clicking here - The Village Players


clicking here - The Village Players
From the President...
As you sit in your seats for today’s performance, you may notice that there’s
something different about the theatre. If it’s warm outside, you’ll probably even hear
a difference through the show. During our Upton Players’ production of Into The
Woods in July, it was discovered that our 27-year old air conditioning system was
at the end of its useful life. Teams of volunteers, talented contractors from Curtis
Construction, and our partners at BluFlame worked through hot and sticky days, in
dirty and forgotten areas of the theatre to declutter and repair the building, and to
make way for a brand new, state-of-the-art, high-efficiency system that will serve us
for the next few decades.
As we cleaned out the attic, our storage sheds, green room, and lots of other nooks
and crannies around the building; you’d frequently hear someone say “I remember
this show!” or “Does anyone know who’s in this picture?” It was a roller coaster
ride through the 57 seasons that have preceded this one. Looking back through the
memories we saw younger versions of ourselves, faces that have moved away, souls
that have passed on, strangers that have become dear friends or spouses, and many
shows and performances. We told stories of productions from years ago that the
younger volunteers weren’t born for, or couldn’t possibly remember. But moreover
we saw the work, talent, craftsmanship, and passion that has made The Village a
jewel in west Toledo. It is not a cliché to say that our volunteers put their blood,
sweat, and tears into the theatre, it’s the truth.
It’s a bit ironic that the journey through our past was incited during a new venture
for us, since The Upton Players was performing only its second show. The talented
young people of Into The Woods were not only actors, but they did direction,
makeup, costumes, tech, and all of the aspects of stagecraft. They are the next
generation of Village Players. This season, we’re excited to debut our latest creation;
The Village After Dark. As concert readings, the actors will have scripts, and the
staging and technical aspects will be minimal, which allows the text of these
magnificent shows to be fully appreciated. In the future, we hope to showcase the
works of local playwrights as well as avant-garde productions that may not yet have
their deserved recognition. And planning is already underway for 2016, when we will
commemorate Sixty Years of The Village Players Theatre.
All of this is possible because of you. Yes, you. You are a patron of the arts, and
our inspiration. You are the reason that we pluck up the courage to audition, drag
ourselves to rehearsal, spend hours memorizing our lines, or use our ‘free time’
building or painting a set, vacuuming the theatre, and making this a great theatrical
experience. Your tickets and donations support a venue where we can do what we
love because we love it, not because we’re being paid to do it. This isn’t our job, this
isn’t a chore; this is our passion, and we thank you for giving us the opportunity to
be your Village Players.
Now get comfortable but pay attention, because with your help we are about to
make theatre magic!
Jake Gordy
2014-2015 Season Board Members
Jake Gordy....................................................................................... President
Elizabeth Piel-Black................................................ Vice President of Production
Christopher Jagodzinski..................................Vice President of Public Relations
Sara Speelman.................................................. Vice President of Development
Diana West...................................................................................... Treasurer
Marissa Rex..................................................................................... Secretary
Jeffrey J. Albright..................................................................... Board
Evan James Copeland............................................................... Board
Patrick Drummond.................................................................... Board
Maryjo Gavin............................................................................ Board
Zac Gilley................................................................................. Board
Laura Hansen........................................................................... Board
Kari Kapszukiewicz.................................................................... Board
Debbie Marinik......................................................................... Board
Jean Mills................................................................................. Board
Brad Riker................................................................................ Board
Ann Veasey.............................................................................. Board
Volunteer Staff
Debbie Marinik.................................................................Audition Coordinator
Ann Veasey............................................................. Box Office and House Mgr.
Jean Mills...........................................................................Building & Grounds
Laura Crawford.............................................................................CTW Liaison
Kari Kapszukiewicz............................................................... Costume Manager
Sara Speelman.................................................................................Education
Larry Farley............................................................................................ Legal
Jake Gordy..................................................................................... Newsletter
Zac Gilley.................................................................................OCTA Delegate
David DeChristopher..................................................... Playreading Committee
Jake Gordy....................................................................................... Programs
Brad Riker................................................................................ Props Manager
Jake Gordy...................................................................... Season Subscriptions
Chris Jagodzinski........................................................ Season Ticket Marketing
Chris Jagodzinski..........................................................................Social Media
Evan James Copeland & Chris Jagodzinski...................................... Sold Houses
Jake Gordy........................................................................... Web Site Updates
2014-2015 Village Players Board of Directors
Brad Riker, Patrick Drummond, Andrew Todd, Jake Gordy, Chris Jagodzinski,
Sara Speelman, Jeffrey J. Albright, & Zac Gilley
Marissa Rex, Diana West, Jean Mills, Debbie Marinik, Kari Kapszukiewicz,
Megan Guidry, & Maryjo Gavin
Laura Hansen, Evan James Copeland, & Ann Veasey
Can’t Get Enough of The Village Players?
Keep up with everything going on at The Village! You can
follow us on Facebook and Twitter to see all of the upcoming
productions and auditions, and behind-the-scenes pictures.
The Village Players Theatre
2740 Upton Ave.
Toledo, Ohio
Based on the board game by Parker Brothers
Book by
Peter DePietro
Lyrics by
Tom Chiodo
Music by
Galen Blum, Wayne Barker & Vinnie Martucci
Produced by special arrangement with
Samuel French, Inc.
Patrick Drummond
Wes Skinner
Musical Director
Set Designer
Wes Skinner
Sound Designer
Adam Miller
Costume Designer
Karleigh Lamb
Light Designer
Zac Gilley
Andrew C. Todd
CLUE: The Musical is performed without an intermission.
Note: Please turn off or silence all electronic devices.
Clue ® and Parker Brothers are trademarks of Hasbro Inc.
© Hasbro, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Used with permission.
The Cast
Mr. Boddy.............................................................................Matthew Johnston
Mrs. Peacock............................................................................ Emma Ashmawi
Professor Plum.................................................................................Paul Soska
Miss Scarlett............................................................................Heather Bartlett
Colonel Mustard.............................................................. Evan James Copeland
Mrs. White...................................................................................David Dysard
Mr. Green..................................................................................... Gerry Royce
Detective..................................................................................Laura Crawford
Act I
The Game............................................. Mr. Boddy and Suspects
Life is a Bowl of Pits................................................. Mrs. White
Everyday Devices.............. Mr. Green, Miss Scarlet, and Suspects
Once a Widow......................................................Mrs. Peacock
Corridors and Halls................................ Mr. Boddy and Suspects
The Murder........................................... Mr. Boddy and Suspects
After the Murder (The Game reprise; Act I Finale).........Suspects
Act II
She Hasn’t Got a Clue..................................................Suspects
Everyday Devices (reprise)...........................................Suspects
Seduction Deduction....................... Prof. Plum and the Detective
Foul-Weather Friend....................................................Suspects
Don’t Blame Me......................................................... Company
The Final Clue....................................... Mr. Boddy and Suspects
The Game (Finale)................................ Mr. Boddy and Suspects
She Hasn’t Got a Clue (reprise)/Bows.......................... Company
CAUTION: A lighting strobe effect is used briefly during the performance
to serving our
Production Staff
Director:....................................................................................... Wes Skinner
Musical Director:............................................................................ Adam Miller
Painist:.................................................................................... Adam Miller
Bassist:................................................................................. Jay Ronquillo
Percussionist:............................................................................ Ray Woods
Producer:............................................................................ Patrick Drummond
Stage Manager:.........................................................................Susan McCann
Lighting Design:....................................................................... Andrew C. Todd
Lighting Crew:..................................................................................Joe Green
Sound Designer:............................................................................... Zac Gilley
Sound Crew:.....................................................................................Joe Green
Props Gatherer:............................................................................. Jeff Bartlett
Costume Designer:......................................................................Karleigh Lamb
Assisted by:......................................................................... Angie Patchett
Stage Crew: . ..................................................Bryan Brown & Anne Wesenberg
Set Designer:................................................................................ Wes Skinner
Set Builder:........................................................................................ Brad Ray
Scenic Art:.............................................Rose Perry, Wes Skinner & Deb Wallace
Set Painters:...................................................................................................
Set Dresser:....................................................................................................
House Manager:............................................................................. Ann Veasey
Box Office Manager:....................................................................... Ann Veasey
Box Office, Lobby, & Usher Staff:...........Sandy Blanchard, Kimberly Bruggemann,
Pam Engle, Dan Finkel, Jake Gordy, Darlene Hatfield,
Christopher Jagodzinski, Debbie Marinik, Jean Mills, & Laura Zelenka
Publicity:............................................................................... Chris Jagodzinski
Program:........................................................................................ Jake Gordy
Program Art & Cover Design:.........................................Christopher Jagodzinski
Production Logo:...........................................................Christopher Jagodzinski
Program Printing:...................................................................... AIM Specialists
Marquee Sign:......................................... Jake Gordy & Christopher Jagodzinski
Special Thanks
Jamie Dauel
Keith Kewler
Sean Lyons
Debbie Piel
The Toledo Repertoire Theatre
Saints Adalbert and Hedwig Church
The Directors
Wes Skinner (Director) has been actively involved in theatre,
working as set and costume designer, choreographer and
director for over 45 years. Beginning at the Boston Conservatory,
he received his BFA with a Major in Dance and a minor in Musical
Theatre. Returning to Toledo in 1971, he began working at The
Village Players. Last season, he directed Proposals and designed
The Liar, now 32 shows later, Clue. Wes has also designed
several sets and directed for the Toledo Rep including Laura this season. And
just so he won’t get bored, works part-time at the Toledo Museum of Art.
Adam Miller (Musical Director) is a native of Monroe, MI, and
very excited to be a part of Clue, his first production with The
Village Players. At the age of 20, this is seventh year working
in theatre, having served as pianist/conductor/music director
for productions at several area high schools, the University
of Toledo, and the Bedford Community Players. He currently
attends UT, pursuing a B.E. in Music Ed. There he directs the
Phi Mu Alpha Men’s Chorus and serves as drum major for the Rocket Marching
The Cast
Matthew Johnston (Mr. Boddy) is simply thrilled to be
returning to The Village Players in Clue the Musical! He debuted
here last season in The Liar, and has enjoyed performing around
town for a few years. Recent roles include Leading Ladies (Leo/
Maxine), Spamalot (Prince Herbert) and Young Frankenstein
(Ziggy). He thanks everyone involved for all their help and
support, and hopes you enjoy the show. “Let the game begin!”
Emma Ashmawi (Mrs. Peacock) an Evansville native, is making
her Toledo theatre debut with The Village Players. She’s pleased
as a Peacock to be in this show. Show highlights: Rocky Horror
(Magenta), Beverly Hillbillies (Granny), Spamalot & Drowsy
Chaperone (SM), Cats, Hairspray & Cabaret (Costume). Jason,
“her first husband,” is a pretty rad dude so she won’t be named
a “scheming spouse” anytime soon. Love & thanks to J & our zoo
for putting up with my absence, Wes and Susan for giving me this chance, the
cast for all the inspiration and support & you, for supporting community theatre!
Dr. Paul Soska (Professor Plum) A school psychologist by
vocation, profoundly persnickety by perseverance, and a
dramaturge for diversion. Most recently seen in The Boys Next
Door (Oregon Community Theatre) and The Pirates of Penzance
(The Rep). Last graced The Village Players stage in Monky
Business (2005). Grateful to Wes for the opportunity to again
tread the boards of The Village Players. Charmed to be part of
this wickedly witty company of Crayola coordinated characters. Pax vobiscum.
Heather Bartlett (Miss Scarlett) I’m Miss Scarlett, but they call
me Heather Bartlett, whoever “they” is. I didn’t do it, not matter
what they say, again whomever “they” is. Yes, I am a performer.
You may have seen me in Proposals as Sammi, and I may have
fooled some of you with my Jersey accent. Now I am Scarlett,
and I very much enjoy performing with this cast. Let’s play the
game, but don’t blame me!
Evan James Copeland (Colonol Mustard) is euphoric to be a
part of the Clue: The Musical cast! He has been seen as Morris
Kaden in As Bees in Honey Drown and Cliton in The Liar at The
Village. Prior to The Village, he was seen with the Orange County
Players as Curly in Oklahoma!, Jeffery in Godspell, and Mister
Mushnik in Little Shop of Horrors. Evan works at the University
of Michigan. He and his incredible fiancé, Kristopher, call the Old
West End home.
David Dysard (Mrs. White) has been in more than 25
productions with The Rep, Ohio Theatre, North Coast, and TLC
Productions. With The Village, Dave appeared in GI Juke Box,
Monky Business, Everything ... in Kindergarten, and as El Gallo in
The Fantastiks (opposite eldest son Andrew). Dave has 34 years
experience in transportation - heading TMACOG planning, ODOT
District 2 and now with Toledo. His love of theatre only works
with the support of his beautiful family (Mom, Andy, Kate, Phill, Tom, Skip, Judy)
- thanks guys.
Gerry Royce (Mr. Green) has temporarily received permission
from his cat, Loki, to cede– not share– his lap during Tiger
games for the dates of the Clue run. During this separation of
cat and his servant, generous helpings of tuna will be expected–
Laura Crawford (Detective) is happy to be working on a
musical with The Village again, having appeared in their last
effort ([title of show]) 3 years ago. She has also been seen on
stage (and behind it) with Lionface Productions, The Valentine
Theatre, and The Toledo Rep. Laura would like to thank her
family, her friends, and her Patrick for their support, and for
not taking personally her incessant chant of “I can’t. I have
Show your
Was: $15.00
Was: $25.00
Now: $20.00
Was: $35.00
Now: $29.00
All Tote Bags
Buy One Get One For $3.00
Water Bottles $4.00 each
Designed & Produced Locally By:
Action T-Shirts
Presented by University of Toledo Department of Theatre and Film
2014 -2015
Friday, September 5, 7:30 p.m.
Terry Gilliam, of Monte Python fame, takes
a darkly comic look at the de-humanizing
effects of technology in his critcally acclaimed
sci-fi fantasy.
October 24-26, 31-November 2
Written by Elmer Rice, Directed by Irene Alby
An obsolete accountant replaced by an adding
machine, murders his boss and is executed. His
afterlife, however, is most unexpected.
November 21-23, December 5-7
Written by August Strindberg
New Translation by Daniel Thobias
Directed by Cornel Gabara
Miss Julie tumbles down the Victorian social
ladder when love goes awry.
Frida January 23, 7:30 p.m.
Comedy starring Marilyn Monroe, and Tony Curtis
and Jack Lemmon as two cross-dressing guys
on the run from the mob.
February 20-22, 27-March 1
Written by William Shakespeare
Directed by Cornel Gabara
These events will be held in the UT
Center for Performing Arts Center
Theatre. Friday and Saturday play
performances are at 7:30 p.m.,
Sunday shows – 2 p.m.
For Season Tickets, Regular Tickets
and Show Information
Inevitable comedic circumstances arise when a
shipwrecked woman dresses as a man, falls in
love and attracts the attention of another woman.
Friday, March 20, 7:30 p.m.
Following a juried competition, top student film
work will be screened to the public. Features film
work ranging from documentaries to animation.
April 10-12, 17-19, 24-26
An exciting, large-scale puppetry performance
created by Erica Frank. Uses mythical stories and
fantastical creatures to explore the human impact
on the planet.
K i w a n i s
C l u b
o f
T o l e d o
Serving the Youth of Central Toledo Since 1916
Proudly celebrating 100 years of service in 2016
Join us for a meeting at The Toledo Club
1st, 2nd, and 3rd Wednesday of each month at noon
Herb Hoskins & Deb Rasmusson
Robert & Joan Shreve
Christopher & Laurie Towles
John & Sandra Wall
In Memory of Ann Veasey
Kate Argow
Joyce Calmes
Dan Finkel
Lisa & Scott Jackson
Larry & Nancy Janney
Mike & Marie Linkes
Denise McHue
Willard Misfeldt
Jon & Tamera Riggs
Margaret Ryczko
Harry P. Schulman
Gerald Westphal
Patrons - $50
Harvard Armus
Marlene Bable
Curtis & Marilyn Black
Gisela Cain
Charles & Jane Case
Richard Chesko
Darlene & Bob Cook
Steve Cotner & Debby Peters
Elizabeth Cottle & Ryan McCarthy
Alvenia Crawford & Jack Wallington
Sue Dennis
John & Vicki Dillon
Larry & Becky Farley
Sally Ferguson
John & Carole Forte
Wanda Foster
Bill & Shirley Justen
Jan Lan
Sam & Anna Lovalenti
John & Joan Malak
John J. & Virginia Myers
Dorothy Nunemaker
Kay Roth
Ron & Mary Schneider
Harry P. Schulman
Ralph & Susan Smith
Claus & Suzanne Stang
Jim & Barb Sullivan
Thomas Thayer
Brigitte Wagener
Lynne & David Wolf
Please be sure to let us know if your
name has been omitted and we will
correct future programs.
In Memory of Deborah Sykes
Connie Darling
In Memory of Sue Dennis
Kate Argow
Ruth London
W. Lupe
Debbie Marinik
Joyce & Gary McDonagh
Jean & Norb Mills
Judy Trautman
Producer’s Circle - $500
Rich & Becky Chesko
Jean & Norb Mills
Director’s Circle - $250
Charles D. Schrader
Willard Misfeldt
Larry Von Kuster & Teresa Roth
Ray & Kathreen Simon
Sponsors - $125
Marge Dembowski
Russ & Vicky Griggs
Laura Hanzi
Earnest & Nancy Hatfield
Madge Levinson
Maryruth C. Mabbitt
Friends - $25
Marie Adkins
Brenda Blackshear
Ron Brennan
Cheryl & Dwight Bryan
Lisa & Michael Clark
Terry & Barbara Cooper
Douglas Davis
Joe Duerringer
Richard & Alice Edwards
Friends continued
James Garbers
Duane “Dewey” Hall
Nancy Ibarra
Mary Jane Joehlin
Edward & Nancy Kelley
Charlotte Lauer
J. A. Meeks
Philip & Rebecca Miller
Barbara Myers
Dottie Nortz
Jo Lyn Philippi
Carl & Judy Pohl
Bob & Judy Rank
James & Mary Rooney
Dale & Geri Siefke
Bob & Barb Skinner
Bob & Pat Suttle
Jim & Georgia Szczublewski
Judith Trautman
Maryann Wasserman
Mr. Jerry Westphal
Ms. Cherie J. Williams
Dave & Carol Zenk
Productions at The Village Players theatre are
made possible by the contributions of our
generous donors & subscribers.
4895 Monroe St. Toledo, Ohio 43623 • 419-474-9119 •
Partner & Designers of The Village Players New Website
Web & IT Group
Web Design, Internet Marketing & Custom Apps
28747 Glenwood Road
Perrysburg, Ohio 43551
(419) 509-6527
Crazytown (Teen Company)
By: Jonathan Rand
October 17-18, 2014
Locker Next 2 Mine (Teen Company)
By: Jonathan Dorf
February 27-28, 2014
Super Duck (Players Company)
By: Brian D. Taylor
November 14-16, 2014
The Unprincess (Players Company)
By: Edith Weiss
March 27-29, 2015
The Gibler Family (Ensemble Company)
By: CTW Devising Class
December 12-14, 2014
Mo the Terrible (Ensemble Company)
By: CTW Devising Class
May 15-17m 2015
Children's Theatre Workshop
2417 Collingwood Blvd.
Toledo, Ohio 43620
Free to be You & Me (10 y/o & up)
By: Douglas Love and Regina Safran
July 25-26, 2015
Announcing our 2015–2016 59th Season!
Lion in Winter (Comedy)
by James Goldman
Directed by: Kate Argow
September 11 - 26, 2015
Samuel French, Inc.
Sibling rivalry, adultery and dungeons – Lion in Winter, by James Goldman, is a
modern day classic. Comedic in tone, dramatic in action – the play tells the story
of the Plantagenet family who are locked in a free for all of competing ambitions
to inherit a kingdom. The queen, and wealthiest woman in the world, Eleanor of
Aquitaine, has been kept in prison since raising an army against her husband, King
Henry II. Let out only for holidays, the play centers around the inner conflicts of
the royal family as they fight over both a kingdom, as well as King Henry’s paramour
during the Christmas of 1183. As Eleanor says, “every family has its ups and downs,”
and this royal family is no exception.
The Birds (Suspense)
by Conor McPherson
Directed by: Jeffrey J. Albright
November 6 - 21, 2015
Dramatists Play Service
A suspenseful, atmospheric adaptation of Daphne du Maurier’s enthralling short
story. Mysterious masses of birds have begun to violently attack at high tide, driving
strangers Nat and Diane to take refuge in an isolated, abandoned house by the sea
and form a bond to survive their haunting new circumstance. With no electricity and
scarce food, the tension is palpable and hope is waning. Yet if two is company, three
is a crowd, as the sudden arrival of a young woman with a mysterious nature of her
own ruffles feathers in the house and quickly threatens to destroy their so-called
Circle, Mirror, Transformation (Dramedy)
by Annie Baker
Directed by: Barbara Barkan
January 8 - 23, 2016
Dramatists Play Service
When four lost New Englanders who enroll in Marty’s six-week-long communitycenter drama class begin to experiment with harmless games, hearts are quietly torn
apart, and tiny wars of epic proportions are waged and won. A beautifully crafted
diorama, a petri dish in which we see, with hilarious detail and clarity, the antic
sadness of a motley quintet.
Steel Magnolias (Dramedy)
by Robert Harling
Directed by: Larry Farley
March 4 - 19, 2016
Dramatists Play Service
The action is set in Truvy’s beauty salon in Chinquapin, Louisiana, where all the
ladies who are “anybody” come to have their hair done. Helped by her eager
new assistant, Annelle (who is not sure whether or not she is still married), the
outspoken, wise-cracking Truvy dispenses shampoos and free advice to the town’s
rich curmudgeon, Ouiser, (“I’m not crazy, I’ve just been in a bad mood for forty
years”); an eccentric millionaire, Miss Clairee, who has a raging sweet tooth; and
the local social leader, M’Lynn, whose daughter, Shelby (the prettiest girl in town),
is about to marry a “good ole boy.” Filled with hilarious repartee and not a few
acerbic but humorously revealing verbal collisions, the play moves toward tragedy
when, in the second act, the spunky Shelby (who is a diabetic) risks pregnancy and
forfeits her life. The sudden realization of their mortality affects the others, but also
draws on the underlying strength—and love—which give the play, and its characters,
the special quality to make them truly touching, funny and marvelously amiable
company in good times and bad.
Tomfoolery (Musical Comedy)
Music and Lyrics by Tom Lehrer
Adapted by Cameron Mackintosh and Robin Ray
Musical Arrangements by Chris Walker and Robert Fisher
Directed by: Bill Quinlan
May 6 - 21, 2016
MTI - Music Theatre International
Based on The Tom Lehrer Songbook, and a show like no other. Written by Cameron
Mackintosh and Robin Ray, with music and lyrics by Tom Lehrer, this is one wildly
wicked musical revue of novelty songs (there are no sad ones in this bunch). Music,
laughter, and no one spared—when you’re dealing with the humor of Tom Lehrer,
nothing is sacred.
Season Ticket
Coming In May!
The Village Players’ Story
Fifty-eight years ago, there was a lot going on in our country. Eisenhower was
president. Elvis Presley entered the US music charts with Hearbreak Hotel and
appeared on The Ed Sullivan Show for the first time. Norma Jean Mortenson
legally changed her name to Marilyn Monroe. The Dow Jones Industrial Average
closed above 500 for the first time. My Fair Lady opened on Broadway. As the
World Turns aired its first episode. GE brought out the first snooze alarm clock.
The Interstate Highway System was created. “In God We Trust” became the US
national motto by a joint resolution of Congress and signed by Ike. The Wizard
of Oz was shown on TV for the first time. Bob Barker made his debut as the
host of the game show Truth or Consequences. The Cold War was ongoing.
Meanwhile, here in the Toledo area, a volunteer group of directors, actors,
technicians, and involved citizens met in Ottawa Hills to begin the founding of
a new community theatre. Using the multipurpose room of the Ottawa Hills
High School, The Village Players put on its first production in March, 1957, of
The Great Sebastians. A nonprofit charter from the State of Ohio was issued to
The Village Players in June of 1958. Not having a home of its own, the theatre’s
plays were put on in various venues, including
a tent erected at Bancroft and Richards. Then
in 1961, the Board of Directors purchased the
former First Unity Church at 2740 Upton Avenue
in Toledo and this has remained its permanent
The Village Players theatre has remained an
all-volunteer theatre. Through the purchase of
season memberships, monies raised from Sold
Houses and other cash donations , the Board
has continued to be prudent stewards of its
monies to improve the facilities to enhance your
theatre experience. We only undertake a project
if the cash is on hand to fund it. Our next major
project is to raise $23,000 to upgrade the stage
lighting and the light board. We thank you in
advance for any help you can provide.
There is no reason for the theatre to exist
outside of providing you, our cherished patron,
with an enjoyable theatre experience. To this
end, please let us know how we may improve.
The lights will be dimming shortly, so sit back
and be open to a new theatre experience, one
that may be comedic, dramatic, mysterious,
musical, or challenging.
4TH Generation - Locally Owned and Operated
Curt Gordy
Jordan Gordy
Professional Service
& Quality Products
at an Affordable Price
Your Business
Mail List
List / Name
2375 Dorr St., Ste. 2
Toledo, Ohio 43607
(800) 819-3940
Fax: (419) 536-3294
Ph: (419) 534-2880
Full Service
Desig n &
Full Color
Dig ital
Imag ing
visit us at:
The Village Remembers
Ann Veasey
Volunteer • House Manager
Friend • Vippie
Our Commitment to the Community
Dear Theatre Patron,
Over the past three seasons, I have had the pleasure and privilege of acting as
the Vice President of Public Relations for The Village Players Theatre. In that
time we have made great strides to support the community that supports us.
We understand the hardships that have been faced by many in our region, and
have made it our mission to work with and promote local businesses. From our
new website, designed by The Web & IT Group of Toledo, to our new line of
Village Players clothing which is printed by Action T-Shirts of Erie, MI. In this
program you will find that 100% of the advertisers are local businesses. We
offer the lowest advertising prices in the region to ensure that independantlyowned businesses can afford to promote their products and services. We would
love to work with your business to find an advertising solution that would reach
our audiences.
Chris Jagodzinski
Vice President of Public Relations
Prices start at $110.00 for all 8 shows!
Five season shows, two staged readings, and young adult summer musical
That’s 8,580 possible new customers!
For more information please contact
Chris Jagodzinski V.P. of Public Relations
419-472-6817 •
Read all about it!
Curtain up. Light the lights. On stage and off, read The Blade
for all your entertainment information. Subscribe at 419-724-6300.