Care Cables Fall 2010 - Ronald McDonald House of Akron


Care Cables Fall 2010 - Ronald McDonald House of Akron
Care Cables
Ronald McDonald House of Akron’s Newsletter to Friends
Fall 2010
Footsteps to the Future
A Grand Gala 2010
n Saturday, October 2, the
Ronald McDonald House
of Akron celebrated its 25th
anniversary of service to the
community with “A Grand Gala
2010” at the Firestone Country
Club. The gala featured a tribute
to William Considine, President
and CEO of Akron Children’s
Hospital, who was instrumental
in securing a Ronald McDonald
House for Akron.
The evening was carried on radio
station 91.3 FM via a live remote,
and began with a cocktail
reception and silent auction,
followed by a welcome by
Ronald McDonald before dinner.
Special guest for the evening was
Jim Murray, co-founder of the
Ronald McDonald House program
and former General Manager for
the Philadelphia Eagles, who spoke
about the creation of the Ronald
McDonald House concept.
The event also acknowledged the
handful of people who have been
with the House for all of its 25
years: William Considine, Robert
Klein, John Shaffer, Colin Crites,
Sharon Crites, Darlene Lewis,
Lois Reaven, Joan Robinson, Fran
Sawaya, Dana Zahuranec and
Sandi Freygang. Additionally, focus
was given to three longtime RMH
Board members, Mary Yanko, Emily
Petrarca, and Dale Freygang, as well
as to area McDonald’s owner/operators, such as John Blickle and Dick
Heidman, whose support played
an integral role getting the Akron
House built.
The program concluded with a
video tribute to William Considine
followed by closing thoughts by
Mr. Considine.
The gala was planned by Cindy
Misheff, Board President of the
RMH of Akron, and Anne Collins,
Resident Manager of the House.
1. Bill Considine with first Resident
Manager of RMH Akron, Blanche
2. 91.3 FM remote broadcasting crew.
3. Bill Considine with Mayor Don
Plusquellic and guest, and David
4. Bill Considine with Ronald McDonald
House Program co-founder Jim
Murray and his wife, Dianne.
5. Cindy Misheff with Craig Wilson,
Executive Director, RMH Cleveland.
6. Ronald McDonald with RMH Board
Member Katie Redle.
Donations In The Fast Lane
In Josie Greco’s Honor.
n Saturday, May 22, in the town of New Castle, Pennsylvania, the Advance Auto
Parts store celebrated its third annual Customer Appreciation Day. It featured a
car show, music and hot dog sales. Anyone who attended may have bought a hot dog
from an attractive young woman, Jean, and her curly-headed daughter, Josie. Josie’s
father, Louie, races two drag racing cars sponsored by Advance Auto, and the proceeds
from the day were donated this year, as in the past, to the Ronald McDonald House of
Akron in Josie Greco’s honor.
What follows is the story of how the Greco family came to be involved with
Akron Children’s Hospital and the Ronald McDonald House of Akron.
Louie and Jean Greco live in the
small town of Edinburg, PA, about
15 miles from Youngstown, Ohio.
On April 17, 2008, Jean went into
premature labor at St. Elizabeth’s
Hospital in Youngstown, and on
April 30 she gave birth to a twopound girl, Josie, at 29 weeks
gestation. On May 8, Josie was
transferred from the NICU at St.
Elizabeth’s to the NICU at Akron
Children’s to handle complications,
which caused Josie’s kidneys to
shut down. She was also born
with cerebral palsy and had
gastrointestinal problems that
would eventually require a
feeding tube.
As with many of the families at
Ronald McDonald House, the
Grecos and Josie have had multiple
admissions at Akron Children’s and
stays at the House.
Josie’s initial admission was from
May 8, 2008, until July 5, 2008.
She returned for a feeding tube
placement and Nissan surgery in
October, 2008, then hernia repair
as well as other procedures to
her esophagus and stomach in
September, 2009. Her most recent
admission to Akron Children’s
Hospital was on June 24, 2010,
to have her tonsils and adenoids
removed. In addition, they have
returned to the hospital for Josie to
be seen as an outpatient, sometimes
up to three times per week, with a
90-minute drive each way.
During Josie’s admissions, her mom,
Jean, has stayed in her hospital room
with her while Louie and other
family members stay at the Ronald
McDonald House. But during
the long, exhausting, emotionally
draining stays at the hospital, both
were appreciative of having a place
that felt like home, somewhere to eat
a warm meal and take a shower.
The story of Louie, Jean and Josie
Greco is the story of a family. On
April 30, 2008, with the birth of
Josie, the Grecos became a family
of three. But in the time since then,
they have become so much more.
They have a family of supporters
in Edinburg and New Castle, PA,
who donate their time and money
every year to raise funds for the
Ronald McDonald House of Akron.
They have a church family whose
Christian Mother’s Association also
make donations in their behalf. They
have a family of doctors and nurses
who helped to stabilize Josie and
who helped train and prepare Jean
and Louie to bring Josie home and
who continue to support them. And
they have a home and a family at the
Ronald McDonald House of Akron.
Jean’s own words say it all, “…but
please know the Ronald McDonald
House is essential to us with regards
to Josie’s every medical procedure.
We do not do anything locally with
regards to Josie’s medical care. We
are forever grateful for your staff
and volunteers. In so many ways,
you know us better than our closest
family and friends. In my many
months of being an emotional new
mom to a failing two-pound baby
girl, our only child, your staff was my
support system and your facility was
my only constant. I received mail and
flowers while staying at your facility
as if I were “home”. Your staff made
encouraging signs for me to hang
near Josie when allowed. My husband
and Mary (Merendino, evening
supervisor) even have a standing
joke about how to properly load
the dishwasher!”
We are all happy to be part of the
large and growing family that
surrounds Louie, Jean and
Josie Greco.
Ronald McDonald Care Mobile®
takes to the streets.
“Oral health is an
important part of overall health, and good oral
health starts with baby
teeth. If your baby’s
mouth isn’t healthy,
then your baby is not
going to be healthy.”
his is a quote from
Dr. Russell Maier, University
of Washington professor and
Washington Dental Service
Foundation Board Member.
between the ages of three and
six with early childhood cavities,
and will educate families about
the importance of oral hygiene in
overall health.
In May of this year, Ronald
McDonald House Charities® of
Northeastern Ohio, Inc., (RMHCNEO), along with University
Hospitals Rainbow Babies &
Children’s Hospital, McDonald’s®
Restaurant Owners of Northeast
Ohio and individual donors made
it easier for underserved children
across Northeast Ohio to have their
dental needs met with the unveiling
of Ohio’s first Ronald McDonald
Care Mobile®.
The Ronald McDonald Care Mobile
will provide much-needed dental
care to 1,000 eligible children each
year with a goal of serving 6,000
children annually by 2013. This
“clinic on wheels” will be staffed by
UH Rainbow Babies & Children’s
Hospital dentists, pediatric dental
residents and dental assistants.
The Ronald McDonald Care Mobile
is a 42-foot-long, 26,000 pound
state-of-the-art mobile dental clinic
that will target preventive care to
reduce the number of children
Ronald McDonald House
Charities®, Inc., donated $450,000
for the vehicle while UH Rainbow
Babies and Children’s Hospital and
RMHC-NEO are responsible for
fundraising efforts surrounding
the program. Corporate partners
include University Hospitals of
Cleveland, McDonald’s Restaurants
of Northeastern Ohio, Case Western
Reserve University School of
Dental Medicine and McDonald’s
Restaurants USA.
In the words of Dr. Gerald Ferretti,
Division Chief of Pediatric
Dentistry at Rainbow Babies &
Children’s Hospital, “Tooth decay
is the most widespread of chronic
illnesses affecting children ages
three through 17. It is five times
more prevalent than asthma and
seven times more prevalent than
hay fever. Poor dental health has
been associated with diabetes,
heart disease and malnourishment.
Clearly, good dental health is
critical to a child’s overall health.”
Thank you to everyone involved
in bringing this vital service to
Northeast Ohio through the
Ronald McDonald Care Mobile®.
t is hard to believe that just a year
ago we were making plans for
the 25th Anniversary of the Ronald
McDonald House of Akron. Now
a year later we have just completed
“The Grand Gala”, celebrating the
past 25 years and honoring
Mr. Bill Considine, the President
and CEO of Akron Children’s
Hospital. It was Mr. Considine’s
vision and leadership that made
this house a reality.
Having just been with the House
for two years, this past year has
been such an education for me. As
we sifted through books and stacks
of archives, I was so impressed by
the people who were there in the
very beginning and still play a vital
role 25 years later. I am humbled by
the people who have come to the
house through the loss of a child
and somehow worked through
their unimaginable grief to help
others. As always, the support of
the thousands of volunteers who
have come through our doors over
the years has been amazing. It is not
just a platitude to say that the doors
of this house would never have
remained open without them.
We are “The House That Love
Built”, but we are also the house
that love cares for and maintains.
The Gala Celebration carried the
theme of “Footsteps to the Future”.
The coming years will be exciting
and challenging ones for the house
with growth being a certainty. Our
20 rooms are always full with a
long waiting list and, sadly, we have
to turn away families who need a
Anne Collins
A Message From Our Resident Manager
room. Akron Children’s Hospital
had 20 doctors on staff in 1985;
they now have 390. Please join and
support us as we move into the
future. If you have not been to our
house in awhile or maybe have never
been here, please come and visit. I
promise you will be impressed and
amazed at what takes place inside.
On behalf of all the Staff we wish
you a wonderful holiday season
filled with health and happiness.
Pop Tabs For The Greater Good
ne pop tab. It only weighs one-fifth of a gram. It’s not worth much.
But when you have a community of people collecting those pop tabs—
one at a time—from schools, universities, churches, businesses and other
organizations, not to mention individuals, they add up fast.
Since the community of people who surround the Ronald McDonald House
of Akron began collecting them, they have turned in approximately 5,800
pounds, which translates to about 6,145,000 tabs.
The proceeds from these pop tabs, along with matching funds from
Mr. Jamie Showers and the First Christian Church of Canton, have been
used to purchase a computer to be used by the families staying at the House.
Wayside Furniture donated a table and chair for the computer.
Anyone interested in helping with the collection of pop tabs can call the Akron House at
330.253.5400. All proceeds are used for projects in the House to benefit our families.
Meal Donors
Many thanks to the following dining establishments, organizations and
individuals who have provided meals to the Ronald McDonald House of
Akron this year:
356th Fighter Group
Alpha Phi Omega
Altrusa International
Alycia Taylor
Amy Geiser & friends
Applebee’s Restaurant
Hudson Dr.
Berlin NE Church
Beta Sigma Phi
BJ’s Wholesale Club
Bob Evans Restaurant,
Chapel Hill
W. Market St.
Capri Pizza & Wings
Catering by
Culinary Duet
Cathy Schrock & friends
Charlotte Hosey &
Koinonia Sunday
School gals
Christ Child
Christie Long
Circle Café Catering
Cynthia’s Edibles
Daughters of Penelope
Debbie Smith
DeVitis Italian
Market & Deli
Diamond Marcum &
Dine In Diva
Akron Children’s
Hospital Resident
Edna Miller
Elaine Hawthorne
Emma Yoder
F. Esposito
Culinary Events
Falls Deli
First Church of God
Giant Eagle #4025,
Giant Eagle #4096
Kent Rd.
Grace Church
H & R Block
Islamic Medical
James Lipjanic
Jane Comunale
Jennifer Kupiec & friends
Jenny Jurkovic & friends
Jesse Neidert & friends
Jr. Mom’s Club, Stow,
Munroe Falls, Silver Lake
Julie LeFever
JWCC - Junior Women’s
Civic Club
Kathy Dieckman, Connie
Moyers, & Peggy Tobias
Katie Evans & her girl
scout troop
Katie Wright, Dana
Kiefer & friends
Kent State Univ. –
Catholic Student Assoc.
Kirbie Family Meats &
Laura Tucci & family
Lea Heidman
Little Caesars Pizza
Marilyn Yoder
Menches Brothers
Michelle Boldt
Mickey Whitehurst
Modista Fashion Group
Moe’s Restaurant
Mustard Seed Market
& Cafe
Nancy Peacock
Nancy Walker Gerbetz
Luisa Iturriaga, et al.
Nick Triola Family
Chapel Hill
Olive Garden
Chapel Hill
Penn Station
Pizza Hut
Real Life Bible Study
Group, Grace Church
Rhodes Catering
Rizzi’s Ristorante &
Rocco’s Pizza
Rubber City Grill
Sandy Adkins
Sharon & Mark Kohler
Shisler’s Cheese House
St. Anne’s Circle, St.
Mary’s Parish
Stephanie Allen & family
Stutzman’s Bi-Rite
Tangier’s Restaurant
Tap House
The Spaghetti Warehouse
Todaro’s Party Center
Vikki & Rodney Shadie
Vinceen Davis &
Jen Hajdu
Waterloo Restaurant
Western Reserve Students
White House Chicken
Elementary School
Yocono’s Restaurant
Zeppe’s Pizzeria
Zion Lutheran Church
Our Wish List
Please check this list of items
and foods that we so often need
at our House. We’re thankful for
all the businesses, groups and
individuals who refill our pantry
and store rooms.
Before making a large donation,
we ask that you call 330-253-5400
to set up a delivery time.
Pop tabs
Stouffer’s or Lean
Cuisine entrees
Canned fruit
(individual servings)
Potato chips,
pretzels, etc.
(15 oz – 29 oz
cans are best)
Fruit juices
(individual servings)
Cheese (shredded,
slices or blocks)
Fresh fruit &
Salad dressing
Corn muffin mix
(Ranch, French, etc.)
Chicken & beef
Canned frosting
Brownie mixes
Barbecue sauce
Baking nuts
Boxed potato
Chocolate chips
(scalloped, au gratin,
Cooking oil
Ziplock bags
Cream of
celery soup
Dryer sheets
(any size)
Paper towels
Sweet pickles
Laundry detergent
Bush’s baked
Sample size
Boxed cereal
Grocery Store gift
Pop tarts
Granola bars
B J’s gift
Fruit Roll-ups
The Ronald McDonald House
of Akron is now available on
Please visit us at
The Ronald McDonald House of Akron has been truly blessed by the generosity of
many individuals, organizations and businesses from Akron and the surrounding
communities who have given donations of food and materials, as well as their time.
These are names of just a few of the generous people who donate to our House.
Spirit of
Below is a list of just some of the groups and individuals who have supported
our House in the past few months. To them, and the countless others who
have also lent a helping hand to our House, we offer our heartfelt thanks.
AAA - Akron Auto Club
Akron Beacon Journal
Akron Children’s Hospital
Akron Zoological Park
Allen Fowler
Alpha Delta Pi
American Legion Aux.,
Stark Co.
Andrew Olah
Aultman College
Student Senate
Aultman Hospital School
of Radiology
Bath Volunteers for Service
Carl F. Stevens
Carol & Larry Valentine
Celia Lutledge
Charles A. Myers
Christ Child Society,
Akron Chapter
Clear Channel Radio
Cleveland Cavaliers
♥♥ Coca Cola Bottling Co.
of Akron
♥♥ Community of
Christ Church
♥♥ ConKerr Cancer
♥♥ Country Pure Foods, Inc.
♥♥ Courtney’s Cans for Kids
♥♥ Dale Posterli
♥♥ Dean R. Rinehart
♥♥ Deanna Moorman
♥♥ Dillard’s, Summit Mall
♥♥ Doris Mumaw
♥♥ Dunkin’ Donuts
♥♥ Eastside Maytag
♥♥ Edith Weisend
♥♥ Eight: Twenty-eight
Global Gift Fund
♥♥ Elizabeth Green
♥♥ Embroider Your Own
♥♥ Fedelma Dixon
♥♥ Flo Iacobucci
♥♥ Freshway Market
George Galehouse, DDS
Georgia Pacific
Hildy Boley
Huron County 4-H
J.C. Penney’s
Jean & Louis Greco
Jeff Ashton
Jennifer & James Wargacki
John Blickle
Johnson United
Methodist Church
Junior Hershberger
K.I.S.S. Quilters
Knights of Columbus
Krispy Kreme Donuts
Kristy Smeznik
Land O’Lakes
LaZBoy Furniture Galleries
Libert Bozzelli
Main Street Gourmet
Mali Mwonyonyi
Maralyn Yanko
Mark E. Moore
Mary Jane Allen
Elementary School
Neil Sheinin
Phi Mu Sorority
PPG Industries Foundation
Ray D. Ebie
Reiter Dairy
Renee Kersey
Richard Gilmore
Richard Horak
Richard M. Thomas
Richfield Amvets #176
Robert Querry
Robert White
Romaine Coniglio
Ronald McDonald
House Charities of
Northeastern Ohio
Rosalie Snavely
hat a year! We began
celebrating our 25th year
of service in the community with
a birthday party for the House on
January 13, 2010 commemorating
the actual day we opened our
doors. In the month of July we
celebrated the commitment our
volunteers have shown to our
House by hosting a “Street Fair” in
their honor complete with a steel
drum band and food catered by
Moe’s. Most recently in October
we held a 25th Anniversary Gala at
Firestone Country Club honoring
Mr. Bill Considine, CEO of Akron
Children’s Hospital, for his vision to
open a Ronald McDonald House in
Akron and his 25 years of continued
support. It was a magical evening.
Besides all the celebrating, it was
a busy year for the House as we
have served 545 families through
September. We also housed six
transplant families with long-term
stays of up to 60 days with more
families on the way. We are over 93%
occupancy but unfortunately we
have had 2,981 families on the wait
list year to date.
With the continued growth of
Akron Children’s Hospital the
needs of our House have changed
and will require us to expand our
facilities. As we work in tandem
with the hospital currently the
Rubber City McDonald’s
Salvatore Baglieri
Sam’s Club #4750
Sandy K. Rush
Shearer Foods Inc.
Stanley Zurowski
Steve Emerick
Stow United
Methodist Church
Temperature Control
Terry McFeeders
TNT Exterminators
Trevor Ogi
Trumbull County Junior
Fair Board
West Branch High School
William Bebb
William Considine
William O. Roush
Jeanne Sutter – Hillcrest
Elememtary School
Maddy Haskell
Cindy Misheff
A Message From Our President
details of our growth options are
being studied and assessed and
we are committed to fulfilling
our mission of providing a “home
away from home” for children and
families our hospital serves. As our
brand and reputation continue to
grow in our community, I am very
optimistic about our ability to meet
this challenge as we take steps to
the future. Won’t you join us in
accomplishing this mission.
Street Fair Celebration In Honor Of RMH 25th Anniversary
n January 13, 1985, the Ronald
McDonald House of Akron
opened its doors, providing a home
away from home for the families of
sick children at Akron Children’s
Hospital. Since its opening, the
backbone of the House has been its
volunteers. So on July 18, the House
and its Board paid tribute to those
volunteers—and celebrated the 25th
anniversary of the House—with a
Street Fair in their honor.
needs of their children. The staff of
the Akron House consists of three
full-time employees, two part-time
employees, and a small number
of “fill-in” staff. As a result, the
House depends on its core of 120
regular volunteers to cover twelve
hours each day (in 3 four-hour
shifts), seven days a week, including
weekends and holidays. In 2009,
this translated to 93,000
volunteer hours.
As anyone who has stayed at a
Ronald McDonald House knows, it
is a 24-hour operation, with families
coming and going, eating, sleeping,
consoling each other, and generally
living their lives on a schedule
dictated by the hospital and the
Volunteers do everything from
light office work to cooking meals
to cleaning the kitchen or resident
rooms to doing laundry. In a word,
they keep the House running.
The Street Fair, planned in their
honor by Board member Nancy
Walker-Gerbetz, was an afternoon
filled with music from the Hoban
High School Steel Drum Band, food
provided by Maureen Schneider
of Moe’s Restaurant in Cuyahoga
Falls, pictures to commemorate
the day in a photo booth, and, of
course, an appearance by Ronald
One of Ronald McDonald House’s
volunteers, Barb Wolfson, was
celebrating her 80th birthday on the
day of the Street Fair. In a tribute
to his wife and her dedication to
the House, Barb’s husband, Marv,
announced his creation of the “Barb
Fund”, a fund which will be used
for incidental expenses incurred by
residents staying at the House.
Anyone interested in being a volunteer at the Ronald McDonald House of Akron, or in making a contribution
to the House or to the Barb Fund, can call 330.253.5400, and speak to Meri Skiera, Volunteer Coordinator, or
Anne Collins, Resident Manager.
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Ronald McDonald House of Akron
Board of
Trustees Officers:
Cindy Misheff
Heather Jalbert
Vice President
Nancy Walker
Ken Rusinoff
Sheldon Barlette
John Blickle
Roberta Kleinman DeBarr
Jenny DelMedico
Donna Early
Darryl Fieldman
Donna Grigas
Jeffrey Hord, M.D.
Casey Hughes
Luisa Iturriaga
Keith Kilgore
Margaret Matejkovic
Don McCardle
Connie Nolte
Rosie Perez
Anne Collins
Resident Manager
Kathy Seward
House Manager
Mary Merendino
Lauri Esposito
Meri Skiera
Sue Stevenson
Emily Petrarca
Kathleen Redle
Mary Redle
Nicholas Reynolds
John Shaffer
Steve Shriber
Mike Soful
Jim Stroble
Mary Yanko
Dana Zahuranec
John Zoilo
Honorary Members:
William Considine
Robert Klein, M.D.
The Ronald McDonald House of Akron does not
share your personal information (i.e., name, address).
Care Cables:
Communications, Inc.
Casey Hughes
Who to Call
For volunteer opportunities,
either on a regular basis or for
special needs, call Meri Skiera
at 330.253.5400.
For information on organizing
a fundraising event, call
Sheldon Barlette at 330.253.5400.
If your group or organization
needs a speaker to discuss our
mission, call Meri Skiera
at 330.253.5400.
Visit us at:
Care Cables is published by RMH of Akron Inc.
(Ronald McDonald House of Akron Inc.), an
association founded by Akron area families to
provide and operate a Ronald McDonald House
for those who have family members at Akron
Children’s Hospital.
© Copyright 2010. All rights reserved.
The Ronald McDonald House of
Akron was founded by families
for the purpose of providing a
temporary house for those
who have loved ones at Akron
Children’s Hospital. Our home
provides emotional, spiritual and
mental support to all who live
within these walls.