TAGALA Newsletter volume 27 number 03
TAGALA Newsletter volume 27 number 03
The University of Toledo The University of Toledo Digital Repository TAGALA Newsletter MSS-288: TAGALA Newsletter 3-1-2009 TAGALA Newsletter volume 27 number 03 Follow this and additional works at: http://utdr.utoledo.edu/tagala-news Recommended Citation "TAGALA Newsletter volume 27 number 03" (2009). TAGALA Newsletter. Paper 44. http://utdr.utoledo.edu/tagala-news/44 This Newsletter is brought to you for free and open access by the MSS-288: TAGALA Newsletter at The University of Toledo Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in TAGALA Newsletter by an authorized administrator of The University of Toledo Digital Repository. For more information, please see the repository's About page. TAGALA Toledo Area Gay and Lesbian Affiliation Funded in part by a grant from the Iohn Domrose Foundation for Personal Rights Activists' Prevent Anti-Gay TV Program from Airing in Grand Rapids, MI The Human Rights Campaign, the nation's largest lesbian, Ety, bisexual and transgender Each ffiffiEE$$ organization, issued on February 11 a national action alert against the American Family Association's (AFA) one-hour television special called "Speechless: Silencing Christians," which is promoted to "reveal the truth about the radical homosexual agenda and its impact on the family, the nation and religious freedom.tt The next day WOOD-TV (NBC) in Grand Rapids, M[, announced it would not air the controversial special from the AFA under pressure from lesbian, E&y, bisexual and transgender activists in Grand Rapids and in Washington D.C. WOOD-TV General Manager Diane Kniowski said. "Our station is being bombarded with calls and messag€s, and we find ourselves in the middle of fight." The AFA program which is still viewable online, is hosted by controversial talk show host Janet Parshall, who in 2006, suggested Matthew Shepard's lifestyle was responsible for his murder and called gay adoption "state-sanctioned child abuse." (CNN's Larry King Live, Jan. 17 ,2006) WSYX-TV (ABC) yeff, March is designated as National Women's civil rights someone else's National Women's History Month in Columbus, Ohio, has also decided to postpone airing the anti-gay infoilnercial after hearing concerns from communlty members, and will issue a decision later after the general manager has had an opportunity to review. A new airdate has not been History Month to ensure that the history of women will be recognized and celebrated in schools, workplaces, and corlmunities throughout the country. The stories of women's historic achievements present an expanded view of the complexity and fulfillment of living a purposeful life. The knowledge of women's history provides a more expansive vision of what a woman can do. This perspective can encourage girls and women to think larger and bolder and can give boys and men a fuller understanding of the female experience. This year's theme recognizes the pioneering and fearless ways that women have taken the lead to save the planet. Upcoming Event April 15 Night of the Goddess, Drag Show Benefit Delta Lambda Phi National Social Fraternity at Bowling Green State University (BGSU) for Eay, bisexual, and progressive men, will host their second allnual Drag Show Benefit on Wednesday, April 15th at Caesars Show Bar, 725 Jefferson Ave., downtown Toledo. Showtime starts at 8:00 p.m. Call Nicky at 419-372-3244 for more information. There will be Drag Shows, food, dancitg, door prizes, 50/50 raffle and costumes contest set. The anti-gay infomercial aired in Traverse City, Michigan (WPBN NBC); Toledo, Ohio (WUPW Fox); and Charloffo, North Carolina (WJm - The CW) on Saturday, February 7, with very little fanfare. On February 10 Equality Toledo issued an action alert urging community members to engage in dialogue with WUPW about their decision to air this anti-gay programming. Article fro* HRC and GLAAD press releases. insideTAGALA Central United Methodist Equality Faith in Christ Lutherans Concerned Church Toledo Ministries Toledo Men's Info & Social Club St Lucas Lutheran Church St. Mark's Episcopal Church Womyn's Vineline Visit TAGALAon i ne.org I for more loal resources and the latest event listings St, Lucas Lutheran Church 7+5 VFALBRIDGB AvB. SOI TH&BROADYrA TOI.EDO,OH ffiI('.f' +t>:24!t-tlts, St. Mart's is a divene and inclusive Christian dl to cornmon gpund to f,ommunity welcoming creatively gSow in faith and service to eacJr other, our hctcorrtiU the .ltra,,4ar v community, and a loving God. .liia'{{d6 $e{t},.ti 2'.>,.1"' A Lutheran Church In Toledo Joyfully Welcoming The Gay & Lesbian Community Worship Hours Sunday 8:00 & 10:30am Saturday 4pm (Healing Linrg) Sunday School 9:I5am SundaySewicess& lO:5O ' St. f,lart's Episcopal Church 227?- Cottingwood Blvd. 244-87A7 P.O, Box 20L54 Toledo, OH 43610 (41e) 260-e26e vtnn/w. fcmch u rchto edo. o rg I Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and af the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." Matthew 28: I9-20 Lutherans Concerned is an advocacy group devoted to the full inclusion of the LGBT in the life and work of the community FCM's church service mixes contemporary music with a traditionaI Come as you are! Comfort lnn, 2426 Oregon Rd. at Walesll-75 exit. Evervone is welcome. kids too! is avaitabte to perform at your Hoty Union, wedding, special occasion, or worship selvice. Ptease ca[[ the church for more information at 419 .260.9269 . The Lavender Triangte is for a[[ women who support and enjoy educationat, cuttural, and recreational activities with a feminist, antiracist and nqoppressive viewpoint er Toledo, Ohio March 2009 ln e Visit our website: www.lavendertriangletoledo.org LT Valentine's Dance Psople Called Women fCj # DooKstor+ onro's onty Shopping CenterCricket West'emrntst 3153 W, Central Ave. Toledo, OH 43603 419.535.6455 Come celebrate the first day of spring! Sponsored by BGLW more information about these events or go to peoptecatledwomen.com for event information. fromen Spring Fling Wornen's Dance is a success! Toledo NOW Meeting Mystery Book Ctub Catt the bookstore for day, time, and Peopte catrco Toledo, OH 43614 P.O : : The Lavender Triangte Vatentine's Dance was a great success. Over 75 women enjoyed the night by dancing, drinking, and talking. Thank you to atl the women who hetped at the dance and everyone who attended Thanks to Bea Hardy who provided coffee for everyone at the dance with her own special brew, Bea's Brew. The next LT dance witt be the H i E i os/=ee n :=D a nc ei n*Oets be r*****- Next LT Meetine March 10. Tuesdav, 7:00 p.m. at Peopte Catted Women i Friday, March 2OO9 8:OO - ll:OOp.m. Simpson (Parks & Rec) Building l29l Conneaut Bowling Creen, Oh 434C.2 $lO/person donation at the doorl Fabulous music by DJ Amyl tsring your own drinks (there is no bar on the premises) bub you rnust be 2l or over to consume alcohol. Feel free to bring snacks and/or dinner too. This is a smoke-free environment and women-only evenl ! 1 i : EGUALITFLEDO Warking Together for Equality in our Community EqualityToledo works for equality for all Ohioans regardless of their marital status, sexual orientation or gender expression, through educatig_n, anti-defaflratign eflorts, and agtivism, Join today! ww!v_. .eq u al ityto I ed o, o Join us for: Breakfast Club - Sundays at 9:30 am Worship - Sundays at L0:45 am Come to Family Movie Night!! rg or call 41 9-344-0045 Kung Fu Panda - March L4 Doors open at7 pm - movie starts at 734 Free Admission & Popcorn Check us out: The Men's lnformolion & Sociql Club (Mrscl -R rb---r lnformql coffees mosf luesdoys at 8:00 pm 4194754922 for location and directions On the web - On Facebook - Central United Methodist Church of Toledo 2108 Collingwood Blvd, Suite 200, Toledo, " OH 43620 4r9-24L-7729 Members of the Reconciling Ministries Network IRIES@LIIIRCIE PFLAG www.pflag.org (currently no Toledo area chapter) Rainbow Area Youth Social and support group 419-255-7510. ages 13-19. Call Brenda I)IR.ECTOR\r at Information www.toledoray.org Spectrum University of Toledot GLBT Domrose Referral Line 419-329-0829 AIDS Services - Free and anonymous HIV HIV Testing teting sties in Toledo prouiding ducafr'on and counselingn Medical College Health Center of Ohio (MCO), Rupeft Door #1 (Internal Medicine) 3000 Arlington Ave. at Byrne Rd. 419-383-374L, Monday 6-8 p.m., walk in. Toledo-Lucas Co. Health Dept. STD Clinic, 635 N. Erie St. at Cherry, 419-213-4150, Monday-Friday, 14 p.m., walk in. Center for Health Seruices, 2150 W. Central Ave, Rm J, Tues. & Thurs. L-4, 4L9-2I3-4L76 Substance Abuse Seruices, fnc., SASI 202I Madison at 21$ st., 419-243-7274 far times Planned Parenthood, 1301 Jefferson, Wed. 58 p.m., 419-255-1115 Women & Family Services, Inc. 508 Wayne Ave., Defiance, OH 435L2 419- 782-4906. - Findlay, Ohio 1039 N. Main Street, Mon. 5 - 7pm, 4L9.423.4611 AIDS Services & Resources ARC Ohio (AIDS Resource Center I of Ohio) United Way Building, One Stranahan Square United Way Building), Ph. 4L9-24L-9444 800-252-0827, M-F, 9 am - 5 pm or Bomer. HIV prevention HIV testing site locations (including maps); Volunteer The Univercity Church, 2801 W. . vision@members.gaylveb,com Ph. 419'372-0555. Meets monthly - Toledo Domestic Partnership Registry Social Groups/Clubs €elehrate Equalfff ! Lavender Triangle For evenE taking place in the NW Ohio Womyn's Community visit In December 2007, Toledo became the first major city www, lavendertri ang letoledo. org Professional Gay Men's Gloup. Networking, Political and Activist GrouPs Equalifffoledo GLBT civil righb activist on GLBT shooting gun club/armed gay's. 4L9-5L4-9996, 7 Mark's Episcopal Ch., 2272 Collingwood. Dornestic Partner Declaration furm available from fie of Council's ffice or download it ftom Toledo Clerk www. eq ua it out I i\rtoledo, org it or mail it with Council's office at One Govemment Center, Suite 2L2A, Toledo, Ohlo 43604. Fill $25.00 ffice have notarized, and take to the Clerk of open: Weekdays from 8:00 a.m. - 4:45 p.m. TAGALA Submit resource directory additions and corrections: Emai h TAcAtAnewslett€F@aol com . Aprtl issue printer deadline is Man 78 8:00 p.m. at Step One Club, 2434 W. Sylvania Bowling Green Lavender Women Meets 2nd Sat. 10:30 am at Grounds for Thought I74 S. Main St., Bowling Green. For details Email I. com Lesbian Parents of Toledo Support Group, nnharris@capricornconsulting,net ph. 4L9-475-8190. Hry/AIDS Suppoft Groups For Foundations / Grants The John Domrose Foundation accepB grant applications for local projects benefiting the GLBT community. For an application: John Domrose Foundation for Personal Rights, Inc., P.O. Box L2647, Toledo, OH 43605 or call 4L9-329-0829. Central United Methodist Church 2108 Sunday Worship t0:45 a.m. A Reconciling Congregation; Ph 419- 24L-7729; or Office@CentralToledo'org, for information www.CentralToledo.org Center for Conscious Living, a New Thought spiritual center. Sundays Discussion Group 9:30 dffi, Seruice 10:30 am at the Monclova Old Town Hall, 8006 Monclova Rd. 4L9-878-3175 AA Together We Can Book studies, Sat. at Collingwood Ave., Suite 200, Toledo. @g mai ln Ohio to establlsh a domestic partnership registry. To register for the Domestic Partner Registry you need a I Pink Pistols of Toledo Chapter. Thursdays, 8:00 p.m. at Step One Club, 2434 W. Emai I : Toledo@ pi nkpistols.org Sylvania Ave, (upstairs) Toledo NOW meeting every third Wednesday AA Brotherc & Sisterc in Sobriety Open Lz at People Called Women Bookstore pm. Step, Fridays 8:00 p.ffi., at St. Mark's Episcopal contact femai ls@toledonow. org Ch,2272 Collingwood. AA Live and Let Live Sun. and Wed. 8 p.m. St. Religious Groups & Phone Directory Alcoholic's Anonymous: 419-380-9862 from 4:30 6:00 pm. For information call Sue Alanon: 419-249-0536 Ohio AIDS Hotline 1-800-332-2437 Cafter at MCO 4I9 383-3913 Women Living with HIV/AIDS info@equali\ttoledo.org; phone 4L9-344-0045; AA Acceptance Group closed discussion lavenderwomen Bancroft, www.egua ifftol edo. org Support Groups Gay Services Sunday at & 10:30 a.m., Saturday at 4 p.m. at745 Walbridge UT Gaylles Suppott Groups at University of Driscoll Alumni Ctr., 6 pm Sundays. Toledo Counseling Center, ROTC Armory Bldg,, www.theu n iversitych u rch net weekly meetings. Ph. 419-530-2426. Legal Services Vision BGSU's GLff, Queer, Questioning, and Straight student organization. Tue, at 9 pm at University of Toledo College of Law The Women's Center, 107 Hanna Hall on BGSU Human Rights Proiect. Legal seruices and campus. Visonlite (support group) meets on advocacy project seruing the Toledo area Thurs. at 9 p.ffi., 108 Hanna Hall. GLBT community. Call (419) 530-4236. opportunities. Call 419-24L-9444 ext. 409 or visit organizaUon. P.O. Box 2659, Toledo, OH 43606; \ nfirw.man2mannwo.org I St. Lucas Lutheran 4L9494-7330 1001, UnityofToledo@toast.net Ph. htttp ://groups.ya hoo.com/group/tgtoledo or Tom bg Lutheran Advocacy Group, for information and schedule of events call 4L9-243-8189 for 3707. transfolk & their families, moderated by Marlene Unity of Toledo 3535 ExecuUve Ph^ry, 419-537- 1- Tumday Coffees. Ph. 4L9-475-4922 education and risk reduction strategies: Email:HolyCrossRCC@aol.com Ph.: Transgender Toledo: Support group socializiflg, & planning activities over dinner first focused HIVIAIDS outreach and education Wed. each month at 6 pm at Easy Street Cafe, organization. American Red Cross, 3100 W. Washington/ Michigan SB. Contact Chuck 4L9MenoEolorTol@aol.com or 841-5550 Central, 734-657-6273 E-mail barbourm@ usa. redcross.org. Ph. 4L9-379- 2504 strom.t@excite.com to join group list NW Ohio St. 4L9-5L7-6762 F.rT., Student Union. Office in Sfudent Union Ave. near South & Broadway, Ph. 4L9-243-8189 Room 3522. Email utspectrum@yahoo.com ph. St. Madr's Episcopal Sunday seMces at 8 and 4 1 9-530 -797 5. www.spectrum, utoledo, edu 10:30 a.m. at 2272 Collingwood Blvd. 419-244- (fhe MISC Men's Information & Social Club. Informal Men of Color Project of Toledo, Inc. Minority Man2Man Monroe www.beam.to/vision Testing sites outside Toledo: Planned Parcnthood and Straight Alliance student organization. Thuls. Holy Cross Reformed Cathollc Church 3613 current www.cdtoledo.org Faith in Christ Ministries Seruices Sunday information on evening suppoft groups for men, mornings at 10:00 a.m., at the Comfoft Inn on women and children from 8 to L4 contact Sue Oregon Rd at Wales Rd. 419-760-9269 Carter, ph. 419-383-3913 Toledo. Sun. First Unitarian Church Owens Communiff College-Gay/Straight of Services 11 affi, 3205 Glendale Ave., Toledo' Alliance Meeting every Wed. at 3:30 Fffi, The www. uutoledo.org, Ph. 419-381-6999 Center for Performing Alts, Rm 203. 4L9-7A46 1 30; douglas-lutman @student.owens.edu Toledo Local Gay Bars BreE Bar 2012 Adams St., 419-243-1900 (mlwldance) Caesar's Show Bar, 725 Jefferson Ave. 4L9-24I-5 140 (m/Vdance/show) oUtSKIRTS 1515 Laskey, 4L9-476-L577 (m/Vdinning) 'Ro House Bar 5534 Secor Rd., 4L94747929 (m/Vdance) Rip Cord 115 N. Erie St., 419-243-34L2 (m/w) Uptown 162 N. Main St. Bowling 419-352-93 1 0 Green, (m I w I dance) Warehouse 117 N. Erie St. 419-243-I99L (mlwldance)