Amending - City of Des Moines


Amending - City of Des Moines
Agenda Item Number
* Roll Call Number
Date _____-Al!gl!~U),_lQ_2______
An Ordinance entitled, "AN ORDINANCE to amend the Municipal Code of the City of Des
Moines, Iowa, 2000, adopted by Ordinance No. 13,827, passed June 5, 2000, as
heretofore amended, by amending Sections 114-236, 114-236.015, 114-236.02, 114485.04 and 114-4175 and adding and enacting new Section 114-4180, relating to citywide snow removal and establishing odd/even side snow parking zones",
which was considered and voted upon under Roll Call No. 12- J 11 '7
of July 23, 2012;
again presented.
Moved by
that this ordinance be
considered and given second vote for passage.
(Second of three required readings)
I, DIANE RAUH, City Clerk of said City hereby
certify that at a meeting of the City Council of
said City of Des Moines, held on the above date,
among other proceedings the above was adopted.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my
hand and affixed my seal the day and year first
above written.
City Clerk
Date: i July 23, 2012
Offce of
Agenda Item No.
Roll Call No.
Communication No.
Submitted by:
the City Manager
¡ 12.-l 111
Wiliam G. Stowe.
Assistant City
Manager - Public
Works Director
.A ordinance to amend Chapter 114 of the Municipal Code of the City of Des Moines, Iowa, relating
to residential parking duril1g sno\", events.
the Municipal Code regarding
Recommend Council approval of an1endments to Chapter 114 of
parking restrictions during sno\", operations.
Negligible savings, depending on snow season, but improved service delivery \\-ith more frequent
residential street plowing after Y snow ralls rather than the curent policy of plowing after 4"' snow
Improved snow and ice control is a priority ror the City orDes .\10ines, as underscored by Citizen
Satisraction Survey data that indicates residents' desires for improvements il1 imer-related issues of
neighborhood snow removal al1d street condition. No single issue (other than ù1e severity of a
sno\vstonn) impacts plowing efficiency, as much as, the impediments caused by em-street parking
durng plowing. \Vith the advent of
larger wing plows, on-street parkig restrictions are vital to
plowmg efficiency and service improvements.
Beginning in 2008, the Deparment of
Public \\lorks began a voluntary process of
workig ì\ith a
neighborhoods to first encourage voluntary off-street parking, and then proliibit onsmall number of
street residential parking before plowing. By 2010, 16 neighborhoods requested to have their streets
designated as residential snow ordinance streets, wiù1 mal1datory no parking restrictions durng snow
operations. In 201 L five (5) additional neighborhoods were added to those restricting
residential parking durng snow ewnts.
In light of positive response from the 21 pEU"'icipating neighborhoods, and the Deparment or Public
\Vorks' survey ofbes! management practices in other snow belt communities, the ordil1ance
recommendation before Council would expand residential parking restrictions before plowing to eyery
residential street in Des Moines. Arter lengthy discussions with neighborhood leadership and reyiew
from subject matter expens including residents, businesses, Police and trarfic enforcement, and Public:
Council Communication ~o. 12-390
Page 2 of 5
\\7 orks staff _ fiw (5) neighborhoods (Carpenter, Drake, Drake Park, River Bend, and Shennan Hill) will have a modified no parking restriction allowing alternative on-street parking on odd or even days
the month coinciding with odd or even street addressing (e.g., on-street parking would be allowed in
front of 1211 22nd Street on the 1 sL 3rd, 5th, etc. of each month during snow removal operations, and
the street). All other residential areas will
allowed on the 2nd, 4th, 6th, etc., on the opposite side of
restrict anyon-street parking until that respective street has been plowed. A public education program
including Des Moines \Vater \Vorks mailings, public service anouncements, and street signs will be
used to infonn the public about these changes. l\1oreover, the Des Moines Police Department will
war, rather than cite, illegally parked cars for the first two (2) snow events following passage ofthis
ordinance to provide specific educative experiences to motorists.
The curent Snow & Ice Control Policy, enacted by the Council in 1984, will be revised and included
in the ordinance's third reading to align these chal1ges with operating requirements aimed at both
irnproving snow and ice control (primarily by using better equipment), plowing residential streets after
2" snO\dalls (rather than the existing 4" sno\\fall standard), and reducing street 'wear and tear' caused
by incomplete plowing (see attached letters of support from the Iowa Concrete Paving Association and
the Asphalt Paving Association of Iowa).
Date: October 24, 2011
Roll Call Number: i 1-1818
Action: _-\endilQ.Chapter 114 of
the Mll"1cipal Code, to add streets in five neighborhoods to the list
of Snow Ordinance Street designations. "\1oved by Griess that this ordinance do now pass. =i5.056.
\10tion Caned 7-0.
Date: OClOberl0.2011
Roll Call Number: i I-I n 9
Action: .-\endinQ. Chapter 114 of the MW1icipal Code. 1O add streets in five neighborhoods 1O the list
of Snow Ordinance Street designations. (Council CClUimilv..on No. ~ 1-601\ l\10ì'ed by Griess that
this ordinance be considered and given second vote for passage. Motion Caned 7-0.
Date: September 26.2011
Roll Call Nll"l1ber: i 1-166(!
Action: _-\e;:dis: Chapter J 14 of
the :\1w1Ícipal Code. to add streets in five neighborhoods to the list
of Snow Ordinance Street designations. (Council Communication No. 11-60 n Moved by Griess that
this ordinance be considered and given first vote for passage. :\1otion C2Lrried 7-0.
Council Cominu.i-catÏon -lo. 12-390
Page 3 of5
F or more infonnation on this and other agenda items, please call the Cit)' Clerk's Offce at 515-283 -4209 or visit the
Clerk's Offce on the second floor of City Hal1 400 Robert D. Ray Drive. Council agendas are available to the public at
the City Clerk's Office on Thursday afternoon preceding Monday's Council meeting. Citizens can also request to receive
meeting notices and agendas by email by calling the Clerk's Office or sending their request via email to
ciNe ierkâ'Gm£:oy _on::
Council COlD..murcation :'0. 12-390
Page 4 of5
'" GONe)'
~./· 't 0
- 4'0~..
36S.E ~A-iue' Ankeny, Iowa50û1' (515) 963-0606' FAX
- .-SS-0C\
11, 2012
TO: Brce Br Oty of Des Moines
FROM: Iowa Concrete Paving Assocation
SUJEC: Snow Removal
Over a mmiber ofy-ea iifobsd:Üm, we have noted occasons in
longì cracg due to non-unfor freezng of the suhgrde under PCC
Pæents has oced. This problem seems to he more apparent v'¡ith 31' streets
tha 2:5' stet The cradg is most prevalt in uninhabite subdivisions where
sn rervva is lirt to one pas in th ceer of the street
In Iowa. ther rs freqen'y a high ieve: of suhsail moistre Ir pavement subgrde in
th-e fa \L~ sn is remov ooe--pas wie, the remanîng snow at-LS like a
ther blæet on tht porton o-paveme-üt The subgrde under the cleared
po-too of paemt be to frez whe the sude under the snow remais
abV'e ITee 'Ts cnadro-n of cierenal frg exerts exteme pressure on
the pa-v-- roetes reg in r.oogituinal crclg at the trai"lsition.
Thero-e, me Asation recommends that if
you op-en pee Pavements to traEtc
dur the wmær, the sno-w should be plowed from curb to curb.
Council Cmnmu.TlcalÌon No. 12-390 Ul'
Page 5 or5 (
\'fiLT PA/fi.t
~halt Paving
¿ . ¿
o o~-r
Association of Iowa
81t(',s G\
18, 2012
Mr. Bruce Braun
City of Des Moines Public Works
216 SE 5th St
Des Moines, IA 50314
RE: Snow Removal on Asphalt Pavements
Mr. Braun,
Regarding the effects of snow removal on asphalt pavements, it is the opinion of the Asphalt Paving
Associõtion of Iowa that removal of snow from curb to curb would be the best practice to maintain and
preserve the life of all pavements. Infiltration of water at the Joint of the asphalt street and conCïete
curb and gutter may cause subgrade degradation leading to weakness in the pavement structure and
premature pavement failure.
r: L
Respectfully submitted,
Wiliam Rosener
Executive Vice President
¡ 16 Clark A venue Suite C
Ames, IA 500 ¡ 0
Fex 515-233-0077
IZ-)t ß
AN ORDINANCE to amend the Municipal Code of the City of Des Moines,
Iowa, 2000, adopted by Ordinance No. 13,827, passed June 5,
2000, as heretofore amended, by amending Sections 114-236,
114-236.015,114-236.02,114-485.04 and 114-4175 and adding
and enacting new Section 114-4180, relating to city-wide snow
removal and establishing odd/even side snow parking zones.
Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Des Moines, Iowa:
Section 1. That the Municipal Code of the City of Des Moines,
Iowa, 2000, adopted by Ordinance No. 13,827, passed June 5, 2000,
as heretofore amended, is hereby amended by amending Sections 114-
236, 114-236.015, 114-236.02, 114-485.04 and 114-4175 and adding
and enacting new Section 114-4180, relating to city-wide snow
removal and establishing odd/even side snow parking zones, as
Sec. 114-236. Vehicle and parking restrictions in snow conditions.
(a) As used in this section, the term "snow tires" means tires
designed for use when there are conditions of snow or ice on
the highways and meeting the requirements which shall be
promulgated by rule of the director of the state department of
transportation pursuant to I. C. § 321.236 (12) .
(b) When conditions of snow or ice exist on the traffic surface of
a designated snow route, it is unlawful for the driver of a
vehicle to impede or block traffic if the driving wheels of
the vehicle are not equipped with snow tires, tire chains or
nonslip differential.
(c) Any person charged with impeding or blocking traffic for lack
of snow tires, chains or nonslip differential shall have the
charge dismissed upon a showing to the court that his or her
motor vehicle was equipped with a nonslip differential.
(d) Standing or parking of vehicles upon a street designated as a
"snow route ii shall be prohibited at any time when snow route
snow-removal operations are in progress and before such
operations have resulted in the removal or clearance of snow
from such streets curb to curb.
(e) Standing or parking of vehicles upon a-streets, except those
streets where allowed in subsection (f) below, in designated
"odd/ even side snow parking" zones, dC:JignJ.tcd Cl:J Cl ":J1:0',,'
ordi~once ::trect" shall be prohibited at any time when citywide snow-removal operations are in progress and before such
operations have resulted in the removal or clearance of snow
from such city streets curb to curb.
(f) Parking shall be allowed on streets that allow parkinq on both
sides of the street or one side of the street durinq city-wide
snow removal operations in the "odd/even side snow parkinq"
zones on al ternatinq sides of the street as follows:
(1) on odd numbered dates on the side of the street with odd
numbered addresses 1 and for streets without numbered
addresses, on the north or east side; and
(2) on even numbered dates on the side of the street with
even numered addresses, and for streets without numbered
addresses, on the south or west side; and
(3) this exception shall not apply to snow route streets and
where parkinq is prohibited on both sides of the street.
"Odd/even side snow parkinq" zones are desiqnated in division
11 of article XVI of this chapter.
(g) Standinq or parkinq of vehicles shall be allowed durinq city-
wide snow removal operations on the streets or portions of
streets designated in the central business district in
division 12 of article XVI of this chapter.
(h) The parkinq prohibitions of section 114-358 of this chapter
appl y to this section.
(~i) A person who violates the provisions of subsections (d) or (e)
of this section shall pay a fine of $35.00.
Sec. 114-236.015. Snoii ordinance otrcet::Odd/even side snow parkinq
zones designated.
On the streets or portions of streets designated in division
11 of article XVI of this chapter as wi thin an "odd/even side snow
parkinq" zone, it shall be unlawful, when official signs have been
erected per section 114-236. 02 giving notice of the designation of
such streets as 0 :::1C.: e rdin~;,"ce ct:-cct wi thin an odd/even side
snow parkinq zone, to operate a motor vehicle contrary to section
114-236 (e) .
Sec. 114-236.02. Erection of signs.
The city engineer shall place and maintain signs indicating a
snow route at the entrances to the ~i;h:;~y street or part thereof
affected and along its length, and indicating an odd/even side snow
parking zone ::~o:; c:-dino~ce ::t:-eet at the entrances to the streets
which are on the boundaries of an area of streets designated as
::~o:; crdin~~ce ::treet:: an odd/even side snow parkinq zone. ~te::c
::ign:: ~rc ~et reg;;" red to be pl.Jced '..'r"c:-e porking i:: p:-chit~ tcd ot
011 tiwe=:. These signs shall conform to the specifications set
forth in the manual on uniform traffic control devices adopted by
the state department of transportation.
Sec. 114-485.04. Form and use of parking citation-complaint forms.
Parking citation-complaints shall be issued by the police
department, the department of engineeringb and ~he o~iotio~
deportment by officers and other designated personnel upon serially
numbered sets of parking citation-complaint forms, each copy of
each set to be clearly imprinted with the citation-complaint
number. Copies of the citation-complaint forms shall be used as
follows: one to be used as a notice of violation to be delivered to
the owner of the vehicle, or affixed to the vehicle illegally
parked, as provided in sections 114-485 and 114-485.01 of this
article; one to be placed on file with the city clerk which may be
proceeded upon as a simple notice pursuant to I. C. § 321.236 which,
if admitted, may be paid to the city clerk as specified in the
ci tation-complaint or which, if denied, shall be sworn to by an
officer as an information and filed in the county district court
upon the filing of a written request to receive a date for entering
a court appearance and plea as provided in this article; and one to
be retained for record purposes by the police department. Citationcomplaints which are denied as provided in this article shall be
filed in the traffic division of the office of the clerk of the
county district court and prosecuted pursuant to law.
Division 11.
Sn~:n,' Ordinonce StreetOdd/Even Side Snow Parking
Sec. 114-4175. Designated.
The followina streets and portions of streets constitute
"odd/even side snow parkina" zones and drivers of vehicles on
streets within such odd/even side snow parkina zones shall conform
to the provisions of sections 114-236 and 114-236.015 of this
(1) Zone "AN Boundarv Description.
The Zone "A" boundary description is as follows:
beainnina at a point on the west side of 42hd Street and
the north side of Forest Avenue, thence east along the
north side of Forest Avenue, thence northwest along the
southwest side of Beaver Avenue, thence northeast along
the northwest side of Witmer Parkway, thence north alona
the west side of 34th Street, thence east alona the north
side of Jefferson, thence north alona the west side of
30th Street, thence east alona the north side of Franklin
Avenue and an extension of the north side of Franklin
Avenue, thence north alono the west side of 23rd Street,
thence east along the south side of Lincoln Avenue,
thence south alono the east side of Martin Luther Kino Jr
Parkway, thence west alono the north side of Interstate
235, thence north alono the west side of 42nd Street to
the point of beoinnino.
(2) Zone \lB" Boundarv Description.
The Zone "B" boundary description is as follows:
beoinnino at a point on the west side of 9th Street and
the north side of Uni versi tv, thence north along the west
side of 9th Street, thence east along the north side of
Hickman Road and continuino alono the north side of
Arlinoton Avenue, thence east alono the north side of
Franklin Avenue, thence south along the east side of 2nd
Avenue, thence west alono the north side of University
Avenue to the point of beoinning.
(3) Zone \Ie' Boundarv Description.
The Zone "e" boundary description is as follows: beoinning at a
point on the west side of Martin Luther Kino Jr Parkway and the
north side of Inoersoll Avenue, thence north along the west side of
Martin Luther Kino Jr Parkwav, thence east alono the south side of
Interstate 235, thence south along the east side of 15th Street,
thence west along the north side of Inoersoll Avenue to the point
of beoinnino.
n8 p~ovidcd in ~nd iL ~ccord~Lce ~ith 8cctioTI 11 ~ 236.015 of
thi8 ch0ptcr, thc folle~;ing portiOTI8 0: ~trcet8 0re de~ign~ted 08
cno~; ordin0ncc 8~rcet8 ~nd dri ver8 ef vehicle8 8h~11 conform to the
provicioL8 ef 8cctien 111 23E.Ol5 0: t~i8 ch~ptcr:
(0) (1) nCCCLt RC8identi~l Neighborheod.
E08t T',;cnty 8ecoLd S~rcet ""rOHl H'c8bell 7'.venuc ~o Eli z~bc~h 7'.vcnue.
E~8t T',;enty ~hird S~~ect ¡rom E~J~ ULi.,.erci~y 7'..;e:11.e LO Hubbcll
E08t T'n'cnty :o'c:r~~. S~~eet ::ro." St~te 7'.\7en'Jc to Dub-ique 7'.venuc.
E08t T~;cnty fourth S~rcct ¡ro~ ~0c~en BO'clev~rd ~o Hubbell nVCLue.
E08t T',;cLty :i .ç~h Stree~ :rom ECJ~ C'L~ ",7er8~ ~:r' l\venue ~o E~J~en
Bo',il c",'crd.
E08t T~;cnty fif~h Court ""~o~ E0J~ ~LiVC~8ity nvenue ~e c point 112
fcet north ef C~rfield nven'cc end 0: p'cblic c~reet rig~t 0: ~;cy.
E=i8t T',;enty 8i):th St~cet fre:'. Ccc~ 1Jni",.erJi~:r' 7'.",.enue to =i point 112
fect nerth of Ccrfi eld n7;e~.1.C e~.d 0: public ctrcct r~ ght of '.;~y.
E0Jt T'.;cnty 8i~rth S~~eet ceuth =~or., E::8te~, I3o'Jlcv=ird te =i point 605
fcct 80uth of E=icten Bo--lev=ird end 0"' p'Jbl ic 8trcet ri ght of 'n-~:r".
E=ict T'.;enty Ji)rth Ce--rt ':re:'i St::te l\";e:1'Je te Chic~go 1',"v7cr,ue.
E=i8t T~enty 8cvcnth Stree~ fro~ E~8t 1JnivcrJity nve:1ue to E~8ton
E~:Jt T~vv"C:-lt:r" :;2"\I-2r-~tl- C8:.~t =rc~ E=.::t T.:-i."-v"'C:::J:.tjl7 l~~v"'C::-o.~C ~o Ec..:"tcr.
E=i8t T'.;cnty eigh~~, St:eet ::~e:T. S::8t 1Jn~.;e~city Z\";en1.e te ECJten
EC8t Thirtiet~ S~~ee~ :re~ St~~c nvcnuc ~e EC8t W=iJhiLg~en nvcn'ce.
Ecot Thirtict~ S~ ~cc~ :~e~ EC8~ Jef:ercen nven'Jc te E::oteL
E~.:t Tl-irtJ/ ==-r.:t St~22t f~C:7i Sc.=:t ~AJ=-~:-.lingtcr: 1'~,.\I-r2;'..~C tc Sc.:;ton
~ ':
~ j~
3 ÔJ
": ~
Lr J
Lr J
L( J
Thirty .:i¡:th Street from OougL:::: 7~','er.--e ::outh to de.:d end.
Thirty ::e~enth Street fro~ fr.:nklin ~~enue to Sherid~n ~~en--e.
Thirty ::e~enth St reet ceuth froff ~d.:~:: ~~enue to cul de ::.:c
incl u:: i'v'e .
Thirty ::e~enth Street frcm l\mick 1\~en'Je to Dougl.::: 1\:,'en'J::.
Thirty cighth Street from fr.:nklir. ~','en'Ce to Dougl.::: ~','enue.
Thirty ninth Street froIf fr.:r,klin .TI.'v'enue to 1Jrb~nd.:le 1\~enue.
Thirty ninth Stre::t couth f~oæ ~d.:m:: ~~enue to cul de c.:c
incl u:: i ';e .
fortieth Str::::t from Fr.:nklin ~~enue to ~l",irty n 1 nth Street.
Fortieth Street north fro~ ~d~m:: ~~enue to de.:d end.
Fortieth Street froff Clintor. ~~enue to Dougl.::: ~~enue.
Fortieth rl.:ce fro:n fr.:nklin 1'.'v'er,ue to Sherid.:n 1'.','en'.e.
Fortieth rl.:ce fror:i 1'.d.:",:: 1'.'Jer-ie to 1'ilick 1'.~enue.
Forty fir::t rl.:ce from Sherid.:n ~~enu:: to Urb.:nd.:le ~~enue.
Forty ::econd Stre::t from S:-erid~r. 1'.','::n'.:: to 8.::~d end north of
Urb.:nd.:le ~~enue.
Forty ::econd St~eet ::outh from Oo'.gl.::: ~~en'Ce to de.:d end ::outh of
Clintor, 1'.','en'Ce.
Forty third Street fro:r, ~J::'.: York 1'.','er.'Je to Urb.:nd~le 1'.';enue.
Forty fourth Street f~orn Fr.:nklin 1'.'v'enu:: to C','id 1'.',Tnue.
Forty fifth Street from HicJcrn.:n I\o~d to C','id ~','enu::.
Fort:/ ci::tl-, Street f~o." Fr~nJclir. 1'.'Jenue north to de~d end north 0.Ç
U~b.:nd.:le ~~enue.
Forty ::::-v-enth Street fro:: F~.:nJclin .TI.7::n'Ce to DO' 1'.'v'en'J::.
Forty ::ightr. Street fro:: f~.:nk1i:1 1'.'v'::nue -'0 E'Jclid 1'.-,-er.ue.
Forty eigl-,th ri.:c:: .Çro.., Hick::i.:n I\o.:d north to cul de ::.:c nor-'h of
Euclid 1'.','enu::.
~d~mc ~~enu:: c~::t froff L::~7er ~7enue to d::~d end e.:ct of ~hirty
fou~th Street.
~d.:m:: ~7enue from 3e.:~er ~7en'.e to Forty fo'.rth S-'r::et.
~ll i::on ~7en'Je from Beo~er ~7en'.e to fo~ty fo'.rth Street.
1'.uc,icJ( ~7en'Ce from 'I'l-,irt)' ::c,'enth Street t:: Beo-v'er 1'.7or,'Je.
.7,ick 1'.'v'eTI'J:: e~::t froIT, Forty ::e','er,tl-. S-'re::t to c'C1 do ::.JC
incl u::i 'v'e.
1' 1'.-,'en'.e ::~::t f~o::, :fort)" fc'-.rth Street to d::.:d end e.:ct of
Fortieth ri.:c::.
Be.:7er Crc::t Dri70 =rom Ee.J70r ~7en'.:: tc Forty eighth Str::et.
B::::ton 1'.','en'.o '.:e::-' fro", ~hirt)- eigh-'l-i Stree-' to de~d er,d.
Clinton ~7en'Ce fro~ Thirty eighth S-'reet to Be.:~er ~~enue.
D~~i::::on I\o.:d fro~ ~hirty ::ighth S-' r::e-' to ~hirty fo'C~th rl~ce.
Euclid ~~en'Je fro~ B0070r ~7en'.e to Forty ::e7enth Street.
E'Jclid ~7en'Co fro~ Forty eighth Stroot to Forty eighth ~l.:co.
F~gen Dri70 from ~hirty eighth Stroot to Be~~er ~70nu::.
F::2.~ci:= I'.i~v-2n~2 f::OJ-LL rTl-.L -: rt~ctr- St rc::t te; T'h.irt:/ ~cc8~d St~2Ct.
Fr.:nklin 1'.','en'.o e~ct fro:: ':hirty fourth Street to 8.o~d ond.
Holcomb ~70nue ~;e::t fro~ ~hirtieth St~ect t:: Thirty third Street.
Holcomb ~7en'.c fro~ Thi ~ty fourth Street to Be.:~er ~7enue.
Holccmb ~7en~c f~o~ Forty fo'.rth Street to Ferty ::ighth Str::et.
Hcll::~d Cri ~,,~c fr~~L HicJc:'t=:;'.L ll.c=:d to ~~c.~J-rlo.::j Pike.
I-(criTn"'c.jl" 8ri "'"ore =rc~" ~\~c.rJ,Ti c.~~d =-)~ JC2 tc ~2c."-,,"'cr C'rc.::t Dri "',,"'2.
Lincoln ~~enue from T~irty fir~t Street to Thirty fourth Street.
Lincoln ~~enue e0~t from Forty fourth Street to de0d end.
Lind0 Circle e0::t froc, Thirty ::ixth Street to cul de ::e:: inclu::i ~e.
H0nn l'..~en'ce ',;e::t -iroc, Thirtieth Street to de0d end.
H0rYl0nd I'ilee from Bee7er l'..'"'enue to Be;J~er Cre::t Dri'"~e.
Ne',; York l'..~enue fro:n Forty ::e::ond Street to Forty eighth Street.
O~id ~~enue frem Forty ::e~enth Street to de0d end eo::t cf Fcrtieth
rro~pect Dri~e ~;e~t ~roQ Thirtieth Street to cul de ::oc in::lu::i7e.
Sheridon ~~enue from Thirtieth Street to Thirty ::iirth Street.
n0ymend Dri ~e from Hollond Dri ~e te Beo~er Cre::t Dri 7e.
Sheridon ~~enue from Thirty ninth Street to Forty fourth Street.
Snyder l'..'"'en'ce '","e::t freil Fort:" eighth Street to 0 point lSCl feet
\,"e::t of Forty eighth I'loce.
Victorio Dri 7e ~re:n Thirty fir::t Street to Lin::oln ~~enue.
W~ii~cc L~nc froil ~~hby ~~cnuc ccn~ccticL C~8t of 2c~~c~ ~~C~~2
eo~terly bock to i t~ connection ',;i th l'..::hby l'..~enue.
Brook I\'Jn I\e::identLil lJeigr..borheed.
E0~t Forty ninth Street frem I\ichc,ond l'..\~enue to I'~rk Side Dri '"'e.
E0::t Fifty ~econd Street from Brook \'ie',,' Dri ~e to ',;olnut Ridge
(b) (2)
Dri '/e.
Eo::t Fifty" third Ceurt ~rc:n Brcck '/iO',,' 1'..7en"Je te '/illoge I\c:n
~','enue .
Broole I\idge Court fro~ Eo::t Dougl~:: ~~en"Je to Vill~ge I\"Jn ~7enue.
Brcok I\idge Circle '"e~t from Brook P,un Dri ~,'e to ::"Jl de ::~::
incl 'c~ i \'e .
Brook I\un Dri ~,'e fro.." Eo::t Deuglo:: l'..'"'e:'..'Je to inter=ection ',;i th I'~rk
Side Dri ~e, E~::t H'Jll ~~enue ~nd I\~ ::hmend ~~en~e.
Broole '/iO',; l'..~enue ~rorr. Breok I\idge CO"Jrt to de~d e:'..d l~1 feet ~~o.~
of E~=t Fi -ity third Court.
BroeJ: \'ic,; Dri7e froce Brook I\idge CC'Jrt to de;Jd er..d 130 feet ~euth
of Stre~m Side Cir::le.
E~~t Il~ll ~7cn~c fro~ the i~tcr~ccti8~ ;:~ th r~rJ: S~ de Dr~ ~C, S~~t
Hull ~~enue ond I\i::hmend ~~enc:e =e'Jtherly end ::eut~~;e::terly to ~
point 370 feet ::outherly ond =o'cthwe::terly ef ::oid inter=ecticn of
:=0rle Side ::ri '"'e, L::::t ~1'Jll l'..','Cl'ce ~nd P,ichrr,cnd l'..~eLc:e.
1 e ',,'e::t .crec, Breck I\idge CC'crt to cul de =~::
11e~dc~," -¡'¡cod Ci
incl u~i 7e.
Eo::t 8'"'id ~'"~enue ',;e::t ~rorr, I'ork Side Dri~,'e te ~ pci=-..t l30 feet ',;e::t
cf I'.:r k S ide Dr ~ ~"~e "
r0rk =ide Dri~e ~rem the inter::e::tien ',,'ith Srook I\"J:-.. Dri7e, S~::t
Hull ~~en"Je .:nd Pi::h~cnd ~~enue to ::'Jl de ::~c north e~ E~::t 87id
l'..~er..ue .
rond \'iO',,'::ir::le ',,'e::t fre:-, Brock :;idge CC'crt te ::ul de ::~e
in c 1 u:: i ~,' e .
P~ichrri~:1d !'~"Ii"'C~:'C :~O::. t;ic ii-tcr~ccti:::-.. Tvv~itt: Src8J~ n.-~:- 8ri"'v"'c, Ec.:J~
H u 1 1 ..7\.. ~"~ e r.. "J e ~ n d:=o r k Sid e
~r~ "'IiTe tc ~ pci~it l3C :cct \~TC:3t c:t Sc.::t
Spring',,'ood i"~Le fro." 2reck
Vic~: 8~~ ~c to E~8t F~ ~ty ~ccc~d Street.
Forty ninth Street.
S trc~I:L S ~ de Cir c~ c T~~Tc~t
f:CCl:L BrccJ: \iiCTy~T ~ri"'v"'c
+- ~
c'J 1 de ::oe
l yr
incL:::i '"'e.
Vill~gc nun nvenue from E~::~ Fifty ::eco~d Street to de~d end 141
feet e~::t ef E~::t Fifty ~tird Court.
Vill~ge Run Drive from E~ot Deugl~:: nve~ue to E~::t Fifty ::econd
;'Ì~lnut Ridge Dri'"'e e~::t freIT, Brook 'lie',; Dri'v'e to de~d end 132 feet
e~::t of E~::t Fifty ::ecend Street.
(cl Not u::ed.
(dl (1) Dougl~:: ~ere:: Re::iden~i~l Neighborheod.
E~::t T',;ent:i ~hird Street ::rom EJ.::t ."'uror~ 1",'"'enue te cul de ::~e
in c 1 U:: i '". e :: e u tho:: E C :: t H ~ d i :: 0 n 1", 'v' e n i. e .
E~::t T',;enty fourth Street from EJ.ot t1~di::on 1",'Jenue ~o EJ.::t 1",urer~
.?\~ "'ii., en:. c .
E~::t T',;enty fourth Ceur~ ::rom E~::t t1~di::O;l 7\venue to de~d e~ld 130
feet north of EJ.::t nurcr~ nvenue.
E~::t T',;enty .:i:,th Street from E~ot C~rden 1",vei,ue to E~::t ~1J.di::on
E~::t T~;enty ::event~ Street from E~::t Dougl~:: 7\venue to S~::t nuror~
E~::t T',;enty eighth Street :Ere:n E~::t Eucl id 1",'Jenue to E~::t 1",uror~
E~::t Thirtietl'. Street :Ercr., EC::t Deugl J.': 1",',"enue to E~::t !'"i.ror~
E~::t Thirty fir::t Street from E~::t Euclid nvenue ~c E~::t
E~::t ~hirty oecend St :eet Lrcm E~::t ~eugl~:: nveni.e te E~::t nurc:~
E~ot Thirty third S~ree~ frem E~ot Euclid nve~ue to E~::t Dougl~::
E~::t .7\,i.ror~ 7'"-V-enue iro", E~::t T','e:ity fourtt Cou:t ~e L~::t T',;enty
third Street.
E::.:t f:i~ror0. !,..T\i"'C~:'2 2:'=:~ ::rCHL EJ~t T~n~C~"-:JrT ~i;:t~.. St:-cct tc C:c! fc.JC
E::~t Clinton ~7C~~2 frc~ E~~t ~:;c~ty cightt Street ~8 Sc.=t T~;2~ty
ni~th St reet.
E~::t Cl ~ :ito~ nvenue ::rcm Eoot Thirty :Eir.:t Street te E~ot Ttirty
third Street.
Cel f~i, !',venue frow SC::t ~cugl~:: !','v'enue to E::::t !'.uror~ !','"Ti,i.e.
E~::t Dougl~:: ~venue rrc~ L~y Street ~c E~::t T~enty fiLth S~reet.
E~::t Dougl~:: n~enue frOG E~::t T~;en~y =i :Ett Street to cen~er ef Fcur
~Üle CreeJ~ Sridge.
Eo::~ C~rden 7'"-"-en1.e :;reIT, E~::t T',;e:1~Y .:~ i,tl', Street to =~::t T....en~y
::e'""cnth Street.
Lc.jl~ Street =rCHl E::=t 8c~;l:.~ ..~T\i-2:1'J2 tc SC8t Z'.iic~orc. ~.iTV-C~.L:"C.
E~::t l1J.di::on n'v'enue :rem E~::t ~'..'en~y ~hird S~reet ~o E~::t T',;er;ty
fourth Court.
E~::t ~1~di::en ~ven1.e =rc~ E::ot T~er;ty :i:Eth Street te E~::t Thirty
::ec::r;d Street.
E~8t Sc.nccc. 1':."'\1"'2:-:':: TV\~C=t :rc::i E~8t ~ti ~tict:t.L Street -:8 c~l de: 8::=:
~ it i ~ t l f ~ 1 l I ~ 1 ~ 1 ~ 1 ~ 1 ~ 1 ~ 1 ~ i ~ t ì ~
~ i lI l 11 ~ l 11 ll ii~ i ~
Eo.:it Forty f~r:it Court frow Four Hilc Cri'v'c to Eo.:i"' Jef:tersoL
Eo.:it Forty :iccond Strcct from Eo.:it Wo.:ihingten n7enue to Willio.ffs
Chico.go ~7en~e ncrtheo.:iterly from Dubuque ~7enue to deo.d end.
Cubuque n~enue from Eo.:it Thirty third Street to Willio.m:i Street.
Eo.:it~;ood Dri7e from Eo.:it Thirty fourth Strcet to Thirty fi:tth
Four P1ile Cri7e from Eo.:it Jeffer:ion ~~enuc to Willio.w Street.
Co.rfield .7\.'v'enue from Eo.:it Thirty fourth Street to EO,:it '=hirty :iiirth
Co'rfield n7e0ue from Eo.:it Th ~ rty :ie~enth Street to Thirty
:iC'v'enth Court.
Indio.nO,poli:i Z\7enue frow Eo.:it Thirty :ii¡rth Court to E:::it Thirt:/
:iC'v'cnth Street.
Indio.nO,poli:i ~~enue :trow EO,st Thirty :ie~enth Street to E:::i"' Forty
fir:it Street.
EO,:it Je:tfer:ion n7enue eo.:it +rom EO,:it Thirty third to deo.d end.
EO,:it Je:tfer:ioL n7enue :troæ Eo.:it Thirty eighth Street te Willi::~s
Kinoey 1'.'v'enue eO,:it from Eo.:it Thirty third St::ect to cuI de :io.c
inol u:ii 7e lying :iouth of EO,:it Thirty fifth Street.
Kin:iey 1'.'v'enue from Eo.:it Thirty :iixth Street to deJ.d c::d e:::it of
EO,:it Thirty :ii::th Court.
l'~o'ho'cko' 1'.7enue from Eo.:i"' Thirty third St::eet "'0 Thirty' :tourth
1'1o.ho':ikO, 1'.'v-er:ue from Eo.:it Thirty' :iC'v'enth Court to h¡ill~::m:i Street.
l'~o.ttern ~7eLue froæ Eo.:it Thirty eighth Street to SO,:it ~orty :icco::d
1'.'v'eLue fro." E:::it ~ortieth St::eet "'0 S:::it Ferty first
Eo.:it vJo':ihingtoL ~~er:ue eO,st frem E:::it '=hirty third Strect to cu1
de :io.c incl u:ii 7e.
EO,:it Wo'shingtc:: n7eLue f::om Willio'~:i Stree"' ~o EO,:i"' ro~ty cecer:d
Strce"' .
WilliO,m:i Street :troæ \~~lli::m:i Ce~rt to E:::iton Eeule7crd.
Wil:icn n~en~e eO,:it frem Cect Forty cecond Street te deO,d end.
Thompcen ~7er:ue eo.:it fro~ EO,:it Forty :iecond Street to deo.d end.
(h) (1) H~ghler:d I'O,rk nec~ de:-t~el Neighborhood.
Fir:i"' Street fro~ Hull ~~e::ue to Eucl~d ~7e::~e.
Fir:it Street :t::em Couglo.:i n~enue to ~uroro. n7enue.
Third Street fro:: PJe',,' YerJc Z'~'v'er"ue to 1',1.rere 1'.'v'e::1.e.
Fourtr, Street fro:", NO',,' York 1'.7e:-lJe to 1'.~rero' 1','v'enu::.
Fifth 1'.'v'er:ue :rem ~¡C',: 'ferk 1'.'v'en~e to n1.rorO, !~7er:ue.
EO,:it Se'v-er:t;-, Street fro:: H-~ll 1'.'v-en~e to SO,c:t Ce~glo.c: l.'v-eLue.
Eo.:it SCvTnth Street :tre::i Eo.:it ShO,',,'nee 1'.'v-er:ue to E::t 1'.~::orO, 1','vTen~e.
EO,:it Eighth St::eet :trom Hull n~e::ue te So.ct ~1edi:io:: n7er:ue.
Eo.:it Eighth St::eet :t::e~ Sect ~~::o::o. ~7e::~C to deo.d eLd :iouth e:
E~:Jt. Sr-.i~"vv"n22 ..\.i..v.,C~~2.
E~~t ~Ji~~~ S~rc2t frc~ H~ll ~~2~~C ~c E~~t O~~d ~~2~~C.
E¿::Jt Ninth Strcct :Jouth frod, Hoffmen 7\','cnuc to cul dc :J¿:C inclu:Ji ',TC
:Jouth of E¿::Jt Dougl¿::J ~~e~uc.
E¿::Jt Ninth Street from Ee:Jt Sh¿:~:nce ~~enuc to E¿::Jt ~uror¿: ~~c~ue.
E¿::Jt T~:elfth Street from Hull ~~cnue to EO:Jt Euclid ~~c~ue.
E¿::Jt Tbirteenth Street fro:n H;ill 7\~enue to Ee:Jt O~id 7\T,Tenue.
E¿::Jt Thirteenth Street frcm E¿::Jt Eeclid 7\~enue to EO:Jt Do;igL::s
E¿::Jt Fifteenth Strect from H;ill ~~en;ie to E¿::Jt O~id ~~enue.
E¿::Jt Sixteer,th Strect fre:L, E¿::Jt Flcming 7\','cn;ic tc E¿::Jt 1',;irore
1', ',Ten ue .
Northeo:Jt Forty third 7\,',Tc~ue :Jouth holf :Jtreet right of ',:¿:y ~,'e:Jt
from iJcrthee:Jt Fourtce:;t~ Street to 0 point 285 feet eO:Jt of
Northeo:Jt Fo;irtecntb Strect ond thc city eorporotc li~i t:J.
iJorthco:Jt Forty third 1',~c~ue from 0 storting point l1S fcct ',:C:Jt of
Northco:Jt Fo;irtecntb Strcct to 0 pci~t 200 fect we:Jt ond the city
corperote limit:J.
Northeo:Jt Forty feurth ~~enuc frcm Northeo:Jt Fourteentb Strect to
Northeo:Jt Eigbth Strcet end the ei ty corporote li~i ts.
Northeoct Fi=tictb !'~',Tc:iee ',:e:Jt =ror:, Northco:Jt Fourteenth Street
frontoge rcod ond ee:Jtcrly city ccrporote limit:J tc the ~e:Jterly
ci t1 corpor~tc li~i t~.
~Jorthc~:3t F~fticth rl=icc ~VVTC:;t fraIT. lJorthc~:;t Fcurtccnth S~r2ct
frontoge ro¿:d e~d ee:Jter1 y eity corpcr::te limit:J te tbe ~ecterly
city corporote li~~ t:J.
Nortr,eo:Jt Fi=tiett =ir:Jt ~','enue ',,'C:Jt from iJorthc:::Jt Fourteenth
Street end ee:Jtcr1 y ei ty ecrporete limi t:J tc the ',:e:Jterl:-i city
cerpcrote li~itc.
1'£,her:Jt Strcet +rcm ~ull ~~enue to c;il de :Joc incl;ici~e nortt cf
E~:;t SCLCC~ ~~c~~c.
1'£,berot Street =ro:: Ee:Jt a:di:Jcn 7~\Tenue to EO:Jt 1',;irc~o 7~T,Ten;ie.
1',urore 1','vTnue fro::, Fir:Jt Street to Si~ctr" ~~enue.
E::st ~;irer:: ~~en;ie =rcll First Street to Tenth Street.
Eect 1',;iror:: 1',',Tenue :Ere::. Ee:Jt FCl~rteer"tr" Strcet to roilrcod trect
crc:::=i:-g c~.:t cf E~=t Si2~t2cntl-.. Street.
BecJe.,'ith 1',T,Tenue frcr:, Fifth 1',','en;ie to Sixtr, 1',',Te~ue.
Bocton 1',',-enuc =re:: Seccnd 1',~enuc to Si¡:th 1',',Te:;,;io.
Bc',:doin St reot =rom Hell !~~cnue tc Eoct 1',:Hcro 1',','OL;io.
EO:Jt Brood',:oy 1',T,'enue ',:e:Jt frow Northeest Fc;irtecLtr, Street end
city ccrpcrote liwi ts to the -.:esterly city
l' i +-
corpero te
-i=Lil:" I.~.
Ce::bridge Street from 2u 1 1 ~~en;ic to EO:Jt ~uroro ~~on;ie.
Col;irr,bi;: Street =rcr:, I;;ill ~','e~ue to Eect ~uroro 7'',TCr.:.C.
Ccrncii Strc2~ :':8::. E~=t S::o.~vvTn2C I'....,;..c:-...c tc E:i::t !,..~::criJ .?\...v.,c:-~c.
Cornir.g !',-vTen:.e fro:Li Scco~d Street to Sixt;-, I':.'vTenue.
DCL"'vTcr !'.i..v.,2~J.~2 f-;cJ... l~ :th !i",\.;rcr::.c to S-i :rtt ~"'\ITcn~c.
IJcL:gl=::: !'J."'v"'c:n~2 frc~. f=-r::t Street t~ S~¡(tr.. 1\"'\ITcn~c.
Ec.::t IJc~glc= !'....vTcrl~e fr8~Ll F~r::t Street tc S::::t rC-.rte2:-.L~:t S~r2ct.
E::=t ~ic~i~~g !,~~v.,c:-.L~~c ~rc~L E::~~ Fci.rtcc:-.Ltl- S::rcc.l tc E::~t S-=::t2CLt~
IIc~dcr~c:-.L 1\~v"":::-~c fro::L Ycrk 2t ""cct -:8 \7~1!:: ì/i:3t~ I;r~ \"'2.
HclCC::t 7\~v"'c"'::.:: frC:Ti S::c8:-d !'..~v~cn:.C ,-8 Si::tr.L !'..~v"'cr:i-c.
lHof:frr,;:n 1'.T,'cn'Je e;::it fro:n lJorth Union Strc2t to c'Jl de :iJ.C
IIoffm;:n ~venue from EJ.:it Eighth Street to EJ.:it Ni~th Street.
Hoffmen ~vcnue e;::it from EJ.:it Te~th Street to deed end.
Jerlynn ~venue e;::it from North Unio~ Strect to dc;:d end.
Jerlynn ~venue ',,'C:it from York Street to deed end ',ie::t of E;::it Tenth
Lynch Street from Oxford Street to C;:mbridge Street.
H;:di:ion 1'.vcnue fro;'i Fir:it Street to Sccond 1'.V2n'JC.
E;::it t1Jdi:ion 1'.vcnuc from fir:it S-:rcct to r;:ilc::;ed trocJc croccing
e;::it of E;::it Si~:tcc~th Street.
NCT,'od;: 7\vcn:.c from EJ.:it Thirtcenth Strcct to York Street.
Nc,; York 1'.T,'cnuc froIT, Sccond 1'.T/C~'JC to Si:i,th 1'.ve~ue.
North Union Strcet fro:n Hull ~vcnue to EOGt ~urore ~venuc.
Ee:Jt O;:k Perk 1'.T,Tcn:.c frorci E;::it T',;clftll Strcct to EJ.:it Fourtecnth
OT,Tid 7\T,'enuc from Fir:it Strcct to Sixth 1'.T,'C~:'C.
EO:Jt Ovid ~ve~uc from Fir:it Strect to E;:Gt Fiftecnth Strce-:.
O~,ford Strect fro:r, H:.ll 1'.T,Tcn:.c to Eeot E'Jclid 1'.T,'e;:c:c.
Oxford Strcet fro~ EJ.:it;::i ~V2n:.c to EJ.:it ~urore ~V2nuc.
P.icf'.rr,ond 1'.T,Tn'Je from York Strect to Villo Vi:ite DriT,'c.
Scnec;: 7\T,Tm::e fro~ FirGt Strcet to Si:i,th 1',T/cnuc.
E;::it SenecJ. ~vcnuc from Fir:it Street te Colc:rr~iJ. Strc2t.
E;::Jt S2nece ~ven:.e from ~uhcr:it Street to E;::it Tc~th Strect.
Sf'.;:',mee 1',vc~uc frorr, S2cond 1',T,'en:.c to Si:i,th .7\.T,'e~c:2.
E;::Jt Sho~nee ~vcnue fro~ Corncll Stree-: to dc;:d c~d public c-:reet
right of ',;;:y eo:it of E;::it Fourtce~th Strcet.
Sheriden 1',T,'enuc fro:7 Scco:"d ~T,'enue to Si:irth 1'.vcr,U2.
Tiffin ~~c~~c fro~ Scco~d ~vc~~c to Vill~ Vi~t~ 8ri~c.
TriGh;: 1'.ve~c:c eoct frOHi EJ.Gt Tcnth Strcet deJ.d end.
Villo Viote Drive from Hull ~ve~~e to Hc~der:io~ ~vc~c:c.
tÇright Street fre:n E.J:it Euclid ~vcn~c to E;::it CO'Jg1 e:i 7\vcn'Je.
York Strcct fro:n H~ll 1',T,'C:'.:'C to EeGt Euclid 1'.T,Ter.~2.
YorJ( Street :Ere::. Jcr2.ì~;'.L:1 1\"'v"'cr.l~C tc. :S=.~t Sl-J.c.~vy~nC2 :~"'\I"'c~~:.c.
(i) t:tru (k). Not 'J:icd.
T'rvv" cnt
\ ../
Lo',,'er BeoT,Tcr P.ccidenti;: 1
jl"' ~c."'v"'c::tt.L St :cct frG.l~ Sh=''-n"':-J.C2
T "'vv'" C:-.L t 1'" ::.L i n t L S t r c c-:
~~c~~c tc 1\Grcr~ 1'.. "'vTcn t: C .
..~v- c'..l de ::i:c incL.:::i
frcIT. !\.:irc-v~ 7'....yTcn-:c
i T,T2
Goutf'. of 11edicon 1'.T,Tcnuc.
T',,'enty r, -i ntf'. Strcct frow Herccd Dri vc to T-.;eL.J Cr~ T,TC.
T~irticth Street frc~ DG~;i~~ ~~c~~c to dc~d c~d ncrth cf 1\~rcr~
.?\"\"'cn'~c .
Thirty' third Str2et +ro:: iged~ :ic~ l.T,TC:',~C to l.uror;: ~T,TC~~C.
T~irty ~cGrt~ Street frc~ ~G~9l0= ~~c~~c to Sc~cc~ 1\~cnJc.
Thirtjt" 8i~~t:: St::cct ~~C.u~ l:."-\¡""cnGC -ic ~1c.di~c~ T....v""C::G2.
~'hirtJ/ =i:=t;-~ f~8~ ~\~2.di::c:-.L !,_"'\¡T2:-.L'~2 tc Cre~tTv~~o8cl ~cCld.
Thirty' e~ gf'.th Stre2t ::rc,,, So~gleG 7'.T,TC;-..C to Hedi:ic:,. 7',T,"cnuc.
r:hirt:/ cigr.Ltt. Street frc~L. ~~rcr:: .L~"'\'''c:-L:e tc ~i::d::.~\-ri:,t2. ~~J::JrT.
~hirt:i c~gr.Ltrl rl::cc =rc.u. ~~:1d~::..\I-ri=t:: ~~J::Jt~ to Eillc"Vc~t Cri"'\'~c.
Thirty ninth Street from Deugl~8 ~~enue to ~1~ri~nn~ Tr~il.
Thirty ninth rl~ce froG B~di80n l\'v'enue to ~uror~ ~\-em:e.
Fortieth St~eet from Dougl~o ~~en~e to Cre8tmoor Pl~ec.
Forty fir8t Strect fro:n Dougl~8 ~'v'cn~c to She-,mee l\'v'en'Je.
Forty fir8t Street north from ~uror~ l\~enue to cuI de 8~C
Forty- 8econd S:.rect from De~gl~c 7'"~enue to Sh~',,'nee 7'"7en'Je.
Forty 8eco~d S:.rcet north from ~uror~ ~~e~'Je to de~d end.
Forty third Street from Dougl~8 1\7cnuc to de~d end public 8treet
north ef ~urcre ~7enuc.
l\rdmere P,oed frorc, Thirty 8ixth Pl~ce to "7\'Jror~ 7'".v'cnue.
7'"~ror~ 7'"~enue from Forty third Street to de~d end e~8t of T'..'enty
8e'v'e~th Stree:..
Be~7er Hi 11:J Dri ~e e~:Jt from Be~~er ~~enue c~l de 8~C incl u8i 7e.
Bel ~ire He~d from S~wyer8 Dri~e to Fortieth Street.
BrinJc,,'ood Ho::d fro:n L~',,'n',,'ood8 Dri'v'e to Hillcre8t Dri'v'e.
CI~rJc:Jon 7'"'v'e~uc ',,'e8t from H~rtin L~:.her King Jr r~rJo,'::y to de~d
Cre8tmoor PI~ce fro:: L::',,'n',,'oed8 Dri \'e to dc::d end public 8trect ',;e8t
of Thi rty eighth Pl~ce.
Cre8tmcor Pl~ce ~;e8t froD Fortieth Street to cuI de 8::C incl'J8i ~e.
Cre8t',;oed Ro~d frem Thirty 8i¡rth Pl~ce to l'~nor L::ne.
De8;' Ho~d frem O~Jcchire I\ced to B~di80~ 7'"'v'en~e.
Fleming ~7enue from Ttirtieth Street to Lo~;er Be~~er Ho::d.
C::rden "7\'v.en~e f~om Thirtieth Stree:. to LO'..Tr Be~-v'er no~d.
C::rden Ridge e~:J:' frem Thirtie:.h Stree:. tc cuI de 8::C i~clu8i ~e.
Clenncr Ro::d fro:, ~1ertin Lutr-"er Ki"g Jr Perb"~1' to Sr-,en;ood 8ri 7e.
Hillc~e::t Dr~ 'v'C e~8t frOD Lo',;e~ Be~'v'er Ho::d to Se',,'yer8 Dri'v'e.
lIillcrec:. D~i~e frorc, Srink',;ood ne~d to cuI de .=ec incl~8i'v'e e~:Jt of
Thirty eigttt PIece.
L~',m~iC',; Dri'v.e frê:n Thirtieth S:.rect to L::',,'n',;eod:J Dri'v'e.
L~',,'n',;oodo 2ri .,'e from Do:igl::8 ~'v'enue to Le',m~ie',,' Dri ~e.
L~',,'n',,-ood:J Dri'v-e .cro:r, Hillc:e:J:' :Jri'v'e to de~d end 8eu:.r-, of T-..'::~~
Dr i TV. e .
Lindl~7icte W::y from Ly~d::le 2ri~e :.e deed end p~biie 8treet e::8t
of Thirty e ~ gh:.h Pl~ce.
L1'nd~le Dri.v.e from Vncl1::TvTi::te ~\'~1T to SJcyli~e Dri','c.
Lynner Cri ';e frem tt::rtin Luther King Jr r::rk";~1' :'0 7';L',rer~ ..:'7enue.
N~di :Jon 7'"T;en~e f~c:T, Berti," L~ther Ki~g Jr ~erk',,'::y :.C LC'.;cr Bc~-;er
t1::ncr ~~r:c frcac t~~ri0:-n:i Tr.:il ~c St.:i~vvT:-..C2 l\~v"'CLU2.
1'1~ri~nn:: Tr::il frcHl Thirty 8i¡rtt Plecc tc ~1~ncr L::~e.
gerced Dri .;e .crorr, c'Jl de .=~c i~clu:Ji ',-e e~8:' of T'.:entj- nintt Street
-,,'C:Jt to de::cl e~d '.;e:Jt ef T'..'en:.y ~inth Street.
1'1::rti~ L~:.her =-(i~g J: P~~Jc.;::y frCD E~clid "~\-cnue te 1'1::d~ co," 7'"Tv'en~e.
l'c~ced St~ee:' -Fro",. Thirty cightl- St reet :'0 fortieth S:.reet.
Oek11-n Dri .;c ::re:, BrinJc;ood Ho~d :.e S;(1'1 ~ ,"c Dr~ 'v'C.
Oe;(:Jhire Reed ::ro:T, L1"::a:cr 2ri ';e to Shcr,;cod 2ri ';e.
S~";1Tr:J Dri.v'c ::rom Hi llcre:Jt Dri';e to T'.;~~~ DriT,'C.
Scnec:~ 7~';cn~c ::rci:i LC'..'er Bc~.,'er P,o~d :.C Thir:.y :Ji¡,:.h Street.
Sc~cc~ ~~C~U2 =~c~ Tti~tictG Street to ~C~;2r Ec::~c~ ~8~d.
Shcnme:e: l\',Tenue e:.::it f:;om Lynne:r 8riT,Te: to de:o.d end of T',.'enty
:ie'vTenth Street.
Sh.:',mee .7\"',Ten:.e e.::it from Thirtieth Street to Thirt:/ third Street.
Sh.:',;nee .7\"7en'Je fro"" l\u:;or.: l\',Ten'Je to Be.:',Ter lI"TvTe:n'Je.
Sh.:'n'nee rl.:ce from LO'n'er Be.:',Ter Ho.:d to l\rdmore P.o.:d.
Shen,'ood Cri ',Te fro:: H.:rtin L'Jthe:r King Jr r.:rJn;.:y to H.:di:ior.
Skyline DriT,Te: from LYEd.:le Dri7e: ',;e::it to cui de: :i.:c in::lu:ii7e ',;e::it
of O.:klyn Cri ',Te:.
Ho:ie Hedge Dr:' ';e from lI":.ror.: lI"'vTenue to Thirty' si:cth rl.:::e.
T',;.:n.: DriT,Te from T'n'enty ninth Street to LO'n'er Be,:-,Ter Ho.:d.
T'.;.:n.: Cri ',Te from Thirty eighth Stree:t to Fortieth Stre:et.
V.:lde z Dri7e e.::it from Lo~er Be.:7er Ro.:d to de.:d e~d.
V.:ldez Dri ',Te ',;e:it fro:: Lo',;er Be.:7e:r Ho.:d to Fortieth Street.
Vilur.: r.:rJe,;.:y' froIT, Thirtieth Street tc Lo',;er Ee.:';er Pc.:d.
(m) (1) H.:rtin Hi::km.:n He:iide::ti.:l iJe:ighborhood.
T',;enty fourth Street from IIickrn.:n Ho.:d to Be::ne:tt .,\T,-enue.
T'n'enty :ii:cth Street frow Hickmo.:-¡ ~o.:d tc t1.:nn 1I"7e:-.'Je.
T',,'enty :ie',Tenth Street north fro:: Holco::b 1I"7enue to cui de :i.:c
Bennett 1I"7enue ',;e:it from 11.:rtin Luther King Jr r.:rb;.::/ to de.:d end
publie :itreet ',;e:i"' cf T',;enty fC'Jrtt St:;eet.
Hickm,:m L.:r.e ',;est f:;om T',;enty :iiJc"'r. Street tc dec.è eEd public
Holcomb .7\"T,Te::'Je fror-:i T',;entj.' fourt:: Stree"' to Thirtieth Street.
t1.:nn lI"','Cnue e.::it froIT, T'.;enty si:cth Street tc eel de :i:;c inclu:ii -,-e:.
(2; 11eredi th ?,ccide:rti.:l lJeig::bor::~ocd.
Forty fO'Jrth rl.:ce from Bri::Je.;ood Ho:;d both north :;::d soutt tc c'Ji
de :i.:c:i inclu:ii 7e.
Forty Lifth Street fro:L l1.:dicon lI"TVTenue to lI"urer:: !~-v'e::'Je:.
Forty :iiEth Street f:;ora g:;di:::JOn lI"','er.:.e to Bel lI"ire: ?oc.d.
Forty :iiJeth Street L:o::, Erinle.'oed Hoed bet1'. :ror"':: .::-.d :ic~th to cul
de :i.:c:i i:r::l'J:ii7e.
Forty :ie7e:rth Stree:t from H::d:.:ie:: l\7eE:.e: te l\uro:;e l\7enue.
Forty :ie7enth Street :rcrth frc~ Del l\ire Re:;d to c'Jl de :i::c
incl u:ii TJe.
~crty 2l g~t~ St~cct frc~ Sc~cc~ ~~2n~c ~c t~~di:c~ ~~c~uc.
Forty eighth St:;ee"' Eo~th frem l\urcr.: l\~eE'Je to èe.:d e::d north ef
T',;.:n.: Dri ',Te.
Forty eig::t:: Street from Eel l\~ re Ho:;d tc Cre::itmocr ~ri~e.
Forty eighth rloce from 8cugl.:s l\7en:.e to 11:;disOE l\~enue.
Forty Street fro:n Senec:; lI"TJen:.e te NodisOE !we:-.'Je.
Forty ninth Stre:et :rcrth from Eel ~ire Ro.:d tc ~or",y :ri:rth rlece:.
Forty nintl-. Stree"' r.erth Lre:: Hered=- th 8:;i -,-e: te cul de :i:;c
inclusi ve:.
Fcrty ni:rth S"'reet f:;cr., Nc:;"'h',;e:it Fc~tj.- sCv'er,tt lI"-,-enue "'0
cuI de :i.::: i:r::lu:iive:.
Fc~~y G~~t~ r~~C2 ~c~th frc~ Bel ~ 1 rc ~c~d to ~crti ~~~th Strcct.
Fiftieth St"V2Ct ~rcJ..l Ccic;l c:: J.T\~~\i"'2r::.C tc l\~rcrc l~"'v-C:-J.".::.
Fifty =ir::t Stree~ fro:: CougLJ.:: l.'vTenue to T',;ono Dri7e.
Fifty fir::t S~reet froil Bel ~ire hood to Cre::t~oor Dri 7e.
Fifty fourth Street from ~'Jroro l.TvTenue to T',,'ono Cri'vTe.
Bel ~ire hoed from Beo'vTer .7\.7enue to eul de ::oe inclu::i'vTe ',,'e::t of
Fifty fir::t Street.
BrinJc;ood hOJ.d '"T:Jt from Bee7er l.'vTenue to Forty ::i¡,th Street.
Cre::tmoo~ Cri 7e from Bel ~ire hoed to Fifty fir::t Street.
Flomingo Court eo::terly from Shermen Boule7ord to cul de ::oc
Fleming F.'vTenue ',,'e:Jt frem For~:i' eighth Street ~o cul de ::ec
Merced Street from Forty Oii,th Street to c~l de ooc incluoi7e we:;t
of For~y eigh~h Street.
Merced Street from Fifty firot Street ~o Fifty fourth Street.
lelm ~7enue from Le07er ~7enue to Bel ~ire Rood.
Se~eco ~7enue fro~ Forty eighth Street ~o Forty ninth Street.
Shermon Be~le7ord from Cougloo ~7enue to Modi::on ~7en'Je.
T',,'ono Cri':e =ro:n Beo'v'er ~7enue to Fif~y fourth Street.
Voldez Drive from 0 poin~ 120 feet eeot of Fort:i' oi¡,~h S~reet ',;eot
to deod end p'Jblic o~ree~ ',;e::t of Forty eighth Street.
Voldez Drive from fifty firot Street to Fifty fourth Street.
(:n) (3) l'1erle Hoy
Re:;iden~iJ.l Neighborhood.
Forty eighth St~ee~ fro:: Fronklir. l.':enue to HickmJ.r, hOJ.d.
Forty ni:r~h S~reet from FrJ.nklin l.':enue north to deod
end of
For~y :,.in~h St :"ee~ from IlicklTion hood to Dougloo ~':enue.
Forty nir-.~h ~l::ce fro:-. l;ick::,::n Ro::d to Holcomb l,'vTnue.
Forty r-.inth l1 ece .ç~O::. UrbondJ.le l.venue oou~r. ~o deod
ot reet.
Fiftiet;i S~reet f~e::i FrenJclin l.venue to Dougloo l.':en~e.
Fiftie~h ~loce from ~lli::on ~ve~ue to Lincoln ~ven~e.
fif~y fi~:;t S~reet fror:i F~enklin l.venue to l.llioon l.'v'enue.
Fifty fir:;t Stree~ from Li:rcoln ~venue to Urbendole ~7enue.
Fifty firot S~ree~ f~om CO'Jgloo ~ven~e to ~uroro ~7en'Je.
F~ ftj7 oecond S~reet froIT, fronklin l.':e~ue to Hick:-non hood.
Fifty ::ecend S~ree~ fro~ Urbondole ~ve~~e ~o ~uror:: ~ven'Je.
Fifty thi~d S~reet. froI:L FrenJclir-. l.':en~e to Urbendole l.':en'Je.
Fifty ~hird Stree~ f~oil Ovid ~ven~e to ~'Jroro ~ven'Je.
Fifty fourth Street frow ~uroro l.-:er.'Je oO'Jth te c'Jl de OJ.C
i:rcl'J:;i ve 11'" ng ::o'Jth of Sherid::n ~ve~ue.
Fifty fif~h S~reet from Co~gle:: J.venue to ~'JrorJ. ~ve~ue.
Fif~:i' :;.:xth Street f~oI:, Uni':eroitj' l.':enue ~o Frenklin l,ven~e.
Fifty ::i¡,th S~ree~ :rorr, Merklin WJ.Y to l.uroro ~venue.
Fifty oeve~~h S~ree~ fro~ U~ i ve~oi ty ~ver.'Je to College ~ven~e.
Fifty :Je\-er.~h Stree~ freI:, v;o:;hir.gten .7\,':enue to frJ.nklir-. l,'v'er.'Je.
Fifty oc:entr. Street f~eIT, Hick:nJ.n hoed to lJo-,; Yo~k l,ver.~e.
Fif~y :Jever.~h Stree~ :ro~ U~bJ.r.d::1e ~venue r.o~th ~o deJ.d end of
Fifty ~C~2~t~ Strc2~ £~OI C~~d ~~C~U2 ~o ~~rcr0 ~~c~~c.
f~=ty ~c~cn~~ nl~22 =rc~ ~~~ ~c~~i ty ~~c~~c to College ~~c~uc.
Fifty :ie'v'c',t~ ~l~ee frod ~'J~.:hi~gto:;, 1\7enue to llortr,',,'e:it Dri'v'e.
Fifty ninth Street froQ Cel2-ege ;,'v'enue to Ne',; YorJc l\7enue.
Fifty ninth Street from Bo:iton l\7e~ue to Cougl~:i 1\7enue.
SiJetieth Street from Ur,i 'v'er:ii ty !~'v~e::ue to ~¡e',; York l'.'v'e~ue.
SiJety fir:it Street fro;-n Cl~rk Street t:: Cro',,'n L~ne.
SiJety fir:it Street from College 1',7enue to Dougl~.: 1\7enue.
Siìety :iecond Street froIT, Uni 7er.:i ty 1','/::nue to Cro',,", L~~e.
Sixty :iecond Street =rom Colleg:: 1\7enue to Dougl~:i 1\7enue.
SiJety third Street from D~',;:ion Cri'v'e nortr, to dec.d end of :itreet.
SiJety fourth Street :itc.rti~g ~t the d::~d e~d of :itreet lying north
of Robin Dri7e the~ce :iouth to de~d end lying :ieuth of Robin Dri7e.
SiJety :ie7enth Street frow Sherid~n 1\7enue to Urb~nd~le 1\7enue.
1\lli:ion 1\7enue from t~erle H~y Poc.d ec.:it to dec.d end ef :itreet.
1\lli80n 1\7enue from Fiftieth rl~ee t:: Fifty fir:it Street.
Booton 1','v'enue frem Eerle H~:/ Re~d ',;e::t te ',;e8t ci t:/ limit:: line.
C.:rpenter 1','v'enue from Herle Hc.y Re~d to C'c;IT~,i~:i rcJrJC';~Y.
ClcJrk BoulC'v'~rd from Fi=ty :iiì,th Stre::t to Cellege l\'v'enue.
ClcJrlc Str::et =rom Merle HcJY RecJd te Sixty third Street.
College l'.'v'enu:: =rem Fifty' fi=th Street to Siì,ty 8eeend Street.
Cro',,'n L~ne =re;-n CUITJn" n8 rerb;cJY to S1 ì,ty' third Street.
DcJ',,'8on Dri'v'e =rom SiJety ::ece~d Stre::t to d::~d end of :itreet ',,'e8t of
Sixty third Street.
Fore:it 1','v'enue fro;: Fifty fi=th Street te Siìetieth Street.
Fore.:t 1\7enue fro:: Cu:r.:in:i r~ r)c.JcJY te Siì,ty third Street.
Fr.:nci:i 1',7e~ue froIT, Fi=ty fifth Street te Herkli~ í\'~y.
Fr.:nci:i .7'.'v'er,ue =ro;-n Her2-e l;~y ::(oed te Fi=ty' r:intl' Street.
Fr.:nci:i 1\7:::1'.e freIT, SiJety' =ir.:t Stre::t te Siìety' :iece~d Street.
Holcoilb 1\7er:ue =red Forty :1i~th St reet to Fiftieth Street.
IIolccrnb 7'.i..v.,C:J~2 frc::L I:~ft1'" :;c"' St~cct -n"'C=t tc "'v~~C::t c=-t~/ lirrLit:=
Holcemb Circle frow He 1 ce::b 1\7e::ue ::euth to cul de :i~e i::c2-u:ii 7::.
Lir:cclr: 1\7enue from Fiftiet~ ~lc.ce to Fi=ty :iece::d Stre::t.
Lincoln 1',7eLU:: frOm t~erJ:l 1:; ~'JcJY to ~~erle HcJY ROc.d.
Liccolr, 1\7enue fro;,, Fifty ~i~th Street to Siìety fi r:it Street.
Ne',; York 1','v'O;l1;e from Fi=ty ::i xt;: St~::et te SÍìcty ::::eer,j Street.
Ne'" York Circle =roIT, Sixty' .:e'v~enth Street ec.::t te C1;l de :Jc.c
Nortb;e::t Dri ',~e fro", Fi=ty' :JÍìetr, Stre::t to Fifty' ::e'v'enth rlcJee.
North',,'e:it Dri'v'e fro", ~1erle l~~y Ilo.:d te deed e::j ',,'e:::: e= Sixty
~ccc~d St~c.ct.
O'v'id 1','v'e::1;e from ~i=tieth Street to Herle Il.:y ROcJd.
Pl.obir. Dri TV"':: :=~C:T. Si¡~t1'" :=cco;:d St~cct "vv"'c.=t tc dc..:d c:-d c: ::trcct.
Robi:1 Dri 7e fron vJe:ite'v'er BOJle'v'c.rd to Siìcty fourt:- Street.
Sherid~n 1\7e::'.e fro::, E::rle H.:y' ~,e.:d t:: Siìcty :Jeeo:1d Street.
Shcrid~~ ~~c~~c f~8~ ~c2tc~cr 38~lcv~-j tc ~;c~t c~ty l~~~ t~ li~c.
Sr:errick 1'"'v'eLue fro;,, Siì,ty .:ecoLd Street ',,'e:it de.:d end er
S~.icrr~ cJ: .L7\.i"'v"'cni-c =rc~ 2,i~~tjl'" :Jc"'\I"'c.Lt~ St::cct -vv"'c:=t tc -n"'C=", city" li::~ t~
S~yd2r ~~c~~c :r~~ Fcrty ~i~~~ Street c~=t l5~ :cc~.
Sny"dcr !~"'v-rcn~2 frc::" l~2rl2 l-~1" llc~d tc SiJ:tJ," ::ir::t Strcct.
~"Jo::hington l'.":enue fraTe Fifty ::i¡:th Street to College 1\",~enue.
(m) (1) Pre::identiol Re::identiol lJeighborheod. Street from Clork Street to College l'.~,-enue.
Fourteenth Street from Wo::hington 1\7enue to Jeffer::on 1\7enue.
Sixteenth Street from Clork Street to eo::t bound Jeffer::or, 1'.7enue.
Se7enteenth Street from Clork Street to Callege 1\7enue.
Eighteenth Street froil Clork Strc::t to College l'.",-enue.
Eighteenth Street from Fronklin l'.",-enue to Hickmon Rood.
l'.lli::on 1'.7eL'Ce frem SiEteenth Street to l~ortir. Luther Kir.g Jr
College 1'.7enue from ThirteeLth Street to Hortin Luthe:: Kir,g Jr
Fronci:i l'.",-enue fraw l~ortin Luther King Jr Pork.Jo:l' to deod end eo:it
a~ Eighteenth Street.
FronkliL 1'.7enue frar:i SiJeteenth Street to Hortin Lut:-er King Jr
Pork..''::l .
Jeffer:ion l'.",~enue frem Si¡:teenth Street to Hortin Luther Kir.g Jr
Lincol~J. !'~"'\/"'cr:".c :Ere;," Si::tccnth Street tc ~~0::tin I~irJ.; ~r
~1o::d.Jl:Lin I'~~v"'C:lUC =rcrrc Ti-iirtccnth Street to ~1i=rtin Luther King ~r
lJorter. 1\7er.ue =::o~ Thirteenth Street to Street.
Wo:ihington 1\7enue frem Thirteenth Street to P~o::tin Luthe:: Ki ng Jr
Not t::ied.
(0) (1) C.:k P.:rk Re::ident i 01 Neigr,borhood.
Sc~c~th Street frc~ Sh~~:ncc ~7cn~c tc Do~gl~8 ~~CL~C. Street =rox ~~~ d 1\~enue to Bo::ton 1\7enue.
SC"'~"'c~th Street frC:Ti C:ol::iiL;r l'.i",vTcn"ûc to ìJc~vv~ YorJc ~.i"'v"'cn'Cc.
Sc~c~th rl~~c from ~~rcr~ ~7C~~C ~c~th tc cul de ~~c ~ ~cl~~i ~c.
Sighth Street frem 1\urar.: 1\~enue to Bo:iton 1\7enue.
Eighth Ploce from Dougl.::i 1\~enue to de.:d end of public :it::eet lyiGg
Gerth of Sho~nee 1\~en'Ce.
l~inth Street fro"i l'.uror.: l'.~enue to Cok Por;c 1'.",Tnue.
Tenth Street frer: 1\uror.: 1\~er.ue to Deugl.::i 1\7cnue.
Elc7eGth Street froIT, .7\:-iror.: l'.~,~er.uc to Hodi.Jon l'.~,~er.uc.
Ele7cLth Strc::t fro::. Euelid 7\~,"eLUC to Cok Pork 1'.",-cn'Cc.
E" e7enth Ploee froil 1\uroro 1\7enue to SCLCCO 1\~enuc.
'I\.'clfth Street fror:, l1odi:ieL ."T":er.'Cc te Cole Pork l'i"v-enuc.
Th ~ rteenth Strcct fro:r, Sho',;ncc 1'.7cnue to Deuglo:: l'.","enue.
Fourteenth St::eet ::to::tir.g .:t de':8 end of public :it rcet lying Gerth
ef Sho'.; l'.","e::ue te deod end of public :itrcct lY~::g :iot:th e: Cok
Po::k l'."v-enue.
Fi=~cc~th St~cct ~t~rtiLg ~t dci=d c~d of p~bi~c =t~cct ~ yin; nc~th
af Sho~nee 1\7cn~c to Doug~o~ 1\~er.~e.
Sixteenth Strcet :frcm ~~odi :=cr. 1\'v"enue to Cole Po::k l'.';enue.
Z~'~~cr~ :~.,v.,c~~c frc~d S=-;~~h .Z.l"'v"'2n~c tc ~~vv~21=t~ Street.
Bcclc:i th l'.','cnuc from S:"ìCth 1'.7e~'cc to Eigtth Strcct.
Bo:iton l'.','cnuc from Sixth 1'.7enuc to Eighth Strcct.
Clinton 1'.7cnuc frem Si¡:th .7'.','enuc -:0 S:.¡rtccnth Strcct.
Corning 1'.','C:1UC froQ. Si¡rth .n.','c~uc -:0 èCJ.d end of p-:blic :itrcct lying
í;C:it of Sc','cnth Strcct.
Dougl.:i:i 1'.7cnuc from Si¡rth l'.','cnuc ',,'c:it to Si¡rtccnth Strcct.
CJ.rdcn n7C~ue from Elc7cnth Strcc-: to T~cl fth Strcc-:.
Holcomb 1'.'Jcni.c from Si¡rth 1'.7cnuc to dCJ.d cnd of public :itrcct.
NJ.di:ion 1'.'Jcnuc from T',,'c 1 fth Strc:-: to Si~r-:cc~th Strcct.
lJcTVV., YorJ~ Z\"'v~C:1~C train Si~cth I\"'v"'C:-..UC to dc~d c~d of p~biic :;t~C2t
lying '.;c:i-: of Sc','cnth Strcc-:.
OJ.k PJ.rk 1'.'Jcnuc from Si¡rth 1'.'Jcnuc to Si¡:tccnth Strcc-:.
OrctJ.rd =rom hJ.7inJ. Dri7c :iouthcJ.ctcrly to dCJ.d c~d of public
RJ.Tv.inJ. Dri'Jc frow OJ.k "J.rJ: l'.vcn'cc J.~d :ieuth'.;cctcrly to
T/JJ.vcrly Drivc.
RivCCJiC',,' Dri7c f::O"l RJ.'v'in:: Dri'Jc to W,:rv'c::l:r' Dri\-c.
ScnccJ. n\'cnuc from Sii,th l,7cnuc to S i i¡-:ccnth St::cct.
ShJ.',mcc .7'.7cnuc from Si¡¡-:h l'7cr,ue to Ele'Jcnth Strcc-:.
ShJ.íincc n7enuc froæ T~clftt Strcct -:0 Fiftccnth Strcct.
íe¡J.vcrl:r' Dri'v'c from Ri7crvic'.; Dri','c :ioutr.'.:c:itcrly .:nd c.::itcrly to Dri'v'c.
(p) (i) Pionccr PJ.rJ: RccidcntiJ.l Ncighborhood.
SouthcJ.:it Se7cntccnth Strcc-: from Pionccr P,oJ.d to E:::i-: PJ.rk 1'.'Jcn'Jc.
Southc:::it SC7cntccnth Court ~or-:h fro~ EJ.:i-: Kirlc:cod l'vcnuc to cul
dc :iJ.C inclu:ii7c.
SouthcJ.:it Eigttccn-:t Strcct :1orth rrom E:::i-: Kirlc:ood nvcn'Jc -:0 cul
dc CJ.C inclu:ii7c.
SouthcJ.:it Eightcc~-:h St::cct ~e::-:tc::ly from King l'venue to cuI dc
:i::c incI'Jcivc nortt of EJ.c-: l'vcnuc.
Southc.J:i-: Eigh-:ecnth COL:rt frc:7, Sc.~~ ~J.rJ:
L~ E'Jcrgrccn
l'.ve~'ce .
Seu-:he.J:it Eigh-:ce~th Court £::0." Kir,g l.7c:-ue to CL:1 de :icc i~clu:i~ ','C
ncrth of Ec:i-: L.Jce~:: nvc~'cC.
Southc.J:it lJinctcen-:;-, S-:rce-: frem Ec:i-: ~crk 1'.TJC:1L:C -:c E-,Tc~g::ccr,
Southc.J:it lJinctecnth Street from cc:it Crec-:o~ l'vc~uc -:c EJ.:it Bcll
.?\. .,11., cr,l uc. .
Southcc.~t N~~2tccnt~ St~22t ~8rtt ~~o~ Ec:;t ~~ccn~ ~~c~~c tc C~~
de cJ.c incIu:iivc.
Sou-:hcc:i-: Ni~ctcc~-:h Court conncctien
St~cct :;c'Jth of Si:.:t ~\:l~J~ 7'....v-cr¿'.c thC:1CC
frew Southc::ct Ni~etceLtr.
2c~th :L:-.L8. ~v~~c.:tcrlJiT bc.cJc tc
Southc.J:it NiLetce~th Stree-:.
Sc~thcc.~t T~;c~t~ cth Strect frc~ E7crg~2c~ ~7C~~C to Ec.~t Virgin~c.
l'~ .,11., en:. c .
S8ut~CC.:Jt TTIi"C:"~t:r~ L-~ r.=t Street ::-:Jl:. Ec.:;t =-c.rJ~ l....\lTC:-1~C tc s:::=~ H~gtc:;
SC~th2:i:;t ~~v~.c~t:i" ~cco~..d Street ~v-orn L::::t \Tirg~:1~:i .L"TTv~C~:.e
EJ.::tf8rd nvc~uc.
s~~t Bell ~~2~~C C::=L f~c~ S~~t~2C~t ~C~~t22~tt Street to de::d e:-"o
. J~
Eo:it Corden ~~en~e from Eo:it Fortieth Street to Eost Forty seeond
Clen Eller. Dri ~e from Eost Thirty eighth Street to Belmor Dri ~e.
Crond'v'ie',; 1\~enue from Eost Forty :ieeond Street eo:it to deod er.:J of
H~ll ~~enue from Eo:it Thirty fifth Street to deod end of street
eo:it of Eo.:t Forty third Court ol:Jo being the ei ty lirr.i t:J
Leyden ~~enue from EJ.:Jt Thirty eighth Street to BelmJ.r Dri ~e.
Leyden ~~en~e from EJ.:Jt Fortieth Street to deJ.d end of .:treet eJ..:t
of EO:Jt Forty third Court 0.1':0 being the eo.:Jt city limi t:J line.
Eo..:t Nodi.:on ~~en~e fro~ Eo.:Jt Fortieth Street to deo.d end of :Jtreet
eo:it of Eo..:t Forty :Jecond Street o.l:Jo being the eo.:Jt eity li~its
~10rton !\~C:1~e from EJ.:Jt Forty .:econd Street to deod er.d of
Eo..:t O~id ~~er.ue from Eo.:Jt Thirty fifth Strcet to E~:Jt Forty third
Richmond ~~en~e froil Eo.:Jt Thirty eighth Street to E~:Jt Fortieth
Eo.:it Seneco. ~~enue from So.:Jt Thirty n l nth Co~rt ~;e:Jt to deo.d end of
p~blic :Jtreet.
Eo.:t Senec~ ~~enue
fro~ Eo.:Jt Fortieth Street to Forty :Jecond
Eo.:it Sherido.n ~~en~e from E~:Jt Thirty fifth Street eJ..:t to the eo.:Jt
city limit:J line.
Thomp.:or. ~~enue fro~ Eo.:Jt Thirty fourth Street to E~ct Thirty' fift~
Tiffin .'\'v'e:,.ue from Eo.:Jt Thirty eighth St::eet to S~:Jt Fort~eth
Co~rt .
Willio.m:J Street from Eo..:t Douglo.:J ~~en~e to Eo.:Jt Euelid ~~en~e.
í~illio.~c St::eet from E~:Jt C~i d ~~er.~e to Hull ~~en~e.
Willi~~c Street Lre~ E~:Jt S~erido.n ~~enue to Eo.:Jton 8o~le~~r:J.
(.:) (2) Somer.:et Re:Jidenti~l Neighborhood.
So~theo.:Jt Second Co~rt f::om Eo..:t Bundy ~~en~e to 0. point 115 feet
deo.d end :Jo~th of Eo.:Jt Burnho.m ~~en~e.
So~the~:Jt Third Street from E~:Jt ~::my ~oct Ro~d to E~.:t Burnh~m
.7I.'v'eD U e .
Scuthe~ct Fo~rth Street .:outheo.:Jterly from E~.:t Bu::r.r.~m ~~er.~e to
cuI de co.c incl ~:Ji ~e.
Southeo.:Jt Fourth Co~rt :Joutheo.cterly fro~ EJ.ct BU:Dhcm ~~en~e to
c~l de :Jo.e iDel u:Ji ~e.
Eo:it Eun:Jy ~~en~e from So~thecct Seeon:J Co~,t to So~t~ec:Jt Thi::å
Eo..:t 3~rr.hJ.m ~~enue from SoutheJ.:Jt Secor.d Court to Seutheo..:t r" Lth
(t;. ~Jct ~::c:d.
- ~
í'lo.t::on 1\7enue froil 01¡ford Street to So.ylor Eoo.d.
Wil::on ~7enue from Eo.::t Fo~rteenth Street to ClenbrooJc Dri7e.
Wi::con::in ~~enue from North Union Street to Eo.::t Eighth Street.
YorJc Street from Eo.::t Wo.::hington ~7enue to nrthur n7en~e.
('v.) (1) 'lc.lley High HJ.nor He::identiJ.l Neighborhood.
Enden ',,'e8t from íÜnego.rdner HOJ.d tc de.Jd end ',,'cst of Hickor:i
Hickory Hill L.Jne fro:-n íHnog.:rdner P,oJ.d to Enden Lc.r,e.
Knob Hill Dri'vTe 8outh',:e8terly .:nd ::outh from íHnegJ.rdner Ho.:d to
de.Jd end ::outh of Timber
P1.:ple Street ~rom Willi.:;:8 Street to Knob Hill Dri7e.
Timber L.:ne from í"Jilli.:m:: Street to de.:d end e.:::t of Í'JinegJ.rdner
V.:lley Circle '"T::t from í'Jneg::rdner G.o.:d to c'.l de 8.:e inclu8i'v.e.
Willi.:m:: Street from EJ.::t Uni ~er::i ty n7enue to De.:n n~en~e.
Wineg.:rdner G.o.:d from E::::t Uni7er::ity n7enue to dCJ.d end ::outh of
Enden L.:ne.
(~: (1) WJ.terbury G.e8identi.:l Neighborhood.
Forty eighth Street from Inger::oll 1','v'enue to IL:ir,:ood Dri7e.
Forty ninth Street from H.:r,:ood Dri':e to W.:terbury Ho.:d.
Fiftieth Street from Woodlc.nd A7enue to rle.:::.:nt Street
Fifty fir::t Street froI:, H.:n,'ood Dri ',Te to rle.:::.:nt St reet.
Fifty ::econd Street from Wcodl.:nd n7enue to rle.:::.:nt Street.
Fifty third Street from Shri ~er ~~enue to Inger80 L 1 n7enue.
Fifty third Street froil Wc.terb~ry G.o.:d to :ngersoll n~enue.
Fifty third Street ~ro:-, í'JoodL:ir.d 1',',Tenue to dec.d. end north of
H.:r,,'ood ;Jr i'v-e.
Fifty fo'.rth Street froI:i Il.:r,,'ood Dri.,'e to dec.d er"d nerth.
Fifty ~o~rth Street ~ro;: W.:terbury G.oc.d to Inger::oll n~e~ue.
Fifty fi fth Street freI:i I:.:r-,,'ood Dri ',Te to de.:d end north.
Fifty ::e~enth Street from North W.:terbury Ho.:d to Woodlc.nd Roc.d.
Fifty :Je~enth Street from Wc.terbury roc.d to Inger:Joll n~er.'.e.
fifty eighth Street from WJ.lnut Hill n~er.'.e to Wc.terb'.ry G.o.:d.
Fifty ~inth Street from North WJ.terb'.ry Hoc.d to HJ.r~ood Dri~e.
Sii:tieth Street fro:-i Cr.:r.d 1',',Ten'.e to í"J.:ln'.t I:ill Dri ',Te.
Sii¡ty fir::t Street froI' Cr.:nd 1','v.enue to i;'lJ.l nut Hill Dri ';e.
Siirty firct Street frol:i rlec.:Jc.nt ;:ri 70 to í"JoodL:ind HOJ.d.
Sixty ::econd PIJ.ce fY'OI:i rlec.:J.:nt Dri 7e to G.ellinc 1',.,Te:-,:.e.
S.iirt:i :Jec:::id Street froI:, Crc.r.d 1'.':enue to í"Jc.lnut Eill ;:r~ ~e.
Sii¡t:i ceco:-"d Street fre:r, í"Joodl.Jnd RCJ.d to rlec.:J.Jnt ;:r.i~e.
S.ii¡ty fourth Street frc:-n Center Street :Jcuth te eul de cc.c
incl u::i -;e.
Center St :eeL ',:ect from Sii:ty tl""ird Street tc ci t:i corpcr.Jte
boundc.rj-' .
Co~nty C: ub Boule7.:rd :rom Cr.:nd n7en~e tc Inger:Jc': n~enue.
Ccu~ty Club S8~i2~~~d f~c~ Tngc~~8ll ~~2~~2 tc Fc~ty ~i~th St~cct.
C~rrL1i~~ r::rJ:~v~'=::rT :rc~ s.c:-ì'fn"ood 8r:. "\1'"2 tc r~ 2':::.J~t S'r=- T,72.
C:irx.i~:: r~rkTvvTc.~T :rc~ r-! 2:i::C.:-t 8riTv7c tc I 235.
HOr'.;ood Co'.rt
Siitt:r' fc'.rth
Strcct eoot to
\"-L de :Jc.c
Hor.;cod Dri 7e fro", Fifty :J ~ Jeth Street to Curmnin:J lork'd'oy.
HOr'.;ood Dri7e from Si xt:r' f~r:Jt Street to SiJet:r' :Jeeond Street.
HOr'.;ood Dri 7e frcm PoL.k BO'Jle'vTcrd to 'doodL:md 7'..'v'en'Je.
North Woterbury Rood fr::Q Fifty :JiJ:';h Street to \'Ìotertury Circle.
Pleo.'or,t Dri7e fro;: Fifty :J~ ieth Street tc SiJety third Street.
Pleo:Jont Street fro", Polk Boule'v'ord to F~::t:r' :Jeeond Street.
Rcllin:J 7'..7en'ce ::rem Sii:ty ::eeond Ploee to CUIT.iin:J PorJe.;oy.
Ron',;ood Dri 7C frcTe C-:rnr:ln:J PorJe.;oy D-:i 7C to dcod end couth.
Shri'Jer 7','Jer,ue fre." Fifty :Jixth Street to County Club Bcule'Jord.
Wolnut Hill 7','vTenuc from Fifty ::iJeth Street to Fifty ninth Street.
:'Ìolnut Hill Dr~ 7e froITi Fift:r' n -1 nt):. Street to SiJ:ty ::ceond Street.
Woterbury Cirelc froQ North Woterbury Rood to Fi::ty :J~Jtth Street.
\'Ìcterbury Rcod frcm Forty eighth Strcet to Ccunty Cl'Jb Boule7ord.
Woterbury Rocd -!roIn Fifty ::i::th Street to County Club BouL.e7ord.
Wotertury Rood fro~ F~fty ninth Strect to 1nger:J011 ~7cn'JC.
Woterbury Rocd -!rom F~ fty n; nth Street to \~otertury Circle.
(',;) (2) Wc.'v'cl.c.n8. Pc.rJ: RC:Jidentiol Neighborhood.
Forty third Strect from Uni7er:J~ ty ~7en'ce to Fore:Jt ~7enue.
Forty third Strect frcf:, Crocker Street tc Kingmon Boule\Tord.
Forty fC'Jrth Street fror:~ l\.ingr:ion'vTcrd to Fror,Jclir. ~'Jer,'Jc.
Forty ::curth Plcec fro~ K~ ngmon BO'c1e7crd ::outh to deod cnd cf
Forty fifth Strect frcm Chc~bcrL.o~n ~7en'Je to Un~ 7erci ty ~7enue.
Forty fifth Strcet ::rcr:i Corper:ter 7'..'Jen'Je to Fronklin 7'..'Jen'cc.
Forty fifth Ploce frc~ Chc.ITLerloin ~7cnuc tc Bculevord Ploce.
Fcrty ::iieth St rect fro." K~r,g:-lcor: Be'Jle'Jcrd to Frc.nklin 7'..'Jenue.
Forty cC'Jenth Street fro;: Cn~ 7crc~ t:r' 7'.'v'enuc to Frc.nkl in 7',7enue.
IÜgenq'Jin Rood ::ro;: Kingmc.n Be'cle'J::rd ',;ecterl:r' to dc::d end ef
BoulC'Jord Pl.c.ce fro;: lolk BouL.e'Jc.rd tc Forty f~ftr. llccc.
Colifornio ~ri7c from Fcrty ~h~rd Street to Ch::rnterl::in ~7enue.
C::rpcnter n7cn'cC from Fcrty feurth Strcet to Forty eighth Strcct.
Centcr Street f-:om Fo-:t:r' ::cccr:d Street to PoL.k BouL.c7::rd.
Cr.::Tnberloin 1~'vTen'ce ::rom Forty ceccnd Strect to Pclk Boule7::rd.
College ~7cn-:e frcm Fcrty ~c'Jrt~ Street to Forty e~ghth Street.
Crcckc~ Street frc~ Fc~~y ~cc8~j St~cct tc Ch~æbc~l~~~ ~~c~uc.
Kingmon Boulc7::rd ::rom Pelle BO'Jlc7crd ~ect to dc::d end cf ::treet.
Lcke7~c',; Dr~'vTC ',;csterly froI:L lcL.k Be'clc'J::rd to dcc.d end 0-1 ::treet.
Ob:Jer7::';cr:/ ;:,cc.d :row Pelk Boulc'v'c.rd '.;cct ending ot Wc.'v'elcnd ecl::
Course property.
V;2.~vTcl¿::id Cc~rt ::rC:7i l:clJc 2c~lc~\;"J.:cd tc Fort:r-r f~f~h r:l::cc.
(i;) (3) Wect~ood RC:J~dent~cl Nc~ghbor~oed.
Forty fourth Street sO'ct~ Iro~ Crcnd ~7cn'cc to cul dc ::cc
iDcl '.:: ~ 'Je .
Fcrty fiftL Street ~c~th f:cc~ S:c~~d ~~c~~c tc deed c~d of p~blic
::trcct -:igl-t of "vv"2.j-"' :-2:::: i-t-..c TV~~C:~ proj CC~ ~ 8~.L 0: Sr2cr:T~vTccj s:i"'v"'c ~o
Forty fifth Street.
Forty ~ifth Stree~ 80uth from Cr~nd ~~en~e to de~d end of public
8treet right of ',:~y ne~r the ',:e8t proj ec~ion of Creem:ood Dri 'ie to
Forty fifth Street.
Forty fifth Street 80uth f~om Cr~nd ~~enue to de~d end of public
8treet rigr,t of '.:~y ne~r the '.:e8t proj ection of Creem:ood Dri 'ie to
Forty fifth Street.
Forty ninth S~reet 80uth from Cr~nd ~~enue to eul de 8~e inclu8i ve.
Fifty fir8t Street 8outr, from Cr~nd Z',~enue to South',:e8t Fi.fty fir8t
South',:e8t Fifty fir8t S~re::t 80uth from Fift:r' ~i.r8t Street to
í"J elk e r ,7\, ~ e n u e .
Fifty 8econd Stre::t north from hobert8on Dri~e to d::~d end public
Fifty 8econd Str::et north from So~th',:e8t Fifty 8::eond S~reet to
eul de 8~e inelu8i~e.
South',,'e8t F:.~ty 8econd St~eet 80uth from Fifty 8::eond Street te
í'lelker Z',','enue.
Fif~y third Street 8o~th from hob::rt8o~ D~i ve to de~d end public
Fifty 8iJtth Street 80uth fro~ Cr~nd ~~enue to North V~lley Dri~::.
South',:e8t Fifty 8ii:th Street from lJo~th V~lley Dri~e to ío;elk::r
Z',~enue .
Fifty eighth Street 80uth from Cr~nd ~~enue to ~::~~~c:: Dri~e.
South',:::8t Fifty eighth Dri'v'e from Terr~ce Dri'i:: to Fi~ty 8izth
Fifty eigh~h I'l~e:: 8outr, from Cr~nd Z','v'::nue to de~d end p~blic
Fifty r.inth
Str::et 8o~th from Cr~Ld Z'"','enue ~o de~d end publ:.c
North '/~lley Dr:.~e ',:e8t :; 8outh',:e8terly ~rorr. Fi~t:r' Ji.Jt~h Str::::~ to
cer.te~ line of íoJ~lnut Creek.
hobert::on ;:r~ ';:: ~rorr, Fifty fir::t Stre::t to Fif~y 8~ i:tt S~r::::t.
Terr~ce Dr~ ',-e e~8t ~rc:;-i Fi~ty eighth Street ~o de~d end p~bl:.c
W::llcer ~~eLue from Sou~h~e8t Fifty fir8t Street to So~th~le::~ Fi.fty
8i::t;i Street.
(xl th~~ (z). Not u8ed.
Sees. 114-4176-114-4179. Reserved.
Division 12. Central Business District Boundary Description
See. 114-4180. Designated.
Within the central business district constituted of all
streets located wi thin the area bounded by a point beoinnino on the
east side of Martin Luther Kino Jr Parkway and the north side of
Grand Avenue, thence east to the west side of 19th Street, thence
north to the north side of Inoersoll Avenue, thence east continuing
¡2.~ ;Y
along the north side of Ingersoll Avenue and the north side of High
Street, thence north along the west side of ioth Street, thence east
along the north side of Pleasant Street, thence north alonq the
west side of 9th Street, thence east alonq the north side of
Keosauqua Way, thence east alonq the north side of Keosauqua Way
and continuinq alonq the north side of Park Street and continuing
on a straiqht line across the Des Moines River and alonq the north
side of Des Moines Street, thence south alonq the east side of
Pennsvl vania Avenue and continuinq south alonq the east side of
East 7th Street, thence east alonq the north side of East Walnut
Street, thence south along the east side of Dey Street, thence west
alonq the south side of East Court Avenue, thence south along the
east side of Water Street and Southwest Water Street, thence west
alonq the south side of West Martin Luther Kinq Jr Parkway, thence
north and west alonq the center of the Raccoon River, thence north
alonq the east side of Martin Luther Kinq Jr Parkway to the point
of beqinning.
Section 2.
This ordinance shall be in full force and effect
from and after its passage and publication as provided by law.
/'1. . ,,' l ",-,7~
Lt7lr1'v :\ /i, ..\. ' I ?vir~
Ann DiDonato
Assistant City Attorney