May/June 2011


May/June 2011
Working Together… Improving Teaching and Learning
comm u nica t or
The Iowa Core Wheel
Keeps on Turning...
By Amy Wichman, Quality Learning Consultant, Mississippi Bend Area Education Agency
The 2011-2012 school year will mark year four of work with Iowa Core.
What progress has your district made in the effort to implement the
Iowa Core for content, instruction, and assessment? How have you made
changes for the better to improve the rigor and relevance for students?
What risks have you taken to increase student achievement? How are
you ensuring each and every student has access to core instruction with
an opportunity to learn it? Are your students better prepared for life in
a global environment than they were five years ago? Does your district’s
Implementation Plan reflect the current actions? These are the tough
questions to be addressed and answered as we aggressively embark on
continuation of the work the Iowa Core set forth to accomplish.
In 2009, the Mississippi Bend AEA provided districts with specific
expectations as they embarked on the Iowa Core journey, and put those
recommendations in a document titled, “Iowa Core Mississippi Bend AEA
Roll-Out,” that can be retrieved and referenced from the our web page.
The guidelines were created with the intent to move schools aggressively
and systemically into the solid work of the Iowa Core. Stage Four is
titled, “Making Iowa Core a Reality.” How is your district doing? Have you
accomplished the work in Stages One-Three? Below are the specifications
outlined for Stage Four:
w Goals for EDUCATORS:
P 7 5% or more of staff is able to make explicit connections to
Iowa Core in daily work;
P Identify, apply, and document five Characteristics of Effective
P Integrate Iowa Core across content areas as evidenced by . . . .;
ite evidence of rigor (Quadrant D) in projects, activities,
and units;
P Plans for & includes formative assessments in units; and
P Explicit connections of 21st Century Skills in lessons and units.
w Documentation should include:
1. Review Self-Study ratings (recommended minimum annually)
May/June 2011
2. Updated Implementation Plan
3. C
areer Development Plans and Evaluation documents contain
explicit connections to the Iowa Core
The specifications of the Iowa Core actually set a very high bar for the
effort and expectations of schools. As a reminder, the six Outcomes and
the “theory of action” that accompanies the Outcome make clear the
prospects for schools.
Outcome 1: School leaders build and sustain system capacity to
implement the Iowa Core. Theory of Action: If leadership actions of
administrators, teachers, and the school board are focused and committed
to providing the expertise, guidance, and resources needed to build
capacity and support teaching and learning, then the implementation of the
Iowa Core will result in increased student learning and performance.
Outcome 2: Community members and other supporting agencies work
together to support the implementation of the Iowa Core. Theory of
Action: If multiple partners including parents, school boards, business
and industry, supporting agencies, and other community entities are
interdependent, then schools will function as an integrated system to
provide a coordinated approach, consistent communication, additional
opportunities for learning, and the ongoing supports needed for students
to be successful.
Outcome 3: A continuous improvement process to improve teaching and
learning is used at the district and school level. Theory of Action: If the
Iowa Core and related school improvement processes function as ongoing
continuous improvement processes based on data, then the system will
constantly adjust and improve to yield positive outcomes for all students.
continued on page 2
Feature Articles ����������������������������1 Media Center Resources ������������18
School News ����������������������������������9 Job Openings ��������������������������������19
Conferences & Workshops ����������10 Learning Center Calendar ����������20
Staff Development ����������������������11
Available online at, under Publications/Communications
continued from page 1
August 8, 2010 or January 9, 2011 (Repeat sessions)
Registration Link:
Outcome 4: District/school leaders and other educators monitor and
use data to increase the degree of alignment of each and every student’s
enacted curriculum and other relevant educational opportunities to the
Iowa Core. Theory of Action: If district/school leaders (administrators,
teachers, and the school board) and other educators monitor and
increase the degree of alignment between the intended, enacted, and
assessed curriculum, then the quality of instruction will improve and
student learning and performance will increase.
Leadership Team members who have completed “Step One” will
offer “ICAT Camp” to district personnel participating alignment of
the intended and enacted curriculum. This 1.5-2 hour session is a
prerequisite for use of and access to the Iowa Curriculum Alignment
Tool. Mississippi Bend AEA staff can attend these sessions. The local
education agency (LEA) will determine date and time for ICAT camp
according to their district needs and schedule.
Outcome 5: Educators engage in professional development
focused on implementing characteristics of effective instruction and
demonstrate understanding of essential concepts and skills. Theory of
Action: If professional development is based on the Iowa Professional
Development Model and focused on improved content, instruction, and
assessment practices and educators fully implement what they learn,
then student learning and performance will increase.
LEA’s participating in the alignment process will be expected to have
teachers input data.
STEP FOUR: Looking at Results
Iowa Core Leadership Teams return for this day of data planning to
look at results. Morning work will consist of the review of data (ICAT
and additional district data including ITBS/ITEDS). Teams will have the
opportunity to reflect on curriculum practice and content. Afternoon
time will be spent working as LEA teams to create a plan-of-action for
inclusion in the Iowa Core Implementation Plan.
Outcome 6: Educators implement effective instructional practices to
ensure high levels of learning for each and every student. Theory of
Action: If content is challenging and relevant and teachers routinely
deliver instruction that demonstrates the characteristics of effective
instruction, then student learning and performance will increase.
The Mississippi Bend AEA will remain a solid support to districts and
schools as they expand their learning and implementation of Iowa Core
in each of the six Outcomes.
November 28, 2011 or June 7, 2012
Registration link:
Iowa Core Leadership Team Sessions
Participant feedback indicates districts would appreciate continued
growth and development of their Iowa Core Leadership Teams.
Therefore, Mississippi Bend AEA will be offering two Iowa Core
Leadership days to fulfill the work of the Iowa Core from a leadership
perspective, including designated work time for teams. These two
sessions will not only focus on the composition and review of the
Implementation Plan, but will address issues and topics of greatest
concern to Iowa Core Teams, and provide participants time to network
with one another. The dates for the sessions are as follows:
• Bettendorf Service Center:
October 3, 2011 & February 6, 2012
• Muscatine Service Center:
October 10, 2011 & February 14, 2012
• Maquoketa Hurtsville Center:
October 28, 2011 & February 21, 2012
Alignment Technical Training Dates/Times for
district software administrator/editor:
Registration link:
September 22, 2011 in the Tech lab at the AEA- 8:30-11:30 am
Iowa Core Webinars
Webinars will continue to be offered as an “information getting”
resource for schools and districts. Feedback from surveys indicates
these sessions have provided teams with valuable understandings, tidbits,
and baseline facts participants have appreciated knowing. These brief
one-hour sessions will run from 3:40-4:40 pm on the following dates:
September 8, 2011
October 13, 2011
November 10, 2011
December 8, 2011
February 16, 2012
March 7, 2012 (note Wednesday!)
April 12, 2012
May 10, 2012
Registration link:
STEP ONE: Leadership Team Training
This training consists of the necessary training and delivery for districts
to continue their alignment process in relation to the Iowa Core. This
first phase of the work, “Aligning the Intended Curriculum with the
Enacted Curriculum,” will help districts begin the process of satisfying
the legislated guideline of aligning local content with the Iowa Core
essential concepts and skill sets in Literacy, Mathematics, Science, Social
Studies, and 21st Century Skills. The Leadership Team in attendance will
acquire specific skills and knowledge to lead district personnel on the
completion of quality alignment work.
This remains an exciting time for our State and our area as we
embrace the changes that will make education better for our students.
Districts should continue to challenge themselves to raise the bar for
achievement and implement the Iowa Core according to the intent
and spirit of the legislation. If these sessions do not meet your school
specific needs, staff at Mississippi Bend AEA will make efforts to do so.
For more information on these programs and services, please contact
Amy Wichman,, (563)344-6484 or Nicole
Peterson,, (563)344-6583.
TOP Professional
By Cindy Blinkinsop, Head of Materials & Media Distribution, Mississippi Bend Area Education Agency
Subtitle: Practical Strategies For Partnering
With Families. This resource presents readyto-use ideas to fully engage parents in the
school community. Containing numerous
new strategies for building bridges between
schools and families, this updated edition
provides practical ways to: welcome parents
as vital members of the school community,
sustain ongoing communication with families,
include parents in school governance, develop
parent volunteer programs, and faster shared
ownership of the educational process.
Subtitle: Learning For Life In Our Times. This
essential resource introduces a framework for
21st Century Learning that maps out the skills
needed to survive and thrive in a complex
and connected world. Included knowledge
of traditional core subjects such as reading,
writing, and arithmetic - but also emphasizes
contemporary themes such as global
awareness and financial/ economic, health, and
environmental literacies.
Subtitle: A Quick and Easy Approach to
Helping All students Succeed. This resource
shows teachers how to create an environment
where students feel comfortable, appreciated,
and safe. This timely book offers a host
of strategies for making early language
instruction meaningful to children and argues
that successful teachers (1) believe in their
students (2) teach and review high-frequency
words and letter sounds daily, and (3) assess
their students so as to inform further
Subtitle: Simple Solutions to Complex
Challenges. In this book the authors present
50 simple straightforward techniques for
improving student behavior. Each practical,
well-defined strategy can be applied in
classrooms of all grade levels and subject.
From setting the stage to engaging the
community in understanding the purpose of
collaborative professional learning teams, this
volume covers what leaders need to know
to implement more effective professional
learning. Chapters focus on changing school
culture, scheduling time, planning, using data,
design for professional learning, facilitating
collaborative professional learning teams,
evaluating learning, and more. The role of
central office administrators, the principal,
and the coach in creating successful, effective
learning teams are outlined.
This indispensable reading guide and selection
tool, updated to include titles published from
2004 through 2008, covers the best fiction
and nonfiction for children in grades 9 - 12.
The approximately 15,000 entries include brief
but lively annotations. ISBNs, book length and
price, grade - level appropriateness.
Subtitle: A Guide For Libraries, 3rd Edition.
The author has throughly updated this
edition, she covers new tools and trends,
including current browsers, access methods,
hardware, and software. She also supplies
tips to secure project funding and provides
strategic guidance for all types of libraries.
This newly revised hands-on manual remains
indispensable. Librarians facing the challenge of
creating a web- based instruction program will
find easy-to-understand guidance to deliver a
productive and memorable experience.
Subtitle: Best Practice Language for Improving
Student Behavior. In this book, you’ll find
hundreds of what we call “Best Practice
Language” examples, providing you with the
better ways of thinking, and better ways of
doing. These examples show teachers what
they need to say and what students need to
hear in order to improve student behavior in
the classroom and beyond.
This book insures that your approach to
RTI represents the very best of what is
known about assessment, instruction, and
intervention, the author provides you with a
school proven RTI framework and puts you on
a foundation of sound advice, including; why
RTI doesn’t mean starting over from scratch
on your school improvement effort, how
to ensure your approach to RTI is studentcentered, what RTI looks like when done well,
and how to minimize the overuse of costly
tier 2 and tier 3 intervention.
This book reveals the true joy of coaching,
teaching, and changing the lives of young
people in positive ways. All coaches at every
level should do themselves and their players
a favor and read this book. The book focus
on the beliefs and behaviors, attitudes and
interactions that form the athletic triangle
of athlete, coach, and parents. Learning can
happen in isolation; coaching happens between
Online Learning for Iowa Educators (OLLIE) is an AEA initiative designed to give educators the skills
necessary to teach online. This 5-course sequence helps educators understand how to design online
content, work in online technologies, facilitate an online classroom, and give feedback and assessment in
an online space. Finishing its first year, OLLIE has currently trained over 300 teachers so far.
Now, we have added more OLLIE instructors and more courses. Each OLLIE course is being offered
multiple times this summer. Below is a quick look at the different dates it is being offered.
Technology for Online
Instructional Design
Online Facilitation
Assessment, Feedback,
and Evaluation (NEW)
Brief Description
A course that focuses on the tools an online teacher
can use in her classroom. Participants will learn how
to build in the Moodle platform, how to weave in
other tools such as social bookmarking, RSS, and
synchronous meeting tools, and a chance to explore
other ways of delivering learning activities online.
A course that examines the process of creating sound
lessons and units online--units that are engaging,
interactive, aligned, and focused on end outcomes.
Participants will apply their learning by building the
introductory and first two units of their own course,
either in Moodle or via a unit plan. For those looking
to create a course in Moodle, it is strongly advised to
take the Technology for Online Instruction course
A course that helps a teacher see all the different
considerations that go into teaching online vs.
teaching face-to-face. Everything from how you
schedule your week to how you take on different
styles/roles in the process of teaching, how you frame
your words to how you structure group activity and
build classroom culture. This course involves many
interactive scenario-based activities, giving a teacher a
taste of the tasks an online teacher faces regularly.
Summer Dates
May 9 - June 12
June 13 - July 24
June 20 - July 31
July 11 - Aug 12
This course analyzes the methods by which an
instructor helps a student understand if they are
learning and what else they need to learn. Included in
this is how to establish self-assessment and peerassessment, as well as get participant feedback to
improve a course.
May 30 - July 3
Sept 19 - Oct 23
May 23 - June 26
June 13 - July 17
July 11 - Aug 14
Oct 16 - Nov 20
June 6 - July 15
June 17 - July 24
July 11 - Aug 12
July 18 - Aug 21
Sept 5 - Oct 14
Sept 19 - Oct 31
Our courses will be posted on the new statewide registration system on April 15. Before then, they will be
initially listed on the Heartland Registration System (
For those with questions, please contact Evan Abbey, AEA Project Manager for Online Learning
wesome Web Sites
Free eBooks Online:
Planet eBooks: Classic literature for
eBooks Directory: 4,822 free eBooks in 415
categories – worth checking out:
Science eBooks, textbooks, lectures and other
documents available online:
Google Books has thousands of free books
and magazines that are public domain?
History Sites: has “This Day in History” web
site: also has “This Day in History”
on their web site:
National Geographic has “Photo of the Day:”
History has a Daily Quiz for your
class to take:
The Old Farmer’s Almanac:
Math Sites:
Harvard: video clips showing Mathematics in
Movies. A great resource for teachers wanting
to demonstrate math being used in real-life
Free Technology for Teachers: 11 Math
Resources to try in 2011:
SAT, ACT and GMAT Test Prep Sites:
SAT Question of the day:
This website offers free test prep courses with
user friendly tutorials, practice sessions and
vocabulary builders:
Free online practice test site:
Test prep review site for ACT, SAT, GED,
GMAT, GRE and more:
Download study guides to your computer to
prepare for a variety of tests: SAT, ACT, GMAT,
and many more!
Free practice tests from Kaplan for the SAT,
Free practice tests for ACT, SAT, PSAT, GRE,
Donation to Mississippi Bend AEA Media Center
from the Quad Cities Library & WIU
By Cindy Blinkinsop, Head of Materials & Media Distribution, Mississippi Bend Area Education Agency
The Holocaust Curriculum Cases (1 set with
2 cases) has been created by The Jeff Leibovitz
Special Collection of Holocaust Educational
Materials Steering Committee in 2010. This
set (2) of Holocaust curriculum cases contains
books and other resource materials for
classroom teachers in grades 6-8 to use as
supplementary materials for teaching about the
Holocaust. Literature in the cases was selected
to support students at high, average, and low
reading levels. When available, Lexile ratings
are provided for the literature. The materials in
this case are not intended to be a stand-alone
curriculum but should be used to enhance and
supplement your district’s existing curriculum.
The cases include a CD that contains an
Overview of the curriculum cases that should
be read first by borrowers.
Contents include:
• Resource guide for teachers (CD only)
• Classroom set of books (30)
• Small group/literature circles sets (6)
• Single copies of fiction and nonfiction
• Media
• Reference materials
• Posters
Resource guides are provided for multiplecopy books for classroom use. These guides
• Complete citation
• Subjects
• Summary and setting
• Added note
• Inquiry questions (4)
• Extended response prompt
• Before reading activities
• After reading activities
• Related texts
• Related websites
The set of trunks (which are on wheels and
have a pull-handle) can be checked out for a 4
week period. You may extend your check out
for a fifth week if no one else is on the reserve
list to receive the trunks.
Do you want to supplement your Holocaust
curriculum with thoughtfully selected
materials? Then log into WebMax today to
check out the two trunks of materials. Below
is the link for logging into WebMax, our online
booking system:
We are pleased to reveal Iowa AEA Online
magazines, newspapers, and reference
resources for 2011-2012. The 12 quality
materials. The bundle includes 10 different
resources are not available until August 1, 2011 resources that are age-appropriate:
for accredited Public and Private PreK-12
• Academic OneFile with InfoTrac Collections
schools. Please contact your school Teacher• General OneFile with InfoTrac Collections
Librarian for your NEW login and password
• General Business File ASAP
access to these fine quality resources.
• Health and Wellness Resource Center
• Health Reference Center Academic
Students, parents, school board members,
• InfoTrac Newsstand
staff can access the resources at school
• InfoTrac Junior Edition
or at home. Iowa AEA Online is funded and
• InfoTrac Student Edition
by Iowa’s Area Education Agencies.
• Educator’s Reference Complete
• Kids InfoBits
For detailed downloadable information on
of the resource, visit: http://www.
iCLIPArt For Schools: There are more than
7.8 million royalty-free photos, clipart, fonts,
animations, and sounds that can be used in
multimedia presentations, Inspiration software
Online Resources:
diagrams, school websites, worksheets,
AccuWeather: Local and national weather
newsletters, posters, signs, and more.
and forecasts(PreK-12)
for student researchCultureGrams
SIRS Issues Researc
as a tool for administrators when deciding
Learn360: Streaming media that•offers
• Localandinternationalweather
• Aninsider’sperspectiveon
to call
off school.
thousands of full-length digital videos,
clips, images, audio files, newsreels, speeches
AP Images: Contains over 7 million
and a comprehensive library of teaching
photographs from the 1800’s until present
resources from educational publishers. For
day. There are over 1.9 million sound bites
example, A & E, History Channel, Reading
from the 1920’s to present day. Also includes
Rainbow, Slim Goodbody, Fable Vision,
230,000 maps, charts, timelines, and 2.5 million
Ideas, Meet the Musicians, PBS, Rock
the SAT
• AneResourcepackageoffering
stories from The Associated Press.
and many more!
Resources for 2011-2012
“Students learn more and achieve-
Learning: Includes professional frommagazines,newspapers,
SIRS Issues researcher by ProQuest:
Resources, curriculum materialsandreferencematerials.Ten
This resource is for high school students and
and 230,000maps,chartsand
access to over 50,000 tutorials.
provides teen with various perspectives
over 300 current events and issues
• Licensedaudiothatc
An online literacy resource that
people around the world. Thousands
of articles,
nonfiction books and puts them intoiCLIPART
statistics, websites,invideos,podcasts,a
video storybook format. Read-aloud features
multimedia are available for research
Vocabulary feature
and interactive
Articles are read-aloud enabled andaudiofilesarecrossp
• Acollectionofmorethan7.8
extend student learning.
by Lexile reading levels.
• Professionaldevelopment
Britannica Digital Learning: This resource
Soundzabound: Royalty Free Music
provides a number of resources to support
licensed for use by students, teachers, and
Teen Health & Welln
student research and classroom instruction.
administrators. The MP3audio files are cross
• software
Britannica Digital Learning offers an extensive
platform for use in any Mac or PC
collection of reference and learning materials
that incorporates audio.
that are curriculum aligned and age• Anonlineliteracyresourcethat
Teen Health & Wellness by Rosen
pairsfictionalvideostorybooks Learn360
(grades 7-12): An award
by ProQuest: A close- • Educationalstreamingmedia
database that provides middle school
up look
at the daily life of various cultures, offeringthousandsoffullhigh school students with curricularsuicide,bullying,gre
the history, customs, traditions and lengthdigitalvideos,video
and self-help on topics such as diseases
of people around the world.
conditions, drugs & alcohol, fitness andmore.
& nutrition,
Vocabularyfeatureandinteracclips,images,audiofiles,newsgreen/environmentally-friendly living, mental &
– Cengage Learning: This eResourcehensivelibraryofteaching
emotional health, internet safety, bullying
bundle contains reliable content from
Britannica Digital Learning
• Asuiteofproductsdesignedto
and school violence, and more. Articles are
correlated to Iowa state standards in health
and physical education; science; and language
arts, as well as to the national standards.
For a listing of all resources, including a brief
description and grade levels, click on the link
For detailed downloadable information on
each resource go to:
Coming in April
“Welcome Iowa” webinars for new resources.
New online resource trials for teacher
librarians, technology coordinators and
Coming in May
New user IDs and passwords for student use
beginning August 1.
Coming in June
Access to new Iowa AEA Online website for
teacher librarians, technology coordinators and
Coming in August
Iowa AEA Online cards (business-card size) for
students that will include a space for their new
user ID and password.
Coming in September and October
“Iowa Only” webinars for new resources.
Coming in 2012
New Iowa AEA Online website designed for
elementary, middle and high school students!
NOTE: Historically, Discovery Education
STREAMING PLUS has been provided to your
district/school through the Area Education
Agencies. As previously communicated, Iowa
AEAs will not be able to fund Discovery
Education STREAMING PLUS for the 20112012 school year.
Your Options for Renewing Directly with
Discovery Education
The Iowa Educators Consortium has worked
with Discovery to offer discounted pricing
to Iowa schools for the 2011-2012 school
year. The subscriptions that were provided
through the AEAs and Iowa AEA Online
expire on June 30, 2011. As a courtesy, your
subscriptions will be extended through July
31, 2011 allowing you time to license directly
with Discovery Education. To take advantage
of this offer and for more information about
Discovery Education services, please contact
Austin Dolan at 800.323.9084, ext. 810-2142
Details regarding this service and the Iowa
special pricing can be found by going to: or
downloading the single page pdf at:
Starting on March 21st, Discovery Education
will also be hosting weekly webinars for Iowa
educators which will include an overview of
Discovery Education STREAMING PLUS and
information about how districts and schools
in Iowa can purchase this product direct with
Discovery. Please note that these webinars
are for Iowa educators only and are therefore
password protected. The password is “iowa”
for those who plan to attend and details on
dates and registration can be found via the
following link.
Not Renew Discovery Education STREAMING
If your district or school is unable to renew,
we also want to inform you of an important
issue related to your account. According
to the terms of service, you are no longer
authorized to view, save, store, display or use
in any manner, any of the Discovery Education
content. As agreed upon in the contract
for the subscription, once the subscription
expires, schools may not access or view any
of the content thereafter, wherever it may be
located, and have committed to make sure
that any and all copies or materials that you,
or any students, teachers or administrators,
have downloaded or saved from Discovery
Education are completely erased, deleted
or destroyed from all school computers,
servers, flash drives, DVDs and other portable
storage devices. This includes downloaded
videos, images, audio files, lesson plans or
presentations from the Discovery Educator
Network Resource library.
About Discovery Education
Discovery Education STREAMING PLUS is
the only digital-video-based learning resource
scientifically proven to increase academic
achievement. The most comprehensive digital
teaching resource available today with a
growing library of over 9,300 videos, 75,000
content-specific clips, and more than 150,000
multimedia assets, all designed for easy
integration into a curriculum and correlated
to state standards. For additional information
regarding benefits, features, and content,please
Mississippi Bend AEA Employee Receives Level 1 Certification
Handwriting is a growing area of referral for occupational therapy.
Handwriting Without Tears® recognized the need for qualified
handwriting specialists and created Level 1 Certification; the only
program of its type in the country.
Rhonda Weimerskirk, Certified Occupational Therapy Assistant, for the
Mississippi Bend AEA received her Level 1 Certification in July, 2010.
Rhonda has been using the Handwriting Without Tears program for
more than 7 years. She has experience using the Pre-K and school age
programs and The Print Tool. She has introduced the program to a
variety of educators and parents and feels it is beneficial to all students.
Rhonda has seen remarkable success using the program with students in
special education and in the general education setting.
A Level 1 Certified expert must complete extensive training, testing,
and review of their knowledge and skills to achieve certification. These
experts offer a variety of services, including assessment, tutoring,
presentations, and camps. These individuals are recognized for their
expertise in using the Handwriting Without Tears® program and The
Print Tool™ assessment.
For any questions about how this program can assist you please contact
Rhonda Weimerskirk at or (563)242-6454.
SNAP Smart Search will replace the former
Mississippi Bend AEA Media Catalog, WebMAX
By Cindy Blinkinsop, Head of Materials & Media Distribution, Mississippi Bend Area Education Agency
• Login with your same individual username and password as WebMAX.
• New to your district or switched buildings/districts – call Cheryl
Porter at (563)344-6463 to request a username/password.
•After July 1st, you will be access our new online catalog on the
Mississippi Bend AEA’s main web page ( by
clicking on the green tab at the top entitled, Media Materials.
• After July 1st, a training video and how-to guide with instructions for
using SNAP! will be available at:
Once you are logged in, you get a search screen that looks like this:
Please NOTE: On the main search page, we now have links to FREE
eBook sites for Elementary, Middle School and High School!
Check out the new Digital Video titles Available to download right from
Mississippi Bend AEA Media now provides independently produced
digital videos from award winning companies including:
• Weston Woods/Scholastic – animated children’s picture books
• Human Relations Media – a leading producer of character
education/bullying and drug education titles for teens
• Bullfrog Films – teen films on environment/ecology and cultural
diversity as well as the two series – This is Daniel Cook and This is
Emily Yeung, two six year olds exploring their world.
• Ambrose Video – series on the U.S. Constitution
• Learning Seed – food and nutrition, financial literacy
• Getting to Know – a fun way to teach kids about Art and check out
their Presidents titles
• Film Ideas – over 140 titles have been added from this company
including topics on the environment, financial literacy (Biz Kids) and
the 2 series: Science Screen Report for Kids and Science Screen
• SNAP uses Relevancy Searching. Type in a string of words in the
Basic Search. Items with these words included are moved to the top
of the search results.
o Filters available for Media resource types, Audience level,
Number of minutes, Copyright, Series, Subjects, Producer
and Vendor.
• SNAP produces clear, immediate results in relevancy-ranked order.
It is able to query multiple collections simultaneously, while being fast
and user-friendly.
• Advanced Search allows you to select multiple media types,
nonfiction or fiction, and isolate search to author, title, illustrator, etc.
• SNAP can search multiple databases whether local or off-site,
simultaneously. For example, Learn 360.
• SNAP is multi-lingual and will work with html, RSS Feeds, CVS, Tab
Delimited, Text Files, MARC Records, Word files, RTF or PDF.
• Multiple options to manage your account through the top
menu choices!
Digital video can be viewed or downloaded from the NEW
Mississippi Bend AEA Media catalog.
• The Mississippi Bend AEA Media
Department will not be hosting a Media
Give Away this year.
• The items weeded this year will be stored
until the Spring of 2012 when we do plan to
have a Give Away.
• We weeded our collection and do not have
enough items to warrant a Give Away.
School News
Regional Math Bee
200 area 6th grade students participated in the Mississippi Bend Area
Education Agency’s 33rd annual Regional Math Bee held at the Mississippi
Bend AEA in Bettendorf, Iowa on March 8, 2011.
44 enthusiastic teams of students worked individually and as a team to
solve problems and demonstrate their math skills. The top four teams as
well as the top 3 individuals will represent our region at the State Math
Bee to be held in Fort Dodge, Iowa on May 6, 2011.
The top four teams of the 2011 Regional 6th Grade Math Bee held at
the Mississippi Bend Area Education Agency:
Student Chess Tournaments
1st Place Team: Pleasant View Elementary,
Pleasant Valley School District
Students: Emma Hartman, Hannah Humes, Emily
Nutt, Tessa Schmidts
Coach: Zachary Day
Prince of Peace School, in Clinton, hosts student chess tournaments
open to all Kindergarten through 12th Grade students.
2011-2012 Tournament Dates are:
The Archangel Gambit Saturday, September 24, 2011
The Advent Gambit Saturday, December 3, 2011
The Mardi Gras Gambit Saturday, February 4, 2012
The Dana Gambit Saturday, April 21, 2012
2nd Place Team:Riverdale Heights Elementary,
Pleasant Valley School District
Students: Cate Byrne, Jordyn Haessler, Rohit
Mittapalli, Cameron Trentz
Coach: David Barber
Tournaments are held on Saturdays in the Science Lab (Room 126) and
in the Library. Walk-in registration welcome! There’s a $5 entry fee;
registration opens at 8:30 am and games start at 9:00. Trophies will be
given out as each age group finishes. Every player gets a participation
medallion or pin. Please try to register in advance, so arrangements can
be made to start games on time, and feed everyone well!
3rd Place Team: Cody Elementary, Pleasant Valley School District
Students: Lucas Ford, Gage McCotter, Parker
McMillan, Addie Swanson
Coach: Cathi Betts
4th Place Team: Rivermont Collegiate, Bettendorf, Iowa
Students: S hivani Ganesh, Ben Nordic, Manasa
Pagadala, Emilia Porubcin
Coach: Chae Hee Porubcin
Get your friends to come on over and play at the next tournament!
To register go to:
The top three individuals of the 2011 Regional
6th Grade Math Bee:
1st Place Individual: Hannah Humes, Pleasant View Elementary School,
Pleasant Valley School District
2nd Place Individual: Cate Burne, Riverdale Heights Elementary
School, Pleasant Valley School District
3rd Place Individual: Emily Nutt, Pleasant View Elementary School,
Pleasant Valley School District
Prince of Peace School
312 South Fourth Street
Clinton, Iowa
(South 4th Avenue, across the street from the Clinton Park playground.)
Parking is behind the school, between South Fourth Ave and South
Third Ave. Enter at 4th & 4th behind the Sacred Heart Chapel: keep
parking lot traffic one-way to keep our children safer!
Conferences & Workshops
Summer Die Cut Workshops
In the Production Area of the Media Center within the
Bettendorf Office of the Mississippi Bend AEA
Dates & Times:
• Monday, June 20, 2011 9:00am - 11:30am
• Tuesday, June 21, 2011 9:00am - 11:30am
• Wednesday, June 22, 2011 1:30pm - 4:00pm
• Wednesday, July 13, 2011 1:30pm - 4:00pm
• Thursday, July 21, 2011 9:00am - 11:30am
Mississippi Bend AEA and
Drake University present:
SERIES • May 25 - July 25
Frank Ogden and Candice Benjamin
Exploring: The Myth of Laziness by Dr. Mel
PreK – 6 Grade Teachers and aides and those who have not
previously taken a die cut workshop.
Exploring: How to Differentiate Instruction
in Mixed Ability Classrooms, 2nd Ed
by Carol Ann Tomlinson
Die cuts are so much more than just bulletin board items.
In these workshops participants will discover hands-on
engaging activities, powerful visuals that reinforce learning
objectives, and proven sensory learning methods for
better retention.
E xploring: Engaging Troubling Students: A
Constructivist Approach by Scot Danforth
and Terry Jo Smith
Exploring: How the Special Needs Brain
Learns, 2nd Ed. by Dr. David A. Sousa
Exploring: H
elping Students Overcome
Anxiety and Depression, 2nd Ed by Kenneth
Class fees are $7.00 includes all the materials
used in the class (many hand outs and items to
take with you). Use of our die cut machines is
free. Participants may wish to bring materials
they want to work with, such as: construction
paper, cardstock, felt, foam, wall paper fabric,
sand paper, cardboard, fluorescent paper, and
so on to create items after class.
* * * * * * NEW CLASS * * * * * *
Exploring: Bringing Words to Life: Robust
Vocabulary Instruction by Isabel Beck,
Margaret McKeown, Linda Kucan
Each series is made up of on line, self
paced classes that may be taken for credit
or for licensure/renewal. Classes are 3 credit
hours each. Renewal cost $210.00 (does not
include book); Drake credit cost $420.00
(does not include book).
Register on line through the Mississippi
Bend Area Education Agency’s website.
We will have supplies available for purchase:
• Crack & Peel Felt – $.45 each
• Construction Paper – $.05 per sheet
• Card stock – $.10 per sheet
• Poster Board – $.65 each
• 27” Width Laminator – $.45/foot
• 38” Width Laminator – $.75/foot
Betsy Justis;
Frank Ogden;
Candice Benjamin
Class size restricted to 20; minimum 8.
Information for Workshop:
Nancy Hawley, (563) 344-6457 or
To Register online for this class, go to the link
Die Cut Workshop:
For registration assistance, contact Betsy Justis,
Professional Development Specialist at: (563) 344-6481 or
Working together...
improving teaching
and learning.
Staff Development
Staff Development Offerings
Staff Development Registration Instructions
Go to the website above. If you are familiar with the registration process you will be able to login. If you are new to the process, or simply
need a refresher, view the registration directions before you continue.
Refund Policy: Cancellations must be received two weeks prior to the start of the course to receive a full refund. Registrants canceling
after the registration close date will be charged a $10 cancellation fee. No refunds will be issued after the start date of the course.
Late Fee: Registrations processed after the close date of the course will be charged an additional $25 late registration fee.
If you need assistance with registering for classes please contact Betsy Justis, Staff Development Specialist, at (563) 344-6481,, or Cindy Swanson, Head of Staff Development at (563) 344-6487,
Art as Metaphor: Identifying Yourself
through Collage and Assemblage
Session Number: 4787
This course will help you discover how
to integrate a simple (and very low or
no cost!) art activity into your classroom
curricula.You will learn about two American
assemblage artists, Joseph Cornell and Robert
Rauschenberg. Each artist used everyday
objects and familiar icons in their art that
reveal part of their identity. We will examine
the symbols and objects each artist used to
create their assemblages. Using hands-on
collage-making and found object assemblage,
you will use similar techniques to create a
“Personality Box” to represent your inside
and outside self. Teachers in the areas of
Math, Foreign Language, Social Studies,
Science, Language Arts (Reading, Writing),
Special Needs, Physical Education, Consumer
Education, Technology Literacy, Music, and Art
will learn to successfully integrated Collage
and Found Object Art into their curricula.
Instructor: Barbara Bianchi
6/13/2011, 6/14/2011
Mississippi Bend AEA
1 credit
Orchestra Triage
Session Number: 4706
Students will learn about a philosophical
construct called “The Fluffy Continuum” and
learn how to apply its concepts to their own
classroom situation. Students will participate in
a variety of activity-based learning modules for
strings and will practice and execute teaching
strategies which can be used in the beginning
or mid and upper level string classrooms.
Strategies will address most areas of the
National Standards including singing alone
and with others, performing on an instrument
alone and with others, improvising, composing,
reading and notating, listening and analyzing,
and evaluating music performances. Students
will have the opportunity to observe and
participate in the first five days of instruction
of a small group (8-10) violin class.
Registrants can earn three credits by
participating in round-table discussion of
strategies for improvement, along with small
ensemble playing of music favorites for the
Instructor: Jerry Henry
6/27/2011 Mississippi Bend AEA
1, 2, or 3 credit options; see course listing on
AEA website for complete details
Teaching Green through Found Object
Session Number: 4780
A great activity for Earth Day, Teaching Artist
Barbara Bianchi guides you through the
detailed process of creating a Found Object
Assemblage – a 3-dimensional work of art
made of various materials found within your
everyday environment.You will produce
and analyze innovative ideas to use in the
classroom to boost student achievement,
create and assess lesson plans that integrate
the found object art activity into the classroom
curricula, and gain the skills and confidence to
integrate art activities into your daily lessons.
Instructor: Barbara Bianchi
6/20/2011, 6/21/2011, 6/22/2011, 6/23/2011
Mississippi Bend AEA
2 credits
DIBELS® Assessments Training
Session Number: 4867
This training goes beyond how to administer
and score the benchmark measures. The
course is designed to provide an in-depth
understanding of what each assessment
is measuring and how that align to the
components of a quality reading program.
The course will provide in-depth training in
administration and scoring of the benchmark
measures. The second session provides an
opportunity to work with DIBELS® student
scores, error analysis/error patterns and
intervention ideas.
Instructor: Mary Beilke
7/20/11, 9/15/11 Mississippi Bend AEA
1 credit
Bus Drivers
bus drivers
Annual Inservice for School Bus Drivers
(3 hours)
“The View To Preventing Danger” Two eyes
are very important in almost every aspect of
our lives. As a school bus driver, your eyes are
your most precious resource in helping to
prevent dangerous accidents from occurring.
Doing a good pre-trip on your school bus and
watching out for kids within the danger zone
are two of the most important things you´ll
do as a school bus driver in helping to prevent
accidents. By learning what to look for in these
areas, you´ll also learn how to save lives.
Instructor: Dolores Bergert, Retired Director
of Transportation
5/11/2011 Mississippi Bend AEA
early childhood
Early Childhood
Every Child Reads
Session Number: 4399
Every Child Reads for ages 3 - 5 (ECR 3-5)
training curriculum is designed to teach early
care and education providers, including staff in
preschools and child care facilities. The training
provides participants with a repertoire of
early literacy strategies. For many providers
the strategies are exciting and new, yet easy
to use with children. ECR outcomes include:
Increased and improved interactions related to
Staff Development
language, literacy, and writing, which enhances
these skill areas in young children.
Instructors: Gayle Powell, Claire Anthony
Mississippi Bend AEA
1 credit
Behavioral, Academic, and Social
Interventions for the Classroom
Session: 4661
Behavioral, Academic, and Social Interventions
for the Classroom is a Performance Learning
Systems® course that provides educators with
research-based interventions in the behavioral,
academic, and social areas of student
performance. Through a multi-tiered response
to intervention model, educators implement
a solution-seeking cycle for gathering
information, identifying issues, and planning and
assessing early and effective interventions.
The course focuses on the teacher as the
primary interventionist and includes universal
and targeted classroom interventions that
promote student resiliency and encourage
students to reach for success. The course
emphasizes creating a learning alliance
with students to demystify the learning
experience, focus on strengths-based learning,
collaboratively set goals, and monitor the
progress of behavioral, academic, and social
Participants are responsible for acquiring the
required text prior to the first day of class.
Required Text:You Can Handle Them All.
DeBruyn, R. L. & Larson, J. L. (2009). Manhattan,
KS: The MASTER Teacher.
Instructor: Barbara Warren
7/26/2011 Mississippi Bend AEA,
3 credits
Classroom Management: Orchestrating
a Community of Learners
Session Number: 4839
Classroom Management: Orchestrating a
Community of Learners is a Performance
Learning Systems® course that equips
experienced and beginner K–12 educators
with current, research-validated concepts and
strategies for orchestrating classroom life and
learning so that instruction flows smoothly,
student misbehavior is minimized, and learning
potential is maximized.
Participants will learn strategies associated
with seven key areas of expertise that
collectively contribute to a teacher’s
classroom-management effectiveness: creating
an inviting classroom climate, structuring a
positive physical environment, establishing
rules and procedures, maintaining momentum
and flow, reinforcing positive behavior,
responding to misbehavior, encouraging
parental involvement, and maintaining personal
Instructor: Kathy McCaulley
7/6/11, 7/7/11, 7/8/11, 7/11/11, 7/12/11
Clinton Community College, Maquoketa
3 credits
Multisensory Education Strategies
Session No.: 4841
Take an adventure for two days as you learn
to use multisensory approaches in teaching.
Participants will learn more about themselves
and about how a group works as they
proceed through a set of games and obstacles.
Be prepared to expand your instructional
techniques. Please wear comfortable clothes
and shoes. Coaches, teachers and youth
leaders will enjoy this experience.
Instructors: Beverly Downey and Jennifer Best
6/20/11, 6/21/11 Neil Armstrong Elem,
1 credit
STAR: Successful Teaching for
Acceptance of Responsibility
Session: 4834
This course gives teachers the techniques
and skills necessary to help students become
increasingly self-responsible. Educators
learn how to increase their own sense of
personal power and in turn empower others.
The course incorporates lecture bursts,
experiential exercises, reading and group work
to deliver the content.
Instructor: Kathy McCaulley
6/27/11 through 7/1/11 Clinton
Community College, Maquoketa Center
3 credits
Reading Across the Curriculum
Session Number: 4679
Reading Across the Curriculum is a
Performance Learning Systems® course
that provides research-based active reading
comprehension strategies which participants
can apply to their grade level or content
area. By learning how to implement these
meta cognitive reading strategies, participants
will be able to plan lessons more effectively.
Participants will also discover how to engage
students, deepen their understanding of
content, and prepare them for success beyond
the classroom.
Emphasis is on learning styles, types of text,
notation systems, content-area reading,
assessments, fluency, motivation, and gradelevel vocabulary.
Instructor: Barbara Warren
7/6/2011, 7/7/2011, 7/8/2011, 7/11/2011,
7/12/2011, 7/13/2011
Mississippi Bend AEA
3 credits
Bettendorf Elementary Science
Session: 4877
This course is open only to employees of the
Bettendorf School District.
This course is intended to increase the
confidence of elementary teachers in their
teaching of scientific concepts. It will focus on
methods of teaching, specifically inquiry-based
instruction that is student-centered using a
learning cycle approach and modeling. It will
also increase teachers’ content knowledge
in specific areas as a way to increase their
confidence and willing to teach scientific topics.
Instructor: Chris Like
6/20/11, 6/21/11, 6/22/11, 6/23/11
Bettendorf High School
1 credit
EDIWILD (Educators in the Wild) Where the Wild Woods Are
Session: 4878
You must register first with Wapsi River
Center by June 1, 2011. There is a $65.00 fee
for the workshop and materials payable to
Wapsi River Center. Please call the Wapsi River
Center at (563) 328-3286 register. To receive
relicensure or Drake credits, you MUST
register on this site, too, by June 1, 2011.
The EDIWILD (Educators in the Wild)
Workshop 2010 “Where the Wild Woods
Are” will be a 4-day course to facilitate the
incorporation of environmental education
into the school curriculum. The course will
use an interdisciplinary approach of teaching
and will emphasize local natural resources.
Participants will attend inside informational
sessions at different local sites for further
learning experiences. The 4 days will use an
interdisciplinary approach of teaching and will
emphasize woodland ecosystems, focusing
primarily on these natural resources and
current management practices.
Staff Development
Instructors: Bob Bryant and Brian Ritter
6/20/11, 6/21/11, 6/22/11, 6/23/11 Wapsi
River Center
2 credits
Special Needsspecial needs
Introduction to Gifted Education
Session Number: 4574
This course will help educators to obtain
hours to fulfill the Psychology of the Gifted
strand for a Talented and Gifted teachercoordinator endorsement in the state of Iowa.
The educators will study the history of Gifted
Education in the United States. The course will
cover how gifted services can be delivered;
how students can be identified for services,
and what parents, administrators, and teachers
can do to help students; and what qualities to
look for in a strong gifted program.
Instructor: Sharon Dixon
Hoover Elementary,
1 credit
The Brain and Learning III
Session: 4760
The Brain & Learning III is the third part
of a series. (Thefirst and second parts are
NOT prerequisites to take this course.) The
course is designed for all educators who
are interested in how they learn and how
to assimilate scientific research into their
curriculum. Research is providing educators
with other neural pathways for better
learning and teaching. Part III will emphasize
the role how our senses are used to obtain
information; early childhood and childhood
development; intelligence; and assessment and
their role on student achievement.
Instructor: Rocky Casini
6/13/2011 Muscatine Community
3 credits
The Different Learner: Bringing Words
to Life - Robust Vocabulary Instruction
Session Number: 4886
Teachers understand the importance of
vocabulary and its relationship to reading
comprehension. This class provides a research
based framework and practical strategies for
teaching vocabulary development in children.
Participants will learn how to better support
vocabulary learning so struggling students will
more successfully interact with the general
education curriculum. Participants will be
guided in selecting words for instruction,
creating meaningful vocabulary learning
activities and getting students more involved
in thinking about and using vocabulary.
Participants will be asked to apply learning
and strategies in their classrooms to improve
student learning.
Students will need the book Bringing Words
to Life: Robust Vocabulary Instruction by Isabel
Beck, Margaret McKeown, and Linda Kucan.
You may purchase this book at your local Book
Store or you may purchase it at
Instructors: Candice Benjamin and Frank
Online Course
3 credits $420
Excellence In Teaching Institute
Session: 4831
Excellence in Teaching Institute is available
for teacher relicensure credit through the
AEA or Graduate credit through St. Ambrose
University. To receive relicensure credit,
register with BOTH the AEA and St. Ambrose.
To receive only grad credit, register only with
St. Ambrose at Excellence In Teaching Institute
website. This course is designed to reinforce
the value of the free enterprise system by
providing experiential opportunities for
educators, fostering issue-awareness and skills
development, while celebrating and validating
educators´ value to Iowa and society. The
course provides an overall view of workplace
skills, employment issues, communication, the
importance of math and science, and future
Instructor: Tammy Chelf
6/6/11, 6/10/11 St. Ambrose University
and various business partner locations
2 or 3 credits
Note: Workshop participants do not receive
relicensure credit, but participation will be part
of your official transcript.
Alignment Step Four Results
Session Number: 4524
Iowa Core Leadership Teams return for this
day of planning to look at data results. Morning
work will consist of the review of data (ICAT
and additional district data including ITBS/
ITEDS). Teams will have the opportunity to
reflect on curriculum practice and content.
Afternoon time will be spent working as
LEA teams to create a plan-of-action for
inclusion in the Iowa Core Implementation
Plan. Additional repeat workshops will be held
11/28/2011 and 6/7/2011.
Instructor: Amy Wichman
Mississippi Bend AEA
Die Cut Workshops
This course is for PreK /Grade 6 teachers
and aides and those who have not previously
taken a die cut workshop. Die cuts are so
much more than just bulletin board items. In
these workshops participants will discover
hands-on engaging activities, powerful visuals
that reinforce learning objectives, and proven
sensory learning methods for better retention.
We will discuss the many uses and subject
areas that dies can be used for. Come and
share your ideas!
Instructors: Nancy Hawley and Cheryl Porter
Location: Mississippi Bend AEA
Using Graphing Calculators in the
Session Number 4835
TI is coming to the AEA. Learn to integrate
TI technology with your interactive white
boards. Plan to utilize technology available to
you (through AEA or your own) for the next
school year. Make math interactive and your
students will engage. Door prizes will be given.
Instructors: Tom Reardon, Tim Allen
Mississippi Bend AEA
These courses run 5/31/2011 – 7/25/2011.
Registration closes 5/19/2011.
All the courses below are 3 Drake credits.
EDDL 255 – Teaching through Learning
Teaching Through Learning Channels Online
is a Performance Learning Systems® online
course that focuses on helping experienced
and beginning educators understand how to
increase student achievement by addressing
the brain’s natural learning channels using five
specific instructional approaches: responding
Staff Development
to the five basic needs of all learners (survival/
physiological and safety needs, belonging,
empowerment and esteem, freedom and
self-actualization, and fun); teaching to all
of the senses (kinesthetic, tactual, auditory,
visual, olfactory, and gustatory); reinforcing
five specific cognitive processes that help
the brain integrate information (comparing
and contrasting new information and old,
conceptualizing or formulating a name for
things, comprehending or practicing the
concept, and combining or incorporating the
concept into everyday life); teaching to the
perceptual- and organizational-learning styles
(global, sequential, abstract, and concrete);and
addressing certain personality or temperament
styles (intuitive feelers, intuitive thinkers,
sensing judgers, and sensing perceivers).
Participants apply these processes in their own
classrooms, thus gaining expertise in helping
their students acquire, process, recall, and apply
the skills that lead to academic success.
EDDL 256 – Purposeful Learning
Through Multiple Intelligence
Purposeful Learning Through Multiple
Intelligences® is a Performance Learning
Systems® online course that focuses on
helping educators identify and apply the
multiple intelligences (MI) to meet the
needs of today’s diverse classrooms. Based
on Howard Gardner’s Theory of Multiple
IntelligenceTM, participants will demonstrate
the power of teaching and learning through
this unique instructional process. Participants
will explore other theories of intelligence, MI
subcapacities, and their own MI profiles.
EDDL 257 - Classroom Management:
Orchestrating a Community of Learners
This course is a Performance Learning
Systems® online course that equips
experienced and beginning educators with
current, research-validated concepts and
strategies for orchestrating classroom life and
learning so that instruction flows smoothly,
student misbehavior is minimized, and learning
potential is maximized. Participants will learn
strategies associated with seven key areas
of expertise that collectively contribute
to a teacher’s classroom-management
effectiveness: creating an inviting classroom
climate, structuring a positive physical
environment, establishing rules and procedures,
maintaining momentum and flow, reinforcing
positive behavior, responding to misbehavior,
encouraging parental involvement, and
maintaining personal resilience.
EDDL 258 - Using Online Resources to
Bring Primary Sources to the Classroom
To understand how digital primary source
archives can enhance and improve student
learning, participants will use online resources
to access and analyze primary sources,
think critically about classroom applications,
and develop authentic, engaging learning
experiences for students. This course
introduces a selection of online resources that
provides access to primary sources, teaches
how to navigate the sites, and shows how to
locate appropriate resources. Practical and
thought-provoking evaluation techniques help
participants analyze primary sources which
enrich instructional practices and classroom
EDDL 259 - Geometry for Middle School
Educators Online
This course is for middle school teachers to
encourage ongoing professional development
that will build on and expand current
knowledge and understanding of geometry.
Throughout this course, students will link the
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
(NCTM) Principles and Standards for teaching
Geometry to middle school students to
their individual state standards so that they
can delve more intentionally into geometric
content and processes. Investigating strategies
for developing mathematical literacy and
fostering logical thinking will set the stage for
future student learning. In addition, students
will explore, discuss and apply research-based
teaching strategies for teaching Geometry and
mathematics in all modules.
EDDL 260 - Action Research for the
Classroom Online
Action research is a process of inquiry and
reflection in which educators examine their
personal instructional practice systematically
using the techniques of research. Action
Research for the Classroom Online
addresses concepts associated with action
research, the processes and procedures for
conducting action research, culminating in the
development of an action research plan.
EDDL 261 - Differentiated Instruction
for Today´s Classroom
Differentiated Instruction for Today’s
Classroom is a Performance Learning
Systems® online course that equips
experienced and beginner educators with the
essential knowledge and skills to implement
differentiated instruction (DI) successfully in
their own classrooms. As a widely respected,
research-based instructional approach, DI
provides teachers with effective, manageable
strategies for meeting the needs of an
increasingly diverse student population within
the context of today’s challenging standardsbased curriculum. In a highly interactive
learning environment that models the DI
principles and processes, class members
will gain expertise in understanding and
implementing a broad range of strategies
associated with three essential, distinguishing
components of DI: first, the teacher’s role
as guide and facilitator in a classroom
environment specifically designed to
support self-directed student learning and
teacher-student collaboration; second, the
interdependent nature of assessment and
instruction in a DI classroom; and third, the
implementation of specific instructional
strategies to adapt the curriculum content,
processes (activities), and products to provide
students with entry points to learning that
match their readiness, interests, and/or learning
EDDL 262 - Successful Teaching for
Acceptance of Responsibility
Successful Teaching for Acceptance of
Responsibility is a Performance Learning
Systems® online course that helps
experienced and beginning educators create a
classroom environment in which responsible
behavior is modeled, taught, and supported.
Participants will explore the underlying causes
of irresponsible behavior and learn specific
strategies associated with four instructional
approaches that empower students to be
self-directed, responsible learners: helping
students develop personal power, helping
students use effective mental models, teaching
students appropriate behaviors, and developing
skills for positive student confrontation. As
participants learn to mentor, model, coach, and
facilitate responsible actions in their students,
they likewise develop increasing responsibility
and personal power in their own professional
EDDL 263 - Instructional Design for
Online Educators
This course details the process of developing
instruction, beginning with an analysis of the
learner and learning needs. The Instructional
Design for Online Educators course focuses
on the development of skills and knowledge
related to the design of online instruction with
a real-world virtual classroom as the context.
Participants will begin by analyzing the learning
needs in an online classroom and progress
through the development of an instructional
plan set up to steer students to successful
online learning.
EDDL 264 - Blended and Synchronous
Learning Design
Given the growth of online teaching
and learning, educators explore ways to
incorporate best practices to meet the needs
of all learners. This online course focuses on
designing courses and activities for blended
(part online and part face-to-face) and
Staff Development
synchronous online learning environments.
Participants will progress from defining these
environments to designing course outlines
and learning activities, and will conclude with
considerations for implementation, assessment,
and evaluation of each.
their students. Participants will also explore
methods of teaching mathematical concepts
that employ the use of narrative and
storytelling to describe, analyze, and solve
contextual mathematical problems in real-life
EDDL 265 - Building Online
Collaborative Environments
How can classroom teachers harness the
power of online technologies like blogs,
podcasts, and wikis for student engagement
and learning? Course participants will
experience the Web as more than a source
of information, instead using it as a means
of constructing new knowledge through
conversation, networking, and collaboration.
The focus is on tools currently available
and how to use them effectively for student
research, writing, and learning.
EDDL 268 - Cultural Competence: A
Transformative Journey
This online course equips experienced and
beginner educators with the knowledge,
awareness, and skills to work in today’s diverse
classroom settings for the goal of student
success. Participants will have opportunities
to critically examine how privilege and
power impact educational outcomes and to
understand the role of educators as agents of
change for social justice. Learners will use the
framework “know yourself, your students, and
your practice” to better understand their roles
in student achievement. By exploring diversity
through multiple perspectives, participants will
gain insight into how their own cultural lenses
impact their relationships with students and
EDDL 266 - Action Research in the
E-Learning Environment™ Online
Action research is a process of inquiry and
reflection in which educators examine their
personal instructional practice systematically
using the techniques of research. This online
course addresses concepts associated with
action research, the processes and procedures
for conducting action research, culminating in
the development of an action research plan.
EDDL 267 - Teaching Algebra to Middle
School Students
This course provides an overview of and an
opportunity to review the major concepts
necessary to teach algebra to middle
school students. Among the several core
competencies that students need to develop
strong skills in algebra is algebraic number
sense. Teachers will have opportunities to
evaluate their own mastery of algebraic
number sense, develop a stronger number
sense, and explore ways to help students
enhance their own number sense. In addition,
participants will learn the importance of
scaffolding concepts for student understanding.
Algebraic topics in this course include
• Integers and properties of integers
• Order of operations
• Mathematical properties of numbers
• Expression of approximate relationships in
• Using coordinate graphs and tables to
develop equations
• Linear functions
• Properties of slope
• Ratios and proportions
• Introduction to quadratic
This course will both challenge teachers to
explain these concepts and to demonstrate
how they will teach and relate them to
EDDL 270 - Writing Across the
This course is a Performance Learning
Systems online course that is designed to
support teachers in grades three through
six with effective writing instruction across
content areas. Created specifically for upper
grade teachers, this course begins by focusing
on direct writing instruction in a writing
workshop. Participants will learn and practice
specific craft and mechanics techniques that
are tangible for students, supporting visible
progress towards more general goals such
as writing with detail, sentence fluency and
voice. These sessions will also address how to
support student independence within personal
narrative and non-fiction units of study. The
second half of this course looks at writing in
the content areas, including math, science and
social studies. Participants will learn a broad
range of writing formats that can elevate the
way students process information and engage
with material learned. For each content area,
participants will learn: strategies for effective
writing instruction; ways to model writing
formats; ways to support below-grade level
writers; and how to balance the expectations
of writing and content in formal and informal
EDDL 272 - Developing 21st Century
Literacy Skills
This course introduces participants to existing
frameworks for 21st-century skills developed
by enGauge and the Partnership for 21st
Century Skills. In particular, the course focuses
on the importance of information literacy,
adaptability, and risk-taking skills. Participants
will also learn important multimedia skills and
how to share their creations through read/
write Web tools such as blogs, wikis, podcasts,
and social networks. The course covers new
metrics and means of evaluating student work
as well as the need for organizational change
in order to integrate these skills into existing
educational institutions. For the culminating
activity, each participant will plan a student
project that meets curricular goals and helps
to develop 21st-century skills.
EDDL 273 - Educating the NetGeneration
The Net-Generation uses learning styles
that differ from those used by their
Baby Boomer or Generation X teachers.
The Net-Generation values technology,
experiential learning, working in teams, and
social networking. This course examines the
learning styles, expectations, and technical
acumen of the Net-Generation and explains
their implications for classroom learning
environments. During the course participants
will learn the key differences between the
generations and discover how to bridge those
differences through sound instructional design
techniques. Participants will also learn how
to leverage the gadgets, games, and gizmos
of these students to create pedagogy that
meets Net-Generation needs and transfers
knowledge from teacher to student.
EDDL 274 - Simulations and Gaming
Technologies for the Classroom
This course will familiarize teachers with
contemporary gaming technologies, enable
them to understand the pedagogical models
behind games, and show how these gaming
models may be used for learning.Video
games provide today’s youth with new kinds
of learning experiences—like leading a
virtual civilization or running a virtual guild
with hundreds of other participants from
around the real world. Through gaming,
children engage in complex problem solving,
sophisticated collaboration, and creative
expression. However, there is some doubt
about the effectiveness of gaming as a
learning tool when restricted by old learning
models. Today’s youth must contend with
this dichotomy: life outside school—open
access to information, opportunities for deep
expertise, multiple pathways for learning—
and the learning inside school—traditional
learning models, limited access to technology.
With growing momentum, a new generation
of educators is embracing games for learning.
Some are already using learning games like
Civilization, a commercially produced game,
Staff Development
in the classroom. Promising research shows
that games can—and will—become powerful
learning environments for children (Barab et
al, 2007; Squire & Jenkins, 2003; Squire, 2003).
Combining the interactivity inherent in video
games with complex learning models, a new
generation of games is becoming readily
available. Will the education system be ready
for this new mode of learning?
EDDL 275 – Facilitating Online Learning
Facilitating Online Learning Communities
is a Performance Learning Systems® online
course that focuses on the principles and
best practices of successful online facilitation
on any learning platform. Participants will
practice specific online communication skills
with multiple tools, manage assessments
and feedback appropriately, analyze and
solve problems, and create a plan of action
for teaching their next online course. This
course includes strategies to engage diverse
learners, support various learning styles, and
handle conflict constructively in the online
learning environment. Through class activities,
practice course simulations, collaboration
with colleagues, and dedicated coaching from
the course facilitator, participants will gain the
necessary tools to nurture a reflective online
learning community.
EDDL 276 – Thinking Mathematically:
Elementary Edition Online
This course is designed to deepen elementary
schoolteachers’ knowledge, appreciation,
and understanding of K–6 mathematics.
Participants will use the NCTM Content and
Process Strands as a vehicle for understanding
what students need to know and be able to
do in math. They will also investigate strategies
for developing mathematical literacy, fostering
logical thinking, and increasing student interest
in the subject of mathematics. All modules will
model research-based strategies for teaching
mathematics and engage participants in
discussion on the use of these strategies.
EDDL 277 – Merging Educational Goals
and Interactive Multimedia Projects
This course is a Performance Learning
Systems® online course that helps
experienced and beginning educators in
all subject areas build expertise in using
technology as an effective tool to support
and enhance classroom learning. This course
responds to the growth of educational
technology and the increasing expectation
that technology will be regularly implemented
in the classroom. The course also supports
teachers in creating learning environments
that integrate real-world problem solving
with interactive, engaging multimedia projects.
Educators will learn to create technologyinfused classrooms in which students work
collaboratively with teachers to meet
curriculum standards and make meaning
through problem solving, researching, designing,
testing, and communicating.
EDDL 278 – Teaching the English
Language Learner Online
Teaching the English Language Learner
provides educators with the knowledge, skills,
attitudes, insights, and resources to service
English language learners (ELL) in their journey
to becoming linguistically proficient while
acquiring academic content to compete with
native speakers in a consistently competitive
global and information-driven society. Because
accessing information is vital for all learners,
teachers must be prepared to help secondlanguage learners in the classroom become
self-directed, enabling them to confidently
use English in listening, speaking, reading, and
writing for social and academic purposes.
Participants will become acquainted with the
English language learner as well as with the
most popular theories and best practices
based on a strong body of research that guides
second-language instruction. The foundation
of this course rests on the current Teachers
of English to Speakers of Other Languages
(TESOL) standards, which are included in the
National Council for Accreditation of Teacher
Education (NCATE) national standards for
teacher education. These standards target five
domains: language, culture, planning, assessment,
and professionalism. TESOL standards aid
teachers in constructing learning environments
that support second-language learning and
literacy development as well as content area
achievement. Other topics that are explored
focus on oral-language development, content
reading and writing in English, and classroom
and standardized assessment in ELL. Literacy
instruction and assessment are targeted, as
they serve to set the foundation for future
academic achievement across the curriculum.
Professional development and performance in
the field round out this course by examining
research in continuing education for ELL
instructors, the history of second-language
acquisition in the United States, the perusal
of grant opportunities for program support,
and the legal dimensions governing service for
second-language learners in today’s classroom
EDDL 280 - Response to InterventionTM
Response to Intervention is a Performance
Learning Systems® online course that
provides educators with an overview of the
Response to Intervention (RTI) framework
for providing data-differentiated instruction
to meet the needs of today’s diverse learners.
Participants will learn about assessment and
grouping practices for planning differentiated
instruction to help students who struggle
as well as how to establish structures for
successful school wide RTI implementation.
Throughout the course, participants will have
multiple opportunities to evaluate how RTI can
align with their current K–12 classroom and
discover occasions for application.
At Your Service
Staff Development
Cindy Swanson
Head of Staff Development
Anna Bell
Betsy Justis
Staff Development Specialist
Faith Koger
Data Management Specialist
Media Center Resources
Professional Library
The following are new materials available from the Professional Library. If you wish to check out any of the materials, please use Web/Max, our online
catalog, at, or call us toll free at1-800-947-2329 or dial direct (563) 344-6451.
AD99123 Boys in Poverty Payne, R
AD99174 Future of Schooling Goodwin,B
AD99175 How It’s Being Done Chenoweth, K
AD99176 Differentiation is an Expectation KapplerHewitt, K
AD99177 Strengthening and Enriching Your
Professional Learning Community Caine, G
AD99178 Finding Your Leadership Focus Reeves, D
AD99180 Stretching the School Dollar Hess, F
AD99182 District Leadership That Works Marzarno, R
AD99184 Focus Schmoker, M
AD99185 Closing the Poverty and Culture Gap Walker, T
AD99187 Transitioning to The Common Core State Standards
and Next Generation Assessment Daggett, W
Child Development
CH99042 Sequencing Practice Mini Book Grade K-1 Fleming, M
CH99043 First Homework Numbers Prek-1 Sweeney, A
CH99044 First Homework Alphabet Prek-K Sweeney, A
CH99045 101 Content - Building Fingerplays, Action
Rhymes, and Songs Grades Prek-1 Chanko, P
CH99046 Building Oral Language Skills in Prek-k Middendorf, C
CO90031 Google Apps: The Missing Manuel Conner, N
CU99140 Rigorous Schools and Classrooms Williamson, R
CU99141 Raising Black Student’s Achievement McKinley, J
CU99142 You’ve Got to Reach Them to Teach Them Schreck, M
Educational Psychology
EP99041 When Actions Speak Louder Than Words EP99042 Energizing Brain Breaks EP99043 Coping Cat Workbook EP99044 Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for
Anxious Children Language Arts
LA99032 Using Rubrics to Improve Student
Writing K LA99033 Using Rubrics to Improve Student
Writing Grade 1 LA99034 Using Rubrics to improve Student
Writing Grade 2 LA99035 Using Rubrics to Improve Student
Writing Grade 3 LA99036 Using Rubrics to Improve Student
Writing Grade 4 LA99037 Using Rubrics to Improve Student
Writing Grade 5 LA99038 I Can Write Like That! Davis, K
Sladkey, D
Kendall, P
Kendall, P
Hampton, S
Hampton, S
Hampton, S
Hampton, S
Hampton, S
Hampton, S
Ehmann, S
LA99039 Diagnostic Literacy Assessments and
Instructional Strategies LA99040 Implementing RTI With English Learners LA99041 Day By Day LA99042 Literacy Improvement in Grades 7-12
Teachers Handbook AUTHOR
McAndrews, S
Fisher, D
Ayres, R
Fitzgearld, T
LI99008 Creating Meaning Through Literature
and The Arts Cornett, C
HE99001 Haworth, R
What Great Coaches Do Differently Mathematics
MA99029 What We Know About Mathematics
Teaching and Learning 3rd Edition MA99030 RTI in Math Media
ME99149 Teaching the iGeneration Me99150 Web-Based Instruction ME99151 Children’s Services ME99152 Licensing Digital Content ME99153 More Storytime Action! ME99154 Critical Approaches to Young
Adult Literature ME99155 Doing Social Media So It Matters ME99156 Improving Students’ Web Use and
Information Literacy ME99157 Coaching in the Library ME99158 Kids, Computers and Learning ME99159 Toys To Tools Parent and Child
PA90028 Yes,Your Teen Is Crazy Reading
RE99059 Understanding and Using Reading
Assessment K-12 RE99060 Why Jane and John Couldn’t Read and
How They Learned RE99061 R5 In Your Classroom Kelly, M
RE99062 Reading and Writing Grade by Grade RE99065 Using Metacognitive Assessment to
Create Individualized Reading Instruction RE99066 Big Book of Alphabet Activities RE99067 Dynamic Read-Aloud Strategies for
English Learners RE99068 Turn-to-Learn Wheels in Color
Word Families
RE99088 Developing Critical Awareness at
the Middle Level N/A
Bender, W
Ferriter, W
Sharpless, S
Diamiant-Cohn, B
Harris, L
Bromann, J
Latrobe, K
Herring, J
Metz, R
Poteete, H
Kollo, L
Bradley, M
Afflerbach, P
Resnick, L
Israel, S
Garen, A
Hickman, P
Charlesworth, L
Johnson, H
Browse our online catalog at
Media Center Resources
New Materials K-12
The following are new materials available from the Book Library. If you wish to check out any of the materials, please use Web/Max, our online catalog,
at, or call us toll free at1-800-947-2329 or dial direct (563) 344-6574.
43429 Concept-Based Curriculum and Instruction
for the Thinking Classroom 43430 Connecting Successful Practices To Next
Practices and The Role of Empowerment 43431 Our Changing Education Landscape 43432 The Challenge - Preparing Students For
The 21st Century In 20th Century Schools 43433 Quadrant D Leadership: What Skills Are
Needed To Be A Leader? 43434 Effective Teaching - The Key To Success 43435 Putting The Pieces Together - School Turnaround 43436 Components Of School Excellence From
The Nation’s Most Successful Schools NUMBERTITLE
43437 Integrating Academics, CTE, The Arts, And
Health/ Physical Education 43438 Meeting The Needs Of Special Education Students
43439 Rigor, Relevance, And Relationships
And The Human Brain 43440 Making Common Sense Common
Practice In Educating All Learners 43441 Rigor And Relevance 43442 Literacy - The Key To Success 43443 Using Response To Intervention To Enhance Math
Instruction For Struggling Students, Grades K-6 43444 Using Response To Intervention Model For
Disruptive and Difficult Student Behaviors, Grades K-6 A
New K-12 Books
The following are new materials available from the K-12 Library. If you wish to check out any of the materials, please use Web/Max, our online catalog,
at, or call us toll free at1-800-947-2329 or dial direct (563) 344-6451.
13514 Black Jack the Ballad of Jack Johnson 13516 Charlie’s Superhero Underpants 13517 Creak! Said the Bed 13518 Dogs Don’t Do Ballet 13519 Go-Go Gorillas 13521 How To Clean a Hippopotamus: A Look At
Unusual Partnerships 13522 I Can Be Anything! 13523 I Don’t Want A Cool Cat 13524 If You’re A Monster and You Know It 13525 Insect Detective 13526 It’s A Book 13528 Lmno Peas 13529 Lincoln Tells A Joke: How Laughter Saved
the President (and the Country) 13530 Mirror Mirror: A Book of Reversibel Verse 13531 My Story About Me By Mimi, or, Mimi’s Dada Catifesto 13532 Not Last Night But the Night Before 13533 Once Upon A Royal Superbaby 13534 Pop! The Accidental Invention of Bubble Gum 13535 Read To Tiger 13536 Seven Little Bunnies 13537 Signed, Abiah Rose 13538 Sit-In: How Four Friends Stood Up By Sitting Down 13539 Sleepy, Oh So Sleepy 13540 Summer Birds: The Butterflies of Maria Merian 13541 Cow Loves Cookies, The 13542 Great Monster Hunt, The 13543 Purple Kangaroo, The 13544 Quiet Book, The 13545 Ring Went Zing, The! A Story That Ends With A Kiss 13546 There Was An Old Monkey Who Swallowed a Frog 13547 Waking Up Is Hard To Do 13548 Wanted, The Perfect Pet 13549 Wonder horse
13550 A Sick Day For Amos McGee 13551 Beaver Is Lost P
13552 13553 13554 13555 13556 13557 13558 13559 13560 13561 13562 13563 13564 13565 13566 13567 13568 13569 13570 13571 13572 13573 13574 13575 13576 13577 13578 13579 13580 13580 13581 13582 13583 13584 13585 13586 13587 18
Bunny Days Chalk Dog Loves Books Dust Devil Here Comes the Garbage Barge! Mama, Is It Summer Yet? Miss Brooks Loves Books (and I Don’t) Nini Lost and Found Dollhouse Fairy, The Trucker, The Animals Baseball Basketball Bicycle Riding Cheerleading Christmas Cinderella Colors Counting Dance Goldilocks Gymnastics Halloween Karate Playground Games Soccer Swimming Thanksgiving 4th of July The 4th July Gingerbread Man Three Little Pigs Ugly Duckling Valentine’s Day What Do Animals Eat For Lunch What Is a Flower’s Special Power? Where Do Animals Hide LEVEL
Media Center Resources
New K-12 Books
The following are new materials available from the K-12 Library. If you wish to check out any of the materials, please use Web/Max, our online catalog,
at, or call us toll free at1-800-947-2329 or dial direct (563) 344-6451.
13588 Word 13592 Bridget’s Beret 13593 Brontorina 13594 Crunch Munch Dinosaur Lunch! 13595 Dave The Potter--Aritist, Poet, Slave 13596 Desert Rose and Her Highfalutin Hog 13597 Don’t Spill the Beans! 13598 Wow, It’s A Cow! 13599 How Rocket Learned To Read 13600 How Do You Read To A Rabbit? 13601 Mama Miti--Wangari Maathai & the Tree 13602 Mary’s Penny 13603 Older Than The Stars 13604 Pete the Cat--I Love My White Shoes 13606 Time For Bed, Baby Ted 13608 A Beach Tail 13609 A Bedtime For Bear 13610 A Pirate’s Guide to First Grad 13611 AlphaOops! H is For Halloween 13612 Animal Crackers Fly the Coop 13613 Bag in the Wind 13614 Bink & Gollie 13615 Born Yesterday--the Diary of a young Journalist 13616 Captain Small Pig 13617 Chester’s Masterpiece 13618 City Dog, Country Frog 13619 Country Road ABC--An Illustrated Journey
Through America’s Farmland 13620 Dogs 13621 Elsie’s Bird 13622 Even Monsters Need Haircuts 13623 Fleabag 13624 Flora’s Very Windy Day 13625 Guyku--A Year of Haiku For Boys 13626 Hattie The Bad 13627 Hibernation Station 13628 In The Wild 13629 Knuffle Bunny Free--An Unexpected Diversion 13630 Monsters Eat Whiny Children KP
13632 13633 13634 13635 13636 13637 13638 13639 13640 13641 13642 13643 13644 13645 13646 13647 13648 39978 39979 39980 39981 39982 39983 39984 39985 39986 39987 39988 39989 39990 39991 39992 39993 39994 39995 39996 39997 39998 39999 LEVEL
My Garden KP
Not All Princesses Dress in Pink P
Oh No! (or, How My Science Project Destroyed the World) P
Oh, Daddy! KP
Roslyn Rutabega & The Biggest Hole on Earth! KP
Shark vs. Train P
Sleepover At Gramma’s House P
Starring the Boss Baby As Himself! P
Boys, The KP
Chicken Thief, The KP
Princess and Her Panther, The P
Wheat Doll, The P
There’s a Princess in the Palace P
Ugly Pie KP
Violet The Pilot P
Woof--A Love Story P
Young Zeus P
Secret Cave, The: Discovering Lascaux P
Beautiful Yetta: The Yiddish Chicken KP
Muu, Moo! Rimas De Animals / Animal Nursery Rhymes KP
Saving the Baghdad Zoo: A True Story of Hope and Heroes I
Black Elk’s Vision: A Lakota Story I
For the Love of Soccer! P
Cowgirl Way,The: Hats off to America’s Women of the West I
Sources of Light J
Sassy: The Silver Secret I
Little Red Hen & the Passover Matz P
Red Zone: Tiki Barber & Ronde Barber with Paul Mantell I
Ling & Ting: Not Exactly the Same P
Roberto and Me: A Baseball Card Adventure I
Oprah: The Little Speaker KP
First Family P
Moon Bear KP
Stand Straight, Ella Kate: The True Story of a Real Giant P
Lives of the Pirates: Swashbucklers, Scoundrels I
War To End All Wars: World War I J
Happy Birthday, Sophie Hartley I
Clemente! P
Kubla Khan: The Emperor of Everything I
Job Openings
sacred heart - maquoketa
PE Teacher K-6: Part-time
Preschool Teacher (3 year-old): Part-time
Preschool Teacher (4 year-old): Part-time,
possibly full-time in fall.
Please visit http://sacredheartmaq.wordpress.
com/ for a copy of the teaching application.
For all posted jobs, please send teaching
application, cover letter, resume, two letters
of recommendation, transcripts, and a copy of
your Iowa Teaching License to the following:
Sacred Heart Elementary
Angela Ruley, Principal
806 Eddy Street
Maquoketa, IA 52060
Please continue to
check our website
for more jobs as they
become available.
Learning Center Calendar
2 . . . . . . . Bettendorf CSD Board Meeting
3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Counselor Academy
3 . . . . . . . . . . . . TAB Scholarship Banquet
4 . . . . . Second Chance Reading Refresher
4 . . . . . . . . . DI Fair: Adams & Eisenhower
4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Café Latino
5 . . . . . . . . . . . . Superintendents’ Meeting
5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CSIN
5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PW-PBIS
5 . . . . . . . . .Positive Solutions for Families
5 Family Child Care Environmental Rating
6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Clinical Review
6 . . . . . . . . . . Bettendorf SWVPP Meeting
7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Visual Phonics
9 . . . . . . . . . . . SINA Early Bird Workshop
11 . . . . . . . . . Title I Informational Update
11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bettendorf DCLC
12 . . . . . . . . . PLA 2010-11 Data Team Fair
12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .First Day Project
12 . . . . . . . .Positive Solutions for Families
12 . . . . .Family Child Care Environmental
Rating Scale
12 . . . . . . . . . . MBRC Reading Instruction
that Makes a Difference
13 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Education Forum
14 . . . . . . Cognitive Tutor Scoring Session
14 . . . . . NSTS First Aid and CPR Training
16 . . . . . . Bettendorf CSD Board Meeting
17 . . . . . . . . . . SINA Early Bird Workshop
17 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PW-PBIS
18 . . . . . . . . . . . Early Childhood Academy
19 . . . . .Family Child Care Environmental
Rating Scale
25 . . . . . . . . . Tech Coordinators’ Meeting
26 . . . . .Family Child Care Environmental
Rating Scale
28-30 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Agency Closed
Check the Mississippi Bend AEA website at for Learning Center Calendar updates.
1 . . . . . . . . . . .SP545 – Child Development
& Attachment
3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PBIS Coaches Meeting
3 . . . . . . . . . . Bettendorf SWVPP Meeting
6 . . . . . . . Iowa Core Alignment: Step Four
6 . . . . . . . .Bettendorf CSD Board Meeting
6-8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Assistive Technology
7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .CPI Initial Training
7-9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Every Child Reads
9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TI Workshop
9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . First Day Project
9 . . . . . . . . . . . . MBRC Reading Instruction
that Makes a Difference
10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IASBO
11 . . . . . NSTS First Aid and CPR Training
13-14 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ICAM Scoring
13-14 . . . . . . . Art as Metaphor: Identifying
Yourself through Collage
13-17 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Computer Camp
15 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .General Education
Planning Workshop
16-17 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tech Conference
20 . . . . . . .Bettendorf CSD Board Meeting
20-22 . . . . . . . . . . Second Chance Reading
Find What You’re
L king For
20-23 . . . . . . . . . . Teaching Green through
Found Object Art
20-24 . . . . . . . . Performance Task Academy
21 . . . . . . . . . . . . Teachers of the Deaf and
Hard of Hearing
23 . . . . . . . . . . . . Teachers of the Deaf and
Hard of Hearing
27-30 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Orchestra Triage
27-30 . . . . Iowa Core Effective Unit Design
27-30 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Intel Training
28 . . . . . . . . . . . . Teachers of the Deaf and
Hard of Hearing
on the
Mississippi Bend
AEA Website
The “Communicator” is published by the Mississippi Bend Area Education Agency Communications Office, and is
distributed to all schools in Area Nine, administrators, board members, legislators, Area Education Agency Staff,
individual teachers, interested groups or other persons upon request.
Chief Administrator – Dr. Glenn M. Pelecky | Communications Facilitator – Whitney Smith | Print Services – Joe Coon
The Mississippi Bend Area Education Agency does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed,
gender identity, marital status, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, religion, age, socio economic status,
or disability in its educational programs, services or employment practices. Inquiries concerning this
statement should be addressed to Tom Wirtz, Equity Coordinator, at (563) 344-6410.

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