Untitled - Toronto District School Board


Untitled - Toronto District School Board
The campus of Central Tech includes three buildings, a six lane 400 metre track and
athletic field on approximately 13 acres (5 hectares) of property.
In 1915, the Main Building opened its doors to the students of Toronto. To accommodate
the increased student enrollment, an addition was completed to the building’s south end in 1953.
In 1963, a separate Art Building was constructed to meet the needs of increasing numbers
of art students attending Central Tech. The building won the Vincent Massey Architectural
Design Award for its unique and functional structure.
The Bathurst Building, the school’s third building, completed in 1967 included a new pool,
a double gym with folding doors, several technical labs and classrooms. At the same time, the
Toronto Board of Education acquired additional property for the track and athletic field.
Today, this technical facility, including its specialized equipment and programs, represents
one of the finest educational institutions in Canada.
Dr. A. C. McKay, B.A., LL.D.................... 1915-26
Dr. W. S. Kirkland, M.A., LL.D................ 1926-37
W. H. Rutherford, B.A............................... 1937-40
J. Gillespie, B.A.Sc., B.Paed., A.M.E.I.C... 1940-54
G. M. Gore, B.Sc., F.C.I.C......................... 1954-57
J. H. Elliott, B.A.Sc., B.Paed., P.Eng......... 1957-60
K. E. Chute, M.A., B.A.Ed........................ 1960-72
M. H. Christmas, B.A................................ 1972-79
J. D. Hooper, B.Mus., B.Ed....................... 1979-82
J. A. Osborne, B.A., B.Ed., M.Ed.............. 1982-95
V. M. Lister, B.Sc., M.Ed....................... 1995-2002
M. Taylor, B.A., M.Ed ...................... Jan/Feb 2002
R. Tarasuk, B.Sc., B.Ed.............................. 2002-09
S. Freeman. Ph. D...............................2009-Present
George Reynolds................... 1927-28
Noreen Masters..................... 1928-29
Charles E. Drury................... 1929-30
Orma Clappison.................... 1930-31
Jack Danielack...................... 1943-44
Morton ................................ 1944-45
Clifford James....................... 1945-46
Carl Banas............................. 1946-47
William Tiller........................ 1947-48
Earl Fee................................. 1948-49
Frank Huges.......................... 1949-50
Angus Bruneau...................... 1953-54
Robert Sydiaha...................... 1954-55
Bruce Morris......................... 1955-56
Ronald Lovis......................... 1956-57
Raimo Repo.......................... 1957-58
John Faiczak.......................... 1958-59
David Stock........................... 1959-60
Uwe Ackermann.................... 1960-61
Allan Kupcis......................... 1961-62
Allan Morgan........................ 1962-63
Michael Wilton...................... 1963-64
Luba Olesnycky.................... 1964-65
Frank Palermo....................... 1965-66
Paul Tabatschkow................. 1966-67
Dominic Pietropaolo............. 1967-68
Carmen Spizzirri................... 1968-69
Anthony Maraschiello........... 1969-70
James Bacon.......................... 1970-71
Errington Davey.................... 1971-72
Pius Agius............................. 1972-73
James Lee.............................. 1973-74
Andrew Pyszynski................ 1974-75
Marianne Ferrari................... 1975-76
Jawahar Rawal...................... 1976-77
Mimmo Barillari................... 1977-78
Jonathan Graham.................. 1978-79
John Bonis............................. 1979-80
John Bile............................... 1980-81
Jack Martins.......................... 1981-82
Dominic Mammoliti.............. 1982-83
Joe Castellano....................... 1983-84
Raffaele Garcea..................... 1984-85
Tony Figuieredo.................... 1985-86
Cesar Viteri........................... 1986-87
Marieta Emidio..................... 1987-88
Rob Mobilio.......................... 1988-89
Jorge Assuncao...................... 1989-90
Darryl Smith.......................... 1990-91
Zita Costa.............................. 1991-92
Jason Davis........................... 1992-93
Mong Sia Kouay................... 1993-94
Victor Mota........................... 1994-95
Lydia Ferreira........................ 1995-96
Feng Xia................................ 1996-97
Jesse Gebhard........................ 1997-98
Lillian Cousto....................... 1998-99
David Bates........................... 1999-00
John Brazao........................... 2000-01
Himala Balasooriya............... 2001-02
Bryn Reed-Ludlow................ 2002-03
Swarnamugi Perinparajah..... 2003-04
Zenzo Wysocki...................... 2003-04
Julie Bray.............................. 2004-05
Sabah Rahman...................... 2005-06
Thuyen Nguyen..................... 2006-07
Jeeniraj Thevasagayam......... 2007-08
Nethmi Handapagoda............ 2008-09
Tameka Berry........................ 2009-10
Joseph Viscomi..................... 2010-11
Ashley A. Harripersad........... 2011-12
Denise Law-Vinh.................. 2012-13
Chris Bolton
Shelley Laskin
Harout Manougian
Elizabeth Moyer
Stephnie Payne
Maria Rodrigues
Mari Rutka
David Smith
Sam Sotiropoulos
Chris Tonks
Sheila Ward
Irene Atkinson
Sheila Cary-Meagher
Jerry Chadwick
Shaun Chen
Cathy Dandy
Chris Glover
Howard Goodman
Pamela Gough
Gerri Gershon
John Hastings
Howard Kaplan
Ramna Safeer
Student Trustee
Hirad Zafari
Student Trustee
Donna quan
Director of Education
BETH Butcher, M.A., M.Ed.
Superintendent of Education
School Services - WR9 Family of Schools
Staff 2012-2013
S. Freeman, Ph.D., Principal
J. Au, Hon. B.Sc., B.Ed., M.Ed., Vice Principal
A. Cho, B.A., B.Ed., M.Ed., Vice Principal
S. Kassam, Hon. B.A., B.Ed., Vice Principal
R. Kirk, Hon. B.Sc., M.Ed., Vice Principal
­­Curriculum Leaders
S. Derbish, B.A., B.Ed.
S. Devine, B.Sc., M.Sc., B.Ed.
P. Diaz, B.A., B.Ed.,M.A. (T)
G. Dion, B.F.A., B.Ed., M.LIS
C. Doig, B.A., B.Ed.
T. Douglas, Hon.B.A.
N. Drory, B.Arch., B.Ed.
J. Edwards, Dip. Ed.
M. Ezrin, B.A., B.Ed.
A. Figueiredo, Dip. Ed.
L. Filip, Hon. B.Sc., B.Ed.
A. Fisher, B.Sc., M.Sci., B.Ed.
P. Fox, Dip. Ed.
J. Frankel, Hon. B.P.H,E., B.Ed.
J. Furfaro, B.Sc., B.Ed.
G. Galway, Hon.B.Sc., B.Ed.
L. Garby, B.A., B.Ed.
L. Giang, B.Comm.,B.Ed.,M.Ed.
R. Giovinazzo, Dip. Ed.
P. Gorcey, B.A.Sc., B.Ed.
D. Hann, Dip. Ed.
G. Haydenluck, B.Sc., B.Ed., M.A.
D. Hemmy, A.O.C.A., Dip. Ed.
J. Hongoh, B.A., M.Ed.
J. Iadipaolo, B.Sc., B.Ed.
K. John, B.Ed., B.Sc.
G. Kavanagh, B.A., B.Ed.
G. Kawai, Hon. B.Sc., B.Ed.
J. Kerman, B.A., B.Ed.
T. Khan, Hon.B.Sc., M.Ed.
A. Kiousis, B. Mus., B.Ed.
J. Knight, B.A., Dip. Ed.
I. Krusic, B.A., B.Ed.
M. Lambert, Dip.Ed.
B. Landry, B. Mus., B.Ed.
M. Landry, B.Sc., M.Sc., B.Ed.
J. Leis, B.F.A., B.Ed.
M. Levar, Hon.B.A., B.Ed.
J. Lo, B.A.Sc., B.A., B.Ed.
C. Mak, B.Sc., M.Ed.
P. Mandros, Dip.Ed.
S. Manning, Dip.Ed.
D. Margolese, B.A.,B.Ed.
D. Mata, B.A., B.Ed
S. McArthur, Hon.B.Sc., B.Ed.
J. McCourt, Hon.B.Sc., B.Ed.
P. McDonagh, Dip.Ed.
S. McLeod, B.A.
M. Meagher, B.A., M.A., B.Ed.
D. Mendez, Hon.B.E.S., B.Ed.
L. Mora, B.Comm., B.Ed.
K. Morris, Dip.Ed.
S. Bradley-Siskind, B.A., M.A., B.Ed.
F. de Lannoy, B.A., M.A.
S. Giacomazzo, Dip. Ed.
S. Klich, Hon.B.A., B.Ed.
R. Lindsey, Dip.Ed.
R. Luberti, B.A., B.Ed.
K. McFadden, Hon.B.A., B.Ed.
R. Rasmussen, B.P.H.E., B.Ed.
L. Stavole, Dip.Ed.
D. Vanderheyden, B.A., B.Ed.
D. Wilson, B.A., B.Ed.
A. Zizovic, B.A., B.Ed., M.A.
Assistant Curriculum Leaders
U. Bein, B.T., B.Ed.
K. Dale, B.Ed., M.A.
N. Davis, B.Sc., M.Sc., B.Ed.
B. Easton, B.A., B.Ed.
N. Fernandes, B.A., B.Ed.
A. McGreal, Hon.B.Sc., B.Ed.
J. Mori, Hon. B.A., B.Ed.
M. Neuland, B. Mus.Arts, M.Music, B.Ed.
T. Rende, Dip.Ed.
S. Rupke, B.Com., B.Ed.
S. Tomlinson, B.P.H.E., B.Ed.
P. Voight, B.A., B.Ed.
Teaching Staff
K. Alles, B.A.A., B.Ed.
T. Avarino, B.P.H.E., B.Ed.
L. Baldacchino, B.A., B.Ed.
J. Bartolomei, Dip.Ed.
E. Baston, R.N., Dip. Ed.
O. Bien, Hon.B.A., B.Ed.
A.M. Blahey, B.A.A., M.A.
C. Blanchard, B.A., M.A., B.Ed.
C. Bloom, Hon.B.A., B.Ed.
C. Boot, Hon.B.Math, B.Ed.
M. Brissett, B.A.C.
D. Cammaert, B.A., B.Ed.
S. Carr, Hon.B.Sc.,M.B.A.,B.Ed.
D. Chacinski, B.Ed.
C. Chandler, B.A., B.Ed.
H. Chauhan, Hon.B.A., B.Ed.
J. Cheng, B.Mus., B.Ed.
S. Cohen, Dip.Ed.
C. Conrod, B.A., B.Ed.
M. Cormier, B.P.H.E., B.Ed.
M. Coverly, Hon.B.A., B.Ed.
V. Danielian, M. Eng., Ph.D.
J. del Azar, B.A., B.Ed.
T. Muller, Dip.Ed.
S. Nadir, B.A., B.Ed.
M. Nailer, Hon.B.Sc., B.Ed.
K. Naka, Hon.B.A., B.Ed.
M. Neri, B.A., B.Ed.
P. Neshevich, Hon.B.A., B.Ed.
T. Orofiamma, Hon.B.A., LL.B.,B.Ed.
R. Palmer, Dip.Ed.
M. Pandurevic, Hon.B.Ed., B.Sc.
A. Papanicolaou, Hon.B.A., M.Ed.
P. Parish, B.A.A., B.Ed.
A, Patel, B.A., B.Ed.
S. Peter, Hon.B.A., M.A., B.Ed.
S. Pileggi, B.P.H.E., B.Ed.
F. Porco, Hon.B.A., B.Ed.
B. Pulleyblank,B.A., B.Ed., M.Sc., PhD.
S. Purewal, Hons.BSc., B.Ed.
C. Pyzer, B.A., B.Ed.
R. Rauton, Hon.B.Sc., B.Ed.
M. Roman, Dip.Ed.
D. Rubinstein, B.A., M.Ed.
N. Salvatore, B.Ed., Dip.S.E.
N. Savage, B.A., M.A., B.Ed.
R. Schrader, Dip.Ed.
F. Scott, B.F.A., B.Ed.
F. Selke, B.A., B.Ed.
S. Shebib, B.Sc., B.Ed.
M. Silver, B.A., B.Ed.
R, Stretch, B.A., B.Ed.
L. Tsouluhas, Hon.B.A., M.A., PhD.
B. Upadhyaya, B.Sc., M.Ed.
R. Van Weston, Dip.Ed.
M. Varty, Dip.Ed.
E. Vincent, Hon.B.F.A., B.Ed.
B. Voll, B.Sc., B.Ed.
T. Vorobej, Dip. Ed.
M. Wagman, Hon.B.A., B.Ed.
M. Whetter, B.A., B.Ed.
N. Wiens, B.A., B.Ed.
B. Woermke, B.A., B.Ed.
E. Yiannoulis, Hon.B.F.A., B.A., M.Ed.
W. Zabielski, M.A., B.Ed.
Secretarial Staff
D. Mowles, Office Administrator
D. Henderson, Senior Office Assistant
A. McQuiggan, Senior Office Assistant
C. Szydlik, Senior Office Assistant
G. Cowan, Office Assistant
F. Critselas, Office Assistant
K.C. Gabrielson, Office Assistant
S. Montoro, office Assistant
Paraprofessional Staff
M. Asselin, Educational Assistant
A. Brockie, Sculpture Technician
T. Cox, Lifeguard
D. D’Armiento, Educational Assistant
L. Fortura-Picozzi, Educational
J. Gillies, Ceramic Technician
L. Jones, Educational Assistant
C. Kendall, Settlement Worker
D. Lacombe, Educational Assistant
R. Lawson, Educational Assistant
S. Meulendyk, Educational Assistant
R. Milton, Educational Assistant
S. Pasceri, Food Technician
T. Phillips, Educational Assistant
M. Pisani, Educational Assistant
J. Price, Child Youth Worker
S. Purvis, Educational Assistant
N. Rozentals, Child Youth Worker
R. Seneviratne, Chemistry Technician
T. Sibbald, Social Worker
Y. Wang, Settlement Worker
Caretaking Staff
G. Gouvis, Chief Caretaker
J. Guiao, Shift Leader
B. De Leon, Cleaner
R. Costa, Cleaner
E. Fleming, Cleaner
N. Foutris, Cleaner
J. Freitas, Cleaner
H. Keov, Cleaner
A.M. Marchewa, Matron
C. Nguyen, Cleaner
P. Panourgias, Cleaner
K. Petrie, Cleaner
N. Quijada, Environmentalist
C. Salvador, Cleaner
G. Sayman, Cleaner
S. Sevelka, Cleaner
M. Sunogan, Cleaner
E. Alagurah
P. Butler-Baker
L. Brochu
M. Fernandes
S. Kulkarni
Y. Lee,
M. Martin
O. Pushan
S. Rochester
J. Rosic
J. Rubino
E. Sheppard
I. Tanner
J. Thompson
P. Treadwell
W. Ryerson
Engineering Staff
R. Thaliasingham, Engineer
Hall Monitors
C. Cabral
E. David
J. Mancilla
D. Cammisa
P. Douglas
M. Van Word
Profile of the 2013 graduating class
Students come from across the city and from across the globe to attend Central Technical School.
More than a third of the students in the 2013 graduating class were born outside of Canada. They
represent 45 countries of origin spanning the alphabet from A, Angola to V, Vietnam and speak 37
different languages!
Leena Raudvee. Three of our high school art graduates are attending post-secondary art programs:
Sophia Li was successful in gaining admission to the very competitive Animation Program at
Sheridan; Alice Yu is also at Sheridan studying Game Design and Tyler Sewell is at Ontario College
of Art Design (OCAD).
To meet the needs of our dynamic and culturally complex student body, Central Technical School
houses a myriad of programs in Academics, Technical Studies and Visual Art.
Of our 294 graduates, 123 are Ontario Scholars with an average of 80% in six courses. Seven
students have been awarded G.H. Woods Foundation Scholarships for pursuing post secondary
endeavours at college or university or in apprenticeships and seven students have been awarded
the Merit Award. One hundred and one (101) grads, have participated in co-operative education
placements in a wide array of settings. Please join us in acknowledging those partner placements
included in this evening’s program.
The 2013 graduating class includes 52 English language learners who have met Ontario graduation
requirements while learning English and adapting to life in a new country. Some students arrived
with little or no knowledge of English, having left behind family, friends, and all that is familiar to
them. They have adapted to their new environment and have become involved within and outside
of the school, embracing all the possibilities available to them. Some students have developed
their leadership and interpersonal skills in their roles as peer leaders in the Newcomer Orientation
Week (NOW) Program. This year’s grads include NOW Peer Leaders: Soo Chung, Tenzin Kyizom,
Timoni Langoya, Lin Ying Lin and Vincent Nguyen. This rewarding program allows current Central
Tech students to welcome the most recent newcomers, to make them feel comfortable, and to share
their knowledge and experiences. We are proud to acknowledge our ELL students’ hard work and
persistence in adapting to a new “home” and wish them continued success in the future.
Tonight’s graduates represent student success in Specialized High Skills Majors in Construction,
Hospitality and Tourism and Transportation. The 2013 graduating class counts 114 “tech”
specialty graduates, 34 of whom have distinguished themselves as high skills majors; in addition
to their academic requirements, these students graduate with a concentration of technical courses,
certifications recognized by their trade, demonstrated trade specific work skills and experience in the
Central Technical School also houses numerous Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Programs in
Automotive, Carpentry, Culinary, Electrical and Plumbing. This year 56 students completed one
year Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Programs in five different skilled trades. Some of these students
came as graduates, but another 17 completed OYAP and their OSSD requirements at the same time.
Sam Ipollito won the Bronze Medal for Electrical Wiring in Provincial Skills Competition. Many
like this year’s recipient of the Board wide Bill Robinson Award, Abu Hafejee are continuing in their
apprenticeship placements. Taheera Baidea-Ahamad now a Baking Apprentice at Rahier Patisserie
recounts her OYAP experience as affording inspiring classroom guidance and exposure to college and
industry personnel who shared valuable lessons.
Technical Education is not only about skilled trades. Many of our grads advance themselves
in work or study after taking programs in, for instance, architectural design. In January 2013 four
Central Technical School graduates: Maria Luisa Gonzalez, Carlos Marroquin, Victor Lee and Shep
Zambonelli were admitted to Architectural Technology at George Brown College. This partnership
with George Brown College Construction and Design Program afforded CTS students the chance
to begin college programming in the fall of their CTS Grade 12 year and access front of the line
admission to the January college program. All four students successfully completed their first George
Brown term in May and are continuing in a three year program this fall. Congratulations!
Over 288 grads have completed one of a variety of programs in such diverse fields as health care,
graphic design, computer engineering, video/audio production or web design. For others, a “Tech”
program has been a chance to experience a variety of these skills. Over a dozen students, many of
whom are featured on our TECHISCENTRAL website (http://www.youtube.com/techiscentral) are
confidently pursuing their career - a testament to the opportunity to “try” something out.
Through our partnership with the University Of Toronto Faculty Of Law, students in Grades 10,
11 and 12 can opt to study their academic program through the lens of thematic law and justice units
in English, Science, Civics, and Law. The program offers a number of co-curricular opportunities:
job shadowing of lawyers and judges, tutoring by Faculty of Law students, and mentoring by legal
professionals. In addition, specialist courses in Grade 12U Forensic Science and 12U Social Justice
are offered. Also, student enrollment in the Steps to University Program allows students to earn a
university credit entitled Law and Morality. Over the last three years, LAWS graduates have been
able to complement their academic program with trips to Washington and New York, and many were
able to partake in prestigious summer internship placements with the Justice for Children and Youth,
Department of Justice, City of Toronto, African Canadian Legal Clinic, as well as private sector firms
like RBC, CIBC, Koskie Minsky LLP, Epstein Cole LLP, Borden Ladner Gervais LLP, and Torys LLP.
In addition to our Valedictorian, Denise Law-Vinh and our Student of the Year, Renée Tran the
2013 graduating class boasts a number of leaders: Daniel Procopio was recently featured on the
TDSB Home Webpage. Daniel is an impressive athlete who demonstrates exemplary sportsmanship.
He is always ready to support and mentor beginning players. In addition to being drafted by the
New York Mets, he was a pitcher on the Canadian Junior National Team competing all over the world,
most recently at the World Championships in Chinese Taipei. He is currently on a four year full
scholarship for baseball and academics at Northern Kentucky University. Daniel’s future looks bright,
thrilling, and rewarding. We are very proud of Daniel’s achievements both in school and in the world
of athletics. Terrell Allert-Nairne also an important team player and OFSSAA qualifier in wrestling,
has continued on in his studies and passion for football this fall at John Abbott CEGEP in Montreal.
And our congratulations to Lindsay Orellana who throughout her CTS career was an anchor for our
outstanding Girls’ Rugby Team.
Many grads contributed poetry, short stories and non-fiction to this year’s Arts and Literature
Magazine, The Forge. Congratulations to Nicholas Belo, Hal Fox, Sabrina Krishna, Timoni Langoya,
Juliana Moon, Mara Raposo, Amanda Rehel, Randy Roblin, Clarisse Smith, Arielle Styrsky, Senduran
Thurirajasingam, and Rebecca Vivona. And too, to Forge photographers: Sofonias Amare, Rita
Burdasova, Houssein Hassan, Abal Jalloh, Asher Knott, Gunce Koprulu, Lisa Lei, Tony Li, Martin
Ostrihon, Sam Ton, Renée Tran, Winnie Surya and Alexia Trejo Beltran. Special mention to Winnie
for the design on the cover of this year’s Commencement Invitation.
Beyond the classroom, Central Tech grads have collectively contributed 25,155 hours in service
to their communities. Although Ontario graduation requirements demand students complete 40 hours
of community service, each CTS grad has volunteered an average of 86 hours! One graduate, Haoula
Mahamat Zene has accumulated 1,195 hours working with BABU a youth outreach program in the
Regent Park Community.
This commencement class includes students graduating from The Art Centre at Central Technical
School. Our graduates from the 3 Year Adult Program are: Susan Beaver, Judy Benakoun, Paul
Bentzen, Lyn Brophy, Kimberly Carson, Maria (Tina) Conlon, Ihssan Farhat, Sara Georgieff, Kyrs
Goldstein, Susanne Gorenflo, Dougal Haggart, Taline Kavoukian, Prakash Leighl, Claire Mercer and
Craftsmen, artists, academics, or athletes - this evening’s graduating class has earned our respect.
They take with them the best of Central Technical School: intelligence, industry and integrity.
…And we are proud of each of them. Congratulations to our graduates!
Renée Tran
Student of the Year
Since she began in Grade 9 Renée Tran has been actively involved in all that “Tech” has had to offer. She
has been a vital member of our school community. Her legacy lives on in the transformation of the girls’
third floor bathroom where a small group of Grade 9 artists literally transformed this space into an Alice in
Wonderland theme. She has been a member of the CTS Student Council, a soccer, a rugby and a volleyball
player, a lifeguard, an Assistant Coach to the CTS Swim Team and a photographer for The Forge.
In Grade 10, Renée opted to enrol in the LAWS Program that she describes as “an opportunity that has
academically and individually helped shape the person she is today”. Through the LAWS Program Renée
participated in the Blakes Mentoring Program and the Summer Job Program which included placements
with Downtown Legal Services, Denton’s and Ontario Court of Justice. In 2012 she was a member of
the very successful CTS Mock Trial team at the OJEN Mock Trial Tournament and in Grade 11 she was
the recipient of the LAWS Community and Leadership Award. Throughout her CTS career Renée has
maintained a strong academic average. Mr. Klich describes Renée as
“A teacher’s dream student - With incredible humility and cheer she inspired those around her to move
forward and enjoy what was being taught. Her ability to negotiate and lead in group projects was
something the other students aspired to and respected. She knew when to relax a bit and build cohesive
participation with her good humour and raucous laugh, and, at the same time, knew when to call attention
to what needed to be done and what decisions needed to be made. She worked hard, learning from what
needed to be improved. She cared for those around her, too. The positive energy she carried with her was
passed on to those around her and made school, and learning, better for many who struggled. AND... she
always had a smile in her eyes, even when things weren’t all that great. Such a love of life. She taught
everyone about that - just by being Renée.”
Today Renée is enrolled at University of Toronto. In addition to her studies, in true Renée style, she
finds time to participate in the university newspaper club where she notes her Central Tech experience
“has really prepared her for all aspects of illustration, photography and writing” and she continues as a
volunteer in the LAW S program shepparding new CTS students to their Blakes mentors. Congratulations
Renée and thank you!
– 10 –
Denise Law-Vinh
Denise began Grade 9 at Central Tech in September 2009 and has consistently been an
Honours Student. At Central Technical School, Valedictorian candidates are nominated by
the graduating class, then “vetted” by staff, and then voted on by their peers. For both staff
and students, Denise was a definitive choice!
Denise is an inquisitive, insightful student and diligent worker.. She is described by
her teachers as “everything you would want a student to be” and “an enthusiastic, eager
student with a positive attitude”.
She is a team player respected by her classmates and fellow athletes. Throughout her high
school career, she has played volleyball. In her Grade 10 year she was “scouted” during
a high school game, and invited to play competitive league ball. With the Toronto West
Volleyball Team she travelled to the Dominican and had the opportunity to train with both
their Junior and Senior National Teams. Denise was also selected to represent “Tech” at
the summer 2011 Ontario Educational Leadership Camp (OELC).
Denise is currently studying for a Honours Biology degree at the University of Ottawa. In
the future, Denise intends to further her studies as a physician and/or medical researcher.
We look forward to watching her career unfold!
On behalf of the 2013 Graduating Class, thank you Denise and congratulations!
– 11 –
Ruth Abebe
Wajdan (Dana) Abu-Khreibeh
Abdi Adow
Deeka Ahmed
Matthew Alay Poliah
Samantha Michelle Alcaidinho
Mohamud Mohamed Ali
Sapphyra Allen McPherson
Terrell Allert-Nairne
Dario Miguel Dias Alves
Sofonias Amare
Christopher Amoako
Danny Ampadu
Ellinca (Affi) Arnold
Yagiz Ayhan
Mariam Baghdasaryan
Taheera Baides-Ahamed
Rogelio Banares
Kevyn Barrett
Mason Bartraw
Paulo Beia Boni
Nicholas Belo
Nikolaj Bendsen
Bilal Berhane
Joseph Bertrand-Azzari
Jahdai Best
Shakquelle Bicknell Collington
Rosy Bossoke
Karis Bridgeman
Shenelle Brissett
Jayme-Lee (Jayme) Brock
Luquajah Brown
Justyne Bui
Kayla Bullen
Margarita Burdasova
Tyler Cabral
Cicely Campbell
Lancene Campbell-Rhone
Joshua Carreiro
John Catapang
Xiao Wu (Kris) Cen
Zakariya Chauhan
Ming Chen
Salena Chen
Sonam Choden
Casandra Choi
David Ciombor
Breanna Coggins Milne
Giuliana Costanzo
Kimberly Cotrina
Jonathan Da Cruz
Melissa Da Silveira
Dominic D’Alessandro
Shea David
Athea Dawkins
Jervin De Roxas
Jason Denholm
Zi Hao Diep
Jah-Khan (Eric) Do
Markus Doughty
Yangzom Drakto
Lawrence D’Souza
Cong (Mary) Du
Ryan Dunlop
Michael Dunning
David Duong
Vincent Duong
Samer Elsadek
Richard Ethier
Mourad Fereg
Pedro Ferreira
Lucas Flor
Hal Fox
Carson Franz
Joshua Fryday
John Carlos Gadian
Yara Galvez
Aebrehame Gebreslassie
Alex Ghini
Yordanos Ghirmay Araia
Grayson Gillies-Nielsen
Antuanette Gomez-Carty
Daniel (Dan) Gorelle
Chase Gould
Nicholas Grauds
Kevina (Raya Kevina) Guy
Nassir Hakimi
Muzayyana Haknazarova
Zachery Hall
Christiaan Harris
Hassan Hassan
Houssein Hassan
Simon Hodkinson
Jan Sebastian Holtebrinck
Phat Hong
Matthew Honigsberg
– 12 –
Stephanie Ibama Teheli
Matthew Ilcio
Robert Jackson
Woody Jarvis
Lysia Johnson
Deacon Jones
Hayden Kafka
Maryam Karama
Richard Kelly
Selena Keshinro
Kumaran Kirupakaran
Ache Knight
Asher Knott
Wayson Knott
Gunce Koprulu
Vsevolod (Seva) Korobov
Sabrinah Krishna
Tenzin Kyizom
Yaakov (Jake) Lambert
Giuseppe (Joe) Langella
Denise Law-Vinh
Da Young (Diana) Lee
Sang Min (Michael) Lee
Lisa Lei
Mandy Lei
Nichole Lesaca
Nile Leveille-Kennedy
Seona Lewis
Shuyi (Fio) Li
Tony Li
Zi Qing (Sophia) Li
Allen Cao Liang
David Lieu
Kevin Lin
Lin Ying Lin
Wanly Lin
Hao (Henry) Liu
Shi Jie (Joey) Liu
Wei Chao (Leo) Liu
Melisa Lloyd
Benjamin Lowell
Samson Lugassy
Xu Jun Luo
Sammi Luong
Wendy Luu
Hunter MacFadyen
Nathaniel Maginley
Haoula Mahamat Zene
John Mai
Paul Margettas
Citlalli Melody Mastache
Blaze Maxwell
Daniel McAdam
Zarina Mia
Yinshuang Miao
David Millan
Keil Mitchell
Ross Mitchell
Abukar Mohamed
Greggy Montealegre
Mashrur Mugdho
Fawsia (Fowsia) Musse
Bhagavan Nageshar
Javon Nelson
Nathan Neville
Joseph Ngo
Cuong (Vincent) Nguyen
Ngoc (Kathy) Nguyen
Sally Nicholson
Tenzin Norsang
Ranya Nouren
Andy Nunez Escobar
Alvin Ocampo
Alisa Odegova
Lindsay Orellana
Martin Ostrihon
Tanawat (Bank) P. Siaotong
Christian Pavao
Kody Pavic
Susan Pelenyi
Stephanie Pereira
Kadeija (Kamika) Peters
Alex Pinto
Jessica Pita
Daniel Procopio
Antonio (Anthony) Puglisi
Ajeng Radianti
Ali Istabaq Raja
John (Isaac) Ramos
Mara Raposo
Sophia Rathakrishnan
Bryan Refuerzo
Amanda Rehel
Aimee Reis
Rochelle Ricketts
Eboni Ricketts-Ewen
Julio (Ignacio) Rivera
Randy Roblin
Reem Saad
Mustafa Sagbilge
Louisa Samuels
Evan Sansom
Surendra Sapkota
Justin Schrader
Kevin Seenath
Relanda Sergeant
Tyler Sewell
Elijah Shark
Jian Chao Shi
Jin Jin Shi
Thiago Silva
Lakesan Sivanathan
Shanae Small
Clarisse Smith
Tamara Smith
Dominique Snelling-MacDonald
Rosa Solorzano Urias
Geraldine Steinhoff
Arielle Styrsky
Hilimat Sualim
Frankie Sun
Winnie Surya
Harsha Tallapureddy
Marcus Tan
Michael Tang
Paula Tavares-Moniz
Abel Tesfaldet
Ashami Thevathas
Alisa Thomas
Senduran Thurirajasingam
Estefania Tofas Rodriguez
Hoang Khuyen Ton Nu
Brian Tran
Kristin Tran
Renée Tran
Thanh Huy (Tony) Tran
Alexia Trejo Beltran
Hilina Tulu
Trevor Turl
Ken Venpin
Nathaniel Vermeer
Rebecca Vivona
Alexander Volpati
Tien-Dat (Rickey) Vu
Xiao Wang
Tenzin Wangmo
Han Ying Weng
Men Wei Weng
Deontay Willis
Patrick Wilson
Jun Kai Wu
Xin Yuan Wu
Jieling (Ling) Xie
Calvin Xue
Tenzin Yangchen
Tenzin Yangchen
Cheng Feng (Andy) Ye
Feng Maple Ye
Mei Xia (Rosie) Ye
Sumanth Yerra
Tenzin Yeshi
Alana Yoon
Pin (Alice) Yu
Erica Zanetti
Peng Cheng Zhang
Hui Ting (Christine) Zhu
Rae-Dawn Zuckerman
Ontario certificate of Accomplishment
Onardo E. Guthrie
Mehdi Tirafkan
– 13 –
Principal: S. Freeman
Platform Guest Processional
Graduate Processional
9. Principal’s Address..................................... S. Freeman
O Canada
10. Musical Interlude
O Canada! Our home and native land!
True patriot love in all thy sons command.
With glowing hearts we see thee rise,
The True North strong and free!
From far and wide, O Canada,
We stand on guard for thee.
God keep our land, glorious and free!
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
11. Adult Art Program.............................D. Vanderheyden
Introduction of Guests........................................... J. Au
Alumni Message.......... Christine McCurry-Ecclestone
Introduction of Valedictorian.......................... L. Foote
Valedictory Address..........................Denise Law-Vinh
Student of the Year...................................... S. Freeman
12. Diploma and Awards Presentations
Graduates from A - G..................................C. Chandler
(Page 12)
13. Musical Interlude
14. Diploma and Awards Presentations
Graduates from H - O.....................................L. Garby
(Pages 12, 13)
15. Musical Interlude
16. Diploma and Awards Presentations
Graduates from P - Z........................................ S. Klich
(Page 13)
Following the graduation ceremonies
you are invited to the Cafeteria
for refreshments.
Ontario Scholars
Presented to students who have achieved an average of 80% in six Grade 12 university or
university/college courses in one academic year (not necessarily at only one school).
Kambez Alekozai
Neeraj Kumar
Amanda Rehel
Megan Alves
Tenzin Kyizom
Eboni Ricketts-Ewen
Matthew Amar
Timoni Langoya
Randy Roblin
Danny Ampadu
Jimmy Lau
Norbu Sangmo
Dawn Marie Andru Wood
Cherry Le
Surendra Sapkota
Yagiz Ayhan
Matthew Lee
Katusha Saraiva
Joseph Bertrand-Azzari
Sang Min (Michael) Lee
Elijah Shark
Margarita Burdasova
Victor Lee
Jian Chao Shi
Mark Cajimat
Tenzin Lekphell
Dinah-Leezah Sloman
Cicely Campbell
Nichole Lesaca
Clarisse Smith
Nicholas Campbell
Maggie Li
Geraldine Steinhoff
Felix Chan
Zi Qing (Sophia) Li
Oscar Su
Ming Chen
Wei Ming Liang
Hilimat Sualim
Salena Chen
Lin Ying Lin
Atif Sufi
Vivelyn Chiem
Huan (Mary) Ling
Winnie Surya
Sonam Choden
Shi Jie (Joey) Liu
Michelle Svay
Casandra Choi
Sebastian Lopez
Alexander Tavares
Jajiba Chowdhury
Kevin Maksym
Aster Tewolde
Soo Chung
Citlalli Melody Mastache
Jobin Thomas
Omarlie Colville
Dallas Melo
Johnson To
Tomas (Jake) D’Cunha-Stephens
Yinshuang Miao
Justin Paul Tolentino
Andre De Jesus
Lucas Micol-Menes
That (Sam) Ton
Jason Denholm
Ross Mitchell
Brian Tran
Ross Dimock
Tezera Mogess
Renée Tran
Kevin Drummond
Saleh Mohamed
Thanh Huy (Tony) Tran
Lawrence D’Souza
Juliana Moon
Alan Truong
James Duarte Cook
Sally Nicholson
Kevin Truong
Stella Duarte Faria
Reuben Noteboom
Lisa Truong
Richard Duong
Alisa Odegova
Hilina Tulu
Rojda Erdemir
Lindsay Orellana
Devonte Turner
Stephanie Faria
Martin Ostrihon
Justin Turuta
Pedro Ferreira
Wen Jun Pan
Nathaniel Vermeer
Hal Fox
Stephanie Pereira
Tien-Dat (Rickey) Vu
Jose Gamez
Laura Pereira Ortiz
Ruan Webster
Nicholas Grauds
Jannie Pham
Calvin Xue
Abu Hafejee
Lisa Prasad
Carmen Yang
Dennis Hua
Annie Quang
Feng (Feng Maple) Ye
Abal Jalloh
Thivija Ramajeyam
Tenzin Yeshi
Yasheda Jennings
Mara Raposo
Alana Yoon
Tong Deng Jiang
Nkosi Raymond
Kelly Zhao
Poornima Karmaker
Lukas Reale
Rae-Dawn Zuckerman
Specialist High-Skills Majors
Presented to students who have completed a defined, focussed program of study in an area of interest.
Joseph Agbayani
Dimitri Agrapidis
Dawn Marie Andru Wood
Mark Cajimat
Nicholas Campbell
Chase Collins-Chandler
Clark De Sagun
Kevin Drummond
Denzyl Dunlop
Stella Duarte Faria
Stephanie Faria
Stephan James-Pitterson
Justin Jones
Everett Kong
Timoni Langoya
Wei Ming Liang
Huan (Mary) Ling
Andrew Liverance
Aaron MacRitchie
Premnarine Manichand
Grayson Mundell
Nam Nguyen
Reuben Noteboom
Ashtin Schreck-Steer
– 16 –
Oscar Su
Jobin Thomas
Johnson To
Justin Paul Tolentino
That (Sam) Ton
Kevin Truong
Devonte Turner
Mitchell Vedanayakam
Jordan Vuong
Kelly Zhao
Graduating Class of 2013 Honour Roll
Lin Ying Lin . . . . . . . . . . 94
Oscar Su . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
Ross Mitchell . . . . . . . . . . 92
Stephanie Pereira . . . . . . . . 92
Mara Raposo . . . . . . . . . . 92
Nicholas Campbell . . . . . . . . 91
Pedro Ferreira . . . . . . . . . . 91
Alana Yoon . . . . . . . . . . . 91
Reuben Noteboom . . . . . . . . 90
Taheera Baides-Ahamed . . . . . 89
John Carlos Gadian . . . . . . . 89
Xu Jun Luo . . . . . . . . . . . 88
Citlalli Melody Mastache . . . . . 88
Cuong (Vincent) Nguyen . . . . . 88
Clarisse Smith . . . . . . . . . . 88
Tenzin (342) (Tenzin) Yangchen . . 88
Sonam Choden . . . . . . . . . 87
Zi Qing (Sophia) Li . . . . . . . 87
Margarita Burdasova . . . . . . . 86
Sally Nicholson . . . . . . . . . 86
Julio (Ignacio) Rivera . . . . . . . 86
Evan Sansom . . . . . . . . . . 86
Thanh Huy (Tony) Tran . . . . . 86
Nathaniel Vermeer . . . . . . . . 86
Tenzin Yeshi . . . . . . . . . . 86
Rae-Dawn Zuckerman . . . . . . 86
Zakariya Chauhan . . . . . . . . 85
Timoni Langoya . . . . . . . . . 85
Tamara Smith . . . . . . . . . . 85
Estefania Tofas Rodriguez . . . . . 85
That (Sam) Ton . . . . . . . . . 85
Benjamin Lowell . . . . . . . . . 84
Ruth Abebe . . . . . . . . . . . 83
Stella Duarte Faria . . . . . . . . 83
Giuseppe (Joe) Langella . . . . . 83
Rosy Bossoke . . . . . . . . . . 82
Jason Denholm . . . . . . . . . 82
Matthew Ilcio . . . . . . . . . . 82
Nichole Lesaca . . . . . . . . . 82
Joseph Ngo . . . . . . . . . . . 82
Martin Ostrihon . . . . . . . . . 82
Renée Tran . . . . . . . . . . . 82
Kevin Truong . . . . . . . . . . 82
Devonte Turner . . . . . . . . . 82
Ellinca (Affi) Arnold . . . . . . . 81
John Catapang . . . . . . . . . 81
Da Young (Diana) Lee . . . . . . 81
Melisa Lloyd . . . . . . . . . . 81
Hoang Khuyen Ton Nu . . . . . . 81
Mark Cajimat . . . . . . . . . . 80
Ming Chen . . . . . . . . . . . 80
Breanna Coggins Milne . . . . . . 80
Vincent Duong . . . . . . . . . 80
Denise Law-Vinh . . . . . . . . 80
Tony Li . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
Wei Ming Liang . . . . . . . . . 80
Huan (Mary) Ling . . . . . . . . 80
Johnson To . . . . . . . . . . . 80
Hilina Tulu . . . . . . . . . . . 80
Jordan Vuong . . . . . . . . . . 80
Dawn Marie Andru Wood . . . . 79
Chase Collins-Chandler . . . . . 79
Grayson Mundell . . . . . . . . 79
Pin (Alice) Yu . . . . . . . . . . 79
Nikolaj Bendsen . . . . . . . . . 78
Christiaan Harris . . . . . . . . 78
Aaron MacRitchie . . . . . . . . 78
Winnie Surya . . . . . . . . . . 78
Jobin Thomas . . . . . . . . . . 78
Stephanie Faria . . . . . . . . . 77
Surendra Sapkota . . . . . . . . 77
Samantha Michelle Alcaidinho . . 76
Danny Ampadu . . . . . . . . . 76
Mariam Baghdasaryan . . . . . . 76
Mourad Fereg . . . . . . . . . . 76
Kumaran Kirupakaran . . . . . . 76
Premnarine Manichand . . . . . 76
Javon Nelson . . . . . . . . . . 76
Susan Pelenyi . . . . . . . . . . 76
Eboni Ricketts-Ewen . . . . . . . 76
Elijah Shark . . . . . . . . . . . 76
Jin Jin Shi . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
Arielle Styrsky . . . . . . . . . . 76
Michael Tang . . . . . . . . . . 76
Han Ying Weng . . . . . . . . . 76
Jieling (Ling) Xie . . . . . . . . 76
Muzayyana Haknazarova . . . . . 75
Zachery Hall . . . . . . . . . . 75
Ashami Thevathas . . . . . . . . 75
– 17 –
Central Technical School Awards of Distinction
Alumni Association Award: Success, the CTS Way
An award given by the CTS Alumni Association to a graduating student who has in his/her
CTS career overcome challenges to meet with success.
Onardo E. Guthrie
Ann Louise Stevenson Book Award
Ann Louise Stevenson was a passionate and committed teacher of English and World
Religion at Central Tech for thirteen years. Ann Louise, who passed away in 2011, will be
long remembered as a dedicated educator of literature and as a strong proponent of equal
rights for women. Ann Louise founded and taught Women’s Literature with the belief that
high school students should have a forum for the study and discussion of issues concerning
the rights and lives of women protrayed in literature.
Amanda Rehel
Beverly Mascoll Memorial Scholarship
This award is given in memory of Beverly Mascoll. Mrs. Mascoll was a graduate of CTS
who went on to become an astute businesswomen in the area of ethnic hair care. Mrs.
Mascoll was also honoured for her leadership role in community affairs and ultimately
awarded the Order of Canada.
Cherry Le
Hazel Santos
Bill Robinson Memorial Award
This award is presented to a current full time Grade 12 TDSB student who is participating
in the current Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program. The student is pursuing an
apprenticeship in one of the Construction Trades with demonstrated leadership in their
school or in the community.
Abu Hafejee
The Buell Manning Memorial Award
Awarded annually to a graduating student at Central Technical School who pursues studies
in an accredited technical program following graduation. Buell Manning graduated from
Central Technical School in 1932.
John Carlos Gadian
Canadian Tire Environmental Scholarship
The Canadian Tire Environmental Scholarship was established thanks to the generosity
of the staff at the Canadian Tire store at the Eaton Centre. The award was funded through
customers voluntary purchase of check out bags. The winner was chosen based on effort,
achievement and acceptance into an environmental program at a post-secondary institution.
Clarisse Smith
Canadian Tire Green Award
The Canadian Tire Green Award was established thanks to the generosity of the staff at
the Canadian Tire store at the Eaton Centre. The award was funded through customers
voluntary purchase of check out bags. The winner has been accepted into an environmental
program at a post-secondary institution and has demonstrated effort and achievement.
Aaron MacRitchie
CAT (Caterpillar Incorporated) Scholarship
This scholarship is given to transportation students who have successfully completed the
CAT/Toromont Co-op Program and have been accepted into the heavy equipment or truck
and coach program at a community college.
Zakariya Chauhan
Tong Deng Jiang
Fred Daly Award
Presented to a graduating member of the Central Technical School Track and Field Team
who has competed successfully at the Regional, District and/or OFSAA championships.
In memory of Fred Daly, a former City of Toronto Sprint Champion at Central Technical
School 1930-1934.
Lawrence E. D’Souza
G.N. Kennedy Memorial Award
Presented to a student demonstrating excellent school spirit, outstanding co-operation and
dedicated service to the school.
Sabrinah Krishna
Geoffrey & Edith Wood Memorial Scholarship
Awarded to full-time students who are graduating and have been accepted into a postsecondary education program or apprenticeship program. Students will be of good
character and actively involved in the school and community.
Rosy Bossoke
Wen Jun Pan
Kadeija (Kamika) Peters
Ashami Thevathas
Jobin Thomas
Hilina Tulu
Tenzin Yangchen
Hugh Meikle Memorial Award
Awarded to a graduating student who has successfully completed a technological major
and who is pursuing a career in a technical area or skilled trade through apprenticeship,
college or university. Candidates are punctual and have good attendance records in addition
to a strong academic standing. The award winner has demonstrated a strong work ethic and
provided leadership and commitment to Central Technical School.
Oscar Su
– 18 –
– 19 –
Jerry Osborne Award
Presented to an athlete showing exemplary school leadership who is continuing his/her
education at the post-secondary level.
Ontario Principals’ Council (OPC) Award for Student Leadership
Presented to a graduating student who has demonstrated outstanding student leadership
skills, has promoted school spirit, and is continuing at the post-secondary level.
Daniel Procopio
Renée Tran
Kensington Foundation
Presented to students who have completed their OSSD, who are on the Honour Roll, and
who have been actively involved in extra-curricular and/or volunteer activities at Central
Technical School.
OSSTF District 12 Jim McQueen Award
Awarded to a student for Outstanding Achievement and contributions in the classroom.
Sonam Choden
Mourad Fereg
Thivija Ramajeyam
Paula Pape-Lipson Memorial Scholarship (English)
Presented in memory of a former teacher, Paula Pape-Lipson, for excellence in English.
Louisa Samuels
Oscar Su
Renée Tran
M. H. Christmas Award
Presented in memory of a former Principal to a student in Grade 11 or Grade 12 for
achievement in the humanities.
Mara Raposo
Marco Greco Memorial Award
This award is presented in memory of Marco Greco, a Toronto hairstylist who frequently
visited the Cosmetology Department at Central Technical School to give workshops.
In spite of a demanding schedule, he always had time for the students. His passion for
Cosmetology was his art, and he loved to share this with the students of Central Tech.
Selena Keshinro
Reuben Noteboom
Danny Ampadu
Tech is Central Award (I.O.D.E.)
Presented to one male and one female student who have achieved a level of competency
in literacy and mathematics and have shown initiative in approach to and completion of
studies and co-op placement. Award winners have shown perseverance in all areas of the
program and displayed a competent skill level in their area of interest and are enrolled in a
recognized trade or apprenticeship program.
Tenzin Yangchen
Masters Award
Donated from G. F. Thompson Ltd. and is presented to the student in recognition of the
extraordinary level of determination and perserverance in the Central Tech Plumbing
Ashtin Schreck-Steer
Merit Award Bursary
Presented to a senior level students who have demonstrated a high level of commitment to
academics and to extra-curricular activities and have faced personal challenges.
Rosy Bossoke
Haoula Mahamat Zene
Citlalli Melody Mastache
Citlalli Melody Mastache
Tenzin Yangchen
North Toronto Business & Professional Womenís Club Award
Presented to a student who has achieved high marks in her overall program and in the
Fashion Arts in particular and who will be continuing her education.
Alana Yoon
Nicholas Campbell
University Women’s Club Heritage Fund Scholarship
The University Womenís Club (Toronto) Heritage Fund offers scholarships to young
women who demonstrate promising potential to attend university.
Reem Saad
Taheera Baides-Ahamed
Denise Law-Vinh
14 Division CPLC-Investing in Our Diversity Scholarship
The 14 Division CPLC - Investing in Our Diversity Scholarship recognizes a student who
has demonstrated community and civic engagement and has promoted a safer community
through active volunteerism, advocacy and leadership.
Yangzom Drakto
Central Technical School War Memorial Scholarships
These awards are presented to the three graduates with the highest academic standing
Gold Medal
Silver Medal
Bronze Medal
Lin Ying Lin
Oscar Su
Mara Raposo
Governor General’s Academic Medal
This award is presented to the graduate who achieves the highest average upon graduation.
Lin Ying Lin
– 20 –
– 21 –
Subject and Department Awards
Susan Beaver.................Outstanding Student in the Three Year Art Program
Joseph Bertrand-Azzari...................... Julius Edward Lindsay Griffith Award
Leena Raudvee................................................................Wally Stefoff Award
Arielle Styrsky..............................................................John Musgrave Award
Pin (Alice) Yu .................................... Julius Edward Lindsay Griffith Award
Auto Mechanics
Zakariya Chauhan.......................................George Graham Memorial Award
Building Construction
Certificates of Proficiency
Presented to current and previous OSSD graduates who have passed all the Grade 11 and
Grade 12 credits in a Shop Major package and to Art students who have completed all of
the courses in their program.
Art (3-Year Program)
Susan Beaver
Kimberly Carson
Krys Goldstein
Prakash Leighl
Judy Benakoun
Maria Conlon
Suzanne Gorenflo
Claire Mercer
Art (4-Year Program)
Joseph Bertrand-Azzari
Elijah Shark
Amanda Rehel
Arielle Styrsky
Construction Technology (Local 27)
Nicholas Grauds
Kevin Maksym
Abu Hafejee................................................George Graham Memorial Award
Construction Technology / Carpentry
John Carlos Gadian....................................George Graham Memorial Award
Construction Technology / Electrical
Electronics / Computer Engineering
Tezera Mogess............................................. Samuel Brause Memorial Award
Sebastian Lopez..........................................George Graham Memorial Award
Pedro Ferreira.............................................................. G.E.R. O’Brien Award
Stephanie Pereira........................................George Graham Memorial Award
Mara Raposo...............................................George Graham Memorial Award
Pedro Ferreira.............................................George Graham Memorial Award
Xu Jun Luo.................................................George Graham Memorial Award
Javon Nelson..............................................George Graham Memorial Award
Physical Education
Justyne Bui.................................................George Graham Memorial Award
Mustafa Sagbilge........................................George Graham Memorial Award
Jason Denholm.......................................................... Montel Williams Award
Paul Bentzen
Ihssan Farhat
Dougal Haggart
Leena Raudvee
Nicholas(Nick) Bavaro
Abu Hafejee
Dimitri Agrapidis
Joshua Fryday
Matthew Ilcio
Wei Ming Liang
Ross Mitchell
Justin Turuta
Kambez Alekozai
Samuel(Sam) Ippolito
Huan(Mary) Ling
Wilson Nguyen
Michael Vitale
Construction Technology / Plumbing
Daniel De Oliveira
Eamon Fitzpatrick
Doodnauth Jagdeo
Dillon Nestoruk-Rodney
Cristina Selvon
Scott Terceira
Kimberly Cotrina
Cherry Le
Fashion Design
Melissa Da Silveira
Reem Saad
Manpreet Padam
Graphic Design
Samantha Michelle Alcaidinho
Wayne Skorniewski
Taheera Baides-Ahamed Christopher Burrell
Renée Jones
Joseph Ngo
Oscar Su
Justin Paul Tolentino
Restaurant Services
– 22 –
Markus Doughty
Carl Gimenez-Dixon
Premnarine Manichand
Antonino (Anthony) Scalia
Alexander (Alex) Siqueira-Fontes
Devonte Turner
Selena Keshinro
Paula Tavares-Moniz
Alana Yoon
Chase Collins-Chandler
Reuben Noteboom
Kevin Truong
Denzyl Dunlop
Stella Duarte Faria Stephanie Faria
Grayson Mundell
Jobin Thomas
Johnson To
Mitchell Vedanayakam Dawn Marie Andru Wood
Transportation Technology
Joseph Agbayani
Andre De Jesus
Justin Jones
Michelle Svay
Ross Dimock
Andrew Liverance
Maryam Karama
Winnie Surya
Mark Cajimat
Nichole Lesaca
That (Sam) Ton
Saleh Mohamed
Nicholas Campbell Kevin Drummond
Nathan Green
Jaime Hernandez
Camila Jara
Timoni Langoya
Aaron MacRitchie Lucas Micol-Menes
Peter Piniotes
Atif Sufi
Stephan James-Pitterson
Zackary (Zack) Craig
David Duong
Amahni Green
Tenzin Namgyal
Ashtin Schreck-Steer
Vincenzo (Vincent) Sposato
Ahmad Qasim Abdul Matin
Tyler Sewell
Pin(Alice) Yu
Jamol Melbourne
Bryan Carvalho
Hayden Kafka
Lynn Brophy
Sara Georgieff
Taline Kavoukian
Zakariya Chauhan
Clark De Sagun
Aristeya V. Mantas
– 23 –
Omarlie Colville
Nassir Hakimi
Justin Schrader
Jonathan Da Cruz
Tong Deng Jiang
Kevin Seenath
Our Co-operative Education and Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Programs are entirely
dependent on the goodwill and partnerships with employers. Please join us in
acknowledging their support to our young people,
AA Brass Plumbing & Heating Service Ltd
All Wood Fine Interiors
Angst Hair Inc.
Carmen Trucking
CC Commercial Electric
David A. Berg Law
Design To Fit Interiors
Elite Construction
Fila Hair Salon
Grateful Head Salon
Guans Auto Service
Iron Age
JF Plumbing & Heating Ltd
Mega City Mechanical
Park Lane Plumbing Ltd
Pickle Barrel
Rino Noto Photography
Roca Wood Works
Shampoo Salon
St. Albans
Tandem Electric
Toyota on the Park
Volvo of Toronto
– 24 –