AA - M/W/D/V Employer. 4 Mathematics Spring/Summer 2008 The University of Arizona The University of Arizona such, V is a complete metric space, T maps V into V, and T is there a contraction with 52 1. It is easily2008 verified5 contraction constant Mathematics Spring/Summer 51 that the unique fixed point is x f x 0 u 1 u 1 . New Plans for an Old Dilemma Twoexamples Examples of Undergraduate Two of undergraduate research assistantships Research Assistantships by Greenlee, Emeritus Professor By Marty Marty Greenlee, Emeritus Professor By Nicholas Ercolani Mathematics Professor This past summer the State Legislature passed a $1 billion Stimulus Plan for Economic and Educational Development (SPEED) to support capital projects across Arizona’s universities. This plan allows for construction of the Earth and Natural Resources II (ENRII) building, which has been at the top of The University of Arizona’s Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) for a number of years. This plan also advances a long-standing University commitment—dating back to the 1980s—to provide quality space for Mathematical Sciences, that further develops the central role it plays across the University. A significant part of the allocation coming to the UA has been earmarked for the ENRII project. The ENRII building will be located on the 65,000 square foot area just west of the Sixth Street Garage and east of the existing Environment and Natural Resources Building (ENRB) near the corner of Park Avenue and Sixth Street on the UA Campus. At this time, personnel and activities of the mathematical sciences are spread over five buildings across campus. The move to ENRII will allow for the majority of the administrative, personnel, and interaction spaces (currently occupying two buildings) to be consolidated within two floors. Importantly, it will also allow for the demolition of the structurally obsolete Math Tower and construction of a new Mathematics Building. This new building will bring together, all personnel and activities in the Mathematical Sciences. President Shelton has recently added this project to the University’s Capital Improvement Plan. This new Mathematics building will be the natural home for the School of Mathematical Sciences, recently proposed as part of the Provost’s Transformation process ( The major goal of the ENRII project is to promote collaborative, interdisciplinary research focusing on earth science and environmental programs. In its initial phase, the new building will house the Institute for the Study of Planet Earth, the School of Natural Resources, and the Department of Geography and Regional Development, along with a portion of the Mathematics Department. Since mathematical modeling and simulation of The Department of Mathematics at The University of Arizona offers Undergraduate Research Assistant (URA) appointments to mathematics majors on a competitive basis. These are one semester projects proposed by the department faculty. Selected students receive a stipend, but not academic credit, and are obliged to submit midterm and final reports in PDF format. The following is a description of two URA projects under my supervision. The proposed Earth and Natural Resources building (ENRII) will be located next to the Sixth Street Garage. The building will house Mathematics administrative and personnel offices, and interaction space. The 65,000 sq. ft. building will be shared with The Institute for the Study of Planet Earth, the School of Natural Resources, and the Department of Geography and Regional Development. climate, population growth and their combined impacts on earth environments is a rapidly growing field of mathematical research and education (see: WorkshopInfo/462/show_workshop), this location will allow for further development in this field here at The University of Arizona. Our Department is grateful to many in the University’s administration who have recognized this great potential. In particular, acknowledgment for this should go to College of Science Dean Joaquin Ruiz, Graduate College Dean Andrew Comrie, former Provost Gene Sander, Provost Meredith Hay and President Robert Shelton. We are in the earliest design stages for the new space; however, we can already anticipate the need for resources to secure furnishings appropriate for a state-of-the-art research and educational environment in the mathematical sciences. The “wish list” in another part of this newsletter describes opportunities for our friends and alumni to contribute to our future home. Upcoming issues of this newsletter will keep our community informed as designs and plans evolve.© In the fall semester of 2007, Amanda Schaeffer completed her report entitled "Iterative Methods for Eigenvalues of Symmetric Matrices as Fixed Point Theorems." Amanda was then a junior, and her primary mathematical interest is abstract algebra. Her starting point is to recast the classical power method for calculation of the dominant eigenvalue of a real symmetric matrix as a contraction map iteration. To be specific, let A be a real symmetric matrix with eigenvalues |5 1 | |5 2 | u |5 3 | u u |5 n | u 0, and corresponding orthonormal eigenvectors u 1 , u 2 , . . . , u n . 5 1 is called the dominant eigenvalue, and u 1 , the dominant eigenvector. The power method consists of iterating the matrix A on an initial vector x 0 , renormalizing at each iteration. Provided that the initial guess, x 0 , is not so bad as to be orthogonal to u 1 , the iteration aligns with u 1 . To define the contraction map, T, write x h n as n x % ) i x i , and let T 5A1 so that i1 Tx ) 1 u 1 % ) i i1 5i 51 u 1 . There is one more step to defining T, namely specifying its domain. Let x 0 h n be the initial guess, and let V £x h n : x u 1 x 0 u 1 ¤, i.e., the component in the direction of the dominant eigenvalue is fixed to that of x 0 . V is a translation of a subspace of h n and is closed. As such, V is a complete metric space, T maps V into V, and T is there a contraction with contraction constant 55 21 1. It is easily verified that the unique fixed point is x f x 0 u 1 u 1 . This theory is a bit cleaner than textbook presentations of the power rule, but is silly as an algorithm, due to the explicit use of the dominant eigenvalue 5 1 . This is alleviated by considering the Schwartz quotients (terminolgy of Collatz in the 1940s) defined by A m1 x 0 A m x 0 " m A m x 0 A m x 0 where A m x 0 is of course calculated recursively with renormalization. Provided that x 0 u 1 p 0, 2m " m 5 1 O 55 21 . Amanda exhibited two different ways to incorporate Schwartz quotients into the algorithm, obtaining the same rate of convergence as with the power rule. The approach extends immediately to the shifted inverse power rule. She also proved that Schwartz quotients for definite matrices are monotone. This fall semester, Johnson Truong is working on a project entitled, "Convergence Rates of Quadrature Rules for Non-Smooth Data." The usual error formulas for quadrature rules, based on polynomial approximation of the integrand, require at least two continuous derivatives–though for practical purposes, two continuous derivatives can be replaced by a Lipschitzian first derivative if one invokes the Lebesgue theory. This is the case for the midpoint and trapezoidal rules, to which this discussion will be confined–though the following extends to higher order formulas. Johnson, who is a double major in mathematics and physics, is working on error estimates for less smooth data. The idea is to view quadrature rules as Riemann-Stieltjes (RS) integral approximations to ordinary integrals. Thus one thinks of approximating the integrator, rather than the integrand. The relevant integrators are step functions whose first (distribution) derivatives are linear combinations of Dirac delta functions. Due to Johnson’s physics background, he’s familiar with delta functions so a crash course in RS theory isn’t needed. The basic tool in this project is integration by parts as permissible–grubby but effective. To fix ideas, consider the trapezoidal rule for a function f which is continuous for a t x t b. Think continued on page 13 of f as defined on the line via any continuous extension, and define the integrator )x as 6 Mathematics Spring/Summer 2008 FACULTY NEWS New Faculty Youri Bae is an Adjunct Instructor in the Department. She has worked as a Research Associate at the Arizona Center for Mathematical Science and as a Visiting Assistant Professor at the University of Toledo. Her research focuses on a combination of mathematical models and numerical techniques with nanosciences and optical sciences. She received her Ph.D. from the University of California at Los Angeles in 2005; her master’s degree from Seoul National University, Korea, in 2000; and her bachelor’s degree from Ewha Womans University, Korea, in 1997. Crystal Kalinec-Bartels, Adjunct Instructor, is from Houston, where she graduated from the University of Houston with a bachelor’s degree in mathematics and was a Teaching Assistant in linear algebra. She has taught middle school mathematics and, in addition to her part-time work with our Department, is currently employed with the Office of Early Academic Outreach and the Tucson Gear Up Project. She is the lead math specialist for the Math through Mariachi Program and collects data on a Math through Mariachi elective course with approximately 20 students at Cholla High School. She is interested in topics of social justice in mathematics education and hopes to continue as a researcher/professor at a US or German university. Her hobbies include sewing quilts and dresses, going to concerts, and remodeling her home in Vail. Vita Borovyk, Teaching Postdoc, was born in Kharkov, Ukraine. She received her specialist degree from Kharkov National University in 2001 and her Ph.D. from the University of Missouri-Columbia in 2008. Her undergraduate thesis was in dynamical systems and her The University of Arizona current research area is analysis, spectral theory, and operator theory. She loves to read and plays volleyball in her free time. Javier Diaz-Vargas is a Professor at the Universidad Autonoma de Yucatan, in Merida, Mexico. Dr. DiazVargas finished his Ph.D. at The University of Arizona in 1996 under the supervision of Dr. Dinesh Thakur. His field of interest is number theory. He is here at The University of Arizona for his sabbatical year. Alyssa Keri is working with the Arizona Teacher Initiative as part of the high school teacher component. Keri is co-teaching the Statistics ATI course for middle school teachers with John Palmer. She is on leave from Catalina Foothills High School and plans to go back next year to continue teaching high school. Sangjib Kim, Visiting Assistant Professor, was born in Seoul, South Korea. He received his Ph.D. from Yale University in 2005 under the supervision of Roger Howe. After graduation, he spent three years at the National University of Singapore and at Cornell University. His research focuses on the representation theory of the classical groups and related geometric and combinatorial problems. Alexander O. Korotkevich, Visiting Assistant Professor, was born in Bryansk, USSR, in 1977. He received his bachelor of science and master of science degrees from the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Departments of Physical and Quantum The University of Arizona FACULTY NEWS Electronics and Problems of Theoretical Physics. He defended his Ph.D. thesis during the summer of 2003 at the L.D. Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics under the supervision of Professor Vladimir E. Zakharov. During 2006 and 2007, he worked as a postdoctoral research associate here in the Department of Mathematics. His scientific interests include numerical simulation, wave turbulence, nonlinear waves in different media, and optics of metamaterials. He enjoys hiking, mountaineering, and other sports, and the German language. Derek Moulton, the Hanno Rund Postdoc, was born and grew up in Colorado and received a bachelor’s degree from the University of Denver in 2003. He obtained his Ph.D. from the University of Delaware in May 2008, supervised by John Pelesko. His research involves the development and analysis of mathematical models for problems arising in the physical sciences. His thesis work focused on experimental, analytical, and numerical analysis of electrostatic fields interacting with elastic membranes. Recently he has been working on fluid dynamics problems with ferrofluids, as well as modeling phase separation in biological membranes. In his spare time Derek enjoys reading, hiking, and skiing, and is always on the lookout for a good soccer game. Pan Peng, Assistant Professor, received his Ph.D. in 2005 from the University of California, Los Angeles. After graduation, he worked as a postdoctoral fellow at Harvard University from 2005 to 2008. His area of research is geometry, topology and mathematical physics. He is currently focusing on the duality between Chern-Simons gauge theory and topological string theory. In addition to his work, Pan enjoys photography, music and history. Robert Sims, Assistant Professor, received his Ph.D. from the University of Alabama at Birmingham, which is near where he grew up. After graduation, he spent a year as a postdoc at the University of Mathematics Spring/Summer 2008 7 California at Irvine, two and a half years as an NSF fellow at Princeton, three years as a postdoc at the University of California at Davis, and a year as a postdoc at the University of Vienna. His research interests lie in the area of analysis, with specific emphasis on problems related to mathematical physics. Bob enjoys traveling, eating well, and playing poker. Pham Huu Tiep, Professor, comes to The University of Arizona from the University of Florida. After winning a Silver Medal at the 21st International Mathematical Olympiad in London, he studied at the Moscow State University in Moscow, Russia, where he obtained both his Ph.D. and Doctor of Science degrees. He was an Alexander von Humboldt Fellow at the Institute for Experimental Mathematics (Essen, Germany), and a Zassenhaus Assistant Professor at the Ohio State University. In 1998 he joined the faculty of the University of Florida and became a full professor in 2004. He was a member of the Mathematical Research Sciences Institute (MSRI), Berkeley, during the Spring 2008 Semester. His research interests include finite groups, representation theory, algebraic groups and Lie algebras, and integral lattices and linear codes. Andrea Young, VIGRE Postdoc, grew up in Pittsburgh, Pa., and received her bachelor of science degree from Penn State University. She then attended the University of Texas at Austin and earned her Ph.D. under the supervision of Karen Uhlenbeck. She is interested in geometric analysis, and in particular, in geometric partial differential equations such as Ricci flow, cross curvature flow, and the Yang-Mills heat flow. She is also an actress and a singer and, for the past six years, has devoted any spare time to being an improvisational comedian.© 8 Mathematics Spring/Summer 2008 Exploring the Geometry of Homogeneous Spaces By Philip Foth, Associate Professor My research involves different flavors of geometry: algebraic, differential, symplectic, and others. Some of the main objects that I am dealing with are the so-called homogeneous spaces. These are the quotients of Lie groups by closed subgroups. Among possible examples of such spaces are many familiar ones such as Lie groups themselves, spheres, projective spaces, grassmannians, hyperbolic spaces, coadjoint orbits, and many others. Additionally, one can consider classification problems, or moduli problems related to structures of different kinds on these homogeneous spaces. The most interesting are those that naturally appear in different areas of geometry as well as in Lie theory, representation theory, harmonic analysis, mathematical physics and other disciplines. One of the most exciting aspects is to see many significant benefits in discovering new features arising from such cross-border interactions. Let me describe in simplified terms three of the directions I am currently pursuing. The first has to do with using Poisson and symplectic geometry to study integrable systems on homogeneous spaces and moduli spaces as well as the possible relationship of these with toric geometry and representation theory. If G is a Lie group and O1,. . . , On are its coadjoint orbits, then the quotient spaces like O1ו ×On //G naturally appear as moduli spaces of different kinds in physics and geometry. To give one simple example, if G=U(2), then these can be thought of as moduli spaces of polygons with fixed side-lengths in 3-dimensional Eucledian space. There are many interesting and natural integrable systems living in these spaces and they are closely related with representation theory as well, for example, to the question of finding irreducible submodules in the tensor products of irreducible representations of G. Typically, one can treat these moduli spaces as algebraic varieties, consider their coordinate rings being generated by certain natural monomials and study the geometric meaning behind the combinatorial relations in these rings. The University of Arizona Another direction that I am working in is various convexity results related to the geometry of the aforementioned spaces. A classical result by Schur says that the diagonal entries of a (hermitian or real) symmetric matrix always lie in a convex polytope whose vertices are defined by possible permutations of its eigenvalues. In the early 1970s Kostant proved a general Lie theoretic result of this form. Subsequently, in the early 1980s Atiyah and, independently, Guillemin and Sternberg showed that all these convexity results follow from a general theorem in symplectic geometry. Moreover, the convex polyhedra carry important information about the geometry of the spaces in question. The University of Arizona Schubert calculus and the projective coordinate rings of the flag varieties, as well as for his iterative character formula. A good solid understanding of these degenerations can bring new perspective into representation theory and connections with symplectic and Poisson geometry, as well as mirror symmetry.© Physics Factory Makes a Run for the Border By Bruce Bayly, Associate Professor Finally, I will mention an ongoing work with Sangjib Kim on toric degenerations of BottSamelson varieties, which are important objects in the representation theory closely related to flag varieties. They were originally defined as desingularizations of Schubert varieties, and later used by Demazure to derive important facts about 9 As word of our program has spread through the teaching community, The Physics Factory has been in demand from further afield. In 2007 we took programs into Prescott, Yuma, and the Phoenix area, and in early 2008 to San Manuel, Sierra Vista, Nogales and Douglas. Besides working with schools and after-school programs, we have developed ties with the Boys and Girls Clubs organization in Tucson and other cities. We also began collaborating with the Biosphere 2, now operated by The University of Arizona College of Science, in its public outreach programs. The biggest single enterprise of 2008, however, was our first international tour. As with our national tour in 2006, the main destination of the 2008 tour was the summer meeting of the American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT), this year held from July 19 to 23 in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. This made it possible for us to leave Tucson on July 5, travel north through Nevada, Utah, Idaho, Montana, and Alberta for two weeks before the conference, then west through British Columbia and south through Washington, Oregon, and California for the two weeks afterward. It was enough time to stop and present plenty of science events along the way. In the case when we deal with homogeneous spaces, these also have an intriguing relationship with representations of the Lie groups in the spaces of sections of holomorphic line bundles. Quite naturally, some generalizations are also valid in the case of non-compact Lie groups. In particular, together with Michael Otto we gave a symplectic proof of a very general van den Ban’s convexity theorem for semisimple symmetric spaces. There is also a classical XIX Century problem about finding possible eigenvalues of the sum of two matrices A + B, if the spectra of A and B are known. More recently, I solved a generalization of this classical problem to admissible elements for real non-compact Lie algebras. The result can be expressed in terms of convex polytopes and polyhedral cones defined by the given spectra together with certain Lie algebraic data. To give a simple example, an inequality like this in a Minkowski time-like space would say that the third side of a triangle is always bigger than the sum of the other two. I find these questions quite fascinating also because they bridge many areas such as combinatorics, invariant theory, symplectic and algebraic geometry, representation theory and others. Mathematics Spring/Summer 2008 Among its many stops along the way on its tour to the north, The Physics Factory stopped at The Science Factory, a hands-on science museum in Eugene, Ore. From left are Christina Pease, Chris DiScenza, Stephanie Tammen, and Devin Bayly. What’s a Physics Outreach Program doing in a mathematics newsletter? The University of Arizona Department of Mathematics has a distinguished history of collaboration with physicists: in our friendly neighborhood Physics Department next door, elsewhere on campus, and at other institutions. My research centers on fluid mechanics (an area of mathematics with links to physics), and has taken my collaboration to the K12 science education arena, working with several local teachers to develop a mobile demonstration laboratory called The Physics Factory. It is now well established in the greater Tucson area. Specifically we presented our events in Chandler, Ariz.; Las Vegas; Provo, Salt Lake City, and Logan, Utah; Bozeman and Great Falls, Mont.; Edmonton, Alberta; Portland and Talent, Ore.; and Grass Valley, Santa Barbara, Los Angeles, and Santa Ana, Calif. In addition, the AAPT conference Demonstration Show featured The Physics Factory in a specially-created performance piece entitled “The Physics Fairy,” which received a standing ovation from several hundred physics teachers. We reached more than 2000 children during the five week tour. Besides myself, participants included Devin Bayly, a junior at Basis Tucson High School; McCabe Bedell, an engineering freshman at UA; Mike Fenwick, a physics senior at UA; Stephanie Tammen, a recent nutrition graduate from UA; Christina Pease, a UA physics graduate and Pima Community College physics instructor; Chris DiScenza, a UA math graduate, now working at The American Physical Society; Erik Herman, a UA graduate in science teaching, now at Wildcat School; and Kip Perkins, a science teacher at Gateways School, Tucson.© 10 Mathematics Spring/Summer 2008 ConcepTests Understanding the path to the right answer by Professor David Lomen, distinguished professor of mathematics Although the concepts of mathematics remain the same, the pedagogy continually changes. Here, Dr. David Lomen, whose current work focuses on mathematics education, explains what he is working on and how it functions in his classroom. Reporter: So what have you been so busy doing the past few years? Lomen: I am enjoying the challenge of trying to understand how students learn mathematics. Reporter: Please explain what you mean. Lomen: Well, an excellent way to check students understanding of mathematics is to have them explain the reasons they use to obtain their answer to a problem. This easily takes place one-on-one during office hours, but in the classroom this can happen to just a very few students because of time constraints. However, imagine a classroom period where every student has the opportunity to explain his or her reasoning several times. The probability for any student to be bored or disinterested in such a setting would be lowered considerably. The odds of a student hearing an explanation that makes sense to them would greatly increase. This is the situation when an instructor uses classroom voting. Reporter: How can you have students vote in a mathematics class? Lomen: By using ConcepTests in the following manner: 1)Using a transparency on an overhead projector, I project a ConcepTest (usually a multiple choice question) on the front screen. 2)Students are then given a short time (usually less than a minute) to think about the question. 3)Students then vote, giving their choice (or choices) for the answer (answers) they think is (are) correct. 4)Providing all of the students do not vote for the correct answer, students are then given a The University of Arizona short period of time to discuss the question with adjacent students and then are asked to vote again. 5)I then call on various students to explain the reasoning they used to obtain their answer. If necessary, I summarize. Reporter: Why do you have students explain their reasoning? Why don’t you just tell them what is correct? Lomen: Having students discover and hear a variety of reasoning methods used in answering the question is the reason this method is effective. For one thing, the vocabulary of most students is usually quite different from that of an instructor. For another, students often use correct reasoning that instructors would not have considered. The more ways to approach a problem to which a student is exposed, the more likely one way will be presented that sounds logical to them. Reporter: You have mentioned ConcepTests a couple of times. What exactly are ConcepTests? Lomen: ConcepTests are questions designed to promote the discussion and learning of a topic. The questions are usually conceptual, often multiple choice or true/false, with some free response as well. I use them as an aid in promoting student discussion and learning of mathematical concepts rather than as a means of determining a student’s grade. It is really for formative assessment—giving both the instructor and students a means of assessing how well the students are understanding a concept or procedure. (Note that some questions have more than one correct answer, and some answers need qualification.) Because of the variety of forms these questions take, instructors can use them in a manner that fits comfortably with their teaching style. Three possible ways are: 1.As an introduction to a topic. This works especially well if the topic is closely related to a previous lesson, or is something that most students have some familiarity. 2.After presentation of a specific topic. Here a ConcepTest may be used to see if the students have grasped the concept, or if the topic needs more discussion or examples. The University of Arizona Mathematics Spring/Summer 2008 11 3.As a review of material that has been thoroughly discussed. Reporter: How did you become involved with ConcepTests? A fourth way of using ConcepTests is to have students work on them outside of class, either individually or in groups. Then in class, students can check their results by first voting, and then discussing the strategies used in obtaining their answers with the instructor and each other. Lomen: A number of years ago a colleague at Arizona, Deb Hughes Hallett, became aware that one of Mazur’s students, Dr. Scott Pilzer, was teaching calculus and writing ConcepTests for his class. She thought it was a good idea to have a supplement to our calculus book (D. Hughes Hallet, A. M. Gleeson, W. G. McCallum et al.) that contained an expansive collection of such questions, some for each section. I ended up working with several other authors and a few teaching postdocs at Arizona to edit Scott’s questions, and create many, many new ones. This was done in time for the 3rd Edition of the book. How ConcepTests Work Here is a typical question I would ask using ConcepTests: 1. Consider the rational function y = (x2 – 4)/(x2 + 2). Adding 2 to the numerator of this rational function changes which of the following (more than one may apply)? (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) The x-intercept The y-intercept The horizontal asymptote The vertical asymptote None of these 2. After having students explain the reasons for their answers, I pose the same question for y = (x2 – 4)/(x2 – 2). 3.Finally I would ask the same question with y = (3x2 – 4)/(x2 – 2). The same choices apply for questions 2 and 3.© Reporter: How did ConcepTests get started? Lomen: A physics professor at Harvard, Eric Mazur, noted that his physics students would do well on exam questions that were similar to those in the homework, but not when he gave dissimilar questions which used the same concept. To remedy this situation, he developed a number of multiple choice questions (which he labeled ConcepTests) that stressed concepts. He used them as I described earlier, and discovered that student scores on a national physics exam increased dramatically when taught using this method rather than with a traditional lecture. Reporter: Are these ConcepTests the only ones in existence for mathematics? Lomen: No, besides the ConcepTest supplement to our calculus book, there are also questions for calculus that were developed by Maria Terrell at Cornell under a National Science Foundation grant and by Mark Schlatter for vector calculus. Other NSF grants for such questions have been made to mathematicians at Carroll College for linear algebra and differential equations and at Oklahoma for statistics. Two years ago, Mariamma Varghese, Erin McNicholas, Rick Cangelosi (UA instructors at the time) and I were all teaching College Algebra. We met once each week to discuss some ConcepTests I had written and individually, and as a group, developed some new ones. This was the start of a collection of ConcepTests for algebra. Now I am working with Maria Robinson, Erin McNicholas, and Sacha (Swenson) Forgorson developing more ConcepTests for an algebra book that Bill McCallum and several others are writing. We have incorporated many questions that were developed by Barbara Armenta at Pima Community College. Reporter: How do you know that ConcepTests are effective? Lomen: We have not conducted any controlled experiments here, but a paper giving results at Cornell University using their “Good Questions with classroom voting” (what they call our teaching method using ConcepTests) provides evidence continued on page 12 12 Mathematics Spring/Summer 2008 ConcepTests – continued from page 11 that this teaching method is more effective than traditional teaching methods if it is used to motivate students to participate in small group discussions about key conceptual issues before a vote is taken. (see Miller, Santana-Vega & Terrill, 2006) Other results are by Pilzer (2001), who reported that his class using this method did far better on concept questions on a final exam than his students who were taught with a traditional lecture method. Pratton & Hales (1998) demonstrated that techniques which require the students to actively engage in the material during class produce substantial improvements in student comprehension and retention of concepts when compared to presentation techniques that allow the majority of students to remain as passive observers who are simply taking notes. The Field-tested Learning Assessment Guide produced by the National Institute for Science Education (2005) reports how classroom voting not only results in better class performance, but higher attendance, lower attrition, and also reduced performance differences among different population groups: men, women, and students of varying ethnic backgrounds. A study including 6,000 physics students also demonstrated the effectiveness of this method of teaching (Hake, 1998). Reporter: Does educational research support your idea that classroom voting using ConcepTests works? Lomen: Phrases such as “active learning,” “discovery learning,” “inquiry-based teaching,” and “peer instruction” may be used to describe how I use ConcepTests. It is almost common sense to realize that students learn best when they are doing the mathematics for themselves, rather than passively following the instructor’s work. The more deeply students are involved in the lesson, the more they will understand, and the more they will remember. Chickering and Gamson (1991) list the following Faculty Inventory for good teaching practices: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Encourage Student–Faculty Contact Encourage Cooperation Among Students Promote Active Learning Give Prompt Feedback Emphasize Time on Task The University of Arizona 6. Communicate High Expectations 7. Respect Diverse Talents and Ways of Learning The very nature of classroom voting as described above clearly results in achieving items 1-5 above. It also happens that the inherent competitive nature in many students gives the class an unstated, but real goal to do as well as possible, even though their answers are not recorded for a grade. Reporter: Are any disciplines other than physics and mathematics using ConcepTests? Lomen: I Googled ConcepTests on Sept. 24 and obtained 14,700 hits, including ones in astronomy, biology, chemistry, computer science, engineering, geology, medicine, pharmacology, and psychology. Reporter: This has obviously taken up a lot of your time, but this has nothing to do with the NSF grant you have held for the past three years. Lomen: That is correct. On this grant I have been working with a former graduate student here, Dan Magee, and two other mathematicians to produce kits containing manipulatives to help students visualize vector calculus and analytic geometry concepts in three dimensions. To go along with the kits, we are also developing an accompanying workbook full of projects and laboratory exercises. After developing a couple of prototypes, by early next year we will be producing kits for students to use. (NSF #0442365 Full Development of Visualization Tools for 3D).© The University of Arizona It Can be Solved: The Putnam Problem On the first Saturday of December, twenty University of Arizona undergraduate math majors will spend the day matching wits with 12 math problems so difficult, so abstruse, sometimes it’s hard to imagine why they do it. Competing against other undergraduate mathematics majors from around the United States and Canada, and having spent the semester preparing for the event, these students will wrestle with the problems of the universe until their six hours are up. It’s worth an investment of a Saturday, however. The top prize in the William Lowell Putnam Competition is a fellowship for graduate study at Harvard University. Begun by Elizabeth Lowell Putnam in 1938 in honor of her husband, who valued academic intercollegiate competition, the Putnam asks participants to think creatively about math while approaching problems in a new way. It is recommended that participants be familiar with differential equations. Although they have yet to place first in the competition, last year’s UA team placed 34th out of 516 colleges and universities, the highest ranking for the UA since 2002. “Field-tested Learning Assessment Guide” Hake, Richard R. (1998) “Interactive-engagement versus Traditional Methods: A Six-thousand Student Survey of Mechanics Test Data for Introductory Physics Courses” Am. J. Phys. v.66 p. 64-74 Hughes Hallet, D., A. M. Gleeson, W. G. McCallum et al.(1993) Calculus (3rd Edition) New York, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Miller, Robyn L., Everilis Santana-Vega, & Maria S. Terrell(2006). “Can Good Questions and Peer Instruction Improve Calculus Instruction?” PRIMUS v. 16, p. 12-21. Pilzer, Scott (2001) “Peer Instruction in Physics and Mathematics” PRIMUS v. 11, p. 185-192 Pratton, J. & L.W. Hales (1986) “The Effects of Active Student Participation on Student Learning” J. Educational Research v. 79, p. 210-215 Schlatter, Mark (2002) “Writing ConcepTests for a Multivariable Calculus Course” PRIMUS v.15, p.305-314. So here’s the question: Are you Putnam worthy? This is Problem A4 from the 2007 William Lowell Putnam competition. A repunit is a positive integer whose digits in base 10 are all ones, such as 1, 11, 111, 1111, and so on. Find all polynomials f with real coefficients such that if n is a repunit, then so is f(n). The answer will be found in the newsletter’s Spring ’09 edition. Assistant Professor David Savitt helped prepare this story and provided the problem. 13 0, x t a, )x h 2 , a x b, h, x u b, where h b " a. Then b ; fx d)x a h ¡fa fb ¢ 2 b is the trapezoidal approximation to ; fx dx. Let a *x x " a, so that ) and * vanish at a (a helpful normalization) and d*x dx. If f is continously differentiable on ¡a, b¢ integration by parts gives b ; a References: Chickering, A. W. & Z.F. Gamson(1991) “Seven Principles for Good Practices in Undergraduate Education’ in New Directions for Teaching and Learning #47, San Francisco, Jossey-Bass Inc. delta functions. Due to Johnson’s physics background, he’s familiar with delta functions so Mathematics Spring/Summer 2008 a crash course in RS theory isn’t needed. The basic tool in this project is integration by parts as permissible–grubby effective. Two Examples of Assistantships but – continued from page 5 To fix ideas, consider the trapezoidal rule for a function f which is continuous for a t x t b. Think of f as defined on the line via any continuous extension, and define the integrator )x as b b a a fx dx " h ¡fa fb ¢ ; fx d*x "; fx d)x 2 b ; ¡)x " *x ¢f U x dx a and again f need not be quite this smooth. This formula is easily checked without any RS theory, and gives the error estimate Mh 2 , where M is a bound for |f U x |. If one can integrate by parts once more, the standard error estimate for the trapezoidal rule results. If h b " a is small, successive integrations of )x " *x approach zero so that the smoother f is, the better the approximation, but with derivative terms in the quadrature rule. For the composite trapezoidal rule, just add the above over adjacent subintervals. This is messy, but exact, and uses nothing about polynomial approximation. For the composite midpoint and trapezoidal rules with mesh width h, this produces an order h estimate with one bounded derivative, and the usual Oh 2 rate of convergence with two bounded derivatives. The project includes extending the above to the composite midpoint rule for fx x p over 0, 1 with 0 p 1, getting convergence rates Oh p1 , so that the rates interpolate, and similarily for the improper integrals where "1 p 0. The analysis gets tricky, and I am unaware of such previous results. For smooth functions, continued integration by parts is available, and should continued on page 16 result in an elementary derivation of Romberg integration for acceleration of convergence of 14 Mathematics Spring/Summer 2008 Going the Distance: Mathematics Education Professor takes Online Learning to the Next Level By Linda Simonson, Associate Professor of Mathematics and Suzanne Weinberg, Education Specialist, CEMELA What exactly is distance learning? For most, the term conjures up the dreary image of a professor lecturing on a video screen to an inert audience of faceless students—a stopgap measure at best and not a desirable education tool. But that would be underestimating its potential. “Most people have no idea how powerful distance learning can be to address a variety of academic/ access issues,” said Linda Simonsen, Associate Professor in the Department of Mathematics. Today Simonsen is working hard to change the old perceptions by showing how useful and practical online learning can be. She spent her early career teaching mathematics classes the conventional way—on the campus of Montana State University in face-to-face classes. In 2000, she began addressing the acute shortage of mathematics teachers in the K-12 system. “Montana is a rural state. We wanted to offer certification and professional development courses, but commuting hundreds of miles to the nearest “...teachers discuss ideas with the class online, instantly test the ideas in their own classroom, then enlighten the course discussion with results...the ideal way to meld theory and practice,” campus was not an option for teachers working in tiny towns. But they all had computer access, so why not offer mathematics courses online?” Simonsen said. She plunged in, developing some of the first distance education courses designed for rural mathematics teachers. Simonsen set up her courses based on a growing body of literature about how asynchronous online discourse—communication mediated by The University of Arizona The University of Arizona technology and not dependent on instructors and students being in the same location at the same time—can enhance learning. In fact, her current research focuses on how to evaluate effective online mathematical discourse. A recent grant from the Arizona Board of Regents is allowing Simonsen to share her expertise in distance learning at the UA. Funding provides for the development of additional online mathematics courses for teachers. The development and teaching of these courses will not be done by Simonsen, however. The grant allowed Simonsen to conduct a workshop to train UA faculty to modify their existing courses for online delivery. One participant in the workshop was surprised by the depth of information she got. Lecturer Virginia Horak, developer of the Geometry for Teachers course, said, “I expected the workshop to give me valuable techniques and strategies to use in an online course. The wonderful surprise was that it provided me with the opportunity to rethink how valuable learning experiences from a faceto-face course could be redesigned for an online environment.” Simonsen’s vision for online learning does not stop with mathematics courses for teachers. “I am all about finding creative solutions to chronic problems, whether they are reduced budgets, lack of space or academic access. I hope people will consider distance learning as a viable component of the solutions that we are seeking to make UA relevant and vital in the 21st century,” she said.© 15 There’s also a considerable difference in the way material is presented. Previously, classrooms were teacher-centered—the teacher would stand at the blackboard and work problems while explaining the theory. Today’s classroom is student-centered, Adams said, with more student interaction, engagement, and exploration. “One of the best parts about it,” Simonsen said, “is that teachers discuss ideas with the class online, instantly test the ideas in their own classroom, and then enlighten the course discussion with their results. It’s the ideal way to meld theory and practice.” When Simonsen arrived at The University of Arizona in 2007, she found the same problems she had encountered in Montana—a mathematics teacher shortage that is especially severe in rural communities. In the spring of 2008, she taught her online mathematics course to teachers throughout southern Arizona. Mathematics Spring/Summer 2008 Enter Arizona Teacher Initiative, the inaugural program of the Institute for Mathematics and Education. Under the watchful eye of Professor Daniel J. Madden, the ATI offers a solution to this sticky math problem: a Master’s Degree in middle school mathematics and leadership. The threeyear degree program, designed for the working middle school math teacher, focuses in-depth on mathematics, math pedagogy, and professional development and leadership. Donna Rishor, left, and Kathy Temple confer on a problem in the evening class, Math 505 D Data Analysis and Probability for K-8 Teachers. The pair is part of the first cohort in the Arizona Teacher Initiative, a program at The University of Arizona, designed to extend middle school math teachers’ knowledge of advanced mathematics and prepare them to take a leadership role in their schools. Middle School Mathematics Teachers Study Hard Too By Karen Schaffner, Admin. Assistant If today’s parents are having difficulty helping their children with middle school math, they’re not alone. Some of their children’s teachers are having the same problem. “A vast majority of middle school mathematics teachers are elementary school-certified; and many of them get coerced into teaching math,” said Sue Adams, Co-Director of the Center for Recruitment and Retention of Mathematics Teachers at The University of Arizona. “Unless you are a somewhat recent graduate you may be ill-prepared for today’s math.” According to Adams, even as recently as the midnineties, middle school students (those in the sixth, seventh, and eighth grades) were taught primarily arithmetic, fractions, decimals, percents, and word problems. Today’s students see problems in algebra, geometry, probability, and data analysis. “For some teachers, that’s a big leap,” Adams said. “The object is to have a solid Master’s Degree that covers the mathematics of middle school and educational leadership to really improve the quality of instruction in middle school,” Madden said. “It is not a typical Master’s Degree.” To be accepted into the program, potential students had to undergo a rigorous interview process that included teaching a math lesson. “We were excited by the lessons that were student-centered, engaging, and used manipulatives. We felt those teachers were most likely to be open to new ideas and ready to move forward,” Adams said. Cassie Gribble is typical of the teacher the ATI is targeting. With 20 years’ experience teaching first, second and third grades at Pueblo Gardens Elementary School in Tucson, Gribble took on middle school mathematics three years ago. “With that change, I needed to improve my mathematics for the kids,” she said. Gribble said the mathematics and pedagogy she is learning in the program is now being implemented in her classroom. “I’m asking better questions, pushing (students) further. We’re going beyond what they did before,” she said.© continued on page 16 16 Mathematics Spring/Summer 2008 Middle School Mathematics Teachers – continued from page 15 The first cohort of ten students, including Gribble, began school in August of 2007. They are now almost halfway to their degree. As an incentive to encourage teachers to enroll, ATI offered full scholarships to The University of Arizona along with a small stipend. At the end of three years, graduates will have a Master’s Degree in Middle School Mathematics Leadership. Program funding comes from a $4.8 million, five-year grant, awarded by the National Science Foundation Math and Science Partnership. After that, the program has to find its own funding. Because the participants already lead challenging lives—they work fulltime and often have families and other responsibilities—ATI classes accommodate their schedules; most are taught at night. It is also hoped that in the future classes will be offered online. “We want to create a curriculum that anyone can take,” Madden said. For the first two years, classes are divided into four- and three-unit classes. Two instructors teach the four-unit classes, which cover mathematics and pedagogy. The three-unit classes focus on methods of research and mathematical investigation. The third year is dedicated to research in the students’ middle school mathematics classroom, although this could change as the first cohort has not yet reached its final year. The element that runs through all three years, however, is leadership. “The idea is that when the student comes out of this degree, they are able to take a leadership role in their school,” Associate Professor Rebecca McGraw said. She’s a Co-Principal Investigator for the ATI grant. That role can take any number of forms. “It could be an after-school study group, or a districtwide leader in middle school mathematics. It varies according to the person.” Because the goals are so far-reaching, the work can be a challenge. “I think for some people it’s been a huge pedagogical shift; for others it’s more of a confirmation,” Gribble said. “It does require work on our part but we The University of Arizona The University of Arizona Mathematics Spring/Summer 2008 don’t have to do a lot that doesn’t have to do with learning.” Math Majors Add Experience Outside the Classroom Presentations, Symposia, Conferences Still, Madden feels program participants are smart, inquisitive people. By William Yslas Vélez, Associate Head, Undergraduate Program and University Distinguished Professor of Mathematics For the composite midpointmiddle and trapezoidal “In Arizona, people teaching school math are rules with mesh width h, this produces order trained to teach kindergarten through the an eighth hgrade. estimate with one bounded derivative, and the They are good teachers. They weren’t afraid 2 convergence withoftwo usual Oh rate of a challenge andofthey weren’t afraid math,” bounded derivatives. The project includes Madden said. It was a very short jump to teaching extending themath above to the composite midpoint middle school full-time. “A lot of people looked p over 0, 1 with 0 p 1, getting rule for fx x at that and said, ‘These people are the problem,’ and p1 convergence ratesWe Oh so thatthe thesolution.” rates throw them away. think ,they’re © interpolate, and similarily for the improper integrals where "1 p 0. The analysis gets tricky, and I am unaware of such previous Two Examples of Assistantships – continued from page 13 results. For smooth functions, continued integration by parts is available, and should result in an elementary derivation of Romberg integration for acceleration of convergence of the trapezoidal rule. Though the integrations by parts are messy, patterns emerge quickly. Both of these projects use techniques that I have not seen used on these problems in the mathematical literature. To that extent, they are new, at least pedagogically. In olden days when I was young, they could have been publishable as original research. When I first made Amanda’s project available, I was hopeful that it would lead to new understanding of the behavior of the Rayleigh quotient algorithm. That was too far to go in a one semester project. Her development, however, applies equally to integral operators with a positive kernel and a dominant positive eigenfunction, and to bounded self adjoint operators in Hilbert spaces. The catch is that the iterations may be difficult to carry out. My motivation for Johnson’s project is a desire to see what happens if one applies quadrature rules to compute integrals from graphical data. One can fit curves first, but based on a summer job as a data reductionist while in college, such data can be quite bumpy–with corners and cusps. The idea here is to get an accurate notion of what happens without the intermediate step of curve fitting.© The undergraduate mathematics major at The University of Arizona is involved in a wide variety of activities, as evidenced by the two different student experiences that follow: “What does one do with a mathematics degree?” is a question that we have often heard. For most of society, mathematics is equated with teaching. Through the hard work of the Center for the Recruitment and Retention of Mathematics Teachers, our graduating classes have a strong contingent of wellprepared mathematics teachers. The mathematics department is involved in a wide variety of creative—and nationally funded—activities to improve the teaching of mathematics. The career path of mathematics majors is now much more complex than it was just 20 years. Summer internship opportunities now attract our finest mathematics majors and these students spend exciting summers applying their analytical skills to help companies develop their ideas and promote their businesses. Patrick Valenzuela’s write-up attests to the excitement that comes from participating in these activities. A large percentage of the mathematics majors who had summer internships worked in an applied setting, using their mathematical skills to investigate phenomena in the biological sciences or on a NASA project. Of course, mathematics is a fascinating subject in itself and many of the mathematics majors spend their summers in mathematics research projects. Kyle Marshal describes a wonderful experience that he had in Budapest (every year several of our students spend a semester there). Kyle decided to spend a year of intense mathematical study, but that was not enough mathematics for him. After Budapest, he was accepted into the summer program at Mt. Holyoke College in Massachusetts, where he participated in a research project in mathematics. Travel and the intense study of mathematics and its applications are now part of the landscape of undergraduate mathematics. The Mathematics Department is proud of the accomplishments of its undergraduates and continues to look for more resources to support the undergraduate program. If your firm hires summer interns, please contact me at velez@ and I will encourage the undergraduate mathematics majors to apply to your programs. We hope that you will join us in our efforts to produce a mathematically literate society.© 17 David Lomen, University Distinguished Professor, was on a six-member committee of the College Board that organized a meeting of 51 university mathematics department heads in Chicago on Oct. 4 and 5. The purpose was to discuss the current and future Advanced Placement Calculus program and how it aligns with college calculus courses. Alain Goriely, Professor, will be a plenary speaker and course lecturer in November at BIOMAT-2008 in Brazil. He will be a plenary speaker in January at Dynamics Days-2009 in San Diego; Biomechanics of Growth in March in Bristol, England; and SIAM-Dynamical Systems in May in Snowbird, Utah, where he will also give a mini-symposium talk. Goriely will be a workshop participant at Computational Morphodynamics in December at the Biosphere 2, a course lecturer and school organizer at New Trends in Biomechanics in July in Les Houches, France; and will be giving the Physics Colloquium at Princeton University in January. William G. McCallum, University Distinguished Professor and Director of the Institute for Mathematics and Education, is one of the organizers of the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute, Dec. 11 and 12, at MSRI on the campus of the University of California at Berkeley. He will give two presentations on Jan. 5 and 6 at the Joint Mathematics meetings in Washington D.C. He will also be one of the keynote speakers at the Chicago Symposium Series on Excellence in Teaching Mathematics and Science: Research and Practice, which will take place March 6 at Loyola University. Douglas Ulmer, Professor, will be giving a graduate course at the 2009 Institute for Advanced Study/Park City Math Institute in June.© 18 Mathematics Spring/Summer 2008 Google Success for this Undergrad The University of Arizona By Patrick Valenzuela DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS I’m not quite sure how it happened, but I spent the last two summers working for today’s coolest employer (see photo on the next page). Laptops for instructors (each) $1650 It all started after attending a January 2007 Google recruiting event in the Math building. I went to the talk without much hope of working for Google and left feeling the same way. A few weeks later, I received a call from a recruiter. I, a sophomore at the time, was told that it was doubtful I could get a software engineering internship due to my lack of experience. Fortunately, a new position was in the works. Long story short, I became the first Information Technology Field Technician intern in the Phoenix office, assisting employees around the globe with technical matters. It was the most fun and rewarding summer I could have imagined. This past summer, I returned to Google Phoenix as a software engineering intern. My host was Daniel Norwood, a University of Arizona alum (Math and Computer Science) that I had worked with in the previous year. I was put on a team with two other interns (both Arizona State University students, but I survived). We created an application from scratch (with the help of Google’s enormous load of infrastructure) and came out with a working system. My role was creating the application’s frontend using WebWork, a Java-based web application framework, and Google’s recently open-sourced GXP (Google XML Pages). There was an immense learning curve involved with such rapid development, but the environment was just right. I don’t enjoy sounding like a recruiting advertisement, but Googlers are a diverse group of amazing people. It’s quite a humbling experience to be surrounded by experts in the industry and programming geniuses. Realizing that you’re the dumbest person in the room is not a negative. It is an opportunity to learn and grow. Conversations at the office range from new ping pong techniques to Zeno’s Paradoxes. Most important of all, working at Google is fun. Perhaps the best way to put this into perspective is a quote from one of my coworkers, Trevor, after he had just finished a new feature of our application’s backend: “I just legitimately used hyperbolic tangent!”© The University of Arizona take weekend trips into Austria, The Czech Republic, Romania, or other nearby countries. One of my favorite experiences was a weeklong trip to Croatia that I took with a group of other students. On another trip, I visited Bulgaria and Romania. When I wasn’t traveling, I spent my weekends taking in all that Budapest had to offer; from visiting parliament and the castle to going on picnics in City Park, exploring the caves, or soaking in one of Budapest’s many mineral baths. WISH LIST Smart Boards and accessories for classrooms (each) $5000 Conference Room furnishings Table (each) Chairs (each) Projector (each) $1200 $150 $1800 Commons Room furnishings Chairs (each) $100 Water coolers (each) $200 Scholarships • Daniel Bartlett Memorial Fund • Clay Travel Fund • Graesser Foundation Math Scholarship • Lusk Scholarship in Mathematical Sciences • Rick Peet Memorial Scholarship Google Success for this Undergrad — It has been two busy summers for Patrick Valenzuela of Tucson, a senior mathematics major at The University of Arizona. As an intern at Google in Phoenix, Valenzuela put his mathematics knowledge to use first as an IT field technician and then as a software engineer. • Richard Pierce Memorial Fund Discovering Math in Budapest By Kyle Marshall What brought me to Budapest was the Budapest Semesters in Mathematics program (BSM), a math intensive program designed by a handful of famous Hungarian mathematicians, including Paul Erdős. The courses are taught in the Hungarian style, with a strong focus on problem solving. Inside and outside the classroom, I collaborated with top mathematics students from schools throughout the country and developed close friendships that I know will last for the rest of our lives (see photo on next page). I also worked closely with Hungarian mathematicians and took various interesting courses that are not Mathematics Spring/Summer 2008 19 When I reflect upon my experiences in Budapest, I don’t think of the intense mathematics courses I took, the amazing people I’ve met, or the vibrant Hungarian culture. What I think about is actually quite strange, and certainly unexpected. I think of the street that runs by my apartment, Erszebet Korut, and I always picture myself walking along the tram route, as I had done hundreds of times over the course of my stay. This image is more powerful to me than any of the other memories I retain because of what Budapest represents to me. For an entire year, this was my home. It was my silent sanctuary in times of study and my launching pad during nights of dancing and sampling exquisite beers. Out of this apartment I experienced the best and worst of Budapest, and came to appreciate it for all its beauty.© typical for an American undergraduate curriculum. One of the most famous classes offered at the BSM program—and one of my favorite—is Conjecture and Proof, a course designed with the help of Erdős, which focuses on exploring and solving difficult problems in mathematics. The quality of the classes was rivaled only by the quality of the professors who taught them. One of my favorite professors was Czaba Szabo, who would, to make a point, hurl chalk at the blackboard from across the room. His enthusiasm was contagious, and learning with him was never dull. Though the program was a mathematically intensive one, the mathematics is only one facet of the Budapest experience. The program also offers courses in Hungarian Culture, including a popular class in Hungarian film. Located in the center of Europe, Hungary is a perfect place from which to travel. Access to Western Europe is only a cheap flight away, and trains are a great and easy way to Discovering Math in Budapest — Kyle Marshall of Chandler, a University of Arizona senior mathematics major, sits by the Statue of Anonymous, a statue in City Park in Budapest, Hungary, where renowned and quirky mathematician Paul Erdõs also used to visit regularly. Marshall spent a year at Technical University Budapest studying mathematics but his most vivid memory of Budapest is of Erszebet Korut, the street where he walked daily in the Eastern European city.