The Spartan 300 - Summit Hill District 161


The Spartan 300 - Summit Hill District 161
The Spartan 300
Volume 1, Issue 2
December, 2007January, 2008
7260 North Ave.
Frankfort, IL 60423
Tamara Gibbons
Editor & Producer
Lady Spartans take 3rd at State!
Beth Lind,
Dan Pierson,
Assistant Principal
Jim Letsos,
Dean of Students
Important Dates
January 21
Martin Luther King’s
Birthday—No School
January 22
Report Cards Issued
February 5
Teachers’ Institute—
No School
February 18
President’s Day—
No School
February 22
Progress Reports Issued
March 3
Pulaski Day—
No School
For events & activities, see
calendar on back page.
Front Row : Taylor Schissler, Leigh Larocco, Jaime DeRuiter, Ashley Weringa,
Elise Lampley, Jill Galich
Back Row: Coach Jodi Canter, Danielle Todd, Sarah McPhillips, Mallory Myers,
Kayla Manthei, Abby Placzkowski, Kristin Horlacher,
Coach Jack Howard, Cassidy Eggert, Coach Tom Chrusciel
Playing with the Heart of a Spartan—Way to go Girls!
The 7th grade girls’ basketball team has been making Spartan history! Playing with
passion, heart, and unyielding determination, the girls have amassed quite a title collection. With an impressive 24-2 record, the Lady Spartans earned the titles of Conference
Champions, Regional Champions, Sectional Champions and Third in State at the IESA
(Illinois Elementary School Association) Tournament! SHJH honored the girls at an allschool Pep Assembly on November 30, pumping them up as they headed off to the
State Tournament in Normal, Illinois.
In the opening round, the girls beat an undefeated South Holland team 29-15. This
total team victory secured the Spartans a spot in the semi-finals. Summit Hill then faced
a tough Springfield Franklin in the second round, but lost 34-21, dashing their hopes of
playing in the championship game. The Spartans then squared off against Romeoville
Martinez, defeating them (31-12) to take home the third place trophy. Springfield Franklin won top honors, defeating Bloomington by a score of 77-36.
Congratulations Lady Spartans on a remarkable season! The entire Summit Hill
community is proud of you!
Dear Parents, Students & Staff:
I hope you all had a wonderful holiday season—welcome back! As we enter the second half of our academic year,
I want to take this opportunity to salute all students of Summit Hill Junior High in their efforts in all of the recent
fundraisers that benefited others in our community whether it was through recent food donations for our soldiers, food
donations for the local food pantry and/or monies to support research for breast cancer. In addition to helping those in
need, it sets a fine example for our students. It helps them realize how lucky they are and instills the importance of
reaching out to the less fortunate. Promoting acts of kindness will serve them well throughout their lifetime.
Secondly, I want to congratulate recipients of High Honors and Honors as well as perfect attendance for the first
marking period. The continued academic success of our students is pivotal in preparing all our students for high
school and beyond. I want to continue to reach out to parents and guardians. Please know that Summit Hill Junior
High School is your school, and I encourage you to reach out to us. Communication is a key component to your
child’s academic success. The partnership of parent, teacher, and student is critical in fostering progress and growth
for our students. We hope that your child continues to experience a year of growth academically, socially, and emotionally. Our counselors and teachers remain available to answer your questions or concerns. You may contact any
staff member by phone or email. All email addresses are located on our school website. Our Guidance Counselor,
Lori Sanders can be contacted directly by phone during school hours or by leaving a message after hours on her private line. We encourage your partnership in solving issues of concern. Together we can continue to create an atmosphere where all our students excel and mature.
Beth Lind—Principal of Summit Hill Junior High
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Volume 1, Issue 2
Girls’ Volleyball Teams Selected
Congratulations to each of the following girls
who earned a spot on the Girls’ Volleyball
The 7th Grade Team is: Sydney Geary,
Emilee Gerk, Laurel Harnett, Amber Huppert,
Samantha Klosak, Rachel Lahr, Leigh LaRocco, Haley Mahy, Unique Manns, Kayla
Manthei, Justine McClendon, Rebecca Morris,
Katie Pergolizzi, Taylor Schissler, and Danielle Todd. Coach: Keith McGrail.
The 8th Grade Team is: Kristin Lahr, Lindsey
Schultz, Teig Palmateer, Kelsi Dilger, Rita
Craven, Jamie Beniac, Kristi Cesario, Kali
Greenwood, Nicole Stepuszek, Lauren Bartlett, Nicki Vitro, LaDonna Gettis, Michelle Balcerzak and Gabby Perez. Managers:
Shayna O’Doran and Adam Kircher. Coach:
Jack Howard.
Page 2
8th Grade Academic Teams
Team 8-1
The Incredible Iguanas
Mrs. Furmanek’s Algebra
1A has embarked down the
road of solving equations. Here the students will
begin slowly with solving 1step equations and work our
way up to solving multi-step
equations. Algebra 1B has
found their way through
tackling word problems and
now has other options besides guessing and checking
as a way of finding the answers. They will soon begin their own exploration of
Quadratic Equations. Honors Algebra has begun to
tackle the multiplication of
Polynomials and have enjoyed the method of FOIL
to get there. The students
are soon moving to Factoring of Polynomials with the
understanding that this will
lead us to another way to
solve a quadratic equation.
In 8th grade Science, Ms.
Hollowell’s students have
recently completed their
Classroom Science Fair
Project Presentations, Papers and Backboards. At
our All-School Science Fair
on December 14, students
set up their backboards and
came prepared to give visiting parents a short version
of their presentation, answer
any questions put to them as
well as complete an Activity
sheet regarding their experience. Thank you to all who
supported our Science Fair
that day—we hope you enjoyed all of the students’
Mrs. McSpaden's Social
Studies class just finished
World War I. We created
"bumper stickers" that take
today's catch phrases and
apply them to that time period. Some titles included
"My Other Ride is a Tank,"
"Friends Don't Let Friends
Support the Central Powers," "Proud Parent of a
Doughboy," and "4 out of 5
pacifists agree: Shake
Hands and Stop Fighting." Great ideas!! Next
we are moving into the Jazz
Age and Roaring 20s, and
will be creating 20s trading
cards. Isn't that just the
bee's knees?
In Ms. Marinucci’s reading
class, students have been
busy studying the idea of
courage through the use of
two stories related to the
sea. Our upcoming unit on
reader’s extended response
creates intensive, thought
provoking study of the story
“The Sea Devil.” In Eng-
lish, students have completed their study on expository writing with outlining
and proper word choice.
Although we will continue
using writing in reader’s
extended response, we are
also going to study commas
and their use. The upcoming
Young Authors stories will
be due January 11th, the
Friday that we return from
winter break.
Ms. Beck’s class has been
focusing on introductions
and conclusions, writing
with voice and proper word
choice, and organization of
writing. Students have used
their reading in their writing
and will have their Young
Authors stories due soon.
"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those that mind
don't matter and those that matter don't mind."…Dr. Suess
National Junior Honor Society
The National Junior Honor Society helped to celebrate Make a Difference Day right here at SHJH by paying it
forward. Each time a NJHS student helped out a fellow Spartan in October they then passed on a card asking that they
pay it forward and hopefully random acts of kindness spread through the home of the Spartans.
Ms. O’Neill would like to thank the SCO and NJHS members Danielle Bradley, Maggie Burtis, Kelsi Dilger,
Hannah Henley, Taylor Kachinsky, Stacy McKeigue, Jim Novy, Darouny Phouybandyt, Nick Raft, Joe Schuit, and Abby
Troike for their hard work running the concession stand for the girl’s basketball season.
Important Dates to Remember
• Record of your 15 service hours are due to Ms. O’Neill in room 230 by the end of the day on January 18, 2008.
If you need a Service Hour Record Sheet see Ms. O’Neill’s web page to download a form.
• Our next meeting to discuss our group service project will take place in room 239 on Tuesday, January 22,
2008 until the first activity bus run.
Volume 1, Issue 2
Page 3
Team 8-2
The Fish
Mr. Chrusciel’s Social Studies Classes:
We have finished researching how today’s economic
and military strength was laid,
at least in part, during the late
nineteenth and early twentieth
century. Competition with
other nations for land and
trade led to the United States
becoming a major power in
shaping world affairs. We are
now just beginning to explore the factors
that led to World War I and how the
United States slowly became involved.
We will also examine how the war resulted in economic and opportunities at
home. Have a great winter break!
their Young Authors stories.
We have discovered that the
old adage is actually true;
everyone has a story to tell!
Mrs. Zayed’s Math
Students will be wrapping
up their prospective chapters,
and begin a geometry unit
after winter break.
ing their stories come to life. In English
class they have just finished up their
chapter on Capitalization and are being
introduced to Six Trait Writing. Mrs.
Rodgers would like to thank her students
for a GREAT first quarter! All my classes
are doing excellent…. I am looking forMrs. Rodgers’s Language Arts Classes: ward to the rest of the year.
Mrs. Rodgers’s Reading class has just
completed Unit 2, Meeting Challenges.
Mrs. Miller’s Language Arts Classes:
They have also read The Raven and The
Would you choose to become super
Tell Tale Heart by Edgar Allan Poe. Stu- intelligent if given the opportunity? Students continue to work on their writing
dents in Mrs. Miller’s classes debated this
and are exploring new strategies in Voissue as they read “Flowers for Algercabulary. Students are writing stories
non.” In English classes, the characterisusing their vocabulary words and using
tics of personal narrative writing have
technology by placing their stories on
been discussed and demonstrated. In adHollywood High in the LRC and watch- dition, students have been busy writing
Ms. Benjamin’s Science Class:
We have finally finished our science
fair projects, culminating with our All
School Science Fair on December 14.
IJAS regional students have been chosen
and will begin editing their papers for
regional paper session.
Voyages have completed chapter 6 and
have begun chapter 7 on Newton’s laws
of physics, which we will complete after
break. The students enjoyed the egg drop
project, which went very well.
Honors have completed physics for this
year. Our thermal energy house project
was very interesting, and we finished off
physics with a discussion of quantum and
string theory. After break we will begin
working on chemistry.
Counselor’s Corner
The months of November and December mark the beginning of many developments in the counseling department.
All SHJH students will be introduced to the peer mediation program. Peer mediation is a conflict resolution strategy
that allows students in conflict to sit face-to-face, in a safe and non-biased environment, to discuss their conflict
with the assistance of a trained peer mediator. After the problem is defined, possible solutions are evaluated and
an agreement is reached. Many of your students were selected to be a part of this program and have begun the
training process.
Benefits of this program include:
Enabling students to recognize that conflict is normal and manageable
Peer mediation can be more effective than detention or suspension in promoting responsible behavior
Peer mediation is a life skill that empowers students to solve their own problems through improved communication and understanding of differences
Promotes leadership and personal growth
At this age friends are an important part of your childrens’ lives. Encourage your students to use this program if
they are spending more time thinking about conflicts with friends than they are about their school work.
Ms. Sanders
Volume 1, Issue 2
Page 4
Team 8-3
The Cougars
Happy Holidays from the Cougar Team!
Ms. Bottomley & her students would like to extend a big THANK YOU to the Summit Hill Educational Foundation for their
support of visual presenters (ELMO) in the classroom. Your generosity is greatly appreciated!!
In Algebra 1A we are using properties of real numbers to solve linear equations. While in Algebra 1B we are solving systems of
linear equations and inequalities. In both classes we are also practicing ISAT extended response.
In Mr. McGuckin’s Social Studies class, students have just completed subjects related to the Progressive Movement, as well as
learning about different government philosophies related to Progressivism and Socialism. Students will begin December, learning about the Cuban Revolution, the acquisition of Alaska and Hawaii, along with the Spanish American War. During this time,
they will complete Yellow Journalism assignments, detailing the correct facts alongside “stretched” facts. Working with partners, students will better their knowledge of the events from this period of American History. We’ll end 2007 discussing and
learning about the beginning of World War I. This will transition nicely as we start 2008 with a detailed description of the war
including people, places, events, and battles which characterize the first Great War!
Mrs. Szymanski offers her congratulations to the Cougar students and all others who worked hard on their science fair presentations and written reports! Their results were really impressive and the projects have improved over the years. The students’ ability to complete this long term project will hopefully prepare them for the high school’s expectations and give them an appreciation for the scientific method. Thanks to all who joined us on Friday, December 14, to celebrate everyone’s accomplishments at
the All-School Science Fair!
The Cougars are finishing Newton’s 3 laws in chapter 7 and will present their favorite sport to their class including the forces and
laws associated with the sport. After Christmas break, we’re going to change gears and focus on chemistry and the Periodic Table. Hope you enjoy the holidays!
Ms. Greene's reading classes are working on recognizing irony in literature. We are reading "A Retrieved Reformation" by O.
Henry. As some may know, O. Henry is well-known for surprise endings in his short stories. In language arts, we continue to
work on narrative essays and grammar.
The Cougars were reading one of two novels in Ms. Canter’s Language Arts classes. Most students read A Year Down Yonder,
while a small group of students read Tadpole. Both groups analyzed character change, interpreted figurative language, and made
connections to the stories.
The students are also working on their Young Author’s narratives. In class, they’ve been working on characterization, building
plot, and creating strong settings to help enhance their stories. Coming up, the students will be reading “A Retrieved Reformation” by O. Henry, and they will be focusing on irony and surprise endings.
Student Council
The student council would like to thank everyone who came out and enjoyed
our Halloween Party. Your enthusiasm for the mummy wrap, pie eating, and
costume contest was Awesome! We would like to congratulate the grand prize
winners of the costume contest: Ryan McFarland, Isabella Polidoro, and Alex
We also enjoyed our Holiday Open Gym on Friday, December 7th. The party
included volleyball and 3-on-3 basketball tournaments, as well as other enjoyable games connected to the holidays. Thanks to all who came out to play
games and hang out with friends—it was a great time!
Volume 1, Issue 2
Page 5
7th Grade Academic Teams
Team 7-1
The Learning Llamas
Mrs. Bergmann’s Language Arts Classes
Language Arts students in Mrs. Bergmann’s classes have recently completed several projects in addition to following their
regular studies. First of all, with the end of the G.R.E.A.T. program with Deputy Kikkert in mid-December, the 7th-graders wrote
their “What I Learned from GREAT” essays. Ms. Conterio checked out the Laptop Lab to the class so the students could wordprocess the essays. Then the students completed November book report projects for the Rush-to-Read incentive program. Some
students found the laptops helpful for those projects, too. Finally, to coincide with the Vocabulary Workshop Cumulative Review
I, the students worked on group projects using twenty-five words from Units 1-6. The groups worked as a team to produce flashcards, crossword puzzles, or short stories. The laptops were again handy. In fact, the students were able to use them three days
during the week which was very helpful. They are all now Laptop Lab Experts! No sooner have all these projects been completed
than the 7th-graders are beginning to plan for Young Authors for the next month. No doubt the students will be busy on the laptops again soon!
Mr. Evenhouse’s Language Arts Classes
In our classes we have just completed work on our short stories. Students were able to craft their own stories using their
knowledge of plot, conflict, and character description. We hope that this will prepare us for the Young Authors competition
which we will begin working on shortly. This week we are beginning our work on an Elements of Fiction project where we will
analyze a fictional book of our choice. We will give attention especially to understanding the setting, characters, plot, point of
view, and theme of our books. Hopefully this will give us an improved understanding of the books and stories we read from now
Mr. Hagen’s Math Classes
All Classes have completed their Probability Unit. During this unit students participated in several hands-on experiments in
finding both experimental and theoretical probability as well as odds. After thorough investigation, students have still found that
the probability that the Cubs will not win the World Series is 100%!
Pre-Algebra classes have been working diligently on using the distributive property while furthermore simplifying variable
expressions using boxes and circles to combine like-terms. Pre-Algebra students will learn to solve equations very soon. Algebra classes have now moved to Chapter 3 and have been solving multi-step equations. Students will soon begin their Business
Project where they will become business consultants for potential local businesses. Our Honors Algebra classes have finished
Chapter 3 and are now beginning their Business Consulting Project. Students will construct algebraic equations to determine
each business’ potential. Will our students be able to help potential businesses in our area?
Mrs. Ostrowski’s Science Classes
Welcome back, Mrs. Ostrowski, who returned in December to lead her students into the microscopic world of cells. It was a
quick three weeks as we finished up Science Fair went on the holiday break—hold on for more exploration, learning and fun!
Mr. Smalter’s Social Studies Classes
Mr. Smalter's class just finished studying the American Revolutionary War and is now entering the realm of the United States
Constitution. We will be having weekly quizzes as we progress through the chapters and the Constitution test will be given after
winter break.
Summit Hill Math Peer Tutors
During the second quarter, their have been several math students
that have volunteered to give up their study hall/lunch period to
provide extra help and tutoring in math to the students of Team
7-1. Jenn Bechtold, Caitlin Broderick, Jaime DeRuiter, Brittany
Friel, and Lauren Sajewich have all sacrificed their own time to
help students in Mr. Hagen’s Math classes. Mr. Hagen and the
students of Team 7-1 greatly appreciate all your help and hard
work. These students could be excellent future teachers! Thank
Volume 1, Issue 2
Page 6
Team 7- 2:
The Crafty Squirrels News
Mrs. Blevins’ Honors Class just finished a graphing unit in
which they created their own “City Scene” using ordered pairs.
They are now working on writing linear equations in many
different forms. Algebra classes are finishing solving equations and will be moving on to a graphing unit. They will also
be creating their own “City Scene.” Pre-Algebra classes have
been working on the distributive property and will soon be
solving equations with variables.
Mr. Barnas’ Language Arts classes are hard at work writing their Personal Narrative Stories. Students have been
analyzing and discussing different narratives and are now
implementing what was learned into their own narrative
story! Students will have the opportunity to work with Mrs.
Heiden’s students on revising their Personal Narrative.
Students are reading “Amigo Brothers” and “A Christmas
Carol” in Literature Circles. Students are doing a fantastic
job while taking on a different discussion role each day!
Keep up the wonderful work!
tive writing. They were shown a power point presentation
which included ISAT expectations. They are excited to be
working with Mr. Barnas' classes on peer editing, responding
and revising. In reading, the students have just finished story
mapping and now are getting prepared for
literature groups.
Welcome to the Stemen Zone! For the past two weeks, the
students have been presenting their science fair projects.
The science fair boards have been excellent and the students have been doing a great explaining their experiments
to their peers.
Ms. Trotta’s social studies classes have been studying the
Revolutionary War throughout the month of November. We
are now learning about our nation’s government. Students are
actively involved in making a Constitution booklet, which will
help them prepare for the Constitution test. The tentative date
for the test is Thursday, January 17th. Students—keep reviewing your notes, so the information stays fresh in your minds!
Mrs. Heiden's language arts classes are busy working on narra-
December is an exciting month for the members of our
school’s bands and we have LOTS of performances
coming up! First of all, our newly formed pep band
(which is made up of volunteers from the two “big”
bands) will be helping rev up the crowd at our boys’
home basketball games. It’s great to have students interested putting in the extra time to do this!
members for that “show”. Our pep band performed at
the “teachers vs. students” basketball game that
Wednesday evening.
Next, a small group of band students performed at the
Bobbie Noonan Pre-school in Frankfort on Friday, December 14th. This has been a tradition for over 20 years
and they always look forward to our visit.
Our biggest concert of the year, the Holiday Concert,
was on Tuesday, Dec. 18th and featured both of our
bands as well as the choir. There are also usually 100 to
150 alumni band members who join us for the final numbers, so we had the gym jam-packed that night! Lastly,
our bands presented an assembly here at the junior high
on Thursday (the 20th) to help get everyone in the mood
for the holiday break. Happy holidays!
The week of December 17th was huge…. We had 9 performances that week! The tour to the grade schools,
where our Symphonic Band and choir performed assemblies at Frankfort Square, Indian Trail, Arbury Hills,
Julian Rogus and Walker schools was on Monday (17th)
and Wednesday (19th). We extended the tour to the
Founder’s Center in Frankfort for their Special Rec. program young adults. A bus from the Frankfort Terrace
Nursing Home also brought in appreciative audience
Recent and Upcoming Dates:
Dec 14: Bobbie Noonan performance
Dec 17: Tour Day 1
Dec 18: Holiday Concert
Dec 19: Tour Day 2
Dec 20: SHJH Assembly
Jan 17: Band Booster
Jan 24: 8th grade/high school Wind Ensemble
combined concert
Volume 1, Issue 2
Page 7
Team 7-3:
Kingpin Penguins
Language Arts
In Miss McCarthy’s class, the second
quarter is off to a great start! We have just
completed the nonfiction unit. This unit
allowed the students to explore and become familiar with many types of nonfiction works. Students will begin work on
their fiction unit at the start of this quarter.
Work has been progressing on our Young
Authors stories, we are starting are final
drafts! The class has been working hard
and continues to work diligently on their
reading skills.
The students of Miss Rhodes’s reading
and English classes are looking forward to
a tough Jeopardy competition in review for
our vocabulary quiz! In addition to playing Jeopardy in English, we have also
completed a research unit, and we will
begin expository writing shortly. In reading, we have finally finished nonfiction,
and we have moved on to fiction with the
story “Seventh Grade.”
Mr. Sullivan’s classes have moved
from nonfiction and into the world of fiction.
Besides needing to read two AR novels
by January 9th, his Honors class is reading
Paul Zindel’s The Pigman and his other
two classes are knee-deep in short stories.
In English, we will be studying what goes
into writing a short story while we prepare
for writing our own Young Authors. Remember; keep an eye on
for everything that’s happening!
Science – Mrs. Hartley
Our 7th grade Science students finished
up Microscope Mania after investigating
pond water samples under the microscopes. They completed Critter Books
focusing on the various traits that pond
organisms have. They did a great job mastering the microscopes and its parts.
Our Junior Scientists have been working hard exploring Space. We went on a
“Planet Walk”, which featured our planets
scaled down to our school. Our students
made comic strips on their trip to Mars.
They also made “Planet Brochures” or
“Planets for Sale” Ads. The discussions
were interesting and we are back down to
Earth now in our Science textbooks.
We had fun making our own slime.
(The students seemed to really enjoy this!)
We are now entering the states of matter,
as well as, solutions in our Science classes.
The Honors class will be venturing into
the world of the Plant and Animal Cell.
We will be studying viruses and bacterial
cells. So, look for some “Virus and Bacteria Wanted Ads” in our hallways.
the Declaration of Independence!
Social Studies – Mrs. Lane
This month in Social Studies, we are
starting to look more closely at life in the
13 colonies, particularly growth of the
colonies and slavery. We will be studying
the French and Indian War, trouble between Britain and the colonies, and what
happened as the colonies started to unify.
The next two chapters will lead us up to
See Teacher Info. Pages elsewhere on the SHJH website
for the most up-to-date information on what each class is
doing, and different homework assignments that are
due each day.
Math – Mrs. Kelly
Honors has finished up Chapter 3 and
have started Chapter 4. With Chapter 4
students will be asked to complete a Creature Creation. This will be due on November 21, 2007. The students will also be
completing a few other minor projects
along the way.
Algebra classes will be taking the
Chapter 2 test on Monday November 5,
2007. This will move us into Chapter 3,
which is solving linear equations. Algebra
will also be completing a Geometry Turkey to help reinforce the geometric concepts that have been presented in class.
Pre-Algebra is in the middle of Chapter 1. We will be completing a Creature
Creation later in this chapter. Students
will also be completing a Geometry Turkey to help reinforce the geometric concepts that have been presented in class.
A Note for All Classes:
Why are Billy Sherman (left) and those two science
teachers (Mrs. Hartley and Mrs. Stemen, right) smiling?
After months of diligent work,
our All-School Science Fair is
complete, and those going on
to the Regional IJAS Competition have been selected.
Check out the photos and story
on page 14!
Volume 1, Issue 2
Page 8
Art Class In Session
We are having a great time in our new art room! We have plenty of space and the students are enjoying the really
cool modern stools! The new LCD projector makes showing art exemplars so much better.
Art is one of the five Encore classes that meets for seven weeks. This year students are working primarily with soft
pastels and oil pastels. They are also completing a unit on art careers with an accompanying project, and writing
about masterworks. Also, students complete weekly sketchbook assignments and identify “Mystery Artists” to
strengthen their knowledge of artists and their place in history.
We proudly display the current work of our students—if you are in the school in the near future, please stop by the art
room hallway and enjoy the wonderful projects! Aspiring artists, take note! In January, Mrs. Putz will offer an afterschool art club for those who seek another outlet for their creativity.
Music Notes
During December, the new Spartan Chorus was hard at work, preparing for the Holiday Concert and tour. We
have been enjoying our new rehearsal space. Practicing on our new risers really helps us create a concert atmosphere. The new Spartan Show Choir, made up of a core of Spartan Chorus members, performed a piece at the
Holiday Concert. The Spartan Chorus will be open to new members upon completion of the next performances—
listen for details in the morning announcements. Chorus is directed by Mrs. Niesen, who also teaches Music
classes in our Encore program.
Volume 1, Issue 2
Page 9
@Your Summit Hill Jr. High Library
As the cold temperatures and snowfall arrive, there is nothing better to do than curl up with a mug of hot chocolate and a good
Accelerated Reader book! So, if your child is in need of an AR book to read over the holiday break, go to the Summit Hill Junior
High web page at from the SHSD website,, select Teacher Pages, and then select Ms. Conterio. The Accelerated Reader links are located at the bottom of the page. You can view or download the AR list. You and your child can select a
book just right for them!
The Learning Center is also happy to announce our new student library helpers for the 2007-2008 school year! Jackie Bretall,
Michaelene Kepec, Jim Novy, Darouny Phouybandyt, Jim Schoenecker, Joe Schuit and Liz Toppett have offered to volunteer
their time to help out with everyday library duties. These students are an important part of making the Summit Hill Junior High
library and we are grateful to have them!
Happy Holidays and Happy Reading!!!!
Rush to Read
This year Summit Hill is again participating in the Chicago Rush Arena Football league’s reading incentive
program. To receive a voucher for two tickets to a home game, your student needs to read four books,
write four book reports in four months. That is one for October, November, December, and January. They can be the AR books
that they are already required to read for their Language Arts class. See the Language Arts teachers for more information. Go
Mrs. Condon
Miss O’Neill
Reading Specialists
• Happy Holidays from the SCO!
• Thanks to everyone who donated to Operation Care Package in November.
• The SCO is looking for a Treasurer for the remaining of the school year. Please contact Peggy Harlan at if you are interested.
• Mark your calendars for the upcoming treat and hot lunch days…
o Treat Day – January 9th
o Hot Lunch – January 23rd (Aurelio’s)
o Treat Day – February 6th
o Hot Lunch – February 20th (Mindy’s)
• Please attend our SCO meetings. They begin at 2:30 pm and the dates are as follows…
o January 17th
o February 14th
o March 13th – Board Position Nominations
o April 10th – Election
o May 15th – Officer Installations
Volume 1, Issue 2
Page 10
Meet Mr. Evenhouse
Years Experience/Years at Summit Hill:
This is my third year as a teacher (2 as a substitute + I was a summer school World History
Teacher.) This is my first year as a teacher at
Summit Hill.
Undergraduate Degree:
I have a BA in Mass Communication from St. Xavier University and a BA in History/Secondary
Education from Trinity Christian College.
Master Degree:
Highly Qualified to Teach:
I am highly qualified to teach Language Arts,
Speech, and Social Studies at the Middle School
level and World History, U.S. History, Economics,
and Speech at the High School Level. I am also a
trained ACT Instructor.
Meet Mrs. Miller
Years Experience/Years at Summit Hill:
This is my seventeenth year teaching Language Arts
at Summit Hill. Previously, I taught at Simmons Junior High in Oak Lawn and 12th grade English in Thief
River Falls, Minnesota. This makes a grand total of
twenty-three years of teaching.
Undergraduate Degree:
My undergraduate degree in English was earned at
Concordia College in Moorhead, Minnesota.
Master Degree:
I obtained a Master’s graduate degree with a concentration in the teaching of reading from the University of St. Francis in Joliet.
Highly Qualified to Teach:
I am qualified to teach reading and English to junior
and senior high school students.
Family: I have been married for 1.5 years. My
wife Lori is a choir director at Parker Junior High in
Flossmoor, IL. No kids, but I do have one year old
puppy named Keillor.
My family consists of my husband, a son and daughter-in-law, a daughter and son-in-law, one wonderful
grandson, and a slightly insane Airedale terrier.
Other Accomplishments:
I am an experienced badminton and chess coach.
Prior to being a teacher I worked as a film researcher for the WPA film library. In college, I was
a radio host for 3 years and was station director
for WXAV in Chicago. I also was a founding
member of the St. Xavier Drama Club and was the
President of the Trinity Historical Association of
Students. I enjoy reading, word puzzles, trivia,
and bowling.
Other Accomplishments:
The accomplishment I am most proud of is raising
two responsible, caring children. They taught me
how to be a teacher.
Volume 1, Issue 2
Page 11
Special Olympics Gold Medalist
7th Grade Spartans are Unstoppable
Blake Weber, a 7th grader in Ms. Ruppert’s class,
poses with his parents at the Special Olympics volleyball championship in Rockford last October.
His team, the Lincoln-Way Junior Knights, won 2
out of 3 games to take the gold—winning against
teams who had players aged 20 to 30 years old!
Dates for sports tryouts
Beginning of the season for the
upcoming 2007-2008 teams
Boys' & Girls' Track – March 10, 2008
To assist you in planning your
summer vacations…
Beginning of the season for the
2008-2009 school year teams
Girls' Softball
Clinic – July 28, 2008
Tryouts – August 4, 2008
Boys' Baseball – August 4, 2008
Boys' & Girls'
Cross Country – August 4, 2008
Boys' Volleyball – August 18, 2008
Girls' Basketball – September 1, 2008
Camp – Late Sept., 2008
Tryouts – Late Sept.\Early Oct.
Boys’ Basketball—October 20, 2008
Girls’ Volleyball—December 8, 2008
In order to try out for any sports team,
you must have a valid doctor’s physical
turned in to Mr. McGrail. (Physicals on
file remain valid for one year.)
Volume 1, Issue 2
The Summit Hill 7th grade boys’ basketball season is off to a 9-0 start, and
6-0 in Des Plaines Valley Conference action. The team defeated Peotone
in the season opener by a score of 48-20, then continuing their domination
against Crest Hill Richland with a score of 52-21. Starting conference action the boys were off to a rocky start against cross town rival Hickory
Creek, but overcame by the score of 38-33. Josh Reid led scorers with an
impressive 12 points. In the fourth game of the season the team defeated
Lockport Oak Prairie by a score of 37-29. Next, the team played an aggressive Troy squad with a 43-39 victory; Austin Olsen and Corey Krupske led scorers with 12 points a piece. The 7th grader’s next opponent was
against team rival the Mokena Meteors. Tied at half, the Summit Hill
Spartans turned on the defense for a final score of 40-27. After a couple
days off for Thanksgiving the team came back strong against New Lenox
Liberty with an impressive 40-19 victory; Corey Krupske had a season
high of 16 points. The team then played Hickory Creek for a second time,
this time having little difficulty with a 39-19 victory. Tre Lewis led all
scorers with 9 points. Finally, the team played at Manhattan Junior High
and came away with yet another victory by the score of 38-24. The team
continues with games against New Lenox Martino, and Troy and Homer
before the New Year.
The 2007-08 team roster includes: Denton Wallace, Ben Bertolani, Tre
Lewis, Daryl Morgan, Mike Miller, Mikey Irace, Josh Handzik, Josh
Glaum, Josh Reid, Ryan Pellack, Kevin Smith, Corey Krupske, Drew Korosic, Austin Olsen, and Joe Tejerina.
Spartans with School Spirit Needed
The Spartan Spirit Squad meets to cheer on our indoor Spartan sports teams to victory.
As a benefit of membership you will receive Spartan Spirit Wear, free admission to all of
the home games, and a coupon good for one snack and one beverage from the concession
stand at every home game. You can come paint your face, wear some spirit beads and
cheer the Spartans to victory with your friends. For a permission slip or more information
about how to join see Ms. O’Neill in room 230 during advisory.
Schedule of Remaining Spartan Sporting Events
1. Mon., Jan. 7 Girls Volleyball vs. Peotone 4:00
2. Thurs., Jan. 10 Boys Basketball vs. Liberty 4:00
3. Tues., Jan. 15 Boys Basketball vs. Martino 4:00
4. Thurs., Jan. 17 Boys Basketball vs. Manhattan 4:00
5. Wed., Jan. 23 Girls Volleyball vs. Oak Prairie 4:30
6. Tues., Jan. 29 Girls Volleyball vs. Troy 4:00
7. Thurs., Feb. 7 Girls Volleyball vs. Liberty 4:00
8. Mon., Feb. 11 Girls Volleyball vs. Hickory Creek 4:00
Page 12
Let’s Hear it for Spirit!
On Saturday, December 8th, the Summit Hill cheerleaders competed in a
cheerleading competition for the first time in the school's history. They took
second place at the University of St. Francis Spiritline Invitational. These girls
have endured 4 hour practices, cuts, bruises, skin burns and miscellaneous
lumps and bumps. They poured their hearts into their 2 1/2 minute routine. When they called Summit Hill to take the second place trophy, the girls
were stunned. They were thrilled to bring home the first cheerleading trophy
for the Spartan display case.
On December 15, our cheerleaders braved a raging snowstorm to compete
for a state trophy at the IESA Competition in Peoria. No trophy this time, but
they placed an impressive third out of 12 cheer teams that day! (Our Athletic
Boosters were so proud, they had a special trophy made to display at SHJH!)
Congratulations, girls, on a job well done!
8th Grade Boys’ Basketball
Congratulations to the following 8th grade boys for making the 2007-08 Spartan basketball team: Joe Cairo, Zach
Cappos, Mike Daly Jr., Mike Ginise, Chris Harvey, Alex Lesiak, Dan Linde, Jack Misheck, Dan Moore, Santino
Rangel, Kevin Thielmann, Alex Vargas and Hayden Zegley.
The team started the year off 1-0 with an impressive 53-25 victory over Peotone in November, and closed out the
2007 part of their season with a 38-31 win at Homer in December. The win made it three in a row for the Spartans,
who pushed their overall record to 8-6 (5-3 in DPVC) on the season. Scoring leaders for this season are Alex Lesiak
(10 ppg), Santino Rangel (7ppg), Jack Misheck (6.7 ppg) and Zach Cappos (5.2 ppg). Rebound leaders are Alex
Lesiak (7 rpg) and Zach Cappos (4.5 rpg), and the Spartans are lead in steals by Santino Rangel (2.5 spg). The
Spartans open up action in 2008 at conference rival Mokena in January, and close out the regular season with three
straight home contests against Liberty (1/10), Martino (1/15) and Manhattan (1/17). Come out and support the team
PE/Health News
The SHJH PE and Health department concluded the first
quarter with a soccer unit including indoor/outdoor soccer, line
soccer and tournament play. Currently, students are involved
in a speedball mini-unit and began a badminton /handball/ fitness center rotation after parent-teacher conferences. Fitness
center training started for all students as soon as student release
forms were returned. (As you can see from the photos, the fitness center is a big hit with our students!)
In Health, a new group of students entered our classrooms for
the second quarter and they are studying many important topics
including; the health triangle, body systems and alcohol, tobacco and drug awareness.
NOTE TO PARENTS: If a student does not have a signed
release form, he or she WILL NOT be permitted to use the
fitness center during the 2007-08 school year.
Volume 1, Issue 2
Page 13
Congratulations, Students Going on to the Regional Science Fair!
Photos on this page show some of the students with their projects, and some of the parents who came to observe
them at our All-School Science Fair on December 14. With colorful displays and catchy titles like “Electrifying Electromagnets,” “Earthworm Castings or Not,” and “Couch Potatoes Beware,” it was impossible not to be impressed!
Students selected to go on to the Regional Project Session include: Rachel Coghlan, Nick Whitlock, Nick Raft, Mike
Law, Drake Sands and Mike Schasane. Alec Arvia will go on to the Paper Session. Those chosen for Both Sessions
are: Nick Rispoli, Billy Sherman, Jamie DeRuiter, Jenn Bechtold, Patrick Budney, Joey Tijerina, Lauren Pryszcz, Allie
Amos, Alex Horton, Selena Smith, Faizan Mohajir, Jeremy Roney, Dominique Petrassi, Mike Harrington, Jibran Mohajir, Nathan Kemp, Dena Waldier and Mike DiGiorgio. Alternates are Olivia Perozzi and Trevor Macek.
Congratulations to all who advanced to the next level—good luck at The Illinois Academy of Science (IJAS) Regional
Science Fair in March!
Volume 1, Issue 2
Page 14
Snapshots from our Assembly
December 20, 2007
SHJH celebrated the end of 2007 with a fantastic assembly featuring music, the presentation of trophies
from our conquering sports teams, and the premier
appearance of our mascot, Sparty! Cheerleading
Coaches Ostrowski and Lane proudly presented two
trophies, representing second and third places from
recent cheerleading competitions. The 7th grade girls’
basketball team burst with pride as Sparty held up
their trophy for taking third place at State. Everyone
enjoyed the selections played by both bands and sung
by the choir—what a great note to end the year on!
Volume 1, Issue 2
Page 15
Summit Hill Junior High
Summit Hill Mission Statement
7260 North Ave.
Frankfort, IL 60423
Phone: 815-469-4330
Fax: 815-464-1596
ithin a safe and nurturing community, the students, staff, and parents of Summit Hill Junior High seek to foster personal
and academic excellence, treat one another
with dignity, respect our environment, embrace diversity, and develop character that
merits trust and honor. We encourage positive risk-taking and perseverance in pursuit
of our goals.
We’re on the web
Home of the Spartans
J a n u a ry 2 0 0 8
M on
W ed
F ri
• S H J H A r t C lu b
•S H J H C h e s s
C lu b
•S H J H Y e a rb o o k
• S H J H G ir ls
V o lle y b a ll
•S H J H B o y s
B a s k e tb a ll
•S H J H C h o ru s
• S H J H V id e o C lu b
• S H J H G irls
V o lle y b a ll
• S H J H 7 th G V B
T o u rn a m e n t
•S H J H C h o ru s
•S H J H B o y s
B a s k e tb a ll
• S H J H 7 th G V B
T o u rn a m n e t
• S H J H A r t C lu b
•S H J H Y e a rb o o k
•S H J H C h e s s
C lu b
•S H J H B o y s
B a s k e tb a ll
•S H J H C h o ru s
•S H J H C h o ru s
• S H J H V id e o C lu b
•S H J H C h o ru s
•S H J H B o y s
B a s k e tb a ll
•S H J H B a n d
•S H J H N J H S
• S H J H 7 th B B B
R e g io n a l
• S H J H 7 th B B B
R e g io n a l
• S H J H 7 th B B B
R e g io n a l
•S H J H N J H S
M e e tin g
• S H J H G irls
V o lle y b a ll
• S H J H 7 th B B B
R e g io n a l
•S H J H C h o ru s
• S H J H V id e o C lu b
• S H J H G irls
V o lle y b a ll
• S H J H 7 th B B B
R e g io n a l
•S H J H C h o ru s
•S H J H B a n d
• S H J H G ir ls
V o lle y b a ll
• S H J H 8 th B B B
R e g io n a l
• S H J H 8 th B B B
R e g io n a l
• S H J H A r t C lu b
•S H J H C h e s s
C lu b
•S H J H Y e a rb o o k
• S H J H 8 th B B B
R e g io n a l
• S H J H G irls
V o lle y b a ll
•S H J H C h o ru s
• S H J H 7 th B B B
S e c tio n a l
• S H J H V id e o C lu b
• S H J H G irls
V o lle y b a ll
• S H J H 8 th B B B
R e g io n a l
•S H J H C h o ru s
• S H J H G ir ls
V o lle y b a ll