SpeakerCraft - Aldous Systems
SpeakerCraft - Aldous Systems
M u l t i - Z o n e C o n t ro l l e r w i t h E Z - P a d S y s t e m s MZC-88 The system includes: MZC-88 8-Source, 8-Zone Receiver KCM-1.0 EZ-Connect Keypad Module 8 ea. MKP-8.1 Master EZ-Pads with infrared receivers and white, bone and almond faceplates (optional numeric and function EZ-Pads available) IRE-3T Infrared tester EZ-Tools programming software Specifications: • 50 watts per channel x 16 channels (8 stereo zones) • 2 built-in AM/FM tuners with 10 presets per zone (80 total) • 8 Sources with direct push button activation from any of the 8 master EZ-Pads • 8 Independent zones • Telephone paging • Doorbell mute • Ethernet capable • RS-232 interface capability MZC-66 The system includes: MZC-66 6-Source, 6-Zone Receiver 6 ea. MKP-6.1 Master EZ-Pads with infrared receivers and white, bone and almond faceplates (optional numeric and function EZ-Pads available) IRE-3T Infrared tester EZ-Tools programming software Specifications: MKP-6.1 FKP-1.0 • M a s t e r E Z - P a d i n c l u d e d with MZC-66 • F e a t u re s a t o t a l o f 1 2 b u ttons: Of the top 8 b u t t o n s , 6 c a n b e p ro g rammed to be e i t h e r s o u rc e s e l e c t b u t t ons or transport/ f u n c t i o n b u t t o n s , t w o a re for bass and t re b l e c o n t ro l a n d t h e l o wer 4 buttons can b e p ro g r a m m e d f o r a n y f unction except s o u rc e s e l e c t • I n c l u d e s B u i l t - I n I R R e c e i ver • Optional function control EZ-Pad • Features a total of 14 configurable buttons: the upper section is designed for cursor style functions and the lower section for transport commands • Includes a variety of buttons with text and icons for extreme flexibility • Designed to be a slave to the Master EZ-Pad and will not work alone MKP-8.1 NKP-1.0 • M a s t e r E Z - P a d i n c l u d e d with MZC-88 • F e a t u re s a t o t a l o f 1 2 b u ttons: Of the top 8 b u t t o n s , 6 c a n b e p ro g rammed to be e i t h e r s o u rc e s e l e c t b u t t ons or transport/ f u n c t i o n b u t t o n s , t w o a re for tuner 1 and t u n e r 2 a n d t h e l o w e r 4 buttons can be p ro g r a m m e d f o r a n y f u n c tion except source select • I n c l u d e s B u i l t - I n I R R e c e i ver • Optional numeric EZ-Pad • Features a total of 16 configurable buttons: 10 numeric buttons and 6 function buttons • Includes a variety of buttons with text and icons for extreme flexibility • Designed to be a slave to the Master EZ-Pad and will not work alone SpeakerCraft ® • 30 watts per channel x 12 channels (6 stereo zones) • 6 Sources with direct push button activation from any of the 6 master EZ-Pads • 6 Independent zones • Telephone paging • Doorbell mute • Ethernet capable M u s i c A n y w h e re Yo u D e s i re 940 Columbia Avenue, Riverside, CA 92507 (800) 448-0976 Fax (951) 787-8747 www.speakercraft.com SpeakerCraft ® LIT07000 (rev1) O n e B u t t o n C o n t ro l Power is the word. EZ-Pads allow any button to be used to command one listening area or even the entire house. Amazingly, a single button can set off a sequence of events, selecting the source and making sure all your complicated audio/video equipment works easily. The MZC-88 and MZC-66 contain all the IR codes of all the major manufacturers source units, eliminating the need for multiple remote controls. Despite such an astounding degree of capability, the configurable EZ-Pad units are remarkably simple to use. With the push of a button, you can have total control of your whole house music. No one but SpeakerCraft gives you all this power, performance and quality at such a reasonable price. And when it comes to future compatibility, trust SpeakerCraft. We’re the only brand that gives you the freedom to move from wall-mounted EZ-Pads to a hand held remote or even a color LCD touch screen. The Most Advanced Multi-Zone A u d i o / Vi d e o S y s t e m Av a i l a b l e Imagine an audio system that allows you to listen to your favorite song throughout the house, or to music from different audio sources to individual rooms of your home. Sound complicated? Without the right technology and blend of control components, it would be. Leave it up to the trendsetter in distributed audio to make it easy. Introducing Multi-Zone Controllers with EZ-Pads from SpeakerCraft. Now anyone can have music anywhere they desire. What can a multi-zone audio system do for you? The system enables you to play music from a single audio source, throughout multiple rooms of your home, all at different volume levels. You can now listen to the radio in the kitchen, while someone else relaxes to a CD in the living room, and up to six other people listen to their own music throughout the house. Using EZ-Tools, your installer can program up to eight configurable EZ-Pads from any PC computer. Each EZ-Pad contains a built-in IR receiver with easy one button control. A single button can be touched to control one room or the entire house, whatever you desire. Thanks to the most innovative and trusted name in home audio, the finest in multi-room control has arrived. Welcome to the world of whole-house control by SpeakerCraft. The MKP-6.1 Master EZ-Pad is equipped with its own IR receiver and configurable to the number of sources the system includes; extra keys are easily reassigned to other functions and comes pre-configured with bass and treble buttons. The MKP-8.1 Master EZ-Pad is equipped with its own IR receiver and configurable to the number of sources the system includes; extra keys are easily reassigned to other functions and comes pre-configured with tuner 1 and tuner 2 buttons. Our EZ-Tools program software allows your installer to program the MZC-88 or MZC-66 with any PC computer. The systems are so flexible you can have from one to eight (six for the MZC-66) sources accessible per room, leaving the others available for access to other listening areas in the home. Expandable The MZC-88 and MZC-66 models make it easy to expand the system as your needs change. For example, the MZC-88 can be combined with one or more additional MZC-88s for up to 24 zones. Likewise, you can double or triple the MZC-66 for 18 zones or more. Digital Amplification The MZC-88 and MZC-66 multi-zone controllers are the first with state of the art, high efficiency digital amplifiers. This technology results in cooler operation, enhancing long term reliability and increased efficiency. Ethernet Capable The control port serves two purposes. First, it functions to program the EZ-Pads with EZ-Tools, and secondly it offers an input for Ethernet access with our optional ERS-1.0 Ethernet adapter. This technology makes it possible to start with the basic package and upgrade to an LCD color touch screen. With this kind of compatibility, your whole-house Ethernet system can be integrated with this multi-zone system. Optional FPK-1.0 function control EZ-Pad features a total of 14 configurable buttons: the upper section is designed for cursor style commands and the lower section for transport commands. Optional Remote M u l t i - Z o n e C o n t ro l . . . Optional NPK-1.0 numeric EZ-Pad features a total of 16 configurable buttons: 10 numeric buttons and 6 function buttons. Easy Installation The combination of an MZC-88 or MZC-66 multi-zone controller with EZ-Pads can meet the demands of any music lover. The system enables you to power up to eight rooms (six with the MZC-66) and access up to eight different source components (six with the MZC-66). Connect your MP3 player, DVD, CD, satellite, VCR or any source of audio or video and control them individually with the touch of a button. Although the EZ-Pads can be configured to control any audio or video function, you also have the ability to incorporate an EazyR-2 Learning Remote for instant access from anywhere in a room where there is an EZ-Pad installed.